New Smart Plus
New Smart Plus
New Smart Plus
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Smart Plus E
Life Science Instrument Series 茸 Heal 阳
01 02
Feed pressure 0.1-0.4MPa 0.1-0.4MPa 0.1-0.4MPa 0.1-0.BMPa
Inlet water temperature 5 ” 40 C 5 ” 40℃ 5-40℃ 5 -40℃
Resistivity(@25 ζ) 18.2MO·cm 18.2MO·cm 18.2MOαn 18.2MO·cm
Conductivity (@25 0.055µs/cm 0.055µs/cm 0.055µs/cm 0.055µs/cm
Number of pa时1cles(?:0.22µm) s二1 unit/ml 《1 unit/ml g二1 unit/ml s二 1 unit/ml
Number of microorganisms ζ1cfu/ml 《1 cfu/ml ζ1 cfu/ml 《1 cfu/ml
T OC * " <5ppb <5ppb <5ppb <5ppb
Endotoxin**** <0.001EU/ml <0.001EU/ml <0.001EU/ml <0.001EU/ml
* Dual host desig门 using EDI module, produ四s high-purity water and ultra-pure water at the same time
** The water production of the water machine is different, different water inlet pressure and water temperature, the amount of water produced changes, and the
amount of water produced decreases after the installation f ultrafiltration components
*** Smart plus N/NE/EP inlet water requiresTOC content <1000ppb; SmartPlus P inlet water requires TOC content <30ppb
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**** In a specific experimental environment, under specific conditions, when a specific end toxin rem val filter is installed
器毒草E �:�! !��; ;; ;�:叫:::曰: :::::
H回I Force Group
..::�当矗"-� Heal Force International Trading(Shanghai) C口 , Ltd
ng 6
a ��6� ��� �· ���21 )62728538
e巾 Information is subject to change and/。r updating without notice
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• Multi -level height adjustabl e Minimum 290mm, Maximum 540mm, 6 levels of height adjus国ble 自exible water intake
•Continuous wa ter pr, duction EDI modul e replac es t h e pun币cation column, continuous ly pre pares hi gh -pu ri ty water, stabl e water
•360 rotation
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The water dispenser is freely m恒led 360 to realize co州nuous water intake from d1忏erent conta1ne厄 。
production, and does not need to replace the purificati n column frequently
• Long-distance water dispenser Water臼n be dispensed3 mete阳away from the main system, realizing long-distance water d1spens1 ng •Built-in EDI EDI is built in the host, occupying l ess space and easy to maintain
the water tank and a百e cting th e water quality. • Standard RS232 standard interfa田, which can be connected to rem 。 te 。
contr, I software
• Through th e remote control software, all data are automatically sto red and transmitted, synchronized
wit h t he h st data, realizing the networking of the labora tory environment
• Cylindrical design 。
Not四sy to form myooderm, easy to d国n, with ut stagnant water Resistivity sensor
• Liquid level co巾。I The panel displays t he water l evel of the water tank in real time, The main system can automaticly
produces water and stop water production depending n the water l evel 。 • Multi-channel resistivity sensor with a constant of 0.01
• With te mperat ure compe nsation function, au toma tic calibration t 。 i iv ity at 25℃ , wat er quality
res st
monitoring is true and reliable
One-click disinfection function Resistivity田n田r
• Th e main unit has one -key disinfection function and pipeline disinfection control system, which will qu ickly realize
the disinfe cti n of t he main unit pipeline and water tank and ensure the water quality of the effluent
Intelligent control technology
• Foot switch to take water You臼n choose foot switch to dispense water, th e water dispensing meth创 is more flexible and convenient
TOC On-line Monitoring System •Consumables management function RFID signal, w�h consu门回bles management function
• Adopt enhanced dual-wave le ngt h UV lamp to e忏ectiv ely de g rade o r gani 臼and provide ultrapure wat er with I w 。 • UV lamp linkage control The UV lamp is tumed on when producing ultrapure water, and tumed off when it stops, effectively prolonging the
servi田|厅e of the UV lamp
TOC level
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• W ith TOC nline detecto r, real-time detection f TOC indica tors
• Flushable ultrafiltration column The hollow fiber material ultrafiltration column will effectively remove the pyrogeh; the ultrafiltration column with
flushing function咀n effectively prolong the四川田life