Child Neurology Continuum
Child Neurology Continuum
Child Neurology Continuum
Pediatric Traumatic Brain
I NT E R V I E W A V AI L A B L E Injury and Concussion
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By Meeryo Choe, MD; Karen M. Barlow, MD
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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This article summarizes the impact and complications
of mild traumatic brain injury and concussion in children and outlines the
recent evidence for its assessment and early management. Useful
evidence-based management strategies are provided for children who
have a typical recovery following concussion as well as for those who
have persistent postconcussion syndrome. Cases are used to demonstrate
the commonly encountered pathologies of headache, cognitive issues,
and mood disturbances following injury.
Dr Choe receives research/grant raumatic brain injury is a major public health issue causing significant
support from the National
Institutes of Health/Small
morbidity and mortality in the pediatric population and with increasing
Business Innovation Research for awareness among the lay population and considerable attention in
Neural Analytics (R44NS09209) the media. This article focuses on mild traumatic brain injury (TBI),
and the University of California,
Los Angeles Steve Tisch or concussion, which makes up the majority of injuries. While most
BrainSPORT Program and has mild TBIs improve quickly, some result in more long-lasting sequelae. This
provided expert legal testimony article provides recommendations for evidence-based management strategies for
regarding concussion. Dr Barlow
receives research/grant support treatment in the acute period. Risk factors that may predispose certain children
from the Alberta Children’s to persistent postconcussion symptoms and approaches for management of these
Hospital Research Institute and
the Canadian Institutes of Health
symptoms are also presented.
Research (293375).
UNLABELED USE OF Efforts to define TBI have been widespread over the past several years. The
International and Interagency Initiative Toward Common Data Elements for
Drs Choe and Barlow report Research on Traumatic Brain Injury and Psychological Health defines TBI as “an
no disclosure. alteration in brain function, or other evidence of brain pathology, caused by an
© 2018 American Academy external force.”1 Alteration in brain function is defined as one of the following
of Neurology. clinical signs:
u Any loss of memory for events immediately before or after the injury ● Alteration in brain
(posttraumatic amnesia) function due to an external
force is the hallmark of
u Any neurologic deficits
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u Any alteration in mental state at the time of the injury (eg, confusion,
● The symptoms and signs
disorientation, slowed thinking)
of traumatic brain injury and
concussion should not be
To qualify as a TBI, alteration in brain function should not be more reasonably better explained by another
explained by other pathologic processes (eg, shock, substance use, metabolic medical or psychological
derangement), although these can co-occur with TBI. External forces may
include rotational acceleration-deceleration forces transmitted to the brain
without a direct blow to the head and forces due to blasts or explosions.
The definition of mild TBI poses particular problems, partly because of the
timing of the initial assessment and partly because of the overlap of neurologic
symptoms and signs from mild TBI with other medical and psychological
conditions (eg, posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, alcohol intoxication).2
The Glasgow Coma Scale score after TBI should be assessed at least 30 minutes
postinjury to allow for a brief period of loss of consciousness with rapid neurologic
improvement, which occurs in around 10% to 20% of cases of mild TBI. This,
however, is not always practical, leading to some patients with mild TBI being
incorrectly classified as having a moderate TBI when they are evaluated during
the initial period of loss of consciousness. Symptoms due to an emotional or
psychological response to the traumatic event may be incorrectly attributed to
confusion due to a brain injury. As many people with mild TBI present to medical
attention several days or weeks later, it is apparent that determining whether
their symptoms were due to a brain injury or other factors can be complicated.
Concussion is often viewed as being on the milder end of the spectrum of TBI,
and the term is often used interchangeably with mild TBI. The Zurich Consensus
(2012) states that a concussion is a brain injury that “is defined as a complex
pathophysiological process affecting the brain, induced by biomechanical
forces.” The injury can be sustained “either by a direct blow to the head…or
elsewhere on the body with an ‘impulsive’ force transmitted to the head.”3
Various physical symptoms can be caused by a concussion. The Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR)4
lists these as physical fatigue, disordered sleep, headaches, and/or vertigo/
dizziness, and the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10)5
expands these to include tinnitus/hyperacusis, photosensitivity, and reduced
tolerance to alcohol or medications. These symptoms should be present in the
first few days following the injury, but they should not be the sole basis
of the diagnosis. A plausible mechanism of injury or another brain injury
indicator should also exist, such as loss of consciousness, amnesia, or other
evidence of neurologic dysfunction.
The diagnosis of TBI and concussion relies on multimodal clinical assessments,
including a thorough history (eg, the mechanism of insult, presence of loss of
consciousness and amnesia, any acute symptoms) and examination (eg, presence
of coma, Glasgow Coma Scale score, focal neurologic signs), and may include
neuroimaging. The severity of TBI is determined following resuscitation (or
30 minutes postinjury) using clinical parameters. A Glasgow Coma Scale score of
intervention. Little role exists for neuroimaging in mild TBI outside of research
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TBI is the leading cause of death and disability among children and young adults
in the United States. These injuries may have persistent effects on a child’s
functioning throughout his/her development and into adulthood, even when
the initial insult is mild. As childhood is a critical stage of neurodevelopment,
a TBI during this period has the potential for causing serious long-term
consequences. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
show that the incidence of TBI in the United States is highest in children under
4 years of age and in those between 15 and 19 years of age.9
In Canada, the largest number of concussions is seen in the adolescent
population, which also saw the greatest increase in incidence between 2003 and
2013.10 The majority of TBIs at all ages are mild, and most heal after a short
recovery period, typically less than 4 weeks. The term concussion is frequently
used in place of mild TBI, particularly in the emergency department setting; this
is likely to play a role in clinical outcome, as parents may infer that there will be
no long-term consequences from a concussion versus a brain injury.11 However,
some children do go on to develop chronic issues and require carefully monitored
care. These complications may persist for months to years and include somatic,
cognitive, psychological, and sleep disturbances. Certain risk factors for these
complications can help to identify these children earlier in their recovery. It is
critical to identify these patients in the acute period so that early interventions
that may benefit them can be initiated, perhaps shortening recovery and
improving outcome.
Although falls are a common cause of mild TBI or concussion in children
presenting to the emergency department, mild TBI and concussion are often
sustained during sports participation. With more than 44 million youth participating
in sports each year, this is particularly important.12 A 2016 epidemiologic study
estimated that 1.1 to 1.9 million sports concussions occur each year among children
18 years of age or younger in the United States.13 However, only a fraction of these
patients seek medical care, with 630,000 estimated as presenting to emergency
The first priority after recovery should be returning to school (TABLE 15-128).
School not only provides an educational environment but is also crucial in social
development and mental well-being. DeMatteo and colleagues29 proposed a
protocol focusing on four main areas: timetable/attendance, curriculum,
environmental modifications, and activity modifications through a graduated
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create an interdisciplinary team and foster relationships with staff within the
school to facilitate an effective and successful return to the academic
environment. Multiple individuals within the school will be involved in the
return-to-learn plan, including a health care provider (nurse, athletic trainer),
teachers, and administration (counselors, dean, principal/assistant principal).
Forty-one percent of student athletes in the United States return to school
with academic accommodations, which necessitates good communication
between the health care provider, school, and the student and his/her family.30
However, ensuring good communication is a challenge. Schools often feel that
communication with the provider is inadequate, and education and training for
the school staff may be insufficient, including at the administrative level.31,32
In some secondary schools, the athletic trainer may be the contact point for
the student, family, school staff, and the health care provider who has made
1 Daily activities at home that do Typical activities of the child during Gradual return to typical activities
not give the child symptoms the day as long as they do not increase
symptoms (eg, reading, texting, screen
time); start with 5–15 minutes at a time
and gradually build up
2 School activities Homework, reading, or other cognitive Increase tolerance to cognitive work
activities outside of the classroom
4 Return to school full-time Gradually progress school activities Return to full academic activities and
until a full day can be tolerated catch up on missed work
a 28
Reprinted with permission from McCrory P, et al, Br J Sports Med. © 2017 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and British Association of Sport and Exercise
The ICD-10 coding system deems that organic disturbances (eg, headache,
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emotional issues, affect changes) after closed head injuries that are chronic,
permanent, or late emerging may be termed postconcussion syndrome. Although
most children with mild TBIs recover within the first few weeks after injury,
one-third of children may go on to have prolonged postconcussion symptoms.
Demographic/premorbid factors, injury characteristics, and initial
symptomatology all may contribute to delayed resolution after injury.36 The
Predicting and Preventing Postconcussive Problems in Pediatrics study (5P
Study) developed a clinical risk score to identify those children who may go on to
have persistent postconcussion symptoms after presentation to an emergency
department within the first 48 hours after injury. Within this population,
presenting with early signs of headache, answering questions slowly, poor
balance, and phonophobia were associated with persistent postconcussion
symptoms. Additionally, female sex, age older than 13 years, a history of
migraine, and previous concussion with prolonged recovery also correlated with
prolonged recovery.37 Other studies have shown that vestibuloocular (visual
symptoms plus evidence of a visuomotor or vestibuloocular reflex abnormality)
and cognitive deficits acutely may also predict longer symptom duration.38,39
1 Symptom-limited activity Daily activities that do not provoke symptoms Gradual reintroduction of work/school
2 Light aerobic exercise Walking or stationary cycling at slow to medium Increase heart rate
pace; no resistance training
4 Noncontact training drills Harder training drills, eg, passing drills; may Exercise, coordination, and increased
start progressive resistance training thinking
5 Full contact practice Following medical clearance, participate in Restore confidence and assess functional
normal training activities skills by coaching staff
6 Return to sport Normal game play
a 28
Reprinted with permission from McCrory P, et al, Br J Sports Med. © 2017 BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and British Association of Sport and Exercise Medicine.
An initial period of 24 to 48 hours of both relative physical rest and cognitive rest is recommended before beginning the return-to-play progression.
There should be at least 24 hours (or longer) for each step of the progression. If any symptoms worsen during exercise, the athlete should go back
to the previous step. Resistance training should be added only in the later stages (stage 3 or 4 at the earliest). If symptoms are persistent (eg, more
than 10 to 14 days in adults or more than 1 month in children), the athlete should be referred to a health care professional who is an expert in the
management of concussion.
106 patients underwent graded aerobic treadmill testing to assess recovery and
tolerance of activity, helping to individualize the plan for the specific needs of
the patient.41 Recent studies have shown that this type of rehabilitation program
can lead to symptom resolution and improve mood.42
COMMENT This case is an example of a child with ADHD and concussion. Children
sustaining any kind of traumatic injury are more likely to have a premorbid
history of ADHD, perhaps because of increased risk-taking behaviors and
impulsivity.43 Unlike more severe forms of traumatic brain injury, concussion
itself is unlikely to cause secondary ADHD.44 Children with ADHD, however,
often have more short-term symptoms following a concussion.45
Appropriate treatments for primary ADHD should be administered even, or
especially in, the setting of a concussion.
continued in collaboration with the school psychologist and health care provider. psychological factors are
often present in those with
Psychological and social factors may also be associated with delayed recovery from Psychological support is a
key strategy in healthy
concussion, particularly as the time from the injury becomes more prolonged.36 recovery.
Stress in the child’s life and in the family system may be associated with greater
postconcussion symptoms. Psychological factors such as somatization and ● Avoid overuse of
resiliency have frequently been shown to play a role in the time course of analgesics in posttraumatic
recovery.48,49 Further, the tendency exists after mild TBI to remember the past in
an unrealistic more favorable light (ie, a “good old days” bias).50 Cognitive
restructuring and symptom reattribution are an important part of the treatment
approach at any stage in the recovery process.51,52 Cognitive restructuring can
help the adolescent or parent identify and target maladaptive thoughts, known as
TBI, especially mild TBI, is a significant public health concern. The diagnosis
of mild TBI can be difficult because of confounders, such as intoxication,
stress, attribution bias, and delayed presentation to medical attention, and
warrants careful evaluation. Preinjury history of headache and environmental,
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CASE 15-2 A 16-year-old girl with persistent headaches, mood disturbance, sleep
difficulties, and a decrease in school performance was evaluated in the
concussion clinic 4 months after a concussion that occurred while in
cheerleading practice. She was taking ibuprofen or acetaminophen daily
for her headaches. She found it difficult to fall asleep because of
concerns about her schoolwork, then slept from 3:00 AM to 11:00 AM each
day and only attended school in the afternoon. She did not drink
caffeinated beverages. She had a previous history of migraine as well as
anxiety that had been managed with cognitive-behavioral therapy and a
family history of anxiety and mood disturbance. Her headaches were
constant and holocephalic. No evidence of psychosis or risk of self-harm
was noted, although she was worried she would “never get back to
normal” and stated she could no longer do “anything.” She was diagnosed
with a medication-overuse component to her headache disorder and an
anxiety disorder. Amitriptyline was started, and analgesics were stopped.
A psychiatric referral was made, and cognitive-behavioral therapy was
restarted. Her sleep and headaches improved over the next 3 months,
and her school performance increased as school attendance increased.
COMMENT This case demonstrates how premorbid difficulties, such as headaches and
mood disturbances, are exacerbated after a concussion. Although these
problems can occur de novo following a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI),
exacerbation of preexisting problems is probably more common. Currently,
no one therapy exists for persistent postconcussion symptoms. The
management of a patient with multiple comorbidities requires a
multifaceted and multidisciplinary approach, targeting the most
problematic areas, as demonstrated in this case. Medication overuse is
common in posttraumatic headaches,53 and amitriptyline can be helpful
when withdrawing analgesics.54 Short-term elevated anxiety levels and
new-onset anxiety disorders are 4 times more likely after a mild TBI than
after an orthopedic injury.55 Cognitive-behavioral therapy or similar
psychotherapies are effective treatments for anxiety in youth.56,57
Sleep problems are common after a mild TBI and are often comorbid with
psychiatric disorders.58 If treatment of psychiatric comorbidities does not
improve sleep, referral to a sleep specialist should be considered.
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23 Anderson BL, Gittelman MA, Mann JK, et al. High among children with acute concussion in the ED.
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about concussions. Clin J Sport Med 2016;26(3): jama.2016.1203.
206–209. doi:10.1097/JSM.0000000000000214.
38 Ellis MJ, Cordingley D, Vis S, et al. Vestibulo-ocular
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39 Brooks BL, Daya H, Khan S, et al. Cognition in the
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Evaluation of the Child
I NT E R V I E W A V AI L A B L E With Developmental
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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Thisarticle discusses the diagnostic evaluation of
intellectual developmental disorder, comprising global developmental
delay and intellectual disability in children.
RECENT FINDINGS:With a prevalence of 1% to 3% and substantial
comorbidity, high lifetime costs, and emotional burden, intellectual
RELATIONSHIP DISCLOSURE: evelopmental impairment is the most frequent reason for referral to
Dr van Karnebeek was a
developer of the Treatable
pediatric genetics services, and pediatric neurologists are regularly
Intellectual Disability asked to consult on these cases to assess the type and severity of
application and website impairment and the etiologic diagnosis.1,2 This article discusses the
(, which are
discussed in this article, but she diagnostic evaluation of intellectual developmental disorder, which
receives no financial comprises both global developmental delay and intellectual disability in children.
compensation resulting from its
Developmental delay is defined as a developmental quotient of less than 70%
development or use.
within a given developmental domain, including gross motor and fine motor,
UNLABELED USE OF expressive language, receptive language, and social/adaptive behaviors. The
developmental quotient is the developmental age divided by the child’s
Karnebeek reports no chronologic age (adjusted for prematurity). Global developmental delay is defined
disclosure. as a significant delay in two or more developmental domains. A delay in the
© 2018 American Academy of language domains, in particular, is thought to predict a future diagnosis of
Neurology. intellectual disability (applied to children younger than 5 years of age). However,
counseling, avoidance of
The worldwide prevalence of intellectual disability is estimated at 1% to 3%.
unnecessary tests,
Lifetime costs (both direct and indirect) to support individuals with intellectual prognostication, and
developmental disorder exceed those of cardiovascular disease and cancer tailored management,
combined, at approximately $1 million per person.6 which, for an increasing
Individuals with developmental delays are generally identified in early number of genetic
conditions, targets the
childhood. Formal diagnosis is made via IQ testing with a score of less than 70. pathophysiology and
Intellectual developmental disorder can occur either independently or with improves outcomes.
congenital malformations or other neurologic features, including autism
spectrum disorders, epilepsy (CASE 11-1), or sensory impairment. The severity ● The etiology of
intellectual developmental
of intellectual developmental disorder is highly variable, ranging from mild disorder is extremely
(IQ of 55 to 70) or moderate (IQ of 40 to 55) to severe (IQ of 25 to 40) and heterogeneous, which
profound (IQ of less than 25).1 mandates a structured
Pinpointing the precise genetic cause of intellectual developmental disorder is diagnostic approach, taking
CASE 11-1 A 16-month-old girl was seen in the outpatient clinic for evaluation and
management of her atypical febrile seizures, poorly controlled on
valproic acid. Her psychomotor development was globally delayed; she
was able to sit without support at age 9 months and had just started to
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crawl. She made less eye contact than her sister did at that age and did
not say any words. Her vision and hearing were tested and were normal.
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currently amenable to such therapy.7,14 Concurrently, advances have been made in and severity of
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Schematic illustration of the diagnostic steps in the evaluation of the patient with intellectual
developmental disorder.
FH = family history; MH = medical history; NE = neurologic examination; PE = physical examination;
TIDE = Treatable Intellectual Disability Endeavor; WES = whole-exome sequencing; XLID = X-linked
intellectual disability.
three-generation pedigree and family history, along with a physical examination evaluation should be done
for every child with
(general, neurologic, dysmorphologic, and dermatologic abnormalities, the latter intellectual developmental
requiring a Wood’s lamp) remain the pillars of the diagnostic workup, not only to disorder.
identify the underlying condition or create a strong differential but also to screen
for potential comorbidities requiring referral to the appropriate specialist ● Chromosomal microarray
and metabolic testing for
physician. According to the American Academy of Neurology, the clinical treatable conditions are
examination should ask the following questions13: first-tier tests for
intellectual developmental
u Overall, are there features suggesting a specific diagnosis? disorder and should be
considered in all children
u Are there historical or physical findings (eg, dysmorphic features) to suggest
with unexplained
Down, fragile X, or Rett syndrome; other genetic disorders; or hypothyroidism?
intellectual developmental
u Are there historical (intrapartum asphyxia) or physical findings (microcephaly, disorder. Additional testing
cerebral palsy, focal findings) or focal seizures to suggest central nervous includes neuroimaging,
showed that pathogenic copy number variants occurred de novo in the germline of
approximately 10% of patients.17 These occurred all over the genome, and
numerous recurrent copy number variants have now been identified in intellectual
disability as autosomal dominant and X-linked causes. Detailed clinical and genetic
characterization of patients with these copy number variants has resulted in the
description of many new intellectual disability syndromes, provided insights into
the genomic architecture underlying these genomic disorders, and revealed many
causative dosage-sensitive genes located in these copy number variant regions.18
In all cases, the interpretation of abnormal chromosomal microarray test
results and variants of unknown significance and the subsequent counseling of
families should be done by a medical geneticist and certified genetic counselor in
collaboration with the reference laboratory and platform used. International
testing for treatable inborn errors of metabolism, described in the next section. If
these tests are negative or inconclusive, the next step is whole-exome sequencing.
During the presedation consult for the MRI, the anesthesiologist observed
perioral hyperpigmentation, which his mother said had been present since a
sunny summer vacation the past year. His sodium was at the lower limit of
normal and potassium at the upper limit, which prompted an order for an
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) test, revealing adrenal insufficiency.
MRI showed subtle bilateral demyelination in the parietooccipital regions,
with increased lactate peak on spectroscopy but a normal
N-acetylaspartate (NAA) to choline ratio.The presentation was compatible
with the childhood cerebral form of X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy,16
subsequently confirmed by a typically abnormal very-long-chain fatty acid
profile, as well as a maternally inherited frameshift ABCD1 variant, which had
not previously been reported. The patient was referred to an endocrinologist
to evaluate and monitor adrenal function (as part of the standard protocol
for this condition, which in this case was especially important given the
pigmentation abnormalities compatible with insufficiency) and the
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation team to assess his eligibility for this
lifesaving treatment. His mother was also referred to a neurologist, as the
majority of carrier females have signs of adrenomyeloneuropathy, and to
clinical genetics for general and preconception genetic counseling given the
50% recurrence risk for male offspring.
This case illustrates that thorough phenotyping is important, not only for COMMENT
enhancing diagnostic success but also for proper medical management.
oxidation disorders are not included in this list because of their clinical presentation,
which is a metabolic crisis with hypoglycemia (and subsequent neurologic sequelae)
rather than unexplained intellectual developmental disorder. These conditions will
not be missed by the two-tiered protocol outlined in TABLE 11-1, however, as the
acylcarnitine profile is included in the initial metabolic testing as outlined.
While many patients can present with nonspecific intellectual developmental
disorder as the sole feature (eg, creatine transporter deficiency), the majority of
the treatable inborn errors of metabolism listed are associated with additional
neurologic features that may include (as illustrated by CASE 11-1) spasticity,
behavioral disturbance, dementia, episodic encephalopathy, epilepsy, hearing loss,
hypotonia/myopathy, neuroimaging abnormalities (basal ganglia, cerebellum,
cerebrum, white matter, cysts/dysgenesis, or a combination thereof ), neuropathy,
ocular movement abnormality, psychiatric disturbance, sensorineural hearing
loss, spasticity, stroke, vision loss, and various types and degrees of movement
disorders (eg, dystonia, dyskinesia, and ataxia). However, it is important to note
that non-neurologic or systemic features are a prominent phenotype in 57 (64%)
of the 89 treatable intellectual developmental disorders. Other presentations vary
from stable intellectual developmental disorder (ie, without a history of regression
or plateauing) to neurodegenerative, with or without multiorgan involvement.
The timing and nature of onset also varies; some are characterized by acute
decompensations, often in the neonatal or early childhood period, while others
present with a late-onset form of a nonspecific or chronic nature.
A two-tiered metabolic protocol (TABLE 11-1) developed through the
Treatable Intellectual Disability Endeavor (TIDE), a 5-year funded clinical
research project at BC Children’s Hospital, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
(, was designed to enhance early diagnosis of treatable inborn errors of
metabolism in children presenting with intellectual developmental disorders.7
The first step involves biochemical testing of blood and urine, which potentially
indicates 60% of the currently known treatable conditions and should be applied
in all patients with unexplained intellectual developmental disorder.7 If these
tests are negative, depending on the results of chromosomal microarray and
First Tier: In All Patients With Unexplained Intellectual Disability, Nontargeted Screening
to Identify 54 (60%) of Treatable Inborn Errors of Metabolismb
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u Blood
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⋄Ammonia, lactate
⋄Plasma amino acids
⋄Total homocysteine
⋄Acylcarnitine profile
⋄Copper, ceruloplasmin
u Urine
⋄Organic acids
⋄Purines and pyrimidines
⋄Creatine metabolites
Second Tier: Targeted Metabolic Workup to Identify 35 (40%) of Treatable Inborn Errors of
Metabolism Requiring Specific Testingb
u According to patient’s symptomatology and clinician’s expertise
⋄Urine deoxypyridinoline
⋄CSF amino acids
⋄CSF neurotransmitters
⋄CSF to plasma glucose ratio
⋄Coenzyme Q measurement fibroblasts
Molecular analyses: CA5A, NPC1, NPC2, SC4MOL, SLC18A2, SLC19A3, SLC30A10,
KEY POINTS other testing as well as the clinical phenotype, the clinician should consider at
● In a 2011 practice
low threshold the second step of the TIDE algorithm for the identification of the
parameter, the American remaining 35 treatable intellectual developmental disorders (TABLE 11-1). The
Academy of Neurology and latter conditions require a more targeted and selective approach, including
the Child Neurology Society single-metabolite or primary molecular analysis based on a clinical differential
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDv8NVZYfkn50= on 09/
diagnostic evaluation, invasive sampling procedures and extensive funding. A free digital application
particularly if there are is available (via, which supports the clinician in applying the
abnormal findings on two-tiered diagnostic protocol and provides information on the symptoms, tests,
examination (eg, and treatments of these rare diseases.21 Once exome sequencing is established as
macrocephaly, focal motor the primary diagnostic test rather than biochemical testing, sufficient coverage
findings, pyramidal or of the treatable inborn errors of metabolism genes should be ensured.
extrapyramidal signs).
NEUROIMAGING. In a 2011 practice parameter, the American Academy of
● Whole-exome and Neurology and the Child Neurology Society state that neuroimaging is a
whole-genome sequencing recommended part of the diagnostic evaluation, particularly if there are abnormal
(genomics) are becoming findings on examination (eg, microcephaly, macrocephaly, focal motor findings,
more readily available in
the clinical arena.
pyramidal or extrapyramidal signs).13 One must keep in mind that the brain MRI
rarely provides the precise etiologic diagnosis on its own; more often it provides
clues and improves phenotyping. For an MRI, sedation is required in most cases
of intellectual developmental disorder; the inherent risks combined with the
limited diagnostic yield must be considered when ordering this test. Whenever
possible, proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy, a noninvasive MRI technique
that can quantify the concentration of multiple metabolites within the human
brain, should be performed, especially to diagnose the inborn errors of
creatine metabolism.7
OTHER TESTING AND SPECIALIST REFERRALS. Prompted by the clinical features
of the patient and guided by the clinician’s differential diagnosis, further
investigations can be initiated to pursue conditions or screen for medical
comorbidities, which include (but are not limited to) EEG to characterize
seizures and epileptiform activity, EMG, visual evoked potentials, brainstem
auditory evoked response, cardiac evaluation (including echocardiogram and
ECG), skeletal x-rays (to assess for dysostoses or other congenital abnormalities),
abdominal ultrasound (to assess for enlargement or congenital anomalies of
internal organs), referral to a neuro-ophthalmologist (to assess for congenital
abnormalities or signs of metabolic eye disease), and referral to a dysmorphologist
or other specialist required for proper phenotyping and diagnosis. Key is the
presence of a case manager, a specialist who follows up on such referrals and
tests and integrates the information into an efficient diagnostic strategy.
MONOGENIC CONDITIONS. Microdeletion syndromes (eg, Williams,
Prader-Willi, and Angelman syndromes) are now identifiable using
chromosomal microarray; sometimes, however, targeted FISH and methylation
testing are still used. Fragile X syndrome requires FMR1 analysis for CGG repeat
number (full mutation 200 or more repeats). TABLE 11-2 22–30 highlights
monogenic conditions that are often tested for based on the phenotype or
frequency, recent developments in therapeutic approaches, and ongoing trials.
and the first-tier tests (chromosomal microarray and metabolic screening for
treatable inborn errors of metabolism) do not yield a diagnosis and balanced
only the subset of DNA that encodes proteins (known as exons) and then
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Monogenic Conditions Often Tested for Based on Phenotype or Frequency TABLE 11-2
and Targeted Treatments in Developmenta
Down syndrome 23
Trisomy Typical 1 in 650 to RG1662 GABA-A a5 receptor 2b
chromosome dysmorphisms 1 in 1000 subunit inverse
21 of facies and agonist; reduces
extremities, short excessive GABA
stature, hypotonia, signaling
hypermobile joints,
congenital heart
defects, other
Tuberous sclerosis TSC1, TSC2 Autism spectrum 1 in 6000 Everolimus Inhibits excessive 2
complex25 variants disorder, epilepsy, to 1 in 10,000 mTOR activity
epilepsy, benign
tumors, shagreen
brain tubers, nodules,
BDNF = brain-derived neurotrophic factor; ERK = extracellular signal-regulated kinase; FMRP = fragile X mental retardation protein; GABA =
g-aminobutyric acid; GSK3B = glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta; LTP = long-term potentiation; mGluR5 = metabotropic glutamate receptor 5;
MMP9 = matrix metallopeptidase 9; mTOR = mechanistic target of rapamycin; NAM = negative allosteric modulator; S1P = sphingosine 1-phosphate.
Modified with permission from van Karnebeek CD, et al, Pediatr Neurol.15 © 2016 Elsevier Inc.
differential diagnosis or
hypotheses for involved
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increasingly being
introduction of whole-exome sequencing in 2010 added a diagnostic yield of 24% identified.
to 33%, and a first pilot study using whole-exome sequencing added a further 26%
in 2014. Taken together, the overall diagnostic yield becomes 55% to 70% for ● The number of rare
moderate to severe intellectual disability. For cases that remain without a conditions underlying
intellectual developmental
diagnosis, the wait-and-see approach is important for two reasons. First, features disorder that are amenable
evolve over time; particular syndromic phenotypes can become recognizable to treatment is steadily
with age, and new clues may have arisen. Second, reanalysis of whole-exome increasing, and, for many
sequencing data using new pipelines and additional literature cases on novel indications, therapies are
still under development.
phenotypes and human disease genes related to intellectual developmental
disorder is often fruitful.
A 2014 study on neurometabolic gene discovery showed that highly detailed
phenotyping and close teamwork between the clinician, bioinformatician, and
laboratory scientist can provide even higher diagnostic yields and discoveries
(around 90% if candidate genes are included), independent of the severity of the
intellectual developmental disability.34 Importantly, the genomic diagnosis
impacted management beyond genetic counseling in 43% of cases, enabling an
intervention aimed to improve or alleviate pathophysiology (such as initiation
of a medical diet, vitamin supplements, pharmacologic treatment, hematopoietic
stem cell transplantation) or measures to prevent metabolic decompensations
(eg, sick day formula, avoidance disease triggers, malignancy screening).
This kind of personalized medicine, informed by genomic diagnosis and
related pathophysiologic insights, is becoming a reality in intellectual
developmental disorder.
Intellectual developmental disorders have a highly heterogeneous etiology, with
many very low-incidence, high-impact single-gene or contiguous-gene
syndrome causes; also emerging are combinations of common, low-impact
genetic risk factors operating in concert.9 Novel genetic etiologies of intellectual
developmental disorder are increasingly identified based on rapid sequencing
methods. Essential next steps include mapping disorders onto shared cellular
molecules through linkage to receptor or transporter into the CNS and individual
neurons or even subcellular organelles.
Monogenic intellectual developmental disorders, such as tuberous sclerosis
complex, fragile X syndrome, and Rett syndrome, have emerged as models in
which extensive preclinical studies of the neurobiology and synaptic mechanisms
of disease in cell lines and animals have identified compounds that target the
underlying disorder (TABLE 11-2). 15 These conditions also serve as clinical
models for translation of such targeted treatments to humans.22 Novel
disease-modifying therapies that reverse the underlying dysfunctional neural
mechanisms, combined with awareness and early diagnosis of the large and
expanding group of inborn errors of metabolism, make this an exciting time in
the treatment of intellectual developmental disorders, providing the prospect of
relief for families dealing with these challenging conditions.
disorder that are amenable to treatment is steadily increasing, exceeding 100 becomes clinically
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already, with therapies still under development for many conditions. Given available and affordable.
the opportunity to improve outcomes, when ordering tests, the diagnostician This genetic testing will
require appropriate
must weigh the diagnostic yield and treatability of potentially identified counseling, and any
conditions with available resources and the burden to the patient and family. incidental findings will
The genetic heterogeneity of intellectual developmental disorder requires need to be assessed
genome-wide approaches, and genome sequencing is likely to become the without compromising a
child’s right to an open
first-tier diagnostic test for intellectual developmental disorder as soon as it future.
becomes clinically available and affordable. This genetic testing will require
appropriate counseling, and any incidental findings will need to be assessed
without compromising a child’s right to an open future. Coverage of the genes
encoding the treatable conditions must be optimal so they are not missed. Most
important, detailed clinical phenotyping and formulation of a strong differential
diagnosis, together with close communication between the clinician and
The author gratefully acknowledges the patients and families who inspire and
educate her; Dr Sylvia Stockler-Ipsiroglu (University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) and Dr E. Berry-Kravis (Rush University,
Chicago, Illinois) for their contributions to previous work on treatable inborn
errors of metabolism and neurodevelopmental conditions, respectively,
summarized here; and Ms Aisha Ghani and Ms Claire Sowerbutt for research
and writing support.
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ClinVar aggregates information about genomic IEMbase is a knowledge base and diagnostic tool
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variation and its relationship to human health. for inborn errors of metabolism using clinical or biochemical features.
The Exome Aggregation Consortium website
The Treatable Intellectual Disability application and
aggregates and harmonizes exome
website provides an interactive tool for the clinician
sequencing data.
focused on treatable inborn errors of metabolism
causing intellectual developmental disorder.
1 Shevell M. Global developmental delay and mental 11 Rauch A, Wieczorek D, Graf E, et al. Range of genetic
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55(5):1071–1084, xi. doi:10.1016/j.pcl.2008.07.010. sequencing study. Lancet 2012;380(9854):1674–1682.
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2014;134(3):e903–e918. doi:10.1542/peds.2014-1839. Dev Disabil Res Rev 2009;15(4):361–368. doi:10.1002/
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Intellectual disability: definition, classification, and 13 Michelson DJ, Shevell MI, Sherr EH, et al. Evidence
systems of supports. 11th ed. Washington, DC: report: genetic and metabolic testing on children
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Intellectual developmental disorders: towards a Academy of Neurology and the Practice
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Genetic Diagnostics for
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By Laura Silveira-Moriyama, MD, PhD; Alex R. Paciorkowski, MD
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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This article puts advances in the field of neurogenetics
into context and provides a quick review of the broad concepts necessary
for current practice in neurology.
research/grant support from the dvances in genetic testing technologies over the past 2 decades
National Institutes of
Health/National Institute of have revolutionized our ability to make specific molecular
Neurological Disorders and diagnoses in patients presenting with neurologic illness. Although
Stroke (K08 NS078054).
this has brought a wealth of information and has already influenced
UNLABELED USE OF the medical management of many neurologic conditions, it also
PRODUCTS/INVESTIGATIONAL presents a challenge for the practicing neurologist to stay updated in the rapidly
Drs Silveira-Moriyama and
evolving field of neurogenetics.
Paciorkowski report no With the understanding of the surprising scope of variation inherent in the
disclosures. human genome, new technologies have come to the fore that allow clinicians to
© 2018 American Academy of diagnose—and increasingly treat—entire new classes of neurologic disease. With
Neurology. this has come a new vocabulary, and while the basic concepts of human genetics
18 FEBRUARY 2018
may not have changed over the decades, the way we talk about these concepts and KEY POINTS
their relevance to clinical medicine have. The goal of this article is to introduce
● The growing complexity
these concepts, together with the new vocabulary, in the context of practical of technical knowledge
approaches to the use of genetic diagnostic technologies in the care of our patients. involved in ordering and
interpreting genetic tests
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testing, it is imperative to
often expensive unnecessary diagnostic evaluations but also to avoid missing the
conduct appropriate
correct diagnosis or appropriate management of patients. But, if a shortage of genetic counseling. It is
properly trained neurologists exists, as occurs in many regions of the world, the ideal to have a specialized
shortage of geneticists is usually even more acute, and many parts of the world genetic counselor provide
this service, but in many
may not have enough medical geneticists for the foreseeable future. This article
limited-resource settings,
cannot solve this problem but tries to mitigate it by providing neurologists with this responsibility lies with
basic tools to communicate with colleagues, quickly get updated on conditions, the neurologist.
and discuss with patients the need for genetics referral and testing.
One essential component involved in all genetic testing is genetic counseling. ● Genetic counseling for
massive gene sequencing
While standards of training for genetic counselors vary widely in different (such as whole-exome
countries, even in developed nations, underserved areas exist in which the sequencing) should include
services of a genetic counselor are not available and either the neurologist or the the expected and
medical geneticist will perform pretest and posttest counseling. Benefits, unexpected outcomes of
testing, the likelihood and
limitations, and potential complications of genetic testing should be discussed type of incidental findings,
with patients, parents, or guardians, and written informed consent should be and which results will or
obtained for specific tests ordered. The benefits of genetic testing may include will not be disclosed.
directly impacting medical management strategies, providing specific
information on recurrence risk and reproductive counseling, providing labels that
enable access to services, and giving access to educational material and support
groups. Limitations of the specific test should be made clear, including the fact
that more targeted testing may miss various differential diagnoses, while broader
testing strategies (eg, chromosomal microarray, exome sequencing) increase the
likelihood of unexpected or unclear results. Incidental findings may have an
impact on family planning, medical screening, and medical management, and
patients should be given the opportunity to waive the disclosure of these results.
The direct impact of genetic results on medical management includes
preventing unnecessary further tests (including invasive and expensive tests),
the organization of appropriate investigations and referrals for potential
comorbidities (eg, specific ophthalmologic, cardiologic, and orthopedic
complications that are frequent in neurogenetic conditions), targeting of medical
therapies based on the genotype, and establishing eligibility for participation in
KEY POINTS ongoing treatment trials. As genetic disorders are rare, management is often based
on anecdotal reports or small case series. National and international registries are
● Knowledge about the
relationship between
trying to fill this gap, making management guidelines and clinical trials in rare
genotype (what the DNA genetic conditions a reality. In selected instances, already available medical
looks like) and phenotype therapy might be guided by genotype. In epilepsy, for example, the genotype
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(what the patient looks like) might suggest that one strategy or medication could be more effective in
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neurologic conditions that are discussed later in this article, and it is necessary for
neurologists to push through the existing barriers and try to provide the best
medical care for patients affected by these conditions.
20 FEBRUARY 2018
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Genotype-phenotype correlations. A, Classic genotype-phenotype concordance. B,
Genetic heterogeneity, when the same or similar phenotype can be caused by mutations
in different genes. C, Phenotypic pleiotropy, when mutations in one single gene can
cause different phenotypes.
numbers of genes in large numbers of patients has allowed phenotypes that at first
seem to be unrelated to be explained by mutations within the same gene. For
example, at least three well-characterized disparate phenotypes have been
associated with sequence variations in ATP1A3: alternating hemiplegia of
childhood, rapid-onset dystonia parkinsonism, and severe infantile epilepsy.
Another example is sequence variations in TUBB4A, causing hypomyelination
with atrophy of the basal ganglia and cerebellum or the completely different
phenotype whispering dysphonia (also known as DYT4). These observations have
become all too common and are termed phenotypic pleiotropy (FIGURE 1-1C).
As clinical neurogenetics progresses and more intermediate phenotypes are
described, a notion is growing that most neurogenetic conditions present with
(pathogenic variants), or
need further studies to enough to be seen on a karyotype to smaller ones consisting of a single nucleotide
clarify its nature (variant of or methylation change. Categories of variation and the appropriate technologies to
unknown significance). identify them are summarized in TABLE 1-1, FIGURE 1-2, and FIGURE 1-3.
Interpretation of variants of
unknown significance
A correlation exists between pathogenicity and the size of genomic variations and
requires the opinion of a population frequency: large and rare variations are more likely to be pathogenic.8
medical genetics specialist. Genomic length is measured in base pairs, one unit consisting of two
22 FEBRUARY 2018
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Genetic variability at the chromosome level. Summary of the main types of abnormalities at
the chromosome level and how likely they are to be identified by karyotype, chromosomal
microarray (CMA), and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Deletion or duplication of
an entire chromosome is called chromosomal aneuploidy and can be detected using traditional
karyotype or chromosomal microarray. When parts of one chromosome break off and adhere to
another chromosome, the event is termed translocation, which is balanced when it does not
involve a loss of genomic material or unbalanced when otherwise. Unbalanced translocations
can be identified by karyotype or chromosomal microarray, but balanced translocations will be
missed by chromosomal microarray. Loss or duplication of genomic information can happen at
the end of a chromosome (terminal or subtelomeric deletion/duplication) or from the middle of
a chromosome (interstitial deletion/duplication). Karyotype can only visualize large changes
(greater than 5,000,000 base pairs), while chromosomal microarray has higher resolution (greater
than 100,000 base pairs). FISH is still often used to confirm copy number events found on
chromosomal microarray.
