EF1A2 HDT RBI Monetary Policy PCB8 RAFTAAR

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Pillar1A2: 🤑🤑 Money Supply (M0-M4) & Monetary Policy- CRR, SLR, Repo

Previous Years' official UPSC MCQs also given in this handout. You can see that UPSC is not going
into microscopic details of RBI's Operational/technical guidelines. Very simple-broad-overview type
MCQs asked. So, ✋ Donot live in 😰😰imaginary fear that.... काल्पिनक डर मे मत िजयो के …
⇒ Inexperienced Pvt Mock Test-walla asking random/technical Qs so I must do PHD 🎓🎓✋
⇒ EconomicTimes / Financial Express/ Hindu-BusinessLine columnist are writing long winded
columns on RBI's Operation Twist or TLTRO so I must do PHD 🎓🎓✋
Table of Contents
11 �Money’s Demand, Supply & Creation .................................................................................................. 39
11.11 � Demand of Money: Liquidity Preference Theory (तरलता अिधमान) ............................................. 39
11.12 ��Supply of Money (मुद्रा की पूिर्त)................................................................................................... 40
11.12.1 �� Liquidity of assets .......................................................................................................... 41
11.12.2 �� Liquidity Trap ( तरलता जाल) ........................................................................................... 41
11.12.3 ���Measures of Money Supply (मुद्रा आपूिर्त के पिरमाण) .................................................... 41
11.13 ��� Money Supply [M3] ......................................................................................................... 43
11.14 ��Money Multiplier (मुद्रा गुणक) ................................................................................................... 44
11.14.1 Money Multiplier From 2019 to 2021: why fallen? ................................................................. 45
11.14.2 ��Money Multiplier From 1981 to 2020 .......................................................................... 45
11.15 �� M0: Creation of Money (मुद्रा का िनमार्ण) ................................................................................... 46
11.15.1 ��Supply of Money: M0 & M3 (मुद्रा की आपूिर्त) Trend as per ES22 ................................... 47
11.15.2 ��: Currency in Circulation (CIC) .................................................................................... 48
11.15.3 � Misc. topic: Velocity of Money Circulation (मुद्रा सं चालन का वेग) ......................................... 48
12 �� Monetary Policy (मौिद्रक नीित)............................................................................................................ 49
12.11 ��� MonPolicy: Quantitative Tools (पिरमाणात्मक साधन) .......................................................... 49
12.11.1 ��Statutory Reserve Requirements: CRR, SLR (Fight inflation: ↑, deflation: ↓) .......... 50
12.11.2 : ��CRR SLR on Foreigners/NRI’s deposits in Indian Banks? ...................................... 51
12.12 ���� CRR, SLR: Development in Recent Years ................................................................ 51
12.12.1 ���� (2016): Incremental CRR during Demonetization (नोटबं दीमे वृिद्धशील सीआरआर)
12.12.2 ���� (2020-Feb) CRR Exemption for 5 yrs, depending on loans (सीआरआर में छू ट) 51
12.12.3 ���� (2020-Mar) CRR during and after Corona ..................................................... 52
12.12.4 ��: ���� CRR Technical things NOTIMP....................................................... 52
12.13 ��� MonPolicy → Quant Tools → Rates → LAF Repo (2000) ........................................ 53
12.14 �� REPO → Special Windows under Atma Nirbhar .............................................................. 54
12.14.1 �� REPO → TLTRO, SLTRO, On-Tap Windows .......................................................... 54
12.14.2 ��RBI’s Special Windows: Useless Doubts by flag-carrying Babushonas .................... 55
12.14.3 (2020) ��Reverse Repo Rate cut ........................................................................................ 55
12.14.4 ��� MonPolicy → Quant Tools → Variable Rate Reverse Repo (VRRR) .............. 56

