810084-Practical Manual

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Practical Manual

Prepared by

Norma Xavier Chelat


Kerala Agricultural University





No Date Title Page Remarks

1 Specification suggested
Specification of Fruit
2 Preservation of
Pineapple Squash
3 Preservation of
Pineapple Jam

4 Preservation By Diying

5 Preparation of
Pineapple Syrup
6 Preparation of RTS

7 Preparation of Mango

8 Preparation of Nutmeg

9 Preparation of Sauce

10 Preparation of Grape
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Exercise 1



Aim: To Learn about the importance o f quality attributes and standards in Food


FSSAI —Food Safety and Standard Authority of India - is an autonomous body

established under the M inistry o f Health and Family W elfare, G ovt.of India.

H istory

• FSSA I w as established b y F o rm e r U nion H ealth M in ister D r A n b u m an i R am adoss, G overnm ent

o f In d ia on 5 S ep tem b er 2008 u n d e r Food Safety an d S ta n d a rd s A ct, 2006.
• The FSSAI consists o f a chairperson & 22 members.

• The FSSAI is responsible for setting standards for food so that there is one body to deal with and no
confusion in the m inds o f consumers, traders, manufacturers, and investors. M inistry o f Health &
Fam ily W elfare, G overnm ent o f India is the Administrative M inistry o f Food Safety and Standards
Authority o f India. T h e follow ing a re the sta tu to ry pow ers th a t the FSS A ct, 2006 gives to th e Food
Safety an d S ta n d a rd s A u th o rity o f In d ia (FSSAI)

1. Framing o f regulations to lay down food safety standards

2. Laying down guidelines for accreditation o f laboratories for food testing
3. Providing scientific advice and technical support to the Central Government
4. Contributing to the developm ent o f international technical standards in food
5. Collecting and collating data regarding food consumption, contamination, emerging risks etc.
6. Disseminating inform ation and promoting awareness about food safety and nutrition in India
FSSAI is located in 5 regions

Northern Region - W ith head office at New Delhi

1. Eastern Region
2. North Eastern Region
3. W estern region
4. Southern Region

R egu lato ry F ra m e W o rk

The Food Safety and Standards Authority o f India is a statutory body under Food Safety and S ta n d a rd s Act,
2006. The Food Safety and Standards Act (FSS), 2006 is the primary law for regulation o f food products. This
act also sets up the formulation and enforcement o f food safety standards in India. The FSSAI appoints food
safety authorities on the state level.

• The FSSAI functions under the administrative control o f th e M in istry o f H ealth an d Fam ily
W elfare. The m ain aim o f FSSA I is to : L ay dow n science-based sta n d a rd s fo r articles o f food

*> T o reg u late m an u factu re, sto rag e, d istrib u tio n , sale a n d im p o rt o f food

❖ To facilitate food safety

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T he FSS A ct is a b u ck et fo r all th e o ld e r laws, rules an d regulations fo r food safety. T he FSS A ct took 7
o ld er acts into one u m b rella.

1. P rev en tio n o f Food A d u lteratio n A ct, 1954

2. F ru it P ro d u c ts O rd e r, 1955
3. M e a t Food P ro d u c ts O rd e r, 1973
4. V egetable O il P ro d u c ts (C o n tro l) O rd e r, 1947
5. E dib le Oils P ack ag in g (R egulation) O rd e r 1988
6. Solvent E x tra c te d O il, D e- O iled M eal an d E dible F lo u r (C ontrol) O rd e r, 1967
7. M ilk an d M ilk P ro d u c ts O rd e r, 1992.

D epartm ents

1. Im p o rt Division
2. In te rn a tio n a l C o-o p eratio n
3. R eg u lato ry C om pliance D ivision (RCD)
4. Food S afety M a n ag em en t System (FSM S) Division
5. R isk A ssessm ent a n d R & D division (RARD)
6. In fo rm atio n E d u catio n C om m unication (IE C ) Division
7. R egulation a n d C odex Division
8. Q uality A ssu ran ce/ lab Division
9. H R Division
10. S ta n d a rd s D ivision

R esearch an d Q u ality A ssu ran ce

R esearch

FSSAI has set certain guidelines for food safety research. The Research and Developm ent division is
responsible for research w ith the following objectives:

1. Generate new know ledge that would help in continuously updating and upgrading food safety
standards which are compatible with international organizations
2. Carry out evidence based studies for improving or building policies.

Quality Assurance

FSSAI has been mandated to perform various functions related to quality and standards o f
food. These functions in addition to others include “Laying down procedure and guidelines
for notification o f the accredited laboratories as per ISO17025.” The FSSAI notified
laboratories that are classified as:

X. FSSAI notified NABL accredited la b s -112

2. State Labs-72
3. Referral Labs -14
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S tan d ard s
Standards framed by FSSAI are prescribed under Food Safety and Standards (Food Product
Standards and Food Additives) Regulation, 2011, Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and
Labelling) Regulation, 2011 and Food Safety and Standards (Contaminants, Toxins, and
Residues) Regulations, 2011.
The FSSAI has prescribed standards for following food products:

• D airy p ro d u cts a n d analogues

• F ats, oils an d fa t em ulsions
• F ru its a n d v egetable p ro d u cts
• C ereal an d cereal p ro d u cts
• M e a t an d m eat p ro d u cts
• Fish an d fish p ro d u c ts
• Sweets & confectionery
• Sw eetening agents including honey
• S alt, spices, condim ents a n d related p roducts
• B everages, (o th e r th a n d a iry an d fru its & vegetables based)
• O th e r food p ro d u c t a n d in gredients
• P ro p rie ta ry food
• Irra d ia tio n o f food

C onsum er O u t R each P ro g ram m e

Consumers can connect to FSSAI through various channels or call Toll free Number
1800112100. Recently an online platform called ‘Food Safety Voice’ has been launched
which helps consumers to register their complaints and feedbacks about food safety issues
related to adulterated food, unsafe food, substandard food, labeling defects in food and
misleading claims & advertisements related to various food products. A GAMA portal for
concerns regarding misleading claims and advertisements too is operated.

FSSAI issues th re e types of license based on n a tu re of food business an d tu rn o v er:

1. R egistration: For Turnover < 12 L akhs

2. State License: For Turnover between 12 L akhs to 20 C orers
3. C en tral License: For Turnover above > 20 C orers
Other criteria like the location of the business, number of retail stores etc, is needed
while evaluating the nature of license applicable.


SQUASH 25 40 3.5% 350 600
Not <1.5%
SYRUP 25 65 3.5% 350 600
Not <1.5%
CRUSH 25 55 Minimum 350 600
CORDIAL 25 30 <4% Lemon 350 600
<5% Lime
juice, not
less than 4%

RTS 10 10 0.3% 70 120

Exercise: C alculate the ingredients to p re p a re 1000 K g o f m ango sq u ash o r 750 K g of

orange squash o r 500 K g o f grape squash w ith a juice containing 0.5% acidity of 15°
Brix. Exam ple:

1. Calculate the ingredients to prepare 1000 kg o f pineapple squash with a j uice

containing o f 0.5% o f acidity o f 10% Brix.
a)The quality o f fruit juice need to be present in 1000 kg o f squash as per FSSAI
1000X 25 ,
-----------= 250 kg.
100 &
b) Acid already present in 250 kg o f juice = ^ x 250 = 1.25 kg.
Acid to be present 100 kg o f squash as per FSSAI = 3 /1 0 0 x 1000 = 30 kg.
(Acidity is not < 15% & maximum o f 3.5%)
So acid to be added in squash = 30-1.25 = 28.75 kg.

c) Q u antity o f preservatives added;

M olecular weight o f KMS- K 2 S2 O 5
(K=39, S = 3 2 ,0=16)
=39 x 2 + 32 x2 + 1 6 x 5 = 222 g

1 K 2 S2 O 5 gives -2 molecules o f S 0 2
i.e.,222 -->128
To get 128 g o f SO 2 , we have to add 222g o f K 2 S2 O 5
To get 350 ppm o f SO 2 is:
1 g o fS 0 2 = 222/128
To get 350 mg o f SO 2
1 gm o f S 0 2= 222/128 x 350 =607 mg.
= 0.607 * 1 0 0 0 = 607 gram - 0.607 Kg/1
To prepare 1000 kg = 0.607 x 1000 = 607 g.
Exact amount o f KMS
(Since KMS is only 80% purity, use to calculate the exact amount o f KMS.
= 0.607 x — = 0.76 kg.
80 0
d) TSS in 250 kg of juice = 1 0 /1 0 0 x 250 = 25 kg
TSS that has to be present in squash = 4 0 /1 0 0 x 1000 = 400 kg.
Actually TSS includes acid, preservatives, sugar.
So the quantity o f sugar has to be worked out.
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TSS already present = 25 + 28.75 + 0.76
= 54.51 kg is already present
Exact quantity o f sugar to be added.
= 400-54.51 =345.49 kg.
e). Q u an tity a n d w ater.
T otal q u an tity o f ingredients o th er th a n w a te r = 345.49 + 25 +28.75 + 0.76 =
Quantity o f water = 1000- 625 = 375 kg.
C alculate ingredients re q u ire d to produce 750 kg o f orange.
Squash with orange juice having 0.5% acid and 15°Brix as TSS
a). Quantity o f fruit juice need to be present in 750 kg o f squash as per FSSAI
= 7 5 0 x 2 5 /1 0 0 = 1875 kg.
b). Acid already present in 187.7 kg o f juice.
=3/100 x 750 = 22.5 kg.
( not less thanl.5% & maximum 3.5%)
So acid to be added in squash
= 22.5-0.03375 = 21.56 kg.
c). Q u antity o f preservative added m olecular w eight o f K M S K, S, 0 5
= 39 x 2 + 32 x2 + 16 x 5 = 222 (K=39, S= 3 2 ,0 = 1 6 )
1 K2 S2 0 5 gives 3 molecules o f S 0 2
= 222^128
To get 350 ppm o f S 0 2 , 1 g S 0 2 = 222/128.
To get 350 m g o f S 0 2 = 222/128 x 350 = 607 g/1
607/1000 = 0.607 kg.
To prepare 750 g of squash = 0.607 x 750 = 455.25g = 0.455 kg.
Exact amount o f KMS
Since KMS is only 80% purity are have to calculate the exact amount o f KMS
= 0.455 x 100/80= 0.56 kg.
d). TSS in 187.5 kg of juice =15/100 x 187.5 =28.125 kg.
TSS that has to be present in squash = 40/100 x 750 = 300 kg.
Actually TSS include acid, preservative and sugar. So that quantity o f sugar has to be
worked out.
TSS already present = 28.125 + 21.56 + 0.56 = 50.245 is already present.
Exact quantity o f water
T otal q u an tity of ingredients, oth er th a n w ater
= 244.75 +0.56 + 21.56 +187.5 =459.37 kg
Q uantity o f w a te r = 750 - 459.37 = 290.63 kg.
R esults and Discussion: Explain in detail about the merits o f FSSA I license and
difficulties and constraints confronted in acquiring and maintaining it.
Inference: Why FSSAI is important in Post Harvest Technology.
Activity: S tudents should le arn to do calculation w ith o th e r processed products
as p e r FSSA I specifications.
R eferences:
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Exercise 2


Pineapple Squash is a luscious cooling and refreshing thirst quencher from

pure fresh p in ea p p le ju ice and sw eetened with sugar to make an
exceptionally delectable chilled beverage.

P in ea p p le sq u ash is prepared by using freshly ripened p in ea p p les ju ice.

P in ea p p le ju ice taste best when chilled and it is an ideal fruit drink to

consume during the hot su m m er d ays.

The various vitam ins_and m in erals that we acquire from the fresh
pineapple is a great re lie f from heat and energizers our body system.

Pineapple is an extraordinary m ultiple fruit which can be consum ed fresh,

canned or in ju ic e com binations (fru it p u n ch / m ocktails (non-alcoholic
Fresh drinks)/ cocktails).

P in ea p p le and its extracts are usually used for m arinating, sa la d s,

desserts, fruit cocktail and com plem ents to various m eat dishes.

Fresh pineapple slices are used in baking p in eap p le

p a stries, cakes and souffle.

It contains vitam ins that benefit some intestinal disorders.

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D e c e m b e r a r r i v e s a n d t h e p i n e a p p l e f r u i t s _ a r e in a b u n d a n c e in m o s t o f
t h e m a r k e t s f i l l i n g t h e a i r w i t h its a t t r a c t i v e a n d a p p e t i z i n g a r o m a t i c
fl a v o u r s .

P ineapples are a fa v o u r it e fru it to m an y and d u rin g season p e o p le

preserve th e m by m aking ja m s and squashes.

P i n e a p p l e h a l v a is a v e r y p o p u l a r dish p r e p a r e d d u r i n g m a r r i a g e s ,
r e c e p tio n o r s p iritual occasions at h o m e .

Special F e a tu re s :

S q u a s h is a c o n c e n t r a t e d f o r m o f f r u i t d r i n k . ,

S q u a s h e s a r e o n e o f t h e f e w d r i n k s t h a t a r e r e a d y t o use a n d
also n u t r i t i v e a t t h e s a m e t i m e .

T h e y ca n b e s e r v e d as a b e v e r a g e by j u s t a d d i n g w a t e r .

S q u a s h e s a r e m a n u f a c t u r e d by c r u s h i n g t h e f r u i t s , c o n c e n t r a t i n g a n d
a d d i n g p e r m i t t e d p r e s e r v a t i v e s t o i n c r e a s e t h e i r s h e l f l ife .

T h e e n t i r e m a n u f a c t u r i n g p r o c e s s is c a r r i e d o u t in h y g i e n i c c o n d i t i o n s .

T h e r e a r e v a r i o u s c o m m e r c i a l p r o d u c t s o f s q u a s h e s t h a t a r e a v a i l a b l e in
d iff e r e n t q u a n titie s to suit t h e needs o f th e cu s to m e r.

P in e a p p le squash should be p re p a r e d fr o m fu lly m a t u r e d and ripe

p i n e a p p l e f r u i t s f r e e f r o m i n s e c t i n f e s t a t i o n , d i s e a s e s e tc .

P re p a rin g o f P ineapple squash_requires o n ly f e w in g re d ie n ts t h a t

includes r e q u ir e d q u a n t i t y o f ju ic e , sugar, citric acid, p re s e r v a tiv e
(Potassium m e ta b is u lp h ite or sodium b e n zo a te ), w a te r , essence and

T h e p i n e a p p l e s q u a s h is g e n e r a l l y d i l u t e d 2 - 3 t i m e s w i t h w a t e r a t t h e
t i m e o f c o n s u m p t i o n s a n d c h i l l e d w i t h ice c u b e s a n d s e r v e d .

P r e p a r i n g t h e P i n e a p p l e s q u a s h is v e r y s i m p l e a n d e a s y t o p r e p a r e .

T h e r e a r e f e w w h o do n o t use p r e s e r v a t i v e o r a r t i f i c i a l c o l o u r
t o s q u a s h _ a n d k e e p s it n a t u r a l .
I n s t e a d t h e y s u b s t i t u t e it w i t h c i t r i c a c i d ( l e m o n j u i c e ) .

T h e q u a n t i t y o f a d d i n g s u g a r p u r e l y d e p e n d s on
th e s o u r n e s s / s w e e tn e s s o f th e ripe p in e a p p le .
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• F o r p r e p a r i n g t h i s j u i c y a n d d e l i c io u s p i n e a p p l e s q u a s h , f i r s t l y c l e a n t h e
p i n e a p p l e a n d p e e l t h e skin t h ic k l y .

