JAET - Volume 40 - Issue 2 - Pages 99-116

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Vol. 40, No. 2.

July 2021

Comparison of Natural Gas Hydrocarbon Dewpointing Control
Abdelaziz A. Noaman1, *, Ebrahiem E. Ebrahiem1
Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Minia University, Minia, Egypt.
Natural gas dew point is a very important quality parameter. It is specified in predetermined
mandatory specifications for the producers through transmission and distribution companies
to market. Several problems in gas transmission lines may be caused by the hydrocarbon
liquid dropout. These include increase in pressure drop, line capacity reduction, and
equipment problems (e.g. compressor damage). Avoiding liquid dropout, the operating
current specifications of gas transmission lines require to be operated above the dew point
of hydrocarbon (DPH) or cricondentherm hydrocarbon dew point (CHDP).
This paper compares the different methods for natural gas hydrocarbon dew-pointing that
are widely applied in industry and choose the best method for a gas project to achieve the
required hydrocarbon dew point of the export gas. These methods are Joule-Thomson
expansion (J-T), turbo expansion, mechanical refrigeration, Pressure Swing Adsorption
(PSA) and thermally Regenerated Adsorption (TSA). The comparison was made to choose
the best applicable method needed for a gas project to achieve the required export gas
specifications. It was found that the mechanical refrigeration method is preferred due to its
numerous advantages.
Keyword: Hydrocarbon dew point, Joule-Thomson expansion, turbo expander, PSA, TSA,
1. Introduction
Natural gas dew point is an important ethane extraction. Also, the desired degree of
operation parameter. Frequently, it is being liquid recovery has a profound effect on
used as a quality parameter. This requirement process selection, complexity and cost of the
processing facility [2].
begins with the requirements of a quality
product and may be at risk of losing their Hydrocarbon dew point is the temperature at
which the condensates begin to form when
operating capacity if the gas quality slips [1].
natural gas is cooled at constant pressure. In
Dustman et. al. state that light hydrocarbon gas pipeline transmission, the presence of
liquids recovery from natural gas streams can liquid hydrocarbons in grouping with traces
range from simple dew point control to deep of moisture primes to the hydrate formation
Received:14 October, 2020, Accepted:23 October, 2020
as virtual solid masses [3]. Under the

Vol. 40, No. 2. July 2021

operating conditions of high flow and The available different methods for natural
pressure in pipeline, these hydrates can cause gas hydrocarbon dewpointing control that are
harmful damage to compressors and restrict widely applied in industry are Joule-Thomson
or even block pipelines [4]. expansion (J-T), turbo expansion, mechanical
refrigeration, Pressure Swing Adsorption
There is always a hydrocarbon condensation
(PSA) and thermally Regenerated Adsorption
risk in natural gas transmission pipelines.
This causes an increase in pressure drop is
due to the condensation of hydrocarbons and The comparison of all these methods should
will introduce operational problems resulting be based on the following items: -
from two-phase flow [5]. It is necessary to
 Energy costs.
prevent condensation by keeping the
 Market conditions (materials cost,
temperature and pressure of natural gas above
consumables costs).
the dew point to have a single-phase region.
 Technology evolution with time.
In this context, the optimal control of the
 Company experience with a certain
hydrocarbon dew point is necessary for
economical, operational and safety reasons
[6]. 2. Gas Project Description
1.1 Objective
Figure 1 reveals the major processing units
The main objective of this work is to compare which make up the central processing facility
all-natural gas hydrocarbon dewpointing CPF. The gas project consists of eight wells, a
control methods applied in the industry and gathering system and CPF, where the
choose the best method for the development production stream from the various fields will
project to achieve the export gas be separated into condensate and dew pointed
specifications. The process gas contains gas products for export. The gas processing
heavy components and requires hydrocarbon involves inlet facilities for liquid separation,
dewpointing facilities to be provided at the mercury removal unit, CO2 removal unit,
CPF to meet the gas export specification of dehydration unit, and a hydrocarbon dew-
10.5°C at any pressure. pointing unit to meet the export gas
There exists different gas hydrocarbon specifications.
dewpointing control methods available in the The condensate separated from the gas in the
market to remove the heavy hydrocarbon inlet facilities is stabilized to meet the RVP
from the feed gas and comply with the specification for export condensate. The gas
required gas specifications in terms of the will be exported via export gas pipeline and
required hydrocarbon dewpoint. treated in a dedicated Liquefied Petroleum
Gas (LPG) extraction facility to commercial
Vol. 40, No. 2. July 2021

specification required for end user Mercury has been detected up to 70 ng/Sm3 in
consumption. The condensate will be some well samples. Well samples are reported
exported via export pipeline to the oil to contain no elemental Sulphur, no wax and
terminal. no paraffin. Also, the H2S content of the
wells is zero

