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Onlinetest MS24 Ex

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About this document: online test example 2024 for MSc Materials Science Program

Tentatively will take place on March 12-13, May 28-29, July 16


1. (1 point) What is the product of the following matrices

 
  1 0
1 0 2
· 0 1 ?
0 1 3
−1 −2
3 4
3 7
−1 −4
−3 −5
 
1 0 1
(c)  0 1 2 
2 3 8
 
1 0 −1
(d)  0 1 −2 
2 3 −8

(e) the product of such matrices is not well-defined

Solution (5 min): (b)

2. (1 point) For which x the following matrix has a zero determinant?

1 2
−1 x

(a) 1

(b) 2

(c) 3

(d) 4

(e) −1

(f) −2

(g) 0

(h) any x

Solution (5 min): (f)

3. (3 points) An arbitrary matrix A satisfies A2 + 2A + I = 0, where I is the identity matrix. Which of the
options below is correct about its eigenvalues?

(a) All eigenvalues are equal to 0

(b) Some of its eigenvalues can be −2, while some eigenvalues can be 2

(c) Some of its eigenvalues can be −1, while some eigenvalues can be 1

(d) Some of its eigenvalues can be 1, while some eigenvalues can be 2

(e) Some of its eigenvalues can be 1, some eigenvalues can be 2, and some eigenvalues can be 0

(f) All eigenvalues are equal to −1

(g) None of the above

Solution (10 min): (f)

4. (2 points) Find derivative with respect to x of the function

f (x) = x(log x)2

(where log x is the natural logarithm, i.e., log x = loge x)

(a) 2 log x

(b) 2x log x

(c) (log x)2

(d) 2x log x + (log x)2

(e) None of the above

Solution (10 min): (e)

5. (2 points) Alice and Bob play a game consisting of two rounds. Alice’s probability of winning each of the
two rounds is p (the probability of winning the first round is independent of the second round). If Alice and
Bob each won one round, then they decide on the result of a game by tossing an unbiased coin (i.e., in this
case Alice wins with probability of 1/2 and Bob wins with probability 1/2). What is the probability that Alice
wins the game?

(a) p

(b) 2p

(c) p2

(d) p2 + p

(e) p + (1 − p)p

(f) 2p + (1 − p)p + 1/2

(g) 2p − p2

(h) None of the above

Solution (10 min): (a)


p(Alice wins game) = p(Alice wins both rounds) + 21 p(each win one round)
= p2 + 12 2p(1 − p)

= p2 + p − p2 = p.

6. (2 points) A rocket fired vertically is observed to have a constant upward acceleration of 2g during the
burning of the rocket motor, which lasted for 44 seconds. Neglecting air resistance and variation of g with
altitude, calculate the maximum height attained.

◦ 25621 m

◦ 36814 m

◦ 73850 m

◦ 82240 m

◦ 114263 m

• 56918 m

◦ 124321 m

Solution (10 min): 2gtb = gts ; ts = 2tb ; hmax = 1/2 ∗ 2gt2b + 2gtb ts − 1/2gt2s = 3gt2b

7. (2 points) The radii of Earth and Mercury are 6378 km and 2439.7 km, respectively, and their masses are
in the ratio 18.18 to 1. Calculate the acceleration of gravity at the surface of Mercury. gEarth = 9.8 m sec−2 .

◦ 3.24 m sec−2

◦ 2.11 m sec−2

• 3.68 m sec−2

◦ 1.35 m sec−2

◦ 0.54 m sec−2

◦ 4.62 m sec−2

Solution (10 min): g = GM/R2 ; gm = Mm /ME (RE /Rm )2 gE

8. (1 point) Calculate concentration of vacancies in Mo at 1000◦ C. The vacancy formation enthalpy is 2.98
eV, the Boltzman constant is 8.617 × 10−5 eV/K.

