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Nat Biotechnol. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2022 July 30.
Author Manuscript

Published in final edited form as:

Nat Biotechnol. 2022 April ; 40(4): 585–597. doi:10.1038/s41587-022-01222-4.

Inferring gene expression from cell-free DNA fragmentation

Mohammad Shahrokh Esfahani1,2,3, Emily G. Hamilton4, Mahya Mehrmohamadi1,2, Barzin
Y. Nabet2,3, Stefan K. Alig1, Daniel A. King1, Chloé B. Steen1,5,6, Charles W. Macaulay1,
Andre Schultz3, Monica C. Nesselbush4, Joanne Soo1, Joseph G. Schroers-Martin1,3,
Binbin Chen1, Michael S. Binkley2, Henning Stehr3, Jacob J. Chabon2, Brian J. Sworder1,
Author Manuscript

Angela B-Y Hui2, Matthew J. Frank7, Everett J. Moding2, Chih Long Liu1, Aaron M.
Newman5,6, James M. Isbell8, Charles M. Rudin9, Bob T. Li9, David M. Kurtz1,3, Maximilian
Diehn2,3,5,✉, Ash A. Alizadeh1,3,5,✉
1Divisions of Oncology and of Hematology, Department of Medicine, Stanford School of Medicine,
Stanford, CA, USA.
2Department of Radiation Oncology, Stanford School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA.
3Stanford Cancer Institute, Stanford School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA.
4Program in Cancer Biology, Stanford School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA.

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Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to Maximilian Diehn or Ash A. Alizadeh,;
Author contributions
M.S.E., M.M., M.D. and A.A.A. developed the concept of EPIC-seq. M.S.E., M.D. and A.A.A. developed the concept of PFE,
designed the experiments, analyzed the data and wrote the manuscript. M.S.E. and M.M. designed the EPIC-seq selector with inputs
from H.S., A.M.N., M.D. and A.A.A. M.S.E. performed all the statistical and machine learning analyses and the mechanistic modeling
with assistance from M.M., B.C. and C.B.S. M.S.E., M.M., E.G.H. and A.S. performed the bioinformatics analyses with assistance
from D.A.K., C.L.L., M.C.N. and J.J.C. E.G.H., C.W.M., J.S., B.Y.N., A.B.-Y.H., J.G.S-M. and E.J.M. performed molecular biology
experiments related to profiling clinical specimens with assistance from J.J.C. S.K.A., B.J.S., B.Y.N., M.J.F., J.M.I., C.M.R., B.T.L.,
D.M.K., M.D. and A.A.A. provided patient specimens and clinical data. All authors reviewed the manuscript.
Competing interests
A.A.A. reports research funding from Celgene, Pfizer, ownership interests in FortySeven, CiberMed, ForeSight and paid consultancy
from Roche, Genentech, Janssen, Pharmacyclics, Gilead, Celgene and Chugai. M.D. reports research funding from Varian Medical
Systems and Illumina, ownership interest in CiberMed, ForeSight and paid consultancy from Roche, AstraZeneca, Illumina,
RefleXion and BioNTech. J.J.C. reports paid consultancy from Lexent Bio Inc. and ownership interests in ForeSight. A.M.N. has
patent filings related to expression deconvolution and cancer biomarkers and has served as a consultant for Roche, Merck and
CiberMed. D.M.K. reports paid consultancy from Roche. B.T.L. has served as an uncompensated advisor and consultant to Amgen,
Genentech, Boehringer Ingelheim, Lilly, AstraZeneca and Daiichi Sankyo. B.T.L. reports receiving research grants to his institution
Author Manuscript

from Amgen, Genentech, AstraZeneca, Daiichi Sankyo, Lilly, Illumina, GRAIL, Guardant Health, Hengrui Therapeutics, MORE
Health and Bolt Biotherapeutics. B.T.L. has received academic travel support from MORE Health and Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine.
B.T.L. reports to be inventor on two institutional patents at MSKCC (US62/685,057, US62/514,661) and has intellectual property
rights as a book author at Karger Publishers and Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press. J.M.I. reports serving as an unpaid consultant to
Amgen and Roche-Genentech, institutional research support from Guardant Health and GRAIL, and ownership interest in LumaCyte.
A.A.A., M.D., M.S.E., D.M.K., J.J.C., and B.Y.N. report patent filings related to cancer biomarkers. M.S.E., M.M., A.A.A. and M.D.
have patent filing related to this paper. B.Y.N. is currently an employee and holds stock from Roche/Genentech. The remaining authors
declare no competing interests.
Extended data are available for this paper at
Supplementary information The online version contains supplementary material available at
Peer review information Nature Biotechnology thanks the anonymous reviewers for their contribution to the peer review of this
Reprints and permissions information is available at
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5Institutefor Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Stanford School of Medicine,
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Stanford, CA, USA.

6Department of Biomedical Informatics, Stanford School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA.
7Divisionof Blood and Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy, Department of Medicine,
Stanford School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, USA.
8ThoracicSurgery Service, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Weill Cornell Medicine,
New York, NY, USA.
9Department of Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA.

Profiling of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) in the bloodstream shows promise for noninvasive
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cancer detection. Chromatin fragmentation features have previously been explored to infer gene
expression profiles from cell-free DNA (cfDNA), but current fragmentomic methods require
high concentrations of tumor-derived DNA and provide limited resolution. Here we describe
promoter fragmentation entropy as an epigenomic cfDNA feature that predicts RNA expression
levels at individual genes. We developed ‘epigenetic expression inference from cell-free DNA-
sequencing’ (EPIC-seq), a method that uses targeted sequencing of promoters of genes of interest.
Profiling 329 blood samples from 201 patients with cancer and 87 healthy adults, we demonstrate
classification of subtypes of lung carcinoma and diffuse large B cell lymphoma. Applying EPIC-
seq to serial blood samples from patients treated with PD-(L)1 immune-checkpoint inhibitors, we
show that gene expression profiles inferred by EPIC-seq are correlated with clinical response.
Our results indicate that EPIC-seq could enable noninvasive, high-throughput tissue-of-origin
characterization with diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic potential.
Author Manuscript

Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) molecules circulating in blood plasma largely arise from chromatin
fragmentation accompanying cell death during homeostasis of diverse tissues throughout the
body1–3. Accordingly, cfDNA profiling has been established for use in detection of tissue
rejection after solid organ transplantation, noninvasive prenatal testing of fetal aneuploidy
during pregnancy and noninvasive tumor genotyping, along with early evidence for detection
of diverse cancer types4–12. For each application, current liquid biopsy testing approaches
have largely relied on germline or somatic genetic variations to diagnose pathology in
tissues of interest. Indeed, such variations in genetic sequences can be highly informative
for biopsy-free tumor genotyping of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) and for monitoring of
disease burden, with potential use for early cancer detection9,13–15.

Despite the many applications of cfDNA profiling for noninvasive detection of mutations,
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even in cancers with a high tumor mutation loads and even in patients with high disease
burden, most cancer-derived fragments are unmutated. Accordingly, interrogating these
cfDNA fragments using epigenetic features could have broad use for example to inform
tissue-of-origin of unmutated molecules. Separately, such approaches could be useful
for detection of tissue injury without associated genetic lesions16–21, and for cancer
classification. Since circulating cfDNA molecules are primarily nucleosome-associated
fragments, they reflect distinctive chromatin configurations of the nuclear genome of

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cells from which they derive22–24. Specifically, genomic regions densely associated with
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nucleosomal complexes are generally protected against the action of various endonucleases,
while open chromatin regions are prone to such degradation25.

Several studies have identified specific chromatin fragmentation features as potentially

useful for classification of tissue-of-origin by cfDNA profiling. These ‘fragmentomic’
features include lower depth of sequencing coverage26–29 and disruption of nucleosome
positioning25 near transcription start sites (TSSs). Separately, several studies have shown
that the length of cfDNA fragments can also inform tissue-of-origin, including tumor
derivation, even when considered agnostic to genomic location or relation to gene
promoters. For example, tumor-derived molecules bearing somatic variants tend to be
shorter than wildtype counterparts29–32 as useful for distinguishing somatic variants that are
tumor-derived from those arising from circulating leukocytes during clonal hematopoiesis9.
Despite these advances, current fragmentomic methods, including those relying on shallow
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whole-genome sequencing (WGS) do not fully harness contributions of various tissues to

the circulating DNA pool. Separately, current techniques provide inadequate genomic depth
and breadth to enable gene-level resolution. Indeed, even when considering gene groups,
such methods perform well for inferring expression only at high ctDNA levels. Accordingly,
fragmentomic methods for inferring expression are limited to patients with very high tumor
burden generally observed in advanced disease.

We addressed these limitations by evaluating additional cfDNA fragmentation features

for predicting gene expression. We reasoned that by profiling cfDNA fragmentation in
critical regions at high resolution, key fragmentomic features could capture gene-level
associations with expression levels across the genome and could inform accurate models for
predicting transcriptional output. If this hypothesis is indeed correct, then deep sequencing
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of informative genomic regions could overcome the limitations of previous approaches and
allow profiling cfDNA fragmentation at high resolution and facilitate gene-level analyses.
Here we describe a cfDNA fragmentation feature enabling prediction of expression for
individual genes. We use this observation to develop epigenetic expression inference
from cfDNA-sequencing (EPIC-seq), a method for analyzing expression based on cfDNA
fragmentomics. We then applied EPIC-seq to classify histology of nonsmall-cell lung cancer
(NSCLC), to distinguish molecular subtypes in diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL), to
assess immunotherapy responses and to evaluate the prognostic value of individual genes.

cfDNA features correlated with gene expression.
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We hypothesized that cfDNA fragments from active promoters (which are less protected
by nucleosomes) will exhibit more random cleavage patterns than fragments from inactive
promoters (which are more protected by nucleosomes). If correct, this should allow
inferences about expression of individual genes from cfDNA, reflecting contributions
from various cell types in diverse tissues, including solid tumors (Fig. 1a). To explore
this hypothesis, we profiled cfDNA by deep WGS (roughly 250×) from a patient with
carcinoma of unknown primary (CUP) with very low ctDNA levels as quantified by
cancer personalized profiling by deep sequencing (CAPP-seq)9 (<0.05%, Methods and

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Supplementary Table 1). Since most cfDNA molecules were of hematopoietic origin33, we
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correlated specific cfDNA fragmentomic features to expression levels of blood leukocytes

determined by RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq). We then ranked genes by their expression
levels and characterized the distribution of cfDNA fragments at promoters (Fig. 1b).
Supporting our hypothesis, cfDNA molecules mapping to the roughly 2-kb region flanking
the TSSs of highly expressed genes exhibit substantially more fragment length diversity
than fragments mapping to TSSs of poorly expressed genes. This phenomenon is especially
prominent in subnucleosomal fragments (<150 basepairs (bp) and 210–300 bp, Fig. 1b and
Extended Data Fig. 1a,b).

We reasoned that nucleosome displacement or depletion at the TSS of active genes could
result in more diverse digested fragments34, and that estimating this diversity could inform
the corresponding expression level at individual gene TSS regions. We therefore captured
this diversity in cfDNA fragment lengths as an entropy measure, calculating a modified
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Shannon index for fragments where both ends fell within the 2 kb flanking each gene’s
TSS (1 kb on each side). After adjusting this cfDNA entropy measure using a Dirichlet-
multinomial model for normalization, we refer to this metric as promoter fragmentation
entropy (PFE) (Methods). We observed high transcriptome-wide correlation between PFE
measured in cfDNA by WGS and expression levels measured by RNA-seq of peripheral
blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) (R = 0.89, P < 1 × 10−16; Fig. 1b,c and Supplementary
Table 2). While sequencing depth at nucleosome-depleted regions (NDRs) flanking the TSS
(NDR depth)27 was also significantly correlated with expression of corresponding genes, it
showed substantially lower correlation than did PFE (Fig. 1b; r = −0.78, P < 1 × 10−16).
The significant correlations between RNA expression levels and fragmentomic features were
only observed in cfDNA and not in acoustically shorn high molecular-weight genomic DNA
from matched leukocytes (PFE r = 0.003, NDR r = 0.24). Accordingly, expression inferences
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from cfDNA fragmentation profiles appear to reflect functional nucleosomal associations

of DNA in vivo and not predictable from a primary DNA sequence. Furthermore, TSS
regions were distinguished from exonic and intronic by having the highest representation
of subnucleosomal fragments (P < 0.0001, Extended Data Fig. 1c). We also examined
subnucleosomal cfDNA fragments in the context of mutant versus wildtype molecules in
patients with NSCLC (Extended Data Fig. 1d and Supplementary Notes).

We next compared several other cfDNA fragmentation features for correlation with
expression levels of blood leukocytes (Fig. 1d and Supplementary Table 2). While previous
cfDNA profiling studies have reported lower sequencing coverage depth at NDRs within
promoters of actively expressed genes27, the correlation between PFE and expression
was stronger than between normalized NDR depth and expression (Fig. 1b,d). PFE also
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outperformed other previously defined fragmentomic metrics including windowed protection

score (WPS)25, motif diversity score (MDS)35 and orientation-aware cfDNA fragmentation
(OCF)20. We also examined whether the distance from the TSS affects correlations between
cfDNA fragmentomic features and expression and observed that in comparison to NDR
correlation of PFE had broader dispersion (Fig. 1e and Supplementary Notes).

