Phil Laws Gad
Phil Laws Gad
Phil Laws Gad
According to Fr. Joaquin Bernas, the three principal characteristics of the educational system
that the State must promote and protect are:
(Aguirre, 2022)
Section 2 Provisions include:
• Free and compulsory primary education
• Scholarship grants to qualified students
• Non-formal education, informal and vocational courses
(Aguirre, 2022)
Section 3 Aims to inculcate patriotism, nationalism and love of humanity by learning:
∙ The Constitution
∙ The NSTP
∙ The Rizal manuscript
∙ The Araling Panlipunan
∙ Religion Subject with approval from parents
Related Laws:
D.O. 13, series of 1998 or the Revised Rules and Regulation on the Teaching of religion in
Public Elementary and Secondary Schools
R.A. No. 1425 or the Rizal Law including in the curricula of all public and private schools, colleges
and universities courses on the life, works and writings of Jose Rizal.
(Aguirre, 2022)
Sec. 4 Provisions include:
∙ Regulation of educational institution
∙ Ownership of educational institution
∙ Non-taxable budgets for education
(Aguirre, 2022)
Sec. 5 Provisions include:
• Planning in educational program to ensure relevance of education to society needs
• Academic freedom (set policies) in higher learning
• Right to choose a course of study
• Professional advancement for teachers
• Highest budget priority to education
(Aguirre, 2022)
Fact: The Philippines continues to lead as the most gender-equal
country in Asia with a 79.1 percent gender parity based on the 2023 Global
Gender Gap Index Report by the World Economic Forum (Cervantes, 2024).
Despite of this, the gender situation in the Philippines is characterized by sharp contradictions
women’s advancement in prostituted women,
politics, academic and
professional excellence, and = battered wives,
economically disadvantaged women
even legislation exploited migrant workers
The inclusion of gender equality in the 1987 constitution reflects the long standing struggle to eliminate
discrimination. This is why it is relevant to study the laws that pertains to gender equality.
The 1987 Constitution states two prominent provisions:
• Notice that these two provisions promote participation of women in nation building.
And from these two provisions also, other laws are being enacted.
1987 Philippine Constitution
Article II Section 14
Article XIII Section 14
(chart by Aduan)
Women in Development and Nation Building Act
(February 12, 1992 under President Corazon Aquino)
The Filipina in early days is someone who is overly
religious, submissive, and obedient. To their husbands.
Women was expected to take care of the domestic tasks,
go to church, bear and educate children, and support her
man in his political, professional, and economic
endeavors. (Samson, 2015).
PRESENT: Arranged marriage forces many girls to quit 9.7% of girls ages 15
school. It may also lead to early pregnancy, forcing girls to to19 are already
become mothers when they’re not yet ready. Such married or in some
conditions can make them vulnerable to abuse, sexually kind of union
transmitted diseases, and childbirth problems. Arranged
marriages can negatively impact a child's psychological,
emotional, and physical well-being. It disrupts education,
health, and basically, childhood (Save the Children).
In the culture that we grow up we adopt the belief that man is more superior to women.
And this is the very reason why we need to promote gender equality and women
empowerment, paving the way to the provisions of the RA 7192 which are:
To ensure participation of women in nation building, they should be recipients of foreign aid
grants and loans. And the NEDA is the one being tasks to implement this policy (NEDA, 2020).
REPUBLIC ACT 7192 and its implications to education
1. Population, markets and growth. Provide women decent life that promotes peace and social justice.
2. Technology. Streaming women into innovative high-technology levels of knowledge for employment equality.
3. Media and culture. Recognize the role of women as part of decision making and foster respect.
4. Movements of labor and capital and the new international division of labor. Calls for the improvement of wages
that means, same rate for work of equal value.
5. Megacities and the family. Women’s participation in production sector in cities enabling them to draw decision
making for their future.
6. Women’s health and reproductive technologies. Women should have informed choice and informed to health
7. Physical and environment and biodiversity. Protection of habitat and conservation of biodiversity for both men
and women.
8. Social movements and civil society. Women’s movement on democratic, participatory and empowering
9. Erosion of nation-states and retribalization. Provide spaces for women’s movement.
PPGD Key Objectives for the Education Sector (Barrago, 2021):
1. Gender equality and elimination of all forms of gender bias in all aspect of learner’s development.
2. Including celebrations in school calendar such as Women’s Month, LGBT Pride month, among others.
3. Enhancing and promote a K to 12 curriculums that integrate gender equality, human rights, sexuality and
reproductive health among others.
4. Ensuring minimum standards on gender sensitivity that will be integrated in the subjects.
8. Ensuring development and capacity building, through in service trainings in coordination with NEAP.
* The PPGD is actually translated under DepEd order No. 32, series of 2017
PPGD is a base law for two other laws: the General Appropriations Act and the Magna Carta of
Article XIV,
Section 5,
Paragraph 5:
“The State shall
assign the highest
priority to
(DBM, 2023).
Annual General Appropriations Act (GAA)
(Almo, 2013)
It uses gender mainstreaming as means to implement laws.
Magna Carta of Women uses Gender streaming to
implement laws. It takes into account the needs and
concerns of a gender. An example of this is the night
work prohibition for women. Under the old Labor
Code, women were prohibited from engaging in night
work. The aforementioned provisions of the Labor
Code seemingly undermine gender equality and
deprived women of equal opportunities of
employment. Recognizing this reality, The Philippine
Legislature passed June 2011 Republic Act No.
10151, An Act Allowing the Employment of Night
Workers. Hence, women in the Business Process And I owe from this law
Outsourcing is becoming a trend nowadays specially the privilege to work in
for solo parents who need to provide for their children the BPO industry on
while assuming maternal roles. graveyard shift at present.
The Magna Carta of Women aims to:
1. Abolish discrimination against women by recognizing protecting fulfilling
and upholding the rights of Filipino women particularly those in
marginalized communities.
2. Seeks to protect from any forms of violence against women and any
gender related offenses including those committed by the state
3. Equal treatment before the law
4. Access of necessities, services, opportunities and privileges
5. Protect indigenous women and their cultural heritage, health and safety
of senior citizen’s women from marginalized sectors and girl children.
(Almo, 2013)
Republic Act 9710 and the education sector
⮚ Provision for equal access and elimination of discrimination in education, scholarships, and training
⮚ Enrollment of women in nontraditional skills training in vocational and tertiary levels shall be encouraged
⮚ expulsion, non-readmission, prohibiting enrollment, and other related discrimination of women students and
faculty due to pregnancy out of marriage shall be outlawed.
⮚ requiring the use of non-sexist language in common day-to-day activities, such as preparing textbooks or
lessons and office issuances, to avoid implicit and explicit discriminatory language against women, thereby
helping promote gender-sensitivity (CSC Memorandum Circular No. 12, Series of 2005)
Gender and Development laws are passed and implemented by the
Philippine government in order that we as a nation achieved
development that is: