The Role of Leadership in Decision Making and Team

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Received : Mei 17, 2023 / Revised : June 10, 2023 / Accepted : June 30, 2023


The Role of Leadership in Decision Making and Team Building

Irma Yunita1* ,Hidayani Syam2 ,Ulmadevi3 , Nadiyya Zahratul Jannah4 ,Rafiqa
Witri Asri5
12345Islamic Education Management Study Program, Sjech M. Djamil Djambek State Islamic University
Bukittinggi, Indonesia.
Abstract. The role of leaders in decision making is very important and strategic. In a study, it was
revealed that leaders have a distinctive leadership style, which often becomes a pattern in
decision making. Usually, a manager uses several different leadership styles in the decision-
making process. The leadership style used by a leader or manager can determine the strengths
and weaknesses of the decision maker. Even with the same information, decisions can be made
with different leadership styles. This explains why different managers can make different
decisions. This article was conducted through a literature study with a qualitative approach. The
researcher collected data sources by accessing various literature, information, and other sources
available in the library collectionLeaders play an important role in building effective teams. In
building a team, leaders must strive for a common vision and maintain fairness and norms of
reciprocal relationships in their minds. Leaders should design the formation of effective work
teams by considering the ideal team composition. Each individual in the organization must have
the awareness that "teamwork" and "network" are important things to build in the team. Leaders
must be able to direct their team to remain solid, help each other, be the mediator when problems
occur, find solutions when facing problems, and exchange ideas with each other.
Keywords: Decision making ; Leader; Team building

1. Introduction
With the development of advanced science, various complex and applicable
disciplines have been formed(Silvia Marlina et al., 2022).
This growing leadership theory provides significant benefits for various aspects of
life, especially in the context of educational institutions. Schools have the ability to apply
leadership principles in accordance with existing conditions(Yanti et al., 2023). The
individual abilities possessed by a leader are very important in controlling the behavior of
individuals and groups, because these two aspects have a significant role in shaping an
organization. a leader also needs to be able to adapt ways of influencing and motivating
others, and understand the process of thinking and effective communication.
In an organization, intensive interactions between individuals always occur. This
interaction is arranged in a structure that can be used in achieving organizational goals.
To carry out organizational activities properly, resources are needed such as equipment,
work methods, raw materials, and so on. The effort to organize these resources is known
as organizational management. The core of management itself is leadership
(leadership)(Sari & Afriansyah, 2019)
Every person is a leader, at least a leader for himself, this matter is as stated in the
hadith of the Prophet Muhammad saw : Page | 256


Artinya: Dari Ibnu Umar R.a ia berkata: bersabda Rasulullah saw “Setiap kalian
adalah pemimpin, dan kalian akan ditanya tentang kepemimpinan kalian
(al-hadits (Mutafaq `alaih).
But sometimes people do not realize that one day he will be asked about his
leadership; Or sometimes there are people who have been destined to be a leader but he
does not know what must be done as a leader. This is where knowledge and knowledge of
leadership is needed, so that if a person who is destined to be a leader is not awkward and
indecisive when faced with his position.