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Genetic variability at the gene level. Summary of the main types of abnormalities at the gene
level and the available genetic tests more likely to identify them. Genes are formed by sequences
of coding regions (exons, represented as thick colored parts) or noncoding regions (introns,
thin lines connecting the exons). An exon can be duplicated or deleted, causing an abnormal
protein to be produced, which is often symptomatic. These events are not detected by sequencing
and require multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) for detection. Within
an exon, nucleotide-level events can occur, one being an increased number of nucleotides
in the form of an amplification of the number of repeats in a naturally occurring short tandem
repeat sequence. These events are not reliably detected by sequencing techniques and
require DNA Southern blot for diagnosis. When a single nucleotide is changed (single-nucleotide
variant [SNV]) or a deletion or duplication occurs within the exon (indels), the change can
be detected by sequencing techniques such as Sanger sequencing or massive parallel
sequencing (also called next-generation sequencing). Less commonly, the change underlying
the phenotype may be abnormal methylation, in which cytosine methylation inherited from
one of the parents is abnormal, and the diagnosis will require methylation studies.
24 FEBRUARY 2018
interstitial duplication are used, respectively. Both deletions and duplications are part KEY POINTS
of normal chromosomal biology and are one type of “copy number events,”
● Multiplex ligation-
which are changes in copy number of genomic material, whether that material is dependent probe
coding or noncoding, or large or small. Larger copy number events are more likely to amplification detects dose
be clinically relevant. Importantly, karyotype can only visualize deletions and changes within a gene,
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOera88TePS0K1dQc8qoeHb8= on 09/
duplications larger than 5 Mb. Chromosomal microarray is required to identify copy chromosomal microarray
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may serve the same purpose.
In any healthy subject, the human genome contains many thousands of repeat ● Southern blot detects an
regions made up of units of three, four, or more nucleotide repeats, which are increased number of
called short tandem repeats. Some of these regions are in exons (regions within repeats in a particular
sequence. It is specific for
a gene that are transcribed into mRNA, which is subsequently translated into
the sequence examined, so
protein amino acid sequence), some are in introns (regions within a gene that are if more than one gene with
transcribed into mRNA but are then “spliced out” and not translated into protein repeats can cause the
sequence), some are in untranslated regions of genes (regions at the beginning phenotype observed, a
and end of a gene that are not translated), and many are in intergenic noncoding panel of Southern blot for
various genes can be
regions (regions between known genes, which are not transcribed or translated). requested (eg, testing for
When the cell divides, the number of repeats can increase (expansion) or various spinocerebellar
decrease (contraction) in these short tandem repeats. Many neurologic disorders, ataxias at the same time).
including fragile X syndrome, many spinocerebellar ataxias, myotonic
● In addition to gene
dystrophies, and Huntington disease, are caused by such repeat expansions. sequence and gene dose,
These repeat expansions are usually too small to be detected by karyotype, other factors affect the
chromosomal microarray, or even FISH probes. For technical reasons, they are production of proteins
not reliably identified using sequencing technologies. Therefore, the best test for (epigenetic factors). An
important factor affecting
identifying repeat expansions remains the DNA Southern blot.
gene expression as a
An additional mechanism of genomic variation is methylation. The methylation disease mechanism is
of cytosines usually silences the region of DNA where it occurs, and the pattern of methylation of DNA.
methylation is inherited in a maternal or paternal pattern depending on whether
the chromosome in question comes from the mother or father. This mediates the
curious phenomenon of imprinting, whereby the expression of a given phenotype
is based upon the parental origin of a chromosomal methylation pattern. Patients
have Angelman syndrome if the maternal methylation pattern on chromosome
15q11q13 is missing9 or Prader-Willi syndrome if the paternal methylation pattern
on chromosome 15q11q13 is missing.10 Testing for methylation requires
methylation analysis, which is the test of choice in diagnosing these syndromes as
well as other rarer conditions characterized by imprinting.
Nucleotides can be inserted and deleted within exons in a nonrepeat manner as
well. This can occur as single-nucleotide insertions or as an insertion of two,
KEY POINTS three, or even more nucleotides. These insertions and deletions are collectively
termed indels and are a very frequent event in the genome. When the number of
● The majority of
neurogenetic conditions
nucleotides inserted or deleted is not a multiple of three, it results in a change
described thus far are in the way the ribosomes read the RNA derived from this DNA and is called a
caused by sequence frameshift mutation: an erroneous sequence of amino acids coded by the DNA
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abnormalities that can be downstream of the offending indel. If the indel is a multiple of three, a nonframeshift
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detected by DNA
event occurs, and only the amino acids coded by the indel are affected; this may be
tolerated or not depending on the specific biology of the protein produced by the
● Genomic data, including affected gene. Indels of either type are generally detected well by traditional Sanger
the sequence and dose of sequencing, provided the insertion is smaller than 700 bp to 1000 bp, because larger
genes, needs to be analyzed insertions may encumber the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) phase of the
and interpreted to yield
any meaningful clinical technique. Indels smaller than 100 bp are, in general, also detected by massively
result. Interpretation of these parallel sequencing technologies (so called next-generation sequencing) when
results requires combined with the more recent versions of variant detection software.
the expertise of When one single nucleotide is replaced in the DNA sequence, this event is
bioinformaticians and
termed a single-nucleotide variant, which may be benign, pathogenic, or of
uncertain significance. When it is demonstrated scientifically that a
single-nucleotide variant is benign (ie, not associated with any disease and
usually present in a percentage of healthy individuals), the term single-nucleotide
26 FEBRUARY 2018
genomic DNA is fragmented randomly into roughly 100-bp pieces and then
subjected to a library capture in which molecular baits (short complementary
sequences) pull down the genomic regions of interest for sequencing. In the case of
exome sequencing, which targets only coding regions, the library capture contains
baits for the exons of roughly all 20,000 known genes. Noncoding regions are
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOera88TePS0K1dQc8qoeHb8= on 09/
therefore not sequenced. Once the pieces of DNA are pulled, they are sequenced by a
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all genomic variation in which the sequence of DNA is not altered will be invisible
to any sequencing technology. Therefore, chromosomal aneuploidy, translocations,
and chromosomal copy number variants are not detected by current sequencing
technology. Likewise, exon-level deletions and duplications are not visible by
sequencing, since they change the copy number of an exon, not the nucleotide
Single-gene sequencing Cheap, quick, and easy to Not useful for cases with
interpret; as it usually targets atypical phenotype; not
a known disease gene, less practical for phenotypes
likely to return unexpected with genetic heterogeneity
Gene panel sequencing When multiple genes can Coverage and cost of gene
(massively parallel methods) cause similar phenotypes, panels vary significantly, and
panel testing is usually decision to request might
cheaper than testing for require in-depth knowledge
each gene sequentially of genotype-phenotype
correlations for that condition
the repeat region is greater than 100 bp, the fragment containing only repeat
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consider that genetic causes of more early and dramatic phenotypes (such as global
developmental delay and intellectual disability, epileptic encephalopathy, and
infantile neurodegeneration) are often de novo in inheritance pattern; therefore, it
is relevant to know if parental DNA could be tested to clarify variants of unknown
significance that are difficult to interpret.
28 FEBRUARY 2018
chromosomal microarray, ideally combined with karyotype. Fragile X syndrome KEY POINTS
is caused by triple repeat expansion in the FMR1 gene and is not detected by
● Most pathogenic genetic
chromosomal microarray. Therefore, specific Southern blot testing for this variability is caused by
disorder is usually performed early in the workup. variation of sequence or
If these tests are normal, varied options for further diagnostic testing are dose of the DNA. The
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available. Global developmental delay and intellectual disability are prime techniques used to detect
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most cost-effective
can approach a diagnostic yield of up to 60%.11
approach to diagnosis in
phenotypes with great
Autism genetic heterogeneity
Autism spectrum disorder is defined by persistent deficits in social communication without a high chance of
chromosomal events, but
and social interaction and restricted or repetitive patterns of behavior, interests,
many exceptions exist.
or activities, usually present in the early developmental period, causing significant
impairment, and not better explained by intellectual disability.12 Despite early ● Global developmental
evidence for a genetic basis for some forms of autism, as seen in fragile X syndrome, delay, intellectual
further advances in testing technologies were required before the breadth of genetic disability, autism spectrum
disorder, and epileptic
causes of autism spectrum disorder became apparent. This means that the encephalopathies are
diagnostic approach to autism spectrum disorder is similar to that for global frequently caused by
developmental delay/intellectual disability: chromosomal microarray with reflex chromosomal-level events,
karyotype (ie, an immediate karyotype if the chromosomal microarray is normal) so chromosomal microarray
and karyotype are likely to
and fragile X testing are indicated as first-line tests. As with intellectual disability, be helpful.
most genetic causes of autism spectrum disorder are de novo in inheritance13 (with
obvious exceptions, eg, fragile X syndrome). If the architecture of the genome has ● Autism, intellectual
been verified as normal, then massively parallel sequencing strategies are indicated, disability, and epileptic
encephalopathy are all
much like in neurodevelopmental disorders, with the same caveat regarding
conditions with great
detection of exon-level deletions and duplications, considering neurometabolic genetic heterogeneity, and
causes, screening for congenital disorders of glycosylation, and specific methylation each can be caused by
testing for Angelman syndrome. The American College of Medical Genetics has mutations in more than
published guidelines for the evaluation of individuals with developmental delay.14 50 known genes.
Epilepsy is perhaps the most extreme example of genetic heterogeneity
confronting the diagnostician. At present, hundreds of genes are associated with
epilepsy causation, and indications are that thousands may ultimately be
discovered as research advances. However, many of the same principles that
underlie the genetic pathogenesis of global developmental delay/intellectual
disability and autism spectrum disorder also hold true for epilepsy. While a
number of well-described X-linked and autosomal dominant epilepsy disorders
Neurodegeneration is a broad category of presentation that can range from
young children with catastrophic loss of developmental milestones and
deterioration of neurologic function to children who initially present with global
developmental delay but over time take on a more ominous clinical course to
older patients who may develop dementing symptoms, ataxia, movement
disorders, or any combination of progressive neurologic signs. Rather than
discuss each of the myriad causes separately, a general approach to genetic
diagnostics in these scenarios is presented here. First, in the event of presentation
of classic signs of a specific disorder to a keen diagnostician (eg, retinal cherry red
spot, increased startle response, and loss of motor skills in an infant is highly
30 FEBRUARY 2018
deletions/duplications. If preliminary metabolic screening suggests a disorder of KEY POINT
mitochondrial function, these disorders can be encoded on the mitochondrial
● In neurodegeneration,
genome as well as through a number of nuclear genes (mostly autosomal movement disorders, and
recessive inheritance). Therefore, genetic testing in these cases may involve neuromuscular disorders,
mitochondrial genome sequencing (which often must be ordered separately excluding compatible
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from other types of sequencing) and massively parallel sequencing that involves metabolic causes is
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Occipital-frontal head circumference two standard deviations or more below the
Brain Malformations
Over the past decades, detailed knowledge has emerged regarding the genetic
causes and classifications of structural brain malformations.18,19 These include
specific patterns of premigrational, migrational, and postmigrational forebrain
malformations, hindbrain malformations, and syndromes that involve a
combination of these patterns. For more information, refer to the article
“Nervous System Malformations” by John Gaitanis, MD, and Tomo Tarui, MD,20
in this issue of Continuum. Thorough interpretation of the findings on MRI by an
expert in these disorders is a necessary first step in the diagnosis, because what
is needed is not merely the identification of the various findings on the image but
also the insight to put findings together into rare but recognizable patterns.
One must consider that several categories of brain malformations are usually due
to prenatal insults, such as viral infections or ischemic events, and that some
patterns of brain malformation are so specific as to be associated with a defect in
a single gene. Other brain malformations are associated with specific congenital
anomalies elsewhere in the body that may suggest a diagnosis. However, most
patterns of brain malformation exhibit sufficient genetic heterogeneity that a
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delay/intellectual disability and epilepsy (which are frequent copresenting signs with
brain malformations), the best first test is usually chromosomal microarray with
reflex karyotype, followed, when needed, by massively parallel sequencing panels
for brain malformation. Exceptions to this approach abound, making the opinion
of a specialist even more valuable (CASE 1-1).
Neuromuscular Disorders
Hereditary neuropathies may present with motor or sensory peripheral nerve
dysfunction or both. Recognition of whether a neuropathy is axonal or
demyelinating and determination of a clear inheritance pattern are in the realm
of most neurologists, but familiarity with the growing list of genetic conditions
associated with neuromuscular disorders may not be. For this reason, consultation
with a neuromuscular specialist is advisable in suspected genetic cases in addition
to nerve conduction studies and EMG, which are often an essential component of
the evaluation before a genetic test is ordered. Except for Charcot-Marie-Tooth
disease type 1 (which is largely caused by duplication of PMP22) and X-linked
axonopathies (mostly ascribed to sequence variations in GJB1), other forms of
hereditary neuropathies, such as autosomal dominant axonopathies (eg,
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2), can be caused by abnormalities in dozens of
different genes. Previous strategies that tested the most common gene in each
CASE 1-1 A 2-year-old boy with a history of hearing loss but no other neurologic
symptoms presented with acute head trauma and underwent a CT scan.
The image showed no acute changes but demonstrated structural
abnormalities, so a follow-up visit was scheduled and an MRI was
ordered. The MRI showed agenesis of the corpus callosum,
polymicrogyria, and ventricular dilation. He had no history suggestive of
prenatal injury and no family history of neurologic abnormalities.
A karyotype was ordered, which disclosed no abnormalities, then a
chromosomal microarray was requested and showed two microdeletions
of unknown significance. A referral to a medical geneticist with an interest
in brain malformations was then requested. The geneticist reported
that the MRI findings were highly suggestive of Chudley-McCullough
syndrome and ordered single-gene testing for GPSM2 mutations, which
showed compound heterozygous mutations of the gene, providing
a definite diagnosis. Since the condition is autosomal recessive, further
reproductive counseling was provided for the parents.
COMMENT This case illustrates how an early opinion of a subspecialist can spare
unnecessary tests and allow for early reproductive counseling.
32 FEBRUARY 2018
phenotype first, followed by sequential testing of the other likely culprits, is
increasingly giving way to panel-based testing for dominant or recessive and
demyelinating or axonal presentations. Some laboratories offer massively parallel
all-inclusive hereditary neuropathy panels, but it should be remembered that the
most common duplication of PMP22 requires copy number testing.
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Movement Disorders
Movement disorders, including tremor, dystonia, myoclonus, chorea, and, less
often, parkinsonism, often accompany neurodegenerative conditions in
children, as discussed earlier in this article. Isolated movement disorders
previously characterized as predominant “pure” movement disorders were often
labeled primary before genomics identified the causes for many of these
conditions. In practical terms, a primary or idiopathic movement disorder is
suspected when no history of brain injury is present, brain imaging through
structural MRI is normal, and laboratory investigations (including testing for
inflammatory or metabolic disease when indicated) are negative. That rules out,
for example, Wilson disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, and anti–N-methyl-
D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor autoimmune encephalitis, to name a few.
Neurotransmitter diseases can be detected by biochemical abnormalities in the
CSF but most often present as primary movement disorders,21 and, in addition to
dopa-responsive dystonia (DYT5), they can present with cerebral palsy–like
phenotypes, which also respond to dopaminergic therapy.
Most primary movement disorders are caused by sequence variations or
small deletions or duplications within the causative gene, although copy number
variants detected through chromosomal microarray have been reported in
association with primary movement disorders and remain a possibility.22 The
genetic heterogeneity and phenotypic pleiotropy of many genes causing
movement disorders make a case for a broad approach to gene testing, either
through a gene panel or exome sequencing. Today, most commercial gene panels
34 FEBRUARY 2018
Currently, neurologists dealing with suspected or confirmed neurogenetic
conditions often need the opinion of a medical genetics specialist and a genetic
counselor. These resources may be unavailable in many regions throughout the
world, but with a good network of contacts in the medical genetics field and within
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOera88TePS0K1dQc8qoeHb8= on 09/
in which genetic etiologies are prominent and targeted testing is the first choice,
it may be more practical for the neurologist to order the test and perform pretest
and posttest genetic counseling. With the increased complexity of genetic testing
and genomic data available, the expansion of the field of neurogenetics is inevitable.
This work was supported by a grant (K08 NS078054; Dr Paciorkowski) from
the National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Neurological Disorders
and Stroke.
ClinVar is an expertly curated public archive of Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) is a
reports of genomic variations and phenotypes, with comprehensive compendium of genes associated
supporting evidence. with genetic disorders as well as phenotypes inherited in clear familial patterns for which no
specific genetic mutation has thus far
The Developmental Brain Disorders Database
provides a repository of genes, phenotypes, and
syndromes specifically targeted at SEQUENCE VARIANT NOMENCLATURE
neurodevelopmental disorders curated by The Sequence Variant Nomenclature website
domain specialists. provides technical information on the description of sequence variants.
The Ensembl genome browser is another invaluable UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SANTA CRUZ GENOME
tool for visualizing regions of interest and their BROWSER
associated annotations. The University of California Santa Cruz Genome Browser is an invaluable tool for visualizing
regions of interest and associated annotations
for these regions.
GeneReviews provides chapter-length information
on clinical scenarios and specific single-gene
disorders. It is written by domain experts, with
authoritative recommendations regarding
counseling, testing, and management.
1 Wang D, Pascual JM, De Vivo D. Glucose transporter 2 Miller IO, Sotero de Menezes MA, Pagon RA,
type 1 deficiency syndrome. In: Pagon RA, Adam MP, Adam MP, Ardinger HH, et al, eds. GeneReviews
Ardinger HH, et al, eds. GeneReviews. Seattle, WA: Seattle, WA: University of Washington, Seattle,
University of Washington, Seattle; 1993–2017. 1993–2017. Published Published November 29, 2007. Updated May 15,
July 30, 2002. Updated January 22, 2015. Accessed 2014. Accessed December 6, 2017.
December 6, 2017.
3 Wassenberg T, Molero-Luis M, Jeltsch K, et al. 15 Kwon JM. Testing for inborn errors of metabolism.
Consensus guideline for the diagnosis and Continuum (Minneap Minn) 2018;24(1 Child
treatment of aromatic L-amino acid Neurology):37–56.
decarboxylase (AADC) deficiency. Orphanet
16 Alcantara D, O’Driscoll M. Congenital
J Rare Dis 2017;12(1):12. doi:10.1186/
microcephaly. Am J Med Genet C Semin
Med Genet 2014;166C(2): 124–139. doi:10.1002/
4 Nakamura A. Moving towards successful ajmg.c.31397.
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36 FEBRUARY 2018
Testing for Inborn Errors REVIEW ARTICLE
of Metabolism
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By Jennifer M. Kwon, MD, MPH, FAAN
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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This article provides an overview of genetic metabolic
disorders that can be identified by metabolic tests readily available to
neurologists, such as tests for ammonia, plasma amino acids, and urine
organic acids. The limitations of these tests are also discussed, as they only
screen for a subset of the many inborn errors of metabolism that exist.
Dr Kwon has received personal
INTRODUCTION compensation for serving as a
nborn errors of metabolism are rare yet numerous and often present with consultant for BioMarin, the
neurologic symptoms. This article provides an overview of genetic metabolic Evidence Review Committee of
the Health Resources and
disorders that can be identified by metabolic tests readily available to Services Administration, and
neurologists, such as tests for ammonia, plasma amino acids, and urine Sanofi Genzyme and receives
research/grant support from
organic acids.
the Hunter’s Hope Foundation.
Newborns in the United States are now screened for many treatable inborn
errors of metabolism, but newborn screening tests may miss milder presentations PRODUCTS/INVESTIGATIONAL
of treatable inborn errors of metabolism that can present later in life. These USE DISCLOSURE:
patients may present to adult neurologists who may be less likely to consider Dr Kwon discusses the
unlabeled/investigational use of
metabolic genetic testing. carglumic acid for the treatment
of carbamoyl phosphate
One of the challenges of testing for inborn errors of metabolism is recognizing © 2018 American Academy of
that acute, urgent, and nonspecific presenting symptoms (eg, poor oral intake, Neurology.
KEY POINT lethargy, and seizures) may warrant additional metabolic screening tests to help
identify an inborn error of metabolism with its own specific treatment (CASE 2-1).
● There must be a low
threshold for considering The use of metabolic screening tests (TABLE 2-11) in addition to the standard
an inborn error of laboratory testing of sick patients (ie, complete blood cell count; a comprehensive
metabolism since chemistry panel that includes glucose, liver transaminases, calcium, and uric
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDFUBN5ROWwyY= on 09/
presentations are acid; ammonia; lactate; pyruvate; and urinalysis) will identify some treatable
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CASE 2-1 A 10-day-old infant boy was brought to the pediatric emergency
department with new-onset seizures. His prenatal course and delivery
had been normal, and he had been discharged home 24 hours after birth.
Initially, he was breast-feeding at regular intervals. After a week, he was
not feeding well and seemed to sleep more frequently. The patient’s
mother brought him to the emergency department because of an episode
in which he stiffened, arched his back, and had a series of jerks. The
event lasted seconds, and he had been lethargic since the event.
On examination, he was difficult to arouse. He was afebrile with a pulse
of 160 beats/min and a respiratory rate of 20 to 30 breaths/min, but
occasionally he had pauses in his breathing. Initial laboratory results showed
a normal complete blood cell count. A chemistry panel showed the
following abnormalities: a bicarbonate level of 16 mmol/L, glucose of
50 mg/dL, aspartate transaminase of 90 U/L, alanine transaminase of 110 U/L,
and an ammonia level of 160 µmol/L. Urinalysis showed ketones but was
otherwise normal. Plasma amino acids and urine organic acids were pending.
38 FEBRUARY 2018
thrive, weakness, or developmental delay; or (3) unusual organ dysfunction such
as cardiomyopathy, hepatomegaly, skeletal findings, or lens dislocation.
Metabolic disorders are often subdivided into three groups based on their
clinical and physiologic characteristics (TABLE 2-2).2 Disorders in the first group
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Common Metabolic Screening Tests Used to Identify Treatable Disorders TABLE 2-1
of Intoxication and Energy Metabolisma
Plasma amino acids Aminoacidopathies, urea cycle disorders, some organic acidurias
a 1
Modified with permission from Kwon JM, D’Aco KE, Neurol Clin. © 2013 Elsevier.
(Illness, Diagnosis Made by
Pathophysiologic Protein Available Metabolic
Effects Examples Appearance at Birth Load) Screening Tests Treatable
Metabolite Organic acid disorders, Usually normal Often Often Often
accumulation and urea cycle defects,
intoxication aminoacidopathies
Impairment of Mitochondrial Sometimes normal but Often Sometimes; may need Sometimes
energy metabolism disorders, fatty acid may affect metabolically enzyme or DNA testing
oxidation disorders active tissues (eg, brain
Disruption of Peroxisomal disorders, Sometimes normal, but Rare Rarely; diagnosis usually Rare
complex molecule lysosomal disorders some present with requires specialized
metabolism dysmorphology enzyme or DNA testing
or organomegaly
KEY POINTS in the catabolism of complex molecules in cell organelles, as seen in lysosomal
storage disorders or peroxisomal disorders.
● Inborn errors of
metabolism often present This article discusses disorders in the first and second groups, which are typically
with symptoms that suggest considered small molecule disorders affecting the intermediary metabolism of
sepsis or gastrointestinal proteins, fats, and sugars, while the third group includes large molecule disorders.
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illness accompanied by This article emphasizes inborn errors of metabolism with neurologic presentations
weakness, developmental
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delay, and poor growth. If in which early diagnosis and treatments can lead to better outcomes. The following
the history suggests decline section begins with an overview of the disorders physicians are most likely to
or an attack of illness identify using commonly available metabolic screening tests, including urea cycle
associated with increased defects, organic acidurias, and aminoacidopathies. The second section continues
catabolism or increased
protein intake, consider
with a discussion of other treatable inborn errors of metabolism that should also be
testing for metabolic considered and that are not readily found using the tests in TABLE 2-1.
recognize the highly Abnormalities in the metabolism of amino acids can lead to urea cycle defects,
specialized nature of
diagnosing and treating organic acid disorders, and other aminoacidopathies (FIGURE 2-1). These
metabolic disorders and disorders of protein intermediary metabolism present in infancy or childhood
involve a metabolic and are characterized by sudden attacks, episodic relapses and remissions, and
geneticist in the diagnosis nonspecific physical findings. Metabolic screening tests (TABLE 2-1) in blood and
and care of patients with
inborn errors of
urine are used to detect many of these disorders. Often, a diagnosis is
metabolism. suggested by the pattern of abnormalities on screening, with more specific
diagnoses made through DNA-based or specific enzyme testing. Confirmation
● Almost all inborn errors of diagnoses and management requires the assistance of specialists with
of metabolism are
expertise in metabolic disorders. Most of the disorders discussed are inherited
autosomal recessive
disorders. Genetic as autosomal recessive conditions, so carrier parents are unaffected, and
counseling must be
provided to families
learning of a diagnosis of an
inborn error of metabolism.
Metabolism of amino acids occurs by deamination or removal of the amino group (urea cycle
disorders), metabolism of the carboxyl skeleton of the amino acid (organic acid disorders),
or transformation into other amino acids or compounds (amino acid disorders).
40 FEBRUARY 2018
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDFUBN5ROWwyY= on 09/
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Urea cycle. Pathways of the urea cycle are shown as solid (one enzymatic step)
or dashed (multiple enzymatic steps) black lines with arrows. Open, double-headed arrows
on dotted lines show amino acids that are transported between cytosol and mitochondrion.
The reactions of the urea cycle remove excess ammonia (NH4) into excretable urea and
synthesize arginine. The first two steps are intramitochondrial, and the rest occur in the
cytoplasm. The enzyme carbamoyl phosphate synthetase I (CPS) incorporates NH4 to make
carbamoyl phosphate in a reaction requiring N-acetylglutamate made from glutamate by
N-acetylglutamate synthetase (NAGS). Carbamoyl phosphate, joined with ornithine via
ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC), makes citrulline. Citrulline moves out of the mitochondria
to the cytosol where argininosuccinate synthetase (ASS) condenses it with aspartate to form
argininosuccinate. This, in turn, is cleaved by argininosuccinate lyase (ASL) to form arginine
and fumarate. As the final step in the cycle, arginine is cleaved by arginase to urea, which is
excreted, and ornithine, which is transported from the cytosol to the mitochondria, to restart
the cycle. Disorders of the urea cycle are caused by deficiencies of enzymes labeled in
hexagons and the jagged lines mark the location of the enzyme defect.
siblings are at risk. For this reason, if these diagnoses are considered, genetic
● In the setting of acute counseling should be sought.
encephalopathy (eg,
where a lumbar puncture
Urea Cycle Defects
would be considered an
Excess amino acids are metabolically consumed via the urea cycle (FIGURE 2-2),
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDFUBN5ROWwyY= on 09/
appropriate test),
remember to check an which serves to convert ammonia into excretable urea and synthesize arginine,
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ammonia level. which is essential for nitric oxide and creatine production.3,4 Neonates with
urea cycle defects generally appear normal for their first 24 hours of life (as
● Elevated ammonia levels
can cause vomiting,
they benefit from the placental clearance of ammonia) and afterward become
encephalopathy, cerebral lethargic and have difficulty feeding (CASE 2-2).4 Vomiting, hypothermia,
edema, and hyperventilation, and cerebral edema with bulging fontanelle can develop early
hyperventilation. in the course of disease and are the result of ammonia intoxication. Respiratory
alkalosis results from this hyperventilation, and, if acidosis develops, it is a late effect
● Urea cycle defects can
present as a catastrophic from respiratory depression and tissue damage. Routine chemistries are often
neonatal illness or during unremarkable or may only show a low blood urea nitrogen (as low as 1 mg/dL).
childhood or teenage years, TABLE 2-3 outlines some of the clinical characteristics of the urea cycle
often after significant disorders as well as the plasma citrulline and urine orotic acid profiles that can
stress (eg, pregnancy,
steroids, excessive protein help distinguish them. Except for arginase deficiency, the other urea cycle
ingestion.) defects have similar clinical presentations in the neonatal period: infants may be
asymptomatic in the first 24 to 48 hours and then develop progressive lethargy,
● Although ornithine poor feeding, vomiting, hypothermia, seizures, and hyperventilation. Arginase
deficiency is X-linked, men
deficiency has classically been thought to present with a more slowly progressive
may present later in life. course, resulting in spastic quadriparesis, intellectual disability, and less
abnormal hyperammonemia. Later-onset urea cycle defects may present with
episodic ataxia, progressive cognitive and physical disabilities, or fulminant
progressive encephalopathy. All urea cycle defects are inherited as autosomal
CASE 2-2 A 3-day-old infant girl was brought to the emergency department with a
1-day history of poor feeding and decreased activity. On presentation, she
was lethargic and tachypneic and had developed abnormal movements of
her right arm and leg, which were worrisome for seizures. A sepsis workup
and metabolic tests were performed, and antibiotics and antiepileptic
medications were initiated. Initial investigations showed a high ammonia
(440 μmol/L) level and respiratory alkalosis. She was started on sodium
phenylacetate and sodium benzoate, IV arginine, IV high dextrose, and
continuous insulin infusion, and when her ammonia level continued to rise
to 890 μmol/L, she was prepared for dialysis. Her plasma amino acids
showed elevated glutamine and glycine and undetectable citrulline.
COMMENT The high ammonia and plasma amino acid profile suggest a proximal urea
cycle defect, possibly carbamoyl phosphate synthetase, ornithine
transcarbamylase, or N-acetylglutamate synthase deficiency (FIGURE 2-2).
Subsequent genetic testing confirmed N-acetylglutamate synthase deficiency,
which is the rarest of the urea cycle defects but has a specific treatment
(carglumic acid).
42 FEBRUARY 2018
recessive disorders except for ornithine transcarbamoylase deficiency, which is
X-linked. While this suggests that males are likely to have a more severe
presentation of ornithine transcarbamoylase deficiency, many reports exist of
males who present in adulthood (CASE 2-3).
The principles of treatment3,4 in urea cycle defects, particularly in the acute
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDFUBN5ROWwyY= on 09/
state, are to (1) rapidly lower plasma ammonia to normal levels; (2) employ
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Enzyme Deficiency Urine Orotic Acid Plasma Citrulline Selected Clinical Characteristics
N-acetylglutamate synthase Low Low Rarest of the urea cycle disorders; N-
(CASE 2–2) acetylglutamate synthase deficiency also has a
specific and effective treatment, carglumic acid
Ornithine transcarbamoylase High Low Most common urea cycle defects; X-linked; while
(CASE 2–3) often lethal in boys, girls who present in the
neonatal period may do poorly as well; both
men and women may present later in life with
an episodic ataxia or encephalopathy, often
associated with illness, high protein load, or
steroid-triggered catabolism
Argininosuccinate synthetase High Very high Presentation and management similar to ornithine
transcarbamoylase deficiency
Argininosuccinate lyase High High, with high Episodic hyperammonemia; unique symptoms
argininosuccinate including hypertension, liver fibrosis, and
developmental delay; plasma and CSF show
elevated argininosuccinate
KEY POINTS Accumulation of organic acids leads to metabolic acidosis with an anion gap and
hyperammonemia, which occurs because excess organic acids deplete coenzyme
● Hyperammonemia is
seen in organic acid
A (CoA) and impair urea cycle reactions, which, in turn, leads to encephalopathy
disorders because the and seizures. Accumulating organic acids also have toxic effects on other organs,
leading to bone marrow suppression, cardiomyopathy, renal dysfunction, and
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDFUBN5ROWwyY= on 09/
CASE 2-3 A 17-year-old boy was brought to the emergency department after a
new-onset generalized convulsion that lasted 6 minutes and was
associated with urinary incontinence. Prior to this, he had been healthy
but had begun experiencing intermittent nausea and vomiting for 1 week
without diarrhea or fever, coincident with starting a new fitness program
and the intake of high-protein supplements. On arrival in the emergency
department, he was afebrile with normal vital signs. He was lethargic but
arousable to pain.
Initial laboratory results were notable for an elevated alanine
aminotransferase level of 166 U/L (normal range less than 42 U/L) and an
ammonia level of 787 μmol/L (normal range 16 μmol/L to 60 μmol/L). The
rest of his comprehensive chemistry panel (including bicarbonate level),
coagulation profile, and complete blood cell count were normal.
Ultrasound of his abdomen was normal. He was started on lactulose, but
after 24 hours his ammonia level did not improve, and he became less
responsive. He was intubated, and a head CT showed diffuse cerebral
edema. Prior to being started on dialysis, plasma amino acids and
quantitative urine organic acids were obtained, which showed a low
plasma citrulline level of 7 μmol/L (normal range 19 μmol/L to 62 μmol/L),
and his urine orotic acid was elevated at 27.7 mmol/mol creatinine
(normal range 0 mmol/mol to 1.3 mmol/mol creatinine).
COMMENT Neurologists should consider obtaining an ammonia level when faced with
acute encephalopathy.3 The history of taking in a high protein load just prior
to decompensation is suggestive of a disorder of amino acid metabolism,
and the very high ammonia level with no metabolic acidosis (based on
normal bicarbonate level) suggests a urea cycle defect.5 The additional
finding of low citrulline and elevated urine orotic acid suggests that the
defect is in ornithine transcarbamoylase (FIGURE 2-2).
44 FEBRUARY 2018
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Intermediary metabolism of amino acids leads to adenosine triphosphate production via the
Krebs cycle. Pathways of intermediary metabolism of glucose and selected amino acids are
shown with one or two arrowheads to indicate one or multiple enzymatic steps. All pathways
lead to the Krebs cycle, which, in turn, drives oxidative phosphorylation to make adenosine
triphosphate. Disorders are labeled in parallel lines, which are placed to mark the enzymatic
block. Vitamin cofactors are shown as ovals and include biotin, pyridoxine, folate,
adenosylcobalamin (Ado-Cbl), and methylcobalamin (Me-Cbl). Cobalamin, or vitamin B12,
is transported across the cell membrane and metabolized to Ado-Cbl. Methylmalonic
acidemia is therefore caused by defects in the pathway making cobalamin or by
methylmalonyl-CoA mutase deficiency.
ATP = adenosine triphosphate; CoA = coenzyme A; PC = pyruvate carboxylase complex deficiency;
PDHD = pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency.
KEY POINT matter lesions. Isovaleric acidemia is generally less severe in presentation
● Serum methylmalonic
and outcome.
acid and homocysteine, Acute management of methylmalonic acidemia, propionic acidemia, and
commonly used to identify isovaleric acidemia includes correcting the acidosis, hypoglycemia, and
vitamin B12 and folate hyperammonemia.6,8–10 In methylmalonic acidemia, parenteral cobalamin
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDFUBN5ROWwyY= on 09/
cobalamin defects. administration may enhance the defective enzyme function. Chronic
management of methylmalonic acidemia, propionic acidemia, and isovaleric
CASE 2-4 An 8-year-old boy was brought to the emergency department for a
new-onset seizure and a 3-month history of behavior changes. His seizure
was a generalized convulsion lasting 1 minute that had begun while he was
eating breakfast. A few weeks prior to this event, he had become
increasingly irritable, with aggressive outbursts, agitation, and visual
hallucinations, but he had been healthy previous to these symptoms. He
had been started on risperidone a week before presentation to the
emergency department. In the emergency department, about an hour
after his seizure, he seemed tired but could talk and walk.
His physical examination was unremarkable. His neurologic examination
was notable for limited cooperation, slow responses, increased tone of his
arms and legs, stiff gait, and brisk reflexes. He had no dysmetria.
His initial laboratory evaluation showed a normal comprehensive
chemistry panel, ammonia level, and complete blood count. His CSF
showed normal protein and glucose and no evidence of infection. His
EEG (awake) showed a slow background and no epileptiform discharges.
Brain MRI showed scattered small patches of periventricular signal
abnormalities on T2-weighted images (that were nonenhancing on
postcontrast T1-weighted images), prominent in the centrum semiovale
and basal ganglia.
The radiologic findings prompted admission for observation and
additional testing. Thyroid, cortisol, lysosomal storage enzymes,
very-long-chain fatty acids, and vitamin E, vitamin B12, and folate levels
were normal. Plasma homocysteine was 200 μmol/L (normal less than
20 μmol/L), plasma methylmalonic acid was 1013 μmol/L (normal less than
30 μmol/L), and his plasma amino acid studies confirmed elevations in
homocystine as well as a low methionine. Urine organic acids also showed
excretion of high amounts of methylmalonic acid.
46 FEBRUARY 2018
acidemia includes protein restriction, and some have benefited from
liver/kidney transplantation.
TABLE 2-4 also mentions two other organic acid disorders. Multiple
carboxylase deficiency caused by either biotinidase deficiency or
holocarboxylase synthetase deficiency can be treated with biotin. Multiple
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDFUBN5ROWwyY= on 09/
Isovaleric Isovaleryl-CoA dehydrogenase Isovaleryl glycine and Like methylmalonic acidemia and propionic
acidemia9,10 isovaleric acid acidemia, presents with encephalopathy
and metabolic acidosis; urine has a “sweaty
feet” odor; about one-half of patients
have a later-onset, more chronic form of
the disease
Glutaric Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase Glutaric acid and After a period of normal development,
aciduria type I13 3-hydroxyglutarate infants present with metabolic crises
associated with dystonia, opisthotonus,
and seizures; may have macrocephaly and
involuntary movements; central nervous
system imaging shows widened sylvian
fissures and increased subarachnoid
CoA = coenzyme A.
Multiple carboxylase deficiency is due to biotinidase deficiency and holocarboxylase synthetase deficiency.
KEY POINTS including supportive care during illness and infection, will prevent catabolism
and the onset of metabolic crises.
● The organic acid
disorders methylmalonic
acidemia and propionic Amino Acid Disorders (Aminoacidopathies)
acidemia can selectively Amino acid disorders are due to enzyme defects in amino acid metabolism and
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDFUBN5ROWwyY= on 09/
damage basal ganglia and are identified with plasma amino acid assays.2 (Urine amino acid assays are not
white matter.
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● Untreated
diet within the first weeks of life. Thanks to newborn screening, infants with
homocystinuria is phenylketonuria can be identified shortly after birth and treated early, thereby
associated with strokes, avoiding permanent cognitive impairment. However, because phenylalanine has
lens dislocation, and toxic effects even in the adult brain, patients with phenylketonuria are advised to
skeletal abnormalities.
stay on their diet for life. Phenylketonuria is the most common treatable
● The clinical presentation aminoacidopathy, with an incidence of approximately 1 per 11,000.14
of maple syrup urine
disease, with metabolic HOMOCYSTINURIA. Homocystinuria is caused by a deficiency in cystathionine
crisis and coma, is similar to
$-synthase, which catalyzes the metabolism of homocysteine to cystathionine.
the organic acid disorders,
but there may be no Some patients with homocystinuria respond to pharmacologic doses of
metabolic acidosis or pyridoxine. The reason for this is not quite clear since pyridoxine is not a
hypoglycemia. cofactor, although pyridoxal 50 -phosphate is a ligand for cystathionine
$-synthase. Since pyridoxine responsiveness only occurs when residual
cystathionine $-synthase activity is present, it is not surprising that those who are
unresponsive to pyridoxine have more severe presentations.15 Homocystinuria is
associated with the childhood onset of cognitive impairment, skeletal
abnormalities including lens dislocation, marked myopia, and vascular disease
with strokes and pulmonary embolism.
