AIS July & August Competition Circulars 2024-25
AIS July & August Competition Circulars 2024-25
AIS July & August Competition Circulars 2024-25
CLASS: Grades 1 to 7
DAY AND DATE: Saturday, 6th July 2024
VENUE: Respective Classes
IN-CHARGE: Class Teacher
● All the students will write one page of the given content in English & one page in Hindi on a loose A4 sheet.
● For English [4-line ruled page for Grades 1 and 2 / Single line ruled page for Grades 3 to 7]
● For Hindi [2 lined ruled sheet for Grades 1 and 2/ single lined ruled sheet for Grades 3 to 7]
● Two (one for English, one for Hindi) loose sheets will be provided by the school.
● Stationery (Pencil, Eraser, Sharpener, etc.) to be brought by students.
● The best three from each Grade will be awarded for English & Hindi handwriting competitions respectively.
Plot no. PS-3, Block A, Sector 35, Suncity Township, Rohtak, Haryana-124001, Mob. +91 9667339048
Infinite Values | Limitless Potential
● Students of Grades 1-5 can use any pencil (preferably 2B or 4B) and Grade 6 & 7 Gel pen.
● Use the same writing instrument throughout the entry.
● Students should write their name, class, and section at the top of their entry.
Judgment Criteria
● Task: Children need to write one page of given English content in cursive writing and one page in Hindi
within a time duration of 30 minutes each.
Criteria: Students will be judged on the following points and the weightage of each point will be equal.
Plot no. PS-3, Block A, Sector 35, Suncity Township, Rohtak, Haryana-124001, Mob. +91 9667339048
Infinite Values | Limitless Potential
Agastya International School is organizing various competitions for the students of Grades 1 and 2 on Saturday, 13th
July 2024. The competitions are
• Any Query related to the competition can be submitted to the academic in-charges.
• Important Note: - Participation for those who have filled consent form for competitions
• Spell Bee will be done Intra house class-wise.
• The best three from each house class-wise will be shortlisted and will compete in an Inter-house competition
to be held in the month of December.
Plot no. PS-3, Block A, Sector 35, Suncity Township, Rohtak, Haryana-124001, Mob. +91 9667339048
Infinite Values | Limitless Potential
"श्रुतलेख प्रततयोतिता" का महत्व बहुत अतिक है क्ोोंतक यह प्रततभाओों को सुनने और लेखन करने की क्षमता में सुिार करता है ,
उनकी भाषा कौशल में सुिार करता है , सोंवाद कौशल को तवकतसत करता है , और उन्हें एक स्वस्थ प्रततयोतिता भाव को जीने की
प्रेरणा प्रदान करता है।
तिशा-तििे श:
• यह वातषिक प्रततयोतिता है ।
• तशतक्षका कक्षा में 20 शब्द बोलेंिी और तवद्यार्थी उन शब्दोों को तदए िए पृष्ट पर तलखेंिे।
➢ अ से ई की मात्रा। (Grade 1)
➢ शब्द सच
ू ी ग्रीष्मकालीन अवकाश कार्य के साथ दी गई है । (Grade 2)
Plot no. PS-3, Block A, Sector 35, Suncity Township, Rohtak, Haryana-124001, Mob. +91 9667339048
Infinite Values | Limitless Potential
Agastya International School is organizing various competitions for the students of Grades 3 and 4 on Saturday, 13th
July 2024. The competitions are
• Any Query related to the competition can be submitted to the academic in-charges.
• Important Note: - Participation for those who have filled consent form for competitions
• Spell Bee will be done Intra house class-wise.
• The best three from each house class-wise will be shortlisted and will compete in an Inter-house competition
to be held in the month of December.