(Batch: PCB8-RATFAAR-ONLY-Prelims) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1A-2: Money Supply & RBI’s Monetary Policy → Page 37
12.14.5 �� � Enhanced Reverse Repo Rate for Hardworking Bankers ................................... 56
12.14.6 ��� MonPolicy → Quant Tools → Rates → MSF (2011) ........................................ 56
12.14.7 ��� MonPolicy → Quant Tools → Rates → Bank rate (बेंक दर): .............................. 56
12.14.8 ��� Quanti. Tools → SDF (=Reverse Repo walla game Without Collaterals) ......... 57
12.14.9 MSF Repo vs Reverse Repo vs SDF .......................................................................................... 57
12.14.10 Policy Corridor / LAF Corridor ................................................................................................ 58
12.14.11 ��� Tri-Party Repo (ित्र-पक्षीय पुन: क्रय-अनुबंध): ................................................................. 59
12.14.12 �� BPLR, MCLR, External Benchmarks, etc: ................................................................... 59
12.14.13 ��� Market Operations (OMO): (Inflation → Sell G-Sec, Deflation → Buy) ......... 59
12.15 ����MonPolicy: Quanti Tools: OMO → Operation Twist............................................ 60
12.15.1 ��: Security → Debt → G-Sec & Bonds (ऋण के िलए जारी की गई प्रितभूितयां) ........................ 60
12.15.2 � (�
��: ��) Deepening of G-Sec market- Retail investors’ RDAG @RBI ........... 60
12.15.3 �Corporate Bonds: factors that determine its interest rate ................................... 60
12.15.4 ��: � Bond Yield (बांड में िनवेश करने पर होने वाली आय या मुनाफा)............................................. 61
12.15.5 ��: � Bond Yield ∝ 1/Price (सस्ते में खरीदा= तो मुनाफा ज्यादा) .............................................. 61
12.15.6 ��: � Bond yield: other factors affecting it (अन्य कारक) ................................................. 61
12.15.7 ����Operation Twist: why? ...................................................................................... 62
12.15.8 ����RBI’s Operation Twist: methodology (2019-Dec).......................................... 62
12.15.9 �� ��: � Bond Yield & Inverted Yield Curve: poor benefit for exam ................ 63
12.16 ���: � MonPolicy: Quanti Tools: OMO → G-SAP......................................................... 64
12.16.1 � OMO → G-SAP : Benefit? .............................................................................. 64
12.17 ��� Monetary Policy: Qualitative Tools (गुणात्मक साधन) ........................................................ 65
12.17.1 � Moral Suasion (नैितक दबाव / सलाह) & Publicity (प्रचार) ......................................................... 66
12.17.2 �� Direct Action (सीधी कायर्वाही: क्योिक लातो के भुत बातो से नहीं मानते)......................................... 66
12.17.3 � Margin Requirements / Loan to Value (LTV) (सीमा अिनवायर्ता).......................................... 66
12.17.4 Selective Credit Control (चयनात्मक ऋण िनयं त्रण)............................................................................ 67
12.18 ��� Priority Sector Lending (PSL: प्राथिमकता क्षेत्र के िलए ऋण मानक) ........................................... 67
12.18.1 ��� PSL Reforms-2020: on RRB/SFB/UCB?................................................................ 69
12.18.2 ��� PSL Reforms-2020: Startups, Renewable Energy and Healthcare ...................... 69
12.18.3 ��� PSL Reforms-2020: Weightage to poor districts (गरीब/िपछड़े िजलों को भारांक) ......... 69
12.18.4 ���:�
� Priority Sector Lending Certificates (PSLC) from 2016 onwards ............... 70
12.19 � � Monetary Policy Tools: A Ready Reckoner Table .............................................................. 71
12.20 � Monetary Policy in Present-Day India ....................................................................................... 72
12.20.1 � Monetary Policy Making under RBI Act since 2016 ........................................................ 72
12.21 � Review of Bi-Monthly Monetary Policies ................................................................................... 74
12.21.1 �� Stance: Calibrated Tightening / Neutral / Accommodative ...................................... 74
12.22 ���RBI’s Monetary Policies: Before 2020-Corona ............................................................... 75
12.23 ���RBI’s Monetary Policies: Corona 2020............................................................................ 75

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12.24 ���RBI Monetary Policies: April-2022 Onwards ................................................................. 76
12.24.1 ���Monetary Policy: April-2022 (SDF) ....................................................................... 76
12.24.2 ���Monetary Policy: May-2022 Repo�
�.................................................................... 77
12.24.3 ���Monetary Policy: 2022 so far upto 2022-Sept � ................................................ 77
12.25 ���Monetary Policy: Governors other regulatory announcements ................................... 78
12.26 ���� Banks’ Lending Rates % (बैंक ऋण की व्याज दरें) ............................................................. 78
12.27 ���� Bank’s loan interest rate: External Benchmark (बाहरी बेंचमाकर् ) ................................. 79
12.27.1 ���� External Benchmark: Formula Components: ................................................ 79
12.27.2 ���External Benchmark system: Which borrowers eligible? .................................... 80
12.27.3 ��External Benchmark system: FAQ ............................................................ 80
12.27.4 Banks’ Lending Rates % → Fixed vs Floating interest loans, teaser loans, NPA etc. .......... 80
12.28 �� Limitations of Monetary Policy in India (मौिद्रक नीती की मयार्दाए)............................................ 80
12.28.1 �� Monitory policy: liquidity deficit in banking system ................................................ 81
12.28.2 �� Monetary policy limitations: Cheap loans causing inflation? ................................... 81
12.28.3 ��US Fed Tapering & Impact on India ............................................................................ 82
12.28.4 �� Monetary policy limitations: Black Swan Events ....................................................... 83
12.28.5 � Mains Answer Writing ........................................................................................................ 83


British Economist John Maynard Keynes (Book: The General Theory of Employment, Interest and
Money, 1936) noted - people prefer to keep a part of assets in liquid form (cash money) with 3
motives: (लोग अपना कु छ पैसा नकदी में हाथ में रखेंगे. सारे का सारा पैसा बैंको में जमा नहीं कर देंगे. क्योंिक तीन कारण होते हैं)

1. 🌽🌽 Transaction motive (सं व्यवहार उद्देश्य): For using money as a medium of exchange e.g. for
buying daily milk, vegetables and fruits. (रोजाना की खरीद के िलए कु छ पैसा हाथ में रखा जाता है सारा पैसा बैंक में
नहीं जमा करते)

(Batch: PCB8-RATFAAR-ONLY-Prelims) Mrunal’s Economy Pillar#1A-2: Money Supply & RBI’s Monetary Policy → Page 39

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