Other signs include bony abnormalities including scoliosis, anterior chest
deformities, and disproportionately long legs that are similar to those seen in Marfan
syndrome. Diagnosis is suggested by elevated plasma levels of homocysteine,
homocystine (measured in plasma amino acid assays), and methionine. Those who
do not respond to pyridoxine are placed on a methionine-restricted and cysteine-
supplemented diet and may also receive pyridoxine and betaine, a methyl donor
that remethylates homocysteine to methionine. These treatments appear to lower
the risk of intravascular thrombosis.16
MAPLE SYRUP URINE DISEASE. Maple syrup urine disease is a rare disorder
(incidence of approximately 1 per 185,000) caused by defects in the enzyme
branched chain a-keto acid dehydrogenase.17 Patients typically present in the
first 1 to 2 weeks of life when infants develop feeding difficulties and decreased
48 FEBRUARY 2018
responsiveness, after which stupor, respiratory abnormalities, myoclonus,
posturing, and spasms may occur. The characteristic odor of burnt sugar may
be detected at this time. The fontanelle may be full or bulging, and imaging studies
may show cerebral edema. Routine laboratory evaluation may show ketonemia/
ketonuria, metabolic acidosis, and hypoglycemia, or these findings may be absent,
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDFUBN5ROWwyY= on 09/
requiring a high index of suspicion to make this diagnosis. Plasma amino acids (as
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well as urine and CSF) will show elevations in leucine, isoleucine, valine, and their
keto acid derivatives; some of these compounds appear to be highly neurotoxic.
Less common presentations of maple syrup urine disease include neonatal
ophthalmoplegia (with or without other cranial nerve palsies), hypotonia,
episodic decompensations (CASE 2-5) (including coma and signs of raised
intracranial pressure), or more chronic failure to thrive and slowed development.17
The acute effects of maple syrup urine disease need to be treated with
aggressive supportive measures, including IV fluid hydration, dextrose
administration, and branched-chain amino acid–free total parenteral nutrition.9
Chronic maintenance treatment includes use of branched-chain amino acid–free
formulas and low-protein diets. Thiamine, a cofactor for branched-chain a-keto
acid dehydrogenase, may be used as an additional treatment in some cases. These
measures can significantly improve neurologic outcome when instituted promptly.
A 5-year-old girl was admitted with a high fever, vomiting, and worsening CASE 2-5
somnolence. Her developmental history was normal. Encephalitis or
meningitis was suspected, and she was given acyclovir and cefotaxime.
A full septic evaluation was performed. Her lumbar puncture was normal,
and her other laboratory tests were remarkable only for mild hyponatremia
with a sodium level of 130 mmol/L and a low bicarbonate level of
11 mmol/L. Her plasma ammonia, glucose, and lactate were normal. The
patient’s head CT and later MRI were normal.
She had experienced a similar episode, also with a febrile illness,
2 years previously, also with similarly inconclusive screening tests.
However, during the current admission, she had more metabolic testing,
and her plasma amino acids showed elevations of leucine, isoleucine,
and valine, consistent with maple syrup urine disease. She was treated with
protein restriction and received parenteral glucose, nonbranched-chain
amino acids, and lipids to lower her branched-chain amino acid levels.
Clinical recovery followed.
This is a case of intermittent maple syrup urine disease, which can present COMMENT
with intermittent attacks of lethargy and ataxia, especially during illness.
Prevention of these attacks allows children with the intermittent form of
maple syrup urine disease to have normal development.
CSF amino acids Nonketotic hyperglycinemia No treatment for severe, early-onset form; in late-onset
disease, treatment includes glycine restriction, sodium
benzoate, N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor
Urine creatine Creatine deficiency syndromes (including Creatine, possibly with ornithine supplementation and
metabolites guanidinoacetate methyltransferase arginine restriction
50 FEBRUARY 2018
of metabolism in which additional biochemical assays may lead to KEY POINTS
treatable diagnoses.21–24
● Pyridoxine-dependent
epilepsy used to be a
Pyridoxine-Dependent Epilepsy clinical diagnosis but now
The classic presentation of pyridoxine-dependent epilepsy is an infant with biochemical (plasma and
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDFUBN5ROWwyY= on 09/
whom the seizures respond both clinically and electrographically to large daily
molecular (ALDH7A1 gene)
supplements of pyridoxine (vitamin B6). Although neurologists have been aware tests are available.
of this disorder for some time, only recently has the exact defect been shown to
be mutations in the ALDH7A1 gene.25 Prior to having a true biochemical or ● Diagnosis of glucose
genetic test for the condition, the diagnosis had traditionally been a clinical one, transporter type 1 deficiency
requires documentation of
made by administering 100 mg to 500 mg of IV pyridoxine (pyridoxine low CSF glucose values in
challenge) while monitoring the EEG and looking for significant improvement the setting of normal blood
and cessation of seizures. Now, direct DNA testing is available, and the diagnosis glucose. Mutational testing
can also be confirmed by finding elevations in plasma and urine a-aminoadipic of the SLC2A1 gene can also
be performed.
semialdehyde. Later-onset forms or atypical cases include late-onset seizures (up
to 2 years of age); seizures that initially respond to anticonvulsants and then ● Patients with glucose
become intractable; seizures during early life that do not respond to pyridoxine transporter type 1 deficiency
but that are then controlled with pyridoxine several months later; and prolonged can be treated with the
ketogenic diet.
seizure-free intervals (up to 5.5 months) that occur after pyridoxine
discontinuation. Cognitive impairment is common.
Pyridoxine-dependent seizures are treated with high doses of daily
pyridoxine. In the past, before specific testing was available, many children with
intractable early-onset epilepsy were continued on empiric pyridoxine treatment
for at least several months. It is also known that another form of neonatal
encephalopathy and seizures is caused by abnormalities in the pyridoxal
pathway. The related disorder is caused by recessive mutations in pyridoxal 50 -
phosphate oxidase,26 and this condition is treated with pyridoxal phosphate,
although some cases are responsive to pyridoxine.27
(CASE 2-6), the epilepsy may be intractable, and patients may also develop a
and currently, at age 2 years, only said “uh oh” and “mo.” He repeated
other words when prompted but had limited spontaneous speech, did not
follow simple commands, and tended to get objects he wanted rather
than point to them. The patient had no history of regression and was
otherwise healthy. His growth parameters (stature, weight, and head
circumference) had been proceeding along the 50th to 60th percentiles.
His family history was unremarkable for developmental delays,
intellectual disabilities, autism, or seizures.
Video-EEG monitoring over 2 days showed a slow-waking background
and frequent epileptiform discharges with complex morphology lasting 1
to 5 seconds. Discharges lasting more than 3 seconds had clear clinical
correlates, including eye rolling and, occasionally, myoclonic jerks of his
head and shoulders. His head MRI with contrast was normal. He was
started on clobazam, then levetiracetam was added, but after several
months, his seizures continued. Metabolic testing, including all tests listed
in TABLE 2-2 (performed for ketogenic diet initiation), was normal. Because of
his history of delays and his refractory epilepsy, chromosomal microarray
testing and a next-generation sequencing epilepsy panel were ordered.
The microarray was normal, but the next-generation sequencing
epilepsy panel showed two pathogenic variants in the guanidinoacetate
N-methyltransferase (GAMT) gene, predicted to cause a creatine deficiency
syndrome. When appropriate treatment was instituted, his seizures resolved
within days, and within weeks he began speaking.
COMMENT This boy’s impressive recovery after diagnosis and initiation of disease-
specific treatment shows the value of thinking about treatable causes of
neurologic presentations such as developmental delay and epilepsy. The
use of next-generation sequencing epilepsy panels or the newer
metabolomics panel offers hope that these potentially treatable diagnoses
will not be missed.
52 FEBRUARY 2018
movement disorder with basal ganglia abnormalities on MRI. Magnetic
resonance spectroscopy will demonstrate a deficient creatine peak. However,
this testing is not always feasible in routine clinical practice. Diagnosis is
generally made by measurement of guanidinoacetate, creatine, and creatinine
in urine and plasma, but these tests may not be straightforward to obtain. The
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDFUBN5ROWwyY= on 09/
Wilson Disease
Wilson disease is a disorder of copper transport caused by mutations in a
copper-transporting ATPase gene (ATP7B) that causes gradual copper
accumulation in the liver, brain, kidney, and cornea.34 The presentation may be
with hepatic disease (jaundice, hepatitis, rapidly progressive liver failure) or a
neuropsychiatric disorder (tremor, dysarthria, irritability, psychosis). The
diagnosis is suggested by low serum copper and ceruloplasmin with increased
urinary copper excretion. Treatment consists of copper chelation with
penicillamine or trientine, zinc to interfere with copper absorption, and avoidance
of high copper-containing foods. Liver transplant may also be indicated. For more
information on Wilson disease, refer to the article “Wilson Disease” by Ronald F.
Pfeiffer, MD, FAAN,35 in the August 2016 issue of Continuum.
and risks for missed diagnoses. Often, these assays are repeated multiple times
when results are ambiguous, which increases the costs of screening.
A more comprehensive approach to metabolic testing might involve
whole-exome sequencing or phenotype-driven next-generation sequencing
panels (eg, comprehensive epilepsy panels, ataxia panels). The yield of
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relatively high,36,37 and they not only help make diagnoses but provide assurance
that a treatable inborn error of metabolism has not been missed. The cost of this
technology is a barrier to widespread use, but this may change as the costs go
down and as the burdens of repeated metabolic (especially CSF) testing are
recognized. Metabolomics profiling is a small molecule screening approach that
promises to provide a much more comprehensive survey of metabolic
derangements than can currently be assessed using other available metabolic
tests.38,39 While these platforms are cheaper than next-generation sequencing
panels, they still require additional confirmatory biochemical and molecular
diagnostic testing. If metabolomics profiling detects two or three potential
targets, then the costs of following up with additional testing may begin to
approach that of whole-exome sequencing.
Several of the small molecule disorders discussed in this article are screened in
This article discusses testing for inborn errors of metabolism, specifically those
disorders of small molecules that are relatively easy to screen for, are treatable,
and for which effective treatment leads to improved neurologic outcomes.
Yet, many of these defects in intermediary metabolism, so readily screened for
using plasma amino acids, urine organic acids, and acylcarnitine profiling, are
not ones that practicing neurologists are likely to diagnose in practice. In fact,
many of the more important and treatable conditions are already screened for in
newborns in the United States.20 The list of other inborn errors of metabolism
that cause epilepsy,40 weakness,41 or leukodystrophies,42 for example, is
extensive and should be considered by the clinician in the appropriate clinical
scenario. Newer technologies such as metabolomics screening improve the
sensitivity of existing biochemical assays, but whole-exome sequencing remains
a powerful, although still expensive, tool for diagnosing rare but potentially
treatable inborn errors of metabolism.
54 FEBRUARY 2018
TOOL FOR THE CLINICIAN The United Kingdom’s National Metabolic
This website summarizes more than 80 treatable Biochemistry Network website contains useful
inborn errors of metabolism that are related to guidelines and basic training videos for metabolic
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDFUBN5ROWwyY= on 09/
1 Kwon JM, D’Aco KE. Clinical neurogenetics: neurologic 11 Zempleni J, Barshop BA, Cordonier EL. Disorders of
presentations of metabolic disorders. Neurol Clin 2013; biotin metabolism. In: Valle D, Beaudet AL,
31(4):1031–1035. doi:10.1016/j.ncl.2013.04.005. Vogelstein B, et al, eds. The online metabolic and
molecular bases of inherited disease. New York, NY:
2 Saudubray JM, van den Berghe G, Walter J. Inborn McGraw-Hill, 2014.
metabolic diseases: diagnosis and treatment content.aspx?bookid=971&Sectionid=62646613.
5th ed. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2012. Accessed December 5, 2017.
20 Health Resources and Services Administration. 32 Robinson BH. Lactic acidemia: disorders of
Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders in pyruvate carboxylase and pyruvate
Newborns and Children website. dehydrogenase. In: Valle D, Beaudet AL,
advisorycommittees/mchbadvisory/ Vogelstein B, et al, eds. The online metabolic
heritabledisorders. Accessed December 5, 2017. and molecular bases of inherited disease.
New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2014. ommbid.
21 Wang D, De Vivo D. Pyruvate carboxylase deficiency.
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDFUBN5ROWwyY= on 09/
In: Pagon RA, Adam MP, Ardinger HH, et al, eds.
bookid=971§ionid=62633368. Accessed
GeneReviews. Seattle, WA: University of
December 5, 2017.
Downloaded from by Ow/0SBWVU9WJmc0CG7aUTurZYduR8lLD72scP58L5s0zQxb
28 Pearson TS, Akman C, Hinton VJ, et al. Phenotypic 40 Pearl PL. Amenable treatable severe pediatric
spectrum of glucose transporter type 1 deficiency epilepsies. Semin Pediatr Neurol 2016;23(2):
syndrome (Glut1 DS). Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep 2013; 158–166. doi:10.1016/j.spen.2016.06.004.
13(4):342. doi:10.1007/s11910-013-0342-7.
41 Angelini C. Spectrum of metabolic myopathies.
29 Leen WG, Wevers RA, Kamsteeg EJ, et al. Cerebrospinal Biochim Biophys Acta 2015;1852(4): 615–621. doi:
fluid analysis in the workup of GLUT1 deficiency 10.1016/j.bbadis.2014.06.031.
syndrome: a systematic review. JAMA Neurol 2013;
70(11):1440–1444. doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2013.3090. 42 Parikh S, Bernard G, Leventer RJ, et al. A clinical
approach to the diagnosis of patients
30 Stockler-Ipsiroglu S, van Karnebeek CD. Cerebral with leukodystrophies and genetic
creatine deficiencies: a group of treatable leukoencephalopathies. Mol Genet Metab
intellectual developmental disorders. Semin Neurol 2015;114(4):501–515. doi:10.1016/j.ymgme.
2014;34(3):350–356. doi:10.1055/s-0034-1386772. 2014.12.434.
31 Clark JF, Cecil KM. Diagnostic methods and
recommendations for the cerebral creatine
deficiency syndromes. Pediatr Res 2015;77(3):
398–405. doi:10.1038/pr.2014.203.
56 FEBRUARY 2018
Hypoxic-Ischemic REVIEW ARTICLE
Encephalopathy C O N T I N U UM A U D I O
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDFUBN5ROWwyY= on 09/
By Hannah C. Glass, MDCM, MAS
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Neonatal encephalopathy is the most common condition
in neonates encountered by child neurologists. The etiology is most often
global hypoxia-ischemia due to failure of cerebral perfusion to the fetus
caused by uterine, placental, or umbilical cord compromise prior to or
SUMMARY: Neonatal encephalopathy is a heterogeneous disorder that is Dr Glass has served on the
characterized by alterations in mental status, hypotonia, seizures, and editorial board of Pediatric
Neurology and has given expert
abnormalities in feeding and respiration. The most common cause of medical testimony related to
neonatal encephalopathy is hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, for which medicolegal proceedings.
treatment with 72 hours of therapeutic hypothermia is associated with Dr Glass receives research/grant
support from the Cerebral Palsy
reduced death or disability. Alliance, National
Institutes of Health (grant
numbers 1P01NS082330,
1UG3OD023272, and
INTRODUCTION R03HD090298), Patient-Centered
eonatal encephalopathy is a heterogeneous condition that can be due Outcomes Research Institute,
and Pediatric Epilepsy
to any disorder that disrupts the central nervous system in the first Research Foundation.
days of life. The characteristic signs of neonatal encephalopathy are
altered mental status (eg, irritability, decreased responsiveness,
coma), seizures, hypotonia, abnormal primitive reflexes, apnea, USE DISCLOSURE:
feeding disturbance, and abnormal cry.1 Neonatal encephalopathy may be Dr Glass discusses the
unlabeled/investigational use of
transient and reversible or may be the first sign of a brain injury, intracranial fosphenytoin, levetiracetam, and
infection, or brain malformation that leads to a lifelong disability. phenobarbital for the treatment
Neonatal encephalopathy that is caused by an intrapartum event leading to of neonatal seizure disorders.
perinatal hypoxia-ischemia (sometimes called perinatal asphyxia) has historically © 2018 American Academy
been called hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE); however, some prefer the term of Neurology.
neonatal encephalopathy given that the exact pathogenesis is often not known.2,3
In this article, the term neonatal encephalopathy will be used as an umbrella term
that encompasses HIE (or encephalopathy that is presumed to be caused by
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDFUBN5ROWwyY= on 09/
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Clinical signs of encephalopathy include changes in consciousness and tone
and depressed primitive reflexes as well as seizures. Sarnat and colleagues9
classified the severity of encephalopathy in the setting of presumed HIE as
mild, moderate, or severe based on the worst degree of encephalopathy as
observed on serial examinations. Importantly, the severity of encephalopathy
Neonatal encephalopathy may be due to a variety of conditions that can impair
the central nervous system. While a well-defined hypoxic-ischemic event (eg,
placental abruption, uterine rupture, cord prolapse) is the cause of encephalopathy
in many infants, other causes of altered mental status or seizures in a neonate
include ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, infection, brain malformation, genetic
conditions, and inborn errors of metabolism (TABLE 3-1 10). Often, the exact
etiology remains unexplained.
In many neonates with encephalopathy, the initial encephalopathy and
seizures may resolve in the neonatal period. However, if the child has
experienced a brain injury, neurologic deficits can emerge as the child ages.
58 FEBRUARY 2018
The infant’s history must detail the onset, timing, and progression of KEY POINTS
encephalopathy and seizures. The presence of oliguria, hypotension, transaminitis,
● The hallmark signs of
or coagulopathy suggests multiorgan failure and can support the occurrence of a neonatal encephalopathy
global hypoxic event and a diagnosis of HIE. are altered mental status
In addition to a comprehensive neurologic examination, neonates should be (eg, irritability, lethargy,
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDFUBN5ROWwyY= on 09/
carefully evaluated for signs of abnormal fetal development, including coma), seizures, hypotonia,
abnormal primitive reflexes,
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dysmorphic craniofacial features, birthmarks, and congenital anomalies of the apnea, feeding disturbance,
internal organs and skeleton. A single or absent palmar crease, micrognathia, and and abnormal cry.
joint contractures can indicate a long-standing decrease in fetal movements,
suggesting prenatal onset of encephalopathy. ● Neonatal encephalopathy
that is caused by an
intrapartum event leading to
Laboratory Evaluation perinatal hypoxia-ischemia
Umbilical artery pH and base excess provide important clues regarding fetal (sometimes called perinatal
perfusion. A comprehensive laboratory evaluation also includes newborn blood asphyxia) has historically
been called hypoxic-ischemic
gas and lactate levels; a complete blood cell count, C-reactive protein, calcitonin,
encephalopathy; however,
and blood cultures to look for signs of infection; glucose; electrolyte panel; tests some prefer the term
for liver enzymes; creatinine and blood urea nitrogen; bilirubin levels; and a neonatal encephalopathy
coagulation profile. If central nervous system infection is suspected, lumbar given that the exact
pathogenesis is often
puncture should be performed for cell count, cultures, and viral studies (eg, herpes
not known.
simplex virus, Parechovirus, and rotavirus, among others). In areas without a
comprehensive newborn screen to test for inborn errors of metabolism or in cases ● While a well-defined
where an inborn error of metabolism is suspected, additional evaluation including hypoxic-ischemic event (eg,
serum ammonia, serum amino acids, and urine organic acids may be warranted. placental abruption, uterine
rupture, cord prolapse) is
Genetic evaluation, including single-nucleotide polymorphism array, is the cause of
important to evaluate for the cause of congenital anomalies (including isolated encephalopathy in many
brain malformations) and suspected syndromic diagnoses. infants, other causes of
altered mental status or
seizures in a neonate
Neurophysiologic Monitoring include ischemic or
According to the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society, neurophysiologic hemorrhagic stroke,
brain monitoring using continuous video-EEG or, if continuous EEG is not infection, brain
available, an adapted montage and trending such as amplitude-integrated EEG is malformation, genetic
conditions, and inborn
important to assess the degree of encephalopathy and recovery, as well as the
errors of metabolism.
presence of seizures.11 Clinical evaluation alone without neuromonitoring can both
overestimate and underestimate the burden of seizures. Clinical observation ● In addition to a
is unreliable, as movements that are not seizures may be interpreted as such comprehensive neurologic
by the bedside staff.12,13 In addition, neonates frequently have seizures examination, neonates with
encephalopathy should be
without clinical correlate (subclinical seizures), and so seizures may go carefully evaluated for signs
undetected or underrecognized in neonates who do not receive monitoring.14–16 of abnormal fetal
Amplitude-integrated EEG is a limited channel recording that is displayed as a development, including
compressed tracing at the bedside (FIGURE 3-1).17 The advantage of this tool is dysmorphic craniofacial
features, birthmarks, and
that it is easy to apply and interpret by bedside nursing and medical staff. The congenital anomalies of the
primary disadvantage is that it has lower accuracy for seizure detection. internal organs and skeleton.
Neurophysiologic brain monitoring should continue for at least 24 hours or until
24 hours after the last seizure.11
MRI is recommended for all neonates with encephalopathy or seizures to assist
with identifying the etiology of encephalopathy and to assist with prognosis.
Head ultrasound is useful as a bedside tool to determine the presence of
hemorrhage or ventriculomegaly; however, after a hypoxic-ischemic event,
TABLE 3-1 Differential Diagnosis of a Neonate With Altered Mental Status or Seizures
u Fetal umbilical artery pH of less than 7.0 or base deficit of 12 mmol/L or greater
u Onset of encephalopathy within the first 24 hours of life
u Presence of multiorgan failure consistent with hypoxia-ischemia (eg, elevated transaminases,
hypotension/cardiomyopathy, renal failure, bone marrow failure)
Bacterial or Viral Sepsis or Intracranial Infection
u Set up for infection (eg, prolonged rupture of membranes, maternal fever, and chorioamnionitis)
u Mother positive for group B streptococcus
u Temperature instability
u Apnea/bradycardia
u Hypotension
u Hepatic dysfunction including hyperbilirubinemia
u Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy
Ischemic Perinatal Stroke
u Neonate who appears otherwise healthy with focal motor seizures is the most common
clinical presentation
u Focal arterial ischemia on MRI
Intracranial Hemorrhage
u Small subdural hemorrhages are rarely symptomatic
u Intraventricular hemorrhage and periventricular or cerebellar hemorrhages due to fragile
germinal matrix are a common cause of encephalopathy and seizures in preterm neonates
u Intraventricular hemorrhage/thalamic hemorrhage in a term neonate should prompt search for
cerebral sinovenous thrombosis
u Parenchymal hemorrhages in a term neonate may be due to sinovenous thrombosis, trauma,
coagulopathy, vascular malformation, or genetic cause (eg, collagen type IV alpha 1 chain
[COL4A1] mutation), although the cause is often not found
60 FEBRUARY 2018
of hemorrhage. Conventional T1 and T2 images must be evaluated for structural
developmental malformations, as these lesions may cause early encephalopathy
or seizures and may also predispose to secondary hypoxic-ischemic injury during
the birth process.19 DWI can be used to detect anatomic areas of injury in the
acute phase (approximately the first 7 to 10 days after injury). Magnetic
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDFUBN5ROWwyY= on 09/
Brain Malformation
u Abnormal fetal or neonatal ultrasound or MRI
u Associated craniofacial dysmorphisms or organ anomalies
u Genetic abnormality
Inborn Error of Metabolism
u Cerebral edema or symmetric pattern of injury
u Persistent lactic acidosis
u High ammonia
u Feeding intolerance/vomiting
u Unusual odor
Neonatal-Onset Epileptic Encephalopathy
u Gene mutation (eg, KCNQ2, KCNQ3, SCN1A, SCN2A, SLC13A5, STXBP1, KCNT2, GDLC,
CDKL5, CHD7)10
Transient Encephalopathy
u Electrolyte abnormality
u Hypoglycemia
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDFUBN5ROWwyY= on 09/
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Concurrent EEG and amplitude-integrated EEG in two neonates with presumed hypoxic-ischemic
encephalopathy. Neonatal EEG montage is displayed at 15 mm/sec and with sensitivity of
7 µV/mm (A) and 15 µV/mm (B). Amplitude-integrated EEG time scale is noted with each
compressed trace, representing more than 3 hours of recording. A, Upper panel of normal
continuous EEG and amplitude-integrated EEG shows normal continuous voltage with cycling
in a neonate with encephalopathy presumed to be caused by hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
who is status post–therapeutic hypothermia. B, Lower panel showing neonate with
encephalopathy presumed due to be caused by hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. The
seizure arising from T4 on the EEG is evident as a sudden rise in the lower and upper margins
of the suppressed amplitude-integrated EEG.
62 FEBRUARY 2018
MRI is an important prognostic tool, as the pattern and severity of injury KEY POINTS
are helpful in predicting later deficits. For neonates who receive therapeutic
● The American Clinical
hypothermia, the burden of injury apparent on MRI is lower, particularly in basal Neurophysiology Society
ganglia and thalamus but also in the white matter and watershed regions.20–22 recommends
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDFUBN5ROWwyY= on 09/
neurophysiologic monitoring
amplitude-integrated EEG to
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Neonates with encephalopathy should be cared for in a neonatal intensive care determine the presence of
unit with capacity to provide neuromonitoring, neuroimaging, and subspecialty electrographic seizures and
neurologic care. to establish the severity of
Neurocritical Care
● MRI is recommended
Advances in basic cardiopulmonary support, favorable evidence from the adult for all neonates with
neurocritical care literature, and improved understanding of the impact of encephalopathy or seizures
critical illness on the developing brain have led to the emergence of neonatal to assist with identifying the
neurocritical care (also called neonatal neurointensive or brain-focused care) as etiology of encephalopathy,
as well as for assisting
an important approach that can potentially improve developmental outcomes in with prognosis.
neonates with encephalopathy.23 The focus of neonatal neurocritical care
involves a culture change for the entire neonatal intensive care unit toward ● Optimized care involves
brain-focused care, such that all care providers are continually aware of the active management of
temperature (including
neurologic implications of critical illnesses and the impact of management therapeutic hypothermia
strategies on the developing brain.24,25 For example, optimized care involves for neonates with
active management of temperature (including therapeutic hypothermia for encephalopathy due to
neonates with encephalopathy due to hypoxia-ischemia and avoiding hyperthermia hypoxia-ischemia and
avoiding hyperthermia for all
for all brain-injured neonates),26 blood pressure (to avoid fluctuations in brain
brain-injured neonates),
perfusion in the setting of critical illness and pressure passive circulation), oxygenation/ventilation,
oxygenation/ventilation, and glucose (especially avoiding hypoglycemia, which and glucose (especially
can cause de novo injury and may exacerbate underlying hypoxic-ischemic avoiding hypoglycemia,
which can cause de
injury).27–29 This attention to physiologic homeostasis is especially important
novo injury and may
during resuscitation and the so-called “golden” first hour after delivery.30 exacerbate underlying
In addition to medical management, application of advanced technologies such hypoxic-ischemic injury).
as digital EEG with bedside trending (such as amplitude-integrated EEG) and
remote review allow bedside assessment of brain function in real time. Furthermore, ● Therapeutic hypothermia
to 33.5°C (92.3°F) for
safe, high-resolution brain imaging using MRI is widely available as an important 72 hours is standard of care
tool to assess the impact of critical illness on brain structure and development. for neonates who are at least
A focus on the brain during the period of critical illness allows for medical 36 weeks gestational age
interventions, including application of therapeutic hypothermia and treatment and who have neonatal
encephalopathy that is due
of seizures in real time, developmentally supportive care, compassionate to suspected or confirmed
communication with families, and, if appropriate, early decision making hypoxia-ischemia.
regarding goals of care. According to the literature on acute brain injury in adults,
a neurocritical care approach leads to higher rates of favorable outcomes by the
following mechanisms: (1) earlier recognition and treatment of neurologic
conditions; (2) prevention of secondary brain injury through attention to
maintenance of physiologic homeostasis of factors such as temperature, blood
pressure, and glucose; (3) consistent management using guidelines and protocols;
and (4) use of experienced specialized teams at dedicated referral centers.31
from infancy until they reach school age (although loss to follow-up has been a
significant issue in the large trials).34–36 The number needed to treat to prevent
death or disability is, on average, about 6 to 7. A trial of longer (120 hours) or
deeper (32.0°C [89.6°F]) cooling was terminated early when a futility analysis
determined that the likelihood of benefit of longer or deeper cooling (or both) for
neonatal death was less than 2%.37
Eligibility criteria varied slightly between the clinical trials and typically
involved some combination of gestational age (generally 36 weeks or more,
although one study cooled neonates at 35 weeks), indicator of perinatal distress
(an Apgar score of less than 5 at 10 minutes, blood gas pH of less than 7.00 or
base excess of −12 mmol/L to −16 mmol/L or more from the umbilical cord or
within the first hour of life, or more than 10 minutes of resuscitation), and
moderate to severe encephalopathy. Some regional systems have implemented
64 FEBRUARY 2018
of treatment, in almost all cases, KEY POINTS
antiseizure medications can safely
● Eligibility criteria in
be discontinued once the acute clinical trials for therapeutic
symptomatic seizures hypothermia for neonatal
have resolved.48,49
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDFUBN5ROWwyY= on 09/
encephalopathy varied
EEG is prognostic for brain slightly between trials and
typically involved some
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(4) repair and regeneration (eg, erythropoietin, stem cells). These agents are
currently being evaluated in preclinical or clinical trials and are not in widespread
clinical use.
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDFUBN5ROWwyY= on 09/
CASE 3-1 An infant girl was born at 39 weeks gestation by emergent cesarean
delivery due to maternal placental abruption. Apgar scores were assigned
as 0 at 1 minute, 2 at 5 minutes, 2 at 10 minutes, and 5 at 15 minutes. Cord
arterial pH was 6.90 with base deficit 17 mmol/L. The initial neurologic
examination 60 minutes after birth was remarkable for decreased
responsiveness, absent suck/gag, generalized hypotonia, and
stereotyped response to noxious stimuli.
Therapeutic hypothermia was initiated for treatment of suspected
hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) due to placental abruption. The
target temperature was achieved by 2 hours after birth. The initial EEG
was discontinuous with interburst intervals of up to 17 seconds and
without obvious state changes. Fourteen hours after birth, the infant
experienced four focal seizures lasting 45 to 60 seconds each that
stopped following a single dose of IV phenobarbital (20 mg/kg).
By the day after birth, the infant had spontaneous eye opening and was
more responsive. The EEG had improved, showing only mild excess
discontinuity with interburst intervals of up to 8 seconds during sleep.
Phenobarbital was discontinued. MRI performed the fourth day after
birth was normal, including diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and
magnetic resonance spectroscopy with a voxel placed in the left basal
ganglia. The child was taking full oral feeds via breast-feeding by the fifth
day after birth and was discharged home on the seventh day after
showing adequate oral intake. Prior to discharge home, the parents were
counseled regarding a cautiously optimistic prognosis based on early
improvement of EEG and neurologic examination as well as the normal
MRI. At age 2, the child had normal development and had not had
recurrent seizures.
66 FEBRUARY 2018
Reasons for absent or incomplete effect of hypothermia may be delayed onset of KEY POINT
cooling, injury that is too severe, or incorrect diagnosis.
● The predominant
patterns of injury in
ENCEPHALOPATHY ischemic encephalopathy
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDFUBN5ROWwyY= on 09/
If HIE is not the cause of the encephalopathy, then the general neurocritical care are (1) basal ganglia/
thalamus (with extension to
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principles discussed above (eg, maintaining normal glucose, temperature, blood rolandic cortex,
pressure) apply; however, therapeutic hypothermia is not indicated. Neonates hippocampus, and
with suspected infection as the cause of encephalopathy should be treated with brainstem in severe cases,
antimicrobial agents (or antiviral agents if herpes simplex virus is suspected). which is seen predominantly
in the setting of acute
Neonates with arterial stroke should have a careful cardiac examination to assess profound disruption in
for congenital heart defects and a family history taken to assess for risk factors for placental perfusion), and (2)
thrombophilia. Neonates with bland or hemorrhagic venous infarcts should be watershed areas (with injury
reimaged within 1 week and consideration given for anticoagulation if an acute to the watershed zones of
the anterior, middle, and
clot is identified.64,65 In the setting of neonatal encephalopathy due to brain posterior cerebral arteries),
malformation, a suspected or confirmed inborn error of metabolism, or which occurs in the setting
neonatal-onset epileptic encephalopathy, a specific genetic diagnosis should of partial prolonged injuries.
be sought.
This case exemplifies several key indicators of a poor prognosis in neonates COMMENT
with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy: status epilepticus, persistently
severely abnormal EEG, and severe injury on MRI.
American Academy
of Pediatrics. Neonatal encephalopathy is a heterogeneous disorder marked by altered mental
status, altered muscle tone, and depressed primitive reflexes, as well as
seizures. Therapeutic hypothermia is standard of care for neonates with
encephalopathy that is presumed to be caused by hypoxia-ischemia and who
would have fulfilled entry criteria into the large randomized trials. Brain-focused
EEG/amplitude- Severe abnormality (burst suppression, depressed and Early normalization of EEG/
integrated EEG undifferentiated tracing, extremely low voltage on continuous EEG; amplitude-integrated EEG
burst suppression or flat tracing on amplitude-integrated EEG), (within 24–36 hours)
especially if it persists beyond 24–36 hours after birth50–52
Early return of sleep-wake
Seizures that are refractory to initial loading doses of antiseizure cycling
medications or multifocal56
Seizures that respond to
first-line medication
MRI Moderate to severe injury (and especially near-total injury) Children with focal or
Injury to the ventrolateral thalamus or basal ganglia57 watershed pattern of injury,
even with high injury burden,
Absent myelination of the posterior limb of the
may have a favorable outcome60
internal capsule58
68 FEBRUARY 2018
management includes neurophysiologic monitoring and imaging with MRI to
help determine diagnosis, prognosis, and neurologic complications, as well as
careful attention to maintenance of normal homeostatic mechanisms (eg, glucose,
blood pressure) to help prevent secondary brain injury. While outcomes have
improved since the widespread use of hypothermia, risk of death or disability in
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDFUBN5ROWwyY= on 09/
the clinical trials was almost 50%. Emerging adjuvant therapies such as
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Nervous System
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By John Gaitanis, MD; Tomo Tarui, MD
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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This article provides an overview of the most common
nervous system malformations and serves as a reference for the latest
advances in diagnosis and treatment.
a primary role in preparing this
he nervous system undergoes rapid developmental changes
throughout gestation and continues to evolve after birth and into
UNLABELED USE OF early adulthood. Disruption of the developing nervous system can
occur at any stage. The timing and nature of disruptions account for
Drs Gaitanis and Tarui report no the specific malformations that result, which include a myriad of
disclosures. conditions such as spina bifida, hydrocephalus, holoprosencephaly,
© 2018 American Academy lissencephaly, and focal cortical dysplasia. Resulting signs may include cognitive
of Neurology. impairment, epilepsy, autism spectrum disorders, and motor and sensory
72 FEBRUARY 2018
impairment. Since brain malformations are defined by structural changes, KEY POINTS
neuroimaging is the fundamental diagnostic test. With improvements in
● Ambulation is one of the
ultrasound and prenatal MRI, accurate diagnosis can now occur prenatally. most important clinical
Prompt diagnosis allows for interventions sooner, in some cases prior concerns in patients with
to delivery. myelomeningocele.
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOera88TePS0K1dQc8qoeHb8= on 09/
This article reviews common alterations of nervous system development and Antigravity function of the
iliopsoas and quadriceps
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discusses them according to the embryologic stage in which the abnormality muscles is required for
has its origin.1 Emphasis is given to the clinical presentation and imaging walking, but ambulation
characteristics of the known conditions. can be impaired in all
children with spina bifida,
even those with low
BRIEF OVERVIEW OF EMBRYOLOGY neurosegmental lesions.
Brain and spinal cord development begins with neurulation, which is the process
of neural tube formation that occurs in the third and fourth weeks of gestation. In ● Hydrocephalus is seen in
the fifth and sixth weeks, prosencephalic development occurs, giving shape to approximately 90% of
patients with
the developing brain. Cortical development is divided into stages of cell
proliferation, neuronal migration, and postmigrational cortical organization.1–3 affecting the lumbar region.
Myelination and cortical organization are the final steps of brain development Newborns can be
and continue well beyond birth.4 asymptomatic without
recognizable clinical signs
of increased intracranial
Fusion of the neural tube begins at the level of the hindbrain (medulla and pons)
and at least one other site and proceeds rostrally and caudally.5 Failure of rostral
fusion disrupts brain development, resulting in anencephaly or encephalocele.
Incomplete caudal fusion causes the spinal disorder myelomeningocele.
Anencephaly occurs no later than day 24 of gestation. Encephalocele and
myelomeningocele occur around day 26 of gestation.
Myelomeningocele is the most common disorder of neurulation with which
fetuses and infants can remain viable. Its incidence in the United States is
approximately 0.2 to 0.4 per 1000 live births.6 The neurologic features of
myelomeningocele relate to the level of involvement, presence of hydrocephalus,
and other associated brain malformations.
Impairment of motor, sensory, and sphincter function relates to the level of
involvement. Ambulation is one of the most important clinical concerns.
Antigravity function of the iliopsoas and quadriceps muscles is required for
walking. Ambulation can be impaired in children with spina bifida, even those
with low neurosegmental lesions. Some children who learn to walk can lose
ambulation in later childhood; this is particularly true in those with high-level
Hydrocephalus is seen in approximately 90% of patients with lumbar lesions.
Hydrocephalus develops later in gestation or postnatally. Newborns with
myelomeningocele can be asymptomatic without recognizable clinical signs of
increased intracranial pressure (lethargy, irritability, limited upward gaze, and
rapidly expanding head circumference). Infants can become symptomatic up to
6 weeks after birth. Clinical signs are frequently absent; thus, neuroimaging is
necessary for the prompt diagnosis of hydrocephalus. Infants demonstrating
hydrocephalus require shunt placement immediately following myelomeningocele
closure, as the closure stops CSF leakage and thus possibly worsens hydrocephalus
unless CSF flow is diverted. Shunt placement at the time of myelomeningocele
closure can reduce surgical morbidities such as wound dehiscence and CSF
leaks in the area of the myelomeningocele repair without increasing
shunt complications.8
Myelomeningocele combined with inferior displacement of the cerebellar tonsils
through the foramen magnum is termed the Arnold-Chiari malformation (Chiari
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type II). Of note, Chiari type I refers to displacement of the cerebellar tonsils
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through the foramen magnum without dysraphism. Other features of Chiari type
II malformation include elongation and thinning of the upper medulla and pons
and bony defects of the foramen magnum, occiput, and upper cervical vertebrae.
Myelomeningocele may be associated with brainstem malformations, with
resulting brainstem dysfunction such as apnea, stridor, cyanotic spells, and
dysphagia, which can become significant causes of morbidity and mortality.
Periventricular nodular heterotopia is associated with Arnold-Chiari
malformations in roughly one-third of patients.9 It is seen more commonly in
patients with a low pontomesencephalic junction.
