CE123-5 | CO1
The management aspects of freight transportation, known In 1769, James Watt, a Scottish engineer, patented a
as business logistics or operations research, are concerned revolutionary steam engine design. In 1807, Robert Fulton, a
with the movement and storage of goods between the civil engineer, demonstrated the commercial feasibility of
primary source of raw materials and the location of the steamboat travel.
finished product.
Vehicle design and manufacture - involves the application of
mechanical systems, electrical systems, and computer Canals were a dominant mode during the period 1800–1840,
engineering skills. when approximately 6400 km of canal were built to connect
various waterways in the northeastern portion of the United
Transportation infrastructure industry - professionals who States.
work in this area are employed by government agencies,
consulting firms, construction companies, transportation Between 1860 and 1897 a practical design of the gasoline
authorities, and private companies. motor-driven highway vehicle was developed.
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1. Require constant maintenance;
First automobile was produced in 1886 (by Daimler and Benz) 2. High construction cost;
3. Tracks are reserved only for the movement of trains;
In 1895, only four automobiles were produced, and this new 4. Operational Controls Requirements; and
invention was seen as a toy for the very wealthy 5. Suitable for specific service only.
In 1903, Henry Ford founded the Ford Motor Company and WATER
perfected a process to mass produce automobiles that
could be purchased at a price most Americans could afford. Advantages:
1. Promotes international trade;
AFTER 1900 2. Cost of maintaining and constructing routes is very
low most of them are naturally made;
Other major technological innovations of the century have 3. Relatively economical mode of transport for bulky
included air conditioning, mechanization of maintenance and heavy goods; and
work, stabilization of roadbeds through soils engineering, 4. Safe mode of transport with respect to occurrence
and the use of continuous welded rails (CWR) in track. of accidents
● Wright brother flew the first heavier than air Disadvantages:
machine in 1903 1. Longer Lead/delivery times;
● First diesel engines buses were used 1938 2. Affected by adverse weather conditions;
● First commercial jet appeared in 1958 3. Difficult to monitor exact location of goods in
● Astronauts landed on the moon in 1969 transit;
4. Customs and Excise restrictions; and
The introduction of containerization occurred in 1956 when 5. Could be costly.
Malcolm McLean modified a tanker vessel to enable the
transport of 58 containers. AIR TRANSPORT
when two or more distinct modes are used to carry person PHYSICAL ELEMENTS
or goods from origin to destination
- Infrastructure
TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, HIERARCHIES, AND Refers to the fixed parts of a transportation system
Vehicles are the elements of a transportation system that
A series of distinct travel movements are recognizable in move along the travel way
most trips: - Equipment
- Highway system - main movement along a freeway Equipment refers to physical components whose main
- Transitions to an arterial road via freeway off-ramp function is to facilitate the transportation process.
- Arterial road - Control, communications, and location systems.
- Collector road Control involves the elements required to allocate
- Terminal or garage right-of-way. Communications systems link traffic control
centers to travel way equipment. Location systems identify
FUNTIONALLY CLASSIFIED RURAL HIGHWAY NETWORK individual vehicles in real time, using global positioning
systems (GPSs) to track vehicles.
- Schedule
The arrival and departure times of transportation vehicles
FUNTIONALLY CLASSIFIED SUBURBAN STREET NETWORK at the different transportation terminals and stations.
- Crew Assignment
Assigning operators to the different vehicles.
- Connection Patterns
How service is organized over the transportation system or
- Cost/level of service tradeoff
Involves setting operational rules for transportation
systems, and doing so involves a tradeoff between cost and
level of service.
- Contingency plan
Are implemented when something goes wrong with the
transportation system.
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URBAN FORM These are the infrastructures supporting flows from, to and
between nodes.
Refers to the spatial imprint of an urban transport system
as well as the adjacent physical infrastructures. Jointly, they
confer a level of spatial arrangement to cities.
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