Plot no. PS-3, Block A, Sector 35, Suncity Township, Rohtak, Haryana-124001, Mob. +91 9667339048
Infinite Values | Limitless Potential
"तनबोंि लेखन प्रततयोतिता" का महत्व बहुत अतिक है क्ोोंतक यह छात्ोों की लेखन क्षमता को तवकतसत करता है , तवचारोों को सोंितित
करने में मदद करता है , आकषिक और सोंवेदनशील तवचारोों को प्रस्तुत करने में सहायता करता है , और सामान्य ज्ञान और
तवचारशीलता को बढाता है ।
तिशा-तििे श:
• यह वातषिक प्रततयोतिता है ।
• वाक् सीमााः कक्षा-3 एवों 4 में वाक् सीमा कम से कम 120 से 150 शब्दोों में तनबोंि तलखना है ।
• िीचे तिए िए तिषयों में से तकसी एक तिषय पर आपको तिबंध तलखिे के तलए दिया
Plot no. PS-3, Block A, Sector 35, Suncity Township, Rohtak, Haryana-124001, Mob. +91 9667339048
Infinite Values | Limitless Potential
कक्षा 3, 4
1. समय का सदप
ु योग 6. गणतंत्र ददवस
2. मेरा प्रिय खेल 7. मेरा प्रिय शौक
3. अध्र्ापक ददवस 8. पुस्तकों का महत्व
4. खेलों का महत्व 9. चचड़िर्ाघर की सैर
5. बाल ददवस 10. वर्ाय ऋतु
तिर्णय मापिं ड:
• तवद्यालय के बाहर से एक न्यायािीश बच्चोों को तनिाि ररत मापदों डोों पर मूल्ाों कन करें िे और अोंक दें िे। प्रत्येक श्रेणी से श्रेष्ठ
तीन बच्चोों को पहला, दू सरा और तीसरा स्थान घोतषत तकया जाएिा।
Plot no. PS-3, Block A, Sector 35, Suncity Township, Rohtak, Haryana-124001, Mob. +91 9667339048
Infinite Values | Limitless Potential
Agastya International School is organizing various competitions for the students of Grades 5 and 6 on Saturday, 13th
July 2024. The competitions are
• Any Query related to the competition can be submitted to the academic in-charges.
• Important Note: - Participation for those who have filled consent form for competitions
• Spell Bee will be done Intra house class-wise.
• The best three from each house class-wise will be shortlisted and will compete in an Inter-house competition
to be held in the month of December.
"तनबोंि लेखन प्रततयोतिता" का महत्व बहुत अतिक है क्ोोंतक यह छात्ोों की लेखन क्षमता को तवकतसत करता है , तवचारोों को सोंितित
करने में मदद करता है , आकषिक और सोंवेदनशील तवचारोों को प्रस्तुत करने में सहायता करता है , और सामान्य ज्ञान और
तवचारशीलता को बढाता है ।
तिशा-तििे श:
• यह वातषिक प्रततयोतिता है ।
• वाक् सीमााः कक्षा-5 एवों 6 में वाक् सीमा कम से कम 150 से 200 शब्दोों में तनबोंि तलखना है ।
• िीचे तिए िए तिषयों में से तकसी एक तिषय पर आपको तिबंध तलखिे के तलए दिया
Plot no. PS-3, Block A, Sector 35, Suncity Township, Rohtak, Haryana-124001, Mob. +91 9667339048
Infinite Values | Limitless Potential
कक्षा 5, 6
1. मेरा हररयाणा
11. मेरी कररयर योजना
2. बढ़ती भौततकता घटते मानवीय मल्
ू य
12. दे ि के ितत हमारा कतिव्य
3. अखबारों का महत्व
13. मेरे सपनों का भारत
4. शिक्षा में िौद्योगगकी का योगदान
14. भ्रष्टाचार की समस्या
5. समय का सदप
ु योग
15. िदष
ू ण का संकट
6. आदटिफिशियल इंटेशलजेंस- प्रवज्ञान की नई दे न
16. डिजजटल इंडिया
7. हमारे प्रवद्यालय का वाप्रषिक उत्सव
17. पयािवरण बनाम प्रवकास
8. वषाि जल संचयन- आज की आवश्यकता
9. अज्ञानता सभी दख 18. नष्ट होता हुआ वातावरण
ु ों का कारण
10. ग्लोबल वाशमिंग में मानव गततप्रवगियों की भशू मका
तिर्णय मापिं ड
• तवद्यालय के बाहर से एक न्यायािीश बच्चोों को तनिाि ररत मापदों डोों पर मूल्ाों कन करें िे और अोंक दें िे। प्रत्येक श्रेणी से श्रेष्ठ
तीन बच्चोों को पहला, दू सरा और तीसरा स्थान घोतषत तकया जाएिा।
Plot no. PS-3, Block A, Sector 35, Suncity Township, Rohtak, Haryana-124001, Mob. +91 9667339048
Infinite Values | Limitless Potential
Agastya International School is organizing various competitions for the students of Grade 7 on Saturday, 13th July
2024. The competitions are
• Any Query related to the competition can be submitted to the academic in-charges.
