Financial Mathematics09
Financial Mathematics09
Financial Mathematics09
The use of an electronic calculator is not permitted in this examination.
NOTE: In the questions which follow the current price of an asset (or similar instrument)
will often be denoted either by St or simply by S with the time subscript suppressed.
Reference may be made to the following definitions:
1. Write an essay to explain the concept of risk-neutrality and how it is used to price
financial derivatives. You should define risk-neutrality, give a simple example of
how to construct the risk-neutral probability and state and prove a version of the
no-arbitrage theorem.
2. Consider the following model where the interest rate r = 0:
X(2) = (7 − S(2))+ ,
replicate the option over the two periods using the above model and so find the fair
price of the claim.
(b) Find all the one period risk-neutral probabilities and the corresponding proba-
bility on Ω = {ω1 , ω2 , ω3 , ω4 }. Confirm that EQ [X] is the fair price.
(c) Now suppose we have a put option on this model with strike K. Using the
risk-neutral probabilities, show that the value of this option is:
(d) In the T −period binomial model, if the asset price is S at any time, the next
periods’s price will be either SU or SD. The interest rate per period r is positive and
D∗ < 1 < U ∗ , where the star denotes discounting. Interest rates are continuously
(i) Describe the risk-neutral measure Q.
(ii) A digital option pays one dollar at time t = T if the asset price is above a fixed
level K and is worthless otherwise. Using Q show that the option value at time
t = 0 is equal to
−rT T −n
e qUn qD
3. (a) Give a brief explanation of the idea behind dynamic programming as applied
to the valuation of an American option. Use the method to value an American put
option with exercise price K = 7 dollars written on an asset where the asset prices
in dollars are given below, the interest rate per period is zero, and a dividend of one
dollar is paid between time 1 and expiry.
4. (a) Consider the integral
I= W (t)dW (t)
dS = µdt + σdW
5. (a) Let V (S, t) denote the value at time t ≤ T of a European option when the
price of the underlying asset is S. A share price process S(t) follows the stochastic
dS = µSdt + σSdW
∂V ∂V 1 2 2 ∂ 2V
+ rS + σ S = rV.
∂t ∂S 2 ∂S 2
(b) Use the Feynman-Kac formula to solve the Black-Scholes equation in the case of
a European call option and thus verify the Black-Scholes formula given at the start
of this paper.
(c) Sketch a graph of the payoff of a European call option with strike = K. On the
same graph sketch the value of the option at time t = 0.