Anfis Regio Hip & Knee
Anfis Regio Hip & Knee
Anfis Regio Hip & Knee
C H A P T E R18
Hip Joint
Joint Structure and Motions The lower extremity includes the pelvis, thigh, leg, and
foot (Fig. 18-1). Bones of the pelvis are the two hip bones
Bones and Landmarks
(os coxae bones), the sacrum, and the coccyx. The hip
Ligaments and Other Structures bone consists of three bones (ilium, ischium, and pubis)
fused together. The thigh contains the femur and the
Muscles of the Hip
patella. The leg includes the tibia and fibula, and
Anatomical Relationships
Common Hip Pathologies
Summary of Muscle Action
Summary of Muscle Innervation
Points to Remember
Review Questions
General Anatomy Questions
Functional Activity Questions
Clinical Exercise Questions
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Iliac crest
Posterior inferior inferior
iliac spine iliac spine
Greater sciatic notch
Ischial spine
Ischium Superior
Lesser sciatic notch ramus
Figure 18-4. The bones of the pelvis (anterior view). Body Pubis
Obturator foramen
Ischial tuberosity Body
The fan-shaped ilium makes up the superior portion
of the hip bone. Its significant landmarks are as follows Inferior ramus
(Figs. 18-5 and 18-6): Figure 18-6. Right hip bone (lateral view).
Iliac Fossa
Large, smooth, concave area on the internal surface
fascia latae, sartorius, and inguinal ligament
to which the iliac portion of the iliopsoas muscle
attach here.
Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine
Iliac Crest
Abbreviated as AIIS. The projection is just inferior
Bony part that your hands rest on when you put
to the ASIS, to which the rectus femoris muscle
your hands on your hips. Its borders are the ante-
rior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and the posterior
superior iliac spine (PSIS). Posterior Superior Iliac Spine
Abbreviated as PSIS. It is the posterior projection on
Anterior Superior Iliac Spine
the iliac crest.
Abbreviated as ASIS. The projection on the
anterior end of the iliac crest. The tensor Posterior Inferior Iliac Spine
Abbreviated as PIIS; located just below the PSIS.
The ischium is the posterior inferior portion of the
Iliac fossa
Iliac crest hip bone. Its significant landmarks are as follows (see
Anterior superior Fig. 18-6):
iliac spine
Makes up about two-fifths of the acetabulum.
Anterior inferior Posterior
Extends medially from the body to connect with
iliac spine
iliac spine the inferior ramus of the pubis. The adductor
Superior Posterior inferior magnus, obturator externus, and obturator
ramus iliac spine internus muscles attach here.
Greater sciatic notch
Tubercle Pubis Ischial Tuberosity
Ischial spine
Rough, blunt projection of the inferior part of the
Lesser sciatic notch body, which is weight-bearing when you are sit-
ting. It provides attachment for the hamstring
Ischial tuberosity
Inferior ramus and adductor magnus muscles.
Ramus Obturator foramen
Figure 18-5. Right hip bone (medial view), consists of the Spine
ilium, ischium, and pubis. The greater sciatic notch, acetabu- Located on the posterior portion of the body between
lum, and obturator foramen are formed by different combi- the greater and lesser sciatic notches. It provides
nations of these bones. attachment for the sacrospinous ligament.
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Body Neck
Externally forms about one-fifth of the acetabulum Lesser
and internally provides attachment for the obtu-
rator internus muscle. line
Superior Ramus
Lies superior between the acetabulum and the body
and provides attachment for the pectineus muscle. Body
Figure 18-8. Right tibia (anterior view). Figure 18-9. The hip joint capsule (anterior view).
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Iliofemoral ligament Ischiofemoral
Anterior Posterior
Figure 18-10. The hip joint capsule is reinforced by three ligaments: the iliofemoral, the pubofemoral, and the ischiofemoral
that they are in front of the shoulders and knees, you doubtful that it adds significantly to the joint’s
can stand in the upright position without using any strength. Its other feature is that it contains a blood ves-
muscles by essentially resting on the iliofemoral liga- sel that supplies the head of the femur. However, this
ment. This is the basis for the standing posture of an vessel alone cannot supply enough blood to the head to
individual with paralysis following spinal cord injury keep it viable.
