A New Theory of Human Behavior and Motivation
A New Theory of Human Behavior and Motivation
A New Theory of Human Behavior and Motivation
Publication Date: October 25, 2021
Kopsov, I. (2021). A New Theory of Human Behavior and Motivation. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 8(10). 345-364.
We introduce a novel and comprehensive theory of human behavior and
motivation, which incorporates within it both the laws of biology and core aspects
of the social sciences. In continuation of the governing postulates of natural sciences
we formulate the principle of preservation as the primary law of psychology;
provide precise criteria for the definition of basic human needs and uncover their
origin; explore the relation between body and mind; and show correlations
between individual and social perspectives of life. Subsequently, we integrate these
concepts into a unified model of human behavior. We reevaluate the place of
psychology within the overall domain of social science and postulate the key role of
psychological drives in formation of social processes both in the current and
historical perspectives. The paper signifies a step towards establishment of a
common paradigm of psychology.
Keywords: human behavior, process of human behavior, basic needs, definition of basic
needs, law of psychology, law of preservation, preservation of mind, paradigm of
psychology, body and mind, culture, society and individual
In this paper we depart from our hitherto “impartial” conceptualizations and introduce a novel
and comprehensive theory of human behavior and motivation, though the premise of this
theory still originates from the previously referenced models, which form an integral part of
the theses presented in this paper. The primary idea behind our proposition is that motivation
(i.e. reasons for acting) and behavior (i.e. an act itself) are not unique attributes of humans and
animals, but rather general phenomena relevant for all levels of complexity of nature, which we
describe as i) matter, ii) life, and iii) mind. We hypothesize that motivation originates from the
fundamental laws of the universe, from which all other laws that govern matter, life, and mind,
originate. Through this prism, basic human needs can be described as being derived from the
governing principles of nature, as opposed to just the “intuitive thinking” behind extant
concepts of motivation. The proposed approach allows us to reexamine the relationship
between the physical “body” and the psychological “mind”, as well as between “mind” and the
sociological “society”.
To prove this point, we present an original and extended S-O-R model of human behavior,
defining the path from stimulus to response as steps of a behavioral act (Kopsov, 2021a). In
doing so we demonstrate how human behavior can be described by a process diagram, that
more precisely reflects the complexity, uniqueness, and uncertainty of outcomes of a behavioral
Humans are immersed in a vast array of stimuli originating from physical, physiological,
psychological, and social signals. Prior to further processing, signals must be detected (this is
the first phase of the behavioral cycle). Not all signals are detected; many are missed or not
recognized due to the limitations of the sensory system. Upon detection, a signal must be
assessed with regards to its significance to human existence; not all signals are relevant in the
context of life, for example, availability of oxygen has no significance for an individual under
“normal” life circumstances, despite it being one of the key preconditions to human existence.
The fact that an assessment occurs implies that a comparison against a set of “criteria” must
take place. We refer to and represent such “criteria” as human needs. In the long-term needs
may establish stable patterns, but in momentary perspectives they form a highly volatile
congregation of distinct needs, wants, and desires – all of which are highly affected by extrinsic
(outside environment) and intrinsic (internal physiological and psychological state)
circumstances. If it is ascertained by an individual that a signal is relevant to the satisfaction of
a specific need, it translates into a stimuli of a behavioral act and the next step of the behavioral
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Kopsov, I. (2021). A New Theory of Human Behavior and Motivation. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 8(10). 345-364.
process can commence, which is to devise a plan of action. This requires the existence of
relevant knowledge and skills, that allows one to contemplate a course of action. Hence, the
behavioral model includes what we refer to as an experience database, which represents a
repository of all the knowledge and skills of an individual. It also contains practical lessons
learned, and a consolidation of attitudes, norms, and cultural predispositions of that individual.
