Alemayehu Yilma

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A thesis submitted to the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Computer

JUNE, 2023

The undersigned have examined the thesis titled:




Approval by Boards of Examiners

Dr. Bisrat Derebssa

Dean, SECE, AAiT Date Signature

Dr. Bisrat Derebssa

Advisor Date Signature

Dr. Fitsum Assamnew

Internal Examiner Date Signature

Dr. Menore Tekeba

External Examiner Date Signature

I, Alemayehu Yilma Demisse, thus certify that this thesis is entirely my own work. All
sources of information used in this study were properly cited and acknowledged. I further
affirm that this thesis has not been submitted in part or in full to any other learning insti-
tution for any other requirements.

Declared By:

Student’s Name and Signature

JUNE, 2023


Prior to anything else, I would like to thank God in the most sincere way possible for
leading me through every phase of my research journey.

I would also like to express my gratitude to Dr. Bisrat Derebssa, who served as my thesis
advisor, for his constant support and invaluable advice during the whole process. He
provided timely suggestions, helpful criticism, and comments that helped me refine my
research and analytical abilities.

My sincere gratitude also extends to my family for their unfailing love, inspiration, and
support. I will always be indebted to them for their unceasing encouragement and faith in
me, which kept me going even through the most trying circumstances.

Last but not least, I extend my deepest appreciation to everyone who contributed to the
success of my research project, whether by providing me with the necessary resources or
providing insightful comments and suggestions. Your contributions have been invaluable,
and I am profoundly grateful for your time, effort, and willingness to assist me in my
academic pursuit.

Thank you all for your support and kindness.


Sequence-to-sequence (S2S) attention-based models are deep neural network models that
have demonstrated some tremendously remarkable outcomes in automatic speech recogni-
tion (ASR) research. In these models, the cutting-edge Transformer architecture has been
extensively employed to solve a variety of S2S transformation problems, such as machine
translation and ASR. This architecture does not use sequential computation, which makes
it different from recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and gives it the benefit of a rapid it-
eration rate during the training phase. However, according to the literature, the overall
training speed (convergence) of Transformer is relatively slower than RNN-based ASR.
Thus, to accelerate the convergence of the Transformer model, this research proposes
joint Transformer and connectionist temporal classification (CTC) for Amharic speech
recognition system. The research also investigates an appropriate recognition units: char-
acters, subwords, and syllables for Amharic end-to-end speech recognition systems. In
this study, the accuracy of character- and subword-based end-to-end speech recognition
system is compared and contrasted for the target language. For the character-based model
with character-level language model (LM), a best character error rate of 8.84% is reported,
and for the subword-based model with subword-level LM, a best word error rate of 24.61%
is reported. Furthermore, the syllable-based end-to-end model achieves a 7.05% phoneme
error rate and a 13.3% syllable error rate without integrating any language models (LMs).

Keywords: CTC, ASR, LM, S2S, RNN, Transformer

Table of Contents

Declaration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i

Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii

Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii

List of Acronyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix

Chapter 1 1

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2 Amharic Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.2.1 Amharic Phonetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.2.2 Amharic Morphology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.2.3 Amharic Syllabification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1.2.4 Amharic Writing System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1.3 Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

1.4 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

1.4.1 General Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

1.4.2 Specific Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

1.5 Contribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

1.6 Scope and Limitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

1.7 Document Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Chapter 2 13

2 Literature Review 13

Chapter 3 18

3 Methodology 18

3.1 Dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3.2 Proposed Model Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3.2.1 Feature Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Sampling and Quantization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Windowing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Discrete Fourier Transform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Mel filterbank and log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.2.2 Sub-sampling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.2.3 Acoustic Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Transformer Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) . . . . . 29 Joint Transformer and CTC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3.2.4 Language Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

3.2.5 Joint Decoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

3.3 Decoding techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

3.3.1 Greedy search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.3.2 Beam search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

3.4 Fundamental Amharic speech recognition units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.5 ASR evaluation metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

3.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Chapter 4 39

4 Result and Discussion 39

4.1 Experiment Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

4.2 Experiment Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

4.2.1 Investigation of joint Transformer and Connectionist Temporal

Classification (CTC) model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

4.2.2 Investigation of Language Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

4.2.3 Impact of joint decoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Character-based acoustic model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Subword-based acoustic model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Syllable-based acoustic model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

4.2.4 Training and inference time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

4.3 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Chapter 5 50

5 Conclusion and Future Work 50

5.1 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

5.2 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
List of Figures

3.1 The proposed model architecture for Amharic speech recognition system . 20

3.2 Windowing with a 10ms stride and a 25 ms rectangular window . . . . . 22

3.3 Windowing a sine wave with the rectangular and Hamming windows . . . 23

3.4 (a) A 25 ms Hamming-windowed portion of the vowel ’e’ and (b) its spec-
trum computed by a DFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.5 The mel triangular filter bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.6 Schematic architecture that shows pre-encoder stages . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3.7 Greedy search algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.8 Beam search algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

4.1 Training losses in character-based Acoustic Model (AM) . . . . . . . . . 41

4.2 Training and Validation perplexities of character-level Language Model

(LM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

4.3 Training and Validation perplexities of subword-level LM . . . . . . . . 43

4.4 Training and inference time of Transformer-CTC and RNN-CTC . . . . . 47

List of Tables

1.1 Categories of Amharic Consonants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.2 Categories of Amharic Vowels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

4.1 Decoding results of character based acoustic model . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

4.2 Decoding results of subword based acoustic model . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

4.3 Decoding results of syllable based acoustic model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

List of Acronyms

AM Acoustic Model

ASR Automatic Speech Recognition

ASRS Automatic Speech Recognition System

BPE Byte Pair Encoding

CER Character Error Rate

CNN Convolutional Neural Network

CTC Connectionist Temporal Classification

CV Consonant-Vowel

DFT Discrete Fourier Transform

DNN Deep Neural Network

FF Feed Forward

GMM Gausian Mixture Model

HMM Hidden Markov Model

HTK Hidden Toolkit

IPA International Phonetic Alphabet

LM Language Model

LPCM Linear Pulse Code Modulation

LSTM Long Short Term Memory

LVCSR Large Vocabulary Continous Speech Recognition

MHA Multi Head Attention

OOV Out Of Vocabulary

PE Positional Encoding

PER Phoneme Error Rate

RNN Recurrent Neural Network

RNNLM Recurrent Neural Network Language Model

SER Syllable Error Rate

WER Word Error Rate

Chapter 1


1.1 Background

Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) has a wide range of applications in security, educa-
tion, e-health, and transport systems, making it an important and active research domain.
ASR is the process by which the information conveyed by a speech signal is decoded and
transcribed into a set of characters, or graphemes.

Research in ASR has been sparked by improvements in computer technology, notably in

terms of storage capacity, processing speed, and other speech processing requirements.
As a result, a lot of research has been conducted on the development of ASR systems,
which has led to the development of many ASR systems. So far, however, advanced
speech recognition systems have only been developed for technologically favorable lan-
guages such as English, European, and Asian languages [1]. Research on developing ASR
systems for technologically unfavorable languages like Amharic is still in its early stages.
The lack of a large corpus or dataset of standard Amharic language speech is to blame for

The traditional ASR systems consist of three independent components: an Acoustic Model
(AM), a Language Model (LM) and a lexicon [2]. The LM was developed using n-gram
models, whereas the AM was predicated on a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and Gausian
Mixture Model (GMM) (HMM-GMM) framework. These conventional systems were dif-
ficult to manage and configure since each component was trained separately. This reduced
the efficacy of using these systems. With the advent of deep learning, ASR systems have
become more successful. As opposed to GMM, Deep Neural Network (DNN) started to
be employed for acoustic modeling, which produced better results in numerous research
papers [1, 3, 4, 5]. As a result, one of the most commonly utilized models for continuous
speech recognition was the hybrid HMM-DNN architecture.

In recent years, ASR systems have undergone a discernible transition from a hybrid HMM
- DNN modeling approach [6] to an end-to-end or all neural networks modeling approach
[7, 8]. In contrast to the traditional model, which comprises a number of independent com-
ponents, the end-to-end structure portrays the system as a single neural network [9]. It is
simple to develop end-to-end systems because they instantly transform an input sequence
of acoustic signals into an output label sequence without the need for intermediary states
or the requirement for further processing at the output. The major challenges associated
with the availability of a high-performance computing environment and the gathering of
a significantly large number of speech data must be accomplished in order to improve the
performance of end-to-end systems. The successful application of deep learning systems,
including speech recognition systems, depends on these issues being solved.

End-to-end systems are exemplified by models like the CTC [10] and the attention-based
encoder-decoder [11]. The CTC-based acoustic model training doesn’t need frame-level
alignments between characters in the transcript and the observed input speech. This is due
to CTC introducing a ”blank label,” which determines the start and end of one character,
[10]. In the attention-based encoder-decoder models, the encoder is analogous to AM
that transforms input speech into higher-level representation, the decoder is analogous to
LM that predicts each output token as a function of the prior prediction, and the attention
mechanism is an alignment model that determines frames in the encoder representation
that the decoder should attend to in order to predict the next token [12].

Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) is the basis of the aforementioned end-to-end models.
RNN-based models produce a sequence of hidden layers based on the network’s prior
hidden layer by performing computations on the character positions of the received and
resulting data. Because this sequential procedure prevents parallel computation, training
the model with a longer input sequence takes much more time. In order to reduce se-
quential processes, the model architecture of the Transformer has been proposed in [13].
This architecture eliminates recurrence and relies on its internal attention (self-attention)
mechanism without using RNN to determine dependencies between input and output data,
which allows parallelization of the training process. The fast rate of learning due to the
absence of sequential execution, as with RNN, is the major benefit of this architecture.

However, according to literature, the overall training speed (convergence) of Transformer
is relatively slower than RNN-based ASR. Thus, in this work, a joint transformer and CTC
model, which facilitates faster convergence of the transformer model, is proposed. The
reason for faster convergence lies in the fact that CTC explicitly aligned speech features
and transcriptions, which allowed the sequence-to-sequence model to learn monotonous
attention for ASR.

Most speech recognition systems use a limited set of words in their vocabulary. All words
that are not part of the system’s vocabulary are termed as Out Of Vocabulary (OOV)
words. In morphologically rich languages like Amharic, there may be several OOV words.
These words make the Amharic speech recognition task more challenging. The OOV
problem arises because it is difficult to anticipate all the possible words that might be used
by the speaker. Because of this, there are likely to be instances where the system encoun-
ters unexpected words. if the system encounters too many OOV words, its accuracy may
suffer significantly. Therefore, building a diverse database of training data that includes a
wide range of vocabulary and articulations will help to reduce the OOV problem in speech
recognition tasks. However, due to lack of a significantly large Amharic speech corpus, it
is difficult to build a diverse database of training data. Therefore, this research identifies
suitable recognition units, such as characters and subwords, that are crucial to alleviating
OOV problems.

