Exam I4 2022-2023

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Institut de Technologie du Cambodge

Ingénieur : 4éme année

Département de Génie Civil
Examen de session 2
Road 2
Date : …… Juillet 2021
No Computer/Smartphone, No Discussion/Chitchat
Authorized documents: Road 2 Courses and Handwriting notebook.


A flexible pavement is to be designed using the AASHTO design procedure. Some design inputs are
provided below.

Available information:
- Highway classification: Heavy traffic
- Design reliability: 95%
- Standard deviation: 0.35
- Initial serviceability : 4.5
- Terminal serviceability : 2.5

Based on traffic counts from a nearby road and projected growth estimates, approximately 10 million
ESAL’s are forecasted in the design lane of the subject pavement over the next 30years.

Material properties:
The materials for this project are shown in table 1. Assume drainage coefficients m1 and m2 equal to 1.00.

Table 1. Available material design values

Material Properties
Asphalt Concrete (AC) E = 450000psi
Crushed stone Mr = 40000psi
Sand Mr = 28000psi
Subgrade Mr = 4000psi
Question 1 : (25Pt) AASHTO Flexible Pavement Design

1. (10Pt) Calculate Structural Numbers: SN1, SN2 and SN3.

2. (5Pt) Calculate Structural Layer Coefficients.
3. (10Pt) Calculate Layer Thicknesses.

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Question 2 : (25Pt)
1. (5Pt) What’s the different between Bulk Specific Gravity (ដង់ស៊ី តេជាក់លាក់ដល) and Max.
Specific Gravity (ដង់ស៊ី តេជាក់លាក់ដល)? This question, answer can be written in khmer.
2. (5Pt) What is bitumen grade 60/70?
3. (5Pt) What temperature should asphalt concrete be mixed and compacted at?
4. (5Pt) Marshall Stability was tested at what temperature?
5. (5Pt) Determine Stability & Flow of AC sample in figure 1.



Load, N




0 1 2 3 4 5
Deformation, mm

Figure 1: Marshall stability

à Phnom Penh, 13 Juillet 2023

Chargeur du cours

Dr. KAN Kuchvichea

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