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Probability and Statistics: Question Bank

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Murukambattu, Chittoor



Subject Code: 16SAH121
Regulation – R16
Murukambattu, Chittoor


Subject Name: Probability and Statistics Subject Code : 16SAH222

Year & Sem : I & II

II BTech II Sem C L T p
3 1 0 3
(Common to CSE, MEC, CE)

Course Educational Objectives:

CE01: The course is designed to equip the students with the necessary mathematical skills
and Techniques that are essential for an engineering course.

CEO2: To provide knowledge on

 Applying Probability, Generation of Random variables
 Generating Mean, Variance and Standard Deviations for Discrete and
Continuous Statistical Data
 Applying Various Statistical Distributions suitable for the available
statistical data
 Evaluating sampling data and Estimating the population parameters
 Constructing a curve, or mathematical function, that has the best fit to a
series of data points, possibly subject to constraints.
 Using appropriate test of Significance for the analysis of sampling data
 Using ANOVA to test whether there are any statistically significant
differences between the means of three or more independent (unrelated)
CEO3: To develop skill to analyze the discrete and continuous data using appropriate
Statistical Distributions like Binomial, Poisson, Normal..etc
CEO4: To develop skill to design different graphical representations like pie chart, Bar graph, scatter
Diagram, line graph, Regression line etc.,
CEO5: To inculcate skill to investigate different applications of statistical distributions and the
Corresponding conclusions required for the analysis of sample data.
CEO6: To develop skill to apply the concept of test of significance using t-test, f-test, chi-square
ANOVA suitable of the required conclusion.

UNIT - 1: Probability and Random variables

Probability: Sample space and events - Probability - The axioms of probability - Some elementary
theorems - Conditional probability - Baye’s theorem.

Random variables: Discrete and continuous distributions – Statistical Parameters (Mean, Variance
and Standard Deviation) of distribution functions.

UNIT - 2: Probability Distributions

Binomial - Poisson and Normal distributions - Related properties.

UNIT - 3: Sampling distribution and Estimation

Murukambattu, Chittoor


Subject Name: Probability and Statistics Subject Code : 16SAH222

Year & Sem : I & II
Sampling distribution: Populations and samples - Sampling distributions of mean (known and
unknown) - Proportions - Sums and differences.

Estimation: Point estimation - Interval estimation - Bayesian estimation.

UNIT - 4: Test of Hypothesis and Test of Significance

Test of Hypothesis: Means - Hypothesis concerning one and two means - Type I and Type II errors
- One tail, two-tail tests.

Test of Significance: Student’s t-test - F-test - Chi-square test of goodness of fit.

UNIT - 5: Curve fitting & ANNOVA

Curve fitting: The method of least squares – Linear, Parabola, Exponential and Power form.

ANNOVA: ANNOVA for one-way and two-way classification data.

Course Outcomes:

After the completion of this course, a successful student is able to

Course Outcomes POs related to COs
CO1 Demonstrate the knowledge on use the probability and Random PO1,PO2,PO3
Variables in the field of engineering
CO2 Demonstrate the knowledge in probability distributions and develop PO1,PO2,PO3
analytical skills for the problems involving means, probability
distributions and standard deviations sampling techniques for decision
making in uncertain environments
CO3 Construct confidence intervals on parameters for a single sample PO1,PO2,PO3

CO4 Demonstrate the knowledge in testing of hypotheses and Tests of PO1,PO2,PO3,PO4

significance for small and large samples and Develop skills for analyzing
the data with suitable tests of significance for practical situations through
probability distributions
CO5 Demonstrate the knowledge on constructing a curve, or mathematical PO1,PO2,PO3,PO4
function, that has the best fit to a series of data points, possibly subject to
constraints and develop skills for analyzing to test whether there are any
statistically significant differences between the means of three or more
independent (unrelated) groups using ANOVA

Text Books:

1. Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, 10/e, 2001, S.C. Gupta, V.K. Kapoor, S. Chand
and Company Publishers, New Delhi.
2. Probability and Statistics, 2012, T.K.V. Iyengar, B. Krishna Gandhi, S. Ranganatham and
M.V.S.S.N. Prasad , S. Chand and Company Publishers, New Delhi.

