Scaffolding Self-Regulated Learning and Metacognit

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Scaffolding Self-Regulated Learning and Metacognition—Implications for the

Design of Computer-Based Scaffolds

Article in Instructional Science · November 2005

DOI: 10.1007/s11251-005-1272-9


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2 authors:

Roger Azevedo Allyson Fiona Hadwin

North Carolina State University University of Victoria


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Instructional Science (2005) 33: 367–379  Springer 2005
DOI 10.1007/s11251-005-1272-9

Scaffolding self-regulated learning and metacognition – Implications

for the design of computer-based scaffolds


Department of Human Development, University of Maryland, 3304 Benjamin
Building, College Park, MD, 20742, USA; 2Department of Educational Psychology
and Leadership Studies, University of Victoria, PO Box 3010 STN CSC, Victoria,
BC, Canada, V8W 3N4
(*Author for correspondence, e-mail:

Scaffolding students’ self-regulated learning and metacognition dur-

ing learning with computer-based learning environments (CBLEs)
has become a critical issue that has recently received a tremendous
amount attention by researchers from several communities. Tradi-
tional CBLEs such as intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) have repeat-
edly demonstrated their ability to effectively scaffold student’s
learning of well-structured tasks such as algebra, based on their abil-
ity to dynamically and systematically monitor, adapt, and scaffold a
learner’s individual learning (Derry & Lajoie, 1993; Anderson et al.,
1995; Shute & Psotka, 1996; Koedinger, 2001; Aleven & Koedinger,
Recent technological advances and widespread use of open-ended
learning environments such as hypermedia, hypertext, collaborative
learning environments, and web-based learning environments chal-
lenge traditional conceptions of scaffolding posing significant theoreti-
cal, conceptual, methodological, educational, and design challenges
(see Hogan & Pressley, 1997; Hannafin et al., 1999; Azevedo, 2003, in
press; Pea, 2004; Reiser, 2004; Puntambekar & Hubscher, 2005;
Graesser et al., in press; Quintana et al., in press; White & Frekerik-
sen, in press). The purpose of this introductory article is three-fold:
(1) to present an overview of these several challenges to the issue of
scaffolding self-regulated learning and metacognition (2) derive impli-
cations for the design of computer-based scaffolds, and (3) illustrate
how each of the five research studies addresses each of these issues.
The papers presented in this special issue were part of a session at the
annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association
held in 2004.

Importance of scaffolding metacognitive and self-regulated learning

Scaffolding is a critical component in facilitating students’ learning

(see Chi et al., 1994, 2001). Scaffolding involves providing assistance
to students on an as-needed basis, fading the assistance as learner
competence increases (Wood et al., 1976). Scaffolds are tools, strate-
gies, and guides used by human and computer tutors, teachers, and
animated pedagogical agents during learning to enable them to de-
velop understandings beyond their immediate grasp (Graesser et al.,
2000; Reiser, 2002).
Several studies have recently provided evidence that when students
learn about complex topics with computer-based learning environ-
ments (CBLEs) in the absence of scaffolding they show poor ability
to regulate their learning, and failure to gain a conceptual under-
standing of the topic (Hill & Hannafin, 1997; Greene & Land, 2000;
Land & Greene, 2000; Azevedo & Cromley, 2004). As a result,
researchers have recently begun to emphasize the importance of
embedded conceptual, metacognitive, procedural, and strategic scaffolds
in CBLEs (e.g., Vye et al., 1998; Hannafin et al., 1999; Azevedo,
2000, in press; Lajoie et al., 2000; White et al., 2000; Brush & Saye,
2001; Hadwin & Winne, 2001; Azevedo, 2002; Baylor, 2002; Punt-
ambekar, 2003).
Despite the potential learning benefits of using scaffolds to enhance
students’ learning with CBLEs, their effectiveness is difficult to deter-
mine, since most of these environments include multiple forms of
(e.g., Oliver & Hannafin, 2000). Research about the effectiveness of
scaffolds in CBLEs is challenging to conduct because these environ-
ments use a variety of different scaffolding techniques delivered by a
variety of agents (human, peer, computer) (e.g., Luckin & DuBoulay,
1999; Conati & VanLehn, 2000; Aleven & Koedinger, 2002; Baylor,
2002; Azevedo et al., 2004). Therefore, we posit the effectiveness and
nature of adaptive scaffolding warrants further empirical examination
to guide ways that scaffolds might be embedded in CBLEs.
This special issue presents and summarizes data from laboratory
and classroom research about scaffolding self-regulated learning and
metacognition in either face-to-face tutoring sessions or CBLEs. Each
group was asked to explicitly address three questions: (1) What does
research tell us about guiding and scaffolding metacognition and
SRL? (2) How might this research guide the development of metacog-
nitive tools to foster and sustain students’ metacognitive processes
and SRL? (3) What are the challenges we must face in designing

adaptive scaffolds that can guide learners to develop and revise self-
regulatory skills and processes?