2. Metode Penelitian
This article was conducted through a literature study with a qualitative approach.
Researchers collect data sources by accessing various literature, information, and other
sources available in library collections(Pendidikan & P-issn, 2022). Literature research is
a study of theoretical, reference and other scientific literature related to culture, values
and norms that grow in the atmosphere of the social situation under study (ananda & Sari,
In this research, information is collected through the procedure of searching for posts and
diaries related to leadership, and decision making(Warmanto & Arif, 2023). The author
attempts to build a description of the position of leadership in decision-making and the
role of leadership in building teams by analyzing the information using the content
analysis method.
Content analysis is a systematic process for analyzing and understanding the content or
specific material, such as text, images, audio, or video. The purpose of content analysis is
to reveal meanings, trends, patterns, or characteristics contained in the content. Fraenkel
& Wallen (2007) report that content analysis is a research tool focused on the actual
content and internal features of the media. This method can be used by researchers to
study people's attitudes indirectly through analyzing their communications such as
essays, newspapers, novels, magazine posts, songs, advertising photos and all types of
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. The Role of Leadership in Decision Making
Every successful organization must have the ability to make decisions that enable it
to achieve its goals and meet its basic needs. All management activities and functions
essentially involve the decision-making process. This is because planning, organizing,
mobilizing, and supervising are all related to the concept and behavior of decision-
Leadership is the concrete manifestation of a leader's traits. One of these concrete
forms is the skill, authority, and intelligence in influencing others to carry out tasks that
are in line with the vision and goals desired by the leader. Role can be defined as the
expected and regulated behavior of a person in a particular position. Leaders in an
organization have specific roles, and each job carries expectations about how the person
in charge of that role should behave. The fact that organizations identify jobs to be
performed and expect certain behaviors to go along with those jobs, also reflects the Page | 257


importance of role-related expectations in regulating the behavior of subordinates.

Leadership role can be interpreted as a set of behaviors that a person is expected to
perform in accordance with his position as a leader(Nihayah, 2017) .
Leadership in an organization has a very important role in every decision making, so
making decisions and being responsible for the results is one of the tasks that must be
carried out by a leader. Therefore, if a leader is unable to make decisions, he should not be
a leader. A leader is responsible for the direction and success of the organization. They
must make strategic decisions that can affect the long-term goals and overall performance
of the organization. Leaders have the authority and trust of team members to make
decisions that have a major impact on the organization. Leaders often have extensive
experience and knowledge in their field. This allows them to make decisions that are more
informed and based on a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing
the organization. According to the author, decisions made by a leader often involve
assessing and managing risk.
Leaders must be able to identify potential risks in decision-making and consider
appropriate measures to mitigate risks or counter them with effective strategies. Leaders
can gather input from various sources, listen to different points of view, and make
decisions that reflect the collective interest. The author concludes that the position of a
leader not only gives them the power to make decisions, but also requires them to
consider the vision of the organization, manage risks, and utilize their knowledge and
experience to make the right decisions to achieve the desired goals.
On the other hand, decision-making in a behavioral context reflects the character of a
leader. Therefore, to assess whether a decision is good or not, it is not only seen from the
consequences that arise. However, it is also through the considerations involved in the
decision-making process. Decision-making activity is one of the concrete forms of
leadership, namely:
1. Decision theory is a methodology for structuring and analyzing uncertain or risky
situations, in this context decisions are more perspectival than descriptive.
2. Decision making is the mental process by which a manager obtains and uses data
by asking questions, shifting answers to find relevant information and analyzing
data; managers, individually and in teams, organize and monitor information,
especially business information.
3. Decision-making is the process of choosing among alternative courses of action to
address a problem
The steps of decision making by a leader are:
1. The identification stage involves recognizing problems or opportunities that arise
and making a diagnosis. In this case, it is known that complex problems require in-
depth and systematic diagnosis, while simple problems do not require complex

2. The development stage involves finding standardized procedures or solutions that

already exist, as well as designing new solutions. In this case, it is known that the
design process is an exploration where the decision maker only has a vague idea
of the ideal solution. Page | 258


3. The selection stage involves making solution choices. There are three ways of
making this selection: through the judgment of the decision maker, based on
experience or intuition rather than logical analysis; through logical and systematic
analysis of alternatives; and through negotiation when the selection process
involves groups of decision makers and various political tactics.

