The Twin Prime Conjecture and Other Curiosities Regarding Prime Numbers
The Twin Prime Conjecture and Other Curiosities Regarding Prime Numbers
The Twin Prime Conjecture and Other Curiosities Regarding Prime Numbers
The paper begins with a reference to Riemann’s hypothesis on the sequence of prime numbers, still unproven today, and goes
on to illustrate the twin prime conjecture and the more general Polignac’s conjecture; we then recount the recent result by
Yitang Zhang about it, and the improvements obtained thanks to the online mathematical collaboration called Polymath 8.
Keywords Prime numbers · Riemann’s hypothesis · Twin primes · Polignac’s Conjecture · Bounded gaps between prime
Since our earliest years at school we study the fundamental and then continued his argument about a precisely accurate
operations of arithmetic: addition and multiplication. Then, description of the sequence of prime numbers, which entails
when we meet the prime numbers, we discover the strange considerable implications not only for number theory, but
and magical feeling of an integer sequence so easy to define, for the whole of mathematics and physics. Since then, gen-
and yet so hard to see in its internal development from one erations of mathematicians have been struggling to find a
member to the next one, at least if we examine it some- proof for it.
what later in the sequence. Who among us has not tried to The Riemann hypothesis is now the keystone of number
find some pattern, a law, a rule? Who was not fascinated by theory and its history, and the famous list of 23 problems
a strange and unexpected property? Perhaps this happens posed by Hilbert in 1900, showing great foresight, is the best
because prime numbers are defined in terms of what they illustration of this. Today, only the few of Hilbert’s prob-
are not: factorable into smaller integers. Perhaps because lems that are considered too general or more “rhetorical”
they often have delicate additive features even though they than mathematical are open, while the Riemann hypothesis
are defined by a multiplicative condition. remains unproven, so much so that it has been promoted
Elusive and intriguing, prime numbers display many fac- to one of “Millennium Prize Problems” by the Clay Math-
ets, several of which are only perceived, but have yet to be ematics Institute, which, moreover—a sign of new times for
proved, and thus we are left with conjectures. Of course, mathematicians too—assigned a 1 million dollar prize for
some of them are important and decisive, pursued for more anyone able to prove that it is true or—as the experts judge
than a century by specialists. One of these is the famous to be highly unlikely—false.
“Riemann hypothesis”, formulated with seeming noncha- Here I certainly do not intend to address this topic, which
lance in a single “little article” about number theory— would require other tools and other skills. Let us remain
indeed, it is just 10 pages long —“On the number of primes tranquilly in elementary theory, where we glimpse flashes
less than a given magnitude” [18], which soon become one of the amazing virtues of prime numbers while remaining
of the greatest contributions to the subject. The great math- sheltered from the usual language of arithmetic; where con-
ematician remarked in 1859 that he deemed the property he jectures seem simple curiosities that allow us a glance at the
had studied to hold, but that he had temporarily put it aside, overall intricate structure but, in their apparent simplicity, all
the same have remarkable surprises in store for us.
* Renato Betti One of the most famous unsolved problems about prime numbers concerns pairs of “twins”,1 that is, prime
1 1
Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza According to Heinrich Tietze [20], the term “twin primes” was
Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milan, Italy coined by Paul Stäckel in 1916.
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cousin primes and sexy primes are numbers with 10,154 (11, 13, 17), (41, 43, 47) or (101, 103, 107), all of which
digits.5 An analogue of Brun’s constant is defined for the have the same final digits?7
cousin primes: With the triples of sexy primes, we begin to enter a large
landscape; starting from (31, 37, 43), we discover that two
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
+ + + + + + + + … = B4 . generations at the beginning and the end of last century
7 11 13 17 19 23 37 41
have lived through into sexy triples: (1901, 1907, 1913) and
(omitting the initial term of 1/3 + 1/7). Its value is esti- (1987, 1993, 1999); there were no others in that century.
mated, using the terms up to 242 , to B4 = 1.1970449 … This is nothing, however, compared to what happened in
Other cases have been examined and some surprises have the eighteenth century, with a sexy set of 4 years: (1741,
been discovered. The pairs given by k = 5 are not as rare as 1747, 1753, 1759).
one might think: But let us proceed in a more orderly way. For twin primes,
one immediately finds the triple (3, 5, 7) and understands
(3, 13), (7, 17), (13, 23), (19, 29), (31, 41), (37, 47), …
that there may be no others, since one of the three numbers
Are there infinitely many? Everybody can go search would be divisible by 3. The same applies to the set of three
whether there are any greater than 1000.6 But Polignac’s cousins (3, 7,11), and an analogue for the quintuple of sexy
conjecture can be generalised: it is known that mathemati- numbers (5, 11, 17, 23, 29): given five such numbers, one of
cians are very inclined towards this type of activity. This them is always divisible by 5, as we can see from the remain-
way we reach a whole series of conjectures due to Hardy and ders modulo 5 (shown on the rows of Table 1, for p > 5).
