06030-Specification For High Density
06030-Specification For High Density
06030-Specification For High Density
This Material Specification details the minimum requirements for the design,
manufacture, testing, inspection and supply of High Density Polyethylene
(HDPE) or High Performance Polyethylene (HPPE) pipe material and fittings
to be used for transport and distribution of
potable water.
3.1 Material
3.1.1 Material Requirements
The CONTRACTOR shall identify the manufacturer of the resin, the resin type
and classification. In addition, the CONTRACTOR shall provide evidence that
the resin proposed is suitable for use at the design temperature and under the
design pressures indicated.
Any change in the material, the material specification, or the manufacturer's
location shall be subject to prior approval of the ADWEA/ENGINEER.
Pipes and fittings shall be homogenous throughout and free from visible
cracks, holes, foreign inclusions, blisters, dents or other damaging defects.
Joints are not acceptable.
Material shall be uniform in opacity, density, interior smoothness, and other
physical properties. It shall have adequate resistance to weathering and other
ageing from outside storage for a minimum of two years after manufacture.
The material of the polyethylene pipes and fittings which is in contact with or
likely to come in contact with drinking water shall not constitute a toxic hazard,
shall not support microbial growth and shall not give rise to unpleasant taste
or odour, cloudiness or discoloration of the water.
The concentration of substances, chemical and biological agents leached
from materials in contact with drinking water, and measurement of the
relevant organoletpic / physical parameters, shall not exceed the maximum
values recommended by the World Health Organisation in its "Guidelines for
Drinking Water Quality" or the EEC Council Directive on the "Quality of Water
Intended for Human Consumption", whichever is more stringent in each case.
If rework material is added or used, it shall be clean, derived from the same
resin and reground under the supervision of the same manufacturer and shall
be compatible with the material to which it is added.
The pipes and fittings shall be manufactured from polyethylene containing
only those antioxidants, UV stabilisers and pigments necessary for the
manufacturing of the pipes and confirming to the requirements of ADWEA /
ENGINEER and the specification.
All pipes and fittings shall be suitable for butt fusion or electro fusion welding
Straight pipe shall be supplied in standard lengths of 11.8 m (-0 + 150 mm)
measured at 230 C ± 20 C. Unless otherwise specified, coil lengths shall not
exceed 100 m.
The coils shall be wrapped and shall not be exposed to direct sunlight.
3.4 Fittings
The fittings shall be injection moulded or formed from material compatible to
that of the pipe.
inspection. The third party inspector shall have full access to the testing and
production facilities and will be a fully authorized representative of the
4.5 Defects
When the rejected item is a length or coil of pipe, the lengths or coils
manufactured immediately before and after the defective lengths or coils shall
be carefully examined.
If further defects are found, this is sufficient cause for rejecting the entire
batch. This will not apply to local damage that did not occur during
manufacture, such as gouges or cuts during handling or transit.
6.2 Shipping
The CONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER shall provide packing and shipping
procedures for approval by the ENGINEER and shall comply with the
following requirements.
6.2.1 Delivery
Delivery of the plastic pipes and fittings to site, shall be no later than six
months after the stamped manufacture date, for it to be acceptable.
Pipes boxed immediately after extrusion and stored indoors, as well as pipes
protected from UV light immediately after manufacture as per the
requirements of clause 6.2.2, are - at the ENGINEER's discretion - exempt
from this requirement and are acceptable up to one year after manufacture.
6.2.2 UV Protection
To obtain this exemption (from clause 6.2.1), the CONTRACTOR/
MANUFACTURER shall inform the ADWEA/ENGINEER one month prior to
manufacture for inspection and approval of the protective method. All silos of
coiled pipe shall be shrink-wrapped in UV-blocking black plastic.
The black plastic shall be thick enough to prevent accidental tearing and
passage of visible light.
The UV-blocking plastic wrap shall filter out 100% of the UV radiation from
reaching any portion of the PE pipe.
IF the plastic is not black, the MANUFACTURER shall receive prior approval
from the ENGINEER before the wrap is used. Approval of non-black shrink
wrap plastic may involve testing. The cost of this testing shall be to the
6.2.3 Tie-Downs
Tie-downs shall be at least 100 mm wide and be clean and free from sand,
gravel and other such materials. For straight length pipe (up to 12 m), a
minimum of 6 tie-downs are required.
6.2.4 Pallets
The pallets shall be suitable for transporting the material from the place of
manufacture to the designated receiving location without causing any damage
to the pipe.
The pallets shall not contain any broken planks or extremities that may
damage the coiled pipe or straight lengths.
They shall be durable enough to prevent loose pallet nails from gouging the
bottom coil/straight length. Pallet construction shall be subject to approval by
6.2.5 Overhang
Pipe shall not overhang at either end of the trailer.
6.2.6 Stacking
The CONTRACTOR/MANUFACTURER shall not ship small coils stacked
inside silos of larger coils.
Frames manufactured for the containment of straight lengths of polyethylene
pipe during transport and storage shall not contain nails or other fastening
devices that may damage the pipe.
6.3 Trucking
Where pipes are transported by vehicles, the vehicles should have a flat bed
and be free from sharp edges or projections.
During transport, polyethylene pipes shall be protected from diesel fumes and
be continuously supported to prevent movement between the material and
its support.
6.4 Silo's
Silo packs of coiled pipes shall be squarely stacked and well supported on
Coils shall not overhang the pallets and, unless approved by the ADWEA /
ENGINEER, shall not be stacked higher than 2.3 m.
6.5 Banding
All coils shall be banded at intermediate stages of coiling and upon
completion of the specified length. Al least 8 intermediate bands shall be
provided on 150 m coils.