The experience database is dynamic – it is continuously updated and altered throughout one’s
life. When a plan has been derived, it does not however imply that actual commitment to an
action has been made. The plan must initially be assessed from a risk perspective; an individual
rates the likelihood of potential gains and losses of an action against the criticality of a given
need. If a goal can be achieved through different ways, multiple iterations between the risk
analysis and planning stages may be required before a forward-path is determined by the
individual. If the potential gains are assessed as substantial, possible failures manageable, and
the estimated energy expenditure acceptable, the individual proceeds to action execution
(based on the predetermined plan). On the other hand if risk criteria are not met a potential
action is abandoned.
This outlined model of the behavioral act represents the following sequence: signal(S)-
detect(D)-assess(A)-plan(P)-risk analysis(R)-act(A), and can be illustrated as a process
diagram, shown in Figure 1 (Kopsov, 2021a). Needs and the experience database are not
separate steps of the behavioral cycle, nevertheless they play a pivotal role. Hence, we define
the behavioral model as S-D-A(N)-P(E)-R-A. In this sequence needs (N) and experience (E) are
included in brackets as they do not form part of the sequence itself, but rather provide input at
the assessment and planning stages.
Signals: Phases
Physiological signals from inside, of Algorithm Evolvement:
Psychological signals from inside,
Physical signals from outside, CATEGORY OF NATURE
Social signals from outside. Class of science
Proceed with
ongoing activities MATTER
Detect Physical sciences
Plan Experience
The risk is Assess Psychology/
too high Perform options Social sciences
Ya-s Ya-e Ya-n
The risk is
Add to the experience
Impact of the action
catalogue (Feedback) Adjust needs
on signals
Act (Feedback)
Figure 1. The process diagram of human behavior and phases of its evolvement (Kopsov,
The model also includes auxiliary components, i.e. transfer functions (denoted by the Y symbol
in Figure 1) and feedback loops. Transfer functions are necessitated by the fact that each phase
of the behavioral sequence operates using unique principles, and to facilitate the exchange of
information between the phases, they require a “translator”. Within the model this role is
played by transfer functions, which translate outputs of one system to the inputs of another.
In accordance with the model, actions are initiated and then executed, due to and based on,
signals, dominant needs, and the experience database. In turn, the outcomes of actions affect
future signals, add updates to the experience database, and redefine the catalogue of needs,
which triggered the actions in the first place. Consequently, the model includes several feedback
loops: 1) plan – risk analysis – life experience – plan; 2) life experience – action – life experience;
3) needs – action – needs; 4) signal – action – signal. Feedback loops exemplify the reverse effect
of the act, on the parameters that triggered or influenced it. Feedback loops continuously
generate new updates, which create the dynamism of human cognitive and emotional states.
Individuals always exist in a state of unbalance, which requires continuous effort and
adjustments to counter, which in turn allow for the preservation and continuity of human
existence. The behavioral algorithm represents a dialectical model of human development and
incorporates non-linear interactive dynamism between individuals and the environment.
An essential feature of the derived model is its ability to address not only intrinsic acts of human
behavior, but also providing a model for future orientated aspirations (Kopsov 2019a). The
latter represents future anticipated so-called deferred needs. In case of deferred needs, the act
stage of the behavioral sequence is absent, and the forecasted behavioral sequence ends at the
risk analysis stage. Hence, human aspirations are defined as the S-D-A(N)-P(E)-R
We stipulate that each level of complexity is associated with a specific dominant element of
behavioral process (Figure 1). For inanimate matter, the governing parameter of the behavioral
process is the detect (D) phase which exemplifies material properties of the substance. For
animate life the key phase is the assessment (A) of signals against predefined needs. This phase
embodies the ability of living organisms to generate an array of complex pre-defined responses
URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.14738/assrj.810.11088 349
Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal (ASSRJ) Vol. 8, Issue 10, October-2021
As a congregation of physical substances humans are unequivocally part of the physical world
and are subject to material forces and their effects (such as the act of falling due to the effects
of forces of gravity). The materials our bodies consist of are subject to all laws governing the
existence of inanimate mater, main ones being the laws of conservation of mass and energy,
which are essential postulates within the overall doctrine of the universe. Nevertheless, these
laws play only a marginal role in forming the human psyche, and their impact is more evident
in how they affect physiological functions.
