Application Form 1
Application Form 1
Application Form 1
Application For Bachelor Degree Honours Part-1 Examination 2023
Student's Copy
Student's Name : KHAIRUL ISLAM
Father's Name : MD. MAKBUL HOSEN
Registration No : 20227282083 Session : 2020-21
Registration Type : REGULAR Candidate Type : IMPROVEMENT
College Code & Name : (5201) ANANDAMOHAN COLLEGE
Subject Code & Name : (27) Physics
Course Code : 212705
Fee Title : Amount Fee Title : Amount
Theory Fee (3 Credit Paper) 250 x 1 = 250 Inclusion Fee 300 x 1 = 300
University fee : 550/=
(** Excluding college, centre & others fee)
িবঃ ঃ — আপনার আেবদন িনি ত করেত েয়াজনীয় িফ জমা িদেয় এই ফমিট অবশ ই আপনার কেলেজর সংি িবভােগ জমা িদেত হেব, অন থায়
আপনার েবশপ দান করা হেব না এবং আপিন পরী ায় অংশ হণ করেত পারেবন না
National University
Application For Bachelor Degree Honours Part-1 Examination 2023
College Copy
Student's Name : KHAIRUL ISLAM
Father's Name : MD. MAKBUL HOSEN
Registration No : 20227282083 Session : 2020-21
Registration Type : REGULAR Candidate Type : IMPROVEMENT
College Code & Name : (5201) ANANDAMOHAN COLLEGE
Subject Code & Name : (27) Physics
Course Code : 212705
Fee Title : Amount Fee Title : Amount
Theory Fee (3 Credit Paper) 250 x 1 = 250 Inclusion Fee 300 x 1 = 300
University fee : 550/=
(** Excluding college, centre & others fee)
I seek permission to sit for the Bachelor Degree Honours Part-1 Examination 2023. If any information given above proves false or if
I ever violate the examination regulation, National University Authority will have the right to cancel my examination. I further
promise that if any questin arises about my legality as an examinee, I shall be bound to comply with the action(s) or decision(s)
taken by the Syndicate of National University or the relevant body empowered by the Syndicate of National University.
Date: 04/06/2024
Signature of the Examinee
(College Authority)
This is to certify that the above mentioned examinee got admitted in session 2020-21 in Bachelor Degree Honours Part-1 as a
REGULAR student for Bachelor Degree Honours Part-1. I think he/she is elegible to sit for the examination of final year, considerign
his/her performance during the study period. All the information given above by he examinee are correct. If any information
proves false, then hisher examination will be ancelled.