Comparative Nonlinear Analysis of A RC 2D Frame So

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Radomir FOLIĆ UDK: 624.154.072.332


Tokom seizmičkih analiza obično se pretpostavlja During seismic analysis of a structure, it is assumed
uklještenje u osnovi, a zanemaruje se fleksibilnost tla i that the building is clamped at the base and the soil and
temelja. Ipak, za tačnije seizmičke analize potrebno je foundation flexibility is ignored. Yet, for more accurate
uvesti u proračun pored konstrukcije zgrade temelje i tlo, seismic analyses, in addition to the building structure it is
što uslovljava unošenje celokupnog sistema kao ulaznih necessary to introduce foundations and soil, which
podataka. Pri tome se posebne teškoće javljaju pri requires entering of the entire system as input data. In
unošenju podataka o karakteristikama tla. U nekim the process, special difficulties arise when entering data
radovima koriste se specijalne histerezisne zavisnosti i of the soil characteristics. In some papers, special
nelinearni odgovor sistema sa jednim stepenom slobode hysteresis dependencies and non linear response of the
(SDOF) kao reprezent konstrukcije zgrade, pri čemu je system with one degree of freedom (SDOF system) are
lakša analiza uz uvođenje fleksibilnosti temelj-tlo i used for representing of the building structure, whereby
njihovog uticaja na odgovor konstrukcije. Uglavnom, an analysis which introduces the foundation-soil
smatra se da uvođenje interakcije redukuje odgovor flexibility and their impact on the structural response is
konstrukcije, a time i oštećenja. Međutim, u pojedinim easier to perform. It is generally considered that
slučajevima može doći i do negativnih efekata, što je introduction of interaction reduces the structural
razmatrano u radu [7]. Neka istraživanja [7] su pokazala response, and thus damage. However, in some cases,
da se u seizmičkoj analizi mogu uvesti pojednostavljeni negative effects may occur, which was discussed in the
modeli tla i znatno olakšati proračun sistema, naročito paper [7]. Some research, e.g. [7], showed that in this
regularnih zgrada [4] i [9]. Upoređenjem rezultata seismic analysis, simplified soil models could be
driftova, na 2D i 3D ramu, dobijenih pušover analizom sa introduced thus making system design considerably
rezultatima dobijenih primenom analize vremenske easier, especially design of regular buildings, see [4] and
istorije u [8] je pokazano da se uvođenjem faktora [9]. By comparing results of drifts of 2D and 3D frames,
modifikacije mogu dobiti konzervativni rezultati obtained by a pushover analysis, with results obtained
primenljivi u projektantskoj praksi. I u radu [22] je using the time history analysis, see [8], it is showed that
prikazan približni proračun krutih ramova uz uvođenje by introducing the modification factors, one can obtain
interakcije tlo-temelj-konstrukcija, primenljiv u praksi conservative results applicable in designing practice. In
projektovanja. Analitička rešenja su znatno ređa, iako je the paper [22], an approximate design of rigid frames,
bilo pokušaja [20]. applicable in designing practice, with interaction of soil-

Dr Boris Folić, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Inovativni centar Dr. Boris Folic, University of Belgrade, Innovation Center of
Mašinskog fakulteta Kraljice Marije 16, Beograd Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Kraljice Marije 16, Belgrade,
Radomir Folić, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Fakultet Radomir Folic, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical
tehničkih nauka, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 6, Novi Sad Sciences, Trg Dositeja Obradovica 6, Novi Sad,

* Ovaj rad posvećujemo, s poštovanjem, akademiku Dušanu * This paper is dedicated, with respect, to academician Dusan
Miloviću Milovic


Evropska regulativa za seizmičko projektovanje EN foundation-structure, was presented. Analytical solutions
1998, Part 1 i Part 5, ne razmatra detaljno problem are rare, even though there were attempts, [20].
uvođenja interakcije tlo-temelj-konstrukcija (SFI) u European regulation for seismic design, EN 1998,
numeričkim seizmičkim analizama. U EN 1998-5 to se Part 1 and Part 5, does not consider in detail the
zahteva gde P-Δ efekti imaju veliku ulogu; konstrukcije problem of introducing the soil-foundation-structure
sa masivnim i dubokim temeljima, i konstrukcije na interaction (SFI) in the numerical seismic analyses. In
veoma mekom tlu u kojima je prosečna brzina smičućih EN 1998-5 it is required where P-Δ effects have an
talasa manja od 100 m/s [5] i [10]. Razlike seizmičkog important role: the structures with massive and deep
ponašanja objekata plitko fundiranih i na šipovima foundations, and structures in a very soft soil where the
detaljno je opisana u [4] i [5]. U njima je detaljno opisan average velocity of shear waves is less than 100 m/s,
način analize kinematičke i inercijalne interakcije pri see [5] and [10]. The difference of seismic behaviour of
fundiranju na šipovima. Kinematička interakcija potiče od the structures founded on shallow foundations and on
razlike pokreta tla i temelja ili šipova, tokom zemljotresa, the piles was described in detail in [4] and [5]. In them,
pri čemu se masa zanemaruje. Kod inercijalne the method of analysis of kinematic and inertial
interakcije, pručava se uticaj inercijalnih sila od interaction of pile foundations was described in detail.
konstrukcije na temelje. А comparative non-linear static analysis (NSА), often
U ovom radu je sprovedena komparativna nelinearna called a pushover analysis, as well as the dynamic non-
statička (NSA), često nazvana pushover analiza, i linear analysis (NDА), described in detail in [3], and
dinamička analiza NDA, detaljno opisane u [3], na 2D applied on 2D frames of RC skeletal buildings founded
rama AB skeletne zgrade fundirane na šipovima. U on piles are presented in this paper. The model involves
modelu je uključena i linearno-nelinearna interakcije šip- a linear-non-linear pile-soil interaction, using link
tlo korišćenjem link elemenata. Tlo je modelovano sa elements. The soil is modelled using multiple (linear)
više(linijskim) plastičnim veznim elementima, kao plastic link elements, as envelopes in the form of the p-y
anvelopama u obliku p-y krivih, sa obe strane šipa. P-y curves, on both sides of the pile. P-y curves are
krive prenose (primaju) samo pritisak. Krive p-y su transferring only compression and are modelled
modelovane prema Koksu, Risu i Matloku [4] i [12] i [19] according to Cox, Reese and Matlock [4], [12] and [19]
za potopljen pesak, i šipove prečnika 60 cm. Analizirane for submerged sand, and piles with a diameter 60 cm.
su seizmičke performanse sistema konstrukcija-temelj- The seismic performances of the structure-foundation-
tlo jednog 2D rama fundiranog na šipovima. Prikazano je soil system of a 2D frame founded on piles are analyzed.
delimično linearno i nešto detaljnije nelinearno Detailed analysis of hierarchy of formation of plastic
ponašanje krovne grede, dok se ostale grede rama hinges in the frame and piles is presented. A partial
ponašaju nelinearno. Linearna krovna greda je ona kod linear and a more detailed non-linear behaviour of a roof
koje nisu uvedeni plastični zglobovi u čvorovima na beam are presented, while the remaining beams of the
preseku sa unutrašnjim stubovima, ali ni u polju krovne frame behave non-linearly. Linear roof beam is the beam
grede. without plastic hinges at intersections with inner columns
or along the beam. Kinematic interaction arises from
different motions of the soil and foundation, or piles,
during earthquake, while the mass is neglected. In
inertial interaction, the effect of inertial forces from the
structure upon the foundation is considered.



2.1 Analizirana konstrukcija 2.1 Analyzed structure

Analiziran je fasadni ram koji ima četiri stuba, kao i A façade frame with four columns and an inner frame
unutrašnji ram. Na fasadnom ramu su ugaoni stub i ivični are analyzed. On the façade frame, there are corner
stubovi. Ugaoni stubovi fasadnog rama su fundirani na columns and peripheral columns. The corner columns of
grupi od 3 šipa, a unutrašnji na grupi od po četiri šipa. the facade frame are founded using a group of 3 piles,
Fasadni ram je “kondenzovan”, tako što su svi elementi whereas the inner columns are founded on a group of
šipova ubačeni putem projekcije upravno na srednju four piles. The façade frame is “condensed” by inserting
ravan rama. Na taj način se model rama može prikazati all pile elements via projection along the direction
u samo jednoj ravni. Grupa od 3 kružna šipa ima deo perpendicular to the frame middle plane. In this way, it is
koji se sastoji od jednog šipa (1D60), i deo koji se sastoji possible to draw the frame model using only two
od dva kondenzovana šipa (2D60) slika 1. Dakle u dimensions. The group of 3 circular piles consists of a
„kondenzovanom“ modelu od tri šipa unose se samo dva part made of one pile (1D60), and another part made of
šipa, 1 je samostalan šip, a drugi je dvostruki šip (tj. u two condensed piles (2D60), figure 1. Hence, in this
ravanskom modelu je unet jedan šip kod koga su “condensed” model, only two out of three piles are
poprečni preseci FRAME elementa, u programu introduced, one of which is an individual pile, whereas
SAP2000, u delu Set Modifiers, krutost i masa the other is a double pile (i.e. a single pile was
pomnoženi sa 2). Shodno tome p-y krive „dvostrukog“ introduced to the model, whose Frame element cross-
šipa imaju dvostruko veću krutost. Objekat ima dve section, stiffness and mass were multiplied by 2), in SАP
relativno vitke donje etaže. Visina prve dve etaže je po 5 2000 software, within the Set Modifiers module. In
metara, ali su zato poprečni preseci stubova na ove dve accordance with this, the p-y curves of the “double” pile


etaže 85/85cm. also have the double value of stiffness. The building has
U seizmičkoj analizi su primenjene nelinearna two relatively slender lower stories. The height of the first
statička (NSA), često nazvana pushover, i nelinearna two storeys is 5 meters each, but the cross-sections of
dinamička analiza (NDA), u vremenskom domenu (Time columns in these two floors are 85/85 cm.
History). S obzirom da se tokom NSA i NDA [3] Seismic analysis is performed using the non-linear
praktično ne pojavljuju plastični zglobovi u šipovima kod static analysis (NSA), often called the pushover analysis,
krućih vrsta tla (osim u specijalnim slučajevima), and the non-linear dynamic analysis (NDA) in the time
analizirani su i uticaji u tlu, preko link elemenata po domain (time history). Regarding that during NSA and
dubini, pod seizmičkim dejstvom (TH El Centro 0,30g). NDA [3] there is practically no occurrence of plastic
Oni na takav način nisu dovoljno obrađeni u dostupnoj hinges in the piles for stiffer types of soil (except in
literaturi. Analizirana su ekstremna pomeranja, sile, special cases) the effects in the soil are analyzed too,
ukupan rad, “trenutni rad”, i raspodela istih po dubini link via link elements along the depth, under a seismic action
elemenata šipa. Analiziran je samo jedan šip iz grupe i (TH El Centro 0.30g). They are not sufficiently discussed
to samostalni šip (1D60) iz grupe od tri šipa (1+2, na slici in the available literature in this way. Extreme
1). To je krajnji šip na obe strane simetričnog rama (vidi displacements, forces, total work, “instantaneous work”
sliku 1 desno). Konkretno je, u ovom radu, istraživan in link elements and their distribution along depth of the
samo levi krajnji šip. Takođe je analizirana promena pile are analyzed. Only one pile from the group is
ukupne smičuće sile u osnovi sa porastom vršnog analyzed, namely, a single pile (1D60) from the group of
ubrzanja (PGA), i promena stanja plastičnih zglobova u three piles (1+2, in figure1). These are the end piles on
konstrukciji i šipovima i u skladu s tom promenom both sides of the symmetrical frame (see figure 1 right).
konstruktivnog sistema, promena prvog i drugog In this paper specifically, only the left endmost pile is
svojstvenog tona nakon završetka seizmičkog dejstva studied. Also, the variation of the total seismic base-
(Time History). shear force, with the increase of peak acceleration
(PGA) is analyzed, and also the variation of condition of
plastic hinges in the structure and the piles, and variation
of the first and second natural tones after seismic
excitation (Time History)

Slika 1. Princip „kondenzacije“ grupe od 3 šipa u grupu od 2 šipa u ravni. 1D60 samostalni šip, a 2D60 dvostruki
Figure 1. „Condensation“ principle of a group of 3 piles (1D60 – individual pile, 2D60 – double pile).

