SCO - Program Guide 1
SCO - Program Guide 1
SCO - Program Guide 1
a letter from caroline
snapshot of program components
getting started: how to navigate the program
Caroline Myss
Program Guide: Class One Identifying Your Sacred Contract
Program Guide: Class One Identifying Your Sacred Contract
Program Guide: Class One Identifying Your Sacred Contract
As we begin the journey, let’s review the Process of Self-Excavation, the Role of Journaling, and the Value of Answering Questions.
Program Guide: Class One Identifying Your Sacred Contract
what is an archetype?
To help you understand and fulfill the terms of your Sacred Contract,
you have been encoded with a set of twelve archetypes. Four of
these are universal archetypes essential to survival: the Child, Victim,
Prostitute, and Saboteur. We all have these four because they are vital
to our growth and functioning as adults. The other eight are drawn
from the vast storehouse of archetypes dating back to the dawn of
human history. They play valuable roles that relate to our work, our
relationships with individuals and society, finances, values, spirituality,
and our highest potential.
Awareness of archetypes dates back to at least the time of Plato, who
believed that these eternal forms were reflected in material objects. The
archetype of beauty, for example, is abstract and applies to all beautiful
things. The great Swiss psychologist Carl Jung further developed our
understanding of archetypes. Jung believed that archetypes comprised
psychological patterns from historical roles in life, such as the Mother,
Child, Trickster, King, as well as universal events or situations, including
initiation or death and rebirth. Along with our individual personal
unconscious, which is unique to each of us, Jung asserted, “there exists
a second psychic system of a collective, universal, and impersonal
nature that is identical to all individuals.” The collective unconscious,
he believed, was inherited rather than developed, and was composed
mainly of archetypes.
Although archetypes are impersonal patterns of influence that are both
ancient and universal, they become personalized when they are part
of your individual psyche. Since your Sacred Contract is embodied in
a support system of twelve archetypes, it is best to think of them as
intimate companions. They provide the foundation for your personality,
drives, feelings, beliefs, motivations, and actions. But archetypes are
not passive entities floating around the psyche like old family portraits
hanging in a dusty corridor of your ancestral castle. They take an active
role as guardians and inner allies, alerting you when you are in danger
of falling into destructive or “shadow” behavior. When you learn to
recognize such a pattern, instead of ignoring it or denying its presence, it
becomes your friend and can help you avoid selling yourself out.
An archetype is a universal pattern of power that you were actually
born understanding. You speak archetypes fluently. When you look at
a person and say, “that woman is a natural mother,” you are summing
up her essence in a single magnetic word. And that single word is an
archetype. An archetype will find a way to penetrate and influence your
life because that is its purpose. As we explore the world of archetypes,
all that we are really doing is bringing a language you were born
knowing into your consciousness.
THE SHADOW: All archetypes have shadow manifestations as well as
“light” or positive attributes. The shadow has power precisely because
it remains in the dark; we tend to deny its presence in us because we
consider it unacceptable. Only when we face and acknowledge the
shadow’s presence can we neutralize its potential negative impact on us.
Program Guide: Class One Identifying Your Sacred Contract
Program Guide: Class One Identifying Your Sacred Contract
You’ll discover the value of 2.2 your symbolic coordinates + the distribution of
journaling as a method of
connecting with your archetypes,
cosmic power
and how you operate on three Listen to Caroline give an overview of the archetypal domain.
distinct levels of consciousness (79 MINUTES)
that are correlated with your
chakras. 2.3 the dna of archetypes
Caroline establishes a working definition of an archetype. Then Jim
Curtan profiles the behaviors and challenges of the Four Survival
Program Guide: Class One Identifying Your Sacred Contract
Program Guide: Class One Identifying Your Sacred Contract
4.1 the houses of the archetypal wheel: part 1
Lynn Bell discusses Houses 1 through 6.
Program Guide: Class One Identifying Your Sacred Contract
Program Guide: Class One Identifying Your Sacred Contract
3. REMEMBER THAT ARCHETYPES ARE ESSENTIALLY 9. TAKE YOUR TIME: The selection of your eight personal
“NEUTRAL” PATTERNS OF THE PSYCHE: Archetypes archetypes is the most crucial undertaking in creating
are neither positive nor negative. As you’ve learned, your Chart of Origin. This process should not be rushed
the Victim, Prostitute, and Saboteur have strengths simply because you are anxious to cast your Chart
that are psychologically beneficial and necessary for out of curiosity. Respect your Contract by allowing
your development. Be aware that your conscious mind ample time for reflection and contemplation during the
may completely overlook an archetype that is one of selection process. Before casting your chart, you should
the most forceful in your life because you don’t want feel confident about your selections.
to admit its influence or you don’t recognize one of 10. ASK FOR DIVINE GUIDANCE: Finalize your selections
its variations. Guard against thinking, “What would at a time when you are relatively free from distractions.
another person think of me if I chose this archetype?” Clear your mind through meditation, prayer, or deep
4. EVALUATE ARCHETYPES ON BOTH LITERAL AND breathing …and ask for guidance.
SYMBOLIC LEVELS: Think about archetypes from
both their literal perspective and their symbolic,
hidden, absurd, and even frightening potentials. Begin
by working with your intellectual conception of an
archetype and then stretch your associations with that
archetype as far as you can imagine. Although selecting
archetypes is a rational process, remain open to
intuitive feelings and impressions.
Program Guide: Class One Identifying Your Sacred Contract
Program Guide: Class One Identifying Your Sacred Contract
chart of origin
Program Guide: Class One Identifying Your Sacred Contract