(Fig. 18-11). The depth of the acetabulum is increased by the
The ligamentum teres is a small intracapsular liga- fibrocartilaginous acetabular labrum, which is located
ment of debatable importance (Fig. 18-12). It attaches around the rim. The free end of the labrum surrounds
proximally in the acetabulum and distally in the fovea the femoral head and helps to hold the head in the
of the femoral head. Some sources indicate that it acetabulum.
becomes taut during adduction or lateral rotation, Although the inguinal ligament has no function at
when the hip is semiflexed. However, given its size, it is the hip joint, it should be identified because of its pres-
ence. It runs from the anterior superior iliac spine to the
pubic tubercle and is the landmark that separates the
anterior abdominal wall from the thigh (Fig. 18-13).
When the external iliac artery and vein pass under the
inguinal ligament, their names change to the femoral
artery and vein.
The iliotibial band or tract is the very long, tendi-
nous portion of the tensor fascia latae muscle (see
Fig. 18-26). It attaches to the anterior portion of the
iliac crest and runs superficially down the lateral side
of the thigh to attach to the tibia. Both the gluteus
Ligamentum teres
Iliopsoas Muscle
maximus and tensor fascia latae muscles have fibers O Iliac fossa, anterior and lateral surfaces
attaching to it. of T12 through L5
The end feel of all hip joint motions except flexion is I Lesser trochanter
firm (soft tissue stretch) because of tension in the cap- A Hip flexion
sule, ligaments, and muscles. For hip flexion, the end
feel is soft (soft tissue approximation) because of con- N Iliacus portion: femoral nerve (L2, L3)
tact between the anterior thigh and the abdomen. Psoas major portion: L2 and L3
Gracilis Muscle
O Pubis
I Anterior medial surface of proximal end
of tibia
A Hip adduction
N Obturator nerve (L2, L3)
The gluteus maximus muscle can be described as a
large, thick, one-joint, quadrilateral muscle located
superficially on the posterior buttock (Fig. 18-20). It
arises from the general area of the posterior sacrum,
coccyx, and ilium, and it runs in a diagonal direction
distally and laterally to the posterior femur, inferior to
the greater trochanter. Some fibers also attach to the ili-
otibial band. Because it spans the hip posteriorly in this
diagonal direction, it is very strong in hip extension, Figure 18-20. The gluteus maximus muscle
hyperextension, and lateral rotation. (posterior view).
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The other two gluteal muscles are more laterally Proximally, the gluteus minimus muscle lies deep
located. The gluteus medius muscle is triangular, much and inferior to the gluteus medius muscle on the later-
like the deltoid muscle of the shoulder (Fig. 18-23). It al ilium (Fig. 18-24). The distal attachment is on the
attaches proximally to the outer surface of the ilium anterior aspect of the greater trochanter. This gives the
and distally to the lateral surface of the greater gluteus minimus muscle a somewhat diagonal line of
trochanter. Because it spans the hip laterally, the glu- pull, making it able to medially rotate the hip. Because
teus medius muscle can abduct the hip. Its anterior it spans the hip laterally, it also abducts the hip.
fibers are able to assist the gluteus minimus muscle in
Gluteus Minimus Muscle
medially rotating the hip.
O Lateral ilium
Gluteus Medius Muscle
I Anterior surface of the greater trochanter
O Outer surface of the ilium
A Hip abduction, medial rotation
I Lateral surface of the greater trochanter
N Superior gluteal nerve (L4, L5, S1)
A Hip abduction
N Superior gluteal nerve (L4, L5, S1) Attaching to the ilium and the femur and span-
ning the hip laterally, these two gluteal muscles have
another very important function. When you stand on
one leg, the distal segment (femur) becomes more sta-
ble than the proximal segment (pelvis); therefore, the
origin moves toward the insertion. Another term for
this change is reversal of muscle function. If these
Biceps femoris
Figure 18-22. The hamstring muscles (posterior view). Figure 18-23. The gluteus medius muscle (lateral view).
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Iliotibial band
Figure 18-25. Anterior view. (A) In reversal of muscle func-
tion, the right hip abductors contract to keep the pelvis Figure 18-26. The tensor fascia latae muscle (lateral view).
steady when the left leg is lifted. (B) When right hip abduc- The very long, tendinous portion of this muscle is known as
tors are weak, the left side of the pelvis drops. the iliotibial band.
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Tensor Fascia Latae Muscle and slightly lateral, while the sartorius runs down in a
medial direction. Between these two muscles lies the rec-
O Anterior superior iliac spine tus femoris, which runs straight down toward the knee.
I Lateral condyle of tibia Moving medially from the sartorius are the iliopsoas,
A Combined hip flexion and abduction pectineus, adductor longus, and gracilis. Deep to the
N Superior gluteal nerve (L4, L5) adductor longus near the hip is the adductor brevis, and
deep to the adductor brevis is the large, wide adductor
magnus. More distally on the thigh, the adductor mag-
Anatomical Relationships nus lies deep to the adductor longus (Fig. 18-28).
Table 18-2 organizes the hip muscles into four groups Viewing the hip region from the medial side superfi-
based on location. Using this grouping, the anatomical cially, the sartorius, the upper portion of the adductor
relationships of the hip muscles can be easily discussed longus, the gracilis, and the upper half of the adductor
by adding one other factor: superficial muscles versus magnus can be seen from front to back, followed by the
deep muscles. medial hamstrings (Fig. 18-29). From this medial view,
Starting anteriorly, there are two superficial muscles: you can see that most of the adductor longus and much
the tensor fascia latae and the sartorius, which have their of the adductor brevis and adductor magnus lie deep.
origin on the anterior superior iliac spine (Fig. 18-27). On the posterior side, the gluteus maximus covers the
They make an inverted V from their common attach- proximal posterior hip region (Fig. 18-30). Distal to the
ment. The tensor fascia latae runs down toward the knee gluteus maximus, and taking up most of the posterior
Anterior Iliacus
iliac spine Psoas
Inguinal (cut)
Tensor Adductor
fascia Iliopsoas longus (cut)
latae (cut)
Iliopsoas Pectineus (cut)
Adductor Adductor externus
longus longus (cut)
Gracilis femoris
Vastus brevis
Iliotibial Rectus
band femoris
femoris (cut) Gracilis
Patella Lateral
tuberosity Tibial
Figure 18-27. Anterior superficial muscles (right leg). Figure 18-28. Anterior deep muscles (right leg).
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Inferior Gluteus
pubic Obturator medius
ramus internus
Sartorius Tensor
fascia latae
longus Adductor magnus
Gracilis Semitendinosus maximus
Semimembranosus Adductor
(knee Semitendinosus Iliotibial
muscle) band
Semimembranosus Biceps
(long head)
Pes anserine
Gluteus crest
Minimus Gluteus
Gluteus Tensor
maximus fascia
Deep rotators latae
Gluteus Sartorius
Semitendinosus Rectus
(cut) femoris
Biceps femoris
long head (cut)
Adductor magnus
Gracilis lateralis
Long head
femoris Short head
Biceps femoris
short head
Semitendinosus Biceps femoris
(cut) long head (cut)
Sartorius (cut)
Figure 18-31. Posterior deep muscles (right leg). Figure 18-32. Lateral muscles (right leg).
Review Questions
Review Questions—cont’d
9. Which two-joint hip muscles attach below the knee? together, and hands on her knees, and she pushes
10. Which hip joint muscles are not prime movers in down to assist when standing (Fig. 18-36)?
any single action but are effective in a combination
of movements? List the movements.
11. What muscle(s) keeps your pelvis from dropping
on one side when you lift one foot off the floor?
Describe what happens.