• Important Note: - Participation for those who have filled consent form for competitions
• Spell Bee will be done Intra house class-wise.
• The best three from each house class-wise will be shortlisted and will compete in an Inter-house competition
to be held in the month of December.
Plot no. PS-3, Block A, Sector 35, Suncity Township, Rohtak, Haryana-124001, Mob. +91 9667339048
Infinite Values | Limitless Potential
"तनबोंि लेखन प्रततयोतिता" का महत्व बहुत अतिक है क्ोोंतक यह छात्ोों की लेखन क्षमता को तवकतसत करता है , तवचारोों को सोंितित
करने में मदद करता है , आकषिक और सोंवेदनशील तवचारोों को प्रस्तुत करने में सहायता करता है , और सामान्य ज्ञान और
तवचारशीलता को बढाता है ।
तिशा-तििे श:
• यह वातषिक प्रततयोतिता है ।
• वाक् सीमााः कक्षा-5 एवों 6 में वाक् सीमा कम से कम 200 से 250 शब्दोों में तनबोंि तलखना है ।
• िीचे तिए िए तिषयों में से तकसी एक तिषय पर आपको तिबंध तलखिे के तलए दिया
Plot no. PS-3, Block A, Sector 35, Suncity Township, Rohtak, Haryana-124001, Mob. +91 9667339048
Infinite Values | Limitless Potential
कक्षा 7
2. समय का सदप
ु योग 9. प्रवश्व एक पररवार
तिर्णय मापिं ड
• तवद्यालय के बाहर से एक न्यायािीश बच्चोों को तनिाि ररत मापदों डोों पर मूल्ाों कन करें िे और अोंक दें िे। प्रत्येक श्रेणी से श्रेष्ठ
तीन बच्चोों को पहला, दू सरा और तीसरा स्थान घोतषत तकया जाएिा।
Plot no. PS-3, Block A, Sector 35, Suncity Township, Rohtak, Haryana-124001, Mob. +91 9667339048
Infinite Values | Limitless Potential
Agastya International School is organizing various competitions for the students of Grades 1 to 7 on Saturday, 3rd
August 2024. The competitions are
Maths Quiz
Social Science Quiz
• Any Query related to the competition can be submitted to the academic in-charges.
o Ms. Rajani Walia-8529903559
o Ms. Renuka Bharti- 8607186026
• Important Note: - Participation for those who have filled consent form for competitions
A Math quiz holds great significance as it tests students' problem-solving abilities, reinforces mathematical concepts,
promotes critical thinking skills, and provides an opportunity for self-assessment and improvement in a subject that
plays a crucial role in various academic and real-life applications.
• MCQs will be displayed on the screen and students will be given an OMR
sheet to fill in the answers.
• The best three from each house class-wise will be shortlisted and will compete in an Inter-house competition
to be held in the month of December.
