Mrunal Pcb11 2025 Handout PDF
Mrunal Pcb11 2025 Handout PDF
Mrunal Pcb11 2025 Handout PDF
10.30 💠≠ ❇️ Fungibility?................................................................................................................................54
10.30.1 💮(e₹): Fungibility of CBDC...................................................................................................................................54
10.30.2 💠 Non-fungible token (NFT: - ).....................................................................................................55
ग़ैर फ़ं जीबल टोकन
Myths Reality
In Economy, ONLY concepts are important for UPSC. Both facts and concepts are asked.
if something is not asked in the last 3 years, then such topic UPSC examiner asks trend-
will never be asked. breaking questions.
if some economy topic is older than one year, then it is not UPSC asked many Economy MCQs
important. Only last one year current affairs is important. from events older than one year.
We've to read economic-times, business line, etc newspapers. NOT required.
Useful for both prelims and
Inflation, 3 8 5 5 4 4 50 65 55 60 85 110
🏗5_Infra 1 3 1 0 2 4 15 15 15 30 20 10
Lowest utility among 6
👩🏻🎓6_HRD 6 2 0 0 0 2 60 75 85 45 20 95
More useful in Mains than
25 28 23 14 21 21 180 180 200 185 125 230
Total ---
Qs Qs Qs Qs Qs Qs m m m m m m
Barter system was introduced by Mesopotamian tribes. It has following challenges: (चुनौतिया )
- 😰Double co-incidence of Wants (आवश्यकताओ का दोहरा सं योग नहीं होगा तो व्यापार असं भव).
- 😰Search Cost & Transaction cost is high. (सही दाम पर चीज ढूँढने व लेनदेन की लागत बढ़ जाती है)
- 😰Storage of perishable commodities is difficult, results in loss of value. (नाशवान वस्तुओ का मूल्यहास)
- 😰Doesn’t encourage specialization and division of labour (श्रम विभाजन को प्रोत्साहित नहीं करता).
10.5 📏M ONEY: FUNCTIONS OF (पैसे के कार्य)
Primary:2 functions[प्राथमिक] Secondary(S-T-D) 3functions [सहायक कार्य] Contingent 3functions [प्रासं गिक कार्य]
1. 📏Measure of Value: 1. 🐷🗳Store of Value (मूल्य का 1. Basis of credit system,
gm=wt, ml=vol, सं चय) Financial markets (share,
₹=value (मूल्य का
2. 🚛Transfer of Value (मूल्य का bond etc.: More in 📑
Pillar#1C-sharemarket) वित्तीय
2. 🛒Medium of स्थानांतरण). Soldier in Kashmir to
parents in Kanyakumari बाजार का आधार है पैसा
Exchange: Buy & Sell 2. Employing factor of
goods and services 3. Deferred Payments (स्थगित
production i.e. Land, Labour,
using money as the भुगतानो का मानक). E.g. Buy
Paper /Token /
Commodity Metallic Bank Money,
Representative / Crypto Currency
Money Money Deposit Money
Fiat Money
10.6.1 🥜Commodity Money / वस्तु मुद्रा (Intrinsic value: अंतर्भूत मूल्य? Yes)
Iron Nails, Bear Pelts, Cocoa Beans, Whale Teeth, Gold Nuggets
Problems? Perishable, not uniform, not pure, foreigners may not accept.
नाशवान, एकसमान नहीं, शुद्ध नहीं, अस्वीकार भी कर सकते है.
10.6.2 🥇 Metallic Money / धातु मुद्रा (Intrinsic value? Yes)
Traders & Kings stamped their marks on gold nuggets for uniformity & trust. (सोने पर अपना
चिन्ह/छाप लगा देते – ताकि लोगों को उसकी शुद्धता पे यक़ीन हो)
Indo Greek kings & Kushana kings issued gold coins, but Gupta Gold coins most spectacular-
king is playing Veena, shooting animals, standing with wife.(इन राजाओने सोने के सिक्के निकाले थे)
Delhi Sultanate Kings: Silver Tanka. Sher Shah Suri Rupiyah silver coin. Akbar: Muhr.
👩🏻🎓 Further SELF STUDY: History of Indian coins from History Lecture/Notes.
10.6.3 💪 Metallic Money → Full Bodied vs Token Coins
Table 1: Types of Coins
RBI issues: Currency notes other than ₹ 1 Note under RBI Act 1934.
