NSTP MODULE 1 Introduction To NSTP
NSTP MODULE 1 Introduction To NSTP
NSTP MODULE 1 Introduction To NSTP
Learning Outcomes:
1. Understand the History and Legal Basis of the National Service Training Program;
2. Enumerate and discuss the three (3) components of the National Service Training
Program (NSTP); and
3. Identify and discuss the provision covered by R.A. 9163 otherwise known as the
Learning Resources
Projector, PowerPoint, paper and pen, movie presentation, module in NSTP
Lecture discussion, Bingo, Focus Group Discussion, Think and Share
Human Bingo
In five (5) minutes, mill around and interview as many classmates
as you can to complete the Bingo boxes. Fill in the boxes with the names
that match the description. The first to complete the boxes should shout
“BINGO” and then proceed to the instructor to qualify as a winner. Then
he/she shall read his/her BINGO card in front of the class to verify the
names that appear in the boxes
Classmate who is Classmate whose Classmate who Classmate with a Classmate who
an honor student favorite color is knows the name family name that had 3 or more
during Senior High orange of the NSTP starts with the GFs
School Director Letter “O”
Leaning Concepts:
NSTP Common Module 2023 Edition 1
Mindanao State University - Main Campus
Lesson 1: HISTORY of NSTP
Section 12 of Republic Act No. 9163, otherwise known as the National Service
Training Program (NSTP) Act of 2002, the CHED, TESDA and DND, in consultation with
concerned government agencies, the Philippine Association of State Universities and
Colleges (PASUC), the coordinating Council of Private Education Association of the
Philippines (COCOPEAP), Non-Government Organizations and recognized student
organizations, hereby jointly issue, adopt and promulgate the following implementing rules
and regulations to implement the provisions of the Act.
National Service Training Program (NSTP) started with the passage of
Commonwealth Act No. 1 also known as National Defence Act. An act to provide national
defence of the Philippines.
This is under the government of President Manuel L. Quezon (1935). It requires
college students, specifically males to finish 2 years or 4 semesters of Military Training to
be reserved cadets of the National Defence of the country.
In august 8, 1980, the Commonwealth Act No. 1 was amended to give existence to
Presidential Decree No. 1706 or National Service Law which mandates compulsory
national service to all citizen of the country.
It is composed of three main component programs, namely Civic Welfare Service
(CWS), Law Enforcement Service (LES), and Military Service (MS). College students were
given an option to choose one among these components to comply as a requirement of
tertiary education.
After the ouster of President Marcos, the implementation of the National Service
Law except the provisions of Military Service was suspended by Presidential Memorandum
Order No. 1 of President Corazon C. Aquino. It became Basic Reserve Officer Training
Corps (ROTC) that took effect on SY 1986-1987.
On March 18, 2001, a dead body was found wrapped in a carpet and floating in the
Pasig River. The face was wrapped in packing tape and the hands and face were bounded.
Body was identified as Mark Welson Chua, 19 year old Engineering student of University of
Santo Tomas (UST), reportedly a victim of illegal ROTC practices lead to massive protest of
the college students and concerned parents against the ROTC program. SInce then,
Expanded ROTC program morped into National Service Training Program (NSTP).
The conceptualization and the establishment of the NSTP for the tertiary level
students is amended in the Republic Act 7077 and Presidential Decree No. 1706. This was
enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Congress, which is known as the
National Service Training Program (NSTP) Act of 2001 .
NSTP is a program aimed at enhancing the civic consciousness and defence
preparedness in the youth by developing the ethics of service and patriotism while
undergoing training in any of the three (3) program components which are specially
designed to enhance the youth’s active contribution to the general welfare of the country.
b) Literacy Training Service (LTS) - refers to program designed to train the students
to become capable non-licensed instructors of functional literacy and numeracy
skills to school children, out-of-school youths, and other segments of society in
need of their services.
While it is the prime duty of the government to serve and protect the people, the
Constitution also provides that it shall be the responsibility of the citizens to defend the
security and promote the general welfare of the State. In fulfillment thereof, the
government may require each citizen to render personal, military, or civil service.
In recognition of the vital role of the youth in nation-building, the State shall
promote civic consciousness and defense preparedness among them and shall develop
their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being. It shall inculcate the
ideals of patriotism, nationalism, volunteerism, and advance their meaningful involvement
in public and civic affairs.
As the most valuable resource of the nation, the youth shall be motivated, trained,
organized, and mobilized in civic, military, literacy, welfare programs, and other similar
endeavors in the service of the people.
Section 3. As used in this Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), the following
terms shall mean:
Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) - refers to programs or activities contributory to the
general welfare and the betterment of life for the members of the community or the
enhancement of its facilities, especially those devoted to improving health, education,
environment, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation, and morals of the citizenry and other
social services.
Clustering - refers to the grouping of students enrolled at different schools and taking up
the same NSTP component into one (1) group under the management and supervision of a
designated school by TESDA for TVIs and CHED for HEIs.
Literacy Training Service (LTS) - refers to program designed to train the students to
become capable non-licensed instructors of functional literacy and numeracy skills to
school children, out-of-school youths, and other segments of society in need of their
National Service Training Program (NSTP) - is a program aimed at enhancing the civic
consciousness and defence preparedness in the youth by developing the ethics of service
and patriotism while undergoing training in any of the three (3) program components
which are specially designed to enhance the youth’s active contribution to the general
welfare of the country.
Program Component - refers to the service components (ROTC, CWTS, LTS) and other NSTP
programs as the CHED and TESDA, in consultation with the DND, may hereinafter approve
and implement.
Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) - refers to the program institutionalized under
Section 38 and 39 of Republic Act No. 7077, otherwise known as the Citizen Armed Force
or the Armed Forces of the Philippines Reservist Act of 1991, designed to provide military
training to tertiary level students in order to motivate, train organize, and mobilize them
for national defense preparedness.
Basic Reserve Officers’ Training Corps - refers to the one (1) year ROTC training
based on the amendment by RA 9163, s-2002, of Sections 38 and 39 of RA 7077.
Advance Reserve Officers’ Training Corps - refers to the two (2) year training
program after the basic ROTC training, subject to the provisions under Sections 38
and 39 of RA 7077.
Trust Fund - refers to the collected NSTP fee which shall be exclusively used for the
implementation of the NSTP Law and operation of the Program, including allocation for a
reasonable contingency fund, as provided for in this IRR.
Section 4. Coverage
a. All incoming first year college students of any baccalaureate degree program or of
at least two (2) year TVET programs in public and private educational institutions
and enterprises shall be required to complete one (1) if the NSTP components as a
requisite for graduation, in accordance with RA 9163.
Section 5. Components
a. Students for each of the NSTP components shall undergo the NSTP Program for an
academic period of two (2) semesters and credited for three (3) units per semester,
CHED and TESDA shall determine the equivalent course unit and training hours for
HEIs and TVIs, respectively.
b. A One (1) Summer Program (OSP) in lieu of the two (2) semester program of
ROTC, CWTS, and LTS shall be designed, formulated, and adopted by the DND,
CHED, and TESDA, subject to the capabilities of the school and the AFP.
Section 9. Fees
a. No fees shall be collected for any of the NSTP components except basic tuition,
which should not be more than fifty percent (50%) of the charge of the school per
academic unit. The NSTP fees of the students of SUCs, qualified LUCs, and TVIs
shall covered by RA 10931, otherwise know as the Universal Access to Free
Quantity Tertiary Education Act.
b. The collected NSTP fees shall constitute a Trust Fund, which shall be exclusively
used for the implementation of the NSTP Law and operation of the Program,
including allocation for a reasonable contingency fund, particularly in support to
activities not originally included in the Program of Expenditures (POE) prepared by
the ROTC Commandant, the CWTS/LTS Coordinator, and the NSTP Director and
approved by the school head.
c. The funds derived from NSTP-related operations shall serve as augmentation to
sustain unprogrammed activities of the NSTP.
d. The unspend fund balance shall be carried over to the next semester, provided
that the NSTP funds shall nor be converted into savings at the expense of the
proper implementation of the program.
e. Subsidies from the government and/or from any legal agency or institution
appropriated for NSTP shall be included in the preparation of the POE and report
on the utilization of funds by the schools.
f. Expenditures/disbursement shall be subjected to periodic audits by the proper
school authorities for private entities and in accordance with government
accounting and auditing rules for public entities and concerned NSTP Offices.
a. Incentives
1. A program of assistance/incentives for ROTC students shall be provided
and administered by the DND in accordance with existing laws and
regulations and with the funds for the said purpose to be included in its
annual regular appropriations, subject to the availability of funds.
2. A Special Scholarship Program and incentives for qualified NSTP students
shall be administered by the CHED and TEADA, with the funds for the said
purpose to be included in the annual regular appropriations of the two
agencies, subject to the availability of funds. A scholarship program
specifically for the ROTC cadets shall be provided by the CHED and AFP.
3. The SUCs may provide scholarship and other forms of assistance and
incentives to qualified and deserving NSTP students, the funding of which
shall come from available NSTP funds of the school.
4. Personnel involved in the NSTP shall be provided an honorarium and
other incentives based on the standard policy set forth by the HEIs and
TVIs implementers.
a. Graduates of the non-ROTC components of the NSTP shall belong to the National
Service Reserve Corps (NSRC) and may be mobilized by the State for literacy and
civic welfare activities, specially in DRRM, through the joint efforts of DND, CHED,
and TESDA, in accordance with the network and members of or through the
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils at the National, Regional and
The CHED, TESDA, and DND, with assistance of the DILG, NTC, PIA, OCD, and ULAP,
PASUC, COCOPEA, PSNEI, DepEd and other NGOs, shall provide information on the NSTP
Act of 2001 and its Revised IRR to all concerned publics through different modes of
information dissemination.
a. Section 35 of Commonwealth Act No. 1, s-1953; Executive Order No. 207, s-1936;
Section 2 and 3 of Presidential Decree No. 1706, s-1980; and Section38 and 38 of RA
7077, s-1991; as well as all laws, decrees, orders, rules and regulations, and other
issuances by CHED, TESDA, and/or the DND which are inconsistent with the
provisions of RA 9163 and this IRR shall be deemed amended or repealed and
modified accordingly.
b. These Rules may be amended, modified, or replaced jointly by CHED, TESDA,
and DND, in consultation with PASUC, COCOPEA, NGOs, and recognized student
These Rules shall take effect fifteen (15) days after publication in newspaper of
general circulation or publication in the online official gazette and remain in force and
effect until revoked or amended.
In groups of 7, form a circle and discuss among yourselves the topics assigned to
you and then present this to the class. Do this in 10 minutes.
Group 1 Group 4
⚫ History of NSTP ⚫ Rule IV
⚫ Rationale of NSTP
Group 5
Group 2 ⚫ Rule V
⚫ Rule I ⚫ Rule VI
⚫ Rule II
Group 3
⚫ Rule III
Same groups in activity 2, make a promotional/Informative video on NSTP Law (RA
Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of RA 9163 otherwise known as NSTP Act
of 2001
Republic Act (RA) 7077
Commonwealth Act No. 1
Presidential Decree No. 1706
Presidential Memorandum Order No. 1 of President Corazon C. Aquino