Rules For The Classification of Ships, Pt. 3, 2016
Rules For The Classification of Ships, Pt. 3, 2016
Rules For The Classification of Ships, Pt. 3, 2016
have been adopted on 17th June 2016 and shall enter into force on 1st July 2016
All major changes throughout the text in respect to the Rules for the classiffication of ships, Part 3 – Hull
Equipment, edition 2015, throughout the text are shaded.
The grammar and print errors, have been corrected throughout the text of the Rules and are not subject to
above indication of changes.
The subject Rules include the requirements of the following international Organisations:
Conventions: International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 (SOLAS 1974) and all subsequent
amendments up to and including the 2010 amendments (MSC.291(87))
Protocol of 1988 relating to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974, as
amended (SOLAS PROT 1988)
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships 1973, as modified by the Pro-
tocol of 1978 thereto (MARPOL 73/78) and all subsequent amendments up to and including the
2006 amendments (MEPC. 141(54))
Unified Requirements (UR): A1 (Rev.5, 2005), A2 (Rev.3, Corr.1, Sept. 2014), L4 (Rev.3, Corr.1 2011), M42 (Rev.4, 2011),
S8 (Rev.4, 2010), S9 (Rev.6, 2010), S10 (Rev.4, Corr.1 Dec 2015), S21 (Rev.5, 2010), S21A
(Rev.1, 2015), S26 (Rev.4, 2010), S27 (Rev.6, 2013)
Unified Recommendations: Rec.10 (Rev.2, 2005), Rec.13 (Rev.1, 2004), Rec.14 (Rev.2, Corr.1 2005), Rec.61 (2000),
Rec.79 (Rev.1, 2014), Rec.90 (2005), Rec.91 (Rev.2, 2014),
Unified Interpretations: LL20 (Rev.1, 2008), LL21 (Rev.1, 2008), LL36 (Rev.2, 2008), LL50 (Rev.5, 2008), LL62
(Rev.1, Corr.1, 2010), LL70 (2005), SC113 (1996), SC138 (1998), SC153 (2000), SC156 (2002),
SC190 (2004), SC191 (Rev. 7, 2015), SC212 (Corr.2, 2007), SC220 (Rev.1, 2010),
1 GENERAL..............................................................................................................................................................1
1.1 APPLICATION .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 SCOPE OF SUPERVISION ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 PERMISSIBLE STRESSES ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
2 RUDDER ................................................................................................................................................................5
2.1 GENERAL.................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
2.2 RUDDER FORCE AND RUDDER TORQUE .......................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 RUDDER STRENGTH Calculation ........................................................................................................................................... 8
2.4 RUDDER STOCK SCANTLINGS ............................................................................................................................................ 8
2.5 RUDDER BLADE...................................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.6 RUDDER STOCK COUPLINGS............................................................................................................................................. 11
2.7 PINTLES .................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
2.8 RUDDER STOCK BEARING, RUDDER SHAFT BEARING AND PINTLE BEARING .................................................... 14
2.9 GUIDELINES FOR CAlculation of bending moment and shear force distribution ................................................................. 15
2.10 PROPELLER NOZZLES ......................................................................................................................................................... 21
2.11 REQUIREMENTS FOR THE SHIPS WITH ICE CLASS NOTATION ................................................................................. 22
7.13 STRENGTH AND SECURING OF SMALL HATCHES ON THE EXPOSED FORE DECK ...............................................92
7.14 STRENGTH REQUIREMENTS FOR FORE DECK FITTINGS AND EQUIPMENT ...........................................................95
mm in diameter and the head in the hose provided for water jet 1.2.8 Active means of the ship's steering - auxiliary
ejected upwards of not less than 0.2 MPa. The distance from means which develop a thrust at on angle of the centre line
the tested position is up to 1,5 m. plane of the ship of the zero or small speed, irrespective of the
ship's propulsive device operation and which are provided
1.2.5 Decks with their own drive motor. Upper deck - the uppermost continuous deck 1.3 SCOPE OF SUPERVISION
extending from fore to aft. The upper deck may be stepped. Raised quarterdeck - the after upper part of a 1.3.1 General provisions on the ship's supervision,
stepped deck, the forward lower part of which is taken as a surveys and classification are given in the Rules, Part 1 - Gen-
portion of freeboard deck. eral requirements, Chapter 1 – General information. General
provisions which apply to supervision during construction, Freeboard deck - the deck from which the free- surveys and classification of ships as well as provisions which
board is measured. apply to technical documentation submitted to the Register are
In a ship having a deck with step, the lowest line specified in the Rules, Part 1 - General requirements, Chapter
of this deck and the continuation of the line parallel to upper 1 to Chapter 5.
part of the deck is taken as a freeboard deck.
1.3.2 The following items included into ship's equip- Superstructure deckhouse or trunk deck - the ment and arrangements are subject to the supervision during
deck forming the top of a superstructure, deckhouse or trunk. their manufacture: Superstructure decks of the first, second, etc. Rudder:
tiers - the decks forming the top of the superstructures of the
.1 rudder stock,
first, second, etc. tiers, counting from the freeboard deck.
.2 rudder blade, Bulkhead deck - the deck up to which the main .3 propeller nozzle,
transverse watertight subdivision bulkheads are carried. .4 rudder shafts
The bulkhead deck may be discontinuous, i.e. .5 pintles of rudder and propeller nozzles,
with step or steps formed both by main transverse watertight .6 pintle bushes,
bulkheads reaching the keel and transverse watertight bulk- .7 fastenings (bolts and nuts with horizontal
heads not reaching the keel. flanged couplings and nuts with tapered
couplings, bolts and nuts for connecting Lower decks - the decks below the upper deck. the rudder shaft and stern post),
.8 parts limiting deviation of the angle of the Weather deck - deck which is completely ex-
rudder blade and rudder nozzle,
posed to the weather from above and from at least two sides. .9 rudder stock bearings,
.10 active means of ship steering.
1.2.6 Amidships and perpendiculars Anchoring arrangement: Amidships - at the middle of the ship's length L. .1 anchor, Forward and after perpendicular - the vertical .2 chain cables or ropes,
line passing in the centre line at the fore and after end of the .3 anchor stoppers,
ship's length L. .4 devices for securing and releasing the in-
board end of chain cable or rope,
.5 anchor hawse pipes.
1.2.7 Type A and Type B ships Mooring arrangement: Type A ship - is one which:
.1 mooring ropes,
- designed to carry only liquid cargoes in
.2 mooring bollards, belaying cleats, fair-
leads, chocks, rollers and stoppers.
- has a high integrity of the exposed deck
with only small access openings to cargo Towing arrangement:
compartments, closed by watertight gas-
keted covers made of steel or an equivalent .1 towing lines,
material, and .2 towing bollards, bits, fairleads, chocks,
- has low permeability of loaded cargo and stoppers,
compartments. .3 towing hooks and towing rails with fasten-
ings for their securing to ship's hull,
Type A ship must also have certain other fea- .4 towing snatch-block.
tures, specified in the ICLL (International Convention on Load
Lines, 1966, as amended). Signal masts: Type B ship - a ship which does not meet re- .1 metal, non-metallic masts,
quirements regarding Type A ships, and which is assigned a .2 standing ropes,
freeboard according to the ICLL, 1966. .3 permanent attachments to masts and decks
(eyeplates, hoops, etc.),
σ e = σ 2 + 3τ 2 , [N/mm2],
σe = equivalent stress, [N/mm2];
σ = normal stress, [N/mm2];
τ = shear stress, [N/mm2].
1.4.2 Permissible stresses with which the equivalent
stresses are to be compared when verifying the strength condi-
tions are established here in fractions of the yield point ReH of
material used. The yield point is not to be taken as more than
0,7 times the ultimate strength of material, unless expressly
stated otherwise.
PART 3 If deemed necessary by the Register, lab tests, or k1 = factor depending on the aspect ratio Λ;
full scale tests may be requested to validate the alternative de- k1 = (Λ + 2)/3, with Λ not to be taken greater
sign approach. than 2;
νmin =
(ν + 20) ;
For the astern condition the maximum astern
speed is to be used, however, in no case less than:
vastern = 0.5⋅ν
Hollow profiles
1,35 0,90
- shear stress:
τ ≤ 50 N/mm2 H − Hx k − 4 , [cm3]
- equivalent stress: W s = c s ⋅ d c3 E 10
HE ks
σ e = σ 2 + 3τ 2 ≤ 100 N/mm2
Note: The stresses in b) apply equally to high tensile and cs =coefficient, to be taken equal to:
ordinary steels.
=1.0 if there is no opening in the rudder
2.5.2 Rudder plating plating or if such openings are closed
by a full penetration welded plate
The thickness of the rudder side, top and bottom
= 1.5 if there is an opening in the con-
plating is not to be less than:
sidered cross-section of the rudder
C R 10 −4 dc = rudder stock diameter, in [mm]
t = 5.5 ⋅ s ⋅ β ⋅ k d + + 2.5 , [mm]
A HE = vertical distance between the lower
where: edge of the rudder blade and the upper
d = summer load line draught, in [m]; edge of the solid part, in [m]
CR = rudder force, in [N], according 2.2.1; HX = vertical distance between the consid-
A = rudder are, in [m2]; ered cross-section and the upper edge
of the solid part, in [m]
s k = material factor for the rudder blade
β = 1.1 − 0.5 ; max 1.0, if b/s ≥ 2,5; plating as given in
ks = material factor for the rudder stock as
s = smallest unsupported width of plating, in
given in
b = greatest unsupported with plating in [m]; The actual section modulus of the cross-
section of the structure of the rudder blade is to be calculated
k = material factor for the rudder plating as
with respect to the symmetrical axis of the rudder.
given in
The breadth of the rudder plating, in [m], to be
considered for the calculation of section modulus is to be not
The thickness of the nose plates may be in-
greater than:
creased to the discretion of the Register. The thickness of web
plates is not to be less than the greater of 70% of the rudder b = sv + 2 Hx / 3, in [m]
side plating thickness and 8 mm.
The rudder plating in way of the solid part is to
be of increased thickness per sv =spacing between the two vertical webs,
in [m], see Fig.
2.5.3 Connections of rudder blade structure with Where openings for access to the rudder stock
solid parts nut are not closed by a full penetration welded plate, they are
to be deducted. Solid parts in forged or cast steel, which house
the rudder stock or the pintle, are normally to be provided with
These protrusions are not required when the web
plate thickness is less than:
- 10 mm, for web plates welded to the solid part
on which the lower pintle of a semi-spade rud-
der is housed and for vertical web plates
welded to the solid part of the rudder stock co-
upling of spade rudders.
- 20 mm, for other web plates. The solid parts are in general to be connected to
the rudder structure by means of two horizontal web plates
and two vertical web plates.
Thickness of verti- Thickness of rudder
cal web plates, in plating, in [mm]
Type of
rudder Rudder Rudder Rudder Area
blade blade blade with
without with without opening
opening opening opening
1.2 t 1.6 t 1.2 t 1.4 t
by sole
spade and
1.4 t 2.0 t 1.3 t 1.6 t
t = thickness of the rudder plating, in [mm], as defined in
2.5.2 The thickness of the horizontal web plates con- Blade thickness
nected to the solid parts, in [mm], as well as that of the rudder
blade plating between these webs, is to be not less than the The blade thickness is not to be less than:
greater of the following values:
tB = 1,5 ⋅ s ⋅ v k + 2,5, [mm],
tH = 1.2 t, [mm],
s = spacing of stiffening arms, in [m]; not to
tH = 0.045 dS² / sH, [mm]. exceed 1 m;
v = speed of ship, in [knots]; (see
where: k = material factor for the rudder plating as
t = defined in 2.5.2, given in
dS = diameter, in [mm], to be taken equal
to: Arms
= dc, as per 2.4.2, for the solid part hous- The thickness of the arms is not to be less than
ing the rudder stock, the blade thickness:
= dp, as per 2.7.1, for the solid part hous- ta = tb , [mm],
ing the pintle,
sH = spacing between the two horizontal The section modulus is not to be less than:
web plates, in [mm].
Wa = 0.5 s C12 v2k, in [cm3];
The increased thickness of the horizontal webs is
to extend fore and aft of the solid part at least to the next verti- C1 = horizontal distance from the aft edge
cal web. of the rudder to the centreline of the
rudder stock, in [m]. The thickness of the vertical web plates welded k= material factor as given in or 2.3.5
to the solid part where the rudder stock is housed as well as respectively.
the thickness of the rudder side plating under this solid part is
to be not less than the values obtained, in [mm], from Table
kf , [mm]
t f = db ⋅ 2.6.2 Vertical flange couplings
kb Coupling bolts are to be fitted bolts and their The first moment of area of the bolts about the
nuts are to be locked effectively. centre of the coupling, in [m], is to be not less than:
m = 0,00043⋅d3 , [cm3] The thickness of the coupling flanges is to be not
less than the bolt diameter, and the width of the flange mate-
rial between the perimeter of the bolt holes and the perimeter
of the flange is to be not less than 0.67⋅db. Coupling bolts are to be fitted bolts and their
nuts are to be locked effectively.
2.6.3 Cone couplings with key ever, dta applied to the above formula need not be taken
greater than 1.145 dt. Tapering and coupling length
dt = stock diameter, in [mm], according to
Cone couplings without hydraulic arrangements
for mounting and dismounting the coupling should have a ta-
per c on diameter of 1:8-1:12, k = material factor for stock as given in,
where dk = mean diameter of the conical part of
the rudder stock, in [mm], at the key,
do − du
c= , see Fig. σF1 = minimum yield stress of the key mate-
l rial, in [N/mm2].
The effective surface area, in [cm2], of the key
The cone coupling is to be secured by a slugging (without rounded edges) between key and rudder stock or cone
nut. The nut is to be secured, e.g. by a securing plate. coupling is not to be less than:
The cone shapes are to fit exactly. The coupling
length ℓ is to be, in general, not less than 1.5d0. 5 ⋅ QF
ak = 10 3
dk ⋅σ F 2
σF2 = minimum yield stress of the key, stock
or coupling material, in [N/mm2],
whichever is less. The dimensions of the slugging nut are to be as
follows (see Fig.
- external thread diameter: dg ≥ 0,65 ⋅ do
- height of nut: hn ≥ 0,6 dg
- outer diameter of nut: dn ≥ 1,2 ⋅ du or 1,5 dg
whichever is the greater. Push up
It is to be proved that 50% of the design yield
moment is solely transmitted by friction in the cone couplings.
This can be done by calculating the required push-up pressure
and push-up length according to and for a tor-
sional moment Q'F = 0.5QF. Notwithstanding the requirements in and
Figure Cone coupling with key, where a key is fitted to the coupling between stock
and rudder and it is considered that the entire rudder torque is
transmitted by the key at the couplings, the scantlings of the Dimensions of key key as well as the push-up force and push-up length are to be
at the discretion of the Register.
For couplings between stock and rudder a key is
to be provided, the shear area of which, in [cm2], is not to be 2.6.4 Cone couplings with special arrangements for
less than: mounting and dismounting the couplings
17.55 ⋅ QF 3 Where the stock diameter exceeds 200 mm, the
as = 10
d k ⋅σ F1 press fit is recommended to be effected by a hydraulic pres-
where: sure connection. In such cases the cone is to be more slender,
c ≈1:12 to ≈1:20.
QF = design yield moment of rudder stock, In case of hydraulic pressure connections the nut
in [Nm] is to be effectively secured against the rudder stock or the pin-
dt For the safe transmission of the torsional mo-
Q F = 0.02664 ment by the coupling between rudder stock and rudder body
the push-up pressure and the push-up length are to be deter-
Where the actual diameter dta is greater than the mined according to and respectively.
calculated diameter dt, the diameter dta is to be used. How-
∆ l 1 ≤ ∆l ≤ ∆l 2
p req ⋅ d m 0.8 ⋅ Rtm , [mm],
∆l 1 = +
1−α 2
E ⋅ c
Rtm =
mean roughness, in [mm], taken equal
to 0.01,
Figure Cone coupling without key c = taper on diameter according to,
in [mm]. Push-up pressure
Notwithstanding the above, the push up length is
The push-up pressure is not to be less than the not to be less than 2 mm.
greater of the two following values:
preq1 = 2 10 3 , [N/mm²] In case of hydraulic pressure connections the required push-up
d m ⋅ l ⋅ π ⋅ µ0 force Pe, in [N], for the cone may be determined by the fol-
lowing formula:
6M b
preq 2 = 10 3 , N/mm²]
l2 ⋅ dm Pe = p req ⋅ d m ⋅ π ⋅ l ⋅ + 0.02
QF = design yield moment of rudder stock, as The value 0.02 is a reference for the friction co-
defined in, in [Nm], efficient using oil pressure. It varies and depends on the me-
chanical treatment and roughness of the details to be fixed.
dm = mean cone diameter in [mm], see Fig.
Where due to the fitting procedure a partial push-up effect,
caused by the rudder weight is given, this may be taken into
ℓ = cone length, in [mm], account when fixing the required push-up length, subject to
µ 0 = frictional coefficient, equal to 0.15, approval by the Register.
Mb = bending moment in the cone coupling
(e.g. in case of spade rudders), in [Nm]. 2.7 PINTLES
It has to be proved by the designer that the push-
up pressure does not exceed the permissible surface pressure
in the cone. The permissible surface pressure, in [N/mm²], is 2.7.1 Scantlings
to be determined by the following formula:
The pintle diameter, in [mm], is not to be less
p perm =
0.8ReH 1 − α 2 )10 ,
3 [N/mm²] d p = 0.35 B ⋅ k p
3 +α 4 where:
B = relevant bearing force, in [N],
kp = material factor for pintle as given in
ReH = minimum yield stress of the material
of the gudgeon, in [N/mm2],
α = dm /da ,
2.7.2 Couplings
dm = diameter, in [mm], see Fig.,
da = outer diameter of the gudgeon to be Tapering
not less than 1.5 dm, in [mm], see Fig. Pintles are to have a conical attachment to the
gudgeons with a taper on diameter not greater than:
1:8 - 1:12, for keyed and other manually as- 2.8.2 Minimum bearing surface
sembled pintles applying locking by
slugging nut, An adequate lubrication is to be ensured.
1:12 - 1:20, on diameter for pintles mounted The bearing surface Ab (defined as the projected
with oil injection and hydraulic nut. area: length x outer diameter of liner) is not to be less than:
P Push-up pressure for pintle bearings Ab = , [mm2]
The required push-up pressure for pintle bear- where:
ings, in [N/mm²], is to be determined by the following for- P = reaction force, in [N], in bearing as deter-
mula: mined in 2.3.2;
B1 ⋅ d 0 , [N/mm²], qa = allowable surface pressure according to the
p req = 0.4
d m2 ⋅ l Table 2.8.2.
The maximum surface pressure qa for the various
where: combinations is to be taken as reported in the table below.
B1 = supporting force in the pintle bearing, in Higher values than given in the table may be taken in accor-
[N] dance with maker’s specifications if they are verified by tests.
d0 = pintle diameter, in [mm], see Fig. Table 2.8.2
The push up length is to be calculated similarly Bearing material qa [N/mm2]
as in, using required push-up pressure and properties
for the pintle bearing. lignum vitae 2.5
white metal, oil lubricated 4.5
2.7.3 The minimum dimensions of threads and nuts synthetic material with hardness between 60
are to be determined according to 5.52)
and 70 Shore D1)
Steel 3), bronze and hot-pressed bronze-
2.7.4 Pintle housing 7.0
graphite materials
The length of the pintle housing in the gudgeon
is not to be less than the pintle diameter dp. dp is to be meas- Notes:
ured on the outside of liners. 1) Indentation hardness test at 23°C and with 50% mois-
ture, according to a recognised standard.
The thickness of the pintle housing is not to be
less than 0.25 dp. Synthetic bearing materials is to be of approved type.
2) Surface pressures exceeding 5.5 N/mm2 may be ac-
2.7.5 For recommended maximum allowable rudder cepted in accordance with bearing manufacturer's
pintle clearance see IACS Rec. No.61. specification and tests, but in no case more than 10
2.8 RUDDER STOCK BEARING, 3) Stainless and wear-resistant steel in an approved com-
RUDDER SHAFT BEARING AND bination with stock liner.
2.8.3 Bearing dimensions
2.8.1 Liners and bushes The length/diameter ratio of the bearing surface
is not to be greater than 1.2. Rudder stock bearing The bearing length Lp of the pintle is to be such
Liners and bushes are to be fitted in way of bear-
ings. The minimum thickness of liners and bushes is to be Dp ≤ Lp ≤ 1.2 Dp
equal to:
tmin = 8 mm, for metallic materials and synthetic
material, Dp = actual pintle diameter measured on the
tmin = 22 mm, for lignum material. outside of liners.
ance is supported by the manufacturer’ s recommendation I10 ÷ I30 = moments of inertia of these gird-
ers, in [cm4].
and there is documented evidence of satisfactory service his-
tory with a reduced clearance. Load of rudder body:
PR = , [kN/m]
2.9 GUIDELINES FOR l10 ⋅ 10 3
The moments and forces may be determined by
DISTRIBUTION the following formulae:
PART 3 Moments and forces CR2 = rudder force over the rudder blade area
For spade rudders with rudders trunks the mo-
ments, in [Nm], and forces, in [N], may be determined by the CG1Z = vertical position of the centre of grav-
following formulae: ity of the rudder blade area A1
CG2Z = vertical position of the centre of grav-
MR is the greatest of the following values: ity of the rudder blade area A2
M R = CR 2 (l10 + CG2 z ) , [Nm],
MB = CR2 (l10 – CG2Z)
M R = CR1 (CG1z − l 10 ) , [Nm], B3 = (MB + MCR1) / ( l20 + l30)
where: B2 = CR + B 3
CR1 = rudder force over the rudder blade area
ℓ 10
2.9.4 Rudder supported by sole piece I50 = moment of inertia of sole piece around the
z-axis, in [cm4]; Data for the analysis ℓ50 = effective length of sole piece, in [m];
ℓ10 - ℓ50 = lengths of the individual girders of the sys- Load of rudder body:
tem in [m],
I10 – I50 = moments of inertia of these girders, in PR = CR / (ℓ10 103), in [kN/m],
[cm4]. Z = spring constant of support in the sole piece
Z = 6.18 I50 / ℓ503 [kN/m].
For rudders supported by a sole piece the length
ℓ20 is the distance between lower edge of rudder body and cen-
tre of sole piece and I20 the moment of inertia of the pintle in Moments and forces
the sole piece.
Moments and shear forces are indicated in Fig. 2.9.4
2.9.5 Semi spade rudder with one elastic support Load of rudder body: Data for the analysis PR10 = CR2 / (ℓ10 x 103), [kN/m];
ℓ10 - ℓ50 =lengths of the individual girders of the sys- PR20 = CR1 / (ℓ10 x 103), [kN/m];
tem in [m];
I10 – I50 = moments of inertia of these girders in for CR, CR1, CR2, see 2.2.
Z = spring constant of support in the rudder Moments and forces
Z = 1 / (fb + ft), in [kN/m], for the support in
the rudder horn (Fig. 2.9.5.-1); Moments and shear forces are indicated in Fig.
2.9. 4.
fb = unit displacement of rudder horn, in [m],
due to a unit force of 1 kN acting in the
centre of support; Rudder horn
fb = 1.3 d3 / (6.18 In), in [m/kN], (guidance
The loads on the rudder horn are as follows:
In = moment of inertia of rudder horn around
the x-axis, in [cm4], (see also Fig. 2.9.5- Mb = bending moment = B1 z, [Nm],
Mbmax = B1 d, [Nm]
ft = unit displacement due to torsion;
q = shear force = B1, [N],
ft ( )
= d ⋅ e 2 ∑ µi / t i / 3.14 ⋅ 108 ⋅ FT2 , [m/kN];
MT(z) = torsional moment = B1 e (z), [Nm],
FT = mean sectional area of rudder horn, in
[m2]; An estimate for B1 is:
ui = breadth, in [mm], of the individual plates
forming the mean horn sectional area; B1 = CR b / (ℓ20 + ℓ30), [N]
ti = thickness within the individual breadth ui
in [mm];
d = height of the rudder horn, in m, defined
in Fig. 2.9.5-1. This value is measured
downwards from the upper rudder horn
end, at the point of curvature transition,
to the mid-line of the lower rudder horn
e = distance as defined in Fig. 2.9.5-2
2.9.6 Semi spade rudder with 2-conjugate elastic y1, y2 = horizontal displacements, in [m],
support at the lower and upper rudder
horn bearings, respectively. Data for the analysis B1, B2 = horizontal support forces, in
[kN], at the lower and upper
rudder horn bearings, respec-
K11, K22, K12 : rudder horn compliance constants tively.
calculated for rudder horn with 2-conjugate elastic supports
(Fig. 2.9.6-1). The 2-conjugate elastic supports are defined in K11, K22, K12 = obtained, in [m/kN], from
terms of horizontal displacements, yi, by the following equa- the following formulae:
λ3 e 2λ
K11 = 1.3 +
- at the lower rudder horn bearing: 3EJ 1h GJ th
y1 = - K12 B2 - K22 B1 λ3 λ2 (d − λ ) e 2 λ
K 22 = 1.3 + +
3EJ 1h 2 EJ 1h GJ th
- at the upper rudder horn bearing:
y2 = - K11 B2 - K12 B1
For a generic section of the rudder horn, located FA1, FA2 = support forces, in [N];
between its lower and upper bearings, the following stresses AH = effective shear sectional area of the
are to be calculated: rudder horn, in [mm2], in y-direction;
MT = torque, in [Nm];
τS = shear stress, in [N/mm2], to be obtained from
the following formula: FT = mean of areas enclosed by outer and
inner boundaries of the thin walled
FA1 section of rudder horn, in m2;
τS = tH = plate thickness of rudder horn, in
[mm]. For a given cross section of the
τT = torsional stress, in [N/mm2], to be obtained rudder horn, the maximum value of τT
for hollow rudder horn from the following is obtained at the minimum value of tH.
M T ⋅10 3 Rudder horn bending stress calculation
τT =
2 ⋅ FT ⋅ t H
For solid rudder horn, τT is to be considered by For the generic section of the rudder horn within
the Register on a case by case basis. the length d, the following stresses are to be calculated:
For a generic section of the rudder horn, located
in the region above its upper bearing, the following stresses σB = bending stress, in [N/mm2], to be ob-
are to be calculated: tained from the following formula:
2.10.1 General
2.10.5 Welding
Table 2.11.1-1
Table 3.1.2-1
Equipment Stockless Stream wire Towing line
Stud link chain cables Mooring line
numeral anchor or chain **/
Equipment letter
Breaking load
Breaking load
Breaking load
Extra spec. qual-
Ordinary quality
Total length
Spec. quality
Mass per an-
ity CRS-L3
Not exc.
[kg] [kg] [m] [mm] [mm] [mm] [m] [kN] [m] [kN] [m] [kN]
A1 10 15 2 35 - 110 - - - - - - 2 30 29
A2 15 20 2 50 - 137,5 */ - - - - - - 2 30 29
A3 20 25 2 65 165 - - - - - - - 2 40 29
A4 25 30 2 80 - 165 11 - - - - - - 2 50 29
A5 30 40 2 105 35 192,5 11 - - 55 55 120 65 2 50 29
A6 40 50 2 135 45 192,5 12,5 - - 70 60 150 81 2 60 29
A7 50 70 2 180 60 220 14 12,5 - 80 65 180 98 3 80 34
A8 70 90 2 240 80 220 16 14 - 85 74 180 98 3 100 37
A9 90 110 2 300 100 247,5 17,5 16 - 85 81 180 98 3 110 39
B1 110 130 2 360 120 247,5 19 17,5 - 90 89 180 98 3 110 44
B2 130 150 2 420 140 275 20,5 17,5 - 90 98 180 98 3 120 49
B3 150 175 2 480 165 275 22 19 - 90 108 180 98 3 120 54
B4 175 205 2 570 190 302,5 24 20,5 - 90 118 180 112 3 120 59
B5 205 240 3 660 - 302,5 26 22 20,5 - 180 129 4 120 64
B6 240 280 3 780 - 330 28 24 22 - 180 150 4 120 69
B7 280 320 3 900 - 357,5 30 26 24 - 180 174 4 140 74
B8 320 360 3 1020 - 357,5 32 28 24 - - 180 207 4 140 78
B9 360 400 3 1140 - 385 34 30 26 - - 180 224 4 140 88
C1 400 450 3 1290 - 385 36 32 28 - - 180 250 4 140 98
C2 450 500 3 1440 - 412,5 38 34 30 - - 180 276 4 140 108
C3 500 550 3 1590 - 412,5 40 34 30 - - 190 306 4 160 123
C4 550 600 3 1740 440 42 36 32 190 338 4 160 132
C5 600 660 3 1920 440 44 38 34 190 371 4 160 147
C6 660 720 3 2100 440 46 40 36 190 406 4 160 157
C7 720 780 3 2280 467,5 48 42 36 190 441 4 170 172
C8 780 840 3 2460 467,5 50 44 38 190 480 4 170 186
C9 840 910 3 2640 467,5 52 46 40 190 510 4 170 201
D1 910 980 3 2850 495 54 48 42 190 559 4 170 216
D2 980 1060 3 3060 495 56 50 44 200 603 4 180 230
D3 1060 1140 3 3300 495 58 50 46 200 647 4 180 250
* /Chain cables or wire ropes may be used, chain cable breaking load or actual breaking strength of rope being not less than 44 kN.