General issues related to scaffolding self-regulated learning and


Widespread use of CBLEs in laboratory and classroom settings, and

other multi-user distributed social settings designed to support stu-
dents learning of conceptually-challenging topics has led researchers
from several disciplines to question the theoretical, conceptual, meth-
odological, educational, and design issues related to scaffolding
(e.g., see Palincsar, 1998; Stone, 1998).
Discussions related to scaffolding students’ learning needs should
also account for developmental level. Considering and adapting sup-
port to fundamental and often subtle developmental changes in
students’ cognitive, metacognitive, motivational factors, is essential for
increasing potential for students to benefit from scaffolding (Pintrich &
Zusho, 2002). In this special issue, we have purposely included studies
across developmental levels: middle-school, high-school, college, and
post-graduate levels of education. A consistent thread across studies is
a focus on students with low prior knowledge of the topic or domain
under investigation. The studies presented in this special issue also
vary regarding the length of the learning session or instructional
session from 40-min laboratory experiments, to year-long studies. Jux-
taposing studies that vary in terms of length and developmental level
provides opportunities to explore variations in the role, function, and
types of scaffolding used over time. A careful analysis of the learning
context, the nature of the learning activity or learning task, and the
role of the CBLE (which is a component of the learning context) in
supporting students’ learning also needs to be considered. It should be
noted that these general scaffolding issues interact with one another
thus complicating our understanding of the role of scaffolding meta-
cognitive and self-regulatory process in fostering students’ learning.

Specific issues related to scaffolding self-regulated learning and


Papers presented in this volume contrast each other in the ways they
tackle five fundamental issues for understanding scaffolding in the con-
text of self-regulated learning and metacognition: (a) What attributes

of scaffolding are emphasized? (b) What kind of learning is supported

through scaffolding? (c) What or who is the source of scaffolded sup-
port? (d) What kinds of scaffolds are effective? (e) How are scaffold-
ing needs diagnosed (see Table 1), and (f) What are the future
directions and challenges to be faced? We use each theme to in-
troduce the studies comprising this volume.

What attributes of scaffolding are emphasized?

Scaffolding involves calibrated support for diagnosed learning targets.

Four attributes associated with scaffolding include: diagnosis, cali-
brated support, fading, and individualization. Support can be in the
form of pre-stocked questions static questions, dynamic support that
is tailored to the student and context, or computer-based tools that
guide students in their thinking, etc. The attributes of the scaffolds
emphasized in the studies range from adaptive scaffolding based on
on-going diagnosis, calibrated to the individual learner which may in-
clude some degree of fading (Azevedo et al. 2005; Hadwin et al. 2005)
to having the student engage in self-diagnosis with no other form of
individualized support or fading (e.g., Choi et al., 2005; Dabbaugh &
Kitsantas 2005; Puntambekar & Stylianou 2005).

What kind of learning is supported through scaffolding?

This question relates to a fundamental issue regarding the exact pur-

pose of the scaffold. Scaffolding may support a range of instructional
targets including: (a) learning domain knowledge (e.g., concepts,
procedures, etc), (b) learning about one’s own learning (e.g.,
metacognition, self-regulated learning), (c) learning about using the
computer-based learning environment (e.g., procedures, embedded
tools, functionality, etc), and (d) learning how to adapt to a particu-
lar instructional context (e.g., engaging in adaptive help-seeking
behavior, modifying contextual features to facilitate learning, etc.).
Within each of these instructional targets, scaffolding may support
the development of declarative, procedural, conceptual, or metacogni-
tive knowledge. Scaffolding examined in each study in this volume
targets different types of learning. Hadwin and colleagues focused on
scaffolded support to help graduate students develop and appropriate
self-regulatory strategies and behavior. Analyses focused exclusively
on the evolution of self-regulatory control as it transitions from
instructor to graduate student regulation during year-long instruc-
tional meetings. In contrast, Azevedo and colleagues supported ado-
Table 1. Description and explanation of issues related to scaffolding self-regulated learning and metacognition in the studies featured in
this volume