• G r a t e t h e p i n e a p p l e / c u t i n t o c u b e s / c u t it i n t o c u b e s a n d p o u r Vi cup o f
w a t e r a n d p r e s s u r e c o o k it f o r 1 0 m i n u t e s so t h a t all i t c h i n e s s g o e s o f f
a n d it b e c o m e s m o r e t e n d e r a n d j u i c y a nd g r i n d it t h o r o u g h l y .

• if y o u n e e d i t w i t h m o r e p u l p , a d d a l i t t l e c r u s h e d p i n e a p p l e s .

• Do n o t ta k e th e hard p o rtio n inside th e p ineapple.

• Filter th e g ra te d p in e a p p le th ro u g h a clean cloth and collect th e juice o u t

o f it a n d k e e p it a s id e .

• In a h e a v y b o t t o m e d d e e p v e s s e l b r i n g s u g a r a n d w a t e r t o boil.

• S i m m e r t o m a k e a s t i c k y s y r u p w h i c h is n o t o n e t h r e a d .

• A d d t h e d i s s o l v e d c i t r i c ac id .

• Cit ri c ac id r e m o v e s d i r t in t h e s u g a r a n d s u g a r s y ru p b e c o m e s c l e a r .

• In o r d e r t o m a k e it m o r e c l e a r w h e n y o u m a k e l a r g e q u a n t i t i e s w i t h 1 0 to
2 0 kg s u g a r s y r u p , t o c l e a r t h e s u g a r s y ru p f a s t , a d d 1 e g g w h i t e a nd stir
and re m o v e th e scum fast .

• Boil it f o r 1 0 m i n u t e s in high f l a m e .

• L o w e r t h e f l a m e a n d t a k e it o f f f r o m t h e f i r e .

■ Coo l a n d t h e n a d d t h e s i e v e d p i n e a p p l e j u i c e .

• D i s s o l v e K M S ( p o t a s s i u m m e t a b i s u l p h i t e ) in l i t t l e w a t e r a n d m i x it w i t h
the sq uash.

• Stir ti l l w e l l b l e n d e d .

• P o u r in s t e r i l i z e d b o t t l e s a n d se al a i r t i g h t .

• R efrigerate o p e n e d bottles.

• M a k i n g t h e p i n e a p p l e s q u a s h _ a t h o m e is h y g i e n i c a n d h e a l t h i e r .


• P in e a p p le b e n e f i t s m a k e this w o n d e r f u l l y d e lic io u s f r u i t and e x cellen t

addition to yo u r palate.

• W h e n y o u w a n t t o g i v e y o u r s e l f a b o o s t in h e a l t h a n d h e a l i n g , t h e r e is
n o t h i n g b e t t e r t h a n a glass full o f p i n e a p p l e s q u a s h / j u i c e .
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• B ot h f r e s h p i n e a p p l e a n d p i n e a p p l e j u i c e a r e e x c e l l e n t f o r y o u r b o d y . A
rich s o u r c e o f t h e e n z y m e b r o m e l a i n , p i n e a p p l e is a t r o p i c a l f r u i t t h a t is a
f a v o u r i t e o f m a n y . T h e j u i c e a n d t h e e x t r a c t o f t h e f r u i t a r e u s e d in m a n y
d i s he s .

• B ro m ela in and v it a m in C are w h a t m ake p in e a p p le one o f th e best health

foods. ,

• Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapple juice and in the pineapple stem. People
use it for medicine.

• Bromelain is used for reducing swelling (inflammation), especially o f the nose and
sinuses, after surgery or injury. 1

• Not only are th e nutrien ts of p in e a p p le g re a t for healing th e body, but

t h e y a r e also e x c e l l e n t f o r m a i n t a i n i n g o v e r a l l h e a l t h .

• P i n e a p p l e is a c i t r u s f r u i t a n d has a l o t o f v i t a m i n C as w e l l .

• V i t a m i n CJs an e x c e l l e n t n u t r i e n t w h e n y o u a r e l o o k i n g t o i n c r e a s e
im m unity.

• V i t a m i n C is an e x c e l l e n t a n t i o x i d a n t a n d is t h e r e f o r e g o o d f o r t h e b o d y .

• T h e r e a r e m a n y d i f f e r e n t v a r i e t i e s o f p i n e a p p l e a v a i l a b l e in t h e m a r k e t .

• Ri g h t f r o m g o l d e n t o g r e e n , y o u can c h o o s e f r o m a m o n g a r a n g e
of p in e a p p le varieties . 1

• Ripe p in e a p p le s are th e best fo r he a lth benefits.

• I f y o u c a n s m e l l o f f a s w e e t t r o p i c a l a n d j u i c y s m e l l f r o m a p i n e a p p l e , it
m e a n s t h a t t h e f r u i t is r i p e a n d g o o d f o r c o n s u m p t i o n .

• D a r k d i s c o l o r a t i o n s , s o f t s p o t s , a n d a b a d s m e l l a r e all i n d i c a t i v e t h a t t h e
f r u i t has g o n e b a d . A v o i d e a t i n g such a f r u i t .

• I t is v e r y i m p o r t a n t t o s e l e c t o n l y h e a l t h y w e l l r i p e n e d p i n e a p p l e f o r
processing an d p re s e rv a tio n purposes.

• L o o k a l w a y s f o r t h e q u a l i t y i n g r e d i e n t s , so t h a t y o u c a n p r o d u c e
e x c e lle n t q u a lity p ro d u c ts and y o u r business w ill succeed fo r sure.

Characteristics; 1
• Squash is a type o f fruit beverage containing at least'25 % fruit juice or pulp
and 40% total soluble solids.
• It is also contains about 1% acid and 350 ppm sulphur dioxide or 600 ppm
sodium benzoate. It is diluted before serving.
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P re p a re P ineapple squash.D o th e O rganoleptic E valuation.C om parison o f cost.
E xplain the changes occurs d u rin g the process.
Pineapple juice -520ml
Sugar -844g
W ater -520ml
Citric acid -10.4 g
Pineapple essence -1ml
Lemon yellow colour-1 pinch
KMS -0.3172g
Procedure:R em ove the inedible portion o f pineapple and cut into small pieces, crush
pineapple and press finely and extract the juice content using M uslim cloth and keep
aside. '1
Mix sugar, citric acid and water and heat it till sugar melts. p
Filter it through a Muslim cloth to the pineapple syrup kept aside and mix well.
Add KMS at 610 mg/kg o f finished product. Add permitted colour and essence if
required. Bottle and store the product which has been thoroughly washed with hot
water and leaving 5 cm ahead space close air tight and store in cool dry place.
O bservation:
Pineapple 520 ml 1

Sugar 844 g

Water 520 ml

Citric acid 10.4 g

Essence 1ml ■

Colour 1pinch

KMS 0.3172 g

O bservation:
Volume o f finished product 1540 ml

Total cost Rs.130

Cost o f 1 litre Rs.75/ 700ml

M arket price Rs. 135/700 ml

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C haracteristics No. of judges (n=7) stores M ean
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Colour 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Appearance 9 8 8 9 8 9 9 9

Texture 9 8 8 8 9 8 9 8

Flavour 9 8 9 9 9 9 9 9

Taste 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9

Overall 9 8 8 9 9 9 9 9

1. Dislike extremely
2. Dislike very much
3. Dislike moderately
4. Dislike slightly
5. Neither like or dislike
6. Like .moderately
7. Like slightly
8. Like very much
9. Like extremely.
R esults an d discussions: I
Organoleptic evaluation was conducted since 9 points hedonic scale. M ean store
obtained in the texture o f pineapple squash was 8 (like very much). The other
characteristics like colour, appearance, flavour, taste and overall acceptability was
obtained like m ean score 9 (Like extremely).
The total quantity o f squash obtained was about 1540 ml from 520 ml o f pineapple
juice. The total cost o f pineapple squash prepared is around Rs.75/.KAU sales it
through sales counter for Rs.l00/700m l.A s compared to the m arket price it is less.
Market price is Rs.135/ 700 ml.
Explain scientifically how each ingredients acts upon, in m ain tain in g the quality
o f the p ro d u c t w ith supportive studies. '
Activity: P re p a re P ineapple Squash / o th e r squashes w ith seasonal and
indigenous fruits.D o the organoleptic tests. C alculate th e cost an d com pare it
w ith m a rk e t price. N utritive benefits/ health benefits/Q uote scientific studies.
- 14-

E x e rc ise : 3



To prepare quality pineapple jam and to learn about its scientific attributes.


• Pineapples (Ananas comosus ) grow in some tropical countries such as Hawaii,

India, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand.
• Pineapple varieties are plentiful, but only a few types are sold commercially,
(Bartholomew et al., 2003)
• Pineapple are vibrantly coloured with fabulous flavours and make fragrant jams
and luxurious sweet preserves.
• These are made from fruit boiled with sugar until setting point is reached.
• They rely on pectin, sugar and acid for a good set, (Mayhew, 2008).
• In most countries there is a legal requirement to use a certain minimum amount of
fruit material in the product if it is described as jam, but jellies may not have to
contain any fruit base material (Manley, 2001).
- 15-
• The main constituent o f fru it is w ater, which contributes about 78 to 88% of total
w eight; o th e r volatile constituents, such as essential oils, esters, etc., are usually
relatively negligible in quantity. .j
• T he non-volatile constituents include sugars, fru it acids, pectin and gums, woody
fiber an d cellulose, nitrogenous substances, m ineral salts an d starch.
■ C olouring m atters, tannins, ascorbic acid and alkaloids may also be present in
small quantities.
• In m ost fruits th e n a tu ra l sugars, sucrose, glucose an d fructose constitute the
greater part o f the total soluble solids (M orris, 2004).
• F ru it p ulp, pectin, su g ar and acid are contained in ja m as it is an intermediate
m oisture food (S antanu et at., 2007). ;
• Ja m is a preparation consisting o f whole fru it boiled w ith sugar, having a
consistency firm enough to meet the demands o f confectioners.
• All jam s shall contain not less than 68.5% total soluble solids (M orris, 2004).
• S treet (1991) stated th a t boiling fru it w ith su g ar until th e total soluble solids
reaches 69.5% to p roduce ja m , but for b a k eiy purposes a stiffer ja m o f about
72% solids is often used. ..
• The solids content can be monitored using a refracto m eter (Street, 1991).
• S u g ar is necessary to give the strength o f th e pectin-sugar-acid gel.
• It is assumed thatabout 3 to 5% o f total w eight o f ja m is represented by sugar
derived from th e fru it; meanwhile about 65% is added su g ar (M orris, 2004).
• S u g ar may be added to fru it o r pulp either in solid form o r dissolved in w a te r as
su g ar syrup.
• A ddition o f solid su g ar frequently causes a slight b u rn in g o f th e sugar, particularly
on the surface o f the boiling pans, resulting in the caramel flavour which is the
characteristic o f home-made jam (R auch, 1965). ,
• Sucrose acts as sw eetener o r a h u m ectan t which is a common ingredient o f many
food products (Troller and Christian, 1978). ,
• The main sources o f sucrose are su g ar cane and su g ar beet, (Jones et at., 1997).
• The main effect o f p article size o f su g ar is to influence th e ra te a t w hich the
sucrose crystals w ill dissolve in w a ter (C auvain and Y oung, 2006).
• S u g ar are generally very soluble in w a ter and frequently form su p ersa tu ra te d
syrups when their solutions are concentrated by boiling o r e vaporation (C oultate,
• Sucrose is a disaccharide which can be separated into a 1:1 m ixture of glucose and
fructose, known as in v ert su g ar (Jackson, 1995).
• In all ja m an d jelly boiling, the immediate indicators o f the end point are
th erm o m eter and long handled , fla t spoon o r skim m er, m ade o f silver o r copper.
• When thermometer has risen to about 218 to 220° F, the jam is tested for
jellyingproperties by dipping the skimmer into the boiling mass and observing the
m a n n er in w hich the ja m o r jelly falls from the edge.
- 16- ]

• Firstly, it merely runs o ff ina stream , showing that the end pointhas no t been
• L ater, it begins to thicken and finally it shows a tendency to gel by flaking off or
breaking off clean.
• The practical tests are supplemented by tests in laboratory in order to determine the
total solids an d the degree of inversion o f su g ar in th e jain.
• The th erm o m eter and skim m er should be used continually throughout the day’s
ru n and the ja m should be tested in the laboratory at freq u e n t intervals (M orris,
• During the boiling process, sucrose undergoes a chem ical change.
• Sucrose is converted into two reducing sugars, which are dextrose an d laevulose.
• They are known as in v ert sugar. ;
• There is no general standard o f jam boiling. J
• Almost every factory has its own process o f production and develops its peculiar
quality, yet th e re a re certain factors applicable to all good quality jam s, and it is
these factors w hich should be stabilized.
• They a re -
• Soluble solid content of ja m '
• The sucrose-invert su g ar balance of ja m i
• pH o f jam .
• The amount o f in v ert su g ar in jam s should always be less th a n the amount o f
sucrose present.
• Based on total soluble solids o f 70% , the percentage o f in v ert su g ar should be
lessthan 35% .
• The inversion o f su g ar is affected by both the boiling tim e a n d boiling tem p eratu re
(R auch, 1965). I
• A sh o rt boiling tim e is o f the utmost im portance for the preservation o f the colour
and n a tu ra l flavour o f the jam.
• Excessive boiling greatly increases th e inversion sugar.
• Important factors affecting boiling time are-
• T he ratio betw een the volum e o f the boiling pan an d its effective heating surface
• T he h eat conducting properties of th e boiling m ixture,
• T he te m p e ra tu re o f the heating surface a
• T he steam pressure. I
• During the process o f boiling, part o f the m oisture content o f the boiling mixture is
• T he la rg e r th e batch in the boiling pansin relation to the heating surface, the longer
is the boiling time. !:
• T he jam bo iler’s safest control to determ ine th e end p o in t is th e w eight of the
finished p ro d u c t and its soluble solid content (R auch, 1965).
- 17 -

Pua Ming Yee, Rosnah Shamsudin, Azman Hamzah and JohariEndan,2011. K inetic Studies
on C ooking o f Pineapple B akery Jam . American Journal o f Food Technology, 6: 594-603.