** /Towing lines are recommendations only.
Breaking load
Breaking load
Breaking load
Extra spec. qual-
Ordinary quality
Total length
Spec. quality
Mass per an-
ity CRS-L3
Not exc.
[kg] [kg] [m] [mm] [mm] [mm] [m] [kN] [m] [kN] [m] [kN]
D4 1140 1220 3 3540 522,5 60 52 46 200 691 4 180 270
D5 1220 1300 3 3780 522,5 62 54 48 200 738 4 180 284
D6 1300 1390 3 4050 522,5 64 56 50 200 786 4 180 309
D7 1390 1480 3 4320 550 66 58 50 200 836 4 180 324
D8 1480 1570 3 4590 550 68 60 52 220 888 5 190 324
D9 1570 1670 3 4890 550 70 62 54 220 941 5 190 333
E1 1670 1790 3 5250 577,5 73 64 56 220 1024 5 190 353
E2 1790 1930 3 5610 577,5 76 66 58 220 1109 5 190 378
E3 1930 2080 3 6000 577,5 78 68 60 220 1168 5 190 402
E4 2080 2230 3 6450 605 81 70 62 240 1259 5 200 422
E5 2230 2380 3 6900 605 84 73 64 240 1356 5 200 451
E6 2380 2530 3 7350 605 87 76 66 240 1453 5 200 480
E7 2530 2700 3 2700 - 632,5 90 78 68 - - 260 1471 6 200 480
E8 2700 2870 3 8300 - 632,5 92 81 70 - - 260 1471 6 200 490
E9 2870 3040 3 8700 - 632,5 95 84 73 - - 260 1471 6 200 500
F1 3040 3210 3 9300 - 660 97 84 76 - - 280 1471 6 200 520
F2 3210 3400 3 9900 - 660 100 87 78 - - 280 1471 6 200 554
F3 3400 3600 3 10500 - 660 102 90 78 - - 280 1471 6 200 588
F4 3600 3800 3 11100 - 687,5 105 92 81 - - 300 1471 6 200 618
F5 3800 4000 3 11700 - 687,5 107 95 84 - - 300 1471 6 200 647
F6 4000 4200 3 12300 - 687,5 111 97 87 - - 300 1471 7 200 647
F7 4200 4400 3 12900 - 715 114 100 87 - - 300 1471 7 200 657
F8 4400 4600 3 1350 - 715 117 102 90 - - 300 1471 7 200 667
F9 4600 4800 3 14100 - 715 120 105 92 - - 300 1471 7 200 677
G1 4800 4800 3 14700 - 742,5 122 107 95 - - 300 1471 7 200 686
G2 5000 5000 3 15400 - 742,5 124 111 97 - - 300 1471 8 200 686
G3 5200 5200 3 16100 - 742,5 127 111 97 - - 300 1471 8 200 696
G4 5500 5800 3 16900 - 742,5 130 114 100 - - 300 1471 8 200 706
G5 5800 6100 3 17800 - 742,5 132 117 102 - - 300 1471 9 200 706
G6 6100 6500 3 18800 - 742,5 - 120 107 - - 300 1471 9 200 716
G7 6500 6900 3 20000 - 770 - 124 111 - - 9 200 726
G8 6900 7400 3 21500 - 770 - 127 114 - - 10 200 726
G9 7400 7900 3 23000 - 770 - 132 117 - - 11 200 726
H1 7900 8400 3 24500 - 770 - 137 122 - - 11 200 736
H2 8400 8900 3 26000 - 770 - 142 127 - - Towing lines 12 200 736
H3 8900 9400 3 27500 - 770 147 132 - - are not re- 13 200 736
H4 9400 10000 3 29000 - 770 152 132 - - quired when 14 200 736
H5 10000 10700 3 31000 - 770 - - 137 - - ship length ex- 15 200 736
H6 10700 11500 3 33000 - 770 - - 142 - - ceeds 180 m. 16 200 736
H7 11500 12400 3 35500 - 770 - - 147 - - 17 200 736
H8 12400 13400 3 38500 - 770 - - 152 - 18 200 736
H9 13400 14600 3 42000 - 770 - - 157 - - 19 200 736
I1 14600 16000 3 46000 - 770 - - 162 - - 21 200 736
* /Chain cables or wire ropes may be used, chain cable breaking load or actual breaking strength of rope being not less than 44 kn.
** /Towing lines are recommendations only.
Table 3.1.2-2
Equipment number Bower stockless Stud link chain cables for anchors Mooring line
Equipment Diameter
Not Mass Total ordinary special Length of
letter Exceeding Number Number breaking
exceeding anchor length quality quality each line
[kg] [m] [mm] [mm] [m] [kN]
a1 to 30 2 70 137,5 */ - 2 40 25
a2 30 40 2 80 165 11,0 - 2 50 29
a3 40 50 2 100 192,5 11,0 - 2 60 29
a4 50 60 2 120 192,5 12,5 - 2 60 29
a5 60 70 2 140 192,5 12,5 - 2 80 29
a6 70 80 2 160 220 14 12,5 2 100 34
a7 80 90 2 180 220 14 12,5 2 100 37
a8 90 100 2 210 220 16 14 2 110 37
a9 100 110 2 240 220 16 14 2 110 39
b1 110 120 2 270 247,5 17,5 16 2 110 39
b2 120 130 2 300 247,5 17,5 16 2 110 44
b3 130 140 2 340 275 19 17,5 2 120 44
b4 140 150 2 390 275 19 17,5 2 120 49
b5 150 175 2 480 275 22 19 2 120 54
b6 175 205 2 570 302,5 24 20,5 2 120 59
b7 205 240 2 660 302,5 26 22 2 120 64
b8 240 280 2 780 330 28 24 3 120 71
b9 280 320 2 900 357,5 30 26 3 140 78
c1 320 360 2 1020 357,5 32 28 3 140 85
c2 360 400 2 1140 385 34 30 3 140 93
c3 400 450 2 1290 385 36 32 3 140 100
c4 450 500 2 1440 412,5 38 34 3 140 108
c5 500 550 2 1590 412,5 40 34 4 160 113
c6 550 600 2 1740 440 42 36 4 160 118
c7 600 660 2 1920 440 44 38 4 160 123
c8 660 720 2 2100 440 46 40 4 160 128
* /Chain cables or wire ropes may be used, cable breaking load or actual breaking strength of wire rope being no less than 44 kN.
If a house having a breadth greater than B/4 is 3.2.4 For tugs, the term 2,0⋅B⋅h expressed in formula
above a house with a breadth of B/4 or less then the wide for equipment number En in 3.2.1 may be substituted by:
house is to be included but the narrow house ignored.
2,0 (a ⋅ B + Σ hi ⋅ bi)
Screens or bulwarks 1,5 m or more in height are where:
to be regarded as parts of houses when determining h and A. a, B and hi are as defined in 3.2.1
The height of the hatch coamings and that of any deck cargo, bi = breadth, in [m], of the widest superstruc-
such as containers, may be disregarded when determining h ture or deckhouse of each tier having a
and A. breadth greater than B/4.
With regard to determining A, when a bulwark is
more than 1,5 m high, the area shown as A2 (see Fig. 3.2.2) is
to be included in A.
The equipment length of the vessels is the length
3.3.1 General
between perpendiculars but is not to be less than 96% nor
greater than 97% of the extreme length on the summer water- Two of the rule bower anchors are to be con-
line (measured from the forward end of the waterline). nected to their chain cables and positioned on board ready for
The total length of chain given in Tables 3.1.2-1 use.
and 3.1.2-2 is to be divided in approximately equal parts be- Where in column 4 of Table 3.1.2-1 three bower
tween the two bower anchors. anchor are required the third anchor is intended as a spare
For dredgers of unrestricted service having nor- bower anchor.
mal ship shape of underwater part of the hull the anchoring Installation of the spare bower anchor on board
equipment is to be provided in accordance with these require- is not compulsorily required. Register is free to permit other
ments. When calculating the Equipment Number bucket lad- arrangements at its discretion or not to require the spare an-
ders and gallows are not to be included. If however a dredger chor as a condition of classification.
has unusual design of the underwater part of the hull, Register
is free to modify the requirements to anchoring equipment. As Ships with Equipment Numeral of 205 and less
far as dredgers of limited service are concerned, the equipment may have the second bower anchor as spare one on condition
is to be provided at the discretion of the Register. that provision is made for its quick getting ready for use.
Unmanned barges and pontoons where length is
less than 30 m the anchor may be dispensed with and where
length is greater than 30 m may have only one bower anchor.
the two anchors selected for testing (ordinary stockless an- The heads of Hall's, Gruson's and high holding
chors and high holding power anchors) are to be of approxi- power anchors are dropped on the plate, the crown down-
mately the same weight, and are to be tested in association wards; the shanks of Hall's, Gruson's and high holding power
with the size of chain cable appropriate to this weight. anchors and also the shanks with flukes of admiralty stocked
anchor are dropped in horizontal position. The length of cable with each anchor is to be
such that the pull on the shank remains practically horizontal, Moreover, each cast or welded shank and arms
for this purpose a scope of 10 is considered normal but a scope of the admiralty stocked anchor is to be suspended in a vertical
of not less than 6 may be accepted. Scope is defined as the ra- position, the flukes downwards, and dropped on two steel
tio of length of cable to depth of water. blocks put on the plate in such a manner that the distance be-
tween them is half the span of the arms (Fig. Three tests are to be taken for each anchor and
nature of bed. The pull is to be measured by dynamometer. The thickness of the blocks is to be such as to
The stability of the anchor and ease of breaking out are to be prevent the anchor crown from striking against the plate.
noted where possible. Tests are normally to be carried out
from a tug but alternatively shore based tests may be accepted.
Measurements of pull based on RPM/bollard pull curve of tug
may be accepted instead of dynamometer readings. Tests in comparison with a previously approved
high holding power anchor may be accepted as a basis for ap-
For approval and/or acceptance of high holding
power anchors of the whole range of weight, tests are to be
carried out on at least two - sizes of anchors and the weight of
the maximum size to be approved could be accepted up to 10
times the weight of large size tested. The use of a super high holding power anchors
(SHHP) is limited to restricted service vessels and subject to Figure
special consideration by the Register. After the drop test, the parts are to be suspended
3.3.4 Manufacture and subjected to a hammer test with a hammer weighing not
less than 3 kg. They must give out a clear ringing sound. If the Anchors may be of forged, cast or welded con- sound is not clear, they are to be inspected by non-destructive
struction. methods. If a part must be repaired, the testing procedure is to Anchor parts are to be free from cracks, cavities be repeated.
and other defects affecting their strength. The external defects Each cast anchor shackle is to be tested without
may be repaired by welding. Welding procedure is to be the anchor with non-statutory pin secured inside by a proof not
agreed with the Register. less than: The pins of the heads shaft and the pin of the F2 = 2F1,
shackle are to be efficiently locked against axial displacement. where:
The locking may be effected by electric welding. F2 - proof load of the shackle, in [kN], The manufacturer shall determine whether heat F1 - proof load of the anchor, in [kN], accord-
treatment of the anchor is to be needed after its manufacture, ing to
and if so, what type of heat treatment is to be used. If heat In some cases this test may be applied selec-
treatment is deemed necessary, it is to be carried out prior to tively to 5 per cent of the batch but to not less than two shack-
the proof testing of the anchor. les. A batch is considered to be composed of shackles manu-
factured from steel of the same grade and being heat treated
3.3.5 Testing
either simultaneously or in the same conditions or by checking
the temperatures. All cast or welded anchors or their parts are to
be tested by dropping on a steel plate not less than 100 mm in After testing under proof load, no fractures or
thickness. The height of dropping is given in Table permanent deformations are to be detected. Each anchor, irrespective of the method of its
Table manufacture, is to be subjected to tensile test by application of
a proof load either on a special testing machine or by a load
Height of dropping (measured suspended to the flukes.
Anchor mass,
from plate up to lower edge of
[kg] Hall and Gruson anchors and high holding pow-
anchor or its part), [m]
below 750 4.5 er anchors are to be tested by simultaneous gripping of both
from 750 to 1500 4.0 arms (Fig., first turned to one side and then to the oth-
from 1500 to 5000 3.5 er.
over 5000 3.0
3.4 CHAIN CABLES AND ROPES chain cables of these ships is to be agreed with Register taking
account specified depth and condition of anchorage.
The length of chain cables of unmanned barges
3.4.1 Ship with equipment number of 205 and less, in is to be two times length or 40 m, whichever is greater.
which the second bower anchor is permitted to be spare one 3.4.3 Chain cables of bower anchors are to be graded
may be equipped with only one chain cable the length of dependent of their strength as specified in the Rules, Part 25 -
which is to be one half of that given in the equipment Table Metallic materials, 7.2.
3.1.2-1 for two chains.
Grade 1 material used for chain cables CRS L1
in conjunction with high holding power anchors must have a
3.4.2 For the supply vessels the diameter of the chain
tensile strength of not less than 400 N/mm2.
cables is to be determined according to Table 3.1.2-1 two lines
above than required equipment number. The length of 3.4.4 For ships with equipment number of 90 and less,
in alternative to stud link chain cables, short link chain cables
may be considered, for acceptance, by the Register on the ba- The end of each wire rope is to be spliced into a
sis of their design, strength and steel quality. thimble, clamp or socket and in order to increase the anchor
holding power and the damping of jerk loads, the end of each
3.4.5 In alternative to the stud link or short link cables wire rope is to be connected to the anchor by means of a chain
wire ropes may be used for: cable section of at least 12.5 meters in length and having the
- both the bower anchors of ships bellow 30 same strength as the wire rope. The chain cable section is to be
m in length secured to the wire rope fitting and the anchor shackle by
- one of two bower anchors of ships be- means of joining shackles being equal to the wire ropes in
tween 30 m and 40 m in length strength.
The wire ropes, above mentioned, are to have The length of the chain cable section may be in-
strength equal to that of tabular chain cable of grade 1 and cluded into 1,5 times the length of wire ropes specified in the
length equal 1.5 times the corresponding tabular length of previous paragraph.
chain cables.
Wire ropes of trawl winches on fishing vessels 3.4.10 The wire ropes anchors are to have at least 114
complying with these requirements may be used as anchor wires and not less than one natural fibre core. The wires of the
chain cables. ropes are to have at least thin zinc coating in accordance with
applicable standards.
3.4.6 The chain cables are to be composed of separate In all other respects, the wire ropes for anchors
chain length, except for the chains less than 15 mm in diame- shall meet the requirement of the Rules, Part 25 - Metallic ma-
ter, which need not be divided into chain lengths. terials, 7.
The lengths of chains are to be interconnected
with joining links. The use of joining shackles instead of join- 3.4.11 Stream anchors may use the chain cables with
ing links is to be specially considered by Register. stud or without them as well as wire ropes, which shall meet
the requirements of 3.4.8 and 3.4.9.
Depending on their location in the chain cable
the lengths are divided into:
- anchor part fastened to the anchor (forerun- 3.5 ANCHOR APPLIANCES
- intermediate lengths, 3.5.1 Stoppers
- inboard part, secured to the chain cable re-
leasing device. Each bower anchor chain cable or rope is to be
provided with stopper holding the anchor in the hawse pipe
3.4.7 To be considered a separate length, the anchor when stowed for sea or, in addition, intended for holding the
part must be provided with a swivel, end link, and an adequate ship at anchor.
number of common and enlarged links. If the dimensions of
In ships having no anchor machinery or having
the relevant part of the cable chain are sufficient to form a
the anchor machinery, which is not in compliance with the
length, the anchor length may consist of a swivel, end link and
Rules, Part 9 - Machines, 6.3 stoppers must be installed for
joining link only.
holding the ship at anchor.
On cable chains divided into lengths a swivel
must be attached as close as possible to the anchor. The swivel Where the stopper is intended only for securing
pins shall point toward the middle of the chain cable. The the anchor in the hawse pipe, its parts are to be calculated to
chain length is to be connected to the anchor by means of an withstand the chain cable strain to twice the weight of the an-
end shackle with pin. chor, the stresses in the stopper parts not exceeding 0,4 times
the yield point of their material.
3.4.8 The intermediate length is to be no shorter than
Where the stopper comprises a chain cable or
25 m and no longer than 27,5 m, and it is to have an odd num-
rope, this is to have safety factor 5 in relation to the breaking
ber of links. The totals for the length of two chains given in
load of the chain cable or actual breaking strength of the rope
the equipment table include only the sums of the middle
under the action of a force equal to twice the weight of the an-
lengths, without anchor and inboard lengths. If there are an
odd number of intermediate lengths, then the chain cable on
the right side is to have one length more than the chain cable Where the stopper is intended for riding the ship
on the left side. at anchor, its parts are to be calculated on assumption that the
stopper is to be subjected to a force in the chain cable equal to
3.4.9 The inboard end length of each chain shall con-
0,8 times its breaking load. The stresses in the stopper parts
sist of a special link of enlarged size which, however, shall
are to not exceed 0,95 times the yield point of their material.
pass freely through the wildcat of the anchor machinery se-
Where the stopper comprises a chain cable or rope, they are to
cured to the chain cable releasing device, and of a minimum
be of strength equal to that of the chain cable for which they
number of common and enlarged links which are necessary to
are intended.
constitute and independent chain length. The inboard end
chain length may consist of one end link only, provided the re-
3.5.2 Device for securing and releasing the
lation between the dimensions of the chain cable parts and the
inboard end of the chain cables
chain cable-releasing device allows of such arrangement.
In all other respects the chain cables for bower The inboard ends of the chain cables are to be
anchors shall comply with the requirements of the Rules, Part secured to the structures by fastening able to withstand a force
25 - Metallic materials, 7.
not less than 15% nor more than 30% of the breaking load of Closure of chain lockers
the chain cable. This requirement is applicable to ships with a The fastening is to be provided with means suit-
length of 24 m and above built in accordance with the 1966
able to permit, in case of emergency, an easy slipping of the
Load Line Convention or the 1988 Protocol to the Load Line
chain cables to sea, operable from an accessible position out-
Convention and the keels of which are laid or which are at a
side the chain locker.
similar stage of construction on or after 1 July 2003.
3.5.3 Laying of chain cables Spurling pipes and cable lockers are to be
watertight up to the weather deck. Bulkheads between separate Laying of chain cables shall provide for their run cable lockers (see Fig., or which form a common
when dropping or hoisting the anchors. boundary of cable lockers (see Fig., need not
however be watertight. The anchor shank shall easily enter the hawse
pipe under the mere action of the chain cable tension and shall
readily take off the hawse pipe when the chain cable is re-
leased. It is recommended that thickness of the hawse
pipe is not to be less than 0.4 times the diameter of chain cable
passing through the hawse pipe.
PART 3 Construction and power requirements for the an- 5, 6 According equipment number reduced
chor windlass are given in the Rules, Part 9 - Machines, 6.3. by 25% taking in to account
Strength requirements for the windlass founda-
7, 8 According to
tions are given in Section 7.14. Unless located at least 2.4 m above the cargo
deck the windlass and the openings of chain pipes leading into
the chain locker are to be fitted at distance of not less than 3 m Ship mentioned in with equipment num-
from cargo tank boundaries, if liquids having a flashpoint not ber 35 and less and of restricted navigation area 6, if they are
exceeding 60oC are intended to be carried. not passenger ships may have only one bower anchor and one
chain cable the length of which is two times less than that re- On ships intended to carry in bulk flammable quired in Table 3.1.2-1.
liquids having the flash point bellow 60oC no deck machinery
is to be fitted directly on the decks being the top of cargo tanks Provisions for equipment of ships of restricted
and bunkers. navigation area 7 and 8 are to be determined according to Ta-
ble 3.1.2-1. The anchor weight may be reduced up to 40% and
In this case, the deck machinery is to be fitted on
chain diameter may be determined according to the reduced
special foundations, the construction of which provides for
anchor mass.
free circulation of air underneath the machinery.
If an anchor mass of less than 80 kg has been de-
3.5.6 Spare parts termined, only one anchor is required and half length of chain
cable required by Table 3.1.2-1. Every ship whose anchor arrangement includes a For ships of restricted area of navigation 5, 6, 7
spare bower anchor and cable chains must have three spare
and 8 stream anchor is not required.
joining links and one end shackle of the corresponding dimen-
sions. If the ship has no spare bower anchor the shackle is not For specific requirements relating to attestation
mandatory. of the anchoring equipment of passenger ships in domestic
service class "D" operating exclusively in the area of naviga- Every ship whose anchor arrangement includes a
tion 6 and 7, in the period from April 1 to October 31, see Sec-
spare anchor and cable chains must have all the parts needed
tions A.10 and A.12.
for connecting the wire rope to the anchor shackle.
3.5.7 Permissible weardown of chain cables 3.6.2 Fishing vessels of restricted navigation area 3,
4 and 5 When the mean diameter of link, at its most
worn part, is reduced by 12% or more from its required nomi- Provisions for equipment of ships with length 20
nal diameter it is to be renewed. < L ≤ 40, are to be determined according to Table
based on equipment number obtained as follows: The mean diameter is half value of the sum of
the minimum diameter found in one cross-section of the link Enf = L (B + D) + Σ0.5 ⋅ l ⋅ h,
and of the diameter measured in perpendicular direction in the
same cross-section.
l =
length of individual superstructure and For the guidelines for maximum wear down of deckhouse, m;
anchor cable fittings, joining shackles, the looseness of studs h = height of individual superstructure and
within anchor cable and the securing by welding of studs deckhouse at centreline, m.
found loose during survey of chain cables links in service, see Deckhouse having a breadth of less than B/4
IACS Rec. 79 (Rev.1, 2014). may be ignored.
For vessels having a length of 20 m and less the
3.6 EQUIPMENT FOR SHIPS IN equipment is to be determined for the length L in accordance
RESTRICTED AREA OF NAVIGATION with Table Provisions stated in 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 are to also
3.6.1 All vessels, except fishing vessels be observed. The second anchor is considered as spare one on Provisions for equipment for vessels with re- condition that provision is made for its quick getting ready for
stricted service, except fishing vessels, are based on equip- use.
ment number in accordance with 3.2 and given in Table For ships with length less than 20 m the weight
of spare anchor may be 70% of the value required by Table
Sailing area Requirements for equipment Stream anchor is not required
2 No reduction
3,4 According equipment number reduced
by 15%
Length Equipment Bower anchors Stud link chain cables Mooring ropes
number No. Weight per Total Diameter Total Diameter
L E nf
anchors length d1 d2 length d3 d4
[m] [kg] [m] [m]
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]
to 14 - 2 60 95 11.0 - 80 - 20
14-16 - 2 75 105 11.0 90 10 20
16-18 - 2 85 110 11.0 100 10 20
18-20 - 2 95 110 12.5 12.5 120 10 20
L = 20 - 40 to 270 2 110 137.5 12.5 12.5 150 10 22
270-300 2 140 165 14.0 12.5 180 10 22
300-330 2 180 165 14.0 12.5 200 10 22
330-360 2 210 220 16.0 14.0 225 10 24
360-400 2 250 220 16.0 14.0 225 10 24
400-450 2 300 247.5 17.5 16.0 225 10 24
450-500 2 370 247.5 19.0 17.5 250 12 26
over 500 2 440 275.0 22.0 19.0 250 12 26
- Short link cable of same proof load may be taken in lieu of stud link chain cables for ships with Enf less than 330.
Explanatory notes:
d1 .... Chain diameter grade CRS-L1
d2 .... Chain diameter grade CRS-L2
d3 .... Diameter of wire rope 6 x 24, breaking strength 1570 N/mm2.
d4 .... Diameter of polyamide ropes and manila ropes.
5.1.1 Each ship is to be provided with towing ar- 5.3.2 The requirements for mooring bollards and
rangement, which meets the requirements of 5.2, 5.3 and 5.6. chocks as provided in 4.3.2, 4.3.3 and 4.3.4 are also applicable
to towing bollards and chocks.
5.1.2 All oil tankers over 20000 tons deadweight, in-
cluding combination carriers, chemical tankers and liquefied
gas carriers shall comply with requirements of 5.4. 5.4 EMERGENCY TOWING
5.1.3 Tugs shall comply with requirements of 5.5.
5.2.1 Lengths and breaking loads of a towing lines Emergency towing arrangements shall be fitted
specified in the Table 3.1.2-1 are recommendations only. at both ends on board every tanker listed in 5.1.2.
5.2.2 For shipborn barges the breaking strength of the For tankers constructed on or after 1 July 2002:
towing line is determined by the formula: .1 the arrangements shall, at all times, be ca-
pable of rapid deployment in the absence
Fp = 16⋅n⋅B⋅d, in [kN],
of main power on the ship to be towed and
easy connection to the towing ship. At
n = number of barges towed,
least one of the emergency towing ar-
B = width of barges, in [m],
rangements shall be pre-rigged ready for
d = draught of the barges, in [m].
rapid deployment; and
The breaking strength of the rope is used in cal- .2 emergency towing arrangements at both
culations of equipment strength for shipborn barges. The lines ends shall be of adequate strength taking
for towing barges may be stored on the barges if the shi- into account the size and deadweight of the
powner so desires, or they may be kept on tugboats and not be ship, and the expected forces during bad
included as part of the barge equipment. weather conditions. The design and con-
5.2.3 Towing lines may be made of steel wire or of struction and prototype testing of emer-
natural or synthetic fibres. The requirements for mooring rope gency towing arrangements shall be ap-
as provided in 4.2 are also applicable to towing lines. proved by the Administration, based on the
Guidelines developed by the Organiza-
Typical emergency towing arrangement For tankers constructed before 1 July 2002, the * Refer to the Guidelines on emergency towing arrangements
design and construction of emergency towing arrangements for tankers, adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee by
shall be approved by the Administration, based on the Guide- resolution MSC.35(63), as amended.
lines developed by the Organization*.
PART 3 Towing arrangements may be (1) a packaged Articles of loose gear such as chains, towing
self contained unit, or (2) a unit comprised of individually pennants and associated end fittings, and shackles or other
tested components assembled onboard the vessel. Both ar- connecting links are to be tested to the requirements of the
rangements should meet the specified strength requirements Rules, Part 25 - Metallic materials, 2.
and undergo a deployment test on board the vessel as required
by MSC. 35 (36). See also IACS UI SC 113. Where a manufacturer requests a certificate of
type approval for a complete packaged towing arrangement,
Fixed gear such as strongpoints, fairleads, foun- one assembled unit to undergo prototype test to 2 x SWL (safe
dations and associated vessel supporting structure are to be working load).
demonstrated as adequate for the loads specified in by
means of analysis or calculations submitted to the Register. If Existing emergency towing arrangements fitted
such analysis is deemed not appropriate depending on struc- in accordance with Resolution A.535(13) and approved by the
tural configuration, proof test may be required. Register may retain at forward location.
Towing components
PART 3 A termination of the towing pennant is to be a by the shipowner considering that such equipment and outfit
hard eye-formed allowing connection to a standard bow shall satisfy the requirements of the present chapter.
5.5.4 The main determining factor in providing the To ensure ready availability and rapid deploy- tugs with a special arrangement is the rated towing pull (F).
ment, emergency towing arrangements shall comply with the The numerical value of F is within the owner's and designer's
following criteria: discretion, and all calculations pertaining to the determination
.1 The aft emergency towing arrangements are to of this value are not subject to approval by the Register.
be pre-rigged and be capable of being deployed If, however, during mooring and sea trials of the
in a controlled manner in harbour conditions not tug, the towing force is found to exceed the value F, Register
more than 15 min. may require strengthening of the towing arrangements units or
.2 The pick-up gear for the aft towing pennant is to a restriction of power during towing operations.
be designed at least for manual operation by one
person taking into account the absence of power The bollard pull of the vessel may be verified by
and the potential for adverse environmental con- a bollard pull test approved by Register. The results of test are
ditions that may prevail during such emergency to be shown in diagram bollard pull/time (see Fig. 5.5.4.).
towing operations. The pick-up gear is to be pro-
tected against the weather and other adverse
conditions that may prevail.
.3 The forward emergency towing arrangement is
to be capable of being deployed in harbour con-
ditions in not more than 60 min.