Grade 1 & 2
No. of Questions Marks per question Total Marks
Section A 15 1 15
Section B 15 1 15
Section C 5 2 10
Total 35 40
Plot no. PS-3, Block A, Sector 35, Suncity Township, Rohtak, Haryana-124001, Mob. +91 9667339048
Infinite Values | Limitless Potential
Grade 3 to 7
No. of Questions Marks per question Total Marks
Section A 12 1 12
Section B 12 1 12
Section C 12 1 12
Section D 12 2 24
Total 48 60
• The best three from each house class-wise will be shortlisted and will compete in an Inter-house
competition to be held in the month of December.
Grade 1 & 2
No. of Questions Marks per question Total Marks
Section A 15 1 15
Section B 15 1 15
Section C 10 1 10
Total 40 40
Grade 3 to 7
Plot no. PS-3, Block A, Sector 35, Suncity Township, Rohtak, Haryana-124001, Mob. +91 9667339048
Infinite Values | Limitless Potential
Agastya International School is organizing various competitions for the students of Grades 1 to 7 on Saturday, 10th
August 2024. The competitions are
• Script for the Best Script Narrator (English and Hindi both) has already been shared in the Holiday
homework pdf.
• Any Query related to the competition can be submitted to the academic in-charges.
• Important Note: - Participation for those who have filled consent form for competitions
The competition aims to provide a platform for students to showcase their oratory skills, express their creativity, and
develop their confidence in public speaking. Participants will be required to narrate a scripted story or play,
demonstrating their ability to captivate an audience through their delivery, intonation, and overall performance.
We strongly encourage your child to participate in this competition as it will help them build crucial communication
skills, boost their self-esteem, and foster a love for the English language. Engaging in such extracurricular activities
contributes significantly to their overall development and growth.
• Best Script Narrator (English) will be done Intra house class-wise.
• Any query related to the competition can be submitted to the Sujata ma’am.
• The best three from each house class-wise will be shortlisted and will compete in an Inter-house competition
to be held in the month of December.
Judgement Criteria:
➢ One Judge (Not from School) will judge the child on the below-mentioned parameters and give scores.
He/ She will evaluate each participant based on the specified criteria, ensuring fairness and impartiality
throughout the competition.
Plot no. PS-3, Block A, Sector 35, Suncity Township, Rohtak, Haryana-124001, Mob. +91 9667339048
Infinite Values | Limitless Potential
➢ Criteria: Students will be judged on the following points and the weightage of each point will be equal.
प्रततयोतिता का उद्दे श्य छात्ोों को अपने विृत्व कौशल तदखाने, अपनी रचनात्मकता व्यि करने और साविजतनक बोलने में अपना
आत्मतवश्वास तवकतसत करने के तलए एक मोंच प्रदान करना है । प्रततभातियोों को अपनी प्रस्तुतत, स्वर-शैली और समग्र प्रदशिन के माध्यम
से दशिकोों को मोंत्मुग्ध करने की अपनी क्षमता का प्रदशिन करते हुए एक क्तिप्टेड कहानी या नाटक सुनाना होिा।
हम आपके बच्चे को इस प्रततयोतिता में भाि लेने के तलए दृढता से प्रोत्सातहत करते हैं क्ोोंतक इससे उन्हें महत्वपूणि सोंचार कौशल
तवकतसत करने, उनके आत्म-सम्मान को बढाने में मदद तमलेिी।
तिशा-तििे श:
• सविश्रेष्ठ क्तिप्ट कर्थावाचक (तहोंदी) का चयन इों टरा हाउस कक्षावार के अनुसार तकया जाएिा।
• कक्षा-वार प्रत्येक सदन से सविश्रेष्ठ तीन को शॉटि तलस्ट तकया जाएिा और तदसोंबर के महीने में आयोतजत होने वाली अोंतर-
सदनीय प्रततयोतिता में प्रततस्पिाि की जाएिी।
तिर्णय मापिं ड:
• तवद्यालय के बाहर से एक न्यायािीश बच्चोों को तनिाि ररत मापदों डोों पर मूल्ाों कन करें िे और अोंक दें िे। वे पूरे प्रततयोतिता
में तनष्पक्षता सुतनतित करते हुए, तनतदि ष्ट मानदों डोों के आिार पर प्रत्येक प्रततभािी का मूल्ाों कन करें िे।
Plot no. PS-3, Block A, Sector 35, Suncity Township, Rohtak, Haryana-124001, Mob. +91 9667339048
Infinite Values | Limitless Potential
Judgement Criteria:
• Judge will evaluate each participant based on the specified criteria, ensuring fairness and impartiality
throughout the competition. Best three students from each grade will be announced.