We further confirmed our observations from deep WGS profiling of cfDNA by considering
fragmentomic profiles of patients with lung cancer previously profiled at lower WGS

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depth (20–40×)15. We compared lung cancer cases and healthy control participants when
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inferring expression levels of two lung cancer gene signatures defined in primary tumor
tissues, corresponding to genes variably expressed in NSCLC. We observed a substantial
increase in inferred expression levels of the NSCLC-high signature as distinguishing lung
cancer from healthy noncancer control participants, correlated with lung cancer stage (Fig.
1f and Methods). This increasing trend was not observed in the NSCLC-low expression
signature (Fig. 1g), indicating the effect to be gene- and tissue-specific. Indeed, the
NSCLC signature also showed modest performance in distinguishing lung cancer cases
from control participants when cfDNA was profiled by WGS (area under curve (AUC),
0.76; Extended Data Fig. 1f). We also investigated the impact of sequencing depth on
correlations between cfDNA fragmentomic signals and transcriptome-wide RNA expression.
Correlations plateaued around 500× sequencing depth (Fig. 1h). Overall, these results
indicated that cfDNA fragmentation features are strongly correlated with RNA expression,
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and that PFE better captures this correlation than previously described metrics.

To better resolve the association between cfDNA fragmentation entropy and expression
levels, we next studied their relationship across individual gene bodies, when considering
distance from the TSS and exon/intron organization. We found peak cfDNA fragmentation
entropy to be centered at the TSS, with this effect being most prominent for highly
expressed genes (Fig. 2a). When summarizing results across genes as a function of distance
from the TSS, we observed a bimodal distribution of entropy values in a roughly 2.5-kb
window flanking each TSS (Fig. 2b). When considering gene bodies, we found that while
first exons display similar entropy signals as the TSS, this signal precipitously declines for
subsequent introns and exons that are farther from the TSS (Fig. 2c). Therefore, cfDNA
fragmentation features flanking TSS regions are highly correlated with expression levels
across the transcriptome, with normalized entropy of cfDNA fragments overlapping first
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exons capturing much of this effect.

Validation of expression inferences from cfDNA in solid tumors.

Having observed that fragmentation entropy of cfDNA molecules overlapping first exons
correlates with expression, we next asked whether whole-exome sequencing (WES) could
further validate inferred expression estimates from cfDNA. Specifically, we sequenced
plasma cfDNA of small-cell lung cancer cases (SCLC) (n = 11) and healthy control
participants (n = 28) by ultradeep WES (median unique depth roughly 2,000×) to infer
expression levels using PFE. We then compared these inferred results with expression levels
observed in transcriptome profiling of solid tumor tissues (Extended Data Fig. 1g). When
considering genes highly expressed in primary SCLC tumors compared with PBMCs by
RNA-seq genes or vice versa (Methods), we found strong concordance in corresponding
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signatures in plasma cfDNA (Fig. 2d,e). Specifically, ‘SCLC high’ tumor genes had
significantly higher normalized PFE levels in plasma cfDNA of patients with SCLC than
healthy control participants (P = 3.9 × 10−5; Fig. 2d), and conversely, ‘SCLC low’ genes
demonstrated the expected reciprocal pattern (P = 0.02; Fig. 2e). When combining these
two signatures into a single ‘SCLC score’, we observed strong classification performance
for distinguishing SCLC cases from control participants (AUC = 0.98, 95% CI: 0.94–1.00;
Extended Data Fig. 1h).

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Separately, we asked whether de novo discovery of SCLC-specific expression markers

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might be feasible noninvasively, when considering exome-wide cfDNA profiling and PFE
overlapping first exons (Fig. 2f). Among such candidate differentially expressed genes
(DEGs) distinguishing patients with SCLC from healthy adult control participants, we
identified several well-known SCLC markers including ASCL1, ANK1 and ASTN1 (Fig.
2f). Indeed, genes whose differential expression was inferred from cfDNA exhibited highly
significant and concordant differential expression in primary SCLC tumors and PBMCs
when profiled by RNA-seq (Fig. 2g,h and Methods). SCLC-specific genes inferred from
plasma cfDNA by WES were highly enriched for genes highly expressed in primary SCLC
tumors by RNA-seq (P = 0.014, Extended Data Fig. 1i). Therefore, expression inference
from cfDNA is feasible and can faithfully capture tumor-specific expression from solid lung
cancer tissues at gene-level resolution.

Inferring gene expression from cfDNA fragmentation profiles.

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We next attempted to predict expression from cfDNA fragmentomic features derived by

WGS. When considering diverse metrics, we identified PFE and normalized NDR depth
as complementary features predicting RNA expression in a generalized linear model
(Methods). Specifically, PFE demonstrated better dynamic range for lowly expressed
genes, while highly expressed genes appeared better captured by normalized NDR depth
(Extended Data Fig. 1d). We then validated this model by applying it to a fragmentomic
‘meta-profile’ assembled by WGS profiling of plasma cfDNA from 27 healthy adults
(Methods). Here again we observed high correlation between model-predicted expression
levels and observed measurements by RNA-seq of PBMCs when considering groups of
ten genes (r = 0.9, Extended Data Fig. 2a). Consistent with our previous observations
(Fig. 1h), these correlations deteriorated at lower sequencing depth in a manner hampering
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single-gene resolution (Extended Data Fig. 2a,b). While cfDNA PFE outperformed NDR
in correlations with expression, our composite model combining both PFE and NDR had
higher correlations than either alone (Extended Data Fig. 2b). We also examined our
expression inference model by considering its performance in several other validation
studies, again observing high correlations (Extended Data Fig. 2c–h and Supplementary

Having observed that higher sequencing depths improve correlations (Fig. 1h), we next
set out to develop a method allowing predicting expression of individual genes by deeper
profiling of TSS regions. While normalized entropy of cfDNA fragments overlapping
first exons allowed expression inferences when using deep WES (as described above for
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SCLC), the nontranscribed 5′ flanking regions of most genes are uncaptured by typical
commercially available exome bait sets, thereby precluding corresponding NDR estimates
from these TSS regions. Therefore, we devised a new approach, EPIC-seq, that combines
hybrid capture-based targeted deep sequencing of TSS flanking regions in cfDNA with
machine learning for predicting RNA expression (Fig. 3a). The TSS regions targeted in an
EPIC-seq experiment are tailored to include genes expected to be differentially expressed in
the conditions of interest.

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As a proof-of-concept, we tested this framework by applying EPIC-seq to two cancer

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classification problems using cfDNA: (1) noninvasively distinguishing histological subtypes

of the most common solid tumor (NSCLC), and (2) resolving molecular subtypes of the
most common hematological malignancy (DLBCL). For each malignancy, we first identified
genes highly expressed in tumor tissues, but with relatively low expression in whole blood
(Methods). We then identified subtype-specific genes by evaluating those differentially
expressed in NSCLC adenocarcinoma (lung adenocarcinoma, LUAD) versus lung squamous
cell carcinoma (LUSC) and DLBCL germinal center B (GCB) versus activated B cell
(ABC)-like subtypes36,37,39,101 (Supplementary Table 3, Fig. 3b,c and Supplementary

Using this workflow, we then profiled 373 plasma cfDNA samples, of which 329 were
used for testing EPIC-seq in different applications (median roughly 2,000× unique coverage
depth, Extended Data Fig. 3a and Supplementary Notes). This final set comprises 288 adults
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(Extended Data Fig. 3a,b and Supplementary Table 4), including 87 patients with NSCLC
(n = 109 samples), 114 patients with DLBCL (n = 126 samples) and 87 otherwise healthy
participants (n = 94 samples). Using a custom EPIC-seq analytical pipeline (Methods),
we computed cfDNA fragmentomic features for each gene of interest and then estimated
its predicted RNA expression level (Fig. 3a). To explore the ability of EPIC-seq to infer
expression of individual genes, we next evaluated expression of NKX2-1 (TTF1), a gene
highly expressed in LUAD and useful in histopathological diagnosis, and MS4A1 (CD20),
a gene highly expressed in DLBCL and useful for immunophenotyping and classification
of lymphomas38,39. The predicted expression level for NKX2-1 was significantly higher
in plasma from patients with NSCLC-LUAD (Wilcoxon test P = 4.2 × 10−6; Fig. 3d).
Conversely, the predicted expression level for MS4A1 was significantly higher in plasma
from patients with DLBCL (Wilcoxon test P = 4.2 × 10−14, Fig. 3e). Collectively, these
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results illustrate that inference of expression is feasible by targeted deep cfDNA-seq using
EPIC-seq, and that this framework can recover expected differences in tissue-derived
expression at single-gene resolution.

EPIC-seq for lung cancer detection.

We next evaluated whether EPIC-seq might have use for cancer classification problems,
starting with lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer-related death40,41. We asked whether
noninvasive classification of NSCLC cases versus healthy control participants was feasible
from cfDNA using EPIC-seq. The cohort was split into training (n = 138) and validation (n =
43). A classifier trained on EPIC-seq data to distinguish patients with NSCLC (n = 67: stage
II (n = 7), stage III (n = 30) and stage IV (n = 30)) from noncancer control participants (n
= 71) revealed robust performance (EPIC-lung AUC = 0.91, 95% confidence interval (CI),
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0.86–0.96) when considering 141 TSS sites from 117 genes (Fig. 4a and Methods). When
we applied this trained classifier to the validation subset of patients with NSCLC (n = 20)
and noncancer control participants (n = 23), we again observed high classification accuracy,
with only a modest decrease in performance (AUC = 0.83, 95% CI, 0.71–0.96; Fig. 4a).

Epigenetic signals in cfDNA captured by our EPIC-seq lung cancer classifier were
significantly correlated with both total metabolic tumor volumes (MTV) and tumor-derived

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mutation signal measured by CAPP-seq42 (Extended Data Fig. 4a,b and Supplementary
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Notes). While most patients profiled had advanced NSCLC, our classifier showed a
statistical trend for stage III–IV cases having higher scores compared to stage II cases
(P = 0.08, Fig. 4b). We also assessed the importance of ctDNA concentration for the
classifier’s performance. When binning cases by ctDNA concentrations determined using
mutations (CAPP-seq), the EPIC-seq lung classifier achieved roughly 34% sensitivity at
95% specificity when allelic levels were below 1% and of roughly 86% sensitivity when
ctDNA concentration exceeded 5% mean allele fractions (AF) (Fig. 4c). We observed
similar sensitivity as a function of ctDNA fraction in the validation cohort (Fig. 4c). These
results collectively demonstrate that RNA expression from lung tumors inferred by EPIC-
seq can distinguish lung cancer cases from noncancer individuals and correlate with tumor

Noninvasive classification of NSCLC subtypes.

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Differentiating between the two most common histological subtypes of NSCLC43, LUAD
and LUSC, is an important step in determining the optimal treatment for patients44,45.
Currently, the morphologic and immunophenotypic criteria used for this classification are
determined using tissue specimens43, but invasive evaluation can be fraught by diagnostic
challenges and procedural risks46–48. Currently available mutation-based liquid biopsy
methods are unable to reliably distinguish between LUAD and LUSC.

We therefore asked whether such classification could be performed noninvasively using

EPIC-seq. In a cohort of 67 patients with NSCLC, a classifier for distinguishing histological
subtypes (LUAD n = 36; LUSC n = 31) was trained on EPIC-seq data and demonstrated
robust performance in cross-validation (AUC = 0.90, 95% CI: 0.83–0.97; Fig. 4d and
Methods). The genes with largest coefficients and therefore strongest impact on the
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classification included canonical markers for LUAD (SLC34A2, NKX2-1 [TTF1]) and
LUSC (SOX2), thus confirming biological plausibility of the classifier (Methods and Fig.

