Cesarea en America Latina

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Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 24 (2019) 11–17

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Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine

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The rising incidence and impact of non-medically indicated pre-labour T

cesarean section in Latin America
Gonzalo L. Mariania,b,∗, Nestor E. Vainc,d,e
Division of Neonatology, Italian Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Neonatology Training Program, University Institute Italian Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina
School of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Departments of Pediatrics and Newborn Medicine, Hospital Sanatorio Trinidad, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Fundasamin, Foundation for Maternal Infant Health, Buenos Aires, Argentina


Keywords: In the poorest populations of the world the difficulties of performing a surgical procedure lead to extremely low
Cesarean section cesarean section rates associated with very high perinatal mortality. Meanwhile the proportion of births by
Newborn cesarean section has been increasing for several decades in many areas of the world, reaching alarmingly high
Late preterm infant rates especially in Latin America. This review aims to describe this secular trend. The causes of the increase in
Early term infant
cesarean deliveries are analyzed with a multidimensional approach, trying to recognize the reasons behind the
Latin America
choice of the route of delivery. We are facing a shift in the guiding paradigm, leaving the classical biomedical
one. Advantages and disadvantages of non-medically indicated cesarean section are being sought, comparing it
with the results of vaginal delivery, with special emphasis on the short- and long-term morbidity of the newborn.
Several variables involved in this controversial topic are considered, with the objective of stimulating critical
thoughts about the medical, bioethical and social aspects of the increasing trend in the cesarean section rate.

1. Introduction One of the current discussions concerns whether CS performed in

situations of low risk is associated with advantages or disadvantages for
In evolutionary terms, we could speculate that, as bipedalism de- both the mother and her child. However, the analysis of this subject is
veloped, natural selection favored the behavior of seeking assistance more complex than just balancing the medical outcomes and a multi-
during childbirth [1]. Human beings have the largest and most complex dimensional approach must be considered.
brain among all mammals, and the relationship between the pelvic
conformation and the head of the fetus is one of the factors that help to 2. Secular trend on the rate of CS
explain the acceptance of cesarean section (CS) as an alternative mode
of birth [2]. The proportion of births by CS in the world has grown significantly
Cesarean section is mentioned in different cultures from 2000 BCE in the last 35 years [4]. In the USA, the cesarean rate increased from 5%
[3]. However, the procedure was directed either to save the life of the in the 1970s to 32.8% in 2012. From then on, in the USA, a slow but
fetus in the face of some severe complication during a term pregnancy, steady decrease in the cesarean rate has begun, reaching 31.9% in 2016
in which the mother did not survive, or to allow mother and child to be [5]. The increase in the cesarean rate represents an uneven global
buried separately if they were both dead. According to reports, it was in phenomenon. While in sub-Saharan African countries the change in
Switzerland, at the beginning of the sixteenth century, that the first case rates of CS over the past 24 years was minimal (from 2.3% in 1990 to
in which the survival of the newborn and her mother was achieved. 3.5% in 2014), the Latin American and Caribbean region showed the
With improvements in CS technique and patient care, there has been largest increase in the same period (from 22.8% to 42.2%) [6]. A cor-
a progressive increase in the rate of cesarean births in most parts of the relation between a country's per-capita gross domestic product and CS
world. CS is a major surgery with inherent risks, but when performed rates has been reported for 18 Latin American countries [6]. An eco-
following maternal or fetal indications, it improves perinatal outcomes, logical study concluded that 850,000 “unnecessary cesareans” per year
decreasing the morbidity and mortality associated with birth. were performed in Latin America [7]. Another study referred to this

Corresponding author. Division of Neonatology, Italian Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
E-mail address: gonzalo.mariani@hospitalitaliano.org.ar (G.L. Mariani).