Currency notes have Governor’s sign: “I promise to pay bearer…”
😤 FAQ: why is it like this!!!??? WHY CAN’T RBI ISSUE BOTH coins & currency notes!!?
Ans. Send your suggestion to PM, to merge above two laws. Until it’s implemented, remember table
for passing exam. प्रधानमंत्री को कागज लिखो- दोनों कानूनों का एकीकरण करने के लिए. जब तक वह नहीं होता तो इस handout को रटो।
10.6.6 💵⚖️ Legal Tender (वैधानिक निविदा)
To become a ‘legal tender’, a given coin/currency MUST fulfil two conditions SIMULTANEOUSLY:
एक साथ दो शर्तो को पूरा करना होगा.
1. It must be a FIAT MONEY (जो हमने ऊपर के सेक्शन में पढ़ा). AND SIMULTENOUSLY और साथ ही साथ
(बिट-कोइन का अल-साल्वाडोर देश में वेधनिक निविदा होना के वल एक अपवाद है, वो पूरी दूनिया के लिए नियम/व्याख्या नहीं है।)
Commemorative Coins = Fiat money yes but not legal tender unless notified by
RBI/Government to be used as legal tenders. (स्मृतिचिन्ह रूप सिक्के - सामान्य भुगतान में इस्तेमाल नहि हो सकते,
सिवाय के सरकार/आरबीआई उसकी अनुमति दे।)
😤 FAQ: I did not understand this thing and/or I want to engage in intellectual debate why “X” thing
is legal tender? Ans. Please watch lecture’s recorded video again at 1X speed, more peacefully.
So, 10 paisa, 25 paisa are not legal tenders.
(10 पैसा और 25 पैसा वैधानिक निविदा नहीं है। 50 पैसा
वैधानिक निविदा है)
**Although in real life, Finance Act 2017: “Cash transactions for less than Rs.2 lakh only. Beyond that
use Cheque, DD, NEFT etc. else penalty.” This rule is to discourage tax-evasion / black money. For
more Ref: 📑Pillar#2. But for MCQs, simply accept that bank notes = unlimited legal tenders. हालांकि
वास्तविक जीवन में काले धन / करचोरी को रोकने के लिए नगदी लेनदेन पर कु छ सीमा के बाद रोक है, किन्तु MCQ के लिए स्वीकार लो की
🚩👶🏻 FAQ# my shopkeeper doesn’t accept 50 paisa. Then how it is legal tender? मेरा दुकानदार नहीं लेता 50
पैसा का सिक्का। तो आप कै से कह सकते है वो वैधानिक निविदा है?
Ans. as per RBI notification, 50 paisa is legal tender. So, accept it for MCQ & move to next topic.
Further, feel free to file police case against shopkeeper, if you have plenty of free time/outrage for it.
🚩👶🏻 ₹1 one rupee paper note is limited legal tender or unlimited legal tender? Ans. Read above
table carefully. it's given in it in the left column.
🔠❓MCQ: Which correctly describes the meaning of legal tender money? (Pre-2018)
(a) The money which is tendered in courts of law to defray the fee of legal cases
(b) The money which a creditor is under compulsion to accept in settlement of his claims
(c) The bank money in the form of cheques, drafts, bills of exchange, etc.
(d) The metallic money in circulation in a country
🔠❓MCQ: Consider the following statements (Asked in UPSC-CDS-2011-II)
1. In India the minimum denomination coin acceptable for transaction is 50 paise.
10.6.8 👩🦯🤳🏻
RBI’s App to help the blind identify currency notes
80 lakh people in India are blind (नेत्रहीन). To help them identify currency notes:
Old series of Gandhi notes have square (50), triangle (100) shaped markings.
New series of Gandhi notes have bleed lines, raised printing of Gandhi etc.
But, so many varieties of notes, difficult for VH persons to remember size & shapes so,
2020-Jan: RBI launched ‘Mobile Aided Note Identifier (=MANI)’ App.
Mobile camera scan & identifies the note (Even if it’s half folded), gives audio notification in
Hindi/English, also works offline
But can’t validate whether note is genuine or fake (Counterfeit जाली नोट नहीं पकड़ सकता यह ऐप),
If a user is both blind and deaf, the app will tell him by giving vibrations.(मोबाइल कं पन)
Which note has what colour, which note has Red Fort / Sun Temple photo etc? General Knowledge
✋Less important for UPSC-exams, more IMP for Non-UPSC Exams. So I’m removing it from
Raftaar-Handout. You can learn such general knowledge from
New rupee ₹: selected through a competition by Dept of Economic Affairs in 2010. Designed by
symbol D.Udaya Kumar, a Professor @IIT Guwahati.