In th e ir study, they revealed the following effects:


• The reaction order o f pineapple b ak ery ja m cooking a n d activation o f cooking

process were examined.
• T he effects o f cooking tem p eratu re, stirrin g speed an d b a tch volum e on the
cooking ra te o f pineapple b ak ery ja m w ere investigated.
• T he m ost suitable te m p e ratu re fo r cooking pineapple b ak ery ja m w as determined
in order to produce the pineapple bakery jam with high cooking ra te an d th e colour
and flavour w ill be accepted by public.
• Earlier researchers have determined the degree o f cooking by using different
techniques (Chakkaravarthi et al., 2008). Morris (2004) and Rauch (1965) stated
thatthe to tal soluble solids of ja m w ere m easured from tim e to tim e to determ ine
the end p o in t of cooking.
• The to tal soluble solids will be increased from time to time as them oisturc
content o f pineapple juice is evaporated d u rin g ja m cooking process.
• The total soluble solids must be 72 o r above fo r b ak ery ja m in order to form a
stiffer ja m (S treet, 1991).
• In th e ir study, cooking rate was assumed to follow the first-o rd e r chem ical

T otal Soluble Solid (TSS): j

• Total soluble solid (TSS) or °Brix o f pineapple bakery jam were examined with a
D igital ABBA re fra c to m e ter (Model AR-2008, Kruss, Germany).
• The jam was placed on the equipment and the reading was recorded.
• The Brix° o f jam was started to measure after the pulp inside the Ezy Cooker
achieved the required cooking temperature.
• The cooked jam wasmeasured in every 2 m in until B rix0 achieve the desired value.
• Each measurement was repeated th rice and th e average value o f these replications
were calculated. .
• Cooking rate o f pineapple bakery jam followed the equation o f a first-o rd e r
chem ical reaction.
• The rate constant increased with cooking te m p e ratu re and stirrin g speed, but
decreased with increasing batch volum e. ,
• The cooking temperature o f 100°C caused highest cooking1ra te , b u t th e ja m was
b u rn t a t heating surface, thus, the d a rk e r colour an d caram el favour were resulted
in the jam.
• The recommended temperature for cooking pineapple b ak ery jam w as 90°C in
o rd e r to p roduce ja m in high ra te and th e colour an d fav o u r will be acceptable by
- 18-
• The effects o f temperature, stirring speed and batch volume on cooking rate constant
were investigated to provide a guideline and reference for designing a better jam
cooker in aspect o f h e a t tra n sp o rta tio n and h ig h er cooking rate.
• Cooking rate o f pineapple bakery jam was investigated and the effect o f cooking
temperature, stirring speed and batch volume on rate constant was examined.
• The linear relationship between the logarithmic total soluble solids gain ratios o f
cooked jam and the cooking time showed that the cooking rate followed the equation
o f first-order chemical reaction. ■
• In the study, the cooking rates were increased with cooking temperature and stirring
speed, but it decreased with increasing batch volume.
• The activation energy o f cooking process was 42.49 kJ mol"1.
• The recommended cooking temperature for cooking o f pineapple bakery jam w as
90°C as the jam was burnt on the surface o f the cooker and undesirable caramel
flavour was resulted at cooking te m p e ratu re o f 100°C.
• Present investigation o f cooking rate constant will be useful in designing more
efficient jam cookers with higher ratio o f effective heating surface to batch volume of
fruit pulp.

C haracteristics:

• Jam is a product made by boiling fruit pulp w ith sufficient sugar is a

reasonable thick, consistency, firm, enough to hold the fruit tissue in position.
• Jam contains about 68.5% o f TSS, 45 % o f fruit pulp and 0.5-0.6 % o f acid.


Pineapple pulp -1 kg '

Sugar -1 kg
Citric acid -5g


• After removing crown, peel and eyes, cut sound portions o f fruits into small pieces.
• Crush thoroughly and obtain a uniform mass. j
• Add equal quantity o f sugar by weight to the prepared fruit pulp.
• Allow it to stand for 14- 1 hour. Cook the mixture slowly and then jam reaches the
medium thickness.
• Add citric acid o f 5g / kg o f fruit pulp.
• Cook till mass approaches jam consistency, it is checked by sheet or flake test.
• Which is carried out by taking a small portion o f jam during boiling and allow it to
• If the jam falls o ff in the firm oil sheet. ,,
19- -

• The doneness o f the jam can be determined, then flame is turn off and colour
essence are added.
• Fill the hot jam in a clean dry ja r and allow to cool, close the containers and store in
a cool dry place.

O bservation:


Pineapple pulp 640 m l '' [

Sugar 640 g '

Citric acid 3.2 g

Colour 1 pinch
Essence 1 ml 1

Volume o f finished 720jg
Cost Rs. Rs.105/

M arket Price Latest



No. of judges (n-7) stores ' Mean

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9

Colour 9 ' 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

Appearance 9 8 9 8 9 9 ■ 9 9

Flavour 9 8 8 9 8 8 , 9 8
Texture 7 7 7 7 7 8 'i 8 7

Taste 9 9 8 8 9 8 , 9 8

Overall 8 7 8 8 8 9 9 8
- 20-

Result& Discussion:

• The quantity of jam obtained was about 720 g from 640 g o f pineapple pulp.
• The cost production o f prepared jam was about Rs. 105 and it was lower than market
price Rs. 120/500 g.
• The standard international sale price Rs.l 10/500 g.
• Hedonic scale organoleptic evaluation was carried out.
• The colour and appearance obtained a score of 9 and for flavour, taste and overall
acceptability of score was 8.
• The score obtained for consistency was 7 as the product was little bit thicker than
normal product.


Scientifically comment on the quality attributes o f the prepared product with

supportive studies.

Activity: Prepare Pineapple Jam/Apple Jam/Jackfruit Jam/Mixed fruit Jams/Jams with other
indigenous fruits/different types of Jams with seasonal fruits

Do the organoleptic studies .Do quote more nutritional &health benefits studies for different
types of Jams, Calculate their cost. Compare it with market prices. Do substantiate your
inference with more scientific studies.
- 21-


•> Bartholomew, D., R.E. Pauli and K. Rohrbach, 2003. The Pineapple: Botany,
Production and Uses. CABI Publication, Cambridge, MA, USA.
❖ Cauvain, S.P. and L.S. Young, 2006. Baked Products Science: Technology and
Practice. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK.
•I* Chakkaravarthi, A., S. Lakshmi, R. Subramanian and V.M. Hegde, 2008. Kinetics o f
cooking unsoaked and presoaked rice. J. Food Eng., 84: 181-186.
❖ CrossRef | Coultate, T.P., 1992. Food, the Chemistry o f Its Components. 2nd Edn.,
Royal Society o f Chemistry, Cambridge CB4 4WF, pp: 325.
❖ Jackson, E.B., 1995. Sugar Confectionary Manufacture. 2nd Edn., Blackie Academic
and Professional, London, UK.
❖ Jones, G., J. McAughtrie and K. Cunningham, 1997. The Technology o f Cake
Making: Sugars. 6th Edn., Blackie Academic and Professional, Landon.
❖ Manley, D.J.R., 2001. Biscuit, Cracker and Cookie Recipes for the Food Industry.
Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge.
❖ Mayhew, M., 2008. Jams, Jellies and Marmalades: Step-by-step Recipes for Home
Preserving. AnnessPlushing Ltd., London.
❖ Morris, T.N., 2004. Principles o f Fruit Preservation: Jam Making, Canning and
Drying. 2nd Edn.,Agrobios, Jodhpur.
❖ Rauch, G.H., 1965. Jam Manufacture. Leonard Hill Books, London.
♦> Santanu, B., U.S. Shivhare and G.S.V. Raghavan, 2007. Time dependent rheological
characteristics o f pineapple jam . Int. J. Food Eng., 3: 1-10.
❖ Street, C.A., 1991. Flour Confectionery Manufacture. VCH Publishers, New York.
❖ Troller, J. and J.H.B. Christian, 1978. Water Activity and Food. Academic Press, Nev
York, Pages: 216.
❖ Home Scale Processing and preservation o f fruits and vegetables,by Central Food
Technological Research Institute (Mysore) ,2008.(Refer the latest version)
❖ Principles o f Food Science part 2: physical principles o f food preservation by Karel
M.1978 (Refer the latest)
*> Laboratory manual in Food Preservation by Fields M L-1998.(Refer the latest version}
❖ Pineapple: an Industrial profile by Central Food Technological Research Institute
(Mysore) 1985 (Refer the latest version)
❖ Modem Food preservation by Me Williams M & Paine H. 1994(Refer the latest
❖ Food processing and preservation by Subbulakshmi G, 2001 (Refer the latest version)
❖ Nutritional Evaluation o f food processing by Harris R S, 1987(Refer the latest
- 22-




• Drying is the oldest method o f preserving food.

• Dried foods such as dates, apricot, com, apple slices, currants, grapes, peaches, spices,
herbs, fish and meat are quite common in international markets.

• Compared with other methods, drying is quite simple.

• Most of the equipments may be on hand.

- 23-

• Dried foods keep well because the moisture content is very low that spoiling
organisms cannot grow. 1

• Drying will never replace canning and freezing since these methods do a better job o f
retaining the taste, appearance, and nutritive value o f fresh food.

• Drying is an excellent way to preserve foods that can add variety to meals and
provide delicious, nutritious snacks.

• One o f the biggest advantages o f dried foods is that they take m uch lessstorage space
than canned or frozen foods.
• Recommended methods for canning and freezing have been; determined by research
and widespread experience.

• Home drying does not have firmly established procedures.

• Food can be dried several ways, for example, by the sun if the air is hot and dry
enough, or in an oven or dryer if the climate is humid.

• Drying foods at home is becoming popular again, since the cost o f the commercially
dried products are high.

• Drying is not difficult, but it does take time and a lot o f attention.

• There are different drying methods, the guidelines remain the same.

• Solar drying is a popular and very inexpensive method. ]

• Dependable solar dehydration o f foods requires 3 to 5 consecutive days when the

temperature is 95° F and the humidity is very low.

• Drying food in the oven o f a kitchen range, can be very expensive.

• In an electric oven, drying food has been found to be nine to twelve times as costly as
canning it. Food dehydrators are less expensive to operate but are only useful for a
few months o f the year. 1

• A convection oven can be the most economical investment if the proper model is

- 24-

• A convection oven that has a controllable temperature starting at 120° F and a

continuous operation feature rather than a timer-controlled one.



• For a good-quality product, vegetables and fruits must be prepared for drying as soon
as possible after harvesting.

• They should be blanched, cooled, and laid out to dry without delay.

• Foods should be dried rapidly, but not so fast that the outside becomes hard before
the moisture inside has a chance to evaporate.

• Drying must not be interrupted. ■


• Once you start drying the food, don't let it cool down in order to start drying again

• Mould and other spoilage organisms can grow on partly dried food.


• During the first part o f the drying process, the air temperature can be relatively high,
that is, 150° to 160° F (65° to 70°C), so that moisture can evaporate quickly from the

• Food loses heat during rapid evaporation, the air temperature can be high without
increasing the temperature o f the food.

• Surface moisture is lost (the outside begins to feel dry) and the rate o f evaporation
slows down, the food warms up. !

• The air temperature m ust then be reduced to about 140° F (60° C).

• Toward the end o f the drying process the food can scorch easily, so you m ust watch it

• Each fruit and vegetable has a critical temperature above which a scorched taste
• The temperature should be high enough to evaporate moisture from the food, but not
high enough to cook the food. '

• Carefully follow directions for regulating temperatures.

H um idity an d V entilation

• Rapid dehydration is desirable.

• The higher the temperature and the lower the humidity, the more rapid the rate o f
dehydration will be.

• Humid air slows down evaporation.

• Keep this in mind if you plan to dry food on hot, muggy summer days.

• If drying takes place too fast, however, "case hardening" will occur.

• This means that the cells on the outside o f the pieces o f food give up moisture faster
than the cells on the inside. j

• The surface becomes hard, preventing the escape o f moisture from the inside.

• Moisture in the food escapes by evaporating into the air.

• Trapped'air soon takes on as much moisture as it can hold, and then drying can no
longer take place. I

• For this reason, be sure the ventilation around your oven or in your food dryer is

U niform D rying '

• Drying the food evenly takes a little extra effort and attention.

• Stirring the pieces o f food frequently and shifting the racks in the oven or dryer are
essential because heat is not the same in all parts o f the dryer.

• For the best results, spread thin layers o f uniformly-sized pieces o f food on the drying
- 26-


• Dried fruits are a good source o f energy because they contain concentrated fruit

• Fruits also contain a rather large amount o f vitamins and minerals.

• The drying process, however, destroys some o f the vitamins, especially A and C.

• Exposing fruit to sulphur before drying helps retain vitamins A and C. Sulphur
destroys thiamine, one o f the B vitamins, but fruit is not an important source of
thiamine anyway. .

• Many dried fruits are rich in riboflavin and iron.

• Vegetables are a good source o f minerals and the B vitamins thiamine, riboflavin, and

• Both fruits and vegetables provide useful amounts o f the fibre (bulk) we need.

• Save the water used for soaking or cooking dried foods because this nutrient-rich
water can be used in recipes to make soups, sauces, and gravy.


• Many kinds o f fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, meat, and fish can be dried.

• Its’ a good idea to experiment first by drying a small quantity in the oven.

• Fruits are easier to dry than vegetables because moisture evaporates more easily, and
not as much moisture must be removed for the product to keep.

• Ripe apples, berries, cherries, peaches, apricots, and pears are practical to dry.

• Peas, com, peppers, zucchini, okra, onions, and green beans are usually dried.

• It is a waste o f time and energy to dry vegetables such as carrots that can be kept for
several months in a cool, dry basement or cellar.
- 27-

• Fresh herbs o f all types are suitable for drying.

• The parts o f the plant to dry vary, but leaves, seeds, or blossoms usually give the best

• Lean meats such as beef, lamb, and venison can be dried for jerky.

• Fish also is excellent when dried.

• Certain foods are not suitable for drying because o f their high moisture content.
Lettuce, melons, and cucumbers are a few foods that do not dry well.


• Don't be surprised to find a variety o f suggestions for drying methods, temperatures,

and lengths o f time. ,

• The drying process is simply not as precise as canning and freezing because it
involves so many different factors.

• Need to use a trial and error approach to find what suits the best.

• Whichevermethod we adopt, be sure to remove enough moisture from the final

product so that spoilage causing organisms cannot grow

W hen you dry foods, rem em ber the following:

• Cleanliness and sanitation are essential. ,

• The flavour o f dried fruits and vegetables will be somewhat'different from that o f
their fresh, canned, or frozen counterparts.
• Different methods can be divided into 3.
• Sun-drying methods
• Solar sun-drying
• Oven dehydrating

Electric dehydrating, while using apricots and tomatoes as an example, as they are the
most favoured dried fruits at international level.

M ethod 1: S olar sun-drying

Solar sun drying is viable for those living in 100 0 F (38 0 C) and relatively low humidity.
- 28 -


Select only good quality fruits. For eg. Tomatoes, preferably large tomatoes, should be
washed and cut lengthwise into pieces about 1/6 inch thick.

Wash the fruits thoroughly to remove the dirt and lingering pesticides from the skin.
Eg.Apricots.Pit the apricots and cut them into equal-sized pieces (in quarters or halves).

To dry the fruits at relatively equal rate,cut the fruit uniformily.

2. Treatment

• Tomatoes can be dried as it is.

• Variations can be made by adding salt or red wine or red yinegar.


• Add Vitamin Cas ascorbic acid bath or a dip made w ith 2tbsp o f ascorbic acid (5gm
o f crushed vitamin C tablet in 1000 ml water).

• Apples,pears, apricots requires blanching before dehydration.

3. Lay out

• Cookie sheets and silpat mats (premium non-stick silicone baking Mat) can be used
for drying apricots and tomatoes.

• Make the best use o f direct sun light on the roof, back yard between 11 a.m. to 3
p.m when vitamin D production is at its highest which is proved to be beneficial
especially for women with osteoporosis.

4. Wait
• Time taken for each fruits differs. For eg.Tomatoes and apricots take different
amounts o f tim e to dry in the sun.

• Fruits get dried off between two to four days. Fruits should be turned once a day for
equal drying.

• Keep the fruits in the sheets indoors to avoid the effect o f clew or sudden down fall
in temperature.

5. Check for Doneness and Store

• Dehydrated products o f tomatoes and apricots should be dry and wrinkled but not
stiff like raisins.

• The final product should be o f a pliable texture but not leathery.

• Tom open the dried fruit and if there is moisture still inside the fruit, keep it again
in the sun for dehydration.

• Store the dehydrated fruits in airtight containers.

Method 2: Oven dehydrating

• This method requires an oven.

• This method also requires the oven to be on for an extended period o f time.

• Do it only when you are at home to avoid burning.

1. Follow all the steps discussed above until step 3

2. Lay out

• Lay the prepared apricots or tomato slices out on the wire racks and place them on
top o f a cookie sheet.

