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& Motion Control

3 — Advancing motion control applications with the right
drives, technology
8 — Smart Plastics TR.B System for Robot Preventive
9 — Predictive Maintenance vs Preventive Maintenance
14 — 6 AI motion control applications to improve OEE
21 — Mitsubishi Electric Automation Combines Power
and Precision into Packaging Solutions for Hamrick
27 — Integrated and distributed safety for motion control
34 — Parallel arm kinematics kit | machine automation

35 — Easily Add Kinematics to Your Automation Path

40 — How electrification of linear actuators improve material
handling automation
48 — Five advances in motion control, communications, design
to ease automation use

Advancing motion control
applications with the right  Back to TOC

drives, technology
Industrial automation today is dependent on performing key tasks accurately
and effectively and engineers should know what to seek out in industrial
automation devices to deliver high-quality motion applications.

T he smart factory of the future is built on advanced autonomous systems that per-
form key tasks with extreme accuracy at high speed. To realize these capabilities,
the industrial automation components being used, including state-of-the-art motion
controllers, need to be able to effectively share data. Selecting devices that incorpo-
rate network technologies capable of sharing large volumes of data at high speed is
essential for machine builders and system integrators committed to delivering val-
ue-adding machines to industry players.

Time-sensitive networking (TSN) can deliver the high-speed requirements machine

builders and system integrators need to have reliable high-performance networks.

Machine builders and system integrators are facing a growing demand for autono-
mous setups that leverage rotatory equipment or linear actuators to interact with the
surrounding environment and perform key tasks. These solutions typically need to
offer speed, high encoder resolutions and low tolerances while combining complex,
multi-axis systems, where all parts run in sync with extreme repeatability.

Advancing motion control applications with the right drives, technology

Driving advanced data sharing for demanding manufactur-  Back to TOC

ing cycle times
To accommodate increasingly demanding cycle times while offering exacting perfor-
mance and maximum uptime, engineers should look for drives and controls that use a
network technology that ensures determinism. The recent advances in TSN technology
enables all nodes in a network to be synchronized with high accuracy and can schedule
and prioritize traffic.

Deterministic performance needs to be guaranteed even when large volumes of con-

trol data are shared. This makes the network’s available bandwidth another import-
ant parameter to include in the evaluation. 100 Mbit/s is a good starting point, but 1
Gbit/s is optimal for a manufacturing facility.

Furthermore, when it comes to sharing data, maximum interconnectivity is beneficial to

generate and share valuable insights with other machine components as well as across
the entire plant and enterprise. Drives need to be able to communicate with all rele-
vant motion components within a system.

The ability for machine developers and system integrator to leverage the automation
products best suited to meet project specifications without having to consider interop-
erability issues represents a key asset during development. This can be achieved by
using drives that are compatible with multi-vendor open protocols.

Devices that can communicate to other elements of an organization across the opera-
tional technology (OT) and information technology (IT) domains can enable the transi-
tion toward smarter machines, shop floors and fully-fledged smart factories. A network
Advancing motion control applications with the right drives, technology

 Back to TOC

technology that enables convergence also Mitsubishi Electric’s Melservo MR-J5 series of
servos is compatible with CC-Link IE TSN network
can help to facilitate the adoption of artificial technology, the first open industrial Ethernet that
intelligence (AI) to further improve predictive combines gigabit bandwidth with TSN functions.
control and maintenance, driving profitability. With TSN, the MR-J5 drives offer communication
cycle times of 31.25µs, a frequency response of
Besides, this capability can simplify network 3.5kHz and reach a maximum motor speed of
architectures and reduce wiring and mainte- 6,700 r/min. Courtesy: Mitsubishi Electric, CC-Link
nance, lowering costs. Partner Association (CLPA)

Ensuring optimal performance for motion applications

When looking at the mechanical performance of drives in motion applications, minimiz-
ing vibrations is fundamental to delivering efficient operations and quality end prod-
ucts. In addition to improving the service life of the equipment, vibration or resonance
suppression reduces settling times and can support faster cycle times while improving 5
Advancing motion control applications with the right drives, technology

overall performance. The most  Back to TOC
advanced servo amplifiers are can

condition detect vibrations and suppress

them. By selecting devices with

these features, engineers can de-

liver robust and accurate setups.

with smart
with smart plastics
plastics Finally, to create advanced, val-

monitoring with smart plastics ue-adding solutions, it is import-

ant to identify highly efficient
components that can minimize
with smart plastics the energy requirements of the
resulting machine. This is essen-
tial to lowering costs and the en-
vironmental footprint of industrial

Leveraging the right

Predict & eliminate unplanned machine
downtime with intelligent cable carriers technologies for mo-
• Retrofit existing equipment • Predict maintenance & save money tion control applica-
• Extend maximum service life • IIoT integration with your network
• Get real-time status updates • i.Cee dashboard to visualize data tions
Predict &
Predict && eliminate
eliminate unplanned
eliminate unplanned machine
unplanned machine
machine Some of today’s advanced drive
downtime & eliminate
with unplanned
with intelligent
intelligent cablemachine
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carriers technologies can address the
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Scan QR to learn more
about existing equipment
plastics • Predict maintenance save money complex communication and
Retrofit existing
Extend maximum equipment
existing service life
equipment ••• Predict maintenance
IIoT integration
Predict && save
with your
maintenance money
save money
•• Extend
• Retrofit maximum
Get real-time
Extend service
service life
status updates
existing equipment
maximum life •• IIoT
• i.Ceeintegration
Predictdashboard with
maintenance your network
& save data
IIoT integration with your network performance requirements men-
•• Get
Get real-time
Extend maximum
real-time status updates
• Get real-time status updates
Scan QR to learn more
updates •• i.Cee dashboard
IIoT integration
i.Cee to
to visualize
dashboardwith data
your network
visualize data
• i.Cee dashboard to visualize data
tioned above. Machine builders
about smart plastics
condition monitoring
Advancing motion control applications with the right drives, technology

and systems integrators should look for devices that ensure enhanced motion control  Back to TOC

With TSN and large bandwidth, drives can provide precise communication cycle times
and synchronization with axes. This means motion control can perform at the optimum
level for manufacturing.

TSN ensures servos can connect with many devices from the OT and IT level. The inclu-
sion of simple network management protocol (SNMP), asset monitoring and manage-
ment from IT applications allows data to be accessed from these drives.

The benefits are energy efficient vibration suppression capabilities with predictive
maintenance functionality. Mechanical component deterioration can be identified long
before service requirements arise. Uptime is optimized and maintenance can be sched-
uled and potential issues are avoided.

Thomas Burke
Thomas Burke is global strategic adviser for CC-Link Partner Association (CLPA). He is
the founder of the OPC Foundation and spent much of his career developing software,
hardware and firmware for industrial automation, including at Rockwell Automation.
CC-Link Partner Association (CLPA) is a CFE Media and Technology content partner.

Smart Plastics TR.B System for Robot Preventive Maintenance

 Back to TOC

Smart Plastics TR.B System for Robot
Preventive Maintenance
This video introduces the new triflex brake detection system
(TRB), designed for monitoring the condition of robotic dress
packs on six-axis robots. Andrew Jones, Regional Sales Manager
for the Smart Plastic Solutions, showcases how the TRB system
can significantly reduce downtime by providing immediate alerts
in case of a dress pack breakage.

vs Preventive
A ny maintenance schedule serves the purpose of
keeping machinery running as long as possible and
without defects. However, there are different types of
maintenance schedules that take various approaches to
the process. Two of the most common are predictive main-
tenance and preventive maintenance.