1.2 Amharic Language

Amharic, the national language of Ethiopia, is a member of the Semitic language family
and shares linguistic roots with other Semitic languages such as Hebrew and Arabic [2].
After Arabic, it boasts the greatest number of speakers in this linguistic family. Amharic’s
complexity lies in its diverse range of phonetic attributes, intricate morphological and
syntactic structures, as well as numerous syllabic formations, all of which are reinforced
by its unique writing system. To sum up, let us delve into each of these areas to gain a
better understanding of the fascinating intricacies of Amharic.

1.2.1 Amharic Phonetics

Phonetics is the scientific study of speech sounds used in the language. This includes the
description of the pronunciation of words, syllables and phonemes. Speech sounds are
classified into vowels and consonants based on their acoustic characteristics [14]. The
placements of the numerous articulators in the vocal tract and the condition of the vocal
cords affect the characteristics of a sound. The classification of consonant sounds is based
on three factors: voicing, manner, and location of articulation. We can categorize sounds
into voiced and unvoiced based on the first factor. Stops, Fricatives, Nasals, Liquids,
and Semivowels are the different types of sounds based on how they are spoken (man-
ner of articulation). The locations of articulation include Labial, Dental, Palatal, Velar,
and Glottal. Vowel sounds are, however, better specified in terms of the following three
articulators: Position and height of the tongue, and rounding of the lips. In accordance
to the above understanding of sound classification, the Amharic language has a total of
38 phonemes which are further divided into 31 consonants and 7 vowels [15]. Table 1.1
exhibits the phonetic representation of the consonants of Amharic as to their voicing, lo-
cation and manner of articulation.

Table 1.1: Categories of Amharic Consonants

Source: Leslau et al. [14]

The consonants b, d, f, g, h, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, w, y and z in Amharic are phonetically
transcribed the same as their English counterparts. However, there are specific sounds
in Amharic that have special phonetic symbols but are similar to those used in English.
These include ’ች’ as ‘ch’ in ’church’, ’ሽ’ as ’sh’ in ’shoe’, ’ጅ’ as ‘j’ in ’joke’, ’ዥ’ as ’s’
in ’pleasure’ and ’ኝ’ as ’ni’ in ’onion’.

A distinctive feature of Amharic is the glottal stop ’እ’, which corresponds to the negation
sound ’uh-uh’ found in English; however, it can be pronounced differently. According
to sources, [14] states that the glottal sound may or may not be pronounced in Amharic,
particularly when occurring between two vowels.

The Amharic language also contains sounds to which English does not have equivalents.
These sounds, called glottalized sounds, include ’ጥ’, ’ቅ’, ’ጵ’, ’ጽ’ and ’ጭ’, and each of
them has a non-glottalized counterpart from the consonants ’ት’, ’ክ’, ’ፕ’, ’ስ’, and ’ች’.
This variation in sounds adds depth and complexity to the Amharic language, making it
an intriguing subject for linguistic study.

Amharic is also characterized by the existence of palatal consonants, which add to its
unique phonetic features. In total there are six palatal consonants in Amharic - ’ች’, ’ጅ’,
’ጭ’, ’ሽ’, ’ዥ’, and ’ኝ’, each contrasting with corresponding dental consonants, ’ት’, ’ድ’,
’ጥ’, ’ስ’, ’ዝ’, and ’ን’, respectively.

Another phonetic feature that distinguishes Amharic from other languages is the marked
pronunciation of long consonants, or ”geminated consonants”. Notably, the length of a
consonant can have significant implications on the meaning of a word. A perfect example
is that the difference between ”ዋና(wana)” referring to ”swimming” and ”ዋና(wanna)”
meaning ”main or principal”. According to [15], all Amharic consonants are capable of
being geminated except two; ’እ’ and ’ህ’.

Table 1.2 illustrates the placement of seven vowels, ኧ[ə], ኡ[u], ኢ[i], ኣ[a], ኤ[e], እ[I],
ኦ[o], in articulation. As [14] notes, there is no precise correlation between Amharic and
English vowels. The vowel ኧ[ə], for instance, is enunciated in the same manner as ’e’ in
’bigger’, while ኡ[u] is similarly pronounced as ’o’ in ’who’. ኢ[i] and ኣ[a], on the other
hand, have an ’ee’ sound as in ’feet’ and an ’a’ sound in ’father’, respectively. Finally, the
other vowels ኤ[e], እ[I] and ኦ[o] are pronounced as ’a’ in ’state,’ ’e’ in ’roses’, and ’o’ in
’nor’, respectively.

Table 1.2: Categories of Amharic Vowels

Source: Leslau et al. [14]

1.2.2 Amharic Morphology

Morphology is the study that deals with the structure and production of words. It in-
vestigates the basic components of words and the rules that control their construction.
Morphemes, the essential components of words, are examined as the building blocks of
language. Amharic is a morphologically rich language in which words emerge from an
intriguing root-pattern phenomenon. In this context, a root is a group of consonants (or
radicals) with a common lexical meaning, whereas patterns are made up of intervening
vowels that aid in the formation of word stems. A certain suffix or prefix added to a stem
gives another stem [15]. For example, by intercalating the vowel ኧ[ə] and attaching the
prefix አ[a] and the suffix -ኧ[ə] to the Amharic root fkr(ፍቅር) ‘love’, afəqərə(አፈቀረ) ’he
loved’ would be produced. Aside from this morphological trait, Amharic is renowned for
its use of numerous affixes that generate inflectional and derivational word forms.

In Amharic, nouns, adjectives, stems, roots, and the infinitive form of a verb can be used
to create new nouns by affixation and intercalation [16]. For example, from the noun
səw(ሰው) ’person’ another noun səwInət(ሰውነት) ’body’; from the adjective tIlIk(ትልቅ)
’big’ the noun tIlIkInət(ትልቅነት) ’greatness’; from the stem sInIf(ስንፍ), the noun sInIfna(
ስንፍና) ’laziness’; from root qld(ቅልድ), the noun qəld(ቀልድ) ’joke’; from infinitive verb
məmItat(መምታት) ’to hit’ the noun məmIca(መምቻ) ’an instrument used for hitting’ can
be derived. It is essential to keep in mind that as nouns are created, gender, number,
definiteness, and case marker affixes inflect them.

Adjectives in Amharic can also be generated from nouns and verbal roots by adding pre-
fixes or suffixes. For example, “dIngayama(ድንጋያማ)”, an adjective that means “stony”,
derived from the noun “dIngay(ድንጋይ)”, which means stone, while “zIngu(ዝንጉ)”, mean-
ing forgetful, is made by adding a suffix to the stem “zIng(ዝንግ)”. Adjectives, like nouns,
undergo inflection for gender, number, and case [15].

Verb derivation in Amharic is less common than noun and adjective derivation, although
it does exist. Intercalation and affixation are required for the generation of new verbs. For
example, from the root ”gdl(ግድል)”, meaning ”kill”, the perfective verb stem “gəddələ(ገደ
ለ)” is obtained by intercalating the pattern “ə”. Passive and causative verb stems can also
be derived from this, such as “təgəddələ(ተገደለ)” meaning “to be killed” and “asgəddələ(
አስገደለ)” meaning “to cause death,” respectively, through the prefixes “tə-” and “as-”.
Verbs in Amharic undergo inflection for person, gender, number, aspect, tense, mood,
and negative markers, among other elements [15].

The foregoing explanation of Amharic morphology clearly demonstrates that Amharic is

a language with an extraordinarily rich morphology. This specific language feature has
a considerable influence on the development of Automatic Speech Recognition System
(ASRS). This is due to the fact that it increases the size of the pronunciation dictionary
and the rate of OOV terms, which raises the confusion of the LM. As a result of the
increased prevalence of OOV words, dealing with Amharic ASR systems is more difficult.
As a result, selecting an appropriate modeling (sub-word) unit is critical for efficiently
managing these OOV difficulties.

1.2.3 Amharic Syllabification

Syllabification is the process of segmenting words, whether spoken or written, into sylla-
bles. A syllable consists of a vowel-like sound along with the surrounding consonants that
are tightly linked to it. The essential constituents of syllables are Onset (the first phone
in the series) and Rhyme (the remaining phone sequence), which contains nucleus (the
centre peak of sonority) and Coda (the remaining consonants other than the onset) [5].

Amharic language is a syllabic language with Consonant-Vowel (CV) fusion in each

grapheme, and all Amharic syllables don’t necessarily follow the CV sequence. Various
researchers have investigated the syllable structure of Amharic language and developed
different syllable patterns. According to [15], Amharic’s syllable structure is (C)V(C)(C),
where C stands for a consonant and V for a vowel. Therefore, the types of syllables in
Amharic include V, CV, CVC, VCC, VC, and CVCC.

A new syllabification technique has been proposed for Amharic in [17] by examining all
six syllable types. This algorithm considers gemination and the unforeseeable nature of the
Amharic epenthesis vowel. For instance, the word ”ብስራት” (bsrat) meaning ”Good news”
does not show any vowel when transliterated to the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).
However, through acoustic evidence, we can determine that there is an epenthetic vowel
/I/; hence, its actual transliteration would be /bIsIrat/. Ultimately, gemination is a partic-
ular characteristic of the Amharic language that affects the semantics and syllabification
of a given word. For example, the word ”ይበላል” (yIbelall) meaning ”he eats” might alter
semantically when it’s geminated as ”ይበላል” (yIbbellall), which means ”it will be eaten”.

1.2.4 Amharic Writing System

Amharic is written from left to right and has its own set of characters known as fidal (
ፊደል) that are used to form words in the language. The Amharic orthographic system is
composed of 33 core symbols with each having seven different shapes or orders based on
the associated vowels. Additionally, there are twenty labio-velars and eighteen labialized
symbols, while the symbol ቭ[v], combined with its expanded seven orders, also forms
part of the orthographic system.

Amharic writing falls into the category of syllabary because each character in the ortho-
graphic system represents a consonant and a vowel. Apart from the glottal stop and sixth-
order symbols, the vowel has no independent existence [14]. The glottal stop consonant
may or may not be pronounced, hence the symbol might represent a vowel in circum-
stances when it is not pronounced [18]. The sixth order symbols, on the other hand, just
indicate a consonant, with the vowel እ[I] combined with consonants producing these sym-
bols acting as an epenthetic vowel.

Although redundant orthographic symbols exist in Amharic that represents the same syl-
labic sounds, speech recognition efforts should focus on individual sounds rather than the
orthographic symbols. For instance, four graphemes (ሀ, ሐ, ኀ, and ኸ) represent the ”h”
sound, while two graphemes (ሰ and ሠ) represent the ”s” sound, two others (አ and ዐ)
bring out the ”a” sound, and the final two, (ጸ and ፀ), depict the ”ts” sound with no known
English equivalent.

After removing the redundant graphemes mentioned above, the Amharic orthographic sys-
tem is reduced to 234 graphemes. Furthermore, both the first and fourth order graphemes
of ሀ and አ represent the same sound, making only the first one necessary. The first order
of the ኸ(h) sound is very distinct and must be taken into account, leaving a total of 233
distinct characters.