12. Does the femoral head surface glide in the same or
opposite direction as the thigh during hip flexion/
13. What is the end feel of hip flexion? Hip extension?
Review Questions—cont’d
Review Questions—cont’d
6. Lie on your back with your hips and knees in 9. Figure 18-38 shows an individual doing hip flexion
extension. Raise your right leg toward the ceiling. exercises two different ways. The starting position in
a. Is a concentric or eccentric contraction both exercises is hip extension and knee extension. In
occurring at the hip? exercise A, the person flexes the hips with the knees
b. The hip flexors are demonstrating what class of flexed. In exercise B, the person performs the same
lever? hip flexion motion but with the knees extended.
7. While lying prone with your left knee flexed, raise a. Which exercise is more difficult?
your left leg straight up, keeping your pelvis flat on b. Why?
the table. 10. Starting in a supine position with the knees flexed,
a. Are the hamstrings contracting at their strongest? move into the position shown in Figure 18-39.
b. Why? a. What type of kinetic chain activity is this?
8. Sitting on the floor with your legs far apart, lean b. What hip motion is occurring?
forward from the hips while keeping your back c. What type of contraction is occurring?
straight. Describe what has occurred in terms of d. What hip muscle group is the agonist?
a. hip joint motion. e. If this motion could not be completed because a
b. whether stretching or strengthening is occurring. muscle was passively insufficient, what muscle
c. muscle(s) involved. would that be?
C H A P T E R 19
Knee Joint
Joint Structure and Motions Joint Structure and Motions
Bones and Landmarks
At first glance, the knee joint appears to be relatively
Ligaments and Other Structures simple. However, it is one of the more complex joints in
the body. The knee is supported and maintained entirely
Muscles of the Knee
by muscles and ligaments with no bony stability, and it
Anterior Muscles frequently is exposed to severe stresses and strains.
Therefore, it should be no surprise that it is one of the
Posterior Muscles
most frequently injured joints in the body.
Anatomical Relationships The knee joint is the largest joint in the body, and it is
classified as a synovial hinge joint (Fig. 19-1). The
Summary of Muscle Action
motions possible at the knee are flexion and extension
Summary of Muscle Innervation (Fig. 19-2). From 0 degrees of extension, there are approx-
imately 120 to 135 degrees of flexion. Due to some liga-
Common Knee Pathologies
ment laxity, the knee may have a few degrees of hyperex-
Points to Remember tension beyond 0; beyond 5 degrees of hyperextension is
considered genu recurvatum. Unlike the elbow, the
Review Questions
knee joint is not a true hinge, because it has a rotation-
General Anatomy Questions al component. This rotation is not a free motion but
rather an accessory motion that accompanies flexion
Functional Activity Questions
and extension.
Clinical Exercise Questions
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Figure 19-4. The screw-home motion of the left knee. In
the weight-bearing position (closed-chain activity), the femur
Flexion Extension rotates medially on the tibia as the knee moves into the last
Figure 19-2. Knee motions (lateral view). few degrees of extension.
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line of pull
Q angle
Midpoint of patella
Tibial tuberosity
Figure 19-5. The patellofemoral joint (lateral view). Figure 19-7. The Q angle of the knee (anterior view).
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Medial Condyle
aspera The proximal medial end.
Lateral Condyle
The proximal lateral end.
Adductor The enlarged proximal end, including the medial and
lateral condyles and the intercondylar eminence.
epicondyle Medial epicondyle
Tibial Tuberosity
Large projection at the proximal end on the anterior
Lateral Medial
Condyle surface in the midline.
Patellar condyle Lateral
surface condyle The fibula is lateral to, and smaller than, the tibia. It
Anterior Posterior is set back from the anterior surface of the tibia, allow-
Figure 19-8. Right femur. ing a large space for muscle attachment (Fig. 19-10).
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condyle of
the femur Posterior
Fibular head
condyle of
Tibia cruciate
the femur
Fibula Lateral
ligament Medial
Lateral meniscus
meniscus Medial condyle
Lateral malleolus of the tibia
condyle Transverse
Calcaneus ligament
of the tibia
Head of tuberosity
the fibula
Figure 19-10. Right leg (lateral view). Figure 19-12. The right knee in flexion (anterior view).