.4 The forward emergency towing arrangements is
to be designed at last with a means of securing a
towing line to the chafing gear using a suitably
positioned pedestal roller to facilitate connection
of the towing pennant.
.5 Forward emergency towing arrangements which
comply with the requirements for aft emergency
towing arrangements may be accepted.
.6 All emergency towing arrangements are to be
clearly marked to facilitate safe and effective use
even in darkness and poor visibility.
Figure 5.5.4 All emergency towing components are to be in-
spected by ship personnel at regular intervals and maintained 5.5.5 The required minimum breaking force Fmin of the tow-
in good working order. rope is to be determined by the following formula:
5.5 SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT Fmin = k·F , [kN];
FOR TUGS k = utility factor, defined as:
k = 2,5 for F ≤ 200 kN;
k = 2,0 for F ≥ 1000 kN;
5.5.1 Towing hook or equivalent is normally to be lo-
F = towing pull, [kN].
cated 5 to 10% of the ship's length abaft amidships, but in no
circumstances is to be sited forward of the longitudinal centre For F between 200 and 1000 kN, k may be in-
of gravity of the tug in any anticipated condition of loading. terpolated linearly.
The requirements of 4.2 for mooring ropes are
5.5.2 Towing hooks should have reliable slip ar-
also applicable to the towing line.
rangement i.e. quick release device which facilitate towing
line release regardless of angle of heel and of direction of tow- The length of the towrope is to be chosen ac-
ing line. cording to the tow formation (masses of tug and towed object),
the water depth and the nautical conditions. Regulations of
The towing hook has to be equipped with a me-
flag state authorities have to be observed.
chanical, hydraulic or pneumatic slip device. The slip device is
to be designed such as to guarantee that unintentional slipping The length of towing line for towing operations
is avoided. is to be at least 150 m.
The releasing device is to be operable from the 5.5.6 All stressed parts of the towing arrangement
bridge as well as in the vicinity of hook itself. (such as the towing hook, towing rails, etc.) as well as the fas-
Towrope protection sleeves or other adequate tenings for securing these parts to the ship's hull are to be de-
means are to be provided to prevent the directly pulled tow- signed to take a test force Ft.
ropes from being damaged by chafing / abrasion. where:
5.5.3 The number and type of equipment and outfit Ft = 2·F, for F ≤ 500 kN;
forming special arrangement for tugs which ensures towing Ft = F+500, for 500 < F ≤ 1500 kN;
operations under different service conditions are determined Ft = 1.33·F, for F > 1500 kN;
The equivalent permissible stresses in these parts 5.6 SHIPBOARD FITTINGS AND
are not to exceed 0,85 times the upper yield stress of their ma-
For the towing hook foundation it has to be addi- ASSOCIATED WITH TOWING AND
tionally proven that these permissible stresses are not ex- MOORING
ceeded assuming a load equal to the minimum breaking force
Fmin of the towrope. 5.6.1 Application and definitions
5.5.7 The device for protection of the hook from over-
This requirement is to apply to design and con-
loading must be adjusted to a breaking strength three times the
struction of shipboard fittings and supporting structures used
nominal towing force.
for the normal towing and mooring operations. For the emer-
5.5.8 Prior to installation on board the ship the towing gency towing arrangements, ships subject to SOLAS regula-
hooks are to be tested by application of a test force Ft. tion II-1/3-4 are to comply with that regulation and resolution
MSC.35(63) as may be amended.
5.5.9 The towing beams are to be made of pipes or
other suitable sections. Wide and high beams are to be sup- For the requirements of SOLAS regulation II-
ported by (Λ) type tubular struts, which are to be arranged in 1/3-8 relating to towing and mooring equipment, see IACS
Unified Interpretation SC212.
the centreline of the ship or symmetrically in relation to it. On
the bulwark, the beams are to be connected with brackets The net minimum scantlings of the supporting
whose free edges are to be framed with a bar section or pipe. hull structure are to comply with the requirements given in and The net thicknesses, tnet, are the member
5.5.10 The section modulus of the towing beam is not thicknesses necessary to obtain the above required minimum
to be less than: net scantlings. The required gross thicknesses are obtained by
d 2 Ll adding the total corrosion additions, tk, given in 5.6.5, to tnet.
W = 0,343 ⋅ 10-2 , [cm3],
ReH For the purpose of this requirement:
where: - Conventional vessels means new dis-
d = diameter of the towing line, in [mm], placement-type vessels of 500 GT and
L = the length of the towing line, in [m], not above, excluding high speed craft, special
to be less than 300 m, purpose vessels, and offshore units of all
l = distance between the struts or between types.
one strut and the bulwark, in [m], - Shipboard fittings means those compo-
ReH = yield point of the beam material, in nents limited to the following: bollards and
[N/mm2]. bitts, fairleads, stand rollers, chocks used
for the normal mooring of the vessel and
5.5.11 The cross-sectional area of each branch of a
the similar components used for the nor-
Λ-shaped strut is not to be less than: mal towing of the vessel. Other compo-
d 2L nents such as capstans, winches, etc. are
f = 0,03 , [cm2] ,
ReH not covered by the requirements of this
where: Section. Any weld or bolt or equivalent
ReH = yield point of the strut material, in device connecting the shipboard fitting to
the supporting structure is part of the ship-
board fitting and subject to the Industry
5.5.12 The wire stopper and its fastenings are to be standard applicable to this shipboard fit-
such that their breaking load is not less than 1,5 times the tow- ting.
ing force. - Supporting hull structures means that
5.5.13 A robust and efficient fendering system is to be part of the ship structure on/in which the
fitted in areas intended for pushing. The fendering system shipboard fitting is placed and which is di-
purpose is to distribute the pushing force and limit its dynamic rectly submitted to the forces exerted on
component on the hull structure of both the tug (and the as- the shipboard fitting. The supporting hull
sisted ship). structure of capstans, winches, etc. used
for the normal towing and mooring opera-
5.5.14 The requirements for the design of towing tions mentioned above is also subject to
winches are specified in the Rules, Part 9 - Machines, 6.5. the requirements of this Section.
5.5.15 The length of towing line on winch is not to be - Industry standard means international
less than 400 m. standard (ISO, etc.) or standards issued by
national association which are recognised
in the country where the ship is built.
5.6.2 Towing Strength
The strength of shipboard fittings used for nor-
mal towing operations at bow, sides and stern and their sup-
porting hull structures are to comply with the requirements of
this Section. Arrangement
Shipboard fittings for towing are to be located
on longitudinals, beams and/or girders, which are part of the
deck construction so as to facilitate efficient distribution of the
towing load.
Other arrangements may be accepted (for Pa- Figure
nama chocks, etc.) provided the strength is confirmed ade-
quate for the intended service.
Unless greater safe working load (SWL) of The selection of shipboard fittings is to be made
shipboard fittings is specified by the applicant, the minimum by the shipyard in accordance with an Industry standard (e.g.
design load to be used is the following value of (1) or (2), ISO 13795 – Ship’s and marine technology - Ship’s mooring
whichever is applicable: and towing fittings – Welded steel bollards for sea-going ves-
sels) accepted by the Register.
(1) for normal towing operations (e.g. har-
bour/manoeuvring), 1.25 times the intended When the shipboard fitting is not selected from
maximum towing load (e.g. static bollard pull) an accepted Industry standard, the design load used to assess
as indicated on the towing and mooring ar- its strength and its attachment to the ship is to be in accor-
rangements plan. dance with
(2) for other towing service (e.g. escort), the nom- Supporting hull structure
inal breaking strength of the towing line ac-
cording to Tables 3.1.2-1 and 3.1.2-2 for the Arrangement
ship’s corresponding En is to be applied. (see
Note) The reinforced members (carling) beneath ship-
board fittings are to be effectively arranged for any variation
NOTE: Side projected area including maximum stacks of direction (horizontally and vertically) of the towing forces
of deck cargoes is to be taken into account for selection of (which is to be not less than the design load as per act-
towing lines. ing through the arrangement of connection to the shipboard
The design load is to be applied through the tow- Acting point of towing force
ing line according to the arrangement shown on the towing
and mooring arrangements plan. The acting point of the towing force on ship-
When a specific SWL is applied for a shipboard board fittings is to be taken at the attachment point of a towing
fitting at the request of the applicant, by which the design load line or at a change in its direction.
is to be greater than the above minimum values, the strength
of the fitting is to be designed using this specific design load. Allowable stresses
The method of application of the design load to Allowable stresses under the design load condi-
the fittings and supporting hull structures is to be taken into tions as specified in are as follows:
account such that the total load need not be more than twice Normal stress: 100% of the specified minimum yield point of
the design load, i.e. no more than one turn of one line (see Fig. the material;
Shearing stress: 60% of the specified minimum yield point of
the material;
No stress concentration factors being taken into
Normal stress is the sum of bending stress and
axial stress with the corresponding shearing stress acting per-
pendicular to the normal stress.
load per (1) and the SWL used for other towing opera- Shipboard fittings
tions (e.g. escort) is not to exceed the design load per
(2). For fittings used for both normal and other towing opera- The selection of shipboard fittings is to be made
tions, the greater of the design loads of (1) and by the shipyard in accordance with an Industry standard (e.g.
(2) is to be used. ISO 13795 – Ship’s and marine technology - Ship’s mooring
and towing fittings – Welded steel bollards for sea-going ves- The SWL of each shipboard fitting is to be sels) accepted by the Register.
marked (by weld bead or equivalent) on the deck fittings used When the shipboard fitting is not selected from
for towing. an accepted Industry standard, the design load used to assess The above requirements on SWL apply for a its strength and its attachment to the ship is to be in accor-
single post basis (no more than one turn of one cable). dance with The towing and mooring arrangements plan Supporting hull structure
mentioned in 5.6.4 is to define the method of use of towing
lines. Arrangement
Arrangement of the reinforced members (car-
5.6.3 Mooring
ling) beneath shipboard fittings is to consider any variation of
direction (horizontally and vertically) of the mooring forces Strength (which is to be not less than the design load as per act-
ing through the arrangement of connection to the shipboard
The strength of shipboard fittings used for moor-
ing operations and their supporting hull structures are to com-
ply with the requirements of this Section. Acting point of mooring force Arrangement The acting point of the mooring force on ship-
board fittings is to be taken at the attachment point of a moor-
Shipboard fittings for mooring are to be located
ing line or at a change in its direction.
on longitudinals, beams and/or girders, which are part of the
deck construction so as to facilitate efficient distribution of the Allowable stresses
mooring load.
Other arrangements may be accepted (for Pa- Allowable stresses under the design load condi-
nama chocks, etc.) provided the strength is confirmed ade- tions as specified in are as follows:
quate for the service. Normal stress: 100% of the specified minimum yield point of
the material; Load considerations Shearing stress: 60% of the specified minimum yield point of
the material; Unless greater safe working load (SWL) of
shipboard fittings is specified by the applicant, the design load No stress concentration factors being taken into
applied to shipboard fittings and supporting hull structures is account.
to be 1.25 times the breaking strength of the mooring line ac- Normal stress is the sum of bending stress and
cording to Tables 3.1.2-1 and 3.1.2-2 for the ship’s corre- axial stress with the corresponding shearing stress acting per-
sponding En. (see Note) pendicular to the normal stress.
NOTE: Side projected area including maximum stacks of deck
cargoes is to be taken into account for assessment of lateral wind Safe working load (SWL)
forces, arrangements of tug boats and selection of mooring lines. The SWL is not to exceed 80% of the design
load per The design load applied to supporting hull struc-
tures for winches, etc. is to be 1.25 times the intended maxi- The SWL of each shipboard fitting is to be
mum brake holding load and, for capstans, 1.25 times the marked (by weld bead or equivalent) on the deck fittings used
maximum hauling-in force. for mooring. The design load is to be applied through the The above requirements on SWL apply for a
mooring line according to the arrangement shown on the tow- single post basis (no more than one turn of one cable).
ing and mooring arrangements plan. The towing and mooring arrangements plan The method of application of the design load to mentioned in 5.6.4 is to define the method of use of mooring
the fittings and supporting hull structures is to be taken into lines.
account such that the total load need not be more than twice
the design load specified in above, i.e. no more than 5.6.4 Towing and mooring arrangements plan
one turn of one line. When a specific SWL is applied for a shipboard The SWL for the intended use for each ship-
fitting at the request of the applicant, by which the design load board fitting is to be noted in the towing and mooring ar-
is to be greater than the above minimum values, the strength rangements plan available on board for the guidance of the
of the fitting is to be designed using this specific design load. Master.
PART 3 Information provided on the plan is to include in chain corresponding to the size of the ship
respect of each shipboard fitting: as given in Section 6 of the standards stip-
.1 location on the ship; ulated in 5.1 above and calculations to
.2 fitting type; demonstrate this capability are submitted
.3 SWL; – the chain bearing surface of the bow fair-
.4 purpose (mooring/harbour towing/escort leads described in 6.1 of the standard stip-
towing); and ulated in 5.1 above have a diameter at least
.5 manner of applying towing or mooring seven times that of the associated chain
line load including limiting fleet angles. – the installation on board the ship is sur-
veyed by a Register′s surveyor. Where the arrangements and details of deck fit-
tings and their supporting hull structures are designed based
on the mooring arrangements as permitted in Note 3 to 5.8 EMERGENCY TOWING, the following information is to be clearly indicated PROCEDURES ON SHIPS
on the plan:
.1 the arrangement of mooring lines showing
5.8.1 This paragraph applies to:
number of lines (N), together with
.1 all passenger ships, not later than 1 Janu-
.2 the breaking strength of each mooring line
ary 2010;
.2 cargo ships constructed on or after 1 Jan-
This information is to be incorporated into the uary 2010; and
pilot card in order to provide the pilot proper information on .3 cargo ships constructed before 1 January
harbour/escorting operations. 2010, not later than 1 January 2012.
mi = mass of part (i), in [kg],
zi = elevation of the centre of gravity of part
(i) above that of the ship, in [m],
Ai = projected lateral area of part (i), in [m2],
T = rolling or pitching period, in sec.,
θ = amplitude of roll or pitch, maximum, in
r = wave half height, in [m],
p = specified wind pressure, in [N/m2]
p = 1960 N/m2.
The calculations are to be carried out both for
rolling and pitching of the ship; r being taken as equal to L/40,
where L is the ship's length, in [m], and θ, in radians, as corre-
sponding angle of 40o at roll and of 5o at pitch.
6.4.3 Under load specified in 6.4.2 the stresses in parts
of the mast are not to exceed 0,7 times the yield stress of the
material if made of metal and are not to exceed 12 N/mm2 if
made of wood.
The safety factor of the standing rope under the
same load is not to be less than 3.
ble for examination under service conditions. Where a valve 7.2 SIDESCUTTLES AND
with positive means of closing is fitted, the operating position
above the bulkhead deck is to always be readily accessible and WINDOWS
means are to be provided for indicating whether the valve is
open or closed. 7.2.1 General
7.1.17 The requirements of the ICLL, 1996, shall apply The requirements in 7.2.1 to 7.2.4 apply to
to discharges led through the shell plating from spaces above sidescuttles and rectangular windows providing light and air,
the bulkhead deck of passenger ships and the freeboard deck located in positions which are exposed to the action of sea
of cargo ships. and/or bad weather.
7.1.18 Machinery space, main and auxiliary sea inlets Sidescuttles are round or oval openings with an
and discharges in connection with the operation of machinery area not exceeding 0.16 m2. Round or oval openings having
are to be fitted with readily accessible valves between the area exceeding 0.16 m2 are to be treated as windows.
pipes and the shell plating or between the pipes and fabricated
boxes attached to the shell plating. In manned machinery Windows are rectangular openings generally,
spaces the valves may be controlled locally and are to be pro- having a radius at each corner relative to window size in ac-
vided with indicators showing whether they are open or cordance with recognised national or international standards,
closed. and round or oval openings with an area exceeding 0.16 m2.
7.1.19 Moving parts penetrating the shell plating below The number of sidescuttles in the shell plating
the deepest subdivision draught are to be fitted with a water- below the freeboard deck is to be reduced to a minimum com-
tight sealing arrangement acceptable to the Register. The in- patible with the design and proper working of the ship.
board gland is to be located within a watertight space of such Fishing vessels mooring alongside each other or
volume that, if flooded, the bulkhead deck is not to be sub- other ships at sea are not to have sidescuttles under freeboard
merged. The Register may require that if such compartment is deck in the mooring zone, wherever possible. If in this zone
flooded, essential or emergency power and lighting, internal side scuttles are fitted in the shell plating, they are to be so po-
communication, signals or other emergency devices must re- sitioned that the possibility of their damage during mooring
main available in other parts of the ship. operations is excluded.
7.1.20 All shell fittings and valves required by these re- No sidescuttles are permitted within the bounda-
quirements are to be of steel, bronze or other approved ductile ries of the ice belt of the shell plating specified in the Rules,
material. Valves of ordinary cast iron or similar material are Part 2 - Hull, 14, in icebreakers and ships with ice strengthen-
not acceptable. All pipes to which this regulation refers are to ing.
be of steel or other equivalent material to the satisfaction of Sidescuttles and windows together with their
the Register.
glasses, deadlights and storm covers, if fitted, are to be of ap-
7.1.21 Gangway, cargo and fuelling ports fitted below proved design and substantial construction in accordance with,
the bulkhead deck of passenger ships and the freeboard deck or equivalent to, recognised national or international stan-
of cargo ships are to be watertight and in no case be so fitted dards.
as to have their lowest point below the deepest subdivision Non-metallic frames are not acceptable. The use
draught. of ordinary cast iron is not allowed for sidescuttles below the
7.1.22 The inboard opening of each ash-chute, rubbish- freeboard deck.
chute, etc., is to be fitted with an efficient cover. All sidescuttles the sills of which are below the
7.1.23 If the inboard opening is situated below the bulkhead deck of passenger ships and the freeboard deck of
bulkhead deck of passenger ships and the freeboard deck of cargo ships, as permitted by paragraph, are to be of
cargo ships, the cover is to be watertight and, in addition, an such construction as will effectively prevent any person open-
automatic non-return valve is to be fitted in the chute in an ing them without the consent of the master of the ship.
easily accessible position above the deepest subdivision Sidescuttles and their deadlights which are not
draught. accessible during navigation are to be closed and secured be-
fore ship leaves the port.
7.1.24 It is recommended that cargo ports or similar
openings below the uppermost load specified in Regulation Side scuttles to the following spaces shall be fit-
21(2) of ICCL, 1996 may be accepted submerged provided ted with efficient hinged inside deadlights:
the safety of the ship is in no way impaired. It is considered (a) spaces below freeboard deck
that the fitting of a second door of equivalent strength and wa-
tertightness is one acceptable arrangement. In that case leak- (b) spaces within the first tier of enclosed su-
age detection device should be provided in the compartment perstructures
between the two doors. Further, drainage of this compartment (c) first tier deckhouses on the freeboard deck
to the bilges controlled by an easily accessible screw down protecting openings leading below or con-
valve, should be arranged. The outer door should preferably sidered buoyant in stability calculations.
open outwards. See IACS Unified Interpretation LL21. The deadlights shall be capable of being effec-
tively closed and secured watertight if fitted below freeboard
deck and weathertight if fitted above.
Efficient hinged inside deadlights so arranged ficient hinged inside deadlights capable of being effectively
that they can be easily and effectively closed and secured wa- closed and secured weathertight.
tertight, are to be fitted to all sidescuttles except that abaft one
eighth of the ship's length from the forward perpendicular and Side scuttles and windows set inboard from the
above a line drawn parallel to the bulkhead deck at side and side shell in the second tier, protecting direct access below to
having its lowest point at a height of 3.7 m plus 2.5% of the spaces listed in, shall be provided with either efficient
breadth of the ship above the deepest subdivision draught, the hinged inside deadlights or, where they are accessible, perma-
deadlights may be portable in passenger accommodation other nently attached external storm covers of approved design and
than that for steerage passengers, unless the deadlights are re- of substantial construction and capable of being effectively
quired by the ICLL, 1996, to be permanently attached in their closed and secured weathertight.
proper positions. Such portable deadlights are to be stowed ad- Cabin bulkheads and doors in the second tier
jacent to the sidescuttles they serve. separating side scuttles and windows from a direct access
leading below may be accepted in place of deadlights or storm
7.2.2 Position and opening arrangement
covers fitted to the side scuttles and windows. No sidescuttle is to be fitted in such position that
its sill is below a line drawn parallel to the bulkhead deck at Deckhouses situated on a raised quarter deck or
on the deck of a superstructure of less than standard height or
side and having its lowest point 0.025⋅B above the summer
on the deck of a deckhouse of less than standard height, may
load waterline (or timber summer load waterline if assigned),
be regarded as being in the second tier as far as the provision
or 0.5 m, whichever is the greater.
of deadlights is concerned, provided the height of the raised
If the length of the ship is less than 24 m, the quarter deck, superstructure or deckhouse is equal to, or great-
specified distance may be reduced to 0.3 m for ships of navi- er than, the standard quarter deck height.
gation area 4 and 5 and to 0.15 m for ships of navigation area
6, 7 and 8. Fixed or opening skylights shall have glass
thickness appropriate to their size and position as required for No sidescuttles is to be fitted in any spaces side scuttles and windows. Skylight glasses in any position
which are appropriated exclusively for carriage of cargo or shall be protected from mechanical damage and where fitted in
coal. positions 1 or 2, shall be provided with robust deadlights or
Sidescuttles may, however, be fitted in spaces storm covers permanently attached. See also IASC Unified In-
appropriated alternatively for carriage of cargo or passengers, terpretation LL62.
but they are to be of such construction as will effectively pre-
vent any person opening them or their deadlights without the
consent of the master. 7.2.3 Glasses
If cargo is carried in such spaces, the sidescuttles In general, toughened glasses with frames of
and their deadlights are to be closed watertight and locked be- special type are to be used in compliance with, or equivalent
fore the cargo is shipped. to, recognised national or international standards, see the
Rules, Part 24 - Non-metallic materials, 3.7. Side scuttles shall be of the non-opening type in
ships subject to damage stability regulations, if calculations The use of clear plate glasses is to be specially
indicate that they would become immersed by any intermedi- considered by the Register in each case.
ate stage of flooding or the final equilibrium waterplane in any The thickness of toughened glasses in sidescut-
required damage case. tles is not to be less than that obtained from Table In ships having several decks above the bulk-
head deck, such as passengers ships, the arrangement of sides- Table
cuttles and rectangular windows is to be specially considered
by the Register in each case. Special consideration is to be Clear light di- Thickness [mm]
given to the ship side up to the upper deck and the front bulk- ameter of Type B
head of the superstructure. sidescuttle Type A Heavy Medium
Type C Light
[mm] series series
series Automatic ventilating sidescuttles are not to be
fitted in the shell plating below the bulkhead deck without the 200 10 8 6
special sanction of the Register. 250 12 8 6 Windows are not to be fitted below the freeboard 300 15 10 8
deck, in first tier end bulkheads or sides of enclosed super- 350 15 12 8
structures and in first tier deckhouses considered as being 400 19 12 10
buoyant in the stability calculations or protecting openings
leading below. 450 15 10
In the front bulkhead of a superstructure situated
on the upper deck, in case of substantially increased freeboard, Type A, B or C sidescuttles are to be adopted
rectangular windows with permanently fitted storm covers are according to the requirements of Table, where:
acceptable. - zone 1 is the zone comprised between a line, Side scuttles and windows at the side shell in the parallel to the sheer profile, with its lowest
second tier, protecting direct access below or considered points at a distance above the summer load wa-
buoyant in the stability calculations, shall be provided with ef- terline equal to 0.025 B, or 0.5 m, whichever is
the greater, and a line parallel to the previous Ships of navigation area 4 and 5, having length
one located 1.4 m above it; less than 24 m, may be fitted with sidescuttles type B and type
- zone 2 is the zone located above zone 1 and C instead of those type A and type B required in Table
bounded at the top by the freeboard deck; 2.
- zone 4 is the second tier of superstructures or Ships of navigation area 6 and 7 may be fitted
deckhouses; with sidescuttles type B and type C instead of those type A
and type B required in Table
- zone 5 is the third and higher tiers of superstruc-
tures or deckhouses; In ships of navigation area 8 all fitted sidescut-
tles may be type C.
- exposed zones are the boundaries of superstruc-
tures or deckhouses set in from the ship’s side at
a distance less than or equal to 0.04 B;
- unexposed zones are the boundaries of super-
structures or deckhouses set in from the ship’s
side at a distance greater than 0.04 B.
Forward of 0.875 L
Zone Aft of 0.875 L from the aft end
from the aft end
5 Type C Type B
Protecting openings giving direct access to spaces below the freeboard deck:
Type B
4 Type B
Not protecting openings giving direct access to spaces below the freeboard deck:
Type C
Exposed zones Type B
Protecting openings giving direct access to spaces below
3 the freeboard deck: Type B Type B
Unexposed zones
Not protecting openings giving direct access to spaces be-
low the freeboard deck: Type C
2 Type B Type A
1 Type A Type A
cated within the limits specified for the position of the colli-
500 x 710 15 10 6
sion bulkhead, refer to Regulation II-1/12 of the SOLAS Con-
560 x 800 15 10 6 vention. A vehicle ramp may be arranged for this purpose,
provided its position complies with Regulation II-1/12 of the
900 x 630 19 12 6 SOLAS Convention. If this is not possible a separate inner
1000 x 710 19 12 8 weathertight door are to be installed, as far as practicable with-
in the limits specified for the position of the collision bulk-
1100 x 800 Not applicable 15 8 head. Bow doors are to be so fitted as to ensure tight-
7.3 FLUSH SCUTTLES ness consistent with operational conditions and to give effec-
tive protection to inner doors. Inner doors forming of the colli-
sion bulkhead are to be weathertight over the full height of the
7.3.1 Flush scuttles in positions 1 or 2 are to be closed
cargo space and arranged with fixed sealing supports on the
by substantial covers capable of being made watertight. Unless
aft side of the doors.
secured by closely spaced bolts, the covers are to be perma-
nently attached. Bow doors and inner doors are to be arranged so
as to preclude the possibility of the bow door causing struc-
7.3.2 The largest of clear dimensions of the flush scut-
tural damage to the inner door or to the collision bulkhead in
tles is not to be over 200 mm, with the glass being at least 15
the case of damage to or detachment of the bow door. If this is
mm in thickness. The flush scuttles are to be fastened to the
not possible, a separate inner weathertight door is to be in-
metal deck plating by means of frames.
stalled, as indicated in
7.4 SHELL DOORS For the purpose of satisfaction of the require-
ments for inner doors, vehicles are to be effectively lashed and
secured against movement in stowed position.
7.4.1 Bow doors and inner doors Definitions General
Securing device: device used to keep the door closed The requirements of this head of the Rules apply by preventing it from rotating about
to the arrangement, strength and securing of bow doors and its hinges.
inner doors leading to a complete or long forward enclosed
Supporting device: a device used to transmit external or
superstructure, or to a long non-enclosed superstructure, where
internal loads from the door to a se-
fitted to attain minimum bow height equivalence.
curing device and from the securing
The requirements apply to all ro-ro passenger device to the ship's structure, or a
ships and ro-ro cargo ships engaged on international voyages device other than a securing device,
and also to ro-ro passenger ships and ro-ro cargo ships en- such as a hinge, stopper or other
gaged only in domestic (non-international) voyages, except fixed device, transmits loads from
where specifically indicated otherwise herein. the door to the ship's structure.
The requirements are not applicable to high Locking device: a device that locks a securing device
speed, light displacement craft as defined in the IMO Code of in the closed position.
Safety for High Speed Craft.
Ro-ro passenger ship: a passenger ship with ro-ro spaces or
Two types of bow door are provided for: special category spaces.