Both predictive and preventive maintenance are scheduled

in advance, but scheduling differs between the two. Pre-
dictive maintenance is scheduled based on machine condi-
tion, and preventive maintenance is scheduled based upon
a specific time interval.

What is predictive maintenance?

Predictive maintenance falls under the umbrella of the In-
dustrial Internet of Things (IIoT), and is a form of condition-
Predictive Maintenance vs Preventive Maintenance

based maintenance that isn’t performed until machinery falls out of predefined per-  Back to TOC
formance parameters. Condition monitoring is used to measure and keep track of
machine performance and alert operators of abnormal performance.

Once performance parameters fall out of an acceptable range, maintenance is sched-

uled in advance based on predictions of remaining service life. This helps maximize
machine uptime and reduce labor costs, as maintenance is only performed when it’s
truly needed.

For predictive maintenance to be effective, digitalization is essential. A litany of data

is collected with condition monitoring, and without an effective way to visualize that
data, it’s near-useless.

Due to the need for digitalization and the related employee training, predictive main-
tenance has a higher initial cost than other maintenance strategies. This can be a
deterrent for smaller organizations or those dealing with a limited budget, but in the
long-term predictive maintenance can provide significant cost savings.

What is preventive maintenance?

Preventive maintenance is a regularly scheduled form of maintenance, similar to a
routine oil change for a car or a yearly doctor’s exam. Schedules for preventive main-
tenance are strictly time-based, though the time interval chosen is based on expected
service life to minimize the risk of parts failing prematurely.

Labor costs for preventive maintenance are more expensive than other forms of main-
tenance, since maintenance is performed whether or not it’s strictly necessary to keep
Predictive Maintenance vs Preventive Maintenance

 Back to TOC

a machine running. However, initial costs are lower as there’s no need for extensive
training or investment into digital systems.

Predictive maintenance vs preventive maintenance:

Key differences
There are a few primary differences between predictive and preventive maintenance
that will determine which best fits a particular situation. The biggest difference, of
course, is how maintenance is scheduled. Like previously mentioned, predictive main-
tenance is based on machine condition, whereas preventive is regularly scheduled.
Predictive Maintenance vs Preventive Maintenance

Since preventive maintenance is performed regularly, the associated costs can easily  Back to TOC
be predicted in advance. However, these costs are higher since maintenance is per-
formed more often. Preventive maintenance is also inherently less risky than predictive
since maintenance is performed before a machine is falling out of acceptable perfor-
mance parameters.

Predictive maintenance costs cannot be easily predicted, since they depend on ma-
chine performance and intervals can vary. However, this means maintenance is only
performed as it’s needed, reducing total maintenance costs versus preventive mainte-

There is a higher risk associated with predictive maintenance, since machines are run
much closer to the point of failure. However, the risk pays off with successful predictive
maintenance and leads to increased working hours and minimized costs and resources
spent on maintenance.

While similar, the differences between predictive and preventive maintenance are es-
sential to understand to ensure the ideal choice between the two is made. Below is a
recap of these differences.

Predictive Maintenance
• No set schedule

• Higher initial cost, lower long-term cost

Predictive Maintenance vs Preventive Maintenance

• High risk  Back to TOC

• Maximizes time between performing maintenance

Preventive Maintenance
• Regularly scheduled

• Lower initial cost, higher long-term cost

• Low risk

• Maintenance is performed whether or not it’s essential for further operation

To learn more about igus’ Industry 4.0 solutions, visit our webpage or browse our
blogs, videos and white papers. For questions about predictive or preventive mainte-
nance — or other related Industry 4.0 topics & applications — contact an igus expert.

6 AI motion control applications
to improve OEE  Back to TOC

AI offers end-users the ability to analyze information collected from machines

or manufacturing lines to optimize operational performance. Below, see six
common motion control applications that can benefit from AI.

T he use of artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more common in in-
dustrial applications. The ability to collect information from a discrete machine
or from an entire manufacturing line and use this information to optimize operational
performance, efficiency and consistency can be extremely beneficial for manufacturing
companies striving for higher overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). Used effectively,
AI can be a very useful tool for unlocking the potential of manufacturing equipment.

Automation companies have built functionality into their products to allow the user to ac-
cess all sorts of information from the automation products themselves and from the equip-
ment they are automating. This information can be crucial in diagnosing issues that result
in downtime while at the same time unlocking untapped machine output potential.

1. Motor temperature
Variances in the operating temperature of a servo motor can indicate changes in ma-
chine mechanics. Servo motors only draw as much current as is required to meet the
application needs. Increases in servo motor temperature (which directly relates to
the current draw) can most often be attributed to worn mechanical transmission com-
ponents. This information is captured by the system controller and can be used in a
preventative maintenance program where mechanical components get lubricated or
replaced when their efficiency starts to drop.
6 AI motion control applications to improve OEE

 Back to TOC

Yaskawa’s i3-Mechatronics concept is

an example of a control architecture
2. Vibration detection that uses data analysis to improve
Some high-end servo products incorporate accelera- manufacturing production and quality.
tion sensors into the control board of the servo mo- Courtesy: Yaskawa

tor’s encoder assembly. These types of sensors can

detect vibrations seen at the motor during a normal machine cycle. The system con-
troller can monitor changes in these vibrations over time and recommend corrective
action that could be taken.

FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) analyzers in the system controller can provide a visual
representation of what frequencies are present in a given set of machine data. These
FFT “fingerprints” for each machine axis can be used to identify specific changes in
machine mechanics over time.
6 AI motion control applications to improve OEE

 Back to TOC
3. Move profile information
Each servo axis on a machine has
a unique move profile that is pro-
grammed for each application. The
actual position of each servo axis can
be tracked during its move profile
and this data can be recorded at the
time of machine commissioning. The
actual position of each axis can then
be tracked while the machine oper-
ates over time. When changes to the
actual position of the axis during the
move profile are detected, the system
controller will identify specific differ-
The amount of useful data that can
ences (ie: overshoot, undershoot, higher deviation be collected from modern motion
from commanded position, etc) and recommend control equipment is considerable. The
appropriate action that can be taken. One example table above outlines some examples.
Courtesy: Yaskawa
of an application attribute that could affect the actual
position during a commanded move is a change in
load inertia. If the load inertia changes even slightly over time, this will affect the over-
all tuning of the system and could contribute to significant changes in performance
during the move. This issue could be remedied with adjustment of specific servo tun-
ing parameters and/or rectification of the changes to the load inertia (ie: maybe there
is a disturbance to the load being moved during operation).

6 AI motion control applications to improve OEE

4. Life monitors  Back to TOC

Life monitors on critical wear
components of automation
equipment can be used to
predict failures before they
happen. Machine operation
can be optimized by schedul-
ing component replacement Normal operation. Courtesy: Yasakawa
prior to a catastrophic failure that could shut down
the manufacturing line. Motion
control components typically
come with their own life moni-
tors as shown below.

A variety of other types of sen-

sors can be added to a motion
control system and monitored
by the system controller. With a good set of AI algo- Change in mechanics (loose coupling).
Courtesy: Yaskawa
rithms, the system controller can take this data and
predict future failure of specific machine components
or just monitor overall machine performance.

5. Energy consumption
Electricity consumption monitors can highlight inefficiencies in individual machines or
entire manufacturing lines. This information could be used to adjust machine cycles
to minimize overall electricity consumption or to maximize energy consumption during
6 AI motion control applications to improve OEE

certain times in the day when  Back to TOC

energy is less expensive.

