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c172 Cot Exam

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Aircraft Speeds
List the following Speeds:
Vs: 47
Vso: 41
Vno: 128 KIAS
Va @ 2400 lbs: 97 KIAS @ 2300 lbs
Va @ 1600 lbs: 80 KIAS
Vne: 160 KIAS
Best glide: 65 KIAS
Normal Approach/Flaps up: 60 - 70 KIAS
Normal Approach /Flaps down: 55 - 65 KIAS
Vfe 10 degrees flap: 110 KIAS
Vfe 30/40 degrees flap: 85 KIAS

Weight and Balance

Use a “N” Model Aircraft LBS Moment
Aircraft: C-POH 1454 57 600
Pilot: 200lbs 400 14 800
Front Pax: 200lbs 300 21 900
Rear Pax: 160lbs 30 2850
0 0
Rear Pax 2: 140lbs 2184 97 150
Useful fuel: 30 US Gallons 180 8640
Baggage in area 1: 30lbs 2364 105 790
Baggage area 2: 0lbs -6.6 -316.8
2357 105 747

What is the total loaded weight?

2364 lbs

What is the total loaded moment?

105 790 lb-in

Weight and Balance cont…...
Where is the C of G located?
44.75 in aft of datum

Can you legally fly the loaded aircraft?


If “no” what must you do to correct it?

Modify aircraft with 2400lbs modifications or lose 57 lbs by only taking 20gal of fuel

What is the maximum weight capacity

in baggage area 1?

What is the maximum weight capacity

in baggage area 2?

What is the total combined weight capacity for both baggage area 1 and 2?

What is the max takeoff weight?


What is the max landing weight?


What is the max takeoff and landing

weight in the utility category?

In the utility category are there

weight restrictions for rear seat and
baggage compartments?

Rear seat:0 Baggage Area: 0

What is the maximum ramp weight?

What is the oil capacity?
7 qts

What is maximum horse power

produced by this engine and at what
160 BHP 2700 RPM

What is the static RPM range at full

throttle with carb heat off and mixture
full rich?
2280 RPM - 2400 RPM

What is the maximum and minimum

propeller diameter in inches?

MAX: 75 in MIN: 74 in

What are the manoeuvres that must

be preformed within the utility
Chandells, Lazy Eights, Steep Turns, Spins, Stalls (Except Whip Stalls)

What is the capacity of the two

standard fuel tanks?
43 u.s. Gallons

What is the amount of unusable fuel?

40 u.s. Gallons

What is the capacity of the two long

range fuel tanks?
54 u.s. Gallons

What is the amount of unusable fuel?

50 u.s. Gallons

What are the approved fuel grades and

colors that can be burned in this
100 LL - Blue & 100 - Green

1. Cranking - Continue
Start 2. Power - 1700 RPM for a few min
3. Engine - Shutdown
4. Throttle - Full open
No 5. Mixture - Idle Cutt-off
Start 6. Cranking - Continue
7. Fire Extinguisher - Grab
8. Engine - Secure
9. Fire - Extinguish
10.Fire Damage - Inspect


1. Mixture - ICP
2. Fuel Selector - Off
3. Master Switch - off
4. Cabin Heat and Air - Off
5. Airspeed - 100 KIAS (untille fire is out)
6. Forced Landing


1. Alternator - off
2. Nonessential Electrical Equipment Off
3. Flight - Terminate


1. Identify faulty mag by switching L & R

2. Select different power setting
3. Enrichen Mixture
4. Run on good mag
5. Land if only operating on one mag

How many nautical miles will your

aircraft glide if your over Pit Lake at
4000’ ASL?
6 nm
Takeoff Distance Calculation

Calculate the take off distance based on the following information:

Altimeter setting: 30.48

OAT: 15°C
Aircraft Weight: 2100lbs (29.92-30.48)*1000+3940 = 3380
Headwind: 12kts Pressure Alt = 3380'
Airport Elevation: 3940’
Runway Surface: Grass