In its application, the leadership role exemplified by Muhammad Rasulullah, is

divided into two parts, namely (Citraningsih & Noviandari, 2022) :
1. Servant. Provides services to his subordinates to help them find happiness and
guide them towards goodness.
2. Guardian. Guarding the Islamic community from tyranny and oppression, as
stated in Sahih Muslim No. 4542, namely "The leader for Muslims is a shield for
3.2. The Role of Leadership in Team Building
An effective leader must be able to clearly communicate and inspire team members
with a strong vision and mission. A clear vision provides a clear direction and purpose for
the team, while a well-delivered mission helps inspire and motivate team members. Team
members are mutually accountable and rewarded as a team. This accountability is about
each member contributing their best efforts to make the group successful. Leaders have
an important role in creating a positive work culture within the team. They shape the
desired norms, values and attitudes of the team, and ensure that team members feel
valued, listened to and supported.
Leaders are instrumental in generating a positive work culture within the team. They
shape the desired norms, values, and attitudes of the team and ensure that team members
feel valued, listened to, and supported. A leader must be able to recognize and appreciate
the individual skills of the team. They identify the strengths, weaknesses, interests, and
potential of each team member, so as to place them in appropriate positions and facilitate
effective collaboration. In this case the leader must build trust within the team by being a
good example, transparent and consistent. They also facilitate strong team relationships
by promoting open communication, listening with empathy, and resolving conflicts
Each team member has a responsibility to perform their role well. In addition, each
team member is also responsible for achieving team goals. Leaders have the responsibility
to develop the potential of team members through proper training, coaching and rewards.
They provide constructive feedback, set development goals, and provide opportunities for
team members to grow and develop.
In an effort to build a work team, it is important to have a common vision, mission
and goals, and to brainstorm continuously in order to reach a common agreement. One of
the things to emphasize is establishing a clear division of tasks so that each member
understands their respective responsibilities. This will help develop a sense of
responsibility and commitment in team members.

There are several key factors that individuals bring to the team, namely: Page | 259


a) Competence: The team member's expertise and ability in a particular area that
contributes to the achievement of team goals.
b) Learning Ability: A team member's ability to learn that has a direct impact on the
team's overall learning ability.
c) Earnestness: The level of dedication of team members in carrying out assigned
d) Cooperation: The ability of team members to work together as a team
e) Collaboration: The ability to collaborate both within the team and between teams.
f) Communication: The degree to which team members are able to communicate with
each other.
g) Trust: The level of trust between team members.
h) Motivation: The motivation possessed by each team member.
One of the main challenges associated with team leadership is creating a conducive
culture and creating a work environment that supports teamwork. Teamwork capability
is an important factor in achieving success. This challenge is comparable to the challenge
of building the right culture to motivate individuals. A suggested strategy for team leaders
is to promote a view that recognizes that effective cooperation is an expected standard of
behavior. Building a teamwork culture or norm will be difficult when there is a strong
culture of individualism within an organization (Dakabesi & Wicaksono, 2022).
Team leaders who believe in the importance of teamwork are generally in a more
favorable position to build a teamwork culture. High-performing teams are generally
diverse. This means that teams that achieve high levels of performance are not made up of
similar individuals as a whole. Instead, these teams are made up of team members who
have complementary skills. They need to have skills in problem solving and decision
making. Team members need to be able to identify problems and opportunities, then
choose appropriate solutions. Interpersonal relationship skills are needed to
communicate, resolve conflicts, and interact effectively with team members. As the team
grows we must ensure that members have more of each of these skills. Team membership
with complementary skills is important in achieving creativity.
Team members have a diverse range of complementary skills, which is essential for
achieving creativity. Engagement in teams with these complementary skills is key in
achieving innovative results.
Here are some effective ways to build a work team that has a shared vision, good
cooperation, good communication, and strong commitment
a) Build interpersonal relationships between team members.
b) Building discipline in carrying out tasks and responsibilities
c) Building high commitment to team goals

Team leadership is defined as the process of providing direction and influence on

activities related to team tasks. Team leaders, in contrast to group leaders, do not only
focus on achieving goals, but also pay attention to the team's vision. Team leaders can
share the vision and act accordingly. They do not always have all the answers and do not
force themselves to provide all the answers. They believe that decisions don't have to be
made alone. They understand that the team will not succeed without combining the Page | 260


contributions of each member to achieve a common goal. Collaborative leadership in

schools can also create a positive environment, motivate staff and students to work hard,
and promote togetherness among them(Arnun, 2023).