• Criteria: Students will be judged on the following points and the weightage of each point will be equal.
Plot no. PS-3, Block A, Sector 35, Suncity Township, Rohtak, Haryana-124001, Mob. +91 9667339048
Infinite Values | Limitless Potential
Judgement Criteria:
• Judge will evaluate each participant based on the specified criteria, ensuring fairness and impartiality
throughout the competition. Best three students from each grade will be announced.
• Criteria: Students will be judged on the following points and the weightage of each point will be equal.
Plot no. PS-3, Block A, Sector 35, Suncity Township, Rohtak, Haryana-124001, Mob. +91 9667339048
Infinite Values | Limitless Potential
अिस्त्य इों टरनेशनल स्कूल 15 अिस्त 2024 को कक्षा 1 से 7 के छात्ोों के तलए प्रततयोतिता का आयोजन कर रहा है ।
प्रततयोतिता है
दिषय: स्वच्छता
"कतवता-वाचन प्रततयोतिता" का महत्व बहुत अतिक है क्ोोंतक इस प्रततयोतिता का उद्दे श्य हमारे छात्ोों की सातहक्तत्यक दक्षता,
आवाज प्रवाह और व्यक्तित्व को बढावा दे ना है । हम चाहते हैं तक हर बच्चा अपनी रचनात्मकता का प्रदशिन करे और अपनी
कतवता और वाचन के माध्यम से एक नया अनुभव प्राप्त करें ।
तिशा-तििे श:
• "कतवता-वाचन प्रततयोतिता" का चयन इों टरा हाउस कक्षावार के अनुसार तकया जाएिा।
• छात् अपनी कतवता को अच्छे से याद करके आए और मोंच पर कतवता को प्रस्तुत करे ।
• कक्षा-वार प्रत्येक सदन से सविश्रेष्ठ तीन को शॉटि तलस्ट तकया जाएिा और तदसोंबर के महीने में आयोतजत होने वाली
अोंतर-सदनीय प्रततयोतिता में प्रततस्पिाि की जाएिी।
Plot no. PS-3, Block A, Sector 35, Suncity Township, Rohtak, Haryana-124001, Mob. +91 9667339048
Infinite Values | Limitless Potential
" कतव का पररचय और उसी कतव की कतवता प्रततयोतिता " का मुख्य उद्दे श्य है तक हमारे छात् आरों तभक रूप से रतचत कतवताओों
के माध्यम से उनकी रचनात्मकता का प्रदशिन करें और उन्हें वातणक्तिक रूप से भाषाई कौशल का अभ्यास करने का अवसर
तिशा-तििे श:
• " कतव का पररचय और उसी कतव की कतवता प्रततयोतिता " का चयन इों टरा हाउस कक्षावार के अनुसार तकया जाएिा।
• छात् अपनी कतवता को अच्छे से याद करके आए और मोंच पर कतवता को प्रस्तुत करे ।
• कक्षा-वार प्रत्येक सदन से सविश्रेष्ठ तीन को शॉटि तलस्ट तकया जाएिा और तदसोंबर के महीने में आयोतजत होने वाली
अोंतर-सदनीय प्रततयोतिता में प्रततस्पिाि की जाएिी।
" पसंिीिा कति कौि ै और क्ों? उस कति की एक कतिता सुिाओ प्रततयोतिता " (कक्षा 5 से 7)
" पसोंदीदा कतव कौन है और क्ोों? उस कतव की एक कतवता सुनाओ प्रततयोतिता " इस प्रततयोतिता का उद्दे श्य कतवता की समृद्ध
साों स्कृततक तवरासत का जश्न मनाना और हमारे छात्ोों के बीच सातहत्य के प्रतत प्रेम को बढावा दे ना है । हम सभी प्रततभातियोों को
प्रततयोतिता के दौरान अपने पसोंदीदा कतव का प्रदशिन करने और उनकी एक यादिार कतवता सुनाने के तलए प्रोत्सातहत करते
हैं ।
तिशा-तििे श:
• पसंदीदा "कतव का पररचय और उसी कतव की कतवता सुनाओ प्रततयोतिता " का चयन इों टरा हाउस कक्षावार के अनुसार
