Computer Networking Introduction
Computer Networking Introduction
Computer Networking Introduction
Section 4.1:
An Introduction to Computer Networking
In this section we will discuss what networks are, including Key Concepts of this section:
advantages and disadvantages of using them.
# Understand what a network is.
# Know what networks enable us to do.
# Be able to describe advantages and disadvantages of
setting up a computer network.
What do networks enable us to do? A network can break down if network cables are
# Networks allow users to:
Share files
Send emails to each other
Share resources (like printers or scanners).
Cables (if the computers are linked together in the same room/building)
Radio signals (Wi-Fi) Too few printers on a network can cause print queues
Telephone lines and satellites (for long-range connections). (printer has too many jobs at once).
4. We can access our data from any computer (like your student: drive at school)
6. Network administrator can control the network (changing passwords, monitor the
internet etc)
1. If part of the network fails (i.e. a network cable is severed) – this can cause the
whole network to break down (data can't pass through the damaged cable)
2. Viruses can spread across the network very easily and quickly
3. If a computer on the network is hacked into then all other computers are prone to
4. Networks that use too few printers can see printing queues develop
(due to the amount of people trying to print)
1. We are very prone to virus and spyware infection from other internet users
2. We are open to ‘phishing’ and other scams which target internet users for
personal details such as bank numbers etc
Intro to Networks - Research Sheet
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