Programming Paradigm

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1. Concept of programming paradigms

Categories of Programming Paradigm

2. Structured and unstructured Programming Paradigms

Overview of Main Programming Paradigm

3. Classification of Programming language

Machine Language

Assembly language

High level language

4. Characteristics/Attributes of good Programming Language

5. Programming Language Evolution and Paradigms

6. Language structure

Language processing



Concept of Interpretative Language

The Concept of Binding

7. Data Types and Structure

6.1 Data Types

Primitive data types

Composite / Derived data types

Enumerated Type

Abstract data types

Utility data types

6.2 Data Structure


Linked List


Hash Table




Course Objectives:

By the end of this course you should be able to:

1. Increase capacity of computer science students to express ideas

2. Improve their background for choosing appropriate languages

3. Increase the ability to learn new languages

4. Better understand the significance of programming implementation

5. Ensure overall advancement of computing

Course Aims

i. Introduce the concepts of programming language in preparation for the main course;

ii. To discuss structural layer of programming language and formal methods of

describing syntax;

iii. Introduce language processing; and

iv. Explain data type and structure.

1.0 Introduction:

Several Programming Language (PL) have been developed and most of it are in used. However,

some of these PLs have similarity while some are entirely different from each other. The

comparison between the PLs led to categorize PL into different classes.

Organization of Programming Languages (OPL) is a course on the fundamental principles of

programming languages, introduction to fundamental principles and techniques in

programming languages design and implementation. It handles the programing paradigm and

historical pattern of programming. The course also elaborates on language structure, data type

and data structure.

1.1 Concept of programming language paradigm

A programming paradigm is an approach to programming a computer based on a coherent

set of principles or mathematical theory. By the word paradigm, we understand a set of patterns

and practices used to achieve a certain goal. Millions of programming languages have been

invented, and several thousands of them are actually in use.

Compared to natural languages that developed and evolved independently, programming

languages are far more similar to each other because:

 Different programming languages share the same mathematical foundation (e.g.,

Boolean algebra, logic);

 They provide similar functionality (e.g., arithmetic, logic operations, and text


 They are based on the same kind of hardware and instruction sets;

 They have common design goals: find languages that make it simple for humans to use

and efficient for hardware to execute;

 Designers of programming languages share their design experiences.

It is worthwhile to note that many languages belong to multiple paradigms. For example, we

can say that C++ is an object-oriented programming language. However, C++ includes almost

every feature of C and thus is an imperative programming language too. We can use C++ to

write C programs. Java is more object- oriented, but still includes many imperative features.

For example, Java’s primitive type variables do not obtain memory from the language heap

like other objects. Lisp contains many non-functional features. Scheme can be considered a

subset of Lisp with fewer non-functional features. Prolog’s arithmetic operations are based on

the imperative paradigm.

2. Categories of Programming Paradigm

There are many programming paradigms in use today. A main programming paradigm stems

an idea within some basic discipline which is relevant for performing computations. Some

programming languages, however, are more similar to each other, while other programming

languages are more different from each other. Based on their similarities or the paradigms,

programming languages can be divided into different classes namely;

 Imperative paradigm/procedural paradigm

 Functional paradigm,

 Logic paradigm

 Object-Oriented paradigm

 Visual paradigm

 Parallel/concurrent paradigms,

 Constraint based paradigm

 Dynamic paradigms.


1 Introduction

This unit discusses structured and unstructured programming towards making programming
easier to understand. While drawing the difference between structured and unstructured
language, the unit deliberates on types and components of structured programming language,
and highlighted their advantages and disadvantages.

Elementary structures of structured programs

Structured programming (sometimes known as modular programming) is a programming

paradigm that facilitates the creation of programs with readable code and reusable components.

All modern programming languages support structured programming, but the mechanisms of
support, like the syntax of the programming languages, varies. Where modules or elements of
code can be reused from a library, it may also be possible to build structured code using
modules written in different languages, as long as they can obey a common module interface
or application program interface (API) specification. However, when modules are reused, it's
possible to compromise data security and governance, so it's important to define and enforce a
privacy policy controlling the use of modules that bring with them implicit data access rights.

Structured programming encourages dividing an application program into a hierarchy of

modules or autonomous elements, which may, in turn, contain other such elements. Within
each element, code may be further structured using blocks of related logic designed to improve
readability and maintainability. These may include case, which tests a variable against a set of
values; Repeat, while and for, which construct loops that continue until a condition is met. In
all structured programming languages, an unconditional transfer of control, or goto statement,
is deprecated and sometimes not even available.

• Block: It is a command or a set of commands that the program executes linearly. The
sequence has a single point of entry (first line) and exit (last line). • Selection: It is the branching
of the flow of control based on the outcome of a condition.

Two sequences are specified: the ‘if’ block when the condition is true and the ‘else’ block when
it is false. The ‘else’ block is optional and can be a no-op

• Iteration: It is the repetition of a block as long as it meets a specific condition. The evaluation
of the condition happens at the start or the end of the block. When the condition results in false,
the loop terminates and moves on to the next block.

• Nesting: The above building blocks can be nested because conditions and iterations, when
encapsulated, have singular entry-exit points and behave just like any other block.

• Subroutines: Since entire programs now have singular entry-exit points, encapsulating them
into subroutines allows us to invoke blocks by one identifier.

3.2 Difference between structured and unstructured programming languages

A structured programming language facilitates or enforces structured programming practices.

These practices can also be supported with unstructured languages, but that will require specific
steps in program design and implementation. Structured programming practices thus date to
the emergence of structured programming languages.

The theoretical basis for structured programming goes back to the 1950s, with the emergence
of the ALGOL 58 and 60 languages. Up to then, code clarity was reduced by the need to build
condition/action tests by having programmers write linked tests and actions explicitly (using
the goto statement or its equivalent), resulting in what was often called spaghetti code. ALGOL
included block structure, where an element of code included a condition and an action.

Modular programming, which is today seen as synonymous with structured programming,

emerged a decade later as it became clear that reuse of common code could improve developer
productivity. In modular programming, a program is divided into semi-independent modules,
each of which are called when needed. Purists argue that modular programming requires actual
independence of modules, but most development teams consider any program that divides logic
into separate elements, even if those elements exist within the same program, as modular.

Modern programming languages are universally capable of producing structured code.
Similarly, they're also capable of producing code fairly described as unstructured if used
incorrectly. Some would say that an unstructured programming language contains goto
statements and, thus, does not require a "call" to a separate module, which then returns when
complete, but that definition is unnecessarily restrictive. It's better to say that the mechanisms
for enforcing structure vary by language, with some languages demanding structure and other
accepting less-structured code.

