Basic of Acoustics en
Basic of Acoustics en
Basic of Acoustics en
1. preface 03
3. fundamentals of acoustics 05
3.1 Sound 05
3.2 Sound pressure 06
3.3 Sound pressure level and decibel scale 06
3.4 Sound pressure of several sources 07
3.5 Frequency 08
3.6 Frequency ranges relevant for room planning 09
3.7 Wavelengths of sound 09
3.8 Level values 10
5. index 18
Noise or unwanted sounds is perceived as disturbing and annoying in many fields of life. This can be observed in
private as well as in working environments. Several studies about room acoustic conditions and annoyance through
noise show the relevance of good room acoustic conditions. Decreasing success in school class rooms or affecting
efficiency at work is often related to inadequate room acoustic conditions. Research results from class room acoustics
have been one of the reasons to revise German standard DIN 18041 on “Acoustic quality of small and medium-sized
room” from 1968 and decrease suggested reverberation time values in class rooms with the new 2004 version of the
standard. Furthermore the standard gave a detailed range for the frequency dependence of reverberation time and also
extended the range of rooms to be considered in room acoustic design of a building.
The acoustic quality of a room, better its acoustic adequacy for each usage, is determined by the sum of all equipment
and materials in the rooms. In the sense of good acoustics the rooms should contribute to perceive speech, music or
other sounds as not too loud or too quiet and the we can communicate with much effort and feel comfortable.
This brochure has been developed by Création Bauman with the intention to give an introduction and professional
support in the field of room acoustics that sometimes has the connotation of being confusing or too multi-dimensional.
It illuminates important terms and explains basics and interrelationships of room acoustics.
With its palette of creative textiles for rooms Création Baumann delivers acoustically effective as well as artistic
attractive solutions for room acoustic questions. The bandwidth of the acoustic efficiency of textile applications is
often underestimated. For this Création Baumann offers with its large documentation of acoustic properties for its
materials - that is available separately – a great potential in modern solutions for acoustics by textile design in a room.
The difference between the fields of room acoustics and building acoustics becomes obvious only when we take a
closer look at acoustical questions. In building acoustics, the question always is:
What portion of the sound reaches the other side of the component in question?
The key property is the sound insulation of the component. Essentially, it is about the ability of components – walls,
ceilings, doors, windows, etc. – to minimise the sound transmission between two rooms. A high degree of sound
insulation is usually achieved using solid, heavy components which hinder the propagation of sound.
Building acoustics:
Sound transmission between
adjacent rooms
The sound insulation of partitions for airborne sound is described by the sound transmission loss or rated sound
reduction loss R’w that can be measured on site or in laboratory or even calculated.
Room acoustics:
Acoustic quality within a room
The sound absorption of a surface is described by the frequency dependent sound absorption coefficient or simplified
by a average values such as α w or NRC. The sound absorption coefficient usually is measured in special laboratory
room, so-called reverberation chambers.
The terms “sound insulation” and “sound absorption” are well-defined and relate to the fields of building acoustics
and room acoustics respectively. If we feel annoyed by noise from an adjacent room, increasing the sound insulation
essentially helps to improve this situation.
The sound absorption in a room can generally only decrease the level in room by a small amount. Decreasing sound
levels in a room by room acoustic means is in principle much smaller than any optimization of the partion.
Sound can comprise harmonious tones, music, bangs, noise, crackling, but also spoken words. All of these sound events
cause a slight variation in air pressure which propagates within the surroundings of its source. We therefore refer to the
sound pressure of a tone, of noise, speech or music. The louder the sound event, the heavier is this pressure variation
and the higher is the sound pressure.
As a rule, sound always propagates into all three directions of space. With many sound sources the sound radiation de-
pends on the orientation of the source; in most cases it is sufficient, however, to assume roughly a uniform, omnidirec-
tional sound radiation. Sound sources of this type are referred to as omnidirectional sound sources. Today it is also pos-
sible to select very tightly restricted sound radiation directions by means of special loudspeakers so that the radiated
sound can be directed specifically to a particular position. This method is used, for example, when fitting lecture rooms
with electroacoustic equipment. Here, it has to be taken into account that the sound energy decreases considerably
with increasing distance from the sound source. In the areas occupied by the audience, however, the sound distribution
should be as uniform as possible. To achieve this effect, a larger number of loudspeakers may have to be used.
As a rule, sound always propagates into all three directions of space. With many sound sources the sound radiation
depends on the orientation of the source; in most cases it is sufficient, however, to assume roughly a uniform, omnidi-
rectional sound radiation. Sound sources of this type are referred to as omnidirectional sound sources.