Nation - Lion Emblem: Sarnath Pillar, Uttar Pradesh से लिया गया है
Symbol - “Satyamev Jayate”: slogan from Mundaka Upanishad से लिया गया है
Languages While Constitution’s 8th Schedule has 22 languages, but currency note has only 17.
(15 on Reverse + Hindi & English on frontside (obverse) = 17)
🤯FAQ: Why it is like this? Ans. Either some Indian languages have similar fonts
and/or send suggestion to RBI.
Museum Budget-2020: a museum on numismatics and trade (सिक्काशास्त्र और व्यापार का सं ग्रहालय) will
be built at the historic ‘Old Mint Building’ in Kolkata .
Modern era: Conversion into other Bank notes and “token coins” of equal face value. ₹ 2000 =
500 x 4 Nos.= 100 x 20 Nos etc.
Not inflation adjusted value. Not linked with weight of gold or silver.
Currency note is zero interest, anonymous bearer bond / Promissory Note.
10.8.3 💰🤮 Money Types: Gresham law: good vs bad money | soft vs hard currency
Wait till we reach Pillar 3B: currency exchange. Presently, we’re in Pillar 1A1.
If unable to hold patience, watch
- Overdraft: When person has insufficient bank balance, still he may withdraw money from his
account (as a loan). Such facility is called Overdraft. Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan account has
Overdraft upto Rs 10,000/- with certain conditions. (More in Pillar1D: Financial Inclusion).
o Overdraft is mainly for short-term operating expenses. (अस्थाई रूप से लघु अवधि के लिए कर्ज)
o Loans is mainly for longer term higher value expenses. (दीर्घ अवधि के लिए मोटी रकम का कर्ज
10.9.3 🐷🔖 Cheque → NPCi’s Cheque Truncation System (CTS) & Positive Pay Mechanism
NPCi’s Mechanism Benefit (first SEE THE DIAGRAM)
Cheque Truncation If SBI sent the copy of cheque in post/courier = more time wasted.
System (CTS) CTS IS FASTER because SBI sending scanned image online.
Positive Pay If Mrunal (recipient) manipulated the cheque numbers e.g. using magic-
Mechanism marker/eraser to write ₹5,00,000 in place of ₹50,000 YET Roman
(Sender) will be protected because both images will not match → then
cheque will be rejected by his bank.
🙋🏼♀️FAQ: I still DID NOT understand this. Ans. Watch The video lecture.
🤔FAQ: I’ve 500 counter arguments about how James Bond villain can misuse it? Ans. NOT
🚩👶🏻🎓 FAQ I didn’t understand this. Ans. Watch lecture, sufficiently explained in it.
🚩👶🏻🎓 FAQ: What is the difference between Core Banking Solution (CBS) versus Core Banking
System (CBS)? Ans. Fundamentally it is the same thing. Dictionary word difference/legal
pedantry/academic pedantry/hairsplittery= notimp4exam. # 🕰थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
🔠❓MCQ: The term ‘Core Banking Solutions’ correct term? (UPSC Prelims-2016)
1. It is a networking of a bank’s branches which enables customers to operate their accounts
regardless of where they open their accounts.
2. It is an effort to increase RBI’s control over commercial banks through computerization.
3. It is a detailed procedure by which a bank with huge non-performing assets is taken over by
another bank.
Answer Codes: (a) 1 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
👨🏻✈️Who can - BEFORE-2021: Only Banks can provide this Banks + Prepaid
provide this facility Payment
- 2021: RBI announces that non-bank entities can Instrument
also become members of centralized payment
Figure 1: बेटी मेरे नोकिया के non-smart phone पे UPI आसानी से कै से इस्तेमाल करूँ ?
10.12.5 UPI single-block-and-multiple-debits functionality (2022-Dec)
Not important for the scope of exam / poor cost:benefit in spending time over this topic... after
observing the previous years papers.
