GHO - Module 7 - GE5-PC
GHO - Module 7 - GE5-PC
GHO - Module 7 - GE5-PC
“Informative, Persuasive, and Argumentative Communication”
NO. 7
Informative Communication
You are stating the facts, often backed by scientific research or
other references to opinions by acknowledged experts. There is no
attempt to sway others to your point of view, and in fact you do
not even give your own view.
NO. 7
• Persuasive Communication
You are doing your best to convince other to support
your own view of the situation. You use logical and
emotional argument to show why what you are
saying is right. If you mention the other side of the
story you are only doing so to show why your own
perspective is a better choice. The focus is on your
own perspective and not on putting down the other
side. You say what you are standing "for".
NO. 7
• Argumentative Personality.
Argumentative is an adjective that means often
arguing or wanting to argue. Some people argue out
of habit, always need to be right, make a fuss about
most trivial things, just to cause conflict and almost
always on the defensive.
NO. 7
How to handle?
• Realizing they use an immature defense mechanism to
protect themselves can make you more understanding and
tolerant with them
• Try not to ask their opinion on anything – “I need this done
in two hours” is better than “Do you think you can do this in
two hours?”
• Avoid using phrases like let’s talk about this peacefully or I
don’t want to argue with you, but…
• It’s best to withdraw from an argument than try to prove
them wrong
• Remind yourself that chronic arguing is an ingrained defense
mechanism that, with time and patience, can be unlearned
NO. 7
Argumentative Communication
• You are stating the pros of your side and the cons
of the other side, doing you best to put the other
side in its place. Most of the focus will be on why
the other perspective is wrong. You don't have to
have a better solution as long as you show why the
solution you are criticizing is not going to work. You
say what you are standing "against".
NO. 7
“Informative, Persuasive, and Argumentative
NO. 7
Let’s Analyze
1. What is the difference between an informative communication and a
persuasive communication? Which do you think is more challenging in
terms of preparation and delivery?
2. In a table, list essential preparations when communicating to inform, to
persuade and to argue.
3. What ethical considerations must one bear in mind when informing,
persuading, or arguing?
NO. 7
-Peter Drucker