6. System communica-
tion errors
Most sophisticated motion con-
trol systems allow for monitoring
of low voltage supply power to
each motor’s encoder. Spikes
in this power supply due to sys-
tem electrical noise can cause
momentary loss of position data
which can result in disturbances
to the move profile. The system
controller can detect when elec-
trical noise is introduced to the
system and how this noise affects
operation. This information can be used to trouble- Each servo axis on a machine
has a unique move profile that is
shoot and correct the issue so the machine can run programmed for each application.
smoothly. When changes to the actual position
of the axis during the move profile
are detected, the system controller
System controllers can also detect errors and loss of will identify specific differences and
packets from the deterministic network being used recommend appropriate action that
can be taken. Courtesy: Yaskawa
(Such as EtherCAT, Mechatrolink, etc). Consistent net-
work errors and loss of information can cause a variety
of issues with manufacturing equipment. The data logging capability of the system
6 AI motion control applications to improve OEE

controller can also be used  Back to TOC

for troubleshooting to cor-
rect these machine issues.

AI tools for organiz-

ing and communi-
cating information
The availability of infor-
mation is important, but
having a set of tools that
organize the information
and suggest actions for
improvement can be just as
Life monitor display from Yaskawa
important. Some automation vendors have created cus-
SigmaWin+ software. Courtesy:
tomizable toolboxes that display the types of information Yaskawa
described above as well as statistics related to the efficien-
cy and performance of the machine or manufacturing line as a whole. These toolboxes
can typically be viewed on the piece of equipment’s human-machine interface (HMI) or
from anywhere in the world via a secure internet connection.

Tools such as this can be used for visualizing the operations of a single machine, a
manufacturing line or an entire factory. They can provide asset management infor-
mation, predictive maintenance schedules, alarm forwarding and data management.
They can also exchange communications with external systems through OPC-UA or
other common automation protocols. These tools have this base functionality but are
also highly customizable.
6 AI motion control applications to improve OEE

 Back to TOC

The wealth of information available with today’s automa- Electricity consumption monitors
display from Yaskawa SigmaWin+
tion systems coupled with the highly engineered tools
software. Courtesy: Yaskawa
for organizing and distributing the information can be of
enormous benefit to machine builders and machine users.
Increases in machine throughput, higher part quality, reduction in machine downtime
and increases in machine life are all achievable outcomes when machine and manufac-
turing line feedback is utilized effectively.

Scott Carlberg
Scott Carlberg is product marketing manager at Yaskawa.

Mitsubishi Electric A Powerful Solution for Delicate Packing
When Jeff Eckstein of Hamrick Manufacturing needed

to design a new, automated packaging system from the
ground up, he started with a basic wish list. He was hoping
to find a robotic pick-and-pack solution that would com-

Combines Power bine power, precision, and a soft touch into the smallest
space possible.

and Precision Finding powerful yet compact servo motors was first on
the priority list. “I mean, that’s what everybody wants when

into Packaging they dream of a motor,

right?” he says. “The small-

Solutions est, the most powerful, and

the fastest.”

for Hamrick As Controls Engineering

Manager for the 46-year-

Manufacturing old, family-owned company

based near Akron, Ohio, he
also had his eye on preci-
sion robotics. The customer for this new machine needed
to pick and pack a variety of different protein powders
that came in containers with intricate and delicate labels.
Building in precisely controlled automation would not only
protect the labels, it would make changeovers between
Mitsubishi Electric Automation Combines Power and Precision

different products faster and easier. “They run about 20 different SKUs on this line,”  Back to TOC
Eckstein explains.

“They could run one product for a week or two straight, then they might run three
different ones in a day. They wanted to speed up the process and remove any sort of
operator error during changeovers.”

The complex changeovers involved manually setting a number of parameters using

quarter-turn screws and hand cranks.

“You’d slide something down a scale and make a lot of adjustments that are based on
one person’s perception of a ruler,” Eckstein adds. It’s a task that might take up to half
an hour each time.

“It’s a pretty involved process,” Eckstein says. “They wanted to automate it in a way
that was going to reduce the downtime between all their different SKUs. Their fillers
are running 40+ bottles a minute, so an hour and a half to make multiple changeovers
adds up to a lot of bottles. Every minute that machine’s not producing is money out
the window.”

A Solution Hiding in Plain Sight

As Eckstein began to fill out his wish list, he discovered that a solution was right at his
fingertips. Hamrick had been using variable frequency drives (VFDs) from Mitsubishi
Electric Automation, Inc. for a number of years. “So we knew about Mitsubishi Elec-
tric,” he says. “We had looked at a couple other avenues and realized that we were not
going to get the speed and torque we needed.”
Mitsubishi Electric Automation Combines Power and Precision

A call to the company’s Mitsubishi Electric distributor, Shaltz Automation, yielded a  Back to TOC
quick cross-off of the first item on Eckstein’s list. He recalls, “When I initially talked to
our Mitsubishi Electric Automation rep, Vic Noviski, I told him we needed more than
1.0 newton-meters of torque and more than 1000 RPMs. That’s about the fastest, most
powerful we could find in the size of servo motors we wanted. Vic did some digging
and came back with a solution that was 3000 rpm and 2.0 newton-meters of torque,
which is more than double what I was anticipating.”

He continues, “Obviously, we were super excited. When we got some CAD files from
Vic and their engineering team, we checked out the dimensions of the HG-KR23K ser-
vo motors, and the size was perfect. The motors themselves had to be compact be-
cause we were putting them inside of a 17-axis mechanical assembly that really didn’t
leave much room for motors.”

The new machine then evolved around other Mitsubishi Electric components, including
FR-E800 VFDs and an EtherNet/IP amplifier. “We just standardized on Mitsubishi Elec-
tric components,“ Eckstein notes. “And the machine that we ultimately developed had
enough precise control to softly place each package. It’s extremely gentle.”

Ethernet/IP Integration Simplifies Control

One of the key reasons for that delicate touch is the integration of the servo motors
with a different company’s Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) specified by the end

Data communication between these components is handled by a Mitsubishi Electric

Ethernet/IP amplifier, which Eckstein says was a huge sales point. “The thing that I re-
Mitsubishi Electric Automation Combines Power and Precision

ally like about the Ethernet/IP integration between the PLC and the Mitsubishi Electric  Back to TOC
TM drives is that all the motion control is done inside the drive. That means the PLC
can be non-motion rated, so we could go with a much less expensive PLC.”

For those uninitiated to the world of robotics, Ethernet works somewhat differently in a
factory floor robotics operation than it does in an office environment. Instead of ac-
cessing files and printers, factory floor controllers must access data embedded in drive
systems, operator workstations, and I/O devices. And it has to do it all in real-time or
as close to it as possible.

Ethernet/IP is a set of advanced data communication standards used in real-time control

applications. It uses object-oriented design to promote consistent automation functions
across many types of products, including in the case the Mitsubishi Electric servo motors.

Because the Mitsubishi Electric servo motors have their own intelligence built-in, the
Ethernet/IP network has to transmit much less information. That’s why the PLC can be
simpler and less expensive.

“All the behind-the-scenes work that it takes to make a servo go from point A to point
B, plus how fast it gets there and how quickly it slows down, the math, the algorithms,
and the programming, it all gets taken care of inside the servo drive.