Figure 1 Schematic of the CPF Process Units

3. Gas Project Design Capacities

export condensate. Table 2 explore the design
The gas project is designed for a production
flowrates for the for the process facilities of
of 2.7 MSCMD export gas and 10,000 STB/d
the gas project.
Table 3: Flowrates Design Production

Design Capacity Unit Value

2.9 (Lean Gas)
Production from wells (Note 1) MSCMD
3.3 (Rich Gas)
Gas Export (for gas pipeline design) MSCMD 2.7

Condensate Export, maximum STB/d 10,000

Water Production, water-cut % Vol. 10

Vol. 40, No. 2. July 2021

Note1- Includes 0.1 MSCMD of fuel gas.

3.1 Product Specif ications The condensate stabilization unit is designed

The following are the gas and condensate to achieve a true vapor pressure (TVP) < 0.8

specifications for pipeline export and water bara at 60°C, which gives the Reid vapor

specification for disposal. pressure (RVP) < 0.4 bara.

The export gas specifications for gas are: 4. Hydrocarbon Dew pointing control
 Water dew point: The following methods are the all available
-12°C. methods to achieve the required hydrocarbon
dew point in the export gas of the gas plant.
 Hydrocarbon dew point at 35 barg:
4.1 Joule-Thomson Expansion
Figure 1 illustrate the hydrocarbon
 CO2 content: dewpointing control by the J-T effect.
< 2.0 mole %. Table 1 reveals the advantages and
The pressure of the export gas is 44 barg. disadvantages of the joule- Thomason (JT)
expansion joint

Figure 1: PFD for a typical Joule-Thomson Expansion unit [7]

Table 1: Joule-Thomson Expansion Advantages / Disadvantages [8, 9]

Advantages Disadvantages

Vol. 40, No. 2. July 2021

Self-refrigeration process, no external cooling High pressure drop.

medium required.

Outlet gas can achieve hydrocarbon and water Sales gas may require additional
dew point. recompression to meet export pressure.

Has a high flow turndown and ease of operation.

4.2 Mechanical Refrigeration

Figure 2 illustrate the hydrocarbon exchanger and/or chiller is the most cost-
dewpointing controlling by mechanical effective means of preventing hydrate
refrigeration process. glycol (MEG) formation in a mechanical refrigeration
injection at the inlet of the gas-gas heat process. [10].

Figure 2: PFD for a Basic Mechanical Refrigeration unit [10]

Table 2 reveals the advantages and disadvantages of the mechanical refrigeration
Table 2: Mechanical Refrigeration Advantages / Disadvantages [ 11,12]
Advantages Disadvantages

Low-pressure drop, sales gas A refrigeration cycle is required,

Vol. 40, No. 2. July 2021

recompressor not required. including refrigerant compressor.

Outlet gas can achieve hydrocarbon and Source of refrigerant and on-site storage
water dewpoint. and disposal.

4.3 Turbo expansion path. A typical expansion process for

The turbo-expansion process utilizes a hydrocarbon dewpoint control is shown in
turbo-expander to reduce the gas pressure figure 3[13].
with expansion following a near isentropic

Figure 3: PFD for a Typical Turbo-Expansion Unit [13]

Table 3 shows the advantages and disadvantages of the turbo-expander
Table 3: Turbo-expansion Advantages / Disadvantages [14,15]

Advantages Disadvantages
Expander mechanical energy stream Outlet gas may require an additional
recovered for sales gas compression. compressor for export.
Lower hydrocarbon dewpoint can be Stringent upstream dehydration required.

