LME Policy On The Approval and Operation of Warehouses

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A) Warehouses

1. Applicants to be a Warehouse will be considered for approval and listing in an

existing or new Delivery Point subject to completion of a Warehouse Agreement
application form supported by evidence of insurance, capital adequacy and other
documents as detailed by the LME from time to time. The LME will inspect
premises and operations offered for warehousing to the LME prior to any listing to
ensure they suit the logistical nature of the Location as required by the LME. The
LME will state its needs in this respect when sending the applicant the application
form. The LME has discretion to accept or decline an application for approval to
be a Warehouse or attach specific conditions to approval to be a Warehouse.

2. A Warehouse shall have staff with sufficient experience in metal storage, logistics
and systems to ensure that the Warehouse is able to comply with all applicable
requirements on an ongoing basis. The LME may, in its reasonable discretion,
reject an application from an applicant which is unable to demonstrate compliance
with this requirement.

3. Applicants for approval shall be required to demonstrate that they do not:

(a) control the operation of any infrastructure or the provision of any service in the
Location / Delivery Point that would be critical to any other Warehouse, or any
company wishing to become a Warehouse, in the Location / Delivery Point
concerned (including, without limitation, terminal operators which may operate
all or most of the berths within a port; a logistics company providing all or most
of the logistics services in the port (haulage and warehouse operations); or a
company that owns all or most of the real estate/warehouses of the Location);

(b) otherwise exercise control in the Location / Delivery Point;

such that the LME would have a reasonable concern that the applicant’s operation
of a Warehouse could be detrimental to competition.

4. A Warehouse must comply at all times without limitation with: this policy and any
other notices or policies issued by the LME, from time to time which apply to
Warehouses; and the Warehouse Agreement (together the "Warehouse


10 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1AJ | Tel +44 (0)20 7113 8888
Registered in England no 2128666. Registered office as above.
B) Transportation

Transport links

1. All Authorised Warehouses must have adequate transport links and be situated in
close proximity to major highways.

2. With the exception of inland Delivery Points, all Authorised Warehouses must have
adequate transport links and be situated in close proximity to water loading

3. All Authorised Warehouses located in Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden

and the US must have adequate transport links and be situated in close proximity
to railheads.

4. All Authorised Warehouses in inland Delivery Points must be directly connected to

a rail network.

The LME, respecting such confidentiality as it deems necessary and appropriate, will
undertake its own enquiries, as it sees fit, from its members/trade entities etc. to
evaluate any applications prior to submission to EXCOM for consideration.

C) Common standards of working practices and facilities for Warehouses

1. For each 2500 sq. metres of space there should be access by means of an
operational door for vehicle loading/unloading, with a minimum of 2 doors per
Authorised Warehouse. The LME may, in its discretion, allow a fewer number of
operational doors and/or a wider area to be accessed by such operational doors.

2. A Warehouse must schedule load-outs, and take all reasonable steps to load out
metal, in accordance with the minimum daily load-out tonnage tables below.
However, where the total metal scheduled to be loaded out from a Warehouse for
a single metal owner exceeds the minimum daily load-out tonnage for the capacity
in the table below, the Warehouse will not be required to meet the minimum daily
load-out tonnage each day so long as it meets the aggregate minimum daily load-
out tonnage over the relevant period calculated in accordance with the table (e.g.
if the requests for the load-out of 2000 tonnes apply to a DP Warehouse's capacity
of 2500 sq. metres, the Warehouse is required to complete the load out within the
3 day period specified in the table, with no reference to the tonnage loaded out on
any one of those days).
For a DP Warehouse storing up to (but not including) 150,000 tonnes of metal, the
following table is applicable.

DP Warehouse’s authorised space in sq. Minimum daily load-out tonnage

metres for all metals
0 sq.m to 2,500 sq.m 800 tonnes
2,501 sq.m to 5,000 sq.m 1,200 tonnes
5,001 sq.m to 7,500 sq.m 1,500 tonnes

For a DP Warehouse storing 150,000 tonnes and above, the following table is

DP Warehouse’s tonnage stored Minimum daily load-out tonnage

for all metals
150,000 tonnes to 299,999 tonnes 2,000 tonnes
300,000 tonnes to 599,999 tonnes 2,500 tonnes
600,000 tonnes to 899,999 tonnes 3,500 tonnes
900,000 tonnes and over 4,000 tonnes

NB: The minimum daily load-out tonnage is for load-out only and does not include

3. When a DP Warehouse's tonnage stored increases beyond any of the 150,000,

300,000, 600,000 or 900,000 tonnes thresholds, the applicable revised minimum
daily load-out tonnage shall have effect from the date which is 30 days from the
date on which the threshold is passed. This will allow the Warehouse to implement
the necessary scheduling changes in order to meet the increased minimum daily
load-out tonnage. However, when a DP Warehouse's tonnage stored falls beneath
any of the 150,000, 300,000, 600,000 or 900,000 tonnes thresholds, a Warehouse
will still be required to load out all outstanding load-outs scheduled on or prior to
the date on which the tonnage falls beneath such threshold on the basis of that

4. In addition to the minimum daily load-out tonnage stipulated in paragraphs C2 and

C5, where a DP Warehouse satisfies the following conditions:

(a) the DP Warehouse has total scheduled load-out commitments of 30,000

tonnes or more; and

(b) a minimum of 30,000 tonnes of those scheduled commitments are for one
metal (being the first metal scheduled to be loaded out that day) (the "Daily
Dominant Metal");

the Warehouse shall be required to load out in that Delivery Point a minimum
aggregate amount of 500 tonnes per day of one or more metal(s) other than the
Daily Dominant Metal (the "Additional Daily Metal"), provided that such load-outs
are requested. For the avoidance of doubt, a Warehouse must load out the
Additional Daily Metal in the order in which such metal is requested for load-out.