Diagnosis of myelomeningocele and Arnold-Chiari malformation begins prior
to birth, and, increasingly, treatment also can begin prenatally. Associated brain
and non–central nervous system (CNS) malformations can be detected by fetal
sonography or MRI, which influences postnatal outcome. The rationale for fetal
74 FEBRUARY 2018
The forebrain takes shape during prosencephalic development beginning in the
● Prenatal surgery for
fifth week and continuing through the second and third months of gestation. myelomeningocele is
Forebrain development can be divided into three stages: formation, cleavage, associated with lower rates
and midline development.15 Anomaly of prosencephalic formation of shunt placement and
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOera88TePS0K1dQc8qoeHb8= on 09/
(aprosencephaly, atelencephaly) is not viable and extremely rare, thus this improvements in mental
development and motor
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ventricle and a malformed cortical mantle. Malformation may involve the tube defects. Women who
dysplastic optic nerves and the olfactory bulbs and tracts. The thalamus and have had a child with a
hypothalamus do not separate normally and may accompany hypopituitarism. neural tube defect are
recommended to consume
Facial anomalies, when present, can range from as severe as cyclopia to as subtle
4 mg of folic acid daily.
as a single central incisor. Semilobar and lobar holoprosencephaly are less severe
forms of the same anomaly (FIGURE 4-1). ● The etiology of
Associated cortical malformations frequently cause epilepsy. Careful attention holoprosencephaly is
to the neuroimaging features is therefore necessary in providing an heterogeneous with both
genetic and environmental
accurate prognosis.16 causes. Gestational
The etiology of holoprosencephaly is heterogeneous with both genetic and diabetes mellitus is the
environmental causes. Gestational diabetes mellitus is the most common most common
environmental cause and carries a 1% risk of holoprosencephaly (200 times environmental cause and
carries a 1% risk of
greater than in the healthy population). Chromosomal abnormalities account for holoprosencephaly.
approximately 25% to 50% of holoprosencephaly cases, with trisomy 13 Chromosomal
syndrome and trisomy 18 syndrome being the most common. Thus, karyotype abnormalities account for
and chromosomal microarray analysis can be the first genetic tests ordered.17 approximately 25% to 50%
of holoprosencephaly
Single-gene mutations are found in roughly 25% of patients. Several genes are cases.
known to be causative (SHH, SIX3, ZIC2). The first gene discovered, the sonic
hedgehog (SHH) gene at 7q36, is also the most common.17 SHH plays an
important role in dorsal-ventral patterning.18 Assuming a clear environmental cause is
not found, the evaluation typically begins with a chromosomal microarray followed
by targeted gene sequencing if the chromosomal microarray is unremarkable.17
Genetic counseling is important given the heterogeneity of these disorders.
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● Septooptic dysplasia
presents with visual
impairment in infancy
(congenital nystagmus or
poor visual engagement),
hypopituitarism, or both.
Semilobar holoprosencephaly. Coronal (A) and axial (B) fetal MRI at 20 weeks gestational age show
a single ventricle, absence of the septum pellucidum, and incompletely formed interhemispheric
fissure (absence of cleavage of frontal lobes [B, arrow]) consistent with holoprosencephaly.
Coronal (C) and axial (D) MRI of a male newborn shows rudimental temporal and occipital
lobes consistent with semilobar holoprosencephaly. Partial fusion of thalamus (D, arrowhead)
and incomplete hippocampal formation are additionally recognized.
76 FEBRUARY 2018
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Agenesis of the corpus callosum. Fetal brain MRI (A, coronal; B, axial; C, sagittal) at 31 weeks
gestational age showing complete agenesis of the corpus callosum. Characteristic findings
are shown, including vertical (coronal) and parallel (axial) orientation of anterior horns of
lateral ventricles and ventriculomegaly, especially of the posterior horns (colpocephaly).
Full-term neonatal brain MRI (D, coronal; E, axial; F, sagittal) of the same patient with findings
remnant to fetal MRI, such as parallel alignment of the bodies of lateral ventricles. Sagittal
image shows abnormal radiant orientation of sulci (F). Late gestational development after
31 weeks, including gyrification, appears to have normally occurred without associated
central nervous system anomalies, consistent with isolated agenesis of the corpus callosum.
Decreased Proliferation
Decreased neuronal proliferation results in microcephaly with or without
abnormal cerebral morphology.
78 FEBRUARY 2018
standard deviations below normal. Primary microcephaly is a heterogeneous KEY POINTS
condition and can be caused by destructive processes (eg, hypoxia-ischemia,
● Primary microcephaly is
intrauterine infections) or from a genetically determined reduction in neuronal a heterogeneous condition
proliferation. Most genetic forms are recessively inherited. Mutations associated and can be caused by
with primary microcephaly alter neuroprogenitor cell proliferation through cell destructive processes
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOera88TePS0K1dQc8qoeHb8= on 09/
intrauterine infections) or
cell proliferation (ASPM, STIL), mitotic spindle formation (WDR62), or DNA
from a genetically
repair (PNKP, PCNT). One of the most common genetic causes is microcephaly determined reduction in
5, caused by mutations in the abnormal spindlelike microcephaly-associated neuronal proliferation.
gene (ASPM).33,34 ASPM is essential for normal mitotic spindle activity in Mutations associated with
primary microcephaly alter
neuroprogenitor cells, and its disruption therefore affects neuronal proliferation.35
neuroprogenitor cell
Intellectual disability and a generalized simplification of the gyral pattern are proliferation through cell
common, but more severe gyral abnormalities have not been described. cycle regulation,
A simplified gyral pattern is sometimes recognized in cases of microcephaly centrosome function, cell
proliferation, mitotic
with a spectrum of severity, which, on the severe end, is termed
spindle formation, or DNA
microlissencephaly.36,37 Microlissencephaly may be associated with cerebellar and repair.
callosal anomalies38 and clinically manifests with global developmental delay,
intellectual disabilities, and seizures.39 Thus, microlissencephaly is considered to ● All patients with
be a distinct clinical entity from the more common microcephaly with a hemimegalencephaly
have epilepsy.
simplified gyral pattern.40 Hemispherectomy is often
Intrauterine infections, such as cytomegalovirus or Zika virus, have been required to treat
associated with microcephaly as well as more extensive injuries or intractable epilepsy,
malformations. Five clinical features are particularly associated with Zika virus: although some patients’
seizures may be controlled
(1) severe microcephaly with a partially collapsed skull (resembling anencephaly medically.
but with preserved skin overlying the skull), (2) thin cerebral cortices with
subcortical calcifications, (3) macular scarring and pigmentary retinal mottling,
(4) congenital contractures, and (5) early hypertonia or extrapyramidal
symptoms (CASE 4-2).41
Disordered Proliferation
Malformations in this group are characterized by significantly abnormal
neuroprogenitor cell proliferation as well as other malformations and
occasionally abnormal growth outside the CNS.
establish obstetric care. She had moved from the Dominican Republic to
the United States when her fetus was 11 weeks gestational age, and she
had not received further prenatal care until the current presentation, at
which time a fetal ultrasound detected significant fetal anomalies of
severe microcephaly, small forebrain, scalloped parietal bones, and
bilateral ventriculomegaly, as well as a dilated third ventricle. Fetal
echocardiogram found levorotation and tricuspid valve thickening. She
denied any symptoms of illness during the pregnancy.
An infant boy was born at 37 weeks gestation with severe microcephaly
(head circumference of 29 cm), generalized hypotonia, poor suck,
single palmar crease, rocker bottom feet, and respiratory distress in
addition to the findings that had been seen on ultrasound. Chest
x-ray showed right-sided diaphragmatic paralysis that required
supplemental oxygen viacontinuous positive airway pressure and
later nasal cannula.
Neonatal echocardiogram found a patent ductus arteriosus, patent
foramen ovale, and right atrial and ventricular dilatation. Neonatal brain
MRI identified agenesis of the corpus callosum (FIGURE 4-3A), pachygyria
(FIGURE 4-3B), and parenchymal subcortical calcification (FIGURE 4-3C). The
newborn was diagnosed with congenital Zika virus infection by serum IgM
and real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. At
2 months of age, the child had marked microcephaly (head circumference
of 32 cm), scalloped parietal bone, slanted occiput (FIGURE 4-3D and 4-3E),
diffuse spasticity (FIGURE 4-3F), bilateral hearing loss, and cortical visual
80 FEBRUARY 2018
which functions in cellular signaling pathways.54 Hamartin and tuberin interact KEY POINT
as part of a larger protein complex controlling cell growth and size.54 Diagnosis
● In the brain,
of tuberous sclerosis complex is mostly clinical owing to the large size of TSC1
characteristic features of
and TSC2 genes. Clinically, tuberous sclerosis complex is classified into three tuberous sclerosis include
subcategories: definite, probable, and suspect, based on the type and number of cortical and subcortical
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOera88TePS0K1dQc8qoeHb8= on 09/
abnormalities characteristic of the disease.55 The disease is primarily recognized hamartomas, subependymal
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Imaging and photographs of the patient in CASE 4-2. Neonatal brain MRI identifying agenesis of the corpus callosum
(A, sagittal T1-weighted image), pachygyria (B, axial T2-weighted image), and parenchymal subcortical calcification
(C, axial T1-weighted image). Photographs showing marked microcephaly (head circumference of 32 cm), scalloped
parietal bone, slanted occiput (D, E), and diffuse spasticity (overlapping fingers) (F).
and a high burden of cortical tubers are associated with a high risk for cognitive
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Tuberous sclerosis complex. MRI of a 4-month-old female infant with tuberous sclerosis
complex. Arrowheads in T2 axial (A, B) and T1 coronal (C) images point to T2 high signal (and
T1 low, not shown) cortical/subcortical (A) and cortical (B, C) tubers, and expanding gyri (A).
T2 axial image (D) shows a subependymal nodule (arrow), as seen in approximately 98% of cases.
82 FEBRUARY 2018
Microscopically, features of focal cortical dysplasia are characterized as KEY POINTS
abnormal cortical lamination, dysmorphic cells (cytomegalic dysmorphic
● Patients with tuberous
neurons and balloon cells), and abnormal cellular polarity.63 The recent sclerosis complex may
consensus classification proposed by the International League Against Epilepsy develop progressive
subclassifies focal cortical dysplasia into types I, II, and III.64 Focal cortical cognitive impairment.
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dysplasia type I is characterized by abnormal radial or tangential migration. Cells Seizures in children younger
than 2 years of age, infantile
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observed in type I appear to be less dysmorphic or small dysmorphic cells spasms, and a high burden
(hypertrophic pyramidal neurons) in contrast to type II. Focal cortical dysplasia of cortical tubers are
type II has disrupted cortical lamination and characteristic dysmorphic cells such associated with a high risk
as cytomegalic dysmorphic neurons and balloon cells. Type IIa only has for cognitive impairment.
Autism is commonly seen in
cytomegalic dysmorphic neurons, and type IIb has balloon cells (CASE 4-3). Type patients with tuberous
II is relatively well visualized by MRI. Focal cortical dysplasia type III is sclerosis complex,
associated with an additional brain lesion and subclassified as follows: IIIa especially in patients with
(hippocampal sclerosis), IIIb (tumor), IIIc (vascular malformations), or IIId temporal tubers, seizure
onset before 3 years of age,
(acquired lesions in early life such as gliosis). On MRI, focal cortical dysplasia or infantile spasms.
may be found to be funnel-shaped and slightly hyperintense lesions on
T2-weighted images (FIGURE 4-5). Typical funnel lesions have their bases ● Focal cortical dysplasia
oriented toward the pial surface and the tip into the white matter.62 Focal cortical is highly associated with
medically refractory
dysplasia is increasingly detected along with advances in MRI techniques,
CASE 4-3 A 6-year-old girl presented with seizures that had suddenly developed
1 day prior to initial neurologic evaluation. She had no significant past
medical history, and her development had been normal. Her seizures
involved head and eye deviation to the right with full extension of the right
arm and flexion of the left arm at the elbow, which was followed by
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOera88TePS0K1dQc8qoeHb8= on 09/
COMMENT This case demonstrates how focal cortical dysplasia can be the responsible
epileptogenic lesion in refractory epilepsy. The seizures are often
refractory to multiple pharmacologic treatments, and many patients are
therefore appropriate epilepsy surgery candidates. If the lesion is fully
resected, complete seizure cessation is possible.
84 FEBRUARY 2018
number of abnormally
large gyri).
Periventricular nodular heterotopia. A 27-week fetus was initially referred for ventriculomegaly
and found to have nodular heterotopia (A, B, arrows). Newborn MRI of this patient
confirmed bilateral ventriculomegaly and periventricular nodular tissues with signal isointense
to cortex suggestive for ectopic gray matter, notable in coronal (C) and axial (D) images.
Lissencephaly refers to a paucity of normal gyri and sulci resulting in a “smooth
brain.” It is a heterogeneous condition and was previously divided into two
pathologic subtypes: classic (type I) and cobblestone (type II). More recently,
however, cobblestone malformations have been recognized as a distinct category
of diseases associated with dystroglycanopathies.
agyria appears as a smooth brain surface with diminished white matter and
shallow, underopercularized sylvian fissures.56 The gyri in pachygyria are
reduced in number and have an abnormally broad and flat morphology.56
Genetic investigations have been most fruitful in this malformation, and many
responsible genes and molecular mechanisms have been discovered. Pachygyria
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOera88TePS0K1dQc8qoeHb8= on 09/
has a posterior greater than anterior gradient in LIS1, TUBA1A, and TUBB2B
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mutations (FIGURE 4-7) and an anterior greater than posterior gradient in DCX,
ACTB, and ACTG1 mutations. Most children with lissencephaly have relatively
severe cognitive and motor disabilities and seizures. Clinical severity is related
to the degree of structural abnormality, with greater gyral simplification resulting
in greater clinical impairment. Epilepsy is universal, and infantile spasms are a
particularly common seizure type. EEG reveals characteristic, high-voltage beta
activity.73 Neurodevelopmental disabilities are severe, with intellectual disability,
spastic quadriparesis, and microcephaly all occurring commonly.
Classic lissencephaly has a markedly thickened smooth cortex with a relatively
unaffected cerebellum and brainstem. Mutations of the platelet-activating factor
acetylhydrolase gene (PAFAH1B1 [LIS1]) located on chromosome 17p13.3 is
commonly seen, especially in cases with a posterior greater than anterior gradient.74
The LIS1 gene product interacts with microtubules functioning in intracellular
Lissencephaly and TUBA1A mutation. A fetal MRI at 21 weeks gestational age was ordered
because of microcephaly. Axial (A) and coronal (B) images show shallow operculum, abnormally
box-shaped temporal lobes suggesting diffuse cerebral malformation. Follow-up fetal MRI
at 29 weeks gestational age (C, axial; D, coronal) show persistent shallow operculum
(under-undulation) and absence of normal sulcations in frontal lobes consistent with anterior
dominant lissencephaly. Abnormal hypoplastic temporal lobes were also persistent. Postnatal
MRI (E and F, axial; G, coronal; H, sagittal) continued to show the same features consistent with
anterior dominant lissencephaly. Genetic investigation determined a TUBA1A mutation.
86 FEBRUARY 2018
molecular transport. Almost all patients have de novo heterozygous mutations of KEY POINTS
LIS1. Therefore, the recurrence risk of having a second affected child is very ● Most children with
low. A microdeletion syndrome affecting this region manifests as Miller-Dieker lissencephaly have
syndrome, with other congenital anomalies (craniofacial, renal, cardiac, or relatively severe cognitive
gastrointestinal malformations).75 Mutations of TUBA1A76 and TUBB2B77 are and motor disabilities and
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOera88TePS0K1dQc8qoeHb8= on 09/
DCX mutation causing double cortex. Fetal MRI at 28 weeks gestational age showed smooth gyri
and subcortical band heterotopia (A, axial; B, coronal; arrowheads), suggestive of lissencephaly.
The image contrast was adjusted to accentuate T2 low-signal band in the subcortical
region (arrowheads). Postnatal MRI (C, axial; D, coronal) of this patient confirmed subcortical
band heterotopia (low-intensity signal in T2-weighted image band in subcortical white matter).
The child developed global developmental delay and infantile spasms.
TABLE 4-1 Etiologic Summary of Brain and Spine Malformations and Their Investigation
Relatively Common
Disorder Incidence Genetic Causes Genetic Workupa Notes
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOera88TePS0K1dQc8qoeHb8= on 09/
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Prosencephalic Development
Holoprosencephaly 1/10,00081 25% to 50% chromosomal First: chromosomal Increased risk with
abnormalities; syndromic microarray gestational diabetes
holoprosencephaly (eg, autosomal mellitus82
dominant, autosomal recessive); Second: SHH, SIX3,
nonsyndromic holoprosencephaly and ZIC2
(eg, SHH, ZIC2, SIX3, TGIF1)
and hypopituitarism
Neuronal Proliferation
Microcephaly 1.5/10,000 Primary: MCPH1, CENPJ, May choose individual Look for nongenetic
CDK5RAP2, NDE1, PNKP, PCNT gene sequencing or causes such as
available panel cytomegalovirus, Zika
Microcephaly plus sequencing test infections, intrauterine
polymicrogyria: NDE1, WDR62 injuries
88 FEBRUARY 2018
Relatively Common
Genetic Workupa
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOera88TePS0K1dQc8qoeHb8= on 09/
Axonal Development
Agenesis of the 1.8/10,00085 Copy number variants Chromosomal microarray See if it is isolated or
corpus callosum (17.3%)85 syndromic
Lissencephaly Not known Lissencephaly plus agenesis of the First: LIS1 (posterior
corpus callosum: ARX reelin type greater than anterior), DCX
plus anterior greater than (anterior greater than
posterior gradient: RELN, VLDLR; posterior)
Cobblestone Not known FCMD, FKRP, POMT1, POMT2, Based on clinical features, O-glycosylation of
malformations LARGE1, POMGNT1 may consider individual a-dystroglycan mutations
genes listed at left Look for associated
anomalies (eye
anomalies, myopathies)
Disorders of Postmigrational Development
Polymicrogyria Not known Bilateral frontoparietal, perisylvian Bilateral: ADGRG1 Look for
polymicrogyria: ADGRG1 (also cytomegalovirus,
known as GPR56) Asymmetric: based on vascular injuries
clinical features, may
Asymmetric polymicrogyria: consider panel
TUBA8, TUBB2B, TUBB3 sequencing test
May seen in syndromes such as Also look for nongenetic
Zellweger syndrome causes, schizencephaly
Schizencephaly Not known EMX2 Nongenetic causes, look Look for
for polymicrogyria cytomegalovirus,
vascular injuries
neurons occur in the subcortical white matter, forming band heterotopia. The
overlying cortex displays a relatively normal six-layered architecture. Random
inactivation of the X chromosome accounts for this pattern. Neurons expressing
a normal copy of DCX undergo normal migration, whereas those expressing a
mutant copy remain arrested in the subcortical white matter. Since males have
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOera88TePS0K1dQc8qoeHb8= on 09/
Polymicrogyria is thought to develop at the latest stages of neuronal migration or
the earliest phases of cortical organization.3 It often results from external
(nongenetic) causes such as intrauterine cytomegalovirus infection88 or placental
perfusion failure.89 Patients with genetic etiologies may present with focal but
symmetric lesions such as bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria. Polymicrogyria
can occur in any conceivable region, and frontoparietal, perisylvian, and
parietooccipital regions have all been observed. Common clinical presentations
include epilepsy and cognitive impairment. More specific symptoms are
associated with a specific region or regions involved, as is the case in bilateral
perisylvian polymicrogyria.
Bilateral frontoparietal polymicrogyria is characterized by bilateral,
symmetric polymicrogyria in the frontoparietal regions, with an anterior greater
than posterior gradient.90 MRI shows thin white matter with areas of T2
prolongation, ventriculomegaly, and hypoplastic pons and cerebellar vermis.90
Reflecting broadly localizing pathology, the clinical manifestations are relatively
severe and include motor disability, seizures, and global developmental delays.65,90
Cerebellar abnormalities and dysconjugate gaze are also common.90 The causative
gene is ADGRG1 (also known as GPR56),91 which forms part of the adhesion
G protein–coupled receptor family.
Bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria results in a clinical syndrome manifested
by mild cognitive impairment, epilepsy, and pseudobulbar palsy.92 In childhood,
the pseudobulbar palsy results in expressive speech delay and feeding difficulty.
Bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria is often a sporadic condition but has also
been described in association with neurofibromatosis type 193 and Kabuki
make-up syndrome.94 Phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 2 (PIK3R2)
is a kinase that is involved in cell growth, survival, proliferation, motility, and
morphology and is associated with bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria.53
These polymicrogyria syndromes are the most commonly described.
Polymicrogyria can be also seen in association with other brain malformations,
90 FEBRUARY 2018
genetic syndromes, or fetal brain injuries such as perinatal infection. Genes KEY POINTS
associated with polymicrogyria are increasingly being identified.
● Cobblestone
malformations are
With advances in obstetric ultrasound, brain malformations have been congenital muscular
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOera88TePS0K1dQc8qoeHb8= on 09/
increasingly recognized in the fetal period, especially in the second trimester, dystrophy and eye
abnormalities. These
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when a routine fetal anatomic evaluation has been offered to pregnant women disorders result from an
in the United States. Open neural tube defects may be diagnosed even earlier, impairment of glycosylation
with maternal serum screening of a-fetoprotein in the first trimester. Concerning of a-dystroglycan,
findings are further investigated with fetal MRI and genetic tests. Child affecting the brain, nerve,
and skeletal muscle.
neurologists play a central role in providing prenatal diagnosis and counseling
to pregnant women and families in collaboration with a multidisciplinary ● Bilateral perisylvian
team consisting of maternal fetal medicine, radiologists, neurosurgeons, polymicrogyria results in a
geneticists, and neonatologists.95 Child neurologists are essential in formulating clinical syndrome
manifested by mild
a diagnostic plan, assessing prognosis, and providing postnatal care to
cognitive impairment,
affected children.95 epilepsy, and
Lately, significant advances have been made in prenatal genetic diagnosis and pseudobulbar palsy. In
fetal surgery, which is changing practice. Genotyping of fetal cells via chorionic childhood, the
pseudobulbar palsy results
villi sampling and amniocentesis (amniocytes) remains the gold standard of
Disorders of nervous system development can be a devastating diagnosis, particularly
given their association with intellectual impairment, motor dysfunction, and epilepsy.
Although patients benefit from therapeutic interventions, such as physical,
occupational, and speech therapy, the magnitude of improvement is limited.
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I NT E R V I E W A V AI L A B L E Disorders
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By Tena Rosser, MD
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This article presents an up-to-date summary of the
genetic etiology, diagnostic criteria, clinical features, and current
management recommendations for the most common neurocutaneous
disorders encountered in clinical adult and pediatric neurology practices.
Address correspondence to
Dr Tena Rosser, Children’s
Hospital of Los Angeles, 4650 INTRODUCTION
Sunset Blvd, Mailstop 82, Los he phakomatoses are a heterogeneous group of disorders that primarily
Angeles, CA 90027, trosser@
affect the skin and central nervous system (CNS). While phenotypically
and genetically diverse, they are united by their origins in defects of
RELATIONSHIP DISCLOSURE: the developing primitive embryonic ectodermal tissue, which gives
Dr Rosser receives
research/grant support from
rise to both the skin and nervous system. Most neurocutaneous
Novartis AG and the US syndromes are classified as single-gene disorders, but they have autosomal
Army/US Department of Defense dominant, autosomal recessive, or X-linked inheritance patterns (TABLE 5-1).
(NF100612) and publishing royalties
from Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Neurologists require a basic knowledge of and familiarity with a wide variety of
Dr Rosser has provided expert neurocutaneous disorders because of the frequent involvement of the central and
legal testimony on a variety of
peripheral nervous systems in these conditions. A simple routine skin examination
neurologic disorders in childhood.
can often open a broad differential diagnosis and lead to improved patient care in
UNLABELED USE OF these cases. Recent advances in genetic technologies have furthered our
understanding of the specific genetic defects and protein functions responsible for
Dr Rosser reports many neurocutaneous disorders, moving the field forward such that biologically
no disclosure. based, targeted therapies are being developed for many associated complications.
© 2018 American Academy of Several neurocutaneous disorders have now been categorized as RASopathies,
Neurology. a group of related disorders caused by mutations in genes that regulate the
96 FEBRUARY 2018
RAS–mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. This important
biological pathway governs functions such as cell growth, proliferation,
differentiation, and apoptosis.1 Significant phenotypic overlap exists among the
RASopathies, which manifest with characteristic dysmorphic facial features as
well as with abnormalities of the dermatologic, cardiac, ophthalmic,
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOera88TePS0K1dQc8qoeHb8= on 09/
a predisposition to both benign and malignant tumors. Almost all are associated
with a range of mild to severe developmental disabilities.1
RASopathies with neurocutaneous features include neurofibromatosis type 1
(NF1), Legius syndrome, Noonan syndrome with multiple lentigines (previously
called LEOPARD syndrome), and capillary malformation-arteriovenous
malformation syndrome. While Noonan syndrome, cardiofaciocutaneous
Noonan syndrome with Autosomal 12q24, 3p25.2, 7q34 PTPN11, RAF1, BRAF Multiple
multiple lentigines dominant
syndrome, and Costello syndrome also share the RAS-MAPK pathway, they
generally do not have the characteristic hyperpigmented lesions seen in the other
RAS-MAPK pathway disorders.1,2 Tuberous sclerosis complex is caused by
dysregulation of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway, which
lies downstream but is an integral part of the complete RAS-MAPK pathway. As
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOera88TePS0K1dQc8qoeHb8= on 09/
NF1 is the most common and well-known neurocutaneous disorder, occurring in
approximately 1 in 3000 to 1 in 4000 individuals.4,5 NF1 is an autosomal
RAS–mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and mammalian target of rapamycin
(mTOR) pathways in neurocutaneous disorders.
CFC = cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome; NSML = Noonan syndrome with multiple lentigines; NF1 =
neurofibromatosis type 1.
Modified with permission from Wataya-Kaneda M, J Dermatol Sci.3 © 2015 Japanese Society for
Investigative Dermatology.
98 FEBRUARY 2018
chromosome 17q11.2.6,7 Approximately 50% of cases of NF1 are familial, and the
remaining cases occur sporadically.4,5,7 The NF1 gene encodes the protein
neurofibromin, which acts as a guanine triphosphatase (GTPase)-activating
protein (GAP) and is important in cell growth and signaling pathways,
participating in downregulating the tumor-suppressing RAS-MAPK pathway.7
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In 1987, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Consensus Development Panel
established NF1 diagnostic criteria that still remain the gold standard for making
a clinical diagnosis (TABLE 5-2).8 In most cases, an NF1 diagnosis can be made on
a clinical basis by an experienced physician using the diagnostic criteria, but
genetic testing may be required in atypical cases. In addition, the discovery of the
clinically milder Legius syndrome (described later in this article) has increased
the need to perform genetic testing to differentiate it from NF1.9 Since NF1
clinical features develop over time, it may also be difficult to confirm a diagnosis
in young children with multiple café au lait spots and no other NF1-related
findings, so genetic testing may also be appropriate in these cases. However, a
clinical diagnosis can be confirmed by the NIH diagnostic criteria for NF1 in as
many as 75% of children by 6 years of age and almost all by 10 years of age.10 Of
note, some individuals may have a mosaic or segmental form of NF1 that involves
only a segment of the body and does not place them at risk for the numerous
medical complications that can be seen in the population with generalized NF1.10
Clinical Features
NF1 primarily affects the skin, CNS, peripheral nervous system, eyes, and
musculoskeletal system, but rarer complications can occur involving other
organ systems.
SKIN. Café au lait spots are the hallmark clinical feature in NF1 and are identified
in almost all affected individuals. These are macular hyperpigmented lesions that
The diagnostic criteria require the presence of two of seven clinical features, including:
u Six or more café au lait spots >5 mm in diameter in prepubertal children and >15 mm in
postpubertal children
are typically present at birth and grow in number and size over the first few
months to years of life. Freckling with 1 mm to 3 mm hyperpigmented macular
lesions in the axillary and inguinal areas is seen in almost 90% of cases
(FIGURE 5-2). Freckling most often arises in the toddler years and can help
confirm an NF1 diagnosis in young children with multiple café au lait spots.5,8,10
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● Plexiform
neurofibromas occur in
30% of individuals with
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neurofibromatosis type 1
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● Warning signs of
malignancy include rapid
plexiform growth,
significant pain, new
neurologic deficit, and
change to a hard texture.
Neurofibromatosis type 1. A, An extensive left facial and neck plexiform neurofibroma in are present in 15% to 20%
an adolescent with neurofibromatosis type 1. B, Axial T2-weighted MRI demonstrates the of young children with
complexity of this lesion, with almost complete obliteration of her airway. Her clinical course neurofibromatosis type 1
was also complicated by a transient ischemic attack, likely due to involvement of the but often have an indolent
left carotid artery. course, becoming
symptomatic in only 33%
to 50% of those affected.
determined the lifetime risk of malignant transformation to be approximately
10%.13 Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors can occur sporadically in ● Children under 6 years
individuals without NF1, but they occur at a younger age and at a higher frequency of age are most at risk
when associated with NF1. Clinical warning signs of malignancy include rapid for developing optic
pathway gliomas.
plexiform growth, severe pain, new neurologic deficits, and change in plexiform
texture to a more solid hard mass. Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors are
challenging to treat as they often cannot be fully resected and are resistant to
chemotherapy. The 5-year survival rate is poor at 20% to 50%.13,14
They can occur in any portion of the optic pathway, including the prechiasmatic
optic nerves, optic chiasm, optic tracts, and optic radiations. Several studies have
demonstrated that chiasmatic and postchiasmatic lesions are the most likely to
progress, while prechiasmatic lesions have a more benign course.15 Findings may
include optic atrophy, proptosis, pupillary abnormalities, decreased visual acuity,
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOera88TePS0K1dQc8qoeHb8= on 09/
and dysregulation of the RAS-MAPK pathway in vascular epithelial cells vision abnormalities,
and proptosis.
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brain MRIs for optic pathway gliomas, but any child with vision deterioration,
signs of endocrine abnormalities, significant headaches, seizures, marked increase
in head size, or other concerning neurologic symptoms should undergo a brain
MRI.15,24 Appropriate referrals to developmental specialists should be considered
for children with evidence of learning disabilities, ADHD, or features of autism.24
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Legius syndrome was first described in 2007 in a group of individuals who met
the NIH diagnostic criteria for NF1 but who had no identifiable mutation in the
NF1 gene.8,27 A heterozygous germline mutation in the SPRED1 gene on
chromosome 15q13.2 was identified as causing this NF1-like syndrome, and, as
with the NF1 gene, this gene codes for a protein that acts as a tumor suppressor to
downregulate the RAS-MAPK pathway.27,28 An autosomal dominant inheritance
pattern with complete penetrance has been established.28
CASE 5-1 A 25-year-old man was brought to the emergency department by ambulance
after having his first seizure. He had no known underlying medical condition
and was in his usual state of good health when the seizure occurred.
On examination, he was afebrile with a heart rate of 100 beats/min and a
blood pressure of 180/96 mm Hg. He appeared to be healthy but was
postictal. On skin examination, he had multiple café au lait spots in addition
to axillary freckling and dermal neurofibromas consistent with a diagnosis
of neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). His neurologic examination was normal.
Head CT revealed hypodensities in the parietooccipital regions. Brain MRI
was consistent with a diagnosis of posterior reversible encephalopathy
syndrome (PRES). Further workup for an etiology of his hypertension
revealed right-sided renal artery stenosis.
COMMENT This case highlights the fact that neurocutaneous disorders often go
undiagnosed, particularly when individuals are otherwise healthy. In this
case, a skin examination facilitated confirmation of the diagnosis and led to
appropriate patient management. In addition, the vascular manifestations
of NF1 can be clinically silent for many years, and it is important for
individuals with NF1 to be monitored by experienced clinicians for potential
complications throughout their lifetime.
café au lait spots and macrocephaly either with or without axillary and inguinal ● Approximately 5% of
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The diagnostic criteria for NF2 have evolved over the years to improve sensitivity
as the genetic basis and defining clinical features have been elucidated. The
Manchester criteria34 are still frequently used, but in 2011, Baser and colleagues
built upon current knowledge to create criteria that can be used to reliably make
an earlier diagnosis than prior criteria (TABLE 5-3).33,35 While vestibular
schwannomas are the hallmark of NF2, additional clinical features are often
required to confirm the diagnosis.33
NF2 most often presents in the second or third decade of life with hearing
loss, tinnitus, or disequilibrium, which are attributable to vestibular
schwannoma involvement. Children with NF2 are more likely to come to
KEY POINTS medical attention because of nonvestibular etiologies, such as other brain
tumors, spinal cord tumors, skin lesions, visual disturbances, and
● Schwannomatosis is a
rare third form of
mononeuropathy (CASE 5-2).30,35,36
neurofibromatosis with NF2 is now rarely confused with NF1, but schwannomatosis should be
clinical and genetic overlap included in the differential diagnosis of any patient with suspected NF2.
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genetic, and imaging overlap with NF2. Mutations in the SMARCB1 gene account
● Individuals with for 40% to 50% of the cases of familial schwannomatosis and 10% of sporadic
schwannomatosis typically cases.25 More recently, associated mutations in the LZTR1 gene, which maps to
present in their twenties to chromosome 22 in the region of the NF2 and SMARCB1 genes, have also been
thirties with chronic pain
identified in some cases. Individuals with schwannomatosis often present in their
and symptoms relatable to
nerve sheath tumors in the twenties to thirties with chronic pain and symptoms relatable to nerve sheath
central and peripheral tumors. While other cranial nerves can be involved, individuals with
nervous systems. schwannomatosis can be distinguished from those with NF2 because they do not
develop vestibular schwannomas.25
● Schwannomatosis does
not cause vestibular
schwannomas as seen in Clinical Features
neurofibromatosis type 2, The clinical manifestations of NF2 involve the skin, CNS, peripheral nervous
but other cranial nerves can system, and eyes.
be involved.
SKIN. The cutaneous findings of NF2 are much less prominent than in other
neurocutaneous disorders. Skin tumors are identified in approximately 70% of
affected individuals.36 Plaquelike, raised, intracutaneous, hyperpigmented
areas with occasional hypertrichosis occur most frequently. Subcutaneous
nodular palpable lesions can also often be identified. Café au lait spots are
found in approximately 40% of cases but are atypical and much less numerous
than those seen in NF1.35,36
Individuals who meet the following criteria can be diagnosed with neurofibromatosis
type 2 by:
A Bilateral vestibular schwannomas
B First-degree relative with neurofibromatosis type 2 AND:
1 Unilateral vestibular schwannoma OR
2 Any two of the following: meningioma, glioma, neurofibroma, schwannoma, posterior
subcapsular lenticular opacities
C Unilateral vestibular schwannoma AND any two of the following: meningioma, glioma,
neurofibroma, schwannoma, posterior subcapsular lenticular opacities
D Multiple meningioma (two or more) AND
1 Unilateral vestibular schwannoma OR
2 Any two of the following: meningioma, glioma, neurofibroma, schwannoma, posterior
subcapsular lenticular opacities
Modified with permission from Baser ME, et al, Neurology.33 © 2002 American Academy of Neurology.
Coronal postcontrast T1-weighted MRI of the
patient in CASE 5-1 shows a left hemispheric
enhancing mass with central necrosis and
surrounding edema consistent with a meningioma
in a 10-year-old girl with neurofibromatosis type 2.
This case highlights the fact that while adults with NF2 typically present COMMENT
with symptomatology related to vestibular schwannomas, children with NF2
are more likely to present with ophthalmic findings, meningiomas,
nonvestibular schwannomas, and spinal tumors.
their location and the degree of compression of local tissues. One study found
that the presence of NF2-associated meningiomas raised the relative risk of
mortality by 2.5 times compared to those without meningiomas.25
Spinal cord tumors are seen in almost 70% of NF2 cases.37 Spinal schwannomas
and extramedullary meningiomas occur most frequently. Weakness, sensory
changes, pain, and bowel/bladder difficulties can result when these lesions cause
spinal cord and nerve compression.37 Intramedullary ependymomas occur in
33% to 53% of patients and have a
predilection for the cervical spine
and the cervicomedullary
junction.38 They can cover
multiple spinal cord segments and
often contain cystic components.
Most NF2-associated spinal
ependymomas have an indolent
course, remain asymptomatic,
and do not require intervention.38
A distinct NF2-associated
polyneuropathy is a less
well-known feature of this
disorder, with one study
reporting clinical features of
neuropathy in almost 50% of
patients with NF2 evaluated.39
While axonal neuropathies are
more common, demyelinating
changes have also been
FIGURE 5-8 identified on nerve conduction
Axial postcontrast T1-weighted MRI demonstrates
bilateral vestibular schwannomas with brainstem
studies. Interestingly, NF2
compression in a 23-year-old man with polyneuropathy occurs in the
neurofibromatosis type 2. absence of associated nerve
monoplegia has been reported in pediatric NF2 and is rarer in adults.35 other cranial nerve
schwannomas, and
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EYES. Approximately 80% of individuals with NF2 have ocular involvement. meningiomas.
Subcapsular lenticular opacities, a type of cataract, are included in the
31 ● The spinal tumors
diagnostic criteria and are seen in 60% to 80% of patients. Additional most often found in
ophthalmologic findings include epiretinal membranes, retinal hamartomas, neurofibromatosis type 2
childhood cortical wedge opacities, optic disc gliomas, and optic nerve sheath include schwannomas,
meningiomas. Unexplained amblyopia and strabismus are well-documented
meningiomas, and
findings in early childhood NF2. Identification and ongoing monitoring of intramedullary
these abnormalities is important as they can potentially threaten vision. ependymomas.
neurosurgery, neurology, oncology, ophthalmology, and audiology. Evaluation at a diagnosis and screening
the time of diagnosis should include neuroimaging of the brain/internal auditory of family members.
canals and spine with and without contrast, ophthalmologic examination,
neurologic examination, and audiology. Depending on the lesions and symptoms ● If genetic testing in blood
lymphocytes is negative for
identified, follow-up neuroimaging, audiology, and clinical evaluations are required
the NF2 mutation, testing of
on a regular basis in addition to monitoring by the appropriate subspecialists.30 a tumor sample can be
Genetic testing and counseling are important components in the management helpful, particularly in
of individuals with NF2. A high rate of mosaicism exists in NF2, which can sporadic cases.
complicate confirmation of an NF2 diagnosis and assessment of the risk of family
● Noonan syndrome with
members developing NF2. As an autosomal dominant disorder, individuals with multiple lentigines is a rare
two generations of affected family members with a confirmed NF2 diagnosis multisystem RASopathy
have a 50% risk of inheriting the disorder. However, over 50% of NF2 cases arise with three known causative
de novo with no family history, and children of these individuals may have a genes (PTPN11, RAF1, BRAF).
less than 50% risk of having NF2, as some of these cases may be mosaic. Genetic
studies have shown 25% to 33% of de novo cases are mosaic, with an NF2
mutation identifiable only in tumors and not in blood lymphocytes.40 A mutation
can be identified in lymphocytes in only approximately 60% of individuals
who meet the NF2 diagnostic criteria but do not have a family history.40
Of note, while traditional treatment has focused on surgical interventions,
over the past decade, attention has turned to the development and use of
chemotherapeutic agents, such as bevacizumab, that target the biological
pathways involved in tumor growth. These studies have thus far produced mixed
results on outcome measures of tumor shrinkage and hearing restoration, but
newer agents are in the pipeline.25,35 Surgery has remained the mainstay of
treatment for other NF2 brain and spinal cord tumors, including schwannomas,
meningiomas, and ependymomas. Oncologic intervention with chemotherapy
and radiation is reserved for the more aggressive lesions, which are less common
in NF2.25,35
KEY POINTS Noonan syndrome with multiple lentigines is genetically heterogeneous, and
mutations in three genes are responsible for approximately 95% of cases.41 A
● Hypertrophic
cardiomyopathy is the most
missense mutation in the PTPN11 gene on chromosome 12q24 is identified in 85%
common cardiac anomaly in of patients. However, mutations in the RAF1 gene on chromosome 3p25.2 and the
Noonan syndrome with BRAF gene on chromosome 7q34 are also seen in some individuals.1,41,42
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mortality. A variety of
Clinical Features
cardiac arrhythmias and No specific diagnostic criteria have been identified for Noonan syndrome with
valvular defects are also multiple lentigines. Noonan syndrome with multiple lentigines was previously
frequently identified. known as LEOPARD syndrome, with the mnemonic describing the clinical
features: lentigines (FIGURE 5-9), electrocardiographic conduction defects,
● In tuberous sclerosis
complex, mutations in the ocular hypotelorism, pulmonic stenosis, abnormal genitalia, retardation of
TSC1 and TSC2 genes map to growth, and sensorineural deafness.2,42 Noonan syndrome with multiple
different chromosomes but lentigines has become the preferred name for this disorder because of the clinical
produce essentially the
and genetic similarities overall with Noonan syndrome, which is associated with
same clinical syndrome with
variable expressivity. a similar facial appearance, cardiac abnormalities, and skin findings.43 The
clinical features of Noonan syndrome with multiple lentigines are highlighted in
● TSC1 mutations occur TABLE 5-4.
more often with a familial
The diagnostic criteria for tuberous sclerosis complex were published in 1998
after the first International Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Consensus Conference
and were updated in 2012 to incorporate the identification of a pathologic
mutation in the TSC1 or TSC2 gene as confirmation of a tuberous sclerosis
complex diagnosis (TABLE 5-5).46 Both major and minor criteria have been
Clinical Features
Tuberous sclerosis complex affects multiple organs of the body, including the
skin, CNS, eyes, heart, and kidneys.