4.4 Swing Adsorption adsorption follows the molecular weight of

Adsorption systems for dewpoint control the hydrocarbon; higher molecular weight
take advantage of the fact that hydrocarbon hydrocarbons are preferentially adsorbed

Vol. 40, No. 2. July 2021

while lighter hydrocarbons pass through the material for thermal chlorination. They
adsorbent bed and are available as sales gas obtained the optimal condition of PSA
[16]. purification for removing C+2 components
from natural gas as raw material for chloride
Swing adsorption processes are described
methane manufactured by thermal
by the method of bed regeneration:
chlorination. It has been confirmed in
 Pressure swing adsorption (PSA) practice that the PSA natural
 Temperature swing adsorption (TSA) 4.4.2 Temperature Swing Adsorption
4.4.1 Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) (TSA)
PSA systems typically operate at relatively TSA systems normally operate at pressures
low pressure; in the range of 4.5 to 28.5 bar. greater than 28.5 bara. Water and heavier
The heavy hydrocarbons are removed onto hydrocarbons are adsorbed on a bed of
adsorbent bed producing sales gas at feed adsorbent, which becomes saturated after a
pressure. The regeneration saturated bed is period of operation ranging from 15 minutes
done by pressure reduction eliminating the to several hours. The saturated bed is
heavier hydrocarbons from the adsorbent. regenerated by heating to desorb the water
In most cases, PSA systems consist of three and heavy hydrocarbons. A typical TSA
to four adsorber vessels [17]. process is shown on figure (4) [19].

Sulan Xia et al. [18] investigated PSA

removing C+2 from natural gas as raw

Vol. 40, No. 2. July 2021

Figure 4: PFD for a Typical TSA Unit [19]

Table 4 illustrates the advantages and disadvantages of the swing adsorption method

Table 4: Swing Adsorption Advantages / Disadvantages [20,21]

Advantages Disadvantages
Low pressure drop compared with Joule- Exhausted adsorbent requires disposal using an
Thomson or Turbo-Expander processes. approved environmental method and high
pressure drop compared to refrigeration system
High operating flexibility. Complex controls for batch type regeneration
Water and hydrocarbon dew point Feed gas temperature required to be less than
control not sensitive to feed gas 45°C at inlet.

5. Implementation State with modified interaction parameters

The feed composition of the central process fluid package.
facilities in the gas project will be a mixture
In order to provide confidence in the design
of the production from 8 gas wells. The
to achieve the above specifications some
composition reaching the central process
facilities will be a mixture of production margin has been assumed for each
from each well and may be a combination of parameter i.e. water dew point -15°C, HC
rich fluids from one well and lean from dew point 6.5°C and CO2 content 1.8% vol.
another well.
These design margins will allow gas export
Since each well has different composition in to continue in the event of off-specification
each zone so the mixed composition must
gas production. The online gas
achieve the export gas and condensate
chromatograph, part of the fiscal metering
required flowrates.
unit, will be used to assess the off-
Aspen HYSYS steady state simulation
specification gas.
software version 10.1 was used to simulate
the all hydrocarbon dewpointing control
method in the gas plant at different Since the export gas specification requires
compositions [22]. Rich gas and lean gas the water dewpoint (< -12°C) lower than the
compassions from the gas wells were used hydrocarbon dewpoint (< 10.5°C), gas
for the simulation dehydration is required prior to hydrocarbon
dewpointing using the J-T expansion, turbo-
The selected physical property package for expansion or mechanical refrigeration
the HYSYS model developed for the gas systems.
Project is the Peng-Robinson Equation-of-
Vol. 40, No. 2. July 2021

In addition, the limits on the CPF arrival 6. Results

pressure and the gas delivery pressure at the 6.1 Phase Envelop
LPG demands minimum pressure drop
HYSYS simulation steady state software
across the CPF.
was used to simulate the gas plant based on
The four methods for achieving the required the rich and lean compositions of the gas
hydrocarbon dew point in the export gas wells in the summer case
were simulated by HYSYS steady state
Figure 5 reveals the phase envelop for the
software. The required energy for each
lean gas case while Figure 6 shows the
method was extracted from the simulation
phase envelop for the rich gas case. The
software. Also, the availability and subtility
phase envelops in Figure 5 & 6 compare
in the North African countries were
between the bubble points, dewpoint and the
highlighted. Finally, the capital cost for each
possibility of hydrate formation at different
method was mentioned
pressures & temperatures in the gas
Finally, a comparison was made to choose pretreatment stage and the export gas stage.
the best method to achieve the required The gas pretreatment step include
export gas specifications separation, gas dehydration, gas sweetening
and hydrocarbon dewpointing control.