◦ 3.5 × 10−24

◦ 2.7 × 10−13

• 1.6 × 10−12

◦ 5.7 × 10−14

◦ 8.3 × 10−13

◦ 1.4 × 10−11

◦ 8.5 × 10−34

Solution (5 min): c = exp(−dH/kB T )

9. (1 point) The capacitor, consisting of two parallel plates, has a capacitance of C = 5 pF. What charge is
on each of its plates if the potential difference between them is U = 1000 V

◦ 1 × 10−9

◦ 3 × 10−8

• 5 × 10−9

◦ 7 × 10−7

◦ 4 × 10−6

◦ 6 × 10−4

◦ 8 × 10−12

Solution (5 min): Q = CU

10. (1 point) How much energy (in J) is stored in a battery with a capacity of 240 ampere-hours, having an
EMF U = 2 V

◦ 4.34 × 109

• 1.73 × 106

◦ 3.89 × 1012

◦ 1.25 × 10−4

◦ 5.45 × 108

◦ 2.21 × 107

◦ 4.23 × 10−6

Solution (5 min): W = U It, Q = It, W = U Q

Solid State Physics

11. (2 points) Calculate the volume of a hexagonal unit cell with lattice constants a = 3 Å and c = 6 Å. Give
answer as a decimal number rounded to three digits after the decimal point, e.g. 15.994

Solution (5 min): The volume of a hexagonal cell is Vhcp = 3 3a2 c/2, so the answer is 46.765 Å3 .

12. (2 points) Calculate the volume of a primitive face-centered cubic unit cell with lattice constant b = 2.5 Å.
Give answer as a decimal number rounded to three digits after the decimal point, e.g. 15.994

Solution (5 min): The volume of the primitive face centered cubic (fcc) cell is Vf cc = b3 /4, so the answer is
3.906 Å3 .

13. (3 points) Calculate the Fermi energy (in units of eV) for a solid with 6 electrons per fcc unit cell with
lattice constant 3.2 Å. Assume that electrons are free. Give answer as a decimal number rounded to two digits
after the decimal point, e.g. 15.99
2 2
Solution (5 min): The Fermi energy of a free electron gas with density n is: EF = 2m ~
(3π 2 n) 3 . The electron
density can be calculated by calculating the volume of the fcc cell: n = 6/Vf cc . This gives EF = 29.68 eV

14. (3 points) The highest valence band of a semiconducting nanowire is described by the following formula:
Ev = E1 + C cos(ak)
where k is the k-point in the first Brillouin zone. The lowest conduction band of the same semiconducting
nanowire is described as:
Ec = E2 + D cos(bk)
Write the expression for the ratio of effective masses of electrons and holes in this nanowire.
◦ me /mh = Ca3

• me /mh = Ca2

◦ me /mh = Da2

◦ me /mh = Cb2

◦ me /mh = Cba2

◦ me /mh = Ca2

Solution (5 min): The effective mass of a hole is proportional to the negative of the second derivative at
maximum of the valence band energy with respect to k-point. In general this is a tensor, but for the nanowire
only one component of the k-vector appears (along the wire), so the band effective mass is a scalar. Thus, for
hole we find: mh ∝ − ddkE2v |k=0 = Ca2 . For electron, the effective mass is proportional to the second derivative
of the conduction band with respect to k-point at the minimum. Thus, me ∝ ddkE2c |k=π/b = Db2 , and the ratio
me /mh = Ca 2.
15. (1 point) Imagine a system consisting of a hydrogen molecule periodically repeated along x axis, while
oriented along y axis (hydrogen chain). How will the valence band energy depend on the k-point along the
chain in the limit of a large distance between the molecules in the chain?

◦ linear dependence on k-point

• no dependence on k-point

◦ parabolic dependence on k-point

◦ sin(k)

◦ tan(k)

◦ exponentional dependence on k-point

Solution (1 min): There will be no dependence on k-point.


16. (2 points ) A substance X containing Zn, fully decomposes in air at 600◦ C yielding ZnO, CO2, H2O and
one more gas. The mass loss is 57 %. What is the molar mass of X? Give answer as an integer number, e.g.

Solution (10 min): 189

17. (1 point ) The metal M reacts with nitric acid to form nitrate of metal M, NH4NO3, N2 and water. What
is M and the concentration of nitric acid?

◦ Mg, concentrated

• Mn, dissolved

◦ Cu, dissolved

◦ Ba, concentrated

◦ Fe, concentrated

◦ Mn, concentrated

◦ Bi, dissolved

Solution (5 min):

18. (1 point ) Of the following ions, which has the smallest radius?

◦ K+

◦ Ca2+

◦ Sc3+

◦ Rb+

◦ Sr2+

• Zr4+

◦ Na+

Solution (5 min):
19. (1 point ) Of the following compounds, which has the lowest melting point?

