BEEE - Assignment Questions in New Format

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Continuous Assessment Question Paper

REV: 03
U.G. Degree Bachelor of Technology
Academic Year 2023-24 Assignment Test Date of Exam
Basic Electrical & Electronics
Course Code 23BEX01 Course Title Engineering
Duration 2 HOURS Maximum Marks 30
Remember Understand
Apply (19%) Analyze (%)
(%) (81%)
Answer all the Questions 15X1= 30 Marks

No. Questions RBT Level COs Marks

Calculate i) impedance of the circuit, ii) input
current, iii) power factor of the circuit, iv) Active
(a) power(P), v) Reactive power(Q). For a series R-L Apply CO1 5
circuit with R=5 ohm, L=5mH, excited with
Explain the construction of transformer with neat
(b) Understand CO2 5
Find the electric bill for the month of 30 days if the
1 cost of one unit is Rs. 2.50.In a house, 2 fans
(c) Understand CO3 5
of 80 watt each are used for 5 hours per day, a TV
of 500 watt is used for 3 hours per day.
(d) Develop a PN junction Diode current equation Understand CO4 5
Construct and Explain a block diagram of the
(e) Understand CO5 5
public address system
Solve these number system conversion
(f) 1. (1100) Gray = (? )2 Understand CO6 5
2. (BD06) = ( ? )10
(a) Find the current I by using the mesh analysis Apply 5
method for a given circuit.


(b) Explain working of hydro power plant Understand 5

components with neat sketch.
(c) State the need for electrical earthing. Explain the Understand 5
pipe earthing with neat sketch.
(d) Build the characteristics of the PN junction diode Understand CO4 5
(e) Identify Terminals of BJT, PN junction diode Understand CO5 5
(f) Solve these number system conversion Understand CO6 5
1. (1101)2 = ( ? )Gray
2. (AF06) = ( ? )2
(a) Find the RMS value and form factor for a given Apply 5

3 CO1

(b) Explain the commutator output in DC generator Understand 5

with a neat sketch.
(c) Distinguish between Two types of MI instruments Understand 5
with neat sketchs.
(d) Demonstrate the Zener voltage regulator Understand CO4 5
(e) Demonstrate the RC-coupled amplifier Understand CO5 5
(f) Classify and discuss counters. Understand CO6 5

Course Coordinator / Instructor Head of the Department

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