LTE Cell Covarage Planning Considerations-Case Study of Misurata City

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1st Conference of Industrial Technology ( CIT2017)

LTE Cell Covarage Planning Considerations-Case

study of Misurata City
Mohamed E.Abdurrahim(1), Abdallah I.Abrwais(2), Jalal A.Srar(3),,
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Misurata University, Libya

Abstract - Long term evolution (LTE) is a 4G wireless broadband networks. Whenever new cellular technology is considered,
technology developed by Third Generation Partnership Project many of its RF parameters go through tuning process with a
(3GPP), an industry trade group. There is an increasing interest in view to find out optimum value. But this phase is time
technologies that will be define the next generation (5G) consuming and very costly. Therefore, before commercial
telecommunication standard. The aim of the cell planning engineer is
to establish the proper radio network in terms of service coverage,
deployment if extensive simulation can be run, this tuning
QoS, capacity, cost, and performance. In order to launch a new phase can be facilitated in numerous ways. That is the benefit
mobile system such as LTE, a pre-planning guidelines for the new of running simulation before mass commercial deployment.
network has to be considered. This includes the measurement of the All these aim at proper radio network planning of LTE. Thus,
required capacity and the obtained coverage area for the area under looking for optimizing the vital parameters in the least
study. A geographic information, and the population of this area possible time is a very challenging issue which will obviously
should be included in the analysis. In this paper a pre-planning help network operators in a greater extent.
procedure case study –for Misurata City- has been established by the
assistance of A System Level Simulator tool of LTE Networks. The Nowadays, extensive studies have been conducted by many
results show that at least 93 end node basestation (eNodeB) sites researchers to enhance the limits of the LTE system
with around 4.3 km spacing are required to the fulfil the LTE system capabilities. In [2] a comprehensive study has been made to
given in Table 1. consider the problem of resource allocation for uplink of
Single Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access (Sc-
Index Terms— LTE, Link Budget, Coverage, Capacity, Radio FDMA) that used in LTE-A networks. In this study, the
Network Planning Machine to Machine (M2M) devices are clustered to fulfil the
I. INTRODUCTION Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. The results in this
study show that the proposed algorithm has very close
Long Term Evolution (LTE); as defined by the 3GPP; is performance to the optimal solution and it has better
supposed to be the next generation and will be the basis on throughput compared with the performance of the Greedy
which future mobile telecommunications systems will be built. algorithm. In another study [3], the performance of the MIMO
3GPP engineers named the technology "Long Term schemes in LTE system with a bandwidth of 5 MHz in terms
Evolution" because it represents the next step (4G) in a of Block Error Rate (BLER) and data throughput is examined.
progression from GSM, a 2G standard, to UMTS, the 3G The results of this study show a significant improvement can
technologies based upon GSM. LTE was required in release be achieved using three different MIMO schemes (Space
10 to deliver a peak data rate of 100 Mbps in the downlink and Frequency Block Codes (SFBC), Frequency Switched
50 Mbps in the uplink. This has been gradually increased to Transmit Diversity (FSTD) and Open Loop Spatial
300 Mbps in Release 13, which will also be upgraded to 1 Multiplexing (OLSM)) over SISO configuration.
Gbps in Release 15 and beyond. [1].
Since the radio propagation essentially depends on the site
LTE supports deployment on different frequency bandwidths. geographic, as well as, the frequency changes, the cell
The current specification outlines the following bandwidth coverage area of the LTE based 1800 MHz system for
blocks: 1.4MHz, 3MHz, 5MHz, 10MHz, 15MHz, and 20MHz different scenarios is studied in [4]. This research is very
[1]. Frequency bandwidth blocks are essentially the amount of helpful in the preprocess and setup of the LTE network
space a network operator dedicates to a network. Depending planning. Also, in [5], a LTE radio network planning for
on the type of LTE being deployed, these bandwidths have densely populated Indian city-Dhaka. The authors in this study
slightly different meaning in terms of capacity. demonstrate a procedure to calculate the capacity and the
coverage area by means of simulations.
LTE downlink transmission scheme is based on Orthogonal
Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) which In this paper, the coverage analysis, link budget and capacity
converts the wide-band frequency selective channel into a set calculations are performed for Misurata city-Libya. For the
of many at fading sub-channels. LTE will also support link budget calculations, we make use of the COST-Hata
seamless passing to cell towers with older network technology Model as the channel propagation. Measurements such as
such as GSM, CDMA, W-CDMA (UMTS), and CDMA2000. Channel Quality Indicator (CQI), Block Error Rate (BLER)
The next step for LTE evolution is LTE Advanced and is and Signal to Interference and Noise ratio (SINR) are used to
currently being standardized in 3GPP Release 10 and beyond. evaluate the proposed system. The system level demonstrator
given in [6] is used here to obtain these measurements in
Radio network planning is an essential step for a wireless
communication technology particularly when lunching new