5. In respect of each DP Warehouse, a Warehouse is required to load out a minimum

daily quantity of the following metals (subject to there being sufficient requests for
such metals).

a) Tin: 60 tonnes

b) Nickel: 60 tonnes

c) Metal warranted pursuant to the LME's specifications for the aluminium alloy
contract and the North American Special Aluminium Alloy Contract
("NASAAC") (together "Aluminium Alloys"): 500 tonnes

d) Cobalt: 60 tonnes

A Warehouse may satisfy the minimum daily quantities of Tin, Nickel, Aluminium
Alloys and Cobalt in this paragraph as part of the normal course scheduling of
metal in the Queue, including the minimum daily load-out tonnage at paragraph C2
and Additional Daily Metal load-out requirements at paragraph C4, but not any
additional requirement under the LILO Rule. For the avoidance of doubt, where a
Warehouse has not, as part of its normal course scheduling of metal, satisfied the
minimum daily quantities of Tin, Nickel, Aluminium Alloys and Cobalt under this
paragraph, the Warehouse must (where requests for such metal have been made)
also load out an additional amount of Tin, Nickel, Aluminium Alloys and/or Cobalt
to meet the minimum load-out quantities required by this paragraph.

6. In addition to the minimum daily load-out tonnage stipulated in paragraphs C2 to

C5 above, an "Affected DP Warehouse" (as defined at paragraph 3 of Section E
below) shall be required to comply with the Linked Load-In and Load-Out
Requirements set out in Section E below. However, where a market participant
requests it to do so, the LME, acting reasonably in its sole discretion, may, on an
exceptional basis disapply such requirements in any case where the LME
considers that it is appropriate to do so in order to prevent abuse and/or preserve
the orderly functioning of the market, or it is otherwise proportionate to do so. The
LME will review Queue scheduling with Affected DP Warehouses. For the
avoidance of doubt, the Affected DP Warehouse concerned is responsible for
ensuring its own compliance with the Warehouse Requirements; the LME will not
provide confirmation and/or endorse a Warehouse's Queue scheduling for the
purposes of compliance with the Warehouse Requirements. In the event that a
DP Warehouse becomes subject to increased minimum load-out requirements
under this policy, it is the responsibility of the Warehouse to reschedule the whole
Queue for the given Delivery Point, by offering the additional slots to metal owners
depending on their order in the Queue (starting with the first metal owners in the

7. All movements of metal out of a Warehouse must comply with the Warehouse
Requirements. In particular:
(a) The movement of metal out of a Warehouse must be accompanied by a bill of
lading or other document or correspondence (issued by a carrier to the
Warehouse or issued by the Warehouse to a carrier), no matter the form of
transportation, listing goods for transport and the intended recipient; and

(b) The recipient on the document at (a) above cannot be an entity which is an
Authorised Warehouse or an off-Warrant warehouse located in the same
Delivery Point where the metal is loaded out, if such Authorised Warehouse or
off-Warrant warehouse is owned or operated by the Warehouse loading out the
metal, or is a company in the Warehouse's Group. In the event that the
document at (a) is issued by the Warehouse, then the Warehouse shall be
responsible for the veracity of the information contained therein. In the event
that the metal owner wishes to keep confidential from the Warehouse the
destination of the metal, the Warehouse must contact the LME to discuss
bespoke arrangements to demonstrate the load-out of the metal.

For the avoidance of doubt, any movement of metal that does not comply with the
requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b) above shall be in breach of this policy
(even if the Warehouse has already met its minimum daily load-out tonnage by
means of movements of metal out of the Warehouse that do comply with the
requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b) above). A movement of metal that does
not comply with the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b) above shall also not
be counted towards a Warehouse’s minimum daily load-out tonnage. Material
placed into containers within an Authorised Warehouse may be counted as a load-
out by the Warehouse provided that the container is sealed on that day. For the
avoidance of doubt, a high volume of sealed containers should have no impact on
the load-out requirements.

8. Warehouses must process each request for the load-out of metal without undue
delay and schedule load-out slots strictly in the order in which requests for load-
out are received, unless the metal owners agree otherwise. In respect of a given
request for load-out, a Warehouse must schedule load-out slots to commence no
later than the same time on the second business day after the completion of
Formalities (the "Deemed Load-Out Time") (i.e. where completion of Formalities
takes place at 10am (local time) on Friday and Monday and Tuesday are business
days, the Deemed Load-Out Time will be 10am on Tuesday).

9. A "Queue", in respect of a given request for the load-out of metal, is deemed to

arise at the earlier of (a) the date and time of the first scheduled load-out slot; or
(b) the Deemed Load-Out Time. The length of a Queue at a given DP Warehouse
on a given date is to be calculated as the number of days (rounded up to the
nearest whole day) for which a metal owner would need to wait for the first available
load-out slot if the Deemed Load-Out Time for the requested metal is 10am (local
time for the Warehouse concerned) on that date.

10. Warehouses shall publish (on their website or other appropriate method) a clear
process for scheduling and handling load-out slots (including required documents,
timing of operations, etc.).
11. Warehouses are required to supply the LME with their current rent and Free on
Truck ("FOT") charges. In addition, Warehouses are also required to publish on
their website in an easily accessible manner the current level of charges in respect
of (i) Free on Rail, (ii) Free Alongside, (iii) Free in Container Yard (which, for the
avoidance of doubt, shall relate to the cost of packing a container at a facility
nominated by the Warehouse, with the cost of transportation of such container to
and from the facility being for the account of the metal owner), (iv) metal re-
warranting, and (v) slot rescheduling at the request of the metal owner. Certain of
these charges may not be applicable given the transportation modes available at
the Delivery Point, in which case this should be noted on the website. Warehouses
may not charge fees for these services that exceed the levels published on their
website, and may not impose any other compulsory charges on metal owners in
respect of these logistical activities, other than those so published.

12. The FOT charges imposed by a Warehouse on a given metal owner shall be the
rates published on the date of the request for load-out of the metal, not the date
of load-out of the requested metal.

13. With the exception of inland Delivery Points, there should be no charges above
the FOT for transferring metal to the Warehouse's approved and nominated
loading berths (as advised to the LME in schedule B of the warehouse application);
the unloading of such metal from the truck being for the receiver’s account.

