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TILS Document Naming Convention - v1 - 20090612

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TILS Document Naming Convention

Document naming for the TILS Division should follow this convention:


A prefix shows the The document title The date in the

describes the content The version number
document type format yyyymmdd

File names created from the TILS document naming convention are made up of four parts joined
together with an underscore character ( _ ). There should not be any spaces in the file name.

Contents of this guide:

TILS Document Naming Convention – Parts

Why use a document naming convention?
Templates and Document Metadata
List of prefix codes

12 June 2009 GDL_TILSDocNaming_V1_20090612.docx CRICOS No. 00213J
TILS Document Naming Convention

TILS Document Naming Convention - Parts

File names created from the TILS document naming convention are made up of four parts joined
together with an underscore character ( _ ). There should not be any spaces in the file name.

The parts are:

A prefix which shows what type of document a file is,
The document title which describes the content,
The version number for the document, and
The date which shows when it was created.

In addition two extra parts can be added – particularly for documents with a long drafting process;
The document status which shows if a file is a draft or final document,
The author’s initials which show who last modified it.

More information about these parts is given below

1. Prefix – Document type

(upper case, 3 chars) - The first three letters of the file name give an indication of the type of
document. Some examples include:

Prefix Meaning
AGD Agenda
AGR Agreement * Full list of all prefixes *
GDL Guideline
MEM Memorandum
MIN Minutes and Notes
PRE Presentation
PRO Procedure
PRP Proposal
REP Report
TEM Template
In the case of Project Management Framework documentation, to be sent to the Project Portfolio
Office, add the extra prefix “PMF” to the beginning of the file name.
e.g.; PMF_PRP_ZenMonkeyProject_V2_20090607.docx

2. Document title/ Description

(mixed case, max 30 chars, no spaces)

Describes the purpose or “business” of the document. Acronyms, capitalisations,

abbreviations can be used, keep in mind that descriptions should be meaningful to anyone
reading the file name.
In the case of project documentation use the project name or its usual abbreviation
If possible Departmental Branch and/or Section should be integrated into this field to
indicate origin / ownership of document.
Use only alpha-numeric characters, plus the hyphen and underscore.
Do not use spaces.

12 June 2009 GDL_TILSDocNaming_V1_20090612.docx CRICOS No. 00213J
TILS Document Naming Convention

3. Version
(upper case, max 4 chars, optional)

For documents that will continue in various versions use V followed by the version number. Use an
underscore to indicate a decimal point if necessary.
Eg. PMF_PRP_ZenMonkeyProject_V2_20090607.docx

New versions should not be created for each iteration of the document, but rather at significant
changes or when it has been reviewed or changed by another author.

4. Date
(numbers, 8 chars) The date of file creation, revision or approval.

Format is yyyymmdd, where:

yyyy is the year,
mm is the month ie. 07 for July
dd is the day, i.e. 09 for the 9th

e.g. the 24th of January 2009 => 20090124

* This format causes a list of files to sort into date order within the alpha numeric search.

5. Document Status
(upper case, max 4 chars, optional)

Start with DR1 (DRaft 1) when the document is first created and end with FIN (FINal) to allow
version control and tracking.
Documents that have a version number need not indicate DRaft or FINal status, but others should.

6. Author
(upper case, max 3 chars, optional)

Initials of document editor to enable differentiation between documents.

Used for DRaft documents only.

12 June 2009 GDL_TILSDocNaming_V1_20090612.docx CRICOS No. 00213J
TILS Document Naming Convention


Some examples of file names using the convention and their explanations.

- Version 1 of the TILS Document Naming guidelines prepared on the 12th of June 2009

- A draft of a set of guidelines for Email management, last edited by NR on the 20th of
November 2008

- Version 2 of a report about socks produced by EIS (Enterprise Information Systems a
section of ITS) finalised on the 30th of March 2009

- A powerpoint presentation about database management prepared by the Library on the 24th
of January 2009

- An audio file used as a learning and teaching resource about using scissors recorded on
the 26th of May 2008

- Version 2 of a proposal ( using the project management framework) for a project about Zen
monkeys prepared on the 7th of June 2009

12 June 2009 GDL_TILSDocNaming_V1_20090612.docx CRICOS No. 00213J
TILS Document Naming Convention

Why use a document naming convention?