1.3 Problem Statement

Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is one of the most significant technologies and
has a wide range of applications in modern life. For instance, disability assistance is an
application that can be offered via the ASR system. An individual with hearing loss can
use speech recognition technology to convert spoken words into text and then comprehend
what is being said. Additionally, speech recognition makes it possible for those who have
difficulty using their hands to use computers by speaking commands rather than typing.

So far, several attempts have been made to develop a continuous speech recognition sys-
tem for Amharic using HMM [19, 20, 21, 22] and DNN [1, 3, 4] approaches. Authors
[19, 20, 21, 22] employed the HMM-GMM paradigm with intermediate components to
come up with an ASR system for Amharic language. Although they produced acceptable
results in the past, the complexity of the HMM-GMM approach has substantially reduced
the effectiveness of using these systems. The complexity is a result of the separate training
of the language, pronunciation, and acoustic models.

Consequently, few Amharic speech recognition studies have concentrated on end-to-end

modeling techniques such as Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and RNN [1, 3],
which seek to instantly simulate the translation between speech and labels without the
need of intermediary components. Despite the fact that these approaches simplified the
complexity of the conventional methods, the system’s performance is hindered by the lack
of an adequate Amharic speech corpus. In end-to-end approaches, a vast amount of data
is needed to train a better model.

Despite producing results that are acceptable for the ASR task, both RNN and CNN mod-
els have drawbacks. RNN needs sequential iterations because the input is dependent on
previous time steps. There is no way to parallelize the training process with this sequential
computation. Hence, it is problematic with a longer input data sequence and takes a lot
longer to train the model. CNN, on the other hand, transforms the frames simultaneously
but only makes use of the local context in its receptive fields [13].

Although the recognition of continuous Amharic speech has made great strides in recent
years, we still need to make more progress. For all published works, the key difficulties
in developing Amharic speech recognition are the scarcity of available corpora. To come
up with an enhanced Amharic speech recognition system, more Amharic speech and text
corpora were used in this work. Furthermore, a joint CTC and attention-based model with
the transformer architecture was utilized. This architecture removes recurrence and re-
lies on its internal attention (self-attention) mechanism to make use of global context and
determine relationships between input and output, which allows for significantly more par-
allelization. In addition, this research incorporates external LM, which improves Amharic
speech recognition accuracy.

Research Questions

RQ1 How does joining Transformer and CTC models affect the Amharic speech recog-
nition accuracy?

RQ2 How do character, subword and syllable recognition units affect the accuracy of
Amharic speech recognition system?

RQ3 How does incorporating language model affects the accuracy of Amharic speech
recognition system?

1.4 Objectives

1.4.1 General Objective

The general objective of this research work is to boost the accuracy of the continuous
Amharic speech recognition system by leveraging more training data along with models
based on joint Transformer and Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) with exter-
nal language model integration.

1.4.2 Specific Objectives

• To implement and test transformer model

• To investigate the impact of using joint transformer and CTC based model for
Amharic speech recognition

• To investigate the impact of incorporating Language Model (LM)

• To investigate the effects of different Amharic language recognition units such as

characters, sub-words and syllables on Amharic speech recognition accuracy

1.5 Contribution

This research presents two significant contributions that aim to improve the accuracy of
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) for Amharic. First, it proposes the integration of
two state-of-the-art ASR techniques, namely CTC and Transformer joint training, which
enables modeling of different Amharic language units (such as characters, subwords, and
syllables) to achieve better ASR accuracy. This approach provides an effective solution
to the long-standing issue of ASR in low-resource languages like Amharic.

Second, this research investigates the effectiveness of incorporating different language

models into Amharic ASR, including character- and subword-based Recurrent Neural Net-
work Language Model (RNNLM). These models help in the investigation of the effects of
context-dependent and independent RNNLMs on end-to-end speech recognition models.

1.6 Scope and Limitation

A speech recognition system can be built to identify only read speech or to allow the user
to speak spontaneously [23]. False beginnings, restarts, unfinished phrases, laughing, lip-
smacking, coughing, and other such features are all aspects of spontaneous speech. The
inclusion of spontaneous speech data during the training phase of a continuous speech
recognition system helps to see spontaneous speech effects and enhances recognition ac-
curacy. Although there is evidence that training speech recognition systems using sponta-
neous speech data provides more accurate results, an Amharic spontaneous speech corpus
is currently unavailable. As a result, we focused on the Amharic continuous speech recog-
nition system, which merely transcribes read speech into a set of letters or graphemes.

The research provides useful insights on identifying read speech, but it also has a few major
limitations. One such limitation is that our research only focuses on Amharic recognition
units like characters, subwords, and syllables. This limitation restricts the scope of the
study to only a few potential recognition units, neglecting the possibility of comparing and
contrasting other units like phonemes. Another limitation worth noticing is that the study
does not allow for the use of punctuation marks, which are necessary for determining the
kind of utterances. Finally, the exclusion of spontaneous speech limits the generalizability
of the study’s findings to real-life scenarios involving Amharic. Despite these limitations,
the study’s findings provide significant progress in advancing Amharic language speech
recognition technology.

1.7 Document Organization

This document is broken down into five chapters. The first chapter covers the Amharic
language in depth, with an emphasis on linguistic aspects relevant to automated speech
recognition systems. It also comprises a statement of the problem and its rationale, the
research’s objectives, and the scope of the investigation. Existing Amharic speech recog-
nition systems are reviewed in Chapter two. The methods and techniques we employed
are detailed in Chapter three. In chapter four, we describe our experiments and results, as
well as a comparison of Amharic speech recognition systems based on different language
units such as character, syllable, and sub-word. Based on our findings, we arrived at the
conclusions offered in Chapter five, which also incorporates some recommendations for
researchers in this field.

Chapter 2

Literature Review

Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) for Amharic was first studied when Birhanu [24]
developed an isolated CV syllable recognition system in 2001. Since that time, a lot of
efforts have been launched in academic study. The studies began with the use of small
data sets produced by the researchers for their own research. The study in this area was
greatly improved by the development of a moderately large speech corpus [25]. In this
section, a brief overview of Amharic speech recognition studies that were conducted after
the development of a medium-sized speech corpus by [25] is presented. Furthermore, we
review an end-to-end ASR conducted based on the Transformer model for other languages.

Solomon et al. [19] presented the development of an ASRS for Amharic using limited
available resources and the HMM methods. Since the acoustic samples of most words
won’t be seen during training, they took advantage of the segmentation of each word in
the vocabulary into sub-units that occur more frequently and can be trained more robustly
than words. In their study, CV syllables and tri-phone sub-units were utilized for acous-
tic modeling. For the language model, they trained word-based bi-gram language models
using the Hidden Toolkit (HTK) statistical language model development modules. Since
Amharic has a large number of morphologically rich words, some of them could be miss-
ing in the training set for the LM (OOV words issue). OOV words are the most challenging
problems in this research work. Models with various HMM topologies have been devel-
oped in the work. The most accurate model was determined to have five states for each
HMM and no skips. The context-independent syllable-based model performed somewhat
worse in terms of accuracy when compared to a triphone-based model. The syllable-based
recognizers, however, were discovered to be more efficient in terms of recognition speed
and storage requirements. In light of this, they came to the conclusion that using CV
syllables is a viable option for the development of Amharic speech recognition systems.
However, the CV syllable unit does not address the issues of consonant gemination, ir-
regular sixth order vowel realization, and glottal stop consonant realization, which have a
significant impact on the accuracy of the sub-word transcriptions.

Martha et al. [20] looked into ways to alleviate the OOV issue by employing morphemes as
both a lexical (pronunciation) and language modeling unit. This allowed them to demon-
strate the impact of OOV words on the performance of an Amharic speech recognition
system. It has been discovered that employing morphemes as dictionary entries and lan-
guage model units significantly lowers the OOV rate and hence improves word recogni-
tion accuracy, especially for limited vocabularies (5k). However, the morpheme-based
recognizers did not significantly boost word recognition accuracy as the morph vocabu-
lary increased, which may be related to higher acoustic confusability and a constrained
LM scope.

Martha et al. [21] presented the findings from their research on the usage of various
units for acoustic, pronunciation, and language modeling for the low-resourced language
Amharic. For acoustic modeling, triphone, syllable, and hybrid (syllable-phone) units
have all been studied. In order to represent lexical and language models, words and mor-
phemes have been studied. The hybrid AMs did not considerably enhance the word-based
lexical and LM (i.e., word-based speech recognition). However, they resulted in a consid-
erable reduction in the Word Error Rate (WER) for morpheme-based speech recognition.
The syllable-based AMs also outperformed the triphone-based models in both word-based
and morpheme-based speech recognition. This leads them to draw the conclusion that the
optimal method for modeling Amharic speech recognition is to use morphemes in lexical
and language modeling along with syllables and hybrid units in acoustic modeling.

Adey et al. [22] explored the idea of developing an Amharic continuous speech recogni-
tion system using the many syllable forms the language offers as acoustic units. The use
of phones (including tri-phones) and CV syllables for acoustic modeling was the focus of
previous studies in ASR for Amharic, as was mentioned above. Because of this, the po-
tential benefits of employing Amharic syllables for acoustic modeling have not been fully
explored. Baye Yimam [15] stated that the syllable structure of Amharic is (C)V(C)(C),
where C represents a consonant and V a vowel. That means Amharic has the follow-
ing syllable types: V, CV, CVC, VCC, VC, and CVCC. Thus, the study considered all
six syllable types identified by [15] as the aim is to investigate the use of longer-length
acoustic units for Large Vocabulary Continous Speech Recognition (LVCSR). Given suf-
ficient training data, the findings of their studies indicate that it is feasible to employ all
Amharic syllable types as acoustic units in LVCSR. Therefore, a speech corpus that fully
encompasses all of Amharic’s syllables is required.

The Amharic read speech corpus developed by Solomon et al. [25] was employed in all
of the aforementioned research studies that we have so far assessed. It is a medium-sized
speech corpus comprising just 20 hours of training speech, which was read by 100 training
speakers in a total of 10850 different sentences. This is a fairly small amount of data to
improve a speech recognition system.

Nirayo et al. [5] developed a novel corpus for the under-resourced Amharic language that
is appropriate for training and evaluating speech recognition systems. The corpus prepared
contains 90 hours of speech data from audio books and radio show archives with word-
and syllable-based transcription. This corpus is then merged with the existing 20 hours of
data, which contains varieties of speakers based on gender, age, and dialect. Researchers
have so far used the HMM approach with intermediate modules for acoustic modeling to
develop ASR systems for the Amharic language. In most cases, the hidden Markov and
Gaussian mixture models (HMM-GMM) are used for the intermediate components. To
avoid the need for an GMM and to ease the complexity of the approach, [5] explored the
usage of a hybrid model, DNN combined with the HMM (DNN-HMM) model for acoustic
modeling to develop an Amharic speech recognition system, and they demonstrated that
the hybrid model has shown appreciable improvements over the HMM models on the same
corpus. Moreover, a comparison of syllable and morpheme units for acoustic and language
models is provided. In the paper, all six syllable templates, as well as the epenthesis vowel
(I) and gemination, have been considered using the Amharic syllabification algorithm
[17]. The syllable-based DNN-HMM model achieves a better syllable error rate than the
syllable-based HMM model on the subset of the dataset. Despite the reductions in syllable
error rate, developing a cutting-edge ASR system for Amharic was still a challenging and
expertise-intensive task.