User adds money from his bank account to his UPI Lite wallet on his mobile App. (e.g. Google Pay
App, BHIM App)
Usage (NUMBER NOT VERY IMP) UPI-LITE Limit as of 01/Sep/23
Max. Limit PER transaction ₹500
Max. Balance / storage capacity of wallet ₹2,000
Max. TOTAL transaction within 24 HRS (i.e. by adding new ₹4,000
money in wallet repeatedly after previous balance is finished.
ताकि एसा दुरुपयोग ना हो की हेकर २-२००० हज़ार ख़ाली करके फिर भरता रहेगा और
पीड़ित का बड़ा नुक़सान हो जाए।)
🤩 Benefits of UPI-Lite wallet?
- 🤩Faster. Because No need to provide UPI-PIN number during transaction.
- RBI allowed Pre-Sanctioned Credit Line / overdraft facility extended to UPI. (यूपीआइ में ओवर ड्राफ्ट
की सुविधा)
- So, even if a person does not have balance in his bank account, still he can PAY using UPI while
shopping. (and then later, when he gets the salary/pension/income deposited in his bank
account, then the banker will recover the principal and interest.)
- (ATM मशीन में बिना CARD डाले, मोबाइल ऐप के ज़रिए पैसा निकाला जा सके ऐसी सुविधा)
- Benefit? If physical card not inserted in ATM machine → ⏬ dangers of card cloning, etc scams.
🙋🏼♀️FAQ: How does it work? My bank not giving this facility?! Ans. 1 line word association for
MCQ is enough.
10.13.4 🛍️ UPI: QR Code based Coin Vending Machine using UPI (2023-Feb)
10.13.5 🕵🏻 🤳
NPCI → UPI BHIM Full form: Bharat Interface for Money (2016)
Money transfer app designed by NPCi. It works on Android, iOS/Apple mobiles as an APP,
Works even on non-smart (=basic feature) phones using *99# USSD- Unstructured
Supplementary Service Data.
Bank to bank / peer to peer transaction using mobile phone (xyz@upi). No need to install
multiple apps for each bank account (SBIBuddy, AxisPay etc) just one BHIM app to use all such
bank accounts.
(1) App has 3 factor authentication system- as per Indianexpress (2) App has 2 factor
authentication system as per NPCi website. ( 🚩👶🏻
FAQ: then which fact is true? Ans. i'd go for
official website.)
Your money stays in bank account and earns interest. It’s not stored in ‘wallet outside your bank
account’ as it happens in Mobikwick, Phonepe etc. (PS: in later stage, PhonePe etc private apps
Rupee + Payment = RuPay card is world’s 7th payment gateway similar to Mastercard, Visacard,
China’s Union Pay. Rupay charges less fees than other companies.
Works in 3 channels: 1) ATM, 2) Point of Sale Device (PoS/card reader machine), 3) Online
Rupay debit card given free with PMJDY (Jan Dhan) Bank account (Refer Pill#1D).
Rupay has signed collaboration agreements with some digital payments companies in Singapore,
Japan etc. So, it may be used in those countries. But presently Rupay is not having the widest
reach across all the countries unlike MasterCard and Visa.
10.14.2 NACH-ABPS : Hybrid / Mixed mode in MGNREGA
Both these technologies developed by NPCi.
- Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005: Rural development
Ministry provides 100 days work to villagers. (Ref: Pillar#6 for more)
- Presently both NACH and ABPS methods used for giving salaries to MGNREGA workers. Thus,
it’s called Mixed payment mode/hybrid mode for MGNREGA wages.
- Government wants to shift completely to ABPS method. But due to operational and technical
issues, deadline keeps getting delayed. Some poor people (without Aadhar card) given
exemption from ABPS.
🚩👶🏻FAQ: What are those technical Rules to improve interoperability? NOTIMP #RAFTAAR.
- 1990s: 2 dimensional (2D) Quick Response (QR) Code system developed in Japan.
- Indian E-payment systems function on 3 types of QR Codes, namely,
Table 6: ✋Difference between UPI QR vs Bharat QR? NOT.IMP.4.EXAM ⏳📚थोड़ा-पढ़ो-आगे-बढ़ो
Proprietary QR e.g. Paytm or PhonePe ke exclusive QR codes.
code 😰
Problem? Other companies’ app may not be able to scan and pay it.
So, RBI has prohibited companies from launching any new
proprietary QR code.
UPI QR code 🤩
Generated by UPI app of NPCi. It can be scanned by all Apps which are
developed using UPI technology.