Prostorni (3D) ram je dimenzionisan na zemljotresno The spatial (3D) frame is dimensioned with reference
dejstvo u programu SAP 2000 v14. sa uvođenjem to earthquake action, using SАP 2000 v14 software,
upravnog pravca i torzije (sa 5% ekscentriciteta), za including the effects in the perpendicular direction and
faktor ponašanja 5.85. Nakon toga je iz tako torsion (with 5% eccentricity), for a behaviour factor of
dimenzionisanog modela izdvojen, napred opisani, 5.85. The previously described façade 2D frame with its
fasadni 2D ram sa pripadajućim opterećenjem. Raspon corresponding loads is then taken out of a 3D model
ramova je 8m, a to je i osno rastojanje stubova, u oba dimensioned in this way. The span between frames is
pravca. Objekat je dvoosno simetričan. Visina prve dve 8m, which is also the distance between the pile axes, in
etaže je po 5m, a ostalih 6 etaža je 3.1 m. Model je both directions, since the structure in question is
sličan modelima datom u [2] i [4]. Razlika je u p-y symmetrical along two orthogonal axes. The height of
krivama koje su u navedenom radu [4] date za šipove the first two stories is 5m, while for the remaining 6
prečnika 1,2m. Takođe, u navedenom radu je dato više storeys, it is 3.1 m. The model is similar to models
različitih modela, sa i bez interakcije šip-tlo. Izgled ovde shown in [2] and [4]. However, the difference is in p-y
usvojenog, samo jednog modela rama, je dat u nastavku curves, which are, in [4], given for piles of diameter
rada, kod analize stanja plastičnih zglobova. Kod [2], za 1.2m. Also, more different models with and without pile-
izveden objekat, stubovi su svi preseka 60/60cm, a soil interaction are given in [4]. The geometry of the
opterećenje je nešto manje. single frame considered here is presented later in the
Izdvajanje 2D rama iz trodimenzionalnog (3D) rama section where the state of plastic hinges is analysed.
prati specifična problematika [4] i [8]. Prvi parametar je Paper [2] is related to built structure, where all columns


pripadajuće opterećenje, drugi je geometrija poprečnih are 60/60cm, and the loading is slightly lower.
preseka (pre svega) greda, a za dinamičku analizu, Extraction of a 2D frame from a three-dimensional
neophodno je proveriti i razliku svojstvenih perioda (3D) frame is accompanied by specific problems, [4] and
izdvojenog 2D rama u odnosu na 3D model. Poželjno je, [8]. The first parameter is the corresponding load; the
proveriti i deformaciju („ugib“) vrha 3D objekta u odnosu second is the geometry of cross sections (primarily) of
na vrh 2D rama. Realnije ponašanje ravanskih modela the beams, while for a dynamic analysis, it is necessary
(kod kojih je izdvojen samo jedan 2D ram), u odnosu na to check the difference between the natural periods of
prostorni ram, daju modeli kod kojih je link elementima ili the extracted 2D frame and the 3D model. It is desirable
prostim štapovima spregnuto više ramova u 2D modelu to check and compare the deformation (horizontal
[11]. Kao npr. spregnuti fasadni i unutrašnji 2D ram ili 2 deflection) of the top of a 3D object in comparison to the
unutrašnja i 2 fasadna, uz uslov da se spregnuti ramovi top of the 2D frame. A more realistic behaviour of the
u 3D modelu moraju pružati u istom pravcu. planar models (where only one 2D frame is extracted
Kod izdvajanja 2D rama, neophodno je proveriti from 3D model), when compared with the spatial frame,
prihvatljivo poklapanje vrednosti normalnih sila u is obtained by 2D models where more 2D frames are
stubovima, i reakcija oslonaca za oba modela. Takođe, combined in one model, using link or truss elements,
kod čvorova gde se sučeljavanju grede iz drugog [11]. For instance, coupled façade and the interior 2D
pravca, može se primeniti komanda Set Modifiers, za frame, or 2 interior and 2 façade frames, are examples
uvećanje krutosti poprečnih preseka napregnutih na of that. Of course, it is assumed that frames are aligned
savijanje, zbog učešća torzione krutosti drugog pravca. along the same direction.
Kod (malih) poprečnih preseka greda i tanjih ploča, kod When extracting a 2D frame, it is necessary to check
kojih torziona krutost, brzo opada/degradira se tokom the acceptable agreement of values of normal forces in
zemljotresa, bolje je uvesti nelinearnu rotacionu oprugu, the columns, and the support reactions of both models.
kojom se simulira ova krutost, ali i pad iste tokom Also, in a case of nodes where the beams from another
zemljotresa. Često se u seizmičkoj (dinamičkoj i kvazi direction are connected, one might use the command
statičkoj) analizi, zbog smanjenja broja nepoznatih Set Modifiers, in order to increase the bending stiffness
isključuju ploče, i koriste bruto preseci greda, čak i bez of sections, due to influence of the torsional stiffness in
pripadajućih aktivnih širina ploča, i bez komande another direction. In the case of (relatively small) cross-
Modifiers. Kako je to na strani sigurnosti, primenjeno je i sections of beams and thin slabs, where the torsional
u ovom radu, za fasadne grede. Uticaj spratnih ploča, na stiffness quickly decreases/degrades during earth-
ujednačavanje horizontalnih pomeranja spratova, kod quakes, it is better to introduce a non-linear rotational
2D i kod 3D rama, može se poboljšati komandom Joint - spring which simulates this stiffness and its decline
Constraints (Equal). during earthquakes. Very often, in the seismic (dynamic
Gornji čvorovi (u krovnoj ravni) unutrašnjih stubova and quasi static) analysis, due to reduction of a number
ne zadovoljavaju uslove odnosa krutosti greda i stubova, of unknowns, the slabs are excluded, and gross cross-
te je u prvom delu rada, taj deo grede linearizovan, sections of beams are used, even without the belonging
odnosno na tom delu nisu uneti plastični zglobovi. To će active widths of the slabs, and without the Modifiers
se sagledati, kasnije, u delu analize rezultata. (premestiti command. Since it is on the safety side, it is imple-
zarez) mented in this paper, too, for the façade beams. The
Ukoliko se ne upotrebi preporučena opcija SAPa, effects of the floor slabs to unify the horizontal storey
automatske podele plastičnih zglobova u linijskim displacements, in 2D and 3D frames, may be improved
elementima od 0,02, lom greda se događa i na drugom by using the command Joint – Constraints (Equal).
spratu dosta rano, a kasnije i na drugim lokacijama, pa Upper nodes (in the roof) of the inner columns do not
se produžava vreme proračuna. Ovaj primer nije meet the conditions of stiffness ratio of beams and
prikazan, iako je i ovakav način loma moguć, ali manje columns, so in the first part of the paper this upper beam
verovatan, ako je konstrukcija dobro izvedena. Zato je u is linearized, i.e. no plastic hinges are introduced in this
svim ovde prikazanim modelima, ova opcija primenjena. beam. It will be considered later, in the section of the
Odnos ukupne seizmičke sile u osnovi i ukupne sile result analysis.
težine objekta, kod (regularnog, kvadratnog u osnovi) 3D Unless the recommended option of SAP,
modela, je: 5316 kN/71093 kN= 7,48%. Svojstveni Assign/Frame/Frame Signed Overwrights/Auto Subdi-
periodi 3D modela su: T1=T2=2,04 sec, T3=1,47 sec. vide Line Objects at Hinge of 0,02 is used, the failure of
Prva dva tona su horizontalna-lateralna, a treći je the beams occurs on the second storey quite early, and
torzioni-obrtni [4]. later in other locations as well, so the time of calculation
is prolonged. This example is not presented, even
though such failure mode is quite possible, but unlikely,
if the structure is well constructed. For this reason in all
the presented models, this option is implemented.
The ratio of the total base-shear force and the total
force of the building weight (of a regular, square layout)
3D model, is: 5316kN/71093kN= 7.48%. Natural periods
of the 3D model are: T1=T2=2.04 sec, T3=1.47 sec. The
first two tones are horizontal-lateral, and the third one is
torsional-rotational [4].


2.2 Ponašanje i modeliranje tla u zemljotresu 2.2 Soil behaviour and its modelling during

Odgovor na pitanje šta se događa u tlu tokom The answer to the question what occurs in the soil
zemljotresa, zavisi, pre svega, od načina modelovanja during earthquakes depends, primarily on the method of
tla u sistemu konstrukcija temelj tlo, zatim koji zemljotres soil modelling in the structure-foundation-soil system,
i kakav uticaj se konkretno istražuje. Verovatno najbolji and then what earthquake and what effect are
odgovor, na ovo pitanje, pruža talasna mehanika, i njena specifically investigated. The best answer to this
primena na numeričke analize korišćenjem Solid question is probably provided by the wave mechanics,
elemenata tla. To je posebna problematika, jer u and its implementation in the numerical analyses using
procesu modelovanja zahteva iznalaženje optimuma Solid elements of soil. It is a specific problem, because
tokom zadovoljenja često suprotstavljenih uslova. in the process of modelling, it requires finding an
Parametri koje u procesu definisanja modela treba optimum for satisfying often confronted conditions. The
odrediti su: dimenzije modela konstrukcije, zatim veličine parameters which need to be determined in the model
modela sistema, veličine mreže KE, oblast frekvencije i definition process are: dimensions of the structural
vrste talasa koji se prostiru, granični problemi, itd. [17]. model, system model size, FE mesh size, frequency
Kod ove metode, važno je u odnosu na veličinu domain and types of propagating waves, boundary
konstrukcije proceniti minimalnu veličinu modela za issues, etc. [17]. In this method, it is important to assess
sistem konstrukcija-temelj-tlo, kako bi vreme proračuna a minimum size of the model for the structure-
bilo što kraće, a da se pri tom adekvatno obuhvate svi foundation-soil system, in order to keep the calculation
potrebni talasni fenomeni. Takođe treba odrediti i time as short as possible, but still to include all the
maksimalnu veličinu konačnih elemenata tla, koja se ne necessary wave phenomena. Also, the maximum size of
sme prekoračiti kako ne bi došlo do neželjenih talasnih finite elements of soil must be determined, which must
efekata u samim konačnim elementima tla i sl. Ovde not be exceeded so as to avoid the undesirable wave
ćemo se zadržati na korišćenju link elemenata tla (LES), effects in the actual finite elements of the soil, etc. We
kao Takedina anvelopa eksperimentalno određenih p-y are discussing here the use of link elements in soil
krivih (ATPY), jer je to jednostavniji model za primenu, te (LES), as Takeda envelopes of experimentally dete-
će i odgovor biti zasnovan na istom. rmined p-y curves (ATPY), because it is a simpler model
for practical use, so the response will be based on it.