We evaluated the histology classifier’s accuracy as a function of ctDNA levels as determined

by CAPP-seq (Methods) and as expected observed performance to be correlated with ctDNA
concentration (Fig. 4f). Specifically, accuracy was highest at mean AFs above 5% (87%),
with slight deterioration at levels between 1 and 5% (81%) and below 1% (73%) (Fig. 4f).
These results demonstrate that inference of lung cancer expression differences by EPIC-seq
allows for the noninvasive histological classification of NSCLC and that this framework
appears robust across a range of ctDNA concentrations.
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Predicting response to programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-(L)1) immune-checkpoint

inhibition (ICI).
For patients with advanced NSCLC, therapeutic blockade of programmed death 1 and
PD-(L)1 signaling using monoclonal antibodies has shown remarkable promise49,50. Trials
combining PD-(L)1 blockade with cytotoxic therapy or with other ICI strategies have
demonstrated improved response rates at the risk of higher toxicity51,52. Since only a
minority of patients with NSCLC achieve durable benefit from ICI, there is a critical unmet

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need for reliable biomarkers that can accurately identify these patients before or early during
ICI therapy53.
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We therefore performed an exploratory analysis to test whether early, noninvasive

assessment of response to ICI might be feasible using EPIC-seq. To do so, we analyzed 44
longitudinal blood specimens from 22 patients with NSCLC treated with PD-(L)1 blockade
using EPIC-seq. Samples were collected immediately before PD-(L)1 therapy and within
the first 4 weeks of therapy initiation (Fig. 4g). We developed a ‘lung dynamics index’
from EPIC-seq predicted gene expression as a function of therapeutic benefit (Methods).
This index demonstrated a significant correlation to mutation-based response assessment
using CAPP-seq54 (r = 0.526, P = 0.012, Extended Data Fig. 4c). This epigenetic metric
was also able to distinguish patients achieving durable clinical benefit (DCB) (defined
as no progression for at least 6 months after start of ICI) from those with no durable
clinical benefit (NDB) achieving an AUC of 0.93, 95% CI: 0.78–1.00 (Fig. 4h). Moreover,
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when stratified by the median index score in Kaplan–Meier analysis, patients with higher
scores had significantly better outcomes (log-rank P = 0.0003, Fig. 4i). Of note, within the
limitations of this small cohort, we also observed a significant and continuous association
of this index with progression-free survival (hazard ratio 11.38; Wald P = 0.006). Therefore,
this proof-of-concept suggests that EPIC-seq can reliably detect tissue-specific signals in
NSCLC and can faithfully monitor response to ICI in predicting durability of associated
clinical benefit.

Noninvasive DLBCL quantitation using EPIC-seq.

DLBCL is the most common non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and displays remarkable clinical
and biological heterogeneity55. While aspects of this heterogeneity can be captured by
clinical risk indices such as the International Prognostic Index (IPI)56, expression profiling57
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or genotyping of primary tumor biopsies58,59, it remains unclear whether such stratification

might also be feasible using less invasive approaches.

We therefore analyzed pretreatment blood samples from patients with DLBCL using EPIC-
seq and tested whether epigenetic signals in cfDNA allow noninvasive detection of DLBCL
cases, distinguishing patients with cancer from healthy control participants. Here again,
a classifier trained on EPIC-seq data to distinguish patients with DLBCL (n = 91) from
noncancer control participants (n = 71) revealed robust performance (AUC = 0.92, 95% CI
0.88–0.97; Fig. 5a and Methods). When we applied this classifier to a validation cohort of
patients with DLBCL (n = 23) and noncancer control participants (n = 23), we observed
similar performance in distinguishing cancer from noncancer (AUC = 0.96, 95% CI 0.9–
1.00; Fig. 5a). We also observed a significant graded relationship between scores from this
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epigenetic classifier and the revised IPI (R-IPI) (P = 0.004, Fig. 5b). Separately, we observed
the expected trend for scores from the epigenetic classifier with MTV and mean AFs
of mutations measured by CAPP-seq5960,61 (Extended Data Fig. 5a–c and Supplementary
Notes). We also evaluated classifier performance at various ctDNA levels by calculating
sensitivity at 95% specificity. While EPIC-seq’s sensitivity was strongly related to mean AF
and showed most robust performance at ctDNA levels above 1%, we observed roughly 40%
detection of DLBCL cases where mean AF was <1% (Fig. 5c).

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To assess the relationship between epigenetic signals and somatic mutations during DLBCL
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therapy and their stability over time, we next profiled serial blood samples from two patients
shortly after induction therapy with curative intent using both EPIC-seq and CAPP-seq (n
= 12, Fig. 5d,e). Again, we observed strong and significant correlations between DLBCL
EPIC-seq scores and ctDNA concentrations over time in both patients (ρ = 0.79, P = 0.004,
Extended Data Fig. 5d), despite the administration of combined chemoimmunotherapy and
the substantial attendant changes in leukocyte blood counts. Collectively, these results
illustrate that expression inferences by EPIC-seq can noninvasively detect tissue-derived
DLBCL signals and faithfully reflect disease burden before and after DLBCL therapy.

DLBCL cell-of-origin (COO) classification.

Most DLBCL tumors can be classified into two transcriptionally distinct molecular
subtypes, each derived from a specific B cell differentiation state (COO): GCB and
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ABC57,62,63. These subtypes are prognostic with significantly better outcomes observed
in patients with GCB tumors, and may also predict sensitivity to emerging targeted
therapies64–70. While this classification of DLBCL is among the strongest prognostic factors
and a potential biomarker for future personalized therapies, accurate subtyping remains
challenging in clinical settings71.

We therefore used EPIC-seq profiling to develop a noninvasive probabilistic COO classifier

from pretreatment plasma (Methods). When we benchmarked this classifier’s performance
in our DLBCL cohort, we observed epigenetic scores to be significantly correlated with
previously described mutation-based GCB scores60 (n = 90 with genetic scores available;
ρ = 0.75, P = 1 × 10−5, Fig. 6a). When we examined this epigenetic COO classifier
in the validation set, we observed a significant correlation between EPIC-seq scores and
the mutation-based GCB scores (ρ = 0.64, P = 0.01, Extended Data Fig. 5e). When
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comparing patients classified by the more commonly clinically used immunohistochemical

Hans algorithm72, we observed a significantly higher COO score for GCB cases compared
with non-GCB (training n = 66, Wilcoxon P = 0.001, Fig. 6b; validation n = 18, P = 0.014,
Extended Data Fig. 5f).

Comparing the expected prognostic power of epigenetic and mutation-based COO scores
using univariate Cox regressions, we observed a stronger association between EPIC-seq
GCB scores and favorable outcomes (n = 70, EPIC-seq: hazard ratio 0.13, P = 0.033 versus
CAPP-seq: hazard ratio 0.95, P = 0.62). Indeed, when stratified by the median GCB score,
patients with higher GCB scores had significantly better outcomes (log-rank P = 0.013,
Fig. 6c). Among patients analyzed by both immunohistochemistry and DNA genotyping,
the Hans algorithm failed to stratify patient clinical outcomes, suggesting more accurate
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classification by our approach (Extended Data Fig. 5h). To further characterize the fidelity
of our plasma cfDNA classification results, we next profiled tumor biopsies of a subset
of our DLBCL validation cases (n = 12) by RNA-seq. When assessing the concordance
between EPIC-seq scores obtained from plasma cfDNA and COO scores from tumor tissues,
we found a significantly high correlation between these two orthogonal approaches (r =
0.84, Fig. 6d and Extended Data Fig. 5g). Moreover, among patients analyzed by both
immunohistochemistry and DNA genotyping, the Hans algorithm failed to stratify patient

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clinical outcomes, suggesting more accurate classification by our approach (Extended Data
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Fig. 5h). Overall, these results indicate that EPIC-seq has use for noninvasive classification
of DLBCL COO and can stratify patients better than both the genetic classifier and the Hans

Determining prognostic power of individual genes with EPIC-seq.

Expression profiling studies for a variety of tumor types have identified the prognostic
power of individual genes for both risk stratification and therapeutic management.
In DLBCL, previous studies have validated the prognostic use of several key genes
in relatively large patient populations that were homogenously treated with modern
combination immune-chemotherapy using R-CHOP (a combination of the drugs rituximab,
cyclophosphamide, hydroxydaunorubicin hydrochloride (doxorubicin hydrochloride),
vincristine (Oncovin) and prednisone)73–78. These studies have relied on expression
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profiling from tumor biopsy specimens, which can be hampered by limitations of RNA
sample quality and quantity. Therefore, we evaluated the use of EPIC-seq for noninvasively
measuring expression of genes with prognostic associations in DLBCL and observed
significant concordance between our study using plasma cfDNA with previous studies using
tumor RNA77,78 (Extended Data Fig. 5i and Supplementary Notes).

Within our cohort, only LMO2 emerged as significantly associated with progression-free
survival after correction for multiple hypothesis testing (nominal P = 7.5 × 10−6, corrected
P = 0.0055; Fig. 6e). This is consistent with previous data on its robust prognostic effect
in DLBCL79. LMO2 is an oncogene consisting of six exons, of which three nearest the 3′
end are protein coding80. Inclusion of the three noncoding 5′ LMO2 exons is governed by
alternative proximal81, intermediate82 and distal promoters83. When comparing predicted
expression from each of these alternative promoters for prognostic strength in DLBCL
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using EPIC-seq, only the distal TSS (GRCh37/hg19-chr11:33,913,836) showed a significant

association with outcome (Fig. 6f). Higher predicted expression from the distal LMO2
TSS remained prognostic of more favorable outcomes in multivariable Cox regression
after adjusting for IPI and ctDNA level (Fig. 6f). This is consistent with the known
importance of the distal promoter in driving LMO2 expression in tumors, as evidenced
by retroviral insertional mutagenic events observed in gene therapy trials and chromosomal
rearrangements mediating lymphomagenesis80. Collectively, these observations indicate that
EPIC-seq has use for noninvasively measuring the expression and prognostic value of
individual genes and for resolving individual TSS regions.

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In this study, we introduce EPIC-seq, a method using cfDNA fragmentation patterns to

allow noninvasive inference of gene expression and which can be used for a wide variety
of clinically relevant applications including tumor detection, subtype classification, response
assessment and analysis of genes with prognostic implications. Compared to EPIC-seq, the
sensitivity of previously described cfDNA fragmentomic techniques and features has been
insufficient to resolve expression of individual genes with high fidelity19,20,24,26,81. The
approach described here achieves substantially improved performance by using PFE as a

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metric, as well as higher sequencing depth achieved through targeted capture of promoter
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regions of genes of interest.

To allow inference of RNA expression levels from cfDNA fragmentomic features by

EPIC-seq, we focused on capturing features at transcription sites that reflect epigenetically
encoded signals from nucleosomal accessibility and positioning since these are key factors
for determining transcriptional output84–101. These fragmentomic signals appeared strongest
at promoters of actively expressed genes when profiling cfDNA by WGS, motivating our
TSS capture approach. We also observed substantial signal at exonic regions of actively
expressed genes in WES, suggesting opportunities to extend EPIC-seq more broadly to
study expression of genes of interest.

As demonstrated above, EPIC-seq has potential use for a wide variety of clinically
relevant cancer classification problems. While our study focused on tumor histological
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classification as a proof-of-concept, the approach described here will be likely be broadly

generalizable to other tumor types. We demonstrate the biological plausibility of inferred
expression levels from EPIC-seq using multiple independent lines of evidence. Specifically,
we describe prominent correlations of EPIC-seq signals not only with expectations from
tissue transcriptome profiles, but also with disease burden as measured by MTV and
mutation-based ctDNA analysis. Furthermore, we observed strong correlation of EPIC-seq
signals with anticancer therapeutic responses, as well as its ability to identify prognostically
informative genes.

In our initial application of EPIC-seq, we focused on noninvasive histological classification

of lung cancers and the molecular classification of aggressive B cell lymphomas, two
common cancer types where such classification is clinically routine but at times fraught
Author Manuscript

by diagnostic challenges. We did not observe a significant impact of several preanalytical

factors on cfDNA fragmentation entropy measurements (Extended Data Fig. 6 and
Supplementary Notes). Finally, we developed a mechanistic framework for how cfDNA
fragmentation mirrors activity level of expressed genes in human tissues (Extended Data
Fig. 7a–c). Using this model framework, we used simulations to explore the parameters
influencing the likelihood of detection of expression of a given gene of interest within
cfDNA as a function of tumor burden(Extended Data Fig. 7d). The robust performance
we observed for accurate classification of each of these tumor subtypes is promising and
suggests opportunities for extending this approach more broadly to other cancer types and
other pathologies. For example, despite the many diagnostic tools already available in the
USA, CUP cases continue to represent some 2–5% of incident cancers. EPIC-seq provides
a promising avenue for the potential reclassification of such carcinomas using noninvasive
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methods. Separately, the methods we describe could have applications beyond cancer for the
noninvasive detection of signals from cell types, tissues and pathways and pathologies of
interest. These include noninvasive strategies to detect tissue injury and ischemia, as well as
pharmacodynamic effects on specific therapeutically targeted pathways and toxicity profiles
for diverse human tissues that are otherwise difficult to monitor noninvasively (for example,
the brain and gastrointestinal tract), before symptomatic tissue damage occurs.

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Despite the value of EPIC-seq for the applications shown here, further refinements are
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warranted to maximize potential use of such fragmentomic techniques. Considerable

molecular heterogeneity exists within patients with localized tumors, with some small
tumors shedding more cfDNA than others. Accordingly, low ctDNA levels could hamper
immediate use for early cancer detection. As more genes and more fragmentomic features
are studied using this approach, stronger signals could be gleaned to enable noninvasive
detection of small tumor deposits, to interrogate the activity of specific biological pathways
and to study other pathologies in target tissues of interest. Nevertheless, the method
and applications described here hold imminent promise in personalized profiling efforts,
enabling noninvasive, high-throughput tissue-of-origin characterization with diagnostic,
prognostic and therapeutic potential.

Online content
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Any methods, additional references, Nature Research reporting summaries, source data,
extended data, supplementary information, acknowledgements, peer review information;
details of author contributions and competing interests; and statements of data and code
availability are available at

Human participants and cohorts.
Study overview.—All samples analyzed in this study were collected with informed
consent from participants enrolled on Institutional Review Board-approved protocols
complying with ethical regulations at their respective centers, Stanford University, MD
Anderson Cancer Center, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), Vanderbilt
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University, Mayo Clinic, the National Cancer Institute, CHU Dijon and Essen University
Hospital, as detailed below. Fragmentomic features ultimately used for EPIC-seq were
established and initially tested by profiling cfDNA through WGS and WES, as tabulated
in Supplementary Table 1. These WGS and WES cfDNA profiling data derived from
150 participants that were either generated for this study (n = 64) or came from publicly
available datasets (n = 86).

For initial model development and cfDNA fragmentomic feature selection, we profiled
cfDNA from a patient with CUP by deep WGS to learn the relationships between cfDNA
fragmentomic features and expression levels at whole-genome scale. After our initial cfDNA
profiling of this patient by deep WGS with CUP to build expression predictors from cfDNA,
we also profiled two healthy adult participants by WGS profiling of cfDNA (roughly 200×)
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and assessed robustness (Supplementary Table 1). For initial validation analyses using WGS
cfDNA fragmentomics, we also reanalyzed samples from 40 healthy control participants and
46 patients with lung cancer previously described15.

We then extended our observations from WGS to WES of cfDNA, by deeply profiling 28
plasma specimens from healthy control participants, and 11 plasma specimens from six
patients with extensive stage SCLC (deep WES). After identification and initial validation
by WGS/WES of the key cfDNA fragmentomic signals informative for predicting gene

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expression in the participants described above, EPIC-seq was then applied to 329 blood
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samples from 201 patients with cancer and 87 healthy adults, as detailed below and as
depicted in Supplementary Fig. 3. To select genes for the EPIC-seq capture panel focused
on subclassification of lung cancers and lymphomas, we analyzed publicly available gene
expression datasets for 1,156 lung cancers from The Cancer Genome Atlas and for 381
lymphomas from Schmitz et al., as described below60.

Healthy participants and noncancer control participants.: To identify and validate

cfDNA fragmentomic features informing gene expression prediction, WGS was performed
in 30 healthy participants. These participants were profiled at varying prespecified coverage
depths (roughly 300×, n = 3; roughly 1–5×, n = 24; roughly 18–25×, n = 3), thereby
allowing construction of meta-profiles for expression inferences, as described below
(‘A gene expression model for predicting RNA output from TSS cfDNA fragmentomic
features’). We separately profiled 94 peripheral blood samples from 87 participants without
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cancer using EPIC-seq. Among these participants, 35 (40%) qualified for lung cancer
screening using low-dose CT (LDCT) due to a history of heavy smoking (≥30 pack years)
and age (55–80 years).

EPIC-seq cancer cohorts.

Lung cancer cohort.: EPIC-seq was applied to 109 blood samples from 87 patients
diagnosed with NSCLC (some with serial samples). Among these patients, 37 (43%) had
a histological diagnosis of LUSC, while 50 (57%) patients had LUAD histology. Samples
were collected at Stanford University, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
or MSKCC, with patient characteristics outlined in Supplementary Fig. 3b. A subset of
patients with advanced NSCLC (n = 22) was treated with PD-(L)1 blockade-based ICI and
had serial pre- and on-treatment samples available. These patients had stage IV disease and
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were treated with PD-(L)1 blockade-based ICI.

DLBCL cohort.: EPIC-seq was also applied to 126 samples from 114 patients diagnosed
with large B cell lymphoma. Samples were collected at Stanford Cancer Center, CA,
USA; MD Anderson Cancer Center, TX, USA; Dijon, France and Novara, Italy, and
within the Phase III multicenter PETAL trial61, with baseline characteristics tabulated in
Supplementary Fig. 3b.

Patient with CUP.: To assess with high resolution the relationship between fragmentomic
features and gene expression, we compared deep WGS data and RNA-seq data from a
patient with extremely low tumor burden. Tumor fraction was estimated using a tumor-
informed plasma variant detection strategy. First, the patient’s tumor and germline DNA
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were prepared for exome capture using the Illumina Nextera Rapid Capture Exome Kit
and sequenced on an Illumina NextSeq 500 machine using paired-end sequencing and
75-bp read lengths. Single nucleotide variant (SNV) calling was performed using Mutect
and annotated by Annovar. A personalized targeted sequencing panel was generated using
120-bp IDT oligos overlapping SNVs detected in the tumor and applied to the tumor
and germline sample. The variant set selected for monitoring consisted of 36 SNVs that
both passed tumor/germline quality control filters and were present in at least 10% allele

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frequency in the tumor. The patient’s plasma sample was sequenced on an Illumina NovaSeq
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machine, achieving a deduplicated depth of 4,000×. The time point used in this study had
a monitoring mean allele frequency of 0.056%, which is significantly lower than the lower
limit of detection of disease at 250× coverage. Results from deep WGS cfDNA profiling
of this patient with CUP were then reproduced by the independent WGS profiling of
cfDNA (roughly 200×), and RNA-seq profiling of matched PBMCs from two healthy adult

Clinical variables.
Histopathology.—Histological subtypes of each tumor type (SCLC, NSCLC, DLBCL)
profiled in this study were established according to clinical guidelines using microscopy and
immunohistochemistry and served as ground truths for assessing classification performance
by trained pathologists. COO subtypes of DLBCL were assessed based on the Hans
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classifier per World Health Organization guidelines55. For NSCLC and DLBCL subtypes
profiled in previous studies by RNA-seq, we relied on subtype labels from the Cancer
Genome Atlas (TCGA) (for LUAD versus LUSC subtypes of NSCLC) or from Schmitz et
al.101 (for GCB versus ABC subtypes of DLBCL).

MTV measurement.—Pretreatment tumor MTV was measured from 18FDG PET/CT

scans, using semiautomated software tools: for NSCLC, it was done as previously
described103 via MIM software by using PETedge. For DLBCL, three different software
tools were used (Beth Israel Fiji, PETRA ACCURATE tool and Metavol) as previously
described104. Regional volumes were automatically identified by the software and confirmed
by visual assessment of the expert to confirm inclusion of only pathological lesions.

Clinical outcomes.—Event-free survival (EFS) and overall survival were calculated from
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time of treatment initiation. Overall survival events were death from any cause; EFS events
were progression or relapse, unplanned retreatment of lymphoma and death resulting from
any cause. Patients with NSCLC receiving PD(L)1 directed therapy were labeled as NDB or
DCB for ‘experiencing progression or death’ and DCB within 6 months, respectively.

Specimen collection and molecular profiling.

Plasma collection and processing.—Peripheral blood samples were collected in
K2EDTA or Streck Cell-Free DNA blood collection tubes and processed according to local
standards to isolate plasma before freezing. Following centrifugation, plasma was stored
at −80 °C until cfDNA isolation. The cfDNA was extracted from 2 to 16 ml of plasma
using the QIAamp Circulating Nucleic Acid Kit (Qiagen) according to the manufacturer’s
instructions. After isolation, cfDNA was quantified using the Qubit double-stranded DNA
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High Sensitivity Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and High Sensitivity NGS Fragment
Analyzer (Agilent).

cfDNA-seq library preparation.—A median of 32 ng was input into library preparation.

DNA input was scaled to control for high molecular-weight DNA contamination. End
repair, A-tailing and custom adapter ligation containing molecular barcodes were performed
following the KAPA Hyper Prep Kit manufacturer’s instructions with ligation performed

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overnight at 4 °C as previously described9,61. Shotgun cfDNA libraries were either subjected

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to WGS and/or subjected to hybrid capture of regions of interest as described below.

Hybrid capture and sequencing.

Exome capture.: For WES, shotgun genomic DNA libraries were captured with the
xGen Exome Research Panel v.2 (IDT) per the manufacturer’s instructions with minor
modifications. Hybridization was performed with 500 ng of each library in a single-plex
capture for 16 h at 65 °C. After streptavidin bead washes and PCR amplification,
postcapture PCR fragments were purified using the QIAquick PCR Purification Kit per
the manufacturer’s instructions. Eluates were then further purified using a 1.5× AMPure XP
bead cleanup.

Custom capture panels.: We used CAPP-seq to establish ctDNA levels, by genotyping of

somatic variants including single nucleotide mutations42. We used entity-specific CAPP-seq
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capture panels for DLBCL or NSCLC (SeqCap EZ Choice, Roche NimbleGen)9,61 or

personalized CAPP-seq selectors for CUP (IDT), as previously described9. Similarly, for
EPIC-seq, we used the SeqCap EZ Choice platform (Roche NimbleGen) to target TSS
regions of genes of interest, as described below. Enrichment for WES, CAPP-seq and
EPIC-seq was done according to the manufacturers’ protocols. Hybridization captures were
then pooled, and multiplexed samples were sequenced on Illumina HiSeq4000 instruments
as 2 × 150 bp reads.

RNA-seq of PBMCs.: The Illumina TruSeq RNA Exome kit was used for RNA-seq library
preparation starting from 20 ng of input RNA, per manufacturer’s instructions. When using
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peripheral blood as a source of leukocyte RNA, we used either plasma-depleted whole

blood with globin depletion or enriched PBMCs without globin depletion. In brief, total
RNA was fragmented and stranded complementary DNA libraries were created per the
manufacturer’s protocol. The RNA libraries were then enriched for the coding transcriptome
by exon capture using biotinylated oligonucleotide baits. Hybridization captures were then
pooled, and samples were sequenced on an Illumina HiSeq4000 as 2 × 150 bp lanes of
16–20 multiplexed samples per lane, yielding roughly 20 million paired-end reads per case.
After demultiplexing, the data were aligned and expression levels summarized using Salmon
to transcript models annotated by GENCODE version 27105. We separately studied tumor
RNA-seq data to identify DEGs of interest for EPIC-seq panel design, as described in detail

RNA-seq of lymphoma specimens.: Tumor-derived RNA was isolated from 2–4, 10-μm
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thick, formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) scrolls of tumor tissue using the RNA
Storm/DNA Storm Combination Kit (Cell Data Sciences), according to the manufacturer’s
protocol. An off-column DNA digestion step was performed using Qiagen’s RNase-Free
DNase Set followed by column purification using Zymo’s RNA Clean&Concentrator
kit. RNA concentration was quantified using NanoDrop. The SMARTer Stranded Total
RNA-seq Kit v2 (TaKaRa) was used for RNA-seq library preparation using 50 ng input
RNA, according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Fragmentation steps were omitted as

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recommended for RNA isolated from FFPE specimens. Yield and fragment size of libraries
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were assessed using Qubit (dsDNA HS assay kit) and TapeStation. Libraries were sequenced
on an Illumina HiSeq4000 or NovaSeq6000, respectively, with 2 × 150-bp paired-end reads.

Data analysis methods.

Mapping, deduplication and quality control of TSS sites and samples.—FASTQ
files were demultiplexed using a custom pipeline wherein read pairs were considered only if
both 8-bp sample barcodes and 6-bp unique identifiers matched expected the sequences after
error correction9. After demultiplexing, barcodes were removed and adaptor read-through
was trimmed from the 3′ end of the reads using fastp104 to preserve short fragments.
Fragments were aligned to human genome (hg19) using BWA; we disabled the automated
distribution inference in BWA ALN to allow inclusion of shorter and longer cfDNA
fragments that would otherwise be anomalously flagged as improperly paired. We removed
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PCR duplicates using a customized barcoding approach, which combines endogenous and
exogenous unique molecular identifiers, including cfDNA fragment start and end positions,
as well as prespecified unique molecular identifiers within ligated adapters into account.
To allow coverage uniformity for comparisons, we down-sampled data to a 2,000× depth
using ‘samtools view -s’. Since in silico simulations showed >500× sequencing depth
to be required for achieving reasonable correlations between entropy and expression, we
considered any samples not meeting this depth threshold (median depth) as failing quality
control. Any samples whose cfDNA fragment length density mode was below 140 or
above 185 were also removed, since the expected fragment length density mode is 167
(corresponding to the chromatosomal DNA length). Together, these two criteria removed
21 samples as not meeting quality control. To identify and censor noisy sites among
the 236 TSS regions profiled by our EPIC-seq panel, we profiled 23 control participants
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(Supplementary Table 3), allowing us to identify and remove stereotyped regions with
reproducibly low TSS coverage (that is, any site with counts per million of less than one
106 1
third of uniformly distributed coverage across the TSSs in the selector, that is, × , in
236 3
more than 75% of control participants). This removed two TSS sites in FOXO1 and SFTA2
as not meeting quality control.

To guarantee adequate quality of fragments entering analysis, we required mapping quality

(MAPQ, k) of >30 or >10 in the WGS and EPIC-seq data, respectively (using ‘samtools
view -q k -F3084’). The more lenient EPIC-seq MAPQ threshold was qualified by more
stringent mappability and uniqueness requirements already imposed on the TSS regions
selected during EPIC-seq selector design. We also limited the analysis to reads with the
following BAM FLAG set: 81, 93, 97, 99, 145, 147, 161 and 163. To ensure removal of
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nonunique fragments, reads with duplicate names were censored.