“Think of it like a GPS system,” Eckstein says. “That’s a great analogy. Instead of hav-
ing the PLC provide point-by-point directions, the servo motor is doing all the work. I
just tell it to go to a position this fast, at this acceleration, and the rest of it’s taken care
of. It finds the best path on its own.”
Mitsubishi Electric Automation Combines Power and Precision

Changeovers Go from 30  Back to TOC

Minutes to 40 Seconds
The results of all this advanced technology?
“For the pick and place portion of it,” Eck-
stein estimates, “I would say we increased
our performance because the motors run
nicer and smoother than what we had been
using. I feel like the sizing Mitsubishi Electric
Automation did for us was more accurate,
too. Plus, it’s fair to say they’re going to get
a little more output because the motors are
less likely to fail.” Even better, he says, “The customer is going to get more through-
put because the changeover time is drastically cut. Now we can do a changeover in 40
seconds. That’s a vast improvement over the old 30-minute changeover time.” Even
with the advanced technology incorporated into the machine’s design, what stands out
most in Eckstein’s view is the extra-mile service Hamrick received from Shaltz Automa-
tion and Mitsubishi Electric Automation. “We were on a tight time frame,” Eckstein
recalls. “The customer wasn’t able to deliver product when we expected. That immedi-
ately pushed development back, but the deadline remained the same. We did every-
thing we could do to get this machine out on the original deadline. Mitsubishi Electric
Automation was here at the drop of a dime to help us integrate everything and make it
a smooth process.” He adds, “I think I gave Mitsubishi Electric’s motion specialist Rob
Rushka one week’s notice and he was here. He sat right next to me for two days to help
us make sure we were doing everything correctly and using these servo motors the
best that we could.”

Mitsubishi Electric Automation Combines Power and Precision

A Dedicated Relationship  Back to TOC

That commitment impressed company president Phil Hamrick when he stopped by to
check on the progress of the programming. “He came out in the shop one day and I
was out there with Rob,” Eckstein remembers. “We were elbow deep in this machine
working through a couple normal issues that you would have with a brand new design.
Phil told me, ‘The other supplier we used would never be here helping you like this.’ It
just goes to show how dedicated Mitsubishi
Electric Automation is in earning our busi-
ness.” He adds wryly, “Phil is wearing a Mit-
subishi Electric polo shirt today, so I think he
approves.” In the end, Eckstein concludes,
“The Mitsubishi Electric products themselves
are good, really good, but it’s the relation-
ship with Mitsubishi Electric Automation and
Shaltz Automation that I think made the real
difference. Hamrick is a small, family-run
company. We don’t have a ton of employees, so the Mitsubishi Electric teams’ willing-
ness and ability to help us in the middle of a crisis was key. They did an excellent job
being there when we needed them.”

In fact, the relationship between Hamrick Manufacturing and the Mitsubishi Electric
team is so comfortable, Eckstein says, “I feel like we’ve all been working together for
the past 10 years, even though it’s only been a year or so. And that’s great!”

Integrated and distributed safety
for motion control  Back to TOC

Safety requires an integrated and distributed approach to keep workers safe

from an environment that features autonomous equipment.

W ith emerging robotic and mobile industrial automation technology, maintaining

operator safety has become increasingly more challenging. Traditional ap-
proaches to safety fall short of protecting operators from autonomous equipment that
share the factory floor with them. To keep workers free from injury and harm, safety
requires an integrated and distributed approach.

Rather than centralize safety functionality in a controller, safety features need to be

distributed throughout the system, such as out to individual drives. Cell safety func-
tionality must also be able to adapt when mobile systems such as automated guided
vehicles (AGVs) and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) enter and leave a cell. When
implemented in an integrated way, safety systems can also supply non-safety systems
with data that improves overall production reliability and efficiency.

The rise of mobile automation

While some companies have delayed large capital expenses over the last few years,
many have accelerated their investment in automation. For example, there was sub-
stantial growth in the mobile robot industry in 2021. Interact Analysis predicts that by
2025, close to two million robots will be installed globally and that revenue for mobile
robots will surpass $30 billion by 2030. And with VC funding for mobile robots reaching
$1 billion in 2021, the positive impact robots can deliver on the factory floor will in-
crease as well.
Integrated and distributed safety for motion control

Integrated safety benefits  Back to TOC

One consequence of having more robots on the factory floor is that they are sharing
workspaces with people more frequently. This means the industry needs to rethink how
safety is implemented.

“Machines have traditionally been individually addressed, and safety has been ad-
dressed individually as well,” said Chris Woller, safety product manager at Beckhoff
Automation. “The problem is machines are getting more complex. Look at mobile
robots. When they move into a workspace, they become part of it.

“At Beckhoff Automation, we’re focused on integrated safety. The idea is that when a
machine has more than a few safety functions, it makes sense to integrate them into
the control system from a financial and engineering efficiency perspective. For exam-
ple, a machine with coordinated e-stops, safe motion functions, muting, light barriers,
etc. becomes almost unmanageable with relay logic.”

Working together only gets more complicated with mobile robots. “When a robot
enters a workspace, it needs to connect on-the-fly through the network to the other
machines so they can coordinate their safety functions,” Woller said.

“A bottling line might have filler, capper, labeler, and packaging machines, each work-
ing in different cells. Each poses different safety concerns based on its function, and
a person walking into that cell will trigger a specific safety response. However, these
cells are not independent. If the speed of the labeler is suddenly reduced as a safety
response, this may could cause a backup on the line.”

Integrated and distributed safety for motion control

By providing non-safety systems  Back to TOC

with access to safety information,
it becomes possible to improve
overall production. For example,
the line can be rerouted to com-
Transforming pain into progress pensate for safety events that
have slowed particular cells. In
this way, the delay from a safety
event can be “absorbed” across
the line through load balancing.

“Safety can also be more flexible

with an integrated approach,”
Woller said. “Say we have a 6-axis
robot. It might have several end
Setting up and configuring a servo system can be painful. MELSERVO-J5 Servo motors
and amplifiers from Mitsubishi Electric create a pain-free experience that can: effectors with onboard controls,
Simplify or eliminate the commissioning process with unique

tuning capabilities and software options.
one for milling, another for cut-
 Enhance system performance through predictive maintenance, ting, and so on. As the robot
functional safety over network, and 3.5 kHz speed frequency response.
 Improve margins with flexible drive capacity and 10+ year design life. changes functionality, it needs to
 Enjoy personalized support by phone, partner programs, and region,
as well as extended warranties. implement and manage different
safety requirements. This can be
Maximize Efficiency and
Performance Instantly
complex for a controller to track.
By integrating safety into the tool
itself and distributing the logic, it
AD-VH-00172 can coordinate its own safe func-

tions with the robot before and

©2024 Mitsubishi Electric Automation, Inc.

during operation.”
Integrated and distributed safety for motion control

“Centralizing safety means having to create a large, complex program that can be con-  Back to TOC
fusing to understand and modify. By distributing safety logic to all I/O terminals and
drives, functions can be implemented in small, simple chunks that are much easier to

The advantages of integrated safety goes beyond just increasing safety. Woller said,
“When safety and non-safety systems are connected, we can improve efficiency as well.
Tracking safety will enable you to identify that a particular machine has experienced
a higher number of safety events. This could mean operators are facing challenges
during their jobs or the workspace needs a new risk assessment.”

Putting safety information in the cloud also makes this data available for offline anal-
ysis. Woller said, “Imagine being able to review a year’s worth of safety events to de-
termine how you might change your machine design to reduce safety issues. You’d not
only be improving safety but increasing efficiency at the same time.”

Distributed safety approach

Another aspect of improving mobile robot safety is to take a distributed approach.

“Traditionally, industrial safety requirements are at the machine-builder level,” said

Andy Sklierenko, vice president at Moons’ Industries (MOONS’), an expert in motion
control and safety, manufacturing over 30 million motors a year. “Typical safety devices
include light curtains, interlocks, and safety fences. However, with the increase in ro-
bots, cobots, AGVs, and AMRs sharing workspaces with humans, there is an increasing
need for distributed safety.”

