Chapter - 6 Sound (Exercise Solutions) : Exercises
Chapter - 6 Sound (Exercise Solutions) : Exercises
Chapter - 6 Sound (Exercise Solutions) : Exercises
Think and Answer [Page No. 111] Answer : (a) If the amplitude of vibrations is
1. Consider the following sound waves doubled (made 2 times), then the loudness
marked A, B, C and D : will become four times [because (2)2 = 4]
(a) Which two waves represent sounds of the (b) And if the amplitude of vibrations is halved
same loudness but different pitch? (made 1/2), then the loudness will become
(b) Which two waves represent sounds of the one-fourth [because (1/2)2 = ¼]
same frequency but different loudness?
(c) State whether all these sound waves have 4. Why do we not hear the screams of a bat?
been produced by the same vibrating body or Answer : Bats produce ultrasonic sound and
different vibrating bodies? thus humans cannot hear them.
(d) Which vibrating body/bodies could have
generated the sound waves shown here? 5. Arrange the following sounds in the order
of increasing frequencies (keeping the sound
of lowest frequency first) :
a. Baby’s voice
b. Man’s voice
c. Woman’s voice
Answer : Man’s voice > Women’s voice >
Baby’s voice
A. Choose the correct option :
1. When sound travels through air, the air
Answer : (a) A and D particles
(b) B and D (a) Vibrate perpendicular to the direction of
(c) Same vibrating body because waveform is wave propagation
similar. (b) Vibrate along the direction of wave
(d) Tunning fork. propagation
(c) Vibrate but not in any fixed direction
Test Your Understanding [Page No. 113] (d) Do not vibrate
Answer the following Questions : Answer : (b) Vibrate along the direction of
1. Which of the following cannot transmit wave propagation
(a) Water (b) Vacuum 2. Which of the following is not a
(c) Aluminium (d) Oxygen gas characteristic of a musical sound?
Answer : (b) Vacuum (a) Pitch (b) Wavelength
(c) Quality (d) Loudness
2. Out of solids, liquids and gases : Answer : (b) Wavelength
(a) in which medium sound travels slowest?
(b) in which medium sound travels fastest? 3. The frequency which is not audible to the
Answer : (a) gases human ear is
(b) solids (a) 50 Hz (b) 500 Hz
(c) 5000 Hz (d) 50,000 Hz
3. By how much will the loudness of a sound Answer : (d) 50,000 Hz
change when the amplitude of vibrations is :
(a) doubled?
(b) halved?
4. Sound wave and light wave both Answer : decibels
(a) have similar wavelength
(b) Obey the laws of reflection 6. The pitch or shrillness of the sound is
(c) Travel as longitudinal waves decided by the……………of vibration.
(d) Travel through vacuum Answer : frequency
Answer : (c) Travel as longitudinal waves
7. The loudness of sound is decided by
5. The unit of frequency of sound is the…………….of vibration.
(a) Metre/second (b) Metre/second2 Answer : amplitude
(c) Hertz (d) None of these
Answer : (c) Hertz 8. The time taken to complete one oscillation
is called………………
6. Echo is a type of Answer : period
(a) Reflected sound (b) Refracted sound
(c) Polarised sound (d) None of these C. Write T for true and F for false statements.
Answer : (a) Reflected sound 1. Sound cannot travel through gases.
Answer : False
7. Which one of the following materials will
reflect sound better? 2. Sound waves are the longitudinal waves.
(a) Thermocol (b) Curtains made of cloth Answer : True
(c) Steel (d) Paper
Answer : (c) Steel 3. The small metal ball of pendulum is called
8. The method of detecting the presence, Answer : True
position and direction of motion of distant
objects by reflecting a beam of sound wave is 4. The minimum displacement of a vibrating
(a) RADAR (b) SONAR object from its central position is called the
(c) MIR (d) CRO amplitude of vibrations.
Answer : (b) SONAR Answer : False
4. Sound cannot travel in………………. 9. Carpets are put on the floor to reflect
Answer : vacuum sound and reduce reverberations.