2. Types of structured programming

Structured programming can be divided into three categories, including:

2. 1 Procedural programming.

Defines modules as "procedures" or "functions" that are called with a set of parameters to
perform a task. A procedural language will begin a process, which is then given data. It is also
the most common category and has recently been subdivided into the following: • Service-
oriented programming simply defines reusable modules as "services" with advertised

• Microservice programming focuses on creating modules that do not store data internally, and
so are scalable and resilient in cloud deployment.

• Functional programming, technically, means that modules are written from functions, and
that these functions' outputs are derived only from their inputs. Designed for server less
computing, the definition of functional programming has since expanded to be largely
synonymous with microservices.

2.2 Object-oriented programming (OOP).

Defines a program as a set of objects or resources to which commands are sent. An object-
oriented language will define a data resource and send it to process commands. For example,
the procedural programmer might say "Print(object)" while the OOP programmer might say
"Tell Object to Print".

2.3 Model-based programming.

The most common example of this is database query languages. In database programming,
units of code are associated with steps in database access and update or run when those steps
occur. The database and database access structure will determine the structure of the code.
Another example of a model-based structure is Reverse Polish Notation (RPN), a math-
problem structure that lends itself to efficient solving of complex expressions. Quantum
computing, just now emerging, is another example of model-based structured programming
that demands a specific model to organize steps, and the language simply provides it.

3. Components of structured programming

At the high level, structured programs consist of a structural hierarchy starting with the main
process and decomposing downward to lower levels as the logic dictates. These lower
structures are the modules of the program, and modules may contain both calls to other (lower-
level) modules and blocks representing structured condition/action combinations. All of this
can be combined into a single module or unit of code, or broken down into multiple modules,
resident in libraries.

Modules can be classified as "procedures" or "functions." A procedure is a unit of code that

performs a specific task, usually referencing a common data structure available to the program
at large. Much of the data operated on by procedures is external. A function is a unit of code
that operates on specific inputs and returns a result when called.

Structured programs and modules typically have a header file or section that describes the
modules or libraries referenced and the structure of the parameters and module interface. In
some programming languages, the interface description is abstracted into a separate file, which
is then implemented by one or more other units of code.

3. 1. Advantages and Disadvantages of structured programming

3.2.1 Advantages of structured programming

The primary advantages of structured programming are:

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• It encourages top-down implementation, which improves both readability and maintainability
of code.

• It promotes code reuse, since even internal modules can be extracted and made independent,
residents in libraries, described in directories and referenced by many other applications.

• It's widely agreed that development time and code quality are improved through structured

These advantages are normally seen as compelling, even decisive, and nearly all modern
software development employs structured programming.

3.2.1 Disadvantages of structured programming

The biggest disadvantage of structured programming is a reduction in execution efficiency,

followed by greater memory usage. Both these problems arise from the introduction of calls to
a module or process, which then returns to the caller when it's done. System parameters and
system resources are saved on a stack (a queue organized as LIFO, or last-in-first-out) and
popped when needed. The more program logic is decomposed, meaning the more modules are
involved, the greater the overhead associated with the module interface. All structured
programming languages are at risk to "over-structuring" and loss of efficiency.

Structured programming can also be applied incorrectly if the type of structure selected isn't
right for the task at hand. The best-known example is the solving of math problems. RPL is an
efficient way to state and solve a math problem because it eliminates the need to explicitly state
execution order and eliminates recursion in code. However, if that problem was to be posed in
structured programming procedural or object form, the resulting code would be much less
efficient than the RPL version.


Structured programming is a paradigm that aims to make programs easier to comprehend from
a reader’s point of view. It does this by line arising the flow of control through a program. In
which case, execution follows the writing order of the code. Structured programming caught
favour with programming

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4.0 Overview of Main Programming Paradigm

There are four main programming paradigms which are imperative paradigm functional

paradigm, logical paradigm and object-oriented paradigm.

4.1 Imperative Paradigm

The imperative, also called the procedural programming paradigm expresses computation by

fully specified and controlled manipulation of named data in a stepwise fashion. In other words,

data or values are initially stored in variables (memory locations), taken out of (read from)

memory, manipulated in ALU (arithmetic logic unit), and then stored back in the same or

different variables (memory locations). Finally, the values of variables are sent to the I/O

devices as output. The foundation of imperative languages is the stored program concept-based

computer hardware organization and architecture (von Neumann machine). The stored

program concept will be further explained in the next chapter. Typical imperative programming

languages include all assembly languages and earlier high-level languages like FORTRAN,



 Very simple to implement

 It contains loops, variables etc.


 Complex problem cannot be solved

 Less efficient and less productive

 Parallel programming is not possible

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Examples of Imperative programming paradigm:

 C : developed by Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson

 Fortan : developed by John Backus for IBM

 Basic : developed by John G Kemeny and Thomas E Kurtz

// average of five number in C

int marks[5] = { 12, 32, 45, 13, 19 } int sum = 0;

Float average = 0.0;

For (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

Sum = sum + marks[i];

Average = sum / 5;

4.2 Object oriented programming Paradigm –

The program is written as a collection of classes and object which are meant for

communication. The smallest and basic entity is object and all kind of computation is

performed on the objects only. More emphasis is on data rather procedure. It can handle almost

all kind of real life problems which are today in scenario.


 Data security

 Inheritance

 Code reusability

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 Flexible and abstraction is also present

Examples of Object Oriented programming paradigm:

 Simula : first OOP language

 Java : developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems

 C++ : developed by BjarneStroustrup

 Objective-C : designed by Brad Cox

 Visual Basic .NET : developed by Microsoft

 Python : developed by Guido van Rossum

 Ruby : developed by Yukihiro Matsumoto

 Smalltalk : developed by Alan Kay, Dan Ingalls, Adele Goldberg


class GFG {

public static void main(String[] args)


Signup s1 = new Signup();

s1.create(22, "riya", "", 'F', 89002);

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class Signup {


String name;

String emailid;

char sex;

long mob;

public void create(int userid, String name,

String emailid, char sex, long mob)

System.out.println("Welcome to

GeeksforGeeks\nLets create your account\n");

this.userid = 132; = "Radha";

this.emailid = ""; = 'F';

this.mob = 900558981;

System.out.println("your account has been created");

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4.4 Procedural programming paradigm –

This paradigm emphasizes on procedure in terms of underlying machine model. There is no

difference in between procedural and imperative approach. It has the ability to reuse the code

and it was boon at that time when it was in use because of its reusability.