Figure 5 Lean Gas Composition Phase Envelope

Vol. 40, No. 2. July 2021

Figure 6 Rich Gas Composition Phase Envelope

6.2 Technical comparison between The J-T expansion has the largest
Hydrocarbon dewpointing control recompression duty and makes this system
methods least attractive. The J-T expansion method
is not technically suitable for the gas project
6.2.1 J-T expansion
6.2.2 Turbo-expander
However, the J-T design is less efficient per
unit of energy expended. Since a large The turbo-expander also needs additional
letdown of pressure from 55 barg to ~20 compression requirements to achieve the
barg is anticipated to achieve the HC required export pressure, as the
dewpoint specification which would also recompression is not 100% efficient. The
require an additional compressor of turbo-expander with the additional
substantial size. compressor increases the CAPEX and
OPEX by an amount dependent on the
This process is well suited to a high-
extent of recompression required
pressure reservoir where the ratio between
downstream. For the gas project, the extra
inlet pressure and sales gas pressure is
cost may be around 10% for the relatively
approximately 1.5; i.e. no sales gas
relaxed dew point required, but for a more
compression is required. However, although
onerous specification, it can be much
this is initially the case for the gas project, it
is expected that the reservoir pressures will
decline quickly and will be insufficient for The turbo-expansion process is often the
J-T expansion after only a short period of preferred solution when the inlet pressure is
operation. provided by compression or when the ratio

Vol. 40, No. 2. July 2021

of inlet to sales gas pressure is refrigerant is required for first fill and make-
approximately 1.1 to 1.5 up due to losses from the system. However,
pressure drop is the least of all the options
In the case of gas projects, the limits for the
evaluated and export gas compression is not
CPF arrival pressure and the gas delivery
pressure at LPG plant require having a
minimum pressure drop across the CPF. A The mechanical refrigeration method is
Turbo-expander based dewpoint control technically suitable for the gas project
would require an additional compressor to
6.2.4 Swing Adsorption
meet the export gas delivery pressure at the
end. The swing adsorption system is not suited to
high inlet gas temperatures and complex
The turboexpander method is not
controls for batch type regeneration.
technically suitable for the gas project
The swing adsorption method is technically
6.2.3 Mechanical Refrigeration
not suitable for the gas project
Similarly, the mechanical refrigeration
Table 5 displays the main technical
system also involves additional CAPEX and
differences between each method used to
OPEX for the external refrigeration plant;
achieve the required hydrocarbon dew point
the high ambient temperatures also result in
in the gas plant
larger air cooler sizes. A source of
Table 5: Technical Comparison between Hydrocarbon Dewpointing control Methods

Item Joule- Mechanical Turbo Temperature Pressure

Thomson Refrigeration expansion Swing Swing
Expansion Adsorption Adsorption

Hydrocarbon Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

dew point

Pressure Drop High Low High Low Low

Recompression Yes No Yes No No


Design Yes Yes No No No


Turndown stage Yes Yes No No No

Refrigeration No Yes No No No

Vol. 40, No. 2. July 2021


upstream No Yes Yes No No


Feed gas Wide range Wide range of High Inlet pressure Inlet pressure
requirements of flow rate, flow rate, flowrate above 28.5 bar from 4.5 to
lower lower flowrate only 28.5 bar
Sensitive to gas
composition, Sensitive to
Feed gas
temperature less composition,
than 45 C Feed
less than 45 C

Operation Flexible Flexible Complicated Flexible Flexible


Control System Simple Simple Simple Complex Complex

Regeneration No No No Yes Yes


Refrigeration No Yes No No No

Environmental No No No Yes Yes


Proven Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


From table 5 it can be noticed that the best drop. simple in operation, simple control
method for the gas plant is the mechanical system and no need for any compression
refrigeration method as it has lower pressure package.

Vol. 40, No. 2. July 2021

6.2 Economical comparison between hydrocarbon dew point in the gas plant. The
Hydrocarbon dewpointing control required energy for each method was taken
methods from the simulation of each method
Aspen HYSYS steady state simulation Figure 7 displays the required energy for
software version 10.1 was used to simulate each hydrocarbon dew pointing control
the all hydrocarbon dewpointing control method for the gas project.
methods to achieve the required

Figure 7: Energy Required for different Natural Gas Hydrocarbon Dewpointing Control

The capital cost of each method required to vendors all over the world. Figure 8
achieve the hydrocarbon dew point in the illustrates the capital cost in million USD
gas plant was taken from the HYSY for each hydrocarbon dew pointing control
simulation program and from different method for the gas project

Vol. 40, No. 2. July 2021

Figure 8: Capital Cost for different natural gas hydrocarbon dew pointing control

