Green Book County Assemblies Vol. 2 2022 2023
Green Book County Assemblies Vol. 2 2022 2023
Green Book County Assemblies Vol. 2 2022 2023
Making a difference in the lives and
livelihoods of the Kenyan people
Audit services that impact on effective and
sustainable service delivery
This Report, commonly known as the Green Book, is a compilation of the audit reports of
the County Governments which includes County Executives and County Assemblies for
the year ended 30 June, 2023.
The Auditor-General is mandated by the Kenyan Constitution, under Article 229, to audit
and report on the use of public resources by all entities funded from public funds. These
entities include the National Government, County Governments, the Judiciary,
Parliament, Statutory Bodies/State Corporations, Commissions, Independent Offices,
Public Debt, Political Parties funded from public funds, other Government Agencies and
any other entity funded from public funds. In addition, Article 229(6) requires the Auditor-
General to confirm whether or not public resources have been applied lawfully and
effectively. The mandate of the Auditor-General is further expounded by the Public Audit
Act, 2015.
Article 229 (7) of the Constitution requires the Auditor-General to audit and submit reports
to Parliament or the relevant County Assembly within six (6) months after the end of the
financial year. However, Section 81(4) of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012,
reduces the timeline to three (3) months by giving entities leeway to prepare and submit
financial statements for audit at the end of September each year. This reduces the
duration of audit and reporting from the six (6) months given by the Constitution to three
(3) months. This has adversely affected the timelines for reporting, leading to backlogs
and affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of oversight by Parliament, the Senate and
the County Assemblies.
supporting documents, several revisions of financial statements and, in some cases,
reluctance to cooperate with the auditors during the audit process.
The Office of the Auditor-General has, however, continuously improved the effectiveness
and quality of the audit process to ensure that the audit results and the recommendations
thereof are credible, relevant, reliable and value-adding. This is geared towards
influencing an improved decision-making process and making a difference in the lives
and livelihoods of the Kenyan people through a positive impact on the lives and livelihoods
of citizens and other stakeholders. The provision of quality and effective audit services
and confirmation of the lawfulness and effectiveness in programme implementation
requires comprehensive scrutiny and evaluation of supporting documents. Most critical is
the physical confirmation of the existence and utilization of projects or programmes
implemented throughout the country. Achieving this requires an independent and well-
resourced audit office with guaranteed adequate funding to enable efficient, effective and
timely execution of the audit cycle as well as retention of optimal professional staffing
levels to ensure continuous, quality and sustainable audit operations.
The Office continues to seek financial independence and support from Parliament and
The Executive through The National Treasury for the enhancement of resources. This will
enable it to build technical capacity, expand its presence in the counties, and widen the
scope and comprehensiveness of audits. In addition, it will motivate staff. We continue to
devolve our services closer to the people through the establishment of regional offices
and the construction of office premises to accommodate our staff. This is to address the
audit needs at the grassroots level. Currently, we have fifteen (15) regional offices
following the establishment of two (2) additional regional offices in Kilifi and Kericho during
the year under review. We have constructed our own offices in Garissa, Kakamega and
Eldoret. Construction works in Embu are almost complete, and the procurement process
for the Mombasa offices has commenced. Due to a lack of fuding, plans for the
construction of our Headquarters in Nairobi, currently at the design stage, have been
delayed. However, the Office continues to appeal to Parliament and The National
Treasury to provide adequate funds to enable us to perform our functions and achieve
our mandate in enhancing accountability across Government, both at the national and
county levels and in all other entities funded from public funds.
Over the years, the audit scope has been expanding due to the expansion of Government
programs to ensure sustainable development and delivery of continuous and quality
services to the citizens. This has led to the growth in the national budget and the formation
of additional entities that I am required to audit and report on. Over nine thousand (9,000)
Public Secondary Schools were directed by the Principal Secretary for the State
Department for Basic Education, to prepare and submit financial statements to the
Auditor-General for audit from 30 June, 2021. Several schools have complied with this
directive. My Office has undertaken a pilot study and sampled one hundred and sixteen
(116) public secondary schools, conducted audits and issued reports for the two years
(2020/2021 and 2021/2022). My office is currently evaluating the outcome of the audits
and is expected to roll out the audit to all public secondary schools.
Further, I am required to separately audit and report on financial statements for all three
hundred and fifty-eight (358) Level 4 hospitals and fourteen (14) Level 5 hospitals. I am
also required to audit a total of two hundred and eighteen (218) Technical and Vocational
Education and Training (TVET) Institutions. This number continues to increase as we are
currently undertaking an evaluation exercise with the State Department for Technical,
Vocational Education and Training to identify all institutions funded through the
Exchequer which will include Community Vocational Training Institutions that are
estimated to be over one thousand two hundred (1,200). In addition, new projects and
funds have been created and all require timely oversight.
During the period under review, the Office of the Auditor-General made significant strides
in enhancing audit services delivery to Kenyans. The Office has entered into partnerships
with other Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) regionally and globally and with local
oversight institutions such as the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC), the
State Corporations Advisory Committee (SCAC) and the Salaries and Remuneration
Commission (SRC) among other organizations, to enhance the impact of audit through
learning, knowledge sharing, innovation and collaboration.
Specific reports together with my opinion for each entity are contained in the respective
County Executive's audited financial statements for the year ended 30 June, 2023, which
I have already submitted to the Senate, County Assemblies and each Accounting Officer.
I wish to sincerely thank the entire staff of the Office of the Auditor-General for their
commitment, passion and professionalism in carrying out their duties despite the
challenges posed by the lack of proper accommodation and adequate funding. Special
appreciation goes to the team that tirelessly prepared this Book.
I wish also to appreciate my clients or auditees for the cooperation they accorded my staff
during the audit.
FCPA a n s
15 March, 2024
1.0 Introduction
The Auditor-General is mandated under Article 229, of the Constitution of Kenya, to audit
and report on the use of public resources by all entities funded from public funds. These
entities include the National Government, County Governments, the Judiciary, Parliament,
Statutory bodies/state corporations, Commissions, Political Parties funded from public
funds, other Government agencies and any other entity funded from public funds. The
mandate of the Auditor-General is further expounded by the Public Audit Act, 2015.