14. There should be no charges above the FOT for transferring metal to the nearest
railhead in Delivery Points situated in the countries referred to in section B3 above
(as advised to the LME in schedule B of the warehouse application); the loading
of such metal onto a railcar being for the receiver's account.

15. Warehouses are reminded that, in general, the minimum daily load-out tonnages
set out in this policy are minimum load-out requirements, not minimum scheduling
requirements. However, metal owners are also reminded of their obligations in
respect of observing reasonable logistical arrangements in respect of metal
collection. In particular, in the event that no metal owner wishes to avail
themselves of a load-out slot offered on a reasonable basis and at a reasonable
time of day, a Warehouse will be permitted to count the tonnage which would have
been loaded out in that slot towards its load-out requirements if it can verify that
the empty slot had originally been offered to all metal owners in the Queue.

D) The Premium Contract Rule

1. DP Warehouses without Queues in a particular Delivery Point are eligible for the
load-out of Warrants in that Delivery Point against contracts designated by the
LME as "Premium Contracts" ("Premium Warrants"). The specification of Premium
Contracts is made by the LME pursuant to the requirements in the "Premium
Contract Regulations" set out in the LME Rulebook. Warrants not so endorsed
will be referred to as "Standard Warrants". The ability to endorse Premium
Warrants applies at the level of the DP Warehouse. Accordingly, if a Warehouse
has a Queue in one Delivery Point, this will not prevent the Warehouse endorsing
Premium Warrants at its Authorised Warehouses in a different Delivery Point,
provided that the second facility does not have a Queue.

2. In order for a Warehouse to endorse a Warrant as a Premium Warrant, the

following conditions must be satisfied:

(a) the DP Warehouse must be located in one of the premium regions, as set out
in the Premium Contract Regulations;

(b) the DP Warehouse must have opted-in to the Premium Warrant regime, by
completing the appropriate agreement with the LME - the LME will publish a
list of all DP Warehouses which have opted-in to the premium warrant regime;

(c) at the time of endorsement of the Premium Warrant, the DP Warehouse must
not have a Queue in respect of any LME metal.

3. A Premium Warrant can only be endorsed if the metal owner so requests, and the
Warehouse agrees to do so. There are two routes by which a Premium Warrant
may be created:

(a) In connection with fresh metal loaded in to the DP Warehouse, a Warrant is

issued in respect of that metal, and is immediately endorsed as a Premium
Warrant. Warehouses may set a different rent and FOT rate in respect of
Premium Warrants – such rates will be reported to the LME by Warehouses
and published annually in the same way as for Standard Warrant rent and
FOT rates. As with current metal load-in, no Warehouse is obligated to accept
metal for warranting, and metal owners must ensure that Premium Warrant
creation capacity is available at their intended DP Warehouse – in particular,
it is expected that Warehouses will not wish to warrant more premium metal
than they could logistically load out pursuant to the greater requirements
attaching to such metal. However, the LME would expect Warehouses which
have opted-in to the Premium Warrant regime not to unreasonably refuse the
load-in of metal and the creation of Premium Warrants; or

(b) An existing Standard Warrant is converted to a Premium Warrant.

Warehouses opting-in to the premium warrant regime may indicate whether
or not they are prepared to undertake such conversion, and to identify if they
wish to charge a conversion fee (the amount of which will be reported to the
LME and published annually by the Warehouse) which will be levied in this
event. Warehouses may also set a maximum quota (expressed as a tonnage)
in respect of the maximum amount of Standard Warrants which they will be
prepared to convert to Premium Warrants. This may be important for
Warehouses with large stocks of Standard Warrants, and which would not be
able to take on the additional requirements were the entire stock to be
converted to Premium Warrants. However, within their stated quota,
Warehouses will be expected to convert Standard Warrants into Premium
Warrants on a non-discriminatory and first-come-first-served basis. Once a
Standard Warrant has been converted into a Premium Warrant, then the
Warehouse’s published Premium Warrant rents and FOTs will apply

4. In the event that a Premium Warrant is cancelled and a Queue develops at the DP
Warehouse in the Delivery Point, such that any metal owner who, having cancelled
a Warrant; paid FOT, or equivalent, and rent; provided shipping instructions; and
requested prompt load-out, is told that load-out cannot be completed by the
Deemed Load-Out Time; the Warehouse will have an immediate duty to inform
the LME, which will, within one London business day, announce to the market that
the Warehouse will cease to be able to endorse Premium Warrants in that Delivery
Point three London business days following such announcement. Warehouses
which have cleared their Queues in the relevant Delivery Point will be entitled to
resume the issuance of Premium Warrants following the publication by the LME
of the next monthly Queues report confirming that no Queues remain. The
emergence of a Queue at a DP Warehouse does not change the status of
Premium Warrants previously issued by that DP Warehouse - such Warrants
remain Premium Warrants.

5. However, and notwithstanding the three day adjustment period, metal owners
should note that, given the above, the emergence of a Queue at a DP Warehouse
may impact their ability to create Premium Warrants in that Delivery Point.
Accordingly, those holding short positions in respect of LME Premium Contracts
are urged to ensure that they have created the requisite Premium Warrants in
good time prior to load-out.

6. Where a Queue arises, pursuant to the conditions set out in paragraph D4, the DP
Warehouse will have an obligation to load out metal relating to cancelled Premium
Warrants in a separate Queue. The minimum daily load-out rate for such metal
will be the higher of:

(a) 1,000 tonnes per day; and

(b) 3% of the total stock relating to Premium Warrants (live and cancelled) in the
DP Warehouse.

For the avoidance of doubt, load-out obligations in respect of Premium Warrants

are in addition to load-out obligations for Standard Warrants. In particular, the
basis on which minimum load-out rates for Standard Warrants are calculated takes
into account total stored tonnage in the DP Warehouse, related to both Standard
Warrants and Premium Warrants.

7. Once it has opted into the Premium Contract Rule, a DP Warehouse may only opt
out if its stock of Premium Warrants is zero.