In principal one has to differentiate between airborne sound, sound in liquids and sound in solid bodies. Generally
sound is a propagation of pressure and density variation in an elastic medium. If sound travels through a wall or
another partition the airborn sound is converted to vibration of the wall and then radiated from the vibrating wall as
airborn sound to the room.
Unwanted sound events can be named as noise. This definition shows that the perception of sounds has strong
subjective aspects. Psychoacoustics as a branch of acoustics, or also noise effect research, deals with the relationship
between our subjective perception and the sound signals which are objectively present. Often a difference between
wanted sound such as music in a concert or a voice of a speaker und unwanted sound like traffic noise or music of the
neighbour is made.
3.2 Sound pressure
Sound can comprise harmonious tones, music, bangs, Sound pressure in Pascal
noise, crackling, but also spoken words. All of these
sound events cause a slight variation in air pressure
which propagates within the surroundings of its source.
We therefore refer to the sound pressure of a tone, of
noise, speech or music. The louder the sound event, the
heavier is this pressure variation and the higher is the Time (sec)
sound pressure.
The minimum sound pressure that a human being can
perceive is around 20 µPa = 0.00002 Pascal, a very low
value showing high sensitivity of the human auditory
system. Sound pressure values of 20 Pascal will damage
the hearing system for very short exposure times.
The strength of a sound, the sound pressure, usually is given as sound pressure level or sound level. A sound pressure
level of 0 decibel refers by definition to the sound pressure level where human perception begins. This definition
provides a scale between 0 decibel (abbr.: dB) and about 140 dB.
Constant sound levels of more than 80 dB or very short noises of more than 120 dB can irreversibly damage the
auditory system.
intolerable 120 dB (A)
traffic 100 dB (A)
very loud
loud communication, 80 dB (A)
busy office
60 dB (A)
quiet communication
quiet library quiet
40 dB (A)
very quiet
ticking 20 dB (A)
inaudiable 0 dB (A)
absolute silence
An increase in the number of sound sources by a factor of two always results in an increase of the level by 3 dB, a
factor of ten in an increase by 10 dB, and a factor of one hundred in an increase by 20 dB.
Number of identical sound sources Sound power Sound pressure Sound pressure level
× 100 × 10 + 20 dB
× 10 × 3,2 + 10 dB
×4 × 2 + 6 dB
×2 × 1,4 + 3 dB
×1 × 1 0 dB
The following table gives a simple rule of thumb for the addition of two sound levels. First of all the difference
between the two levels should be calculated.
For two sources of 45 dB and 52 dB, respectively, the difference of 7 dB means an increase by 1 dB, which is added to
52 dB and thus results in a total level of 53 dB.
3.5 FrequenCY
The frequency of a sound wave describes the number if pressure changes or oscillations per second. It is often abbrevi-
ated by the letter f and has the unit 1 Hertz (short: Hz). A frequency of 1000 Hz means 1000 oscillations per second.
The sound pressure or sound level is perceived as loudness and is one important dimension for the perception of sound.
Equally important is the frequency content of the sound or spectrum. Pure tones are sound with only one frequency.
The sensitivity of the human auditory system is highly dependent on frequency. It is particularly pronounced in the
frequency range of human speech between 250 Hz and 2000 Hz. This is very useful when we listen to someone speak,
but disruptions in this frequency range are perceived as particularly annoying and can strongly affect communication.
With too high or low frequencies, our hearing ability decreases.
Grand piano
Male voice
Female voice
A noise loudness rating which is to meet the demands of the human auditory
system needs to take into account the frequency characteristic of the human
auditory system. The medium frequencies, at which the human auditory system
is particularly sensitive, are weighted more heavily than the high and low
frequencies. This weighting results in the term dB(A) for sound pressure levels,
i.e. the so-called A-weighted sound pressure level. Nearly all regulations,
guidelines, standard values, limit values, recommendations and references to
sound pressure levels use values expressed in dB(A).
The frequency range to be taken into account when planning a room is based on the human auditory system on the
one hand and what is technically sensible and feasible on the other. Frequencies above 5000 Hz are attenuated by the
air to such a degree that it is not sensible to take them into account when planning the acoustics of a room. Below 100
Hz, other physical implications of sound propagation need to be taken into account.
The internationally standardised test methods for determining the sound absorption by particular materials are based
on the frequency range from 100 Hz to 5000 Hz. Correspondingly it has been decided to focus room acoustic planning
on the frequency range between 100 Hz and 5000 Hz, as a rule.