The Constitution requires the Auditor-General to submit audit reports of public entities to
Parliament and the relevant County Assemblies by 31 December, every year. In carrying
out the mandate, the Auditor-General is also required, under Article 229 (6) to assess and
confirm whether public resources have been applied lawfully and in an efficient way by the
Public Entities.
Further, the objects and authority of the Auditor-General, as outlined in Article 249 of the
Constitution, are: to protect the sovereignty of the people; to secure the observance by all
State Organs of democratic values and principles; and to promote constitutionalism. The
Auditor-General has also been given powers by the Constitution, under Article 252(1), to
conduct investigations, conciliations, mediations and negotiations and to issue summons to
witnesses for the purpose of investigations.
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial
statements in accordance with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards
(IPSAS)-Cash Basis, as prescribed by the Public Sector Accounting Standards Board
(PSASB), and for the submission of the financial statements to the Auditor-General in
accordance with the provisions of Section 47 of the Public Audit Act, 2015.
Management is also required to ensure that the activities, financial transactions and
information reflected in the financial statements are in compliance with the law and other
relevant or applicable authorities, and that public resources are applied in an effective way.
Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the County’s financial
reporting process, reviewing the effectiveness of how Management monitors compliance
with relevant legislative and regulatory requirements, ensuring that effective processes and
systems are in place to address key roles and responsibilities in relation to governance and
risk management, and ensuring the adequacy and effectiveness of the control environment.
I am independent in accordance with Article 249(2) of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 and
ISSAI 130 on the Code of Ethics. I have fulfilled other ethical responsibilities in accordance
with the ISSAI and in accordance with other ethical requirements applicable to performing
audits of public entities in the Republic of Kenya.
In addition, the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs), now require
the incorporation of Key Audit Matters in the report on the financial statements, which are
those matters that I determine in my professional judgment, are of most significance in the
audit of the financial statements as a whole, for the year under review. In order to address
these requirements, my audit reports contain the following:
ii. Report on Lawfulness and Effectiveness in Use of Public Resources, in which I give
a conclusion on whether or not Public Resources have been applied lawfully and in
effective way.
iii. Report on Effectiveness of Internal Controls, Risk Management and Governance, in
which I give a conclusion on whether internal controls, risk management and overall
governance were effective.
iv. Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements is included where applicable,
especially for the entities that are registered under the Companies Act and any other
enabling legislation and authorities that require such disclosure.
I have expressed the different types of audit opinions based on the following criteria: -
The books of accounts and underlying records agree with the financial statements and no
material misstatements were found. The financial statements give a true and fair view of
the operations of the entity.
b) Qualified Opinion
Financial transactions were recorded and are to a large extent in agreement with the
underlying records, except for cases where I noted material misstatements or omissions in
the financial statements. The issues though material, are not widespread or persistent.
c) Adverse Opinion
The financial statements exhibit significant misstatement with the underlying accounting
records. There are significant disagreements between the financial statements and the
underlying books of accounts and/or standards. The problems are widespread, persistent
and require considerable interventions by the Management to rectify.
d) Disclaimer of Opinion
The financial statements exhibit serious and significant misstatements that may arise from
inadequate information, limitation of scope, inadequacy or lack of proper records such that I
was not able to form an informed opinion on the financial operations.
A list of the County Executives and the types of opinion given against their financial
statements are contained in the Appendix. The audit findings noted during the audit of the
County Assemblies financial statements for the year ended 30 June, 2023 are presented in
the following section.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects transfers from County Treasury balance
of Kshs.808,684,687 as disclosed in Note 1 to the financial statements. However, analysis
of Exchequer requests, approvals and transfers revealed an amount of Kshs.808,602,367
resulting to an unexplained variance of Kshs.82,320.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of transfers from the County
Treasury amounting to Kshs.808,684,687 could not be confirmed.
The statement of comparison of budget and actual amounts reflects final revenue budget
and actual amounts on comparable basis of Kshs.904,783,021 and Kshs.808,684,687
respectively, resulting to underfunding of Kshs.96,098,334 or 11% of the budget.
Similarly, the County Assembly spent Kshs.795,113,039 against an approved budget of
Kshs.904,783,021 resulting to under absorption of Kshs.109,669,982 or 12% of the
In the circumstances, the underfunding and under absorption may have impacted
negatively on the implementation of the County Assembly’s programs.
5. There were no material issues raised on internal controls, risk management and
wages of temporary employees of Kshs.28,499,000 in respect of remuneration for ninety
(90) ward staff for the Members of the County Assembly (MCAs) employed under the
provisions of Commission on Revenue Allocation Circular Ref. CRA/CSO/CMG/9/Vol.V
(43) of 3 August, 2020. Review of the ward staff salaries revealed that the salaries paid
were either higher or lower than the salary scales set by the CRA Ward Officers’ salary
structure, resulting to over and under payments totalling Kshs.638,133 and Kshs.124,683
respectively. This was contrary to the CRA Circular that prescribed the salary scales.
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the law and the regularity of
engagement of the Ward officers could not be confirmed.
Review of the payroll records revealed that six employees had salary deductions in
excess of two-thirds of their basic salary, contrary to Section D22(2) of the County Public
Service Human Resource Manual and Section 19(3) of the Employment Act, 2007 which
requires that the total amount of deductions which may be deducted by an employer from
the salary and wages of the employee at any one time shall not exceed two-thirds of the
basic pay.
11. Salaries Paid Outside Integrated Personnel and Payroll Database (IPPD)
Review of personnel records indicated that the Members of the County Assembly (MCAs)
were sworn in on September, 2022 and thereafter defined in the IPPD system for salary
processing. However, three (3) MCAs were paid salaries totalling Kshs.6,156,744 outside
the IPPD system in the year under review.
In the circumstances, the effectiveness and integrity of controls in place for salaries
processed outside the payroll could not be confirmed.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of the domestic travel and
subsistence and compensation of employee balance could not be confirmed.
Other Matter
staff earned Nil salaries in the month of August and one (1) member of staff earned Nil
salary in the month of October, 2022. This was contrary to the provisions of Section 19(3)
of the Employment Act, 2007 which states that the total amount of all deductions that may
be made by an employer from the wages of his employee at any one time shall not exceed
two thirds of such wages or such additional or other amount as may be prescribed by the
Minister either generally or in relation to a specified employer or employee or class of
employers or employees or any trade or industry.