Using a document naming convention for files that are shared; on a network drive, distributed to
other staff or posted on a collaborative space such as SharePoint helps other users locate the
document they need.

Informative names to allow quicker access to required documents.

By looking at the document’s name a user should be able to tell what it is about. Remember that if
you place a document in a shared space you want other people to be able to use it. They may
want to access it in a year’s time when no one remembers what it was called. You may move on
to a new role and your replacement may be someone who was not there when the document was

Structured names force a sorted display.

When a folder is opened documents named by convention will be grouped by their Prefix, which
gives the type of document, then alphabetically by name. Use of the yyyymmdd date convention
causes all instances of a document over time to automatically sort by date.

Version Control
Easily recognise drafts from final versions.

Including the DR or FIN suffix on document names allows users to easily tell whether a document
is an authoritative final version, or is still in the process of being drafted. Including initials on draft
versions also shows who was the last person to update the document.

Sending Links
Linking to documents is a good way of sharing information.

Rather than emailing documents to other members of your department, for their contribution or
information, a link to the document’s location on a network drive or collaboration space can be
sent. Excessively long document names or names with spaces in them can result in broken links
in some applications.

Why use the yyyymmdd date convention?

This format causes a list of files to sort into date order within the alpha numeric


As opposed to

Which sorts by the day number first and then by the name of the month alphabetically
12 June 2009 GDL_TILSDocNaming_V1_20090612.docx CRICOS No. 00213J
TILS Document Naming Convention

Document Templates and Metadata

A range of document templates are available for QUT staff to download. These templates
incorporate the TILS Divisional or Departmental banners for a corporate look and feel.
Document Templates are available from:
TILS document templates also include a header and footer which automatically update with
information about your document, such as the date, the file name and document title. (See the top
and bottom of this page for an example).
This information is called metadata; you can view and update your document’s metadata by
viewing the document properties. In Microsoft Word 2007 do this by choosing “Prepare” and then
“Properties” from the Office button menu.

12 June 2009 GDL_TILSDocNaming_V1_20090612.docx CRICOS No. 00213J
TILS Document Naming Convention

Document metadata will be displayed for viewing or updating

Hovering the mouse over a file will prompt the document metadata to be displayed.

12 June 2009 GDL_TILSDocNaming_V1_20090612.docx CRICOS No. 00213J
TILS Document Naming Convention


Brown, S. Lincoln, M. Hardenbrook, S. Et al (2001). Derivation and evaluation of a document-

naming nomenclature. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 8(4), 379-390.

Curtin University of Technology (2009). Document naming guidelines.


National Archives of Australia (2007). Titling documents – capture the purpose.


Queensland State Archives (2005). Managing shared drives.


Queensland University Technology (2005). Naming conventions for documents and folders on the
Library’s shared network space: I:\ drive.

Queensland University Technology (2008). TALSS document naming quick guide.


Queensland University Technology (2008). New document naming conventions for student
documents in TRIM. (http://www.governance.qut.edu.au/news/trim/0805-dnc.jsp)

12 June 2009 GDL_TILSDocNaming_V1_20090612.docx CRICOS No. 00213J
TILS Document Naming Convention

Prefix codes
*Tip* - use Ctrl F to search for the type of document you want

Codes for Projects and Events

CODE Description
ACR Activity Completion
CPL Communication Plan
IIS Infrastructure Impact In the case of Project Management
Framework documentation, to be sent
PCR Project Change to the Project Portfolio Office, add the
Request Form extra prefix “PMF” to the beginning of
PIR Post Implementation the file name.
Review Report
PNF Project Notification
PPL Project Plan
PRP Project Proposal
QPL Quality Plan
RMP Risk Management Plan
SMA Support and
Maintenance Activity
STR Status Report