Facies Overlap with Noonan syndrome and other RASopathies; hypertelorism, flat nasal bridge, dysmorphic
ears in most patients; may also have thin lips, low-set ears, ptosis, and redundant neck skin
Central nervous Learning disabilities seen in 30%, but intellectual disability is rare; hypotonia, seizures, autism spectrum
system disorder, and general delays are less common
Heart Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the most commonly seen defect and can be life-threatening; right bundle
branch block is the most common arrhythmia but other conduction abnormalities can occur; pulmonary
stenosis is reported in 23%
Hearing Sensorineural hearing loss is found in 25%; it is often bilateral and can be profound
Skeletal Pectus carinatum or pectus excavatum found in 75%; scoliosis, scapular winging, syndactyly, joint hypermobility,
rib anomalies, and cervical spine fusion can be seen
Other Dental anomalies can occur; growth retardation found in 25%; suspected association with malignancies of
varying types
The identification of either a TSC1 or TSC2 pathogenic mutation in DNA from normal tissue is
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOera88TePS0K1dQc8qoeHb8= on 09/
mutation is defined as a mutation that clearly inactivates the function of the TSC1 or TSC2
proteins (eg, out-of-frame indel or nonsense mutation), prevents protein synthesis (eg, large
genomic deletion), or is a missense mutation whose effect on protein function has been
established by functional assessment. Other TSC1 or TSC2 variants whose effect on function
is less certain do not meet these criteria and are not sufficient to make a definite diagnosis of
TSC. Note that 10% to 25% of patients with TSC have no mutation identified by conventional
genetic testing, and a normal result does not exclude TSC or have any effect on the use of
clinical diagnostic criteria to diagnose TSC.
Definite diagnosis: Two major features or one major feature with two minor features
Possible diagnosis: Either one major feature or two minor features
u Major Features
4 Shagreen patch
7 Subependymal nodules
9 Cardiac rhabdomyoma
10 Lymphangioleiomyomatosisc
11 Angiomyolipomas (>2)c
u Minor Features
6 Nonrenal hamartomas
angiofibromas, fibrous
identifying hypopigmented
cephalic plaques, shagreen
macules on light-colored skin. patches, confetti lesions,
The clinical criteria require three and ungual fibromas.
or more of these lesions measuring
at least 5 mm in diameter to be
present to fulfill a major
criterion.46,48 Hypomelanosis
of hair (poliosis) is also considered
to be a hypopigmented macule in
the 2012 diagnostic criteria.
Confetti lesions are small (1 mm
to 3 mm) collections of
hypopigmented lesions that occur
neurologic complications,
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cortical dysplasia and are caused by failure of neuronal migration during fetal
development. These lesions are most often multiple and occur in approximately
90% of affected individuals (FIGURE 5-13).46 Cerebral white matter radial
glial migration lines are often associated with cortical tubers, and the
two are now considered together as a major tuberous sclerosis
complex feature.46,49
Subependymal nodules are benign lesions that develop along the surface
of the ependymal lining of the lateral ventricles and are found in 80% to
90% of individuals with
tuberous sclerosis complex.
They can be detected in utero
and are often present at birth,
calcifying over time
(FIGURE 5-14).46,49
Subependymal nodules are
thought to be the origin of
SEGAs, which are benign
neoplasms arising adjacent to
the foramen of Monro in 10%
to 20% of young patients
with tuberous sclerosis complex.49
As such, subependymal
nodules and SEGAs have
similar histopathology with
mixed glioneuronal cells.
As hamartomatous brain
FIGURE 5-13 lesions, tubers are responsible
Numerous hyperintense cortical tubers are seen for the impairing clinical
on axial fluid-attenuated inversion recovery
(FLAIR) MRI, most prominent in the right
neurologic features of tuberous
hemisphere in a patient with tuberous sclerosis sclerosis complex, such as
complex. medically refractory epilepsy,
25 years of age.49,50 Debate
currently exists as to how ● Subependymal giant cell
subependymal nodules transform astrocytomas are a
to SEGAs and how to categorize pediatric phenomenon and
SEGAs on neuroimaging. rarely develop de novo
after 20 to 25 years of age.
However, despite the
controversies, SEGAs are typically ● Subependymal giant cell
defined by their location, size of astrocytomas are benign
5 mm to 10 mm, contrast tumors that arise from
subependymal nodules
enhancement, and progressive located at the foramen of
growth, while subependymal Monro and can cause acute
nodules appear to be nonenhancing FIGURE 5-14 and chronic obstructive
static lesions.49,50 hydrocephalus as they
recommended for
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these patients.53
The majority of individuals
with tuberous sclerosis complex
experience intellectual,
behavioral, and psychosocial
impairments, which are now
described with the
comprehensive term tuberous
neuropsychiatric disorders
(TAND). Autism spectrum
disorders occur in
FIGURE 5-15 approximately 40% to 50% of
underlying the conduction pathways is a frequent and well-known cause. An tuberous sclerosis complex
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sclerosis complex.
renal function (FIGURE 5-16). Of note, a subset of individuals with TSC2
mutations may have cysts due to a contiguous gene deletion syndrome involving ● Lymphangioleiomyomatosis
the TSC2 gene and the adjacent polycystic kidney gene (PKD1) on chromosome occurs both in tuberous
16p13.3.46 Renal cell carcinoma also occurs more frequently and at younger ages sclerosis complex and
in tuberous sclerosis complex than in the general population, with an incidence
of 2% to 4%.57 ● The incidence of tuberous
sclerosis complex–
LUNGS . Lymphangioleiomyomatosis is characterized by abnormal proliferation of associated
smooth muscle cells (lymphangioleiomyomatosis cells) in the lungs and can occur lymphangioleiomyomatosis
is 1% to 4%, and it primarily
in association with tuberous affects women.
sclerosis complex or sporadically.
The prevalence of
lymphangioleiomyomatosis in
patients with tuberous sclerosis
complex is 1% to 4%,58 but cystic
lung changes may be seen in as
many as 80% of women with
tuberous sclerosis complex by
40 years of age.46 Although
cystic lung changes are found in
10% to 12% of men with tuberous
sclerosis complex, symptomatic
rarely occurs in males.46,48,57
Histologically, interstitial
proliferation of smooth muscle
cell bundles and thin-walled
well-circumscribed cystic FIGURE 5-16
pulmonary parenchymal changes Renal cysts in tuberous sclerosis complex. Coronal
T2-weighted MRI of the abdomen demonstrates
occur. Lymphangioleiomyomatosis markedly enlarged kidneys with multiple renal
cells are considered to be cysts in a 4-year-old girl with a TSC2 mutation.
neoplastic and, while low grade, have malignant and metastatic potential.
Circulating lymphangioleiomyomatosis cells can be found in many bodily
fluids, such as blood and urine, and the lymphatics, which supports their
metastatic qualities.57 Clinically, lymphangioleiomyomatosis may present with
pulmonary symptomatology, including dyspnea, hemoptysis, recurrent
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOera88TePS0K1dQc8qoeHb8= on 09/
Skin Perform an annual detailed skin examination Facial angiofibromas: treatment options include
pulse dye laser and ablative laser therapy; topical
mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors
have been studied in clinical trials and have shown
promise in case studies but are not yet approved
by the US Food and Drug Administration
Central Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma: Perform a Symptomatic subependymal giant cell astrocytoma:
nervous brain MRI every 1–3 years in patients younger than acute resection or ventriculoperitoneal shunt may
system 25 years of age who are asymptomatic; individuals be required
with known or growing subependymal giant cell
Enlarging but asymptomatic subependymal giant
astrocytomas need neuroimaging more often
cell astrocytoma: mTOR inhibitors and surgical
Epilepsy: Routine or video-EEG is indicated with resection are both options
suspected seizure activity; management of epilepsy
with options including anticonvulsants, ketogenic
diet, vagus nerve stimulator, and epilepsy surgery
Developmental delays and autism: Perform
annual screening for tuberous sclerosis
complex–associated neuropsychiatric disorders;
comprehensive evaluations recommended in infancy,
preschool, pre–middle school, adolescence, and
adulthood; refer for appropriate developmental and
psychiatric support
Heart Perform an echocardiogram every 1–3 years in Symptomatic rhabdomyomas and conduction
children with asymptomatic cardiac rhabdomyomas abnormalities should be managed by an
until regression demonstrated; symptomatic experienced cardiologist on an individual case
individuals require more frequent monitoring basis; ECG, echocardiogram, and Holter monitoring
may be required
Perform an ECG every 3–5 years in asymptomatic
individuals of all ages to screen for conduction
abnormalities; symptomatic individuals require
more frequent or detailed assessments
hemoptysis, recurrent
Guidelines for the clinical evaluation at suspected diagnosis, surveillance, and
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pneumothorax, and
management in tuberous sclerosis complex were published in 2013 to accompany chylothorax, but
the revised diagnostic criteria.51 As tuberous sclerosis complex is a multisystem extrapulmonary features
disorder, management typically includes many subspecialist services and also occur.
throughout the lifetime of the patient with an mTOR inhibitor is the recommended
first-line therapy; selective embolization followed
Assess renal function and blood pressure
by steroids, ablative therapy, or kidney-sparing
resection are second-line therapies
Angiomyolipoma with acute hemorrhage:
embolization followed by corticosteroids is the
recommended first-line therapy
Teeth Perform detailed dental examination every 6 months Treatment as per dentistry
CT = computed tomography; ECG = electrocardiogram; EEG = electroencephalogram; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging.
a Modified with permission from Krueger DA, Northrup H, Pediatr Neurol.51 © 2013 The Authors.
Sturge-Weber syndrome is a vascular malformation syndrome involving the skin,
brain, and eyes. It occurs sporadically, with an estimated prevalence of 1 in 20,000
to 1 in 50,000 live births, and is the third most common neurocutaneous
syndrome after NF1 and tuberous sclerosis complex.58,60 Sturge-Weber syndrome
is caused by a somatic mosaic mutation in the GNAQ gene located on chromosome
A facial port-wine birthmark is usually present at birth and raises suspicion of the
diagnosis. The term Sturge-Weber syndrome is usually not assigned to individuals
who have an isolated port-wine birthmark, but, rarely, individuals who have
involvement of the skin and eye are included within the spectrum of those
considered to have Sturge-Weber syndrome.61 In rare cases, an intracranial
leptomeningeal angioma may be present without a facial port-wine birthmark
or glaucoma.60
The diagnosis of Sturge-Weber syndrome is confirmed with a contrast-enhanced
brain MRI that identifies the characteristic abnormal enhancing leptomeningeal
blood vessels. Neuroimaging in the neonatal period may not be sufficient to
rule out these findings because of the sensitivity of MRI in this young age
group, so repeat imaging after 1 year of age is recommended. A child with a
facial port-wine birthmark who is older than 1 year of age with a normal
contrast-enhanced brain MRI is highly unlikely to develop brain involvement.60,61
Clinical Features
Sturge-Weber syndrome manifests with changes in the skin, brain, and eye.
exists when both the upper and a clinical spectrum that also
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Bilateral intracranial involvement in Sturge-Weber individuals with Sturge-Weber
syndrome. Axial postcontrast T1-weighted MRI syndrome and can be quite
demonstrates diffuse left (arrow) more than right
occipital lobe leptomeningeal enhancement with
impairing. These headaches
associated volume loss in a 21-year-old man with are treated with the typical
Sturge-Weber syndrome. Clinically, he has bilateral interventions of
facial port-wine birthmarks, left hemiparesis, over-the-counter analgesics and
glaucoma, and poorly controlled epilepsy.
headache prophylactic
medications with
variable efficacy.61
The developmental delays and neurocognitive deficits associated with
Sturge-Weber syndrome range from mild to severe and show correlation with
the presence of epilepsy, age of epilepsy onset, and seizure control.60,61
Children with later onset of seizures may have less intellectual disability. In one
population of children with Sturge-Weber syndrome without seizures, only
6% had developmental delay and 11% required special education classes.62
However, it must be recognized that the etiology of neurocognitive dysfunction
in Sturge-Weber syndrome is likely multifactorial and related not only to
epilepsy but also to other factors, such as the degree of cortical involvement
(unilateral, bilateral, anterior, posterior), history of strokelike episodes, and
severity of neurologic deficits.64
EYE. Glaucoma has a prevalence of 30% to 60% in patients with Sturge-Weber
syndrome.65 Glaucoma can present with conjunctival injection, buphthalmos, or
excessive tearing of the eye. The incidence of glaucoma peaks in infancy and
again in young adulthood. Glaucoma can occur unilaterally or bilaterally and
does not always correspond to the trigeminal distribution of the port-wine
MANAGEMENT. The presence of a facial port-wine birthmark at birth should
prompt an evaluation with a pediatric neurologist and ophthalmologist who
can initiate a thorough workup and counsel the family.60,61 A variety of laser
treatments have been used for cosmesis with facial port-wine birthmarks with
use of the ketogenic or Atkins diet have been used in patients with refractory trigeminal distribution of
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Incontinentia pigmenti is a rare X-linked dominant condition affecting
females; it is hemizygous lethal in most males. It is caused by mutations in the
IKBKG gene, which was previously known as the NEMO gene. The IKBKG gene
localizes to Xq28, where a deletion in the IKBKG exon 4 to exon 10 causes the
majority of cases of incontinentia pigmenti. Nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kB)
transcription factor is activated by the protein product of the IKBKG gene and
plays an important role in inflammatory, immune, and cellular apoptotic
Clinical Features
The clinical findings in individuals with incontinentia pigmenti are highly
variable and likely secondary to skewed X-chromosome inactivation in this
predominantly female population. The skin, CNS, eyes, dentition, nails, and hair
are most often affected.68–71
The original diagnostic criteria for incontinentia pigmenti were determined
in 1993 before the discovery of the causative gene and were based on major and
minor criteria.71 Because of the discovery of the causative gene and improved
phenotypic characterization of incontinentia pigmenti, an update of the
original diagnostic criteria has recently been proposed (TABLE 5-7).68
The major criteria describe the typical dermatologic findings associated with
incontinentia pigmenti, and the minor criteria review other associated
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Major Criteria
⋄Vesiculobullous stage
⋄Verrucous stage
⋄Hyperpigmented stage
⋄Atrophic/hypopigmented stage
Minor Criteria
u Dental anomalies
u Ocular anomalies
u Alopecia
u Hair abnormalities
u Nail abnormalities
u Palate abnormalities
IKBKG mutation data available, require two or more major criteria OR one major and
criterion to confirm diagnosis
u Confirmed IKBKG mutation with any major or minor criterion confirms diagnosis
Modified with permission from Minić S, et al, Clin Genet.68 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
the lines of Blaschko (lines of normal cell development in the skin). These four stages.
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stages include:
● Rare cases of acute
u Stage 1: vesiculobullous stage; erythematous and vesicular lesions that often have a linear disseminated
distribution and present at birth or in the first few weeks of life encephalomyelitis have
u Stage 2: verrucous stage; hyperpigmented crusted pustules develop and last for been reported in infants
several months with incontinentia pigmenti.
u Stage 3: hyperpigmented stage; whorls of macular hyperpigmentation that can persist
into adulthood
u Stage 4: atrophic/hypopigmented stage; pale or hairless patches develop on the skin as
hyperpigmented lesions fade in late adolescence or early adulthood
KEY POINT Intellectual disability, developmental delay, cerebral palsy, and microcephaly
are common.72 Microvascular occlusion, inflammation, or disrupted cellular
● Neurologic complications
of incontinentia pigmenti
apoptosis during development are the proposed causative mechanisms for the
include ischemic stroke and CNS damage seen in incontinentia pigmenti.72
cerebral dysgenesis, which
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOera88TePS0K1dQc8qoeHb8= on 09/
developmental delays, and and approximately 80% of affected individuals have a deletion in exon 4 to
intellectual disability.
exon 10.68 Genetic confirmation with targeted mutational analysis in early
infancy can be helpful in determining the diagnosis, developing a care plan,
and assessing prognosis. However, negative genetic testing in a clinically
convincing case does not completely rule out the diagnosis.68,73
Management of the medical complications of incontinentia pigmenti is
symptomatic. As a multisystem disorder, involvement of genetic, dermatologic,
neurologic, dental, and ophthalmologic specialists early in the medical course is
important.68,71 The dermatologic manifestations typically do not require any
intervention. Any child with epilepsy or obvious neurologic deficits should
undergo neuroimaging with a brain MRI. A brain magnetic resonance angiogram
(MRA) should be done in cases where stroke is suspected.72,73 Monitoring for
While often rare individually, as a group, the neurocutaneous disorders
represent a broad spectrum of genetically and clinically heterogeneous
syndromes that are frequently encountered by neurologists. Involvement of
the central and peripheral nervous systems in neurocutaneous disorders results
in diverse neurologic symptoms, including cerebral dysgenesis, brain/spinal
tumors, epilepsy, cerebrovascular disease with stroke, cerebral palsy,
developmental delays, intellectual disability, and peripheral neuropathy.
Advancements in genetic technologies have helped define clinical features,
hone diagnostic criteria, and inform treatment options for these complex
disorders. It is now understood that several of the more common neurocutaneous
disorders are biologically linked through the RAS-MAPK pathway, which
modulates tumor-suppressing functions; this knowledge has provided an
opportunity for the development of novel interventions. The use of everolimus
in multiple tuberous sclerosis complex complications and bevacizumab for
vestibular schwannomas in NF2 are examples of how biologically targeted
therapies can have a significant impact on patient outcome. All neurologists are
encouraged to incorporate a thorough skin evaluation into their routine clinical
assessment of patients as dermatologic clues may provide a unique
diagnostic opportunity.
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6 Viskochil D, Buchberg AM, Xu G, et al. Deletions and a 23 Terry AR, Jordan JT, Schwamm L, Plotkin SR.
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187–192. doi:10.1016/0092-8674(90)90252-A. population-based approach. Stroke 2016;47(1):
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Fundamental insights into cell signaling and cancer. 24 Hersh JH. Committee on Genetics. Health supervision
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C O N T I N UU M A UD I O By Amy T. Waldman, MD, MSCE
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOera88TePS0Kw/LUA1vcWMc= on 09/
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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The leukodystrophies, typically considered incurable
neurodegenerative disorders, are often diagnosed after irreversible central
and peripheral nervous system injury has occurred. Early recognition of
these disorders is imperative to enable potential therapeutic interventions.
CONTINUUM (MINNEAP MINN) This article provides a summary of the symptoms of and diagnostic
2018;24(1, CHILD NEUROLOGY): evaluation for leukodystrophies, along with the currently available
therapies and recent advances in management.
Address correspondence to
Dr Amy T. Waldman, Children’s RECENT FINDINGS: The leukodystrophies are a rapidly expanding field because
Hospital of Philadelphia, CTRB
of advances in neuroimaging and genetics; however, recognition of the
10th Floor, Room 10012, 3501 Civic
Center Blvd, Philadelphia, PA clinical and biochemical features of a leukodystrophy is essential to
19104, waldman@email.chop. accurately interpret an abnormal MRI or genetic result. Moreover, the
initial symptoms of leukodystrophies may mimic other common pediatric
RELATIONSHIP DISCLOSURE: disorders, leading to a delay in the recognition of a degenerative disorder.
Dr Waldman serves on the
board of directors of the Child
Neurology Foundation and has SUMMARY: This article will aid the clinician in recognizing the clinical features
received personal compensation of leukodystrophies and providing accurate diagnosis and management.
for speaking engagements from
Johns Hopkins University, St.
Christopher’s Hospital for
Children, St. Peter’s University,
and SUNY Downstate Medical INTRODUCTION
Center. Dr Waldman receives he leukodystrophies are inherited disorders that predominantly affect
research/grant support from
Biogen, Elise’s Corner, the the white matter of the central nervous system (CNS). Leukodystrophy
National Institutes of Health is a unifying term for diseases that affect glial cells, resulting in
(K23NS069806, R01NS071463), myelin sheath and axonal damage; approximately 30 distinct
and the National Multiple
Sclerosis Society and receives disorders have been classified as leukodystrophies (TABLE 6-1). 1
publishing royalties from Leukodystrophies are distinguished from genetic leukoencephalopathies, which
UpToDate, Inc.
may also have significant white matter involvement but whose pathology does
UNLABELED USE OF not primarily affect glia. Such conditions include systemic inborn errors of
PRODUCTS/INVESTIGATIONAL metabolism and primary neuronal disorders (such as neuronal ceroid
Dr Waldman discusses published
lipofuscinoses, which are also lysosomal storage disorders). Altogether, more
clinical trial results presenting a than 91 leukodystrophies and genetic leukoencephalopathies have been
lentiviral vector in combination defined based on clinical, radiographic, and genetic data.
with hematopoietic stem cell
transplantation for Clinically, a leukodystrophy is generally suspected in a child with regression in
metachromatic leukodystrophy developmental skills or failure to acquire new skills. Peripheral nervous system
and X-linked
disease also occurs in some of the leukodystrophies and may be a presenting feature;
adrenoleukodystrophy. These
data are presented to therefore, a high index of suspicion is necessary to ensure a prompt diagnosis.
demonstrate advances in MRI is a key tool in differentiating leukodystrophies. On T2-weighted images,
potential treatments for this
disorder and also help to
symmetric hyperintensities occur in various regions depending upon the
understand the pathology and underlying disorder.2 Typically the affected white matter is significantly
need for newborn screening. hypointense on T1-weighted images; however, a distinct subgroup, the
© 2018 American Academy hypomyelinating leukodystrophies, are isointense or hyperintense (or sometimes
of Neurology. mildly hypointense) on T1-weighted images. The MRIs of patients with
cerebral, or posterior fossa), and observe for the presence of MRI features unique the glial cell or myelin
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to certain disorders (eg, cysts, contrast enhancement, calcifications).2 Together,
these factors aid the clinician in narrowing the differential diagnosis. ● Genetic
Generally, the treatment of the leukodystrophies is supportive, with a leukoencephalopathies
multidisciplinary team to assist in managing the symptoms. Briefly, medications include metabolic
are used to treat seizures, spasticity, dystonia, autonomic dysfunction, and other disorders and primary
neuronal diseases that affect
symptoms, while equipment is used to optimize comfort, tone, and safety. Most the white matter through
children need further assistance with respect to nutrition and gastrointestinal mechanisms other than glial
function as well as pulmonary clearance and reserve. pathology.
The field of leukodystrophies is rapidly changing through gene discovery,
● X-linked
newborn screening, and novel therapy programs. This article focuses on a few adrenoleukodystrophy
of the leukodystrophies that highlight these advances, particularly those with should be considered in
recent clinical trials and treatment trials planned in the near future. Improved school-aged boys with the
neurologic outcomes occur with early treatment, which is predicated on prompt recent onset of attention
Children with childhood cerebral X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy experience
inflammatory demyelination in the brain (confluent T2-hyperintense and
T1-hypointense lesions), typically beginning in the parietooccipital lobes (85% of
are subdivided and scored based on the extent of disease (with a score of 0 if normal,
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u X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy
u Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis
u Canavan disease
u Fucosidosis
u Peroxisomal biogenesis disorders (including Zellweger syndrome, neonatal
adrenoleukodystrophy, and infantile Refsum disease)
u Aicardi-Goutières syndrome
u EIF2B-related disorder (vanishing white matter disease or childhood ataxia with central
nervous system hypomyelination [CACH])
u Hypomyelination with brainstem and spinal cord involvement and leg spasticity (HBSL)
u Leukoencephalopathy with brainstem and spinal cord involvement and lactate elevation (LBSL)
u Leukoencephalopathy with thalamus and brainstem involvement and high lactate (LTBL)
The diagnosis of X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy is confirmed by the presence of
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOera88TePS0Kw/LUA1vcWMc= on 09/
u Alexander disease
u Oculodentodigital dysplasia
X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy
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Adolescent cerebral Like childhood cerebral; onset at 11–21 years of age; 4–7%
somewhat slower progression
“Addison-only” Primary adrenal insufficiency without apparent Varies with age; up to 50%
neurologic involvement; onset common before in childhood
7.5 years; most eventually develop
Asymptomatic Biochemical and gene abnormality without Diminishes with age; common
demonstrable adrenal or neurologic deficit; detailed <4 years; very rare >40 years
studies often show adrenal hypofunction or subtle signs
of adrenomyeloneuropathy
Modified with permission from Kemp S, et al, Hum Mutat.4 © 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
in some US states using various methodologies, such as the detection of all clinical phenotypes
of X-linked
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Disease-specific Therapy
The primary treatable manifestation of X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy is
adrenal insufficiency, which is the most common symptom of the disorder and
present in multiple phenotypes. Biochemical abnormalities in cortisol production
A 6-year-old boy presented with attention and behavioral difficulties. CASE 6-1
According to his teachers, he had difficulty responding when his name
was called, following along during class activities, and following
directions, requiring reminders. His mother believed that he was often
lost in his thoughts and described him as a daydreamer. These symptoms
were first noted approximately 9 months before presentation.
Previously, he had no issues in preschool and was on target with his
peers. His brother died at 7 months of age “of an infection.”
On examination, he had difficulty with comprehension, often asking
for commands to be repeated, and abnormal expressive language. His
neurologic examination was also notable for difficulty with tandem gait,
brisk patellar reflexes, and extensor plantar responses. Brain MRI
revealed T2 hyperintensities in the parietooccipital lobes bilaterally with
an enhancing rim. Very-long-chain fatty acids revealed an elevation in
hexacosanoic acid (C26:0), an elevated hexacosanoic acid to docosanoic
acid ratio (C26:C22), and an elevated hexacosanoic acid to tetracosanoic
acid ratio (C26:C24).
This case illustrates the clinical variability of the presenting manifestations COMMENT
of X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy. This patient has childhood cerebral
adrenoleukodystrophy, whereas his brother likely died of an unrecognized
adrenal crisis in the setting of an illness.
Childhood cerebral X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy. successful engraftment, the
Axial fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) neurologic progression may
MRI demonstrates confluent white matter signal continue for 12 to 18 months
abnormality in the bilateral parietal white matter
posttransplant, with disability
with involvement of the splenium of the corpus
callosum, posterior aspect of the thalami, progression occurring during this
and posterior limbs of the internal capsules. time. Therefore, many boys with
minimal evidence of neurologic
disease prior to transplant
develop worsening symptoms, such as visual and cognitive impairment or
behavioral problems, after the transplant. In addition, the transplant itself
confers significant morbidity. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is only
performed for the cerebral form of the disease and is not indicated in males
without evidence of active cerebral disease (detected by MRI). Active research
programs are investigating biomarkers of neurologic dysfunction and other
strategies (including reduced-intensity conditioning) to improve
transplantation outcomes.10
Gene therapy using a lentiviral vector in combination with hematopoietic
stem cell transplantation was performed in 17 boys with early cerebral X-linked
adrenoleukodystrophy who did not have a suitable match for transplant.11
Although MRI disease progression was evident in some participants 12 to
18 months posttransplant, 14 out of 17 participants had no (or minimal) clinical
symptoms at a median of 29.4 months posttransplant. One participant had a
seizure; thus, he did not meet predefined criteria for minimal disease progression
but otherwise did well. Two participants demonstrated disease progression, one
within 2 weeks of transplant, indicating a rapidly progressive course. The other
participant withdrew from the study and underwent an allogeneic transplant,
later dying from complications related to a viral infection. In summary, males
with early cerebral disease should be referred for an urgent hematopoietic stem
cell transplant; gene therapy in combination with transplant may be an option in
the future for those individuals without a sibling match. Males diagnosed
through newborn screening undergo serial neurologic examinations and imaging
correct the measurement of very-long-chain fatty acids in the blood, reduction in sterile pyrexia, and
elevated CSF protein. Other
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dietary fat and supplementation with Lorenzo’s oil have not been effective in symptoms in this age group
alleviating symptoms of cerebral X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (or other include extremity stiffness,
symptoms) once present.12 fisted hands, and
decreased oral intake.
Clinical Symptoms
Four classic phenotypes are associated with galactosylceramidase deficiency
(TABLE 6-3). The most common is the early-onset infantile phenotype (85% to
90%), which presents prior to 6 months of age, with irritability, stiffness, arrest
Krabbe Disease (Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy) Phenotypes and Frequencies TABLE 6-3
Stage 2: Rapid neurologic regression with arm flexion, leg extension, and scissoring;
opisthotonos; seizures; hyperreflexia; optic atrophy; and abnormal pupillary responses
Late-onset infantile Onset between 6 months and 3 years of age; early milestones are achieved, followed by 10–15%
psychomotor regression, notably affecting gross motor skills; ataxia, stiffness, and visual
impairment; disease progression is slower than the early-onset infantile form
Juvenile onset Onset between 3 and 8 years of age; initial presentation is visual impairment, followed Unknown
by hemiparesis and ataxia; initial symptoms occur rapidly, followed by a plateau or slow
progression with improved survival over other forms
Adult onset Heterogeneous group combining those who are asymptomatic in childhood and Unknown
develop neurologic symptoms (such as spastic paraparesis) as adults (typically older
than 20 years of age) and those who are mildly symptomatic in childhood but for whom
the disease was not recognized
Newborn screening results and longitudinal data will impact our understanding of GALC mutations, galactosylceramidase enzyme activity, and
the frequency of these clinical phenotypes in the future.
The diagnosis of Krabbe disease is confirmed by low galactosylceramidase
(0% to 5% of normal values) in white blood cells or cultured fibroblasts,
followed by GALC sequencing for mutations. Of note, deletions (and
duplications) are not detected through sequencing; therefore, anyone
presenting with clinical features consistent with Krabbe disease for whom a
heterozygous mutation is detected should have further testing for a deletion.
For an irritable infant presenting to medical attention, a lumbar puncture may
be performed to exclude infection or other etiologies. While not specific for
Krabbe disease, CSF protein is frequently elevated in early-onset infantile
disease (with a normal CSF cell count).16
Newborn screening for Krabbe disease is under way in several US states
to identify early-onset infantile disease for possible treatment.
Galactosylceramidase activity, which is measured in dried blood spots using
various methodologies, is typically employed as an initial screen; however,
significant overlap exists between affected patients, carriers, and healthy
individuals. Moreover, the lack of genotype-phenotype correlations precludes
the ability to accurately predict the onset of neurologic symptoms in an affected
positive newborn screen for Krabbe disease, the diagnosis is confirmed by low blood cells or cultured
galactosylceramidase followed by GALC sequencing/deletion analysis. fibroblasts.
Disease-specific Therapy
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation may alter the neurologic progression in
asymptomatic early-onset infantile Krabbe disease, but the overall impact
on morbidity in this disorder remains in question. The outcomes of umbilical
cord blood transplantation for 11 children with asymptomatic disease (identified
prenatally or in the neonatal period through previously affected siblings) were
compared to 14 children diagnosed between 4 and 9 months of age.21 In the
asymptomatic group, the transplant occurred between 12 and 44 days of life,
compared to between 142 and 352 days in the symptomatic group. Survival was
100% in the asymptomatic group at a median of 36 months compared to 43%
KEY POINTS failure to thrive but receptive language appropriate for age, and one has severe
delays and failure to thrive.
● Metachromatic
leukodystrophy should be For older individuals, the assessment of transplantation outcomes is
considered in a toddler with challenged by differences in phenotypes, unpredictable disease onset, and
regression in gross motor variability in disease duration. Transplantation does not improve peripheral
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOera88TePS0Kw/LUA1vcWMc= on 09/
bladder polyps.
● Gall bladder disease Metachromatic leukodystrophy is also an autosomal recessive lysosomal storage
should be considered in disorder caused by an enzyme deficiency of arylsulfatase A, which is encoded on
patients with metachromatic
leukodystrophy who
the ARSA gene on chromosome 22q13.3-qter. Sulfatides accumulate in the central
experience feeding and peripheral nervous systems, kidneys, testes, and visceral organs (gall bladder).
Clinical Symptoms
●Arylsulfatase A
pseudodeficiency is The clinical phenotypes and frequencies of metachromatic leukodystrophy are
common; therefore, the presented in TABLE 6-4. Of note, the peripheral neuropathy may present prior
diagnosis of metachromatic to the onset of speech or other CNS abnormalities (CASE 6-2). In fact, several
leukodystrophy is confirmed patients with metachromatic leukodystrophy have been diagnosed with other
by low arylsulfatase A
Juvenile Onset between 30 months and puberty; early milestones are achieved, followed by 20–30%
psychomotor regression, mental status changes, and behavioral disturbances; declining
school performance, personality changes, or gait abnormalities may prompt medical attention
Adult Onset >12–14 years; psychiatric manifestations (such as behavioral changes and emotional 15–20%
lability or substance abuse) may lead to diagnoses of bipolar disorder and dementia prior
to the recognition of motor and cognitive symptoms; other adults may present with a
peripheral neuropathy
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The diagnosis is suspected if a low arylsulfatase A level (less than 10% of normal
values) is detected in white blood cells or cultured fibroblasts; however,
arylsulfatase A pseudodeficiency is relatively common. Individuals with
arylsulfatase A pseudodeficiency have arylsulfatase A levels ranging from 5% to
20% of normal values without clinical or radiographic disease. Therefore, a
diagnosis of metachromatic leukodystrophy in individuals with low arylsulfatase A
must be confirmed by the detection of elevated sulfatides in the urine and ARSA
sequencing for mutations.29
A full-term infant boy was noted to have slow development of motor CASE 6-2
milestones. He walked around 18 months but continued to be unsteady.
He was referred for early intervention, and hypotonia was suspected. His
speech and cognition were normal for his age. At 2 years, he had
persistent gait unsteadiness and was referred to neurology. An EMG was
consistent with a demyelinating polyneuropathy. Subsequently, his gait
further regressed and a walker was needed. He could not push up into a
prone position or crawl. His speech regressed with decreased speech
production. His examination was notable for increased tone in the lower
extremities, decreased dorsiflexion, and absent patellar reflexes. He was
only able to walk with assistance. Brain MRI was performed at 2 years,
7 months, and diffuse T2 hyperintensities were seen throughout the white
matter. Arylsulfatase A level in leukocytes was low, and urine sulfatides
were elevated.
Metachromatic leukodystrophy. Axial MRI in approved at the state or federal
metachromatic leukodystrophy demonstrates level. The required methodology
confluent diffuse T2 hyperintense signal involving for metachromatic leukodystrophy
the central white matter and corpus callosum, similar
newborn screening is still under
to Krabbe disease. The striped “tigroid” appearance
is not specific for metachromatic leukodystrophy development30 and is further
but characteristic of leukodystrophies. challenged by the frequency of
arylsulfatase A pseudodeficiency
in the population.
Disease-specific Therapy
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation may be beneficial in asymptomatic
children with metachromatic leukodystrophy (diagnosed because of an affected
sibling) or early symptomatic juvenile-onset disease. Cohorts have included
those receiving bone marrow–derived cells,31 umbilical cord blood,32 or both.33
For late-infantile disease, four of ten in one cohort32 and two of four in a different
cohort died.33 Of the six children who died, five of the deaths occurred within the
first year posttransplant. One patient in each group was asymptomatic at the
time of transplant. In patients with juvenile disease, the 5-year survival
posttransplant is estimated to be 59% (N = 27),33 79% (N = 24),31 and 82.4%
(N = 17)32 across various studies. While disease stability may occur, many
patients experience decline posttransplant with respect to MRI involvement,
gross motor function, cognitive skills, nerve conduction velocities, and other
metrics, although outcomes are frequently better compared to affected siblings
or natural history cohorts.32,33
In a phase 1/2 clinical trial, gene therapy in combination with autologous
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation was performed in 20 children with
metachromatic leukodystrophy (asymptomatic late-onset infantile disease,
juvenile disease, and early-onset juvenile disease [less than 6 months from
symptom onset]).34,35 For this open-label study, hematopoietic stem cells were
removed from the patient, transduced with a lentiviral vector encoding ARSA
ex vivo, and returned to the patient after myeloablative conditioning. Two
regression, acquired
this therapy is the ability of the transduced cells to make supranormal levels of
microcephaly, spasticity,
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arylsulfatase A, which was detected as early as 1 month in blood and 6 months in and dystonia. Chilblains,
CSF. Data from the trial are still being analyzed to determine the future role of glaucoma, cardiomyopathy,
gene therapy for this disorder. stroke, and comorbid
autoimmune conditions are
present, with variability in
AICARDI-GOUTIÈRES SYNDROME the presence and frequency
of these symptoms by
Aicardi-Goutières syndrome is an inflammatory disorder caused by mutations genetic mutation.
in any one of seven genes (TREX1, RNASEH2A, RNASEH2B, RNASEH2C,
SAMHD1, ADAR, or IFIH1), all of which encode proteins involved in nucleic ● In Aicardi-Goutières
acid metabolism and signaling.36 The pathophysiology involves the accumulation syndrome, a CT scan may
be performed to
of nucleic acids (for all genes except ADAR and IFIH1) that activate the innate demonstrate calcium
immune response with increased expression of type I interferon–stimulated deposits in the basal
genes. The symptoms and imaging features of Aicardi-Goutières syndrome ganglia and other areas of
The pathognomonic feature of Aicardi-Goutières syndrome on neuroimagingis
intracerebral calcifications, which are present in approximately 90% of
individuals (N = 121) using MRI (FIGURE 6-5) and CT.42 The calcium deposits
are frequently present in the basal ganglia, deep white matter, thalamus, and
dentate nuclei of the cerebellum. They can be visualized on MRI using
T1-weighted, gradient recalled echo (GRE), or susceptibility-weighted images;
however, a head CT may be necessary to confirm their presence. The cerebral
white matter is also affected (present in 120 of 121 children), with T2
hyperintensities or white matter rarefaction with a frontotemporal predominance or
diffuse involvement.42 In the same study, one patient had isolated bilateral striatal
necrosis, which has been reported in ADAR1 mutations.43 Other distinguishing MRI
features in infants with Aicardi-Goutières syndrome (median age 0.7 months)
include cerebral atrophy (with ventricular enlargement), temporal lobe swelling,
temporal horn dilation, and temporal cysts.44 A normal brain MRI and nonspecific
white matter changes have been reported in children with severe dystonia (but
preserved cognition) who have mutations in various Aicardi-Goutières syndrome
genes. As such, a normal or nondiagnostic brain MRI does not exclude the
diagnosis of Aicardi-Goutières syndrome.
A diagnosis of Aicardi-Goutières syndrome should be considered in young
children with the clinical or radiographic features described. A lumbar puncture
Perinatal Presents at birth with similar features to the prenatal onset form but without the systemic 11.4%
Infancy Onset <1 year of age; may meet early milestones, followed by psychomotor regression, spasticity, 68.6%
dystonia, and acquired microcephaly; seizures and visual impairment may also occur
Childhood Variable symptoms and disease onset, although the oldest known age at symptom onset is 8.6%
5 years of age (subacute dystonia); glaucoma developed in a 6-year-old patient with
known disease
Data from Crow YJ, et al, Am J Med Genet.36
Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis is an
autosomal recessive disorder caused by
mutations in the CYP27A1 gene, which
encodes sterol 27-hydroxylase. The
deficiency of this enzyme results in the
accumulation of cholesterol and cholestanol
and the formation of xanthomas in
tendons, CNS, skin, and other organs.