1744-165X/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

G.L. Mariani, N.E. Vain Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 24 (2019) 11–17

region showed differences between public and private hospitals, with Conversely, CS may protect against infrequent complications, such as
cesarean rates in the latter, reaching, in some countries, up to 70% [8]. trauma resulting in nerve damage or broken bones, or other compli-
Some private hospitals in Brazil and Argentina have cesarean rates cations, such as uterine rupture, cord prolapse, and placental abruption,
approaching 90%. The high CS rate in our countries may be at least in associated with serious complications, such as hypoxic–ischemic en-
part responsible for the rise in premature births in the region. cephalopathy. Finally, the evidence also suggests that the termination
The latest report of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and of pregnancy around 39 weeks could prevent fetal deaths.
Development (currently with 35 member states) shows that in recent Let us examine some of these aspects in more detail.
years some countries have had a small decrease in the rates of CS that Labor in mammals involves the secretion of hypothalamic hormones
had been rising previously [9]. The countries with the lowest rates (oxytocin and vasopressin), which have effects on the maternal and
continue to be the Nordics, along with Israel and the Netherlands (be- fetal limbic systems, inducing aspects of maternal care [20]. There is
tween 15% and 17%), while Turkey (53.1%), Mexico (46.8%) and Chile also an elevation of various hormones that favor the adaptation to the
(46%) (the only two Latin American countries in the group) have the extrauterine environment (catecholamines, prostaglandins). In addi-
highest rates. tion, changes in the sodium channels in the alveolar epithelium cause a
CS rates in Argentina have been continuously increasing, with an decrease in lung fluid, which begins days before the start of labor [21].
average of almost 30% in the public health facilities of the country in Much of this physiological preparation is lost in a birth by elective CS.
2013, ranging from 23% in Chaco province to 49% in La Rioja province. Therefore, after a CS without labor, the newborn must perform the
More than half of the births in private institutions in Argentina are transition phase much more quickly than under physiological condi-
performed by CS. tions. Thus, there is an increased risk that the pulmonary gas exchange
In recent years there has been a greater increase in CS rates in will not be satisfactorily achieved during extrauterine adaptation and,
primiparous women than in multiparous women [10]. If this trend is as a consequence, to develop signs of respiratory distress.
not reversed, and taking into account the rarity of vaginal delivery after Whereas usually under these circumstances the newborn will de-
a CS, in the coming years we will witness an even greater escalation in velop transient tachypnea (which, although usually mild, implies a
the CS rate. separation from her mother and a delay in the beginning of lactation),
Several factors have contributed to the increase in the CS rate. Box 1 in some cases the neonate develops persistent pulmonary hypertension
shows a classification of these variables [11–14]. which can be severe and have serious complications, including death
3. How to be born. Impact of elective CS on the mother and the Numerous studies have found a higher incidence of respiratory
neonate morbidity in neonates after a CS compared to vaginal birth. The ana-
lyses of the results of these studies must be careful, since there may be
One of the central problems of this controversy is related to defining confounding variables that lead to erroneous conclusions (e.g. CS due to
what is safe and what is risky for the mother, the fetus, and the neonate. acute fetal distress). Studies that attempt to compare neonatal outcomes
We are facing a complex debate that involves neither more nor less than must clearly define the inclusion criteria, as well as the type of analysis
the way we are born. At one extreme, there are those who argue that performed to control for those variables.
there is equipoise to carry out a randomized controlled trial comparing A retrospective cohort study of 34,458 term infants in Denmark