Littlewood and dating back to the 1920s, which we will not This leads to a necessary condition for building k-ples
delve into here. But it is worth following for a while a simple of prime numbers: the whole family of even integers
extension of Polignac’s conjecture: why limit ourselves to a1 < a2 < … < ak−1 (such as 6, 12, 18 and 24 in the last
two primes at a time? What about the triples of consecutive example) is said to be “admissible” if it does not contain all
primes at a distance 2 k from each other? And the 4-tuples? the possible remainders of the division by p, whatever the
And so on. And why not also admit k-tuples of consecutive prime number p. In particular, it is sufficient to verify that
primes at different distances between them, as in the case this happens for all primes p ⩽ k , since there are at most
k–1 different remainders and we must take into account the
initial value.
A partial answer: (1009, 1019), (1021, 1031), (1039, 1049), (1051,
1061), …
We also have (1301, 1307, 1309). Are there other ones of the form
(10n + 1, 10n + 3, 10n + 7)?
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Table 1 Remainders modulo 5 for 5-tuples of sexy primes The venture of this method of collaboration is relatively
p p+6 p + 12 p + 18 p + 24
new and opens up a whole host of problems and questions:
we discuss it briefly in the “Appendix”. Introduced by the
1 2 3 4 0 mathematician Timothy Gowers in 2009 under the collective
2 3 4 0 1 label of Polymath to study other topics, in the case of the
3 4 0 1 2 upper limit between consecutive primes it soon produced
4 0 1 2 3 excellent results: thanks to a series of improvements in the
original methods and new ideas that appeared later, this pro-
ject, called Polymath 8, was able in a few months to lower
Experts in number theory suggest optimistically that the limit from 70,000,000 to 246.
when these trivial obstructions do not hold, the condition What a strange number! It is hard to believe that this is
is also sufficient and therefore there are endless k-ples of the final answer: 246 is certainly not a kind of impassable
primes: integer constant, such as 5 for the degree of algebraic equa-
tions that are solvable algebraically, 17 for the number of
Conjecture If a1 < a2 < ... < ak−1 is an admissible set of wallpaper groups or 26 for the sporadic simple groups. Per-
even integers, there are infinitely many primes p such that haps it is the limit that can be achieved with current tech-
p + a1, p + a2,..., p + ak−1are all prime numbers. niques... Let us wait and see. For now, it has not been pos-
sible to improve it in any way; then again, just a short time
We have no precise results. It has been proved only has elapsed.
recently that there is an upper limit N for which there are So, here is the (currently) final result:
infinitely many pairs pn and pn+1 of consecutive prime num- There are infinitely many consecutive primes whose dif-
bers such that pn+1 − pn ⩽ N . A possible value for N has ference is no greater than 246.
also been calculated, namely N = 70,000,000. This is a—so Translated from the Italian by Daniele A. Gewurz.
to speak—“weak” version of the twin primes conjecture:
there are infinitely many pairs of consecutive primes with
the property that their difference is 2 or 4 or 6 or ... up, up Appendix
to 70 million.
The author of this result is the US-based Chinese math- New forms of mathematical research?
ematician Yitang Zhang [21], who was previously little
known for his work on these topics and who worked in com- In recent times, largely due to computing tools, email and
plete isolation, grafting original techniques on known works. so on, mathematical research is increasingly taking place
Of course, when the result was announced, some raised in collaboration. It is easy, and sometimes even pleasant, to
doubts that he could have succeeded precisely where many communicate our ideas to colleagues, ask for a suggestion
had failed, but the referee of Annals of Mathematics, the and perhaps discover unforeseen and unexpected contribu-
journal to which the paper had been submitted, was clear: tions. How far is it possible to extend this form of collabora-
“The main results are of the first rank ... The author has suc- tion and to what extent can it be planned?
ceeded to prove a landmark theorem in the distribution of Of course, there are precedents: we all know the story of
prime numbers”, Nature reported in 2013, even before the Bourbaki, a group of people who decided to work together
appearance of the paper.8 to refound the principles and tools of mathematics; we are
This result caused great excitement among specialists. Of familiar with the quest that in the last century led to the clas-
course, the limit value for N is very high, but reaching a gap sification of finite simple groups through the collaboration of
between 2 and 70,000,000 is a huge conceptual leap with many mathematicians; not to mention the research involving
respect to that between 2 and infinity that was known previ- the massive, well-coordinated use of a large computer net-
ously. And then, knowing the existence of an upper limit, it work, for instance in number theory—prime numbers, twin
can certainly be improved—as Zhang himself admitted since numbers etc., such as the efforts discussed in the article—or
the beginning—perhaps through the use of computing. And aimed at decrypting complex cryptographic systems.
so it has been, with the addition of an original method of Even in the most complex cases it had been possible to
work: intensive collaboration by means of a public discus- recognise that the problem could be naturally divided into a
sion forum on the Internet, with the participation of several number of sub-problems, perhaps several ones, but in a way
researchers. that implies a “hierarchical”, fairly clear organisation. In
2009, the mathematician Timothy Gowers, a Fields Medal
8 winner in 1998, proposed a new model of a forum open to
prime-numbers-come-in-pairs-1.12989. all, not in order to make useful and fine debates—ok, for this
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Renato Betti is a former professor Angeli 2015). He is an ordinary member of the Accademia Nazionale
of geometry at the Politecnico di Virgiliana in Mantua.
Milano. His research concerns
category theory and its applica-
tions to algebra and geometry.
His recent publications include
La matematica come abitudine
del pensiero. Le idee scientifiche
di Pavel Florenskij (Libri del
Pristem, 2009) and Geometria
leggera. Introduzione all’idea di
spazio matematico (Franco