1st Conference of Industrial Technology ( CIT2017)

which, the required number of base stations and the capacity The Link budget is the important phase in radio network
are obtained. planning. It estimates the maximum allowed signal
attenuation, called path loss, between the mobile and the base
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II
station antenna. Link budget is a wireless survey tool which
describes the radio network planning process that used in this
gives an idea about the signal power levels and receiver
study. This follows by Section III which applies Section II on
sensitivity levels needed to render the good link quality. The
specific area; Misurata/Libya. The results are summarized in
link budget equation comprises many parameters [5]:
Section IV and finally Section V concludes the paper.
 Power transmitted by the transmitter.
 Gain of Antenna (both transmitter and receiver).
II. RADIO NETWORK PLANNING PROCEDURE  Feeder losses of antenna (both transmitter and receiver) as
Radio network planning should have a number of steps. The well as the path loss.
important phase includes pre-planning and network  The sensitivity of both the eNodeB and the receiver (user
dimensioning, i.e link budget, Capacity and coverage equipment (UE)).
calculations. After that a detailed survey is conducted in order
to garner necessary information prior to radio planning. The III. RADIO NETWORK PLANNING FOR MISURATA CITY
required information that used in design and plan of a Fig.1 presents network dimension for Misurata city. Misurata
sophisticated network are [5, 6]: is a city located in Libya in North Africa, with an area of
a) Information that related to the user: number of users that about 400 Km2 and a population of around 400,000 [4]. As we
cover the different city areas and their demand of data mentioned in Section II, the calculation and analysis of the
traffic and the required QoS. Some of these information are coverage and capacity as specified by the parameters given in
listed in Table 1. Table I are calculated as follows:
Environment Urban
Bandwidth 10MHz
Frequency 2e9 Hz
Inter eNodeB distance 500m
Transmit diversity 2x2
Transmitter power 46 dBm
Channel AWGN, Flat rayleigh
UE speed Pedestrian
b) Terrain and Structure such as location and heights of
buildings, roads and streets.
c) The bandwidth, transmitter power, antenna type and gain,
different types of losses due to antennas and others.
d) Assigned data rates for each user.
Fig.1 Misurata city, area 400 km2, the population is 400,000
Before the calculation of the link budget, we need to know the
network dimension, i.e. determining the areas that need to be
covered and the calculation of the number of eNodeB A. Coverage analysis
required to serve the target areas. This may include [3]: Based on the system environment given in Table I, a system
Coverage analysis: the cell radios has to be obtained for any level simulation has to be performed. The UE sends CQI
coverage limit or the limit of interference scenarios. These feedback as an indication of the data rate which can be
limits are depending on some parameters such as fading supported by the downlink channel. This helps the eNodeB to
margin, cell edge, target throughput, and average network select appropriate modulation scheme and code rate for
load. Choosing a suitable propagation model is very important downlink transmission.
that makes the coverage calculations quit similar to the real The UE determines CQI to be reported based on
case. Other models such as empirical models (e.g. Modified measurements of the downlink reference signals. The UE
Cost231-Hata) may better suit than physical models. determines CQI such that it corresponds to the highest
Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS) allowing the UE to
Capacity analysis: This analysis is mainly depending on the decode the transport block with error rate probability not
the availability of the traffic. exceeding 10%.
From the obtained analysis of the coverage and the capacity, For simulation purpose, the CQI to SNR mapping transmit
we can obtain the following: diversity has been considered in this part with 2 Tx and 2 Rx
and it was compared with SISO system. Flat fading channel is
 Number and location of each eNodeB.
also used with fast fading for 0 and 3 Hybrid Automatic
 The radius, which means, the area of all the cells.
Repeat Request (HARQ) retransmission.
 Throughputs of both eNodeB and sector.

1st Conference of Industrial Technology ( CIT2017)

For the tow Tx antenna case, the Alamouti Scheme [5] has SINR difference and shadow fading
been used, which can be written as: 600 10

3 6
(1) 8


where and represent the channel coefficients from 6

y pos [m]
the first and second transmit to all receive antennas. 0 2 5 7 5

Fig.2 shows the plots of the Block Error Rate (BLER) against -200
SNR (dB) for different CQI values ranging from 1 to 15 for
transmission mode 2. From this figure we can notice that the -400
1 4
BLER for transmit diversity is much less than that for 1
SISO as the SNR values is increased from 0 to more than 15 -600 0
dB. -600 -400 -200 0
x pos [m]
200 400 600

Fig. 4. SINR for LTE-cluster and shadow fading.
TxD 2x2
Fig. 5 shows the path loss distribution that the users face in
-2 terms of the proposed parameters in Table I. For transmit
diversity of 2x2. the required DL SNR level for the average
cell throughput is found as around 6 dB [7].