planned cesarean delivery versus vaginal delivery in single low-risk found that, after adjusting for smoking, alcohol consumption, parity,
term pregnancies in cephalic presentation [15]. On the other, there are body mass index, marital status, maternal age and maternal education,
those who refer to the increase in CS as an “iatrogenic epidemic” [16]. the elective CS odds ratio (OR) for respiratory morbidity (taking as a
The 2006 National Institutes of Health (NIH) Conference on CS on reference the intention of vaginal delivery) was 4.1 (95% CI 2.4–7) at
maternal request concluded that there is no evidence of significant 37 weeks, 3.3 (2.2–4.8) at 38 weeks, and 2.1 (1.3–3.4) at 39 weeks
differences in maternal results in the short term between both birth [23].
paths, except for a longer hospitalization time in the cesarean group A prospective cohort study conducted by us, which included 2021
[17]. In this analysis, planned CS was associated with a lower risk of low-risk term pregnancies (≥37 weeks), showed that cesarean birth
bleeding or need for transfusion than planned vaginal and unplanned was associated with an increased risk of respiratory morbidity and
cesarean delivery, and a lower risk of organ injury or trauma when neonatal hospitalization, mainly respiratory distress syndrome and
damage to the perineum and intraperitoneal organs were considered transient tachypnea of the newborn [24]. CS without labor performed
together. at 37 and 38 weeks showed a significant increase in neonatal re-
Cohort studies suggest that vaginal delivery, particularly instru- spiratory morbidity. The percentage of neonates who were breastfed
mental delivery, is associated with an increased risk of long-term ad- exclusively at the time of discharge was significantly lower in those
verse maternal outcomes, such as pelvic organ prolapse and urinary born by CS (relative risk: 0.94; 95% CI: 0.92–0.96). This finding should
incontinence. The OR adjusted for urinary incontinence at 10 years was not be overlooked, given the transcendent short and long-term benefits
2.75 (95% confidence interval (CI): 2.02–3.75) when women with va- of breastfeeding. A systematic review and meta-analysis on this topic
ginal delivery were compared with those with CS [18]. shows a negative impact of cesarean birth on successful breastfeeding,
The method of delivery is usually a decision of the obstetrician, with an odds ratio (OR) of 0.57 (95% CI: 0.50–0.64) [25].
sometimes agreed with the pregnant woman, rarely with her family and As mentioned above, the negative impact of CS in infants is more
exceptionally with the neonatologist. Regarding the point of view of the evident at lower gestational ages. It is important to consider that al-
neonate's health, cesarean delivery is associated with an increased risk though respiratory morbidity is the most evident immediately after
of neonatal respiratory complications. When this occurs, admission to birth, late preterm and early term infants (37–38 weeks gestation) have
an intensive care unit, oxygen therapy, or respiratory assistance may be higher risks of many other worst outcomes compared to those born at
necessary. The differences between the routes of delivery, in terms of 39 or 40 weeks. Some of them occur in the neonatal period such as
respiratory outcomes, narrow as the gestational age increases. It is hypoglycemia, jaundice, poor feeding, dehydration, hypothermia, in-
important to note that the risks of CS are not only related to the current fections, etc., but other poor results develop after discharge and in the
pregnancy but may be projected to future pregnancies and deliveries. long term, including adverse neurological development, low academic
The results of an observational study funded by the NIH indicate that achievement at school, respiratory syncytial virus infections, asthma,
the risk of placenta accreta and puerperal hysterectomy increase along and sudden infant death syndrome [26–28]. The decision to perform a
with maternal hemorrhage and surgical complications as the number of non-medically indicated CS is frequently due to the desire of ob-
CSs increases, mainly between the third and fourth CSs [19]. stetricians to prevent the initiation of labor at inconvenient times such

