Heat Stress Job Aid PS5-102885

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Heat Stress

How the Body Handles Heat

To get rid of excess heat, our brains tell our bodies to change our blood circulation and
produce sweat. Heat stress occurs when our bodies are unable to maintain a safe internal

Blood Circulation
The heart pumps more blood and the vessels close to our skin expand so that heat leaves the
body at the skin's surface. Our muscles and organs may receive less blood while the body is
cooling off. We feel weaker, more tired and less alert. Blood may pool in our lower extremities,
causing us to faint. Move around to prevent fainting and lie down while recovering.

When sweat evaporates, it sends heat away from our bodies. The moisture in humid air makes
it harder for sweat to evaporate and move heat away from the body.

Conditions for Heat Stress

Some conditions make it difficult for our body to cool itself, making heat stress more likely.
High humidity means there is a lot of water in the air that makes it harder for sweat to
evaporate off your skin.

Radiant heat is the heat that objects, such as fires, ovens and pavement, give off. Exposure to
radiant heat makes it harder for the body to cool down.

Direct sunlight can cause heat stress because you don't have protection from the radiant heat
of the sun. When the air is still, it is not moving heat away from you and it is harder for sweat to

The heat index is a measure of the level of discomfort the average person can expect due to
the temperature and humidity of the air.

Exertion is another factor that can increase the likelihood of heat stress. The greater the heat
index and the more you exert yourself, the more water you need to drink to replace what you
lose from sweating. Light exertion involves sitting or standing with minimal arm and leg
movement. Moderate exertion involves actions that require continuous, modest intensity, such
as light pushing/pulling or normal walking. Heavy exertion involves intense upper body work,
such as carrying loads or sawing.

Health and Safety Concerns

Health Concerns
Medical conditions, medications and supplements may make people more sensitive to sun
damage and heat stress. Read the labels on everything you take and consult a doctor if you
have questions or concerns.

This job aid is intended to provide you with supplemental information associated with UL Solutions courseware.
© UL LLC. All rights reserved.
Disorder Description and Symptoms Treatment
Sunburn • Skin is burned by UV rays • Keep skin cool and
(strongest in late morning moisturized as it heals
and afternoon) • Wear sunscreen
• Can burn even on cloudy • Protect sunburned skin from
days further burning
• All skin colors can burn • Seek medical attention for
• Overexposure to sun can severe sunburns, dehydration,
cause skin cancer high fever and extreme pain
Heat rash • Also known as prickly heat • Keep skin cool and dry
• Likely in hot, humid • Let skin air-dry after bathing
• Sweat ducts become
• Uncomfortable skin rash
• Discomfort may reduce work
Heat • Painful spasms of the • Rest briefly and cool down
cramps muscles due to body's water • Drink liquids with salt or
and salt loss electrolytes, such as sports
Heat • Sweat more (clammy, • Rest in a cool place and drink
exhaustion moist skin) liquids
• Develop a headache • Prompt treatment is important
• Notice dark urine because untreated heat
• Feel nauseated/dizzy exhaustion could lead to heat
• Faint stroke
Heat stroke • Red skin • Get medical help immediately
• Sweating that suddenly stops • While you wait for help:
• Vomiting o Move victim to cool area
• Rapid heartbeat o Remove unnecessary clothing
• Confusion/delirium o Soak person/clothing with water
• Convulsions o Fan their body
• Loss of consciousness o If possible, give them fluids and
• Death can occur help them to drink
• Do NOT give the victim aspirin
or acetaminophen

Long-term, prolonged exposure to heat can cause swelling and permanent damage to body's
tissues and organs. People who have underlying medical conditions are at an increased risk
for heat exhaustion, heat stroke and organ damage or failure. Talk to your physician about any
heat stress you may experience on the job and work with your employer to make sure you can
work safely.

Safety Concerns
Sweat may cause slips. Heat lowers alertness. Irritability can distract and people may rush and
overlook safety procedures to get out of the heat.
This job aid is intended to provide you with supplemental information associated with UL Solutions courseware.
© UL LLC. All rights reserved.
Reducing the Likelihood of Heat Stress
Use the hierarchy of controls to avoid heat stress.
1. To eliminate sources of heat, your employer may seal steam/heat leaks or intrusions.
2. Substitution may involve using alternative processes that produce less heat such as
cutting pipes manually rather than using torches. Substitution may also involve using
equipment to perform manual tasks, such as lifting or material handling.
3. Engineering controls may include air conditioning, canopies, tents or umbrellas,
fans/blowers (if heat can escape the area), misters and seat coolers, insulation,
windows and ventilation.
4. As an administrative control, your employer should have a written program that
explains how to prevent heat stress and respond to emergencies. Other administrative
controls include letting people work in the shade, scheduling shifts to reduce heat
exposure time, enforcing mandatory breaks, medical monitoring, and requiring people to
work pairs or groups.
5. Personal protective equipment (PPE) may include insulated suits, heat-reflecting
clothing, infrared-reflecting face shields, cooling neck wraps, cooling packs or inserts for
liners or pockets, and cooling vests. Be aware that some types of PPE, such as
respirators, impermeable clothing and head coverings, can increase the risk of heat-
related illness.

Bring and use sunscreen, wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses, protective clothing and bottled
water when working outside.

Heat disorders are more likely among people who are not used to or acclimated to heat. It
takes 4 to 14 days to get used to heat. If possible, increase heat exposure gradually over
this time. When temperatures jump 10 °F (5 °C) from the previous 5-day period, be prepared
for heat stress.

Make hot jobs easier, lessen job duration, take frequent short breaks, and postpone
non-essential tasks.

Lifestyle and tasks that are unrelated to work can affect your susceptibility to heat stress.
Exhaustion reduces heat tolerance, so get plenty of sleep. Eat small, frequent meals rather
than large meals and choose foods that have higher water content to help reduce internal heat.

Look out for each other and enlist additional workers to help perform tasks in the heat more
efficiently. When temperatures go above 90 °F (32 °C), make sure people don't work alone or
are supervised in case they need help.

Rest Areas
Take advantage of shade, ventilation and heat shielding to reduce the heat around you.
When work happens at or above 80 °F (26.6 °C), employers may provide rest areas under
trees or in shelters. If you need to rest outside of regularly scheduled breaks, alert your
supervisor. Do not return to work until you feel sufficiently cooled and confident that you can do
so safely.

This job aid is intended to provide you with supplemental information associated with UL Solutions courseware.
© UL LLC. All rights reserved.

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