Examples of Procedural programming paradigm:

 C : developed by Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson

 C++ : developed by BjarneStroustrup

 Java : developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems

 ColdFusion : developed by J JAllaire

 Pascal : developed by Niklaus Wirth

#include <iostream>

Using namespace std;

int main()

int i, fact = 1, num;

cout<< "Enter any Number: ";

cin>> number;

for (i = 1; i <= num; i++) {

Fact = fact * i;

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cout<< "Factorial of " <<num<< " is: " << fact <<endl;

Return 0;

4.5 Functional (Application) Paradigm

The functional, also called the applicative, programming paradigm expresses computation in

terms of mathematical functions. Since we express computation in mathematical functions in

many of the mathematics courses, functional programming is supposed to be easy to understand

and simple to use. However, programmers find it difficult to switch because they are already

familiar with the functional programming. The main difference is that there is no concept of

memory locations in functional programming languages. Each function will take a number of

values as input (parameters) and produce a single return value (output of the function). The

return value cannot be stored for later use. It has to be used either as the final output or

immediately as the parameter value of another function. Functional programming is about

defining functions and organizing the return values of one or more functions as the parameters

of another function. Functional programming languages are mainly based on the lambda


Typical functional programming Languages include ML, SML, and Lisp/Scheme. Python and

C# support direct applications of lambda calculus and many functional programming features.

Examples of Functional programming paradigm:

 JavaScript : developed by Brendan Eich

 Haskell : developed by LennartAugustsson, Dave Barton

 Scala : developed by Martin Odersky

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 Erlang : developed by Joe Armstrong, Robert Virding

 Lisp : developed by John Mccarthy

 ML : developed by Robin Milner

 Clojure : developed by Rich Hickey

The next kind of approach is of Database.

4.6 Logic programming paradigms –

It can be termed as abstract model of computation. It would solve logical problems like puzzles,

series etc. In logic programming we have a knowledge base which we know before and along

with the question and knowledge base which is given to machine, it produces result.

In normal programming languages, such concept of knowledge base is not available but while

using the concept of artificial intelligence, machine learning we have some models like

Perception model which is using the same mechanism.

In logical programming the main emphasize is on knowledge base and the problem. The

execution of the program is very much like proof of mathematical statement, e.g., Prolog sum

of two number in prolog: predicates

sumoftwonumber(integer, integer)


sum(0, 0).

sum(n, r):-


sum(n1, r1),

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Database/Data driven programming approach –

This programming methodology is based on data and its movement. Program statements are

defined by data rather than hard-coding a series of steps. A database program is the heart of a

business information system and provides file creation, data entry, update, query and reporting

functions. There are several programming languages that are developed mostly for database

application. For example SQL. It is applied to streams of structured data, for filtering,

transforming, aggregating (such as computing statistics), or calling other programs. So it has

its own wide application.

CREATE DATABASE databaseAddress;


PersonID int,

LastNamevarchar (200),

FirstNamevarchar (200),

Address varchar (200),

City varchar(200),

State varchar(200)


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Paradigm is a set of basic principles, concepts, and methods for how a computation or algorithm

is expressed. We have several programming paradigms nowadays. Although there is similarity

between some of these programming languages. This unit emphasizes the need to know which

paradigm the programming language in use belong to.


In this unit, you learnt that the history of programming language right from the beginning till

present. Also, the programming paradigms were discussed. The four common program

paradigm and groups were discussed as well as their similarities and differences.


A programming language is a language designed to communicate instructions to a computer.

They are used to create programs that control the behaviour of a machine. A programming

language is a notation for writing programs, which are specifications of a computation or

algorithm. However, some authors restrict the term "programming language" to those

languages that can express all possible algorithms. Thus, Programming language is a set of

commands, strings or characters readable by programmers but easily translatable to machine

code. It has syntax, grammar, and semantics.

There are two ways to describe a language: by its syntax or by its semantics. The syntax of a

language is a set of rules that defines what strings of characters (sentence or statements)

belong to this language; the semantics of a language describe the meaning of a given statement.

 Syntax is a set of rules that define how the commands have to be arranged to make

sense and to be correctly translatable to the machine code.

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 Grammar is a set of rules of using different punctuation, quotation marks, semicolons,

and other symbols to divide and clarify the syntax of a particular language.

 Semantics is a set of meanings assigned to every command of the language and is used

to properly translate the programme to machine code.

Programming languages are tools used in developing software thus this module discusses the

concept of programming language. This discussion on the concept of programming language

is used to refresh and prepare the leaners towards the main topics. The first unit of the module

presents the fundamental of programing language which is the foundation. It also discusses the

categories of programming language as well as the attribute of good programming language.

Programming languages have been in active over 40 years ago thus, all languages have their

link to the earlier versions developed. Hence, the second unit presents discussions on

programming language evolution and programming paradigm. For easy understanding of

programs, the last unit of the module deliberates on structured and unstructured programming.

Likewise, the merit and demerit of structured programming are presented.

5.1 Classification of Programming language

Programming Language can be grouped into three namely; Machine Languages, Assembly

Languages and High level Languages.

Machine Language:

Machine language is a collection of binary digits or bits that the computer reads and interprets.

Machine language is the only language a computer is capable of understanding. Machine level

language is a language that supports the machine side of the programming or does not provide

human side of the programming. It consists of (binary) zeros and ones. Each instruction in a

program is represented by a numeric code, and numerical addresses are used throughout the

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program to refer to memory locations in the computer’s memory. Microcode allows for the

expression of some of the more powerful machine level instructions in terms of a set of basic

machine instructions.

Assembly language:

Assembly language is easier to use than machine language. An assembler is useful for detecting

programming errors. Programmers do not have the absolute address of data items. Assembly

language encourage modular programming.

High level language

High level language is a language that supports the human and the application sides of the

programming. A language is a machine independent way to specify the sequence of operations

necessary to accomplish a task. A line in a high-level language can execute powerful operations

and correspond to tens, or hundreds, of instructions at the machine level.

Consequently more programming is now done in high level languages. Examples of high-level

languages are BASIC, FORTRAN etc.


Programming Language is indeed an essential part of today’s tech world. There are lots of

programming languages which have their own syntax, sematic and features. This unit presents

the evolution of programming language and deliberations on programming paradigm.

Paradigm in programming language is the set of basic principles, concept and methods in which

the computation or algorithm is expressed. Based on the paradigms, programming languages

are classified into different classes.

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1883: The Beginning …!!