Bharat QR code 🤩
Developed by NPCi with help of Visa and Mastercard. It can be scanned
by all Apps which are developed using UPI technology.
RBI has ordered all the Payment System Operators (PSOs e.g. Paytm, PhonePe, MobiKwik,
Google Pay etc) to shift to UPI QR or Bharat QR by March 31, 2022.
🤩Benefit? All Payment apps will be able to scan these QR codes → 'interoperability'.
Tokenisation = creates a set of numbers called ‘token’ to replace/hide the sensitive card data such
as the 16-digit account number, expiry date and security code. (हैकिं ग से बचने वास्ते असली कार्ड नंबर की
जगह टोकन/काल्पनिक-नंबर बनाकर दे दो एसी बात है। ताकि विक्रे ता का आपके कार्ड की गुप्त जानकारी मिले नहीं)
10.17.2 CVC Less transactions
Normally, during online-transaction, customer has to enter Cardholder Verification Code
(CVC) EVERYTIME when making payment.
but after the RBI’s tokenisation norms, this may not be required every time.
Related topic: WHAT IS Mastercard company’s CVC less transactions? Ans. This much Real life
Business general knowledge is not required for exam.
• ‘One Nation One Card Model’ by Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs (MoHUA) with the
help of NPCi, Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL Company), and some banks. It helps
developing special cards to pay tickets→ Train station/train gate can open automatically,
upon tapping the card, like in hollywood movies.
It has 3 components: (तीन घटक है इसके )
• 1) NCMC Card: To be issued by banks. Nature can be Debit/Credit/Prepaid. Can be used for
metro, bus, suburban railways, toll, parking, retail shopping etc.
• 2) SWEEKAR: Automatic Fare Collection System. (यात्री किराया वसूलने की स्वचालित प्रणाली)
• 3) SWAGAT: Swachalit / Automated Gate at railway/bus station. ( अपने आप खुलने-बं द होने वाले
2017: National Highways Authority of India (NHAI, a statutory body under Highway ministry)
launched 2 mobile apps MyFASTag and FASTag Partner to facilitate Electronic Toll Collection
(इलेक्ट्रॉनिक माध्यम से पथकर/टोल वसूली के लिए राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग प्राधिकरण द्वारा अलग अलग एप बनवाए गए हैं).
NPCi’s has developed National Electronic Toll Collection (NETC) technology to aid this.
Persons loads up ₹ ₹ in his mobile app → actives RFID tag in his car → when it passes through
highway toll-booth, the money is automatically deducted. (गाडी टोल नाके से गुजरेगी अपने आप पैसा कट
Benefit? faster traffic movement, tracking stolen cars.
From 2021, it became mandatory for all vehicles passing through tolls to have FASTags. Vehicles
without FASTags will have pay up more fees/toll at the gates. (ये लगाना अनिवार्य हुआ, अन्यथा ज्यादा फीस)
In above photo, MDR fees % is not actual number but for illustration/example.
MDR is the fees that a merchant must pay to his (acquirer) bank for every credit / debit card
MDR fees is shared among 3 parties 1) customer’s card issuing bank 2) merchant’s acquiring
bank 3) payment gateway provider. (तीन पक्षों में इस फीस को बांटा जाता है)
MDR hurts merchants’ profit margin, discourages them from adopting Point of Sale (PoS)
terminals (=card swiping machine) → obstacle to digital economy. (व्यापारी के मुनाफे पर असर होता है
इसलिए वह कार्ड मशीन अपनाने में उदासीनता दिखाते है। )
🔠❓MCQ. Which one of the following best describes the term “Merchant Discount Rate”
sometimes seen in news ? (Pre18 Set-D)
A. The incentive given by a bank to a merchant for accepting payments through debit cards
pertaining to that bank.
B. The amount paid back by banks to their customers when they use debit cards for financial
transactions for purchasing goods or services.
C. The charge to a merchant by a bank for accepting payments from his customers through the
bank’s cards.
Note: There are many more terms and conditions to this, but we will not waste time in PHD.
10.20.1 💳 🏧 ATM and its Types
Automated Teller Machine (ATM) allow bank customer to withdraw money or check balance
without visiting any branch of a bank. (स्वचालित रूप से नकदी मुद्रा देने वाला यांत्रिक डिब्बा)
ATM network works on NPCi’s NFS (National Financial Switch) technology.