10º 15º 20º

3000' 830 860 890 For Dry Grass 12kt headwind
3380' 892 892*1.15 = 1026 12/9=1.3*10=13%
1026' Ground roll Decrease distance by 13%
4000' 910 945 980
1601-892 = 709 1026'*0.87 = 893'
3000' 1490 1542 1595 709' rotate to 50' 1735'*0.87 =1509'
3380' 1601
1026' + 709' = 1735'
4000' 1640 1697 1755 1735' to clear 50'
with 0 wind

Cross Wind Calculations

Calculate the cross wind and headwind components based on the following information:

Active Runway: 35 HW = 10G16

METAR Report: 30015G25KT CW = 11G19

Is this beyond the Maximum Demonstrated Crosswind velocity? Yes, when gusting
If absolutely necessary, yes, but it
Could a pilot still takeoff or land in these wind conditions? would be better to stay on the ground

Please explain one of the following systems: (Electrical System/Fuel System/Flap/Gear)

Fuel System: Two fuel tanks, one in each wing vented through the caps and a vent line.
Gravity fed to a 4 position fuel selector, then through a fuel strainer followed by the carburetor.
There is also a manual fuel primer for starting.
100ll (blue) or 100 (green) can be used

Journey Log Entry

Transfer the following information into the Journey Log:
You just came back from a solo flight in the Practice Area where you practiced steep turns, slow
flight and stalls. Your start Hobbs is 50.6, the finish Hobbs was 51.9. The time you departed the
runway was 14:38, your time you landed was 15:40. The date is December 21st, 2022.
Date Crew Journey Record of Time Other Maintenance
Air Hobbs Hobbs Total
Y/M/D Pilot/Copilot From To Up Down TTSN* Defects Rectification Signature
Time Start End Hobbs

Totals Brought Forward 1873.1

2022/12/21 A. McClennan CYBW CYBW 1438 1540 1.0 1874.1 50.6 51.9 1.3
* Total Time Since New

Journey Log Errors

In the Journey Log Entry below you will find that there are two errors. Identify the errors and
show the proper way to make the correction. Flight details are as follows: Hobbs time start: 76.3,
Hobbs time end: 77.5, Air time up: 11:32, Air time down: 12:34.

What are the errors?Air time should be 1.0, TTSN should ne 1874.1, Hobbs should be 1.2, no signature

Date Crew Journey Record of Time Other Maintenance

Pilot/ Air Hobbs Hobbs Total
Y/M/D From To Up Down TTSN* Defects Rectification Signature
Copilot Time Start End Hobbs

Totals Brought Forward 1873.1

2022/07/1 Smith CYBW CEN3 1234 1. 1874.2 76.3 77.5 1.

0 1 3

* Total Time Since New

You have just completed you walk around on the aircraft and you see the following issues.
State if you can still fly the plane and what should you do if you come across these

1) Red fluid on the ground just on the inside of the main wheel?
Can not fly. Consult instrucor or maintenance, could be breaks fluid leak, record in journey log

2) On a full static run-up the max RPM produced is 2100rpm?

Can not fly. Taxi back, shut down, tell maintenance, record in journey log

3) Carburetor heat will not set to hot?

Can not fly, tell maintenance, record in journey log

4) A flat noses wheel tire?

Can not fly, tell maintenance, record in journey log

5) The log book is snagged with “Transponder U/S”?

Can Fly, must stay out of class C airspace

6) An AME is at home and can’t defer a snag. Can you still fly? Can the CFI,
Operations manager or Instructor defer a snag?
Can not fly, and no. Only an AME or a person responsible for maintenance can defer a snag

7) The air time remaining is 0.5 of an hour. Can you still fly to Edmonton that will
take 2 hours flight time?
Can not fly

8) Name 2 places where you would look to see when the Magnetic Compass is due?
Journey Log or correction card on compass

9) You are planning an overnight trip in Nanaimo and you see on the status board
that the ELT requires a re-certification tomorrow can you still do the trip?
No, you can not fly farther then 25 nm from base without ELT

Who is ECFI ‘S PRM?? (Person Responsible for Maintenance)

This Exam was corrected to 100% by:

Instructors Signature:

Instructors License:

Student Signature:

Date: Feb 16, 2024

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