8. Premium Warrants may be converted back to Standard Warrants by agreement

between the metal owner and the Warehouse. However, there shall be no
obligation on Warehouses to facilitate such transfers.
9. Premium Warrants may be re-warranted by agreement between the metal owners
and the Warehouse. However, there is no requirement on the Warehouse to re-
warrant cancelled Premium Warrants as new Premium Warrants, and a
Warehouse may reasonably offer to re-warrant a cancelled Premium Warrant as
a Standard Warrant.

E) Linked Load-In and Load-Out Requirements

1. Principle

The general principle of this requirement is to link load-in and load-out for DP
Warehouses with Queues of greater than 50 calendar days (the "Queue

2. LILO Rule Definitions

In relation to a particular DP Warehouse, a Business Day ("Business Day") is any

day on which that particular DP Warehouse is operating and subject to the current
LME minimum load-out requirement.

A Calculation Period ("Calculation Period") shall mean a three-month period in

respect of which a Warehouse must calculate its Incremental Load-Out
Requirement under paragraph E4 below. In a given year, the Calculation Periods
shall run as follows: (a) 1 February to 30 April; (b) 1 May to 31 July; (c) 1 August
to 31 October; and (d) 1 November to 31 January.

For each Calculation Period, the corresponding Discharge Period (i.e. the period
during which the Incremental Load-Out Requirement must be met in accordance
with paragraph E5 below) shall be the three month period starting on the date one
calendar month following the end of that Calculation Period (the "Discharge
Period"). In a given year, the corresponding Discharge Periods shall run as follows:
(a) 1 June to 31 August; (b) 1 September to 30 November; (c) 1 December to the
last day of February; and (d) 1 March to 31 May.

In relation to a particular DP Warehouse on any given Business Day, the Normal

Daily Minimum Load-Out Rate is the amount of metal required to be loaded out
according to the LME requirements set out in Section C of this Policy (the "Normal
Daily Minimum Load-Out Rate") as follows:

(a) On the Business Day in question, the minimum daily load-out tonnage, in
accordance with the tables set out in paragraph C2 above.

(b) If, on the Business Day in question, a DP Warehouse is required to load-out

an Additional Daily Metal (pursuant to paragraph C4 above), such additional
load-out will be counted towards the Normal Daily Minimum Load-Out Rate
for the Business Day in question.

(b) If, on the Business Day in question, a DP Warehouse is required to make an

additional load-out of nickel, tin, Aluminium Alloys and/or Cobalt (pursuant to
paragraph C5 above), such additional load-out will be counted towards the
Normal Daily Minimum Load-Out Rate for the Business Day in question.

Re-warranted Metal ("Re-warranted Metal") is metal in respect of which a Warrant

has been cancelled, but has not been loaded out of the DP Warehouse (due to the
presence of a Queue or other operational constraint), and in respect of which the
metal owner has requested that the Warehouse issues a new Warrant (and hence
reverses the original request to load-out that metal).

The Decay Factor shall be the coefficient applied in the equation at paragraph E4
below. The value of the Decay Factor shall be 1.0. For the avoidance of doubt, the
current and future values of the Decay Factor remain subject to modification
pursuant to paragraph E6 below.

3. Affected DP Warehouses

On any given Business Day, an Affected DP Warehouse is a DP Warehouse with

a Queue of greater than the Queue Threshold. Queue lengths will continue to be
measured and reported to the LME by DP Warehouses, with the LME continuing
to exercise oversight in respect of such measurements. For the avoidance of
doubt, to the extent that a DP Warehouse has scheduled load-outs pursuant to
any Incremental Load-Out Requirement arising per this policy, then the Queue
length may take into account such incremental scheduled load-outs.

4. Calculating the Incremental Load-Out Requirement

The Incremental Load-Out Requirement shall mean the additional amount of metal
that must be discharged by an Affected DP Warehouse during the course of the
relevant Discharge Period in accordance with paragraph E5 below, over and
above the load-out required by the Normal Daily Minimum Load-Out Rate on each
day of that Discharge Period (the "Incremental Load-Out Requirement"). The
Incremental Load-Out Requirement is derived on the final day of the relevant
Calculation Period, as set out more fully in this paragraph E4.

During each Calculation Period, a DP Warehouse shall measure:

a) the sum of metal that the DP Warehouse is required to load out pursuant to
the Normal Daily Minimum Load-Out Rate (the "Cumulative Normal
Minimum Load-Out"); and

b) the sum of metal, increasing incrementally each Business Day, that the DP
Warehouse loads in during the relevant Calculation Period (the "Cumulative

During each Calculation Period, the Cumulative Normal Minimum Load-Out and
Cumulative Load-In shall be measured from the Relevant Calculation Date until
the last Business Day of the Calculation Period.
a) For each Calculation Period prior to 1 February 2020 and any Calculation
Period during which a DP Warehouse is an Affected DP Warehouse on the
first Business Day of the relevant Calculation Period, the Relevant
Calculation Date is the first Business Day of the Calculation Period.

b) For each Calculation Period commencing on or after 1 February 2020

during which a DP Warehouse is not an Affected DP Warehouse on the first
Business Day of the relevant Calculation Period but becomes an Affected
DP Warehouse during the Calculation Period, the Relevant Calculation
Date is the Business Day on which the DP Warehouse first becomes an
Affected DP Warehouse during that Calculation Period.

During each Calculation Period, the Cumulative Load-In will be increased by the
amount of new metal placed on-warrant in the DP Warehouse on each Business
Day from the Relevant Calculation Date until the last Business Day of the
Calculation Period (which, for the avoidance of doubt, shall not include Re-
warranted Metal).

During each Calculation Period, the Cumulative Normal Minimum Load-Out will be
increased by the Normal Daily Minimum Load-Out Rate for each Business Day
from the Relevant Calculation Date until the last Business Day of the Calculation

At the end of the Calculation Period, the Incremental Load-Out Requirement can
be calculated as:

(i) the Decay Factor multiplied by the Cumulative Load-In, up to and including the
Cumulative Normal Minimum Load-Out;


(ii) the amount of Cumulative Load-In in excess of the Cumulative Normal

Minimum Load-Out.