The basic principles that govern the existence of living organisms were first formulated by
“naturalist” scholars in the late 18th and 19th centuries. In An Essay on the Principle of Population,
Malthus (1798) coined the notion of "struggle for existence", which itself originated from the
hypothesis that living organisms exist in numbers which are far superior than can actually
survive and reproduce. This excess of organisms is required to ensure the prosperity of a group,
which (when necessary) is achieved at the expense of any one individual in the group. In the
consequently conceived theory of natural selection developed by Darwin (1859) and Wallace
(1858), the key tasks of any organism are defined as its self-preservation and reproduction; in
combination these two drives translate into the principle of preservation of organisms and their
groups. The general laws of natural history and biology are similarly applicable to humans, at
least in their capacity as biological beings. Humans therefore comply with the principle of
organismic preservation that is manifested through the laws of self-preservation and
We hypothesize that the domain of the mind must also be governed by the law of preservation,
but – if there is such a law of preservation of the mind – unlike with matter and body, it is not
fully transparent how it is exemplified, though we will attempt to shed light on this subject. The
mind concerns the mental aspect of existence and exemplifies mental images of the world,
encapsulating conscious, subconscious, imaginative, intelligent, judgmental, perceptional, and
linguistic perspectives. In a broader view, the definition of the mind also includes personal
skills, capabilities, memories, views, and cognitive interactions with the world. The common
attribute of all characteristics of the mind may be described as cognitive information; therefore
at its very essence, the sole function of the mind is to process cognitive information, which is
also the key enabler of social processes. In a civilizational context, the exchange of information
enables education and empowerment of individuals, the exchange of knowledge and opinions
between members of society, and the preservation of norms (whether social, economic,
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Kopsov, I. (2021). A New Theory of Human Behavior and Motivation. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 8(10). 345-364.
scientific, or ethical), regulations, and traditions. Building on analogies with matter and life, we
put forward the notion that the law of preservation of the mind is exemplified by preservation
and reproduction of cognitive information, which is achieved through its dissemination and
In line with Malthus’ (1798) proposition that organisms exist in numbers far greater than can
successfully reproduce, which results in the so-called "struggle for existence", we advance the
premise that humans also produce far more cognitive information than can ever be exchanged
and accumulated between and by these organisms. This results in what we refer to as the
"struggle for informational distribution". An excess of cognitive information is required to
ensure informational prosperity of both any single individuals and of groups, as its shortage
would result in inferior knowledge and skills. As Darwin (1859) and Wallace (1858) developed
the theory of “natural selection”, we put forward the notion of “informational selection” –
according to which the fundamental functions of organisms’ mental existence are preservation
and reproduction of cognitive information, which are enabled through its dissemination and
absorption. When combined these drives exemplify the principle of preservation of the mind
when relating to organisms and their groups.
In summary, we advance the theory that the most fundamental law of nature is the law of
preservation, which ultimately governs the existence of the universe, and from which all other
laws originate. Its genesis is unknown, but it appears to be enabled by (or within) the universal
algorithm (Figure 1) of functioning (e.g., which governs all “behavior”) which evolved though
the phases that correspond to the emergence of the domains of matter, life, and mind. In each
phase of evolutionary development, the law of preservation manifests itself through an
increasingly specific formulation; first the preservation of matter, then the preservation of life,
and finally the preservation of the mind (Figure 2a). These three laws of preservation fuse
together the principles of existence of separate domains of human life.
Despite their different origins, the four basic needs are intrinsically interlinked. Let us take
exchange of information as an example; it is not simply only a cognitive function – it also plays
a vital role in reproduction, as it involves the exchange of genetically encoded information.