-5 400

10 200
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
SNR, [dB]
Y Pos [m]

Fig. 2. BLER Curve obtained from 10 MHz , single- user, 5000 subframes
long, at CQI=7 for Transmit Diversity 2x2 and SISO . 100

Fig. 3 shows a generated macroscopic path loss map for 90
different CQI values ranging from 1 to 15 using random -400
positions. In this figure, the users under study are connected to
one sector 120o. in a cell of radius of 500 m. In this work, it
was chosen the CQI =7 with taking in account that most of -600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600

users are in this region. Pos X [m]

350 13 Fig. 5. Path loss for eNodeB1, sector 1, when the transmitted power is 43 dBm
250 10 B. Link budget Calculation
200 In this Section the LTE link budget of the downlink (DL)
y pos [m]

150 7 channel has been calculated when a 64 kbps data rate, two
6 resource block allocation that gives a 360 kHz transmission
bandwidth, and 24dBm are used neglecting any body loss that
3 may occur for the data connection. It is assumed that eNodeB
0 5
2 receiver has a noise figure of 2.0 dB and the SINR values for
-50 1 UL has taken from Fig. 4. A cable loss of 2 dB is considered,
-100 0 100 200 300 which is compensated by assuming a masthead amplifier
x pos [m]
(MHA) that introduces a gain of 2.0 dB. An RX antenna gain
Fig. 3. Macrosopic path loss for different CQI values
of 18.0 is assumed considering a 3-sector macro-cell (with
120-degree antennas). In conclusion the maximum allowed
Based on the results obtained from Fig. 3, we can calculate path loss becomes 141.25 dB.
SINR for LTE- cluster as shown in Fig. 4 which presents
SINR for LTE-cluster and shadow fading.
The path loss between an eNodeB sector and UE is used to IV. RESULTS
jointly model both the propagation path loss due to the
distance and the antenna gain. For this case Fig. 5 shows the LTE link budget for the downlink assuming a data
path loss for 120o sector. rate (antenna diversity) and bandwidth has been

1st Conference of Industrial Technology ( CIT2017)

calculated in Section IV. The used eNodeB transmitted power The obtained results from this study are expected to be a
is assumed to be as Tabulated in Table I, a value nominal, and in case of more accurate results are preferred, the
typical among most manufacturers. Again, the SINR value of used model has to be applied with different parameters for
6 dB which is obtained from Fig. 4. A interference different sub-city areas.
margin and a control channel overhead are assumed, and
the maximum allowed path loss becomes [4]. REFRENCE
For calculations of both target coverage and link budget, the [1] Z. Benguzzi, M. Farshouh, A. Abrwais, J. Srar “Evolution of Adaptive
following parameters are used: Antennas for LTE Systems”, EEES2016, May2016.
 Misurata Population: 400 000 [2] F. Ghavimi, Yu-Wei Lu and H. Chen, “Uplink Scheduling and Power
Allocation for M2M Communication in Sc-FDMA based LTE-A
 Assumed Overbooking factor: 50 Networks with QoS Guarantee”, IEEE Trans. on Vechicular Technology,
 Area: 400 km2 Vol. PP, Issue 99, Dec. 2016.
[3] A. Jemmali and J. Conan, “Performance Evaluation of MIMO Schemes in
5 MHz Bandwidth LTE System”, ICWMC, 2012.
Now, the COST-Hata propagation model has been used which [4] P. Sharma, D. Sharma and A. Gupta, “Cell Coverage Area and Link
is formulated as, Budget Calculations in LTE System”, Indian Journal of Science and
Technology, Vol. 9, Dec.2016.
[5] N. Bin Hamid, M. Kawser and M. Hoque, “Coverage and Capacity
Analysis of LTE Radio Network Planning considering Dhaka City”,
(3) International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol.46, no.15, May
For suburban and rural environments can be calculated [6] LTE System Level Simulator
from: us/staff/josep-colomikuno/lte-system-level-simulator/
[7] 3GPP Technical Specification 36.211,Physical Channels and Modulation
(4) (Release 8)‟,

where for medium cities and suburban areas and

for metropolitan areas, = median path loss ,
transmission frequency (MHz), base station antenna
effective height , =Link distance , mobile
Station Antenna effective height , mobile
antenna height correction factor as described in the Hata
model for urban Areas.
Applying (3) and (4) for the case under study, assuming
, as and as , we obtain as
If we assume that the cell is of hexagonal shape, then we can
calculate the area of the cell as:

Based on this area, and since the area of the city is

, the required number of eNodeBs
which can be covered by the transmitted power is:

In this paper, the LTE system radio network planning
guidelines is performed with certain parameter values. In
addition to this, the link budget calculations for Misurata City
have been introduced by employing some desired values from
the simulator. In this study, we make use of the LTE system
level simulator presented in [6] as tool to measure the
optimum SINR for CQI=7 for transmit diversity of
COST-Hata propagation model has been used to estimate the
coverage area as well as the number of eNodeBs that can be
offered by the parameters of the LTE system. These obtained
information could be used to assist in development of new
LTE mobile system.

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