In the early days, Charles Babbage had made the device, but he was confused about how to

give instructions to the machine, and then Ada Lovelace wrote the instructions for the analytical


The device was made by Charles Babbage and the code was written by Ada Lovelace for

computing Bernoulli’s number. That was the first time in history that the capability of computer

devices was judged.

1949: Assembly Language

It is a type of low-level language. It mainly consists of instructions (kind of symbols) that only

machines could understand. In today’s time, assembly language is used in real-time programs

such as simulation flight navigation systems and medical equipment e.g. – Fly-by-wire (FBW)

systems. It is also used to create computer viruses.


FORTRAN was developed in 1954 by John Backus and IBM. It was designed for numeric

computation and scientific computing. Software for NASA probes voyager-1 (space probe)

and voyager-2 (space probe) was originally written in FORTRAN. It is first high level

language. It was developed using the first compiler and it is Machine Independent Language.

In 1958: FORTRAN 2nd version was developed which introduces subroutines, functions,

loops and primitive for loop. It started as a Project and later renamed as ALGOL58.

1958 ALGOL: ALGOL stands for ALGOrithmic Language. The initial phase of the most

popular programming languages of C, C++, and JAVA. It was also the first language

implementing the nested function and has a simple syntax than FORTRAN. The first

programming language to have a code block like “begin” that indicates that your program has

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started and “end” means you have ended your code. ALGOL (ALGOrithmic Language) was a

first "Block Structured Language released in 1960.

It was Considered to be the first second generation Computer Language and Machine

Independent language. It introduced concepts like: Block structure code (Marked by BEGIN

and END), Scope of variables (Scope of local variables inside blocks), BNF (Backus Naur

Form), Notation for defining syntax, Dynamic Arrays, Reserved words and IF THEN ELSE,

FOR, WHILE loops

1959 COBOL: It stands for COmmon Business-Oriented Language. In 1997, 80% of the

world’s business ran on COBOL. The US internal revenue service scrambled its path to

COBOL-based IMF (individual master file) in order to pay the tens of millions of payments

mandated by the coronavirus aid, relief, and economic security. COBOL was rated in May

1959 by the ShortRange committee of the US department of DOD.

1964: BASIC (Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code). It was designed as a

teaching language in 1963 by John George Kemeny and Thomas Eugene Kurtz of Dartmouth


Intended to make it easy to learn programming. In 1991 Microsoft released Visual Basic, an

updated version of Basic but the first microcomputer version of Basic was co-written by Bill

Gates, Paul Allen, and Monte Davidoff for their newly-formed company, Microsoft.

1970 PASCAL: is named after a French religious fanatic and mathematician Blaise Pascal. It

was created in 1970 with the intension of replacing BASIC for teaching language. It was

quickly developed as a general purpose language. It was Programs compiled to a platform-

independent intermediate pcode. The compiler for Pascal was written in Pascal.

1972 C: is a general-purpose, procedural programming language and the most popular till now.

All the previous codes (like operating system and kernel) written in assembly language gets
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replaced by the C language. C can be used to implementing operating system, embedded

system, and on the website using the Common Gateway Interface (CGI). C is the mother of

almost all higher-level programming languages like C#, D, Go, Java, JavaScript, Limbo, LPC,

Perl, PHP, Python, and UNIX’s C shell.

Other Programming Languages

The table 1: below listed some popular programming languages among the programmers.

Year of Release Programming Languages Facts

1972 SQL SQL was developed at IBM by Donald D.

Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce. The

earlier name was SEQUEL (Structured

English Query Language).

1978 MATLAB It stands for MATrix LABoratory. It is used

for matrix manipulation, implementation of

an algorithm, and creation of a user interface.

1983 Objective-C, C++ C++ is the fastest high-level programming


Earlier, Apple Inc uses Objective-C to make


1990 Haskell It is a purely functional programming


1991 Python It was Created in 1991 by GuidoVan

Rossum. The language is very easy to

understand. Famous language among data

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scientists and analysts. A scripting language

with dynamic type, intended to replace perl

1995 JAVA JAVA is everywhere. JAVA is the platform-

independent language.

1995 PHP PHP is a scripting language mainly used in

web programming for connecting databases

1995 JavaScript JavaScript enables interactive web pages. JS

is the most popular programming language.

JS is famous for building a web application.

It makes our page interactive.

2000 C# C#(C-sharp) is mainly used for making

games. Unity engine uses C# for making

amazing games for all platforms

2009 GO GO language is developed in Google by

Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken


2011. Kotlin Kotlin is developed by JetBrains. It is used

for making an android application

2014 Swift Swift language is developed by Apple Inc. It

is a general- purpose programming


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There are various factors why the programmers prefer one language over the other.

Some of very good characteristics of a good programming language are,

Clarity, Simplicity and Unity

A Programming language provides both a conceptual framework for Algorithm planning and

means of expressing them. It should provide a clear, simple and unified set of concepts that can

be used as primitives in developing algorithms. It should be simple and regular as well as have

minimum number of different concepts, and rules for their combination. This attribute is called

conceptual integrity.


Orthogonality is one of the most important features of PL. It is the property that says "

Changing A does not change B". In real world, radio is an example of an orthogonal system.

For instance, changing a station in a radio does not change the volume and vice versa. When

the features of a language are orthogonal, language is easier to learn and programs are easier

to write because only few exceptions and special cases to be remembered.

Support for Abstraction:

There is always found that a substantial gap remaining between the abstract data structure and

operations that characterize the solution to a problem and their particular data structure and

operations built into a language.

Programming Environment:

An appropriate programming environment (reliable documentation and testing packages) adds

an extra utility and make language implementation easier.

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Ease of program verification/Reusability:

The reusability of program written in a language is always a central concern. A program is

checked by various testing technique like Formal verification method Desk checking Input

output test checking. We verify the program by many more techniques. A language that makes

program verification difficult may be far more troublesome to use. Simplicity of semantic and

syntactic structure is a primary aspect that tends to simplify program verification.

Portability of programs:

Programming language should be portable means it should be easy to transfer a program from

which they are developed to the other computer. A program whose definition is independent

of features of a Particular machine forms can only support Portability. Example: Ada,

FORTRAN, C, C++, Java.

Program performance and features of programming languages

A programming language’s features include orthogonality or simplicity, available control

structures, data types and data structures, syntax design, support for abstraction,

expressiveness, type equivalence, and strong versus weak type checking, exception handling,

and restricted aliasing. While the performance of a program, including reliability, readability,

writability, reusability, and efficiency, is largely determined by the way the programmer writes

the algorithm and selects the data structures, as well as other implementation details. However,

the features of the programming language are vital in supporting and enforcing programmers

in using proper language mechanisms in implementing the algorithms and data structures.