Similarly, human reproduction also contains a very significant cognitive component, which is
exemplified by the substantive learning and development process children go through in their
formative years. Many more such examples can be provided, such as cognitive information
absorption enhancing self-preservation (e.g., learning skills which enable one’s continued
survival), which in turn facilitates information dissemination, and so forth and so on. Thus, the
basic needs can be analyzed separately, however they always remain interconnected due to the
fusion of body and mind. Nevertheless, the four basic needs remain very distinct from one
another as they originate from different distinct laws that govern different domains of human
nature. The schematics of their interactions, which can be either contesting or symbiotic, are
illustrated with arrows in Figure 2b.
In addition to the multiplex interrelations between basic needs, the human psyche is also
affected by existential conflicts between the mind and the body, and between the individual and
society at large. Consequently, individuals exist within an ever-changing inner state and fluid
extrinsic circumstances, resulting in the highly complex character of the human psyche. The
contradictory and dynamic nature of human motivation is illustrated by the ring model of
human needs (Kopsov, 2019b), in which each distinct need is illustrated as a ring within a circle,
which itself represents the combined state of all needs. It allows to analyze the dynamics of
human needs in momentary, ontogenetic, or evolutionary perspectives. In the momentary
perspective all distinct needs compete for an individual’s “attention” within the ever-changing
setting an individual finds itself in, as distinct needs appear, disappear, are satisfied, or negated
(e.g., hunger results in the emergence of a need for sustenance, whilst its subsequent
satisfaction diminishes it once again, although only for a period of time). This highly fluid state
is depicted by the dynamic ring model (Figure 3b) which is well-suited for modeling of “distinct
needs”, i.e. transiently experienced components of human psyche, including wants, desires,
wishes. The more dominant a distinct need is, the larger its associated ring, and the closer it is
positioned to the exterior of the circle of needs. As a need gets satisfied its dominance decays
and the diameter of the corresponding ring reduces.
Ontogenetic and evolutionary perspectives of human needs are better depicted by the general
ring model (Figure 3a), within which there is a dedicated ring allocated to each basic need; the
size of a ring corresponds to the dominancy or “relative weight” of a need. A novelty of this
model is that it enables the introduction of quantitative methods to trace evolvement of needs,
both within the context of a life span and within evolutionary progression.
The four basic needs are not just “intuitively suggested” through observations of human
activity, but methodologically derived from widely accepted or newly hypothesized laws of
preservation of organisms and the mind, therefore, it is not by accident that they are well suited
for quantitative assessment, as they can plausibly be correlated and matched with measurable
parameters. Examples include: levels of adrenaline or metabolism as a measurable parameters
of the need for self-preservation; levels of testosterone as a measurable parameter of the need
for reproduction; kilobits of information received as a measurable parameter for the need for
information absorption, and kilobits of information shared as a measurable parameter of the
need for information dissimilation. The breadth of such possible measurable parameters is so
vast that they can be precisely selected to suit the evaluation of very specific factors of human
life or psyche. Most extant taxonomies of needs (e.g., Maslow, 1943; McClelland, 1988) are
unsuitable for quantification, as it is impossible to conceive a measurable parameter (apart
from the unreliable and unstandardized method of self-assessment) associated with them, as
there are no systems in existence that would allow to grade such things as needs for love,
power, social belonging etc.
The four proposed basic needs correlate to an extent with traditional “layman” classifications
of needs as well as terminology used by extant theories of motivation. In this regard, the class
of basic needs defined as self-preservation needs equates to a combination of physiological
needs (with the exception of sex) and safety needs; the class of reproduction basic needs
includes sex, child rearing, and intrasexual dominance; the class of absorption of information
basic needs manifests itself through learning, acquisition of skills, social belonging, imitation,
and conformity with social norms and traditions; the class of dissemination of information basic
needs correlates with aspirations for respect, ego, status, child mental upbringing, mastery, and
competency, as these are characteristics and abilities which allow individuals to command
attention and spread their own views. Moreover, many traditionally defined needs (e.g., needs
for belonging, self-actualization etc.) represent narrative – rather than analytical –descriptions
of the “inner-self”, as a majority of these are multi-componential and relate to more than just a
single basic need.
