SKF LGMT 2 is mineral oil based, lithium soap thickened grease with
excellent thermal stability within its operating temperature range. This
premium quality, general purpose grease is suitable for a wide range of
industrial and automotive applications.
Typical applications
• Agricultural equipment
• Automotive wheel bearings
• Conveyors
• Small electric motors
• Industrial fans
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Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this
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PUB MP/P8 12018/4 EN · January 2024
Certain image(s) used under license from Shutterstock.com.
Safety Data Sheet
Replaces date: 26/04/2023 Revision date: 08/05/2023
Version: 4.5.0
1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against
Recommended uses: Lubricant.
Safety Data Sheet
Replaces date: 26/04/2023 Revision date: 08/05/2023
Version: 4.5.0
2.2. Label elements
3.2. Mixtures
CAS No./ EC No./
Substance Concentration Notes CLP-classification
REACH Reg. No.
Skin Sens. 1;H317
Eye Irrit. 2;H319
Aquatic Chronic 3;H412
Naphthenic acids, zinc
282-762-6 < 1.2 %
salts, basic LD50 (Acute toxicity - dermal): >
01-2119988500-34 2000 mg/kg bw
LD50 (Acute toxicity - oral): > 2000
mg/kg bw
Repr. 2;H361f
Benzenamine, N- Aquatic Chronic 3;H412
phenyl-, reaction
270-128-1 < 0.25 % LD50 (Acute toxicity - oral): > 5000
products with 2,4,4-
01-2119491299-23 mg/kg bw
trimethylpentene LD50 (Acute toxicity - dermal): >
2000 mg/kg bw
Ingredient comments: The mineral oils in the product contain <3% DMSO extract(IP 346).
Ingestion: Wash out mouth thoroughly and drink 1-2 glasses of water in small sips. Seek medical
advice in case of discomfort.
Skin contact: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin with soap and water. Seek medical advice in
case of persistent discomfort.
Safety Data Sheet
Replaces date: 26/04/2023 Revision date: 08/05/2023
Version: 4.5.0
Eye contact: Flush with water (preferably using eye wash equipment) until irritation subsides. Seek
medical advice if symptoms persist.
General: When obtaining medical advice, show the safety data sheet or label.
4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed
May cause sensitisation by skin contact. Symptoms include reddening, swelling, blistering and ulceration - often slowly
4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed
Treat symptoms. No special immediate treatment required.
Unsuitable extinguishing Do not use water stream, as it may spread the fire.
For emergency responders: In addition to the above: Protective suit equivalent to EN 368, type 3, is recommended.
Measuring methods: Compliance with occupational exposure limits may be checked by occupational hygiene
Legal basis: EH40/2005 Workplace exposure limits. Last amended January 2020.
Personal protective equipment, Wear safety goggles if there is a risk of eye splash. Eye protection must conform to EN
eye/face protection: 166.
Personal protective equipment, Wear gloves. Type of material: Nitrile rubber. Breakthrough time has not been determined
hand protection: for the product. Change gloves often. Gloves must conform to EN 374.
The suitability and durability of a glove is dependant on usage, e.g. frequency and duration
of contact, glove material thickness, functionality and chemical resistance. Always seek
advice from the glove supplier.
Safety Data Sheet
Replaces date: 26/04/2023 Revision date: 08/05/2023
Version: 4.5.0
Initial boiling point and boiling range No data
Flammability (solid, gas) No data
Flammability limits No data
Explosion limits No data
Flash Point > 150 °C
Auto-ignition temperature No data
Decomposition temperature No data
pH (solution for use) No data
pH (concentrate) No data
Kinematic viscosity > 20.5 mm2/s (40 °C)
Viscosity No data
Partition coefficient n-octonol/water No data
Vapour pressure No data
Density < 1000 kg/m³ (25 °C)
Relative density No data
Vapour density No data
Relative density (sat. air) No data
Particle characteristics No data
10.1. Reactivity
Reacts with the following: Strong oxidisers.
The product does not have to be classified. Based on existing data, the classification criteria are deemed not to have been met.
Ingestion may cause discomfort.
The product does not have to be classified. Based on existing data, the classification criteria are deemed not to have been met.
The product does not have to be classified. Based on existing data, the classification criteria are deemed not to have been met.
Skin corrosion/irritation: The product does not have to be classified. Test data are not available. May irritate the skin
- may cause reddening.
Serious eye damage/eye The product does not have to be classified. Test data are not available. Temporary irritation.
Respiratory sensitisation or May cause sensitisation by skin contact. Symptoms include reddening, swelling, blistering
skin sensitisation: and ulceration - often slowly developing.
Germ cell mutagenicity: The product does not have to be classified. Test data are not available.
Carcinogenic properties: The product does not have to be classified. Test data are not available.
Reproductive toxicity: The product does not have to be classified. Test data are not available.
Single STOT exposure: The product does not have to be classified. Test data are not available.
Repeated STOT exposure: The product does not have to be classified. Test data are not available.
Safety Data Sheet
Replaces date: 26/04/2023 Revision date: 08/05/2023
Version: 4.5.0
Aspiration hazard: The product does not have to be classified. Test data are not available.
12.1. Toxicity
Benzenamine, N-phenyl-, reaction products with 2,4,4-trimethylpentene, cas-no 68411-46-1
Organism Species Exposure time Test Type Value Conclusion Test method Source
Fish Danio rerio 96hLC50 > 100 mg/l
The product contains small quantities of environmentally hazardous substances. The product does not have to be classified.
Based on existing data, the classification criteria are deemed not to have been met.
Category of waste: EWC code: Depends on line of business and use, for instance 13 08 99* wastes not
otherwise specified
14.1. UN number or ID number: Not applicable. 14.4. Packing group: Not applicable.
14.2. UN proper shipping Not applicable. 14.5. Environmental Not applicable.
name: hazards:
14.3. Transport hazard Not applicable.
Other Information: The product is not covered by the rules for transport of dangerous goods.
15.1. Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture
Special Provisions: Special care should be applied for employees under the age of 18. Young people under the
age of 18 may not carry out any work causing harmful exposure to this product.
Covered by:
Council Directive (EC) on the protection of young people at work.
Other Information: This safety data sheet has been prepared for and applies to this product only. It is based on
our current knowledge and the information that the supplier was able to provide about the
product at the time of preparation. The safety data sheet complies with applicable law on
preparation of safety data sheets in accordance with Regulation 1907/2006/EC “The
Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals” as amended by the stationary UK
REACH etc. (EU Exit) as subsequently changed.
Training advice: A thorough knowledge of this safety data sheet should be a prerequisite condition.
Safety Data Sheet
Replaces date: 26/04/2023 Revision date: 08/05/2023
Version: 4.5.0
Country: GB