Fragmentomic feature extraction and summary.—We considered five cfDNA

fragmentomic features at TSS regions and then compared each of these features to gene
expression, including WPS25, OCF20, MDS35, NDR score27 and PFE (introduced here).
MDS, NDR, OCF and WPS were each computed as per the conventions of the originally
describing studies with minor modifications, as detailed below.

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MDS.: We performed end-motif sequence analysis of individual cfDNA fragments to assess

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the distribution of nucleotides among the first few positions for the reads of each read pair,
as previously described35. This was performed by computationally extracting the first four
5′ nucleotides of the genomic reference sequence for each sequence read, resulting in a
4-mer sequence motif. MDS was then computed as the Shannon index of the distribution
across 256 motifs (4-mers) at each TSS site, when considering fragments overlapping the
2-kb window flanking each TSS. Of note, the first four 3′ nucleotides were not used as
these may be altered by end repair during library preparation and may not reflect the native
genomic sequence.

NDR.: To guard against variations in depth across the genome, including from GC-content
variation or somatic copy number changes, depth was normalized within each 2-kilobase
(kb) window flanking each TSS (−1,000 to +1,000 bp) in counts per million space. We
denote this normalized measure as NDR score for each TSS.
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PFE.: Shannon entropy was used to summarize the diversity in cfDNA fragment size values
in the vicinity of each TSS site (−1 kb (5′; upstream) to +1 kb (3′, downstream)). We
defined 201 size bins (from b1 = 100 bp to b201 = 300 bp) and estimated the density by
the maximum likelihood, that is, p = p1, …, p201 with pi = n
where ni and n denote the
number of fragments with length bi and total number of fragments at the TSS, respectively.
Shannon’s entropy was calculated as − ∑ pilog2pi.

To account for variations in sequencing depth between samples as well as other hidden
factors affecting overall cfDNA fragment length distributions as potential confounders, we
performed normalization steps using a Bayesian approach through a Dirichlet-multinomial
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For a given sample, we first built a sample-wide fragment length distribution using the
multinomial maximum likelihood estimation. To minimize the impact of gene expression on
this background fragment length distribution, we focused on the two 250-bp regions within
the 2-kb window with the longest distance from the center of the TSS: (1) −1 kbp to −750 bp
(upstream) and (2) from +750 bp to +1 kbp (downstream). Fragment length densities across
the 201 size bins were then used as parameter vector α of a Dirichlet distribution with α0 =
20. For each TSS, we then updated the sample-wide background distribution to calculate the
sample adjusted and gene-specific posterior of the Dirichlet distribution based on fragment
counts in the 201 size bins within the 2-kb region around the TSS:

Dir α∗ = α + n 1, …, n 201
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From Dir(α*), we sampled 2,000 fragment length distributions and calculated the
corresponding Shannon’s entropies. Each value was then compared to the Shannon entropies
of five randomly selected background gene sets, denoted as e1, e2, e3, e4 and e5. PFE
was defined as the likelihood of the gene-specific entropy (uncertainty class) exceeding the
control gene entropies by (1 + k) fold for all n = 5 groups with a random variable k. Here,
we used a Gamma distribution for k ~ Γ(s = 0.5, r = 1), where Γ is the Gamma distribution

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with shape s and rate r. PFE therefore is a measure for the excess diversity in the fragment
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length distribution at a given TSS of interest compared to control genes, and is formally
defined as

PFE(TSS): = Ek ∑ P * eTSS > (1 + k) × ei

where Ek [.] denotes the expected value with respect to the excess parameter k, and P* is
the probability with respect to the Dirichlet distribution Dir(α*) approximated by the 2,000

Preanalytical factors.: We examined robustness of PFE against preanalytical biases such

as blood collection tubes, processing time and number of PCR cycles. To confirm that the
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type of collection tube does not confound the PFE, we collected blood from three healthy
donors in K2EDTA and Streck blood collection tubes and compared PFE in the TSSs in the
EPIC-seq selector, and measured concordance between the two using Pearson correlation.
To evaluate the robustness against processing time, we used a cohort of patients with
DLBCL captured by a CAPP-seq lymphoma panel106 and calculated PFE for the regions
in the panel and summarized each patient by the median PFE across these regions. We
compared samples grouped by the number of interval days before processing, and measured
the correlation between median PFE and time at room temperature. We also tested effect of
number of PCR cycles on PFE, by performing additional PCR cycles on cfDNA libraries
from four healthy donors. Here, we compared the PFEs of regions in our NSCLC panel and
measured Pearson correlation in PFEs with or without the additional PCR cycles.
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cfDNA fragmentomic analysis by WES profiling.

Whole-exome PFE analysis.: For whole-exome analyses (Figs. 1g,h and 2d–h and
Supplementary Fig. 2g–i), we used the raw Shannon entropy (as described in ‘PFE’
under section ‘Fragmentomic feature extraction and summary’) at any given gene, after
transforming it into a z-score, using a cohort of 39 cfDNA WES profiles (each with 200–
400× depth), including 28 plasma samples from healthy adult control participants and 11
plasma samples from patients with SCLC. To account for differences in depth in the cohort
for normalization, we considered meta-profiles of five samples to achieve comparable depths
as those initially used to relate PFE and gene expression levels when relying on WGS
(roughly 2,000×).

SCLC gene signatures.: A SCLC-specific gene signature was generated using a previously
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described RNA-seq dataset of 81 surgically resected primary tumors107. To identify genes

highly expressed in SCLC tumors but not circulating leukocytes (that is, ‘SCLC High
Genes’, n = 118), we selected genes with mean transcripts per million (TPM) > 50 in these
SCLC tumors and mean TPM < 0.5 in PBMCs from GSE107011 (n = 13). We limited
our analyses to protein-coding genes, and renormalized expression levels to 1 × 106 after
removal of individual genes with TPM > 100,000 (n = 16,865 genes). Conversely, we
selected ‘SCLC Low Genes’ (n = 20) with TPM < 0.5 in SCLC tumors and >50 in PBMC.
Using the deep whole-exome cfDNA profiles described above, we then calculated the mean

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Shannon entropy of first exons (that is, as an estimate for the residual PFE captured by exon
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1 fragments) for each of the two SCLC signature sets, after subtracting the mean PFE of
a set of control genes used throughout the whole-genome analyses. These two gene sets,
which were originally defined in tumors and PBMCs by RNA-seq, were then compared for
their mean PFE in cfDNA of a set of patients with SCLC and control participants that we
profiled by deep WES. Next, we defined a ‘SCLC signature score’ as the difference between
the ‘high’ and ‘low’ sets.

This allowed us to compare cfDNA profiles of SCLC cases versus healthy control
participants for the discriminating power of the ‘SCLC score’ through calculation of the
AUC of a receiver-operating curve (ROC). We separately identified DEGs directly from
cfDNA, by comparing PFEs of SCLC cases versus healthy adult control participants in a
volcano plot analysis. Specifically, we used t-tests with false discovery rate threshold of 0.05
and mean PFE difference of at least 0.1. Here again, we compared the mean expression level
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in TPM for these DEGs in RNA-seq data from SCLC tumors and PBMC samples described
above. Overlap between two SCLC high gene sets identified by either tumor RNA-seq or by
cfDNA WES profiling was performed using the hypergeometric test.

Genotyping of somatic copy number variants (CNVs).—Genomic copy number

alterations in healthy and SCLC cfDNA samples profiled by deep WES were identified
using CNVKit v.0.9.8 (ref. 108). Raw genomic coverage was calculated from deduplicated
‘bam’ files for each sample considering on-target (IDT xGen Exome Research Panel v.2)
as well as off-target regions. To correct for potential biases in capture efficiency and GC
content, a pooled per-region reference was generated from five healthy cfDNA samples that
were held out. The remaining healthy and SCLC samples were then normalized using this
pooled reference, with discrete copy number segments inferred using the default circular
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binary segmentation algorithm109. Corresponding log2 copy number values for each segment
were then used in further analyses. We considered whether CNVs might disproportionately
affect PFE estimates in two ways. First, we considered whether the PFE difference in genes
falling within amplifications versus deletions was significantly different in SCLC compared
to healthy control participants profiled by deep cfDNA WES. Second, using Fisher’s exact
test, we tested whether genes inferred to be highly expressed in SCLC cfDNA were
significantly more likely to fall in amplifications and, conversely, whether those inferred
as lowly expressed were more likely to be deleted.

Consideration of GC correction.—Two healthy control cfDNA samples were profiled

by deep WGS. For these two participants, we also profiled the matched PBMC by RNA-seq.
We then compared the predicted values from cfDNA against observed values from RNA-seq
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for each of the different GC-correction scenarios and tested concordance. We tested the
impact of correcting for GC content of TSS regions on gene expression model accuracy in
several ways. We considered four scenarios were studied when correcting features using the
GC values for NDR and PFE: PFE alone corrected, NDR alone corrected, both corrected
and neither corrected. The correction was performed using a locally estimated scatterplot
smoothing function with a span of 0.5. The concordance was evaluated using three metrics:
Pearson correlation, Spearman correlation and root-mean-square error (r.m.s.e.). Since none

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of these GC-correction approaches significantly improved correlations or reduced associated

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error profiles when considering reproducibility across cfDNA samples, we opted not to
correct for variability in GC content across the TSS regions of different genes.

A gene expression model for predicting RNA output from TSS cfDNA
fragmentomic features.—To infer RNA expression levels from cfDNA fragmentation
profiles at TSS regions of genes across the transcriptome, we built a prediction model using
two features, PFE and NDR. Of note, among the five fragmentomic features considered,
these indices demonstrate highest individual correlations as well as complementarity. For
training, we used one cfDNA sample sequenced to high coverage depth by WGS. We
performed RNA-seq on the PBMC of five healthy participants and used the average across
three of these individuals as the ‘reference expression vector’. Next, to achieve a higher
resolution at the core promoters, we grouped every ten genes, based on their expression in
our reference RNA-seq vector. After removing genes used as background for calculating
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PFE, a total of 1,748 groups (of ten genes each) remained. We then pooled all the fragments
at the extended core promoters (−1/+1 kb around the TSSs) of the genes within each
group and extracted the two features: NDR and PFE. We then normalized the two features
by 95% quantile over the background genes, where for PFE the normalization factor is

PFE = min 1, and NDR = , where Q(.,k) denotes the kth quantile.
Q( PFE .95) NDRBg
Γ ; 0.5, 1

By bootstrap resampling, we then built an ensemble of 600 models: 200 univariable PFE-
alone models mPFE,1, mPFE,2, …, mPFE,200, 200 univariable NDR alone-models mNDR,1,
mNDR,2, …, mNDR,200 and 200 NDR-PFE integrated models mInt,1, mInt,2, …, mInt,200.

To transfer this expression prediction model, which was originally derived from WGS, to the
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targeted TSS space (EPIC-seq), we evaluated each of the 600 models above, by measuring
its r.m.s.e. on two held-out healthy participants. For each of these two healthy participants,
we compared the cfDNA profile by EPIC-seq to the corresponding PBMC transcriptome
profile by RNA-seq from the same blood specimen and computed the r.m.s.e. for each of the
600 models. The weight of each model was then proportionally scaled by the inverse r.m.s.e.
of that model, with the final score then calculated as the linear sum of 600 models, weighted
as described above.

EPIC-seq panel design.

Identification of cancer type-specific genes.: We downloaded TCGA and DLBCL gene
expression data in the form of RNA-seq FPKM-UQ for all individuals using the GDC
API. After removing samples from individuals with a history of more than one type of
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malignancy, we divided the remaining samples into two separate cohorts for training and
validation (70 and 30% of each cancer type, respectively). In the training set for each
cancer type, median gene expression (FPKM-UQ) was calculated and protein-coding genes
in the upper 15th quantile were considered as highly expressed genes. To remove potentially
confounding effects in cfDNA from variation in blood cells, we excluded genes within
the upper fifth quantile of expression in peripheral blood, when considering whole-blood
transcriptome profiles from GTEx (

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Gene selection for EPIC-seq targeted sequencing panel design.: We considered NSCLC
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and DLBCL, with known molecular subtypes exhibiting distinct gene expression profiles.
Cancer-specific genes for LUAD, LUSC and DLBCL were included. To find subtype-
specific genes in NSCLC, we performed differential expression analysis using the DESeq2
package in R Bioconductor to distinguish LUAD and LUSC tumor transcriptomes from
TCGA. For the lymphoma analysis, a list of genes previously shown as differentially
expressed between ABC and GCB subtypes according to RNA-seq gene expression data
was used101,110. In addition to these DLBCL and NSCLC specific genes, we included 50
genes from the LM22 gene set capturing variation in peripheral blood leukocyte counts111.
Together, these and other control genes contributed to a total of 179 unique genes, with each
gene contributing one or more TSS regions to EPIC-seq totaling 236 targeted TSS regions.

EPIC-seq classification analyses and machine learning.