तकया जाएिा।
• प्रत्येक प्रततभािी को अपिे पसंिीिा कति का चयि करिा ोिा और उस कतव द्वारा तलखी िई एक कतवता सुनानी
होिी। कतवता का चयन सुप्रतसद्ध भारतीय कतवयोों की रचनाओों में से होना चातहए।
• कक्षा-वार प्रत्येक सदन से सविश्रेष्ठ तीन को शॉटि तलस्ट तकया जाएिा और तदसोंबर के महीने में आयोतजत होने वाली अोंतर-
सदनीय प्रततयोतिता में प्रततस्पिाि की जाएिी।
तिर्णय मापिं ड
• तवद्यालय के बाहर से एक न्यायािीश बच्चोों को तनिाि ररत मापदों डोों पर मूल्ाों कन करें िे और अोंक दें िे। प्रत्येक सदन से
कक्षावार सविश्रेष्ठ तीन को शॉटि तलस्ट तकया जाएिा।
Plot no. PS-3, Block A, Sector 35, Suncity Township, Rohtak, Haryana-124001, Mob. +91 9667339048
Infinite Values | Limitless Potential
Agastya International School is organizing various competitions for the students of Grades 1 to 7 on Saturday,
17thAugust 2024. The competitions are
• Any Query related to the competition can be submitted to the academic in-charges.
o Ms. Rajani Walia-8529903559
• Important Note: - Participation for those who have filled consent form for competitions
A Science quiz is significant as it assesses students' understanding of scientific principles, encourages inquiry and
curiosity, reinforces scientific knowledge, and fosters critical thinking skills essential for analysing and solving real-
world problems
CLASS Grade 1 to 7
DAY AND DATE Saturday, 17th August 2024
VENUE Agastya International School
• Science Quiz will be done Intra house class-wise.
• Syllabus for the quiz has already been shared in the Holiday
homework pdf.
Plot no. PS-3, Block A, Sector 35, Suncity Township, Rohtak, Haryana-124001, Mob. +91 9667339048
Infinite Values | Limitless Potential
• The best three from each house class-wise will be shortlisted and will compete in an Inter-house competition
to be held in the month of December.
Grade 1 & 2
No. of Questions Marks per question Total Marks
Section A 15 1 15
Section B 15 1 15
Section C 10 1 10
Total 40 40
Grade 3 to 7
No. of Questions Marks per question Total Marks
Section A 15 1 15
Section B 15 1 15
Section C 15 1 15
Section D 15 1 15
Total 60 60
"Test your knowledge and challenge your mind with our GK Quiz! Explore a wide range of topics from history
to science, and see how much you really know." it's time to showcase your intelligence and discover
fascinating facts along the way."
CLASS Grade 1 to 7
DAY AND DATE Saturday, 17th August 2024
VENUE Agastya International School
• Syllabus for the quiz has already been shared in the Holiday
homework pdf.
• MCQs will be displayed on the screen and students will be given an OMR
sheet to fill in the answers.
• The best three from each house class-wise will be shortlisted and will
compete in an Inter-house competitionto be held in the month of December.