Murukambattu, Chittoor


Subject Name: Probability and Statistics Subject Code : 16SAH222

Year & Sem : I & II

Reference Books:

1. Probability and Statistics, 2011, V. Ravindranath, T.S.R. Murthy, I.K. International Pvt. Ltd,
New Delhi.
2. Probability and Statistics for Engineers, 6/e, 2006, Johnson A. Richard, Miler & Fruends,
Pearson Education, New Delhi.
3. Higher Engineering Mathematics, 34/e, 1999, Dr. B. S. Grewal, Khanna Publishers, Delhi
4. Probability and Statistics for Engineers, 2011, Dr. J. Ravichandran, Wiley-India Publishers,
New Delhi.
5. Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 7/e, 2002, Ronald E. Walpole,
Raymond H. Myers, Sharon L. Myers, Keying Ye, Pearson Education Asia, New Delhi.

Murukambattu, Chittoor


Subject Name: Probability and Statistics Subject Code : 16SAH222

Year & Sem : I & II

UNIT - 1: Probability and Random variables

Q. No. Questions Blooms Taxonomy
1 Define Mutually exclusive events. PO1
2 Define additive rule for two sets. PO1
3 What is the probability that 4S appear consecutively in the word PO1
MISSISSIPPI assuming that the letters are arranged random.
4 Define compound, independent and dependent events. PO1
Determine 1). P(B/A) ii) P(A/Bc) if A & B are events with P(A)=1/3,
5 PO2
P(B)=1/4, P(AUB)=1/2.
6 State Bayes Theorem. PO1
7 Define random variable. PO1
8 Define Discrete and Continuous random variables. PO1
9 Define Expected value, variance and Standard deviation of Discrete PO1
random variables.
10 Define Expected value, Median, Mode ,variance and Standard deviation of PO1
Continuous random variables.
11 Define Discrete Uniform distribution PO1
1 A can hit a target 3 times in 5 shots, B hits target 2 times in 5 shots, c hits PO1
target 3 times in 4 shots. Find the probability of the target being hit when
all of them try simultaneously.
2 A and B throw alternatively with a pair of dice. One who first PO1
throw a total of nine Wins. What are their respective chances of
winning if A starts the game.
3 State and Prove Baye’s theorem . PO2
In a bolt factory machines A, B, C manufacture 20%, 30%, and 50% of PO2
the total of their output and 6%, 3% and 2% are defective. A bolt is drawn
at random and found to be defective. Determine the probabilities that it is
manufactured from (i) Machine A (ii) Machine B (iii) Machine(iii)
A Business man goes to hotels X, Y, Z, 20%, 50%, 30% of the time
respectively. It is known that 5%, 4%,8% of the rooms in X,Y,Z hotels
5 have Faulty plumbing. Estimate the probability that business man’s room PO3
having faulty plumbing is assigned to hotel Z?

Of the three men , the chances that a Politician, a Business man or an

Academician will be appointed as a Vice-chancellor (V.C) of a University
are 0.5, 0.3, 0.2 respectively. Probability that research is promoted by
these persons if they are appointed as V.C are 0.3, 0.7, 0.8 respectively.
6 PO2
(i) Determine the probability that research is promoted
(ii) if research is promoted, what is the probability that V.C is an

In a factory machine A produces 40% of the output and Machine B

7 PO3
produces 60%. On the average, 9 items in 1000 produced by A are

Murukambattu, Chittoor


Subject Name: Probability and Statistics Subject Code : 16SAH222

Year & Sem : I & II
defective and 1 item in 250 produced by B is defective. An item drawn at
random from a day’s output is defective. Identify the probability that it
was produced by A or B.