G.L. Mariani, N.E. Vain Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 24 (2019) 11–17

Factors involved in the increasing CS rate

Maternal factors:

•Increase in the proportion of women > 35 years

•Increase in elderly nulliparous women
•Increase of cesarean by maternal request
•Assisted fertilization treatments
• Professionalization of women

Cultural factors:

• Culture of immediacy (little tolerance for waiting)

• Intolerance to uncertainty
• Diversity of values (i.e. a more sexual than maternal view of women)
• Autonomy principle
• Smaller families
Obstetric factors:

• Increase in the rate of primary cesarean:

◦ Increased labor induction and its failure
◦ Decrease in instrumental births*
◦ Increase in fetal macrosomia
◦ Decrease in vaginal delivery in pelvic presentation
◦ Increased suspicion of risk of fetal health (more techniques for fetal well-being evaluation)
◦ Increase in multiple pregnancies
◦ Beneficial effects of the Term Breech Trial12
◦ Emerging infectious diseases (HIV, herpes, condylomatosis)
• Increase in the rate of iterative CSs:
◦ Decreased use of trial of labor after previous cesarean**

Factors related to the organization of health care:

• Malpractice lawsuits (defensive medicine) ***

• Time constrictions****
• Resource availability
• Personalized medicine (solo practice instead of team obstetrical care)
• Costs (economic factor)
• Less training in instrumental births
*The decrease in use of the instrumental procedures to facilitate vaginal deliveries when indicated, affects the experience gathered by
younger obstetricians during training and consequently in their confidence for its use in real practice.
**The trial of labor after CS was a practice encouraged in the 1980s and then rejected due to reports of uterine rupture and increased
prosecutions against obstetricians. Cragin's adage from 1916, "Once a cesarean, always a cesarean" seemed to come true. However, in recent
years, reviews of the subject have again questioned that maxim, now replaced by Flamm's one, "Once a cesarean, always a controversy"13,14.
***Whereas obstetricians face demands for neonatal complications after vaginal deliveries, it is extremely rare in Argentina to see an
obstetrician incriminated for an unjustified cesarean section.
****It is common for the obstetrician not to have enough time to partner a prolonged labor. Group practice in obstetrics is usually not
understood and accepted by medium and high socioeconomic class pregnant women in several South American countries, and it is obvious that
an obstetrician cannot be available 24 h a day, 365 days a year to comply with the expectations of a determinate patient. The issue is solved by
programmed deliveries without medical indications. These attitudes frequently lead to deliveries before 39 weeks of gestation and birth of late
preterm or early term infants.

as nights or weekends, when personalized medicine is a family demand. (overall and respiratory) was significantly higher in relation to those
To spread information among obstetricians and the general public on born in week 39. The conclusion is clear: elective births, scheduled in
these potentially avoidable complications of infants born before 39 low-risk pregnancies prior to 39 weeks of gestational age, can lead to
weeks is an obligation of academic institutions and professional asso- neonatal complications that could and should be avoided. Interestingly,
ciations. In Latin American hospitals, increasing CS rates from 10% to 20% were
Tita et al. oriented their research towards neonatal outcomes after a associated with greater preterm delivery [8].
second CS and evaluated the impact of the timing of birth on neonatal The negative impact of CS on neonatal morbidity is not limited to
morbidity [29]. Of 13,258 CSs, 36% were performed before week 39. the newborn of the involved pregnancy but could have implications on
Again, the findings showed that, in these neonates, the morbidity the outcomes of future children. A multivariate analysis performed in a

G.L. Mariani, N.E. Vain Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 24 (2019) 11–17

