Midterm Exam Curriculum Development Midyear 2024
Midterm Exam Curriculum Development Midyear 2024
Midterm Exam Curriculum Development Midyear 2024
III. Cite the purpose, mission, vision, goals and objectives of the school where you
belong. Draft your school’s VMGO that align in the MATATAG curriculum principles.
(8 points)
IV. Explain fully the interplay between the teachers, learners and environment which
play a vital role in shaping educational outcomes. (7 points)
Prepared by:
Content Student has an Student has a good Student has some Student doesn’t
Knowledge in-depth and understanding of understanding of the give answer
complete the concept. concept. showing
understanding of understanding of
the concept the concept.
Organization Logically organized, Somewhat digresses Central point and Unorganized and
well structured, from central idea, flow of ideas is lost, vague, no particular
critical thinking ideas do not logically lacks organization flow was followed
evident follow each other’s
Providing All of the examples Most of the examples At least one of the Examples are NOT
examples are specific, relevant are specific, relevant pieces of examples is relevant AND/OR
and explanations and explanations are relevant and has an are not explained.
are given that show given that show how explanation that
how each piece of each piece of show that piece of
evidence supports evidence supports evidence supports
the student’s the student’s position the student’s position