Answer : False
5. The unit to measure intensity of sound
10. We can hear more clearly in a room This makes them bump into more nearby air
having curtains because curtains are good molecules.
reflectors of sound.
Answer : True 2. What should an object do to produce
D. Match the columns. Answer : Sound is produced by the vibration
1. Sound is produced a. Reflected of an object. When an object vibrates then
when objects the air around it also starts vibrating in exactly
2. Sound can be b. Vibrates the same way and carries sound to our ears
3. Echo is a type of c. Hertz through the vibration of its molecules.
4. Human ear can d. Time period A sound wave travels from
hear the sound waves the sound producing object to our ears,
of frequency through the air.
5. Some animals can e. Between 20-20,000
hear sounds of hertz 3. What brings the sound of a ringing
frequency telephone bell to our ears?
6. Frequency is the f. Higher than 20,000 Answer : Air brings the vibrating sound waves
inverse of hertz of telephone bell to our ear. Air is the
7. The unit of g. Reflected sound medium.
Answer : 1- (b), 2 – (a), 3 – (g), 4 – (e), 5 – (f), 4. (a) What is the name of the strings in the
6 – (d), 7 – (c) human voice box which vibrate to produce
E. Name the following : (b) What makes these strings vibrate?
1. The sounds having too low frequencies Answer : (a) Vocal cords of the human voice
Answer : Infrasound box vibrate to produce sound.
(b) The vocal cords are stretched across the
2. The region of a sound wave in which air larynx and they vibrate to produce sound.
particles are crowded together, creating a
region of high pressure 5. Why are the voices of men, women and
Answer : Compressions children different?
Answer : The main reason for the difference
3. The unpleasant sound in voices is length of vocal cords. The longest
Answer : Noise vocal cord present in men and the shorter
vocal cord is for women. Children have the
4. The number of vibrations produced by a smallest vocal cord.
vibrating object in 1 s
Answer : Frequency 6. If you want to hear a train approaching
from far away, why is it more convenient to
5. The repetition of sound caused by the put the ear to the track?
reflection of sound waves Answer : We hear the vibrations from the
Answer : Echo ground when we put our ear at the tract so
that we can hear a train approaching from far
F. Answer the following questions in short. 7. (a) What is a vibration (or an oscillation)?
1. How is sound produced? Define ‘amplitude’ of vibration of an object.
Answer : Sound is a type of energy made by (b) What is the frequency of a vibrating body
vibrations. When an object vibrates, it causes whose time-period is 0.05 second?
movement in surrounding air molecules. Answer : (a) The to and fro motion of an
These molecules bump into the molecules object is called as oscillation or vibration.
close to them, causing them to vibrate as well.
The maximum distance to which the bob of a object. Greater the amplitude of vibrations,
vibrating pendulum goes from its central louder the sound will be.
position is called amplitude of vibrations (or
amplitude of oscillations). 11. What is rarefaction?
(b) The wave frequency is 20 Hz. Answer : A rarefaction is defined as the region
in a longitudinal wave where the particles are
8. What is meant by the (a) ‘pitch’ of sound, apart from each other.
and (b) ‘quality’ of sound?
Answer : (a) Pitch is that characteristic of 12. Write the relationship between
sound by which we can distinguish between frequency and time period.
different sounds of the same loudness. Answer : ‘Time-period is the time required to
(b) Quality is that characteristic of sound make 1 vibration’ and ‘frequency is the
which enables us to distinguish between the number of vibrations made in 1 second’. This
sounds produced by different sound means that time-period is equal to the
producing objects (like different musical reciprocal (or inverse) of frequency.
instruments) even if they are of same Time-period = 1/Frequency
loudness and pitch. This is the reation between the ‘Time-period’
and ‘Frequency’ of vibrations (or oscillations).
9. How can reverberations in a big hall or
auditorium be reduced? 13. What is frequency?
Answer : The excessive reverberations in big Answer : The number of vibrations made per
halls and auditoriums are reduced (or second by a vibrating body is called the
controlled) by using various tgypes of sound- frequency of vibration. ‘Per second’ means in
absorbing materials. ‘one second’.
Some of the methods used for reduing
excessive reverberation in big halls and 14. What is an echo?
auditorium are : Answer : The repetition of sound caused by
(i) Panels made of sound-absorbing materials the reflection of sound waves is called an
(like compressed fibreboard or felt) are put on echo.
the walls and ceiling of big halls and
auditoriums to reduce reverberations. 15. Write the full form of SONAR.
(ii) Carpets are put on the floor to absorb Answer : ‘SONAR’ stands for ‘Sound
sound and reduce reverberations. Navigation And Reflecting’.
(iii) Heavy curtains are put on doors and
windows to absorb sound and reduce G. Answer the following questions in detail.
reverberations. 1. What is sound? How is it produced and
(iv) The material having sound-absorbing transmitted?
properties is used for making the seats in a big Answer : The sensation felt by our ears is
hall or auditroium to reduce reverberations. called sound. Sound is a form of energy.
Sound is produced by the vibrations of an
10. What is meant by the ‘loudness’ of object. When an object vibrates back and
sound? On what factor does the loudness of forth in air, then the molecules of air close to
a sound depend? this object also start vibrating back and forth
Answer : Sounds are produced by vibrating with the same frequency. These vibrating air
objects. If more energy is supplied to an molecules pass on their motion to the next
object by plucking it or hitting it more layer of air molecules due to which they also
strongly, then the object will vibrate with a start vibrating back and forth. This process
greater amplitude and produce a louder goes on and on. And ultimately, all the air
sound. molecules around the sound producing object
The loudness of sound depends on the start vibrating back and forth (just like the
amplitude of vibrations of the vibrating vibrating object). When the vibrating air
molecules fall on our ears, the ears feel these propagation of sound waves. Sound
vibrations as sound. of arriving train can be heard better
through railway tracks rather than air,
2. What are longitudinal waves? because sound waves travel 15 times faster
Answer : Sound waves are the longitudinal through the metal railway tracks in
waves because particles of the medium comparison to air.
through which the sound is travelled, vibrate Thus, arrival of train can be predicted better
parallel to the direction that the sound wave from railway tracks than air.
moves. A vibrating string can create
longitudinal waves. 6. Write the approximate speed of sound in
(a) air, (b) water and (c) steel.
3. Explain compression and rarefaction with Answer : (a) 343 m/s
a diagram. (b) 1498 m/s
Answer : As the vibrating string moves in the (c) 5130 m/s
forward direction, it begins to push upon
surrounding air molecules, moving them to 7. During a thunderstorm, the sound of
the right towards their nearest neighbour. thunder is heard after the lightning is seen.
This causes the air molecules to the right of Why?
the string to be compressed into a small Answer : The flash of lightning is seen first but
region of space. This is known as the sound of thunder is heard a little later
compressions. As the vibrating string moves in (though lightning and thunder take place in
the reverse direction (leftward), it lowers the the sky at the same time and the same
pressure of the air immediately to its right, distance from us) because the belocity of light
thus causing air molecules to move back in air 3 x 108 m/s while the velocity of sound
leftward. The lower pressure to the right of in air is 343 m/s.
the string causes air molecules in that region
immediately to the right of the string to 8. (a) What is an echo? How is echo formed?
expand into a large region of space. This is (b) What is the minimum distance in air
known as rarefaction. required from a sound reflecting surface to
hear an echo (at 200C)?
(c) A man standing 825 metres away from a
cliff (steep rock) fires a gun. After how long
will he hear its echo? Speed of sound in air is
330 m/s.
Answer : (a) The repetition of sound caused
by the reflection of sound waves is called an
When a person shouts in a big empty hall, we
first hear his original sound. After a little
4. How can the pitch of sound produced in a while, we hear the reflected sound of shout.
piano be changed? This ‘reflected sound’ is an ‘echo’. So, when
Answer : In a piano, the string is struck to we hear an echo, we are actually hearing a
make the string vibrate and produce sound. reflected sound, a short while after the
The pitch of sound produced original sound.