Grand piano
Male voice
Female voice
Wavelengths l
Time (sec)
The relevant parameter for an objective assessment of the noise impact at a work station is the so-called rating level,
which consists, on the one hand, of the measured, time-averaged sound pressure level in a room and, on the other
hand, of adjustments in accordance with the characteristic of the noise as well as its duration of impact.
The following table shows the values of the recommended background noise level in
accordance with DIN EN 11690:
dB (A)
65-70 dB(A)
35-45 dB(A)
30-40 dB(A)
30-35 dB(A)
The reverberation time is the basis for ratings of room acoustic quality. Put simply, the reverberation time indicates the
period of time it takes for a sound event to become inaudible. Technically, the reverberation time T has been defined as
the time required for the sound pressure level in space to decay by 60 dB. This means that, if a room is excited with a
bang of 95 dB, the reverberation time indicates the period of time within which the noise level drops to 35 dB. This can
be a few tenths of a second up to several seconds.
The reverberation time can be determined for each enclosed space.
Reverberation time
Sound pressure level
in (dB)
60 dB(A)
This objectively measurable quantity allows different rooms to be compared with each other and their room acoustic
quality to be assessed. While a reverberation of 4 to 8 seconds is quite normal for a church, the values aimed at for the
reverberation time in conference or office rooms are quite different. The following table provides an overview of the
typical reverberation times of different room types.
It has a direct effect on speech intelligibility in a room. In general, speech intelligibility in a room decreases with in-
creasing reverberation time. This does not mean, however, that the shortest possible reverberation time is always the
best solution! Very poor speech intelligibility usually does suggest, though, that the reverberation time is too long.
The subjective impression of the sound quality of a room allows even the non-expert to draw conclusions as to how
the reverberation time progresses within the different frequency ranges. If, for example, speech in a room sounds
blurred, and if it is very difficult to understand each other, it can be assumed that the reverberation time is too long.
Acoustically “dry” in this context means that the sound is absorbed unnaturally fast. If this happens only at high
frequencies, the room sounds “hollow” or “booming”, whereas at low frequencies it sounds “piercing” and “sharp”.
On which factors does the reverberation time depend?
The reverberation time depends mainly on three factors:
- the volume of the room,
- the surfaces of the room and
- the furniture in the room.
A room usually becomes more reverberant with increasing height. Absorbing surfaces – such as carpets, curtains and
sound absorbing ceilings, but also furniture or people present in the room – reduce the reverberation time.
Sound level
in dB
Reverberation time: 0,5 sec WITH products of Création Baumann
The shape of a room is usually of minor importance for the reverberation time. Only if the room acoustic require-
ments are very high (e.g. in concert halls) or if the shape is very unusual, e.g. vaulted surfaces or heavily varying room
heights, does shape become an essential factor.
The recommendations given in DIN 18041 should always form the basis for any room acoustic planning. DIN 18041
“Acoustic quality in small to medium-sized rooms” forms the basis for the recommendations regarding the acoustic
design of small to medium-sized rooms.
With regard to the optimum reverberation time, DIN 18041 distinguishes between three different room categories:
“music”, “speech” and “communication and teaching”. Rooms of the usage type “music” are music class rooms and
halls for music presentations.
“Speech” in the broadest sense comprises all rooms where a speaker speaks in front of an audience.
“Communication and teaching” comprises all types where several people speak at the same time, i.e. teaching rooms
as well as conference rooms, multiple occupancy offices, service points, call centers and rooms with audiovisual
presentations or electroacoustic uses.
Reverberation time TSOLL in s
Roomvolume V in m3
Teaching, Communication
Two examples:
Example 1:
A conference room (usage type: “communication and teaching”) with a volume of 250 m3 should have a reverberation
time of 0.60 s.
Example 2:
A chamber music hall (usage type: “music”) with a volume o 550 m3 should have a reverberation time of 1.30 s.
The sound absorption coefficient α describes the property of a material to convert incident sound into other forms of
energy – e.g. thermal or kinetic energy – and thus to absorb it.
The other extreme is full sound reflection. All the incident sound is reflected.
The frequency-dependent sound absorption coefficient of a material is determined by means of a special acoustic
material test method – the so-called reverberation room method. For this test, a material sample is placed into the
reverberation room, whose reverberation time has been determined previously without the sample. From the change in
the reverberation time with the sample present in the room, the sound absorption coefficient α S can be determined for
each one-third octave between 100 Hz and 5000 Hz.
This yields 18 one-third octave values which uniquely describe the absorption behavior of the material, i.e. to what
extent and at what frequencies the material absorbs the sound.
Solving room acoustic problems with measurements should always use on-third octave band resolution in frequency as
many problems occur in small frequency bands and require adequate solutions.