Integrated and distributed safety for motion control

“Consider a safety scenario where a person walks into a cobot’s work cell,” Sklieren-  Back to TOC
ko said. “When the person disrupts a light curtain, the cell control system directs the
robot to slow or stop in response. Unfortunately, this sequence of responses might not
be fast enough to prevent injury. Taking a distributed approach to safety enables the
robot itself to interpret the scenario and execute an emergency response when re-
quired. Now the robot is able to independently prevent accidents in the quickest pos-
sible way. With cobots, this is even more critical as the interaction with humans gets
physically closer and more interwoven in process.”

There are several advantages to a distributed approach to safety. Perhaps the most
important is real-time responsiveness. The cobot doesn’t have to wait for detailed
instructions from the controller, which might be occupied with several other systems
simultaneously. Another advantage is the flexibility of the system to take appropriate
action based on real-world circumstances. For example, if the cobot is moving, it can
reduce its speed when another object begins to get close. For safety critical situations,
such as an operator stepping within a meter of the cobot, the cobot can even cut the
power to the phases of all the motors, leaving no chance of powering any additional

Safe torque off (STO), a hardware-based estop capability, physically removes power from
the motor when triggered. With software-based estop, power is still being delivered to
the motor phases even though the motor is stopped. If an error occurs, this power could
drive the motor, potentially putting an operator at risk. Because power is physically re-
moved with STO, there is no way the motor can continue to operate once it is stopped.

“In addition to providing higher reliability, utilizing STO simplifies safety certification,”
Integrated and distributed safety for motion control

Sklierenko said. “For systems us-  Back to TOC

ing either firmware-based estop
or external safety circuits, all of
the systems involved in stop-
ping the motor and keeping it
stopped must be safety-certified.
Depending upon how complex
the system is architecture, this
could involve a great deal of
time, effort, and cost. With STO
distributed amongst all the axes,
power removal means much less
effort in safety-certification and

Pre-configured software modules for motion control

Building distributed safety like

STO into each axis also simpli-
 Faster automation startup, less programming
fies system design. “Rather than
Would you rather enter parameters, or code? MOVIKIT ready-to-use automation
modules are pre-configured software elements for many common motion control
implement every safety feature
tasks ranging from simple speed control and positioning to complex multi-axis in the controller, STO can be
sequences. These intuitive, user-friendly modules are hardware independent, and
can save commissioning time and costs. Simply enter paramters, and GO!
offloaded to the drive itself,”
Sklierenko said. “Consider a
Download the PDF cobot with four functions/axes,
each with a motor and drive.
With STO built into each axis or
function block, the controller no
Integrated and distributed safety for motion control

longer needs to manage every safety response detail. Each axis can be responsible for  Back to TOC
itself in regards to being ‘safe.’”

OEMs save time and money by not having to design and implement their own circuits.
The reduction in software complexity, wiring, and system certification add to these sav-
ings, resulting in lower total cost of ownership (TCO).

Knowledge is safety
One of the most important aspects of integrating and distributing safety is improving
clarity in diagnostics for operators. According to Woller, “Sometimes a safety response
is hard to diagnosis and operators are left wondering, ‘Why won’t my machine run?’ If
they can’t figure it out, there’s a real temptation to override safety mechanisms to keep
production moving. With integrated safety, equipment can more clearly tell the opera-
tor why the safety event occurred. Then the operator can address the problem, ensur-
ing safety requirements are met without sacrificing uptime.”

The flexibility of mobile robots promises greater efficiency on the factory floor. At the
same time, this flexibility increases the complexity of keeping the workspace safe. By
taking an integrated and distributed approach to safety, OEMs can leverage the many
benefits of robotic automation while improving operator safety, system reliability, and
even production efficiency.

Nick Cravotta
Nick Cravotta, A3 contributing editor

Parallel arm kinematics kit | machine automation

 Back to TOC

Parallel arm kinematics kit | machine
You can easily integrate the new MAXOLUTION® parallel arm
kinematics kit into your production processes or use it as a
stand-alone solution. The modular structure and independent
design of the individual system packages enable you to achieve
perfectly coordinated kinematics in just a few simple steps.

Easily Add A lot of people are intimidated by robots. This is of-
ten a result of the unanswered questions they have
about how to design mechanics and drives properly. It

Kinematics to also comes from the fear of not being able to master the
seemingly complex motion sequences in programming.

Your Automation SEW-EURODRIVE solves this engineering dilemma with a

functionally scaled robotics solution – the MAXOLUTION

parallel arm kinematics kit. It consists of three individual-
ly customizable packages that fit nearly any automation
robotics application. The controller package contains
the control system and software, the robot axis package
houses the matching drives and servo controllers, and the
robot mechanics package consists of the mechanical com-
ponents for the robot kinematics and the appropriate gear
units, including the new PxG® planetary servo gear unit.

Mechanical engineers can use solution packages tailored

to suit their specific application and complete their robots
themselves using these three packages – even including
controller and safety technology. The modular system
takes no longer than a two-man shift to assemble and can
be effortlessly programmed thanks to convenient teach-in

Typically, what makes robot kinematics so complex is the

software - SEW-EURODRIVE simplifies motion control path
design thanks to the MOVIKIT Robotics software module.
Easily Add Kinematics to Your Automation Path

 Back to TOC

“We don’t sell ready-to-use robots, or make the steel structure, or the control cabinet.
Instead, we focus on finding the perfect automation and drive solution for robotics
applications – in the form of a customized modular system,” says Machine Automation
Technology Manager, Rick Simer, explaining the MAXOLUTION group’s automation ex-
pertise. Typical pre-packaged robotics systems are rarely tailored to the exact applica-
tion and are available in just a handful of sizes offering only limited flexibility. Providing
a complete package of custom controls, components, and software – all designed to
work together - is what distinguishes the SEW-EURODRIVE solution from pre-packaged
robot systems sold by other manufacturers.

Easily Add Kinematics to Your Automation Path

 Back to TOC

Hygienic Design
SEW-EURODRIVE’s MAXOLUTION parallel arm kinematics kit offers the flexibility to al-
low users to create hygienic solutions for food and packaging industries. The food pro-
cessing sector in particular has begun to rely more and more on robot-assisted food
sorting or packaging. Robot kinematics also excels at order picking, filling secondary
packaging, and other handling tasks in the beverage industry.

Combined Solution Packages

SEW-EURODRIVE has strategically integrated its various robot packages into the new
MAXOLUTION Machine Automation business area. In doing so, the company is de-
termined to focus more on system solutions skills in the future. “We combine software 37
Easily Add Kinematics to Your Automation Path

with reliable mechatronics to form com-  Back to TOC

plete, easy-to-integrate solution packages,”
says Simer. In addition to solving robotics
challenges with SEW’s robotic kinematic
kits, the MAXOLUTION Group saves engi-
neers time. The aim is to make things easier
for them. The same goes for the software,
which plays a key role in the parallel arm
kinematics kit. This is why SEW-EURODRIVE
launched its MOVIKIT Robotics standardized
software modules.

Simple Startup
MOVIKIT software modules make automation
tasks so simple that your engineers can do
their jobs without having in-depth robotics
programming expertise. What matters is that
they can parameterize the software, while
doing very little programming – no need to
learn G-code or IEC languages typically used for sequence control. The integrated visu-
alization function of MOVIKIT Robotics software provides additional convenience with
3D simulations. This means the system startup engineer can “teach-in” the travel path
profiles of the robot kinematics on-site directly via the visualization screen. The fully au-
tomated program then calculates the necessary drive data for the multi-axis drive system
and control components. All that’s left for the operator to do is press “Start” to launch
the motion sequence. This is ideal for simple picking tasks, which is precisely where we
want to harness the power of robot kinematics using simple software. 38
Easily Add Kinematics to Your Automation Path

Benefits For OEMs  Back to TOC

SEW’s MAXOLUTION Machine Automation Group focuses on providing a complete au-
tomation package – not just providing drive components. Functional Safety, for exam-
ple, is becoming increasingly important in machine automation. Because SEW-EURO-
DRIVE can provide a complete automation solution, functional safety components from
other manufacturers can easily be integrated into the system. No need for customers
to configure products that fall outside of the SEW product line.