Visor doors opened by rotating upwards and Ro-ro spaces: are spaces not normally subdivided
outwards about a horizontal axis through two or more hinges in any way and normally extending
located near the top of the door and connected to the primary to either a substantial length or the
structure of the door by longitudinally arranged lifting arms, entire length of the ship, in which
Side-opening doors either by rotating outwards motor vehicles with fuel in their
about a vertical axis through two or more hinges located near tanks for their own propulsion and/or
the outboard edges or by horizontal translation by means of goods (packaged or in bulk, in or on
linking arms arranged with pivoted attachments to the door rail or road cars, vehicles (including
and the ship. road or rail tankers), trailers, con-
Other types of bow doors are to be specially tainers, pallets, demountable tanks or
considered by the Register. in or on similar stowage units or,
other receptacles) can be loaded and Bow doors are to be situated above the freeboard unloaded normally in a horizontal di-
deck. A watertight recess in the freeboard deck located for- rection.
ward of the collision bulkhead and above the deepest waterline Special category spaces: are those enclosed vehicle spaces
fitted for arrangement of ramps or other related mechanical above or below the bulkhead deck,
devices may be regarded as a part of the freeboard deck for the into and from which vehicles can be
purpose of this requirement. driven and to which passengers have Inner doors are to be fitted. The inner door is to access. Special category spaces may
be part of the collision bulkhead. The inner door need not be be accommodated on more than one
fitted directly above the bulkhead below, provided that it is lo- deck provided that the total overall
clear height for vehicles does not ex- The design external forces, in [kN], considered
ceed 10m. for the scantlings of securing and supporting devices of bow
doors is not to be less than: Strength criteria
Fx = p e ⋅ Ax Scantlings of the primary member, securing and Fy = p e ⋅ Ay
supporting devices of bow doors and inner doors are to be de- Fz = p e ⋅ Az
termined to withstand the design loads defined in, us- where:
ing the following permissible stresses: Ax = area, in [m2], of the transverse vertical
- shear stress: τ = 80/k [N/mm ] projection of the door between the levels
- bending stress: σ = 120/k [N/mm2] of the bottom of the door and the top of
the upper deck bulwark, or between the
- equivalent stress: bottom of the door and the top of the
σ e = σ 2 + 3τ 2 = 150 / k [N/mm ] door, including the bulwark, where it is
part of the door, whichever is the lesser.
where k is the material factor as given in the Where the flare angle of the bulwark is
Rules, Part 2 - Hull, 1.4, but is not to be taken less than 0,72.
at least 15° less than the flare angle of The buckling strength of primary members is to the adjacent shell plating, the height
be verified as being adequate. from the bottom of the door may be
measured to the upper deck or to the top For steel to steel bearings in securing and sup- of the door, whichever is lesser. In de-
porting devices, the nominal bearing pressure calculated by termining the height from the bottom of
dividing the design force by the projected bearing area is not the door to the upper deck or to the top
to exceed 0,8 ⋅σF, where σF is the yield stress of the bearing of the door, the bulwark is to be ex-
material. For other bearing materials, the permissible bearing cluded.;
pressure is to be determined according to the manufacturer's Ay = area, in [m], of the longitudinal vertical
specification. projection of the door between the levels The arrangement of securing and supporting de- of the bottom of the door and the top of
vices is to be such that threaded bolts do not carry support the upper deck bulwark, or between the
forces. The maximum tension in way of threads of bolts not bottom of the door and the top of the
carrying support forces is not to exceed 125/k [N/mm2]. door, including the bulwark, where it is
part of the door, whichever is the lesser. Design loads Where the flare angle of the bulwark is
at least 15° less than the flare angle of The design external pressure, in [kN/m2], to be
the adjacent shell plating, the height
considered for the scantlings of primary members, securing
from the bottom of the door may be
and supporting devices of bow doors is not to be less than:
measured to the upper deck or to the top
pe = 2,75⋅λ ⋅ CH ⋅ (0,22+0,15⋅ tanα)(0,4 ⋅ v ⋅ sinβ +0,6 ⋅ L )2 of the door, whichever is lesser.
Az = area, in [m2], of the horizontal projection
where: of the door between the levels of the bot-
v = contractual ship's speed, in [knots]; tom of the door and the top of the upper
L = ship's length, in [m], but need not be tak- deck bulwark, or between the bottom of
en greater than 200 metres; the door and the top of the door, includ-
ing the bulwark, where it is part of the
λ = coefficient depending on the area where
door, whichever is the lesser. Where the
the ship is intended to be operated:
flare angle of the bulwark is at least 15°
λ = 1 for sailing area 1 and 2;
less than the flare angle of the adjacent
λ = 0,8 for sailing area 3 and 4; shell plating, the height from the bottom
λ = 0,5 for sailing area 5, 6, 7 and 8. of the door may be measured to the up-
CH = 0,0125 L, for L < 80 m per deck or to the top of the door,
1,00, for L ≥ 80 m whichever is lesser.
α = flare angle at the point to be considered, h = height, in [m], of the door between the
defined as the angle between a vertical levels of the bottom of the door and the
line and the tangent to the side shell plat- upper deck or between the bottom of the
ing, measured in a vertical plane normal door and the top of the door, whichever
to the horizontal tangent to the shell plat- is the lesser;
ing (see Figure; l = length, in [m], of the door at a height h/2
β = entry angle at the point to be considered, above the bottom of the door;
defined as the angle between a longitu- w = breadth, in [m], of the door at a height
dinal line parallel to the centreline and h/2 above the bottom of the door;
the tangent to the shell plating in a hori- pe = external pressure, in [kN/m2], as given in
zontal plane (see Figure with angles α and β defined as
α = flare angle measure at the point on the c = horizontal distance, in [m], from visor
bow door, l/2 aft of the stem line on the pivot to the centre of gravity of visor
plane h/2 above the bottom of the door, mass, as shown in Figure
as shown in Figure;
β = entry angle measured at the same point
as α.
Figure Bow Door of Visor Type
Figure Definition of α and β Bow doors are to be adequately stiffened and
means are to be provided to prevent lateral or vertical move-
For bow doors, including bulwark, of unusual ment of the doors when closed. For visor doors adequate
form or proportions, e.g. ships with a rounded nose and large strength for the opening and closing operations is to be pro-
stem angles, the areas and angles used for determination of the vided in the connections of the lifting arms to the door struc-
design values of external forces may require to be specially ture and to the ship structure.
considered. The thickness of the bow door plating is not to For visor doors the closing moment My under be less than required for the side shell plating, using bow door
external loads, in [kNm], is to be taken as: stiffener spacing, but in no case less than the minimum re-
quired thickness of fore end shell plating.
My = Fx ⋅ a + 10 ⋅ W ⋅ c + Fz ⋅ b
where: The section modulus of horizontal or vertical
W = mass of the visor door, in [t]; stiffeners of bow doors is not to be less than that required for
a = vertical distance, in [m], from visor pivot fore end framing. Consideration is to be given, where neces-
to the centroid of the transverse vertical sary, to differences in fixity between ship's frames and bow
projected area of the visor door, as doors stiffeners.
shown in Figure;
b = horizontal distance, in [m], from visor The stiffener webs of bow doors are to have a
pivot to the centroid of the horizontal net sectional area, in [cm2], not less than:
projected area of the visor door, as Q⋅k
shown in Figure; 10
Q = shear force, in [kN], in the stiffener cal-
culated by using uniformly distributed
external pressure pe as given in The bow door secondary stiffeners are to be
supported by primary members constituting the main stiffen-
ing of the door.
The primary members of the bow door and the a) case 1 Fx and Fz ;
hull structure in way are to have sufficient stiffness to ensure b) case 2 0,7⋅Fy acting on each side sepa-
integrity of the boundary support of the door. rately together with 0,7⋅Fx and
Scantlings of the primary members of the bow 0,7⋅Fz;
and inner doors are generally to be supported by direct
where Fx, Fy and Fz are determined as indicated
strength calculations in association with the external pressure
in and applied at the centroid of projected areas.
given in and, respectively, and permissible
stress given in Normally, formulae for simple beam For side-opening doors the reaction forces ap-
theory may be applied to determine the bending stress. Mem- plied on the effective securing and supporting devices assum-
bers are to be considered to have simply supported end con- ing the door as a rigid body are determined for the following
nections. combination of external loads acting simultaneously together
with the self weight of the door: Where inner doors also serve as a vehicle ramp,
the scantlings are not to be less than those required for vehicle a) case 1 Fx, Fy and Fz acting on both
decks. doors; The distribution of the forces acting on the se- b) case 2 0,7⋅Fx and 0,7⋅Fz acting on both
curing and supporting devices of inner doors is generally to be doors and 0,7⋅Fy acting on each
supported by direct calculations taking into account the flexi- door separately;
bility of the structure and the actual position and stiffness of
where Fx, Fy and Fz are determined as indicated
the supports.
in and applied at the centroid of projected areas. Securing and supporting of bow doors The support forces as determined according to a) and b) shall generally give rise to a zero moment Bow doors are to be fitted with adequate means about the transverse axis through the centroid of the area Ax.
of securing and supporting so as to be commensurate with the For visor doors, longitudinal reaction forces of pin and/or
strength and stiffness of the surrounding structure. The hull wedge supports at the door base contributing to this moment
supporting structure in way of the bow doors is to be suitable are not to be of the forward direction.
for the same design loads and design stress as the securing and
supporting devices. Where packing is required, the packing The distribution of the reaction forces acting on
material is to be of a comparatively soft type, and the support- the securing and supporting devices may require to be sup-
ing forces are to be carried by the steel structure only. Maxi- ported by direct calculations taking into account the flexibility
mum design clearance between securing and supporting de- of the hull structure and the actual position and stiffness of the
vices is not generally to exceed 3 mm. supports.
A means are to be provided for mechanically The arrangement of securing and supporting de-
fixing the door in the open position. vices in way of these securing devices is to be designed with Only the active supporting and securing devices redundancy so that in the event of failure of any single secur-
having an effective stiffness in the relevant direction are to be ing or supporting device the remaining devices are capable to
included and considered to calculate the reaction forces acting withstand the reaction forces without exceeding by more than
on the devices. Small and/or flexible devices such as cleats in- 20 percent the permissible stresses as given in
tended to provide load compression of the packing material For visor doors, two securing devices are to be
are not generally to be included in the calculations called for provided at the lower part of the door, each capable of provid-
in The number of securing and supporting devices is ing the full reaction force required to prevent opening of the
generally to be the minimum practical whilst taking into ac- door within the permissible stresses given in The
count the requirements for redundant provision given in opening moment Mo, in [kNm], to be balanced by this reaction and and the available space for adequate force, is not to be taken less than:
support in the hull structure.
Mo = 10 ⋅ W ⋅ d + 5 ⋅ Ax ⋅ a For opening outwards visor doors, the pivot ar-
rangement is generally to be such that the visor is self closing where:
under external loads, that is My > 0. Moreover, the closing d = vertical distance, in [m], from the hinge
moment My as given in is not to be less than: axis to the centre of gravity of the door,
as shown in Figure;
My0 = 10 ⋅ W ⋅ c + 0,1 ⋅ (a 2
+ b 2 Fx2 + Fz2 ) a = as defined in Securing and supporting devices are to be ade- For visor doors, the securing and supporting de-
quately designed so that they can withstand the reaction forces vices excluding the hinges are to be capable of resisting the
within the permissible stresses given in vertical design force (Fz - 10 ⋅ W), in [kN], within the permis-
sible stresses given in For visor doors the reaction forces applied on the
effective securing and supporting devices assuming the door All load transmitting elements in the design load
as a rigid body are determined for the following combination path, from door through securing and supporting devices into
of external loads acting simultaneously together with the self the ship structure, including welded connections, are to be to
weight of the door: the same strength standard as required for the securing and
supporting devices. These elements include pins, supporting The indication panel is to be provided with a
brackets and back-up brackets. lamp test function. It is not to be possible to turn off the indi-
cator light. For side-opening doors, thrust bearing has to be
provided in way of girder ends at the closing of the two leaves The indicator system is to be designed on the
to prevent one leaf to shift towards the other one under effect fail safe principle and is to show by visual alarms if the door
of unsymmetrical pressure (see example of Figure is not fully closed and not fully locked and by audible alarms
Each part of the thrust bearing has to be kept secured on the if securing devices become open or locking devices become
other part by means of securing devices. Any other arrange- unsecured. The power supply for the indicator system for op-
ment serving the same purpose may be proposed. erating and closing doors is to be independent of the power
supply for operating and closing the door and is to be provided
with a back-up power supply from the emergency source of
power or other secure power supply. The sensor of indicator
system is to be protected from water, ice formation, and me-
chanical damages.
Note: The indicator system is considered designed on
the fail - safe principal when:
1) The indication panel is provided with:
- a power failure alarm
- an earth failure alarm
- a lamp test
- separate indication for door closed,
door locked, door not closed and door
not locked.
2) Limit switches electrically closed when the
door is closed (when more limit switches
Thrust Bearing
are provided they may be connected in se- Securing and locking arrangement ries).
3) Limit switches electrically closed when Securing devices are to be simple to operate and securing arrangements are in place (when
easily accessible. Securing devices are to be equipped with more limit switches are provided they may
mechanical locking arrangement (self locking or separate ar- be connected in series).
rangement), or be of the gravity type. The opening and closing 4) Two electrical circuits (also in one multi-
systems as well as securing and locking devices are to be in- core cable), one for the indication of door
terlocked in such a way that can only operate in the proper se- closed / not closed and the other for door
quence. locked / not locked.
5) In case of dislocation of limit switches, in- Bow doors and inner doors giving access to ve- dication to show : not closed / not locked /
hicle decks are to be provided with an arrangement for remote securing arrangement not in place - as ap-
control, from a position above the freeboard deck, of: propriate.
- the closing and opening of the doors, and
- associated securing and locking devices The indication panel on the navigation bridge is
for every door. to be equipped with a mode selection function "harbour/sea
voyage", so arranged that audible alarm is given on the navi-
Indication of the open/closed position of every
gation bridge if the vessel leaves harbour with the bow door or
securing and locking device is to be provided at the remote
inner door not closed or with any of the securing devices not
control stations. The operating panels for operation of doors
in the correct position.
are to be inaccessible to unauthorised persons. A notice plate,
giving instructions to the effect that all securing devices are to A water leakage detection system with audible
be closed and locked before leaving harbour, is to be placed at alarm and television surveillance is to be arranged to provide
each operating panel and is to be supplemented by warning an indication to the navigation bridge and to the engine control
indicator lights. room of leakage through the inner door. Where hydraulic devices are applied, the system See Note in item
is to be mechanically lockable in closed position. This means Between the bow door and the inner door a tele-
that, in the event of loss of the hydraulic fluid, the securing vision surveillance system is to be fitted with a monitor on the
devices remain locked. navigation bridge and in the engine control room. The system
The hydraulic system for securing and locking must monitor the position of doors and a sufficient number of
devices is to be isolated from other hydraulic circuits, when in their securing devices. Special consideration is to be given for
closed position. lighting and contrasting colour of objects under surveillance. Separate indicator lights and audible alarms are See Note in item
to be provided on the navigation bridge and on the operating A drainage system is to be arranged in the area
panel to show that the bow door and inner door are closed and between bow door and ramp, as well as in the area between
that their securing and locking devices are properly positioned. the ramp and inner door where fitted. The system is to be
equipped with an audible alarm function to the navigation
bridge for water level in these areas exceeding 0,5 [m] above 7.4.2 Side shell doors and stern doors
the car deck level.
See Note in item General For ro-ro passenger ships on international voy- These requirements are for the arrangement,
ages, the special category spaces and ro-ro spaces are to be
strength and securing of side shell doors, abaft the collision
continuously patrolled or monitored by effective means, such
bulkhead, and stern doors leading to enclosed spaces.
as television surveillance, so that any movement of vehicles in
adverse weather conditions or unauthorised access by passen- The requirements apply to all ro-ro passenger
gers thereto, can be detected whilst the ship is underway. ships and ro-ro cargo ships engaged on international voyages
and also to ro-ro passenger ships and ro-ro cargo ships en- Operating and maintenance manual gaged only in domestic (non-international) voyages, except
where specifically indicated otherwise herein. An operating and maintenance manual for the The requirements are not applicable to high
bow door and inner door is to be provided on board and is to speed, light displacement craft as defined in the IMO Code of
contain necessary information on: Safety for High Speed Craft.
- main particulars and design drawings;
special safety precautions Arrangement of doors
details of vessel
equipment and design loading (for ramps) Stern doors for passenger vessels are to be situ-
key plan of equipment (doors and ramps) ated above the freeboard deck. Stern doors for Ro-Ro cargo
manufacturer’s recommended testing for ships and side shell doors may be either below or above the
equipment freeboard deck..
description of equipment for
bow doors Side shell doors and stern doors are to be so fit-
inner bow doors ted as to ensure tightness and structural integrity commensu-
bow ramp/doors rate with their location and the surrounding structure.
side doors Where the sill of any side shell door is below the
stern doors uppermost load line, the arrangement is to be specially consid-
central power pack ered.
bridge panel
engine control room panel Doors should preferably open outwards.
- service conditions
limiting heel and trim of ship for load- Definitions
ing/unloading For definitions see item
limiting heel and trim for door operations
doors/ramps operating instructions Strength criteria
doors/ramps emergency operating instruc-
tions Primary structure and securing and support-
- maintenance ing devices
schedule and extent of maintenance
trouble shooting and acceptable clearances Scantlings of the primary members, securing and
manufacturer’s maintenance procedures supporting devices of side shell doors and stern doors are to be
- register of inspections and repairs, includ- determined to withstand the design loads defined in,
ing inspection of locking, securing and using the following permissible stresses:
supporting devices, and repairs and renew- shear stress: τ = 80 , [N/mm2]
als. k
This manual is to be submitted to the Register 120
for approval that the above mentioned items are contained in bending stress: σ= , [N/mm2]
the OMM and that the maintenance part includes the necessary k
information with regard to inspections, trouble-shooting and
equivalent stress: σc = σ 2 + 3τ 2 = 150 , [N/mm2]
acceptance / rejection criteria. k
Note: It is recommended that recorded inspections of where k is the material factor as given in Rules, Part 2 - Hull,
the door supporting and securing devices be carried out by the 1.4, but is not to be taken less than 0.72 unless a direct
ship’s staff at monthly intervals or following incidents that strength analysis with regard to relevant modes of failures is
could result in damage, including heavy weather or contact in carried out.
the region of the shell doors. The buckling strength of primary members is to
Any damages recorded during inspections of the be verified as being adequate.
door supporting and securing devices, carried out by the ship's For steel to steel bearings in securing and sup-
staff, are to be reported to the Register.
porting devices, the nominal bearing pressure calculated by Documented operating procedures for closing dividing the design force by the projected bearing area is not
and securing the bow door and inner door are to be kept on to exceed 0,8 σF , where σF is the yield stress of the bearing
board and posted at appropriate place. material. For other bearing materials, the permissible bearing
pressure is to be determined according to the manufacturer's The external pressure applied on stern doors is derived
specification. from the formula considered in for bow doors,
assuming: The arrangement of securing and supporting de-
α = 0°
vices is to be such that threaded bolts do not carry support
forces. The maximum tension in way of threads bolts not car-
β = 90°
V = 2 knots
rying support forces is not to exceed 125/k [N/mm2], with k
defined in Moreover, for stern doors of ships fitted with
bow doors, Pe is not to be taken less than: The buckling strength of primary members is to
Pe = 0,6 λ CH (0,8 + 0,6L0.5 ) 2
be verified as being adequate.
where: For steel to steel bearings in securing and sup- λ = coefficient depending on the area where
porting devices, the nominal bearing pressure calculated by the ship is intended to be operated:
dividing the design force by the projected bearing area is not = 1, for sea going ships, all navigation areas
to exceed 0.8 σF, where σF is the yield stress of the bearing = 0,8, for ships operated in coastal waters,
material. For other bearing materials, the permissible bearing navigation areas 5, 6, 7 and 8
pressure is to be determined according to the manufacturer's = 0,5, for ships operated in sheltered waters,
specification. navigation areas 7 and 8. Design loads Navigation area, coastal waters and sheltered
waters, are defined in Rules, Part 1 - General requirements, The design forces, in [kN], considered for the Chapter 1 - General information, 4.2.
scantlings of primary members, securing and supporting de- CH = 0.0125⋅L, for L < 80m
vices of side shell doors and stern doors are to be not less than:
= 1, for L ≥ 80m Design forces for securing or supporting devices L = ship's length, in [m], but need not be taken
of doors opening inwards: greater than 200 metres,
external force: Fe = Ape + Fp T = draught, in [m], at the highest subdivision
internal force: Fi = Fo + 10 W load line,
ZG = height of the centre of area of the door, in Design forces for securing or supporting devices
[m], above the baseline.
of doors opening outwards:
external force: F e = A ⋅p e Scantlings of side shell doors and stern doors
internal force: Fi = Fo + 10 W + Fp Design forces for primary structural members: General
external force: Fe = A p e
internal force: Fi = Fo + 10 W The strength of side shell doors and stern doors
whichever is the greater, is to be commensurate with that of the surrounding structure.
where: Side shell doors and stern doors are to be ade-
A = area, in [m2], of the door opening, quately stiffened and means are to be provided to prevent any
W = mass of the door, in [t], lateral or vertical movement of the doors when closed. Ade-
Fp = total packing force, in [kN], packing line quate strength is to be provided in the connections of the lift-
pressure is normally not to be taken less ing/manoeuvring arms and hinges to the door structure and to
than 5 N/mm, the ship's structure.
Fo = the greater of Fc and 5A, in [kN],
Fc = accidental force, in [kN], due to loose of Where doors also serve as vehicle ramps, the de-
cargo etc., to be uniformly distributed sign of the hinges should take into account the ship angle of
over the area A and not to be taken less trim and heel, which may result in uneven loading on the
than 300 kN. For small doors such as hinges.
bunker doors and pilot doors, the value Shell door openings are to have well-rounded
of Fc may be appropriately reduced. corners and adequate compensation is to be arranged with web
However, the value of Fc may be taken frames at sides and stringers or equivalent above and below.
as zero, provided an additional structure
such as an inner ramp is fitted, which is Plating and secondary stiffeners
capable of protecting the door from ac-
cidental forces due to loose cargoes. The thickness of the door plating is not to be less
pe = external design pressure, in [kN/m2], de- than the required thickness for the side shell plating, using the
termined at the centre of gravity of the door stiffener spacing, but in no case less than the minimum
door opening and not taken less than: required thickness of shell plating.
pe = 10 ( T - ZG ) + 25, in [kN/mm2], Where doors serve as vehicle ramps, the plating
for ZG < T thickness is to be not less than required for vehicle decks.
pe = 25 kN/mm2, for ZG > T
Note: The section modulus of horizontal or vertical
stiffeners is not to be less than that required for side framing.
Consideration is to be given, where necessary, to differences The arrangement of securing devices and sup-
in fixity between ship's frames and door stiffeners. porting devices in way of these securing devices is to be de-
Where doors serve as vehicle ramps, the stiff- signed with redundancy so that in the event of failure of any
ener scantlings are not to be less than required for vehicle single securing or supporting device the remaining devices are
decks. capable to withstand the reaction forces without exceeding by
more than 20 per cent the permissible stresses as given in Primary structure All load transmitting elements in the design load The secondary stiffeners are to be supported by
path, from the door through securing and supporting devices
primary members constituting the main stiffening of the door.
into the ship's structure, including welded connections, are to The primary members and the hull structure in be to the same strength standard as required for the securing
way are to have sufficient stiffness to ensure structural integ- and supporting devices. These elements include pins, support
rity of the boundary of the door. brackets and back-up brackets. Scantlings of the primary members are generally Securing and locking arrangement
to be supported by direct strength calculations in association
with the design forces given in and permissible stresses Systems for operation
given in
Normally, formulae for simple beam theory may Securing devices are to be simple to operate and
be applied to determine the bending stresses. Members are to easily accessible. Securing devices are to be equipped with
be considered to have simply supported end connections. mechanical locking arrangement (self locking or separate ar-
rangement), or are to be of the gravity type. The opening and Securing and supporting of doors closing systems as well as securing and locking devices are to
be interlocked in such a way that they can only operate in the General proper sequence. Side shell doors and stern doors are to be fitted Doors which are located partly or totally below
with adequate means of securing and supporting so as to be the freeboard deck with a clear opening area greater than 6 m2
commensurate with the strength and stiffness of the surround- are to be provided with an arrangement for remote control,
ing structure. The hull supporting structure in way of the doors from a position above the freeboard deck, of:
is to be suitable for the same design loads and design stresses - the closing and opening of the doors
as the securing and supporting devices. - associated securing and locking devices.
Where packing is required, the packing material For doors which are required to be equipped
is to be of a comparatively soft type, and the supporting forces with a remote control arrangement, indication of the
are to be carried by the steel structure only. Other types of open/closed position of the door and the securing and locking
packing may be considered. device is to be provided at the remote control stations. The op-
erating panels for operation of doors are to be inaccessible to
Maximum design clearance between securing unauthorised persons. A notice plate, giving instructions to the
and supporting devices is not generally to exceed 3 mm. effect that all securing devices are to be closed and locked be-
A means is to be provided for mechanically fix- fore leaving harbour, is to be placed at each operating panel
ing the door in the open position. and is to be supplemented by warning indicator lights. Only the active supporting and securing devices Where hydraulic securing devices are applied,
having an effective stiffness in the relevant direction are to be the system is to be mechanically lockable in closed position.
included and considered to calculate the reaction forces acting This means that, in the event of loss of the hydraulic fluid, the
on the devices. Small and/or flexible devices such as cleats in- securing devices remain locked.
tended to provide local compression of the packing material The hydraulic system for securing and locking
are not generally to be included in the calculations called for devices is to be isolated from other hydraulic circuits, when
in The number of securing and supporting devices closed position.
are generally to be the minimum practical whilst taking into
account the requirement for redundant provision given in Systems for indication/monitoring and the available space for adequate support in the
hull structure. The following requirements apply to doors in the
boundary of special category spaces or ro-ro spaces, see the Scantlings Rules, Part 17 - Fire protection, 2.2, through which such
spaces may be flooded. Securing and supporting devices are to be ade-
quately designed so that they can withstand the reaction forces For cargo ships, where no part of the door is be-
within the permissible stresses given in low the uppermost waterline and the area of the door opening
is not greater than 6 m2, then the requirements of this section The distribution of the reaction forces acting on need not be applied.
the securing devices and supporting devices may require to be
supported by direct calculations taking into account the flexi- Separate indicator lights and audible alarms are
bility of the hull structure and the actual position of the sup- to be provided on the navigation bridge and on each operating
ports. panel to indicate that the doors are closed and that their secur-
ing and locking devices are properly positioned.
the requirements of The height of the sills is to
be at least 600 mm in position 1 and at least 380 mm in posi-
tion 2.
7.6.5 In Type "A" ships and also in Type "B" ships
which are permitted to have the tabular freeboard less than l +l1
that prescribed by ICLL, 1966, the engine and boiler casings
are to be protected by enclosed poop or bridge of at least stan-
dard height, or by a deckhouse of equal height and equivalent
strength. However, engine and boiler casings may be exposed Figure 7.7.3
if there are no openings giving direct access from the free-
board deck to the machinery space. A door complying with Table 7.7.3-1
requirements of to may, however, be permitted
in the machinery casing provided that it leads to a space or Casing Height of Minimum
passageway which is as strongly constructed as the casing and Dimensions Press Thickness
is separated form the stairway to the engine and boiler room l x b, [mm] h, [mm] s, [mm]
by a second similar door. The opening for the outside door is steel
to be provided with a sill at least 600 mm in height, and that 450 x 600 25 4
light alloy
for the inside door with a sill of at least 230 mm in height. steel
600 x 600 28 4
7.6.6 In supply vessels the doors in the casings giving light alloy
access to the engine or boiler rooms are to be located, where steel 4
700 x 700 40
possible, inside the enclosed superstructure or deckhouse. light alloy 6
steel 4
The door in the casing for access to the engine or 800 x 800 55
light alloy 6
boiler room may be fitted directly on the open cargo provided
that, in addition to the first outside door, the second inside steel 5
800 x 1200 55
door is fitted; in this case, the outside and inside doors shall light alloy 6
satisfy the requirements of to, the height of the 1000 x 1400 steel 90 5
outside door sill is to be at least 600 mm, and of the inside On small vessels with a deck plating less than 6
door sill, at least 230 mm. mm in thickness, the thickness of the cover may be equal to
the thickness of the deck, but not less than 4 mm.
7.7 COMPANION HATCHES, 7.7.4 Covers of companion hatches, skylights and
SKYLIGHTS AND VENTILATING ventilating trunks are to have securing devices workable at
TRUNKS least from outside of the hatch. However, where the hatches
are used as emergency exits in addition to their primary appli-
7.7.1 Deck openings in positions 1 and 2 intended for cation, the securing devices are to be capable of being oper-
stairways to the ship's spaces located below as well as light ated from each side of the cover.
and air openings to these spaces are to be protected by strong When secured, the covers are to be weathertight.
companion hatches, skylights and ventilating trunks. The tightness is to be provided by a rubber or other suitable
Where the openings intended for stairways to the gasket.
ship's spaces located below are protected by superstructures or 7.7.5 The glass for windows in the covers of skylights
deckhouse instead of companion hatches, these superstructures is to be hardened and at least 6 mm thick if the inner diameter
or deckhouse shall comply with the requirements of 7.5. is 150 mm and below, and at least 12 mm with the inner di-
7.7.2 The height of coamings of companion hatches, ameter of 450 mm.
skylights and ventilating trunks is to be at least 600 mm in po- For intermediate inner diameters, the thickness
sition 1 and at least 450 mm in position 2. of glass is to be determined by liner interpolation. However,
where wire-reinforced glass is used, its thickness may be 5
mm, and the requirement relating to its hardening is not to be 7.9 MANHOLES
Glass is to be efficiently attached to the covers 7.9.1 Covers of manholes are to be made of steel or
by means of a frame and have on its contour a weathertight other approved material.
gasket of rubber or other equivalent material.
Thickness of the covers is not to be less than that
Windows in the covers of skylights fitted in ma- of the plating on which they are fitted. In some cases it may be
chinery spaces shall comply with the requirements of the permitted to decrease the thickness of the covers provided the
Rules, Part 17 - Fire protection, 2.1. thickness of plating is greater than 12 mm.
7.7.6 Each window or group of adjacent windows is to 7.9.2 The covers of manholes are to be efficiently at-
be provided with portable shields of the same material as the tached to the coaming or doubling ring by means of bolts or
cover being at least 3 mm in thickness and capable of being pins with nuts.
efficiently fastened outside the cover by means of ear-nuts;
such portable shields are to be stowed adjacent to the sky- 7.9.3 When secured, the covers are to be tight under
lights. inner pressure of water or other liquids, for which the tanks
are intended, up to the top of the air pipe. The tightness is to
be provided by a rubber or other suitable gasket. The gasket is
7.8 VENTILATORS to be resistant to the liquid cargoes referred to above.
tual freeboard deck may be as required for a superstructure For evaluation of scantling of hatch covers and
deck, provided the summer freeboard is such that the resulting hatch coamings of cargo holds of bulk carriers, ore carriers
draught will not be greater than that corresponding to the min- and combination carriers, see 7.10.8.
imum freeboard calculated from an assumed freeboard deck
situated at a distance equal to a standard superstructure height Definition
hN below the actual freeboard deck.
ICLL Where ICLL is referred to in the text, this is to Coamings are not to be required for hatchways be taken as the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966
below the freeboard deck or within weathertight closed super- as amended by the 1988 protocol, as amended in 2003.
structure unless they are required for the strength purposes. Hatch cover types Coamings which are 600 mm or more in height
are to be stiffened by a horizontal stiffener. Where the unsup-
ported height of a coaming exceeds 1,2 m additional stiffeners Single skin cover
are to be arranged. Additional stiffeners may be dispensed A hatch cover made of steel or equivalent mate-
with if this is justified by the ship's service and if sufficient rial that is designed to comply with ICLL Regulation 16. The
strength is verified (e.g. in case of container ships). cover has continuous top and side plating, but is open under- For hatch way coamings which are designed on neath with the stiffening structure exposed. The cover is
the basis of strength calculations as well as for hatch girders, weathertight and fitted with gaskets and clamping devices un-
cantilevers and pillars, see Part 2, Section 9. less such fittings are specifically excluded.
For structural members welded to coamings and Double skin cover
for cutouts in the top of coaming sufficient fatigue strength
A hatch cover as above but with continuous bot-
according to Part 2, Section 16 is to be verified.
tom plating such that all the stiffening structure and internals Hatchway coamings are to be adequately sup- are protected from the environment.
ported by stays. Pontoon type cover Hatch coamings and supporting structures are to
be adequately stiffened to accommodate the loading from A special type of portable cover, secured weath-
hatch covers, in longitudinal, transverse and vertical direc- ertight by tarpaulins and battening devices. Such covers are to
tions. be designed in accordance with ICLL Regulation 15 and are
not covered by these requirements.
Coaming stays are to be supported by appropri-
ate substructures. Clarification note:
Under deck structures are to be designed under
consideration of permissible stresses according to Modern hatch cover designs of lift-away-covers
are in many cases called pontoon covers. This definition does Adequate safety against buckling according to not fit to the definition above. Modern lift-away hatch cover
Section 4, 4.6 is to be proved for longitudinal coamings which designs should belong to one of the two categories single skin
are part of the longitudinal hull structure. covers or double skin cover. The connection of the coamings to the deck at Positions
the hatchway corners is to be carried out with special care. For
bulk carriers, see also Part 2, Section 17, 17.2.8. The hatchways are classified according to their
position as follows: For rounding of hatchway corners, see also Part
2, Section 6, 6.1.3. Position 1 Upon exposed freeboard and raised quarter-
decks, and upon exposed superstructure decks For application of the corrosion margin required situated forward of a point located a quarter of
by Regulation 16 (5)(d) of the ICLL, 1996 (Res. MSC. ship’s length from forward perpendicular.
143(77), see 7.10.7, and IACS Unified Interpretation
Position 2 Upon exposed superstructure decks situated
7.10.2 Evaluation of scantlings of hatch covers and abaft a quarter of the ship’s length from the for-
hatch coamings and closing arrangements of ward perpendicular and located at least one
cargo holds of ships standard height of the superstructure above the
freeboard deck. Application Upon exposed superstructure decks situated
forward of a point located a quarter of the ship’s
The requirements of the Section 7.10.2 to Sec- length from the forward perpendicular and lo-
tion 7.10.7 apply to all ships except bulk carriers, ore carriers cated at least two standard height of the super-
and combination carriers, as defined in the Rules, Part 1 – structure above the freeboard deck.
General Requirements, Chapter 1 – General Information,, and are for all cargo hatch covers and coamings on Material
exposed decks.
These requirements are in addition to the re- Hatch covers and coamings are to be made of
quirements of the ICLL. material in accordance with the definitions of the Rules, Part 2
– Hull, 1.4.2. A material class I is to be applied for top plate, Where an increased freeboard is assigned, the
bottom plate and primary supporting members. design load for hatch covers according to Tab. on
the actual freeboard deck may be as required for a superstruc- General requirements ture deck, provided the summer freeboard is such that the re-
sulting draught will not be greater than that corresponding to
Primary supporting members and secondary the minimum freeboard calculated from an assumed freeboard
stiffeners of hatch covers are to be continuous over the breadth deck situated at a distance at least equal to the standard super-
and length of hatch covers, as far as practical. When this is structure height hN below the actual freeboard deck, see
impractical, sniped end connections are not to be used and ap- Fig.
propriate arrangements are to be adopted to provide sufficient
load carrying capacity.
The spacing of primary supporting members
parallel to the direction of secondary stiffeners is not to exceed
1/3 of the span of primary supporting members. When
strength calculation is carried out by FE analysis using plane
strain or shell elements, this requirement can be waived.
Secondary stiffeners of hatch coamings are to be
continuous over the breadth and length of hatch coamings.
on freeboard deck
9,81 x
⋅ (4,28 ⋅ LLL + 28) ⋅ − 1,71 ⋅ LLL + 95
76 LLL
9 ,81
⋅ (1, 5 ⋅ L LL + 116 )
76 upon exposed superstructure decks located at least one superstructure standard
height above the freeboard deck
⋅ (1,5 ⋅ LLL + 116)
on freeboard deck for ships with less freeboard than type B according to ICLL
9,81⋅ 3,5 x
9,81 ⋅ (0,1452 ⋅ L1 − 8,52 ) ⋅ − 0,1089 ⋅ L1 + 9,89
L1 = LLL but not more than 340 m
(1,1⋅ LLL + 87,6)
9,81 ⋅ 2,1
upon exposed superstructure decks located at least one superstructure standard height above the lowest Position 2
9,81 ⋅ 2,1
2** 2
2 1* 1*
Freeboard Deck 1 1 1
0,25 LLL
Length LLL
* reduced load upon exposed superstructure decks located at least one superstructure standard height above the
freeboard deck
** reduced load upon exposed superstructure decks of vessels with LLL > 100 m located at least one superstructure
standard height above the lowest Position 2 deck
2** 2**
2** 2 2
Actual Freeboard Deck 2 2 1*
Assumed Freeboard Deck ≥ hN
0,25 LLL
Length LLL
* reduced load upon exposed superstructure decks located at least one superstructure standard height above the
freeboard deck
** reduced load upon exposed superstructure decks of vessels with LLL > 100 m located at least one superstruc-
ture standard height above the lowest Position 2 deck
P = 9,81 (1 + aV )
av =acceleration addition according to
M = maximum designed mass of container
stack, in [t]. The loads, in [kN], applied at each corner of a
container stack, and resulting from heave, pitch, and the ship's
rolling motion (i.e. ship in heel condition) are to be deter- Figure Forces due to container loads
mined as follows, see also Fig
Heel direction Mixed stowage of 20’ and 40’ containers on Loads due to elastic deformations of the
hatch cover ship's hull
In the case of mixed stowage (20'+40' container Hatch covers, which in addition to the loads ac-
combined stack), the foot point forces at the fore and aft end cording to to are loaded in the ship's
of the hatch cover are not to be higher than resulting from the transverse direction by forces due to elastic deformations of
design stack weight for 40’ containers, and the foot point forc- the ship's hull, are to be designed such that the sum of stresses
es at the middle of the cover are not to be higher than resulting does not exceed the permissible values given in
from the design stack weight for 20’ containers.
7.10.3 Hatch cover strength criteria Local net plate thickness Permissible stresses and deflections The local net plate thickness t, in [mm], of the
hatch cover top plating is not to be less than: Stresses p
t = Fp ⋅ 15,8 ⋅ s
0,95 ⋅ σ F
The equivalent stress σv in steel hatch cover
structures related to the net thickness shall not exceed 0,8·σF, and to be not less than 1% of the spacing of the stiffener or 6
where σF is the minimum yield stress, in [N/mm2], of the ma- mm if that be greater.
terial. For design loads according to to, Fp = factor for combined membrane and bending re-
the equivalent stress σv related to the net thickness shall not sponse,
exceed 0,9 ·σF when the stresses are assessed by means of = 1,5 in general,
= σ , for σ
For steels with a minimum yield stress of more 1,9 ⋅ ≥ 0,8 for the attached plate flange
than 355 N/mm2, the value of σF to be applied throughout this
σa σa
requirement is subject to the Register but is not to be more of primary supporting members,
than the minimum yield stress of the material. where:
For grillage analysis, the equivalent stress may s = stiffener spacing, in [m],
be taken as follows: p = pressure pH and pL, in [kN/m2], as defined in
σ V = σ + 3τ 2 , in [N/mm²],,
where: σ = maximum normal stress, in [N/mm2], of hatch
σ = normal stress, in [N/mm²], cover top plating, determined according to Fig.
τ = shear stress, in [N/mm²].,
For FEM calculations, the equivalent stress may σa = 0,8 ⋅ σ F , in [N/mm2].
be taken as follows:
For flange plates under compression sufficient
σ V = σ x 2 − σ x ⋅ σ y + σ y 2 + 3τ 2 , in [N/mm²] buckling strength according to is to be demonstrated.
σx = normal stress, in [N/mm²], in x-direction,
σy = normal stress, in [N/mm²], in y-direction,
τ = shear stress, in [N/mm²], in the x-y plane.
Indices x and y are coordinates of a two-
dimensional Cartesian system in the plane of the considered
structural element.
In case of FEM calculations using shell or plane
strain elements, the stresses are to be read from the centre of
the individual element. It is to be observed that, in particular,
at flanges of unsymmetrical girders, the evaluation of stress
from element centre may lead to non-conservative results.
Thus, a sufficiently fine mesh is to be applied in these cases
or, the stress at the element edges shall not exceed the allow-
able stress. Where shell elements are used, the stresses are to
be evaluated at the mid plane of the element.
Stress concentrations are to be assessed to the
satisfaction of the Register.
Figure Determination of normal stress of the Deflection hatch cover plating
The vertical deflection of primary supporting Local net plate thickness of hatch covers for
members due to the vertical weather design load according to wheel loading is to be not more than 0,0056⋅lg where lg is the
greatest span of primary supporting members. The local net plate thickness of hatch covers for
wheel loading have to be derived from the Rules, Part 2 –
Note: Hull, Section 6.
Where hatch covers are arranged for carrying
containers and mixed stowage is allowed, i.e., a 40'-container Lower plating of double skin hatch covers
stowed on top of two 20'-containers, particular attention and box girders
should be paid to the deflections of hatch covers. Further the
possible contact of deflected hatch covers with in hold cargo The thickness to fulfill the strength requirements
has to be observed. is to be obtained from the calculation according to
under consideration of permissible stresses according to The net section modulus of the secondary stiff- eners is to be determined based on an attached plate width as-
When the lower plating is taken into account as sumed equal to the stiffener spacing.
a strength member of the hatch cover, the net thickness, in For flat bar secondary stiffeners and buckling
mm, of lower plating is to be taken not less than 5 mm. When stiffeners, the ratio h/tw is to be not greater than 15・k0.5,
project cargo is intended to be carried on a hatch cover, the net where:
thickness must not be less than: h = height of the stiffener,
t = 6,5⋅s, in [mm], tw = net thickness of the stiffener,
where: k = 235/σF.
s = stiffener spacing, in [m]. Stiffeners parallel to primary supporting mem-
Note: bers and arranged within the effective breadth according to
Project cargo means especially large or bulky must be continuous at crossing primary supporting
cargo lashed to the hatch cover. Examples are parts of cranes member and may be regarded for calculating the cross sec-
or wind power stations, turbines, etc. Cargoes that can be tional properties of primary supporting members. It is to be
considered as uniformly distributed over the hatch cover, e.g., verified that the combined stress of those stiffeners induced by
timber, pipes or steel coils need not to be considered as pro- the bending of primary supporting members and lateral pres-
ject cargo. sures does not exceed the permissible stresses according to
When the lower plating is not considered as a The requirements of this paragraph are not applied
strength member of the hatch cover, the thickness of the lower to stiffeners of lower plating of double skin hatch covers if the
plating should be determined according to the Rules, Part 2 - lower plating is not considered as strength member.
Hull. For hatch cover stiffeners under compression
sufficient safety against lateral and torsional buckling accord- Net scantling of secondary stiffeners ing is to be verified.
For hatch covers subject to wheel loading or
The net section modulus W and net shear area As point loads stiffener scantlings are to be determined under
of uniformly loaded hatch cover stiffeners constraint at both consideration of the permissible stresses according to
ends must not be less than: or are to be determined according to the Rules, Part
2 – Hull, Section 6.
104 psl 2 , in [cm3], for design load ac-
σF Net scantling of primary supporting members
cording to;
93 psl 2 , in [cm3], for design load accord- Primary supporting members
σF Scantlings of primary supporting members are
ing to; obtained from calculations according to under con-
sideration of permissible stresses according to
10.8 psl , in [cm2], for design load ac-
AS = For all components of primary supporting mem-
σF bers sufficient safety against buckling must be verified accord-
cording to; ing to For biaxial compressed flange plates this is to
9.6 psl , in [cm2], for design load ac- be verified within the effective widths according to
AS =
σF The net thickness, in [mm], of webs of primary
cording to; supporting members shall not be less than:
t = 6,5⋅s , in [mm],
l = secondary stiffener span, in [m], to be
tmin = 5 mm,
taken as the spacing, in [m], of primary
supporting members or the distance be-
tween a primary supporting member and s = stiffener spacing, in [m].
the edge support, as applicable, Edge girders (Skirt plates)
s = secondary stiffener spacing, in [m],
p = pressure pH and pL, in [kN/m2], as de- Scantlings of edge girders are obtained from the
calculations according to under consideration of per-
fined in 7.10.2.
missible stresses according to
For secondary stiffeners of lower plating of dou-
ble skin hatch covers, requirements mentioned above are not The net thickness, in [mm], of the outer edge
applied due to the absence of lateral loads. girders exposed to wash of sea shall not be less than the larg-
est of the following values:
The net thickness, in mm, of the stiffener (except
U-beams/trapeze stiffeners) web is to be taken not less than 4 pA
t = 15,8 ⋅ s ⋅
mm. 0,95 ⋅ σ F
t = 8,5⋅s , in [mm],
l/e 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ≥8
em1 is to be applied where primary supporting members are loaded by uniformly distributed loads or else by not less than 6
equally spaced single loads
em2 is to be applied where primary supporting members are loaded by 3 or less single loads
Intermediate values may be obtained by direct interpolation.
l = length of zero-points of bending moment curve:
l = l0 for simply supported primary supporting members
l = 0,6 · l0 for primary supporting members with both ends constraint,
where l0 is the unsupported length of the primary supporting member
e = width of plating supported, measured from centre to centre of the adjacent unsupported fields General requirements for FEM calculations Buckling stiffeners may be disregarded for the stress calcula-
For strength calculations of hatch covers by
means of finite elements, the cover geometry shall be ideal- Buckling strength of hatch cover structures
ized as realistically as possible. Element size must be appro-
priate to account for effective breadth. In no case element For hatch cover structures sufficient buckling
width shall be larger than stiffener spacing. In way of force strength is to be demonstrated.
transfer points and cutouts the mesh has to be refined where The buckling strength assessment of coaming
applicable. The ratio of element length to width shall not ex- parts is to be done according to the Rules, Part 2 – Hull, 4.6.
ceed 4.
The element height of webs of primary support-
ing member must not exceed one-third of the web height. a = length of the longer side of a single plate field, in
Stiffeners, supporting plates against pressure loads, have to be [mm], (x-direction), see Fig.,
included in the idealization. Stiffeners may be modelled by us- b = breadth of the shorter side of a single plate field, in
ing shell elements, plane stress elements or beam elements. [mm], (y-direction), see Fig.,
= 0,9 ⋅ E
Ψ = edge stress ratio taken equal to
= σ2 / σ1 where
σ1 = maximum compressive stress,
transverse stiffener σ2 = minimum compressive stress or tension stress.
longitudinal: stiffener in the direction of the length a S = safety factor (based on net scantling approach), taken
transverse: stiffener in the direction of the length b equal to:
= 1.25 for hatch covers when subjected to the vertical
Figure General arrangement of panel
weather design load according to,
Note: = 1.10 for hatch covers when subjected to loads accord-
If stresses in the x- and y-direction already con- ing to to
tain the Poisson-effect (calculated using FEM), the following λ = reference degree of slenderness, taken equal to:
modified stress values may be used. Both stresses σx* and σy*
are to be compressive stresses, in order to apply the stress re- = σF
duction according to the following formulae: K ⋅σ e
σ x = (σ x* − 0,3 ⋅ σ *y ) 0,91 K = buckling factor according to Table
σ y = (σ − 0,3 ⋅ σ
x ) 0,91 Proof of top and lower hatch cover plating
σ x * , σ y* = stresses containing the Poisson-effect
Proof is to be provided that the following condition is com-
Where compressive stress fulfils the condition plied with for the single plate field a ⋅ b:
σy*< 0,3⋅σx*, then σy = 0 and σx = σx*. e3
σx ⋅S
σ ⋅S
Where compressive stress fulfils the condition σ x ⋅σ y ⋅ S 2 τ ⋅ S ⋅ 3 ≤1,0
+ y − B +
σx* < 0,3⋅σy*, then σx = 0 and σy = σy*. K x ⋅σ F K y ⋅σ F σ F2
Kτ ⋅ σ F
F1 = correction factor for boundary condition at
the longitudinal stiffeners according to Table
The first two terms and the last term of the
above condition shall not exceed 1,0.
The reduction factors κx, κy and κτ are given in
Where σx ≤ 0 (tension stress), κx = 1,0.
Where σy ≤ 0 (tension stress), κy = 1,0.
The exponents e1, e2 and e3 as well as the factor
B are to be taken as given by Table
Exponents e1 - e3 and
Plate panel
factor B
e1 1 + κ x4
e2 1 + κ y4
e3 1 + κ x ⋅ κ y ⋅ κ τ2
σx and σy positive (κ x ⋅ κ y )5
(compression stress)
σx or σy negative 1
(tension stress)
Table Buckling and reduction factors for plane elementary plate panels
Asp. ratio
Buckling- Edge stress ratio
α = ab Buckling factor K Reduction factor κ
Load Case ψ
1 8,4 κx =1 for λ ≤ λc
1 ≥ψ ≥ 0 K=
ψ + 1,1
1 0,22
κ x = c − for λ > λc
0 > ψ > −1 K = 7,63 − ψ (6,26 − 10ψ ) λ λ2
α ≥1
c = (1,25 − 0,12ψ ) ≤ 1,25
ψ ≤ −1 K = (1 − ψ )2 ⋅ 5,975 c 0,88
λc = 1+ 1−
2 c
2 1 R + F 2 (H − R )
1 ≥ψ ≥ 0 α ≥1 1 2,1
κ y = c −
K = F1 1 + 2 ⋅
α (ψ + 1,1) λ λ2
3 1
4 0,425 + 2
1 ≥ψ ≥ 0
3ψ + 1
α >0
K = 4 0,425 + 2 (1 + ψ ) κx =1 for λ ≤ 0,7
0 > ψ ≥ −1 α
− 5ψ (1 − 3,42ψ ) 1
κx = 2
for λ > 0,7
4 λ + 0,51
1 3 −ψ
1 ≥ ψ ≥ −1 α >0 K = 0,425 + 2
α 2
K = Kτ ⋅ 3
κτ = 1 for λ ≤ 0,84
α ≥1 K τ = 5,34 + 2
=== α 0,84
κτ = for λ > 0,84
0 <α <1 5,34 λ
Kτ = 4 + 2
Explanations for boundary conditions ----- plate edge free
──── plate edge simply supported
For demonstration of buckling strength accord- Figure Stiffening parallel to web of primary
ing to through the effective width of supporting member
plating may be determined by the following formulae:
bm = κx⋅b , for longitudinal stiffeners b < em
am = κy⋅a , for transverse stiffeners e'm = n⋅bm
n = integer number of stiffener spacings b e″m2 = proportionate effective breadth em2 or pro-
inside the effective breadth em according portionate effective width e’m2 of primary sup-
to porting member 2 within the distance e, as ap-
int m
σx1, σx2 = normal stresses in flange plates of adjacent
primary supporting member 1 and 2 with
spacing e, based on cross-sectional properties
considering the effective breadth or effective
width, as appropriate,
y = distance of considered location from primary
supporting member 1.
Shear stress distribution in the flange plates may
be assumed linearly.
p zx = σ xl + 2 ⋅ c y ⋅ σ y + 2τ 1 , for lon-
b a
w1 =
5 ⋅ a ⋅ p ⋅ (n ⋅ b )4
, for transverse stiffeners.
gitudinal stiffeners 384 ⋅ 107 ⋅ E ⋅ I y ⋅ cs2
p zy = 2 ⋅ c x ⋅ σ xl + σ y 1+ + 2τ 1 [N/mm2]
a n ⋅b a ⋅t
i. For longitudinal stiffeners:
, for transverse stiffeners
A π2
σ xl = σ x 1 + x c fx = FKix ⋅ (
⋅ 1 + c px )
b ⋅t a2
cx, cy = factor taking into account the stresses per- 1
c px =
pendicular to the stiffener's axis and dis- 12 ⋅ 104 ⋅ I x
0,91 ⋅ − 1
tributed variable along the stiffener's t3 ⋅ b
length 1+
c xa
= 0,5 ⋅ (1 + ψ ) , for 0 ≤ ψ ≤ 1
for ψ < 0
a 2b
= , c xa = + , for a ≥ 2b
1 −ψ 2b a
A x, A y = net sectional area, in [mm2], of the longi- 2
a 2
tudinal or transverse stiffener, respec- c xa = 1 + , for a < 2b
tively, without attached plating 2b
m1 m2
τ 1 = τ − t σ F ⋅ E 2
+ 2 ≥ 0 , ii. For transverse stiffeners:
a b
for longitudinal stiffeners: c fy = cs ⋅ FKiy ⋅ (
⋅ 1 + c py )
(n ⋅ b )2
≥ 2,0 : m1 = 1,47 m2 = 0,49 1
b c py =
12 ⋅ 10 4 ⋅ I y
a 0,91 ⋅ − 1
< 2,0 : m1 = 1,96 m2 = 0,37 t ⋅a 3
b 1+
for transverse stiffeners: c ya
a 1,96 2
≥ 0,5 : m1 = 0,37 m2 = 2 n ⋅ b 2a
n⋅b n c ya = + , for n ⋅ b ≥ 2a ,
2a n ⋅ b
a 1,47
< 0,5 : m1 = 0,49 m2 = 2 2
n⋅b n n ⋅ b 2
c ya = 1 + , for n ⋅ b < 2a,
w = w0 + w1 2a
w0 = assumed imperfection, in [mm]
cs = factor accounting for the boundary con-
a b ditions of the transverse stiffener
w0 x ≤ min( , ,10) , for longitud. stiffeners,
250 250 = 1,0 , for simply supported stiffeners,
a n ⋅b = 2,0 , for partially constraint stiffeners.
w0 y ≤ min( , ,10) , for transverse stiffeners. Wst = net section modulus of stiffener (long. or
250 250
transverse), in [cm³], including effective
Note: width of plating according to
For stiffeners sniped at both ends wo must not
be taken less than the distance from the midpoint of plating to If no lateral load p is acting the bending stress σb
the neutral axis of the profile including effective width of plat- is to be calculated at the midpoint of the stiffener span for that
ing. fibre which results in the largest stress value. If a lateral load p
is acting, the stress calculation is to be carried out for both fi-
bres of the stiffener's cross sectional area (if necessary for the bf bf bf
biaxial stress field at the plating side).
tf Torsional buckling of secondary stiffeners tw tw tw tw
b1 b2
b1 Longitudinal secondary stiffeners
The longitudinal ordinary stiffeners are to com- C C C C
ply with the following criteria:
σx ⋅S ef = hw + tf / 2
≤ 1,0
KT ⋅ σ F
Figure Dimensions of stiffener
κT = coefficient taken equal to:
IP = net polar moment of inertia of the stiff-
κ T = 1,0 , for λT ≤ 0,2 ener, in [cm4], related to the point C,
IT = net St. Venant's moment of inertia of the
1 , for λT > 0,2
KT = stiffener, in [cm4],
Φ + Φ 2 − λT2
Iω = net sectorial moment of inertia of the stiff-
ener, in [cm6], related to the point C,
Φ = 0,5 1 + 0,21(λT − 0,2) + λT2 )
ε = degree of fixation taken equal to:
λT = reference degree of slenderness taken
equal to: ε = 1 + 10 −3
3 4
σF π ⋅ I ω b 3 + 4hw 3
λT = 4 t 3t w
σ KiT
hW = web height, in [mm],
E π 2 ⋅ I ω ⋅ 10 2 2
σ KiT =
ε + 0,385 ⋅ I T , in [N/mm ]. tw = net web thickness, in [mm],
Ip a bf = flange breadth, in [mm],
For IP, IT, Iω see Figure and Table tf = net flange thickness, in [mm], Aw = net web area equal to: Aw = hw ⋅ t w
e f = hw + , in [mm].
Section IP IT Iω
hw3 ⋅ t w hw ⋅ t w3 t hw3 ⋅ t w3
Flat bar 1 − 0,63 w
3⋅10 4 3 ⋅10 hw 36 ⋅10 6
2 e ⋅ hs ⋅ p A , in [mm]
tw = ⋅
σF hw
Example 3 Example 4
Figure Examples of coaming stays
e = spacing of coaming stays, in [m]
hs = height of coaming stays in [m]
hw = web height of coaming stay at its lower
end, in [m] Coaming stays under friction load
ts = corrosion addition, in [mm], according to
For coaming stays, which transfer friction forces
at hatch cover supports, fatigue strength is to be considered
For other designs of coaming stays, such as according to Rules, Part 2 - Hull, refer to
those shown in Fig., examples 3 and 4, the stresses
are to be determined through a grillage analysis or FEM. The Further requirements for hatch coamings
calculated stresses are to comply with the permissible stresses
according to Longitudinal strength
Coaming stays are to be supported by appropri-
ate substructures. Face plates may only be included in the cal- Hatch coamings which are part of the longitudi-
culation if an appropriate substructure is provided and welding nal hull structure are to be designed according to the require-
provides an adequate joint. ments for longitudinal strength of the Rules, Part 2 – Hull,
Section 4.
Webs are to be connected to the deck by fillet
welds on both sides with a throat thickness of a=0,44⋅tw. The For structural members welded to coamings and
size of welding for toes of webs at the lower end of coaming for cutouts in the top of coamings sufficient fatigue strength is
stays should be according to the Rules, Part 2 – Hull, Section to be verified according to Section 16.
15. Longitudinal hatch coamings with a length ex-
ceeding 0,1·L m are to be provided with tapered brackets or
equivalent transitions and a corresponding substructure at both
ends. At the end of the brackets they are to be connected to the
deck by full penetration welds of minimum 300 mm in length. Local details
hatch covers, in longitudinal, transverse and vertical direc- 7.10.6 Closing arrangements
Structures under deck are to be checked against Securing devices
the load transmitted by the stays.
Unless otherwise stated, weld connections and General
materials are to be dimensioned and selected in accordance
with the Rules, Part 2 – Hull. Securing devices between cover and coaming
and at cross-joints are to be installed to provide weathertight- Stays ness. Sufficient packing line pressure is to be maintained.