The main roles of the leader in the team include:

a) Providing Vision and Direction: A leader is responsible for conveying the team's
vision and goals to the team members. They provide clear direction on the goals to
be achieved and how to achieve them. This helps motivate the team members and
provide the necessary focus.
b) Inspire and Motivate: A leader should be able to inspire team members by setting
an example and providing the necessary motivation. They create a supportive
environment, encourage collaboration, and appreciate the contributions of team
c) Facilitate Communication: Leaders play a role in facilitating effective
communication among team members. They listen to team members' opinions and
ideas, ask relevant questions, and promote mutual understanding between team
d) Managing Conflict: Conflict in a team is inevitable. A leader must have skills in
managing conflicts and diffusing tensions between team members. They seek to
understand different perspectives, seek fair solutions, and facilitate constructive
e) Delegating Tasks: A leader should be able to delegate tasks wisely and according to
the skills and capabilities of the team members. They divide responsibilities
effectively, consider team members' strengths and weaknesses, and provide
necessary support.
f) Providing Feedback: Leaders have an important role in providing constructive
feedback to team members. They recognize good achievements, and provide advice
and support to improve individual performance.
g) Making Decisions: A leader must be able to make good and timely decisions for the
benefit of the team. They investigate issues, gather relevant information, and
consider different viewpoints before making strategic decisions. (ananda & Sari,

Effective leaders combine these roles to guide, direct and inspire the team towards
success. However, it is also important to remember that the leader's role in the team may
vary depending on different situations, team characteristics and organizational contexts.
Principal collaboration leadership is a leadership model or style needed by schools in
building teacher togetherness to meet the needs of education in the 21st century society
5.0 (Dakabesi & Wicaksono, 2022)
The role of leadership in the Team according to leadership that is oriented towards
maintaining the group (relationship-oriented) is as follows: (No et al., 2019)
1. Gatekeeping
2. Harmonizing
3. Supporting Page | 261


4. Implementing standards (standard setting)

5. Analyzing the process (process analyzing).

4. Conclusions
In making decisions, the role of a leader is crucial as they are responsible for the
direction and success of the organization. Leaders must have expertise in analyzing
information, considering risks, and understanding the implications of decisions on the
long-term goals of the organization. The right and strategic decision from a leader can
affect the overall performance and success of the organization. Leaders who are able to
make good decisions also create trust and confidence among team members, bring
stability, and create a productive work environment.
The leader's role in team building cannot be ignored. Effective leaders are able to
clearly articulate the vision and mission, build a positive work culture, and facilitate
collaboration and active engagement from team members. Leaders who understand the
skills and potential of individuals in the team can place them in the right positions,
develop their potential, and create an environment where team members feel valued
and motivated. By building trust and strong team relationships, leaders can ensure
effective cooperation, increase productivity, and better achieve team goals.
The leader's roles in decision-making and team-building are intertwined and
influence each other. A leader who is able to make good decisions, based on careful
analysis and a deep understanding of the organizational context, can influence the
quality and direction of the team's decisions as a whole. In addition, through effective
leadership in team building, a leader can create an inclusive, collaborative and
innovative work environment, which in turn has a positive impact on the team's ability
to make better decisions and achieve mutual success. Therefore, the role of the leader
in these two aspects is important and plays a crucial role in shaping organizational
dynamics and achieving desired goals.


The authors express their sincere and deep gratitude to the lecturers of Postgraduate
UIN Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Kota Bukittinggi for the tremendous support given to us in
the research and writing of this article. Without the help, facilities, and resources provided
by the institution/campus, this article would never have been realized. We feel very lucky
and honored to be a part of this institution/campus, and we hope that our collaboration
and cooperation can continue to grow in the future. Once again, our deepest gratitude to
this institution/college for all the help, support, and resources provided.

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