Small- and medium-sized mechanical engineering companies (OEMs) in particular benefit

from SEW’s automation package expertise by freeing up costly engineering time, and by
reducing the need for specialists, such as in safety technology. Using MAXOLUTION paral-
lel arm kinematics kits enables OEMs to easily build their own robots that work more pre-
cisely, and with more flexibility than multi-purpose robots taken off the shelf. This customiz-
able approach adds robotics to your machine automation, enables new machine concepts,
and makes customization quicker and less expensive than the alternative.

SEW-EURODRIVE has proven how easy it is to create even highly complex robotic
solutions with its MAXOLUTION® parallel arm kinematics kit. Configure and order the
perfect solution, assemble the components and easily create complex motion control
paths with the MOVIKIT® robotics software module. Learn more about our Kinematics
solutions at:

SEW-EURODRIVE is a leading manufacturer of gear units, motors, and automation con-
trol systems. Our extensive line of products includes a full line of drives and controls
for use in the material handling and supply chain industries.
How electrification of linear
actuators improve material  Back to TOC

handling automation
Electric actuators are helping connect the emerging digital world and the
physical world. Three factors impacting industrial motion and seven linear
actuator advances are highlighted.

E lectric linear actuators are helping raise material handling application to new
heights. As digital transformation extends the scope of automation to more axes
and electric linear actuators handle increasingly heavier loads, more material handling
system designers are converting hydraulic and pneumatic motion control to electric,
especially in new projects. Linear actuator suppliers are developing innovations that
extend the scope of material handling automation in load management, sizing, intelli-
gence, durability, energy efficiency, safety and ergonomics.

The scope of material handling automation

Electric linear actuators now offer sophisticated, advanced capabilities for material
handling automation. Whether it be the peripheral intralogistics of conveying and
transporting or support for production processes such as feeding and filling, material
handling is increasingly vital to industrial operations. (Figure 1)

In an assembly operation, for example, linear actuators might feed materials, manipu-
lating them to optimize access to work surfaces or diverting objects from one conveyor
to another. In another example,, setting up can consume up to half the work cycle in
food packaging operations. Linear actuators might reduce the time by automating the
unfolding of cardboard or cutting film. 40
How electrification of linear actuators improve material handling

 Back to TOC

Electric actuators also can expand the con- Figure 1: Forward-thinking factories incorporate
multiple of interconnected machines and devices
trollable working radius, carrying materials that take advantage of advanced actuator
toward or away from processing. They might features to enable a fluid, synchronized and safe
support motion on forklifts, automated guid- manufacturing process. These uses can include
forklifts, assembly/control stations and fixtures,
ed vehicles (AGVs), telescopic lifting units or AGVs, and components that can be easily and
overhead conveyors. quickly adjusted on the fly. Courtesy: Thomson
Industries, Inc.
How electrification of linear actuators improve material handling

Three factors impacting industrial motion  Back to TOC

Automating material handling motion sequences requires close consideration of the
following factors:

1. Physical properties. Material handling automation developers must consider

the shape, weight, size, position and direction stability of packages moving along
a plant or conveyor system. They also must consider how the package materials
affect their rollability, slide-ability, stack-ability, surface sensitivity and stiffness.

2. Environmental parameters. Material handling equipment designers must con-

sider parameters such as room layout, machine size limitations and available
degrees of freedom.

3. Motion parameters. Like most motion control applications, material handling

applications consider weight and inertia of the payload as determined by speed
and acceleration within cycle times and the required accuracy.

Material handling applications may also require special attention to kinematic factors
such as drift, overshoot, stabilization time and interchangeability, with particular atten-
tion to the drive, power transmission system, position measuring system and bearings.
Friction also can lead to play in the bearings, poor resolution of the position measuring
systems and structural static deformation. Dynamic flexibility also can contribute to
neural weaknesses, which can lead to errors and failures. Equipment designers must
address all these factors within the context of maintenance, safety and durability.

How electrification of linear actuators improve material handling

Seven electric linear actuator advances for material handling  Back to TOC
Electric linear actuators have been used in material handling operations for many
years. During that time, there have been many advances, optimizing them for support-
ing new industrial operations. These advances include:

1. Heavy load handling. Electric actuators can now handle heavy duty loads up to 25
kN, which had been relegated to hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders. These improve-
ments are due in large part to component material improvements and advancements
in ball screw technology, such as implementation with ball bearings.

2. Extended stroke lengths. Electric linear actuators are now also capable of longer
strokes, tackling applications that hydraulics and pneumatics had previously dominat-
ed. Electric linear actuators had previously been limited to 300 or 400 mm per stroke;
they now can span up to 1.2 m.

3. Compact design for confined spaces. Actuators are often designed into confined
spaces. On a packaging line, for example, feeding and cutting systems may compete
with other units for space. On an AGV or forklift, space is always at a premium, and
actuator size can also impact energy usage. Actuators with housing the size of a pass-
port can now handle loads up to 2000 N (450 lbs.) They fit into small spaces that previ-
ous-generation actuators would be either too large or too weak.

This compactness and simplicity are a major difference from hydraulics and pneu-
matics, which require an imposing infrastructure of equipment such as pumps, hoses,
valves, reservoirs and compressors. Electric actuators simply plug into a power supply
and connect to a network. Integrating a programmable logic controller (PLC) with an
How electrification of linear actuators improve material handling

electric actuator allows for  Back to TOC

more efficient and seamless
control, resulting in reduced
downtime, increased produc-
tivity and cost savings.

4. Improved intelligence and

network integration. Electric
linear actuators are now avail-
able with modular onboard
controls that enable simple
Figure 2: The integration of onboard
on/off switches, low-level switching, position
electronics into electric actuators enables
feedback and CAN bus network integration. enhanced control functions that were
They can monitor and control, diagnose, read previously external, such as switching, position
feedback and system diagnostics, directly
position and operating statistics in real time,
into the actuator. Thomson smart actuators
and be fine-tuned on the fly. (Figure 2) As facto- incorporate microprocessor-based printed
ries become more digitally advanced, designers circuit boards with complementary software
that allows communication between remote
will integrate material handling capabilities into networks. Courtesy: Thomson Industries, Inc.
more sophisticated operations. Loads will move
more intelligently, enabling programmed motion sequences, remote system operation
and synchronization across multiple actuators.

5. Longer operating life. Material handling applications often run 24/7 in set-and-for-
get applications. Production line applications, such as an arm that diverts items from
one conveyor belt to another, have high-duty cycles and are subject to wear and tear.
AGVs, forklifts and other mobile equipment may be deployed in those applications
How electrification of linear actuators improve material handling

 Back to TOC

and usually run on batteries. (Figure 3) Equip- Figure 3: For AGVs without human involvement,
remote control over radio, Wi-Fi, satellite and
ment used outdoors or in hazardous environ-
other communications is vital. In addition to
ments, and subject to ingress from moisture and their remote benefits, electric actuators reduce
dust can also require long life. maintenance and environmental concerns
thanks to sturdy designs. This all-in-one
actuator package makes it possible for AGVs to
Linear actuators using brushless motors can move goods over larger areas no matter how
have duty cycles of 100% and up to 600 km of demanding the conditions. Courtesy: Thomson
Industries, Inc.
maintenance-free life. This is a major advantage
over hydraulic and pneumatic technologies,
which require almost constant maintenance. Plus, lubrication technology has advanced
to the point where some actuators are factory lubricated for life. Adherence to IP stan-
dards of IP65, IP66 and IP69K prevent particulate, moisture and other ingress that can
shorten an actuator’s life.

