Test 1-M1 Erica
Test 1-M1 Erica
Test 1-M1 Erica
(32 minutes)
D laborious
3 Mark for Review
The physician and author Atul Gawande has
argued that much like particle physics, modern
medicine has become far too subtle and Which choice completes the text with the most
complex to provide With so many logical or precise word or phrase?
different kinds of therapies available, it is often optimism
impossible to say which one will be most
effective. possibilities
C solutions
a benign
an atypical
Plant biologist ZhuoFeng has had a long interest 6 Mark for Review
in fossil plant-insect interactions and their
coevolution, finding evidence of insect damage of Which choice best describes the function of the
varying types in the fossil record. In 2013, he underlined sentence in the text as a whole?
discovered an interesting pattern of insect
damage in living plants: symmetrical holes Itexplains how Feng was able to speculate
about fossilized specimens.
punctured through the leaves, which he realized
looked the way they did because insects fed on
the leaves while they were folded. Because this
B It describes why Feng developed an interest
in fossilized interactions between plants and
type of damage is common in nyctinastic plants, insects.
which hold their leaves in a vertical position at
night, Feng speculated that it might also be Itcalls out a hazard that plants must defend
present in fossilized specimens as well. themselves against.
It discusses a type of leaf damage present in
the fossil record.
The old woman knocked at a little door, it opened, Mark for Review
she led Candide up a private staircase into a small
apartmernt richly furnished. She left him on a Which choice best states the main idea of the text?
brocaded sofa, shut the door and went away.
Candide thought himself in a dream; indeed, that Candide believes that he is experiencing a
he had been dreaming unluckily all his life, and bad dream.
that the present moment was the only agreeable
part of it all. Candide feels isolated in the apartment.
Candide is very pleased to find himself in the
1993, the catalog still has value: it offers a glimpse People in the United States once obtained
into the needs and wants of consumers from
most of their goods fromn Sears.
bygone eras.
Beginning around 7.5 million years ago, Earth Mark for Review
experienced aperiod of rapid cooling known as S
i the Late Miocene Cooling Event, which led to the Based on the passage, what is true about algae
extinction of manywhale species. Until recently, blooms?
the cooling was attributed to carbon dioxide
They resulted from silicateweathering of th g
drawn out of the atmosphere by silicate Himalayas.
weathering of the Himalayas. Geologists Barbara
Carrapa and Mark Clementz propose that They may have been caused by a rise in
increased volcanism in the Andes mnay have been volcanic activity in the Andes.
the determining factor, however. The mountains
were positioned to deliver ash to both the Pacific They led to an explosion of marine life
and Atlantic oceans, providing the nutrients that around the world.
led to a global explosion of marine life. However, They were made possible by an increase in
an excess of nutrients in the water could also
carbon dioxide levels in the Atlantic and
have resulted in algae blooms that polluted the
whales environment. Pacific oceans.
Measurements from ancient and dormant 10 Mark for Review
galaxies show that black holes are expanding
texi more than expected, aligning with a phenomenon Which choice best states the primary purpose of
it predicted in Einstein's theory of gravity. This the passage?
growth suggests that it is unnecessary for A To describe how researchers discovered that
researchersto add anything new to their black holes are expanding
conception of the universe in order to account for
dark energy: black holes combined with Einstein's To suggest that Einstein's theory will
gravity are the source. eventually need to be revised
Agree Neutral Disagree 13 Mark for Review
he Lack of
12% 350% 53%% Which choice most effectively uses data from the
open Bhojpur table to complete the text?
Lack of pricing
support 48% 37% 12% Khutang
services education
Irrigation 32% 30%
Problems 38%
Khutang pest control
Architecture has historically evolved in parallel 14|| Mark for Review
with the technical development of Sc
reinforcements. As advances in processing and Which choice most logically completes the text? CO
shaping metals occurred during the second half of
the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, were able accommodate a greater range of m
Occupancies and functions. ex
concrete structures were reinforced with iron and
other metals to create more flexible and ba
featured elements such as larger windoWs of
adaptable spaces. Consequently, newer buildings and elevators. pr
Creating unique melodies from proteins is 15 Mark for Review
achieved by using a protein-to-music algorithm, Co
which begins by identifying specific elements of Which choice completes the text with the most ex
proteins such as the size and position of amino logical transition?
acids. it maps them to various musical an
elements to create an auditory "blueprint" of the A
Subsequently, in
proteins' structure.
Scientists have long theorized that scorching hot 16 Mark for Review
ocean conditions prevented the development of
complex life from reemerging until five to 10 Which choice completes the text with the most
f million years after the Permian-Triassic mass logical transition?
extinction. the discovery of fossils dating
back 250.8 million years near the Guizhou region A For example,
of China suggests that complex ecosystems were
present on Earth just one million years later. However,
It took over five years for the New YorkCity 19 Mark for Review
;Public Library's main building to be constructed.
More than one million books were set in place for Which choice completes the text so that it
the building's official dedication , the first conforms to the conventions of Standard English
patron filed a slip to request a book and received
it only siX minutes later.
on May 23, 1911, at precisely 9:08 in the
morning the following day I
As part of the "Safe Passages" project, a team 21 Mark for Review
headed by studied bridges and tunnels
constructed specifically for wild animals. The Which choice completes the text so that it
sh crossings enable the creatures to roam in their conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
natural habitats, without having to cross busy
roads or come into contact with humans. A ecologist and urban planner, Nina-Marie
The only Aldabra tortoises in the wild can be 23 Mark for Revie
found in the Aldabra Atoll, northwest of
Maiagascar in the Indian Ocean. Because of their Which choice completes the text so that it
central role in the , these animals have been conforms to the conventions of Standard Engliet
successfully used in rewilding projects on several
Western Indian Ocean islands whose natíve giant islands ecosystem
tortoise species are now extinct.
islands ecosysterm's
island's ecosystem's
islands' ecosystems
During Worid War I, the 6888th Central Postal 24 Mark for Review
Directory Battalíorn thefirst battalion of Black t
wOmen ever to serve in the United States military Which choice completes the text so that it
during each eight-hour shift. The unit, conforms to the conventions of Standard Englist
which earmed the nickname Six Triple Eight, was
also responsible for censoring letters to ensure overseas, worked around the clock seven
that nosensitíve information would compromise days a week, processing more than 65,000
the war effort. pieces of mail
B Overseas, worked around the clock seven
days a week processing more than 65,000
pieces of mail
use acComplisa obscurity
effectively viewed a lobbying
Colossus," is Liberty. national
into Colossus"with an
public's to Emma
Liberty played
audience from successfully
New of credited
notes originally of Statue into
most New
friend also
introduce rescued of of
friend "The Liberty's
the the often
Statue Thethe Schuyler
an choice
Review changingfrom a
by poem, was of is
to wasGeorgina
Liberty, a base. poem base Lazarus
Liberty Schuyler,
thewelcome of
to Which
information Schuyler
for nuisance, turned its the
in whose
of important
roleof Schuyler. Statue on on Emma
Georgina the
Schuyler's Lazarus, inscribed
this have symbol,
relevant While
thewith to
27 of
taken Georginawhose statue's the
of birds
Statue for
has Schuyler
nuisance. the identity
student menace
the and by on welcome.
farmous written
installed, heat EmmaColossus," new
a a a
topic, as was to
made a
viewed expensive of having in of
it symbol
notes.first high,
a the
researching was
was was in
feet statue a Thesucceeded a
very Schuyler.
was Schuyler
it Liberty
When 305 poem, statue
was The She base.
While At