Additionally, there are certain commonly recognized basic needs which fall outside our
proposed taxonomy of the four basic needs, such as the need for friendship (Maslow, 1943).
According to our classification of motives, friendship does not represent a basic need but is
rather a social instrument for self-preservation as well as absorption and dissemination of
cognitive information.
A verification criterion, that can be used to distinguish basic needs from other needs, is if a basic
need is not collectively satisfied it results in the extinction of a species within one generation.
The four basic needs fully satisfy this criterion, as an inability to fulfil any of them would result
in the termination of existence of a being or its direct descendants. Conversely, desires for
esteem, love, self-actualization do not fit this verification criterion, even though they are evident
in the realms of desires and wishes and their satisfaction affects subjective well-being and
quality of life. Based on this, a basic need can be defined as a need upon which survival of the
species is conditional. Unlike prevailing theories of motivation, which represent either intuitive
or mental constructs, the postulated taxonomy of needs is closely integrated with concepts of
biology and social science.
The mind emerges because of the evolutionary development of the body. Within this
development, the mind becomes so distinguishable that it can be thought of or viewed as
extrinsic to the body itself. Nevertheless, it is rooted within the body, affected by the body, and
to a large extent controls the body’s well-being. However, this cohabitation is not entirely
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amicable. The mind acts in a supervening manner on the body, and at times negates it, by
advancing its own priorities at the expense of bodily preservation and reproduction. This is
typified by behaviors such as suicide, childfree living, unforced extreme risk taking, which cater
for inclinations of the mind but neglect biological needs for self-preservation and reproduction.
Generally, humankind is becoming increasingly mind-orientated (at times at the expense of
bodily well-being), as cognitive information exchange and acquisition become dominant
drivers of economic, political, and (to an extent) ethical developments.
In our previous work (Kopsov, 2021a) we demonstrated that in the generally perceived
progression of evolvement of the levels of complexity of nature, i.e. matter-life-mind-culture,
the latter transition cannot be validated. The homogeneity of processes of individual and group
behavior leads to the proposition that the human mind/psyche and culture domains belong to
the same level of complexity of nature. This notion challenges the commonly held perception
that society/culture is a standalone category of reality supervening the mind.
There are additional arguments supporting this point of view, as it can be reasoned that the
functioning of mind and culture are conjoined, whereby one cannot exist without the other. The
mind cannot sustain its existence outside of the social domain, which may appear
counterintuitive, as individuals can technically survive outside society, but this could only ever
be feasible for only a single generation. The mind can maintain a short-term isolated existence
but will go extinct without social interactions (including sexual reproduction or child rearing).
Hence, it must be concluded that mind does not exist without society, and society cannot exist
without mind. This correlates with conclusions presented in earlier sections where we
postulated that socialization in the form of exchange of cognitive information is a basic need of
humans, i.e. critical for survival.
Many authors argue that the phenomenon of behavior is not a unique attribute of humans or
animals but also a generic feature of functionality of inanimate matter and animate life
(Hawking, 1988; Henriques, 2011; Whitehead, 1985). Likewise, we consider that society is not
a unique attribute of animalia or humanity but rather a general form of existence of all forms of
nature. In this way material substance represents a community of atoms. On the biological level
individual living organisms establish their own communities, i.e. congregation of organisms.
Similarly, individual minds form cultures when aggregated. In the cosmogenic context, the
social phenomenon evolves through a progression from material substance to a community of
organisms, and then to cultural formations. Humankind is a combination of two social
phenomena: congregation of organisms and congregation of minds.