• Important Note: - Participation for those who have filled consent form for competitions
Plot no. PS-3, Block A, Sector 35, Suncity Township, Rohtak, Haryana-124001, Mob. +91 9667339048
Infinite Values | Limitless Potential
Grade 3 to 7
No. of Questions Marks per question Total Marks
Section A 15 1 15
Section B 15 1 15
Section C 15 1 15
Section D 15 1 15
Total 60 60
The Show and Tell Competition provides a platform for students to showcase their individual talents, interests, and
unique perspectives. It encourages them to develop essential presentation skills, boosts their confidence, and
enhances their communication abilities. By actively participating in this event, parents can actively support and
appreciate their child's achievements.
CLASS Grade 1 to 4
DAY AND DATE Saturday, 17th August 2024
VENUE Agastya International School
• Theme:
Grade -1 and 2 : Furniture/ Sports Equipment/ Means of Transport
Grade -3 and 4: Household gadgets/ Places of Worship /National
• Any query related to theme or scoring can be submitted to the Academic Incharges.
• Parents need to label each and every item properly and need to send a list of items in the student’s bag so
that the class teacher can put them in the bag properly.
Plot no. PS-3, Block A, Sector 35, Suncity Township, Rohtak, Haryana-124001, Mob. +91 9667339048
Infinite Values | Limitless Potential
1. Facial gestures 20
2. Props and dress up 20
3. Confidence 20
4. Oratorical skills 20
5. Artistic potential 20
Total Marks 100
• One Judge (Not from School) will judge the child on the below-mentioned parameters and give scores.
They will evaluate each participant based on the specified criteria, ensuring fairness and impartiality
throughout the competition.
➢ Important Notes:
• Entries not on the theme will be allowed to participate but will not be considered for any
• Participation for those who have filled consent form for competitions.
A PowerPoint presentation is a visual and interactive way to convey information, ideas, or messages to an audience
using slides. It's a software application developed by Microsoft that allows users to create slideshows incorporating
text, images, videos, charts, graphs, and animations. PowerPoint presentations are commonly used in business
meetings, academic lectures, training sessions, and various other settings where information needs to be
communicated effectively to an audience. They're versatile tools for organizing and presenting information in a
structured and visually appealing manner.
CLASS Grade 5 to 7
DAY AND DATE Saturday, 17th August 2024
VENUE Agastya International School
Plot no. PS-3, Block A, Sector 35, Suncity Township, Rohtak, Haryana-124001, Mob. +91 9667339048
Infinite Values | Limitless Potential
• Criteria: Students will be judged on the following points and the weightage of each point will be equal.
Plot no. PS-3, Block A, Sector 35, Suncity Township, Rohtak, Haryana-124001, Mob. +91 9667339048
Infinite Values | Limitless Potential
Agastya International School is organizing for the students of Grades 1 to 7 on Saturday, 24th August 2024. The
competitions are
• Important Note: - Participation for those who have filled consent form for competitions
The "Best Listener" competition holds immense significance in today's fast-paced and
digitally connected world. In an era where communication often consists of quick messages
and superficial interactions, the art of active listening is often overlooked. This competition
serves as a reminder of the profound impact listening can have on individuals.
Participate in our "Best Listener" competition and prove that you're the best at truly listening
and understanding others.
• Students will be given a question paper having questions related to the audio and they need to answer them
based on the audio.
• Note down important information using a pencil as you listen to the audio wherever required.
Plot no. PS-3, Block A, Sector 35, Suncity Township, Rohtak, Haryana-124001, Mob. +91 9667339048
Infinite Values | Limitless Potential
o Answer the questions in properly by framed sentences only (incomplete statements will not be
• A maximum of 10 objective questions (MCQs, Fill in the blanks, True and False, Grammar concept etc.) will
be asked for Grades 1 and 2.
• A maximum of 15 questions (objective and subjective, Grammar concept etc.) will be there for Grades 3 to 7.
Plot no. PS-3, Block A, Sector 35, Suncity Township, Rohtak, Haryana-124001, Mob. +91 9667339048