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In this unit, you have been introduced to the fundamental of programming language.

Programming language is described as a collection of instruction which can be translated to

machine code and readable by the programmers. There are rules guiding the construction of

language. It has syntax, semantic and grammar rules. The features of the programming

language are vital in supporting and enforcing programmers in using proper language

mechanisms in implementing the algorithms and data structures.


In this unit, you learnt that a programming language is a set of symbols, grammars and rules

with the help of which one is able to translate algorithms to programs that will be executed by

the computer.

There are three categories of programming language which are machine language, assemble

language and high level language. Clarity, simplicity and unity, orthogonality, support for

abstraction, programming environment, ease of program verification and portability of

program were presented as good attribute of programming language.


1. To improve your ability to develop effective algorithms

Many languages provide features that can be extremely useful when used properly but waste a

large amount of time when used improperly. Algorithms behave similarly, so the habit of

making correct decisions with a programming language can carry over to making correct

decisions with an algorithm.

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2. To improve your use of your existing programming language

By understanding exactly how the features in a programming language are implemented, you

learn how to effectively use them. When you know how the language components such as

lists/arrays/strings work, you can use them more efficiently.

3. To increase your vocab of useful programming constructs

When thinking about a set of data/program structures to solve a problem, it's typical to only

think about the structures that are immediately available within the programming language

you're working with. By knowing the constructs of other programming languages, you can find

one that fits your scenario better and possibly implement it yourself.

4. To allow a better choice of programming language

Some languages are better suited than others for particular projects. You can reduce effort by

picking the one that works best.

5. To make it easier to learn a new language

A thorough knowledge of programming language constructs and implementation techniques

allows programmers to learn new languages more easily.

6. To make it easier to design a new language

Though you may not be making the next C or Java programming language, it's actually fairly

common to create a form of programming language on a small scale within a project.


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The effectiveness of implementation of any programming language depends mainly on how

effectively its information can be stored in the computer. Each programming language contains

constructs and mechanisms for structuring data. A data structure is a way of organizing

information, so that it is easier to use. Instead of just the simple sequences of bits in the physical

machine, a high level language provides complex structured data which easily lends itself to

describe the structure of the problems that are to be solved. Data structures are often optimized

for certain operations. Finding the best data structure when solving a problem is an important

part of programming. Programs that use the right data structure is easier to write, and work


6.1 Data Types

A data type defines as a collection of data values and a set of predefined operations on those


Computer programs produce results by manipulating data. An important factor in determining

the ease with which they can perform this task is how well the data types available in the

language being used match the objects in the real world of the problem being addressed.

Therefore, it is crucial that a language supports an appropriate collection of data types and


A data type is the most basic and the most common classification of data; it is an attribute of

data which tells the compiler (or interpreter) how the programmer intends to use the data.

Basically data type is a type of information transmitted between the programmer and the

compiler where the programmer informs the compiler about what type of data is to be stored

and also tells how much space it requires in the memory. Data type can be grouped into three


31 | P a g e
• Scalar: basic building block (boolean, integer, float, char etc.)

• Composite: any data type (struct, array, string etc.) composed of scalars or composite types

(also referred to as a ‘compound’ type).

• Abstract: data type that is defined by its behaviour (tuple, set, stack, queue, graph etc).

If we consider a composite type, such as a ‘string’, it describes a data structure which contains

a sequence of char scalars (characters), and as such is referred to as being a ‘composite’ type.

Whereas the underlying implementation of the string composite type is typically implemented

using an array data structure. An abstract data type (ADT) describes the expected behaviour

associated with a concrete data structure. For example, a ‘list’ is an abstract data type which

represents a countable number of ordered values, but again the implementation of such a data

type could be implemented using a variety of different data structures, one being a ‘linked list’.

Some basic examples are int, string etc.

It is the type of any variable used in the code.

#include <iostream.h>

using namespace std;

void main()

{ int a; a = 5;

float b; b = 5.0;

char c; c = 'A'; char d[10];

d = "example";

32 | P a g e
As seen from the theory explained above we come to know that in the above code, the variable

‘a’ is of data type integer which is denoted by int a. So the variable ‘a’ will be used as an integer

type variable throughout the process of the code. And, in the same way, the variables ‘b’, ‘c’and

‘d’ are of type float, character and string respectively. And all these are kinds of data types.

6.1.1 Primitive data types

All data in computers based on digital electronics is represented as bits (alternatives 0 and 1)

on the lowest level. The smallest addressable unit of data is usually a group of bits called a byte

(usually an octet, which is 8 bits). The unit processed by machine code instructions is called a

word (as of 2011, typically 32 or 64 bits). Most instructions interpret the word as a binary

number, such that a 32-bit word can represent unsigned integer values from 0 to or signed

integer values from to. Because of two's complement, the machine language and machine

doesn't need to distinguish between these unsigned and signed data types for the most part.

There is a specific set of arithmetic instructions that use a different interpretation of the bits in

word as a floating-point number. Machine data types need to be exposed or made available in

systems or low-level programming languages, allowing fine-grained control over hardware.

The C programming language, for instance, supplies integer types of various widths, such as

short and long. If a corresponding native type does not exist on the target platform, the compiler

will break them down into code using types that do exist. For instance, if a 32-bit integer is

requested on a 16-bit platform, the compiler will tacitly treat it as an array of two 16 bit integers.

Several languages allow binary and hexadecimal literals, for convenient manipulation of

machine data.

In higher level programming, machine data types are often hidden or abstracted as an

implementation detail that would render code less portable if exposed. For instance, a generic

33 | P a g e
numeric type might be supplied instead of integers of some specific bit-width. The following

are primitive data type Boolean type

The Boolean type represents the values true and false. Although only two values are possible,

they are rarely implemented as a single binary digit for efficiency reasons. Many programming

languages do not have an explicit boolean type, instead interpreting (for instance) 0 as false

and other values as true.

6.1.2 Numeric types

• The integer data types, or "whole numbers". May be subtyped according to their ability to

contain negative values (e.g. unsigned in C and C++). May also have a small number of

predefined subtypes (such as short and long in C/C++); or allow users to freely define

subranges such as 1..12 (e.g. Pascal/Ada).

• Floating point data types, sometimes misleadingly called reals, contain fractional values.

They usually have predefined limits on both their maximum values and their precision. These

are often represented as decimal numbers.

• Fixed point data types are convenient for representing monetary values. They are often

implemented internally as integers, leading to predefined limits.