Committees and Meetings

CODE Description Description

ACT Action List Action items drawn from minutes or a meeting

AGD Agenda Meeting agendas

MIN Minutes and Notes Records of meetings, formal and informal

SUB Submission Formal submission to a review

12 June 2009 GDL_TILSDocNaming_V1_20090612.docx CRICOS No. 00213J
TILS Document Naming Convention

Teaching/ Training Documents

CODE Description Description

ASS Assessment Learning-related

Eg. IFN001 assessment; ASS will also be useful for Liaison Librarians
working with academics re student assessment.
LTE Learning Teaching Learning / Teaching – to evaluate our teaching / resources, etc
Evaluation Forms, activities, tools, evaluation summaries.
LTP Lesson Teaching Plan Learning / Teaching
Nb – strategic learning and teaching plans should use PLN.
LTR Learning/ Teaching Learning / Teaching
Resources Activity sheets, quizzes, handouts.
PRE Presentation Slides and/or notes for a presentation

SBG Subject Guide Documentation describing useful subject resources

WSH Workshop Documentation prepared for workshops

General and Operational documents

CODE Description Description

AGR Agreement Agreement between two or more parties e.g. Annual Maintenance
BGT Budget Documentation relating to budgets, including budget forecasts, budget
tracking sheets etc

COR Correspondence All correspondence to and from external parties; Emails, letters, faxes
EOI Expression of Interest EOI’s for job opportunities, grant applications, fellowships, call for
project tenders

EVL Evaluation Evaluation and Feedback documentation, eg for workshops,

conferences, seminars, etc ( Form Templates use TEM)
FRM Form Completed forms only, form templates use TEM. E.g. Copies of
requests to attend staff Training (the green form)
GDL Guidelines Documents produced for staff outlining guidelines for processes or
IMG Image Photos, images, graphics

INS Instruction Includes Work Instructions and Publications Delivery Instructions

INV Invoice Documentation indicating products, quantities, and agreed prices for
products or services
LST List Any lists including Create Lists

12 June 2009 GDL_TILSDocNaming_V1_20090612.docx CRICOS No. 00213J
TILS Document Naming Convention

CODE Description Description

MAN Manual Collection of information about a service or system

MAP Map Maps including floor plans

MEM Memorandum Internal Communication

OLA Operating Level Defines the interdependent relationships between internal support
Agreement areas working together to support an SLA

ORD Order An order placed with an external supplier

ORG Organisational Chart A chart indicating the relationships between different departments or
organisational areas.

PLN Plan Planning documentation

Includes Strategic Plans, Action Plans, (Use LTP for LESSON
teaching plans and IRP for School Information Resource Plans).
POL Policy Official departmental or divisional Policy

POS Position Description Documentation describing the roles and responsibilities of a particular

PRO Procedure Procedures and work instructions

PRQ Purchase Requisition Documentation relating to requests for the purchase of goods and
PSC Scholarly publication Including conference papers

PUB Publication Publications for informational and promotional purposes, including

social newsletters
PUR Purchase Order Documentation indicating types, quantities, and agreed prices for
products or services the seller will provide to the buyer
RAW Raw Data Any type of file containing Raw Data collected by any means.
This file stores the original data before it is modified into any type of
report, graph, correspondence etc.
REP Report Including Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly Reports.

ROS Roster Documentation about staff working arrangements

SGN Sign Signage for display

SLA Service Level Defines the support relationship between a service provider and its
Agreement clients

SPC Specification A detailed description or assessment of requirements, dimensions,

materials, etc.,
STA Statistical tracking Data (numerical) evaluating or tracking services or performance
Statistical spreadsheets and other evaluation data
STD Standard Documents describing standards or conventions
Use GDL for actual guidelines, and other applied use of standards

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TILS Document Naming Convention

CODE Description Description

SVY Survey Questionnaires for distribution, for survey templates use TEM

TEM Template An electronic file with a predesigned, customized format and structure,
as for a fax, letter, or expense report, ready to be filled in.
TIM Timeline Document describing timing.

TSH Timesheet Documentation relating to staff members working hours

WPT Web page test Web pages planned or done first in a text based editor before loaded

12 June 2009 GDL_TILSDocNaming_V1_20090612.docx CRICOS No. 00213J

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