6. Safety and ergonomics. Material handling equipment constantly puts humans at

risk. For example, a machine that loses power may drop its load faster than a human
can get out of the way. There might be ergonomic challenges resulting from repeated
movements or awkward workpiece positioning. 45
How electrification of linear actuators improve material handling

Electric linear actuators  Back to TOC

aid in these situations
with electromechanical
and static holding brakes,
which hold the load in
place in case an applica-
tion loses power. They also
can make work safer by
raising, lowering, or tilting
worktables to comfortable,
more ergonomic angles.

Automated picking helps avoid long feeder routes Figure 4: Assembly/control stations and
holding devices are experiencing an
and relieves the operating personnel from the work
increase in automation. The individual
cycle of the machine as much as possible, keeping adaptation of workstations facilitates
ergonomics and safety a priority. (Figure 4) Replacing work, increases operator comfort and
reduces the risk of injury, while securing
hydraulic cylinders also removes the risk of slipping
material and other equipment during
and falling on leaked fluid as well as product contami- the assembly process. Courtesy:
nation from solid fluid leaks. Thomson Industries, Inc.

7. Customizing linear actuators for competitive advantage. While the range of

available technologies is growing, application diversity also is driving the need for
custom solutions. Designers are increasingly requiring components and systems to fit
unique needs. Manufacturers often can meet these needs with minor modifications
to standard offerings, but on occasion they may have to design something from the
ground up. Actuator suppliers with the broadest offerings are most likely to adapt stan-
How electrification of linear actuators improve material handling

dard lines or have the expertise to design something from scratch. Their flexibility and  Back to TOC
willingness to augment their standard offering is also a factor. Customization capability
is another significant advantage of most new designs for electrified equipment. This
equipment is often more modular than earlier generations, and changes can be made
by modifying, adding or removing axes. Electric designs reduce the need to redesign
to larger components of a system such as a hydraulic manifold/valve redesign, tube or
hose route.

Getting a strong return on investment (ROI)

To calculate the most accurate ROI with the right amortization on a custom project
for the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and end user, designers must make
procurement decisions in the context of the entire product lifecycle, including produc-
tion costs, ongoing operating costs and potential productivity. Likewise, the decision
should factor in the benefits of integrating the latest technology, such as onboard
electronics, which contribute to greater competitiveness for the OEM and benefits for
the end user.

Electric actuators are the key technology connecting the emerging digital world and
the physical world. Up until quite recently, this gap had been too wide to span. How-
ever, now that electric actuators are stronger, smarter and more affordable, the chasm
isn’t as daunting. Electrification is ushering in a new era of efficiency, which will contrib-
ute to better automation, improved material handling and better business.

Travis Gilmer
Travis Gilmer, Product Line Manager – Linear Actuators, Thomson Industries

Five advances in motion control,
communications, design to ease  Back to TOC

automation use
New products and productivity tools streamline design, ordering,
application and use of Festo automation products, as described prior to
Pack Expo Las Vegas 2023.

D istributed input/output (I/O) systems for electric and pneumatic motion,

multi-protocol servo drives, electric motion sizing online software, a 3D comput-
er-aided design (CAD) and an online handling guide are helping machine builders and
other designers of automation systems be more productive and efficient, according
to Festo’s announcements prior to Pack Expo Las Vegas 2023, Sept. 11-13. Festo is a
provider of pneumatic and electromechanical systems, components, and controls for
process and industrial automation. Advances expected to be shown and discussed at
the event include:

• Festo CPX-AP-A distributed I/O for electric and pneumatic motion additions mean
“no other supplier in N.A. compares to the breadth of Festo motion solutions and

• A new Festo family of multi-protocol servo drives provides original equipment

manufacturers (OEMs) with productivity and cost advantages with less inven-
tory, by preventing supply chain issues and working smarter with this family of
servo drives.

Five advances in motion control, communications, design to ease

• Festo’s new Electric Motion Sizing Online Tool enables quick selection of servo  Back to TOC
drives: Users receive a choice of dimensioned options for electric and electrome-
chanical drive components in minutes, the company said.

• An online Festo 3D CAD Configurator for Actuators and Accessories is ready for
download at the end of configurator’s streamlined design process.

• The Handling Guide Online is revolutionizing engineering for ready-to-install solu-

tions eliminates interruptions in the value chain because the new configuration and
ordering platform is integrated into the online product catalogue from Festo.

Distributed I/O system for electric and pneumatic motion

With the recent introduction of its distributed I/O solution CPX-AP-A, along with its
established CPX-AP-I decentralized I/O, Festo offers a range of electric and pneumatic
automation products to improve performance, flexibility, cost savings and engineering
productivity. AP stands for Automation Platform. This backplane-based remote I/O sys-
tem has been in development for a decade.

“The Festo AP backplane communications platform, that provides a central commu-

nication and data transfer I/O interface, is a combination of everything that we’ve
learned over the past 25 years of doing electric and pneumatic linear automation solu-
tions,” said Tim Sharkey, director of electric automation, Festo North America. “AP
backplane communications brings together enormous functionality and creates a high-
er level of integration among our devices than we’ve ever had.”

CPX-AP-A is the new line of distributed I/O where modules are attached within a ter-
minal. CPX-AP-I is Festo’s decentralized I/O where modules are connected via cable at 49
Five advances in motion control, communications, design to ease

distances of up to 50m (164  Back to TOC

feet) between modules. AP
modules are IP65/67 rat-
ed and can be located in
cabinets, in clusters around
the cell, individually placed
and separated at great
distances. Every AP mod-
ule features a high-perfor-
mance real-time backplane
transmission rate of 200
Mbps full duplex.

AP provides topology
flexibility. It gives machine
builders freedom to opti-
mize the machine or cell by adding I/O where they Eric Rice (left) and Tom Worsnopp, both
product market managers – electric
need it, and in ways that will boost performance and
automation for Festo, explain to Mark
diagnostics capabilities. The AP ecosystem makes it T. Hoske, Control Engineering content
efficient for end-user customers to add functionality manager (right), benefits of recent Festo
product introductions to make motion
as needs arise.
design, implementation and use easier.
Courtesy: Festo online meeting with
Physically attached on-terminal or connected via Control Engineering via Microsoft Teams
cable, all components, such as PLCs, valves, motors,
drives, and I/O appear to the programmer to be incorporated within one smart termi-
nal under one IP address. Having the entire distributed and decentralized I/O topology
under one IP address reduces hardware and installation costs while lowering system 50
Five advances in motion control, communications, design to ease

complexity. Since many PLCs come with a limited number of IP addresses, this product  Back to TOC
creates more capability per PLC.

With all components appearing to the programmer as resident in one smart terminal,
addressing becomes straightforward, programming time shrinks and engineering pro-
ductivity rises. As the functionality and capabilities of the system climb with the addi-
tion of modules, the overall distributed and decentralized I/O system becomes simpler
to create and maintain.

Festo’s multi-year product roadmap calls for continued rollout of AP-based PLCs,
valves, linear actuators, motors and drives. For OEMs and end-user customers wanting
extended AP capabilities today, Festo support teams can make much of that happen.

“There are many companies with distributed I/O,” observed Eric Rice, product market
manager, Festo North America. “On the other side there are suppliers for electric or pneu-
matic linear motion. Not one North American supplier on either side of that line comes
close to offering the same level of performance, capabilities and support that stems from
the integration of the AP platform with the breadth of Festo motion solutions.”