• Bignum or arbitrary precision numeric types lack predefined limits. They are not primitive

types, and are used sparingly for efficiency reasons.

6.1.3 Composite / Derived data types

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Composite types are derived from more than one primitive type and can be done in so many

ways called data structures. Composing a primitive type into a compound type generally

results in a new type, e.g. array-of-integer is a different type to integer.

• An array stores a number of elements of the same type in a specific order. They are accessed

using an integer to specify which element is required (although the elements may be of almost

any type). Arrays may be fixed length or expandable.

• Record (also called tuple or struct) Records are among the simplest data structures. A record

is a value that contains other values, typically in fixed number and sequence and typically

indexed by names. The elements of records are usually called fields or members.

• Union. A union type definition will specify which of a number of permitted primitive types

may be stored in its instances, e.g. "float or long integer". Contrast with a record, which could

be defined to contain a float and an integer; whereas, in a union, there is only one value at a


• A tagged union (also called a variant, variant record, discriminated union, or disjoint union)

contains an additional field indicating its current type, for enhanced type safety.

• A set is an abstract data structure that can store certain values, without any particular order,

and no repeated values. Values themselves are not retrieved from sets, rather one tests a value

for membership to obtain a boolean "in" or "not in".

• An object contains a number of data fields, like a record, and also a number of program code

fragments for accessing or modifying them. Data structures not containing code, like those

above, are called plain old data structure.

6.1.4 Enumerated Type

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This has values which are different from each other, and which can be compared and assigned,

but which do not necessarily have any particular concrete representation in the computer's

memory; compilers and interpreters can represent them arbitrarily. For example, the four suits

in a deck of playing cards may be four enumerators named CLUB, DIAMOND, HEART,

SPADE, belonging to an enumerated type named suit. If a variable V is declared having suit

as its data type, one can assign any of those four values to it. Some implementations allow

programmers to assign integer values to the enumeration values, or even treat them as type-

equivalent to integers. String and text types

• Alphanumeric character. A letter of the alphabet, digit, blank space, punctuation mark, etc.

• Alphanumeric strings, a sequence of characters. They are typically used to represent words

and text. Character and string

Character and string types can store sequences of characters from a character set such as ASCII.

Since most character sets include the digits, it is possible to have a numeric string, such as


However, many languages would still treat these as belonging to a different type to the numeric

value 1234. Character and string types can have different subtypes according to the required

character "width". The original 7-bit wide ASCII was found to be limited and superseded by 8

and 16-bit sets. Abstract data types

Any type that does not specify an implementation is an abstract data type. For instance, a stack

(which is an abstract type) can be implemented as an array (a contiguous block of memory

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containing multiple values), or as a linked list (a set of non-contiguous memory blocks linked

by pointers). Abstract types can be handled by code that does not know or "care" what

underlying types are contained in them. Arrays and records can also contain underlying types,

but are considered concrete because they specify how their contents or elements are laid out in


In computer science, an abstract data type (ADT) is a mathematical model for a certain class

of data structures that have similar behavior; or for certain data types of one or more

programming languages that have similar semantics. An abstract data type is defined indirectly,

only by the operations that may be performed on it and by mathematical constraints on the

effects (and possibly cost) of those operations. For example, an abstract stack could be defined

by three operations:

• Push, that inserts some data item onto the structure,

• Pop, that extracts an item from it (with the constraint that each pop always returns the most

recently pushed item that has not been popped yet), and

• Peek, that allows data on top of the structure to be examined without removal.

Abstract data types are purely theoretical entities, used (among other things) to simplify the

description of abstract algorithms, to classify and evaluate data structures, and to formally

describe the type systems of programming languages. Some common ADTs, which have

proved useful in a great variety of programming applications, are – Container, Deque, List,

Map, Multimap, Multiset Priority queue, Queue, Set, Stack, Tree, and Graph.

6.1.5 Utility data types

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For convenience, high-level languages may supply ready-made "real world" data types, for

instance times, dates and monetary values and memory, even where the language allows them

to be built from primitive types.


A data structure is a collection of data type ‘values’ which are stored and organized in such a

way that it allows for efficient access and modification. In some cases, a data structure can

become the underlying implementation for a particular data type.

Data structures perform some special operations like insertion, deletion and traversal. For

example, you have to store data for many employees where each employee has his name,

employee id and a mobile number. So this kind of data requires complex data management,

which means it requires data structure comprised of multiple primitive data types. So data

structures are one of the most important aspects when implementing coding concepts in real-

world applications. Data structures can be grouped into four forms: Linear, tree, hash, graphs

6.2.1 Array

An array is a finite group of data, which is allocated contiguous (i.e. sharing a common border)

memory locations, and each element within the array is accessed via an index key (typically

numerical, and zero based). The name assigned to an array is typically a pointer to the first item

in the array. Meaning that given an array identifier of arr which was assigned the value ["a",

"b", "c"], in order to access the "b" element you would use the index 1 to lookup the value:


Arrays are traditionally ‘finite’ in size, meaning you define their length/size (i.e. memory

capacity) up front, but there is a concept known as ‘dynamic arrays’ (and of which you’re likely

38 | P a g e
more familiar with when dealing with certain high-level programming languages) which

supports the growing (or resizing) of an array to allow for more elements to be added to it.

In order to resize an array you first need to allocate a new slot of memory (in order to copy the

original array element values over to), and because this type of operation is quite ‘expensive’

(in terms of computation and performance) you need to be sure you increase the memory

capacity just the right amount (typically double the original size) to allow for more elements to

be added at a later time without causing the CPU to have to resize the array over and over again


One consideration that needs to be given is that you don’t want the resized memory space to

be too large, otherwise finding an appropriate slot of memory becomes trickier.

When dealing with modifying arrays you also need to be careful because this requires

significant overhead due to the way arrays are allocated memory slots. If you imagine you have

an array and you want to remove an element from the middle of the array, try to think about

that in terms of memory allocation: an array needs its indexes to be contiguous, and so we have

to re-allocate a new chunk of memory and copy over the elements that were placed around the

deleted element.

These types of operations, when done at scale, are the foundation behind reasons to have a

good understanding of how data structures are implemented. The reason being, when you’re

writing an algorithm you will hopefully be able to recognize when you’re about to do

something (let’s say modify an array many times within a loop construct) that could ultimately

end up being quite a memory intensive set of operations.