Nirayo et al. [1] worked on end-to-end speech recognition approaches for Amharic, which
seek to instantly simulate the translation between speech and labels without the need
for intermediary components. They investigated three models—Connectionist Tempo-
ral Classification (CTC), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)s, and Recurrent Neural
Network (RNN)s—in order to develop an end-to-end ASR system for Amharic, a lan-
guage with a rich morphology but limited resources. The models were evaluated on
roughly 52 hours of Amharic speech corpus (a subset of the dataset published on [5]).
In order to discover a better recognition unit that may be utilized as an audio indexing
unit for the Amharic end-to-end speech recognition system, they compared the grapheme,
phoneme, and syllable-based end-to-end ASR systems for the language. Compared with
the grapheme and phoneme-based models, the syllable-based models have shown better
CER. As a result, they came to the conclusion that syllables make an effective recognition
unit for Amharic speech recognition. The model was evaluated, and they found that the
lowest CER and SER were, respectively, 19.21% and 39.98%, which are obtained after
training 180 epochs. The result was obtained in the syllable-based 1D CNN model without
the integration of lexicons (pronunciation) and language models. The recognition perfor-
mance could even be boosted by incorporating more training data and integrating lexicon
and language models.

Nirayo et al. [3] presented a well-designed 1-dimensional convolutional deep neural net-
work architecture for low-resourced Amharic speech recognition. They investigated the
use of convolutional neural networks with CTC under resource-restricted conditions. They
extended the training set used by [1] from 52 hours to 70 hours and 46 minutes using the
data level augmentation method. On the evaluation set, the Character Error Rate (CER)
and Syllable Error Rate (SER) achieved are 18.38% and 27.71% respectively, without
LMs integrated after training the networks for a maximum of 90 epochs. The result
could even be improved by training for longer epochs, integrating an external syllable
or character-based LM and producing more training data.

Eshete et al. [4] proposed hybrid Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) with at-
tention end-to-end architecture and a syllabification algorithm for Amharic ASRS using
its phoneme-based subword units. Subwords are sequences of characters, phonemes, and
phonemes with an epenthesis vowel inserted by a syllabification algorithm. These sub-
words are generated by a Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) segmentation algorithm. In the work,
the experiment results showed that a phoneme-based subword model with a syllabifica-
tion algorithm and SpecAugment data augmentation technique was effective in achieving
higher accuracy or a minimum WER in the CTC-attention end-to-end method. These
subword models, which can represent longer contexts, are better able to address the OOV
problem in the Amharic speech corpus than character-based methods do.

Zhou et al. [26] used Transformer as the basic architecture of a sequence-to-sequence

attention-based model on Mandarin Chinese ASR tasks. In the work, a slight reduction
in CER is achieved over the joint CTC-attention model by employing the Transformer
model. Furthermore, they compared a syllable-based model with a context-independent
phoneme (CI-phoneme)-based model. Their experimental results demonstrated that the
syllable-based model with the Transformer performs better than its CI-phoneme-based
counterpart on HKUST datasets.

Karita et al. [27] investigated the slower convergence of the Transformer model, namely
its slower reduction in validation loss over wall clock time compared to RNN-based ASR.
In the work, Transformer takes less time per iteration, but it takes many more epochs to
converge. Transformer and RNN-based ASR accomplishments were combined by [27]
to develop a faster and more accurate ASR system. A CTC with Transformer is utilized
for co-learning and decoding in order to develop the model. Significant advancements in
many ASR tasks are implemented by the ASR system. For instance, it reduced WER for
the Wall Street Journal from 11.1% to 4.5% and for TED-LIUM from 16.1% to 11.6%.

Due to the limited corpus’ availability and Amharic’s intricate morphology, speech recog-
nition in this language has proven to be particularly challenging. Thus, in this study, ap-
proximately 110 hours of the Amharic speech corpus developed by [5] were utilized in
order to improve the accuracy of Amharic speech recognition. Furthermore, to improve
the accuracy of the continuous Amharic speech recognition system, a hybrid transformer
and CTC model with integration of an external language model was employed in this
work. This research also investigates the impact of character, subword, and syllable units
on the accuracy of the Amharic speech recognition system. As far as we can tell from
our reading, no work has been published that employs the transformer-based end-to-end
architecture for Amharic ASR tasks.

Chapter 3


The methods and approaches for developing an Amharic speech recognition system are
covered in this chapter. By thoroughly describing the dataset, feature extraction method,
models, decoding techniques, recognition units, and evaluation metrics used in this work,
our complete approach to developing an Amharic speech recognition system is demon-
strated. This chapter provides a solid basis for the work’s succeeding phases of execution.

3.1 Dataset

The primary source of data for technology development in the field of automatic speech
recognition is the speech corpus (dataset). As a result, the first stage in developing an
Amharic speech recognition system is to prepare an Amharic speech corpus. When pro-
ducing a speech corpus, there are two options. The first option is to gather text corpora and
invite language natives to read the text aloud while recording. The other option is to find
and preprocess a range of previously recorded and transcribed speech for the development
of speech recognizers.

In [25], the first option is used. The following method was used to gather the audio cor-
pus: Texts were initially collected from a news website’s archive and then divided up into
sentences. Approximately 10,000 sentences have been chosen for the training set from
the text database. The goal of choosing sentences from a text database is to create a col-
lection that is both phonetically diverse and balanced in terms of the relative frequency
of the sub-word units that will be modeled (phones, triphones, and syllables). Solomon
et al. [25] selected sentences that contribute to the inclusion of all Amharic syllables in
order to achieve phonetic richness. By choosing the sentences that support the preserva-
tion of the language’s syllable distribution, the phonetic balance of the corpus is attained.
Once the text corpus is available, recording the speech is an important next step in de-
veloping the speech corpus. An on-site recording under supervision was done in [25].
The recording was made in an office setting in Ethiopia using a laptop and a headset with
a close-talking, noise-canceling microphone. The corpus includes 20 hours of training
speech that was gathered from 100 speakers who read 10,850 sentences (28,666 words)
in total. The speech recognition models will underperform due to a lack of training data,
as this corpus is obviously smaller than other speech corpora that include hundreds and
thousands of hours of speech data.

In [5], the second option is used. However, very few audiobooks and transcribed speeches
were found, which limited the size of the corpus prepared. They have also made use of ra-
dio program archives that are openly accessible. Using Audacity’s open-source tools, the
audiobook and radio show archives have been segmented. The segmentation process was
semi-automatic. Since most speech recognition toolkits expect relatively shorter utter-
ances, the average length of the segments was 14 s. To align the text and spoken sentence,
command-line tools and manual effort have been made. The preprocessing step involves
fine-tuning, such as deleting non-speech components, removing lengthy silences, and fix-
ing the audio samples using audio processing tools. Each subset’s sampling frequency is
standardized to 16 kHz, with sample sizes of 16 bits and monochannel bit rates of 256
kbps. Approximately 90 hours of speech corpus were prepared in [5] using word- and
syllable-based transcription from audiobook and radio show archives. Finally, the corpus
is merged with the 20 hours of data already compiled [25] to produce 110 hours of speech
corpus, which includes a variety of speakers based on gender, age, and dialect. After
aligning the text with the speech, numbers were converted into equivalent Amharic text
as it is spoken in the recordings. Punctuation marks, foreign words, special letters, and
symbols have all been removed, and abbreviations have also had their meanings extended

It is expensive and labor-intensive to collect and prepare a very large speech corpus suit-
able for the development of a speech recognizer. In this study, the Amharic speech corpus
prepared by [25, 5] was used, which comprises approximately 110 hours of speech. The
dataset was partitioned into training and test sets, which contain 30,154 sentences and
3100 sentences, respectively. The dataset has both character- and syllable-based tran-
scriptions for each utterance. To maintain variation, these speech corpora were gathered
from a range of sources, including the Federal Negarit Gazeta, the Bible, fiction, sports,
economic, and health news, as well as penal regulations.

3.2 Proposed Model Architecture

In this section, the proposed model architecture for Amharic speech recognition is pre-
sented. The architecture consists of five pivotal stages, namely feature extraction, sub-
sampling, acoustic modeling, language modeling, and joint decoding, Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1: The proposed model architecture for Amharic speech recognition system

3.2.1 Feature Extraction

Feature extraction is the process of identifying the elements of a speech signal that can be
used to distinguish linguistic content from background noise and information that is of no
significance. The objective of feature extraction is to provide a compact representation of
the input signal by computing a series of feature vectors. The standard method of feature
extraction consists of the following steps: Sampling and Quantization

The first phase in feature extraction is analog-to-digital conversion, which consists of two
steps: sampling and quantization. Sampling is performed by obtaining samples of the
speech signal at regular intervals at a certain rate called the sampling rate.

The next step is quantization, which entails lowering the number of bits used to represent
each sample in the digital signal. One compelling reason to use this strategy is to reduce the
amount of storage space and compute power necessary to process the signal. Linear Pulse
Code Modulation (LPCM) is a popular quantization technique for encoding waveform
samples in speech signal processing. This approach produces a sequence of quantized
numbers that correspond to the amplitude of the signal at each sample point. Windowing

Windowing is a technique for analyzing digitized, quantized speech signals. The approach
divides these signals into smaller, equally-sized frames, after which a window function is
applied to each frame. By dividing these continuous signals into smaller chunks, it is easy
to analyze, capture crucial features more accurately, and reduce noise effects. Further-
more, windowing can help to reduce distortions that might occur when splitting signals
suddenly. By preserving the continuity of all segments, overlapping windows allow for
the reconstruction of the original signal.

The windowing process demands three fundamental parameters: the frame size or width of
the window, the frame stride (also known as offset or shift) between subsequent windows,
and the shape of the window itself [28]. In speech-related applications, typical window
shapes include rectangular, hamming, and many more, each with specific qualities that
make them especially suited for speech analysis.