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Distinguishing lung cancer (EPIC-lung classifier).: The EPIC-lung classifier was trained
to distinguish participants with lung cancer from those who were cancer free. All the TSSs
for immune cell type and NSCLC histology classification were used in this classifier. For
genes with multiple TSS regions, in each iteration of cross-validation, we first combined
TSS regions with intragene correlation exceeding 0.95 and capturing the mean. For those
with correlations less than 0.95, we preserved individual TSS regions as independent
reporters. This resulted in 139 features in the model and 143 samples (67 lung cancer cases
and 71 control participants). We then trained an ℓ1 − ℓ2–regularized logistic regression model
(‘elastic net’) with α = 0.9, and an optimal λ obtained by cross-validation. The full model
was evaluated through a leave-one-batch-out model. Here, every batch contained at least one
sample, and representing a set of samples that were captured and/or sequenced together in
one next-generation sequencing lane.
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Subclassification of NSCLC (EPIC-NSCLC subtype).: A NSCLC histology subtype

classifier was designed to distinguish the two major subtypes of NSCLC, that is, LUAD
and LUSC. As in the model in ‘EPIC-lung classifier’, the classification model uses elastic
net with α = 0.9, with multiple TSS sites corresponding to one gene being merged.
The performance of this classifier was evaluated via leave-one-out analysis. The classifier
was trained using 80 features with 67 samples (36 LUADs and 31 LUSCs). To evaluate
performance, classification accuracy with equal weights was calculated.

Biological plausibility of classifier coefficients.: We assessed the significance of the model

coefficients in the NSCLC histology classifier from plasma cfDNA using EPIC-seq and their
concordance with previous design from tumor transcriptomes using RNA-seq. Specifically,
we compared nonzero coefficients from the elastic net model from cfDNA profiling, and
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then performed a t-test for the LUAD gene coefficients versus LUSC gene coefficients.

EPIC-seq lung dynamics score for the ICI treated patients.: To predict the benefit from
immune-checkpoint inhibitors, we first identified the differentially expressed TSSs in a
discovery pretreatment cohort (non-ICI, lung cancer versus normal). We then nominated
the following TSS regions from genes with Bonferroni-corrected P < 0.25 with a one-sided
t-test: (FOLR1 TSS no. 3, ITGA3 TSS no. 1, LRRC31 TSS no. 1, MACC1 TSS no. 1,

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NKX2-1 TSS no. 2, SCNN1A TSS no. 2, SFTPB TSS no. 1, WFDC2 TSS no. 1, CLDN1
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TSS no. 1, FSCN1 TSS no. 1, GPC1 TSS no. 1, KRT17 TSS no. 1, PFN2 TSS no. 1, PKP1
TSS no. 1, S100A2 TSS no. 1, SFN TSS no. 1, SOX2 TSS no. 2, TP63 TSS no. 2). Denoting
t t t t
the expression levels of these genes by ξt0 = x10, …, xk0 and ξt1 = x11, …, xk1 for time points
t0 and t1, respectively, we defined (fold change) statistics s ξt0, ξt1 = log ξt0
where ( . ) is

used to denote averaging the vector elements. For each patient, we then empirically derived
a null distribution for the s statistics by randomly selecting k sites from the EPIC-seq
selector. An empirical left-sided P value was then calculated to measure response to therapy.
The EPIC-seq dynamics score was then defined as the logarithm (base 10) of these empirical
P values.

Distinguishing lymphoma (EPIC-DLBCL classifier).: This classifier was trained to

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distinguish participants with DLBCL from those who did not have cancer using elastic net,
with regularization parameters being set as in the EPIC-lung classifier. The dataset used for
leave-one-batch-out cross-validation comprised 129 features and 167 samples (91 DLBCL
cases and 71 control participants).

Subclassification of DLBCL COO (EPIC-DLBCL COO).: For the classification of

DLBCL COO, we defined a GCB score as follows: (1) within a leave-one-out cross-
validation framework, we first standardized each gene expression (that is, the Z-score)
and converted the Z-scores into probabilities, and then (2) defined a COO score as
1/GCB ∣ ∏i ∈ GCB pi
−log10 1/ABC ∣ . Gene sets for each subtype were defined as originally selected
∏i ∈ ABC pi

in the EPIC-seq selector design for DLBCL classification. To evaluate performance, we

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measured the concordance between EPIC-seq scores and (1) genetic COO classification
scores obtained from CAPP-seq62, as well as (2) labels from the Hans immunohistochemical
algorithm. Finally, (3) for a subset of patients with available matched FFPE tumor
specimens, we compared EPIC-seq COO scores for the GCB-signature from cfDNA against
the corresponding GCB scores from RNA-seq profiling of tumor biopsies.

Mechanistic modeling of nucleosome accessibility.: In relying on several assumptions

from the structural studies and the chromatin literature, we developed a mechanistic model
linking nucleosome accessibility at TSS regions to corresponding cfDNA fragmentation
profiles, and associated expression levels (depicted in Supplementary Fig. 7). Specifically,
we assumed (1) starting with N = 5,000 genome templates of 2 kb in size centered
at the TSS, wherein each has the ‘+1 nucleosome’ is well-positioned at the TSS
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(that is, position zero). Then, (2) within this 2,000-bp region with, we assumed that
a total of 11 nucleosomes can be present and spaced at internucleosome distances of
roughly 180 bp. When constrained by the well-positioned nucleosome at the TSS, (3)
the position of other nucleosomes is determined by 147 (the length of DNA in the
core octamer particle) plus a variably sized linker DNA segment. Here, we modeled
the linker DNA size flanking each nucleosome as a random variable, defining as
LinkerDNAi = 20 + Γ(1, 10). Within this approach, the position of the 3′ nucleosomes

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downstream of +1 nucleosome is determined as posi = ∑1 ≤ j ≤ i − 1 147 + LinkerDNAj for i

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≥ 2 with pos1 = 0. The position of 5′ nucleosomes upstream of +1 nucleosome is determined

as posi = ∑j ≤ i ≤ 0 − 147 + LinkerDNAj . We assumed that (4) the cut site positions are
located either: within the linker segments (that is, within the interval (posi + 147, posi+1)
with a cutting probability, pcut (in our simulations pcut=0.7), or anywhere within the interval
(posi−2 + 147, posi) with pcut=0.7 for accessible sites (for example, at i=1 for active
genes). A cfDNA fragment length was then generated by cutting the initial template at
the cut sites. Finally, we assumed (5) a secondary ‘degradation event’ to generate smaller,
subnucleosomal fragments as a Bernoulli process, and occurring with a probability, pdegrade,
(set to 0.2 here). Within this secondary degradation process, in considering the roughly
ten bases per helical DNA turn, we thus shortened the cfDNA fragment according to the
random variable d = round(10 ×(1 + M)), where M ~ Γ(1, 3), that is, ldigested = l − d. We
then plotted the associated size distributions for these pseudo-cfDNA molecules generated
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in silico, allowing us to compare profiles for genes with high versus low expression, when
assuming their promoters to have variably accessible TSS with 1–3 nucleosome-free regions.

Simulating mixtures using the mechanistic model.—To simulate the effect of

variable quantities of tumor-derived molecules in plasma cfDNA, we created mixtures
controlled by a mixing factor τ ≥ 0. For each τ, we begin with N genomes, equivalent
to coverage depth here. We then randomly selected a subset of genomes (Ntumor), using
a Binomial distribution with probability of τand assigned them to one of three scenarios
where the TSS is variably accessible, assuming that each of the three scenarios are equally
probable (as depicted in Supplementary Fig. 7a). The remaining cfDNA molecules (that is,
N − Ntumor) are then assumed to be fully nucleosome protected, and thus not accessible (as
depicted in Supplementary Fig. 7a). We then mix the resulting fragments to calculate the
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associated entropy (PFE) at these modeled TSS. For the simulations, we varied the variable
τ from zero to 0.15 and generated 100 simulated mixtures. To summarize the results, for
each nonzero τ, we compared the entropy values with the inactive scenario (that is, τ =
0) and via ROC analysis, allowing us to determine the sensitivity corresponding to 85%
specificity. To assess the effect of sequencing depth, the entire analysis was reperformed for
three different unique cfDNA coverage depths, N ∈ {500, 2500, 5000}. Within each of these
three sequencing depths, we identified ctDNA mixture (%) levels that were significantly
discernable by Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, when comparing the simulated PFE of the cfDNA
mixture including variable levels of ctDNA against a pure mixture devoid of ctDNA.

Statistical and patient survival analysis.—Throughout the study, associations

between known and predicted variables were measured by Pearson correlation (r) or
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Spearman correlation (ρ) depending on data type. Whenever data were depicted as box-
and-whisker plots, boxes spanned the interquartile range (IQR), while the median was
horizontally marked with a line in each box and whiskers spanned the 1.5 IQRs. When data
were normally distributed, group comparisons were determined using t-test with unequal
variance or a paired t-test, as appropriate; otherwise, a two-sided Wilcoxon test was applied.
To test for trend in continuous variables across categorical groups, Jonckheere’s trend test
was used as implemented in the clinfun R package. Correction for multiple hypothesis
testing was performed using the Bonferroni method. Results with two-sided P < 0.05

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were considered significant. Statistical analyses were performed with R v.4.0.1. CIs were
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calculated by resampling with replacement (that is, bootstrapping). ROC curve analyses
were performed using the R package, pROC. Survival analyses were performed using the R
package, survival. When dichotomized, Kaplan–Meier estimates were used to plot stratified
survival curves and statistical significance was evaluated by log-rank test. Otherwise,
Cox proportional-hazards models were fitted to the data to determine the significance of
each covariate using Wald log-likelihood testing to assess significance. The differential
expression (or PFE) analyses are summarized by statistical significance (via false discovery
rate adjustment by p.adjust R function) and change magnitude, which are visualized by
volcano plots.

Reporting Summary.
Further information on research design is available in the Nature Research Reporting
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Summary linked to this article.

Data availability
For each sample profiled in this study, we also provide anonymized fragmentomic data
for fragments meeting minimal MAPQ and read FLAGs, which are available at https:// These data are summarized across TSS regions by fragment size
distributions (as in Fig. 1b). Moreover, the anonymized sequencing reads of samples profiled
whole-genome (n = 3 deep whole-genome; n = 3 whole-genome and n = 24 shallow
whole-genome) and whole-exome (n = 39 deep WES) are deposited at SRA PRJNA795275.

Code availability
The custom EPIC-seq software code for fragmentomic featurization and gene expression
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inference from cfDNA BAM files can be accessed at

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Extended Data
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Extended Data Fig. 1 |. Fragment length density at the transcription start sites varies with gene
Fragment length density at the transcription start sites varies with gene expression. (a)
A heatmap of fragment length densities across 1,748 groups of genes (similar to Fig.
1a). Three regions R1 (100–150 bps), R2 (151–210 bps), and R3 (211–300 bps) show
enrichment in either high or low expression gene groups. (b) The percent of fragments
within each region defined in panel (a) in the deep whole-genome sample across deciles of

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the reference PBMC gene expression vector, that is, 10 groups of genes when sorted by their
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expression values in PBMC. Highly expressed genes include fewer monosome fragments,
indicating a wider distribution and thereby a higher PFE. (c) Fraction of fragments within
the three regions, R1-R3, for exons vs introns vs TSS sites for the top (and bottom)
2000 genes as ranked by expression. The fraction of monosomal fragments within TSS
regions is substantially lower than within intronic and exonic regions (63.5% at TSS vs
~71% at non-TSS). Pearson’s Chi-Squared goodness-of-fit tests resulted in the following
test statistics (TSS vs Exon: G = 62,133 [P < 2.2E-16]; TSS vs Intron: G = 84,110
[P < 2.2E-16]). (d) Fraction of fragments falling within each region (R1, R2, and R3)
for mutant cfDNA fragments and their wildtype counterparts. Each dot represents one
tuple (variant-patient) and the connecting lines indicate the paired mutant-wildtype status.
These results show that the mutant cfDNA fragments are enriched for R1 and R3 while
wildtype fragments are enriched in R2. (e) A contour plot capturing the relationship between
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expression level (depicted by heat) as a function of two cfDNA fragmentomic features used
in the gene inference model: PFE and NDR. (f) ROC analysis of a ‘NSCLC Score’ for
noninvasively distinguishing patients with NSCLC from healthy controls (AUC = 0.76).
The genes comprising this score were first defined from external RNA-Seq profiling data
of primary NSCLC tumor tissues and blood samples, allowing subsequent calculation of
their corresponding PFE in cfDNA samples profiled by WGS for independent NSCLC cases
and healthy controls. (g) A schematic for the analyses performed for Fig. 2d–h. (h) Sample-
level ‘SCLC Score’ from deep whole exome analysis of cfDNA and associated diagnostic
performance. As in the exercise for NSCLC depicted in panel f, the genes comprising this
SCLC score were first defined from external RNA-Seq profiling data of primary SCLC
tumor tissues and blood samples. The corresponding PFEs (as the difference between the
overall PFE level of top and bottom gene signatures) were subsequently calculated in cfDNA
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samples we profiled by deep WES for independent SCLC cases and healthy controls.
Using these scores, an AUC of 0.9 was achieved in distinguishing cases from controls. (i)
The Venn diagram of SCLC high genes identified in cfDNA (whole exome profiling) and
tumor biopsy (RNA-Seq transcriptome profiling), with significance of overlap assessed by
hypergeometric test.
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Extended Data Fig. 2 |. Ensemble model accurately predicts gene expression in validation
Ensemble model accurately predicts gene expression in validation samples. (a) The
scatterplot of the predicted vs a population-averaged gene expression across 1,748 groups
of genes. The underlying data are from a merged cfDNA ‘meta-sample’ (pooled from
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merger of 27 healthy subjects profiled by relatively shallow WGS), achieving a correlation

of 0.9 in initial validation. (b) The meta sample from panel (a) was used to assess
model performance, when considering TSS-level expression values without gene grouping
(n = 1), as well as scenarios with 2, 3, 5 and 10 genes per group. The Pearson
correlation between observed expression in PBMC versus predicted expression from our
model (combining PFE and NDR) is shown in green bars. This correlation substantially
improves as number of genes per group increases. The Pearson correlation values between
observed gene expression and those predicted by NDR or PFE expression are shown in
blue and green bars, respectively. (c) Scatterplot depicts predicted versus observed gene
expression measurements across 1,748 groups of genes (dots), when comparing expression
measurements by RNA-Seq on matched PBMC (x-axis) against plasma cfDNA inferences
(y-axis), for a validation sample from a healthy adult that we also profiled by deep WGS
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(~200x). This achieved a Pearson correlation of 0.86. (d) Similar to panel c, but for a second
healthy adult control subject also profiled for validation, by deep WGS of cfDNA and
matched RNA-Seq of PBMC (Pearson r = 0.91). (e-f) The same analysis as in panels (a-b)
for a meta whole-genome sample generated from healthy subjects from Zviran et al. (g) The
whole genome samples (depth ~20–40x) from Zviran et al. were used with every ten genes
grouped and the concordance between model-predicted expression and PBMC expression
are evaluated using Pearson correlation (that is, each dot is one subject). The non-cancer