For the avoidance of doubt, if the DP Warehouse has not been an Affected DP
Warehouse on any day during a given Calculation Period, then the Incremental
Load-Out Requirement will be zero in respect of that Calculation Period.

5. Discharging the Incremental Load-Out Requirement

At the end of each Calculation Period, the DP Warehouse must calculate the
current Incremental Load-Out Requirement as at the last day of the Calculation
Period. The DP Warehouse must satisfy the Incremental Load-Out Requirement
during the subsequent corresponding Discharge Period in addition to its load-out
obligations in accordance with Section C above, subject to the provisions in this
paragraph and provided load-out demand is present.

A DP Warehouse subject to this paragraph is not required to satisfy a particular

daily incremental load-out rate – however, in aggregate over the course of the
Discharge Period, the full Incremental Load-Out Requirement must be satisfied,
subject to the provisions in this paragraph.

If, during the Discharge Period, the Queue at the DP Warehouse falls below 30
days, the DP Warehouse is no longer required to schedule additional load-out slots
to satisfy the Incremental Load-Out Requirement during the Discharge Period. For
the avoidance of doubt, the DP Warehouse must fulfil all scheduled load-out slots.

The DP Warehouse must offer additional slots created to meet the Incremental
Load-Out Requirement to metal owners strictly in the order requests for load-out
are received. However, where:

a) a request for load-out of metal by a metal owner (being the "Affecting

Requestor" or, together with any other metal owners determined by the LME
in its sole discretion to be acting in concert, the "Affecting Requestors")
results in the DP Warehouse becoming an Affected DP Warehouse (such
request, together with any previous requests by the Affecting Requestors
which contributed to the Queue at the date of the DP Warehouse becoming
the Affected DP Warehouse, being the "Affecting Requests"); and

b) prior to the Affecting Requests, the DP Warehouse had a Queue of less

than 30 days,

the DP Warehouse may request permission from the LME (granted at its sole
discretion) to disregard, for the purposes of offering additional load-out slots under
this paragraph, the Affecting Requestor(s). If such permission is granted, the DP
Warehouse must still satisfy the Incremental Load-Out Requirement during the
relevant Discharge Period in accordance with this paragraph, but additional load-
out slots may be offered to metal owners in the Queue other than the Affecting
Requestor(s). For the avoidance of doubt, this may result in the DP Warehouse
processing load-out requests not in the strict order requests for load-out are
received (as between the Affecting Requestor(s) and other metal owners).

6. Adjusting the Decay Factor and/or Queue Threshold

The LME, acting reasonably in its sole discretion, may adjust the Decay Factor
and/or the Queue Threshold either on a market-wide basis or on a per-DP
Warehouse basis where the LME considers that it is appropriate to do so in order
to prevent abuse and/or preserve the orderly functioning of the market, or it is
otherwise proportionate to do so.

7. A worked example of the calculation

This worked example is provided for illustrative purposes only and should not be
relied upon for any reason.

(a) Consider a notional DP Warehouse with stocks of 2,000,000 tonnes of a

single metal. Pursuant to this Policy, the Normal Daily Minimum Load-Out
Rate is 4,000 tonnes per Business Day. Consider further that the DP
Warehouse chooses to load-out precisely its Normal Daily Minimum Load-
Out Rate (4,000 tonnes) on each Business Day.

(b) Consider that, of the DP Warehouse’s stocks, 1,000,000 tonnes are

represented by metal requested for load-out. Assuming that metal owners of
all of the requested metal have completed the necessary Formalities, then the
DP Warehouse’s load-out Queue will hold 1,000,000 tonnes of metal. At a
load-out rate of 4,000 tonnes per Business Day, the Queue length will be:

(i) 1,000,000 tonnes / 4,000 tonnes per Business Day

(ii) = 250 Business Days
(iii) = 350 calendar days (assuming all weekdays are Business Days)

For the avoidance of doubt, in practice, the Queue length will be determined
by the Warehouse concerned on the basis of schedules provided to metal

(c) Consider that the DP Warehouse places on-warrant a constant amount of

4,100 tonnes per Business Day. Consider also that, on each Business Day,
Warrant holders cancel an amount of 4,000 tonnes of metal (thus balancing
the load-out of 4,000 tonnes per Business Day, resulting in a constant Queue
length until such time as the Incremental Load-Out Requirement comes into
effect). There is assumed to be no re-warranting of metal in this scenario.

(d) At the start of the Calculation Period, the Cumulative Load-In and Cumulative
Normal Minimum Load-Out are set to zero.

As the DP Warehouse has a Queue greater than the Queue Threshold on the
first day of the Calculation Period, the Relevant Calculation Date is the first
day of the Calculation Period.

Therefore, on each day during the Calculation Period from the Relevant
Calculation Date:

a) the Cumulative Load-In will be increased by the amount of new metal

placed on-warrant in the DP Warehouse on the Business Day in
question (which, for the avoidance of doubt, shall not include Re-
warranted Metal) – in this case 4,100 tonnes.

b) the Cumulative Normal Minimum Load-Out will be increased by the

Normal Daily Minimum Load-Out Rate for the Business Day in question
– in this case 4,000 tonnes.

(e) At the end of the Calculation Period, and assuming that each weekday during
the Calculation Period is a Business Day for the DP Warehouse (in this
example resulting in a total of 64 Business Days during the Calculation
Period), then the Cumulative Load-In will total 262,400 tonnes, and the
Cumulative Normal Minimum Load-Out will total 256,000 tonnes.
The Incremental Load-Out Requirement will be calculated as follows:

(i) Decay Factor multiplied by the Cumulative Load-In, up to and including

the Cumulative Normal Minimum Load-Out;


(ii) the Cumulative Load-In above the Cumulative Normal Minimum Load-

= 1.0 x 256,000 + (262,400 – 256,000) = 256,000 + 6,400

= 262,400 tonnes

(f) During the Discharge Period, the DP Warehouse will be required to load-out
the Incremental Load-Out Requirement relating to the First Calculation Period
(262,400 tonnes in total over the course of the Discharge Period), in addition
to its Normal Daily Minimum Load-Out Rate of 4,000 tonnes per Business
Day, provided load-out demand is present.

