Family Planning Knowledge Attitude and P
Family Planning Knowledge Attitude and P
Family Planning Knowledge Attitude and P
Background: By 2050, the world’s population is expected to reach 9 billion. India accounts for 17.5% of the world’s
population. In the year 2011, the couple protection rate was about 40% for India, which is still far behind to achieve the
60% couple protection rate goal. Since the inception of the program, several knowledge, attitude, and practice studies
have been conducted.
Objective: To assess the knowledge, attitude, and practices of the family planning methods and various sociodemographic
parameters and enhance the contraceptive practice among the eligible couples in an urban area of Haryana.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in an urban health-training center area of Rohtak
district, Haryana. The study participants involved were currently married women aged 15–45 years (eligible couples). The
line listing of all the eligible couples was done, and by systematic random sampling methodology, 10% of the currently
married women were selected, which came out to be 320. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS software, version
16.0 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences); we calculated percentages and applied the χ 2-test wherever necessary
and required.
Results: In this study, the total sample consisted of 318 participants, and the mean age of the participants was 32.76 ±
4.6 years. Moving to other variables, it was observed in this study that most of the participants were presenting socioeco-
nomic status (SES) as middle class (35.7%) and lower-middle class (37.2%), followed by upper-middle class (19.6%), and
the least participants belonged to the upper class (3.3%) and lower class (4.2%). Around 62% participants were currently
using one or more of the various family planning methods. Female sterilization (45.6%) was the most common chosen
method used among the contraceptive users, followed by intrauterine contraceptive device (23%) and condom (22%); the
least preference was given to oral contraceptive pill (OCP) (9.2%). When asked specifically regarding the individual type
of family planning method, most awareness was toward OCP (97.7%) and the least awareness observed for the traditional
methods (30.5%). The awareness source for family planning methods were mainly doctors/multipurpose health workers/
anganwadi workers (70.4%).
Conclusion: On the basis of observations of our study, it was concluded that education and contraceptive practices were
directly related. Health workers and mass media are playing very important roles in disseminating information about the
promotion of contraceptive practices and can overcome the knowledge/practice gap.
KEY WORDS: Family planning, eligible couples, female sterilization
International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health Online 2016. © 2016 Vikas Gupta. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
and to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially, provided the original work is properly cited and states its license.
International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health | 2016 | Vol 5 | Issue 04 627 1
Gupta et al.: Family planning practices among the currently married women
voluntarily, upon the basis of knowledge, attitudes and respon- couples in an urban area of Haryana so that long-term
sible decisions by individuals and couples, in order to promote demographic goals of National Health Policy (1983) to achieve
the health and welfare of family groups and thus contribute NRR of one.[5,7]
effectively to the social development of a country.”[2] The wide-
spread adoption of family planning, in a society, is an integral
component of modern development and is essential for the
Materials and Methods
integration of women into social and economic life.
Study Design and the Participants
In April 1976, the country framed its first “National
This cross-sectional study was conducted in an urban
Population Policy,” which is now running under RMNCH+A
health-training center area of Rohtak district, Haryana, which
(Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent
is a field practice area under the aegis of the Department
Health, 2013) strategy, so that each and every couple of India
of Community Medicine, PGIMS, Rohtak, Haryana, India,
get awareness of the need of the family planning methods.[3]
during the months from August to November 2014. The study
The contraceptive prevalence rate provided in NFHS (National
participants involved were the currently married women of
Family Health Survey)-3, 2006) among the currently married
15–45 years of age (eligible couples). A total of three sub-
women is 56%, which increased from 48% in NFHS-2.[4]
centers serve the urban health training center and cater to
In the year 2011, the couple protection rate was about
about 3,200 eligible couples. The line listing of all the eligible
40% for India, which is still far behind to achieve the 60%
couples was done, and by systematic random sampling meth-
couple protection rate goal.[5] The need of family planning in
odology, 10% of currently married women were selected,
order to control population explosion lies to avoid unwanted
which came out to be 320. Prior consent was obtained from
births, regulate intervals between pregnancies, control the
the participants before the interview.