Bank label Bank itself owns and operates the ATM network.
Brown label Bank owns but operations outsourced (cash refilling truck, guard)
Note: Some books offer different definition, but I’ve taken above definition
from Economic Times Article 2015.(कु छ किताबों में व्याख्या अलग है मैंने इधर से ली है)
White label - Non-Bank owns & operates. E.g. Muthoot Finance, Tata Comm, Prism
- 🚩👶🏻FAQ: What is on-tap licensing system for White-label ATM? Ans.
Outdated topic for 2023.
Micro-ATM Bankmitra manually makes entries of deposit and withdrawal for customer. He
uses handheld device for using (debit or ATM) card & Aadhar biometrics
(fingerprint). NPCi’s AEPS technology gives technological support for this.
विदेशी व्यक्ति भारत में बैंक खाता खोलकर यूपीआई वाली मोबाइल ऐप द्वारा भारत में खरीदारी कर सके ऐसे रिजर्व बैंक कदम उठा रहा है.
BEFORE From 2023
if such non-resident/foreigner came to India, he could not do This facility made available to
shopping using UPI money transfer from their NRE/NRO** G20 nations ke tourists coming
bank account, to India.
** Non-Resident Indians/foreigners can open bank accounts in Indian banks. Such accounts are
known as NRE/NRO/FCNR (Foreign Currency Non-Resident Account). NRE/NRO/FCNR=
internal difference is not imp. For our exam.
10.22.3 RUPAY Cards- International acceptance
• 2023-June: RBI allowed international use of RuPay cards. That means an Indian travellers in
use them abroad for ATM money withdrawal and shopping. (subject to terms and
• 2024: implemented for Mauritius.
10.22.4 UPI in Srilanka, Mauritius (2024)
• 2024-Feb: UPI facility now available in Sri Lanka, Mauritius.
• This will help Indian tourists travelling to Sri Lanka and Mauritius to pay through mobile
• UPI also available at Bhutan, Oman, UAE, South Asian nations, Nepal and France etc.
Globally (वैश्विक स्तर पे पैसा भेजना हो) Within India (भारत के भीतर ही पैसा भेजना हो!)
Society for Worldwide Interbank Structured Financial Messaging System (SFMS)
financial telecommunication (SWIFT)
By a Cooperative organization in designed by Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) for
Belgium’s La Hulpe city (1973). IDRBT (=Research arm of RBI)
To serve the messaging function for to serve the messaging function in NEFT, RTGS, and
Banks, NBFCs & brokers who may / may other inter-bank, intra-bank e-transactions
not have direct bank relations / platforms within India.
settlement systems with each other due to
international borders.
😥 Nations banned from SWIFT: 1) Iran (Capital Tehran) 2) 2022: Russia got ban, after invading
Ukraine. This will make it very difficult for the Russian banks/ NBFCs /businessmen to send and
receive money internationally (यूक्रे न-आक्रमण के ख़िलाफ़ रूस को स्विफ़्ट-वित्तीय सं देश प्रणाली से प्रतिबं धित किया गया है जिसके
चलते रूसी बैंक वित्तीय सं स्थान और उद्योगपतियों को अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर पर पैसों के लेन में दिक्कतें आएं गी।)
10.23.1 New Umbrella Entity (NUE) for Retail Payments System (2019)
Paytm has rival companies like Mobikwick, Phonepe; Mastercard vs Visa; SBI vs Axis Bank;
But there is no rival company against NPCi. वर्तमान समय में NPCi का प्रतिस्पर्धी कोई नहीं है
NPCi is an umbrella entity for retail payments system - it operates in card payment (RuPay),
Money transfer (IMPS), Mobile Apps (UPI, BHIM), ATM Network (NFS) etc.