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medial and lateral condyles, the cruciates cross each attaching to the medial condyles of the femur and
other obliquely (cruciate means “resembling a cross” in tibia. Fibers of the medial meniscus are attached to this
Latin). They are named for their attachment on the ligament, which contributes to frequent tearing of the
tibia (Fig. 19-13). The anterior cruciate ligament medial meniscus during excessive stress to the medial
attaches to the anterior surface of the tibia in the inter- collateral ligament. On the lateral side is the lateral
condylar area just medial to the medial meniscus. It collateral ligament, or fibular collateral ligament.
spans the knee laterally to the posterior cruciate liga- This round, cordlike ligament attaches to the lateral
ment, and it runs in a superior and posterior direction condyle of the femur and runs down to the head of the
to attach posteriorly on the lateral condyle of the fibula, independent of any attachment to the lateral
femur. The posterior cruciate ligament attaches to meniscus. It protects the joint from stresses to the
the posterior tibia in the intercondylar area, and it runs medial side of the knee. It is quite strong and not com-
in a superior and anterior direction on the medial side monly injured.
of the anterior cruciate ligament. It attaches to the The collateral ligaments supply stability in the
anterior femur on the medial condyle. In summary, frontal plane. The medial collateral ligament provides
the anterior cruciate runs from the anterior tibia to the medial stability and prevents excessive motion if there is
posterior femur, and the posterior cruciate runs from a blow to the lateral side of the knee. The lateral collat-
the posterior tibia to the anterior femur. eral ligament provides stability to the medial side.
The cruciates provide stability in the sagittal plane. Because their attachments are offset posteriorly and
The anterior cruciate ligament keeps the femur from superiorly to the axis of flexion, the collateral ligaments
being displaced posteriorly on the tibia. Conversely, it tighten during extension, contributing to the stability
keeps the tibia from being displaced anteriorly on the of the knee, and slacken during flexion.
femur. It tightens during extension, preventing exces- Located on the superior surface of the tibia, the
sive hyperextension of the knee. When the knee is medial and lateral menisci (plural of meniscus) are two
partly flexed, the anterior cruciate keeps the tibia half-moon, wedge-shaped fibrocartilage disks. They are
from moving anteriorly. Conversely, the posterior designed to absorb shock (Fig. 19-14). Because they are
cruciate ligament keeps the femur from displacing thicker laterally than medially and because the proxi-
anteriorly on the tibia or the tibia from displacing mal surfaces are concave, the menisci deepen the rela-
posteriorly on the femur. It tightens during flexion tively flat joint surface of the tibia. Perhaps because of
and is injured much less frequently than the anterior its attachment to the medial collateral ligament, the
cruciate ligament. medial meniscus is torn more frequently.
Located on the sides of the knee are the collateral lig- There are two types of end feel at the knee joint. With
aments (see Fig. 19-12). The medial collateral ligament, knee flexion, the end feel is soft (soft tissue approxima-
or tibial collateral ligament is a flat, broad ligament tion) due to the contact between the muscle bellies of
the thigh and leg. With knee extension, the end feel is
firm (soft tissue stretch) due to tension of the joint cap-
sule and ligaments.
The purpose of a bursa is to reduce friction, and
approximately 13 of them are located at the knee joint.
They are needed because the many tendons located
Suprapatellar b.
Prepatellar b.
b. Figure 19-17. The three muscle attachments of pes anser-
Patella ine (medial view).
Semimembranosus b.
Anserine b.
Deep infrapatellar b.
Superficial Figure 18-29. Orthopedic surgeons sometimes alter
infrapatellar b. Tibia this common attachment to provide medial stability
to the knee.
Prepatellar Between the patella and skin
Deep infrapatellar Between proximal tibia and patellar ligament
Infrapatellar Between tibial tuberosity and skin
Suprapatellar* Between distal femur and quadriceps tendon
Gastrocnemius* Between lateral head of gastrocnemius muscle and capsule
Biceps Between fibular collateral ligament and biceps tendon
Popliteal* Between popliteus tendon and lateral femoral condyle
Gastrocnemius* Between medial head of gastrocnemius muscle and capsule
Semimembranosus Between tendon of semimembranosus muscle and tibia
Iliotibial Deep to the iliotibial band at its distal attachment
Fibular collateral ligament Deep to the fibular collateral ligament next to the bone
Anserine Deep to sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus tendons
*Communicates with knee joint.