Figure 3.2: Windowing with a 10ms stride and a 25 ms rectangular window

Source: Jurafsky et al. [28]

The window shape in Figure 3.2 is rectangular; as can be seen, the extracted windowed
signal appears exactly like the original signal. The rectangular window, however, suffers
from the limitation of making discontinuous points, leading to high frequencies in the
spectrum. Therefore, to keep the initial and final points in each frame consistent, each
frame is multiplied by a hamming window. Both rectangular and Hamming windows are
shown in Figure 3.3, and the equations are as follows (assuming a window L frames long):

1, if 0 ≤ n ≤ L − 1

RectangularW indow[n] = (3.1)


0.54 − 0.46 cos 2πn ,

if 0 ≤ n ≤ L − 1
HammingW indow[n] = (3.2)


Figure 3.3: Windowing a sine wave with the rectangular and Hamming windows

Source: Jurafsky et al. [28] Discrete Fourier Transform

In this step, spectral information is extracted from the windowed signal in order to estimate
the energy distribution across different frequencies. A mathematical method called the
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is used to transform a time-domain signal sequence into
a frequency representation. To obtain a complex spectrum, the DFT requires the input of
a windowed signal. Squaring the magnitude of the resulting complex spectrum yields the
power spectrum. The power spectrum depicts the energy distribution of the signal across
different frequency bands. For instance, a 25ms chunk of a Hamming-windowed signal
and its spectrum estimated by a DFT (with further smoothing) are displayed in Figure 3.4.

Figure 3.4: (a) A 25 ms Hamming-windowed portion of the vowel ’e’ and (b) its spectrum
computed by a DFT

Source: Jurafsky et al. [28] Mel filterbank and log

The DFT provides information on the energy levels associated with each frequency band,
but human speech perception is not a linear process [28]. The perceived distance between
100 Hz and 200 Hz is not the same as the difference between 1000 Hz and 1100 Hz. It is
more sensitive to lower frequency ranges than to higher frequency ranges. Because low
frequencies (such as formants) include essential information that distinguishes between
distinct values or nasals, this phenomenon aids people in recognition, but high frequen-
cies (such as stop bursts or fricative noise) are less significant for effective recognition. It
is critical to model this aspect of human perception in order to improve the effectiveness
of speech recognition systems. As a result, rather than collecting energies evenly at each
frequency band, they should be collected according to the Mel scale, which seeks to pro-
duce a consistent perceptual scale of frequency that reflects the non-linear sensitivity of
human hearing.

The DFT spectrum is then run through a bank of triangular filters evenly spaced along
the Mel scale. These filters are designed to slightly overlap and capture information in
multiple frequency bands. The energy values of the filtered outputs are added up for each
overlapping section of the spectrum, and the logarithm of these values is calculated. A
sample bank of triangular filters that exemplify this idea is shown in Figure 3.5, and the
spectrum can be multiplied by the bank to create a mel spectrum. Finally, the logarithm
of each mel spectrum value is calculated to account for the logarithmic human reaction to
signal intensity. This method reduces the sensitivity of feature estimations to particular
input variations, such as power changes caused by the speaker’s lips moving closer or
further away from the microphone.

Figure 3.5: The mel triangular filter bank

Source: Jurafsky et al. [28]

3.2.2 Sub-sampling

The encoder-decoder architecture ideally suits scenarios where input and output sequences
have vast differences in length [28]. For instance, a single word could consist of five letters
and go on for around 2 seconds, equating to approximately 200 acoustic frames (at 10 ms
per frame). Due to this significant length disparity between acoustic frames and letters,
speech-based encoder-decoder architectures require a compression stage that shortens the
length of the acoustic feature sequence before entering the encoder stage, Figure 3.6.

One popular method is using 2D-conv subsampling [29], which involves reducing the
size of the input while preserving essential features. The 2D-Conv layer will train spatially
invariant filters that can operate on a two-dimensional matrix of log-mel filterbank features
as input. These filters slide over the input to provide a collection of convolved feature maps
that capture different features of the input speech signal. Subsampling is then applied
to reduce the output’s dimensionality. Typically, this is accomplished by separating the
input into non-overlapping sub-regions (e.g., 2x2 or 3x3) and employing an aggregation
function such as max-pooling. Max pooling helps in the identification of key features in
a region by reducing the influence of small differences such as noise or texture.

After subsampling, the acoustic feature frames F are transformed into sub-sampled se-
sub ×dmodel
quence X ∈ Rd with 2D-CNN sampling layer. The dsub is the length of the
output sequence and dmodel is the number of input feature dimensions to the Encoder.
This process causes a high-level feature from the CNN extractor to enter the Transformer
encoder’s input.

Figure 3.6: Schematic architecture that shows pre-encoder stages

Source: Jurafsky et al. [28]

3.2.3 Acoustic Modeling

Acoustic modeling of speech is the process of establishing statistical representations for

feature vector sequences obtained from the speech waveform [30]. In most cases, neural
networks are employed for this task. As part of efforts to enhance speech recognition
systems for Amharic language, the Joint Transformer-CTC model is considered as an AM
in this work. This model uses a Transformer encoder to generate a high-level features
h = (h1 , h2 , ..., hL ) for the input sequence x = (x1 , x2 , ..., xt ) and subsequently applies
both CTC model and Transformer decoder to simultaneously generate targets based on
the high-level features.

The proposed system’s specifics include detailed descriptions of the Transformer and CTC
models in Sections and, respectively. The joint Transformer-CTC objective
will then be elaborated on in Section

26 Transformer Architecture

Transformer is a contemporary sequence-to-sequence model that uses sinusoidal position

information and a self-attention mechanism to completely do away with repetitions in
typical RNNs [26, 31]. It is made up of one large block, which itself is made up of blocks
of encoders and decoders. The primary function of the encoder model is to represent
the input vector as a high-level representation. On the other hand, the decoder generates
predictions one at a time. Consequently, at each time step, the model utilizes the high-
level representation from the encoder model and previous predictions from the decoder as
inputs for the current prediction.

The encoder block comprises two important sub layers - a multi-head self-attention mech-
anism and a position-wise fully connected network. Each sub-layer produces an output,
which is then passed through a layer normalization process. Additionally, the sub-layer
input is directly connected to the output via a residual connection. The first encoder block
receives the subsampled sequence input X.

Through the self-attention sub-layer, the X sequence is transformed into queries Q =

X × W q , keys K = X × W k , and values V = X × W v . This transformation occurs
model ×dk model ×dv
using learnable weights, W q and W k ∈ Rd and W v ∈ Rd , where dmodel
represents the output dimension from the previous attention layer. Moreover, dv , dk = dq
symbolize the dimensions of values, keys, and queries. A normalized weighted similar-
ity Z is obtained from self-attention using softmax, which is showcased in the following
Q × KT
Self Attention(Q, K, V ) = sof tmax( √ )×V (3.3)

To perform multiple attentions in parallel, Transformer uses multi-head attention (MHA).

Multi Head Attention (MHA) comprises concatenating all self-attention heads at a specific
M HA(Q, K, V ) = [Z1 , Z2 , ···, Zh ]W h (3.4)

Zi = Self Attention(Qi , Ki , Vi ) (3.5)

where h is the number of attention heads in a layer and i corresponds to the ith head in the
layer. The output obtained from MHA is normalized and fed into the Feed Forward (FF)
sub-layer connected network. In the FF sub-layer, the input Z is applied to each position
F F (z[t]) = max(0, z[t] × W1 + b1 )W2 + b2 (3.6)

where z[t] represents the tth position of the input Z.

The decoder is very similar to the encoder, with MHA self-attention and completely con-
nected sub-layers. However, the decoder incorporates a third component, the masked
self-attention layer, which permits attention to be directed only to prior positions in the
output sequence. The decoder provides a prediction Ŷ[t] at each time step based on the
final encoder representation He and the previous target sequence Y[1:t-1]. To convert the
decoder output into predicted probabilities for the next token, a common linear transfor-
mation and softmax function are used. The decoder employs MHA to establish such con-
ditional dependency, allowing it to compute attention between encoder high-level features
and previously decoded sequences. The decoder, like the encoder, has residual connec-
tions and layer normalization focused on each sub-layer.

Embeddings are a way to represent each token as a dense vector of dmodel dimension. In
Transformers, the initial vector representation starts as one hot encoding, but it is trans-
formed into a dense vector through a trainable weight matrix before being passed through
the network. This embedding method allows the model to learn semantic relationships
between the tokens, allowing it to generalize better by understanding the context of each
token in the sequence [13].

Positional Encoding
Positional Encoding (PE) is added to the token embeddings to indicate their position in the
sequence, as self-attention does not have any notion of order or position [13]. It provides
valuable information about the order of the words in the sequence for the model.

Transformers use sinusoidal PE with different frequencies as shown in equations below:

P E(n,2i) = sin 2i (3.7)
10000 dmodel
P E(n,2i+1) = cos 2i (3.8)
10000 dmodel
where n is the position of a word in the sentence and i is a position along the embedding
vector dimension.

28 Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC)

CTC is a technique that has revolutionized the way in which Transformers are trained.
CTC leverages a unique approach that doesn’t require any prior alignment between in-
put and output sequences of varying lengths [32]. Instead, it presents a latent variable,
known as the CTC path π = (π1 , π2 , ..., πL ), to serve as the frame-level label of the input

The difficulty of speech recognition systems comes from the fact that there are many more
input speech frames than there are output labels. For this typical need, a ”blank” symbol is
added as an extra label, and recurrence of labels is permitted to transfer the label sequence
onto the provided CTC path, which has the same length as the input frames.

One of the most significant advantages of CTC over other methods is its ability to identify
different paths that lead to a particular label sequence. By removing repetitions of the
same label and blank symbols, CTC expands its mapping capabilities, providing richer
and more accurate results.

After obtaining the encoder features from the transformer, CTC calculates the conditional
probability of the label for each frame and assumes that the labels at different frames are
conditionally independent [10]. So the probability of a CTC path can be computed as
π Y π
p( ) = ql l (3.9)
x l=1

where qlπl denotes the softmax probability of outputting label πl at frame l. ql = ql1 , ···, qlk+1
is often called the softmax output. The likelihood of the label sequence is the sum of
probabilities of all compatible CTC paths:
y X π
p( ) = p( ) (3.10)
x x

where φ(y) denotes the set of all the CTC paths which can be mapped to the label sequence

A forward-backward algorithm can be employed to efficiently sum over all the possible
paths. The likelihood of y can then be computed with the forward variable αlu and the
backward variable βlu as follows:
y X αu β u
l l
p( ) = πl (3.11)
x u
q l

where u is the label index and l is the frame index. The CTC loss is defined as the negative

log likelihood of the output label sequence:
LCT C = − ln(p( )) (3.12)
By computing the derivate of the CTC loss with respect to the softmax output ql , the
parameters of the Transformer Encoder can be trained with standard back-propagation. Joint Transformer and CTC

Aiming to leverage the strengths of both models, an approach can be taken to combine the
CTC loss and transformer loss. Although CTC and transformer-based methods possess
distinct benefits, they also exhibit their own limitations. While CTC assumes conditional
independence between labels, thus requiring a potent external LM to account for long-
term label dependencies, the Transformer attention mechanism uses a weighted sum over
all inputs without constraints or guidance from alignments, resulting in difficulties when
training the Transformer-based decoder.

It is noteworthy that the forward-backward algorithm employed in CTC can learn a mono-
tonic alignment between acoustic features and label sequences [33]. This alignment can
significantly accelerate the encoder’s convergence. Furthermore, the transformer-based
decoder can learn the interdependent relationship among target sequences. Thus, combin-
ing CTC and transformer loss not only promotes the transformer-based decoder’s conver-
gence but also permits the joint model to harness label dependencies effectively.