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samples show a significantly higher correlation with normal PBMC than lung cancer cases
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(Wilcoxon P = 0.018). (h) The ichorCNA tumor fraction estimates of the lung cancer cases
in panel f are used to compare with the correlations in panel f. As shown in a scatterplot, as
tumor fraction increases, the correlation decreases (r = −0.69, P = 0.00052).
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Extended Data Fig. 3 |. Case-level information of samples profiled by EPIC-Seq.

Cohorts and cell-free DNA samples profiled by EPIC-seq in this study, including Cancer
Cases and Control Subjects. (a) Schema depicts the full set of specimens profiled by
EPIC-Seq (n = 373), including those meeting Quality Control (QC) criteria (n = 352, 95%).

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A subset of samples were used for the initial gene expression model tuning (n = 2) and
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TSS filtering (n = 21). The remaining 329 samples were profiled by EPIC-Seq to address
disease-specific questions, including utility for cancer detection, classification of histology
and cell-of-origin, and response monitoring. These included 252 samples (76.6%) from 226
subjects that comprised our Discovery/Training cohort (large light purple rectangle), as well
as subsequent profiling of a Validation Cohort of 77 samples (23.4%) from 69 subjects,
after models were ‘locked down’ (large light green rectangle). A subset of 22 NSCLC
patients where a pair of serial blood samples were monitored for ICI response (to allow
comparisons of both EPIC-Seq and CAPP-Seq and assess biological plausibility), but this
exercise was not subject to any model training. No samples were shared between Training
and Validation exercises, with all models locked down before independent validations.
Four healthy subjects (4.5%) provided more than one cfDNA specimen with one used for
Training and the second for Validation. (b) Distribution of demographic, clinical, anatomic,
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and pathological variables for subjects profiled by EPIC-Seq. Tabulated are the relevant
indices for cancer cases (235 blood samples 201 patients), including NSCLC patients (light
blue; 109 blood samples from 87 patients), DLBCL patients (light orange; 126 blood
samples from 104 patients), and non-cancer control subjects (gray; 94 blood samples from
87 adults).
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Extended Data Fig. 4 |. Correlation between EPIC-lung score and clinical factors.
Concordance between EPIC-Seq measurements and established NSCLC risk factors
including metabolic tumor burden, ctDNA level, and ctDNA response. (a) Concordance
between EPIC-lung score and metabolic tumor volume (MTV), as measured by Spearman
correlation (ρ = 0.67; P = 0.04). (b) Concordance between EPIC-lung score and the ctDNA
mean allele fractions as measured by CAPP-Seq, evaluated using Spearman correlation (ρ
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= 0.5; P = 3E-5). (c) Relationships between genetic versus epigenetic molecular responses
to Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor (ICI) therapy in advanced NSCLC. Scatterplot compares
molecular responses measured noninvasively by CAPP-Seq (x-axis; fold change, Log10) and
EPIC-Seq (lung dynamics score; y-axis) using serial plasma profiling before and after ICI
therapy. The two orthogonal measures show moderate but significant correlation (r = 0.53, P
= 0.012).

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Extended Data Fig. 5 |. Correlation between EPIC-lymphoma score and clinical factors, results
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of the validation set and prognostic value of the LMO2 distal promoter.
Concordance between EPIC-Seq measurements and established DLBCL risk factors
impacting outcome, including metabolic tumor volume, ctDNA level, and Cell-of-Origin.
(a) The boxplots illustrate the two groups of patients stratified by their metabolic tumor
volumes (>220 vs <220 mL; Wilcoxon P = 0.015). (b) Similar to panel a, but for the
DLBCL Validation Cohort. (c) Concordance between EPIC-DLBCL scores and ctDNA
mean allele fractions (from CAPP-Seq), evaluated using Spearman correlation (ρ = 0.66;

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P < 2E-16). (d) The EPIC-DLBCL model is applied to the cfDNA profiles of 13 samples
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from two DLBCL patients (DLBCL002 [ABC] and DLBCL007 [GCB]). The concordance
between the resulting scores and the ctDNA mean allele fractions is evaluated by Spearman
correlation (ρ = 0.79; P = 0.004). (e) Relationship between DLBCL cell-of-origin EPIC-Seq
GCB scores and mutation-based GCB scores as measured by CAPP-Seq in the validation
set (Spearman ρ = 0.64, P = 0.01). Each dot represents one sample (related to Fig.
6a). (f) Relationship between EPIC-Seq GCB scores from cfDNA and matched tumor
tissue classification by routine Hans immunohistochemical algorithm in the validation set
(Wilcoxon P = 0.001; related to Fig. 6b). (g) Relationship between EPIC-Seq GCB scores
from cfDNA and tumor classification by RNA-seq of paired tumor tissue (Jonckheere’s
trend test, P = 0.015). Box-and-whisker plots depict the EPIC-Seq GCB score in individual
samples profiled by EPIC-Seq (dots), with boxes spanning the inter-quartile range; the
median is horizontally marked with a line in each box, and whiskers span the 1.5 IQRs.
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(h) The Kaplan-Meier curves of EFS of the patients when labeled by the Hans algorithm.
The non-GCB group contains both Non-GCB and Unknown. (i) The violin plot shows the
distributions of Cox Proportional Hazard Model Z-scores when genes are grouped according
to their effects on outcome (measured as EFS) in three prior tumor studies.
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Extended Data Fig. 6 |. Pre-analytical factors and TSS GC-content correction effect on PFE.
Effect of preanalytical factors on fragment size entropy and effect of GC-content correction
on expression model performance. (a) The concordance between PFE values for three
healthy controls profiled by EPIC-Seq using paired Streck BCT and K2EDTA tubes. A
Pearson correlation of 0.94 was observed between tube types. (b) Effect of time on the
bench (that is, in days) on the PFEs in a cohort of plasma cfDNA samples. (c) Effect
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of additional PCR cycles on PFE. Here we profiled 4 healthy control cfDNA samples
by the CAPP-Seq lung cancer selector when 3 additional PCR cycles were included to
study their effect. A Pearson correlation of 0.95 was observed between standard conditions
versus those incorporating additional PCR cycles. (d) Effect of correction for GC-content
of TSS regions on gene expression model accuracy. Four scenarios were studied when
correcting features using the GC values for NDR and PFE: PFE alone corrected, NDR
alone corrected, both corrected, and neither corrected. The correction was performed
using a LOESS function with a span of 0.5. Two healthy control cfDNA samples were

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profiled by deep whole genome sequencing. For these two subjects, we also profiled the
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matched PBMC by RNA-Sequencing. We then compared the predicted values from cfDNA
against observed values from RNA-Seq for each of the different GC-correction scenarios
and tested concordance. The concordance was evaluated using three metrics: Pearson
correlation, Spearman correlation, and root-mean-square error (RMSE). When considering
both cfDNA samples, none of the four GC-correction approaches seemed to consistently
improve correlations or reduce associated error profiles. (e) Whole exome profiling of
small-cell lung cancer samples in Fig. 2 are used to investigate association between PFEs
and copy number aberrations. We first determined genes with PFE significantly higher
in SCLC cfDNA samples (n = 11) compared with healthy control cfDNA samples (n
= 28) (‘High’ PFE). Similarly, we determined genes with significantly lower PFEs in
SCLC cfDNA samples (‘Low’ PFE). Then, the copy number states (CNS) corresponding
to all genes were identified by overlapping copy number profiles from CNVkit with the
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genomic coordinates of the first exons. The CNS values were then dichotomized into (i)
amplification vs no-amplification and (ii) deletion vs no-deletion. Next, we summarized
these by contingency tables for (i) vs PFE levels (top table) and (ii) vs PFE levels (bottom
table). Finally, the association between the two was examined via Fisher’s exact test, which
showed insignificant associations in both tests (P = 0.97 and P = 0.17; for amplifications and
deletions, respectively).
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Extended Data Fig. 7 |.

Mechanistic model and gene detection sensitivity with various parameters. (a) The cartoon
shows four scenarios considered in our simulations: (i) protected, meaning that nucleosomes
are well-positioned and are all present, (ii) one nucleosome-free position is present, (iii)
two nucleosome-free positions are present and (iv) three nucleosome-free positions are
present. (b) The density plots show the results of generating fragment lengths via the model
described in panel a. Three panels correspond to scenarios (ii-iv) vs (i) in a. (c) A varying
mixture parameters is considered and its effect on the entropy for three different coverages:
500x, 2500x and 5000x. (d) A summary of panel c for active gene detection sensitivity while
achieving a specificity of 85%. The error bars are from the sensitivities calculated using the
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‘’ function in R pROC package. The colors correspond to three different coverages in
panel c.

Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.

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We thank the patients and families who participated in this study, and we are grateful for all the insightful
discussions with the members of the Alizadeh and Diehn laboratories. Funding sources: this work was supported
by the National Cancer Institute (M.S.E., grant no. R25CA180993; M.S.E., grant no. T32CA009302; M.M., grant
no. F99CA212457, M.D. and A.A.A., grant nos. R01CA188298, R01CA254179, R01CA257655, R01CA244526,
R01CA233975, and R01CA229766), the US National Institutes of Health Director’s New Innovator Award
Program (M.D.; grant no. 1-DP2-CA186569), the Virginia and D.K. Ludwig Fund for Cancer Research (M.D. and
A.A.A.), and philanthropic support from the Bakewell Foundation (to M.D. and A.A.A.), the CRK Faculty Scholar
Fund (M.D.), the Troper-Wojcicki Family Gift, The Shanahan Family Lymphoma Fund, Arzang Family Lymphoma
Fund, The Skeff Family Lymphoma Fund, The Cane-Nowak Family Foundation, The Marc Benioff Fund, Jewish
Communal Fund for Lymphoma Research, The Sara Schottenstein Memorial Fund, and The Moghadam Family
Endowed Professorship (to A.A.A.). A.A.A. is a scholar of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. J.M.I., C.M.R.
and B.T.L. are supported by the MSKCC Support grant no. P30 CA008748 from the NIH. B.Y.N. is a Stanford
Cancer Systems Biology Scholar and supported by the NIH (grant no. 5R25CA180993) and by the Postdoctoral
Research Fellowship (grant no. 134031-PF-19-164-01-TBG) from the American Cancer Society. Present address
for M.M. is the Department of Biotechnology, College of Science, University of Tehran, Iran, and for D.A.K. is the
Northwell Health Cancer Institute and Feinstein Institute of Research, Lake Success, NY, USA.
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Fig. 1 |. Correlation of gene expression and cfDNA molecular features.

