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Seminar Presentation

Electronics and Communication
Research Topic

IoT: Internet of Threats? A Survey of Practical

Security Vulnerabilities in Real IoT Devices

Student Name :
Research Guide :
Aman Kumar Roy
Prof. Rajesh Saha
Contents :-
Security Challenges
Security Mechanism
Security of IoT
Introduction -
Rapid growing network .

Very convenient and beneficial but many security vulnerabilities.

Many of these services require users to intentionally reveal personal data for
advanced and more personalized services.

Hacking and Exploitation.

Serious security breaches and financial losses.

Security Challenges
Attacks are simple and easy

Collected data can be any thing

# Security Requirements
There are three levels where security is required:-

1.Information Level

2. Access Level

3.Functional Level
Information Level
At this level, security should guarentee the following requirements:

1) Integrity: The received data should not be altered during transmission.

2) Anonymity: The identity of the data source should remain hidden from third parties.

3) Confidentiality: Data cannot be read by third parties.

4) Privacy: The user’s private information should not be disclosed during the data exchange.
Access Level
It specifies some security mechanisms to control the access of the network:

1) Access Control: Only legitimate users have access

2) Authentication: Does device has the right to access a network and vice

- versa

3) Authorization: Only authorized devices and users get access

Functional Level

This level defines the security requirements in terms of the following criteria.

1) Resilience: Network's capacity to ensure security, even in case of attacks and failures.

2) Self Organization: Capability to adjust to remain operational even in failure or malicious

Security Mechanism
Standard security mechanisms designed to overcome the above problems are:

Light Weight Cryptography
Random Number Generators
Secure Hardware
Intrusion detection System
Confidentiality during communication.
Convert actual message to different one.
Reverted only with a secret key.

Standard Encryption Mechanism

Can be performed in two ways:
1. Bit-by-Bit
2. Block cipher

Most used in advanced encryption standard (AES) (or Rijndael).

Published in 2001 by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

AES is Cascade of N successive series of three elementary cipher

Series of three Elementary cipher

The three Blocks are:

Substitution(S) Cipher
Transportation(T) Cipher
Linear(L) Cipher

Depending on the length of the key, the number of blocks as well as the name is determined.
Lightweight Cryptography
Low-complexity IoT devices.
Resource and energy-constrained devices.
Required to design specific security algorithms.
Standard lightweight cryptography mechanism - PRESENT and CLEIFA.
Random Number Generator
Randomness - the base of encryption.
Cryptographically secure when probability lesser than 1/2.

Commonly used for cryptographic applications:

1) The true random number generator (TRNG) -
Exploits physical noise

2) The pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) -

Expands short key into a long random bits
Deterministic Algo
Real application and technology
Secure Hardware
Secure hardware is also required.

Physically unclonable functions (PUFs) can be adopted.

PUF exploits little differences introduced by the fabrication process to generate
unique signature for each device.
Intrusion Detection System

Should detect ongoing attacks.

Complex anti-virus software and traffic analyzer can't be used(constrained).
Security of Common IoT Communication Technologies
Popular transmission technologies :
1. ZigBee
2. BLE
3. 6LoWPAN
4. LoRaWAN.

Among these technologies, ZigBee, BLE, and 6LoWPAN are predominantly

used for short-range communications in homes or small offices.

LoRaWAN instead is used for long-range scenarios, such as city-wide

monitoring and control applications.
A. ZigBee
Two way wireless communication
Low cost and power consumption
Each network includes a Trust Center
Star or Tree topology
Attack Surface
Discovering key
B. Bluetooth Low Energy(BLE)
Widely used short range service

Master and Slave Concept

Star Topology
Attack Surface

Benefits, but serious security risks also.

Role of manufacturers and users.

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