During Transformer training phase, the Transformer’s decoder successfully predicts all
label frames as PT ransf ormer (Y /X), where Y denotes a ground truth sequence of the la-
bels. The model effectively computes its training loss simultaneously in parallel, Equation
LT ransf ormer = − log PT ransf ormer (Y /X) (3.13)

However, during the joint training stage, the approach taken differs from the traditional
training method. Instead of restricting the model to Transformer alone, we adopt a multi-
task loss method. This methodology aggregates both the CTC loss and the Transformer
loss computed between the predicted label and actual label sequences. Therefore, the
joint CTC-Transformer objective function is calculated as a weighted sum of CTC loss
and Transformer loss, Equation 3.14.

Ljoint = λLCT C + (1 − λ)LT ransf ormer (3.14)

where λ ∈ (0, 1) is a tunable hyper-parameter.

3.2.4 Language Modeling

Language modeling is the technique of predicting the probability of a sequence of tokens

in a particular language. It enables computers to understand natural language and respond
in human-like ways.

The transformer model can implicitly learn an LM for the intended output domain via its
training data. This data, which pairs speech with text transcriptions, may not be compre-
hensive enough to design an effective LM, emphasizing the need to locate vast amounts
of appropriate text for proper model training. Therefore, in this study, the Amharic text
corpus prepared by [34] was employed to develop a good LM.

This research investigates Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) based character level and
subword level LMs for Amharic speech recognition tasks. LSTM neural networks are a
form of RNN that can learn long-term dependencies in sequential input. They are espe-
cially valuable for language modeling because they may capture the context of a token
as well as its influence on the tokens that follow in a sentence. The input to a typical
language modeling task is a series of tokens, and the output is the probability distribution
over the potential following tokens. The LSTM modifies its internal state depending on
the current token and the prior state as it goes through the input sequence one token at a
time. The LSTM’s hidden state effectively retains the context of the sentence up to that
point, allowing the model to predict the most likely next token.

In this study, word-level LM wasn’t used since it is not suitable for Amharic. The mor-
phological richness of Amharic is one of the reasons why word-level LM is unsuitable
for it. Amharic, like many other languages, includes a large number of complicated word
forms. Verbs, for example, can have various conjugations depending on tense, aspect,
and person. This makes it difficult for a word-level LM to predict the following word in
a sentence properly.

As an alternative, character- and subword-level LMs can be used in Amharic language

modeling. Character-level models deconstruct each word into its constituent characters
and predict the next character in the sequence. Subword-level models predict the next
subword in a sequence by breaking each word down into segments called subwords. This
method enables the LM to better represent the internal structure of Amharic words.

The evaluation of an LM’s performance relative to another language model is measured by
perplexity. This index estimates how many equally unique and probable words may follow
each given word on average. The perplexity of the test set is a critical metric that dictates
the difficulty of the recognition task. It is important to remember that perplexity tends to
rise in tandem with the extent of the test set’s vocabulary. Smaller vocabulary LMs, on
the other hand, frequently experience problems due to a higher prevalence of OOV words.
However, this issue may be mitigated by depending on character and subword-level mod-
els to significantly reduce the vocabulary size of the LM as well as the corresponding rates
of OOV, thereby enhancing recognition accuracy.

3.2.5 Joint Decoding

In the decoding process, beam search is utilized to obtain the final selection of hypothe-
sized sentences in the form of an n-best list. Each hypothesis score is calculated by joining
the scores obtained from Acoustic Model (AM) and Language Model (LM) as shown in
the equation below.

Y hat = argmax(λ log ρs2s (Y /X) + (1 − λ) log ρctc (Y /X) + γ log ρlm (Y )) (3.15)

Where, ρs2s (Y /X) is the transformer decoder probability of the output sequence given
the encoding feature sequence, ρctc (Y /X) is the CTC probability of the output sequence
given the encoding feature sequence, ρlm (Y ) is the LM probability of the output sequence,
λ and γ are hyperparameters named “CTC weight” and “LM weight” respectively.

3.3 Decoding techniques

Greedy search and beam search are well known decoding methods in a variety of sequence-
to-sequence transformation tasks, such as ASR. These methods aim to generate the se-
quence outputs of tokens from a neural network model.

The model accepts the input sequence of tokens, where N is the number of tokens in the
X(inputsequence) = x1 , x2 , ..., xN (3.16)

The decoding methods generate the output sequence at each time step t, where T is the
maximum number of tokens in the sequence.

Y (outputsequence) = y1 , y2 , ..., yT (3.17)

The probability of each output y_(t) is conditional of the previous token outputs. Mathe-
matically, we represent it as it follows.

P (yt |y1 , y2 , ..., yt−1 , x)

At each time step y_(t), the probability of each token in the vocabulary is computed. In
consequence, the more tokens there are in the vocabulary, the more the computational cost

3.3.1 Greedy search

Greedy search consists of taking the token with the highest conditional probability from
the vocabulary V.

yt = argmaxy∈V P (y|y1 , y2 , ..., yt−1 , x) (3.18)

For example, we consider 14 words in our vocabulary V: <EOS>, <UNK>, አንድ, ቀን, ነው,
ድርጊት, ሊከናወን, ነገር, ሂደትና, መልክ, በቻለ, ራሱን, የሚችል, ግን. Moreover, the maximum
number of tokens in the sequence, T = 6.

Figure 3.7: Greedy search algorithm

According to the Figure 3.7, the squares highlighted in red correspond to the words that
have the highest conditional probability at each time step t. In the first time step the word
with the highest conditional probability is ”አንድ”, in the second time step is ”ነገር”, etc.
Therefore, the sequence output predicted by the decoder is: አንድ ነገር ግን በቻለ ሂደትና መልክ.

Main Drawbacks
Greedy search algorithm hides high probabilities that can be found in posterior tokens.
Therefore, it does not always generate optimal output sequences.

3.3.2 Beam search

Beam search algorithm is the improved version of greedy search. Beam search has a
parameter called beam width. The beam width is the number of tokens with the highest
conditional probabilities at each time step t. In the Figure 3.8, the beam width=3.

Figure 3.8: Beam search algorithm

Sequence 1 — አንድ ነገር ግን በቻለ — (0.35 * 0.4 * 0.1 * 0.2) = 0.0028

Sequence 2 — አንድ ቀን ራሱን የሚችል — (0.35 * 0.2 * 0.25 * 0.21) =0.0037

Sequence 3 — አንድ ድርጊት ሊከናወን ነው — (0.35 * 0.1 * 0.15 * 0.17) = 0.00089

Following the greedy search algorithm we selected the sequence 1, because the highest
probability the greedy search found was in the second token (ነገር = 0.4), and it continues
the token generation from this only branch. However, if we use beam search algorithm,
the sequence with the highest probability is the sequence 2. This is a clear example of
greedy search algorithm discarding sequences of tokens with higher probability.


• Increasing the beam width, the quality of the output sequence improves signifi-
cantly, but it reduces the decoder speed.

• There is a saturation point, where even if we increase the number of beam width,
the quality of the decoding does not improve anymore [35].

• It does not guarantee of finding the output sequence with the highest score [36].

3.4 Fundamental Amharic speech recognition units

An end-to-end speech recognition model has the ability to directly map acoustic frames to
label sequences, which are made up of characters, subwords, and words. Since Amharic
is a morphologically rich language, a word-based end-to-end model suffers from the OOV
words problem. Although a large vocabulary can be used to solve this problem, the model
suffers from high computing costs as a result of its large softmax output. The OOV words
can’t be recognized since they will be unavailable during the training of the model. More-
over, it would be impracticable to train models for each word in the Amharic ASRS lexi-
con, which comprises thousands of words, many of which are rare. Therefore, it is crucial
to segment speech into smaller segments rather than whole words in order to build Amharic
speech recognition systems. Furthermore, by breaking down words into smaller subunits,
words that are not part of the training sample can still be recognized.

In this study, words from the vocabulary have been segmented into syllables, characters,
and subwords. A syllable is a unit of sound composed of one or more vowels and conso-
nants. Syllables have a crucial role in how stress and intonation are spoken. The syllable
structure of Amharic is (C)V(C)(C), where C means consonant and V denotes vowel [15].
Types of syllables in Amharic include V, CV, CVC, VCC, VC, and CVCC. For instance
the text: ”ነገር ግን አንድ ቀን ራሱን በቻለ ሂደትና መልክ ሊከናወን የሚችል የማይቀር ድርጊት ነው”
can be decomposed into a sequence of syllable unit: ”nə gər gIn and qən ra sun bə ca lə hi
də tI na məlk li kə na wən yə mi cIl yə ma yI qər dI rI git nəw”.

A character in Amharic is a fundamental building block of written language that visually

represents a sound or meaning. Character is a suitable unit for end-to-end speech recogni-
tion since every text can be easily separated into character sequences. However, utilizing
characters would make understanding long-term (word-level) context dependencies more
difficult. The difficulties posed by character units might be overcome by the use of sub-
word units. A subword is a group of characters that together create a coherent phrase that
is less than a word. These words, which usually include stems, roots, prefixes, and suf-
fixes, serve as crucial linguistic building blocks to produce words. BPE algorithm forms
subwords using a string of characters, where the most frequent character combinations are
merged [32]. The algorithm consists of the following steps:

1. Initialization - Initialize a vocabulary V with all unique characters in the training

data and an additional symbol ”_”, indicating the end boundary of a word.

2. Create character pairs - Count all adjacent character pairs in the vocabulary and
store them in a dictionary, D.

3. Merge most frequent pairs - Sort the dictionary D by frequency of occurrence and
select the most frequent pair (X, Y). Replace all occurrences of (X, Y) with a new
symbol XY in the vocabulary, V.

4. Update vocabulary - Add the new symbol XY to the vocabulary, V, and repeat steps
2-4 until we reach a predetermined number of subwords or until we no longer find
frequent pairs.

For example, let’s consider the text ”ድንበር መስበር”. We initialize the vocabulary with all
unique characters in the training data plus an underscore symbol: ድ, ን, በ, ር, መ, ስ, _. Note
that an underscore represents the end boundary of a word as one character. The first step
creates all possible pairs of characters in the vocabulary: (ድ, ን), (ን, በ), (በ, ር), (ር, _), (_,
መ), (መ, ስ), (ስ, በ), (በ, ር). Next, we count the frequency of each pair in the training data
and merge the most frequent pair, (በ, ር), replacing it with the subword ”በር”. We then
update the vocabulary: ድ, ን, መ, ስ, _, በር. We repeat the process until we have reached a
predetermined number of subwords or until there are no more frequent character pairs.

The resulting vocabulary contains subwords that represent common pairs of characters in
the training data, allowing for more effective tokenization and better modeling of rare or
unseen words. In this study, 500 as well as 20000 sub-word units were prepared just to
see their impacts on recognition accuracy.