2.3 P-Y krive za šipove u pesku 2.3 P-Y curves for piles in sand

Tlo se u analizi dinamičke interakcije sistema Models of different levels of sophistication can be
konstrukcija-temelj-tlo može predstaviti upotrebom used for presentation of soil in an analysis of the
modela različitog stepena složenosti (sofisticiranosti). dynamic interaction of a structure-foundation-soil
Uobičajene metode seizmičke analize nelinearnog system. The usual methods of seismic analysis of non-
ponašanja konstrukcija su kvazi-statička pušover NSA i linear behaviour of structures are the quasi-static
nelinearna dinamička analiza u vremenskom domenu pushover NSA analysis and the non-linear dynamic NDA
NDA, kao numerička integracija akcelerograma, tzv. analysis in the time domain, as a numerical integration of
metoda korak po korak (time history, step by step). Pri accelerogram, a so-called step-by-step time history
tome su za seizmička dejstva korišćeni akcelerogrami El method. For the seismic action, accelerogram of El
Centro, za PGA 0,20; 0,25 i 0,30 g. Centro, for PGA of 0.20; 0.25 and 0.30 g are used.
Tlo može biti modelovano preko različitih uslova Soil can be modelled using various conditions of
oslanjanja, konstrukcije ili šipova, kao što je: support, structure or piles, such as:
 linearnih opruga sa jednom čvornom tačkom  Linear single-node springs, which equally resist
(spring), koje trpe podjednako i zatezanja i pritisak, tension and compression,
 linearnih link elemenata  Linear link elements
 više-linearnih plastičnih link elemenata, koje se  Multi-linear plastic link elements which can be set
mogu zadati tako, da prenose samo pritisak. so that only transfer compression.
Tlo je modelovano preko elemenata veze, tzv. link Soil is modelled using the connection elements, so
elemenata, prema p-y modelu za pesak koji je razvio Ris called link elements, according to the p-y sand model
i dr. Reese, Cox, Koop, 1974, i Reese , Sullivan, 1980, developed by Reese et al, Reese, Cox, Koop, 1974, and
citirano prema [15]. Reese, Sullivan, 1980, cited according to [15] .
Prema [13] verovatno prvi model p-y krivih uveli su According to [13] probably the first model of p-y
McClelland and Focht (1958), preporučujući proceduru curves was introduced by [10], which recommends the
za korelaciju podataka triaksijalnog naponsko- procedure for correlation of data of triaxial stress-strain
deformacijskog opita sa krivama sila-pomeranje šipa za test with the force-displacement curves of the piles for
određene dubine, preko očekivanog modula reakcije tla, certain depths, via the expected soil reaction modulus,
za svaki sloj tla, po dubini. Riz je prvi prikazao svoj for every layer of soil, along the depth. Reese was the
koncept sloma tla oblika klina, koji se javlja blizu first to present his concept of wedge-like soil failure
površine tla [19]. Uticaj variranja ulaznih parametara p-y which occurs close to the soil surface [19]. The influence
krivih na odgovor šipa može se sagledati u [12]. of variation of input parameters of p-y curves on the pile
response can be observed in [12].


2.4 Pushover NSA – nelinearna statička analiza 2.4 Pushover NSA - non-lineаr stаtic аnаlysis

U radu [3] detaljno su analizirane savremene metode The paper [3] is analyzing the contemporary
za nelinearnu seizmičku analizu konstrukcija i način methods for non-linear seismic analysis of structures,
uvođenja prigušenja pri korišćenju neke od metoda. and the ways how damping is introduced when using
Ovde je ukratko prikazana pušover (PO) analiza u kojoj some of the methods. The pushover (PO) analysis is
se određuju krive zavisnosti pomeranja kontrolnog čvora here briefly presented, which involves determination of
umax (obično na vrhu rama) u odnosu na seizmičke curves which show the dependence of control node
smičuće sile u osnovi (BS-Base Shear), a za usvojen displacement umax (typically at the top of the frame) with
oblik raspodele opterećenja po visini objekta. the seismic base shear (BS) force, for assumed shape of
Pretpostavlja se da usvojeni oblik opterećenja ostaje lateral load distribution along the height. It is assumed
nepromenjen za sve stepene intenziteta, a time i that the adopted form of load remains unchanged for all
deformisani oblik konstrukcije. Postepeno povećanje intensity levels, along with the structure’s deformed
intenziteta opterećenja vrši se u koracima uz otvaranje shape. Gradual increase of the load intensity is perfor-
plastičnih zglobova sve dok konstrukcije ne pređe u med in steps, along with the opening of plastic hinges up
mehanizam. Kod konstrukcije pušover krivih, osim onih to a point where the structure becomes a mechanism.
obaveznih po propisima, datih u EC8, poželjno je When constructing pushover curves, the use of several
primeniti više različitih oblika raspodele opterećenja. different shapes of load distributions is recommended,
Ovde su primenjeni sledeći oblici raspodele opterećenja along with the ones prescribed by the regulations given
po visini rama (odn. 2D modela zgrade): in EC8. In this paper, the following shapes of load
 Konstantna raspodela (const). distributions along the frame height were applied:
 Linearno promenjiva (lin).  Constant distribution (const).
 Proporcionalno obliku prvog svojstvenog tona (1  Linear variable (lin).
mode) i  Proportional to the shape of the first natural mode
 Proporcionalno raspodeli (pripadajućih) masa (1 mode) and
(acc).  Proportional to the distribution of (corresponding)
Takođe se mogu primeniti različiti tipovi prikaza PO masses (acc).
krivih, a u SAP2000 su, za to, na raspolaganju: In addition, different types of PO curve displays can
1. Rezultantna sila u osnovi (BS) prema be applied, and in the case of SАP 2000, the following
posmatranom pomeranju (MD), ones are available:
2. ATC 40 metoda spektra kapaciteta, 1. Resulting base shear force (BS) according to the
3. FEMA 356 metoda koeficijenata, observed displacement (MD),
4. FEMA 440 metoda ekvivalentne linearizacije, i 2. АTC 40 spectrum capacity method,
5. FEMA 440 metoda Modifikacije pomeranja. 3. FEMА 356 coefficients method,
4. FEMА 440 equivalent linearization method, and
5. FEMА 440 displacement modification method.


3.1 Rezultati NSA 3.1 NSA results

Ovde su PO krive određene u programu SAP2000 Here, the PO curves are determined using SАP 2000
v14, ali ne preko opcije Display/Show Static Pushover v14 software, but not with the Display/Show Static
Curve, jer tada dijagram nije dovoljno pregledan, Pushover Curve option, since in this case the diagram is
očitavanja vrednosti su nedovoljno precizna i ne mogu not visible enough, reading of values from it is
se vršiti odgovarajuće manipulacije, već je zbog toga to insufficiently accurate and appropriate manipulations
učinjeno preko putanje Display/Show Plot Function, cannot be performed. Thus, the above process is
dakle preko dijagrama funkcije Umax/BS. Takođe je PO performed using the path Display/Show Plot Function,
kriva određena i prema proceduri FEMA356. i.e. by using the function diagram Umax/BS. In addition,
Na zbirnom dijagramu, za ovako određenje PO krive the PO curve is also determined according to the FEMА
vidljiva je značajna razlika maksimalnih pomeranja 356 procedure.
kontrolnog čvora, u zavisnosti od oblika opterećenja, kao In the summary diagram, for PO curves compared in
i razlike u početnoj inicijalnoj krutosti. Detaljnija analiza this way, there is a noticeable difference of maximum
data je u tabeli 1. control node displacement, depending on the load
shape, along with a difference in initial stiffness. А more
detailed analysis data are given in table 1.



1200 900
800 600
400 300
0 0
0 0,02 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,1 0,12 0,14 0,16 0 0,02 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,1 0,12

Slika 2a. Pušover kriva. Konstantna raspodela opterećenja Slika 2b. Pušover kriva. Linearna raspodela opterećenja
po visini. Sila u osnovi BS=1069 kN, maksimalno po visini BS=793,1 kN, umax=10,73 cm.
pomeranje umax=14,97 cm.
Figure 2a. Pushover curve. Constant load shape along Figure 2b. Pushover curve. Linear distributed load shape
height BS=1069 kN, umax=14.97 cm. along height BS=793.1 kN, umax =10.73 cm.



Slika 3. Zbirni dijagram Pušover krivih za 4 oblika Raspodele opterećenja: linearna, 1 mode, konstantno (const) i
proporcionalno masama acc.
Figure 3. Summary diagram Pushover curves, for 4 shapes load distribution: linear, 1 mode, const. and acc.

Tabela 1. Komparativni prikaz maksimalnih pomeranja čvora u vrhu i sila u osnovi u zavisnosti od oblika opterećenja.
Kod vremenske analize u zavisnosti od PGA. Linearizovana krovna greda [6].
Table 1. Comparative analysis of max top node displacements and Base Shear, with respect to load shape. In TH with
respect to PGA. Linear roof beam. [6].
Način distribucije vertikalnog opterećenja.
PGA (g) El Centro
Distribution of vertical load
0.20g 0.25g 0.30g* PO lin PO const PO acc PO 1 mode
BS (kN) 1312 1615 1899 793.10 1068.65 1492.66 893.87
Umax (cm) 8,56 11,29 14,47 10.73 14.97 23.54 12.83
FEMA 356 C
BS (kN) 798.67 1076.10 1504.40 900.60
Umax (cm) 27.3 26.9 24.3 28.4
* cut off at 7. 2 sec; FEMA 356 C - Site class C; Pushover= PO

Razmatrani ram je svestrano tretiran, a s obzirom da The considered frame is comprehensively treated,
je pre TH (NDA) analize preuzeto naponsko stanje and since before the TH (NDA) analysis, the stress state
konstrukcije od sopstvene težine, linearizovane krovne of the structure under its self weight is taken, the
grede razmatranog rama [6] ostaju prave (slika 4). Kod linearized roof beams of the observed frame [6] remain
nelinearnih se, nasuprot tome, jasno uočavaju ugibi što straight (figure 4). In the non-linear ones, on the
će biti prikazano u delu analiza rezultata na slikama 27, contrary, there are clearly observable deflections which
28 i 29. Kod analize link elemenata, nelinearni su i ovi will be presented in the section analysis of results in
čvorovi, ali ni ovde plastični zglobovi nisu uneti na figures 27, 28 and 29. In the analysis of link elements,
sredinama greda. Model rama sa plastičnim zglobovima the nodes are non-linear, but the plastic hinges in the
i u sredinama greda, prikazan je na kraju rada, samo na middle of the beams are not assumed. The model of the


slici 31, uz kratak osvrt na problematiku istog. frame with plastic hinges in the middle of beams as well,
Nelinearna dinamička analiza, urađena je za is presented at the end of the paper, in figure 31 only,
akcelerogram El Centro za vršne vrednosti PGA od 0.20, with a short comment on the issue.
0.25 i 0.30 g. Razmatrano je pomeranje čvora u vrhu i Non-linear dynamic analysis is performed for the El
ukupne seizmicke sile u osnovi. Proveravana su stanja Centro ground motion record, for peak PGА values 0.20,
plastičnih zglobova (loma) na kraju svakog zemljotresa. 0.25 and 0.30 g. Node displacements at the top and the
seismic base shear are considered. The states of plastic
hinges (failure) are checked at the end of each

Slika 4. Stanje plastičnih zglobova PHS na kraju zemljotresa El Centro, levo PGA 0,20g PHS: 79Y, 19 IO,
desno PGA 0,25g PHS: 71Y, 25 IO i 2 LS. Linearna krovna greda
Figure 4. State of plastic hinges (PHS) at the end earthquake ElCentro, left PGA 0.20g PHS: 79Y, 19 IO,
right PGA 0.25g PHS: 71Y, 25 IO and 2 LS. Linear roof beams

Slika 5. Dijagram pomeranja čvora u vrhu zgrade tokom akcelerograma El Centro levo PGA 0,20g, Umax=8,56cm,
desno PGA 0,25g, Umax =11,29 cm. Linearna krovna greda.
Figure 5. Displacement plot of the joint at the top of the building, due earthquake acc. El Centro: left PGA 0.20g, Umax
=8.56cm, right PGA 0.25g, Umax =11.29 cm Linear roof beams.