Clinical Symptoms
The earliest manifestation of
cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis is
neonatal cholestatic jaundice,47 which
persists beyond the first week of life with
chronic diarrhea and is associated with FIGURE 6-4
elevated transaminases and bilirubin. In Chilblains in Aicardi-Goutières
syndrome. Chilblains are vasculitis
childhood and adolescence, juvenile lesions (purple-red discolorations) of
bilateral cataracts occur, but they are often the skin typically located on the fingers,
thought to be “idiopathic,” and most toes, or other dependent areas (such
clinicians do not appreciate the possibility as elbows or earlobes); necrosis of these
lesions can occur.
of cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis. Reprinted with permission from Abe J, et al,
Xanthomas occur in the Achilles and other Rheumatology (Oxford).38 © 2013 The Authors.
tendons, especially over extensor surfaces,
in adolescence or adulthood. They can also
develop in the brain, lungs, and bones. The neurologic symptoms develop
predominantly in adulthood, with cognitive impairment, ataxia, and pyramidal
features (such as spasticity). Psychiatric symptoms can also occur.
The cerebellum is preferentially affected in cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis;
notably, T1 hypointense and T2 hyperintense lesions are seen in the bilateral
A high index of suspicion is
needed for the diagnosis of
cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis
as serum cholesterol levels and
hepatic function testing are
normal. The diagnosis is
confirmed through elevated
serum cholestanol, which
Disease-specific Therapy
Chenodeoxycholic acid inhibits cholesterol and cholestanol synthesis by
downregulating CYP7A transcription.53 Treatment with chenodeoxycholic acid
does not improve neurologic deficits once present but, if started early, prevents
neurologic deterioration. For example, patients whose treatment with
chenodeoxycholic acid began before 25 years of age (N = 10) had improved
ambulation with significantly less pyramidal involvement and fewer cerebellar
deficits compared to those who started after 25 years of age (N = 6).54 Dysarthria
was not noted in any of the treated younger patients. Cholic acid is FDA approved
for children and adults with cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis and has fewer side
effects than chenodeoxycholic acid, especially in infants and children, whose
diarrhea worsens on chenodeoxycholic acid.55
Newborn screening programs for leukodystrophies are being implemented
for Krabbe disease and X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy, while testing for
efficacy. Gene therapy trials in some of the leukodystrophies provide hope for xanthomatosis and, when
initiated early, delays the
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families; however, more data are needed on their efficacy and safety profiles. onset of neurologic
Novel therapeutic strategies are needed for peripheral nervous system symptoms.
involvement of leukodystrophies such as Krabbe disease and metachromatic
leukodystrophy, as hematopoietic stem cell transplantation has a limited benefit
in the treatment of these symptoms.
The leukodystrophies are a group of complex disorders with variable
clinical features and presentations by age. Many of these disorders have
extra-CNS manifestations before the onset of neurologic symptoms
or MRI abnormalities, such as adrenal insufficiency in X-linked
This work was supported by a career training grant (K23NS069806) from the
National Institutes of Health.
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494–500. doi:10.1016/j.ymgme.2015.01.006. correlations. Hum Mutat 2001;18(6):499–515.
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7 Hubbard WC, Moser AB, Tortorelli S, et al. Combined 21 Escolar ML, Poe MD, Provenzale JM, et al.
liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry Transplantation of umbilical-cord blood in babies
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screening for X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy and 352(20):2069–2081. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa042604.
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12 Moser HW, Raymond G V, Lu S-E, et al. Follow-up of when gallbladder offers a clue to diagnosis. Pediatr
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Evaluation and Acute
I NT E R V I E W A V AI L A B L E Management of Ischemic
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Stroke in Infants
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and Children
By Catherine Amlie-Lefond, MD
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This article provides an overview of stroke in neonates,
infants, and children.
UNLABELED USE OF schemic stroke in neonates and children can occur because of interruption of
USE DISCLOSURE: arterial blood flow (arterial ischemic stroke) or obstruction of venous flow
Dr Amlie-Lefond discusses the (cerebral venous sinus thrombosis). Prompt diagnosis and early treatment
unlabeled/investigational use of
are necessary to minimize complications and limit brain injury, including
recombinant tissue plasminogen
activator and thrombectomy preventing stroke extension and recurrence.
for the treatment of childhood
© 2018 American Academy Perinatal ischemic stroke, estimated to occur in 1 in 2500 births, is defined as
of Neurology. pathologic or radiologic evidence of focal arterial or venous infarction
Perinatal stroke may be diagnosed in the immediate newborn period, most
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typically when an infant with an acute middle cerebral artery stroke develops
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recurrent seizures, usually focal, within the first few days of life.1 Other infants
are diagnosed with presumed perinatal ischemic stroke during the first year of
life when they develop hemiplegia, developmental delays, or epilepsy. These
children usually present at 4 to 6 months of age, when hemiparesis or
developmental delay becomes apparent, but may present earlier with
encephalopathy or epilepsy. A small percentage of children with perinatal
ischemic stroke present with acute stroke beyond the immediate newborn period
but within the first 28 days of life. These infants may represent very early
childhood arterial ischemic stroke rather than late neonatal arterial ischemic
stroke in terms of risk factors, recurrence risk, and secondary stroke prevention
strategies. Very rarely, stroke will be diagnosed in utero on prenatal imaging.
The vascular distribution of perinatal ischemic stroke can be arterial or
venous.2 Arterial distribution is more common in term infants, and venous
Studies identifying risk factors for perinatal ischemic stroke have historically
focused on perinatal arterial stroke, particularly those presenting acutely in
the newborn period. Conclusions are limited as data from studies are often
inconsistent, associations are often weak, and causative associations are difficult
to prove.4,5
Diagnosis is confirmed by the presence of focal arterial or venous infarction on
neuroimaging. Although cranial ultrasound is the modality of choice for preterm
periventricular hemorrhagic infarction, cranial ultrasound has low sensitivity
for term ischemic perinatal stroke. Head CT is more sensitive than cranial
ultrasound but requires radiation and should only be used if other modalities
are not available.
Brain MRI, including diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), is the most sensitive
test to confirm perinatal arterial stroke and should be obtained as soon as the
infant is adequately stable. Newborns who are fed and swaddled can often
tolerate head MRI without sedation, particularly if rapid protocols limiting the
time of the scan are used.
Debate exists as to the optimal timing and extent of thrombophilia workup in
patients with perinatal arterial stroke. Routine thrombophilia testing in perinatal
arterial stroke is unlikely to change management.6 Blood loss due to blood draws
in the neonate should be minimized. Maternal history of autoimmune disorder,
thrombosis, or recurrent pregnancy loss should be sought. An echocardiogram is
indicated if concern exists for congenital heart disease or cardiac thrombus.
Acute Care
In acute symptomatic perinatal arterial stroke presenting with seizures, EEG,
including continuous EEG, can be used to assess the efficacy of antiepileptic
medications. Use of anticoagulation or aspirin is not recommended in the
absence of an ongoing cardioembolic source.7 Evaluation prior to feeding is
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hospital discharge.
Infants with perinatal stroke are at risk for epilepsy, including intractable
epilepsy and infantile spasms. Studies report variable rates of epilepsy following
ischemic perinatal stroke, ranging from less than one-fourth to one-half of
children,8 likely reflecting the difference in patient ascertainment and follow-up.
Most infants with perinatal arterial stroke will have neurocognitive sequelae.8
Normal IQ is frequently seen, particularly in children without other risk factors
for developmental sequelae.9 Neuromotor outcome and hemiplegia largely
depend on the area of infarction: involvement of the basal ganglia, thalamus, or
posterior limb of the internal capsule is associated with motor incoordination
or hemiplegia.10,11
Most children with acute arterial ischemic stroke will have focal neurologic
deficits, although recognition of such deficits can be challenging in the ill or very
young child. Diagnosis of arterial ischemic stroke is often delayed because of the
infrequency of stroke in children relative to adults and the frequency of stroke
mimics, such as seizure, migraine, encephalitis, demyelination, and functional
neurologic disorders.18,19 Early recognition of childhood arterial ischemic stroke
may be facilitated by use of screening protocols similar to those used to detect
stroke in adults,20 although full neurologic assessment will be necessary to
confirm stroke and exclude mimics. The most common stroke mimics in
childhood are seizure, migraine, psychogenic presentation, mass lesion,
infection, methotrexate toxicity, posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome
(PRES), and metabolic stroke.18,19
The most common cause of sudden-onset focal neurologic deficits in adults is
acute stroke, and treatment for presumed arterial ischemic stroke in adults can be
instituted based on head CT imaging that excludes the presence of intracranial
hemorrhage and assesses early ischemic signs. In contrast, because of the high
frequency of stroke mimics in childhood, neuroimaging is necessary not only to
exclude hemorrhagic stroke (which accounts for one-half of all strokes in
imaging as treatment may prevent further transient or permanent ischemic injury. children relative to adults
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CASE 7-1 A 6-month-old girl with complex heart disease and known cardiac
thrombosis on anticoagulation was brought to the emergency
department after 4 days of rash and 1 day of emesis and irritability. On
examination, she was noted to have difficulties using her right arm and to
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Imaging of the patient in CASE 7-1. Head CT 3 hours after symptoms were noticed shows
edema with loss of gray-white matter differentiation in the area of the left middle
cerebral artery distribution (A) and possible thrombus (B, arrow) in the left proximal
middle cerebral artery. Follow-up head CT at age 2 years after a fall while on
anticoagulation (C) shows encephalomalacia in the distribution of prior left middle
cerebral artery infarct with mild ex vacuo dilatation of the posterior horn of the left
lateral ventricle.
COMMENT This case exemplifies stroke in the setting of congenital heart disease.
Congenital heart disease is a significant risk factor for childhood arterial
ischemic stroke, and ischemic stroke can occur even in the setting of full
Imaging of the patient in CASE 7-2. Axial diffusion-weighted MRI (A) and axial
fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) MRI (B) performed 5 hours after symptom
onset show acute ischemia in the distribution of the left middle cerebral artery.
Time-of-flight magnetic resonance angiogram (MRA) shows irregularity of the distal
left internal carotid artery and proximal left middle cerebral artery (C, arrow).
This case exemplifies stroke in the setting of focal cerebral arteriopathy. COMMENT
Focal cerebral arteriopathy may show early progression, with most cases
stabilized or improved by 6 months following stroke; however,
approximately 6% of cases show ongoing progression.26
u Congenital heart disease
u Moyamoya
Hypercoagulable State
u Homocystinemia
u Anticardiolipin antibodies
u Hematologic malignancy
u Protein C deficiency
u Protein S deficiency
u Factor V Leiden
Hematologic Disorders
u Sickle cell disease
u Thrombocytosis
u Malignancy
u Bacterial meningitis
u Fungal meningitis
u Tuberculous meningitis
u Asparaginase
u Exogenous estrogen
u Systemic vasculitis
recurrent stroke. Without treatment, 11% of patients with sickle cell disease will
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have a clinically evident stroke by 20 years of age36 and 37% will have clinically
silent strokes by age 14 years.37 The risk of recurrent stroke is decreased by
A 3-year-old girl, who had been previously healthy, presented with CASE 7-3
new-onset right-sided seizures, followed by right hemiparesis, which
improved over 2 hours. During the previous 6 months, she had a history of
two episodes of right hemiparesis with crying, without seizure activity. On
axial T2-weighted MRI, multiple hyperintense foci were seen bilaterally,
consistent with ischemic injury (FIGURE 7-3A). Time-of-flight magnetic
resonance angiography (MRA) showed occlusion of the terminal internal
carotid arteries, proximal middle cerebral arteries, and anterior cerebral
Imaging of the patient in CASE 7-3. A, Axial T2-weighted MRI shows multiple small hyperintense
foci bilaterally (arrows), consistent with ischemic injury. B, Time-of-flight magnetic
resonance angiogram (MRA) shows no flow-related signal in the left internal carotid artery,
proximal middle cerebral arteries, and anterior cerebral arteries. C, Cerebral catheter
angiogram shows occlusion of the supraclinoid left internal carotid artery.
regular red blood cell transfusions38,39 or, alternatively, if transfusions are not
feasible, hydroxyurea therapy.40 Elevated transcranial Doppler velocity in the
middle cerebral artery is strongly associated with stroke risk in sickle cell
disease, and the incidence of the first overt stroke is markedly decreased in
children with increased velocities by regular red blood cell transfusions41,42
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or hydroxyurea.43
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Because of the high incidence of stroke mimics in childhood, diagnosis requires
confirmatory neuroimaging. Urgent imaging is indicated to address the possible
need for immediate intervention, including malignant infarction and consideration
of acute reperfusion strategies, and for conditions associated with a high risk of
study sequences. A rapid stroke MRI protocol that can be performed in one-half of posterior
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approximately 20 minutes can be useful in children who would require sedation circulation childhood
arterial ischemic stroke.
for a longer study or if imaging resources are limited. Ideally, this protocol should
include axial T2-weighted or axial fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) ● Congenital and acquired
sequences, susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) or gradient recalled echo thrombophilias are
(GRE) for detection of blood, DWI/apparent diffusion coefficient for detection associated with childhood
of ischemia, and time-of-flight MRA of the head and neck to evaluate for cerebral arterial ischemic stroke,
especially if multiple
arteriopathy. Increasingly, vessel wall imaging is being used to evaluate arterial thrombophilias or other risk
wall pathology, such as inflammation. Even if DWI does not show ischemia, factors are present.
MRA is indicated in children presenting with a transient deficit concerning for
transient ischemic attack who may have an underlying cerebral arteriopathy. ● When possible, MRI is the
optimal study for diagnosis
Head CT can rule out intracranial hemorrhage, but it is insensitive for early
of acute childhood arterial
acute ischemic stroke.51 Although CT angiogram of the head and neck can detect ischemic stroke.
arterial abnormalities, including stenosis and occlusion, it requires significant
radiation and contrast, and it often does not add significantly to head MRA. Head
CT may be indicated in a child who cannot have an MRI (eg, a child with a
cardiac pacemaker).
Cerebral catheter angiography is the most sensitive method of luminal
imaging for cerebral arteriopathy, including stenosis and occlusion. It is invasive
and requires significant radiation as well as sedation; however, complications are
rare in the hands of experienced angiographers.52
Investigations into the etiology of childhood stroke will be guided by past
medical history, clinical presentation, and neuroimaging, including
neurovascular imaging.
CARDIOLOGY EVALUATION. Transthoracic echocardiogram is indicated for
suspected cardiac thrombus or vegetation or to assess right-to-left shunt in a
child with or at risk for systemic venous thrombosis in whom the stroke
etiology is not clear. Rarely, abnormalities are seen on transesophageal
echocardiogram that were not detectable on transthoracic echocardiogram,
particularly vegetations and left atrial thrombi.53 ECG is indicated especially if
cardiac arrhythmia or heart failure is suspected. If cardiac arrhythmia is
suspected but not seen on routine ECG, Holter monitoring may be indicated.
LABORATORY STUDIES. Laboratory studies in acute childhood arterial ischemic
stroke will depend on suspected etiology, clinical concerns, and potential
treatment options. As risk factors for childhood arterial ischemic stroke
are often multiple, screening investigations for thrombophilia are usually
indicated (TABLE 7-2). Not all studies are indicated in all patients, and
the volume of blood required for assays should be considered, particularly
in infants.
Evaluation for the presence of cerebral arteriopathy is performed as described
in the previous section on diagnosis. CSF evaluation for inflammatory markers or
infection should be considered in children with arteriopathy of unknown
Acute Care
The goals of acute care of childhood arterial ischemic stroke are to limit injury,
salvage the penumbra, prevent stroke extension, treat complications, and
prevent recurrent stroke. Children with acute stroke should be admitted to the
pediatric intensive care unit for a minimum of 48 hours for neurologic and
medical monitoring and aggressive management of complications. Urgent
neuroimaging should be obtained for any neurologic deterioration.
Rescuing the penumbra is the primary goal of acute care. The penumbra refers
to the area of brain surrounding the core infarct where cell death has not yet
u Standard
heparin b
heparin activity/anti-Xa activity if on low-molecular-weight
cerebral perfusion, is common following childhood arterial ischemic stroke, prevent stroke extension,
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u Standard
⋄Protein C activity a
⋄ -dimer
u Standard
⋄Antinuclear antibodies
⋄Glycosylated hemoglobin
DNA = deoxyribonucleic acid.
Can be affected by warfarin.
Reperfusion Therapies
IV recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) is not approved by the US
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in childhood arterial ischemic
stroke, and formal guidelines do not recommend its use outside a clinical trial.7,56
However, it has been used in childhood acute ischemic stroke following published
consensus-based safety guidelines.19 Its use in childhood should follow a careful
informed consent discussion, including lack of rigorous safety and efficacy data in
childhood. Contraindications to IV rtPA for acute stroke in childhood should be
carefully reviewed, and IV rtPA should be used in the setting of a developed stroke
program able to provide postintervention monitoring.19 Although not FDA
approved for use in children, recent studies in adults have demonstrated the safety
and efficacy of mechanical thrombectomy.57 Mechanical embolectomy should
only be performed by a neurointerventional team with pediatric experience after
full discussion with the parents or guardian, including the lack of safety and
efficacy data for children and the potential for vascular injury and stroke.
heparin. Low-molecular-weight heparin is associated with a lower risk of excess clothing and blankets
hemorrhage and heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, but it has a more should be removed, and
prolonged half-life and is incompletely reversed by protamine. acetaminophen should
If an anticoagulant medication is not used, antiplatelet therapy with aspirin, be administered.
which inhibits platelet activity by irreversibly inhibiting cyclooxygenase-1, is
● The child with acute
recommended in the absence of contraindications.7,56 arterial ischemic stroke
summarizes the recommendations for reperfusion strategies and should have nothing by
anticoagulation in early childhood arterial ischemic stroke. The American College mouth in the event that
of Chest Physicians guidelines contain a full review of the use of antithrombotic sedation is needed for
procedures and pending
therapies in childhood.7 clearance for safe
swallowing on swallowing
Outcome evaluation.
Following childhood arterial ischemic stroke, 6% to 10% of children die, some
from the stroke itself and others from comorbid conditions, and more than 75% ● Following arterial
ischemic stroke, recurrence
will experience long-term neurologic deficits.12,13 Importantly, up to 20% of
occurs in one-fifth of
children will have another stroke.14 Risk factors for recurrent stroke include children, and it can occur in
cerebral arteriopathy, heart disease, sickle cell anemia, and elevated lipoprotein the immediate poststroke
(a).14,25,61,62 Stroke prevention precautions include avoidance of dehydration and period.
other thrombophilic states, avoidance of vasoconstricting medications,
maintenance of normal weight and blood pressure, and avoidance of activities
where head trauma or rapid head or neck movement are likely.
Early rehabilitation medicine consultation, including admission to a
rehabilitation service, will optimize outcome following childhood arterial
ischemic stroke. Neuropsychological evaluation to guide return to school is
important in the initial poststroke period, with full neuropsychological testing
indicated at approximately 6 months following stroke when the deficit is more
stable. Follow-up neuropsychological testing is often indicated, as educational
needs change and new challenges arise.
Childhood stroke is a significant psychosocial stressor for patients and
families. Early support from a coordinated care team, including social work, and
ongoing support after discharge, often including mental health counseling, is
important in optimizing outcome.
Headache is the most common presenting symptom of cerebral venous sinus
thrombosis, although it is nonspecific and frequently seen in other childhood
illnesses. Other presenting symptoms include seizures, lethargy, cranial nerve
palsies, hemiparesis, and vomiting. Declining mental status is an ominous
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOera88TePS0K1dQc8qoeHb8= on 09/
In most children presenting with cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, underlying
risk factors can be identified and usually involve venous stasis, dehydration,
hypercoagulable states, and direct injury to the vessel from trauma or infection.65,66
Urgent underlying risk factors such as infection and hematologic malignancy are not
rare. Medication history, including history of exogenous estrogen use, should be
sought. Prothrombotic disorders are identified in approximately one-half of children
with cerebral venous sinus thrombosis and in more than one-half of children with
unprovoked cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (TABLE 7-4 and CASE 7-4).65,66
Mechanical embolectomy Published evidence-based guidelines supporting safety and efficacy for use in adults exist57;
however, safety and efficacy data are not available for children. Mechanical embolectomy
should only be considered by a neurointerventional team with pediatric experience.
Anticoagulation therapy Anticoagulation is recommended for children at high risk of recurrent stroke, including those
with extracranial cervicocephalic arterial dissection, those at risk for cardiac embolism
(excluding valvular endocarditis), and selected children with hypercoagulable states.7,56
Anticoagulation is usually initiated with IV heparin, which can be reversed if necessary. Heparin
is usually transitioned to low-molecular-weight heparin, which has less risk of bleeding and
heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (a potentially life-threatening antibody-mediated
complication of heparin), but low-molecular-weight heparin cannot be reversed rapidly.
Longer term, low-molecular-weight heparin or warfarin is used. Newer oral anticoagulants
have not been well studied in pediatric stroke.
Aspirin If anticoagulation is not indicated, antiplatelet therapy with aspirin at a dose of 1–5 mg/kg/d
is recommended for secondary stroke prevention.7,56 The higher dose of 3–5 mg/kg/day may
be used earlier following stroke. Aspirin is recommended for a minimum of 2 years7; however,
the optimal length of therapy is unknown. Some clinicians consider sickle cell anemia to be a
contraindication to aspirin therapy.56
Blood transfusion Exchange transfusion is recommended for stroke in the child with sickle cell anemia.7
Transfusion may be indicated in the child with severe anemia and stroke, particularly if
cerebral perfusion is at risk, such as in the setting of cerebral arteriopathy.
Antiviral therapy Acyclovir has been recommended for varicella-zoster virus vasculopathy with virologic
confirmation of active central nervous system varicella-zoster virus infection.54,60
IV = intravenous.
stroke. Time-of-flight magnetic resonance venography (MRV) is usually performed, is nonspecific and
frequently seen in other
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but gaps in flow in areas with slow or irregular flow may mimic cerebral venous sinus childhood illnesses.
thrombosis, so correlation with T1-weighted and T2-weighted images for
assessment of clot burden and venous sinus patency is necessary. Anatomic ● In most children
variations in dural venous sinus anatomy contribute to challenges in diagnosis of presenting with cerebral
venous sinus thrombosis,
cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, and careful review of imaging, comparison of
underlying risk factors can
imaging modalities, and repeat imaging may be necessary for accurate diagnosis. be identified and usually
involve venous stasis,
Investigations dehydration,
Initial laboratory studies include complete blood count, electrolytes, blood urea hypercoagulable states, and
direct injury to the vessel
nitrogen, creatinine, glucose, prothrombin time, activated partial from trauma or infection.
thromboplastin time, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and antithrombin III
activity in preparation for diagnostic imaging and acute treatment, as well as a ● Brain MRI (particularly
pregnancy test in females of childbearing age. contrast-enhanced T1-
KEY POINT anticoagulation were not treated with anticoagulation in this study. The findings
are consistent with adult guidelines in which anticoagulation is recommended
● Death due to cerebral
venous sinus thrombosis is
regardless of the presence of intracranial hemorrhage.68
rare; however, neurologic
sequelae including Outcome
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encephalopathy and
Death due to cerebral venous sinus thrombosis is rare; however, neurologic
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TABLE 7-4 Risk Factors Associated With Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis
Inherited Thrombophilia
u Protein C deficiency
u Protein S deficiency
u Asparaginase
⋄Otitis media
⋄Oropharyngeal infection
u Primary varicella-zoster virus infection (chickenpox)
Autoimmune/Inflammatory Disorders
u Systemic lupus erythematosus
u Nephrotic syndrome
u Hematologic malignancy
u Head injury
Imaging of the patient in CASE 7-4. A, Time-of-flight magnetic resonance venogram shows
a superior sagittal sinus thrombosis with absent flow (arrow) involving a 7-cm to 8-cm segment
of the superior sagittal sinus. B, Susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI) shows a hemorrhagic
infarct in the left parietal region (arrow) and venous congestion, most prominent in the
left cerebral hemisphere.
This case exemplifies cerebral venous sinus thrombosis in the setting of COMMENT
malignancy and asparaginase chemotherapy. The full mechanism of
asparaginase-induced thrombophilia is unclear, but asparaginase induces
antithrombin III deficiency.
Perinatal stroke, childhood arterial ischemic stroke, and childhood cerebral
venous sinus thrombosis are important causes of childhood morbidity. Strategies
to improve outcome include early recognition, prevention of early as well as
late recurrence, prevention and treatment of complications, and rehabilitation
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VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOera88TePS0K1dQc8qoeHb8= on 09/
By Shaun A. Hussain, MD, MS
Downloaded from by Ow/0SBWVU9WJmc0CG7aUTurZYduR8lLD72scP58L5s0zQxb
article reviews the manifestations and treatment
of the epileptic encephalopathies, which are a heterogeneous group of
disorders characterized by both seizures and neurocognitive impairment. CITE AS:
2018;24(1, CHILD NEUROLOGY):171–185.
RECENT FINDINGS: Next-generation (exome- and genome-based) sequencing
technologies are revolutionizing the identification of single-gene causes Address correspondence to
of epileptic encephalopathy but have only had a modest impact on Dr Shaun A. Hussain, University
of California Los Angeles,
patient-specific treatment decisions. The treatment of most forms of
Pediatric Neurology, 10833 Le
epileptic encephalopathy remains a particularly challenging endeavor, Conte Ave, Room 22–474, Los
with therapeutic decisions chiefly driven by the electroclinical syndrome Angeles, CA 90095–1752,
classification. Most antiseizure drugs are ineffective in the treatment
of these disorders, and treatments that are effective often entail RELATIONSHIP DISCLOSURE:
significant risk and cost. Dr Hussain serves on the board
of directors of the Child
Neurology Foundation and
SUMMARY: The epileptic encephalopathies continue to pose a major receives personal compensation
challenge in diagnosis and treatment, with most patients experiencing for serving on the advisory
boards of INSYS Therapeutics
very poor outcomes, although a significant minority of patients respond to, Inc, Mallinckrodt
or are even cured by, specific therapies. Pharmaceuticals, and UCB, Inc;
for serving as a consultant for
Eisai Inc; and for serving on the
speaker’s bureau of and as a
consultant for Mallinckrodt
INTRODUCTION Pharmaceuticals. Dr Hussain has
received research/grant support
he term epileptic encephalopathy refers to a heterogeneous group from Eisai Inc, GW
of epileptic disorders in which epileptic activity itself (ictal or Pharmaceuticals, INSYS
Therapeutics Inc, Lundbeck, and
interictal) impairs cognitive and behavioral function above and UCB, Inc. Dr Hussain has served
beyond what is expected from the underlying pathology alone.1 It on the editorial board of the
is important to note that the precise mechanisms underlying epileptic Journal of Pediatric Epilepsy and
received compensation for
encephalopathy are unknown, but they likely reflect widespread neuronal service as an expert medical
network dysfunction.2 The prognosis of these disorders is generally quite poor, witness in cases relevant to
but a significant minority of cases can be ameliorated and even cured by prompt pediatric epilepsy.
diagnosis and successful treatment. Although some overlap among these UNLABELED USE OF
syndromes exists, the identification of a specific electroclinical syndrome is PRODUCTS/INVESTIGATIONAL
critically important, as it guides treatment and informs prognosis. Although
Dr Hussain discusses the
many specific structural, genetic, and metabolic causes for epileptic unlabeled/investigational use of
encephalopathy have been described, the identification of a specific etiology clobazam, ezogabine, felbamate,
prednisolone, topiramate, and
often proves elusive, despite tremendous advances in neuroimaging and genetic zonisamide for the treatment of
diagnostics. Furthermore, even in cases in which a specific diagnosis can be epileptic encephalopathy and
ascertained, the evaluation may be quite time-consuming and must not delay infantile spasms.
treatment. For this reason, these syndromes are distinguished based on age of © 2018 American Academy
onset, seizure type(s), and characteristic EEG patterns. This article describes the of Neurology.
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Suppression burst. Interictal suppression burst is typical of both early infantile epileptic
encephalopathy and early myoclonic encephalopathy and is reminiscent of burst suppression
that accompanies pharmacologic- or injury-induced encephalopathy. In suppression burst,
the bursts tend to be high voltage and irregular, in contrast to the well-formed epileptiform
discharges more typically encountered with burst suppression. Suppressions between the
bursts tend to be very low amplitude (less than 10 mV).
and a variety of disorders implicating the mitochondrial respiratory chain. above and beyond what
would be expected from
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Similarly, genetic associations with early infantile epileptic encephalopathy are pathology alone.
numerous, with a list of single-gene mutations that is likely to grow substantially
as modern approaches to exome and genome sequencing are implemented on a ● Early infantile epileptic
wider scale. The vast structural, metabolic, and genetic heterogeneity of this encephalopathy is
interictally characterized by
disorder highlights its age specificity and lack of etiologic specificity.
the suppression-burst
The treatment of early infantile epileptic encephalopathy is overall quite pattern.
challenging, with limited data indicating modest efficacy of a variety of
antiepileptic drugs, as well as the ketogenic diet. Accordingly, the prognosis of ● Genetic associations with
early infantile epileptic encephalopathy is generally poor, with most patients all forms of epileptic
encephalopathy are
suffering adverse neurocognitive outcomes, early death, and transition to other numerous, with a list of
forms of epileptic encephalopathy such as infantile spasms and Lennox-Gastaut single-gene mutations that is
syndrome. However, in a minority of patients for whom etiology-specific likely to grow substantially as
treatment is available and promptly administered (eg, hemispherectomy for modern approaches to
Early infantile epileptic Neonatal Structural and genetic Suppression burst Tonic spasms
encephalopathy more than metabolic
Early myoclonic Neonatal Metabolic more than Suppression burst Myoclonic, focal seizures
encephalopathy structural and genetic
Epilepsy of infancy with Neonatal, Genetic, especially KCNT1 Nonspecific Focal seizures, status epilepticus
migrating focal seizures infancy
Infantile spasms 3 to 12 months Structural, genetic, Hypsarrhythmia Epileptic spasms
Lennox-Gastaut 1 to 6 years Structural, genetic, Slow spike-wave Atypical absence, tonic, atonic,
syndrome metabolic myoclonic, epileptic spasms,
focal, generalized tonic-clonic
EEG = electroencephalogram.
Infantile spasms were first described by Dr William J. West in a letter to the
editor of The Lancet in 1841,11 in which he described the syndrome’s key
manifestations in his own son. Infantile spasms usually begin later than early
infantile epileptic encephalopathy, early myoclonic encephalopathy, or epilepsy
a critical example of an epileptic encephalopathy in which prompt diagnosis and encephalopathy but is
more often caused by inborn
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successful treatment can yield normal neurodevelopmental outcomes, at least in errors of metabolism.
cases where the underlying cause of infantile spasms does not threaten
development independent of seizures. Although infantile spasms have been ● The hallmark of epilepsy
associated with myriad structural, genetic, and metabolic entities, the exact of infancy with migrating
focal seizures is frequent,
pathogenesis of infantile spasms remains uncertain and probably depends on
long seizures with multifocal
etiology. In cases where an acquired cause of infantile spasms is identified (eg, origin and migration (as
hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, postnatal hemorrhage), the onset does not opposed to spread).
immediately follow the antecedent insult; instead, spasms begin several months
after acquired injury.12,13 As illustrated in CASE 8-1, this delay suggests a period of ● KCNT1 mutations have
emerged as the most
subclinical epileptogenesis and thus an opportunity to potentially prevent frequent cause of epilepsy
infantile spasms among infants at risk. Moreover, although many brain insults with migrating focal
carry some risk of infantile spasms, the majority of “at-risk” children do not seizures, and manipulation
actually develop infantile spasms. The precise genetic or environmental factors of potassium currents is a
Hypsarrhythmia. Hypsarrhythmia is characterized by extraordinary high-voltage (nonepileptiform
slow waves with amplitude consistently more than 200 mV), abundant, multifocal or generalized
epileptiform discharges (which are often so frequent as to obscure the background EEG), and
disorganization (loss of the anterior-posterior voltage-frequency gradient in wakefulness).
Hypsarrhythmia is typical of infantile spasms, but not required for diagnosis.
focal structural etiologies such as cortical dysplasia.28 Limited data support the
use of the ketogenic diet29 or treatment with a variety of drugs,
including topiramate and zonisamide.
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Slow spike wave. Generalized slow (1 Hz to 2.5 Hz) spike wave is typically encountered
as an interictal phenomenon accompanying Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, especially in sleep.
It is also observed as an ictal electrographic pattern during atypical absence seizures.
drop seizures often prove most difficult to control, and they impart encephalopathy and
typically occurs between
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disproportionately large morbidity given the potential for traumatic injury to the the ages of 1 and 6 years.
face, jaw, teeth, and brain. As such, the elimination of drop seizures is a critical
goal in management. Although complete seizure freedom is rarely achieved in ● Drop seizures are a
the management of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, substantial improvement in common manifestation of
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
seizure burden is frequently accomplished with a variety of AEDs. Efficacy has
and pose disproportionate
been demonstrated with topiramate,33 valproic acid,34 felbamate,35 lamotrigine,36 harm given the potential for
benzodiazepines (especially clonazepam37), and rufinamide.38 Of particular note physical injury.
is the specific effectiveness of clobazam and rufinamide to combat drop seizures.
In addition to AEDs, considerable support exists for adjunct therapies including ● Reports of seemingly
miraculous success
the ketogenic diet, focal surgical resection when appropriate, corpus accompanying the use of
callosotomy, and vagal nerve stimulation, with the latter two particularly useful cannabidiol-enriched
for atonic seizures. Among investigational therapies in clinical trials for cannabis extracts for
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, considerable excitement and debate is focused on treatment of seizures in
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
cannabidiol, including both pure pharmaceutical preparations and have been balanced by
cannabidiol-enriched cannabis extracts (“medical marijuana”).39 Reports of concerns of reporting bias
seemingly miraculous success accompanying the use of cannabidiol-enriched and the possibility that the
cannabis extracts40 have been balanced by concerns of reporting bias41 and the perception of favorable
efficacy is confounded by
possibility that favorable efficacy—even in clinical trials—is confounded by drug interaction with
drug interaction with clobazam.42 The results of ongoing clinical trials are clobazam.
highly anticipated.
● Landau-Kleffner
of continuous spike and
SPIKE AND WAVE IN SLOW SLEEP wave in sleep exhibit similar
Landau-Kleffner syndrome and the syndrome of continuous spike and wave in EEG patterns but clearly
slow sleep (CSWS) are often discussed together based on similar nocturnal distinct phenotypes.
interictal electrographic features, but the associated clinical phenotypes are
● Electrical status
completely distinct (TABLE 8-2). Typically, a child with Landau-Kleffner epilepticus in slow sleep is
syndrome presents at school age with rapidly progressive linguistic deterioration frequently missed on routine
(specifically, acquired auditory agnosia) with preservation of other cognitive EEGs, as activation of
domains.43 A history of self-limited or easily controlled seizures is common, but epileptiform discharges
occurs most often in
some children presenting with Landau-Kleffner syndrome have no history of slow-wave sleep.
epilepsy whatsoever.44 In stark contrast, children and adolescents with CSWS
typically have long-standing and severe epilepsy as well as global neurocognitive
impairment.45 In fact, most cases of CSWS are identified coincidentally during
the evaluation of sleep/overnight EEG in patients with highly intractable
epilepsy. The awake EEG in patients with Landau-Kleffner syndrome tends to be
either normal or minimally abnormal, with occasional epileptiform discharges
and perhaps mild background slowing. In contrast, the awake EEG in patients
with CSWS tends to be markedly abnormal, with severe background slowing and
frequent multifocal epileptiform discharges. The key electrographic signature of
both Landau-Kleffner syndrome and CSWS is a dramatic activation of interictal
discharges in sleep, especially slow-wave sleep. The occasional to frequent
discharges seen in wakefulness are activated in sleep and consume the background
EEG. This interictal pattern was thus termed electrical status epilepticus in slow sleep
Landau-Kleffner 5 to Unknown Mild, focal/ Acquired auditory Favorable clinical and Favorable
syndrome 12 years multifocal agnosia electrographic response
seizures (ie, resolution of electrical
status epilepticus in slow
Syndrome of After Genetic/ Severe, Usually identified Poor clinical response Clinical response not
continuous 1 year structural/ highly in setting of severe and variable electrographic well established and
spike and wave metabolic variable epilepsy/cognitive response variable electrographic
in slow sleep impairment response
EEG = electroencephalogram.
Electrical status epilepticus in slow sleep. Electrical status epilepticus in slow sleep is the interictal
EEG pattern associated with multiple clinical syndromes, including Landau-Kleffner syndrome,
the syndrome of continuous spike and wave in slow sleep, and autistic regression with epileptiform
EEG. The key feature is sleep activation (ie, nearly continuous epileptiform discharges during sleep)
in contrast to occasional or rare epileptiform discharges observed during wakefulness. In this
sample, the spike-wave index is 93%, as 14 of 15 seconds contain a spike. Discharges may be
focal, generalized, or both and are often bicentral or bitemporal in topographic distribution.
2 mg/kg/d.51 The author tends to favor prednisone, for patients who fail
benzodiazepine therapy, as the risks and side effect burden of long-term
corticosteroid therapy are substantial.
In contrast to other forms of epileptic encephalopathy, the prognosis of
Landau-Kleffner syndrome is generally favorable, as reflected in the brisk
clinical and electrographic recovery that usually accompanies treatment.
Unfortunately, although children with CSWS often exhibit modest or even
dramatic electrographic improvement (diminished spike-wave index),
substantial neurocognitive improvement has not been reported widely. It
may be that the neurocognitive impairment accompanying CSWS is too
long-standing and hard wired to be remedied by presently available
treatments.54 In addition, the spectrum of syndromes associated with ESES
includes not only Landau-Kleffner syndrome and CSWS but also a related
syndrome in which cognitive impairment is dominated by autistic features
(autistic regression with epileptiform EEG)45 as well as rare cases of rolandic
epilepsy, in which the burden of seizures and nocturnal spike wave is
especially high (malignant rolandic epilepsy).55 Whereas patients with
malignant rolandic epilepsy, similar to Landau-Kleffner syndrome, tend to
respond favorably to the aforementioned treatments, children with autistic
regression with epileptiform EEG unfortunately exhibit an unsatisfying
response to therapy reminiscent of CSWS. Finally, it should be noted that
CASE 8-2 A 9-year-old girl presented for a second opinion with a 3-year history of
occasional focal seizures and a 2-year history of insidious cognitive
deterioration with school failure, requiring a transition to a special-needs
classroom and social withdrawal. Prior to the onset of seizures, the
patient had been a precocious and socially adept student who enjoyed
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOera88TePS0K1dQc8qoeHb8= on 09/
This work was supported by the Elsie and Isaac Fogelman Endowment and the
Milken Family Foundation.
1 Berg AT, Berkovic SF, Brodie MJ, et al. Revised 9 Gross-Tsur V, Ben-Zeev B, Shalev RS. Malignant
terminology and concepts for organization of migrating partial seizures in infancy. Pediatr Neurol
seizures and epilepsies: report of the ILAE 2004;31(4):287–290. doi:10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.
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2005–2009. Epilepsia 2010;51(4):676–685. doi:10.1111/
10 Barcia G, Fleming MR, Deligniere A, et al. De novo
gain-of-function KCNT1 channel mutations cause
2 Howell KB, Harvey AS, Archer JS. Epileptic malignant migrating partial seizures of infancy.
encephalopathy: use and misuse of a clinically and Nat Genet 2012;44(11):1255–1259. doi:10.1038/ng.2441.
conceptually important concept. Epilepsia 2016;
11 West WJ. On a peculiar form of infantile convulsions.
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Lancet 1841;1:724–725.