time at which births occur in relation to the age of the parent,
and determine the number of children in the family.[6] But, at
present, still there is misunderstanding in the community that Data Collection
family planning is only meant for sterilization. People are A pretested, predesigned questionnaire was used by the
unaware of the advantages of family planning, and this acts investigator to interview the selected study participants and
as a hindrance in the path of attainment of the required goals. a house-to-house visit was done. The questionnaire included
Various knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) studies the information regarding age, education, family size, caste,
have been carried out since the establishment of the program. per capita income, KAP toward various family planning meth-
Previously, a small sample of specific population was used to ods, etc. The participants who were unavailable at two or
carry out the KAP studies that were more descriptive in char- more consecutive visits were excluded from the study. The
acter. In the late 1960s, the KAP surveys comprised scales responses to the schedule by each participant were entered
that were formulated and applied, sample size was expanded, into excel sheet, the data were tabulated, and statistical
and the studies were done concerning the correlates of KAP analysis was done using SPSS (Statistical Package for the
of family planning. The knowledge and practice of family Social Sciences) software, version 16.0. We calculated the
planning is closely associated with a higher level of educa- percentages and applied the χ 2-test wherever necessary and
tion, labor force participation, and fertility.[6] The improvement required.
attained in the family planning program is usually estimat- An eligible couple refers to a currently married couple
ed from the outcome of the KAP survey. In the long run, the wherein the wife is in the reproductive age, which is generally
contraceptive usage has risen, but there exists a KAP-gap assumed to lie between the ages of 15 and 45 years.[6]
(i.e., a gap between the KAP) regarding contraception. As per
NFHS-3 (2006), the knowledge and use of family planning are Modern Method of Family Planning
increasing among the currently married women.[4] This includes sterilization (male and female subjects),
Despite this, the progress is very slow; as family planning IUCD, hormonal methods—oral contraceptive pill (OCP), and
methods are made widely available at free of cost by the barrier methods (condom).
Government of India; there is a poor acceptance of the con-
traceptive methods either owing to ignorance, inadequate Tradition (Natural) Method of Family Planning
knowledge about contraceptive methods, and incomplete This includes calendar (rhythm) method, standard day
or erroneous information about their use or where to pro- method, basal body temperature, cervical mucus method,
cure, or owing to the fear of complications while using them. symptothermal method, ovulation awareness method, lactati-
Nowadays, KAP studies are very important, because more onal amenorrhea method, and withdrawal (coitus interruptus).[5]
specific knowledge can be attained about the factor that The SES was obtained using modified BG Prasad’s SES
causes the fertility and family acceptance. This in turn can be classification (revised for the year 2014, CPI 2001 as base).
used to develop a suitable program for them. This study was There are five classes under this: upper class (>Rs. 5,357),
conducted with an objective to assess the KAP of family plan- upper-middle class (Rs. 2,652–5,356), middle class
ning methods and various sociodemographic parameters (Rs. 1,570–2,651), lower-middle class (Rs. 812–1,569), and
and enhance the contraceptive practices among the eligible lower class (<Rs. 811).[8]
628 International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health | 2016 | Vol 5 | Issue 04
Gupta et al.: Family planning practices among the currently married women
Result Discussion
A total of 318 women participated in the study. The mean In this study, the total sample consisted of 318 participants.
age of the participants was 32.76 ± 4.6 years. The age-wise The mean age of the participants was 32.76 ± 4.6 years and
distribution of the participants is shown in Table 1; more than more than half the number of the participants belonged to
half the number of the participants belonged to 25–34 years 25–34 years of age group. It was noticed that, with the
age group. Current use of family planning methods was advance in age, adoption of family planning increases, and
observed in 61.3% of the study participants. It was noticed it was statistically significant (p = 0.02). Among the study
that, with the advance in age, adoption of family planning participants, more than three-fourth have gone to primary
increases, and it was statistically significant (p = 0.029). school or above to seek education, and it was statistically
Among the study participants, more than three-fourth have significant that the contraception use was higher among the
gone to primary school or above to seek education, and it was participants those having literacy status as matriculation
statistically significant that the contraception use was higher or above; similar findings were observed in the study done
among the participants exhibiting literacy status as matriculation by Srivastav et al.[9] Nearly half the number of women was
or above. Nearly half the number of women was possessing presenting a family size of two and contraception use increases,
a family size of two, and the contraception use increases as as the family size progresses, and it was highly statistically
the family size progresses and was highly statistically signif- significant, and this similarity was noticed in the study done by
icant. The women with the youngest child aged more than Khan et al.[10] The women with the youngest child aged more
5 years of age (69.5%) were more frequently using contracep- than 5 years (69.5%) were more frequently using contracep-
tives, and it was found to be statistically significant. tives, and it was found to be statistically significant. It was
Moving to the other variables, it was observed in this observed in this study that most of the participants were show-
study that most of the participants were showing SES as ing their SES as middle class (35.7%) and lower-middle class
middle class (35.7%) and lower-middle class (37.2%), followed (37.2%), and the least belonged to the upper class (3.3%)
by upper-middle class (19.6%), and the least participants and lower class (4.2%). More than 90% of the participants
belonged to the upper class (3.3%) and lower class (4.2%); were Hindu by religion and most of the study participants were
as such, no statistically significant difference was observed homemakers.