This approach (as illustrated in Figure 4) represents the domains of nature not as a linear
progression of matter-life-mind-culture, but as a two-dimensional matrix of individual
elements (atom, organism, mind) and their aggregations (substances, communities of
organism, culture). From the vantage point of the universality of the congregation phenomenon,
analyzing society separately from the human mind and psyche equates to studying material
substances whilst ignoring their atomic composition. Even though such an approach is still
plausible, and may even carry some advantages, disregarding atomic properties of materials
would remain a grave error given the current state of knowledge. Analogously, for social
sciences to become a truly comprehensive research field it must integrate studies of psyche.
The continued concealment of the interconnections between mind and society prevents the
unraveling of the psychological drivers of social phenomena. We believe that the role of
psychology in analyses of social processes is grossly undervalued. Human psychology does not
just contribute, but fundamentally defines, such momentous and complex social phenomena, as
ethical doctrines, generational conflicts, civilizational confrontations, and social revolutions.
From this point of view moral and ethical confrontations determine which mental pictures are
formed and furthered by social groups in the overall process of preservation of mind. The
rationality for this is the generic nature of information acquisition and dissemination processes
originating from the law of preservation of mind. We are confident that further study into the
competition for cognitive informational domination, as well as cognitive informational
collaboration, will spearhead new knowledge on psychological drivers behind social processes,
both in current and historical perspectives.
We perceive individuals as having a dual nature comprising body and mind. Accordingly,
society is a form of existence of human bodies and minds, and plays a dual role by organizing
lives of organisms as well as integration of minds. Provision for the continued existence of
biological organisms and functioning of minds are primary, yet segregated undertakings of each
and every social group. Furthermore, as the body and the mind exist both through collaboration
and mutual enmity, groups exhibit similar complimentary and confrontational aspects related
to these two sides of human nature. Groups generate tensions between individuals, as well as
between society and individuals. However, interactions are not necessarily confrontational or
competitive; depending on circumstance, individuals may choose to support each other, and
similarly individuals and society may foster mutual prosperity. In that regard, moral notions
(for instance altruism or dispensing care for another) are not purely ethical or moral concepts
but demonstrations of the law of preservation in social settings.
Taken together the above concepts define a structured and comprehensive theory of
psychology, which describes human motivation and behavior within the context of the general
laws of nature. The theory is integrated with other branches of science and, in essence,
represents a novel paradigm of psychology. Furthermore, it is not constrained to the field of
psychology, but provides a broader perspective of the cosmogenesis. In this regard it capitalises
on Henriques’ (2003, 2011) proposition that all categories of nature are characterized by
shared fundamental phenomena such as information processing and behavior. We elaborate on
this, that these fundamental phenomena also comprise a governing law of preservation and a
separate congregate class. Hence, for each category of nature, a set of common fundamental
characteristics includes behavior (and with it an associated governing function of the
behavioral algorithm (ref. Figure 1)), a governing law, a governing information processing type,
and a congregation class, as presented in Table 1.
Category Basic Governing information Congregatio
of nature component law processing n class
Matter Atom of mass & Detection Substance
Preservation Genetic
Life Organism Assessment n of
of organisms encoding
Individual Planning and Neuronal
Mind of cognitive Culture
mind Risk analysis processing
For the matter category, the governing function of behavior is the detection of signals exhibited
through material properties; the principal law of existence is the law of conservation of mass
and energy; information is preserved through atomic arrangements; congregation is embodied
by material substances. For living organisms, behavior is governed by the function of
assessment of signals against predefined needs; the principal law of existence is the law of
preservation of organisms; the governing type of information processing is genetic encoding;
and congregation is represented by communities of organisms. For the mind, behavior is
primarily affected by planning and risk analysis activities; the principal law of existence is the
law of preservation of cognitive information, which in turn is enabled by neuronal processing;
congregation is represented by culture. It should be précised that the fundamental
characteristics presented in Table 1 are governing rather than exclusive.