cohort of 18,673 births evaluating the effect of previous CSs on neo- On the other hand, in the study by Villar et al. a significant bene-
natal outcome found that for a higher number of previous CSs, there ficial effect was observed: elective cesarean birth decreased the risk of
was an increased risk of premature delivery (OR: 1.23; 95% CI: fetal death, with an adjusted OR of 0.65 (0.43–0.98) [8].
1.09–1.39), respiratory distress syndrome (OR: 3.54, 2.02–5.91), and Mandujano et al. performed a study trying to evaluate the optimal
neonatal intensive care unit admission (OR: 1.41; 1.25–1.60) [30]. time of birth, that is, the one with the lowest risk of fetal and neonatal
It is also interesting to evaluate whether the decision to perform a death. They evaluated low- and high-risk cohorts and found that the
cesarean in the first pregnancy has consequences on the reproductive crossing point in which fetal deaths exceed neonatal deaths in high-risk
life of the woman. Miller et al. performed a decision analysis study, pregnancies is close to 35–36 weeks, whereas in low-risk situations, that
designed to compare adverse outcomes after an elective CS versus an point is closer to week 38 [37].
attempted vaginal delivery in a first pregnancy [31]. The model in-
cluded single term pregnancies without contraindications to try a va- 4. Brief analysis of the increase in CSs and the open debate on how
ginal delivery. Considering a combined result of maternal morbidity, in to be born
the case of initial elective CS, the probability of presenting problems
increases from 0.8% in the first pregnancy to 5.8% in a hypothetical We are probably facing a paradigm shift, which means a change in
fourth pregnancy. In the case of a labor attempt, that probability is the way society organizes and interprets reality. Traditionally, the
0.5% in the first pregnancy and 1.6% in the fourth. This analysis shows dominant paradigm has been the biomedical one. In this sense, CS is
that the route of birth in the first pregnancy has consequences considered a surgical intervention to prevent situations or perinatal
throughout the reproductive life. In general, there is no great difference complications that threaten health or life, and, according to this con-
for a first pregnancy, but as the number of CSs increases, the morbidity ception, an appropriate rate should be that associated with the lowest
due to the surgery itself increases, as well as the risk of placenta previa/ possible morbidity and mortality [38]. However, the increase in the CS
accreta/ectopic pregnancy. These problems increase the risk of pre- rate in recent years has not necessarily decreased maternal and peri-
mature birth. natal morbidity and mortality. In other words, the increase in CS rate
Other studies evaluated a possible relationship between the route of has not been motivated exclusively by the idea of reducing the risks
delivery and respiratory morbidity in childhood. A multivariate ana- associated with birth.
lysis in a cohort study of 37,171 children that looked for an association One study of cesarean rates worldwide showed that Latin America
between cesarean birth and childhood asthma yielded an RR of 1.17 and the Caribbean have the highest rate (29.2%), and Africa the lowest
(95% CI: 1.03–1.32) [32]. It is speculated that this increased risk could (3.5%) [39]. In developed countries, the proportion of cesarean births is
be explained by an alteration in the development of the immune system 21.1%, whereas in least-developed countries only 2% of deliveries are
secondary to the delay of intestinal colonization in children born by CS. by CS. The analysis suggests a strong inverse association between CS
This hypothesis, called the hygiene hypothesis, has motivated an active rates and maternal, infant, and neonatal mortality in countries with
investigation. In a 2011 review, Neu and Rushing evaluated the asso- high mortality levels. However, this correlation between cesarean rate
ciation between the “birth by cesarean” factor and various pathologies, and mortality is lost with values of CS rate greater than 10–15%, a
finding increased risk of allergic rhinitis (OR: 1.37; 1.14–1.63), asthma finding consistent with another ecological study published by Althabe
(OR: 1.24; 1.01–1.53), celiac disease (OR: 1.8; 1.13–2.88), and diabetes et al. [40].
mellitus type 1 (OR: 1.19; 1.04–1.36) [33]. A recent systematic review
and meta-analysis also found an increased risk of obesity in children 5. Sociocultural factors and Latin America
who were born by CS (OR: 1.29; 1.16–1.44) [34].
The findings of these epidemiological studies are important, as the In the Healthy People 2010 and 2020 initiatives, the WHO proposed
incidence of these diseases in the Latin American pediatric population is (without a clear rationale) a desirable cesarean rate of 15% and a target
increasing. This impact in neonatal and pediatric morbidity must be CS rate of 24% respectively. At the time of both proposals, the CS rate
considered when evaluating the supposed benefits of a cesarean in the was already 10% above that level in the USA.
first pregnancy. In 23 of the 25 least developed countries there are cesarean
Some researchers went even further and evaluated the impact of rates < 10%, compared to only 11 of the 57 countries with more ad-
cesarean births in low-risk situations (or with non-medical indications) vanced or emerging economies. In the former, most centers that assist
on neonatal and infant mortality. McDorman et al. took national data deliveries do not have the means to perform CS because they lack op-
from the USA based on birth and death certificates: 5,762,037 live erating rooms, surgical instruments, surgeons, anesthetists and sup-
births and 11,897 deaths, considering only women with single preg- plies, among other things. This scenario is repeated in some regions of
nancies, full term (37–41 weeks), in cephalic presentation (vertex), many Latin American countries, even though most births are institu-
without medical risks or complications at birth, and without a previous tional and attended by professionals. As we have mentioned, in sce-
CS [35]. They carried out a logistic regression analysis to evaluate the narios with adverse socio-economic conditions there is a strong inverse
adjusted risks of neonatal mortality according to birth by cesarean or relationship between the cesarean rate and maternal, infant, and neo-
vaginal delivery. The OR for mortality, adjusted for maternal age, natal mortality [39,40]. This has been confirmed by a recent ecological
ethnicity, parity, education, smoking habit, gestational age and birth study analyzing data from 172 WHO member countries [41]. This study
weight, was 2.02 (1.6–2.55), having excluded congenital anomalies and found that CS rates of ∼19% were associated with optimal levels of
births with Apgar scores < 4. A subsequent study of the same group, on maternal and neonatal mortality.
the analysis of 8,026,415 live births and 17,412 deaths, found an ad- Countries with middle and high socio-economic status differ in CS
justed OR of 1.69 (1.35–2.11) [36]. rates. It is reasonable to speculate that the difference in cesarean rates
Similar results were found by Villar et al. in the World Health between these countries is in part based on the different approaches
Organization (WHO) global perinatal health survey, where 97,095 towards labor and delivery. Countries with less interventional ap-
births were evaluated from eight countries, 24 regions and 120 Latin proaches have lower rates, compared with countries (e.g. in Latin
American institutions [8]. The authors performed analyses of fetal, America) that have more of a “medical” approach [42].
neonatal and maternal morbidity and mortality. When evaluating the
relationship between elective CS and neonatal mortality in single 6. Women, doctors and the decision-making process
pregnancies with cephalic presentation without signs of acute fetal
distress, the adjusted OR was 1.76 (1.33–2.32) in relation to vaginal In different surveys, doctors' preferences for CS as a form of delivery
delivery. for themselves or their relatives vary as much as 1.4% in the