A and B throw alternatively with a pair of ordinary dice. A wins if he PO1

throws 6 before B throws 7 and B wins if he throws 7 before A throws 6.
8 If A begins show that his chance of winning is 30/61

9 Show that ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) PO1

A random variable X has the following probability function
X 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

P(X) 0 K 2K 2K 3K K2 2K2 7K2+K

10 Determine (i) K (ii) Evaluate P(X<6), P(X≥6), P(0<x<5) and PO2

(iii) If ( ) find minimum value of K
(iv) Mean (V) Variance

Let X denote the minimum of the two numbers that appear when a pair of
fair dice is thrown once. Determine the
11 PO2
(i) Discrete probability Distribution (ii) Expectation (iii)Variance

A sample of 4 items is selected at random from a box containing 12 items

of which 5 are defective. Determine the expected number E of defective
12 PO2

If X is continuous random variable and K is constant then prove that (i)

Var(X+K) = Var(X)
13 PO2
(ii) Var(KX)= K2 V(x)

For a continuous probability function ( ) {

14 PO2
find (i) K (ii)Mean (iii)Variance

A continuous random variable X has the Distribution function

( ) { ( ) determine (i) f(x) (ii) k

15 PO2


A continuous random variable has the probability density function

16 ( ) { Determine (i) K (ii)Mean PO2

If a random variable has the probability density f(x) as ( )
17 PO2
{ find the probability that it will take on a value (i)

Murukambattu, Chittoor


Subject Name: Probability and Statistics Subject Code : 16SAH222

Year & Sem : I & II
between 1 and 3 (ii) greater than 0.5

UNIT - 2 : Probability Distributions

1 Define the Binomial Distribution properties. PO1
2 Calculate Mean and Variance of Bernoulli’s Distribution. PO2
3 Define Mean and Variance of Binomial Distribution PO1
5 Define Poisson Distribution. PO1
6 Explain Mean of the Poisson Distribution. PO1
7 Define Mode of Poisson Distribution. PO1
8 What is the recurrence relation in Poisson Distribution PO1
9 Define Normal Distribution. PO1
10 Show that Mean of the Normal Distribution is the Median. PO1
11 Define properties of Normal Distribution PO1
1 Find the Mean and Variance of Binomial Distribution PO1
Ten coins are thrown simultaneously. Identify the probability of getting at least
2 PO3
(i) Seven heads (ii) Six heads.
20% of items produced from a factory are defective. Find the probability that in a
3 sample of 5 chosen at random (i)none is defective (ii) one is defective (iii) P(1< x PO3
< 4)
The mean and variance of binomial distribution are 4 and 4/3 respectively , find
4 PO3
Fit a binomial distribution to the following frequency distribution
5 x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 PO2
f 13 25 52 58 32 16 4
Out of 800 families with 5 children each, Test how many would you expect to
6 have (a) 3 boys (b) 5 girls (c) either 2 or 3 boys (d) At least one boy , Assume PO3
equal Probability for boys and girls.
Seven coins are tossed and number of heads are noted , the experiment is repeated
128 times and the following distribution is obtained.
No.of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total
7 PO2
Frequen 7 6 19 35 30 23 7 1 128
Fit a Binomial Distribution (a) The coin is Unbiased (b) The nature of
the coin is not known (Using Recurrence Relation)
A hospital Switch board receives an average of 4 Emergency calls in a 10 minutes
8 interval. Test what is the probability that (i) There are almost 2 emergency calls PO3
(ii) There are exactly 3 emergency calls in a 10 minutes interval.
If a Poisson Distribution is such that
10 ( ) ( ) Determine ( ) ( )( ) ( PO2
)( ) ( )

Murukambattu, Chittoor


Subject Name: Probability and Statistics Subject Code : 16SAH222

Year & Sem : I & II
X 0 1 2 3 4 5 Total

f 142 156 69 27 5 1 400

11 PO2
Determine a Poisson Distribution to the following data using recurrence formula

12 Show that for a Normal Distribution , Mean = Median = Mode PO1

13 Determine the mean deviation about the mean for Normal Distribution PO2
If the masses of 300 students are normally distributed with mean 68kgs and
14 standard deviation 3kgs,determine how many students have masses (i) Greater PO2
than 72 kg (ii) Less than or equal to 64 kgs (iii) Between 65 and 71kg inclusive.
In a sample of 1000 cases, the mean of a certain test is 14 and standard deviation
is 2.5. assuming the distribution to be normal ,
15 Determine (i) how many students score between 12 and 15 ? PO2
(ii) how many score above 18 (iii) how many score below 18