• HCl

◦ AgCl

◦ CaCl2

◦ CCl4

◦ NaCl

◦ VCl3

Solution (5 min):

20. (1 point ) Which of the following is the most common naturally-occurring form in which silicon is found?

◦ Elemental

◦ Sulfide

◦ Fluoride

• Oxide

◦ Nitride

◦ Boride

◦ Hydride

Solution (5 min):

21. (2 points ) What is the volume of hydrogen gas at 25◦ C and atmospheric pressure, which evolved from 5M
H2 SO4 solution after electrolysis with 0.5 A constant current for 10 min? Faraday constant is 96500 C/mol.
Gas molar volume is 24 dm3 /mol. Give answer in mL as an integer number, e.g. 123.

Solution (10 min): 37

22. (2 points ) What is the potential of an Ag electrode immersed into the solution, which contains 0.001 M
AgNO3 at 25 ◦ C? Standard potential of Ag+ /Ag couple is 0.7996 V vs. SHE. Give answer in V as a decimal
number with four digits after the decimal point, e.g. 0.9766.

Solution (10 min): 0.6226

23. (2 points ) Calculate standard Gibbs energyin kJ/mol for the following Galvanic cell: Ag | AgNO3 | |
AuNO3 | Au. Standard potentials for the Ag+ /Ag and Au+ /Au couples are 0.7996 V and 1.692 V. Faraday
constant is 96500 C/mol. Give answer as a decimal number with one digit after the decimal point, e.g. –92.2.

Solution (10 min): -86.1

24. (2 points ) When ferric oxide, Fe2 O3 , is dissolved in 6 M HNO3 , which iron-containing species predominates
in solution?

◦ FeO−

◦ [Fe(OH)4 ]

◦ Fe(OH)3

◦ Fe(H2 O)2+

• Fe(H2 O)3+

◦ [Fe(OH)6 ]4−

◦ H2 FeO4

Solution (10 min):

25. (2 points ) On the basis of oxidation-reduction potential, which of the following is most likely to occur?

◦ Al(s) + 3NaNO3 (aq) 3Na(s) + Al(NO3 )3 (aq)

• Zn(s) + 2Ag(NO3 ) (aq) 2Ag(s) + Zn(NO3 )2 (aq)

◦ Pb(s) + Ca(NO3 )2 (aq) Ca(s) + Pb(NO3 )2 (aq)

◦ Pb(s) + 2KNO3 (aq) 2K(s) + Pb(NO3 )2 (aq)

◦ Ca(s) + 2NaNO3 (aq) 2Na(s) + Ca(NO3 )2 (aq)

◦ Mg(s) + 2LiNO3 (aq) 2Li(s) + Mg(NO3 )2 (aq)

Solution (10 min):

Physical Chemistry

26. (1 point ) Which of the following universal gas constants is valid ?

◦ 8.1344 J / (mol · K)

• 0.082 L · atm / (mol · K)

◦ 2.987 kcal / (mol · K)

• 62.36 L · torr/ (mol · K)

◦ 96485 C / mol

Solution (10 min):

27. (2 point ) Following the popular Vant Hoffs temperature rule states “for every 10 K increase of temperature,
reaction rate increases 2-4 times”. Please estimate the range of activation energies complying with the rule at
T∼298 K.

◦ 5 - 300 kJ/mol

◦ 15 - 250 kJ/mol

◦ 30 - 180 kJ/mol

• 50 - 110 kJ/mol

◦ 60 - 80 kJ/mol

◦ 40 - 150 kJ/mol

◦ 50 - 80 kJ/mol

Solution (10 min):

28. (2 point ) Melting of 0.05 mol of X under equilibrium conditions (350 K, 1 atm) resulted in adsorption of
8 kJ of heat. What will be the thermal effect of melting for 1 mole of X at 500 K? (Cp (solid) = 15 J/ mol·K
and Cp (liquid)=30 J/mol·K; Cp (T)=const)

◦ 182 kJ

◦ 8 kJ

◦ 156 kJ

• 162 kJ

◦ 35 kJ

Solution (10 min):

29. (2 point ) Estimate the equilibrium molar concentration of D in a solution with the following chemical
transformation is accessible(C0 (A)=1 , C0 (B)=2 , Keq =16): A + B C + 2D

◦ 0.0

◦ 1.0

• 1.7

◦ 2.2

◦ 2.4

Solution (10 min):

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