This is in contravention of Section 65(1)(e) of the County Government Act, 2012 which
states that in selecting candidates for appointment, the County Public Service Board shall
consider the need to ensure that at least thirty percent of the vacant posts at entry level
are filled by candidates who are not from the dominant ethnic community in the County.
The initial contract completion date was on 15 September, 2019 but was extended to
22 May, 2020. On 10 March, 2021, the main contractor through an unreferenced letter
requested the Clerk for termination of the contract. The Clerk of the County Assembly
terminated the contract on 2 April, 2022. At the date of termination, the value of works
done as per final valuation No. 9 amounted to Kshs.155,985,743 while physical
verification of the project in September, 2023 revealed that works had stalled.
In the circumstances, the value for money of the expenditure Kshs.155,985,743 incurred
on the project could not be confirmed.
In the circumstances, the effectiveness of the internal audit to effectively discharge their
mandate could not be confirmed.
In the circumstances, Management had engaged not the optimal numbers of employees
for all categories.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects transfers from the County Treasury
amounting to Kshs.947,412,490 and as disclosed in Note 1 to the financial statements.
Review of the bank statements reflects that an amount of Kshs.997,412,490 was received
out of which an amount of Kshs.702,790,308 was for recurrent vote while the balance of
Kshs.294,622,182 was in respect of development vote. This resulted to a variance of
Kshs.50,000,000 which has not been explained or reconciled. In addition, re-computation
of the corresponding Note 1 to the financial statements reflects receipts amounting to
Kshs.947,210,725 resulting to an unexplained variance of Kshs.201,765
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of transfers from the County
Treasury amounting to Kshs.947,412,490 could not be confirmed.
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial
statements reflects use of goods and services amounting to Kshs.267,052,885. Included
in the payments is an amount of Kshs.282,180 in respect of printing, advertising and
information supplies and services which involved live coverage on media and printing at
Government Printer. However, the expenditure was not supported with profoma invoice,
local purchase orders/local service orders, and delivery notes.
Emphasis of Matter
The statement of comparison of budget and actual amounts for recurrent and
development combined reflects final receipts budget and actual on comparable basis
amounting to Kshs.1,113,396,752 and Kshs.947,412,490, respectively resulting in an
underfunding of Kshs.165,984,262 or 15% of the budget. Similarly, the County Assembly
expended Kshs.944,880,399 against an approved budget of Kshs.1,113,396,752
resulting to an under expenditure of Kshs.168,516,353 or 15% of the budget. The
underfunding and underperformance affected the planned activities and may have
impacted negatively on service delivery to the public.
23. Pending Bills
Other Matter
In the audit report of the previous year, several issues were raised under the report on
financial statements, report on lawfulness and effectiveness in the use of public funds
and report on effectiveness of internal control, risk management and governance.
However, Management had not resolved the issues or given any explanation for failure
to implement recommendations.
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 4 to the financial
statements reflects payments in respect of compensation of employees amounting to
Kshs.318,319,659. Review of payment records revealed the following anomalies;
Review of personnel records and Integrated Personnel and Payroll Database (IPPD)
revealed that the County Assembly had a gender distribution of fifty-five (55) or 73% male
and twenty (20) or 27% female which contravenes the two-thirds gender rule. There was
no evidence to show that persons with disabilities were represented in the work force
contrary to Article 232(1) of the Constitution, 2010 which directs that the values and
principles of public service include affording adequate and equal opportunities for
appointment, training and advancement, at all levels of the public service, of men and
women; the members of all ethnic groups and persons with disabilities.
The Employment and Labour Relations Court at Malindi ruled in favour of an employee
who had sued the County Assembly, the Clerk and three other persons. The Clerk was
ordered to pay the petitioner his salary and general damages amounting to
Kshs.2,500,000 as compensation for violation of his rights which was awarded by the
court. However, the Management has not disclosed in the financial statements the
amount as pending staff payables.
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the law.
27. Outstanding Account Receivables Balance
The statement of financial assets and liabilities and as disclosed in Note 14 to the financial
statements reflects a balance of Kshs.2,386,800 in respect of accounts receivables –
outstanding imprests. Although Management explained that the imprests had since been
surrendered, evidence of the surrenders were not provided for audit review contrary to
Regulation 93(5) of the Public Finance Management (County Governments) Regulations,
2015 which states that a holder of a temporary imprest shall account or surrender the
imprest within seven (7) working days after returning to duty station.
Review of the budget documents revealed that the budget estimates for the year ending
30 June, 2023 were submitted to the County Assembly on 5 June, 2023. Further, the
budget was passed by the County Assembly on 17 October, 2022 contrary to Section 129
(2) of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012 which states that following approval by
the County Executive Committee, the County Executive Committee Member for Finance
shall submit to the County Assembly the budget estimates, supporting documents, and
any other bills required to implement the budget, except the Finance Bill, by the 30 April
in that year and Section 131 of the Act which states that the County Assembly shall
consider the County Government budget estimates with a view to approving them, with
or without amendments, in time for the relevant appropriation law and any other laws
required to implement the budget to be passed by the 30 June in each year.
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the law.
During the year under review an amount of Kshs.1,000,000 was paid to National Social
Security Fund (NSSF) as part settlement of arrears of members contribution which were
deducted but not remitted following an NSSF demand notice dated 28 January, 2021. The
demand notice was for an amount of Kshs.11,620,450 comprising of Kshs.5,296,000 in
arrears (late payments) and accrued penalties amounting to Kshs.6,310,240, billed on a
rate of 5% per month since September 2015. Management requested for a waiver from
the National Social Security Fund on 9 June, 2021 and committed to pay Kshs.500,000
every month from 25 June, 2021 to 25 May, 2023 and after which a final payment of
Kshs.120,450 will be made. However, only an amount of Kshs.1,000,000 was paid in two
equal disbursements in February and April, 2023 thus exposing the County Assembly to
more fines and penalties contrary to Section 53(A) of the Retirement Benefits Act, 2012.