If X is a Normal variate with Mean 30 and Standard Deviation 5 . Determine

16 PO2
the probabilities that ( ) ( )
In a Normal Distribution of the items are under 45 and 8 % are over 64.
17 PO1
Find the Mean and Variance of the Distribution.
UNIT - 3 : Sampling distribution and Estimation
1 Define different types of Sampling Techniques? PO1
2 Classify and define Sample . PO2
3 Define Sampling Distribution. PO1
4 Write the formula for Sample Variance. PO1
5 Find the value of the finite population correction factor for and . PO1
6 Define Point Estimation . PO1
7 Define Interval Estimation. PO1
A comparison of coffee prices at 4 randomly selected grocery stores in a city
8 showed increases from the previous month of 12,15,17 & 20 rupees for 1 kg find PO1
the variance of this sample of price increases.
The mean of certain normal population is equal to the standard error of the mean
1 of the samples of 64 from that distribution. Determine the probability that the PO2
mean of the sample size 36 will be negative.
A population consists of 5 numbers 2, 3,6, 8 and 11 consider all possible
samples of size 2 which can be drawn ( ) with replacement ( ) without
replacement from this population, Evaluate to find
(a) The Mean of the population
2 PO2
(b) The Standard Deviation of the Population
(c) Mean of the sampling distribution of Means
(d) The Standard Deviation of the Sampling Distribution of Means

A population consists of six numbers 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24. Consider all samples
3 PO2
of size two which can be drawn without replacement from this population.

Murukambattu, Chittoor


Subject Name: Probability and Statistics Subject Code : 16SAH222

Year & Sem : I & II
Evaluate to find
(a) The population mean (b)The population standard deviation
(c) The mean of sampling distribution of means
(d) The standard deviation of sampling distribution of means

A random sample of size 100 is taken from an infinite population having mean
4 and variance Analyze what is the probability that will be PO2
between 75 and 78.
Calculate is the size of the smallest sample required to estimate an unknown
5 PO3
proportion to within a maximum error of 0.06 with 95% confidence.
A Random sample of size 100 has a standard deviation of 5 what can you say
6 PO1
about the maximum error with 95% confidence.
A random sample of size 81 was taken whose variance is 20.25 and mean is 32
7 PO3
construct a 98% confidence Interval.
The mean and standard deviation of a population are 11,795 and 14,054
8 respectively. Construct 95% confidence about the maximum error if PO3
and n=50 and also construct a 95% confidence interval for the true mean.
A random sample of size 100 has a standard deviation of 5. What can you say
9 about the maximum error with 95% confidence. PO1

Classify 95% confidence limits for the mean of a normally distributed

10 PO1
population from which the sample was taken 15, 17, 10, 18, 16, 9, 7, 11, 13, 14.
UNIT - 4 : Test of Hypothesis and Test of Significance
1 Define (i) Null Hypothesis (ii) Alternative Hypothesis (iii) Level of Significance PO1
2 Define (i) Critical Region (ii) Critical Value. PO1
3 Define One Tailed and Two Tailed tests. PO1
4 What is Type-I and Type-II Errors. PO1
5 Define limits for population proportion for large samples. PO1
6 Define 99% confidence interval for true proportional for large samples. PO1
Define 95% confidence interval for the small sample mean in student T
7 PO1
A die is tossed 960 times and it falls 5 upward 184 times. Is the die unbiased at
8 PO3
0.01 Level of Significance.
A sample of 64 students have a mean weight of 70 Kgs. Can this be regarded as
1 a sample from a population with mean weight 56 Kgs and standard deviation 25 PO3
In a random sample of 60 workers, the average time taken by them to get to work
is 33.8 minutes with a standard deviation of 6.1 minutes. Can we reject the null
2 PO3
hypothesis µ=32.6 minutes in favour of alternative null hypothesis µ >32.6 at α =
0.025 level of significance.
A sample of 400 items is taken from a population whose standard deviation is 10.
The mean of the sample is 4. Test whether the sample has come from a
3 PO2
population with mean 38. Also calculate 95% confidence interval for the