Koeficijent proporcionalnosti i za sile i za pomeranja, The proportionality coefficient, both for the forces
kod prelaska sistema sa više stepeni slobode kretanja, and for displacements, during transition from a mullti
(MDOF) na sistem sa jednim stepenom slobode (SDOF), degree of freedom system (MDOF) to a single degree of
je: freedom system (SDOF) is:

 T m1

 mi  i  m*
 T m   mi  i 2 m  i i


3.2 Driftovi stubova za različite vrednosti PGA 3.2 Column drifts for different values of PGA

Sa nelinearnom (NL) krovnom gredom i celim NL 2D For the non-linear roof beam, and entire 2D frame,
ramom, sračunate su ekstremne vrednosti drifta stubova the extreme values of column drift and their variation
i njihova promena tokom dejstva akcelerograma El during action of accelerogram of El Centro, for PGA of
Centro, za PGA 0,20; 0,25 i 0,30 g. 0.20; 0.25 and 0.30 g, are calculated.
extreme Drift Floor ElCentro 0,20g

Floor number 8
1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5
Local Drift (‰)

Slika 6a. Ekstremni spratni drift (stuba) El Centro 0,20g. Prekoračuje dozvoljene vrednosti
Figure 6a. El Centro 0.20g. Extreme Local Drift (column) exceeds permissible values

extreme Drift Floor ElCentro 0,25g

Floor number

1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5
Local Drift (‰)

Slika 6b Ekstremni spratni drift (stuba) El Centro 0,25g. Prekoračuje dozvoljene vrednosti
Figure 6b El Centro 0.25g. Extreme Local Drift (column) exceeds permissible values

extreme Drift Floor ElCentro 0,30g

Floor number

1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5 5,5 6
Local Drift (‰)

Slika 6c. Ekstremni spratni drift (stuba) El Centro 0,30g Prekoračuje dozvoljene vrednosti
Figure 6c. El Centro 0.30g. Extreme Local Drift (column) exceeds permissible values

Slika 6c se razlikuje po obliku u odnosu na 6a i 6b, Figure 6c, is different in shape from Figs. 6a and 6b,
za PGA 0,20 i 0,25g. which are given for PGA 0.20 and 0.25g.

3.3 P-y krive 3.3 P-y curves

P-y kriva (slika 7) se sastoji iz 4 dela, prvi linearni od P-y curve (Fig. 7) consists of 4 parts: the first is linear
koordinatnog početka do tačke k, drugi eksponencijalni from the coordinate beginning till the point u, the second
deo od k do m, i treći deo je druga linearna funkcija od m is exponential part from k to m, the third is the second
do u, a posle tačke u, p-y kriva je konstantna prava. linear function from m to u, while after the point u, p-y
Koeficijenti redukcije (slika 8) A i B zavise od vrste line remains constant.
opterećenja, a za dinamičku analizu koriste se krive Reduction coefficients A and B (Fig. 8) depend on
cikličnog opterećenja. Koeficijenti A i B su dati na the type of the load, and for dynamic analysis, the


dijagramu u intervalu od 0 do 6 z/b. Posle 5 dijametara curves of cyclic load are used. The coefficients A and B
šipa koeficijenti A i B imaju konstantnu vrednost. zcr je are given in the graph in the interval 0 to z/b. After 5 pile
dubina posle koje se oblik loma klinom menja u oblik diameters, coefficients A and B have a constant value.
loma blokom. zcr is the depth after which the wedge-like failure
transforms into the block-like failure.

Slika 7. Konstrukcija karakterističnih oblika p-y krivih, Ris, Koks, Kup i dr. 1974, citirano prema [4]
Figure 7. Construction of characteristic shapes of p-y curves Reese, Cox, Coop at all. 1974, after [4]

Slika 8. levo Koeficijenti redukcije A i B; Slika desno Faktori za sračunavanje granične otpornosti tla za horizontalno
opterećen šip u pesku C1,C2,C3 i zcr, u odnosu na ugao unutrašnjeg trenja [15].
Figure 8. left Reduction coefficient A and B; right Factor for calculation of ultimate soil resistance for horizontal loaded
pile in section C1,C2,C3 and zcr, related to the friction angle, after [15].

Tabela 2. Koeficijent horizontalne reakcije tla za pesak. Početni nagib p-y krive, u funkciji relativne krutosti i nivoa
podzemne vode, potopljen i suv pesak.
Table 2. Coefficient of horizontal reaction for sand. Initial inclination p-y curve vs. relative density and level below
ground water (submerged and dry sand).
Soil modulus k parametar k za relativni stepen zbijenosti peska
Realtivna zbijenost: Rastresit Srednje zbijen Krut
Relative density: Loose Medium dense Dense
Potopljen pesak
5.430 kPa/m 16.300 kPa/m 33.900 kPa/m
Submerged sand
Suv, iznad NPV
6.790 kPa/m 24.430 kPa/m 61.000 kPa/m
Dry sand, above water level


Slika 9. Početni modul horizontalne reakcije tla u Slika 10. Karakteristične krive za pesak sa uticajem
zavisnosti od zbijenosti i ugla unutrašnjeg trenja, API kohezivnog dela, Rees i dr. [4]
(American Petroleum Institute), prema [4]
Figure 9. Initial modul of lateral reaction of soil in function Slika 10. Caracteristic curve for sand with
of compaction and internal angle of friction, API (American influences of cohesive part, Rees at all [4]
Petroleum Institute), after [4]

Marchinson and Oneill, 1984 [15], pojednostavili su Marchinson and Oneill, 1984 [15] simplified the
gornju proceduru i tri dela prave zamenili sa jednom above process, and replaced the three part p-y curve
jednačinom, kao što sledi: with a single analytical equation, as follows:
p  kH 
 n  A  tanh y  (2)
pu  n  A  pu 
pu – granična horizontalna otpornost na dubini H od Where:
površine tla, pu – ultimate lateral soil resistance at a depth H
kH – krutost tla, početni modul horizontalne reakcije below ground surface,
(prema tabeli 2, za pesak), kH – soil stiffness, initial modulus of lateral reaction
y – horizontalno pomeranje šipa, (according to table 2, for sand)
n – geometrijski faktor, =1,0 za prizmatične šipove, y – lateral displacement of pile
A = 0,9 za ciklično opterećenje, (3-0,8(z/b)) ≥ 0,90 za n – geometric factor, =1.0 for prismatic piles
statičko opt., z dubina za koju se p/y kriva određuje. A = 0.9 for cyclic load (3-0.8(z/b)) ≥ 0.90; for the
p-y krive su eksperimentalno izvedene za statičko i static load, for the depth z applies the p-y curve.
ciklično opterećenje, tako da kada koristimo ciklične p-y curves are experimentally derived for static and
krive za dinamičko opterećenje, ipak još uvek koristimo cyclic load, so when the cyclic curves are used for
relativno mirno opterećenje, gde se mogu uhvatiti samo dynamic loading, it is still a relatively calm loading, so
efekti ponavljanja opterećenja, ali ne i u potpunosti only the effects of loading repetition can be assessed,
dinamički uticaji. but not the complete dynamic effects.
Tabela 3. p-y kriva: φ= 35°; D=0,60 m; γ= 10 kN/m ; k= 33900 kPa/m.
Table 3. p-y curve: φ= 35°; D=0.60 m; γ= 10 kN/m ; k= 33900 kPa/m.
i z ko ya pa=pk pb=pm pc=pu
1 1 33900 8.15E-04 27-64 42.86 52.23
2 2 67800 7.00E-04 47.47 105.34 144.80
3 3 101700 3.53E-04 35.90 178.72 285.95
4 4 135600 5.63E-04 76.29 303.64 485.82
5 5 169500 8.18E-04 138.73 461.23 737.98
6 6 203400 1.12E-03 227.78 651.51 1042.41
7 7 237300 1.47E-03 347.96 874.45 1399.13
8 8 271200 1.86E-03 503.70 1130.07 1808.12
9 9 305100 2.29E-03 699.40 1418.37 2269.39
10 10 339000 2.77E-03 939.43 1739.34 2782.95
11 11 372900 2.88E-03 1074.71 1952.70 3124.33


Tabela 4. p-y kriva za φ= 35°; D=0,60 m; γ= 10 kN/m3; k= 33900 kPa/m
Table 4. p-y curves for φ= 35°; D=0.60 m; γ= 10 kN/m3; k= 33900 kPa/m

k o= 33900 k o= 67800 k o= 101700 k o= 135600

z= 1 z= 2 z= 3 z= 4
pc= 52.23 pc= 144.80 pc= 285.95 pc= 485.82
y (m) p (kPa/m) y (m) p(kPa/m) y (m) p(kPa/m) y (m) p(kPa/m)
0.000001 0.00001 0.000001 0.00001 0.000001 0.00001 0.000001 0.00001
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-0.001 -29.82 -0.001 -63.24 -0.001 -97.62 -0.001 -132.19
-0.002 -44.98 -0.002 -106.22 -0.002 -174.86 -0.002 -246.15
-0.003 -50.15 -0.003 -128.35 -0.003 -225.42 -0.003 -332.50
-0.0045 -51.93 -0.0045 -140.58 -0.0045 -263.57 -0.0045 -412.93
-0.005 -52.07 -0.005 -142.14 -0.005 -270.08 -0.005 -429.66
-0.007 -52.22 -0.007 -144.39 -0.007 -282.04 -0.007 -466.69
-0.009 -52.23 -0.009 -144.74 -0.009 -285.00 -0.009 -479.47
-0.01 -52.23 -0.01 -144.78 -0.01 -285.48 -0.01 -482.18
-0.015 -52.23 -0.015 -144.80 -0.015 -285.94 -0.015 -485.60
-0.02 -52.23 -0.02 -144.80 -0.02 -285.95 -0.02 -485.81
-0.0229 -52.23 -0.0229 -144.80 -0.0229 -285.95 -0.0229 -485.82
-0.025 -52.23 -0.025 -144.80 -0.025 -285.95 -0.025 -485.82
-0.03 -52.23 -0.03 -144.80 -0.03 -285.95 -0.03 -485.82
-0.035 -52.23 -0.035 -144.80 -0.035 -285.95 -0.035 -485.82
-0.18 -52.23 -0.18 -144.80 -0.18 -285.95 -0.18 -485.82

U pokušaju da se što bolje obuhvate i dinamički In order to include dynamic effects as much as
uticaji, link elementi su modelovani preko više linearnih possible, the link elements are modelled using multiple
plastičnih elemenata histerezisnog tipa, gde je ciklična linear plastic elements of hysteretic type, where the
p-y kriva poslužila kao svojevrsna anvelopa. Krive su cyclic p-y curve is used as kind of an envelope. The
sračunate kombinacijom obe metode, za prvu je curves are calculated by combining both methods, and
korišćen program koji sračunava parametre krive za for the former the software is used which calculates the
svaki metar dubine, rezultati su dati u tabeli 3, a curve parameters for each meter of depth, the results
uvedene su u SAP2000 kao što sledi u tabeli 4. being provided in table 3. Also, they are introduced in
SAP2000 as given in table 4.

3.4 Sile u osnovi usled razmatranog seizmičkog 3.4 Base shear force due to the considered seismic
dejstva action

Slika 11a. Sila u osnovi X. ElCentro PGA 0,20 g. BS max Slika 11b. Sila u osnovi X. ElCentro PGA 0,25 g. BS max
1608 kN (5,460 sec). BS min 1304 kN (1,540 sec). 1834 kN (5,460 sec). BS min 1582 kN (1,540 sec).
Figure 11a. Base Shear X. ElCentro PGA 0.20 g. BS max Figure 11b. Base Shear X. ElCentro PGA 0.25 g. BS max
1608 kN (5.460 sec). BS min 1304 kN (1.540 sec). 1834 kN (5.460 sec). BS min 1582 kN (1.540 sec).


Slika 11c. Sila u osnovi X. ElCentro PGA 0,30 g. BS max 2114 kN (2,720 sec). BS min 1854 kN (1,540 sec)
Figure11c. Base Shear X. ElCentro PGA 0.30 g. BS max 2114 kN (2.720 sec). BS min 1854 kN (1.540 sec)

Sva tri grafika sila u osnovi su vrlo slična. Međutim All three graphs of the BS forces are basically very
primećuje se da je vršna vrednost maksimuma za 0,30g, similar. However it can be observed that the peak value
pomerena sa 5,46 sec na 2,72 sec. Prema istraživanjima for 0,30g, changes from 5.46 sec to 2.72 sec. According
[18], kod analize uticaja akcelerograma, nije bitno samo to the research [18], during the accelerogram (i.e. time
vršno ubrzanje tla PGA, već je neophodno posmatrati i history) analysis, not only peak ground acceleration
neposrednu okolinu, i uočiti na koji način je maksimum (PGA) is important, but it is necessary to observe the
spregnut sa susednim ekstremima. To se ovde immediate surroundings of the peak, and find out in
primenjuje i kod sile u osnovi. which way the peak is related to the adjacent peaks. It is
implemented here for the Base Shear force.