among the SES classes regarding the family planning use. Around 62% of the participants were currently using one
More than 90% of the participants were Hindu by religion, and or more of the various family planning methods, which is nearly
most of the study participants were homemakers. similar to the findings of Khan et al. (65.6%)[10] and Makade
While arriving at awareness of the participants regarding et al. (68%)[11] but higher than the studies done by Patel and
various family planning methods [Table 2], it was realized that Prasad (42%)[12] and Srivastav et al. (51%).[9] According to
all the participants were aware of at least one family planning NFHS-3 (2006), the contraceptive prevalence rate among
method. When asked specifically regarding an individual type the currently married women (urban) was 64%, elevated from
of family planning method, most awareness was toward OCP 58% in NFHS-2, whereas in DLHS-4 (2013–2013), it was
(97.7%) and the least awareness observed for traditional reflected as 50.9%.[4,13]
methods (30.5%). The awareness source for family planning Results showed that the overall knowledge regarding any
methods were mainly doctors/multipurpose health worker method of contraception was universal among the partici-
(MPHW)/anganwadi worker (AWW) (70.4%). pants. The findings are similar to the prevalence of knowledge
By asking the question: “Some married couples use family reported by NFHS-3 (2005–2006)[4] and other studies done by
planning methods in order to keep them from getting preg- Takkar et al., (100%)[14] but higher than the studies done by
nant, do you approve or disapprove of it?” and the attitude of Patro et al. (95%),[15] Khan et al. (85%),[10] Srivastav et al.,[9]
respondents was obtained. It was noticed that 83.1% of the and Makade et al.[15] The knowledge was higher for female
respondents approve toward family planning methods means sterilization (95.6%), OCP (97.7%), and condoms (92%) and
showing positive attitude [Table 3]. The most prevalent method low for traditional methods (30.5%) and trends were in agree-
in the current use of family planning methods was sterilization ment with observation in NFHS-3 (2006),[4] Khan et al.[10]
(28.1%) and the least preferred was OCP (5.8%). About three- As the study was conducted in area under urban health-training
fourth of the family planning users were satisfied with their choice center, health personnel working in its aegis were proactive;
of family planning methods, and nearly 5% users were thinking the source of awareness for family planning methods were
to switch to some other type of family planning methods. mainly doctors/MPHW/AWW (94.6%) and the least knowl-
When the participants were interviewed, why they were edge was contributed by friends/relatives (70.4%), and similar
using family planning methods, the responses obtained were: pattern was observed in the studies done by Reang and
completed their family (60.7%), spacing of birth (32.1%), and Singh[16] and Khan et al.[10]
economic problems (7.2%); why they were not using family Regarding the usage of family planning methods, an
planning methods yielded replies such as need more child important dimension is the type of contraception used. Female
(47.5%), side effects (15.4%), and husband or family oppo- sterilization (45.6%) was the most common chosen method
sition (37.1%). used among contraceptive users similar to the studies done
International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health | 2016 | Vol 5 | Issue 04 629
Gupta et al.: Family planning practices among the currently married women
Table 1: Distribution of the study participants according to various variables and their significance with contraception use
Characteristics Frequency % Current use of family planning Test of significance
(N = 318), Yes, N = 195 (61.3%), No, N = 123 (38.7%),
n (%) n (%)
Age group (in years)
15–24 26 (8.1) 11 (42.3) 15 (57.7) χ 2 = 7.11, p = 0.02
25–34 187 (58.8) 106 (56.6) 81 (43.4)
35–45 115 (36.1) 78 (67.8) 37 (32.2)
Illiterate 75 (23.5) 42 (56.0) 23 (44.0) χ 2 = 9.65, p = 0.010
Primary/middle school complete 138 (43.4) 72 (52.1) 66 (47.9)
Matriculation/high school/above 115 (36.1) 81 (70.4) 34 (29.6)
Family size
1 or less 89 (28) 39 (43.8) 50 (56.2) χ 2 = 16.9, p < 0.000
2 146 (45.9) 96 (65.7) 50 (34.3)