Octave average frequency
Grand piano
Male voice
Female voice
100 125 160 200 250 315 400 500 630 800 1.000 1.250 1.600 2.000 2.500 3.150 4.000 5.000
It is not only the choice of material, however, which is responsible for the sound absorption in a room. What is most
important is the total area of this material present in the room. The equivalent sound absorption area has been intro-
duced to provide a measure for the sound absorbing performance of a sound absorber actually present in the room. It
is defined as the product of the sound absorption coefficient α S of a material and the surface of this material.
A = s1 α1 + s 2 α 2 + s 3 α 3 + … + s n + α n + A1 + A 2 + … + A n
A – total equivalent sound absorption area in a room
s1 – surface size of material 1, e.g. acoustic ceiling
α1 – sound absorption coefficient of material 1
s 2 – surface size of material 2, e.g. carpet
α 2 – sound absorption coefficient of material 2
S n – surface size of material n
α n – sound absorption coefficient of material n
4.3 Sound absorption coefficient and reverberation time
In a fully furnished room with different surfaces, for example, each material (e.g. carpets, plaster, acoustic ceiling, cur-
tains, windows, shelves, etc.) can be allocated a sound absorption coefficient, and by multiplying this coefficient by the
surface of this material, the equivalent sound absorption area can be calculated. The equivalent sound absorption areas
of all materials are then added to determine the total equivalent sound absorption area of the room. The reverberation
time of a room can be derived from the calculated total equivalent sound absorption area using the Sabine formula.
Sabine formula:
T = 0,163 ×
T – Reverberation time
V – Volume of the room
A – Total equivalent sound absorption area
A sound absorber of 10 m2 with a sound absorption coefficient of 0.50 has an equivalent sound absorption area of
5 m2 and thus has the same effect as a sound absorber of 20 m2 with a sound absorption coefficient of 0.25 or a sound
absorber of 5 m2 with a sound absorption coefficient of 1.00.
In a fully furnished room with different surfaces, for example, each material (e.g. carpets, plaster, acoustic ceiling,
curtains, windows, shelves, etc.) can be allocated a sound absorption coefficient, and by multiplying this coefficient by
the surface of this material, the equivalent sound absorption area can be calculated. The equivalent sound absorption
areas of all materials are then added to determine the total equivalent sound absorption area of the room.
In the previous sections the advantages of looking at the sound, the reverberation time and the sound absorption coef-
ficient in a frequency-dependent context have been explained in great detail. Several interested parties have, however,
expressed their desire for simplified values, which might not permit differentiated planning, but would allow rough
comparisons to be made between different sound absorbers or preliminary statements regarding the basic suitability
of products for particular applications. Such values should also enable a simplified planning of rooms with low require-
ments regarding their acoustic quality.
Against this backdrop, single values of sound absorption have been defined in Europe and the US which differ slightly.
The most common single value of sound absorption in Europe is the so-called weighted sound absorption coefficient
α w, whereas in the English-speaking world it is the Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) or the Sound Absorption Aver-
age (SAA).
All procedures to determine of single number ratings rely on tests in the reverberation chamber with on-third octave
band resolution.
Weighted sound absorption coefficient α w (DIN EN ISO 11654): In order to determine the weighted sound absorption
coefficient αw, the mean value for the octave centre frequency between 125 Hz and 4000 Hz is determined from three
one-third octave values. 18 one-third octave values are thus converted into 6 octave values.
The mean value of the respective octave is then rounded to the nearest 0.05; it is referred to as the practical sound
absorption coefficient α p. The practical sound absorption coefficient αp between 250 Hz and 4000 Hz is compared
to the reference curve given in DIN EN 11654. This comparison gives a single value of the weighted sound absorption
coefficient αw.
Deviations by more than 0.25 between the curve and the reference curve are indicated by means of the shape indicators
L, M or H, depending on whether they occur at 250 Hz (L), at 500 Hz or 1000 Hz (M), or at 2000 Hz or 4000 Hz (H).
The resulting values are, for example, α w = 0.65 (H), αw = 0.20 or αw = 0.80 (LM).
Deviations by more than 0.25 between the curve and the reference curve are indicated by means of the shape indicators
L, M or H, depending on whether they occur at 250 Hz (L), at 500 Hz or 1000 Hz (M), or at 2000 Hz or 4000 Hz (H).
The resulting values are, for example, α w = 0.65 (H), αw = 0.20 or αw = 0.80 (LM).
Based on the αw value, sound absorbers can be classified into different sound absorber classes. αw values of more than
0.90, for example, belong to sound absorber class A, values of between 0.15 and 0.25 belong to class E.