Murukambattu, Chittoor


Subject Name: Probability and Statistics Subject Code : 16SAH222

Year & Sem : I & II
The Means of two large samples of sizes 1000 and 2000 members are 67.5 inches
4 and 68.0 inches respectively. Can the samples be regarded as drawn from the PO3
same population of S.D. 2.5 inches.
In a random sample of 125 cool drinkers, 68 said they prefer Thumsup to Pepsi.
5 Test null Hypothesis P=0.05 against alternative hypothesis P>0.05 (Single PO3
Among 900 people in a state 90 are found to be Chapathi eaters, construct 99%
6 confidence interval for True Proportion. PO3

Random samples of 400 men and 600 women were asked whether they would
like to have a Flyover near their residence. 200 men and 325 women were in
7 favour of the proposal. Test the hypothesis that p10roportions of men and PO3
women in favour of the proposal are same, at 5% Level (Difference of two
In two large populations there are 30% and 25% respectively of fair haired
8 people. Identify this difference likely to be hidden in sample of 1200 and 900 PO3
respectively from the two populations. ( Difference of two proportions)
A sample of 26 bulbs gives a mean life of a 990 hours with a Standard Deviation
9 of 20 hours. The manufacturer claims that the mean life of bulb is 1000 hours. PO3
Identify the sample not up to the mark. (Single Mean)
A random sample of 10 boys had the following IQ’s : 70, 120, 110, 101, 88, 83,
95, 98, 107 and 100
(a) Does these data support the assumption of the population mean IQ
10 of 100 PO1
(b) Find a reasonable range in which most of the mean IQ values of
samples of 10 boys lie (Single Mean)

Husb 117 105 97 105 123 109 86 78 103 107


Wiv 106 98 87 104 116 95 90 69 108 85

12 PO3

a) To examine the hypothesis that the Husbands are more intelligent than the
wives, an investigator took a sample of 10 couples and administrated them a test
which measures the I.Q. the results are as follows:
Test the hypothesis with reasonable test at 0.05 L.O.S

Two Horses A and B were tested according to the time (in seconds) to run a
particular track with the following results.Test whether two horses have same
running capacity (Difference of Two Means)

13 PO2
Horse 28 30 32 33 33 29 34
Horse 29 30 30 24 27 29 -

Murukambattu, Chittoor


Subject Name: Probability and Statistics Subject Code : 16SAH222

Year & Sem : I & II
The following random samples are measurements of the heat-producing capacity
( in millions of calories per Ton) of specimen of Coal from two mines
Mine – 8260 8130 8350 8070 8340 -
Mine - 7950 7890 7900 8140 7920 7840
14 PO2
Use 0.01 Level of Significance , test whether variances of two samples are equal.
- Test::

From the following data, find whether there is any significant liking in the habit
Soft Drinks Clerks Teachers Officers

Pepsi 10 25 65
15 PO2
Thumsup 15 30 65

Fanta 50 60 30

of taking soft drinks among the categories of employees

On the basis of information given below about the treatment of 200 patients
suffering from a disease, state whether the new treatment is comparatively
superior to the conventional treatment.
16 Not PO2
Favourable Total
New 60 30 90
Conventional 40 70 110
Sum 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Freque 8 24 35 37 44 65 51 42 26 14 14
17 PO2
A pair of dice are thrown 360 times and frequencies of each sum is indicated
below Would you say that the dice are fair on the basis of the Chi-Sqare test at
0.01 Level of Significance.