Tabela 5. Zavisnost sile u osnovi i PGA(g). Trenutak max i min.

Table 5. Variation of base shear force with respect to PGA (g). Instances of max and min

ElCentro Base Shear Base Shear t max t min

PGA (g) max (kN) min (kN) (sec) (sec)
0.20 1608 1304 5.460 1.540
0.25 1834 1582 5.460 1.540
0.30 2114 1854 2.720 1.540

3.5 Uticaji u link elementima iz NDA (TH) za dejstvo 3.5 Effects in the link elements from NDA (TH)
„El Centro“ i preko rada action of „El Centro“ and via the work

Kao rezultat ove analize na sl. 12 prikazani su As a result of this analysis Fig. 12 presents
dijagrami pomeranja i sila spregnutih parova link displacement and force diagrams of coupled link
elemenata 1 i 2 (dubina 1 m), za PGA 0.20g. Ovi upareni elements 1 and 2 (depth 1 m), for PGA 0,20g. Coupled
elementi su spregnuti u istom čvoru šipa. link elements are related to the same node.

Slika 12a. Link 1 i 2, nivo -1,0 m. PGA 0,20g El Centro Slika 12b. Link 1 i 2, nivo -1,0 m. PGA 0,20g El Centro
NDA. Pomeranje: max 0,201cm. min 0,194 cm NDA. Sila. max 45,88 kN
Figure 12a. Link1 and 2, level -1,0 m. PGA 0,20g El Figure 12b. Link 1 and 2, level -1.0 m. PGA 0.20g El
Centro NDA. Displacement: max 0.201cm. Min Centro NDA. Force. max 45.88 kN
0.194 cm 0.201cm. min 0.194 cm.


Pored nelinearne analize razmatran je apsolutni rad, In addition to the non-linear analysis, the Absolute
uparenih link elemenata, kao pozitivna vrednost dejstva work of coupled link elements is determined as a posi-
sile duž puta. Dijagram kumulativnog Apsolutnog rada, tive value of force action along the path. The diagram of
uparenih link elemenata prikazan je na sl. 13. Apsolutni cumulative Absolute work of the coupled link elements is
rad je neophodan kako ne bi došlo do poništavanja presented in Fig. 13. The absolute work is necessary to
pozitivnog i negativnog rada tokom sumiranja. Negativni avoid cancelation of the positive and negative works
rad je posledica množenja sile u link elementu sa during addition. The negative work is a consequence of
negativnim predznakom, sa pozitivnim predznakom multiplication of a force in the link element with a
pomeranja istog. Na slici 13 uočljivi su strmiji delovi negative sign, with positive displacement. In Figure 13
kumulativne krive, koji predstavljaju mesta na kojima se steep sections of the cumulative curve are noticeable,
“gomila” intenzitet akcelerograma koji utiče na rad link which represent the locations where the intensity of the
elemenata. Tu se zapravo radi o disipaciji seizmičke accelerogram which affects the work of link elements is
energije u tlu, na oko 1 m dubine od površine tla. “piling up”. It is actually the case of dissipation of seismic
energy in soil, at around 1 m bellow the surface.

Kumulativ. SUM |ABS Medium force x dif. Displacement| Series1

|Fsr x ΔU1| (kNm)
kum. Sum ABS

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
t (sec)

Slika 13. Kumulativni Apsolutni rad link elemenata tokom dejstva El Centro. Link 1 i 2, nivo -1,0 m dubina tla. PGA
0,20g ELCentro NDA.
Figure 13. Cumulative Absolute work of link elements under action of El Centro. Link 1 and 2, level 1,0 m depth below
ground surface. PGA 0.20g ELCentro NDA.

Nadalje, u tabelama su navedene karakteristične Further, the tables 6 to 9 show the characteristic
vrednosti pojedinih uticaja u link elementima. values of individual parameters of the link elements.

Tabela 6. Link 1 i 2 Trenutni rad= Sila * Pomeranje F i x U1i (kNm) El Centro 0,20g.
Table 6. Link 1 and 2 “ Instantenous work“ = Force * Displacement F i x U1i (kNm) El Centro 0.20g.

Link 2 Link 1 ElCe 0.20g

min 4.98E-02 8.90E-02
max -7.04E-08 -4.79E-07
extr 0.04982 0.089016
Suma 2.945 4.522 7.467
% 39.44 60.56

Ovde se kao trenutni rad ne posmatra čist rad, kao Here, instantaneous work is not considered as an
dejstvo sile duž puta, već samo trenutna vrednosti sile effective work, as an action of the force along the path,
(Fi), kao reakcije link elementa u trenutku (ti) pomnožene but only as the instantaneous value of the force (Fi), as a
sa trenutnom (ekstremnom) vrednošću odgovarajućeg reaction of the link element at a time (ti) multiplied by the
pomeranja čvora (U1i) u kome se sustiču link elemenat i instantaneous (extreme) value of the corresponding
konačni elementi šipa, u datom trenutku dejstva node displacement (U1i) at which the link element and
akcelerograma. Zato je i napisan proizvod sile i the finite elements of the pile join together, at a given
pomeranja, tj. sila x pomeranje. Obe ove veličine su moment of ground motion action. That is why it is written
linearne funkcije, u posmatranim vremenskim as a product of the force and displacement, i.e. Force x
intervalima, te se u opštem smislu (kao integral) množi Displacement. Both parameters are linear functions, at
trougao sa trapezom (ovde trapez zamenjen the observed time intervals, so in the general sense (as
pravougaonikom) čija je ordinata srednja vrednost sile. an integral) a triangle is multiplied by a trapezoid (here a
Strogo uzevši trebalo bi, dakle, posmatrati srednju trapezoid is replaced by a rectangle) whose ordinate is a
vrednost sile (Fsr) i razliku pomeranja (ΔU1), u svakom mean force value. Strictly speaking, one should observe
pojedinačnom intervalu vremena, kao čisti rad. Čisti rad the mean force value (Fsr) and displacement difference
link elemenata dat je u tabeli 7, i to su vrednosti manjeg (ΔU1), at each individual interval of time, as effective
reda veličine od prethodno navedenog trenutnog rada. S work. Effective work of elements is provided in table 7,


obzirom da su izlazni podaci, za razliku od ulaznih, dati u and those are the values of a lower order of magnitude
jednakim vremenskim intervalima od 0,02sec, iz than the previously mentioned instantaneous work.
vrednosti čistog rada se direktno može dobiti i snaga po Regarding that the output data, as opposed to the input
link elementu množenjem sa 1/0.02=50 Hz (J/sec=Watt). data, are given at equal time intervals of 0.02sec, from
the value of the effective work one can directly calculate
the power by a link element, by multiplying with
1/0,02=50 Hz (J/sec=Wat).
Tabela 7. Link 1 i 2. Apsolutni rad, ABS |A = F sr x ΔU1| (kNm); El Centro 0,20g
Table 7. Link 1 i 2. Abs. work, ABS |A = Fsr x ΔU1| (kNm); El Centro 0.20g

Link 2 Link 1
min 3.96E-03 6.77E-03
max 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
extr 0.00396 0.006773 Suma
Suma 0.197484 0.308631 0.506115
39.02 60.98 %

Ekstremne vrednosti suma Abs rada sila u uparenim The extreme values of sums of Absolute work of the
link elementima su različite. Za gornji slučaj je to odnos forces in the coupled link elements are different. In this
39/61=0.64. To je posledica uvedenog nelinearnog case, it is the ratio 39/61=0.64. It is a consequence of
ponašanja link elemenata i nesimetrije akcelerograma. the introduced non-linear behaviour of link elements and
asymmetry of accelerogram.

Tabela 8. Link 1 i 2 Pomernje (m); Sila – reakcije (kN); ElCentro 0,20 g

Table 8. Link 1 and 2 Displacement (m); Force – reaction (kN); ElCentro 0.20 g.
Extr Link 2 Link 1
Displac.(m) 0.00201 0.00194
Force (kN) 37.18 45.88

Ekstremne vrednosti sila i pomeranja u uparenim link The extreme values of forces and displacements in
elementima su različite. Za gornji slučaj je to odnos za the coupled link elements are different. In this case, the
sile 37/46=0,81 što nije zanemarljivo, a za pomeranja force ratio is 37/46=0.81, which is not negligible, but
201/194=1,036 što su bliske vrednosti. obtained displacement ratio is 201/194=1.036 which are
close values.
Table 9. Promena ekstremnog pomeranja (cm) i sila (kN) u link elementima sa porastom PGA El Centro.
Table 9. Variation of extreme displacement in (cm) and force in (kN) in link elements under PGA El Centro
pomeranja pomeranja sile Sile
PGA (g) Link 1 i 2 Link 3 i 4 Link 1 i 2 Link 3 i 4
0.20 0.201 0.100 45.88 65.26
0.25 0.231 0.114 47.65 72.71
0.30 0.281 0.145 49.71 85.81

Postoji jaka linearna zavisnost između vršnog There is a strong linear dependence between the
ubrzanja PGA i pomeranja Link elementa. Približno za peak ground acceleration PGA and Link element
Link 1 i 2: U1≈0.95 · PGA(g); a za Link 3 i 4: U1≈0,48 · displacement. Approximately, for the Links 1 and 2 it is:
PGA(g). Što se tiče sila Link elementa (y), linearna U1≈0.95 * PGA (g); and for the Links 3 and 4:
zavisnost između PGA (x=ah/g) i istih, određena je U1≈0.48*PGA (g). As for the forces of the Link element
preciznije tehnikom najmanjih kvadrata, i za Link 1 i 2: y (y), the linear dependence between PGA (x=ah/g) and
= 38.3·x + 38.172, (R = 0,9981); a za Link 3 i 4: y = forces is more accurately determined using the least
205,5·x + 23.218, (R = 0,9754). Kod Link elemenata 1 i square technique. For the Links 1 and 2 it is: y = 38.3·x +
2, usled porasta PGA od 0,20g do 0,30 g, pomeranja 38.172, (R = 0.9981), while for the Links 3 and 4 it is: y
rastu za oko 40%, dok kod Link 3 i 4, za istu promenu = 205.5·x + 23.218, (R = 0.9754). In the case of Link
PGA ekstremno pomeranje raste za 45%. elements 1 and 2, due to the increase of PGA from
Nadalje su, na slikama 14 do 24, prikazani dijagrami 0.20g to 0.30 g, the displacements increase for around
sila i pomeranja Link elemenata za El Centro PGA 0,3g. 40%, while for the Links 3 and 4, for the same change of
PGA the extreme displacement increases for 45%.
Further in the text, Figures 14 to 24 are presenting
the force and displacement diagrams of the Link
elements for El Centro PGA 0.30 g.


Slika 14a. Link 1 i 2, nivo -1,0 m. PGA 0,30g ElCentro Slika 14b. Link 1 i 2, nivo -1,0 m. PGA 0,30g ElCentro
NDA. Pomeranje: max 0,281cm. min 0,272 cm NDA. Sila max 49,71 kN
Figure 14a. Link 1 and 2, level -1.0 m. PGA 0.30g El Figure 14b. Link 1 and 2, level -1.0 m. PGA 0.30g El
Centro NDA. Displacement. max 0.281cm. min 0.272 cm Centro NDA. Force. max 49.71 kN

Primetne su praznine u silama reakcija Link There are noticeable gaps in the reaction forces of
elemenata 1 i 2. Na oko 3,9 sec, zatim 4,6sec, a na 9 Link elements 1 and 2. They are at around 3.9 sec, then
sec je najveća pauza u reakcijama sila Link elementa 1 i at 4.6sec, and at 9 sec there is the largest gap in the
2. To bi mogao biti znak da je došlo do odvajanja (gap) force reactions of Link elements 1 and 2. It could be a
na kontaktu šipa i tla. sign that there is a gap between the pile and the soil.

