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Calling 5 Health Protocols Discipline for Preventing COVID-19 to Our Mind

Hello, everyone. Before we begin, let me introduce myself briefly. My name is Mutiara Riska Olanda and
I am an electrical engineering student at Institut Technology of Purwokerto. In this video, I am going to
be talking about “5 health protocols discipline for preventing COVID-19” to you for fulfilling my English

It’s been 2 years and as we know COVID-19 pandemic is not over yet. Many of us feel anxious, paranoid,
or panic and there are some who disbelieve in the virus that currently haunts us. We need to keep doing
our activities by staying alert and keep following the government's health protocols to stay safe and
protected during this pandemic. The best prevention of Covid-19 is to take care of ourselves and to keep
our closest ones safe. While the pandemic is not yet over, we’re still obliged to implement health
protocols. In order to remain vigilant in carrying out this obligation, let’s refresh our memories regarding
the Covid-19 prevention.

The National Police of the Republic of Indonesia continues to campaign for health protocols to the public
such as wearing masks, maintaining distance, washing hands, staying away from crowds, and reducing
mobility. Through the social media account, Instagram @divisihumaspolri, Twitter @divhumas_polri,
and Facebook the Police Public Relations Division continue to make appeals regarding the application of
health protocol discipline in order to break the chain of the spread of Covid-19. In our country, this
health protocol is known as 5M.

1. Wear a mask
At the start of the coronavirus pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) said that the use of
masks was only recommended for sick people, not healthy people. However, the SARS-CoV-2 type of
coronavirus that is rampant to date has made health protocols subject to change over time.
Sometime after the WHO policy above, WHO finally issued an appeal for everyone (whether healthy
or sick) to always wear a mask when doing activities outside the home. This WHO policy was also
emphasized by President Joko Widodo. Although it looks trivial and common, some people still
neglect to use masks. Wearing masks is very important to protect your body from viruses. By
wearing a mask, we can reduce the risk of spreading the virus, and even break the chain of virus
2. Hand Wash
Washing hands regularly is one of the most effective health protocols to prevent transmission of the
coronavirus. Always wash your hands after covering the nose when coughing or sneezing, after
touching objects, receiving packages, pressing the elevator button, shopping, taking money, and any
other surface contacts. If there is no soap and water nearby, use a hand sanitizer to eliminate germs
from your hands. Hence, don't forget to always carry your own hand sanitizer and soap in your bag.
3. Keeping Physical Distance
Another health protocol that needs to be adhered to is social distancing. Do yourq work and
activities require you to leave your house every day? If so, protect yourself by always keeping a
distance of at least 1-2 meters from surrounding people. Likewise, when you have to shop or eat in
public areas, make sure you keep your distance to avoid physical contact with surrounding people to
reduce virus transmission through droplets when people talk, sneeze, and cough.
4. Avoid Crowded Places
In addition to the three things I mentioned before, staying away from crowds is a health protocol
that must also be done. According to the Indonesian Ministry of Health, people are asked to stay
away from crowds when outside their homes. The usual crowd examples are social gathering
activities, wedding invitations, demonstrations, group meetings, hangouts at cafes or malls, etc.
Remember, the more and often you meet people, the higher the chance of getting infected with the
coronavirus. So, always keep yourself safe and protected by staying away from crowded places.
5. Reducing Mobilization and Interaction
The virus that causes corona can be anywhere. So, the more time you spend outdoors, the higher
your exposure to this nasty virus will be. Therefore, if there is no urgent need, stay at home. It's
better not to go out, including visiting neighbors’ houses or other relatives. Even though it feels safe
because we know the person well, it doesn't mean they are COVID-free. According to the Ministry of
Health, even though you are healthy and there are no symptoms of illness, it does not mean that
you will return home with the same condition. Because the coronavirus can spread and infect
someone quickly.

So, are we not allowed to do any activities? Of course, we can. As long as we stay alert and consistently
apply 5M movements to always be safe and protected during a current pandemic. Although these tips are
starting to sound tedious, a healthy lifestyle is the best protection to shield us from Covid-19. Eat
regularly, get adequate rest, and consume vitamins to increase your immunity. If you’ve been doing an
outdoor activity, clean yourself first before entering your house or your room, so you don't bring
potential viruses into the room. In addition, clean your house or workspace frequently with disinfectants
to keep your space sterile. The most important thing, wear a mask when you’re going to public places.
This is a non-negotiable rule!

Moreover, take your Covid-19 vaccinations when it’s finally your turn as the government is still trying to
make the vaccine evenly distributed. So, if you are one of the citizens who have been scheduled for a
vaccination, take advantage of that privilege immediately. You know, there are people out there who
want to be vaccinated but they shouldn’t due to health reasons. When people are vaccinated, it can
slow down or even stop the spread of the virus. Hopefully, we all can survive this pandemic healthily and


1) https://tribratanews.polri.go.id/read/10715/42/the-5m-health-protocol-discipline-is-the-same-
2) https://corona.jakarta.go.id/en/artikel/mengingat-kembali-langkah-pencegahan-covid-19
3) https://www.bp.com/en_id/indonesia/home/products-and-services/fuels-retail/news-article/5-

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