Anterior Muscles
The quadriceps muscles are comprised of four muscles
that cross the anterior surface of the knee (Fig. 19-18).
The rectus femoris muscle is the only one of this
group to cross the hip. Its proximal attachment is on the
AIIS. It runs almost straight down the thigh, where it is
joined by the three vasti muscles and blends into the
quadriceps tendon (also called the patellar tendon). This
tendon encases the patella, crosses the knee joint, and Rectus femoris
attaches to the tibial tuberosity. The rectus femoris mus-
cle is a prime mover in hip flexion and knee extension.
Vastus lateralis
Figure 19-20. The popliteus muscle (posterior view). Figure 19-21. The gastrocnemius muscle (posterior view).
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Anatomical Relationships
Gluteus maximus Muscles cross the knee either anteriorly or posteriorly.
The rectus femoris is the most superficial muscle of the
anterior group. At the mid- and lower thigh, the vastus
lateralis and the vastus medialis are superficial on
either side of the rectus femoris (Fig. 19-23). Deep to
the rectus femoris and between the two vasti muscles is
the vastus intermedialis (Fig. 19-24).
The hamstring muscles are on the posterior thigh.
Gastrocnemius Superficially, the biceps femoris (long head) is on the lat-
eral side, and the semitendinosus is on the medial side.
Deep to these muscles is the short head of the biceps
Foot anchored
femoris (laterally) and the semimembranosus (medially).
on floor
Dorsi- Plantar The deepest muscle at the distal end of the thigh is the
flexion flexion
Figure 19-22. Side view. (A) With a paralyzed quadriceps ligament
unable to pull the knee into extension, the body weight line Tensor
falls behind the knee, causing flexion. However, in a com-
bined reversal of muscle action of the gluteus maximus and
gastrocnemius muscles, knee extension during stance is possi-
ble. (B) In the closed-chain position, they pull the knee into
extension. The soleus assists by plantar flexing the dorsiflexed
ankle into a neutral ankle position. This puts the body weight
line in front of the knee and ankle axes and allows the knee
to remain extended.
Vastus Gracilis
Gastrocnemius Muscle Rectus
O Medial and lateral condyles of femur
I Posterior calcaneus Vastus
A Knee flexion, ankle plantar flexion
N Tibial nerve (S1, S2) Iliotibial
The gracilis, sartorius, and tensor fascia latae muscles Patella
span the knee joint posteriorly, but because of their
angle of pull, their size in relation to other muscles, and
other such factors, they do not have a prime mover func- tendon
tion. However, they do provide stability to the joint.
The tensor fascia latae muscle spans the knee later- Tibial
ally, essentially in the middle of the joint axis for flexion tuberosity
and extension. It contributes greatly to lateral stability.
The gracilis and sartorius muscles span the knee Figure 19-23. Anterior knee muscles (superficial view).
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superior Table 19-3 Prime Movers of the Knee
iliac spine
Action Muscle
Rectus femoris
Extension Quadriceps group
(cut) Rectus femoris
iliac spine
Vastus medialis
trochanter Vastus intermedialis
Vastus lateralis
Flexion Hamstring group
Vastus lateralis Biceps femoris
Gracilis Popliteus
Vastus intermedialis Gastrocnemius
Vastus medialis
Rectus femoris Femoral L2, L3, L4
Vastus lateralis Femoral L2, L3, L4
Vastus intermedialis Femoral L2, L3, L4
Vastus medialis Femoral L2, L3, L4
Semimembranosus Sciatic L5, S1, S2
Semitendinosus Sciatic L5, S1, S2
Biceps femoris—long head Sciatic L5, S1, S2
Biceps femoris—short head Common peroneal L5, S1, S2
Popliteus Tibial L4, L5, S1
Gastrocnemius Tibial S1, S2
Osgood-Schlatter disease is a common overuse weakness or tightness, weakness of hip lateral rotators,
injury among adolescents. It involves the traction- and excessive foot pronation. Chondromalacia patella
type epiphysis on the tibial tuberosity of growing is the softening and degeneration of the cartilage on the
bone where the tendon of the quadriceps muscle posterior aspect of the patella, causing anterior knee
attaches. Popliteal cyst, or Baker’s cyst, is actually pain. Abnormal tracking of the patella within the
misnamed as a “cyst.” This general term refers to any patellofemoral groove causes the patellar articular carti-
synovial hernia or bursitis involving the posterior lage to become inflamed, leading to its degeneration.