2020: RBI issued a proposal, “if any Indian company interested to compete in this (NPCi-like)
retail payment segment, we’ll license them as new umbrella entity (NUE: खुदरा भुगतान के लिए नई छतरी
इकाई). Subject to these technical “XYZ” technical eligibility requirements”
🤩Benefits? More companies like NPCi → more competition → more innovation and cheaper
services for users. (स्पर्धा बढ़ेगी तो नए आविष्कार होंगे, डिजिटल भुगतान सेवाएं पहले से भी ज्यादा सस्ती / किफायती/बहेतर हो)
Facebook, Google, Amazon, Flipkart and others had applied for NUE licences. But none of them
met RBI’s expectations. So, 2023-Jan: RBI has put this license process on halt/suspension. (जिन
कं पनियों ने इसके वास्ते अर्जी डाली थी उनके अनुभव और काबिलियत से रिजर्व बैंक सं तुष्ट नहीं था. इसलिए अभी रिजर्व बैंक ने इस पूरे
मामले को ठंडे बस्ते में डाल दिया है)
10.23.2 🤳🏻 Third Party Application Providers (TPAPs): Google Pay, Whatsapp Pay
🙋🏼♀️FAQ: How can NPCi give license? it is not a statutory body unlike RBI.
Ans. Don’t mix the word ‘license’ with sarkaari type licenses (Gun /vehicle/bank etc.) Here, the word
'license' is in context of getting permission from a company. Example, If you want to use Photoshop
software, you have to “buy” license from Adobe company.
10.24.2 ♂️RBI: BPSS (Statutory body)
1998: Narsimham-II Committee on Banking Reforms suggested regulatory framework for e-
banking, card payment etc. Then,
10.24.3 ♂️Payment Regulatory Board (PRB)
Government wanted to setup this body few years back. But, this is not YET setup and no new
developments. So, Outdated for 2024. Deleted for #Prelims-RAFTAAR 🏎
Below table given if preparing for RBI grade-B officer exam etc. I am not spending time in writing the
ranks because poor cost benefit for #IAS-Prelims-RAFTAAR.
🐯📊REPORT RBI's Payment and Settlement Systems in India Vision 2019 – 2021
🐯📊INDEX/Ranking RBI Digital Payments Index– to check level of digital payment in various areas
of India. (DPI डिजिटल भुगतान सूचकांक)
🐯📊INDEX/Ranking RBI’s Financial Inclusion Index– to check whether every poor person is having
access to banking, loan, insurance pension, etc. (वित्तीय समावेशन सूचकांक)
🐯🏆Competition RBI’s Harbinger Hackathon 2021 competition for innovation in digital
10.26.1 Hot Wallet vs Cold Wallet
Just like you store money in Paytm DIGITAL Wallet. You can store Bitcoin and other
cryptocurrency in Crypto Digital Wallets. Such wallet could be hot wallet or cold wallet.
🔥 Hot wallets are connected to the internet, (e.g. an online app)
🌐 World 2018: World Bank launched World’s first blockchain bond called “Bond-i”
in Australia, denomination: Australian Dollars → public invests, gets ~2%
interest after 2 years.
(More about
Blockchain bond requires less cost in server / database /paperwork
this org in 📑 📑
maintenance unlike traditional bonds. More in Pillar#1C:
Pillar#3B) SEBI/Sharemarket
World Economic Forum (WEF) is a non-government organization in
Bill of Rights Cologny-Geneva, Switzerland. (विश्व आर्थिक मंच. गैर सरकारी सं गठन)
2020: Published a document, ‘Blockchain Bill of Rights’ . Document talks
(अधिकारो का about rights to accountability, transparency, data privacy, data protection
विधेयक) etc. (ब्लॉकचेन अधिकार पत्र/विधेयक: जवाबदेही, पारदर्शिता, डेटा गोपनीयता, डेटा सुरक्षा आदि के
10.29.2 Indian CBDC symbol (e₹)
• Normal rupee = ₹ or INR. CBDC rupee = e₹ or eINR.
10.29.3 (e₹) CBDC wholesale vs Retail
Presently RBI doing trials/experiment/pilot-studies in two segments:
Type CBDC-Retail (e₹-R) CBDC-Wholesale (e₹-W)
• Secondary market transactions in
• Person to Person (P2P)
Trial- government securities
• Person to Merchant
Purpose • Interbank borrowing for short-term loans
(P2M) transactions.
• Crossborder payments.
Details given in present handout 1A1 Ref: Pillar#1C to understand these terms.