Scaffolding Azevedo at Hadwin Puntambekar & Choi Dabbagh &

Issue al study et al study Stylianou study et al study Kitsantas study
Attributes Adaptive scaffolding • diagnosis • self-diagnosis • self-individualized • limit complexity of
of scaffolding (AS) environment
• ongoing diagnosis • calibrated support • no calibrated support • self diagnosis • graduallyremovelimits
• calibrated to • individualized • no individualized • on-line guidance for • control from other
individual support support generating effective to student
peer questions
• temporary fading • fading • no fading support • provided protocols,
models, rubrics,
questions, etc.
Fixed scaffolding (FS) Transition form tea-
guided questions cali- cher to student SRL
brated to study session
Learning Shift to sophisticated Transition of self- Extraction of relevant Generation and con- Acquisition of meta-
that is mental models of the regulatory control science-related mate- ditional knowledge of cognitive skills, strate-
supported circulatory system from instructor to rial to support design three different types gic learning, and other
graduate student dur- task of peer questioning SRL processes such as
ing year-long project strategies planning, monitoring,
goal setting
SRL behaviors (plan-
ning, monitoring,
learning strategies...)
What/who Support by human Support student- Support by paper Support by metacog- Support through
scaffolds? tutor: versus fixed instructor dialogue based metanaviga- nitive scaffolds, peer web-based pedagogi-
scaffolds (prompting, ques- tional scaffold feedback, instructor cal tools (WBPT) and
tioning, etc.) prompting distance instructor
Table 1. Continued 372

Scaffolding Azevedo Hadwin Puntambekar & Choi Dabbagh &

Issue at al study et al study Stylianou study et al study Kitsantas study
Diagnosing Tutor diagnosed and Instructor diagnosed Self-diagnosis Self-diagnosis Scaffolds designed for
when to scaffold? individualized sup- and individualized the task
port scaffolding support
Student self-diag- Feedback on pro-
nosed & requested posal diagnosed indi-
support vidual difficulties
Findings Adaptive scaffolding Teachers withdraw Students who re- On-line guidance Different WBPT sup-
more effective for and students increase ceived: metanaviga- seems to affect the port different self-
moving students to- their participation in tion provided better frequency of ques- regulatory strategies
ward more sophisti- instructional dis- explanations of the tions generated over
cated mental models, course over time concepts they included time
increasing declarative in their maps and ri-
knowledge, & incre- cher explanations of
asing frequency of the connections they
some SRL strategies made among them
Over time there was a Students generally gen-
significant decrease in erated significantly
dialogue targeting task more clarification
definition; increase in & elaboration ques-
dialogue targeting tions
strategy enactment,
and goal-setting
No significant differ-
ences between groups
on the quality of their
Scaffolding Azevedo Hadwin Puntambekar & Choi Dabbagh &
Issue at al study et al study Stylianou study et al study Kitsantas study
Future Technological chal- Technological chal- Technological chal- Technological chal- Technological chal-
directions lenges: (1) Dynamic lenges: (1) Pedagogi- lenges:(1) Adaptive lenges: (1) Scaffolds lenges: (1) Different
& challenges adaptive hypermedia cal agents need to support within hyper- in open-ended learn- computer based scaf-
environments should scaffold diagnosis, text system should ing environments folds support differ-
tailor scaffolding to calibration, and fad- incorporate hierarchi- should be based on ent aspects of SRL
knowledge & SRL; ing; (2) Diagnosis & cal priority of rules to the role of the ques- (fit the tool to the
(2) Adaptive hyper- calibration should inform decisions about tioning process and type of SRL support
media environments target the appropriate the appropriate type of prior knowledge, that is needed)
should diagnose, phase of SRL metanavigational sup- metacognition, and
guide and evaluate port, (2) Rules should task complexity
planning, monitoring, consider: when to
strategy use encourage monitoring,
how much explanation
before prompts are gi-
ven the readers, their
prior knowledge and
reading comprehension

lescents’ shift to more sophisticated mental models of the circulatory

system by having a human tutor (external regulating agent) deploy
several cognitive, metacognitive, and self-regulatory processes for the
learner. Here the focus was on both domain knowledge and metacog-
nitive processes. The other three studies examined some variation of
supporting the acquisition of metacognitive skills, strategic learning,
and other self-regulatory processes such as planning, monitoring,
goal setting (Dabbagh & Kitsantas, 2005), supporting students’ abil-
ity to generate different types of complex questions (i.e., clarification/
elaboration, counter argument, and context-specific; Choi et al.,
2005), and supporting students’ metanavigational behavior to (Punt-
ambekar & Stylianou, 2005).

What or who is the source of scaffolded support?