3 or more 83 (26.1) 60 (72.2) 23 (27.8)
Total 318 (100) 195 (61.3) 123 (38.7)
Age of the youngest child (in years)
<5 155 (48.7) 91 (58.7) 64 (52.3) χ 2 = 3.89, p < 0.048
>5 163 (51.3) 113 (69.3) 53 (31.7)
Table 2: Knowledge regarding the family planning method and source of knowledge among the study
participants (multiple responses)
Awareness regarding various family planning methods Frequency (%) (N = 318)
Any method 318 (100)
Any modern method 318 (100)
Female sterilization 304 (95.6)
Male sterilization 285 (89.6)
OCP 311 (97.7)
IUD 284 (89.3)
Condom 292 (92.4)
Any traditional methods 97 (30.5)
Source of knowledge
°Friends/neighbor/relatives 224 (70.4)
°Mass media 282 (88.3)
°Doctors/MPHW/AWW 301 (94.6)
by Khan et al.[10] and Shaluja et al.,[17] followed by IUCD (23%) respondents approve toward family planning methods means
and condom (22%); the least preference was given to OCP showing positive attitude where negative attitude dominated
(9.2%) owing to fear of side effects. This pattern is in accord in the study done by Reang and Singh (80%).[16] About three-
with observations in DLHS-4 (2012–2013),[13] but there was a fourth of the family planning users were satisfied with their
higher preference for OCP in the studies carried out by Reang choice of family planning methods and nearly 5% of the users
and Singh (42%),[16] Makade et al. (28%),[11] and Kaushal were thinking to switch to some other type family planning
et al. (35.9%).[18] In the study done by Makade et al.,[11] the methods.
least preferred method was female sterilization (9.4%). When the participants were interviewed, why they are
By asking the question—Some married couples use family using family planning methods, the responses obtained were
planning methods in order to keep them from getting preg- completed their family (60.7%), spacing of birth (32.1%), and
nant, do you approve or disapprove of it—and the attitude of economic problems (7.2%); and why they are not using family
respondents was obtained. It was noticed that 83.1% of the planning methods, replies were need more child (47.5%), side
630 International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health | 2016 | Vol 5 | Issue 04
Gupta et al.: Family planning practices among the currently married women
Table 3: Attitude and practices toward the family planning methods used among the study participants
Frequency (%) (N = 318)
Attitude toward the family planning methods
Approve 264 (83.1)
Disapprove 41 (12.8)
Do not know 13 (4.1)
Current use of family planning methods
° Sterilization (tubectomy) 89 (28.1)
° IUCD 45 (14.2)
° OCP 18 (5.8)
° Condom 43 (13.5)
° None 123 (38.4)
Satisfaction level for the current use family planning method (N = 195)
° Satisfied 153 (78.4)
° Likely to change 10 (5.2)
° Nonpreference to other methods 32 (16.4)
effects (15.4%), husband opposition (37.1%), and this pattern planning methods. The couples should be given information
was in accord with findings done by Saluja et al.[17] In the study about contraceptives at every visit to the health services to
done by Kuashal et al.,[18] unavailability (30.88%) and adverse motivate them. All of the respondents were aware of at
effects (26.47%) dominated for currently not using any family least one method of family planning, but practice was com-
planning method. paratively low. Health worker and mass media are playing
Despite a knowledge of and a favorable attitude toward very important role in disseminating information about the
family planning, a significant percentage of respondents actu- promotion of contraceptive practices and can overcome the
ally ever practiced family planning or contraception. The main knowledge/practice gap. Thus, this study reveals that familial
reason for not using family planning was the fear of side effects influences, educational status, and sociodemographic status
and husband or family opposition. Greater education and eco- directly play an important role in the acceptance of family
nomic advancement will help to change attitudes and norms planning.
of birth spacing and family size. As this was a cross-sectional
study with random sampling of the participants and was able
to show the association between sociodemographic variables
and family planning acceptance, which reflects the strength
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