• No two fruits should touch one another. Set the oven temperature to the lowest
setting or to 145-150° F (63 0 C or 6 6 0 C), and put the sheet into the oven.

3. Wait

• Allow the fruits to cook for 10 to 20 hours in a closed oven.

• Keep rotating them every once in a while and check them.'

- 30-

• In order to dry the product fast, increase the temperature to 200°F (93 0 C) and
watch them closely.
4. Check for Doneness and Store I

• Follow the aforementioned directions, once again checking for the right texture and
storing in an airtight container.

Method 3: Electric Dehydrating

• In this method- the intimidating-to-amateurs commercial dehydrator is used.

• Constant watching is required in this method as compared to oven drying.

Follow all the steps discussed for the solar sun-drying method until step 3.

2. L ay out

• Uniform laying out o f the fruits is highly recommended in electric drying.

• Caution about the possible dangers or problems has to be taken care o f when you
place the fruits on the dehydrator’s racks.

• Follow strictly the instructions given in the manual.

3. Wait

• Dehydration is quick in an electric dehydrator than in oven and in solar dryers.

• Set the temperature 1400 F (60 0 C) for tomatoes and apricots and wait for 3- 8

4. Check for Doneness and Store

• Store in air tight containers.

• Prepare your own food with any methods adopted by you among which sun drying
is the simple, easy, customizable as compared to other methods.
- 31-

• Commercial sun-dried foods can have added preservatives, chemicals, or oils.

Food Dehydrating Equipment and Methods for Drying

- 32-


• A kitchen oven, drying trays or racks, and storage containers are the only basic
equipment needed.

• To dry large quantities of quality food, you may decide to buy or make a food dryer.

• For sun drying you need only racks and storage containers.

• For quality of uniform dried food products, the following equipment may be used..

• A food scale to weigh food before and after drying

• A thermometer to check the oven temperature
• A blancher for vegetables
• A sulphur box for fruit

Wood slats or stainless steel screen mesh are the best materials to use for the racks.

Cake racks or a wooden frame covered with cheesecloth or other loosely-woven cloth can
also be used for drying racks.

• Do not use solid metal trays or cookie sheets to dry food because air must
circulate all around the food so that drying can take place from the bottom and
the top at the same time.

For preparing dried meat - cut the meat into large and long strip (Jerky).
- 33-

Place it directly on the metal rack for dehydration.

• Do not use racks made o f galvanized screen, aluminium, copper, fibre glass, or
vinyl. Galvanized screen contains zinc and cadmium.

• These metals cause an acid reaction that forms harmful compounds and darkens
the food.

• Aluminium becomes discoloured and causes an off-flavour in sulphured fruit.

• Copper materials destroy vitamin C.

- 34-

• Fibre glass may leave dangerous splinters in the food, and vinyl melts at
temperatures used for drying.


Oven Drying

• Set the oven and preheat it to 140 0F (60 0 C).

• It is faster. Once the food trays are kept for dehydration.

• Check the temperature.

• Arrange 1/2 to 1 Kg of prepared food in a single layer on each tray.

- 35-

• Put one tray on each oven rack.

• Allow 1 Vi inches of space on the sides, front, and back of the trays so that air can
circulate all around them in the oven.
- 36-

Oven temperature should be 140°F (60° C).

Food Dryer

• It provides automatically controlled heat and ventilation.

• Temperature is usually lower (about 120° F or 50 BC.), so drying takes a little

longer than in an oven.

• Various types of food dryers are available in the market.

• The price varies with size, type of heating and other special features.

• An old refrigerator or icebox can be converted into a food dryer. Just be sure the
temperature is controlled and the ventilation is adequate.

• When using a dryer, preheat it to 125° F or 52° C.

• Place the food on trays and stack the trays in the dryer.
• Gradually increase the temperature to 140° F or 60° C.

• It takes 4 to 12 hours to dry fruits or vegetables in a dryer.

Sun Drying

• Uses heat from the Sun and natural movement of the air.

• Bright sun, low humidity, and temperatures around 100° F(38°C)are required

• Since this process is slow it requires attention.

• Protection is required for food from insects. So cover them in the night.

• Sun drying is not as sanitary as other methods of drying.

• Don't sun dry food if you live near a busy road or in an area where the air is not
- 38-

Use a natural-draft dryer. It traps heat from Sun.

It fasten the drying process.

It protects food from insects and birds.

• Place pieces of food on drying trays

• Cover them with a layer of cheesecloth or

netting to keep off dust and insects.

• Place the dryer in direct sunlight on a roof or high surface away from animals,
traffic exhaust, and dust.

• After the food is almost dry, put it in an airy, shady place to prevent scorching
during the final stage of drying.

• .Fruits and vegetables take 3 to 7 days to dry in the sun. The length of time
depends on the type of food and the atmospheric conditions. Natural heat is slower
and less dependable than controlled drying in an oven or food dryer.

- 40-


• For dried fruit that is naturally sweet and flavourful, be sure to start with good-quality

• Select fruit that is fresh, fully ripe, and sound andthe same quality you would choose
for table use. ■

• Sort and wash the fruit thoroughly.

• Discard any bruised or overripe pieces.

• Decay on one piece may give a bad flavour to the whole batch.

• Sanitation during the handling and drying process is very important.


Almost all kinds o f fruit need some treatment before drying.

• Apples are peeled, cored, and sliced. .

• Fruits with pits, such as peaches and apricots, are usually halved and pitted.

• Most fruits do not need to be peeled before drying. :

• The skins o f some fruits such as cherries are tough and waxy, so you will have to
"crack" the skins first.

• Fruit should be cut into uniform pieces or slices so that it will dry more evenly.

• Always remember that thin pieces dry faster than thick ones.

Procedure for Cracking Skins

Blueberries, cherries, grapes, plums, and a few other fruits have

relatively tough skins with a wax like coating.

The skin must be "cracked" or "checked" in many places to remove ^' - ' ' ‘
the waxy coating and to let the inside moisture come to the surface to *'
To crack the skin, put the fruit in-to boiling water for 30 to 60 seconds.

Then dip in very cold water.

Drain it thoroughly on absorbent towelling.

- 41-

Protecting Light-Colored Fruits

• Apples, peaches, pears, apricots, or other light-coloured fruits are cut and exposed to
the air, the flesh turns brown rapidly. ,
. I!.
• This darkening is caused by a chemical change called oxidation.

• If oxidation is not stopped, it will injure the texture, flavour, aroma, and appearance
o f the fruit.

W hile you are working with light-coloured fruits, treat

them with an antioxidant to keep them from turning
brown. i

M ix a small amount o f ascorbic acid (2 teaspoons for

apples and 1 teaspoon for other light-coloured fruit) in
1 cup o f water.

• Sprinkle the solution over the cut fruit as you are working. Stir lightly to coat all
pieces. This amount is enough for about 5 quarts o f frnit.
• Do not soak fruit in salt or vinegar water because this adds water to the fruit and
lengthens the drying time.

• Soaking also dissolves out some o f the water-soluble vitamins.

_ i

• The vinegar-salt solutions also tend to dull the colour o f the jfruit.

• The ascorbic acid coating is only a temporary treatment.

• For permanent, antidarkening action the fruit still needs to be specially treated before


• Sulphuring is the best antioxidant treatment for preserving colour.

• To keep fruit from discolouring expose it to sulphur immediately after preparing it.

• There are two methods o f sulphuring,each with its own advantages and disadvantages:
using (1) sulphur fumes or (2) a sulphite solution. .’
. !i .
• Sulphur fumes are more effective than sulphur solutions, but this method takes more
time and equipment.

• You need a wooden or cardboard box and wooden trays or screens covered with
- 42- .

Several o f the recommended references describe methods for making a sulphur box.
They also explain how to load and operate the box. ,

The sulphuring time for each type o f fruit is different, so check your references.

Fruits sulphured by this method should not be dried indoors because the odour o f the
fumes is unpleasant.

Take care since sulphur is irritating to the eyes and nose.

Soaking fruit in a sulphite solution is easy.

The piec.es o f fruit are, however, less thoroughly sulphured than they are by fumes.

Because o f the soaking involved, the fruit absorbs some water, so the drying time is

Fruit that is sulphured by this method may be dried indoors or out.

Method to p re p a re Sulphite Solution

Add 1 to 2 tablespoons o f sodium bisulphite to

1 gallon (3785.41 ml) o f water.

Mix thoroughly.

Soak the prepared fruit in the solution for 5 to

10 minutes.

Soak lighter fruit longer.

Use a weighted plate to keep the fruit submerged in the solution.

Drain the pieces o f fruit and then blot them dry on absorbent towelling.

Do not rinse the fruit in water. ' .

Start the drying procedure immediately.

Precautions ;
Sodium bisulphite is usually available at drug stores, winemakers' shops, and some
health food stores.

Use only p u re reag en t o r food-grade bisulphite.

Don't use practical-grade bisulphite because it is not pure enough for sulphuring fruit.

Do not use garden-dusting sulphur.

- 43-

Steam Blanching

• Steam blanching fruit is an alternative to sulphuring, but it is not as effective.

• More vitamins are lost and drying takes longer.

• For these reasons steam blanching is not recommended.


• Arrange pre-treated fruit in a single layer on the drying trays.

• Then place the trays in the oven or dryer.

• Be sure to stack the trays at least 1 14 inches apart.

• If you are drying juicy fruits such as apricots, cut them in h a lf and remove the pits.

• Then set the pieces on the racks with the cut side up.

• This way the flavourful juices will not drain out and be lost.j

• Very Thin pieces will take 6 hrs. Larger juicy fruits take 10 hrs.

• It becomes leathery.

• Cut a piece of dried fruit and make sure that there should be no moisture inside
the fruit.


• To prepare fruit "leathers," which are a tasty variation o f dried fruits-they are made by
pureeing almost any type of fruit, then spreading the puree on a cookie sheet or
similar tray to dry. 1
• Cover the cookie sheet with plastic wrap and pour the thick puree onto the sheet.
• Spread it out to form a layer only 14 inch deep.
• The fruit puree can be sweetened with honey or com syrup, and spices, nuts, or
coconut flakes can be sprinkled on top.
• Start with very little because the drying process will concentrate the flavours.
• Dry the puree until it is leatherlike and pliable but has no sticky spots.
• Fruit leathers make delicious snacks, treats, or gifts.
• They can be eaten as it is, or they can be reconstituted and used in many dishes.
• They w ill keep longest in the refrigerator or freezer.
- 44-

Uses of dried fruit

• Dried fruit may be eaten as it is.

• It is great for children's lunches, after-school snacks, or parties.

• Dried fruit can also be used in cookie or granola recipes or with breakfast cereal.

Reconstitution of dried fruit

• To use dried fruit in prepared dishes, reconstitute it first by soaking it in cool water
for about 2 hours, or until plump.

• Or pour boiling water over the fruit, just enough to cover, and simmer about 15
minutes, or until tender.

• Add more water if necessary. Do not overcook because the fruit will get mushy and
lose flavour.

• After the fruit has been reconstituted, it can be used in any recipe that calls for fresh,
canned or frozen fruit.

- 46-


• Vegetables can be dried successfully at home.

• Be sure start with fresh, mature produce.
• Harvest or buy on the amount you can dry at one time - 2 to 3 kg you plan to use your
• Wash all dirt off the vegetables and cut out any bad spots.
• Cut the vegetables into pieces of a suitable size.

• Keep in mind that thin pieces will dry faster than thick one.

• For example, French-cut green beans take less time dry than cross-cut beans.

BLANCHING: Alm ost all vegetables need to be blanched

(scalded in boiling w ater a short tim e before drying).

• Blanching stops the enzyme action, which drying cannot

- 47-

• I f vegetables are not blanched, enzymes w ill destroy the colour and flavour
during drying and storage.

• A few vegetables such as mushrooms, okra, and onions do need to be blanched before

• Blanching protects certain nutrients and reduce the drying time

• Some nutrient however, are lost during blanching in boiling water because they
dissolve into the water.

• Steam blanching takes more time, but fewer water-soluble nutrients a lost.

• To minimize the loss o f nutrients, blanch only for the required length o f time.

• But don't under blanch. The enzymes will not be inactivated, and the quality of
the dried vegetables w ill be inferior.

Blanch the cut pieces o f vegetables in a large amount o f


^ Follow the blanching times for freezing vegetable. Chill in ice

water or in cold running water the same length o f time
recommended for blanching.

Drain well and blot the pieces dry on paper towelling to

remove excess moisture.

• Save the water. It will add flavour and valuable nutrients to your soups, stews, and


• Spread the prepared vegetables in thin layers on the drying trays.

• Then stack the trays in the oven or dryer.

• Make sure to leave at least 1 inches between the trays so that the air can circulate
freely around them.

• If the trays are too close together, drying will take longer.

• Keep the oven temperature at 140°F( 60° C)

• Stir it every Vi an hour interval.

• Shift the trays around on the racks.

- 48-

• Vegetables take from 4 to 12 hours to dry.

• The length of time depends on the kind and amount o f food being dried, the
method you use (oven or food dryer), and the drying temperature.

• When sufficiently dry, the vegetables will be hard and brittle.

• You can test them by hitting a piece with a hammer, the piece should shatter.


• Mature beans, peas, and soybeans may be fully or partly dried on the vine.

• Carrots, turnips, parsnips, rutabagas, and potatoes are better stored fresh than dried.

• They can be kept for several months in a cellar or basement.

• Broccoli and asparagus are better frozen than dried because freezing helps preserve
their fresh flavour and texture.

• Combinations o f vegetables can be dried at the same time.

• Always remember that vegetables have different drying times, so some will be dry
before others.

• Vegetables with a strong odour should not be dried at the same time as other
vegetables because those with a m ild flavour may absorb the strong odour.

• Salad seasoning ingredients should be dried separately, then mixed and stored
together for delightful blends.

• A good m ix for salads m ight include tiny bits o f carrots, tomatoes, celery, onion,
spinach, green peppers, and parsley.

• Soup vegetables should always be dried separately.

• Home prepared combinations will be much cheaper than those available



• Reconstitute by soaking 1 cup o f dried vegetables in 2 cups o f water for about 2

• Add more water if necessary.
• Vegetables will return to almost their original size and shape.
- 49-

Reconstituted vegetables are tasty additions to stews, casseroles, and soups.

• The water you use for soaking and cooking contains valuable nutrients, so use it in
sauces and gravies.
• Vegetable mixes for seasoning salads should not be soaked.

• Simply combine the dried vegetables with the other salad ingredients and add your
favourite dressing.

Drying of Herbs

• The power of herbs -in the subtle flavours and aromas of herbs.
• Herbs and spices give zest to low Calorie foods.
• Herbs can enhance the taste o f a salt free diet or tasteless foods.
• A pinch o f rosemary or mint, oregano, thym e, sage, sweet basil, bay leaf, parsley, chives, dill,
cardam om , dove, cinnamon etc. for example, dropped into the w a ter th at potatoes or rice
are boiled in will give a delightful taste.


• Grow and diy a wide variety of herbs. Some that are especially popular are thyme,
tarragon, rosemary, mint, sage, sweet basil, bay leaf, parsley, marjoram, savoury,
oregano, chervil, chives, and dill.

• The foliage of these plants is attractive, and they give off a soft, pleasant fragrance. If
you plant your herb garden near the kitchen, you can enjoy the plants and harvest the
leaves easily as they reach the peak of quality. Young, tender leaves are more
flavourful and aromatic than older leaves.
- 50-


• Cut the stalks when the leaves are mature or the plants have just started to bloom.