Securing devices must be appropriate to bridge
On ships carrying cargo on deck, such as timber,
displacements between cover and coaming due to hull defor-
coal or coke, the stays are to be spaced not more than 1,5 m
Securing devices are to be of reliable construc- Extend of coaming plates tion and effectively attached to the hatchway coamings, decks
or covers. Individual securing devices on each cover are to
Coaming plates are to extend to the lower edge have approximately the same stiffness characteristics.
of the deck beams; or hatch side girders are to be fitted that
extend to the lower edge of the deck beams. Extended coam- Sufficient number of securing devices is to be
ing plates and hatch side girders are to be flanged or fitted provided at each side of the hatch cover considering the re-
with face bars or half-round bars. Fig. gives an ex- quirements of This applies also to hatch covers
ample. consisting of several parts.
The materials of stoppers, securing devices and
their weldings are to be to the Register satisfaction. Specifica-
tions of the materials are to be shown in the drawings of the
hatch covers.
ing line pressure q multiplied by the spacing between securing dmax = 3,0
devices sSD is to be applied. dmin = 1,0 in general Anti lifting devices = 2,0 for partial loading conditions, see
The securing devices of hatch covers, on which pn = see Table
cargo is to be lashed, are to be designed for the lifting forces
resulting from loads according to, refer Figure For metallic supporting surfaces not subjected to Unsymmetrical loadings, which may occur in prac- relative displacements the nominal surface pressure applies:
tice, are to be considered. Under these loadings the equivalent pn max = 3⋅ pn , in [N/mm²]
stress in the securing devices is not to exceed: Note:
150 , in [N/mm2]. When the maker of vertical hatch cover support
σV =
kl material can provide proof that the material is sufficient for
Note: the increased surface pressure, not only statically but under
dynamic conditions including relative motion for adequate
The partial load cases given in Table number of cycles, permissible nominal surface pressure may may not cover all unsymmetrical loadings, critical be relaxed at the discretion of the Register. However, realistic
for hatch cover lifting. long term distribution of spectra for vertical loads and relative
Chapter 5.6 of IACS Rec. 14 should be referred horizontal motion should be assumed and agreed with the
to for the omission of anti lifting devices. Register.
Drawings of the supports must be submitted. In
the drawings of supports the permitted maximum pressure
given by the material manufacturer must be specified.
PART 3 Hatch cover stoppers ing may be adopted as an alternative to steel renewal. Coating
is to be maintained in GOOD condition, as defined in the
Hatch covers shall be sufficiently secured Rules, Part 1 – General Requirements, Ch.5.
against horizontal shifting. Stoppers are to be provided for
hatch covers on which cargo is carried. For the internal structure of double skin hatch
covers, thickness gauging is required when hatch cover top or
The greater of the loads resulting from bottom plating renewal is to be carried out or when this is and is to be applied for the dimensioning deemed necessary, at the discretion of the Register’s surveyor,
of the stoppers and their substructures. on the basis of the plating corrosion or deformation condition.
The permissible stress in stoppers and their sub- In these cases, steel renewal for the internal structures is re-
structures, in the cover, and of the coamings is to be deter- quired where the gauged thickness is less than tnet.
mined according to In addition, the provisions in For corrosion addition tS = 1,0 mm the thickness are to be observed. for steel renewal is tnet and the thickness for coating or annual
gauging is when gauged thickness is between tnet and tnet + 0,5
7.10.7 Corrosion addition and steel renewal mm.
For coaming structures, the corrosion additions ts Corrosion addition for hatch covers and of which are not provided in Table., steel renewal and
hatch coamings coating or annual gauging are to be in accordance with the
Register’s requirements.
The scantling requirements of the above sections
imply the following general corrosion additions tS:
Table Corrosion additions tS for hatch covers and 7.10.8 Hatch covers and hatch coamings of cargo
hatch coamings holds of bulk carriers, ore carriers and
combination carriers
- Section, for plating, The normal stress in compression of the attached
- Section, for secondary stiffeners, flange of primary supporting members is not to exceed 0,8
times the critical buckling stress of the structure according to
- Section, for coaming stays, the buckling check as given in Section
adopting the load model given in Section The stresses in hatch covers that are designed as a grillage of longitudinal and transverse primary supporting
The net thicknesses, tnet, are the member thick- members are to be determined by a grillage or a FEM analysis.
nesses necessary to obtain the minimum net scantlings re- When a beam or a grillage analysis is used, the
quired by Section and Section secondary stiffeners are not to be included in the attached
The required gross thicknesses are obtained by flange area of the primary members.
adding the corrosion additions, tk, given in Section, to When calculating the stresses σ and τ, the net
tnet. scantlings are to be used.
Material for the hatch covers and coamings is to
be steel according to the requirements for ship’s hull. Effective cross-sectional area of panel flanges
These requirements do not apply to CSR Bulk for primary supporting members
Carriers. The effective flange area Af, in [cm2], of the at-
tached plating, to be considered for the yielding and buckling Hatch cover load model checks of primary supporting members, when calculated by
means of a beam or grillage model, is obtained as the sum of
The pressure p, in [kN/m2], on the hatch covers the effective flange areas of each side of the girder web as ap-
panels is given by: propriate:
For ships of 100 m in length and above: (
A f = ∑ 10 bef t )
p FP − 34.3 x
p = 34.3 + ⋅ 0.25 − ≥ 34.3 , for where:
0.25 L nf = 2 if attached plate flange extends on
hatch ways located at the freeboard deck both sides of girder web
pFP = pressure at the forward perpendicular = 1 if attached plate flange extends on
one side of girder web only
= 49.1 + (L-100)a
t = net thickness of considered attached
a = 0.0726, for type B freeboard ships plate, in [mm]
0.356, for ships with reduced free- bef = effective breadth, in [m], of attached
board plate flange on each side of girder web
L = freeboard length, in [m], as defined in = bp, but not to be taken greater than
the ICLL, 1966, to be taken not greater 0.165 l
than 340 m bp = half distance, in [m], between the con-
x = distance, in [m], of the mid length of sidered primary supporting member
the hatch cover under examination and the adjacent one
from the forward end of L. l = span, in [m], of primary supporting
Where a position 1 hatchway is located at least
one superstructure standard height higher than the freeboard Local net plate thickness
deck, the pressure p may be 34,3 kN/m2.
For ships less than 100 m in length: The local net plate thickness t, in [mm], of the
L 5 x x hatch cover top plating is not to be less than:
p = 15.8 + ⋅ (1 − ⋅ ) − 3.6 ⋅ ≥ 0.195L+14.9, p
3 3 L L t = F p 15.8 s
0.95σ F
for hatch ways located at the freeboard deck.
Where two or more panels are connected by but to be not less than 1% of the spacing of the
hinges, each individual panel is to be considered separately. stiffener or 6 mm if that is greater.
where: Hatch cover strength criteria Fp = factor for combined membrane and bending
response Allowable stress checks = 1.50 in general
The normal and shear stresses σ and τ in the = 1.90σ / σa, for σ / σa ≥ 0.8, for the attached
hatch cover structures are not to exceed the allowable values, plate flange of primary supporting members
σa and τa, in [N/mm2], given by: s = stiffener spacing, in [m]
σa = 0.8 σF p = pressure, in [kN/m2], as defined in Section
τa = 0.46 σF
σF = being the minimum upper yield stress, σ = as defined in Section
in [N/mm2], of the material. σa = as defined in Section
PART 3 Critical buckling stress check Hatch cover secondary stiffeners
The compressive stress σ in the top flange of Hatch cover plating secondary stiffeners, induced by the bending of primary sup-
The compressive stress σ in the hatch cover porting members parallel to the direction of secondary stiffen-
plate panels, induced by the bending of primary supporting ers, is not to exceed 0.8 times the critical buckling stress σCS,
members parallel to the direction of secondary stiffeners, is to be evaluated as defined below:
not to exceed 0,8 times the critical buckling stress σC1, to be σCS = σES when σES ≤ σF/2
evaluated as defined below:
= σES [1 - σF / (4 σES)] when σES > σF/2
σC1 = σE1 when σE1 ≤ σF/2 where:
= σF [1 - σF / (4 σE1)] when σE1 > σF/2
σF = minimum upper yield stress, in [N/mm2],
where: of the material
σF = minimum upper yield stress, in [N/mm2], of σES = ideal elastic buckling stress, in [N/mm2],
the material of the secondary stiffener,
t = minimum between σE3 and σE4
σE1 = 3 .6 E
1000s σE3 = 0.001 E Ia / (A l2)
E = modulus of elasticity, in [N/mm2] E = modulus of elasticity, in [N/mm2]
= 2,06⋅105 for steel hw, tw = height and net thickness, in [mm], of the
Ia = moment of inertia, in [cm4], of the sec- secondary stiffener, respectively
ondary stiffener, including a top flange bf, tf = width and net thickness, in [mm], of the
equal to the spacing of secondary stiff- secondary stiffener bottom flange, respec-
eners tively
A = cross-sectional area, in [cm2], of the sec- s = spacing, in [m], of secondary stiffeners
ondary stiffener, including a top flange C = spring stiffness exerted by the hatch cover
equal to the spacing of secondary stiff-
k p E t 3p
eners top plating = 10 − 3
1,33 k p hw t 3p
3 s 1 +
l = span, in [m], of the secondary stiffener
1000 s t w3
π 2 E Iw K I
σE4 = m 2 + + 0.385 E t
10 4 I p l 2 m2 Ip kp = 1 - ηp to be taken not less than zero; for
flanged secondary stiffeners, kp need not
C l4 be taken less than 0,1
K = 10 6
π E Iw ηp = σ
σ E1
m = number of half waves, given by the fol-
lowing table: σ = as defined in Section
σE1 = as defined in Section
0 < K < 4 4 < K < 36 36 < K < 144 (m-1)2 m2 < K ≤ m2(m+1)2 tp = net thickness, in [mm], of the hatch cover
plate panel.
m 1 2 3 m
For flat bar secondary stiffeners and buckling
stiffeners, the ratio h/tW is to be not greater than 15·k0,5, where:
Iw = sectorial moment of inertia, in [cm6], of h, tW = height and net thickness of the stiffener,
the secondary stiffener about its connec- respectively
tion with the plating
k = 235/σF
h3 t 3 σF minimum upper yield stress, in [N/mm2],
= w w 10 − 6 , for flat bar secondary stiff- =
36 of the material.
eners Web panels of hatch cover primary support-
t f b 3f hw2 −6
ing members
= 10 , for "Tee" secondary
12 This check is to be carried out for the web panels
stiffeners of primary supporting members, formed by web stiffeners or
by the crossing with other primary supporting members, the
b 3f hw2
12 b f + hw )2
[t (b
f ) ]
+ 2 b f hw + 4 hw2 + 3 t w b f hw 10 −6 face plate (or the bottom cover plate) or the attached top cover
for angles and bulb secondary stiffeners The shear stress τ in the hatch cover primary
supporting members web panels is not to exceed 0,8 times the
Ip = polar moment of inertia, in [cm4], of the
secondary stiffener about its connection critical buckling stress τC, to be evaluated as defined below:
with the plating τC = τE when τE ≤ τF/2
hw3 t w = τF [1 - τF / (4 τE)] when τE > τF/2
= 10 − 4 , for flat bar secondary stiffeners
3 where:
σF = minimum upper yield stress, in
hw3 t w −4
= + hw2 b f t f 10 , for flanged secon- [N/mm2], of the material
τF = σF / 3
dary stiffeners
τE = 0.9 kt E [tpr,n / (1000 d)]2
It = St Venant's moment of inertia, in [cm4], of
E = modulus of elasticity, in [N/mm2]
the secondary stiffener without top flange
= 2,06⋅105 for steel
h t3
= w w 10 − 4 , for flat bar secondary stiffeners tpr,n = net thickness, in [mm], of primary
3 supporting member
5,35 + 4,0 / (a / d)2
1 t kt =
= hw t w3 + b f t 3f 1 − 0,63 f 10 − 4 , for
3 b f a = greater dimension, in [m], of web pan-
el of primary supporting member
flanged secondary stiffeners d = smaller dimension, in [m], of web pan-
el of primary supporting member.
For primary supporting members parallel to the = 12 for the end spans of stiffeners
direction of secondary stiffeners, the actual dimensions of the sniped at the coaming corners
panels are to be considered. Scoam = safety factor to be taken equal to 1.15
For primary supporting members perpendicular l = span, in [m], of secondary stiffeners
to the direction of secondary stiffeners or for hatch covers
built without secondary stiffeners, a presumed square panel of s = spacing, in [m], of secondary stiffeners
dimension d is to be taken for the determination of the stress pcoam = pressure, in [kN/m2], as defined in
τC. In such a case, the average shear stress τ between the val-
ues calculated at the ends of this panel is to be considered. cp = ratio of the plastic section modulus to Deflection limit and connections between the elastic section modulus of the sec-
hatch cover panels ondary stiffeners with an attached plate
breadth, in [mm], equal to 40 t, where t
Load bearing connections between the hatch is the plate net thickness
cover panels are to be fitted with the purpose of restricting the
relative vertical displacements. = 1.16 in the absence of more precise
The vertical deflection of primary supporting
members is to be not more than 0.0056⋅l, where l is the great- σa,coam = 0.95 σF
est span of primary supporting members. Net scantlings of coaming stays Hatch coamings and local details The required minimum section modulus, Z, in
[cm3], and web thickness, tw, in [mm], of coaming stays de- Load model signed as beams with flange connected to the deck or sniped
and fitted with a bracket (see Fig. and
The pressure pcoam, in [kN/m2], on the No. 1 2) at their connection with the deck, based on member net
forward transverse hatch coaming is given by: thickness, are given by:
pcoam = 220, when a forecastle is fitted in ac-
1000 H C2 s pcoam
cordance with the Rules, Part 2 - Hull, Z =
17.2. 2 σ a,coam
= 290 in the other cases
The pressure pcoam, in [kN/m2], on the other 1000 H C s pcoam
tw =
coamings is given by: h τ a ,coam
pcoam = 220.
HC = stay height, in [m] Local net plate thickness
s = stay spacing, in [m]
The local net plate thickness t, in [mm], of the h = stay depth, in [mm], at the connec-
hatch coaming plating is given by: tion with the deck
p coam pcoam = pressure, in [kN/m2], as defined in
t = 14,9 s S coam
σ a ,coam
σa,coam = 0.95σF
τa,coam = 0.5 σF
s = secondary stiffener spacing, in [m]
For calculating the section modulus of coaming
pcoam = pressure, in [kN/m2], as defined in stays, their face plate area is to be taken into account only
Section when it is welded with full penetration welds to the deck plat-
Scoam = safety factor to be taken equal to ing and adequate underdeck structure is fitted to support the
1.15 stresses transmitted by it.
σa,coam = 0.95 σF. For other designs of coaming stays, such as, for
The local net plate thickness is to be not less examples, those shown in Fig. and,
the stress levels in apply and are to be checked at
than 9.5 mm.
the highest stressed locations. Net scantlings of longitudinal and transverse
secondary stiffeners Local details
The required section modulus Z, in [cm3], of the The design of local details is to comply with the
requirement of the Rules, Part 2 - Hull, 9.5 for the purpose of
longitudinal or transverse secondary stiffeners of the hatch
coamings, based on net member thickness, is given by: transferring the pressures on the hatch covers to the hatch
coamings and, through them, to the deck structures below.
1000 S coam l 2 s p coam Hatch coamings and supporting structures are to be adequately
Z =
m c P σ a ,coam stiffened to accommodate the loading from hatch covers, in
longitudinal, transverse and vertical directions.
m = 16 in general
Underdeck structures are to be checked against Securing devices are to be of reliable construc-
the load transmitted by the stays, adopting the same allowable tion and securely attached to the hatchway coamings, decks or
stresses specified in Section covers. Individual securing devices on each cover are to have
Unless otherwise stated, weld connections and approximately the same stiffness characteristics.
materials are to be dimensioned and selected in accordance Where rod cleats are fitted, resilient washers or
with the Rules, Part 2 - Hull, Part 25 - Metallic materials and cushions are to be incorporated.
Part 26 - Welding. Where hydraulic cleating is adopted, a positive
Double continuous welding is to be adopted for means is to be provided to ensure that it remains mechanically
the connections of stay webs with deck plating and the weld locked in the closed position in the event of failure of the hy-
throat is to be not less than 0.44 tW, where tW is the gross draulic system.
thickness of the stay web.
Toes of stay webs are to be connected to the Stoppers
deck plating with deep penetration double bevel welds extend- Hatch covers are to be effectively secured, by
ing over a distance not less than 15% of the stay width. means of stoppers, against the transverse forces arising from a
pressure of 175 kN/m2. Closing arrangements
With the exclusion of No.1 hatch cover, hatch
covers are to be effectively secured, by means of stoppers, Securing devices against the longitudinal forces acting on the forward end aris-
The strength of securing devices is to comply ing from a pressure of 175 kN/m2.
with the following requirements: No. 1 hatch cover is to be effectively secured, by
Panel hatch covers are to be secured by appro- means of stoppers, against the longitudinal forces acting on
priate devices (bolts, wedges or similar) suitably spaced the forward end arising from a pressure of 230 kN/m2. This
alongside the coamings and between cover elements. pressure may be reduced to 175 kN/m2 when a forecastle is fit-
ted in accordance with the Rules, Part 2 - Hull, 17.2.
Arrangement and spacing are to be determined
with due attention to the effectiveness for weather-tightness, The equivalent stress:
depending upon the type and the size of the hatch cover, as i. in stoppers and their supporting structures,
well as on the stiffness of the cover edges between the secur- and
ing devices. ii. calculated in the throat of the stopper
The net sectional area of each securing device is
not to be less than: is not to exceed the allowable value of 0.8 σY.
A = 1.4 a / f , [cm2] Materials and welding
a = spacing, in [m], of securing devices, Stoppers or securing devices are to be manufac-
not being taken less than 2 m tured of materials, including welding electrodes, meeting rele-
f = (σY / 235)e vant requirements of the Rules, Part 25 - Metallic materials
and Part 26 - Welding.
σY = specified minimum upper yield stress,
in [N/mm2], of the steel used for fabri- Corrosion addition and steel renewal
cation, not to be taken greater than
70% of the ultimate tensile strength. Hatch covers
e = 0.75 for σY > 235 For all the structure (plating and secondary stiff-
= 1.0 for σY < 235 eners) of single skin hatch covers, the corrosion addition tk is
to be 2.0 mm.
Rods or bolts are to have a net diameter not less
than 19 mm for hatchways exceeding 5 m2 in area. For pontoon hatch covers, the corrosion addition
is to be:
Between cover and coaming and at cross-joints, - 2.0 mm, for the top and bottom plating
a packing line pressure sufficient to obtain weathertightness is - 1.5 mm, for the internal structures.
to be maintained by the securing devices.
For single skin hatch covers and for the plating
For packing line pressures exceeding 5 N/mm, of pontoon hatch covers, steel renewal is required where the
the cross section area is to be increased in direct proportion. gauged thickness is less than tnet + 0,5 mm. Where the gauged
The packing line pressure is to be specified. thickness is within the range tnet + 0,5 mm and tnet + 1,0 mm,
The cover edge stiffness is to be sufficient to coating (applied in accordance with the coating manufac-
maintain adequate sealing pressure between securing devices. turer’s requirements) or annual gauging may be adopted as an
The moment of inertia, I, of edge elements is not to be less alternative to steel renewal. Coating is to be maintained in
than: GOOD condition, as defined in Rules, Part 1 – General re-
I = 6 p a4 [cm4] quirements, Chapter 5 – Surveys of ships in service.
p = packing line pressure in [N/mm], min- For the internal structure of pontoon hatch cov-
imum 5 N/mm. ers, thickness gauging is required when plating renewal is to
a = spacing, in [m], of securing devices. be carried out or when this is deemed necessary, at the discre-
tion of the Register's Surveyor, on the basis of the plating cor-
rosion or deformation condition. In these cases, steel renewal
aft direction on the side coamings, and from the sides to centre 7.11 HATCHWAYS OF CARGO
line direction on the end coamings.
Wedges are to be not less than 200 mm in length
and 50 mm in width with a taper of not more than 1:6, and a
7.11.1 Openings for hatchways of the cargo tanks on
thickness not less than 13 mm at the thinnest point.
tankers are to be of round or oval form. Height of the coam- Steel bars or other equivalent means are to be ings of cargo tank hatchways is not to be regulated by the Reg-
provided in order to efficiently and independently secure each ister. Construction of the coamings of cargo tank hatchways
section of hatchway covers after the tarpaulins are battened shall comply with the requirements of the Rules, Part 2 - Hull,
down. Sections of hatchway covers of more than 1,5 m in 17.2.8.
length are to be secured by at least two such securing appli-
7.11.2 Covers of hatches and tank cleaning openings
are to be made of steel, bronze or brass. Use of other materials
is subject to special consideration by the Register in each case.
7.10.10 Hatch beams and cover stiffeners of variable
cross section (ICLL Regulation 15 and 16) In ships carrying flammable liquids in bulk use
of light alloys for covers of hatches and tank cleaning open-
ings is not permitted. To avoid stresses and deflections exceeding
those given in the above Regulations along construction ele- 7.11.3 Covers of the cargo tank hatchways are to be
ments of variable cross section, the required section modulus permanently attached and tight, when secured, under the inner
calculated as for constriction elements of constant cross sec- pressure of liquid carried in tanks to a head of at least 2.5 m.
tion is to be increased by a factor C1 expressed by: Tightness is to be provided by a rubber or other suitable gasket
being resistant to the liquids which are carried in the cargo
W1 W I I1
7.11.4 The plate of the cargo tank hatchway covers is to
be at least 12 mm in thickness if it is of steel. The cover plate
is to be reinforced by stiffeners made of flat bars not less than
l1 80 x 12 mm in size, and spaced at every 600 mm of the cover
length, or the cover is to be of spherical shape.
7.11.5 The hatchway cover is to be provided with a
sighting port having an inner diameter of 150 mm and closed
Figure by a cover of similar construction.
7.11.6 Materials and designs of cargo tank hatchway
3.2α − γ − 0.8 covers in ships intended to carry flammable liquids are to be
C1 = 1+ ;
7γ + 0.4 so selected as to preclude spark formation during opening and
where: closing the covers.
l1 W
α = ;γ = 1 ;
The value of factor C1 obtained by the formula is THEIR CLOSING APPLIANCES
not to be less than unity.
l1, l, W1 and W are indicated on the Figure 7.12.1 General
made to ensure the watertight integrity of the bulkheads and Each power-operated sliding watertight door:
the requirements of the Rules, Part 8 - Piping, 1.6 and Part .1 is to have a vertical or horizontal motion;
12-Electrical equipment, 16.8 also is to be taken into consid- .2 is to, subject to requirement, be
eration. normally limited to a maximum clear
Valves not forming part of a piping system are opening width of 1.2 m. The Register may
to not be permitted in watertight bulkheads. permit larger doors only to the extent con-
sidered necessary for the effective opera-
Lead or other heat sensitive materials are to not tion of the ship provided that other safety
be used in systems which penetrate watertight bulkheads, measures, including the following, are tak-
where deterioration of such systems in the event of fire would en into consideration:
impair the watertight integrity of the bulkheads. .1 special consideration is to be given to No doors, manholes, or access openings are the strength of the door and its closing
permitted in watertight transverse bulkheads dividing a cargo appliances in order to prevent leak-
space from an adjoining cargo space, except as provided in ages; and and in the Rules, Part 5 – Subdivision, 2.12. .2 the door is to be located inboard the
damage zone B/5; Subject to requirement, not more than .3 is to be fitted with the necessary equip-
one door, apart from the doors to shaft tunnels, may be fitted ment to open and close the door using
in each watertight bulkhead within spaces containing the main electric power, hydraulic power, or any
and auxiliary propulsion machinery including boilers serving other form of power that is acceptable to
the needs of propulsion. Where two or more shafts are fitted, the Register;
the tunnels are to be connected by an intercommunicating pas- .4 is to be provided with an individual hand-
sage. There shall be only one door between the machinery operated mechanism. It is to be possible to
space and the tunnel spaces where two shafts are fitted and on- open and close the door by hand at the
ly two doors where there are more than two shafts. All these door itself from either side, and in addi-
doors are to be of the sliding type and are to be so located as to tion, close the door from an accessible po-
have their sills as high as practicable. The hand gear for oper- sition above the bulkhead deck with an all
ating these doors from above the bulkhead deck is to be situ- round crank motion or some other move-
ated outside the spaces containing the machinery. ment providing the same degree of safety Watertight doors, except as provided in acceptable to the Register. Direction of ro- or in the Rules, Part 5 – Subdivision, 2.12, are to be tation or other movement is to be clearly
power-operated sliding doors complying with the require- indicated at all operating positions. The
ments of to capable of being closed simul- time necessary for the complete closure of
taneously from the central operating console at the navigation the door, when operating by hand gear, is
bridge in not more than 60 s with the ship in the upright posi- not to exceed 90 s with the ship in the up-
tion. right
.5 is to be provided with controls for opening The means of operation whether by power or by and closing the door by power from both
hand of any power-operated sliding watertight door are to be sides of the door and also for closing the
capable of closing the door with the ship listed to 15o either door by power from the central operating
way. Consideration is to also be given to the forces which may console at the navigation bridge;
act on either side of the door as may be experienced when wa- .6 is to be provided with an audible alarm,
ter is flowing through the opening applying a static head distinct from any other alarm in the area,
equivalent to a water height of at least 1 m above the sill on which will sound whenever the door is
the centreline of the door. closed remotely by power and which shall
sound for at least 5 s but no more than 10 s Watertight door controls, including hydraulic
before the door begins to move and shall
piping and electric cables, are to be kept as close as practica-
continue sounding until the door is com-
ble to the bulkhead in which the doors are fitted, in order to
pletely closed. In the case of remote hand
minimise the likelihood of them being involved in any damage
operation it is sufficient for the audible
which the ship may sustain. The positioning of watertight
alarm to sound only when the door is mov-
doors and their controls is to be such that if the ship sustains
ing. Additionally, in passenger areas and
damage within one fifth of the breadth of the ship, such dis-
areas of high ambient noise the Register
tance being measured at right angles to the centreline at the
may require the audible alarm to be sup-
level of the deepest subdivision draught, the operation of the
plemented by an intermittent visual signal
watertight doors clear of the damaged portion of the ship is not
at the door; and
.7 is to have an approximately uniform rate All power-operated sliding watertight doors are of closure under power. The closure time,
to be provided with means of indication which will show at all from the time the door begins to move to
remote operating positions whether the doors are open or the time it reaches the completely closed
closed. Remote operating positions are only to be at the navi- position shall in no case be less than 20 s
gation bridge as required by paragraph and at the or more than 40 s with the ship in the up-
location where hand operation above the bulkhead deck is re- right position.
quired by paragraph
PART 3 The electrical power required for power- to be capable of being automatically sup-
operated sliding watertight doors is to be supplied from the plied by the transitional source of emer-
emergency switchboard either directly or by a dedicated dis- gency electrical power in the event of fail-
tribution board situated above the bulkhead deck. The associ- ure of either the main or emergency source
ated control, indication and alarm circuits are to be supplied of electrical power and with sufficient ca-
from the emergency switchboard either directly or by a dedi- pacity to operate the door at least three
cated distribution board situated above the bulkhead deck and times, i.e. closed-open-closed, against an
be capable of being automatically supplied by the transitional adverse list of 15º, see also the Rules, Part
source of emergency electrical power in the event of failure of 12-Electrical equipment, 5.10.
either the main or emergency source of electrical power. For the systems specified in, Power-operated sliding watertight doors are to and, provision is to be made as fol-
have either: lows: Power systems for power-operated watertight sliding
.1 a centralised hydraulic system with two doors are to be separate from any other power system. A sin-
independent power sources each consisting gle failure in the electric or hydraulic power-operated systems
of a motor and pump capable of simulta- excluding the hydraulic actuator is not to prevent the hand op-
neously closing all doors. In addition, eration of any door.
there shall be for the whole installation Control handles are to be provided at each side
hydraulic accumulators of sufficient ca- of the bulkhead at a minimum height of 1.6 m above the floor
pacity to operate all the doors at least three and are to be so arranged as to enable persons passing through
times, i.e. closed-open-closed, against an the doorway to hold both handles in the open position without
adverse list of 15º. This operating cycle is being able to set the power closing mechanism in operation
to be capable of being carried out when the accidentally. The direction of movement of the handles in
accumulator is at the pump cut-in pressure. opening and closing the door is to be in the direction of door
The fluid used is to be chosen considering movement and is to be clearly indicated.
the temperatures liable to be encountered
by the installation during its service. The As far as practicable, electrical equipment and
power operating system is to be designed components for watertight doors are to be situated above the
to minimise the possibility of having a sin- bulkhead deck and outside hazardous areas and spaces.
gle failure in the hydraulic piping ad- The enclosures of electrical components neces-
versely affect the operation of more than
sarily situated below the bulkhead deck shall provide suitable
one door. The hydraulic system is to be
protection against the ingress of water.*
provided with a low-level alarm for hy-
draulic fluid reservoirs serving the power- * Refer to the following IEC publication
operated system and a low gas pressure 529(1976):
alarm or other effective means of monitor- .1 electrical motors, associated circuits and
ing loss of stored energy in hydraulic ac- control components; protected to IPX 7 stan-
cumulators. These alarms are to be audible dard;
and visual and are to be situated on the
central operating console at the navigation .2 door position indicators and associated cir-
bridge; or cuit components; protected to IPX 8 standard;
.2 an independent hydraulic system for each and
door with each power source consisting of
.3 door movement warning signals; protected
a motor and pump capable of opening and
to IPX 6 standard.
closing the door. In addition, there shall be
a hydraulic accumulator of sufficient ca- Other arrangements for the enclosures of electri-
pacity to operate the door at least three cal components may be fitted provided the Administration is
times, i.e. closed-open-closed, against an satisfied that an equivalent protection is achieved. The water
adverse list of 15º. This operating cycle is pressure IPX 8 shall be based on the pressure that may occur
to be capable of being carried out when the at the location of the component during flooding for a period
accumulator is at the pump cut-in pressure. of 36 h.