10.29.5 (e₹) → Settlement finality
“settlement finality” = there is no risk of reversal or cancellation after the financial transaction is
complete. e.g. Cash or CBDC-e₹. (एक बार भुगतान कर दिया तो फिर सामने वाली पार्टी के पास पैसा गया। आप उसको उलट नहीं
Whereas, if a payment is made via Credit card/ cheque-book → customers can later block the
payment by contacting the banker within a time-limit. So they (creditcard / cheque) do not have
instant-settlement finality. (उधर आप बैंक में शिकायत कर के भुगतान को रोक सकते हैं।)
FAQ: can we say that as mode of payment (UPI/Debit Card/NEFT-RTGS) also has
settlement finality? Ans. I copied only that much which is given in Newspaper/Press-release. I
did not become Sherlock Holmes to do find further info/PhD. Feel free to delay your syllabus
completion by asking ChatGPT.
🙋🏼♀️FAQ: Aren’t these features similar to the e-Rupi gift cards by NPCi?
Ans. Don’t make khichdi of RBI’s product vs NPCi’s product. View them as separate photo frames.
Observe the PYQs. UPSC unlikely to ask you compare/contrast between them two.
🐎✅🐂✋ Be focused on the track like a race horse. Don’t loiter like a street-bull.
10.29.10 🐯🔗💮 👌🥰
= Benefits of CBDC (कें द्रीय बैंक डिजिटल मुद्रा के फायदे)
CBDC/ Sovereign Digital Fiat Money / Digital Base Money will provide following benefit
1. ⏬ Cost printing and transporting physical currency. (नोट छापने की लागत और परिवहन खर्च में कमी)
2. ⏬ Scope for counterfeiting. (जाली नोट बनाना मुश्किल)
3. ⏫Traceability, ⏬Anonymity: (ढूँढना आसान, गुमनाम/अज्ञात रहेना मुश्किल)
a. Whether money is reaching the intended beneficiary or not? (लाभार्थी को योजना का पैसा मिला
कि नहीं)
b. From where did the businessman accumulate this money, did he pay an appropriate
amount of tax or not? Else auto-alert to the Income tax department for tax evasion.
(करचोरी पर निगरानी आसान)
4. Possible to develop programmable currency. E.g. govt transferring ₹6000 in poor farmer’s
account with condition ke it must be spent WITHIN next 15 days for buying seeds/farming tools
5. Global money transfer more easier. E.g. in future China may give DIGITAL YUAN currency
LOANS directly to Ghana Without converting into US Dollars and without using SWIFT
messaging system.
+ many other things but they are more relevant for Mains rather than Prelims.
10.29.11 🐯🔗💮= ✋🥵Challenges of CBDC (चुनौतियां)
1. 😰Digital Divide, Financial Literacy, Access Points: (डिजिटल उपकरणों की उपलब्धता की खाई, वित्तीय साक्षरता
का भाव, डिजिटल भुगतान इस्तेमाल करने के पहुंच बिंदुओं की कमी)
a. Not everyone has electronic gadgets or internet connectivity, (सबके पास इंटरनेट नहि)
b. Not everyone knows how to operate bank account digitally, (सबको इस्तेमाल करना नहि आता)
c. Not every village shopkeeper accepts payments in the digital form. (दुकानदार नक़दी माँगते है)
10.30 💠≠ ❇️ F UNGIBILITY?
In that case, as soon as the book is purchased, the money goes to the bookshop owner → money
again becomes fungible. Because the bookshop owner can use the money for any purpose
If the student doesn’t buy the book, → CBDC-money goes back to the school, and fungibility is
restored (because the school admin can use it for any other purpose).
“Thus, programmability does not violate/destroy fungibility (of Rupee), it is only a specific use
binding.”- said RBI Governor. (भले को शर्ती-प्रोग्रामिंग से CBDC ऐसा सिमित कर दिया जाए, की कु छ ही चीजे उससे खरीद सकते
है. लेकिन फिर भी CBDC-रुपया फं जीबल है. )
(Definition) NFT is a Digital file photo file (JPEG), Animated image (GIF), music file (MP3) etc
Stored using blockchain Technology. ब्लॉकचेन प्रौद्योगिकी द्वारा सं ग्रहित फ़ोटो, सं गीत इत्यादि की डिजिटल फाइल है।
NFT may also be used in storing physical assets. E.g. Ownership document of house, boat,
physical-painting etc. (इस भौतिक सम्पत्तियों की मालिकी के दस्तावेजों का भी डिजिटल करण कर एनएफ़टी में सं ग्रहित कर
सकते है)
NFT cannot be subdivided. Their individual sub-units cannot be exchanged with one another.
Because their values are different based on buyer’s preference. So NFTs are non-fungible. (अलग