During the year under review, Management had not developed an organizational strategic
plan, a disaster recovery plan and IT strategic plan contrary to the provisions of
Regulation 158(1) of the Public Finance Management (County Governments)
Regulations, 2015 which require the Accounting Officer to ensure that the County
Government entity develops risk management strategies, which include fraud prevention
mechanism and a system of risk management and internal control that builds robust
business operations.
In the circumstances, it may not be possible for Management to focus on their goals and
Review of human resources records, revealed that the approved staff establishment was
ninety-two (92) employees. However, review of records revealed that as at the time of
audit, the County Assembly had seventy-five (75) employees which represents overall
understaffing of seventeen (17) employees. Ten (10) departments were understaffed by
twenty-two (22) employees while four (4) departments were overstaffed by five
Further, Management had not undertaken performance appraisal on their staff while
review of the June, 2023 payroll indicated that seven (7) of the seventy-three (73)
employees of the organization only had 7 years of service before retirement and no proper
succession management had been put in place.
In addition, Management had not developed a skills inventory for all officers in their
respective departments.
In the circumstances, it may not be possible for Management to attain their goals and
32. Processing of Salaries and Allowances Outside the Integrated Personnel and
Payroll Database (IPPD)
The statements of receipts and payments reflects compensation of employees amount of
Kshs.318,319,659 as disclosed in Note 4 to the financial statements. However, payments
in respect of basic salaries to permanent employees amounting to Kshs.28,954,480 were
paid outside the Integrated Personnel and Payroll Database (IPPD). No explanations
were provided for the processing of the wages outside the IPPD system.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of cash and cash equivalents
balance of Kshs.41,209,560 could not be confirmed.
The statement of receipts and payments and Note 2 to the financial statements reflects
payments totalling Kshs.164,400,820 in respect of compensation of employees which
includes payments amounting to Kshs.1,830,000 in respect of casual workers in ten (10)
Ward offices for the month of November, 2022. However, the payment was not supported
by a list of beneficiaries and a signed muster roll. Further, an amount of Kshs.345,000
was transferred to each of the ten (10) Wards which translates to a total of
Kshs.3,450,000. However, the expenditure returns supporting these transfers were not
provided for audit review.
Emphasis of Matter
The statement of comparison of budget and actual amounts reflects final receipts budget
and actual on comparable basis totalling Kshs.564,250,000 and Kshs.362,476,400
respectively resulting to an underfunding of Kshs.201,773,600 or 36% of the budget.
Similarly, the statement reflects expenditure budget and actual on comparable basis of
Kshs.564,250,000 and Kshs.361,376,637 respectively resulting to budget underutilization
of Kshs.202,873,363 or 36%. The underfunding and underperformance affected the
planned activities and may have impacted negatively on service delivery to the public.
36. Late Exchequer Releases
The statement of receipts and payments and Note 1 to the financial statements indicate
that the County Assembly received Exchequer receipts totalling Kshs.362,476,400 from
the County Revenue Fund. However, included in this amount are late disbursements
totalling Kshs.61,483,700 received in the month of June, 2023. Failure by the County
Treasury to release money on time may have negatively impacted on service delivery by
the County Assembly.
Other Matter
37. Unresolved Prior Year Matters
Various prior year audit issues remained unresolved as at 30 June, 2023. Management
has not provided reasons for the delay in resolving the prior year audit issues. Further,
the unresolved prior year issues are not disclosed under the progress on follow up of
auditor’s recommendations section of the financial statements as required by the
reporting template prescribed by the Public Sector Accounting Standards Board.
During the year under review, Management paid a total of Kshs.22,120,000 in respect of
car purchase allowances to the Members of County Assembly (MCAs) of Lamu. This was
contrary to part 2(m) of Kenya Gazette Notice Number 8795 dated 27 July, 2022 on
remuneration and benefits for state officers in the County Assembly which states that
transport facilitation benefit in form of a car grant has been abolished and ceased to be
paid with effect from 9 August, 2022.
The statement of financial assets and liabilities and Note 7 to the financial statements
reflect a balance of Kshs.294,000 in respect of imprests and advances. However, review
of records revealed that the imprests had been outstanding for five (5) months contrary
to Regulation 93(5) of the Public Finance Management (County Governments)
Regulations, 2015 which requires a holder of a temporary imprest to account or surrender
the imprest within seven (7) working days after returning to duty station.
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the law.
40. Failure to Deduct and Effect the New NSSF Rates
Review of the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Database (IPPD) revealed that
Management did not make deductions to the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) from
one hundred and thirteen (113) members of staff. Further, the new NSSF rates had not
been affected as guided by a Gazette Notice dated 9 February, 2023.
During the year under review, Management had not developed a risk management policy.
Further, Management did not carry out risk assessment during the year under review.
45. Lack of Internal Audit Function and an Audit Committee of the Board
The County Assembly of Lamu had not established an internal audit function and an
Audit Committee of the Board. This was contrary to Section 155 of the Public Finance
Management Act, 2012 which provides for the establishment of the internal audit
function and an Audit Committee of the Board. As such, the County Assembly did not
benefit from the assurance and advisory services from the internal audit function as well
as oversight from the Audit Committee.
Further, included in the amount for use of goods and services is an amount of
Kshs.5,154,331 spent on routine maintenance of vehicles and other transport equipment.
Review of records provided revealed that the County Assembly made payments for motor
vehicle repairs, service and maintenance expenses amounting to Kshs.7,692,379, which
was more than the amount of Kshs.5,154,331 reflected in the financial statements by an
unexplained variance of Kshs.2,538,048. Further, included in the expenditure of
Kshs.7,692,379 is an amount of Kshs.1,914,468 that was not supported with inspection
reports and evidence of competitive sourcing of the service providers.
The amount for use of goods and services also includes an amount of Kshs.34,473,901
in respect of insurance costs. Review of records revealed that the County Assembly made
payments for motor vehicles insurance amounting to Kshs.1,000,000 as settlement of a
pending bill on insurance cover for the financial year 2018/2019. However, Management
did not provide the policy document or contract detailing the motor vehicles insured, their
valuations and cover class taken during the period.
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 12 to the financial
statements reflect an expenditure on other payments amounting to Kshs.76,984,855
which includes an amount of Kshs.7,213,501 incurred on settling pending legal expenses.