Fewer part numbers as servo drives integrate multiple com-

munications protocols
With the new Festo CMMT MP family of multi-protocol servo drives, every drive in this fam-
ily is configurable to communicate with EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT, Profinet, and Modbus TCP.

Using this single-family multi-protocol strategy, machine builders supporting multiple

communications protocols can reduce servo-drive inventories. A unified drive family
Five advances in motion control, communications, design to ease

improves engineering  Back to TOC

productivity through fa-
miliarity in one platform,
simplifies tech support
and gains a robust
supply chain for com-
petitively priced servo
drives. The change
reduces Festo part num-
bers from 24 to 8.

To choose the protocol

for a CMMT multi-pro-
tocol servo drive, engineers log into the drive using The Festo Automation Platform (AP)
the free online productivity tool Festo Automation provides topology flexibility. All the
distributed and decentralized I/O are
Suite, select the protocol of choice from a drop-down under one IP address. Courtesy: Festo
menu, and configure the unit.

The Festo CMMT family includes CMMT-ST-MP compact DC servo drives. The drives
are rated up to 300 W and require a small, high quality available drive. CMMT-AS-MP
compact AC servo drives are rated up to 6kW. The 9kW and 12kW CMMT-AS-MP units
are slated for sale later this year.

The introduction updates electronics of CMMT units with the latest components that
are easier to obtain than older ones and helps to eliminate supply chain woes, as well
as improving performance and reliability. Regarding supply chain, Festo’s reduction to
eight CMMT part numbers strengthened the company’s ability to support servo drives 52
Five advances in motion control, communications, design to ease

customers – fewer parts to inventory and fewer drives to manufacture and support.  Back to TOC
Machine builders welcome this move as servo drives across the industry remain in short
supply and have long lead times, Festo said.

With the Festo free online productivity tools, Electric Motion Sizing and Handling
Guide Online, machine builders can specify linear and multi-axis systems in minutes
not hours. The Festo Automation Suite free online tool shortens commissioning time.
It also incorporates the CODESYS integrated development environment (IDE) for pro-
gramming Festo modular controllers CPX-E-CEC. CMMT MP drives are backwards
compatible with Classic CMMT servo drives, including identical cabling and mounting.

Electric motion sizing tool online enables faster servo drive

Festo introduced the latest online productivity tool – Electric Motion Sizing – for er-
ror-free sizing of linear and rotary electromechanical systems. Electric Motion Sizing,
available in April, improves project efficiency by slashing the engineering time required
for identifying and specifying harmonized electric motion systems. Multi-axis handling
systems can be specified with Electric Motion Sizing’s sister productivity tool Handling
Guide Online, which offers similar benefits (see below).

Festo developed Electric Motion Sizing because it recognizes machine builders need
solutions that help bring products to market faster with less engineering and purchas-
ing overhead. Electric Motion Sizing compresses hours of work to a few minutes.

Users input key parameters, such as mass, stroke/travel distance and cycle time. Electric
Motion Sizing performs the complex mass moment of inertia calculations. The tool iden-
tifies in real time the combination of components most effective for the application’s pa- 53
Five advances in motion control, communications, design to ease

rameters. Up to five optimum  Back to TOC

solutions and motor curves are
presented for consideration.
The specified components
work together, so interopera-
bility is not a concern. Design-
ers can fine tune the selected
system by choosing encoder
type, brake, and mechanics.

3D CAD configura-
tion software for ac-
tuators, accessories
Festo enables original equip-
ment manufacturers (OEMs)
to lower engineering and
The Festo CMMT MP family of multi-
purchasing overhead and bring machines to market protocol servo drives are configurable
faster with the company’s new online 3D CAD Config- as EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT, Profinet and
Modbus TCP. Courtesy: Festo
urator for pneumatic actuators and associated acces-
sories, such as fittings, lengths of tubing and sensors.
The tool is said to be intuitive and easy to use and became available in January. Once
the actuator is selected from a choice of either cylinder, drive with guides or semi ro-
tary drive, the engineer points and clicks on accessory hot spots to identify and select
each accessory. The configurator ensures compatibility between actuator and accesso-
ry and eliminates any possible error in type code.

Five advances in motion control, communications, design to ease

 Back to TOC

Knowing customers rely on assured component avail- Parts flowing from the screen intends
to represent how Festo Electric
ability, this new productivity tool focuses on the in-
Motion Sizing software delivers
stock and quick-ship core range of Festo pneumatic error-free sizing of linear and rotary
actuators and accessories. The core range in the con- electromechanical systems in minutes
and links to commissioning software.
figurator’s database includes the company’s most wide- Courtesy: Festo
ly-applied pneumatic components and some of its most
innovative ones.

Actuators and accessories are shipped in a one-bag kit with one Festo ID number
covering all components in the kit. A unique identification number makes for fast and
easy reordering. Kits are shipped to North American customers from the Festo Global
Production Center in Mason, Ohio. The unique part number is recognized by Festo
Five advances in motion control, communications, design to ease

to ensure replacement kit  Back to TOC

availability wherever the
machine is located.

The tool supports the most

common CAD formats for
OEM workflow compatibility.
The CAD file of the actuator/
accessory assembly simplifies
the design process by elim-
Parts flowing from the screen
inating individual CAD files for the various components. The
intends to represent how Festo
tool also consolidates and simplifies parts lists. Electric Motion Sizing software
delivers error-free sizing of linear
and rotary electromechanical
Once the actuator and accessories are selected, ordering is
systems in minutes and links
seamless as the tool links directly to the Festo online shop, to commissioning software.
which provides price, shipping information and bill of materials. Courtesy: Festo

Handling guide speeds ordering

Technicians and engineers can arrive at the right ready-to-install handling system at
a record-breaking tempo in the areas of project engineering and planning. They can
order new system products and components via the new Festo Handling Guide Online,
without interruptions in the value chain. The new configuration and ordering platform
is integrated into the Festo online product catalogue.

Manufacturers of complex highly automated assembly lines, such as those used in

Festo’s Scharnhausen Technology Plant to assemble VUVG valves, can reduce time to
market by using the software. These assembly lines incorporate up to 20 handling gan- 56
Five advances in motion control, communications, design to ease

tries. The costs of engineering carried out with traditional methods used to be relative-  Back to TOC
ly high, but is less with Festo’s Handling Guide Online.

Arrive at the correct, standard handling system including CAD model with just a few
clicks in only 20 minutes. Individual steps including request for quote (RFQ), layout,
quotation and CAD design. Previously, 10 to 15 days were required; time is 20 minutes
by using the Handling Guide Online. Machine and equipment manufacturers are thus
able to reduce time-to-market by the revolutionary amount of roughly 70% with regard
to integrated handling systems.

With the new tool, design engineers gain time and space for creativity in planning and
project engineering processes for their companies’ core areas of technological exper-
tise. Sifting through catalogues, tedious supplier RFQs, ordering individual compo-
nents and complex individual constructions for handling tasks are no longer needed. A
large portion of the engineering costs are eliminated and detailed product knowledge
is unnecessary. Intuitive software with structured data querying ensures reliable selec-
tion of the right components from the modular handling system. Direct querying of net
prices provides for planning security.

Mark T. Hoske
Mark Hoske has been Control Engineering editor/content manager since 1994 and
in a leadership role since 1999, covering all major areas: control systems, networking
and information systems, control equipment and energy, and system integration, ev-
erything that comprises or facilitates the control loop. He has been writing about tech-
nology since 1987, writing professionally since 1982, and has a Bachelor of Science in
Journalism degree from UW-Madison.
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2024 Spring Edition

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