We consider the law of preservation as the principal law of nature, which in case of the domain
of mind, translates into the law of preservation of cognitive information. However, preservation
of information has a broader perspective, as all laws of preservation can be defined in terms of
preservation of information. The laws of conservation of mass and energy define preservation
of the atomic arrangement, which in itself represents a record of information. The laws of
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Kopsov, I. (2021). A New Theory of Human Behavior and Motivation. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 8(10). 345-364.
Numerous theories of motivation are dedicated to the taxonomy of needs. The most publicly
renowned scholar of human needs, Maslow (1943), initially contemplated a five-level system
comprising needs of a physiological nature, such as safety, belonging, love, esteem, and self-
actualization. He subsequently extended it to seven levels by adding cognitive and aesthetic
needs (Maslow, 1970a), and then to eight levels by including transcendence needs (Maslow,
1970b). Alderfer (1969) compressed Maslow’ classification to the three so-called ERG needs -
existence, relatedness, and growth. Similarly, McClelland (1988) advanced three key driving
motivators, but defined these as needs for achievement, affiliation, and power. Reiss (2004)
expanded the list to 16 basic desires. That was still less than the earlier system by Murray
(1938) which consisted of primary needs based upon biological demands and 22 psychological
needs, which were not fundamental for basic survival, but essential for psychological well-
being. There are many more theories attempting to classify human needs but none have gained
general acceptance, and they all share common deficiencies: (1) they are all intuitive, mostly
aimed at composing systems suiting the observed pattern of human behavior and expressed in
layman terminology; (2) they fail to distinguish for needs which are vital for survival of
individuals and the human species in general; and (3) they mostly fail to capitalize on the body
of knowledge generated within natural sciences. The proposed theory of motivation in this
paper rectifies these drawbacks as we introduce a systematic definition of the basic needs (ref.
Figure 2) and closely link psychological needs to perspectives of biology and information
Another group of motivational theories focuses on the mechanisms that trigger actions for
need-attainment, rather than on classification of needs. Research on this subject was pioneered
by Lewin (1935, 1936), who devised the concept of the field of psychological force and
proposed a psychological equation of behavior. Multiple authors followed in his footsteps by
creating even more elaborate versions of behavioral equations. For example, Vroom (1964)
proposed the Expectancy theory and Steel & Konig (2006) derived the Temporal motivation
theory, all providing sets of parameters affecting instigation of actions. None of the proposed
models are universally accepted, nevertheless, they represent a plausible move towards the
introduction of quantifiable methods in psychological studies, and correlate closely with our
ring model of needs (Figure 3).
There are also multiple hybrid theories, which combine elements of need theories and
particular components of behavioral models. For example, in the Self-determination theory,
Deci and Ryan (2008) integrate elements of theories of needs with the stimulus component of
behavioral model, or the theory of flow (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990) which effectively embodies a
specific method for the enhancement of subjective well-being by balancing needs and skills.
These types of theories, whilst not systematic, provide an intriguing viewpoint on certain
features of human behavior. Most hybrid theories represent a specific combination of the
components that are included in the S-D-A(N)-P(E)-R model.
A standalone and rather original concept of self-organization and active inference is presented
through the Free Energy Principle (FEP) introduced by Friston (Friston et al., 2006), who also
argue that FEP unites multiple extant brain theories. As FEP accounts for action, perception,
and learning, it may provide a perspective on the unified psychology as well (Friston, 2010).
FEP is based on statistical modeling, and as such is rather distant from more conventional
motivational and behavioral theories. Nevertheless, the primary components of the FEP
behavioral model, detection of signals, analysis of signals, accumulation of experience, and
corrective adjustments, match with those defined in our behavioral process model. These
correlations require further evaluation.