6.2.2 Tree

The concept of a ‘tree’ in its simplest terms is to represent a hierarchical tree structure, with a

root value and subtrees of children (with a parent node), represented as a set of linked nodes.
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A tree contains “nodes” (a node has a value associated with it) and each node is connected by

a line called an “edge”. These lines represent the relationship between the nodes. The top level

node is known as the “root” and a node with no children is a “leaf”. If a node is connected to

other nodes, then the proceeding node is referred to as the “parent”, and nodes following it are

“child” nodes. There are various incarnations of the basic tree structure, each with their own

unique characteristics and performance considerations: Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree, Red-

Black Tree, B-tree, Weight-balanced Tree, Heap, and Abstract Syntax Tree.

6.2.3 Hash Table

A hash table is a data structure which is capable of maping ‘keys’ to ‘values’, and you’ll

typically find this is abstracted and enhanced with additional behaviours by many high-level

programming languages such that they behave like an ‘associative array’ abstract data type. In

Python it’s called a ‘dictionary’ and has the following structure (on top of which are functions

such as del, get and pop etc that can manipulate the underlying data): table = {'name': 'foobar',

'number': 123}

The keys for the hash table are determined by way of a hash function but implementors need

to be mindful of hash ‘collisions’ which can occur if the hash function isn’t able to create a

distinct or unique key for the table. The better the hash generation, the more distributed the

keys will be, and thus less likely to collide. Also the size of the underlying array data structure

needs to accommodate the type of hash function used for the key generation.

For example, if using modular arithmetic you might find the array needs to be sized to a prime


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6.2.4 Graph

A graph is an abstract data type intended to guide the implementation of a data structure

following the principles of graph theory. The data structure itself is non-linear and it consists


• Nodes: points on the graph (also known as ‘vertices’).

• Edges: lines connecting each node.

The figure 22 demonstrates a ‘directed’ graph (notice the edges have arrows indicating the

direction and flow):

Note: an ‘undirected’ graph simply has no arrow heads, so the flow between nodes can go in

either direction.

Some graphs are ‘weighted’ which means each ‘edge’ has a numerical attribute assigned to


These weights can indicate a stronger preference for a particular flow of direction. Graphs are

used for representing networks (both real and electronic), such as streets on a map or friends

on Facebook.

6.3 Difference between data type and data structure:

Data Type is the kind or form of a variable which is being used throughout the program. It

defines that the particular variable will assign the values of the given data type only

Data Structure is the collection of different kinds of data. That entire data can be represented

using an object and can be used throughout the entire program.

Implementation through Data Types is a form of abstract implementation

Implementation through Data Structures is called concrete implementation

41 | P a g e
Can hold values and not data, so it is data less

Can hold different kind and types of data within one single object

Values can directly be assigned to the data type variables

The data is assigned to the data structure object using some set of algorithms and operations

like push, pop and so on.

No problem of time complexity

Time complexity comes into play when working with data structures

Examples: int, float, double Examples: stacks, queues, tree


This unit discussed the data types and data structure. Data types of a language was described

as a large part of what determines that language’s style and usefulness. Along with control

structures, they form the heart of a language. While data structures determine the way in which

information can be stored in computer and used. The unit highlighted how data type is different

from data structure. Data structure can be grouped into the following forms which are Array,

Linked List, Tree, Hash Table, Graph, Stack and Queue. This unit also, presented a comparison

between the data type and data structure.


The unit discussed extensively on different data types such as primitive data types, composite

data types, enumerated data types, abstract data types and utility data types. Also, justice was

done in describing different types of data structure such as array, linked list, tree, hash table,

graph, stack and queue. The unit presented the differences between data type and data structure.

42 | P a g e

7.1 Introduction

Machine languages are designed on the basis of speed of execution, cost of realization, and

flexibility in building new software layers upon them. On the other hand, programming

languages often are designed on the basis of the ease and reliability of programming. A basic

problem, then, is how a higher level language eventually can be executed on a computer whose

machine language is very different and at a much lower level. Thus, this unit focus on

implementation of language processing by discussing interpretation, translation, concept of

interpretative language and binding.

7.2 Translation

In this solution, programs written in a high-level language are translated into an equivalent

machine-language version before being executed. This translation is often performed in several

steps. Program modules might first be separately translated into relocatable machine code;

modules of relocatable code are linked together into a single relocatable unit; finally, the entire

program is loaded into the computer’s memory as executable machine code. The translators

used in each of these steps have specialized names: compiler, linker (or linkage editor), and

loader, respectively.

In some cases, the machine on which the translation is performed (the host machine) is different

from the machine that is to run the translated code (the target machine). This kind of translation

is called cross-translation. Cross translators offer the only viable solution when the target

machine is a special purpose processor rather than a general-purpose one that can support a


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7.3 Concept of Interpretative Language

Pure interpretation and pure translation are two ends of a continuous spectrum. In practice,

many languages are implemented by a combination of the two techniques. A program may be

translated into an intermediate code that is then interpreted. The intermediate code might be

simply a formatted representation of the original program, with irrelevant information (e.g.,

comments and spaces) removed and the components of each statement stored in a fixed format

to simplify the subsequent decoding of instructions. In this case, the solution is basically


Alternatively, the intermediate code might be the (low-level) machine code for a virtual

machine that is to be later interpreted by software. This solution, which relies more heavily on

translation, can be adopted for generating portable code, that is, code that is more easily,

transferable to different machines than machine language code. For example, for portability

purposes, one of the best known initial implementations of a Pascal compiler was written in

Pascal and generated an intermediate code, called Pcode. The availability of a portable

implementation of the language contributed to the rapid diffusion of Pascal in many educational

environments. More recently, with the widespread use of Internet, code portability became a

primary concern for network application developers. A number of language efforts have

recently been undertaken with the goal of supporting code mobility over a network. Language

Java is perhaps the best known and most promising example. Java is first translated to an

intermediate code, called Java bytecode, which is interpreted in the client machine.

In a purely interpretive solution, executing a statement may require a fairly complicated

decoding process to determine the operations to be executed and their operands. In most cases,

this process is identical each time the statement is encountered. Consequently, if the statement

appears in a frequently-executed part of a program (e.g., an inner loop), the speed of execution

44 | P a g e
is strongly affected by this decoding process. On the other hand, pure translation generates

machine code for each high-level statement. In so doing, the translator decodes each high-level

statement only once.

Frequently-used parts are then decoded many times in their machine language representation;

because this is done efficiently by hardware, pure translation can save processing time over

pure interpretation. On the other hand, pure interpretation may save storage. In pure translation,

each high-level language statement may expand into tens or hundreds of machine instructions.