The fluid used is to be chosen considering Electric power, control, indication and alarm cir-
the temperatures liable to be encountered cuits are to be protected against fault in such a way that a fail-
by the installation during its service. A low ure in one door circuit will not cause a failure in any other
gas pressure group alarm or other effective door circuit. Short circuits or other faults in the alarm or indi-
means of monitoring loss of stored energy cator circuits of a door are not to result in a loss of power op-
in hydraulic accumulators are to be pro- eration of that door. Arrangements are to be such that leakage
vided at the central operating console on of water into the electrical equipment located below the bulk-
the navigation bridge. Loss of stored en- head deck will not cause the door to open.
ergy indication at each local operating po-
sition is also to be provided; or A single electrical failure in the power operating
.3 an independent electrical system and mo- or control system of a power-operated sliding watertight door
tor for each door with each power source is not to result in a closed door opening. Availability of the
consisting of a motor capable of opening power supply is to be continuously monitored at a point in the
and closing the door. The power source is electrical circuit as near as practicable to each of the motors
required by Loss of any such power supply should cient to permit access above the bulkhead deck. The access to
activate an audible and visual alarm at the central operating the other end of the trunkway or tunnel may be through a wa-
console at the navigation bridge. tertight door of the type required by its location in the ship.
Such trunkways or tunnels are not to extend through the first The central operating console at the navigation subdivision bulkhead abaft the collision bulkhead.
bridge is to have a “master mode” switch with two modes of
control: a “local control” mode which shall allow any door to Where it is proposed to fit tunnels piercing wa-
be locally opened and locally closed after use without auto- tertight bulkheads, these shall receive the special consideration
matic closure, and a “doors closed” mode which shall auto- of the Register.
matically close any door that is open. The “doors closed”
mode shall automatically close any door that is open. The Where trunkways in connection with refriger-
“doors closed” mode shall permit doors to be opened locally ated cargo and ventilation or forced draught trunks are carried
and shall automatically re-close the doors upon release of the through more than one watertight bulkhead, the means of clo-
local control mechanism. The “master mode” switch is nor- sure at such openings are to be operated by power and be ca-
mally to be in the “local control” mode. The “doors closed” pable of being closed from a central position situated above
mode is only to be used in an emergency or for testing pur- the bulkhead deck.
poses. Special consideration is to be given to the reliability of Doors are to be made of steel. Use of other ma-
the “master mode” switch. terials for doors is to be specially considered by the Register in The central operating console at the navigation each case.
bridge is to be provided with a diagram showing the location Doors shall withstand the pressure of water head
of each door, with visual indicators to show whether each door of a height measured from the lower edge of the doorway to
is open or closed. A red light shall indicate a door is fully open the underside of the bulkhead deck plating at the centre line,
and a green light shall indicate a door is fully closed. When but not less than 5 m of water column.
the door is closed remotely the red light shall indicate the in-
termediate position by flashing. The indicating circuit is to be Stresses in the door frame and door plate under
independent of the control circuit for each door. the pressure head specified in are not to exceed 0,6
times the upper yield stress of their material. It is not to be possible to remotely open any door
from the central operating console. When closed, doors are to be tight under the
pressure of water head of the height specified in If the Register is satisfied that such doors are es-
sential, watertight doors of satisfactory construction may be For doors in watertight bulkheads located in way
fitted in watertight bulkheads dividing cargo between deck of the internal watertight subdivision boundaries and the ex-
spaces. Such doors may be hinged, rolling or sliding doors but ternal watertight boundaries necessary to ensure compliance
are not to be remotely controlled. They are to be fitted at the with the relevant subdivision and damage stability regulations
highest level and as far from the shell plating as practicable, IACS Unified Interpretation SC156 is to be applied.
but in no case are to the outboard vertical edges be situated at This unified interpretation does not apply to
a distance from the shell plating which is less than one fifth of doors located in external boundaries above equilibrium or in-
the breadth of the ship, as defined in regulation 2, such dis- termediate waterplanes.
tance being measured at right angles to the centreline at the
level of the deepest subdivision draught. For the requirements relating to the accesses that
lead to spaces below the bulkhead deck specified in SOLAS Should any such doors be accessible during the Regulation II-1/17-1, Integrity of the hull and superstructure,
voyage, they are to be fitted with a device which prevents un- damage prevention and control on ro-ro passenger ships, see
authorised opening. When it is proposed to fit such doors, the also IACS Unified Interpretation SC220.
number and arrangements shall receive the special considera-
tion of the Register. 7.12.3 Openings in watertight bulkheads and Portable plates on bulkheads are not to be per- internal decks in cargo ships
mitted except in machinery spaces. The number of openings in watertight subdivi-
The Register may permit not more than one
sions is to be kept to a minimum compatible with the design
power-operated sliding watertight door in each watertight
and proper working of the ship. Where penetrations of water-
bulkhead larger than those specified in paragraph to
tight bulkheads and internal decks are necessary for access,
be substituted for these portable plates, provided these doors
piping, ventilation, electrical cables, etc., arrangements are to
are intended to remain closed during navigation except in case
be made to maintain the watertight integrity. The Register may
of urgent necessity at the discretion of the master. These doors
permit relaxation in the watertightness of openings above the
need not meet the requirements of paragraph re-
freeboard deck, provided that it is demonstrated that any pro-
garding complete closure by hand-operated gear in 90 s.
gressive flooding can be easily controlled and that the safety Where trunkways or tunnels for access from of the ship is not impaired.
crew accommodation to the stokehold, for piping, or for any Doors provided to ensure the watertight integrity
other purpose are carried through watertight bulkheads, they
of internal openings which are used while at sea are to be slid-
are to be watertight and in accordance with the requirements
ing watertight doors capable of being remotely closed from the
of the Rules, Part 2-Hull, 11.7. The access to at least one end
bridge and are also to be operable locally from each side of the
of each such tunnel or trunkway, if used as a passage at sea, is
bulkhead. Indicators are to be provided at the control position
to be through a trunk extending watertight to a height suffi-
showing whether the doors are open or closed, and an audible
alarm is to be provided at the door closure. The power, control and rubbish-chutes referred to in these
and indicators are to be operable in the event of main power regulations are to be to the satisfaction of
failure. Particular attention is to be paid to minimising the ef- the Register;
fect of control system failure. Each power-operated sliding .2 such valves, doors and mechanisms are to
watertight door is to be provided with an individual hand- be suitably marked to ensure that they may
operated mechanism. It is to be possible to open and close the be properly used to provide maximum
door by hand at the door itself from both sides. safety; and
.3 the frames of vertical watertight doors are Access doors and access hatch covers normally to have no groove at the bottom in which
closed at sea, intended to ensure the watertight integrity of in- dirt might lodge and prevent the door clos-
ternal openings, are to be provided with means of indication ing properly.
locally and on the bridge showing whether these doors or
hatch covers are open or closed. A notice is to be affixed to In passenger ships and cargo ships watertight
each such door or hatch cover to the effect that it is not to be doors are to be tested by water pressure to a head up to the
left open. bulkhead deck or freeboard deck respectively. Where testing
of individual doors is not carried out because of possible dam- Watertight doors or ramps of satisfactory con- age to insulation or outfitting items, testing of individual doors
struction may be fitted to internally subdivide large cargo may be replaced by a prototype pressure test of each type and
spaces, provided that the Register is satisfied that such doors size of door with a test pressure corresponding at least to the
or ramps are essential. These doors or ramps may be hinged, head required for the intended location. The prototype test is
rolling or sliding doors or ramps, but are not to be remotely to be carried out before the door is fitted. The installation
controlled. Should any of the doors or ramps be accessible method and procedure for fitting the door on board shall cor-
during the voyage, they are to be fitted with a device which respond to that of the prototype test. When fitted on board,
prevents unauthorised opening. each door is to be checked for proper seating between the Other closing appliances which are kept perma- bulkhead, the frame and the door.
nently closed at sea to ensure the watertight integrity of inter-
nal openings are to be provided with a notice which is to be af- 7.13 STRENGTH AND SECURING
fixed to each such closing appliance to the effect that it is to be
kept closed. Manholes fitted with closely bolted covers need OF SMALL HATCHES ON THE
not be so marked. EXPOSED FORE DECK In all tankers, where there is permanent access
from a pipe tunnel to the cargo pump room, a watertight door 7.13.1 General
is to be fitted. A watertight door, in addition to bridge opera- The strength of, and securing devices for, small
tion, is to be capable of being manually closed from outside hatches fitted on the exposed fore deck are to comply with the
the cargo pump-room entrance. requirements of this Section. For doors in watertight bulkheads located in way Small hatches in the context of this Section are
of the internal watertight subdivision boundaries and the ex- hatches designed for access to spaces below the deck and are
ternal watertight boundaries necessary to ensure compliance capable to be closed weather-tight or watertight, as applicable.
with the relevant subdivision and damage stability regulations, Their opening is normally 2.5 square meters or less.
see IACS Unified Interpretation SC156. Hatches designed for use of emergency escape
7.12.4 Manholes in watertight subdivision bulkheads are to comply with the requirements of this Section, excepting (i) and (ii), and 7.13.6. The requirements of 7.9 relating to the manholes
located on the freeboard deck, raised quarter deck or the first Securing devices of hatches designed for emer-
tier of superstructures are generally applicable to the manholes gency escape are to be of a quick-acting type (e.g., one action
fitted in the watertight subdivision bulkheads. wheel handles are provided as central locking devices for
latching/unlatching of hatch cover) operable from both sides
No manholes are permitted: of the hatch cover.
.1 in the collision bulkhead below the bulkhead
deck for ships having subdivision distinguishing 7.13.2 Application
mark in the class notation, and below the free- These requirements are applicable to small
board deck for other ships;
hatches on the exposed deck over the forward 0.25L for:
.2 in watertight subdivision bulkheads separating a
cargo space from an adjacent cargo space or a All ship types of sea going service of length 80
fuel oil tank. m or more, where the height of the exposed deck in way of the
hatch is less than 0.1L or 22 m above the summer load water-
7.12.5 Construction and initial tests of watertight line, whichever is the lesser.
doors, sidescuttles, etc. The ship length L is as defined in In all ships: These requirements do not apply to CSR Bulk
.1 the design, materials and construction of Carriers and Oil Tankers.
all watertight doors, sidescuttles, gangway
and cargo ports, valves, pipes, ash-chutes
1. butterfly nut
2. bolt
3. pin
4. centre of pin
5. fork (clamp) plate
6. hatch cover
7. gasket
8. hatch coaming
9. bearing pad welded on the bracket of a toggle bolt for metal to metal contact
10. stiffener
11. inner edge stiffener
Example of a primary securing method For windlasses, these requirements are addi- The ship length L is as defined in
tional to those appertaining to the anchor and chain perform-
ance criteria in Section 3.
PART 3 These requirements do not apply to CSR Oil The axial force Ri in bolt group (or bolt) i, posi-
Tankers. The requirements of this Section concerning wind- tive in tension, may be calculated from:
lasses do not apply to CSR Bulk Carriers. R xi = Px h ⋅ xi Ai / I x
thicknesses and bracket heights are specified in Table Windlass Mounts Where brackets are required, three or more radial
brackets are to be fitted. Tensile axial stresses in the individual bolts in
Brackets are to be of gross thickness 8 mm or each bolt group i are to be calculated. The horizontal forces Fxi
more, of minimum length 100 mm, and height according to and Fyi are normally to be reacted by shear chocks. Where "fit-
Table but need not extend over the joint flange for ted" bolts are designed to support these shear forces in one or
the head. Bracket toes at the deck are to be suitably supported. both directions, the von Mises equivalent stresses in the indi-
vidual bolts are to be calculated, and compared to the stress For other configurations, loads according to under proof load. Where pour-able resins are incorporated in are to be applied, and means of support determined in the holding down arrangements, due account is to be taken in
order to comply with the requirements of Brackets, the calculations.
where fitted, are to be of suitable thickness and length accord-
ing to their height. Pipe thickness is not to be taken less than The safety factor against bolt proof strength is to
as indicated in the Rules, Part 8 – Pipes, 1.3. be not less than 2.0. For standard ventilators of 900 mm height The strength of above deck framing and hull
closed by heads of not more than the tabulated projected area, structure supporting the windlass and its securing bolt loads as
pipe thicknesses and bracket heights are specified in Table defined in is to be according to the requirements of Brackets, where required are to be as specified in the Rules, Part 2 – Hull, 9.2. For ventilators of height greater than 900 mm,
brackets or alternative means of support are to be fitted ac-
cording to the requirements of the Rules, Part 2 - Hull. Pipe
thickness is not to be taken less than as indicated in the Rules,
Part 8 – Pipes, 1.3. All component parts and connections of the air
pipe or ventilator are to be capable of withstanding the loads
defined in Rotating type mushroom ventilator heads are un-
suitable for application in the areas defined in 17.4.2.
760 mm air pipe thickness and bracket standards
Nominal pipe diameter Minimum fitted gross thickness, the Maximum projected area of Height (1) of brackets
Rules, Part 8 – Pipes, 1.3 head
[mm] [mm] [cm2] [mm]
40A 6.0 - 520
50A(3) 6.0 - 520
65A 6.0 - 480
80A 6.3 - 460
100A 7.0 - 380
125A 7.8 - 300
150A 8.5 - 300
175A 8.5 - 300
200A 8.5(2) 1900 300 (2)
250A 8.5(2) 2500 300 (2)
300A 8.5(2) 3200 300 (2)
350A 8.5(2) 3800 300 (2)
400A 8.5(2) 4500 300 (2)
(1) Brackets (see need not extend over the joint flange for the head.
(2) Brackets are required where the as fitted (gross) thickness is less than 10.5 mm, or where the tabulated projected head area is
(3) Not permitted for new ships - reference the Rules, Part 8 – Pipes, 1.3.
Note: For other air pipe heights, the relevant requirements of section 7.14.4 are to be applied.
900 mm ventilator pipe thickness and bracket standards
Nominal pipe diameter Minimum fitted gross thickness, the Maximum projected area of Height of brackets
Rules, Part 8 – Pipes, 1.3 head
[mm] [mm] [cm2] [mm]
80A 6.3 - 460
100A 7.0 - 380
150A 8.5 - 300
200A 8.5 550 -
250A 8.5 880 -
300A 8.5 1200 -
350A 8.5 2000 -
400A 8.5 2700 -
450A 8.5 3300 -
500A 8.5 4000 -
Note: For other ventilator heights, the relevant requirements of section 7.14.4 are to be applied.
Py Px
Centreline of vessel
Centreline of
windlass B
Py to be examined from both inboard and Px
outboard directions separately - see The sign convention for yi is
reversed when Py is from the opposite
direction as shown.
Direction of forces and weight
Coordinates xi and yi are shown as
either positive (+) or negative (-).
Centreline of Py
windlass X3 (-)
X1 (+)
Y3 (+) X4 (-)
X2 (+)
Y2 (+)
Y1 (+)
Sign convention
8.3.10 Movable decks, platforms, ramps and other structures which are in contact with the associated supporting
similar structures structures. When the structural elements of the arrange- The present requirements apply to the movable ments specified in and the associated supporting
decks, platforms, ramps and other similar structures designed structures are under the effect of the loads determined accord-
to be installed in two positions: ing to the provisions of and, the stresses in
- in working position when they are used for their parts are not to exceed 0,7 times the upper yield stress of
carriage, loading or unloading of vehicles or material.
other cargoes;
- in non-working position when they are not Under the effect of these loads the safety factor
used for carriage, loading or unloading of of the wire ropes in relation to their actual breaking strength is
vehicles or other cargoes. not to be less than 4; the safety factor of the chain cables in re-
lation to the proof load of the chain is not to be less than 2; the The movable decks, platforms, ramps and other margin of safety against buckling of the elements subjected to
similar structures and also their supporting elements at ship's the compression stress is not to be less than 2.
sides, decks and bulkheads, the pillars or suspensions for
decks and platforms ensuring their proper installation in the Wire ropes used in the arrangements specified in
working position are to be designed in accordance with the shall satisfy the Rules, Part 25 - Metallic materials, 8.
Rules, Part 2 - Hull. Arrangements are to be provided for reliable se- 8.4 EXITS, DOORS, CORRIDORS,
curing of the movable decks, platform ramps and other similar STAIRWAYS AND VERTICAL
structures in the non-working position. LADDERS When the movable decks, platforms, ramps and
other similar structures are secured in the non-working posi-
8.4.1 General
tion, the hoisting gear and elements thereof are not generally
to be kept under the load. Location and arrangement of exits, doors, corri-
It is not permitted to secure the movable decks, dors, stairways and vertical ladders shall ensure ready access
platforms, ramps and other similar structures by suspending of persons from spaces to the places of embarkation into life-
them on ropes. boats and liferafts. The structural elements of the arrangements
mentioned in and also the associated supporting struc- 8.4.2 Exits and doors
tures are to be designed to withstand the forces resulting form
the application of the loads Px, Py, Pz, as obtained from the In passenger ships and in special purpose ships
formulae given below, to the centres of gravity of the consid- each watertight compartment of similarly restricted space or
ered section of the deck, platform, ramp or other similar struc- group of spaces situated below the bulkhead deck is to have at
tures: least two means of escape, in any case one of which is to be
Px = m ⋅ g ⋅ ax, in [N], independent of the door in the subdivision bulkhead.
Py = m ⋅ g ⋅ ay, in [N], In passenger ships and in special purpose ships
Pz = m ⋅ g ⋅ (1 + az), in [N], above the bulkhead deck, each main vertical fire zone, see the
where: Rules, Part 17 - Fire protection, 2.2, or similarly restricted
Px = horizontal load parallel to the centre space or group of spaces shall have at least two means of es-
plane of the ship, n; (consideration is to cape one of which shall give access to a stairway forming a
be given to the cases when the load Px is vertical escape.
directed both forward and aft);
Py = horizontal load parallel to the midstation In passenger ships the number and location of
plane, in [N], (consideration is to be giv- means of escape from special category spaces, see the Rules,
en to the cases when the load Py is di- Part 17 - Fire protection, 2.2, are subject to special considera-
rected both to the nearest ship's side and tion by the Register, and the degree of safety for escape from
to the opposite side); these spaces to the places of embarkation into lifeboats and
Pz = vertical load directed downward, in [N]; liferafts shall at least correspond to that specified in
m = mass of the considered section, in [kg]; and
g = 9.81 m/s2; Two means of escape are to be provided from a
ax,ay,az = dimensionless accelerations, see the machinery control room located within machinery space, at
Rules, Part 2 - Hull, 3.5. least one which will provide continuous fire shelter to a safe
position outside the machinery space. When determining the forces affecting the struc-
tural elements of the arrangements specified in and For cargo ships in all ro-ro cargo spaces where
the associated supporting structures with regard to the provi- the crew is normally employed the number and locations of
sions of, the loads Px, Py and Pz are regarded as sepa- escape routes to the open deck are subject to special consid-
rately applied i.e. no account is taken of their combined action eration by the Register, but shall in no case be less than two
and of the frictional forces originating on the surfaces of the and are to be widely separated.
considered sections of decks, platforms, ramps or other similar In cargo ships of 500 tons gross tonnage and
upwards at each level of accommodation spaces there shall be
at least two means of escape, as widely separated as possible, Doors of accommodations are to have in their
from each restricted space or group of spaces; from the spaces lower portions detachable panels 0,4 x 0,5 m in size; which
situated below the open deck the main means of escape are to may be knocked out these panels of the passenger cabin doors
be formed by a stairway, the other means of escape may be are to be provided with the following inscriptions: "Means of
formed by a casing with a vertical ladder or by a stairway. escape-knock out in case of emergency".
From the spaces situated above the open deck The detachable panels need not be fitted where
the means of escape are to be formed by doors of stairways the spaces are provided with opening type side scuttles of at
leading to the open deck or combination thereof. least 400 mm in diameter or windows the smaller side of
which being at least 400 mm and on condition that persons Exceptionally, the Register may dispense with may get to the corridor or open deck through these side scut-
one of the means of escape specified in or, due tles or windows.
regard being paid to the purpose and location of spaces and to
the number of persons who normally might be quartered or The appropriate means are to be provided, if
employed there. necessary, to facilitate exit through side scuttles or windows. In hydrofoil boats each passenger space is to 8.4.3 Corridors and passageways
have at least two independent means of escape arranged at the
opposite ends of the space and ensuring ready access to the All corridors and passageways shall ensure free
life-saving appliances.
movement of persons along them. Stairways serving only a space and a balcony in Vestibules, corridors or parts of corridors with
that space, as well as lifts are not to be considered as means of only one means of escape are not permissible for passenger
escape specified in, to and ships and special purpose ships having more than 50 persons Each public room in passenger ships is to be of special personnel on board.
provided with at least two means of escape. Both exits are to In cargo ships and special purpose ships having
be spaced from each other as wide as practicable. A readily less than 50 persons of special personnel on board blind corri-
seen inscription "Exit" or "Emergency exit" is to be provided dors longer than 7 m are not permitted.
above every such exit. Blind corridor is corridor, lobby or part of corri- The wheelhouse is to have two exits, one to each dor from which there is only one route of escape.
side of the navigation bridge, with a passageway through the The width of main corridors in way of passen-
house from side to side. gers and crew's accommodation spaces is not to be less than The total width of exits from halls is to be de- 0,9 m, and that of side corridors is to be at least 0,8 m. Where
termined on the basis of 0,8 m per 50 persons, however, the the number of passengers and crew using the corridor sur-
width of each exit is not to be less than 1,1 m, when the num- passes 50 persons, the widths referred to above are to be in-
ber of seats is more than 50, and not less than 0,8 m when the creased by 0,1 m.
number of seats is not more than 50. In ships (including the tugs) below 500 tons
The width of each exit from accommodation and gross tonnage and in tugs of less than 370 kW the width of the
service spaces is not to be less than 600 mm. The size of the main corridors and side corridors may be reduced down to 0,8
ladderways from cargo holds is not to be less than 0,6 m. and 0,6 m, respectively. The exit doors and ladderway covers are to be so The width of passageways in the cinema hall and
arranged that they can be operated from both sides. in the entrance hall is not to be less than 1,1 m and 1,4 m, re-
Doors shall open as follows:
.1 doors of accommodation and service space The width of the main passageways in the res-
giving access to a corridor inside the spac- taurant or dining room and also the messroom is not to be less
es; than 0,9 m and that of the side passageways are to be at least
.2 doors of public rooms, outside or each 0,65 m. In ships of less than 500 tons gross tonnage the width
side; of main passageways in the messroom may be reduced down
.3 doors in the end bulkheads of superstruc- to 0,65 m.
ture and in external transverse bulkheads The width of the main passageway in the seating
of deckhouse outside in the direction of the passenger space is to be at least 1 m with number of passen-
nearest side; gers up to 50 and at least 1,1 m with number of passengers in
.4 doors in the external longitudinal bulkhead excess of 50.
of deckhouses, outside in the forward di-
rection. In passenger ships the main corridors adjacent to
engine and boiler casings are to be at least 1,2 m in width,
On ships of 30 m or less in length, the doors
however, in ships of less than 500 tons gross tonnage this
mentioned in .1 may open outward if they are located at the
width may be reduced down to 0,9 m.
end of a blind corridor and if they do not block exits from oth-
er spaces. The width of passageway on the bridge is not to
The doors discussed in .3 and .4 may also open be less than 0,8 m in ships of 500 tons gross tonnage and over
inward, but this is subject to special consideration. and at least 0,6 m in ships of less than 500 tons gross.
No sliding doors are permitted on exits, other
than watertight doors on bulkheads.
PART 3 In passenger ships and special purpose ships the 8.5 GUARD RAILS, BULWARK
width of the deck passageways providing access to the lifeboat
and liferaft embarkation deck is not to be less than: AND GANGWAYS
.1 - 0,9 m if the number of seats in lifeboats is
not more than 50 on each side of ship; 8.5.1 All exposed parts of the freeboard decks, super-
.2 - 1,0 m if the number of seats in lifeboats is structure decks and deckhouse tops are to be provided with ef-
50 and over, but less than 100 on each side ficient guard rails or bulwarks; in case of ships intended for
of ship: carriage of timber deck cargo collapsible railing or storm rails
.3 - 1,2 m if the number of seats in lifeboats is are to be fitted on this cargo.
100 and over, but less than 200 on each 8.5.2 The height of the bulwark or guard rails above
side of ship. the deck is not to be less than 1 m. However, where this height
If number of seats in lifeboats is 200 and over on would interfere with the normal operation of the ship, a lesser
each side of ship, the width of the passageways is to be spe- height may be approved provided the adequate protection of
cially considered by the Register in each case. passengers and crew is ensured to the satisfaction of the Regis-
In other ships the width of the passageways re- ter.
ferred to above is not to be less than 0,8 m. 8.5.3 The distance between the stanchions of the
guard rails is not to be more than 1,5 m. At least every third
8.4.4 Stairways and vertical ladders stanchion is to be supported by a stay.
Removable and hinged stanchions are to be ca- All between deck stairways are to be of steel pable of being locked in the upright position.
frame construction or of equivalent material on agreement
with the Register. Special requirements for arrangement of 8.5.4 Hand rails and guard rails are generally to be of
stairway enclosures and protection of means of escape are rigid construction. Chains and wire ropes may be accepted in
specified in the Rules, Part 17 - Fire protection, 2.1. lieu of guard rails by the Register in special circumstances. In
In passenger ships and special purpose ships that case, chains and wire ropes are to be made taut by means
having more than 50 persons of special personnel on board the of turnbuckles.
stairways and escape routes shall comply with following re- 8.5.5 The opening below the lowest course of the
quirements: guard rails is not to exceed 230 mm. The other courses of rails
.1 Stairways are not to be less than 900 mm are not to be more than 380 mm apart. An exception is made
in clear width. for the guard rails above the timber deck cargo where the
Stairways are to be fitted with handrails on height from the base to the lowest course and other course
each side. The minimum clear width of spacing are not to exceed 330 mm. In the case of ships with
stairways is to be increased by 10 mm for rounded gunwale, the guard rails supports are to be placed on
every one person provided for in excess of the flat of the deck.
90 persons. The maximum clear width be-
tween handrails where stairways are wider 8.5.6 Type "A" ships with bulwarks as well as Type
than 900 mm is to be 1.800 mm. The total "B" ships with a freeboard reduced to that required for Type
number of persons to be evacuated by such "A" ships shall have open rails fitted for at least half the length
stairways is to be assumed to be two thirds of the exposed parts of the weather deck, or other effective
of the crew and the total number of pas- water freeing arrangements. The upper edge of the sheer
sengers in the areas served by such stair- strake is not to be greater than 150 mm.
ways. Where superstructures are connected by trunks,
.2 All stairways sized for more than 90 per- open rails are to be fitted for the whole length of the exposed
sons are to be aligned fore and aft. parts of the freeboard deck.
.3 Doorways and corridors and intermediate
landings included in means of escape are 8.5.7 The bulwark, if arranged, shall comply with the
to be sized in the same manner as stair- Rules, Part 2 - Hull, 5.6.
ways. 8.5.8 Satisfactory means in the form of life lines,
.4 Stairways are not to exceed 3.5 m in verti- gangways, under deck passages, etc. are to be provided for the
cal rise without the provision of a landing protection of the crew in getting to and from their quarters, the
and are not to have an angle of inclination machinery space and all other parts used in the necessary work
greater than 45. of the ship.