A 0,90 – 1,00
B 0,80 – 0,85
C 0,60 – 0,75
D 0,30 – 0,55
E 0,15 – 0,25
5. index
acoustic quality Psychoacoustics
The acoustic quality of a room refers to its suitability for a Branch of acoustics or noise effect research which deals
particular use. with the subjective perception of objectively present sound
It is influenced by the properties of the boundary surfaces signals. Furthermore, psychoacoustics studies the influence
(walls, ceiling, floor) and the furnishings and by persons of a listener’s personal attitudes and expectations on the
present in the room. perception of sound events.
sound attenuation
porous absorbers Sound attenuation describes the ability of materials to
Porous absorbers comprise, for example, mineral fibres, absorb sound or to convert the sound energy present into
foams, carpets, fabrics, etc. The effect of the porous other forms of energy, i.e. ultimately into thermal energy
absorbers is due to the fact that sound is able to enter the (see also “sound insulation”).
open structures of the material where, by the friction of air
particles, the sound energy is converted into thermal energy
at the surface of the pores. Porous absorbers achieve their
best effect at medium and high frequencies.
sound insulation sound waves
Sound insulation refers to the restriction of the propagation Variations in air pressure which are caused by sound events
of sound through the boundaries of a room. Sound insula- are referred to as sound waves. The length of the sound
tion is, therefore, a measure to separate rooms acoustically waves defines the frequency and their height defines the
from unwanted sound from adjacent rooms or the outside. level. Long sound waves have a low frequency and are per-
This has nothing to do, however, with the required acoustic ceived as low-pitched tones. Short sound waves have a high
sound attenuation within a room (see also “sound absorp- frequency and are perceived as high-pitched tones.
tion”). Sound insulation is a fundamental parameter of In air, a 100 Hz wave has an extension of 3.40 meters,
building acoustics. A distinction has to be made between whereas a 5000 Hz wave has an extension of approximately
airborne sound insulation and impact sound insulation. 7 centimeters.
Airborne sound is created by sound sources present in the
room which are not immediately connected to the boundary
surfaces, e.g. people who are talking. Impact sound, on the Sound masking
other hand, results from structure-borne sound (footfalls, Sound masking specifically uses natural (e.g. birds’ twitter-
knocking), which in turn excites the walls or ceilings to ing) or artificial (e.g. noise) sounds in order to blanket other
radiate airborne sound. Airborne sound insulation and sounds. This method can be used, for example, to drown
impact sound insulation both have to fulfil the requirements out information-containing sounds if the other background
established in relevant building laws. noise is too weak to mask them.
sound pressure
All sound events have in common the fact that they cause
slight variations in air pressure which can propagate in
elastic media such as air or water. We therefore refer to the
sound pressure of a tone. The heavier the pressure variations
are, the louder is the sound event. The faster the variations
occur, the higher is the frequency.
sound events
General term for tones, music, bangs, noise, crackling, etc.
sound shielding
A sound shield is basically an obstacle which interrupts the
direct propagation of sound from a source to a receiver. It
can consist in a movable partition or an attachment to be
placed on top of a desk. Cabinets and other large-surface
pieces of furniture can also function as sound shields. Sound
shields can be provided with a sound absorbing surface
which additionally reduces the propagation of sound.
sound spectrum
The sound spectrum describes the frequency composition
of the sound. Pure tones are sound events of a single fre-
quency. A superposition of tones of different frequencies is
referred to as noise or sound.
many thanks for the support to the Akustikbüro Oldenburg
The physicists Dr. Catja Hilge and Dr. Christian Nocke founded an acoustic consulting company in Oldenburg (Germany)
in 2001. They work as specialized engineers for architects, expert witnesses for courts and consultants in the field of
acoustics. Architectural acoustics for class rooms, offices and other facilities has become one major focus of the company.
Contact data
Akustikbüro Oldenburg, Katharinenstr. 10, 26121 Oldenburg, Germany
t +49 441 7779041, f +49 441 7779042,,
Copyright EGGER Holzwerkstoffe GmbH & Co. OG, St. Johann in Tirol, Österreich
Création Baumann is renowned for high quality textiles for interior design. Thanks to our in-house design studio and our
own production facilities, unconventional creations are possible. Our offer comprises customized solutions and interior
shading systems as well as light control, dimming, and sound absorption solutions.
Création Baumann is also synonymous with the extravagant: 600 different designs in 6,000 different colours.
Création Baumann AG
Bern-Zürich-Strasse 23 | CH-4901 Langenthal
Telefon +41 (0)62 919 62 62 | Fax +41 (0)62 922 45 47 |