• Use only the tender, lcaty tops and flower clusters.

• Discard the leaves below 6 inches from the top o f the stalk.

• They are not as pungent as the top leaves.

• Remove any dead or discoloured leaves.

• Rinse with cold water to wash off dust and dirt.

• Blot o ff excess moisture with paper towelling.

• When drying dill, harvest the plant as soon as the seeds are ripe.



For air drying, tie six to eight stems together in a small bunch.

Then tie a large brown paper bag around the bunch to protect the herbs from the

/t* Be sure the leaves do not touch the sides; otherwise, they may stick to the bag
i • \
L \ * * / and not dry properly.

Make several holes in the bag for ventilation.

• Hang it in a warm, dry, airy room or attic.

• Herbs will dry in 1 to 2 weeks.

• You can remove the leaves from the stems before drying,

• Place the leaves on a tray in a warm, dry, airy place away from direct sunlight.

• For best results, use a cloth-covered rack or an open mesh screen.

• Turn or stir the leaves occasionally to assure even drying.

• Herbs should not be sun dried because light destroys the natural aroma.

• A poor-quality product will result if the herbs are exposed to direct sunlight.
- 51 -


• For oven drying, place clean, fresh leaves in a single

layer on racks.
• There should be at least 1 inches around the racks and
between them so that the air can circulate freely.
• Use blocks o f wood to separate the trays.
• Set the oven on the very lowest setting and dry the herbs slowly.
• Keep the oven door propped open slightly for ventilation and to control the heat.
• Drying will be complete in 2 to 4 hours.

M icrowave Oven

• Place the herbs between paper towels and set them on the rack.

• Close the door and turn the oven on a medium setting for 2 to 3 minutes.

• Then check for dryness; the leaves should feel brittle and should crumble easily.

• If they are not done, turn the oven on for 30 seconds longer.

• Although this process actually cooks the herbs, the end product is just about the


When the leaves are dry, shake them from the stems and discard the stems.

Crush the leaves if desired.

But keep in mind that whole herbs retain their flavour longer than crushed or ground

Store dried herbs in small airtight containers away from the light.

Containers such as metal cans or tinted glass that exclude light are best.

Store it in a cool, dry, dark place.

Whole dried herbs retain their flavour and aroma up to one year.

A warm storage area may hasten the loss o f flavour.

A damp environment encourages caking, colour change, and infestation.

Close the containers tightly after each use so that the volatile oils are not lost.

Do not use old herbs.


• If you aren’t sure an herb is fresh, rub a bit o f it between your palms and breathe in
the aroma. If there is little or no aroma, replace the herb with a fresh supply.


• To release the full flavour, cut or chop the dried leaves into fine bits before adding to

• Or crush the leaves by rubbing them between your palms or by grinding them with a
mortar and pestle.

• For the best results, add herbs to the liquid in the recipe.

• Keep seasoning blends subtle.

• When combining herbs, use one having a pronounced flavour with two to four others
having a less pronounced flavour.

• All of the herbs in the following famous combinations can be grown and dried at
• Bouquetgami, bunches o f herbs and sometimes spices tied together or put into a
cheesecloth bag. The usual combination is celery leaves, onion, parsley, and thyme.
The combination varies for different dishes.
• Finest herbs, a mixture o f three or more herbs. Combinations used are (1) chervil,
chives, and parsley; or (2) basil, sage, and savoury.
• The amount to use depends on your taste preferences, the piquancy o f each herb, and
the effect it has on different foods.

• If you do not have a recipe, start with 1/4 teaspoon o f herb for X
A Kg o f meat or pint o f
sauce, and increase as desired.

• If the recipe calls for fresh herbs, you can substitute dried herbs.

• Use a fourth o f the recommended amount, for example, Va teaspoon o f dried herb
instead o f 1teaspoon o f fresh.

• Avoid using the same herbs in several dishes to be served at the same meal.

• The flavour o f an herb w ill be at its best if you add it to the recipe at the proper
time. Add herbs as follows:

• To soups and stews during the last lA hour o f cooking.

• The delicate flavour and aroma o f herbs can be lost by overcooking.
• To uncooked foods such as tomato juice cocktail 3 to 4 hours before serving, or even
overnight, to release the full flavour o f the herb.
• To quickly cooked dishes or sauces as soon as you begin cooking the food.

• To draw out more flavour, barely moisten herbs with a little lemon juice, water,
cooking oil, or other liquid suitable for the food you are preparing, and let stand for 10
minutes or more before using.
• Herbs may be used to flavour vinegar, mustard, and butter.

• Choose your favourite herbs to add variety to these everyday ingredients, following
the recommended steps.

• Use whole spices and herbs for beverages and pickles.

• Leaving whole spices in pickles can cause unsightly darkening,

• Tie herbs and whole spices in a small square o f cheesecloth so that they can be
removed easily before serving.

• This will also prevent seasoning specks in the finished product.

• The same method can be used when whole spices and herbs are added to other foods.

SukUS smI

Drop a few leaves into Essential in poultry

Use in tomato and egg
stewing chicken, fish seasoning. Use with
dishes, stews, vegetables,
chowder, tomato soup, onion for stuffing pork,
meats, soups, and salads.
and com chowder. duck, and goose. Rub
Add a touch to hamburgers,
Remove the leaves powdered leaves on
noodles, and salad dressings.
before serving. pork loin and ham.
Attractive as a garnish
Add a pinch to poultry, Use as a substitute for
with soups, vegetable
meats, egg dishes, onion. Sprinkle as a
salads, meats, and poultry.
poultry stuffing, soups, garnish over vegetables,
Good as a seasoning with
potato salad, creamed baked potatoes, meats,
almost any vegetable or
potatoes, and green beans. and soups.
meat dish.

? *

Delicious in pizzas or other

Italian dishes, chili, meat
3t %
Blend with parsley and
butter, and spread on
loaf, veal dressings, and bean, chicken breasts and thighs
Usually blended with other
herbs. Leaves can be used
with meat, poultry stuffing,
tomato, or lentil soups. Gives when roasting. Add sparingly
gravies, soups, egg and cheese
a flair to sour cream served to creamed soups, poultry,
dishes, vegetables, and seafood.
over sliced tomatoes. stews, and sauces.



• Drying, smoking, and salting were the only methods of preserving meat for thousands
of years.

• In cold countries people dried much of their meat because they could not cany a fresh
supply when traveling across the country.

• Today, dried meat, more commonly known as jerky, is usually prepared in an oven
instead of being dried in the sun as it was years ago.

• Jerky is a popular snack. It is sold almost anywhere that carries snack foods - from
grocery stores to gas stations.

• It is a favourite with campers, hikers, and hunters because it is compact, lightweight,

and keeps a long time.

• But jerky has value as a convenient backpacking food and as a nutritious snack food.


• Any lean meat can be dried.

• Beef and venison are especially good; fish and poultry dry well, too.

• Be sure to use fresh, lean meat and cut off all fat and connective tissue.

• Fat becomes rancid easily and will spoil the dried meat.

• Partly freezing the meat before cutting makes it easy to slice.

• Slice with the grain into long, thin, even strips.

• Slice with the grain instead o f crosswise makes the jerky chewy and less brittle.

• The strips should be about 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick, 1 to 1 !4 inches wide, and 4 to 12
inches long.

• Thin slices o f meat will dry faster than thick ones.

• Any wild game meat should be frozen for at least 30 days to lower the chances o f
trichinosis infection by killing parasite larvae.

Meat may be dried as is, or it may be seasoned to suit your own

taste. Salt and pepper are the basic ingredients.

In the drying method, however, salt is used only as a

seasoning, not as a preservative.

• It is crucial, therefore, that the oven temperature be maintained above 1 4 0 0 F(60°C).to

prevent spoilage during the drying process. Keep in mind that too much seasoning
will overpower the meat flavour.

• Place seasoned meat in a crockery, glass, or stainless steel bowl or pan, and cover.
Marinate the meat overnight or for about 12 hours in the refrigerator at 40 °F (4 °C).

The marinade recipe on the following page makes delicious jerky.

M arinade Recipe


Lean meat - 2 14 Kg

Soy sauce- Vi cup

Worchestershire sauce -2tbsp

Pepper, garlic powder, ground g in g er-14 tsp each

Hickory smoke-flavoured salt (optional)-2tsp

M ethod

• M ix m arin ad e in g red ien ts in a bow l.


• Add strips o f meat and stir to coat all surfaces.

• Cover and reirigerate overnight.

• Remove strips, blot off excess moisture.

• The flavour o f jerky can be varied by marinating the strips in mixtures such as
teriyaki sauce, sweet and sour sauce, hot chili sauce, or your own favourite

• Or you may simply coat the meat with the marinade.

• T he m arinade should not contain oil because oil w ill becom e rancid and
spoil the meat,

• For full flavour allow enough time for the seasoning to be absorbed into the
meat (about 12 hours).


Oven Drying

• Arrange the seasoned strips o f meat on cake racks or

directly on oven racks.

• The edges o f the strips may touch, but they should

not overlap.

• Leave space at the edges o f the racks so that air can circulate around the meat as it

• Set the oven on the lowest possible temperature and maintain at about 140 °F to

150 °F. (60° C to 65° C.).Use an oven thermometer to check the temperature.

• To prevent the meat from sticking to the racks, turn the strips over every hour or so.

• Keep the oven door slightly ajar to allow the moist air to escape and to control the
oven temperature.

• An electric fan placed in front o f the oven door will help the air circulate and shorten
the drying time.

• When drying marinated meat, you may need to line the bottom o f the oven with
aluminium foil to catch the drippings. Oven drying takes from 10 to 12 hours.

Drying in a Food D ryer

• Use a food dryer for making jerky.

• Place the slices o f meat on the racks.
• Put a piece o f aluminium foil below the bottom rack if necessary to catch the
• Leave 1 inches o f space around the foil to allow hot air to rise from the heating unit.
Turn the strips o f meat over occasionally to keep them from sticking to the rack.
• Do not dry seasoned meat at the same time you are drying other foods in the dryer
because the meat will give a strong odour to the other foods.

• This is also true if you are drying meat in the oven.

• Making jerky in the food dryer will take a little longer than in the oven because the
temperature is usually slightly lower.

Sm okehouse D rying I

• If you have a smokehouse, you can use it for making jerky.

• Lay seasoned strips o f meat on racks or hang them from the ceiling o f the

• Starting temperature should be 80° F(27 °C.)} then it should be increased gradually to
120° F(49 °C)

• Smoke the jerky until it is the desired texture (24 to 48 hours).

• Use any hardwood such as hickory or oak for smoking.

• Do not use pine, fir, or conifers because the resin (sap) bum s and creates an
undesirable sm oke.

• Put alum inium foil or a m etal tray under the m eat to catch the drippings.

• If you don't do this the drippings w ill bum and produce sm oke that gives the
meat an unpleasant flavour.
Air Drying

Meat strips can be air dried, but this requires very hot, dry weather.
' -I- Place strips on the grill of an outdoor barbecue.

Or string them on heavy string or fishing line and hang outside in a

sunny, airy place for several days.

Bring the meat indoors at night so that it doesn't absorb moisture.

Air drying is not as satisfactory as oven drying or smoking because the

temperature cannot be controlled.

• Also, the meat may be exposed to unsanitary conditions from dirt in the air.

• Outdoor drying may invite unwanted guests such as dogs, cats, wild animals, and

• In practical, cover the meat loosely with cheesecloth to prevent contamination.


• Let the meat get too hard and dry for your taste.
• -59-

• The jerky will spoil if it is not dried enough.

• The finished product is dark brown or almost black and feels hard and dry.
• Test a piece by bending it.
• It should break like a green twig -not snap clean like a dry stick.
• Be sure to let the jerky cool before testing.
• Because when it is warm, it will still be pliable no matter how dry it is.
• The final product will be about Vi of the original weight.


• As soon as the meat is sufficiently dried, remove the racks from the oven or dryer and
pat off any beads o f melted fat that may have formed.

• Let the jerky cool first, then take it off the racks.

• Store in clean, airtight glass, crockery, or metal containers with tightfitting lids.

• Pack tightly to remove as much air as possible, but do not crush.

• Store in a cool, dry place such as the pantiy, basement, or kitchen cupboards.lt will
last almost indefinitely, it starts to lose its flavour after a few months.

Storing and Using Dried foods.


Testing for Dryness

• Many factors affect the length of time needed for drying foods: temperature, air
circulation, humidity, the kind of food being dried, the amount of food on a tray, the
size of the pieces of food, and the total amount of food in the oven or dryer.

• Pieces on the edges of the trays will dry faster than pieces in the centre.

• If slices are not all the same thickness, thin pieces will diy before the others. For these
reasons you must test samples of the food from each batch you dry.

• Test only a few pieces at a time.

• Cool the pieces before testing.

• Warm food will feel soft and moist even when it is dry.

• Remove the pieces of food from the tray

• Test for dryness.

• Return the rest of the food to the oven or dryer until drying is complete.

• When you think the food is dry, there are several ways you can test it to be sure.

• Test fruit by squeezing a handful.

• If the pieces o f fruit spring apart and there is no moisture left on your hand when you
open it, then drying is complete.

• To double check, cut through a piece o f fruit

• There should be no moisture on the inside.

• Dried fruit should be pliable and leathery.

• Oven drying takes as little as 6 hours to more than 10


• Vegetables will be hard and brittle when completely


• Dried piece will shatter when hit with a hammer.

Exceptions are mushrooms, green peppers, and
squash; they will be pliable and leathery. Vegetables
usually dry in 4 to 12 hours.

• Herbs require 2 to 3 days' drying time when air dried and 2 to 3 hours if dried in the

• Herbs are dried when they are brittle and the leaves can be easily crushed.

• Dried jerky is dark brown to black.

• To test for dryness, bend a piece.

• It should bend like a green twig, not break apart completely like a dry stick.

• There should be no moisture inside.

C onditioning

• Evenly drying o f all the pieces o f food are very hard.

• Some pieces will be too dry and others will be not quite dry enough and it depends on
the size, location on the tray. Condition food so that the whole batch will be
uniformly dry.

• After the food is dried, cool it on the tray, then put the pieces o f food in a large closed
container such as a crock, a glass jar, or a coffee can.

• Make sure the food is cool, because it will sweat if it is put into the container while
still warm.

• Keep the container covered in a warm, dry, airy room.

• Stir the food once a day for a week to 10 days.

• Then package the pieces o f food in smaller airtight containers

and store.

• This conditioning allows the moisture from the underdried

pieces to be absorbed by the overdried pieces.

• If drops o f moisture appear on the sides or lid o f the

container, the food is not dry enough.

• Return it to the dryer and dry it some more.


• Dried food is sometimes contaminated by insects or moulds; which can cause


• Sulphuring fruit usually prevents this type o f contam ination.,

• After meat and vegetables have been dried, they can be pasteurized to make them

• It is especially important to pasteurize food dried outdoors, where it was probably


• To pasteurize, heat the oven to 175 0 F (80° C.).

• Set the pieces o f dried food in a single layer on a tray or cookie sheet.

• Heat in the oven with the door closed for 15 minutes.

• Remove from the oven and allow the food to cool before packaging.

• Alternatively, the dried food can be pasteurized by freezing it for 1 to 2 weeks and
then storing it.


• After the food has been thoroughly dried, cooled, conditioned, and pasteurized, you
can be sure o f its quality and safety if you store it properly. ;

Place dried food in moisture- and vapour proof containers with tight-fitting lids.

Glass jars, coffee cans, and freezer bags or cartons may be used. Containers that keep
out light are best.