.5 Landings at each deck level are not to be
less than 2 m in area and are to increase by The type, design and arrangement are to be spe-
cially considered by the Register in each case depending on
1 m for every 10 persons provided for an
the ship's type and freeboard height.
excess of 20 persons but need not exceed
16 m2, except for those landings servicing 8.5.9 The gangway is to be designed in compliance
public spaces having direct access onto with the Rules, Part 2 - Hull.
stairway enclosure.
8.6 ACCESS TO THE CARGO Safe access to cargo holds, cargo tanks, bal-
last tanks and other spaces
CARRIERS Safe access to cargo holds, cofferdams, ballast
tanks, cargo tanks and other spaces in the cargo area are to be
Special measures are to be taken for safe access direct from the open deck and such as to ensure their complete
to and working in spaces in and forward of the cargo area of inspection. Safe access to double bottom spaces may be from a
tankers and bulk carriers for the purpose of maintenance and pump-room, deep cofferdam, pipe tunnel, cargo hold, double
carrying out surveys. hull space or similar compartment not intended for the car-
riage of oil or hazardous cargoes.
NOTE: This requirement is considered to be complied
with where SOLAS, Chapter II-1, Reg. 3-6, is adhered to. Tanks, and subdivisions of tanks, having a
For the application of this requirement see also length of 35 m or more, are to be fitted with at least two access
IACS Unified Interpretations SC190 (2004) and SC191(Rev. 7, hatchways and ladders, as far apart as practicable. Tanks less
2015). than 35 m in length are to be served by at least one access
hatchway and ladder.
Abstract of this Regulation is given in the fol-
lowing sections: When a tank is subdivided by one or more swash
bulkheads or similar obstructions which do not allow ready
means of access to the other parts of the tank, at least two
8.6.1 Means of access and safe access to cargo hatchways and ladders are to be fitted.
holds, cargo tanks, ballast tanks and other Each cargo hold is to be provided with at least
spaces two means of access as far apart as practicable.
In general, these accesses are to be arranged di- Means of access to cargo and other spaces agonally, for example one access near the forward bulkhead
on the port side, the other one near the aft bulkhead on the Each space shall be provided with a permanent starboard side.
means of access to enable, throughout the life of a ship, over-
all and close-up inspections and thickness measurements of 8.6.2 Definitions
the ship’s structures to be carried out by the Administration,
the company, as defined in regulation IX/1, and the ship’s per- Rung
sonnel and others as necessary. Such means of access shall
comply with the requirements of paragraph to Rung means the step of a vertical ladder or step and with the Technical provisions for means of access on the vertical surface.
for inspections, adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee by
resolution MSC.133(76), as may be amended by the Organiza- Tread
tion, provided that such amendments are adopted, brought into
Tread means the step of an inclined ladder or
force and take effect in accordance with the provisions of arti-
step for the vertical access opening.
cle VIII of the SOLAS Convention concerning the amendment
procedures applicable to the Annex other than Chapter 1. Flight of an inclined ladder
Interpretation: Flight of an inclined ladder means the actual
Each space for which close-up inspection is not stringer length of an inclined ladder. For vertical ladders, it is
required such as fuel oil tanks and void spaces forward of the distance between the platforms.
cargo area, may be provided with a means of access necessary
for overall survey intended to report on the overall conditions Stringer
of the hull structure.
Stringer means: Where a permanent means of access may be sus- - the frame of a ladder; or
ceptible to damage during normal cargo loading and unloading - the stiffened horizontal plating structure
operations or where it is impracticable to fit permanent means fitted on the side shell, transverse bulk-
of access, the Administration may allow, in lieu thereof, the heads and/or longitudinal bulkheads in the
provision of movable or portable means of access, as specified space.
in the Technical provisions, provided that the means of attach- For the purpose of ballast tanks of less than 5 m
ing, rigging, suspending or supporting the portable means of width forming double side spaces, the horizontal plating struc-
access forms a permanent part of the ship's structure. ture is credited as a stringer and a longitudinal permanent
All portable equipment is to be capable of being means of access, if it provides a continuous passage of 600
readily erected or deployed by ship's personnel. mm or more in width past frames or stiffeners on the side shell
or longitudinal bulkhead. Openings in stringer plating utilised The construction and materials of all means of as permanent means of access are to be arranged with guard
access and their attachment to the ship’s structure shall be to
rails or grid covers to provide safe passage on the stringer or
the satisfaction of the Administration. The means of access safe access to each transverse web.
shall be subject to survey prior to, or in conjunction with, its
use in carrying out surveys in accordance with regulation I/10.
PART 3 Vertical ladder equate strength and stiffness and securely attached to the
structure by stays. The method of support and length of stay is
Vertical ladder means a ladder of which the in- to be such that vibration is reduced to a practical minimum. In
clined angle is 70º and over up to 90º. A vertical ladder is not cargo holds, ladders are to be designed and arranged so that
to be skewed by more than 2º. cargo handling difficulties are not increased and the risk of
damage from cargo handling gear is minimised. Overhead obstructions The width of inclined ladders between stringers
Overhead obstructions mean the deck or stringer
is not to be less than 400 mm. The treads are to be equally
structure including stiffeners above the means of access.
spaced at a distance apart, measured vertically, of between 200 Distance below deck head mm and 300 mm. When steel is used, the treads are to be
formed of two square bars of not less than 22 mm by 22 mm
Distance below deck head means the distance in section, fitted to form a horizontal step with the edges
below the plating. pointing upward.
The treads are to be carried through the side Cross deck
stringers and attached thereto by double continuous welding.
Cross deck means the transverse area of the All inclined ladders are to be provided with handrails of sub-
main deck which is located inboard and between hatch coam- stantial construction on both sides, fitted at a convenient dis-
ings. tance above the treads.
8.6.3 Technical provisions For vertical ladders or spiral ladders, the width
and construction are to be in accordance with international or Structural members subject to the close-up in- national standards accepted by the Administration.
spections and thickness measurements of the ship's structure, No free-standing portable ladder is to be more
except those in double bottom spaces, are to be provided with than 5 m long.
a permanent means of access to the extent as specified in Ta-
ble and Table, as applicable. For oil tankers and Alternative means of access include, but are not
wing ballast tanks of ore carriers, approved alternative meth- limited to, such devices as:
ods may be used in combination with the fitted permanent – hydraulic arm fitted with a stable base
means of access, provided that the structure allows for its safe – wire lift platform
and effective use. – staging
– rafting Permanent means of access should as far as pos- – root arm or remotely operated vehicle
sible be integral to the structure of the ships, thus ensuring that (ROV)
they are robust and at the same time contributing to the overall – portable ladders more than 5 m long are
strength of the structure of the ship. only to be utilised if fitted with a mechani- Elevated passageways forming sections of a cal device to secure the upper end of the
permanent means of access, where fitted, are to have a mini- ladder
mum clear width of 600 mm, except for going around vertical – other means of access, approved by and
webs where the minimum clear width may be reduced to 450 acceptable to the Administration.
mm, and have guard rails over the open side of their entire Means for safe operation and rigging of such
length. Sloping structures providing part of the access are to equipment to and from and within the spaces are to be clearly
be of a non-skid construction. Guard rails are to be 1,000 mm described in the Ship Structure Access Manual.
in height and consist of a rail and an intermediate bar 500 mm
in height and of substantial construction. Stanchions are to be For access through horizontal openings, hatches
not more than 3 m apart. or manholes, the minimum clear opening is not to be less than
600 mm x 600 mm. When access to a cargo hold is arranged Access to permanent means of access and verti- through the cargo hatch, the top of the ladder is to be placed as
cal openings from the ship's bottom are to be provided by close as possible to the hatch coaming. Access hatch coamings
means of easily accessible passageways, ladders or treads. having a height greater than 900 mm is to also have steps on
Treads are to be provided with lateral support for the foot. the outside in conjunction with the ladder.
Where the rungs of ladders are fitted against a vertical surface,
the distance from the centre of the rungs to the surface is to be For access through vertical openings, or man-
at least 150 mm. Where vertical manholes are fitted higher holes, in swash bulkheads, floors, girders and web frames pro-
than 600 mm above the walking level, access is to be facili- viding passage through the length and breadth of the space, the
tated by means of treads and hand grips with platform land- minimum opening is not to be less than 600 mm x 800 mm at
ings on both sides. a height of not more than 600 mm from the passage unless
gratings or other foot holds are provided. Permanent inclined ladders are to be inclined at
an angle of less than 70º. There shall be no obstructions within For oil tankers of less than 5000 tonnes dead-
750 mm of the face of the inclined ladder, except that in way weight, the Administration may approve, in special circum-
of an opening this clearance may be reduced to 600 mm. Rest- stances, smaller dimensions for the openings referred to in
ing platforms of adequate dimensions are to be provided, nor- and, if the ability to traverse such openings
mally at a maximum of 6 m vertical height. Ladders and hand- or to remove an injured person can be proved to the satisfac-
rails are to be constructed of steel or equivalent material of ad- tion of the Administration.
PART 3 For bulk carriers, access ladders to cargo holds m can continue to be comprised of the spiral ladder and need
and other spaces are to be: not change over to vertical ladders. Where the vertical distance between the upper The uppermost entrance section from deck of the
surface of adjacent decks or between deck and the bottom of vertical ladder providing access to a tank is to be vertical for a
the cargo space is not more than 6 m, either a vertical ladder distance of 2,5 m measured clear of overhead obstructions and
or an inclined ladder. comprise a ladder linking platform, displaced to one side of a
vertical ladder. Where the vertical distance between the upper
surface of adjacent decks or between deck and the bottom of The vertical ladder can be between 1,6 m and 3
the cargo space is more than 6 m, an inclined ladder or series m below deck structure if it lands on a longitudinal or athwart-
of inclined ladders at one end of the cargo hold, except the up- ship permanent means of access fitted within that range.
permost 2,5 m of a cargo space measured clear of overhead 8.6.4 Ship structure access manual
obstructions and the lowest 6 m may have vertical ladders,
provided that the vertical extent of the inclined ladder or lad- A ship's means of access to carry out overall and
ders connecting the vertical ladders is not less than 2,5 m.
close-up inspections and thickness measurements are to be de-
The second means of access at the other end of scribed in a Ship structure access manual approved by the
the cargo hold may be formed of a series of staggered vertical Administration, an updated copy of which is to be kept on
ladders, which should comprise of one or more ladder linking board. The Ship structure access manual shall include the fol-
platforms spaced not more than 6 m apart vertically and dis- lowing for each space in the cargo area:
placed to one side of the ladder. Adjacent sections of ladder – plans showing the means of access to the
are to be laterally offset from each other by at least the width space, with appropriate technical specifica-
of the ladder. The uppermost entrance section of the ladder di- tions and dimensions,
rectly exposed to a cargo hold is to be vertical for a distance of – plans showing the means of access within
2,5 m measured clear of overhead obstructions and connected each space to enable an overall inspection
to a ladder-linking platform. to be carried out, with appropriate techni- A vertical ladder may be used as a means of ac- cal specifications and dimensions. The
cess to topside tanks, where the vertical distance is 6 m or less plans shall indicate from where each area
between the deck and the longitudinal means of access in the in the space can be inspected.
tank or the stringer or the bottom of the space immediately be- – plans showing the means of access within
low the entrance. The uppermost entrance section from deck the space to enable close-up inspections to
of the vertical ladder of the tank is to be vertical for a distance be carried out, with appropriate technical
of 2,5 m measured clear of overhead obstructions and com- specifications and dimensions. The plans
prise a ladder linking platform, unless landing on the longitu- shall indicate the positions of critical struc-
dinal means of access, the stringer or the bottom within the tural areas, whether the means of access is
vertical distance, displaced to one side of a vertical ladder. permanent or portable and from where
each area can be inspected. Unless allowed in above, an inclined – instructions for inspecting and maintaining
ladder or combination of ladders is to be used for access to a the structural strength of all means of ac-
tank or a space where the vertical distance is greater than 6 m cess and means of attachment, taking into
between the deck and a stringer immediately below the en- account any corrosive atmosphere that
trance, between stringers, or between the deck or a stringer may be within the space,
and the bottom of the space immediately below the entrance. – instructions for safety guidance when raft-
ing is used for close-up inspections and In case of above, the uppermost en- thickness measurements,
trance section from deck of the ladder is to be vertical for a – instructions for the rigging and use of any
distance of 2,5 m clear of overhead obstructions and con- portable means of access in a safe manner,
nected to a landing platform and continued with an inclined – an inventory of all portable means of ac-
ladder. cess,
The flights of inclined ladders are not to be more – records of periodical inspections and main-
than 9 m in actual length and the vertical height is not nor- tenance of the ship's means of access.
mally to be more than 6 m. The lowermost section of the lad-
ders may be vertical for a distance of not less than 2,5 m. For the purpose of these regulations "critical
structural areas" are locations which have been identified from In double-side skin spaces of less than 2,5 m calculations to require monitoring or from the service history
width, the access to the space may be by means of vertical of similar or sister ships to be sensitive to cracking, buckling,
ladders that comprise of one or more ladderlinking platforms deformation or corrosion which would impair the structural in-
spaced not more than 6 m apart vertically and displaced to one tegrity of the ship.
side of the ladder. For the guidelines when compiling the Ship
Adjacent sections of ladder are to be laterally offset from each structure access manual described in Section 8.6.4, see IACS
other by at least the width of the ladder. Rec. 90 (2005) and Rec. 91 (Rev.2, 2014). A spiral ladder is considered acceptable as an al-
ternative for inclined ladders. In this regard, the uppermost 2,5
8.6.5 Safe access to tanker bows Such means of access are to be in accordance
with the requirements of guidelines for safe access to tanker Every tanker is to be provided with the means to bow (Res. MSC. 62(67)) and are to be approved by the Regis-
enable the crew to gain safe access to the bow even in severe ter. Interpretation of SOLAS II-1/3-3.2, Safe access to tanker
weather conditions. bows, for all vessels subject to that regulation, is provided in
IACS Unified Interpretations SC138 and LL50. For the purpose of this regulation, tankers in-
clude oil tankers as defined in SOLAS, Chapter II-1, Reg.2,
chemical tankers as defined in regulation VII/8.2 and gas car-
riers as defined in regulation VII/11.2.
Table Means of access for ballast and cargo tanks of oil tankers
1. Water ballast tanks except those specified in the right 2. Water ballast wing tanks of less than 5 m width form-
column, and cargo oil tanks ing double side spaces and their bilge hopper sections
1.1 For tanks of which the height is 6 m and over containing 2.1 For double side spaces above the upper knuckle point of
internal structures, permanent means of access are to be the bilge hopper sections, permanent means of access are
provided in accordance with .1 to .6: to be provided in accordance with .1 to .3:
.1 continuous athwartship permanent access arranged .1 the vertical distance between horizontal uppermost
at each transverse bulkhead on the stiffened sur- stringer and deck head is 6 m or more, one continu-
face, at a minimum of 1.6 m to a maximum of 3 m ous longitudinal permanent means of access is to be
below the deck head; provided for the full length of the tank with a means
to allow passing through transverse webs installed at
.2 at least one continuous longitudinal permanent a minimum of 1.6 m to a maximum of 3 m below the
means of access at each side of the tank. One of deck head with a vertical access ladder at each end of
these accesses is to be at a minimum of 1.6 m to a the tank;
maximum of 6 m below the deck head and the other
is to be at a minimum of 1.6 m to a maximum of 3 .2 continuous longitudinal permanent means of access,
m below the deck head; which are integrated in the structure, at a vertical dis-
tance not exceeding 6 m apart; and
.3 access between the arrangements specified in .1 and
.2 and from the main deck to either .1 or .2; .3 plated stringers are, as far as possible, to be in align-
ment with horizontal girders of transverse bulkheads.
.4 continuous longitudinal permanent means of access
which are integrated in the structural member on
the stiffened surface of a longitudinal bulkhead, in
alignment, where possible, with horizontal girders
of transverse bulkheads are to be provided for ac-
cess to the transverse webs unless permanent fit-
tings are installed at the uppermost platform for use
of alternative means, as defined in paragraph of the Technical provisions, for inspection
at intermediate heights;
.5 for ships having cross-ties which are 6 m or more
above tank bottom, a transverse permanent means
of access on the cross-ties providing inspection of
the tie flaring brackets at both sides of the tank,
with access from one of the longitudinal permanent
means of access in .4; and
.6 alternative means as defined in paragraph of
the Technical provisions may be provided for small
ships as an alternative to .4 for cargo oil tanks of
which the height is less than 17 m.
1.2 For tanks of which the height is less than 6 m, alterna- 2.2 For bilge hopper sections of which the vertical distance
tive means as defined in paragraph of the Tech- from the tank bottom to the upper knuckle point is 6 m
nical provisions or portable means may be utilised in and over, one longitudinal permanent means of access is
lieu of the permanent means of access. to be provided for the full length of the tank. It is to be
accessible by vertical permanent means of access at
each end of the tank.
2.2.1 The longitudinal continuous permanent means
of access may be installed at a minimum 1.6 m
to maximum 3 m from the top of the bilge hop-
per section. In this case, a platform extending
the longitudinal continuous permanent means of
access in way of the webframe may be used to
access the identified structural critical areas.
2.2.2 Alternatively, the continuous longitudinal per-
manent means of access may be installed at a
minimum of 1.2 m below the top of the clear
opening of the web ring allowing a use of port-
able means of access to reach identified struc-
tural critical areas.
Fore peak tanks 2.3 Where the vertical distance referred to in 2.2 is less than
6 m, alternative means as defined in paragraph 3.9 of the
1.3 For fore peak tanks with a depth of 6 m or more at the Technical provisions or portable means of access may
centre line of the collision bulkhead, a suitable means of be utilised in lieu of the permanent means of access. To
access are to be provided for access to critical areas such facilitate the operation of the alternative means of ac-
as the underdeck structure, stringers, collision bulkhead cess, in-line openings in horizontal stringers are to be
and side shell structure. provided.
1.3.1 Stringers of less than 6 m in vertical distance The openings are to be of an adequate diameter and are
from the deck head or a stringer immediately to have suitable protective railings.
above are considered to provide suitable access
in combination with portable means of access.
1.3.2 In case the vertical distance between the deck
head and stringers, stringers or the lowest
stringer and the tank bottom is 6 m or more, al-
ternative means of access as defined in para-
graph 3.9 of the Technical provisions are to be
1.1 Permanent means of access are to be fitted to provide 2.1 For each topside tank of which the height is 6 m and
access to the overhead structure at both sides of the over, one longitudinal continuous permanent means of
cross deck and in the vicinity of the centreline. access are to be provided along the side shell webs and
installed at a minimum of 1.6 m to a maximum of 3 m
Each means of access are to be accessible from the car- below deck with a vertical access ladder in the vicinity
go hold access or directly from the main deck and in- of each access to that tank.
stalled at a minimum of 1.6 m to a maximum of 3 m be-
low the deck. 2.2 If no access holes are provided through the transverse
webs within 600 mm of the tank base and the web frame
1.2 An athwartship permanent means of access fitted on the rings have a web height greater than 1 m in way of side
transverse bulkhead at a minimum 1.6 m to a maximum shell and sloping plating, then step rungs/grab rails are
3 m below the cross-deck head is accepted as equivalent to be provided to allow safe access over each transverse
to 1.1. web frame ring.
1.3 Access to the permanent means of access to overhead 2.3 Three permanent means of access, fitted at the end bay
structure of the cross deck may also be via the upper and middle bay of each tank, are to be provided span-
stool. ning from tank base up to the intersection of the sloping
1.4 Ships having transverse bulkheads with full upper stools plate with the hatch side girder. The existing longitudi-
with access from the main deck which allows monitor- nal structure, if fitted on the sloping plate in the space
ing of all framing and plates from inside do not require may be used as part of this means of access.
permanent means of access of the cross deck. 2.4 For topside tanks of which the height is less than 6 m,
1.5 Alternatively, movable means of access may be utilised alternative means as defined in paragraph of the
for access to the overhead structure of the cross deck if Technical provisions or portable means may be utilised
its vertical distance is 17 m or less above the tank top. in lieu of the permanent means of access.
1.6 Permanent means of vertical access are to be provided 2.5 For each bilge hopper tank of which the height is 6 m
in all cargo holds and built into the structure to allow for and over, one longitudinal continuous permanent means
an inspection of a minimum of 25 % of the total number of access are to be provided along the side shell webs
of hold frames port and starboard equally distributed and installed at a minimum of 1.2 m below the top of
throughout the hold including at each end in way of the clear opening of the web ring with a vertical access
transverse bulkheads. But in no circumstance shall this ladder in the vicinity of each access to the tank.
arrangement be less than 3 permanent means of vertical
access fitted to each side (fore and aft ends of hold and 2.5.1 An access ladder between the longitudinal con-
mid-span). tinuous permanent means of access and the bot-
tom of the space is to be provided at each end of
Permanent means of vertical access fitted between two the tank.
adjacent hold frames is counted for an access for the in-
spection of both hold frames. A means of portable ac- 2.5.2 Alternatively, the longitudinal continuous per-
cess may be used to gain access over the sloping plating manent means of access can be located through
of lower hopper ballast tanks. the upper web plating above the clear opening of
the web ring, at a minimum of 1.6 m below the
1.7 In addition, portable or movable means of access are to deck head, when this arrangement facilitates
be utilised for access to the remaining hold frames up to more suitable inspection of identified structur-
their upper brackets and transverse bulkheads. ally critical areas. An enlarged longitudinal
frame can be used for the purpose of the walk-
1.8 Portable or movable means of access may be utilised for way.
access to hold frames up to their upper bracket in place
of the permanent means required in 1.6. These means of For double-side skin bulk carriers, the longitudi-
access are to be carried on board the ship and readily nal continuous permanent means of access may
available for use. be installed within 6 m from the knuckle point
of the bilge, if used in combination with alterna-
1.9 The width of vertical ladders for access to hold frames is tive methods to gain access to the knuckle point.
to be at least 300 mm, measured between stringers.
2.6 If no access holes are provided through the transverse
ring webs within 600 mm of the tank base and the web
frame rings have a web height greater than 1 m in way
of side shell and sloping plating, then step rungs/grab
rails are to be provided to allow safe access over each
transverse web frame ring.
1.10 A single vertical ladder over 6 m in length is acceptable 2.7 For bilge hopper tanks of which the height is less than 6
for the inspection of the hold side frames in a single skin m, alternative means as defined in paragraph of
construction. the Technical provisions or portable means may be util-
ised in lieu of the permanent means of access. Such
1.11 For double-side skin construction no vertical ladders for means of access are to be demonstrated that they can be
the inspection of the cargo hold surfaces are required. deployed and made readily available in the areas where
Inspection of this structure is to be provided from within needed.
the double hull space.
Double-skin side tanks
1) For ore carriers, permanent means of access are to be provided in accordance with the applicable sections of Table and
A.6.6 In addition to the above for the wooden or fi- A.9 CERTIFICATES OF THE
berglass (non-metallic) door on the subject positions
following permanent remark (mem) shall be entered in the MOORING EQUIPMENT (BOLLARDS,
ship's documents: FAIRLEADERS ETC.)
"The external doors on the main deck leading to
compartments below the main deck - at each annual survey A.9.1 Bollards, chocks and fairleads shall be at least
the weathertightness testing (hose test) in accordance with the in accordance with SB standards and made by an approved
Rules, Part 3 - Hull equipment,, in the presence of manufacturer (or shipyard). Upon completion of the works
Register's surveyor is to be carried out". the manufacturer's certificate should be issued.
A.9.2 If this is the case in the drawing "Anchoring
A.7 EXTERNAL DOORS ON THE and mooring plan" is sufficient to state a reference to the ap-
COMPARTMENTS BELOW THE MAIN A.9.3 If a given design is not according to SB stan-
DECK AND NOT ARE INCLUDED IN dards, it shall be demonstrated equivalence of the design (by
submitting for approval detailed technical documentation for
STABILITY CALCULATIONS each mooring element, then to build it by approved manufac-
turers and, finally, to properly test it) to, consequently, be re-
A.7.1 In order to accept the doors it is necessary the garded as equivalent to relevant SB standard (for appliance at
following: passenger ships in domestic service, area of navigation 6).
- the drawings of the doors are to be submitted for
approval; A.10 ACCEPTANCE OF THE
- that the arrangement of the doors onboard complies ATTESTATION OF THE ANCHORING
with the approved documentation;
- the verification of the doors arrangement in relation
to approved documentation is to be carried out; CABLES)
- after installation onboard the weathertightness tes-
A.10.1 In order to accept the anchors and chain cables
ting (hose test) in accordance with the requirements
it is necessary the following:
in, in the presence of Register's surveyor is
to be carried out. The test pressure required by Sec- - the drawings Anchoring arrangement and Calcula-
tion can be reduced to the equivalent of 2 m tion of equipment number are to be submitted for
of water column height at the hose outlet. For the approval;
doors on the upper decks outside the bow exposed - that the anchoring arrangement onboard complies
areas (more than 7 m behind the forward collision with the approved documentation;
bulkhead) test pressure may be further reduced to a - the verification of the anchoring arrangement in re-
minimum ("spraying" around the door frame). lation to approved documentation is to be carried
A.7.2 In the drawings of the doors shall be specified: out
dimensions of clear light openings, opening direction, wing A.10.2 Anchors and chains shall be of an approved
and frame materials, the method of fastening, closing and se- type (they must have Register's certificates or certificates of
aling arrangements. any other recognized classification society (a member of IA-
A.7.3 As a basis for approval the following to be su- CS) issued on behalf of the CRS).
bmitted: an individual Register's approval for such or similar A.10.3 The length of anchor chain cables shall be in
doors, appropriate standard or type approval according to accordance with the calculated equipment number.
which the doors are made or submit documentation with con-
struction details for approval. A.10.4 The mass of anchors shall be in accordance
with the calculated equipment number.
A.10.5 The procedure in case of re-attestation of the
DOORS anchors that do not have the appropriate
A.8.1 Wooden frame shall be properly attached to the
surrounding structure with the screws, and to justified that A.10.5.1 For all anchors the following tests shall be car-
door wings and wooden frames will not be twisted or ried out:
otherwise deformed in use, the wood shall be adequately stif-
fened (with metal fittings on the door leaf, as appropriate) - visual inspection and control of dimensions: dimen-
and surface protected. sion values must be within the tolerances specified
in the Rules, Part 25 - Metallic materials, 6.3.1;
A.8.2 The frame, together with the doors shall be - non-destructive testing (NDE): fabrication welds,
weathertight tested in accordance with the Rules, Part 3 - local weld repairs, feeders and risers of castings
Hull equipment,, in the presence of Register's should be tested by PT or MT method;
- proof load test: all anchors are to be tested by proo
A.8.3 Testing of tightness of external doors with f load exceeding 33% of that which is stated in the
wooden frames on the main deck leading to below the main Rules, Part 3 - Hull equipment, Table for
deck during ship's service shall be in accordance with the normal anchor equal weight. As example, for the
requirements of Section A.6.7. high holding power anchor of 360 kg of the mass
proof load is 1.33 x 90.6 kN which amounts to les based on above shall be submitted to the Register for ap-
120.5 kN. proval.
A.10.5.2 If all anchors meet the above tests is necessary
to select at least one anchor of each type of anchor for further A.11 STRUCTURAL TEST OF
destructive testing. CHAIN LOCKERS
Tests of the anchors parts are set forth in the
Rules, Part 25 - Metallic materials, 6.4.2. A.11.1 If a conventional anchor chain locker is not fit-
Parts of anchors that should be tested are: ted onboard (separate watertight and drained area in which
anchor chain are stowed), then there are no special
- Fluke;
requirements for its pressing by filling water column in order
- Shank; to determine the structural integrity.
- Trunnion pin;
A.11.2 However, since the chain locker always should
- Shackle; be dray at the bottom of such space below the chain should
- Shackle pin. be placed grids (may be wooden grid), below which should
be the opening for the outflow of water in the bilge, or into a
A.10.5.3 The above tests are given under the assumption separate chamber where it will be drain by pump.
that all parts of the anchor are castings.
A.11.3 However, in this case, such a space for the
A.10.5.4 Before starting the test procedure a detailed stowage of the chain cable (in front of the forward collision
plan for the required inspection and testing of anchors based bulkhead or its continuation above the main bulkhead deck)
on above shall be submitted to the Register for approval. should be tested, depending on the basic categorization of
that space. Requirements for the testing of certain types of
A.10.6 The procedure in case of re-attestation of the spaces are explained in detail in the Rules, Part 2 - Hull, Tab-
anchor chain cables that do not have the le 11.6.1.
appropriate certificate