3 Ohtahara S. Seizure disorders in infancy and
12 Guggenheim MA, Frost JD, Hrachovy RA. Time
childhood. Brain Dev 1984;6(6):509–519. doi:10.1016/
interval from a brain insult to the onset of infantile
spasms. Pediatr Neurol 2008;38(1):34–37.
4 Zupanc ML. Clinical evaluation and diagnosis of doi:10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2007.08.005.
severe epilepsy syndromes of early childhood.
13 Paciorkowski AR, Thio LL, Dobyns WB. Genetic and
J Child Neurol 2009;24(8 suppl):6S–14S.
biologic classification of infantile spasms. Pediatr
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and severe infantile myoclonic epilepsies: a critical
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Neurophysiol 1990;7(3):380–408.
spasms (ICISS): a randomised, multicentre,
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encephalopathies: Ohtahara syndrome and early doi:10.1016/S1474-4422(16)30294-0.
myoclonic encephalopathy. Pediatr Neurol 2012;
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encephalopathies. J Child Neurol 1992;7(1):7–21.
16 Shields WD. Infantile spasms: little seizures.
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developmental arrest. Epilepsia 1995;36(10):1017–1024.
17 Shields WD. Surgical treatment of refractory 32 Arzimanoglou A, French J, Blume WT, et al.
epilepsy. Curr Treat Options Neurol 2004;6(5): Lennox-Gastaut syndrome: a consensus approach
349–356. doi:10.1007/s11940-996-0027-5. on diagnosis, assessment, management, and trial
methodology. Lancet Neurol 2009;8(1):82–93.
18 Gibbs FA, Gibbs EL. Epilepsy. Cambridge, MA:
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33 Sachdeo RC, Glauser TA, Ritter F, et al. A
19 Hrachovy RA, Frost JD Jr, Kellaway P. Hypsarrhythmia: double-blind, randomized trial of topiramate in
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Epilepsy Syndromes in
I NT E R V I E W A V AI L A B L E Childhood
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOera88TePS0K1dQc8qoeHb8= on 09/
By Phillip L. Pearl, MD, FAAN
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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Epilepsy syndromes are an important clinical construct in
pediatric epilepsy, as they encompass recognizable patterns seen in
patients with epilepsies, whether of the more benign variety or associated
with encephalopathy.
SUMMARY: Given that mutations of the same gene may cause both
encephalopathic and relatively benign epilepsies, an understanding of the
pediatric epilepsy syndromes remains vital to patient care.
2018;24(1, CHILD NEUROLOGY):186–209.
Address correspondence to
Dr Phillip L. Pearl, Department of he lexicon (and thus conceptualization) of seizures and epilepsy has
Neurology, Boston Children’s undergone considerable revision since 2010,1 with new taxonomies
Hospital, 300 Longwood Ave,
Boston, MA 02115, Phillip. for seizure types, epilepsy etiology, and syndromes. The relatively recent broad classifications of epilepsy as idiopathic, symptomatic, or
cryptogenic have been replaced by the concepts of genetic, structural,
Dr Pearl receives research/grant metabolic, infectious, immune, and unknown. Advances in neuroimaging and
support from the National neurogenetics have transformed our ability to assign an etiologic category to a
Institutes of Health/National
Institute of Neurological
given patient’s epilepsy. Of special importance in pediatric epilepsy is the
Disorders and Stroke (R01 NS grouping of electroclinical clusters that are recognized as epilepsy syndromes. The
82286) and the Succinic epilepsy syndromes continue to represent a vital approach to understanding the
Semialdehyde Dehydrogenase
Deficiency Association and
diagnosis, etiology, pathophysiology, prognosis, treatability, and comorbidities
publishing royalties from Demos of large groups of patients, even if their elucidation with ongoing discoveries will
Medical Publishing and naturally lead to revisions of the syndromes over time. The pediatric epilepsy
UpToDate, Inc. Dr Pearl has
provided occasional medicolegal syndromes are now organized primarily by the age of presentation (TABLE 9-12).
testimony on pediatric neurology. This article discusses the clinical aspects of the pediatric epilepsy syndromes. For
more information on epileptic encephalopathies, refer to the article “Epileptic
PRODUCTS/INVESTIGATIONAL Encephalopathies” by Shaun A. Hussain, MD, MS,3 in this issue of Continuum.
Dr Pearl reports no disclosure. NEONATAL ONSET
© 2018 American Academy The electroclinical syndromes of the neonate are relatively dichotomous, with
of Neurology. some being essentially benign (eg, benign neonatal seizures and benign familial
consequences of mutations and variants that are expected to lead to increased cryptogenic has been
replaced by the terms
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with burst suppression on EEG with onset in the first 10 days of life, although
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both in utero onset and onset later in early infancy are described. The separation
of early infantile epileptic encephalopathy and early myoclonic encephalopathy
Neonatal Onset
u Benign (idiopathic) neonatal seizures (fifth-day fits)
u Hemiconvulsion-hemiplegia-epilepsy syndrome
u Genetic epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (can begin in infancy)
u Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
u Epileptic encephalopathy with continuous spike and wave in slow sleep
persistent burst-suppression pattern during both the awake and sleep states in
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u Reflex epilepsies
Modified with permission from Berg AT, et al, Epilepsia.2 © 2010 International League Against Epilepsy.
Not listed as a syndrome by the International League Against Epilepsy but instead recognized under
absence seizures with special features.
crossover exists.
A list of early infantile epileptic encephalopathy genes has now been
delineated: early infantile epileptic encephalopathy 1 is associated with ARX (in
particular, associated with lissencephaly); early infantile epileptic encephalopathy
2 is associated with CDKL5; early infantile epileptic encephalopathy 3 is associated
with SLC25A22; early infantile epileptic encephalopathy 4 is associated with
STXBP1; early infantile epileptic encephalopathy 7 is associated with KCNQ2
(refer to the previous discussion on benign familial neonatal epilepsy); and early
infantile epileptic encephalopathy 11 is associated with SCN2A, thus adding to
the list of sodium channelopathies associated with epileptic encephalopathies
(later-onset entities include SCN1A, associated with Dravet syndrome, as well as
genetic epilepsy with febrile seizures plus [GEFS+], and SCN8A).
Epilepsy syndromes of infantile onset range from benign and self-limited to
severe with significant encephalopathy. Indeed, the term Dravet syndrome has
been used to refer to both benign and severe myoclonic epilepsies of infancy,
although the common current usage of this eponymous term refers to the
syndrome of severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy.
more information, refer to the article “Epileptic Encephalopathies” by Shaun A. syndrome may present as
Hussain, MD, MS,3 in this issue of Continuum. prolonged unilateral
convulsions during a febrile
Hemiconvulsion-Hemiplegia-Epilepsy Syndrome illness, followed by
hemiparesis, progressive
Hemiconvulsion-hemiplegia-epilepsy syndrome is a relatively uncommon pediatric cerebral hemiatrophy, and
epilepsy syndrome but is important to recognize. It may have onset in infancy or epilepsy that may become
childhood, usually occurring before 4 years of age and manifesting as prolonged intractable over time.
unilateral convulsive seizures (ie, super-refractory status epilepticus [longer than
24 hours]) in the context of a febrile illness, followed by hemiparesis, progressive
cerebral hemiatrophy, and epilepsy that may become intractable over time. The
incidence appears to be decreasing, attributed to improved emergency treatment
of status epilepticus and a decrease in febrile status epilepticus because of
increased rates of childhood vaccination against common infectious illnesses.
Some patients will have a latency period with evident seizure control but months
to years after onset develop pharmacoresistant focal-onset seizures.
Several groups of patients may develop this syndrome. One group is children
with preexisting structural abnormalities who develop superimposed acute-onset
prolonged hemiconvulsions with subsequent hemiparesis. Other cases have
instead had underlying coagulation disorders or genetic mutations, including
SCN1A and CACNA1A mutations. Typically, fever and a mild illness, often an
upper respiratory tract infection, underlie the presentation, suggesting a
contributory element of inflammation as well as hyperthermia.11
EEG findings may be bilateral acutely, both ictally and interictally, although
predominant over the involved hemisphere; over time, background activity
improves over the contralateral hemisphere. In the chronic stage, ictal EEGs may
be poorly localizing but usually lateralize to the involved side. Acute imaging
reveals edema of the involved hemisphere with abnormal signal of subcortical
white matter and cortex but in a nonvascular distribution. Diffusion-weighted
signal is also notably increased in the ipsilateral basal ganglia, thalamus, and
internal capsule. This is followed by progressive hemiatrophy, with imaging
findings that may be reminiscent of Rasmussen syndrome. The distinction
West Syndrome
West syndrome is the most common epilepsy syndrome in infancy, occurring in
an estimated 4 per 10,000 live births and characterized by the triad of epileptic
spasms, hypsarrhythmia on EEG, and neurodevelopmental arrest or regression.12
Traditionally categorized as cryptogenic or symptomatic, a diverse range of
seizures and go on to have recurrent febrile and afebrile myoclonic, focal, and neurodevelopmental arrest
or regression.
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clobazam blood levels. Sodium channel blockers typically exacerbate the seizures ● Sodium channel blockers
in severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy, as opposed to epilepsy syndromes should be avoided in Dravet
caused by SCN2A and SCN8A mutations, which are treatable with sodium syndrome, although they
channel blockers. are effective in SCN2A- and
SCN8A-related epilepsies.
The epilepsy syndromes with childhood onset range from relatively common and
more benign disorders (including focal-onset seizure types as in benign rolandic
epilepsy and the early- and late-onset forms of benign occipital epilepsy and
generalized-onset forms such as childhood absence epilepsy) to epileptic
encephalopathies ranging from Lennox-Gastaut syndrome to epileptic
encephalopathy with continuous spike and wave in slow sleep (CSWS). These
are relatively common in the practice of most neurologists, especially
pediatric neurologists.
was later changed to genetic, since both generalized and focal seizures may occur.
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the missense type. In addition to SCN1A, mutations of the SCN1B channel and
the GABA-A receptor gene GABRG2 have been identified in affected families.
While truncation mutations are more likely associated with more severe
phenotypes, genotype alone does not allow distinction between GEFS+ and
Dravet syndrome. Thus, GEFS+ is increasingly recognized as a spectrum
disorder with a syndromic diagnosis made on clinical, not genetic, grounds.
Recognition, however, may be helpful to guide treatment, as sodium channel
blockers such as phenytoin, carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, and lamotrigine
may be deleterious in this otherwise pharmacoresponsive epilepsy that typically
remits by adolescence.
The myoclonus manifests as large-amplitude symmetric jerks of the with Dravet (severe myoclonic
epilepsy of infancy) and
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arms, legs, neck, and shoulders that may result in a head drop and upper limb Doose (myoclonic-astatic
flexion or abduction. This is followed by loss of muscle tone and a fall. epilepsy) syndromes in the
Besides myoclonic-atonic events, other seizure types occur, including same families.
absence, tonic-clonic, and tonic as well as myoclonic or nonconvulsive status
● Panayiotopoulos
epilepticus. The syndrome presents between 18 months and 5 years of age,
syndrome (early-onset
with a peak at age 3 years. childhood occipital
The EEG demonstrates recurrent paroxysms of generalized spike or polyspike epilepsy) has a relatively
and wave, typically without clinical correlate and with a satisfactory background, young age of onset (3 to
6 years), prominent
although parasagittal theta frequency slowing is characteristic as well. A
autonomic symptoms
photoparoxysmal response may be present. Myoclonic events are associated with (especially prolonged
bursts of 2 Hz to 4 Hz epileptiform activity. Nonconvulsive status epilepticus vomiting), and long-term
may occur, resembling an epileptic encephalopathy. remission.
As with the absence epilepsy syndromes, a genetic etiology is suspected, and
● Myoclonic-atonic
the family history is often positive for epilepsy. The phenotype has been epilepsy, or Doose
associated with the GEFS+ syndrome (discussed earlier in this article) and syndrome, has been
mutations in SCN1A, SCN1B, GABRG2, and SLC6A1, a GABA-transporter gene. associated with a number
Standard antiseizure drug therapy consists of valproic acid, ethosuximide, or of genes, including
mutations of sodium
benzodiazepines, and topiramate, lamotrigine, rufinamide, and levetiracetam channels and the
may also show benefit. The ketogenic diet and its variants (eg, modified Atkins g-aminobutyric acid-A
diet) have been particularly helpful in some patients. The role of the vagus nerve receptor, and may be
stimulator or corpus callosotomy is unclear, but protective measures (such as particularly responsive to
the ketogenic diet.
wearing a helmet) may be needed because of the atonic falls. Fortunately,
long-term remission occurs in the majority of patients, although the remainder
tend to develop intractable epilepsy with intellectual impairment.
the childhood epilepsies, the interictal spike discharges and their frequency has a deleterious impact on
has a peak age of onset of 7
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CASE 9-1 A 7-year-old boy awoke making guttural sounds, and his parents found that
one side of his mouth and face were twitching with progression to the
ipsilateral hand. He remained awake and aware but could not speak, although
afterward he explained that he first felt some tingling of his tongue and mouth
when he awoke. He had been up very late playing video games the night
before. He had an otherwise normal neurologic history and examination. EEG
showed independent bilateral biphasic and triphasic centrotemporal broad
spike discharges, which were most active in drowsiness.
COMMENT This constellation of clinical and EEG findings allows for an accurate diagnosis
of benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes, or benign rolandic epilepsy.
Reassurance can be provided that this is an epilepsy syndrome without a
corresponding lesion on imaging, and long-term remission is anticipated by
14 to 16 years of age. Restricted focal seizures such as described in this case
would not typically require antiseizure medication.
Benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes (benign rolandic epilepsy). EEG of a 6-year-old
boy shows right centrotemporal blunt discharges with anterior positivity and more posterior
negativity, consistent with a tangential electrical dipole. Sensitivity 20 mV/mm, high-frequency
filter 70 Hz, low-frequency filter 1 Hz.
by eye opening. The latter is sometimes called the fixation off phenomenon
because visual fixation will abort the spike-wave discharges. Occipital spikes that
do not show this phenomenon raise suspicion for a symptomatic occipital
epilepsy, such as with the presence of an anatomic lesion, as opposed to
late-onset childhood occipital epilepsy.
As with Panayiotopoulos syndrome (early-onset childhood occipital epilepsy),
the etiology is unknown, and family histories are rarely positive for relatives with
this form of epilepsy. In contrast with Panayiotopoulos syndrome, the seizures
tend to be more frequent, and medications typically used for focal-onset seizures
are at least partly effective in producing seizure control. At least half of patients
experience long-term remission.
Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome is defined as a constellation of multiple generalized
seizure types, with tonic being predominant; EEG background of slow (less than
KEY POINTS 3 Hz) spike-and-wave discharges, plus paroxysmal fast activity during sleep; and
cognitive impairment, usually with regression. Onset is usually by the age of
● Continuous spike and
wave in slow sleep is an 8 years, with a peak incidence at 3 to 5 years. Lennox-Gastaut syndrome has a
electroclinical syndrome male predominance, and the syndrome may be preceded by West syndrome.
with an epileptic While many cases have no discernable etiology, others are associated with
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encephalopathy structural lesions, (eg, focal cortical dysplasia, subcortical band heterotopia,
characterized by mixed
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● Acquired epileptic not be present, and thus diagnosis not established, until several years later. The
aphasia (Landau-Kleffner traditional definition of ESES relies on spike-wave activity occupying 85% of
syndrome) is an acquired slow-wave sleep, usually manifested by slow (1.5 Hz to 2.5 Hz) spike-wave
epileptic aphasia discharges having a diffuse distribution. Varying approaches to detecting this
characterized classically by
an auditory agnosia and involvement exist (eg, visual overview, measuring how many seconds are
electrical status epilepticus impacted and counting numbers of spikes to produce a spike index). Some
in slow sleep on EEG. investigators suggest reducing this relatively high percentage to approximately
50% to allow detection of more individuals who may benefit from a diagnosis and
therapy. Etiologies range from cryptogenic to structural brain abnormalities
(eg, cortical dysplasia or polymicrogyria) to long-standing thalamic lesions.
Treatment is usually attempted to improve the EEG, whether with valproate,
levetiracetam, benzodiazepines, corticosteroids, or other antiseizure medicines.
Epilepsy surgery may be indicated if the patient has a resectable lesion. Seizures
typically remit by adolescence, but neurocognitive sequelae persist.
Childhood absence epilepsy, also known as pyknolepsy from the Greek root
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pykno for crowded or dense given the very frequent occurrence of these spells, is
the prototype of the common pediatric epilepsy syndromes. This syndrome
comprises approximately 15% of the childhood-onset epilepsies, has a typical age
of onset between 4 and 10 years with a peak between 5 and 7 years, and affects
girls more frequently than boys.24 Earlier onset (before age 4) raises concern
regarding underlying glucose transporter type 1 deficiency, and later onset (after
age 11) is unusual.
The syndrome of childhood absence epilepsy is characterized clinically by
the typical absence seizure, meaning abrupt impairment of consciousness, often
with associated behavioral arrest, staring, eye fluttering, or automatisms
associated with generalized 3 Hz to 4 Hz spike-and-wave discharges with an
otherwise normal background on EEG (FIGURE 9-2). The duration is usually
EEG of an 8-year-old girl with childhood absence epilepsy. Note that she was unaware of the
three words recited during the 6-second paroxysm. Sensitivity 30 mV/mm, high-frequency
filter 70 Hz, low-frequency filter 1 Hz.
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EEG of a 10-year-old girl with childhood absence epilepsy. Note that the paroxysm has
features of anterior voltage predominance, incompletely abrupt onset, and variability in
spike-wave frequency at onset and offset. These features are not unusual in typical absence
seizures. The remainder of the background is normal. Sensitivity 50 mV/mm, high-frequency
filter 70 Hz, low-frequency filter 1 Hz.
spike-and-wave paroxysms of abrupt onset and offset. In reality, the discharges tend
to be frontal dominant as opposed to truly generalized; often show a frequency
range, especially at onset, of 3 Hz to 4.5 Hz; and tend to slow down to 2 Hz to 2.5 Hz
by the end of a discharge (FIGURE 9-3). In addition, it is not unusual for one
hemisphere to show onset a few milliseconds before the other, and fragmentary
spike or polyspike discharges that may be confined to one region, especially
bifrontal discharges, are commonly seen in non-REM sleep. It is not unusual to see
brief runs of spike-wave discharges without clear clinical accompaniment, and
clinicians may use a 3-second cutoff to distinguish such a run as an ictal event. While
the interictal background is normal in childhood absence epilepsy, it is not unusual
to see prominent runs of occipital intermittent rhythmic delta activity.
The pathophysiology of typical absence syndromes has been at the cornerstone
of understanding generalized spike-wave discharges, especially in terms of
the evolving understanding of thalamocortical electrical circuitry and the
still-unsettled fundamental question of whether primary generalized seizures even
exist as a truly generalized event. The early centrencephalic theory emphasized the
pacemaker role of the midline thalamus, which evolved over the past 50 years to a
thalamic clock theory, emphasizing the nucleus reticularis of the thalamus as the
principal generator driving the cortical rhythms. This has more recently been
modified to a corticothalamic theory incorporating oscillations in the thalamus
interacting reciprocally with the cortex. The corticothalamic circuit includes
cortical glutamatergic neurons projecting from cortical layer VI to the nucleus
(ie, rhythmic bursts that are involved in sleep spindle formation) and for 75% of patients, with
positive prognostic factors
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continuous single-spike firing (ie, tonic firing during wakefulness). The cellular being normal
events behind the nucleus reticularis thalamus shift between oscillatory and tonic neurodevelopmental
firing modes are mediated by spikes present in thalamocortical and nucleus status, absence of
reticularis thalamus neurons mediated through low-threshold transient calcium generalized tonic-clonic
seizures, and negative
channels known as T channels. Upon depolarization, these channels allow brief family history of epilepsy.
calcium inflow before becoming inactivated; deinactivation requires relatively Yet a serious risk of
lengthy hyperpolarization mediated by GABA-B receptors. Thus, abnormal accidents and increased
oscillatory rhythms may be caused by abnormalities of the T channels or enhanced comorbidities, including
learning and attentional
GABA-B activity. This is consistent with the observation that medications that
disabilities, exists.
suppress T channels, eg, ethosuximide and valproate, are effective antiabsence
drugs, and medications that increase GABA-B activity (eg, vigabatrin) exacerbate
absence seizure activity. In contrast, GABA-A agonists (eg, benzodiazepines)
that preferentially enhance GABA-ergic activity in nucleus reticularis thalamus
classification. The episodes are brief absences (usually less than 10 seconds) with
prominent eye blinking and upward eye deviation, often triggered by eye
closure. Similar episodes can occur in a number of epilepsies, so the term Jeavons
syndrome is used if it appears to be an isolated epilepsy without other neurologic
manifestations. The syndrome represents a blending of features of absence and
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myoclonic epilepsy.
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The epilepsy syndromes of adolescent onset include the more commonly known
EEG of an 11-year-old boy with Jeavons syndrome shows generalized spike-and-wave discharges
following eye closure. Sensitivity 30 mV/mm, high-frequency filter 70 Hz, low-frequency filter 1 Hz.
speech arrest, and loss of awareness are frequently seen. The EEG demonstrates long-term remission not
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and early childhood cognitive effects if administered to women during the first
trimester of pregnancy. While patients with juvenile absence epilepsy tend to
achieve seizure control, a lifelong requirement for medication is expected.
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Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. EEG of a 16-year-old boy shows paroxysms of 4 Hz to
6 Hz generalized spike-and-wave discharges. Sensitivity 20 mV/mm, high-frequency filter
70 Hz, low-frequency filter 1 Hz.
EEG of a 16-year-old boy with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy shows photoparoxysmal response
at an intermittent photic stimulation rate of 12 Hz. Sensitivity 30 mV/mm, high-frequency
filter 70 Hz, low-frequency filter 1 Hz.
patients (80% or more) will relapse if taken off antiseizure medicines.32 It adulthood and is associated
with generalized 3 Hz to
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appears that the presence of generalized tonic-clonic seizures or EEG worsening 4 Hz spike-and-slow-wave
during or following medication withdrawal are prognostic factors for a higher paroxysms on EEG and
risk of seizure recurrence.33 Lifestyle factors, such as medication compliance, pharmacoresponsiveness
avoidance of alcohol and illicit drugs, and avoidance of sleep deprivation and but a lifelong predisposition
to seizures.
flashing lights, represent cardinal advice of prime importance for patients with
juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. ● Progressive myoclonus
epilepsies (eg,
Epilepsy With Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures Alone Unverricht-Lundborg
disease, Lafora body
The syndrome of generalized tonic-clonic seizures alone is within the purview
disease, myoclonic
of adolescent syndromes given a typical age of onset of 16 years, with a range epilepsy with ragged red
between 6 and 28 years. The designation generalized tonic-clonic seizures upon fibers, and neuronal ceroid
awakening fits into this classification and could be considered a subtype of this lipofuscinosis) manifest by
syndrome. The seizures tend to occur within 1 to 2 hours of awakening and myoclonus (cortical and
subcortical), cognitive
sometimes upon falling sleep. regression, and generalized
As with the other genetic generalized epilepsies, the EEG shows 3 Hz to 4 Hz spike or polyspike and
generalized spike-and-slow-wave paroxysms. Again, the common triggers are wave on EEG with a
sleep deprivation, photic stimulation, stress, and alcohol. Absence episodes can be photoparoxysmal
documented, although they are not the predominant seizure type. The syndrome
is pharmacoresponsive, but a lifelong predisposition to seizures is expected.
fingerprint, and granular deposits) depending upon the subtype. They are
classified as type 1 (CLN1) through type 10 (CLN10), and range from infantile to
adolescent and adult onset. These, too, are progressive disorders with dementia,
vision loss, pyramidal and extrapyramidal dysfunction, and seizures. Genetic
testing facilitates their diagnosis, and the associated seizures are pharmacoresistant,
rendering patient management largely a matter of supportive and ultimately
hospice care.
KEY POINT although for an individual patient, the seizures tend to be stereotypical. Patients
may have associated focal cortical dysplasia. More recently, mutations of the
● Reflex epilepsies are
characterized by seizures mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway inhibitor gene DEPDC5
exclusively or have been associated with this syndrome as well as the other autosomal
predominantly triggered by dominant focal epilepsy syndromes discussed, autosomal dominant nocturnal
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOera88TePS0K1dQc8qoeHb8= on 09/
a variety of stimuli, most frontal lobe epilepsy and autosomal dominant partial/focal epilepsy with
commonly of visual,
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The electroclinical syndromes of childhood include a range of epilepsies, from
generalized seizures to focal-onset and mixed-onset seizures and from benign
to severe phenotypes. Yet these clusters of clinical phenomenology are
recognizable and greatly augment the practice of pediatric epilepsy.
Categorization based on age of onset is a rational approach to these entities.
Appropriate syndromic recognition and diagnosis allow for a considerably
more accurate and personalized approach to evaluation, treatment, and
prognostication to better plan for the management of the child’s seizures as
well as neurodevelopmental outcome.
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Terminology. Epilepsia 2017;58(4):512–521. Epilepsy Res 2006;70(suppl 1): S58–S67.
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Evaluation and
Management of the
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDFUBN5ROWwyY= on 09/
Spectrum Disorder
By Nicole Baumer, MD, MEd; Sarah J. Spence, MD, PhD
2018;24(1, CHILD NEUROLOGY):
Address correspondence to PURPOSE OF REVIEW:Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental
Dr Sarah J. Spence, Boston
Children’s Hospital, Department
disorder defined by deficits in social communication and the presence
of Neurology, Fegan 11, 300 of restricted and repetitive behaviors and interests. This article provides
Longwood Ave, Boston, MA the tools to diagnose and manage patients with autism spectrum
02115, sarah.spence@childrens. disorder.
RELATIONSHIP DISCLOSURE: RECENT FINDINGS: Autism spectrum disorder is a heterogeneous condition with
Dr Baumer has received
personal compensation for
varying presentations, multiple etiologies, and a number of comorbidities
speaking engagements from the that impact the course and management of the disorder. This article
Massachusetts Down Syndrome defines the core features of social communication deficits, including
Congress and St. Luke’s
Hospital, New Bedford,
problems with social reciprocity, decreased nonverbal communication,
Massachusetts, and has and difficulties in developing and maintaining relationships. The second
provided expert legal testimony domain of repetitive behaviors and restricted interests, which includes
on cases regarding Down
syndrome. Dr Spence has the presence of stereotyped behaviors or speech, insistence on sameness
received personal and behavioral rigidity, intense or out of the ordinary interests, and
compensation for speaking
unusual responses to sensory stimulation, is also delineated. Comorbidities
engagements from Cold Spring
Harbor Laboratory, the Kennedy commonly seen with autism spectrum disorder include medical,
Krieger Institute, and Westwood neurologic, and psychiatric conditions. Despite intense research efforts,
Lodge psychiatric hospital and
receives research/grant
the etiology of autism spectrum disorder remains unknown in most
support from the National cases, but it is clear that a strong genetic component exists that
Institute of Mental Health interacts with various environmental risk factors. Current research is
identifying overlapping neurobiological pathways that are involved in
UNLABELED USE OF pathogenesis. Treatment involves intensive behavioral therapy and
educational programming along with traditional ancillary services,
Drs Baumer and Spence discuss such as speech/language, occupational, and physical therapies.
the unlabeled/investigational Psychopharmacologic treatments are also used to target certain symptoms
use of several classes of
psychoactive medications,
and comorbid conditions.
including atypical neuroleptics,
alpha agonists, selective SUMMARY: Neurologists can play an important role in diagnosing autism
serotonin reuptake inhibitors, spectrum disorder according to clinical criteria through a comprehensive
stimulants, mood stabilizers,
and melatonin, for the
evaluation that includes a thorough medical and developmental history,
treatment of autism spectrum behavioral and play observations, and a review of standardized cognitive
disorder. and language evaluations. Neurologists are also responsible for investigating
© 2018 American Academy etiologies, recommending and advocating for appropriate behavioral and
of Neurology. educational interventions, and identifying and often managing comorbidities.
utism spectrum disorder is a complex heterogeneous ● What is now termed
neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by deficits in social autism spectrum disorder
was historically made up of
communication and social reciprocity in addition to repetitive
multiple distinct disorders
behaviors and restricted interests. Language and cognitive
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDFUBN5ROWwyY= on 09/
childhood, and the disorder is usually thought to be lifelong. First described in disorder–not otherwise
1943 by Leo Kanner, autism was thought to be a rare disorder for many years. specified, and Asperger
disorder). In the Diagnostic
However, in the past 2 to 3 decades, the estimated prevalence has increased and Statistical Manual of
steadily and dramatically. This is thought to be due to a number of factors, Mental Disorders, Fifth
including the broadening of the diagnostic criteria, some diagnostic substitution, Edition (DSM-5), all of
and increased recognition and knowledge of the disorder. Additionally, there these are combined into
one, termed autism
may be other reasons that are currently unknown and the target of much speculation. spectrum disorder.
The most recent estimate from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) is that 1 in 68 children has a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder.1 Given ● Current diagnostic
the 4:1 male to female ratio, that represents an incidence of 1 in 42 boys and 1 in criteria for autism spectrum
disorder focus on two
189 girls.1 The clear male preponderance has not yet been fully explained but
domains of function:
likely reflects genetic and hormonal factors. Despite intense research efforts, the deficits in social
exact pathophysiology remains largely unknown but is believed to involve a
Current diagnostic criteria focus on two domains of function: deficits in social
communication and the presence of restricted interests and repetitive behaviors
(FIGURE 12-1).
Because behavioral profiles change with development and specific symptoms
may come and go over time, DSM-5 allows for a history of symptoms, even if
not currently manifested, to meet criteria for diagnosis. The diagnosis can be
made by showing these behaviors were present by history as long as the current
profile is consistent with autism spectrum disorder and functional impairment
that is considered clinically significant is ongoing.
Symptoms must be present in the early developmental period, and it is important
to consider whether the impairing symptoms are best explained by autism
spectrum disorder or another condition, such as global developmental delay or
cognitive impairment/intellectual disability. In autism spectrum disorder,
impairment in social and communication skills and behaviors must be out of
proportion to what is expected for the individual’s developmental functioning.
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDFUBN5ROWwyY= on 09/
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Autism spectrum disorder core symptom domains according to the Diagnostic and
nonverbal communication, and social relationships.3 These are true deficits that
represent a deviation from the expected developmental trajectory, irrespective of
the level of developmental function.
object or an event, so that both parties are paying attention to the same thing).
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OVERLY INTENSE OR UNUSUAL INTERESTS. Interests can involve topics that are
seemingly abnormal in focus (eg, a 5-year-old knowing everything about
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDFUBN5ROWwyY= on 09/
Children may demonstrate unusual visual behaviors, such as peering out of the
u Hearing loss
u Social anxiety
u Learning disabilities
u Intellectual impairment
u Obsessive-compulsive disorder
one patient with autism
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A 2-year-old boy was brought by his parents for evaluation of speech CASE 12-1
delay. He had no spoken language but did have some unusual and
This case illustrates a classic case of autism spectrum disorder with both COMMENT
language and cognitive impairment. Symptoms are present in both
domains and all subdomains and are present in the early developmental
period. This child is very young and presents with global developmental
delay, but his social communication deficits are even greater than what
would be expected for his cognitive level, with no response to social
overtures, no social smiling, and no attempts to communicate.
spectrum disorder, they are also important for recommendations about therapy
and management. Many co-occurring conditions are seen in individuals with
autism spectrum disorder, so additional specifiers should be used when
applicable. The specifier of whether a known medical, genetic, or environmental
condition is present is used for medical comorbid conditions such as epilepsy,
VH4kB2Z9EY5jONzaHF6L6BFLKNUIlvpnOmK9o8126tTOuniutr3OwA5Vmj7KGOmPyDdSXOaeh9YV3kmbDFUBN5ROWwyY= on 09/
Severity Ratings
Historically (based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
Fourth Edition [DSM-IV]),2 pervasive developmental disorder–not otherwise
specified and Asperger disorder were used as a proxy for those with milder
impairment, and autistic disorder was used for those with more severe impairment.
The merging of these three diagnoses into a single diagnosis of autism spectrum
disorder created the need to delineate severity. However, severity of different
symptoms in the two domains is not always the same. Therefore, in the current
DSM-5 offers examples of behaviors that help assign the severity ratings.
Intellectual Disability
Intellectual disability has always been defined as having an IQ score that is
greater than two standard deviations below the mean (ie, less than 70) and
showing functional impairment. Previous epidemiologic studies had reported
that the majority of individuals with autism spectrum disorder had intellectual
disability.5 However, recent surveys now show that intellectual disability occurs
in approximately 50% or less of individuals with autism spectrum disorder but is
more common among females.1
Large population-based studies suggest that approximately 20% of individuals
with autism spectrum disorder will develop epilepsy in their lifetime and will
likely need to see a neurologist for management. Therefore, neurology practices
may see a higher percentage of individuals with autism spectrum disorder and
epilepsy. Risk factors include syndromic autism,6,7 intellectual disability, and
female sex.8 All seizure types can occur, and the age of onset appears to have a
bimodal distribution, with peaks in early childhood and adolescence/early
adulthood. It should be noted that children with very-early-onset seizures
Gastrointestinal Disorders
A variety of gastrointestinal disorders have been reported to be more prevalent in
patients with autism spectrum disorder, including gastroesophageal reflux
disease, constipation, and diarrhea. Initially this comorbidity was made
(in)famous by the putative tie between “autistic enterocolitis” and the
measles-mumps-rubella vaccine. While this theory was discredited with a
number of studies in the past decade, the real gastrointestinal problems in
patients should not be overlooked.19 Often gastrointestinal symptoms can be
tied to unusual feeding behavior with very restricted food intake. In some
cases, the child may even present with failure to thrive or severe obesity
secondary to the restricted intake pattern. In these situations, behavioral
feeding therapy can be very beneficial.
factors, including changing definitions and diagnostic criteria for both autism
spectrum disorder and other psychiatric disorders over time, overlap of certain
symptoms (eg, obsessions seen in obsessive-compulsive disorder [OCD] and
restricted/fixated interests seen in autism spectrum disorder), small and clinically
referred samples, difficulty in determining psychiatric symptoms in individuals
with intellectual disability and language disorders, and the previous prohibition in
the DSM on making a diagnosis of certain psychiatric disorders in a patient with
autism spectrum disorder. Co-occurring behavioral or psychiatric disorders can
add significantly to functional impairment and therefore should represent
treatment targets.
disorder. Reported rates of ADHD comorbidity range from 30% to 90%. Many
young children with autism spectrum disorder present with symptoms of
hyperactivity and impulsivity. Safety concerns such as bolting (suddenly
running away from caregivers) or wandering are particularly problematic.
Additionally, older children may appear to have inattention when in fact they
may be hyperfocused on their own special interest. Learning problems, cognitive
difficulty, and social challenges can also complicate the clinical picture. Careful,
thorough evaluation is required to distinguish those with ADHD, autism
spectrum disorder, or both autism spectrum disorder and ADHD and determine
the most appropriate treatments.
Generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, separation anxiety, specific phobias,
and OCD have all been reported at higher rates in autism spectrum disorder than
in the general population. A meta-analysis showed that nearly 40% of those with
autism spectrum disorder also had at least one type of anxiety disorder.21 It may be
difficult to distinguish the obsessive thoughts in OCD from preoccupations and
fixations in autism spectrum disorder, and some overlap exists. However, it should
be noted that in autism spectrum disorder, the thoughts do not usually lead to
distress; in fact, they are thought to be pleasurable.22
Mood Disorders
Both depression and bipolar disorder can occur in individuals with autism
spectrum disorder, although the reported rates of comorbidity are variable,
ranging from 0% to 50%.22 Depression is especially common in adolescents who
have enough social awareness to realize that they are different and have difficulty
establishing and maintaining friendships and romantic relationships.
hallucinations are uncommon, but the clinician must be careful when inquiring
about symptoms, as overly literal interpretation of language may be misleading.
For example, a patient with autism spectrum disorder may respond “yes”
when asked “Do you ever hear voices when no one else is there?” but could be
referring to someone talking on an electronic device or the telephone.
Catatonia is a relatively rare occurrence in individuals with autism spectrum
disorder but is increasingly being recognized. It was included as a specifier in
DSM-5 and should be considered in individuals who experience a change in
mental status and significant regression in skills with prominent motor
symptoms, especially later in childhood or adolescence.
Despite years of inquiry and tremendous research efforts, the etiology of most
cases of autism spectrum disorder remains unknown. As a heterogeneous,
behaviorally defined disorder, it is clear that there will not be just one unifying
cause. For this reason, some prominent researchers have referred to autism
spectrum disorder as the autisms,23 with the recognition that there are multiple
etiologies. Clearly, a strong genetic component exists in autism spectrum
disorder, but many other factors have been implicated, such as the role of the
environment, immunologic dysregulation, metabolic disturbance, and various
mechanisms of early brain injury (eg, teratogenicity, prematurity,
developmental or acquired structural brain lesions). Given that social behavior
and communication are some of the highest-order functions of the human brain,
it is perhaps not surprising that many ways exist in which these aspects of
development may get onto the wrong track. Recent research points to many
different, yet often overlapping, neurobiological pathways involved in the
pathogenesis of autism spectrum disorder.
Much of the research into etiology has focused on genetics, perhaps because
autism spectrum disorder is one of the most heritable of all neuropsychiatric
disorders. Twin and family studies suggest the heritability estimate to be about
50% (ranging from 26% to 93%). Monozygotic twins have a much higher
concordance rate than dizygotic twins and siblings, and other relatives are at
higher risk than the general population. Sibling recurrence risk is approximately
20%, and it increases as the number of affected children in the family rises.24
Various genetic mechanisms could be involved in the pathophysiology of autism
spectrum disorder. The common variant hypothesis suggests that many different
and commonly found inherited gene variants each contribute only a small amount
to the phenotype but combine in such a way as to cause autism spectrum disorder.
Many rare variants have also been identified. These pathologic mutations or variants
are known to be causally related to the phenotype. These are often de novo in the
individual with autism spectrum disorder. Autism spectrum disorder has long been
associated with certain neurogenetic syndromes (eg, tuberous sclerosis complex and
General History
The medical history should include birth history, age of parents at birth (older
paternal age being a risk factor for autism spectrum disorder), perinatal risk
factors, and pregnancy or delivery complications, such as maternal diabetes
a detailed developmental
feeding and gastrointestinal concerns, sleep disturbance, and seizures/epilepsy), and behavioral history from
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Specific tools can be used to aid in the assessment of cognitive and adaptive
skills (refer to the section that follows and TABLE 12-2).
clinical observations, and review of data and impressions from other child care
Developmental Testing: For very young children or those with significant cognitive impairment,
these tests can be used and will yield a developmental quotient rather than a formal IQ score
Cognitive Testing (IQ): These assessments are often done in the school setting or by outside
providers and should be reviewed by the neurologist
Adaptive Skills
u The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS)52
Behavioral Scales: These scales are not autism spectrum disorder symptom specific, but they
can be helpful in identifying comorbid behavioral or psychiatric symptoms and disorders,
which can aid in treatment planning
IQ = intelligence quotient.
Especially helpful for minimally verbal/nonverbal children.
has resources on
Autism spectrum disorder is a heterogeneous condition, and many symptoms developmental milestones,
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TABLE 12-3 Clinical Questions to Query DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Autism Spectrum
Social Reciprocity
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Nonverbal Communication
u Responds to or initiates joint attention (eg, looks to a point or points to direct attention)?
u Abnormal reliance on physically directing others to communicate needs (eg, using an adult’s
hand as a tool, moving people’s hands toward something or away from them, or leading or
guiding others to gain access to items)?
u A typical prosody (eg, singsong or robotic or announcer voice), imitation of original inflection
of speaker, eg, like an announcement)?
u Uses common gestures, such as waving, clapping, nodding, or giving high fives?
u Integrates verbal and nonverbal strategies (eg, naturally combines eye gaze, natural
gestures, spoken language)?