Review of records provided revealed that the County Assembly paid an amount of
Kshs.4,000,000 to three (3) private legal service providers. However, Management did
not provide evidence of how the service providers were identified, selected and fees
determined for audit verification.
The statement of receipts and payments and Note 5 to the financial statements reflect
use of goods and services balance of Kshs.325,049,151 which includes an amount of
Kshs.58,184,103 incurred on foreign travel and subsistence. The latter amount further
includes an expenditure of Kshs.8,037,599 incurred by the Members of Taita/Taveta
County Assembly on a pre-conference, leadership training and study tour in Zanzibar for
a period of six (6) days.
Review of records revealed that the County Assembly facilitated twenty-five (25) MCA’s
and five (5) members of staff for the travel and paid a total amount of Kshs.8,037,599 as
per diem. Further, an additional expenditure amounting to Kshs.9,116,800 was incurred
in respect of registration of members, administration, conference charges, coordination
and training costs.
Examination of records provided for audit in respect of the trip revealed following
iv) Review of the travel documents of the participants indicated that they were eligible
for five (5) days per diems but had been paid for six (6) days per diem resulting in
one extra (1) day per diem overpayment to each of the participants. Management
did not provide evidence that the overpayment had been recovered or refunded by
the beneficiaries.
In the circumstances, the regularity of the foreign travel and subsistence expenses of
Kshs.17,154,399 could not be confirmed.
Emphasis of Matter
The statement of comparison of budget and actual amounts (recurrent and development
combined) reflects final receipts budget and actual amounts on comparable basis of
Kshs.1,033,022,686 and Kshs.902,223,168 respectively, resulting in under-funding of
Kshs.130,799,518 or 13% of the budget. Similarly, the County Assembly expended
Kshs.896,622,657 against an approved budget of Kshs.1,033,022,686, resulting in an
under-expenditure of Kshs.136,400,029 or 13% of the budget. The under-funding and
under-expenditure affected the planned activities and may have impacted negatively on
service delivery to the public.
Other Matter
In the audit report of the previous year, several issues were raised under the Report on
Financial Statements, Report on Lawfulness and Effectiveness in Use of Public
Resources, and Report on Effectiveness of Internal Controls, Risk Management and
Governance. However, Management has not provided reasons for the delay in resolving
the audit issues.
Review of human resources records provided revealed that the County Assembly has a
workforce of one hundred and thirty-four (134) staff out of which one hundred and six
(106) or 79% are from the dominant local community. This was contrary to the
requirements of Section 7(2) of the National Cohesion and Integration Act, 2008 which
stipulates that no public establishment shall have more than one third of its staff from the
same ethnic community.
Review of records in respect of the County Assembly Services Board (CASB) meeting
held on 21 January, 2023 revealed that the Board resolved to re-designate some County
Assembly employees from the current designations to new designations.
i. Management did not provide evidence that the Board acted following
recommendation by the Management Committee and the Staff Advisory
Committee since the committees were not operational during the time of effecting
the re-designation.
ii. Management did not provide evidence that the re-designations were based on
suitability interviews done and report on suitability of employees re-designated to
and from various cadres requiring professional competence e.g. procurement, ICT
and research assistants, were not provided.
iii. The Board resolved and re-designated 16 employees, whereby five (5) staff in job
groups P, L, Q and N were re-designated into positions higher than two (2) entry
level cadres of the positions they were re-designated to. This was contrary to
section C.2.3(a)(2) of the Taita/Taveta County Assembly Human Recourses
Policies and Procedures Manual, 2019.
iv. Two employees in job groups K and N lodged complaints on being re-designated.
Management did not provide evidence that the employees consented to the re-
designation as required by Section C.2.3(c) of the Taita Taveta County Assembly
Human Resources Policies and Procedures Manual, 2019.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services expenses
amounting to Kshs.267,466,506 as disclosed in Note 3 to the financial statements.
However, the following unsatisfactory matters were noted: -
Emphasis of Matter
Other Disclosures Note 1 to the financial statements reflects pending accounts payables
amounting to Kshs.52,926,876 as further disclosed in Annex 1 to the financial statements.
Management has not explained why the bills were not settled during the year when they
occurred. Failure to settle bills during the year to which they relate to distort the financial
statements and adversely affects the budgetary provisions for the subsequent year as
they form a first charge.
Other Matter
In the audit report of the previous year, several issues were raised under the Report on
Financial Statements, Report on Lawfulness and Effectiveness in Use of Public
Resources, and Report on Effectiveness of Internal Controls, Risk Management and
Governance. However, the Management has not resolved the issues or given any
explanation for failure to adhere to the provisions of the Public Sector Accounting
Standards Board templates.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services amounting to
Kshs.267,466,506. The amount includes other operating expenses totalling
Kshs.38,696,849 as disclosed in Note 3 to the financial statements. The other operating
expenses includes subscription fees amounting to Kshs.750,000 paid to the Society of
Clerks at the Table (SOCATT). This was contrary to Section 37 of the Intergovernmental
Relations Act, 2012 which requires operational expenses of the institution established
under the Act to be incurred by them.
Further, the County Assembly failed to implement the New National Social Security Fund
(NSSF) Act No.45 of 2013 that took effect on 24 February, 2023 which provides that
NSSF pension contributions be raised to twelve per cent (12%) of the pensionable wages,
with the employer contributing six per cent (6%) of the employee's monthly pensionable
earnings and the employee contributing six per cent (6%) of the employee's pensionable
earnings deducted from the employee's earnings.
56.4 Non-Compliance with County Assembly’s Wage Bill Above 35% Threshold
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services balance of
Kshs.267,466,506 which, as disclosed in Note 3 to the financial statements includes
printing, advertising, information supplies and services expenditure amounting to
Kshs.6,166,041. Review of records revealed that printing services were procured for
Kshs.246,400 using low value procurement. However, the expenditure was not supported
by Electronic Tax Register (ETR) receipts signed by the officer undertaking the cash
purchases. Further, printing service procured of Kshs.165,000 exceeded the maximum
allowable threshold of Kshs.50,000.