(g) This process continues through subsequent Calculation Periods (and

associated Discharge Periods), until such time as the DP Warehouse ceases
to be an Affected DP Warehouse.

F) Continued compliance with the LME policy for Warehouses

1. A Warehouse must at all times comply with the Warehouse Requirements. In the
event that a Warehouse does not appear to meet the Warehouse Requirements,
there will be an initial review by the LME and consultation with the Warehouse

2. If the Warehouse can demonstrate that it will upgrade facilities or work practices
to meet the LME’s new standards, the LME will consider the appropriate amount
of time to allow for such a process. Warehouses could, for example, be given a
period of time to upgrade their facilities or relocate to a more suitable building
within the Delivery Point, but this would be determined on a case by case basis,
according to the circumstances.

3. If after consultation with the Warehouse, the Warehouse is unwilling or unable to

upgrade its facilities or work practices to meet the LME’s standards, the LME
retains the right to restrict the capacity of that Warehouse (or DP Warehouse as
appropriate) or to delist it. In particular, if a Warehouse fails to comply with the
Linked Load-In and Load-Out Requirements per Section E, then the Board may
(among other actions) restrict the ability of that Warehouse to create Warrants in
that Delivery Point until load-in and load-out are brought into alignment pursuant
to the requirements.
4. Prior to implementation, the LME would give the necessary notice of any action to
be taken to the Warehouse and allow for formal representations to be made.

G) Queue Based Rent Cap

The provisions of this Section G shall take effect on 1 February 2020 (the
"Effective Date"). The provisions of this Section G shall be referred to as the
"Queue Based Rent Cap". For the avoidance of doubt, Cancellations that take
place prior to the Effective Date shall remain subject to the previous version of the
Policy in force prior to 1 February 2020.

1. When a Warrant, or a consignment of Warrants, are the subject of a Cancellation

(the "First Cancellation Amount") at a DP Warehouse on a specific date (the "First
Actual Cancellation Date") by a single metal owner, or multiple metal owners acting
in concert as determined by the LME in its sole discretion, who owned no Warrants
in respect of metal in the Queue of that DP Warehouse before such Cancellation,
the "Deemed Cancellation Dates" in respect of that First Cancellation Amount shall
be as follows1. For the avoidance of doubt, the Deemed Cancellation Date is to be
calculated at the point of Cancellation (i.e. the completion of Formalities in respect
of the request for load-out) and is not recalculated in the event of rescheduling due
to re-warranting or an increase in load-out rates due to the LILO Rule.

(a) The Deemed Cancellation Date in respect of the amount of metal scheduled
into the Queue on the first available day in the schedule2 (the "First Day Load-
Out Amount") forming part of the First Cancellation Amount shall be the First
Actual Cancellation Date.

(b) The Deemed Cancellation Date in respect of the amount of metal scheduled
into the Queue on the second available day in the schedule3 (the "Second
Day Load-Out Amount") forming part of the First Cancellation Amount shall
be X calendar days after the First Actual Cancellation Date (where "X" is the
number of calendar days between the scheduled load-out slots4 for the First
Day Load-Out Amount and the Second Day Load-Out Amount).

(c) The Deemed Cancellation Date in respect of the amount of metal scheduled
in the Queue on the third available day of the schedule (the "Third Day Load-

It should be noted that the concept of "Deemed Cancellation" is relevant only for the purposes of Queue
Based Rent Cap calculations. It does not impact the fact that stock is subject to a request for load-out
for the purposes of stock reporting, queue calculation etc.
For the avoidance of doubt, the quantum of the First Day Load-Out Amount will be determined by (i)
the minimum daily load-out tonnage of the relevant DP Warehouse applicable on the scheduled date of
load-out, and (ii) the amount of metal from any previous Cancellation already scheduled into the Queue
on that day.
For the avoidance of doubt, the quantum of the Second Day Load-Out Amount will be determined by
the minimum daily load-out tonnage of the relevant DP Warehouse applicable on the scheduled date of
For the avoidance of doubt, this means the actual slot scheduled including the effect of any weekend.
Out Amount") forming part of the First Cancellation Amount shall be Y
calendar days after the First Actual Cancellation Date (where "Y" is the
number of calendar days between the scheduled load-out slots4 for the First
Day Load-Out Amount and the Third Day Load-Out Amount).

(d) This shall continue for the calculation of the Deemed Cancellation Date in
respect of each Day Load-Out Amount forming part of the First Cancellation
Amount, including, lastly, in respect of the final part of the First Cancellation

2. Further, if a metal owner, or several metal owners acting in concert as determined

by the LME in its sole discretion, who holds Warrants subject to a Cancellation in
respect of which the metal has not yet been loaded out by a DP Warehouse,
subsequently requests the Cancellation of additional Warrants representing any
amount (the "Additional Cancellation Amount") in the same DP Warehouse on the
same or a different date (the "Additional Actual Cancellation Date"), the "Deemed
Cancellation Dates" for the Additional Cancellation Amount shall be as follows.
For the avoidance of doubt, the Deemed Cancellation Date of the Additional
Cancellation Amount is to be calculated at the point of Cancellation (i.e. the
completion of Formalities in respect of the request for load-out) and is not
recalculated in the event of rescheduling due to re-warranting or an increase in
load-out rates due to the LILO Rule.

(a) The Deemed Cancellation Date in respect of the amount of metal scheduled
into the Queue on the first available day in the schedule2 (the "First Day Load-
Out Amount") forming part of the Additional Cancellation Amount shall be N
calendar days after the Additional Actual Cancellation Date (where "N" is the
number of calendar days occupied in the Queue by any previous
Cancellations in the Queue, not including the effect of the Additional
Cancellation Amount, attributable to the metal owner or other metal owners
acting in concert, rounded up to the nearest whole calendar day).