3.5 ASR evaluation metrics

There are different types of evaluation metrics in ASR, including Word Error Rate (WER),
Character Error Rate (CER), Phoneme Error Rate (PER), and Syllable Error Rate (SER).
These metrics measure how many tokens are incorrect in the full transcript of a speech
recognition system. They are calculated by dividing the total number of errors in the
hypothesis sequence (insertions, deletions, and substitutions) by the total number of words,
characters, phonemes, or syllables in the reference or target sequence. Equation 3.19 - 3.22
shows the formula for computing CER, WER, PER, & SER, respectively.

(S + D + I)
CER = × 100% (3.19)
(S + D + I)
W ER = × 100% (3.20)
(S + D + I)
P ER = × 100% (3.21)
(S + D + I)
SER = × 100% (3.22)

Where S represents the number of substitutions, D represents the number of deletions, I

represents the number of insertions, Nc , Nw , Np and Ns represents the total number of
characters, words, phonemes and syllables, respectively, in the target sequence.

3.6 Summary

This chapter explains the dataset used and the proposed methodology for the Amharic
speech recognition system, including the fundamental recognition units such as character,
subword, and syllable. The proposed approach entails feature extraction to transform the
speech waveform into acoustic feature vectors, followed by subsampling. Feature vec-
tors along with positional encoding information are provided to the transformer encoder,
which turns the feature vectors into a high-level representation. The transformer decoder
takes the high-level representation and predicts the output label sequence based on previ-
ous predicted labels, while CTC also predicts the output label sequence. Additionally, a
Language Model (LM) is incorporated into the Acoustic Model (AM) to improve Amharic
ASR accuracy. During inference, the sum of log probabilities is taken from the LM and
AM to find the best hypothesis. ASR evaluation metrics are also discussed in this chapter.

Chapter 4

Result and Discussion

This chapter explores the precise details of the experimental setup and the findings. The
effect of applying the hybrid Transformer and CTC model is presented in this chapter. By
carefully analyzing our studies, we were able to explain the effects of different Amharic
language recognition units, such as characters, sub-words, and syllables, on the accuracy
of Amharic speech recognition. We were also able to demonstrate the effect of incorpo-
rating a language model into our system. Through an in-depth analysis, we have gained
valuable insights into the underlying factors that influence Amharic speech recognition
accuracy, laying the foundation for future work in this field.

4.1 Experiment Setup

Google Colab, a convenient cloud-based service provided by Google, was used for our
experiment’s training and testing phases. The Espnet [37], an end-to-end speech process-
ing toolkit with a Pytorch backend was employed, to achieve the results we obtained in
this speech recognition system. The transformer model is a highly sophisticated aspect of
this system, consisting of twelve encoder layers and six decoder layers that form a 2048-
dimensional feed-forward network. In order to increase the attentiveness of our system,
eight attention heads, each with 512 dimensions were also incorporated. The neural net-
work was chosen because of its accuracy and speed, which were improved by initializing
the transformer weights with the Xavier uniform method.

A multi-task loss weight of 0.3 was used to implement the joint training method. In addi-
tion, several regularization techniques such as 10% dropout on every attention matrix and
weight in Feed Forward (FF), layer normalization before every MHA and FF, as well as
label smoothing with a penalty of 0.1 were used to prevent overfitting on the training set.

The training was conducted for 100 epochs using Pytorch backend and a batch size of 8.
Further, the Noam optimizer was utilized with warmup steps, label smoothing, gradient
clipping, and accumulating gradients to train the proposed speech recognition system.

A sampling rate of 16000 Hz was used to create audio frames with intervals of 25 ms and 10
ms for the feature extraction process, which produced 80-dimensional log mel-filterbank
features that were used for both training and decoding. To ensure robust results, the fea-
ture vectors were normalized using a global cepstral mean and variance normalization

The right parameters must be chosen in the area of language modeling based on the lan-
guage units being employed. To this goal, the sub-word units and character units of two
different types of LMs were investigated. With sub-word LM, a 2-layer LSTM architec-
ture with 1024 hidden units, Noam optimization, 64 batches, and a maximum sequence
length of 55 was employed. Alternatively, character LM employed a 4-layered LSTM
architecture, with each layer containing 512 hidden units. Like the sub-word model, the
character LM also utilized Noam optimization to enhance performance. This model’s
batch size was increased to 256 because character-level modeling often has longer se-
quences. The maximum sequence length was set at 400 characters. In this work, both
sub-word and character LMs were trained for 100 epochs, during which the neural net-
work’s weights and biases were adjusted iteratively to converge to an optimal result.

4.2 Experiment Results

4.2.1 Investigation of joint Transformer and CTC model

In this study, we first conducted training on our baseline implementation of RNN and
joint RNN-CTC for ASR. Subsequently, training was then carried out on the Transformer
and joint Transformer-CTC models. The results in Figure 4.1 show that there are no-
table differences in the training losses of RNN, joint RNN-CTC, Transformer, and joint
Transformer-CTC models over the course of several epochs.

Figure 4.1: Training losses in character-based AM

First, it is observed that both RNN and Transformer models do not achieve losses close to
zero throughout the training process. This suggests that these models experience slower
convergence compared to the joint models. The slower convergence implies that the mod-
els require more epochs to attain lower losses and reach a certain level of accuracy. How-
ever, when comparing the RNN and Transformer models, it is noted that the RNN model
exhibits a lower loss compared to the Transformer model after an extended number of
epochs. This indicates that the RNN model performs better in terms of reducing the train-
ing loss as more training iterations are performed. It is important to note that this compar-
ison is specific to the training loss criterion employed in this study.

On the other hand, the joint RNN-CTC and joint Transformer-CTC models demonstrate
a faster convergence compared to their respective non-joint counterparts. This suggests
that incorporating the CTC component in both the RNN and Transformer models aids in
achieving quicker convergence. This is due to the fact that CTC explicitly aligns speech
features and transcriptions. The alignment helps the Transformer model to learn mono-
tonic attention for ASR. Monotonic attention refers to the output sequence produced by
explicitly attending the input sequence from left to right. In addition, this attention mech-
anism restricts the decoder to only attend to parts of the input sequence that it has not
attended to before. In other words, the decoder will only be allowed to attend to the parts
of the input sequence that come after the regions already attended to. Therefore, attention
is only allowed to move forward monotonically. This approach of monotonic attention is
important for the model to be able to converge much more quickly and effectively as a
result of quick attention computations as well as improved decoding efficiency.

Moreover, among all the models considered, the joint Transformer-CTC model exhibits
the fastest convergence. This implies that the combination of the Transformer architecture
with the CTC component is highly effective in accelerating the convergence of the model.
The joint Transformer-CTC model achieves lower losses at a quicker speed compared to
the other models evaluated in the study.

In summary, the results suggest that while the RNN and Transformer models show slower
convergence, the RNN model performs slightly better than the Transformer model re-
garding reducing the training loss over a greater number of epochs. However, the joint
RNN-CTC and joint Transformer-CTC models demonstrate faster convergence, with the
joint Transformer-CTC model being the most efficient in terms of achieving lower losses
quickly. These findings underscore the importance of considering different model archi-
tectures and incorporating additional components like CTC to enhance convergence and
improve performance in sequence-to-sequence tasks.

4.2.2 Investigation of Language Model

In this work, 368,394 sentences extracted from the Contemporary Amharic Corpus (CACO)
[34] have been used to derive the vocabulary for the dictionary and to train both character-
and subword-level LMs.

The performance evaluation of an LM is measured by perplexity. The perplexity of the

test set is a critical metric that dictates the difficulty of the recognition task.

The validation perplexity decreased alongside the training perplexity, as shown in Figures
4.2 and 4.3 below. Both the training and validation perplexities have decreased, which
indicates that neither model overfits the training set and should perform more reliably on
new data. The perplexity for character- and subword-level LMs, respectively, on unseen
test data is 6.35 and 10.24. As can be seen, the subword-level LM has a higher degree
of perplexity than the character-level LM. This is because perplexity tends to increase as
the vocabulary size of the test set increases. It is important to note that the models should
perform better at predicting new data if they achieve lower test perplexity.

Figure 4.2: Training and Validation Figure 4.3: Training and Validation
perplexities of character-level LM perplexities of subword-level LM

4.2.3 Impact of joint decoding

Our research findings have been categorized into three main categories: character-based
AM with character- and subword-level LMs; subword-based AM with character- and
subword-level LM; and syllable-based AM. These categories allow for a thorough analy-
sis of the results because they accurately classify the experiment results as well as represent
the different methods used. Character-based acoustic model

The character-based AM was evaluated for its ability to decode test data, with the overall
goal of reaching maximum recognition accuracy. The evaluation utilized two commonly
used metrics: CER and WER.

The model’s error rate is shown in Table 4.1. The best preliminary results show a CER of
9.53% and a WER of 28.03%. To improve the model’s accuracy, different LMs such as
character-level LM and a subword-level LM were incorporated into the decoding process.

Acoustic model Language model Character error rate (CER) Word error rate (WER)
Greedy decoding Beam search decoding Greedy decoding Beam search decoding
Character - 10.43% 9.53% 29.84% 28.03%
Character Character-level LM - 8.84% - 27.61%
Character Subword-level LM - 9.94% - 25.8%

Table 4.1: Decoding results of character based acoustic model

The CER dropped to 8.84% after integrating the character-level LM, demonstrating an
improvement in recognition of individual characters. The WER, on the other hand, im-
proved, falling from 28.03% to 27.61%. This was an unexpected outcome because the
character-level LM doesn’t offer the capability of modeling longer context dependency to
recognize complete words. The employment of the subword-level LM, on the other hand,
resulted in a higher CER of 9.94% but a lower WER of 25.8%. This finding revealed that
by taking into consideration the expected combinations of characters inside each word, the
subword-level LM was able to increase the model’s ability to recognize complete words.

It is worth mentioning that the discrepancy in error rates between the character-level and
subword-level LMs can be traced to their fundamental properties. A subword-level LM, in
particular, is more adapted to capture the most likely sequence of characters that constitute
a word, which can enhance overall WER. A character-level LM, on the other hand, is more
effective at improving CER because it focuses on predicting the probability of specific
characters. The study also found that both character- and subword-level LMs are more
successful at managing OOV words, which can be frequent in particular datasets and result
in greater word error rates. Subword-based acoustic model

The performance evaluation of a trained subword-based joint transformer and CTC model
is shown in Table 4.2, along with the impact of utilizing a character- and a subword-level
LM on the model’s performance. Like the character-based AM, CER and WER metrics
are used to evaluate the subword-based AM.