If you use a coffee can, place sulphured fruit in a bag first to prevent contact o f the
fruit with the metal.

• The sulphurcan react with the metal and give an off-flavour to

the fruit.

It is best to package food in small quantities. Use pint-sized

containers or small plastic bags.

The bags should then be put into a large can or jar.

If food is stored in large quantities, the unused portion may become

contaminated each time you open the container.

Be sure to pack the food tightly.

- i
Force out as much air as possible from the package before closing it. But take care not
to crush the food.

All dried food deteriorates over a period o f time, but storing it in a cool, dry, dark
place will help to preserve the colour and flavour.

Kitchen cupboards or a pantry are good places if they don't get too hot.

A dry basement or a closet on the north side o f the house is also suitable.

Store dried food in the refrigerator or freezer if you have the space.

Once a package o f dried food is opened, it should be resealed tightly and if possible
stored in the refrigerator to prevent contamination and mould growth.

Properly dried and stored, vegetables and jerky will keep about 6 months, fruits and
herbs about a year.

As a safety measure, examine stored food occasionally.

If you find signs o f a little moisture but no spoilage, pasteurize the food.

If the food appears quite moist, repeat the drying process until thoroughly dry.

Remember to cool the pieces before repackaging.

A ny m ould grow th on the food, throw aw ay the entire batch. It's not safe.

Reconstitution of Dried Fruits

Dried Fruits

• Dried fruits make tasty snacks and are very handy for taking on camping or hiking

• Dried fruits can also be chopped up and used dry with breakfast cereal, granola, or

• Fruit can be reconstituted for use in recipes by pouring ju st enough boiling water over
it to cover and simmering it for 15 minutes.

■ Or pour cool water over it to cover, then soak for a few hours.

• Soak only until the fruit is plump because soaking too long makes the fruit mushy
and less flavourful.

■ To retain nutrients, cook the fruit in the same water used for, soaking.

• Most dried fruit needs no extra sugar because some o f the starch in the fruit turns to
sugar during the drying process.

• If you wish to sweeten the fruit, do so after cooking; otherwise the fruit will become

• Reconstituted fruit is especially good in cakes, pies, and other desserts. If the recipe
calls for water, use the water in which the fruit was soaked.

Dried V egetables

• When dried vegetables are reconstituted, they should become nearly the same size
they were when fresh.

• Add 1 to 2 cups o f water to 1 cup o f dried vegetables. Add m ore water later if

• Blanched dried vegetables should be soaked about 2 hours before cooking.

• Unblanched vegetables will take longer.

• Dried beans and peas can be soaked overnight or boiled 2 minutes and then soaked 1
hour before cooking.

• Dried vegetables taste best if used in soups, stews, or other1dishes cooked with liquid
and seasonings.

• The seasonings help to enhance the natural flavour o f the vegetables.


• To become a successful, creative cook, start using some o f the fine herbs such as .
sweet basil, marjoram, or summer savoury.

• But be miserly in your measure; herbs can easily overpower the flavour o f the food
they are used to season.

• You can make your own favourite blend of herbs for a variety of uses.

• A combination of marjoram, oregano, basil, and thyme used in equal parts is a good
basic blend for soups, stews, sauces, casseroles, and salads.

• Sage, savoury, and rosemary may be added to the blend for use with poultry, Italian
dishes, or other spicy foods. Adjust the amounts to suit your taste.

• Do not need to reconstitute herbs before using it.

• To substitute dried herbs for fresh herbs, use 1/4 teaspoon o f dried herbs for 1
teaspoon o f fresh.

Jerky makes a delicious snack or backpacking staple. Serve it as a party food for children or
at cocktail parties. Your guests will be delighted.
It is very interesting to learn more details about Drying Techniques.

R efer the references for more information.

D rying Techniques: Sun or solar drying / Freeze drying/ D rum (drying /Spray drying
Foam m at and vacuum b elt/ C onvection air & Superheated steam (tray, tunnel)
/O sm otic drying/ M icrow ave D rying Techniques / C om bination o f different techniques/
Vacuum - osm otic/ O sm otic - m icrow ave/ U ltrasound pre-treatm ent follow ed by
drying.Fluidized bed / Pulse com bustion / Jet zon e or im pingem ent D rying Foods
Outdoors /Sun D rying - Fruits safe to dry due to high acid and sugar content -
V egetables should n ot be dried outside.

They need constant tem perature & airflow - T em perature o f 30° C or higher for several
days with hum idity below 60% .

Cover to protect against insects/pests

D rying O utside-Solar D rying -N e e d to construct a dryer w ith panel(s) -

Need to stir and turn food several tim es a day -N e e d several days o f sun in a row

V ine D rying -

• Beans & Lentils Room Temperature

• Drying M ethod used mainly for herbs & hot peppers
• Strung on string or tied in bundles and suspended from overhead racks in air until dry


• Enclosed in paper bags with openings for air circulation

• Herbs can also be dried in the microwave oven dry

Dehydration Study - F or eg. B y A rm el et al 2015.(see the reference)

• Leafy vegetables are perishable plants foods which are subjected to postharvest
• Therefore, there is a need to develop preservation and processing methods in order to
extend their availability for consumers.
• This study aimed to evaluate the influence o f sun drying method on the nutritive and
antioxidant properties o f five leafy vegetables (Abelmoschusesculentus, Celosia
argentea, Ipomeabatatas, Manihotesculenta and Myrianthusarboreus) widely
consumed in W estern Cote d ’Ivoire.
# 11 #
• After 3 days o f drying the contents o f moisture, ash, crude fibres, proteins,
carbohydrates, oxalates and phytates ranged within the folloyving intervals: 3.8 1 -
- 68 -

• 7.94%, 4.69 - 9.23% , 26 .7 0 ^8 .4 4 % , 8.68-22.12% , 26 .4 6 - 47.78%,100 - 1261.2

mg/lOOg and 46.45 -66.96 mg/lOOg, respectively.
• The contents o f minerals at 3 days o f sun drying were: calcium (100.06- 231.35
mg/lOOg), magnesium (127.55-248.62 mg/lOOg), potassium (309.54-759.12
mg/lOOg), iron (17.61 -49.90 mg/lOOg) and zinc (9.57-16.8<| mg/lOOg).
• The registered losses o f carotenoids and vitamin C were estimated at 3 days sun
drying as follow: 62.64 - 100%and 58.41 - 100%, respectively.
• The total phenolic content o f the sun dried leafy vegetables increased (65.87 to 351.50
mg/lOOg) after 3 days o f sun drying and the same phenomenon was observed with
antioxidant activity (24.70 to 89.96%).
• A ll these results show ed that sun drying could be used as valu ab le m ethod for
preserving the nutritive potential o f leafy vegetables.

A IM :

To compare the sun dried and oven dried bitter gourd.


• Drying is a traditionally used preservation method.

• Drying accomplished by removal o f water, by different drying method that reduce
amount o f available water or moisture in food.
• Dehydration is removal o f water under controlled condition.
• Drying inhibits the growth o f bacteria, yeast and moulds which also extends the shelf
life o f pro duct.
• Dehydration o f fruit and vegetables is one o f the oldest forms o f food preservation
techniques known to m an and consists primarily o f establishments engaged in sun
drying or artificially dehydrating fruits and vegetables.
• Although food preservation is the primary reason for dehydration, dehydration of
fruits and vegetables also lowers the cost o f packaging, storing, and transportation by
reducing both the weight and volume o f the final product.
• Given the improvement in the quality o f dehydrated foods, along w ith the increased
focus on instant and convenience foods, the potential o f dehydrated fruits and
vegetables is greater than ever.
• Dried or dehydrated fruits and vegetables can be produced by a variety o f processes.
These processes differ primarily by the type o f drying method used, which depends on
the type o f food and the type o f characteristics o f the final product.
• In general, dried or dehydrated fruits and vegetables undergo the following process
• Redrying treatments, such as size selection, peeling, and colour preservation;
• Drying or dehydration, using natural or artificial methods
- 69 -
Post dehydration treatments, such as sweating, inspection, and packaging. Pre drying
Treatments —
Pre drying treatments prepare the raw product for drying or dehydration and include
raw product preparation and colour preservation.
Raw product preparation includes selection and sorting, washing, peeling (some fruits
and vegetables), cutting into the appropriate form, and blanching (for some fruits and
most vegetables).
Fruits and vegetables are selected; sorted according to size, maturity, and soundness;
and then washed to remove dust, dirt, insect matter, mould spores, plant parts, and
other material that might contaminate or affect the colour, aroma, or flavour o f the
fruit or vegetable.
Peeling or removal o f any undesirable parts follows washing.
The raw product can be peeled by hand, with lye or alkali solution, with dry caustic
and mild abrasion, with steam pressure, with high-pressure washers, or with flame
For fruits, only apples, pears, bananas, and pineapples are usually peeled before
Vegetables normally peeled include beets, carrots, parsnips, potatoes, onions, and
Prunes and grapes are dipped in an alkali solution to remove the natural waxy surface
coating which enhances the drying process.
Next, the product is cut into the appropriate shape or form (i.e., halves, wedges, slices,
cubes, nuggets, etc.), although some items, such as cherries and com, may by-pass
this operation.
Some fruits and vegetables are blanched by immersion in hot water (95 to 100 C
(203°F to 212° F) or exposure to steam.
The final step in the pre dehydration treatment is colour preservation, also known as
The majority o f fruits are treated with sulphur dioxide (SChjjfor its antioxidant and
preservative effects.
The presence o f SO 2 is very effective in retarding the browning o f fruits, which
occurs when the enzymes are not inactivated by the sufficiently high heat normally
used in drying.
In addition to preventing browning, SO 2 treatment reduces the destruction o f carotene
and ascorbic acid, which are the important nutrients for fruits.
Sulphuring dried fruits must be closely controlled so that enough sulphur is present to
maintain the physical and nutritional properties o f the product throughout its expected
shelf life, but not so large that it adversely affects flavour.


Bitter guard is used for this experiment. It is thoroughly washed and cut into slices. The total
quantity o f sliced bitter gourd is divided into fewer portions, one portion is dried under sun in
the normal temperature and one portion is dried under oven at 52° G for 16 hours. The initial
and final moisture content was determined.


„ , . Initial w eight o f m oisturised sample - Final w eight o f dried sample V1

ivioisiure ^ ^ ^ w eight oAf the sample1 U U


Description SUN drying ! Oven drying

Weight o f petridish alone 52.31 46.75

Weight o f petridish + sample 56.64 50.54

Weight o f the sample 4.33 3 J9

Weight o f petridish + sample after 52.55 146.9


Time taken for oven drying -15 hrs.

Time taken for Sun drying -20 hrs.

Moisture contents o f the sun drying % = 56.64 -52.55 x 100 divided by 56.64 = 7.22%
Moisture content o f Oven drying % = 50.54 —46.9 x 100 divided b ^ 50.54 = 7.20%


C haracteristics No. o f judges (n -^ stores M ean

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Colour 7 8 8 7 8 7 7 7

Appearance 7 8 8 7 8 7 7 7

Flavour 6 6 7 8 8 7 8 7

Texture 8 9 9 8 8 9 7 8

Taste 8 8 9 9 8 8 9 8

Overall 7 8 8 8 7 8 7 8

C haracteristics No. of judges (n-7) stores M ean

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Colour 7 6 6 7 8 7 7 7

Appearance 7 6 6 7 8 7 7 7

Flavour 6 6 7 8 8 7 8 7

Texture 8 8 9 9 8 8 9 8

Taste 7 8 8 9 8 8 8 8

Overall 7 8 7 8 7 7 8 7
RESU LTS:Based on Hedonic scale organoleptic evaluation has carried out which that the
colour and appearance was little very much same in sun drying. A low mean score was
obtained for product dried by using oven. This is due to the prolonged drying. The texture
and taste o f both oven dried and sun dried products were similar.

Activity: Dry different types o f fruits and vegetables or meat /fish or spices and condiments.

Do the organoleptic studies.Do quote more nutritional &health studies for all dried foods - its
merits & demerits. Do substantiate your inference with more studies.


*> Advances in fresh -c u t fruits and vegetables processing:food preservation technology

series by Bellose Olga M artin &Fortuny Robert Soliva (Refer the latest version)

❖ Advances in preservation and processing technologies o f fruits and vegetables by

Rajarathnam Somasundram.2001.(Refer the latest version)
❖ Effect o f Sun drying on nutritive and antioxidant properties o f leafy vegetables
consumed in western COTE D ’IVOIRE. Armel F. Zoro*, Lessoy T. Zoue, Niamkey J.
Adom and Sebastien L. Niamke Biotechnology Laboratory, Biosciences Faculty,
F61ix Houphouet-Boigny University,PO Box 582, Abidjan 22, Cote d’Ivoire. E-
mail:armelfabricezoro@ yahoo.fr Received:24,Aug,2015 Accepted:30,Sep,2015.
E xcellent For F u rth e r R eading R efer th e Latest versions:
❖ How to D ry Foods. DeLong, D. HP Books, Tucson, Arizona, 1979.
❖ How to D ry F ru its and V egetables a t Hom e. Food Editors. Farm journal,
Countryside Press, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1975.
❖ P u ttin g Food By. 3rd ed. Hertzberg, R., Vaughan, B., and Greene, J. Stephen
Greene Press, Brattleboro, Vermont, 1982 (Refer all the latest versions)

A dequate for fu rth e r R eading

❖ C anning, Freezing and D rying. Editors, Sunset Books and Sunset Magazine,

Lane Publishing Company, Menlo Park, California, 11975 (Refer the latest)

❖ Stocking Up. Editors. Organic Gardening and Farming, Rodale Press,

Emmaus, Pennsylvania, 1977 (Refer the latest)


❖ Circular: prepared by Judy Troftgruben, Extension Specialist, Foods and

Nutrition, and revised by Mary Keith, Assistant Professor, Foods and
Nutrition, and Extension Specialist, Foods, Cooperative Extension Service,
University o f Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. April, 1984.
❖ Issued in furtherance o f Cooperative Extension Work, Acts o f M ay 8 and June
30,1984, in cooperation with the U.S. Department o f Agriculture. WILLIAM
R. OSCHWALD, Director, Cooperative Extension Service, University o f
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.(Refer all the latest version)

The Illinois Cooperative Extension Service providesiequal opportunities in

programs and employment.IOM—4-84—58767— zmh

N.B. R efer th e latest version.

❖ Drying and Dehydration o f Fruits and Vegetables Rakesh Singh Department

o f Food Science and Technology The University o f Georgia Athens, GA, USA
Drying (D ehydration)- 1998.(Refer all the latest version)

Experiment No.5



T o m ake p in e a p p le sy ru p , cut up one whole, ripe p in e ap p le into chunks and place into a large glass
bowl. A dd 1 cup o f w hite sugar, stir to coat, cover with plastic w rap, and let sit in the refrigerator
overnight. The next day,make a 2:1 sim ple s y ru p with 1 cup o f sugar and 1/2 cup o f w ater and set

S y ru p is a p ro d u c t w h ic h c o n ta in at least 2 5 % total fruit juice and 6 5 % total solution

solids. It also contains 1.3 to 1.5 % acid.


P in e a p p le -1 k g

Sugar - 2 .6 k g

C itric a c id -2 0 g

W a te r -4 0 0 m l

C o lo u r - 1 p in c h

KMS -6 1 0 mg

Essence - 1ml


Remove the crown, peel and eyes o f the pineapple and cut into small pieces, crush thoroughly
and obtain a uniform mass. To this juice add sugar, citric acid and water. Heat the mixture
until the sugar is dissolved. Strain the mixture through a Muslim cloth. Add KMS at 610
mg/kg o f finished product. Add pineapple essence and lemon yellow colour and fill into
sterilized bottles and leaving ahead space o f 2.5 cm.