Slika 15a. Link 3 i 4, nivo -2 m. PGA 0,30g El Centro Slika 15b. Link 3 i 4, nivo -2,0 m. PGA 0,30g El Centro.
NDA. Pomeranje: max 0,281cm, min 0,272 cm. NDA. Sila max 85,81 kN.
Figure 15a. Link 3 and 4, level -2 m. PGA 0.30g EL Figure 15b. Links 3 and 4, level -2.0 m. PGA 0.30g El
Centro NDA. Displacement: max 0.281cm, min 0.272 cm. Centro. NDA. Force max 85.81 kN

Slika 16a. Link 5 i 6, nivo -3,0 m. PGA 0,30g El Centro Slika 16b. Link 5 i 6, nivo -3,0 m. PGA 0,30g El Centro.
NDA. Pomeranje: max 0,0505 cm, min 0,0452 cm. NDA. Sila max 44,10 kN.
Figure 16a. Link 5 and 6, level -3.0 m. PGA 0.30g El Figure 16b. Links 5 and 6, level -3.0 m. PGA 0.30g El
Centro NDA. Displacem.: max 0.0505 cm, min 0.045 cm. Centro. NDA. Force max 44.10 kN


Iako je po vremenu trajanja raspodela sila gotovo Even though in terms of time, the force distribution is
ujednačena Link 5 / Link 6 ≈ 60% / 40%, Link elemenat 5 almost uniform: Link 5 / Link 6 ≈ 60% / 40%, the Link
ima veće sile reakcija (skoro duplo veće od L6). element 5 exhibits higher reaction forces (almost twice
Precizniji podaci su prikazani u sumarnoj tabeli Link as that of L6). More accurate data are presented in the
elemenata. summary table of the Link elements.

Slika 17a. Link 7 i 8, nivo -4,0 m. PGA 0,30g El Centro Slika 17b. Link 7 i 8, nivo -4,0 m. PGA 0,30g El Centro.
NDA. Pomeranje: max 6,376*10-5 m, min 6,048*10-5m. NDA. Sila max 15,99 kN.
Figure 17a. Link 7 and 8, level -4 m. PGA 0.30g El Centro Figure 17b. Links 7 and 8, level -4.0 m. PGA 0.30g El
NDA. Displace. max 6.376*10-5m, min 6.048*10-5m. Centro. NDA. Force max 15.99 kN

Primetna je znatna nesimetrija sila reakcija šipa na There is a considerable asymmetry of reaction forces
dubini 4m od površine terena. Praktično samo link of the pile at a depth of 4m below the surface. Practical-
element 7 reaguje i u odnosu na link element 8, to je ly, only the link element 7 is reacting, and in relation to
preko 90% reaktivne sile tokom ukupnog trajanja the link element 8, it is over 90% of the reactive force
seizmičkog odgovora na El Centro od 0,30g. during the total duration of the seismic response to El
Pretpostavlja se da je ovakvo ponašanje u sprezi sa Centro of 0,30g. It is assumed that such behaviour is
prazninom reakcija u link elementima 1 i 2, i related to the absence of reaction of the link elements 1
asimetrijama intenziteta sila Link elemenata od 3 do 6. and 2, and to force intensity asymmetry of the Link
elements 3 to 6.

Slika 18a. Link 9 i 10, nivo -5,0 m. PGA 0,30g El Centro Slika 18b. Link 9 i 10, nivo -5,0 m. PGA 0,30g El
NDA. Pomeranje: max 1,330*10-4m, min. 9,831*10-5m. Centro. NDA. Sila max 16,38 kN.
Figure 18a. Displacement Link 9 and 10, level -5.0 m. Figure 18b. Links 9 and 10, level -5.0 m. PGA 0.30g El
PGA 0.30g El Centro NDA. max 1.330*10-4m, Centro. NDA. Force max 16.38 kN
min. 9.831*10-5m.

Raspodela sila reakcija postaje ponovo ujednačena Distribution of reaction forces becomes even again in
kod Linka 9 i 10 (5 m od nivoa terena). To bi moglo biti the Links 9 and 10 (5 m below the ground level). It could
mesto uklještenja šipa, kod modela zamenjujuće be location where the pile is clamped, in the substitute
konzole, (5/0,6=8,3 D), s tim da uklještenje može biti i cantilever model (5/0.6=8.3 D), provided that the
elastično. restraint may be elastic as well.
Na slici 21b primećuje se prelazni oblik dijagrama In Fig. 21 one may notice a transition form of the
sila, u odnosu na više (i niže) nivoe tla od nivoa -7m. Još force diagram with respect to higher (and lower) soil
uvek se uočavaju duži intervali sila reakcija pojedinog levels then the level -7m. The longer intervals of reaction
link elementa, ali linije nisu više tako glatke kao za forces of individual link elements can still be observed,
gornje slojeve tla, i manje podsećaju na anvelope, a više but the lines are not as smooth as for the upper layers.


na impulsne strukture (igličastog oblika). Also, the lines resemble envelopes less, but rather
resemble the impulsive structures (having a pointed form).

Slika 19a. Link 11 i 12, nivo -6,0 m. PGA 0,30g El Slika 19b. Link 11 i 12, nivo -6,0 m. PGA 0,30g El Centro.
Centro NDA. Pomeranje: max 1,025*10-4 m, min. NDA. Sila max 15,32 kN.
Figure 19a. Displacement Link 11 and 12, level -6.0 Figure 19b. Links 11 and 12, level -6.0 m. PGA 0.30g El
m. PGA 0.30g ELCentro NDA. max 1.025*10-4m, min. Centro. NDA. Force max 15.32 kN

Slika 20a. Link 13 i 14, nivo -7,0 m. PGA 0,30g El Slika 20b. Link 13 i 14, nivo -7,0 m. PGA 0,30g El Centro.
Centro NDA. Pomeranje: max 3,440*10-5 m, min. NDA. Sila max 8,086 kN.
Figure 20a. Displacement Link 13 and 14, level -7.0 m. Figure 20b. Links 13 and 14, level -7.0 m. PGA 0.30g
PGA 0.30g El Centro NDA. max 3.440*10-5 m, min. ELCentro. NDA. Force max 8.086 kN

Slika 21a. Link 15 i 16, nivo -8,0 m. PGA 0,30g El Centro Slika 21b. Link 15 i 16, nivo -8,0 m. PGA 0,30g El
NDA. Pomeranje: max 2,197x10-5 m, min. 1,640x10-5m. Centro. NDA. Sila max 4,413 kN.
Figure 21a. Link 15 and 16, level -8.0 m. PGA 0.30g El Figure 21b. Links 15 and 16, level -8.0 m. PGA 0.30g El
Centro NDA. Displacement max 2.197*10-5 m, min Centro. NDA. Force max 4.413 kN


Dijagram sila reakcija postaje oštar sa naizmenično The reaction force diagram becomes pointed, with
raspoređenim elementima Link 15 i 16, nivo 8.0 m od alternatively arranged elements Links 15 and 16, level
površine tla (8/0.6=13.3 D). 8.0 m below surface (8/0,6=13.3 D).
Dijagram pomeranja Link elemenata 21 i 22 se ne There is no noticeable displacement diagram of Link
uočava, jer se radi o malim veličinama, ali se mogu elements 21 and 22, because those are small values.
jasno očitati numeričke vrednosti, koje su i date u opisu However, the numerical values may be clearly seen, as
slike 24a. (11/0,6=18,3 D). they are provided in the description of Figure 24a.
(11/0.6=18.3 D).

Slika 22a. Link 17 i 18, nivo -9,0 m. 0,30g El Centro. Slika 22b. Link 17 i 18, nivo -9,0 m; 0,30g El Centro. NDA.
NDA. Pomeranje max 1,536x10-5 m. max Sila 3,881 kN.
Figure 22a. Link 17 and 18, level -9.0 m. 0.30g El Figure 22b. Links 17 and 18, level -9.0 m 0.30g El Centro.
Centro. NDA. Displacem. max 1.536x10-5 m NDA. max Force 3.881 kN.

Slika 23a. Link 19 i 20, nivo -10, m. 0,30g El Centro. Slika. 23b. Link 19 i 20, nivo -10, m. 0,30g El Centro. NDA.
NDA. Pomeranje max 1.131*10-5 m. max Sila 3,468 kN.
Figure 23a. Link 19 and 20, level -10. m. 0.30g El Figure 23b. Links 19 and 20, level -10.0 m 0.30g El Centro.
Centro. NDA. Displace. max 1.131*10-5 m. NDA. max Force 3.468 kN.

Slika 24a. Link 21 i 22, nivo -11,0 m. 0,30gEl Centro. Slika. 24b. Link 21 i 22, nivo -11,0 m. 0,30g El Centro.
NDA. Pomeranje max 4,949*10-6 m. NDA. max Sila 1,747 kN
Figure 24a. Link 21 and 22, level -11.0 m. 0.30g El Figure 24b. Links 21 and 22, level -11.0 m 0.30g El
Centro. NDA. Displacem. max 4.949*10-6 m. Centro. NDA. max Force 1.747 kN.


Tabela 10. Link elementi po dubini, za levi krajnji šip. Ekstremno pomeranje, ekstremne sile za El Centro 0.30 g
Table 10. Link elements with depth, for left edge pile. Extreme displacement, extr. forces, for El Centro PGA 0.30 g.
Z Link U extr F extr (Fi*Ui) extr Σ (Fi*Ui) (Fsr*ΔUi)extr Σ ABS(A) A/ΣA
(m) (m) (kN) (kNm) (kNm) (kNm) (kNm) %
1 1 0.00272 49.71 0.1352167 6.1454125 0.01424095 0.4188097 59.89
2 0.00281 46.74 0.0939416 4.3699499 0.00716251 0.2804514 40.11
2 3 0.00138 85.81 0.1184187 6.5062411 0.01073076 0.4461167 66.98
4 0.00145 62.63 0.0566888 2.8040334 0.00529569 0.2199727 33.02
3 5 0.0004518 44.10 0.0199249 1.2593537 0.00203323 0.0915624 77.69
6 0.0005053 23.77 0.0057889 0.2804816 0.00062265 0.0262916 22.31
4 7 6.048E-05 15.99 0.0009670 0.0612844 0.00016362 0.0076096 94.26
8 6.376E-05 5.46 0.0001129 0.0012892 2.4366E-05 0.0004630 5.74
5 9 0.000133 13.65 0.0011192 0.0590964 8.3331E-05 0.0045659 43.80
10 9.831E-05 16.38 0.0016099 0.0642328 0.00015859 0.0058584 56.20
6 11 0.0001025 10.48 0.0005471 0.0289231 4.3299E-05 0.0025059 32.07
12 7.628E-05 15.32 0.0011687 0.0609466 0.0001198 0.0053071 67.93
7 13 5.259E-05 4.93 0.0001033 0.0048663 1.8819E-05 0.0006463 24.67
14 0.0000344 8.09 0.0002782 0.0153709 5.56E-05 0.0019731 75.33
8 15 2.197E-05 2.94 3204E-05 0.0007730 1.2754E-05 0.0002461 29.33
16 0.0000164 4.41 7.238E-05 0.0021958 2.1798E-05 0.0005931 70.67
9 17 1.536E-05 3.88 4.967E-05 0.0010876 1.6543E-05 0.0003283 47.73
18 1.496E-05 3.79 4.731E-05 0.0013961 1.0419E-05 0.0003595 52.27
10 19 1.051E-05 3.47 3.565E-05 0.0010162 1.2222E-05 0.0002711 55.46
20 1.131E-05 3.13 2.896E-05 0.0008312 6.186E-06 0.0002177 44.54
11 21 4.76E-06 1.75 8.22E-06 2.34E-04 2.76E-06 6.98E-05 56.37
22 4.95E-06 1.64 7.29E-06 1.75E-04 1.54E-06 5.40E-05 43.63