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a, Chromatin accessibility footprints can be traced back to the tissue-of-origin. Open

chromatin is subject to nuclease digestion resulting in decreased sequencing coverage depth,
measured by NDR, and fragment length diversity, measured by PFE. In this cartoon, lung
epithelial cells exhibit very low expression of MS4A1 (CD20) but high expression of
NKX2-1 (TTF1). The cfDNA fragments of a patient with lung cancer consist of normal
primarily hematopoietic cfDNA fragments mixed with fragments derived from LUAD cells
undergoing apoptosis. Because the lung epithelial cell compartment has a lower NDR and

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higher PFE for NKX2-1 fragments, the resulting mixture shows similar changes with the
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net effect dependent on the total amount of circulating tumor-derived fragments. B cells,
on the other hand, highly express MS4A1 with a very low expression level of NKX2-1.
Accordingly, the cfDNA fragments of a patient with B cell lymphoma consist of normal
cfDNA fragments admixed with B cell-derived ctDNA with overrepresentation of MS4A1
resulting in lower coverage and higher diversity of cfDNA fragment length values at the
TSS. b, Heatmap depicting cfDNA fragment size densities at TSSs across the genome in an
exemplar plasma sample profiled by high-depth WGS (roughly 250×). The x axis depicts
cfDNA fragment size, while the rows of the heatmap capture fragment density as ordered
by gene expression profile (GEP) in blood leukocytes assessed by RNA-seq using TPM
(right). Each row corresponds to one meta-gene encompassing the TSSs of ten genes when
ranked by a reference PBMC expression vector. The data are normalized column-wise for
each cfDNA fragment size bin. Corresponding PFE, NDR and TPM levels are depicted for
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each bin in dot plots on the right. c, A scatterplot depicts the relationship between plasma
cfDNA PFE versus leukocyte RNA expression levels (TPM), as in b. Both Pearson (r) and
Spearman (ρ) correlation coefficients are reported. In both, P < 2.2 × 10−16. d, Pearson
correlations between individual cfDNA fragment features and leukocyte gene expression
levels. The error bars depict the 95% CIs resulted from 500 bootstrap replicates (resampling
with replacement of gene groups). This analysis is performed by using the deep WGS
profile used in b and c. e, The correlation between leukocyte gene expression and each of
two leading cfDNA features as a function of distance to the TSS center. The dotted lines
correspond to the concordance measure when evaluated on the shorn leukocyte DNA from
a matched blood PBMC sample. f, Relationship between PFE of a NSCLC signature and
cfDNA sample status and across stages. The PFE monotonically increases from noncancer
to later stages patients with NSCLC (Jonckheere’s trend test P = 0.0005). g, Relationship
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between PFE of a gene set with low expression in NSCLC (and high in PBMC) and cfDNA
sample status and across stages. The PFE of this set is not associated with disease status
or disease stage (Jonckheere’s trend test P = 0.54). In box-and-whisker plots in f and g,
the median is horizontally marked with a line in each box and whiskers span the 1.5 IQRs
in each patient cohort. h, Effect of sequencing depth (x axis) on the correlation of cfDNA
PFE and NDR with gene expression (y axis). For each down-sampled depth, three replicates
were generated, and the shaded area illustrates three standard deviations above and below
the mean.
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Fig. 2 |. Fragment size entropy in relation to gene structure informs expression inferences from
whole-exome cfDNA profiling.
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a, Heatmap depicting the mean normalized Shannon entropy of cfDNA fragment size
distributions for 18,131 individual protein-coding genes when sorted by their expression
in blood PBMC leukocytes, across a 20-kb region flanking each TSS. The heat illustrates
the normalized entropy (normalization to the average entropy over the start to end of this
20-kb region). The underlying data are the deep whole-genome cfDNA profile from Fig. 1b.
b, A summary representation of the heatmap in a. Each column reflects a window position
across the TSS and is summarized by a histogram depicting the deviation of Shannon from
the window centered at the TSS (position 0). c, Concordance analysis using a Pearson

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correlation between individual gene expression and PFEs when calculated in TSS, exon 1,
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intron 1 and so on. Each dot corresponds to one cfDNA sample profiled deeply by WGS (n
= 3, Methods). d, Genes known to be highly expressed in SCLC tumors by RNA-seq (n =
118 genes from 81 tumors) exhibit significantly higher PFE in cfDNA samples from patients
with SCLC (n = 11, pink dots) than healthy adult control participants (n = 28, brown dots;
P = 3.94 × 10−5), as profiled by deep (roughly 2,000×) WES (Methods and Supplementary
Fig. 1g). e, As in d, but showing significantly lower average PFE in cfDNA of patients with
SCLC, when considering 20 genes known to be lowly expressed in SCLC tumors but highly
expressed in PBMCs by RNA-seq (P = 0.02). f, DEGs associated with SCLC, identified
directly from cfDNA using PFE analysis. Volcano plot depicts genes inferred to be more
highly expressed in 11 cfDNA samples from SCLC cases (pink dots, n = 620), or in 28
cfDNA samples from healthy adult control participants (brown dots, n = 596). DEGs were
determined by considering the magnitude of mean PFE difference between groups (x axis;
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|0.1|) and the false discovery rate (Q < 0.05) from t-tests between groups. These two sets
of genes discovered noninvasively from cfDNA as differentially expressed in SCLC, were
then assessed for expression in primary SCLC tumors in g and h. The box-and-whisker plots
depict the median and IQR of the mean RNA expression levels (y axis, TPM) observed for
the SCLC high (g) and SCLC low (h) gene sets, when comparing RNA-seq in SCLC tumors
(n = 81, pink dots) versus healthy PBMCs (n = 13, brown dots). In all the box-and-whisker
plots, the median is horizontally marked with a line in each box, and whiskers span the 1.5
IQRs in each patient cohort.
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Fig. 3 |. EPIC-seq design and workflow.

a, The schema depicts the general workflow of EPIC-seq, starting with cfDNA extraction
from plasma, library preparation and capture of TSS of genes of interest, high-throughput
sequencing of enriched regions and, finally, cfDNA fragmentation analysis followed by
machine learning models for prediction of expression at each TSS and classification of the
specimen. b,c, The volcano plots depict DEGs, as informative for histological classification
in NSCLC subtypes (b) (LUAD versus LUSC from TCGA36,37) and in COO classification
of DLBCL (c) (ABC versus GCB from Schmitz et al.101). Genes highlighted in colors
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other than gray were selected for TSS capture in EPIC-seq, after censoring genes with high
expression in blood leukocytes (Methods). d, NKX2-1, encoding TTF1, known to be highly
expressed in NSCLC-LUAD tumors, exhibits significantly higher predicted expression in
cfDNA of patients with LUAD by EPIC-seq (LUAD versus others Wilcoxon test P = 5.7
× 10−6). e, MS4A1, encoding CD20, known to be a marker of DLBCL tumors, exhibits
significantly higher predicted expression in cfDNA of patients with DLBCL by EPIC-seq
(DLBCL versus others Wilcoxon test P = 5.44 × 10−9). Box-and-whisker plots depict
predicted expression levels in individual samples profiled by EPIC-seq (dots), with boxes
spanning the IQR; the median is horizontally marked with a line in each box, and whiskers
span the 1.5 IQRs in each patient cohort. In d and e, individual patients are shown as dots
(noncancer, n = 91; LUAD, n = 50; LUSC, n = 37; B cell lymphoma, n = 114).
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Fig. 4 |. Application of EPIC-seq for lung cancer detection and histological classification.
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a, ROC capturing performance of the EPIC-lung classifier for distinguishing lung cancers
from others in leave-one-batch-out analyses (AUC = 0.91). The 95% CI of the AUC is
calculated using 2,000 bootstrap replicates. b, Relationship between EPIC-lung scores and
NSCLC disease stage, measured by Jonckheere’s trend test (P = 0.08). Box-and-whisker
plots depict the EPIC-lung classifier score in individual samples profiled by EPIC-seq (dots),
with boxes spanning the IQR; the median is horizontally marked with a line in each box,
and whiskers span the 1.5 IQRs in each disease stage group. Sample sizes are as follows:

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noncancer (n = 71 training; n = 23 validation), stage I (n = 0 training; n = 3 validation),

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stage II (n = 7 training; n = 4 validation), stage III (n = 30 training; n = 5 validation) and

stage IV (n = 30 training, n = 8 validation). c, Sensitivity analysis of the EPIC-lung classifier
at 95% specificity. Patients are grouped based on bins of mean circulating tumor AF (<1%
(n = 8 training; n = 17 validation), 1–5% (n = 25 training; n = 3 validation) and >5% (n =
34 training)), estimated by CAPP-seq on the same samples. Sensitivity improves as ctDNA
AF increases with roughly 33% of patients detectable when AF < 1%. The error bars for
the training set depict the 95% CI of the sensitivity values resulted from 500 bootstrap
replicates. The error bars for the validation set depict the sensitivity in the set ±s.e.m. taking
sample size into account. d, ROC curve of the LUAD versus LUSC classifier when tested
in a leave-one-out framework (AUC = 0.90, 95% CI (0.83–0.97)). e, Coefficients of the
NSCLC histology classifier, with positive and negative coefficients favoring LUAD and
LUSC, respectively. The coefficients are significantly associated with previous knowledge
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when comparing their magnitude and polarity by t-test (P = 0.033). Box-and-whisker plots
are defined as in b and are resulted from 67 coefficient sets from classifiers trained in
the leave-one-out cross-validation step. f, Accuracy of the histology classifier as a function
of tumor ctDNA fraction as measured by CAPP-seq. The error bars are defined as in a.
g, Application of EPIC-seq in predicting response to ICI within 4 weeks of treatment
initiation. h, ROC curve of the EPIC-seq lung dynamics score calculated in g distinguishes
patients with DCB versus those with NDB within 6 months (AUC = 0.93, 95% CI (0.78–
1.00)). i, Prognostic value of EPIC-seq lung dynamics scores in Kaplan–Meier analysis of
progression-free survival in the patients treated with immune-checkpoint inhibitors (log-rank
P = 0.0003; hazard ratio 11.86). Patients are stratified by the median dynamics score.
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Fig. 5 |. Application of EPIC-seq for DLBCL detection.

a, ROC analyses capture performance of the EPIC-DLBCL classifier for distinguishing
lymphomas from others. Red and blue curves depict performance in the validation cohort
(AUC = 0.96), versus leave-one-batch-out cross-validation analyses of the training cohort
(AUC = 0.92), respectively. b, Relationship between EPIC-seq DLBCL classifier scores
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and clinical prognostic scores as measured by the R-IPI (Jonckheere’s trend test P = 4 ×
10−4). Box-and-whisker plots depict the EPIC-DLBCL score in individual samples profiled
by EPIC-seq (dots), with boxes spanning the IQR; the median is horizontally marked with
a line in each box and whiskers span the 1.5 IQRs. Sample sizes are as follows: noncancer
(n = 71 training; n = 23 validation); ‘very good’ (n = 7 training; n = 1 validation); ‘good’
(n = 38 training; n = 11 validation) and ‘poor’ (n = 46 training; n = 11 validation). c,
Sensitivity analysis at 95% specificity for EPIC-DLBCL classifier. Similar to the EPIC-lung

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cancer classifier, sensitivity significantly improves as a function of ctDNA level (<1% (n

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= 16 training; n = 6 validation), 1–5% (n = 34 training; n = 9 validation) and >5% (n =

41 training; n = 8 validation). The error bars in the training set depict the 95% CI of the
sensitivity values resulted from 500 bootstrap replicates. The error bars for the validation
set depict the sensitivity in the set ±s.e.m. taking the sample size into account. d,e, Change
of ctDNA disease burden in response to treatment and during clinical progression in two
patients with DLBCL with GCB (d) and ABC (e) COO. Shown is the radiographic response
as measured by PET/CT MTV (first row y axis), ctDNA mean AF measured by CAPP-seq
(second row y axis) and the EPIC-seq lymphoma score (third row y axis) over serial, pre-
and post-therapy time points (x axis).
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Fig. 6 |. Application of EPIC-seq for DLBCL Coo classification.

a, Relationship between DLBCL COO EPIC-seq GCB scores and mutation-based GCB
scores as measured by CAPP-seq (Spearman ρ = 0.75, P = 1 × 10−5). Data were smoothed
by three patient (nonoverlapping) bins after sorting by CAPP-seq scores before correlation
analysis, and therefore there are 30 dots in the scatterplot. The grey region depicts the
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95% CI around the smoothed line shown in blue. b, Relationship between EPIC-seq GCB
scores from cfDNA and tumor tissue clinical classification by Hans immunohistochemical
algorithm (GCB n = 33, non-GCB n = 33, Wilcoxon P = 0.001). Box-and-whisker plots
depict the EPIC-seq GCB score in individual samples profiled by EPIC-seq (dots), with
boxes spanning the IQR; the median is horizontally marked with a line in each box and
whiskers span the 1.5 IQRs. c, Prognostic value of EPIC-seq COO scores in Kaplan–Meier
analysis of EFS in DLBCL (log-rank P = 0.013). Patients are stratified by the median

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EPIC-COO score, with higher scores associated with GCB and lower levels with ABC
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subtype. d, Concordance analysis between EPIC-seq COO score and RNA-based scores
(from matched tumor biopsy) for a cohort of 12 patients with DLBCL. Each dot represents
one patient, with the x axis showing the GCB score from RNA-seq and y axis showing the
EPIC-seq GCB score. The two scores exhibit reasonably strong correlation (r = 0.84, P =
0.0006). e, Prognostic value of individual genes profiled by EPIC-seq and EFS, as measured
by Z-scores from univariate Cox proportional hazard models. For genes with multiple TSS
regions, Z-scores were combined using Stouffer’s method102. After correcting for multiple
hypothesis testing, only LMO2 (red) remains significantly associated with favorable DLBCL
outcome. Dotted lines represent the significance threshold for Bonferroni-corrected P values
of 0.05. f, Forest plot depicts multivariable Cox proportional hazard model results for EFS.
After adjusting for IPI and ctDNA AF, only the distal TSS for LMO2 remains significantly
prognostic for EFS (P = 0.005).
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