G.L. Mariani, N.E. Vain Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 24 (2019) 11–17

Netherlands, 9% in Israel, 18% in USA and 30% in Great Britain. especially true in obstetrics [11].
Regarding the opinion of women, a recent systematic review shows The extreme of the unlimited exercise of autonomy in obstetrics is
that, on average, around 15% would choose CS, a percentage that in- that of elective cesarean by maternal request, defined as that performed
creases in women who have had a previous CS to 30% [43]. Interest- in a single term pregnancy, in the absence of medical or obstetric in-
ingly, the percentage is higher in middle-income countries (including dication that justifies it. However, it is questionable to ask for the right
Latin America) in relation to countries with higher incomes. to obtain any treatment on demand. It must be recognized that patient
The Hippocratic tradition maintained for centuries sustains a model requests are not always appropriate and that there are safety con-
of paternalistic physician–patient relationship. According to this model, siderations, in addition to the responsibility of health professionals.
the doctor can make decisions based on what s/he considered best for Therefore, it is crucial to underline the importance of the role of the
her patients (beneficence), regardless of their wishes. The asymmetry in physician as the patient's assistant in the task of clarifying and in-
the decision-making authority between doctor and patients was justi- tegrating her priorities, preferences and values in the decision-making
fied based on three elements: knowledge; the supposed lack of ration- process, while providing information on the medical aspects of any
ality and objectivity of the patient; and the idea of the doctor as a therapy and on the short- and long-term actual and potential effects.
selfless, altruistic person. Paternalism presupposes a highly question- Obstetricians and neonatologists should be clear about their own per-
able notion of beneficence since it implies the moral abdication of the sonal opinions, and they should avoid trying to impose them on their
patient [44]. Furthermore, it does not recognize that society is gov- patients (see Box 2).
erned by a set of ethical rules broader than those of the principle of
beneficence. Linda and Ezequiel Emanuel postulate that the goal of the
7. Controlling the increasing rate of CS
physician–patient relationship is to help the patient determine and
choose the optimal values attainable in the health field that are com-
The CS rate has increased significantly in recent years and it does
promised by their state [45]. It is interesting that autonomy is under-
not seem that globally that trend is going to change significantly.
stood here as a moral self-development, requiring people to evaluate
However, in the USA and a few other countries, the percentage of CS
their own values and preferences, analyze and determine which are
has been stabilized. There are initiatives tending to decrease the
desirable, and be able to update them. This model shows a richer and
number of primary CSs through different strategies [47–51], which are
more complex notion of autonomy. Also, feminism leads us to re-ex-
shown in Box 3.
amine the concept of autonomy. Instead of understanding it as a natural
property of all normal adults, it proposes to recognize that it is a po-
tential that is only viable in the context of a community, redefining it as 8. Summary and conclusions
relational autonomy [46].
Since the 1950s, informed consent has been progressively imposed A central aspect of obstetric practice is the approach to the method
as a form of expression of voluntariness and the exercise of autonomy. of delivery. However, there is little evidence to guide that decision
The principle of autonomy requires respect for people's decision- outside the biomedical view. Within this framework, respect for au-
making capacity and the right to have their will respected in matters tonomy should be considered, with informed knowledge and without
that refer to themselves. For the patient to make the best decision, it is coercion of any kind. Of course, the decision-making process must have
essential to be adequately informed about the risks and benefits of complete information, making an adequate assessment of risks and
performing an elective CS and to complete an informed consent form. benefits, always respecting a higher-level principle: do no harm.
In contrast to the paternalistic model, currently, the incorporation The rapidly increasing frequency of CS in Latin America is an im-
of the values and priorities of patients in informed decision-making is portant public health topic that must be considered by both medical
recognized as essential. Although this approach is not (or should not be) professionals and public policy makers, as cesarean birth constitutes a
controversial, it usually shows difficulties when it comes to its im- significant risk factor for metabolic diseases and chronic immune dis-
plementation. This happens for several reasons: physicians may provide orders that are also becoming more prevalent in the region [52].
information about risks and benefits in an insufficiently objective way, One aspect that is often overlooked, and one that we believe is central
biased by their own feelings or desires; on the other hand, patients to this controversy, is that in all areas of medicine doctors have a strict
differ in several ways in their values, preferences and priorities about a obligation to offer patients reasonable alternatives to manage their con-
given medical situation. Specifically, patients can vary considerably in dition and that patients have the right to choose. However, most guide-
how they weigh risks and benefits. In addition, non-medical con- lines and recommendations do not mention whether the planned CS
siderations often have a major role of importance for patients, which is should be discussed proactively as a form of delivery or in what terms, nor
how preferences should model decisions about the birth path.