In a purely interpretive solution, high-level statements are left in the original form and the

instructions necessary to execute them are stored in a subprogram of the interpreter. The storage

saving is evident if the program is large and uses most of the language's statements. On the

other hand, if all of the interpreter's subprograms are kept in main memory during execution,

the interpreter may waste space for small programs that use only a few of the language's


Compilers and interpreters differ in the way they can report on run-time errors. Typically, with

compilation, any reference to the source code is lost in the generated object code. If an error is

generated at run-time, it may be impossible to relate it to the source language construct being

executed. This is why run-time error messages are often obscure and almost meaningless to the

programmer. On the opposite, the interpreter processes source statements, and can relate a

runtime error to the source statement being executed. For these reasons, certain programming

environments contain both an interpreter and a compiler for a given programming language.

The interpreter is used while the program is being developed, due to its improved diagnostic


The compiler is then used to generate efficient code, after the program has been fully validated.

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Macro processing is a special kind of translation that may occur as the first step in the

translation of a program. A macro is a named source text fragment, called the macro body.

Through macro processing, macro names in a text are replaced by the corresponding bodies. In

C, one can write macros, handled by a preprocessor, which generates source C code through

macro expansion. For example, one can use a macro to provide a symbolic name for a constant

value, as in this fragment: #define upper_limit 100 . . . sum = 0; for (index = 0; index <

upper_lmit; index++) { sum += a [index]; }

7.4 The Concept of Binding

Programs deal with entities, such as variables, routines, statements, and so on. Program entities

have certain properties called attributes. For example, a variable has a name, a type, a storage

area where its value is stored; a routine has a name, formal parameters of a certain type, certain

parameter-passing conventions; a statement has associated actions. Attributes must be

specified before an entity is elaborated. Specifying the exact nature of an attribute is known as

binding. For each entity, attribute information is contained in a repository called a descriptor.

Binding is a central concept in the definition of programming language semantics.

Programming languages differ in the number of entities with which they can deal, in the number

of attributes to be bound to entities, in the time at which such bindings occur (binding time),

and in the stability of the binding (i.e., whether an established binding is fixed or modifiable).

A binding that cannot be modified is called static. A modifiable binding is called dynamic.

Bindings can take place at language design time, language implementation time, compile time,

load time, link time, or run time. Some attributes may be bound at language definition time,

others at program translation time (or compile time), and others at program execution time (or

run time). The following is a (nonexhaustive) list of binding examples:

• Language definition time binding. In most languages (including FORTRAN, Ada, C, and

46 | P a g e
C++) the type "integer" is bound at language definition time to its well-known mathematical

counterpart, i.e., to a set of algebraic operations that produce and manipulate integers;

• Language implementation time binding. In most languages (including FORTRAN, Ada, C,

and C++) a set of values is bound to the integer type at language implementation time. That is,

the language definition states that type "integer" must be supported and the language

implementation binds it to a memory representation, which–in turn–determines the set of

values that are contained in the type.

• Compile time (or translation time) binding. Pascal provides a predefined definition of type

integer, but allows the programmer to redefine it. Thus type integer is bound a representation

at language implementation time, but the binding can be modified at translation time.

• Execution time (or run time) binding. In most programming languages variables are bound to

a value at execution time, and the binding can be modified repeatedly during execution.

• In the first two examples, the binding is established before run time and cannot be changed

thereafter. This kind of binding regime is often called static. The term static denotes both the

binding time (which occurs before the program is executed) and the stability (the binding is

fixed). Conversely, a binding established at run time is usually modifiable during execution.

The fourth example illustrates this case. This kind of binding regime is often called dynamic.

There are cases, however, where the binding is established at run time, and cannot be changed

after being established. An example is a language providing (read only) constant variables that

are initialized with an expression to be evaluated at run time.

In the first two examples, the binding is established before run time and cannot be changed

thereafter. This kind of binding regime is often called static. The term static denotes both the

47 | P a g e
binding time (which occurs before the program is executed) and the stability (the binding is


Conversely, a binding established at run time is usually modifiable during execution. The

fourth example illustrates this case. This kind of binding regime is often called dynamic. There

are cases, however, where the binding is established at run time, and cannot be changed after

being established. An example is a language providing (read only) constant variables that are

initialized with an expression to be evaluated at run time.


In this unit, you have been introduced to the how language processing can be implemented

through interpretation and translation. Also, binding was described as the association of

attributes with program entities. Knowledge of the binding times of attributes to entities is

essential to understanding the semantics of programming languages. Binding can be static or


Declarations, either explicit or implicit, provide a means of specifying the static binding of

variables to types. In general, dynamic binding allows greater flexibility but at the expense of

readability, efficiency, and reliability.


The unit focused on implementation of language processing through interpretation and


For a programming language to be meaningful there is need or a translator which accepts other

languages and execute them directly or transform them into form that is suitable for execution.

A translation involves two processes which are interpretation and compilation. Interpreter is a

translator that execute program directly while compiler is a translator that produces an

48 | P a g e
equivalent program in a form suitable for execution. Also the unit explain the concept of

binding which is regarded as a central concept in the definition of programming language

semantics. A binding is an association between an attribute and an entity, such as between a

variable and its type or value, or between an operation and a symbol. The time at which a

binding takes place is called binding time. It worth to know that complete understanding of the

binding times for the attributes of program entities is a prerequisite for understanding the

semantics of a programming language.

49 | P a g e

1. Ghezzi & Jazayeri (1996.) Programming language concepts—

Third edition John Wiley & Sons New York Chichester

Brisbane Toronto Singapore 1996.





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5. Chen, Y. (2020). Chapter 1 Basic Principles of Programming

Languages. In Introduction to Programming Languages (Sixth,

pp. 1–40). Kendal Hunt Plublishing

6. John C. Mitchell (2003). Concepts in Programming Languages.

Cambridge University Press © 2003 (529 pages).


7. Sebesta, R. W. (2016). Concepts of Programming Languages

(Eleventh Edition). Pearson Education Limited.

8. Sebesta, R. W. (2009). Concepts of Programming Languages

(Tenth Edition). Pearson Education Limited.

9. Jaemin Hong and Sukyoung Ryu (2010) Introduction to

Programming Languages

50 | P a g e
10. Ghezzi & Jazayeri (1996.) Programming language concepts—

Third edition John Wiley & Sons New York Chichester

Brisbane Toronto Singapore 1996.

11. Gabbriell M. & Martini S. (2010). Programming Languages:

Principles and Paradigms, Undergraduate Topics in Computer

Science, DOI 10.1007/978-1-84882-914-5_1, © Springer

Verlag London Limited 2010 Archana M. Principles of

Programming Languages










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