The study’s best preliminary result indicated that a model with 500 subword units ex-
tracted from the training texts had a CER of 10.02% and a WER of 26.67%. This finding
show that the subword-based AM achieved a lower WER and a higher CER as compared
with the character-based AM. The research also investigates the impact of using differ-
ent number of subword units. When the model was trained with 20000 subword units,
the CER increased significantly to 28.42% and the WER also increased to 46.3%. This
revealed that the high degree of complexity caused by additional subword units creates
overfitting, causing the model to become unable to generalize successfully on new unseen
data. Furthermore, increasing the number of subword units results in fewer unit occur-
rences in the text corpus. For instance, the least frequent unit for the 500 subword set was
”ስተ” which appeared 984 times in our training data, whereas for the 20000 subword set,
the least frequent unit was ”_ይረክ” which appeared only six times. This problem of data
sparsity has the effect of degrading model performance.

Acoustic model Language model Character error rate (CER) Word error rate (WER)
Greedy decoding Beam search decoding Greedy decoding Beam search decoding
Subword-500 unit - 10.77% 10.02% 28.53% 26.67%
Subword-20000 unit - 30.21% 28.42% 49.6% 46.3%
Subword-500 unit Character-level LM - 9.79% - 26.02%
Subword-500 unit Subword-level LM - 9.99% - 24.61%

Table 4.2: Decoding results of subword based acoustic model

Character- and subword-level LMs have been incorporated to increase the model’s perfor-
mance. The findings showed a considerable increase in accuracy when the character-level
LM was used, with CER decreased to 9.79% and WER lowered to 26.02% when 500 sub-
word units were used. The character-level LM offered extra information on the sequence
of characters that are expected to occur in the text, allowing the model to make more ac-
curate predictions. Incorporating a subword-level LM, on the other hand, resulted in even
better performance, with a WER of 24.61%. The subword-level LM caught the intricate
patterns of subwords seen in the text and offered longer context to the model, allowing it
to make more accurate predictions.

The most important finding of the study indicated that subword-based joint transformer
and CTC models with fewer subword units outperform models with more subword units.
Choosing an optimal number of subword units is critical to prevent having an extremely
complicated model, which leads to overfitting, as previously described. Syllable-based acoustic model

The goal of this experiment was to assess the performance of a Syllable-based Joint Trans-
former and CTC model for Amharic speech recognition. Table 4.3 depicts the perfor-
mance evaluation of a trained syllable-based acoustic model. The key performance in-
dicators employed for assessment were Phoneme Error Rate (PER) and Syllable Error
Rate (SER), which evaluate the accuracy of detecting individual phonemes and overall
syllable structure, respectively.

The findings show that the proposed approach is very successful for the problem of Amharic
speech recognition. The model, in particular, obtained an acceptable PER of 7.05%, show-
ing that it can reliably distinguish the majority of distinct phonemes. Furthermore, a SER
of 13.3% was found, indicating that the model is quite good at detecting the overall syllable
structure in continuous speech.

Acoustic model Phoneme error rate (PER) Syllable error rate (SER)
Greedy decoding Beam search decoding Greedy decoding Beam search decoding
Syllable 7.56% 7.05% 14.88% 13.3%

Table 4.3: Decoding results of syllable based acoustic model

To grasp the relevance of these findings, it is important to keep in mind that syllables and
phonemes are the two basic units of speech, with syllables being larger and comprised of
one or more phonemes. While both PER and SER represent errors made by the model, they
measure different aspects of its performance. SER considers not just individual phoneme
errors but also syllable boundaries and overall syllable structure, giving it a more relevant
metric for continuous speech recognition tasks involving longer speech sequences.

Although the results are acceptable, more research is needed to find possible areas for im-
provement. The model’s significantly higher SER, for example, shows that more training
data may be required to properly capture the different aspects influencing overall syllable
structure, such as tone and stress patterns in speech. Modifying the model architecture
and/or tuning hyperparameters, on the other hand, may also enhance performance and
minimize errors.

In general, a PER of less than 10% and/or a SER of less than 20% is regarded reasonable
performance for speech recognition models. However, while analyzing the findings, the
specific requirements of the task should be considered. Based on the findings of this
study, it is possible to infer that the proposed approach has significant promise for the task
of Amharic speech recognition and needs further investigation.

4.2.4 Training and inference time

Figure 4.4 illustrates the training and inference time of the joint Transformer-CTC and
RNN-CTC models. The training time for the joint RNN and CTC model can be rel-
atively high due to RNN’s sequential nature, processing input data step-by-step. On
the other hand, joint Transformer and CTC model generally has faster training times as
Transformer can process input data in parallel. Similarly, when it comes to inference,
Transformer-CTC model usually outperform RNN-CTC model in terms of speed. This
is because Transformers can also process input sequences in parallel, making them more
efficient for inference on modern hardware like GPUs.

Figure 4.4: Training and inference time of Transformer-CTC and RNN-CTC

4.3 Discussion

In this work, the effectiveness of the joint Transformer and CTC model was evaluated
using the greedy decoding and beam search decoding method. In contrast to beam search
decoding, greedy decoding chooses the token with the highest probability at each timestep
without taking into account the impact of subsequent tokens. Our results showed that beam
search decoding outperformed greedy decoding in all experiments, showing that it is more
effective at decoding speech recognition hypothesis sequences. Our findings specifically
show that beam search is a more workable method for enhancing speech recognition ac-
curacy than greedy decoding.

Characters, syllables, and character-based subwords were used as recognition units to as-
sess the effectiveness of our proposed transformer-CTC end-to-end ASR for Amharic. In
this work, character-based and subword-based end-to-end ASR models’ CER and WER
were compared. The evaluation’s findings showed that when character error rates are our
main concern in ASR, character-based acoustic models perform better than subword-based
acoustic models. This can be attributed to the fact that character-based models are easier
to understand because each character represents a different language sound, and as a re-
sult, they typically perform better when recognizing single characters. On the other hand,
subword-based models might outperform character-based models when the primary ob-
jective of ASR is to minimize word error rates. This is due to the fact that subword-based
models are more adaptable in encoding frequent sound combinations, which is especially
helpful in languages like Amharic that have a variety of complex sounds. Subword models
improve the system’s ability to recognize complex sound combinations, making it simpler
to identify words made up of these complex sound combinations.

The three research questions mentioned in Chapter one are answered as follows:

RQ1 How does joining Transformer and CTC models affect the Amharic speech recog-
nition accuracy?

The transformer model used in our experiment failed to converge and did not gener-
alize well to the unseen test data in our investigation. There could be several reasons
behind the lack of convergence and poor generalization of the transformer model
trained for the Amharic speech recognition system.

One possible reason is insufficient training data; it is likely that the provided train-
ing data is insufficient to capture the variability of the language, particularly if the
model has a high number of parameters. This might result in overfitting, a condition
in which the model only memorizes the training data but fails to generalize to new
data. This problem can be solved by collecting more training data or augmenting the
existing data with techniques such as noise injection, speed perturbation, or pitch
shifting. The other possible reason is inappropriate model architecture: the trans-
former model may not be suitable for Amharic speech recognition, or it may need
to be modified to better capture language characteristics such as tone fluctuations,
prosody, or vowel harmony.

Our findings show that joining the Transformer and CTC models has a positive
impact on reducing overfitting and improving the convergence speed. Furthermore,
in our research on the low-resource Amharic speech recognition system, the joint
Transformer-CTC model significantly outperforms the pure Transformer model.

RQ2 How do character, subword and syllable recognition units affect the accuracy of
Amharic speech recognition systems?

The accuracy of Amharic speech recognition can be significantly impacted by the

use of different recognition units. The different speech components used to build
the system, such as characters, subwords, or syllables, are referred to as different
recognition units.

Our study shows that for Amharic speech recognition with limited resources, sub-
word recognition units tend to perform marginally better than character-based units.
However, the most efficient method may vary depending on the precise data at hand,
so it’s important to test using more training data. Moreover, our results depict that
the syllable-level recognition model works well for Amharic.

RQ3 How does incorporating language model affects the accuracy of Amharic speech
recognition system?

Incorporating a language model significantly improve the accuracy of an Amharic

speech recognition system. The language model provides contextual information on
the most likely sequence of tokens in Amharic, which improves the recognition ac-
curacy by biasing the speech recognition system to select the more probable tokens
when there is ambiguity in the acoustic signal.

The language model units, which could be characters or subwords, help the speech
recognition system to better understand and interpret the words being spoken by the
user. As the system processes each audio input, the language model uses statistical
analysis to suggest potential character or subword combinations that may match the
incoming audio.

A character-level language model works by considering individual characters in a

word and their likelihood of appearing together based on the training data, which
can help the system better recognize out-of-vocabulary words.

A subword-level language model uses small units of words (such as prefixes, suf-
fixes, and root words) instead of full words, which can improve the system’s ability
to handle variations in word forms (such as plural vs. singular forms or verb tense

Chapter 5

Conclusion and Future Work

5.1 Conclusion

In this study, a joint Transformer and CTC model was employed for Amharic speech
recognition systems and verified its effectiveness on Amharic datasets developed by [5].
It is a hybrid sequence-to-sequence model based entirely on self-attention without using
RNNs or convolutions. This joint Transformer-CTC model improves the convergence
rate of the Transformer model; incorporating both resulted in a faster convergence time
than when only the Transformer was used. Furthermore, characters and subwords were
compared as the recognition units in joint Transformer and CTC Amharic attention-based
models. Our test results showed that using character language units resulted in a lower
character error rate, while using subword language units resulted in the best word error
rate. However, we urged that since our dataset was so small, increasing the subword units
might have a negative impact on accuracy because of the sparse occurrences. Addition-
ally, the study demonstrated the effectiveness of integrating an external LM to enhance
recognition accuracy.

Based on the findings, it can be concluded that joining a Transformer and CTC is a
promising way to speed up the convergence of the Transformer model. When develop-
ing Amharic speech recognition systems, it is crucial to choose the proper language unit
(character or subword) depending on the goal: greater word accuracy or lower character
error rates. It should be noted that while larger subword units might enhance accuracy,
they might also result in sparse distributions of subword units if data is scarce. Moreover,
an increase in Amharic speech recognition accuracy is made possible by incorporating
language models into the joint Transformer and CTC models.

5.2 Future Work

Although we have made significant progress in building an Amharic speech recognition

system based on joint Transformer and CTC, we acknowledge that there is still much work
to be done in this area. We recommend looking into the following crucial areas to advance
research progresses:

First, it should be mentioned that only a read speech corpus was used in our study. Using
only a read speech corpus is not enough to develop an efficient Amharic speech recognition
system. Hence, we recommend the development of spontaneous speech corpora to enable
the use of the Amharic speech recognition system in practical settings.

Second, while the read speech corpus serves as a crucial foundation, it can be expanded
to increase its size, quality, and coverage in order to accelerate the convergence of the
Transformer model.

Additionally, we restricted our research to Amharic ASRS using the joint Transformer and
CTC approach. Therefore, it will be crucial to investigate and contrast various models in
the future in order to gain a thorough understanding of the best strategies for Amharic
speech recognition. To ensure that proposed models are tested and compared using the
same metrics, datasets, and conditions, robust evaluation practices should be adopted. By
putting these suggestions into practice, Amharic speech recognition systems would be
significantly improved, and their adoption would be made easier.


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