Pineapple juice 600 g

Sugar 1.5 kg

Citric acid 12 g

Pineapple essence 1 ml

Lemon yellow colour 1 pinch

Water 240 ml

KMS 3.66 mg


Total quantity o f syrup 1800 ml

Total cost Rs.125

Market price for 700 ml Rs.140



Characteristics No. of judges (n-7) stores Mean

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Colour 8 9 8 8 9 9 9 9

Appearance 8 9 8 8 9 9 9 9

Flavour 7 8 8 7 8 7 8 8

Consistency 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 8

Taste 9 8 9 9 8 9 9 9

Overall 8 8 8 8 9 8 9 8

For 600 g o f pineapple juice, the final quantity of syrup obtained is 1800 ml. The cost for
pine apple syrup with 700 ml is around Rs. 125 and the market price of pineapple syrup is
Rs. 140/700 ml. Based on organoleptic qualities the pineapple syrup colour, appearance, taste,
consistency and overall acceptability were highly acceptable with an average score of 8.


Do prepare different types o f fruits Syrups.

Do the organoleptic studies.

Do the cost analysis.

Do the quality analysis

Do quote more nutritional& health studies different fruit syrups

Do substantiate your inference with more scientific studies.


❖ Handbook o f Food Preservation by M.Shafiur Rahman,New York, 1999, World

wide Web http:// www.dekker.com ,ISBN:0-8247-0209-3.(Refer the la te st)
❖ Preservation o f Fruits and Vegetables by Giridhari Lal,G. Siddappa & G.L.
Tandon,1998. (Refer the latest edition)
❖ Post - harvest Management and Processing o f Fruits and Vegetables by NS
Rathore, G K M athur & SS Chasta,ICAR, New Delhi, July 2012.
❖ Fruits and vegetables preservation by Ramesh Chand,2001 .(Refer the latest
❖ Handling and preservation o f fruits and vegetables by combined methods for rural
areas technical manual by Canovas Gustavo V.et.al, 1998.(Refer the latest
❖ Technology o f food Preservation by Desrosier NW ,2008(Refer the latest version)

Experiment No.6



Ready to serve (RTS) beverage are consumed as such without dilution. This belongs to the
category of non-alcoholic and carbonated beverage. Fruit juice are used for this products.

The RTS beverage belongs as per FSSAI and less than 10% total soluble solids and acid.

RTS are popular and regular in use due to longer shelf life and less losses of nutrients during
the processing.


Pineapple juice - 125 g

Sugar - 150 g

Water -725 ml

Citric acid - 0.63 g


Essence - 1 ml

Colour - 0.2 g


• Remove the inedible portion o f the pineapple and cut into small pieces.
• It is then grind and filter it by using Muslim cloth.
• Add sugar, citric acid, water and heat until sugar is dissolved.
• Strain the sugar solution through Muslim cloth and mix with pineapple juice.
• Add lemon yellow colour and essence.
• Add 70 ppm KMS if it is to be preserved for 1-2 months.
• Heat the beverages to 90°C.
• Fill hot into clean, warm and sterilized narrow mouth bottles.





SUGAR 240 g




WATER 1160 ml

Cost analysis:


TOTAL COST 260/1500ml

COST FOR 200ml Rs.8/200 ml

MARKET PRICE Rs. 10/200 ml



C haracteristics No. of, udges (n-7) scores M ean

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Colour 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 9

Appearance 8 9 8 8 8 8 9 8

Flavour 9 9 8 9 8 9 9 9

Consistency 8 9 8 9 9 8 9 9

Taste 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

Overall 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

Good quality RTS was prepared using fresh pineapple and organoleptic evaluation was
conducted.The mean score obtained for the appearance o f RTS prepared was 8. The colour,
flavour, consistency, taste and overall acceptability obtained mean score is 9.

The quantity o f the RTS obtained was 1500ml from200 ml o f juice. The cost o f RTS for 1500
ml is around Rs.8/200ml and the market price is around Rs. 10/200 ml.


Do prepare different types o f RTS.

Do the organoleptic studies.

Do the cost analysis.

Do the quality analysis

Do quote more nutritional & health studies different RTS

Do substantiate your inference with more scientific studies.


❖ Preservation o f Fruits and Vegetables by GiridhariLal,G. Siddappa& G.L.

Tandon,1998. Refer the latest edition
❖ Post -harvest Management and Processing o f Fruits and Vegetables by NS
Rathore, G K Mathur & SS ChastaJCAR, New Delhi,July 2012.
❖ Home scale processing and preservation o f fruits and vegetables by

Experiment No.7



Mango fruit bar is a product prepared by mixing mango pulp with calculated amount of sugar
and other ingredients, spreading on trays and drying in a drier until the moisture level is
reduced to the required level. The dried sheet is cut into suitable size and packs it.

According to the FSSAI specification, the moisture content of the product should not be more
than 20%. Total soluble solid should not be less than 75%. The fruit contents should not be
less than 25%.


Mango pulp -1 kg

Sugar -200g

KMS -2.5 g

Citric acid -2 g

Butter -5 g


❖ Wash the mango and remove inedible portions and cut into small pieces.
♦I* Blend the mangoes in a blender without using any water to have a thick pulp.
❖ To this pulp add sugar and mix thoroughly, until sugar is dissolved and add citric acid
and KMS to the pulp.
❖ Pour this pulp into greased pan and dry it an oven at the temperature o f 50° C.
❖ After drying, the layers are cut into small bars.
Q uality o f ingredients used for the preparation o f M ango Bar.

Mango pulp 900 g

Sugar 180 g

KMS 2.25g

Citric acid 1.8 g

Butter 4.5 g
C haracteristics No. o f judges (n-7) stores M ean
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Colour 9 9 9 9 9 8 9 9

Appearance 9 8 8 9 8 8 9 8

Flavour 8 9 9 8 8 8 8 8

Consistency 8 7 5 6 7 6 7 7

Taste 8 8 8 9 9 8 9 8

Overall 8 8 8 8 8 7 8 8

Organoleptic evaluation was conducted for mango bar based on the mean score. The
colour o f mango bar prepared was 9 (like extremely). The mean score o f the
consistency was 7 (like moderately). The appearance, flavour, taste and overall
acceptability was obtained as a mean score 8 (like very much).

Cost A nalysis
Quantity o f Mango bar obtained was about 340 g from 200 g o f pulp.
The cost for 340 g is around Rs.80/340 g.

The market price is around Rs.65/200 g.

Activity :Do prepare different types o f Fruit Bars.

Do the organoleptic studies.

Do the cost analysis.

Do the quality analysis

Do quote more nutritional & health studies different Fruit Bars

Do substantiate your inference with more scientific studies.


❖ Handbook o f Food Preservation by M.Shafiur Rahman,New York, 1999,

World wide Web http:// www.dekker.com ,ISBN:0-8247-0209-3.(refer the
latest Version)
❖ Preservation o f Fruits and Vegetables by Giridhari Lal,G. Siddappa& G.L.
Tandon,1998. (Refer the latest edition)
Post -harvest Management and Processing o f Fruits and Vegetables by NS
Rathore.G K M athur & SS Chasta,ICAR, New Delhi, July 2012.
Home scale processing and preservation o f fruits and vegetables by
CFTRI,2012 (Refer the latest version)
Food Preservation V. 1 by FAO ,1998(Refer the latest version)
Freezing preservation of foods V.4 by Tressier D K ,1998,(Refer the latest
Food Processing Industries by Suresh Chand, 1998.(Refer the latest version)
Nutritional Evaluation o f Food processing by Harris R.S.2007.(Refer the latest

Experiment No.8



Preservation of foods in common salt or in vinegar are known as pickling. It is one of the
ancient method of preserving fruits and vegetables. Pickle are good appetizers and added to
the palatability of meal. This will stimulate the flow of gastric juice and helps in digestion.

Pickles are prepared with salt, vinegar, oil or mixture of salt, oil, spices and vinegar.


Nutmeg rind - 15 nos. (500 g)

Kashmiri chilli powder -150 g

Ginger -50 g

Garlic -50 g

Vinegar -150 ml

Gingerly oil -200 ml


Mustard -1 tsp

Fenugreek - Vz tsp

Turmeric powder - Vz tsp

Curry leaves -2 spike

Asafoetida -1 pinch

Sugar -2 tsp

Salt - 7.5 g


❖ Remove the outer peel & nutmeg rind and cut into small pieces.
❖ Sprinkle about 7.5gsalt to the nutmeg rind and keep aside for 10-15 minutes.

Total quantity = 500 g
Cost for 500 g = Rs.85/500g
Market price for500g = Rs. 90/500 g
Characteristics No. o f judges (n-7) stores Mean
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Colour 8 8 8 9 8 9 8 8

Appearance 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 8

Flavour 8 8 9 9 9 9 8 8

Consistency 9 8 9 9 8 9 8 9

Taste 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9

Overall 8 8 9 9 8 9 8 9

❖ Saute the nutmeg in oil and keep aside

❖ In the same oil fry ginger and garlic and keep aside.
•J* To the oil ltsp Mustard after cracking, sim the flame and add turmeric
powder, chilli powder, sugar and other ingredients, Add fried ginger, garlic,
nutmeg rind in to the mixture o f above prepared ingredients.
Based on organoleptic qualities o f nutmeg pickle, the mean score o f colour
and appearance was 8 (like very much). The consistency, flavour, taste and
overall acceptability obtained as a mean score o f 9 (like extremely).

The quantity o f nutmeg pickle obtained about 500 g from 500 g o f nutmeg
The cost o f 500 g is around Rs.85/500 g. Market price is around Rs.90/500 g.


• Do prepare different types o f Pickles.

• Do the organoleptic studies.
• Do the cost analysis.
• Do the quality analysis
• Do quote more nutritional & health studies different pickles
• Do substantiate your inference with more scientific studies.


• Handbook o f Food Preservation by M.Shafiur Rahman,New York, 1999,

World wide Web http:// www.dekker.com ,ISBN:0-8247-0209-3.
• Preservation o f Fruits and Vegetables by Giridhari Lal,G. Siddappa& G.L.
Tandon,1998. Refer the latest edition
*X* Post -harvest Management and Processing o f Fruits and Vegetables by NS
Rathore,G.K Mathur& SS Chasta, ICAR, New Delhi, July 2012.
• Advances in fresh -c u t fruits and vegetables processing : food preservation
technology series by Belloso Olga Martin & Fortuny Robert Soliva.(Refer
latest version)

Charcutiere sauce is made with mustard and comichons. This sauce is pungent and flavorful.
When served with pork, the sharpness of the sauce introduces a counterpoint flavour, cutting
the meat’s richness and providing a contrast that is pleasing but not startling to the palate.

The sauce brings out the pork’s flavor but might overwhelm a more delicate meat like veal. A
sauce that includes a flavor complementary to a food enhances the flavor of that food.
Tarragon heightens the mild sweetness o f poultry. A pungent green peppercorn sauce
highlights the rich flavor of beef by deepening and enriching the overall taste.

Sauce add moisture or succulence

A sauce can add moisture to naturally lean foods (e.g., poultry or fish) or when using cooking
techniques that tend to have a drying effect, such as grilling or sauteing. Grilled foods are
frequently served with a warm butter emulsion sauce like beamaise, with compound butter,
or with salsa or chutney. Beurreblanc is often served with shallow-poached lean white fish to
add a bit of succulence to the dish.

Sauce add visual interest

A sauce can enhance a dish’s appearance by adding luster and sheen. Lightly coating a
sauteed medallion of lamb with a jus lie creates a glossy finish on the lamb, giving the entire
plate more eye appeal. Pooling a red pepper coulis beneath a grilled swordfish steak gives the
dish a degree of visual excitement by adding an element of color.

Experiment No.9



In cooking a sauce is a liquid, cream, or semi-solid food served on or used in preparing other
foods. Sauces are not normally consumed by themselves; they add flavour, moisture, and
visual appeal to a dish. Sauce is a French word taken from the Latin salsa, meaning salted.

Most sauces have more than one function in a dish. A sauce that adds a counterpoint flavor,
for example, may also introduce textural and visual appeal. Sauces generally serve one or
more of the following purposes.

Sauces introduce complementary or counterpoint flavours

Sauces that are classically paired with particular foods illustrate this function. Supreme sauce
is based on a reduction of chicken veloute with chicken stock and finished with cream. This
ivory colored sauce has a deep chicken flavor and a velvety texture. When served with
chicken, the color and flavor of the sauce complement the delicate meat and help intensify its
flavor. The cream in the sauce rounds out the flavors.

Sauce a d ju st tex tu re
Many sauces include a garnish that adds texture to the finished dish. A sauce finished with
tomatoes and mushrooms enhances Chicken Chasseur, while a smooth sauce adds a textural
contrast to pan-fried soft-shell crab.

In the culinary arts, the term "m other sauce” refers to any one o f five basic sauces, which
are the starting points for making various secondary sauces or "small sauces." They're called
m other sauces because each one is like the head o f its own unique family o f sauces.

• The 5 F ren ch M o th er Sauces:

Bechamel. This .is roux whisked with milk or other dairy to make a white sauce.
Veloute A veloute is a light roux whisked with chicken, turkey, fish or any other clear sto ck ..
Espagnole. Sauce espagnole is a basic brown sauce. ...
Sauce Tomato.
Bechamel, Espagnole, Hollandaise, Mayonnaise, Tomato Sauce, and Veloute are the mother
sauces of French cuisine.... Fresh Mayonnaise is a mother sauce, processed Mayonnaise, not so
much. Mayonnaise is a thick sauce made primarily from vegetable oil and egg yolks.Sauces are
generally thinner and contain more solids (minimum 30%). Tomato, apple, pineapple, walnut
are used for making sauces.

Tomato sauce is made from strained tomato juice or pulp and spices, salt, sugar and vinegar
with or without onion or garlic and contains not less than 25% o f total solids.


Tomato pulp -1 k g

Sugar - 60 g

Salt -10 g

Chilli powder -1 g

Masala powder -5 g

Pepper powder -0.5 g

Onion (chopped) - 50 g

Garlic chopped) -1 0 g

Vinegar - 50 ml

Sodium benzoate - 0.025g


M ethod:

Select uniform ripped tomatoes and wash thoroughly, blanch the tomatoes in hot
water until the skin cracks. All o f that tomatoes are put in to cold water
Remove the outer skin, cut into small piece and make into pulp using blender.
Prepare a spice bag w ith onion, garlic, curry leaves, coarsely grinded pepper,
cardamom, cinnamon, and tied closely in a Muslim cloth. Put into the pulp.
Prepare the sauce till it reaches the consistency in between pressing the spice bag.