Learning support and scaffolding can be provided by the learner (e.g.,

through questioning), by the static prompts or templates in a CBLE,
or by an external human or artificial agent in the learning and/or so-
cial context where the learning is taking place? This special issue tack-
les problems in designing pedagogical agents for scaffolding SRL and
metacognition. However, we each tackle that question from different
positions along a continuum from scaffolding learning through the
use of static prompts and CBLE’s to dynamically and adaptively scaf-
folding through a human agent.
Puntambekar & Stylianou presented students with written-based
prompts designed to assist student navigational behavior during a de-
sign task. Similarly, Choi and colleagues’ embedded static scaffolds
designed to facilitate students’ ability to refine their questions and re-
sponses to challenging questions Dabbagh and Kitsantas focused pri-
marily on the effectiveness of support provided through web-based
pedagogical tools (WBPT) with human instructor supports provided
primarily in the form of individualized feedback on a project. In con-
trast, Azevedo and colleagues compared fixed scaffolds that were
embedded in the CBLE to dynamic adaptive tutoring provided by a
human regulating agent. Continuing along the same line Hadwin and
colleagues examined changes in SRL during less formal human scaf-
folding throughout an extended year-long course project.

Diagnosing when to scaffold during learning

A central feature of scaffolding is that there is some form of diagnosis

that aids in decisions about how to individualize scaffolding support

for the learner, task, or context. Diagnosis highlights an important

difference between original conception of scaffolding with more recent
notions of the term. The studies in this volume can be contrasted with
respect to: (a) who did the diagnosing, and (b) whether the diagnosis
is focused on the individual learner, the task, or the studying context/
tools. For example, Dabbagh & Kitsantas, Choi et al., and
Puntambekar & Stylianou did not focus on calibrating instructional
support to the individual, and did not use human agents to diagnose
problem areas that might require remediation.

What is the mark of successful scaffolding and what kinds of scaffolds

are effective?

The studies in this volume measured the effectiveness of scaffolding in

multiple ways. For example, self-report measures of goal setting, task
strategies, self-monitoring, self-evaluation, time planning and manage-
ment, help seeking, usefulness for each web-based tool (Dabbagh &
Kitsantas, 2005), shifts in students’ conceptual understanding and
declarative knowledge and the frequency of self-regulatory processes
used during learning (Azevedo et al., 2005), transitioning of control
from instructor to students over time during discourse about a com-
plex task (Hadwin et al., 2005), frequency and quality of questions
generated during learning and (Choi et al., 2005), and students expla-
nations of the concepts included in their concept maps (Puntambekar
and Stylianou, 2005). It is important to highlight that multiple data
sources were used and converged in order to explain the effectiveness
of scaffolding.
As a result of the varied approaches to researching scaffolding,
papers in this volume also presented diverse findings. Azevedo et al.
found that adaptive scaffolding was effective for moving students
toward more sophisticated mental models, increasing declarative
knowledge, & increasing frequency of some SRL strategies. Choi et
al. found that on-line guidance seems to affect the frequency of ques-
tions students generate over time. Specifically, students generally gen-
erated significantly more clarification & elaboration questions
although no significant differences were found between groups on the
quality of their questions. Dabbaugh et al. found that different
WBPTs support different self-regulatory strategies. And Hadwin et al.
found that teachers withdraw and students increase their participation
in self-regulatory discourse over time. Specifically, there was a signifi-
cant decrease in dialogue targeting task definition; increase in dia-
logue targeting strategy enactment, and goal-setting. In Puntambekar

and Stylianou’s study, students who received metanavigation provided

better explanations of the concepts they included in their maps and
richer explanations of the connections they made among them.

What are the future directions and challenges to be faced in designing

computer-based supports for scaffolding self-regulated learning and

Individually and collectively these papers provide several directions

for the design of computer-based scaffolds. Several technical chal-
lenges exist in developing dynamic adaptive computer-based scaffolds
that dynamically modify scaffolding methods to knowledge and SRL
sophistication. In this paragraph, we list some suggestions drawn
from papers in this volume: (1) design specific computer based scaf-
folds to support different aspects of self-regulated learning (i.e., fit the
tool to the type of SRL support that is needed); (2) target scaffolds
in hypermedia environments to diagnose, support, evaluation plan-
ning, monitoring, and strategy use; (3) develop pedagogical agents to
diagnose specific problems, calibrate support to the appropriate phase
of SRL and the specific problem, and fade or adapt support as stu-
dents self-regulate their own content learning; and, (4) build adaptive
support based on some hierarchical priority of rules that inform the
decisions of what type of metanavigational support should be given
to students. The rules should take the following into consideration:
when to encourage monitoring, how much explanation before
prompts is given the readers, their prior knowledge and reading
Design guidelines emerging from research presented in this volume
pose important challenges for the future of pedagogical agents, and
provide direction for both design and empirical examination of those


We would like to thank Patricia Alexander and Peter Goodyear, Co-

Editors of Instructional Science, for the opportunity to produce this
special issue. We would also like to acknowledge and thank the
individuals who served as reviewers for the manuscripts included in
this special issue.


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