6.3 Comparison Summary between The comparison in this table is based on the
Hydrocarbon dewpointing control capital cost for each method, the availability
methods & suitability in the North African countries,
energy required for each method and the
Table 6 summarizes the main technical and
limitations for each method.
commercial differences between the
hydrocarbon dew pointing control methods From the table, it can be noticed that the
needed to achieve the required hydrocarbon best method technical and economically is
dew point in the export gas of the gas plant. the mechanical refrigeration method

Vol. 40, No. 2. July 2021

Comparison between Hydrocarbon Dew pointing control methods

Swing adsorption
Joule-Thomson Mechanical
Technology Turbo-expansion (pressure or Remarks
expansion refrigeration

Energy Required ,
KWhr. 2,000 3,500 6,000 4,000
Suitability in
North African No Yes Yes No
● Joule Thomson Requires
gas export compressor to
● Complex controls for increase the export gas
Feed Pressure external batch type regenerationpressure and used only for
● Feed Pressure
refrigeration ● Feed inlet temperature short period of
● Complex Operation
plant is needed ● Environmental operation(startup)
problems ● Turbo expander Requires
gas export compressor to
Design Limitation increase the export gas

North Africa No Yes Yes NA

The Capital cost include the
cost of the export
4.5 4 6.5 5.5 compressor needed for the
Capital Cost turbo expander and joule
,million $ Thomson methods.

Table 6: Comparison between hydrocarbon dew pointing control methods

Conclusions & recommendations

Based on the technical and commercial Abbreviation Description
hydrocarbon dew point
comparison between the all available CPF Central Processing Facility
methods in the international market to HDP Hydrocarbon dew point
J-T Joule-Thomson
achieve the required hydrocarbon dew point LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
MEG Monoethylene Glycol
of the export gas in the gas project , it is OPEX Operating Expenditure
confirmed that mechanical refrigeration is PSA Pressure Swing Adsorption
ROI return on investment
the best option for controlling the Temperature Swing
hydrocarbon dewpoint in the gas project.

Abbreviation Description
CAPEX Capital Expenditure
CHDP Cricondentherm

Vol. 40, No. 2. July 2021

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‫الملخص العربي‪:‬‬
‫تعتبر نقطٌ التكثف للػاز الطبيعً من العوامل الوامٌ جدًا‪ .‬وهً محددة بمواصفات محددة سلفا وإلزاميٌ لجميع أنحاء المنتجيين مين‬
‫خّل شركات النقل والتوزيع فً السوق‪ .‬قد ينجم عن وجيود السياُل الوييدروكربونً عيدد مين المشياكل فيً خطيوط نقيل الػياز‪.‬‬
‫وتشمل تزايد انخفاض الضػط َ وقلٌ سعٌ الخط َ و أيضا مشاكل فً المعدات مثل تلف الضواغط‪ .‬ولتجنب المشاكل الناجميٌ عين‬
‫تكثف الػاز يتطلب ذلك مواصفات التشػيليٌ الحاليٌ لخطوط نقل الػاز أن يتم تشػيلوا فوق نقطٌ الندى فً الوييدروكربون )‪(DPH‬‬
‫أو نقطٌ الندى الويدروكربونيٌ الحلقيٌ )‪. (CHDP‬‬
‫يقارن هذا البحث الطرق المختلفٌ لنقط الندي الػاز الطبيعيً للوييدروكربونً والتيً ييتم تطبيقويا عليٍ نطياق واسيع فيً الصيناعٌ‬
‫واختيار أفضل طريقٌ لوا لمشروع الػاز لتحقيق نقطٌ الندى الويدروكربونيٌ المطلوبيٌ لػياز التصيدير ‪ .‬هيذه الطيرق هيً توسيعٌ‬
‫)‪ َJoule-Thomson (J-T‬والتوسع التوربينً َ والتبريد الميكانيكً َ وامتصاص تأرجح الضيػط )‪ َ (PSA‬واِمتيزاز المتوليد‬
‫حراري ًا ‪ (TSA).‬تم إجراء المقارنٌ ِختيار أفضل طريقٌ قابلٌ للتطبيق مطلوبٌ لمشروع الػاز لتحقييق المواصيفات المطلوبيٌ لػياز‬
‫التصدير ووجدت أنى من المستحسن استخدام طريقٌ التبريد الميكانيكيٌ بسبب مزايا عديدة‬


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