can be changed by stretching or loosening the (b) We know that the speed of sound in air (at
strings of piano. 200C) is 344 metres per second. Thus, the
distance travelled by sound in 1/10th of a
5. Explain why you can predict the arrival of second is 34.4 metres. But this distance is
a train by placing your ear on the rails travelled by sound in going from us (the
without seeing it. source of sound) to the sound reflecting
Answer : Sound requires medium to travel surface (like a wall), and then coming back to
because molecules of medium help in
us. So, our distance from the sound reflecting frequency? Express the frequency of each
surface (like a wall, etc.) to hear an echo pendulum in hertz.
should be half of 34.4 metres which is 34.4/2 Answer : Frequency = Total osciallations/Time
= 17.2 metres. take
(c) Distance of the man from the cliff (d) = Pendulum A
825m 15 oscillations in 5 seconds (given)
Speed of sound (v) = 330 m/s Number of oscillations in 1 second = 15/5
By the echo formula, = 3 Hz
2d = vt Thus, frequency = 3 Hz
t = 2d/v Pendulum B
t = 2 x 825/330 8 oscillations in 4 seconds (given)
t = 1650/330 Number of oscillations in 1 second = 8/4
t = 5 sec = 2 Hz.
Frequency = 2 Hz
9. (a) What is sonar? Explain its use. Therefore, Pendulum A has a higher
(b) A sonar station picks up a return signal frequency.
after 3 seconds. How far away is the object?
(speed of sound in water = 1440 m/s). 3. The frequency of a vibration is the inverse
Answer : (a) The word ‘SONAR’ stands for of its time period. What is the time period of
‘Sound Navigation And Ranging’. Sonar is an a pendulum which is vibrating as 10 hertz?
apparatus (or device) which is used to find the Answer : Time period of Pendulum = 1/f
depth of a sea or to locate the under-water = 1/10 = 0.1 s
things like shoals of fish, shipwrecks, and
enemy submarines. 4. The speed of sound in water is 1500 m/s.
(b) Sonar picks up the return signal after 3 how far away from an under-sea rock should
seconds. a deep sea diver be, so that he can hear his
Therefore, time for one side is 3/2 = 1.5 sec own echo? The diver hears echo in 3 sec.
Speed of sound in water = 1440 m/s Answer : Speed of sound in water = 1500 m/s
Let the distance of the object be d metre t = 3 seconds
then, we know that, By Echo formula,
Speed = Distance/Time 2d = vt
Distance = Speed x Time d = vt/2
d = 1440 x 1.5 d = 1500 x 3/2
d = 2160 m d = 2250 m
Application-Based Questions
1. Three different vibrating objects produce
three types of sounds X, y and Z. The sounds
X and Y cannot be heard by a man having
normal range of hearing but sound Z can be
heard easily. The sound X can be heard by a
bat whereas the sound Y can be heard by a
rhinoceros. What type of sounds are X, Y and
a. A loud sound from the trumpet reaches the
microphone before the same softer note from
Answer : X is ultrasonic sound
the clarinet.
Y is infrasonic sound
b. The microphone receives sound energy
Z is not mentioned in the question but I think
from the trumpet at a greater average rate
it is normal sound having the frequency range
than it does from the clarinet.
from 20hz to 20,000hz
c. Waves from the trumpet and the clarinet
So, Z = sonic waves or audible waves.
arrive at the microphone in phase.
d. none of these.
2. Your parents are going to buy a house.
Answer : (b) The microphone receives sound
They have been offered one house on the
energy from the trumpet at a greater average
roadside and another house three lanes
rate than it does from the clarinet.
away from the roadside. Which house would
you suggest your parents should buy?
2. The graph given below shows the
Explain your answer.
displacement versus time relation for a
Answer : I would suggest my parents to buy a
sound wave travelling with velocity of 1000
house which is three lanes away from the
ms-1. What is the wavelength of the wave?
roadside. This is because the house on the
roadside would receive a lot of noise pollution
due to honking of vehicles. As the intensity of
sound decreases as distance increases,
the house farther from the roadside is
Answer : Velocity (v) = 1000 ms-1
Time period (T) = time taken to complete one
= 2 us
= 2 x 10-6 sec
We know that,
λ = 1000 ms-1 x 2 x 10-6 s
λ = 2 x 10-3 m
where λ= wavelength