(b) The Deemed Cancellation Date in respect of the amount of metal scheduled
into the Queue on the second available day in the schedule 3 (the "Second
Day Load-Out Amount") forming part of the Additional Cancellation Amount
shall be N+X calendar days after the Additional Actual Cancellation Date
(where "X" is the number of calendar days between the scheduled load-out
slots4 for the First Day Load-Out Amount and the Second Day Load-Out

(c) The Deemed Cancellation Date in respect of the amount of metal scheduled
into the Queue on the third available day in the schedule (the "Third Day Load-
Out Amount") forming part of the Additional Cancellation Amount shall be N+Y
calendar days after the Additional Actual Cancellation Date (where "Y" is the
number of calendar days between the scheduled load-out slots4 for the First
Day Load-Out Amount and the Third Day Load-Out Amount).

(d) This shall continue for the calculation of the Deemed Calculation Date in
respect of each Day Load-Out Amount forming part of the Additional
Cancellation Amount, including, lastly, in respect of the final part of the
Additional Cancellation Amount.

3. A Warehouse shall track the waiting time for load-out of metal from the "Applicable
Cancellation Date", being the latest of: (i) the date of Cancellation; (ii) the Effective
Date; and (iii) the Deemed Cancellation Date (in the case of Warrants which meet
the conditions described in paragraph G1 or G2 above). Notwithstanding any other
provisions of this Policy, a Warehouse should generally load out metal from its
Authorised Warehouses as quickly as possible, and at worst within the number of
calendar days of the Applicable Cancellation Date specified in paragraph G4
below. Failure to achieve load-out within this timescale shall result in the
Warehouse being obliged to reduce its Rent in accordance with the provisions set
out below (but, for the avoidance of doubt, the Warehouse shall not incur any other
penalty for failure to meet the timescales set out in this Section G unless in
contravention of other provisions of the Policy, Warehouse Agreement or other
requirements of the LME).

4. Where the number of calendar days waiting time from the Applicable Cancellation
Date exceeds the QBRC Threshold, the Warehouse may not charge any further
Rent for the cancelled metal.

The QBRC Threshold means the following:

a) from 1 February 2020 to 30 April 2020: 50 days

b) from 1 May 2020 to 31 July 2020: 60 days

c) from 1 August to 31 October 2020: 70 days

d) from 1 November 2020 onwards: 80 days

For the avoidance of doubt, the QBRC Threshold that applies in respect of a given
Cancellation is the QBRC Threshold in force at the point of Cancellation (i.e. the
date of completion of Formalities in respect of the request for load-out) and is not
recalculated in the event of rescheduling due to re-warranting or an increase in
load-out rates due to the LILO Rule. The LME will be monitoring the operation of
the QBRC Threshold and reserves its right to exercise its discretion under
paragraph G7.

5. However, and without prejudice to its general powers under Paragraph G7 below,
the LME may by Notice inform the market that the increases in the QBRC
Threshold anticipated in Clause G4 will cease, in which case the QBRC Threshold
will remain at its last level. So, for example, the LME may state on 1 September
2020 that the planned increase of the QBRC Threshold to 80 days on 1 November
2020 will not take place, and the QBRC Threshold will hence remain at 70 days.

6. A worked example of the calculation.

This worked example is provided for illustrative purposes only and is not intended
to replace or vary the framework in paragraphs G1 and G2 above. Accordingly,
this worked example should not be relied upon for any reason.

(a) Consider the Cancellation of a clip of 10,000 tonnes (the "First Cancellation
Amount"), on 4 May 2020 (the "First Actual Cancellation Date") at a DP
Warehouse with a Queue of 150 calendar days, and a daily load-out
requirement of 4,000 tonnes, by an owner who at present has no metal in the
Queue at that DP Warehouse.

(b) The first 4,000 tonnes (the "First Day Load-Out Amount") of the clip will be
scheduled on 24 September 2020 (a Thursday). The second 4,000 tonnes
(the "Second Day Load-Out Amount") of the clip will be scheduled on 25
September 2020 (a Friday). The final 2,000 tonnes (the "Third Day Load-Out
Amount") of the clip will be scheduled on 28 September 2020 (a Monday).

(c) The Deemed Cancellation Date, and hence the Applicable Cancellation Date
for the purposes of the QBRC "clock", for the first 4,000 tonnes (scheduled for
load-out on 24 September 2020) will be the First Actual Cancellation Date,
namely 4 May 2020. Given the value of the QBRC Threshold on the First
Actual Cancellation Date is 60 days, zero rent will become payable after 60
days from the First Actual Cancellation Date (i.e. on 3 July 2020).

(d) The Deemed Cancellation Date, and hence the Applicable Cancellation Date
for the purposes of the QBRC "clock", for the second 4,000 tonnes (scheduled
for load-out on 25 September 2020) will be 5 May 2020 (i.e. one day after the
First Actual Cancellation Date).

(e) The Deemed Cancellation Date, and hence the Applicable Cancellation Date
for the purposes of the QBRC "clock", for the final 2,000 tonnes (scheduled for
load-out on 28 September 2020) will be 8 May 2020 (i.e. four days after the
First Actual Cancellation Date, taking into account the effect of the last
weekend in September on the load-out scheduling).

(f) On 11 May 2020 (the "Additional Actual Cancellation Date"), the same metal
owner cancels an incremental 10,000 tonnes (the "Additional Cancellation
Amount") at the same DP Warehouse. By this date, the Queue (including the
effect of the metal owner’s first Cancellation and potentially other Cancellations
but prior to the metal owner’s second Cancellation) has grown to 155 calendar

(g) The original 10,000 tonne Cancellation by that metal owner is responsible for
5 days of the 155 day Queue (rounded up, and including the effect of the last
weekend of September on the scheduling).