Box 2
Main reasons for high cesarean section (CS) rates in Latin America.

• The preferential use of continuous electronic fetal heart rate monitoring (instead of intermittent auscultation) for low-risk deliveries,
especially in private rather than in public hospitals, which leads to the decision to perform a CS based on false-positive results.
• The high rate of elective inductions prior to 39 weeks of gestation, with a high rate of “induction failure”, a concept with controversial
definitions [51].
• A general misconception that cesarean birth is better for mothers and babies.
• Better remuneration for cesarean birth compared to vaginal delivery in some countries.
• An increasing fear of litigation.
• Request by parents for individual, personalized medical care rejecting a group-practice approach. As a response, obstetricians looking for
convenience to organize their time tend to “program” delivery, avoiding interruption of office time. Furthermore, the time spent in the
delivery area by obstetricians performing a programmed cesarean section is much shorter than the one needed for a vaginal delivery.
• Women demanding more independence, autonomy and choices in their reproductive decisions.
• Other common reasons include: infertility and assisted reproductive treatments, advanced maternal age, presence of cord around the fetal
neck during sonography, prematurity, breech position and concerns of maternal pelvic floor damage with vaginal delivery.

G.L. Mariani, N.E. Vain Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 24 (2019) 11–17

Box 3
Proposed strategies to avoid a high cesarean section (CS) rate.

• Improve the circumstances of labor induction indications.

• Allow adequate time for normal progression of the latent and active phases of labor.
• Improve difficult vaginal birth training through simulations.
• Plan obstetric and neonatal care with the adequate number of trained and well-paid personnel, and with the availability of time and resources
to allow for an appropriate humane, respectful care of childbirth. Promote a team approach rather than solo practice for obstetrical care.
• Consider an authoritative second opinion for controversial situations.
• Develop better methods of monitoring intrapartum fetal health, since current fetal monitoring has a very high false-positive rate. It would be
useful to have tools that allow doctors to predict in which cases a difficult birth is expected and in which it is not.
• Use of the Robson Classification (also known as the 10-group classification) as a global standard for assessing, monitoring and comparing CS

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women in need, rather than striving to achieve a specific rate” [53]. de sus causas y consecuencias. Programa de Educación Continua en Neonatologia
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• Identify the disparity between public and private hospitals re- 2000;356:1375–83.
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