aspect of the knee. Prepatellar bursitis (housemaid’s knee) occurs when
Although there is no universal agreement on termi- there is constant pressure between the skin and the
nology and causation, patellofemoral pain syndrome patella. It is commonly seen in carpet layers and is the
generally refers to a common problem causing diffuse result of repeated direct blows or sheering stresses on
anterior knee pain. It is generally considered the result the knee.
of a variety of alignment factors, such as increased Terrible triad is a knee injury caused by a single
Q angle, patella alta (high-riding patella), quadriceps blow to the knee and involves tears to the anterior
Knee Extensors
Rectus femoris X X X
Vastus lateralis X X X
Vastus intermedialis X X X
Vastus medialis X X X
Knee Flexors
Popliteus X X X
Semitendinosus X X X
Semimembranosus X X X
Biceps femoris X X X
Gastrocnemius X X
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cruciate ligament, the medial collateral ligament, ● End feel is the quality of the feel when slight
and the medial meniscus. Miserable malalignment
pressure is applied at the end of the joint’s
syndrome is an alignment problem of the lower
passive range.
extremity involving increased anteversion of the ● An open kinetic chain requires that the distal
femoral head and is associated with genu valgus,
segment is free to move and the proximal
increased tibial torsion, and a pronated flat foot.
segment(s) remain stationary.
● To stretch a one-joint muscle, it is necessary
as traction, approximation, shear, bending, start with it being stretched over both joints.
and rotation. These forces also have other ● A muscle becomes actively insufficient when it
the axis and the force. With a third-class or slowing down gravity, or
lever, force is in the middle. ● if a weight greater than the pull of gravity is
● The longer the force arm, the easier it is to affecting the activity.
move the part. Conversely, the longer the resist- ● Reversal of muscle action occurs when the
ance arm, the harder it is to move the part. origin moves toward the insertion.
Review Questions
Review Questions—cont’d
Functional Activity Questions
1. Analyze the person’s position lying on the two
benches illustrated in Figure 19-25 to determine if
one is more advantageous than the other for
strengthening the hamstrings by doing leg curls.
Note that the knees remain extended in both
a. What is the hamstring action at the hip and at
the knee?
b. What is the position of the hips in Figure 19-25A?
c. What is the position of the hips in Figure 19-25B?
d. In what position would the hamstrings be
actively insufficient? A
e. Which person’s position on the bench will more
effectively work the hamstrings?
f. Why?
Figure 19-26. Starting positions for knee extension exercise.
Review Questions—cont’d
3. What is the sequence of right-knee motions when 2. Sit on the edge of a table with your right leg rest-
stepping up onto a curb leading with the right ing on the table and your left leg over the side with
foot, starting with the right knee extended? your left foot on the floor. Keeping the back and
a. Placing right foot up on curb: right leg straight, lean forward at the right hip. See
b. Bringing left foot up on curb: Figure 19-27 for the starting position.
4. Identify the sequence of knee motions (starting a. What are the right hip and knee motions?
with the knee in extension) for kicking a ball and b. Is stretching or strengthening occurring?
identify the activity of the rectus femoris during c. What muscles are involved?
each phase.
a. What is the knee motion when preparing to kick?
b. Over what joints is the rectus femoris being
c. What is the knee motion when making ball
d. What is happening to the rectus femoris at the
knee during ball contact?
e. What is the knee motion during follow-through?
f. What is happening to the rectus femoris during
5. What compensatory motions may occur when step-
ping up onto a curb if your right leg were in a long
leg cast?
a. Which would be the leading leg?
b. What pelvic motion would assist in getting the
right leg up on the curb?