(h) The first 4,000 tonnes (the "First Day Load-Out Amount") of the second clip
will be scheduled on 13 October 2020 (a Tuesday). The second 4,000 tonnes
(the "Second Day Load-Out Amount") of the clip will be scheduled on 14
October 2020 (a Wednesday). The final 2,000 tonnes (the "Third Day Load-
Out Amount") of the clip will be scheduled on 15 October 2020 (a Thursday).

(i) The Deemed Cancellation Date, and hence the Applicable Cancellation Date
for the purposes of the QBRC "clock", for the first 4,000 tonnes (scheduled for
load-out on 13 October 2020) would ordinarily be the Additional Actual
Cancellation Date, namely 11 May 2020. However, because the metal owner’s
prior Cancellation contributes five days, the Deemed Cancellation Date will be
five days later, namely 16 May 2020. Zero rent will become payable after 60
days (i.e. on 15 July 2020).

(j) The Deemed Cancellation Date, and hence the Applicable Cancellation Date
for the purposes of the QBRC "clock", for the second 4,000 tonnes (scheduled
for load-out on 14 October 2020) will be 17 May 2020.

(k) The Deemed Cancellation Date, and hence the Applicable Cancellation Date
for the purposes of the QBRC "clock", for the final 2,000 tonnes (scheduled for
load-out on 15 October 2020) will be 18 May 2020.

7. The LME, acting reasonably in its sole discretion, reserves the right, with or without
notice, to adjust the parameters of the Queue Based Rent Cap (including the
QBRC Threshold) or to suspend its application either on a market-wide basis or
on a per-Warehouse or per-DP Warehouse basis where the LME considers that it
is appropriate to do so in order to prevent abuse and/or preserve the orderly
functioning of the market, or it is otherwise proportionate to do so. The power to
act without notice will be reserved for urgent cases where any change would
ordinarily be implemented on a temporary rather than a permanent basis.

8. For the avoidance of doubt, Warehouses may still enter into rent discount
agreements with metal owners, provided that the maximum rates set out in this
Section G are respected.

H) Review of LME policy for Warehouses

This policy will be reviewed from time to time.

I) General Definitions

"Additional Actual Cancellation Date" shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph

"Additional Cancellation Amount" shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph G2.

"Additional Daily Metal" shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph C4.

"Affected DP Warehouse" shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph E3.

"Affecting Requests" shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph E5.

"Affecting Requestors" shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph E5.

"Aluminium Alloys" shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph C5.

"Applicable Cancellation Date" shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph G3.

"Authorised Warehouse" shall mean a warehouse storage facility operated by a

Warehouse in a particular Delivery Point, which has been approved by the LME for
the purposes of the Warehouse Agreement.

"Business Day" shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph E2.

"Calculation Period" shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph E2.

"Cancellation" shall mean the process by which a metal owner requests the
termination of a Warrant, or consignment of Warrants, and the delivery of the
underlying metal, and shall be deemed to take place at the point when the Formalities
in respect of that request are completed.

"Cumulative Normal Minimum Load-Out" shall have the meaning given to it in

paragraph E4.

"Cumulative Load-In" shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph E4.

"Daily Dominant Metal" shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph C4.

"Deemed Cancellation Date" shall have the meaning given to it in paragraphs G1 and

"Deemed Load-Out Time" shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph C8.

"Delivery Point" shall mean a specific geographic area within which Authorised
Warehouses are listed and approved by the LME for the issue of Warrants.

"Discharge Period" shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph E2.

"DP Warehouse" shall mean all the Authorised Warehouses of a particular Warehouse
within a Delivery Point.

"Effective Date" shall have the meaning given to it in Section G of this policy.

"EXCOM" shall mean the Executive Committee of the LME.

"First Actual Cancellation Date" shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph G1.

"First Cancellation Amount" shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph G1.

"First Day Load-Out Amount" shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph G1.
"Formalities" shall mean all the formalities considered, in the LME's sole discretion, to
be reasonably necessary to be completed by the metal owner to permit the load-out
of metal, including: the request to terminate the Warrant, the request for load-out of
the metal, the provision of shipping instructions, and the payment of applicable load-
out charges.

"Group" shall mean, in relation to a company, any subsidiary or any holding company
from time to time of that company, and any subsidiary from time to time of a holding
company of that company. The terms "holding company" and "subsidiary" have the
meanings given to them in section 1159 of the Companies Act 2006.

"Incremental Load-Out Requirement" shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph


"LILO Rule" shall mean the requirements set out in Section E of this policy.

"LME" or the "Exchange" shall mean The London Metal Exchange.

"LME Contract" shall mean a contract as defined by the LME Rulebook.

"Load-out" shall mean a delivery of metal out of the premises of an Authorised

Warehouse that meets the requirements of this policy (including for the avoidance of
doubt paragraph C9).

"Location" shall mean a geographic area capable of being a Delivery Point.

"Normal Daily Minimum Load-Out Rate" shall have the meaning given to it in
paragraph E2.

"Premium Warrant" shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph D1.

"Queue" shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph C9.

"Queue Based Rent Cap" shall have the meaning given to it in Section G of this policy.

"Queue Threshold" shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph E1.

"Rent" shall mean the maximum rent published by the Warehouse each year in
accordance with the provisions of the Warehouse Agreement.

"Re-warranted Metal" shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph E2.

"Second Day Load-Out Amount" shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph G1.

"Standard Warrant" shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph D1.

"Third Day Load-Out Amount" shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph G1.
"Warehouse" shall mean a warehouse company which has been approved by the LME
and which has agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions applicable to all LME
approved warehouses, as amended by the LME from time to time.

"Warehouse Agreement" shall mean the terms and conditions entered into between
the Warehouse and the LME, as applicable to all LME listed Warehouses.

"Warehouse Requirements" shall have the meaning given to it in paragraph A4.

"Warrant" shall mean a warehouse warrant for the storage of metal, issued by a
Warehouse and in a form approved by the LME.

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