Some features of the human psyche are not covered by our theory and require further
examination, including the “irrational aspects” of human nature, e.g., the subconscious,
emotions, intuition, and instincts. The primary reason for this is the lack of clarity on the origin
of these phenomena. Nevertheless, even though the domain of the subconscious mind is not
explicitly addressed in our theory it does not invalidate our conclusions. We consider that the
concepts presented in this paper are equally valid for both conscious and unconscious
processes, as conscious perception is neither a precondition nor a criterion for the postulated
laws and models. We do, however, believe that the study of the subconscious mind would
generate interesting and novel knowledge on the subject matter.
It should be noted that scientific discourse concerning distinct ontological levels of organization
of living systems is far from complete (Kirchhoff & Froese, 2017), and multiple points of view
exist on the subject. Some philosophical and neuroscientific schools of thought argue for a
universal character (i.e. applicable to both living and non-living systems) of attributes such as
perception, experience, and freedom of choice (Friston et al., 2006; Whitehead, 1958).
According to these arguments even material things have some measure of freedom or creativity
(however infinitesimal) which allow them to be at least partly self-directed. Recent research
(Volkov et al., 2009) indicates that certain species of plants possess short-term memory, which
itself is a feature of intelligence. It is therefore possible that the aforementioned levels of
complexity (as well as the defined behavioral process algorithms) are in reality more nuanced.
Such conceivable adjustments would not negate the main postulates of our proposed theory,
but nevertheless, may lead to an acceptance of the existence of some rudimentary features of
intelligence and active perception on the lower levels of complexity of nature. In such instance,
while maintaining the fundamental framework of derived postulates, it would be more
appropriate to relate to the “dominant” or “prevailing” behavioral processes, rather than
unequivocal features of defined behavioral algorithms.
We propose that the fundamental law of nature is the law of preservation, which governs the
existence of the universe, and from which all other laws originate. Whilst the genesis of the law
of preservation is unknown, it is hypothesized that for each category of nature (matter, life, and
mind) the law of preservation manifests itself through ever more specific formulations, such as
preservation of matter, preservation of life, and preservation of mind. These three laws of
preservation define the key principles of existence of the separate domains of human life.
Human identity is predominantly governed by the laws of life and mind. Within the domain of
the psyche these laws translate into basic needs, which we classify as needs upon whose
successful satisfaction the survival of a species is conditional. Consequently, the law of
preservation of life translates into the basic needs of self-preservation and reproduction. The
law of preservation of mind translates into the basic needs of absorption of information and
dissemination of information. These four basic needs both complement and contrast one
It is hypothesized that the laws of preservation are enabled through the generic universal
algorithm of behavior, and which have evolved from behavior of matter to behavior of
organisms, and then to behavior of mind. The latter represents the most complex version of the
behavioral process defined by the sequence signal(S)-detect(D)-assess(A)-plan(P)-risk
analysis(R)-act(A). This behavioral process model allows to unify extant theories of individual
and group behavior.
Mind and body are each governed by their own separate sets of laws. Nevertheless, the mind is
accommodated within the confines of the body, and to a large extent controls the body’s well-
being. Regarding its functional purpose, the mind is extrinsic to, and supervenes, the body and
at times may advance its “own priorities” at the expense of bodily preservation and
reproduction. This is typified by such behaviors as suicide, childfree living, unforced extreme
risk taking etc.
Similarly to humans having a dual nature (typified by the body and mind) the same is true of
society, which represents a community of human organisms and minds. A community of minds
defines a culture, which we view not as a unique category, but as a form of the universal
phenomenon of congregation, which is evident for all categories of nature, including matter and
life. Accordingly, atoms congregate into substances, organisms into communities of organisms,
and minds into culture. Following this line of thinking, culture and mind cannot be segregated.
This proposition leads to a reevaluation of the role played by psychological factors in defining
social processes, as we posit that the human psyche plays a governing role in forming ethical
doctrines, generational conflicts, civilizational confrontations, and social revolutions etc.
The proposed postulates convert into a comprehensive theory of human motivation and
behavior developed in the context of the general laws of nature. The theory is integrated with
multiple branches of science and, at its essence, represents a novel paradigm of psychology.
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