58. There were no material issues raised on internal controls, risk management and
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services amount of
Kshs.300,499,158. Review of sample payments amounting to Kshs.70,036,181 in respect
of mileage claims by the Members of County Assembly (MCAs), and based on actual
distances from Wajir town to the respective wards as provided by the Ministry of
Transport, revealed that the MCAs were entitled to reimbursement amount of
Kshs.4,636,424. However, the actual amount paid for mileage claims was
Kshs.11,119,744, resulting into an over-payment of Kshs.6,483,320.
As disclosed in Note 3 to the financial statements, the statement of receipts and payments
reflects use of goods and services amount of Kshs.300,499,158 which includes amount
of Kshs.6,961,400 on hospitality, supplies and services. Examination of payment
vouchers and other supporting documents revealed that out of the Kshs.6,961,400 an
amount of Kshs.3,052,000 was in respect of cash purchases for office supplies by officers
who later sought reimbursements of the amount spent. The officers financed the
operations of the County Assembly using their own resources without an approved
established imprest facility intended to be in operation as required by Regulations 92(1)
and 93(11) of the Public Finance Management (County Governments) Regulations, 2015.
Other Matter
In the audit report of the previous year, several issues were raised under the Report on
Financial Statements, Report on Lawfulness and Effectiveness in Use of Public
Resources, and Report on Effectiveness of Internal Controls, Risk Management and
Governance. However, the Management has not resolved the issues or given any
explanation for failure to adhere to the provisions of the Public Sector Accounting
Standards Board templates.
During the year under review, a total of Kshs.514,297,122 was paid in respect of
compensation of employees. This represents 61% of the total revenue received of
Kshs.846,725,953, contrary to Regulation 25(1)(a)(b) of the Pubic Finance Management
(County Governments) Regulations, 2015 which requires the County Executive
Committee Member with the approval of the County Assembly set a limit on the County
Government’s expenditure on wages and benefits for its officers and the limit set shall not
exceed thirty-five percent (35%) of the County Government’s total revenue.
During the year under review, a total of fifty-five (55) employees were paid gross amount
of Kshs.47,345,736 through a manual excel spreadsheet-based payroll system. Among
these employees, forty-nine (49) were migrated to an Integrated Personnel Payroll
Database (IPPD) between the months of January and May, 2023. However, nine (9) of
them, with a total gross pay of Kshs.1,134,726, continued to be processed through the
manual payroll system contrary to Regulation 19(1)(d) of the Public Finance Management
(County Governments) Regulations, 2015 that requires integrity of the entity's internal
control and management information systems, and Section 1.5.1 of The National
Treasury financial accounting recording and reporting manual that directs salaries,
allowances and/or arrears of County Government entity staff are presented on the
Integrated Personnel Payroll Database.
Review of payroll records for the year ended 30 June, 2023, revealed that the County
Assembly employed a total of one hundred and seventy-seven (177) employees. This
was contrary to the Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) recommendation Circular
No. CRA/FA/01 VOL 11 (22) dated 28 June, 2018 which specified a maximum 4 of one
hundred (100) on the number of employees for County Assemblies categorized under
group 2, to which the County Assembly of Wajir belongs. The County Assembly
surpassed the allowable number of employees by seventy-seven (77).
During the year under review, examination of records revealed that the County Assembly
of Wajir paid Kshs.37,376,521 to an Insurance Company as premium for the period
10 January, 2023 – 9 January, 2024 in respect of staff medical insurance cover.
However, the County Assembly did not pay premiums in advance contrary to clause 6.3
of the terms and conditions of payment of the contract which requires premium shall be
made in one lump sum on contract signing and Section 156(1) of the Insurance Act
revised February, 2020 which requires that no insurer shall assume a risk in Kenya in
respect of insurance business unless and until the premium payable thereon is received
by the insurer. Further, the accounting officer did not provide for audit the quarterly report
of the varied procurement contract submitted to the Public Procurement Regulatory
Authority as required by Section 139 (5) of the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal
Act, 2015.
During the year under review, Management made payments totalling Kshs.99,540,000 in
respect of motor vehicle reimbursement to Members of the County Assembly. However,
review of records revealed that income tax dues amounting to Kshs.29,862,000 was not
deducted contrary to Section 3(1)(2) of the Income Tax Act which requires income tax be
charged upon all income of a person in respect of gains or profits from employment or
services rendered.
63.2 Irregular Payment to the County Assembly Forum and Clerks Society
During the year under review, Management did not establish Information Technology (IT)
strategy and IT steering Committee, IT policy, disaster management and recovery
policies, business continuity plan and IT continuity plan and risk management policy to
ensure smooth running of its operations.
The County Assembly has not established an Audit Committee as required under Section
155(5) of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012 to support the accounting officers
with regard to their responsibilities for issues of risk control, governance and associated
Review of the operations of the Internal Audit Department revealed that the County
Assembly had an internal audit unit in place. However, during the year under review, the
Department did not prepare any report and Annual Plan, contrary to provisions of
Regulation 155(2)(a) of the Public Finance Management (County Governments)
Regulations, 2015, which provides that an Accounting Officer shall ensure that the
organizational structure of the internal audit unit facilitates the entity to accomplish its
internal audit responsibilities.
In the circumstances, the effectiveness of the internal audit function to discharge their
mandate could not be confirmed.
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 3 to the financial
statements reflects use of goods and services balance of Kshs.279,413,929 which
includes domestic travel and subsistence allowances amount of Kshs.70,071,133.
However, payments amounting to Kshs.2,842,000 were not supported by invitation
letters, nomination letters to the participating staff, copies of certificates of participation
and signed expenditure schedules with details of job groups based on the applicable
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of the domestic travel and
subsistence allowances amounting to Kshs.2,842,000 could not be confirmed.
Emphasis of Matter
The statement of comparison of budget and actual amounts reflects total receipts budget
and actual on comparable basis of Kshs.1,162,343,708 and Kshs.927,322,403
respectively, resulting in an under-funding of Kshs.235,021,305 or 20% of the budget.
Similarly, the statement reflects final budgeted payments and actual on comparable basis
of Kshs.1,162,343,708 and Kshs.927,320,029 resulting in under-absorption of
Kshs.235,023,679 or 20 % of the budget. The under-funding and under-absorption
affected the planned activities and may have impacted negatively on service delivery to
the public.