Maksimalna pomeranja link elemenata u prvih tri The maximum displacement of link elements at the
metara dubine iznose od 2,8 mm do 0,4 mm. Uprkos first three meters of depth range between 2.8mm and
ovako malim pomeranjima preko 95 % seizmičke 0.4 mm. In spite of such small displacements, over 95 %
energije link elemenata ovog šipa se potroši upravo na of seismic energy of link elements of this pile is
toj dubini. To je (3m/0,60m=5D) dubina od pet prečnika dissipated exactly at that depth. It is (3m/0,60m=5D) a
šipa. To je u skladu sa najvećim uticajima na koeficijente depth of five diameters of a pile. It is in agreement with
A i B (za granično opterećenje kod pomeranja i sile) kod the highest effect on coefficients A and B (for limit loads
teorije p-y krivih za statičko i ponovljeno opterećenje. of displacements and forces) of the theory of p-y curves
Tabela 11 odnosi se na levi krajnji stojeći šip for the static and cyclic loads.
prečnika D60cm, fundiranog na dubini od 12m, pri čemu Table 11 refers to the left-end standing pile, with
su temeljni jastuci debljine 100cm, te je dužina šipa 11m, diameter D60cm, founded at a depth of 12m, whereby
od donje ivice jastuka do uklještenja u bazi. Krive p-y the foundation cap is 100cm thick, so the pile length is
urađene su za svaki metar po dubini šipa, s tim što je 11m, from the lower side of the cap to the base. The p-y
uticaj temeljnih jastuka zanemaren. (Napomena: kod curves are calculated for each meter of pile depth, while
izvođenja temelja mašina, neophodno je izvršiti dobro the influence of the foundation cap is ignored. (Note:
zbijanje tla oko temelja, jer time ovaj uticaj kontakta when constructing foundations for machinery, it is
temelja i tla postaje značajan). Prema tabeli 11, za levi necessary to compact the soil around the foundations
krajnji stojeći šip D60cm, 90% disipacije energije link well, because the effect of the foundation and soil
elemenata tla se obavlja u gornja dva metra dubine contact becomes influential). According to table 11, in
(2m/0,60m=3.33), a 99% disipacije energije link case of the left-end standing pile D60cm, 90% of energy
elemenata tla, se obavlja u gornjih četiri-pet metara dissipation of the link elements of the soil is performed in
dubine (5m/0,60m=8,33D). Ukupan rad link elemenata the top 2 meters of depth (2m/0,60m=3.33). And 99% of
ovog stojećeg šipa, tokom dejstva zemljotresa El Centro energy dissipation of link elements of soil is performed in
od PGA 0,30 g, je relativno mali i iznosi svega 1513 Nm. the top four-five meters of depth (5m/0.60m=8,33D). The
Iako naizgled mali, ovaj pritisak je dobro raspoređen po total work of the link elements of this standing pile,
dubini tla i veoma značajan za seizmičku otpornost during the action of El Centro earthquake with PGA 0.30
konstrukcije. Slikovito, to bi bio rad koji bi izvršio čovek g, is relatively small and amounts to mere 1513 Nm.
koji bi čekrkom podigao teret mase 155kg, sa površine Even though it is seemingly small, this pressure is well
zemlje na 1 metar visine. distributed along the soil depth, and very important for
seismic resistance of the structure. In descriptive terms,
it would be the work performed by a man who would lift a
155kg weight using a pulley to a height of 1 meter.


Table 11 Link elementi po dubini za levi krajnji šip. Kumulativni ABS rad uparenih link elemenata
(na svaki metar dubine).
Table 11 Link elements with depth for left edge pile. Cumulative ABS work of coupled link elements.
z(m) Link cumulative ΣABS Ai (kNm) % Σ%
-1 L1+L2 0.6989213980 46.183 46.183
-2 L3+L4 0.6655929120 43.981 90.163
-3 L5+L6 0.1178280390 7.786 97.949
-4 L7+L8 0.0080650920 0.533 98.482
-5 L9+10 0.010409607 0.688 99.170
-6 L11+12 0.007806610 0.516 99.686
-7 L13+14 0.002618564 0.173 99.859
-8 L15+16 0.000839051 0.055 99.914
-9 L17+18 0.000687646 0.045 99.960
-10 L19+20 0.000488583 0.032 99.992
-11 L21+22 0.000123804 0.008 100.000
Σ 1.513381300

Energy disipation link element by depth of pile 1

0 10 20 30 40 50
-2 43,981
depth z (m)

-4 0,533
-6 0,516
-8 0,055
-10 0,032

Slika 25. Procenat (%) disipacije energije za link elemente po dubini za šip 1
Figure 25. Percent (%) energy disipation of link elements with depth from soil surface for pile 1

% energy disipation of pile 1 with dept

-30,00 -20,00 -10,00 -20,00 10,00 20,00 30,00

Left Side of Pile 1 Right Side of Pile 1

Slika 26. Procenat (%) disipacije seizmičke energije, za link elemente, po dubini šipa 1 (za levu i desnu stranu).
Figure 26. Percent (%) seismic energy disipation, of link elements with depth for pile 1 (left and right sides)

Pretpostavlja se da se seizmički udar dešava u It is assumed that the seismic impact occurs in one
jednoj ravni, ravni 2D rama. Tako da se može posmatrati plane, the 2D frame plane. Thus, the left and the right
leva i desna strana rama. Ovo nije sasvim tačno, ali sides of the frame may be distinguished. This is not
može se prihvatiti u postupku postepene analize uticaja entirely true, but it can be accepted in the analysis pro-
u tlu i sistemu tlo-šip. cedure of the effects in the soil and the soil-pile system.

3.6 Razvoj plastičnih zglobova i prvi svojstveni ton 3.6 Development of plastic hinges and the first
(El Centro sa PGA 0,20; 0,25; 0,30g) natural mode (El Centro of PGA 0.20; 0.25;
Proučena je i promena stanja plastičnih zglobova -
state of plastic hinge (SPH) i usled promene statičkog The variation and change of condition of plastic
sistema promenu prvog svojstvenog oblika, 2D rama hinges and the first natural mode of a 2D frame founded
fundiranog na šipovima, sa porastom PGA. on piles, with the increase of PGA is studied.


Slika 27. El Centor 0,20g stanje na kraju zemljotresa. Levo) plast. zglobovi: 90 Y + 6 IO; desno) oblik 1 vibracija
Figure 27. El Centro 0.20 g. State at the end of an earthqake. Left, Pl Hinge state: 90 Y + 6 IO. Right, Mode 1.

Slika 28. El Centor 0,25g stanje na kraju zemljotresa. Levo) plast. zglobovi: : 92 Y +7 IO; desno) oblik 1 vibracija
Figure 28. El Centro 0.25 g. State at the end of an earthqake. Pl Hinge state: 92 Y +7 IO. Right, Mode 1.

Slika 29. El Centor 0,30g stanje na kraju zemljotresa. Levo) plast. Zglobovi: 86 Y +10 IO+3 LS; desno) oblik 1 vibracija
Figure 29. El Centro 0.30 g. State at the end of an earthqake. Pl Hinge state: 86 Y +10 IO+3 LS. Right, Mode 1.


U tabeli 12 prikazana je promena prvog i drugog Table 12 is presenting variation of the first and the
svojstvenog tona, nakon dejstva akcelerograma El second natural modes, after action of accelerogram El
Centro, od 0,20; 0,25 i 0,30 g i odgovarajuće promene Centro, of 0.20; 0.25 and 0.30 g and the corresponding
statičkog sistema zbog pojave plastičnih zglobova. change of the statical system due to appearance of
plastic hinges.

Tabela 12. Prva dva svojstvena perioda posle El Centra različitih PGA. 2D ram.
Table 12. The first two natural periods after El Centro with different PGA. 2D Frame.

PGA (g) T1 (sec) T2 (sec) T1 % T2 %

start 1.37255 0.44269 0 0
0.20 1.73011 0.86837 26.05 96.16
0.25 2.36767 1.00557 72.50 127.15
0.30 2.39338 1.03398 74.37 133.57

Slika 30. Pomeranje čvora 9, u vrhu rama, tokom dejstva zemljotresa El Centro, za PGA 0.20; 0.25 i 0.30g. Gore levo za
0,20 g, gore desno 0,25 g i dole 0,30 g
Figure 30. Displacement of node 9, at the top of the frame, during action of earthquake El Centro, for PGA 0.20; 0.25 and
0.30g. Upper left for 0.20 g, upper right 0.25 g and down 0.30 g

Table. 13. Pomeranje čvora u vrhu stuba, za različito PGA, za nelinearnu i linearnu krovnu gredu.
Table. 13. Displacement of the node at the column top, for different PGA, for nonlinear and linear roof girder.

PGA (g) min U1 Joint 9 max U1 Joint 9 extr U1 Joint 9 Lin. Roof Beam L/NL RB%
0.20 -0.0731 0.0485 0.0731 0.0856 117.10
0.25 -0.0894 0.0636 0.0894 0.1129 126.29
0.30 -0.1078 0.0802 0.1078 0.1447 134.23

Ekstremno pomeranje čvora u vrhu je kod Extreme displacement of node at the top in the case
linearizovane krovne grede veće kod PGA 0,20g za of linearized roof beam is 17% higher for PGA 0,20g,
17%, kod PGA 0,25g za 26%, i kod PGA 0,30g, za 34%. 26% for PGA 0,25g and 34%for PGA 0,30g.
Od interesa je i prikaz uticaja uvođenja plastičnih It is also of interest to present the effect of


zglobova u sredinama raspona greda, za različito PGA i introduction of plastic hinges at the mid-span of beams,
raspored ostalih plastičnih zglobova, uključivo i one koji for different PGA and the arrangement of other plastic
se javljaju u šipovima. hinges, including those occurring in the piles.
Na slici 31, sistem postaje senzitivan na uvođenje In Figure 31, the system becomes sensitive to
plastičnih zglobova u sredinama raspona greda. Krovne introduction of plastic hinges at the mid-spans of the
grede doživljavaju kolaps, za sva 3 PGA (0.20; 0.25; beams. The roof beams collapse, in case of all 3 PGA
0.30g). Ostale grede i stubovi se povoljnije ponašaju, (0,20; 0,25; 0,30g). The other beams and columns
međutim, to je na račun šipova, jer se plastični zglobovi behave in a more favourable way; however, this comes
sele u šipove, već pri PGA 0.20g. Svi ostali plastični at the expanse of the piles, because the plastic hinges
zglobovi osim krovnih ulaze u stanje B, tj. početak migrate to the piles, as early as at PGA 0,20g. All other
tečenja Y(yield). Slična pojava se dešava [4] kod plastic hinges, except the roof ones, acquire the B state,
srednjeg rama mosta, ali to je logična pojava ispitivanja which is the onset of yield Y(yield). A similar pheno-
promene krutosti tla. Naime u [4], varirane su krutosti menon took place in [4] at the middle frame of a bridge,
linearnih opruga tla na šipovima, kada je često uočena but it is a logical consequence of testing the variation of
pojava seljenja plastičnih zglobova u šipove, tokom soil rigidity. Namely in [4], the stiffness of linear springs
smanjenja krutosti tla. Ova pojava ne događa se uvek, a of the soil on piles was varied, and the phenomenon of
zavisi i od prvog (ponekad i drugog) sopstvenog tona migration of plastic hinges into piles was often observed,
konstrukcije, i spektra odgovora primenjenog akcelero- during the reduction of soil density. This phenomenon
grama. Dubinu pojave plastičnih zglobova, kod srednjeg does not occur always, and it depends on the first (and
rama mosta, za nekoliko vrsta tla, proučio je [21]. U [14] sometimes on the second) natural mode of the structure,
navodi se podatak, da se rezultati p-y krivih u nekim and the response spectrum of the applied accelerogram.
slučajevima mogu razlikovati i nekoliko puta. The depth of the onset of plastic hinges, for the middle
frame of a bridge, for several types of soil was studied in
[21]. In [14] it was mentioned, that the results of p-y
curves in some cases can be different several times.