Hair colour

Fair Brown Black Total

Blue 15 5 20 40
18 colour Grey 20 10 20 50 PO2
Brown 25 15 20 60
Total 60 30 60 150
given the following contingency table for hair colour and eye colour. Find the
value of χ2. Is there a good association between the two

Murukambattu, Chittoor


Subject Name: Probability and Statistics Subject Code : 16SAH222

Year & Sem : I & II
UNIT - 5 : Curve fitting & ANNOVA
1 Explain least square method for fitting a curve PO1
2 Write the normal equations of a straight line y=ax+b PO1
3 2 PO1
Write the normal equations for parabola y=ax +bx+c
4 bx PO1
Write the normal equations for curve y=ae
5 b PO1
Write the normal equations for curve y=ax
6 Write the application of one-way ANNOVA PO1
Write the application of two-way ANNOVA
7 PO1
Fit a straight line y = ax+b to the following data
x 0 1
8 PO3
y 2 5

Determine values of a and b so that y = a + bx fits the data given in the table.
x 0 1 2 3 4
1 PO2
y 1 1.8 3.3 4.5 6.3

x 1 2 3 4 5 8 9

2 y 2 5 7 10 12 15 19 PO2
Fit a straight line y = a + bx for the following data.

Fit a Parabola for the following data

x 0 1 2 3 4
3 PO2
y -4 -1 4 11 20

Find the value of a, b and c so that y = a + bx + cx 2 is the best fitting of each

of the data given below :

4 PO2
x 0 1 2 3 4
y 1 0 3 10 21
Fit a parabola to the following data
X 0 1 2 3 4 PO2
y 1 1.8 1.3 2.5 6.3
Construct a parabola to the following data
x 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

6 y 1.1 1.3 1.6 2.0 1.7 3.4 4.1 PO3

Murukambattu, Chittoor


Subject Name: Probability and Statistics Subject Code : 16SAH222

Year & Sem : I & II
Construct a power curve function to each of the data given below
x 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

7 y 1.62 1 .075 0.62 0.52 0.46 PO3

Construct an Exponential curve of the form to the following data

x 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

8 180.75 PO3
y 0.1 0.45 2.15 9.5 40.35

Suppose there are three groups of students with marks ( out of 20) as shown
below. Use ANOVA technique and determine whether these technique
methods significantly different in their mean marks. Marks obtained by

9 PO2
Group A 16 17 13 18

Group B 15 15 13 17

Group C 15 14 13 14

Suppose the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) want to examine

the safety of compact cars, midsize cars, and full-size cars. It collects a sample
of three for each of the treatments (car types). Using the hypothetical data
provided below, test whether the mean pressure applied to the driver’s head
during a crash test is equal for each types of car. Use α = 5%

Compact Cars Mid-size cars Full-size cars

10 PO3
643 469 484

655 427 456

702 525 402

Murukambattu, Chittoor


Subject Name: Probability and Statistics Subject Code : 16SAH222

Year & Sem : I & II

666.67 469 484

S 31.18 49.17 41.68

Three different machines are used for a production , on the basis of outputs,
test whether the machines are equally effective
Machine I Machine II Machine III
11 PO3
10 9 20
5 7 16
11 5 10
10 6 14
Three samples, each of size 5 were drawn from 3 uncorrelated normal
population with equal variances. Test the hypothesis that the population means
are equal at 5% level. Use Short-cut Method
Sample 1 10 12 9 16 13
12 PO3
Sample 2 9 7 12 11 11

Sample 3 14 11 15 14 16

A former applies three types of fertilizers on 4 separate plots. The figure on

yield per acre are tabulated below
Plots Yield Total
Fertiliz A B C D
Nitrozen 6 4 8 6 24
Potash 7 6 6 9 28 PO2
Phospha 8 5 10 9 32
Total 21 15 24 24 84
Find out if the plots are materially different in fertility, as also, if three
fertilizers make any material difference in yields.

To study the performances of three detergents and three different water

temperatures, the following whiteness readings here obtained with specially
designed equipment
Water Detergent Detergent B Detergent C
Temperature A
Cold Water 57 55 67
14 Warm Water 49 52 68 PO2

Hot Water 54 46 58

Perform a two way analysis of variance using 5% level of

significance. Take Ftab = 6.94

Murukambattu, Chittoor


Subject Name: Probability and Statistics Subject Code : 16SAH222

Year & Sem : I & II
Suppose there are three groups of students with marks (out of 20) as shown
below. Use ANOVA technique and determine whether these teaching method
s are significantly different in their means of marks.
Marks obtained by students
Group A Group B Group C
15 PO2
16 15 15
17 15 14
13 13 13
18 17 14
64 60 56


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