O bservation: Accurate Ingredients used for preparation o f Sauce:

Tomato pulp -900 g
Sugar -54 g
Salt -9 g
Chilli powder -0.9 g
M asala powder -4.5 g
Onion -45 g
Pepper powder -0.4 g
Garlic -9 g
Vinegar -45 ml
Sodium benzoate -0.022 g

Total quantity = 400 g
Total cost =Rs.95/400 g
Cost for 200g =Rs.48/200 g
Market price = R s.51/200 g
C haracteristics No. of judges (n-7) stores M ean
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Colour 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

Appearance 9 8 9 8 8 8 8 8

Flavour 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

Consistency 9 9 9 9 9 8 9 9

Taste 9 8 8 9 9 8 9 9

Overall 9 8 8 9 8 8 8 8
> Heat the pulp in a low flame and add sugar (1/3"*) and spice bag. Crush the
spice bag to extract the flavour of spices.
> Continue cooking till the pulp volume is reduced to l/3rdportion.
> Remove the spice bag and squeeze to get spices extracts and add vinegar, salt
and remaining sugar. Mix well and heat again.
> Dissolve sodium benzoate in a little amount of water and add to the product
and mix thoroughly.
> Fill into sterilized narrow mouthed bottle up to brim and store in cool and dry

Based on organoleptic qualities of tomato sauce the mean score for colour,
consistency and taste was 9 (like extremely). The appearance, flavour and
overall acceptability obtained a mean score 8 (like very much).
The quantity of sauce obtained was 1100 g from 900 g of pulp. The cost for
400 g is around Rs.95/400 g and market price is Rs.51/200 g.


Do prepare different types of Sauces.

Do the organoleptic studies.

Do the cost analysis.

Do the quality analysis


Do quote more nutritional & health studies different Sauces

Do substantiate your inference with more scientific studies.


❖ Handbook o f Food Preservation by M.Shafiur Rahman,N ew York, 1999,

World wide Web http:// www.dekker.com ,ISBN:0-8247-0209-3.(Refer the
latest version)
*1* Preservation o f Fruits and Vegetables by Giridhari Lal,G. Siddappa& G.L.
Tandon,1998. (Refer the latest version)
❖ Post -harvest Management and Processing o f Fruits and Vegetables by NS
Rathore,G.K M athur & SS Chasta, ICAR, New Delhi, July 2012.
❖ Home scale processing and preservation o f fruits and vegetables by
CFTRI,2012 (Refer the latest version)
♦> Food Preservation V .l by FAO ,I998(Refer the latest version)
•I* Freezing preservation o f foods V.4 by Tressier D K ,1998,(Refer the latest
❖ Food Processing Industries by Suresh Chand, 1998.(Refer the latest version)
❖ Nutritional Evaluation o f Food processing by Harris R.S.2007,(Refer the latest
Experiment No. 10

Preparation of Grape wine.

In tr o d u c tio n : Wine making is a natural process that requires little human

intervention, but each winemaker guides the process through different techniques.

Types of white wine grapes

• Riesling. (Rees-ling)
• Gewiirztraminer. (Gah-vurtz-tra-meener) A very aromatic variety.
• Chardonnay. (Shar-doe-nay) Chardonnay was the most popular white grape
through the 1990's.
• Sauvignon blanc. (So-vee-nyon Blah)
• Syrah.
• Merlot.
• C abernet sauvignon.
• Pinot noir.
- 95-

Typ es of wine
Here is a quick reference to the most popular wine varieties and how to pair
wine with food. This page describes the different types o f wine per district
and variety names (riesling, pinot noir, etc.). It does not describe the styles o f
wines by colour, sweetness, or fizz. The repartition o f wine types in a cellar is
suggested in the buying guide.

Please find here below basic varietal descriptions and pronunciations, tasting
terms, plus suggestions on pairing the wines with food.

A v a rie ty is the type of grape. It is written here with a lower-case initial. If only one variety is
mentioned on the bottle label, then the wine is called v a r ie ta l and is named after the grape
with a capital initial (Riesling, Pinot Noir, etc.). A varietal wine primarily shows the fruit: the
grape variety dominates the wine flavour.

Typ es of white wine grapes


(Rees-1 ing)

Food-wine pairing: dry versions go well with fish, chicken and

pork dishes.

Districts: the classic German grape of the Rhine and Mosel, riesling
grows in all wine districts. Germany’s great Rieslings are usually Old Vine o f
made slightly sweet, with steely acidity for balance. Riesling from
Alsace and the Eastern USA is also excellent, though usually made
in a different style, equally aromatic but typically drier (not sweet).
California Rieslings are much less successful, usually sweet and lacking in acidity for

Typical taste in varietal wine: Riesling wines are much lighter than Chardonnay wines. The
aromas generally include fresh apples. The riesling variety expresses itself very differently
depending on the district and the winemaking. Rieslings should taste fresh. If they do, then
they might also prove tastier and tastier as they age.

G e w iir z tr a m in e r

(Gah-vurtz-tra-meener) A very aromatic variety.

Food-wine pairing: ideal for sipping and with Asian food,

pork and grilled sausages.

Districts: best-known in Alsace, Germany, the USA West

Coast, and New York.

Typical taste in varietal wine: fruity flavours with aromas of

rose petal, peach, lychee, and allspice. A

Gewurztraminer often appears not as refreshing as other kinds
of dry whites.


Chardonnay vine

(Shar-doe-nay) Chardonnay was the most popular white grape through the 1990’s. It can be
made sparkling or still.

Food-wine pairing: it is a good choice for fish and chicken dishes.

Districts: chardonnay makes the principle white wine of Burgundy (France), where it
originated. Chardonnay is grown with success in most viti cultural areas under a variety of
climatic conditions.

T ypical taste in varietal wine: often wider-bodied (and more velvety) than other types of
dry whites, with rich citrus (lemon, grapefruit) flavours. Fermenting in new oak barrels adds
a buttery tone (vanilla, toast, coconut, toffee). Tasting a USD 15 Californian Chardonnay
- 91 -

should give citrus fruit flavours, hints of melon, vanilla, some toasty character and some
creaminess. Burgundy whites can taste very different.

Sauvignon blanc

Sauvignon blanc
(So-vee-nyon Blah)

Food-wine pairing: a versatile food wine for seafood, poultry, and salads.

Districts: New Zealand produces some excellent Sauvignon Blancs. Some Australian
Sauvignon Blancs, grown in warmer areas, tends to be flat and lack fruit qualities. O f French
origin, sauvignon blanc is grown in the Bordeaux district where it is blended with semillon. It
is also grown extensively in the upper Loire valley where it is made as a varietal wine.

Typical taste in varietal wine: generally lighter than Chardonnay — Sauvignon blanc
normally shows a herbal character suggesting bell pepper or freshly mown grass. The
dominating flavours range from sour green fruits of apple, pear and gooseberry through to
tropical fruits of melon, mango and blackcurrant. Quality unoaked Sauvignon Blancs will
display smoky qualities; they require bright aromas and a strong acid finish; they are best
grown in cool climates..

Types of red wine grapes


Syrah vine picture

(Sah-ra or Shi-raz) Shiraz or syrah are two names for the same variety. Europe vine growers
and winemakers only use the name syrah.

F o od -w in e pairing: meat (steak, beef, wild game, stews, etc.)

Districts: syrah excels in France’s Rhone Valley, California and Australia.

Typical taste in varietal wine: aromas and flavours of wild black-fruit (such as
blackcurrant), with overtones of black pepper spice and roasting meat. The abundance of fruit
sensations is often complemented by warm alcohol and gripping tannins.

Toffee notes if present come not from the fruit but from the wine having rested in oak barrels.

The shiraz variety gives hearty, spicy reds. While shiraz is used to produce many average
wines it can produce some o f the world’s finest, deepest, and darkest reds with intense
flavours and excellent longevity. You’ll discover Syrahs o f value and elegance by reading
my reviews of French wines.


Merlot vine picture

(Mer-lo) Easy to drink. Its softness has made it an "introducing" wine for new red-wine

F ood -w ine pairing: any will do.

D istr ic ts: a key player in the Bordeaux blend, merlot is now also grown on the US West

Coast, Australia, and other countries.


Typical taste in varietal wine: black-cherry and herbal flavours are typical. The texture is
round but a middle palate gap is common.

Cabernet sauvignon

Cabernet sauvignon
(Ka-ber-nay So-vee-nyon) Widely accepted as one o f the world’s best varieties. Cabernet
sauvignon is often blended with cabernet franc and merlot. It usually undergoes oak

F o od -w in e pairing! best with simply prepared red meat.

Districts: cabernet sauvignon is planted wherever red wine grapes grow except in the
Northern fringes such as Germany. It is part of the great red Medoc wines of France, and
among the finest reds in Australia, California and Chile.

Typical taste in varietal wine: full-bodied, but firm and gripping when young. With age,
rich currant qualities change to that of pencil box. Bell pepper notes remain.

Vanilla notes if present come not from the fruit but from the oak treatment. They increase
review ratings but may overwhelm the varietal taste.

Another article deals with the health benefits o f polyphenols.


Pinot noir

(Pee-no Nwar) One of the noblest red wine grapes — difficult to grow,
rarely blended, with no roughness.

Food-wine pairing: excellent with grilled salmon, chicken, lamb and

Japanese dishes.

Districts: makes the great reds o f Burgundy in France, and good wines
from Austria, California, Oregon, and New Zealand.

Pinot noir
Typical taste in varietal wine: very unlike Cabernet Sauvignon. The
structure is delicate and fresh. The tannins are very soft; this is related to the low level
of polyphenols. The aromatics are very fruity (cherry, strawberry, plum), often with notes of
tea-leaf, damp earth, or worn leather.

Yet pinot noir is very transparent to the place where it is grown. The staggering range of
wines produced makes it pointless to define which personality is the best expression of the


making has been around

for thousands of years. It is not only an art but also a science. Wine making is a natural
process that requires little human intervention, but each wine maker guides the process
through different techniques. In general, there are five basic components of the wine making
process: harvesting, crushing and pressing, fermentation, clarification, and aging and bottling.
Wine makers typically follow these five steps but add variations and deviations along the way
to make their wine unique.
H arvesting
Harvesting is the first step in the wine making process and an important part o f ensuring
delicious wine. Grapes are the only fruit that have the necessary acids, esters, and tannins to
consistently make natural and stable wine. Tannins are textural elements that make the wine
dry and add bitterness and astringency to the wine.

The moment the grapes are picked determines the acidity, sweetness, and flavour o f the wine.
Determining when to harvest requires a touch o f science along w ith old fashioned tasting.
The acidity and sweetness o f the grapes should be in perfect balance, but harvesting also
heavily depends on the weather.

Harvesting can be done by hand or mechanically. Many wine makers prefer to harvest by
hand because mechanical harvesting can be tough on the grapes and the vineyard. Once the
grapes are taken to the winery, they are sorted into bunches, and rotten or under ripe grapes
are removed. i

C rushing and Pressing

After the grapes are sorted, they are ready to be de-stemmed and crushed. For many years,
men and women did this manually by stomping the grapes with their feet. Nowadays, most
wine makers perform this mechanically. Mechanical presses stomp or trod the grapes into
what is called must. M ust is simply freshly pressed grape juice that contains the skins, seeds,
and solids. Mechanical pressing has brought tremendous sanitary gain as well as increased
the longevity and quality o f the wine.

For white wine, the wine maker will quickly crush and press the grapes in order to separate
the juice from the skins, seeds, and solids. This is to prevent unwanted colour and tannins
from leaching into the wine. Red wine, on the other hand, is left in contact with the skins to
acquire flavour, colour, and additional tannins.

Ferm entation
After crushing and pressing, fermentation comes into play. M ust (or juice) can begin
fermenting naturally within 6-12 hours when aided with wild yeasts in the air. However,
many wine makers intervene and add a commercial cultured yeast to ensure consistency and
predict the end result.

Fermentation continues until all o f the sugar is converted into alcohol and dry wine is
produced. To create a sweet wine, wine makers will sometimes stop the process before all o f
the sugar is converted. Fermentation can take anywhere from 10 days to one month or more.

Once fermentation is complete, clarification begins. Clarification is the process in which
solids such as dead yeast cells, tannins, and proteins are removed. W ine is transferred or
“racked” into a different vessel such as an oak barrel or a stainless steel tank. Wine can then
be clarified through fining or filtration.

Fining occurs when substances are added to the wine to clarify it. For example, a wine maker
might add a substance such as clay that the unwanted particles will adhere to. This will force
them to the bottom o f the tank. Filtration occurs by using a filter to capture the larger
particles in the wine. The clarified wine is then racked into another vessel and prepared for
bottling or future aging.

A ging and B ottling

Aging and bottling is the final stage o f the wine making process. A wine maker has two
options: bottle the wine right away or give the wine additional aging. Further aging can be
done in the bottles, stainless steel tanks, or oak barrels. Aging the wine in oak barrels will
produce a smoother, rounder, and more vanilla flavoured wine. It also increases wine’s
exposure to oxygen while it ages, which decreases tannin and helps the wine reach its optimal
fruitiness. Steel tanks are commonly used for zesty white wines.After aging, wines are bottled
with either a cork or a screw cap, depending on the wine m aker’s preference.

Wine is one o f the oldest alcoholic beverages. It is a fermented alcoholic beverage
produced by fermentation o f fruits juice using yeast.
C6 H12 0 6 = Yeast/Anaerobic condition 2 C2 H5 OH + C 02.
Wine generally denotes fermented product from grape wine. Other fruits wines
prepared from fruits like pineapple wine, Plantain wine, Pear wine, Plum wine, Jack
fruit wine etc.From vegetables too wines are made. Eg. Beetroot wine.
G rape W ine
Grapes ' -1 kg
Sugar -1 kg
Boiled and cooled water -1 litre
Yeast -5g
P rocedure:
Remove stalk o f grapes, wash the grapes thoroughly in water and wipe out moisture
present on grapes with a clean cloth. Crush the grapes with a ladle. Arrange grape and
sugar in alternate layers in a earthen pot and add water, yeast, crushed spices, wet &
crushed wheat etc. Close air tight and keep it for 21 days. Shake the contents daily.
After 21 days, strain and bottle the wine and seal it in air tight and store in a clean dry
place (dark room).

Total quantity produced 1800 ml
Total Cost =Rs. 135
Market price = Rs.230.


C haracteristics No. of judges (n-7] stores M ean
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Colour 7 4 5 7 7 , 7 6 7

Appearance 7 5 6 6 7 7 7 7

Flavour 8 8 8 9 8 7 8 8

Consistency 7 7 7 6 7 6 “ 17 7

Taste 9 8 9 9 9 8 9 9

Overall 8 7 7 8 7 7 8 8
Based on Organoleptic qualities o f Grape wine, the mean score for colour, appearance
and con o f wine obtained was pale hence the obtained score is 7.
The colour o f wine obtained was pale, hence organoleptic score was low.
Poor colour o f wine was due to the presence o f many immature fruits. For the flavour
and overall acceptability obtained score is 8. Flavour was good due to the production
of alcohol contents. The taste o f the grapes wine with mean score was 9.
C ost analysis
The quantity o f grapes wine obtained was 1800 ml.
The cost o f production was Rs. 135
Market price for 1 litre wine was Rs.230.
Activity: 1

Do prepare different types o f Wine using different fruits and vegetables.

Do the organoleptic studies.


Do the cost analysis.

Do the quality analysis

Do quote more nutritional & health studies different Wines

Do substantiate your inference with more scientific studies.

❖ Handbook of Food Preservation by M. Shafiur Rahman, New York, 1999,
World wide
♦I* Web http:// www.dekker.com, ISBN :0-8247-0209-3.
•I* Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables by Giridhari Lal,G. Siddappa& G.L.

Tandon, 1998. Refer the latest edition

❖ Post -harvest Management and Processing of Fruits and Vegetables by NS

❖ Rathore,G.K. Mathur & SS ChastaJCAR, New Delhi.July 2012.
Myers on November 14,2014 in Blog Post
❖ Hom e scale processing and preservation o f fruits and vegetables by CFTRI, M ysore,
❖ R efer the latest versions. Enzymes in food and beverage processing by Angelo A.J.
and Ory R .L., 2008. C ocktails- Encyclopaedia- refer latest version.

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