Slika 31. Raspodela plastičnih zglobova za različito PGA pri pojavi plastičnih zglobova u sredini raspona krovnih greda
Figure 31. Plasitic hinge in midle of beam span, for different PGA, and distribution of plastic hinges

Ovde kod zgrada, krutost tla nije varirana. Naime, For the buildings here, the soil stiffness is not varied.
korišćena je samo jedna vrsta tla (krut pesak, potopljen), Namely, only one type of soil is used (dense sand,
uvek ista dužina šipa i uslovi uklještenja u bazi. submerged), always the same length of piles and
Korišćena je samo jedna vrsta akcelerograma, a to je El clamped conditions at the base. Only one type of
Centro, samo horizontalna komponenta, za PGA 0.20; accelerogram is used: it is El Centro, only the horizontal
0.25 i 0.30g. Ova pojava kod zgrada zahteva dalja component, for PGA 0.20; 0.25 and 0,30g. This
istraživanja. Između ostalog, precizniju primenu modela phenomenon related to buildings requires further
datih u [2]. Za određene vrste tla, akcelerograme, vršna research. Among other things, a more accurate use of
ubrzanja i karakteristike šipova, mogu se izvući rezultati, models provided in [2]. For certain types of soils,
kojima se umesto p-y krivih modeluje sekantna krutost accelerograms, peak accelerations and pile charac-
opruga tla [16]. teristics, results may be determined, where one could
model the secant stiffness of the soil springs instead of
using the p-y curves [16].


Tlo ispod temelja često se u seizmičkim analizama Soil beneath the foundations is often ignored in
apstrahuje, a konstrukcija smatra uklještenom u temelje. seismic analyses, and structures are considered as
Međutim, kod visokih zgrada, mostova većih raspona i clamped in the foundations. However, tall buildings,


nekim inženjerskim konstrukcijama treba u seizmičkoj large-span bridges and some engineering structures
analizi uključiti i interakciju konstrukcija-temelj-tlo. require inclusion of the structure-foundation-soil
Uvođenje analize na 3D modelima je veoma interaction. Introduction of the analysis based on 3D
kompleksno, pa je u ovom radu pokazano da se models is very complex, so in this paper it is shown that
zamenom prostorne skeletne konstrukcije zgrade 2D by replacing the spatial frame structure of a building,
ramom problem znatno pojednostavljuje. with a 2D frame, the problem is considerably simplified.
Kod određivanja seizmičkih performansi konstrukcije When determining the seismic performance of a
korišćenjem NSA (pušover analize) bitno je odrediti structure using the NSA (pushover analysis), it is
tačku kada konstrukcija prelazi u mehanizam. Promenu important to determine the point at which the structure
broja i stanja plastičnih zglobova sa porastom becomes a mechanism. The change in the number and
pomeranja, u koracima NSA kod određivanja PO krivih u states of plastic hinges resulting from the increase in
programu SAP2000 v14, nije lako direktno utvrditi. Bolji displacements, (in steps) of PO curves using SАP2000
prikaz PO krivih za zgrade ima program ETABS, mada v14 software cannot be easily determined. ETАBS
se i kod programskog paketa SAP2000, mogu dobiti software has better displays of PO curves, although this
dobri prikazi naročito kod inženjerskih objekata, ali treba can be achieved in SАP2000 as well (especially in the
voditi računa o alternativnim procedurama. Analiza case of engineering structures) if alternative procedures
korišćenjem metode N2 PO se primenjuje za određiva- are taken into account. A PO analysis is applied within
nje ciljnog pomeranje konstrukcije, kao tačka preseka the N2 method in order to determine the target structure
seizmičkog zahteva (preko spektra odgovora) i displacement, as an intersection point of the seismic
seizmičkog kapaciteta konstrukcije. Prikazan postupak requirements (through spectrum response) and of the
relativno pojednostavljene procedure za određivanje seismic capacity of structures. The presented relatively
uticaja NSA i NDA dinamičke interakcije tlo-šip-konstruk- simplified procedure for determining the effects of NSА
cija. Radi dobijanja sveobuhvatnije slike performansi and dynamic NDА soil-pile-structure interaction is
konstrukcije osim više različitih modela, sa i bez provided in this paper. In order to obtain a more
interakcije, neophodno je primeniti više različitih metoda, comprehensive insight about the structure’s
oblika opterećenja, više različitih vrsta i skaliranja performance, it is necessary to apply several different
akcelerograma, zatim procedura i programskih paketa. models, load shapes, types and scales of
Numeričkim istraživanjima uticaja u tlu, utvrđeno je accelerograms, procedures and software packages, with
da su sile reakcija link elementa male veličine u odnosu and without interactions.
na ukupnu seizmičku silu u osnovi. Iako su intenziteti Numerical research of effects in the soil, determined
reakcija link elemenata, tokom dejstva zemljotresa, u that reaction forces of link elements are small in relation
odnosu na vrednost sila u osnovi, relativno male to the total base force. Even though the intensities of link
veličine, one su veoma značajne za ukupnu seizmičku elements reactions during earthquakes are relatively
otpornost objekta. Uočene su određene zakonitosti small in comparison to the value of base forces, they are
promene dijagrama sila po dubini link elemenata, ali je very important for the total seismic resistance of the
iste neophodno tumačiti na dijagramima, što je u ovom structure. Certain regularities in the variation of the force
radu urađeno. diagram, along the depth of the link elements are
Analizom seizmičkog ponašanja pri ulaznim observed, but they need to be interpreted on the
podacima (akcelerogrami za PGA 0.20; 0.25 i 0.30g) diagrams, which has been done in this paper.
razmatrani sistem je veoma osetljiv na uvođenje The analysis of the seismic behaviour using the input
plastičnih zglobova u sredinama raspona greda. U data (accelerograms with PGA 0.20; 0.25 and 0.30g)
krovnim gredama došlo je do loma, za sva 3 PGA (0.20; showed that the considered system is very sensitive at
0.25; 0.30g), ostale grede i stubovi se povoljnije early formation (introduction) of plastic hinges at mid-
ponašaju jer se plastični zglobovi „sele“ u šipove, već pri spans of the beams. There was a failure of the roof
PGA 0.20g. Zbog toga je veoma važno pri projektovanju beams, for all 3 PGA (0.20; 0.25; 0.30g), while the
AB ramovskih konstrukcija adekvatnim dimenzionisa- remaining beams and columns behave more favourably,
njem i detaljima izbeći formiranje plastičnih zglobova u because the plastic hinges migrate to piles, as early as
poljima greda. at PGA 0,20g. For that reason, it is very important to
Može se zaključiti da se uvođenjem SSI postiže avoid formation of plastic hinges in the beam spans
pozitivan efekat naročito ako se radi o krućim using adequate design and details of RC frame
konstrukcijama zgrada, da bi se izbegle veće deforma- structures.
cije tavanica i potencijalni sudar sa susednim objektima It may be concluded that by introduction of SSI a
u gušćim urbanim sredinama, što je potvrđeno u [1] i [9]. positive effect could be achieved especially if stiff
Naredna istraživanja potrebno je proširiti, na sve building structures are in question, in order to avoid
šipove rama, i za p-y krive za različite relativne zbijenosti severe ceiling deformations and potential collision with
peska. Takođe je potrebno uvesti i vertikalnu interakciju adjacent structures in densely populated urban
sa tlom, koja je u ovom radu zanemarena. Takođe je, environments, which is confirmed in [1] and [9] as well.
kod pušover krivih potrebno utvrditi da li postoji jaka The following research must be extended to all the
zakonitost oblika vertikalnog opterećenja od gornje frame piles, and to p-y curves for different relative sand
konstrukcije, sa oblikom odziva p-y krivih po dubini densities. It is also necessary to introduce a vertical
šipova (oblik odziva pomeranja čvorova i drift šipova). interaction with the soil which is ignored in this paper.
Ovaj odziv može se posmatrati i kod TH analize, a da li Also, in pushover curves, it is necessary to determine
postoji jasna zakonitost to tek treba utvrditi. whether there is a strong regularity of the vertical load
upon the superstructure, with the form of response of p-y
curves, along the depth of the piles (shape of the nodal


displacement response and the pile drift). This response
may be analysed through the TH analysis as well, and it
still needs to be determined if there is a clear regularity.


Ovaj rad je urađen uz finansijsku potporu Ministrstva This paper was done with the financial assistance of
za Nauku, prosvetu i tehnološki razvoj Republike Srbije, the Ministry of Science, Education and Technological
u okviru projekta za tehnološki razvoj TR36043. Development of the Republic of Serbia, within the project
for technological development TR 36043.


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Radomir FOLIĆ Radomir FOLIC

U radu je sprovedena komparativna nelinearna Comparative non-linear static (NSА) and non-linear
statička (NSA) i nelinearna dinamička analiza (NDA) dynamic analyses (NDА) of 2D frames (as parts of
seizmičkog ponašanja rama kao dela skeletne skeletal 3D structures) of RC buildings founded on piles
konstrukcije AB zgrade fundirane na šipovima. Da bi se are presented in this paper. In order to produce a more
dobila realnija slika ponašanja ramovske konstrukcije u realistic presentation of behaviour of a frame structure,
analizu je uključena interakcija konstrukcija – temelj – the analysis involves a structure-foundation-soil
tlo. Pri tome u proračunski model je uključena i linearno- interaction. Also, the model involves a linear-non-linear
nelinearna dinamička interakcija šip-tlo korišćenjem link dynamic pile-soil interaction, using link elements. The
elemenata. foundation consists of drilled piles having 60 cm in
Konstrukcija temelja sastoji se od bušenih šipove diameter. The soil is modelled using Multi-linear plastic
prečnika 60cm. Tlo je modelovano sa više (linijskih) link elements, as well as with p-y curves, on both sides
plastičnih veznih elemenata, kao p-y krivama, sa obe of the pile, assuming that p-y curves transfer only
strane šipa, za potopljen krut pesak, i uz pretpostavku compression (p-y curves are experimentally determined
da p-y krive (eksperimentalno određene nelinearne krive non-linear relationships of displacement/pressure in soil,
zavisnosti: pomeranje/pritisak, u tlu po dubini šipa) along the depth of a pile). The analysis shows the
primaju samo pritisak. Analizom je ukazano na problems which accompany extraction of a 2D frame, as
probleme, koje prate izdvajanje 2D ramova kao a representative of a regular 3D space frame. The
reprezenta regularne prostorne 3D konstrukcije. Proučen impact of onset and location of individual plastic hinges
je uticaj pojave i lokacije pojedinih plastičnih zglobova na on seismic performances of the analyzed structural
seizmičke performanse analiziranog konstruktivnog system are investigated, and relative floor drifts are
sistema, i analizirana relativna spratna pomeranja analyzed. It was concluded that the analysis of 2D
(driftovi). Zaključeno je da se analizom 2D rama u frame, in the interaction with the foundation and soil,
interakciji sa temeljom i tlom, mogu dobiti dovoljno tačni may provide sufficiently accurate results of behaviour
rezultati ponašanja i ocene seizmičkih performansi and assessments of seismic performances of skeletal
skeletne AB višespratne zgrade. To je značajno jer RC multi-storey building. It is important, because
uvođenje prostorne konstrukcije u ovakve analize je introduction of a spatial structure in such analyses is
veoma kompleksno i zahtevno. very complex and challenging.
Ključne reči: Dinamička interakcija tlo-šip, nelinear- Key words: Dynamic soil-pile interaction (DSPI),
na dinamička analiza (NDA), nelinearna statička (puš- non-linear dynamic analysis (NDА), non-linear static
over) analiza (NSA), Interakcija tlo-konstrukcija (SSI), (pushover) analysis (NSА), soil-structure interaction
višelinijski plastični link element MPLE, p-y krive, (SSI), multiline plastic link elements (MPLE), p-y curves,
raspodela uticaja po dubini tla link elemenata after-shock, distribution of influence with depth of soil



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