Other Matter
In the audit report of the previous year, several issues were raised under the Report on
Financial Statements, Report on Lawfulness and Effectiveness in Use of Public
Resources, and Report on Effectiveness of Internal Controls, Risk Management and
Governance. However, the Management has not resolved the issues or given any
explanation for failure to do so, as part of the contents provided for in the reporting format
prescribed by the Public Sector Accounting Standards Board.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services expenditure
of Kshs.279,413,929 which, as disclosed in Note 3 to the financial statements, includes
other operating expenses amount of Kshs.41,137,171 out of which, amount of
Kshs.4,450,000 and Kshs.750,000 were paid to the County Assembly Forum (CAF) and
Society of Clerks at The Table in Kenya (SOCATT(K)) respectively as subscription fees.
However, the payments lacked legal backing or supporting policy guidelines.
Review of the records revealed that the County Assembly employed a total of two hundred
(200) partisan staff for the wards against the set limit of one hundred and forty-four (144)
as per circular number CRA/CSO/CMG//9/VOLV/59 dated 21 October, 2020 on Advisory
of Ward Offices Operation Costs from the Commission on Revenue Allocation.
During the year under review an amount of Kshs.2,028,303 was paid to the contractor as
final payment on the construction of the Speaker’s residence. The proposed construction
of the Speaker’s residence for Mandera County Assembly was constructed at a total cost
of Kshs.55,811,842 and a completion certificate was issued on 26 August, 2021 in respect
of the project. Physical inspection conducted in the month of November, 2023 revealed
that the project was complete but not in use.
73. There were no material issues noted during the audit of the financial statements.
Emphasis of Matter
The statement of comparison of budget and actual amounts recurrent and development
reflects final receipts budget of Kshs.1,229,994,164 and actual receipt of
Kshs.956,446,603 resulting to underfunding of Kshs.273,547,561 or 22 % of the budget.
Similarly, the statement reflects total actual expenditure of Kshs.954,192,752 against an
approved budget of Kshs.1,229,994,164 resulting to an under-expenditure of
Kshs.275,801,412 or 22% of the budget.
The underfunding and under-performance affected the planned activities and may have
negatively impacted on service delivery to the public.
Other Matter
In the audit reports of previous year, several issues were raised under the Report on
Financial Statements, Report on Lawfulness and Effectiveness in use of Public
Resources, and Report on Effectiveness of Internal Controls, Risk Management and
Governance. However, Management has not resolved the issues or given any
explanation for failure to adhere to the provisions of the standards prescribed by the
Public Sector Accounting Standards Board.
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 4 to the financial
statements reflects compensation of employees amount of Kshs.217,962,746 which
includes a balance of Kshs.503,100 paid in respect to special house allowance to nine
(9) employees. The payments were, however, contrary to the terms and conditions of
service as determined by SRC through Circular Ref. No SRC/ADM/1/13 Vol. III (126) of
10 December, 2014 that does not permit the payment of the special house allowance.
During the year ended 30 June, 2023, fourteen (14) employees earned a net salary of
less than a third (1/3) of the basic salary contrary to Section C.1(3) of the Public Service
Commission (PSC) Human Resource Policies, 2016. Management has not given an
explanation for the failure to comply with the policy.
On 20 June, 2022 the County Assembly recruited twenty (20) members of staff who have
been on probation terms more than six months’ contrary to Section 42(2) of the
Employment Act, 2007 which provides that a probationary period shall not be more than
six months but it may be extended for a further period of not more than six months with
the agreement of the employee.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects other grants and transfers balance of
Kshs.5,500,000 which, as disclosed in Note 8 to the financial statements includes an
amount of Kshs.1,500,000 paid to the Society of Clerks at The Table (SOCATT).
However, a review of the SOCATT revealed that this body is a private organization that
does not draw its mandate from the Constitution of Kenya or an Act of Parliament.
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 10 to the financial
statements reflects Kshs.110,588,124 in respect of acquisition of assets which includes
Kshs.87,221,446 for construction of buildings. The amount includes a payment of
Kshs.13,765,155 paid to a construction company for the construction of chambers for the
County Assembly of Marsabit. Review of procurement records revealed that the County
Assembly awarded the tender to a firm at a contract sum of Kshs.344,205,660 for a period
of seventy (70) weeks. The Chambers was to be completed by 28 August, 2019,
verification of the works in October, 2023 revealed that the works were still ongoing, four
(4) years past the completion date.
However, the approval of the extension of the project duration beyond 28 August, 2019
were not provided for audit.
Further, the County Assembly did not provide evidence that the Project Management and
other stakeholders including representatives of the County Assembly held site meetings
to assess the implementation of the project and confirm the metrics during the engineers
visit to give valuation certificates for payments. This was contrary to Section 149(1)(a)
and (b) of Public Finance Management Act, 2012 which provides that an Accounting
Officer is accountable to the County Assembly for ensuring that the resources of the entity
for which the officer is designated are used in a way that is lawful and authorized; and
effective, efficient, economical and transparent.
In the circumstances, it was not possible to confirm whether the County Assembly
obtained value for money from the expenditure of Kshs.13,765,155 incurred on the
The County Assembly Service Board had not established a County Assembly Fund. This
was contrary to Section 34 of the County Assembly Service Act, 2017 which provides that
there shall be established for each County, a fund to be known as the County Assembly
Fund, whose purpose is to receive any grants, gifts, donations or bequests; monies from
investments of the Board and such fees imposed or levies administered by the Board.
During the year under review, the County Assembly did not put in place an audit
committee which would be responsible for preparation and presentation of an annual
report and to conduct an annual self-assessment to gauge its performance and
achievements against its mandate, roles, duties and responsibilities contrary to
Paragraph 7.2(a-c) of the Gazette Notice No.2690 on Audit Committee Guidelines for
County Governments which requires the Audit Committee to produce annual, special and
investigative reports and assess the performance and achievements of the County
Assembly against its mandate, roles, duties and responsibilities that should be captured
in the calendar of activities on an annual basis.
In the circumstances, the existence of an effectiveness of internal controls and
governance could not be confirmed.
The internal audit section had one member of staff who was not able to carry out all the
internal audit functions. This was contrary to Section 155(1) to (5) of the Public Finance
Management Act, 2012 which provides that every County Government entity shall ensure
that it complies with this Act and has appropriate arrangements in place for conducting
internal audit according to the guidelines of the accounting standards board.