Social Relationships
u Atypical reaction to peers (eg, avoidant, running away when approached, watchful but not
making overtures)?
u Preference for play with younger or older children or adults rather than same-aged peers?
u Has play dates?
u Varies behavior in different social contexts, such as with familiar versus unfamiliar people or in
outside versus inside settings?
u Understands friendships?
u Unusual interests that would not be expected for age (eg, weather, maps, transportation
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u Excessively in-depth knowledge of topics such as history, science, trivia (to the exclusion of
other interests)?
Overreactivity or Underreactivity to Auditory, Visual, or Tactile Stimulation or Unusual
Sensory Behaviors
u Intolerance of certain sounds (eg, vacuum, blender, hand dryer in bathrooms), crowds,
being touched?
u Refuses to wear certain clothing fabrics or is bothered by the tags in the back of the shirt,
clothing seams?
u Extreme difficulty with things touching their heads (eg, wearing hats or getting haircuts) or with
cutting fingernails and toenails?
u Restricted eating that is based on certain food textures or oral aversion?
u Looks at things from unusual angles or peers out of the corner of the eyes?
⋄ Companion tool to the ADOS; lengthy standardized interview querying all aspects of
the child’s development and current functioning
⋄ Parent questionnaire based on items from the ADI-R with 40 yes/no items; screening tool
environments. Some children may show affection and social engagement with
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certain close family members and siblings, but they exhibit an overall atypical
pattern of relating to people. Social skill deficits may become more prominent in
late elementary school age or middle school, when social relationships become more
complex and nuanced and children typically take more ownership of their social
plans. Of note, excessive focus on unique interests and ideas and rigid behavior
(CASE 12-2) may impair friendships for children with autism spectrum disorder, or
they may be particularly drawn to others with similarly focused interests.
⋄ Caregiver report measure (parent or teacher) that contains subscales in social awareness,
social cognition, social communication, social motivation, and autistic mannerisms
⋄ Items are grouped into four subtests that examine stereotyped behaviors,
communication, social interaction, and developmental disturbances
⋄ Qualitative measure of a child’s play skills, including presymbolic play and symbolic play
Note that many of these assessments are copyrighted and only available for purchase through testing companies.
These tools can be used across ages. Specific training for administrator is required.
CASE 12-2 A 16-year-old boy presented with school problems and anxiety. His
parents reported that he was very bright, but he still had trouble
completing his work at school. He got into frequent conflicts with
teachers because he did not think he needed to show his work. He also
interpreted language extremely literally. For example, he got into trouble
at school for leaning on a desk. When the teacher told him sitting on
the desk was not allowed, he explained that he was not sitting, he
was leaning, which was “completely different.” He was interested in
friendships at school, but his peers did not want to spend time with him
because play always had to be his way, and he was very inflexible. He
even made up his own rules for his video games. He also had “no filter”
and frequently made inappropriate overtures. He was bullied at school.
He had fluent speech but had an unusual high-pitched prosodic tone. He
was also described as a kid who “lectures at you” rather than having a
conversation with you. He had intense and unique interests in maps and
weather and had memorized the Paris Metro system, although he had
never been to Paris. He talked about these a lot and did not realize when
someone else was not interested. His early developmental history was
notable for early speaking and reading and difficulty interacting with
other kids his age but interacting well with adults and older children. He
had some motor stereotypies but now only performed them in private.
Previous cognitive testing showed strengths in verbal skills (verbal IQ of
140) and relative weakness in nonverbal skills (nonverbal IQ of 110.)
COMMENT This case illustrates an adolescent with autism spectrum disorder and no
language or cognitive impairment (in fact, note the discrepancy in verbal
compared to nonverbal IQ, which is not uncommon in autism spectrum
disorder). Despite fluent speech, he still has significant social
communication deficits (difficulty with back-and-forth conversation, very
literal language, social interest but poor skills). He also showed some
stereotypies in the past but recognizes this is not typical behavior, so now
only does them in private. He has rigid behavior and very intense interests.
In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition
(DSM-IV), he would have been diagnosed with Asperger disorder.
STIMULATION OR UNUSUAL SENSORY BEHAVIORS. Assess for both sensory aversions observation of the child
and sensory-seeking behavior in all sensory domains. with other children and
assessment of greetings
and transition to the
Behavioral/Play Observations/Direct Assessment examination room; passive
Behavioral observations must be made throughout the entirety of the visit. observations continue
Observations begin in the waiting room with observation of the child with throughout the visit
other children and assessment of greetings and transition to the examination while obtaining the
developmental history with
room; passive observations continue throughout the visit while obtaining
caregivers and through
the developmental history with caregivers and through assessment during assessment during
evaluator-directed play and interactions with the child. Specific behaviors the evaluator-directed play
evaluator can directly observe include quality of the interaction with caregivers and and interactions with
the child.
medical staff (lack of response to name, lack of emotional reciprocity, difficulty
initiating or responding to joint attention, poor social referencing, disengagement), ● Observations must be
quality of play (repetitive or stereotyped, or lack of imaginative interactive play), considered in the context
nonverbal communicative behaviors (poor eye contact, lack of pointing, paucity of of the overall developmental
history and corroborative
gestures and facial expressions), quality and content of verbal language (repetitive
information and within the
or unusual vocalizations, echolalic or scripted speech, abnormal prosody, lack context of the social and
of back and forth conversation, engagement in monologues about preferred cultural convention for the
interests), presence of rigid or maladaptive behaviors (intolerance to transition, child’s age group and
reduced frustration tolerance, aggression or self-injurious behavior), and sensory- cultural/ethnic status.
seeking or avoidant behaviors (unusual inspection of toys, oversensitivity to tactile
portions of the examination, licking/mouthing objects).
It is often helpful for the evaluator to point out to parents any pertinent
observations during the evaluation. For example, “I’m noticing ___. Does this
occur in other settings?” Again, as the direct observations and assessment only
reflect a brief snapshot and do not occur in the child’s natural environment, it is
important to determine whether observations in the office setting are consistent
with those reported in other settings. Observations must be considered in the
context of the overall developmental history and corroborative information and
within the context of the social and cultural convention for the child’s age group
and cultural/ethnic status.
A wide variety of presentations of the deficits and the presence of abnormal
behaviors can be observed in the office setting in children with autism spectrum
disorder. Many of these behaviors are listed in various autism spectrum
disorder–specific questionnaires and observational scales (TABLE 12-4).
Physical Examination
Because of the association of autism spectrum disorder with neurogenetic
syndromes, the general physical examination should include assessment for
dysmorphic features (eg, large prominent ears as in fragile X syndrome or facial
features indicative of genetic or metabolic syndromes), growth parameters
(height, weight, and head circumference [macrocephaly greater than 98% is
present in 20% of patients with autism spectrum disorder70]); and skin
examination, including Wood’s lamp, to assess for neurocutaneous stigmata
such as hypopigmented spots or ash leaf spots as in tuberous sclerosis complex
CASE 12-3 A 3-year-old girl with autism spectrum disorder with cognitive and language
impairment was referred by her pediatrician for neurologic evaluation.
Her past medical history revealed that she was born in a poorly resourced
country and had early-onset seizures and developmental delay. Her
mother had a hard time describing the seizure symptomatology the
patient experienced as an infant, and, unfortunately, no records were
available. She had been on medication but was taken off after 6 months,
and the seizures did not return. However, she had recently developed
some new spells with behavioral arrest and unresponsiveness. Physical
examination revealed macrocephaly and hypopigmented lesions seen on
the trunk on Wood’s lamp examination. Given the diagnoses of autism
spectrum disorder, global developmental delay, seizures, and the
examination findings, tuberous sclerosis complex was suspected.
An EEG showed multifocal spikes and one electroclinical seizure, and a
brain MRI revealed tubers and subependymal nodules. Therefore, the
autism spectrum disorder diagnostic specifiers were amended to include
an association with tuberous sclerosis complex and epilepsy.
Recommendations included starting anticonvulsant treatment; medical
surveillance for tuberous sclerosis complex–associated conditions;
genetic counseling; and intensive speech, educational, and behavioral
interventions for autism spectrum disorder.
evaluation should be completed in all children with language delay and diagnosis disorder. However, a
number of tools, such as
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(or suspicion) of autism spectrum disorder.36,37,41 Lead testing should be done for standardized
all children with developmental delays and those still in an oromotor stage of questionnaires and rating
development or with pica.36,37 scales, parent interviews,
The neurologist has an important role in identifying possible neurogenetic or and direct assessments
(including autism spectrum
metabolic syndromes in individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder
disorder–specific tools),
and should be aware of phenotypes that may be suggestive of specific syndromes. can help clarify the
Neurogenetic syndromes and disorders occur in about 10% to 20% of children diagnostic profile.
with autism spectrum disorder.24 For example, children with fragile X syndrome,
● An accurate diagnosis of
tuberous sclerosis complex, 15q duplication syndrome, neurofibromatosis,
autism spectrum disorder
Angelman syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, Down syndrome, and Williams requires standardized
syndrome have higher rates of autism than in the general population.37 assessments of cognition,
Chromosomal microarray is recommended for all individuals with autism adaptive skills, and speech
and language skills to help
spectrum disorder.37,40,42 Fragile X testing is commonly performed, although
Differential Diagnosis
Social and communication difficulties and repetitive behaviors are seen in other
medical and neurodevelopmental disorders. The evaluator must determine
whether impairing symptoms are best explained by autism spectrum disorder or
Applying Specifiers
The medical history, formalized assessments, ancillary testing, record review,
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and direct observation can be used to determine if a child has cognitive and
language impairment and any comorbid medical or neurodevelopmental
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National Institutes of Health [NIH]) and private foundations and groups (eg,
Autism Speaks, Autism Society of America, American Academy of Pediatrics).
Families should also be referred and given information about local autism support
centers, which are available in most states.
The written evaluation report is often used by families to advocate for
services, therapies, and educational programs. Therefore, it should provide
specific documentation of the diagnostic evaluation findings and evidence-based
recommendations for treatment. Recommendations should be detailed and
tailored to the child’s individual developmental needs.
Behavioral and educational therapies are the mainstay of treatment for
autism spectrum disorder.38,41,72 Children younger than 3 years of age should be
assessed by the early intervention team, and an individualized family service
plan (IFSP) should be developed. They should be referred for both general
developmental and autism-intensive services. Children older than age 3 years
should be referred to their local public school for a school evaluation to
determine special education eligibility (often referred to as a team or core
evaluation). Most children with autism spectrum disorder will be deemed
eligible for services through an individualized education program (IEP) through
Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Some children may receive
accommodations under a 504 plan through the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Home-based services may also be accessed through the IFSP, IEP, or private or
public health insurance. Many states now have laws mandating private insurance
to pay for autism spectrum disorder–related behavioral therapies. Recently, the
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services mandated public insurance coverage
for autism spectrum disorder services as well.
The National Research Council Recommendations for Educating Children
With Autism include at least 25 hours of total service time, maximal
individualized instruction with a low student to teacher ratio, and parent/family
involvement. These recommendations are available for free download from
the National Academies Press (
autism) and can be referenced when advocating for appropriate services.72
methodology based on learning theory principles that teaches skills and decreases features, dysmorphology,
or presence of intellectual
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maladaptive behaviors through repetition and reinforcement. It can be used to disability. Additional
improve communication, socialization, adaptive behaviors, and cognition.72,75 etiologic testing, including
ABA can be delivered in an outpatient clinical setting, in the home, or in school. gene mutation analyses,
Several kinds of behavioral therapies are available, including discrete trial should be considered for
children if concerns exist
training (traditional ABA) and ABA-based hybrids such as the Early Start Denver for a specific neurogenetic
Model (ESDM)73 and pivotal response treatment (PRT).76 Naturalistic or metabolic syndrome or if
approaches are also available, such as Floortime.77 Some of these models the child has a history of
incorporate parents as interventionists. Play-based and social-pragmatic developmental regression.
behavioral interventions are also used to target core autism deficits of social
● The evaluator must
engagement, emotional thinking, and social skills. Treatment and Education of determine whether social
Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children (TEACCH) is a and communication
structured teaching method that is especially useful for visual learners.78 difficulties and repetitive
behaviors are best explained
by autism spectrum
Allied Services and Therapies
disorder or another medical
Speech and language therapy and a total communication approach involving
or neurodevelopmental
the use of gestures and signs (American Sign Language), picture exchange disorder.
communication systems (PECS), communication boards, visual supports, and
assistive technology and devices may be used to support functional communication. ● Behavioral and
Occupational therapy can be helpful for addressing adaptive skill needs, sensory educational therapies are
the mainstay of treatment
needs, and fine motor/visuomotor support. While not a lot of research-based for autism spectrum
evidence exists to support most sensory integration techniques, some techniques disorder.
and tools may be helpful for some children, such as the use of brushing, weighted
vests, and sensory toys. The development of social skills can also be facilitated ● The National Research
Council Recommendations
by using social skills groups. Some school programs have “lunch bunch” groups, for Educating Children With
and social skills groups are also available in the community. Autism include at least
25 hours of total service
Counseling time, maximal individualized
In those with average intelligence and typical language skills, counseling instruction with a low
methodologies can be successfully employed for core symptoms of rigidity and teacher to student ratio, and
parent/family involvement.
inflexibility as well as comorbid psychiatric disorders (eg, depression, anxiety)
and behavioral dysregulation. While the use of psychotherapy is obviously limited ● Applied behavior
for individuals with language and cognitive impairment, cognitive-behavioral analysis, a methodology
therapy (CBT) techniques have been modified for use with the autism spectrum based on learning theory
principles that teaches
disorder population with good outcomes.79
skills and decreases
maladaptive behaviors
Pharmacologic Therapies through repetition and
Currently, no medications are US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reinforcement, is currently
approved for the treatment of the core symptoms of autism spectrum disorder; considered the gold-
this is an area of unmet need and active research. However, up to two-thirds of standard treatment for
autism spectrum disorder.
children with autism spectrum disorder use psychoactive medications to treat
impairing symptoms associated with autism spectrum disorder,80,81 and
medication use increases with age.82
Co-occurring behavioral or psychiatric disorders are common in autism
spectrum disorder, such as ADHD (with lack of safety awareness), anxiety,
aggression/irritability, and self-injurious behavior. Medications used in other
KEY POINTS psychiatric disorders can be effective in individuals with autism spectrum
disorder as well. The only two medications that are FDA approved for use in this
● Currently, no
medications are US Food
population are risperidone and aripiprazole, both atypical antipsychotics and
and Drug Administration approved specifically for treating irritability and aggression in children with
autism spectrum disorder. Other medications are used to treat commonly occurring
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Autism spectrum disorder is a complex heterogeneous disorder, with
symptoms of social communication deficits and restricted/repetitive
behaviors that are present early in development and are usually lifelong. The
impairments significantly impact the child’s ability to function both at home
and in the community. Because of the neurodevelopmental nature of the
disorder, neurologists are often called upon to make the diagnosis and perform
an etiologic evaluation. Neurologists may also primarily manage neurologic
comorbidities and may serve as a medical home for overall care of the patient
with autism spectrum disorder. To aid in this task, this article has reviewed
core symptoms, comorbidities, and proposed etiologies and provided an
approach to the office visit with questions for the diagnostic evaluation,
recommendations for workup, and a summary of treatment approaches.
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ASEBA preschool forms & profiles: an integrated 2010;125(1):e17–e23. doi:10.1542/peds.2009–0958.
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Transition From Pediatric
to Adult Neurologic Care
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By Ann H. Tilton, MD, FAAN; Claudio Melo de Gusmao, MD
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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: With advances in medical care, the number of youths
surviving with medically complex conditions has been steadily increasing.
Inadequate transition planning and execution can lead to gaps in care,
unexpected emergency department visits, and an increase in health care
costs and patient/caregiver anxiety. Many barriers that prevent adequate
transition have been identified, including insufficient time or staff to
provide transition services, inadequate reimbursement, resistance from
patients and caregivers, and a dearth of accepting adult providers.
Ipsen Biopharmaceuticals, Inc, ttaining biological adulthood is an expected part of life. Advances in
and receives patent royalties
through her institution for medical science in the past few decades have allowed an increasing
botulinum toxin in the prevention number of children with medically complex conditions to survive
and treatment of acne. Dr de and experience this milestone. In the United States, it is currently
Gusmao reports no disclosure.
estimated that about 18% of the population aged 12 to 18 years has
UNLABELED USE OF special health care needs, nearly double the prevalence in younger children
between 0 and 5 years of age.1 Children’s hospitals are caring for an increasing
Drs Tilton and de Gusmao number of patients outside of the traditional pediatric age range, and neurologic
report no disclosure. conditions are particularly common reasons for adult visits to pediatric
© 2018 American Academy emergency departments.2 In aggregate, patients older than 18 years of age cost
of Neurology. pediatric hospitals about $627 million per year.3 Every year, about 750,000
In addition to physical limitations, neurologic conditions may impart less than 40% meet
nationally defined
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cognitive issues that preclude complete independence at a time when educational transition core outcomes.
and social service supports come to an end with no similar services available for
adults. Furthermore, in many pediatric-onset neurologic conditions, such as ● In many pediatric-onset
epilepsy, the burden of disability may be present even if patients are in clinical neurologic conditions, such
as epilepsy, the burden of
remission. About two-thirds of all patients with pediatric-onset epilepsy may disability may be present
become seizure-free in adulthood, but up to 80% of these patients will have even if patients are in
ongoing cognitive, behavioral, or psychiatric problems associated with poor clinical remission.
social outcomes.6,7
● The distinction between
Transition to adult care can be defined as the planned movement of
child-centered and
adolescents and young adults with chronic physical and medical conditions from adult-centered care is
a child-centered to an adult-oriented health care system.8 The distinction important.
between child-centered and adult-centered care is important, as differences exist
between these models of care. Pediatric neurology has been described as ● Adult medicine carries an
u Prepare the youth to understand his or her chronic illness and take responsibility for
its management (to the extent that the patient’s cognitive capacity allows)
u Identify the appropriate adult health care providers for transfer; even if an appropriately
trained adult neurologist counterpart is not immediately available for transfer,
transition planning should still apply
KEY POINTS is one of several desired goals of a successful transition. Notably, in some
neurologic subspecialties, an adult neurologist counterpart may not be readily
● Inadequate, unplanned,
or incomplete transition may identifiable (eg, neurometabolic disorders, neurodevelopmental or neurogenetic
cause significant morbidity. disorders). In these situations, a patient may be determined to be better served
Often, entry to the adult by the expertise of a particular provider through adulthood, and transfer does not
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care system for neurologic occur. Nevertheless, transition planning is still applicable in these cases; patients
patients occurs at a time of
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crisis and with significant should be gradually prepared for the adult model of care and will require
gaps in care. Even in patients coordination and assistance to transfer to adult care in other domains (eg,
with complex chronic primary care, other non-neurologic subspecialties).
conditions, this interval can Transfer does not mark the end of transition; young patients entering adult
be longer than 1 year, with
potential for lapses in care
care often require specific attention as they continue to adapt to the adult model
and increased high-acuity of care. Pediatric providers may still consult with adult colleagues in particularly
emergency department complex cases.11 Inadequate, unplanned, or incomplete transition may cause
visits. significant morbidity. Often, entry to the adult care system for neurologic
patients occurs at a time of crisis and with significant gaps in care.13,14 Even in
● Transition is best viewed
as not only being composed patients with complex chronic conditions, this interval can be longer than 1 year,
of philosophical tenets but with potential for lapses in care and increased high-acuity emergency
also of well-defined steps department visits.15,16 The increase in costs and health care utilization has been
that provide the details
described in several neurologic conditions, including epilepsy, cerebral palsy,
The child neurology team discusses with the youth and caregiver(s) the
expectation of the future transition to the adult health care system. This
discussion should be initiated early, ideally no later than the youth’s 13th birthday
(FIGURE 13-1 and SDC 13-127;
It is best that the patient and caregivers have a clear expectation that a
transition into the adult health care system will be scheduled. The initial
discussion is not meant to be extensive, but rather to introduce the concepts of
transition and transfer. Ideally, it raises awareness of upcoming changes in the
care model through adolescence, including private sessions between the patient
and health care provider, the expectation of knowledge of the neurologic
condition, the gradual increase in responsibility for managing health care needs
(to the extent possible), and the differing health care needs of adults. The age or
age range at which the actual transfer may occur is defined by the medical
practice and is preferably consistently applied or, at the very least, applied with
well-defined exceptions. The main goal of this discussion is to assure the family
of a systematic transition. Some practices provide written notification as well as
brochures and readily accessible Web-based information summarizing a formal
transition policy that outlines goals and expectations.
An early discussion allows for transparency in the process and sufficient time
for the neurology team to meet several goals that are expected in the adult model
of care. This includes ensuring the adolescent understands and assumes
responsibility for his or her medical condition and medications and, when
necessary, assessing the adolescent’s ability to make independent decisions.
Core elements of transition planning and timeline.
KEY POINTS Advance preparation may also allay the natural anxiety incurred with the
expectation of changing physicians. Finally, it allows time to prepare patients for
● A regular review of the
patient’s self-management the philosophical differences in the level of expected independence between the
skills is important so that pediatric and adult health care systems. These can be unanticipated and very
gaps in the patient’s distressing if the patient and family are not equipped, especially for a child or
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knowledge base can be young adult with special needs. Ensuring that part of the visit is spent meeting
identified and remedied
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before transition. privately with the adolescent can help prepare caregivers and patients as they get
older. Thus, expectations should be clarified early and supported over time.
● Individuals with The child neurology team ensures that an assessment of the youth’s
intellectual disabilities should self-management skills begins soon after the expectation of transition is discussed
not be excluded from the
with the youth and continues on an annual basis. These assessments should be
assessment process, as documented in the patient’s medical record and communicated to other health
many may be able to care providers (FIGURE 13-1, SDC 13-228; and
SDC 13-3 ;
develop limited 29
self-management skills. In
As patients mature, their self-care abilities and level of independence evolve.
particular, individuals with
mild intellectual disability A regular review of the youth’s self-management skills is important so that gaps
may be able to exert some in the patient’s knowledge base can be identified and remedied (CASE 13-1). The
decision-making capacity caregiver’s knowledge of the patient’s disorder and medical needs should be
and often can become
assessed and any disparities addressed. If self-management is not possible, it is
health and spent some time in private consultation. Starting at age 13, he
filled out the Transition Readiness Assessment Questionnaire (TRAQ)30
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each year, and areas were marked for learning and improvement. He
downloaded a smartphone app to remind him to take his prednisone and
started to attend his regular physical therapy at the local rehabilitation
center independently using adaptive transportation services. Ongoing
clinic visits assessed his understanding of his health condition, gene
defect, and prognosis. Although he had borderline intellectual disability,
he fully understood the implications of his condition and was expected to
remain with decision-making capacity. His preferences played an
increasing role in the advance directive that was kept on file. The local
rehabilitation center recommended adaptive environmental controls aimed
at maximizing increasing independence while reducing caregiver burden.
When the patient was 16 years of age, the child neurologist invited a
This case illustrates the multiple steps for transition of care from pediatric COMMENT
to adult care in a progressive neurologic condition with preserved
decision-making capacity. The availability of a multidisciplinary team and
ancillary resources such as transition tools greatly reduces the burden on
the clinician in transition planning.
KEY POINTS youth’s expected legal competency is unclear, an assessment of that capacity
should be made annually.
● Some patients with
cognitive limitations will A major concern in clinical care of neurologic patients is that individuals
require legal guardianship, with significant neurologic disabilities often enter the age of majority without
and starting the discussion having their legal competency addressed. Some youths with cognitive
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by the age of 14 allows limitations will require legal guardianship (full or limited [eg, to medical
adequate planning before
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expensive process.
degree of the individual’s disability. This directly impacts the young adult and
● Some state courts require those providing care, as legally removing competency is a lengthy and potentially
a clinical team report to expensive process.
assist them in making Emphasis should always be placed on supporting the youth’s decision-making
decisions establishing
competency or lack thereof.
ability and supporting interventions that can maximize that ability. Caregivers
This report often consists of benefit from support and education during this difficult process as well. Social
evaluations performed by a workers, child life specialists, and other community-based support services may
physician, psychologist, and be helpful throughout the guardianship process.
social worker within a
A transition plan meeting the comprehensive needs of the youth is developed
certain period of time, so
advance planning is key. in collaboration with the youth, caregiver(s), other health care providers, school
personnel, vocational professionals, community services providers, and legal
services (as needed). The plan addresses health care finance and legal concerns;
primary care; other specialty care; and education about employment, housing,
and community services. The child neurology team reviews and ensures the
adequacy of the transition plan annually (FIGURE 13-1, SDC 13-4,33;
CONT/A239 and SDC 13-534;
The transition team includes the child neurology care team and other
providers pivotal in the patient’s care, thus offering the ability to address the
comprehensive needs of patients with complex medical conditions. Optimally,
multiple parties collaborate and contribute. At its core, the team includes the
youth and the caregivers, the primary care physician and ancillary staff at the
medical home, subspecialists, and any other pertinent health care providers. The
neurologist is best qualified to systematically review the neurologic issues and
concerns and contribute to the neurologic component of the annual plan. It is
well recognized that the educational system, school personnel, vocational
professionals, legal professionals, community service providers, and others can
all contribute valuable insights. The contributions from each area vary as needs
evolve and may change over time.
The child neurology team is responsible for developing and verifying the
neurologic component of the transition plan of care and should update it
annually (SDC 13-5;
This case illustrates the complex steps in transitioning a patient with a COMMENT
neurologic disorder and cognitive disability. It also underscores the
participation of the child neurology team as the care coordinator of a
team that includes multiple professionals, such as nurses, social workers,
the school, and parent organizations.
The neurologic component of the transition plan should include the following:
u A summary of the patient’s goals and preferences for adult service requirements
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u The planned timing of the transfer to an adult provider of neurologic care (established in
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accordance with the practice policy and in collaboration with the patient and caregiver)
u Emergency plans and the patient’s advance care plan status (eg, medical power of
attorney, living will, do not resuscitate order)
u For those with profound cognitive disability, plans for establishing guardianship
The child neurology team, in collaboration with the youth and caregiver(s),
identifies an appropriate adult provider or providers for the neurologic condition(s)
before the anticipated time of transfer. The child neurology team coordinates the
transfer using a transfer packet (FIGURE 13-1; SDC 13-4,;
appropriate medical
Following the transition and transfer process of the pediatric patient to an
caregivers as the plans are
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adult provider, integration of the patient into the new practice is necessary. This made to transfer the patient
integration is the incorporation of the new patient for ongoing care. A systematic to adult services.
model for integration is available and provides a corresponding framework for
the adult provider. This is especially helpful when integrating a youth with special ● A major tool in the
transfer to an adult health
health care needs. The website provides excellent resources, care provider is the transfer
including a policy of clinic expectations and orientation to adult practice.26 The packet, which should
transfer packet documents provide readiness information, the patient’s and include the transition care
family’s health concerns, and overall goals. The medical summary and emergency plan and a medical summary
with relevant medical
plan become an important ongoing document that should be updated regularly. information, such as imaging
Fortunately, there are readily available resources not only for the pediatric care studies, electrophysiologic
team but also for the adult care provider and team. The physician or other test results, recent
caregiver accepting a young adult with complex health care needs may never laboratory studies, and
other pertinent data.
have cared for a patient with a similar disorder. An open line of communication
between the referring and accepting care teams offers immeasurable support. ● Child neurologists and
child neurology teams have
a key role in supporting their
patients in their transition to
CONCLUSION adulthood.
It is the authors’ belief that child neurologists and child neurology teams have a key
role in supporting their patients in their transition to adulthood. Pediatric neurologists
are particularly well poised to implement and engage in active transition planning
for their patients. Adult neurologists will likely encounter increasing numbers of
pediatric-onset neurologic disease in their practices. Some may feel insufficiently
trained in the management of particular conditions or perceive these patients to
be particularly challenging. Avoiding “cold” handoffs and fostering ongoing
communication and discussion with pediatric providers is key. It is hoped that this
article has provided tools to streamline the process and decrease the burden on the
medical team. Active advocacy is needed to minimize barriers (such as time constraints
and finding accepting providers) by instating reimbursement for transition services
and increased adult training opportunities in pediatric-onset neurologic diseases.
Ultimately, data are insufficient to determine the best model; however,
compelling evidence exists that lack of planning leads to undesired outcomes.
Research targeted at defining optimal transition outcomes and evaluating
different models quantitatively and qualitatively will shed further light on the
care of transitioning patients and improve quality and satisfaction with care.
The Child Neurology Foundation website is a The Got Transition website is dedicated to improving
repository of resources and tools for health care transition from pediatric to adult health care for
providers and patients/caregivers to assist in the all patients. It originated from a cooperative
transition of neurologic patients. agreement between the Maternal and Child Health Bureau and The National Alliance to Advance
Adolescent Health and serves as a clearinghouse
for current transition information, tools, and resources.
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1 McManus MA, Pollack LR, Cooley WC, et al. Current 15 Wisk LE, Finkelstein JA, Sawicki GS, et al. Predictors of
status of transition preparation among youth with timing of transfer from pediatric- to adult-focused
special needs in the United States. Pediatrics 2013; primary care. JAMA Pediatr 2015;169(6):e150951. doi:
131(6):1090–1097. doi:10.1542/peds.2012-3050. 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2015.0951.
2 Little WK, Hirsh DA. Adult patients in the pediatric 16 Cohen E, Gandhi S, Toulany A, et al. Health care use
emergency department: presentation and during transfer to adult care among youth with
disposition. Pediatr Emerg Care 2014;30(11):808–811. chronic conditions. Pediatrics 2016;137(3):e20152734.
doi:10.1097/PEC.0000000000000264. doi:10.1542/peds.2015-2734.
17 Mann JR, Royer JA, Turk MA, et al. Inpatient and
3 Goodman DM, Hall M, Levin A, et al. Adults with
emergency room visits for adolescents and young
chronic health conditions originating in childhood:
adults with spina bifida living in South Carolina. PM R
inpatient experience in children’s hospitals.
2015;7(5):499–511. doi:10.1016/j.pmrj.2014.11.011.
31 Wong JG, Clare ICH, Holland AJ, et al. The capacity 39 Rutishauser C, Sawyer SM, Ambresin AE. Transition
of people with a “mental disability” to make a health of young people with chronic conditions: a
care decision. Psychol Med 2000;30(2):295–306. cross-sectional study of patient perceptions before
doi:10.1017/S0033291700001768. and after transfer from pediatric to adult health
32 Suto WMI, Clare ICH, Holland AJ, Watson PC. Capacity care. Eur J Pediatr 2014;173(8):1067–1074. doi:10.1007/
to make financial decisions among people with mild s00431-014-2291-9.
intellectual disabilities. J Intellect Disabil Res 2005;49 40 Annunziato RA, Baisley MC, Arrato N, et al. Strangers
(pt 3):199–209. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2788.2005.00635.x. headed to a strange land? A pilot study of using a
transition coordinator to improve transfer from
33 Child Neurology Foundation. Medical summary:
pediatric to adult services. J Pediatr 2013;163(6):
transitioning patient. childneurologyfoundation.
1628–1633. doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2013.07.031.
MedicalSummary.pdf. Accessed December 1, 2017. 41 Carrizosa J, An I, Appleton R, et al. Models for
transition clinics. Epilepsia 2014;55(suppl 3):46–51.
34 Child Neurology Foundation. Plan of care: young adults
with neurologic disorders. childneurologyfoundation.
org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/E2_PlanofCare. 42 Shanske S, Arnold J, Carvalho M, Rein J. Social
pdf. Accessed December 1, 2017. workers as transition brokers: facilitating the
transition from pediatric to adult medical care.
35 Child Neurology Foundation. Transitions checklist: Soc Work Health Care 2012;51(4):279–295. doi:
young adults with neurologic disorders. 10.1080/00981389.2011.638419.
uploads/2017/08/B_TransitionChecklist.pdf. 43 Jurasek L, Ray L, Quigley D. Development and
Accessed December 1, 2017. implementation of an adolescent epilepsy transition
clinic. J Neurosci Nurs 2010;42(4):181–189. doi:10.1097/
36 Child Neurology Foundation. Transfer letter sample: JNN.0b013e3181e26be6.
young adults with neurologic disorders.
Accessed December 1, 2017.
Neurologic Complications
I NT E R V I E W A V AI L A B L E in the Pediatric Intensive
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Care Unit
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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: All critical care is directed at maintaining brain health,
but recognizing neurologic complications of critical illness in children
is difficult, and limited data exist to guide practice. This article discusses
an approach to the recognition and management of seizures, stroke,
and cardiac arrest as complications of other critical illnesses in the
pediatric intensive care unit.
Dr Wainwright serves as a
consultant for and on the clinical INTRODUCTION
advisory board of
he lack of data from randomized controlled clinical trials to guide
SAGE Therapeutics.
management of children with acute brain injuries or neurologic
UNLABELED USE OF complications of critical illness occurs in striking contrast with the
data available to neonatologists, adult neurointensivists, or adult
Dr Wainwright reports stroke neurologists. Early recognition of changes in the neurologic
no disclosure. examination is essential for brain-directed critical care for children. Therefore,
© 2018 American Academy neurologic management of the patient in the pediatric or cardiac intensive care
of Neurology. unit (ICU) requires an interdisciplinary team involving neurologists, intensivists,
Seizure management, or evaluation for suspected seizures or nonconvulsive associated with increased
seizures, is the most frequent reason for a request for neurologic evaluation in the risk for neurologic morbidity
ICU. Since many patients in the pediatric ICU or cardiac ICU have a risk factor after neurologic insults.
for central nervous system (CNS) injury, the threshold for obtaining continuous ● Electrographic seizures
EEG monitoring to characterize spells or to detect nonconvulsive seizures should may cause secondary injury
be low. In the past decade, the burden posed by nonconvulsive seizures in and worsen outcome in
critically ill children has increasingly been recognized, seen in approximately critical illness.
30% of patients undergoing continuous EEG monitoring.4
KEY POINTS children supported by ECMO, nonconvulsive seizures were detected in 23%,9
and in neonates after cardiac surgery with cardiac bypass, nonconvulsive
● Continuous EEG
monitoring for nonconvulsive
seizures were detected in 8%.10 Nonconvulsive seizures occurred in 36% to 46%
seizures should be obtained of children with acute encephalopathy.5,11 Nonconvulsive seizures are now also
for at least 12 to 24 hours increasingly recognized after acute CNS insults, particularly traumatic brain
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in children with persistent injury and cardiac arrest. A prospective study of 87 children with mild to severe
altered mental status
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following generalized
traumatic brain injury identified early posttraumatic seizures in 43%, among
convulsive status epilepticus which 16% were solely electrographic.12 Acute seizures (both clinical and
or other clinically evident nonconvulsive) occurred in 48% of 73 children following spontaneous
seizures and after intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH).13 After resolution of convulsive status
supratentorial brain injury
epilepticus in 98 children, electrographic-only seizures were detected in 34%.14
with altered mental status.
Electrographic seizures and status epilepticus are particularly common after
● Many children in the abusive head trauma, typically without a clinical correlate.15
intensive care unit have risk
factors for ischemic or Criteria for Continuous Electroencephalographic Monitoring
hemorrhagic stroke. Since continuous EEG is a limited resource, some means of selecting patients for
monitoring must be identified. Criteria for selection of patients for continuous
EEG monitoring in the ICU have been proposed,16,17 including persistent altered
mental status following generalized convulsive status epilepticus or other
clinically evident seizures and after supratentorial brain injury with altered
mental status. Routine EEG recording fails to detect nonconvulsive seizures in
approximately 50% of patients who are critically ill in which nonconvulsive
seizures were subsequently detected with continuous EEG monitoring.18
Accordingly, the recommendations for the use of continuous EEG in the ICU
include initiating monitoring as soon as possible and continuing for at least
12 to 24 hours.
Approach to the management of refractory status epilepticus in infants and children.
EEG = electroencephalogram; IV = intravenous; MAP = mean arterial blood pressure;
Pco2 = partial pressure of carbon dioxide.
Acute Management
Guidelines for management of stroke in children are available, but no
recommendations exist with Level I evidence.23 Short-term anticoagulation
may be considered for pediatric arterial ischemic stroke pending
determination of the cause of the stroke. This is in contrast with the
recommended practice in adults, for whom urgent anticoagulation is not
recommended.24 Anticoagulation may be considered for proven cardiac
thrombus or extracranial arterial dissection.23 At present, recombinant tissue
plasminogen activator (rtPA) is not recommended as standard care for arterial
ischemic stroke in children. However, it has been used following published
minimize secondary injury through aggressive prevention of fever, maintenance head of the bed flat,
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also permit performance of the Valsalva maneuver and cough during the
procedure to enhance detection of right-to-left shunting. The transesophageal
procedure should be reserved for patients for whom the transthoracic study
was inconclusive; the risks of sedation and temporary loss of the neurologic
examination should be weighed in determining the timing of the study. Initial
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and platelet count, with the remainder of the studies determined by the risk
factors specific to that patient.
Anticipatory Management
Brain-directed critical care requires a multidisciplinary team and a consensus
on best practices for the detection and management of brain insults. The
implementation of these practices is best achieved through joint rounds with
critical care, neurology, and neurosurgery services.1 Serial neurologic
examinations and close communication between these three services with
established goals for temperature, blood pressure, glucose, bed position, and
oxygen and PCO2 are essential for the care of children with stroke in the ICU.
Criteria for escalation in therapy, including thrombolysis and decompressive
hemicraniectomy, should be discussed early in the hospital course and revised
hospital-initiated therapeutic hypothermia (32°C [89.6°F] to 34°C [93.2°F] for anticipatory planning are
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to maintain temperature of
ECMO provides cardiorespiratory support and serves as a rescue therapy for 36.8°C (98.2°F) for at least
critically ill children. Neurologic complications, including intracranial 48 hours should be
hemorrhage, stroke, and brain death, have been reported with ECMO.35 Among considered standard care.
682 patients younger than 18 years of age who underwent ECMO to aid in
● Nonconvulsive seizures
cardiopulmonary resuscitation, an acute neurologic injury (stroke, intracerebral
are common during
hemorrhage, or brain death) occurred in 22%. Among these 147 patients, the extracorporeal membrane
mortality rate was 89%.36 The risk for neurologic injury was highest in children oxygenation, and continuous
with heart disease or who were severely acidotic (pH less than 6.87) before EEG may be considered a
starting ECMO. A study of 2977 patients undergoing carotid artery cannulation standard practice.
for venoarterial ECMO identified neurologic injury, including seizures, stroke, or
hemorrhage, in 611 patients (21%).37 Neonates comprised most of the patients
cannulated via the neck vessels (61%) and had the greatest burden of neurologic
injury, but no association was shown between age risk for neurologic injury,
which was present across all age groups.
Autonomic dysfunction is common after acquired brain injury and has
been called autonomic, diencephalic, or sympathetic storms. The current
nomenclature is paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity, which is characterized
by episodic changes in vital signs, including hyperthermia, tachycardia,
hypertension, or tachypnea. Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity occurs
these conditions have been ruled out, the author of this article begins
treatment with gabapentin, followed by a scheduled benzodiazepine, then
clonidine or propranolol.47 No prospective studies have shown that any one
therapy is better than another.
A previously healthy 3-year-old boy presented with 1 week of vomiting CASE 14-2
and 2 days of jaundice. His physical examination showed an enlarged
liver. He was irritable but could be soothed by his mother, and this was
considered appropriate, as he had not slept well in 2 days. On neurologic
examination, he was able to follow commands and had fluent speech.
Routine EEG was normal. International normalized ratio (INR) was 1.6,
This case illustrates the need for serial neurologic examinations in the COMMENT
intensive care unit and anticipatory planning for neurologic deterioration
at the earliest sign of new neurologic findings. Early treatment with targeted
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