82. Staff Payment Outside Integrated Payroll and Personnel Database (IPPD)
During the year under review, the County Assembly processed salaries of fourteen (14)
staff members outside the IPPD. It was not explained why Management paid these
employees outside the IPPD.
In the circumstances, the payment of the salaries and wages outside the Integrated
Payroll and Personnel Database (IPPD) system indicates ineffective internal controls on
payroll management.
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 3 to the financial
statements reflect an amount of Kshs.179,655,649 in respect to use of goods and
services which includes a balance of Kshs.7,111,700 on training expenses out of which
an amount of Kshs.2,164,500 was paid to a consultancy firm for provision of training and
capacity development for MCAs and staff. However, no documentary evidence in terms
of training needs assessment to identify the skills gaps to be addressed, trainees’
attendance lists, training programme and certificates of completion were provided for
Other Matter
In the previous audit report, several issues were raised under Report on Financial
Statements, Report on Lawfulness and Effectiveness in Use of Public Resources, and
Report on Effectiveness of Internal Control, Risk Management and Governance.
However, although Management has indicated that some of the issues have been
resolved, the matters remained unresolved as the Senate and County Assembly have not
deliberated on the same.
During the year under review, the County Assembly had eighty-two (82) Ward Office staff
members against a maximum of fifty-one (51) approved by the Commission on Revenue
Allocation resulting to an excess of thirty-one (31) Ward employees. The County
Assembly incurred an expenditure of Kshs.24,729,240 on salaries and other benefits for
the Ward office employees which was above the budget allocation by Kshs.589,257
arising from salaries and benefits to the excess staff. This contravened the Commission
on Revenue Allocation Circular No. CRA/CSO/CMG/9/VOL.V(43) of 03 August, 2020 to
County Assemblies on operationalization of Ward offices for members of County
Assembly which allowed each Ward to employ a maximum of three (3) staff members.
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 3 to the financial
statements reflects an amount of Kshs.179,655,649 in respect to use of goods and
services which includes Kshs.37,614,420 in respect to rental of produced assets.
However, review of records available indicated that the County Assembly did not incur
expenditure on construction of Speaker’s official residence during the year contrary to the
Salaries and Remuneration Commission circular of Ref. No. SRC/TS/CGOVT/3/61 dated
24 October, 2016 which provided guidelines on prioritization of funds for construction of
speaker’s official residence in the year 2018/2019 budget cycle and in any case not later
than 30 June, 2022.
Further, the County Assembly was required to provide a status report on the
implementation of the SRC guideline on construction of official residence of the Speaker
within an interval period of six (6) months for the Commission to assess compliance with
the guidelines and provide any interventions required. However, no evidence was
provided to confirm that such reports were prepared and submitted.
89. Irregular Subscriptions
During the year, the County Assembly paid an amount of Kshs.750,000 in respect to
subscriptions to the Society of Clerks at the Table (SOCATT). However, SOCATT is a
private organization that does not draw its mandate from the Constitution of Kenya or an
Act of Parliament.
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 2 to the financial
statements reflects Kshs.231,870,396 in respect to compensation of employees.
However, the County Assembly paid salaries amounting to Kshs.13,251,300 to five (5)
officers/members of the County Assembly but the same was not processed through the
Integrated Personnel Payroll Database System (IPPD) contrary to Government policy.
Further, there was no evidence that the payments were subjected to statutory deductions
as required by Section 19(1)(f) of the employment Act, 2007 which states that an
employer may deduct from employees any amount of which is authorized by law. It was
not explained why the officers were not allocated payroll numbers.
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the law.
91. Payment of Salaries Through County Assembly Operations Account
During the year under review, the County Assembly held an operations bank account
which received transfers from the County Assembly`s CBK recurrent account for
operations. However, it was observed that salary payments totalling Kshs.8,641,200 were
paid through the County Assembly’s operations account contrary to Regulation 99(2) of
the Public Finance Management (County Governments) Regulations, 2015 that require
the approved estimates of expenditure to form the basis of the accounts for the financial
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 6 to the financial
statements reflects Kshs.32,554,477 in respect to acquisition of assets which includes
Kshs.5,440,500 incurred on construction of the County Assembly chamber during the
year under review. The construction of the Chamber commenced on 10 July, 2019, at a
contract price of Kshs.314,000,768 and contract period of ninety (90) weeks and was to
be completed on 31 March, 2021. However, the contract’s period was extended by an
additional sixty-four (64) weeks, up to 22 June, 2022 which, at the time of audit in
September, 2023, had lapsed but the project was not yet complete and the contractor
was not on the site.
In the circumstances, the public may not obtain value for money of the resources already
spent on construction of the County Assembly building.
93. Irregular Procurement of Legal Services
During the year under review the County Assembly paid Kshs.2,110,980 to a legal service
provider for a civil case. However, information available showed that Management engaged
the legal firm through direct procurement method without justification contrary to Section 104
of the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act, 2015. Further, no contractual documents
or records such as case files, court proceedings, court attendance, contract agreement, fee
note or invoice raised were provided for audit review.
As previously reported, although the County Assembly has an audit committee in place,
the committee held only one meeting in the year under review contrary to Regulation
172(1) of the Public Finance Management (County Governments) Regulations, 2015
which requires the committee to meet once in every three months. Further, the committee
did not carry out an annual review of the independence, performance, and competency
of the internal audit unit contrary to Regulation 159(2) of the Public Finance Management
(County Governments) Regulations, 2015, requiring such a review by the committee and
make comments on the effectiveness of the internal audit unit in an annual report.
In the circumstances, the effectiveness of the audit committee in discharging its mandate
could not be ascertained.
As previously reported, review of the County Assembly`s internal audit function revealed
that it was not adequately staffed and lacked requisite tools such as audit system and
analytical techniques to effectively deliver on its mandate. Management has not facilitated
and strengthened the internal audit function in compliance with Regulation 155(3) of the
Public Finance Management (County Governments) Regulation, 2015 which requires the
internal auditor to have unrestricted, direct, and prompt access to all records, officials or
personnel holding any contractual status and to all the premises and properties of the
Further, there was no evidence that internal audit work plan for the financial year under
review was approved by the audit committee and included in the County Assembly`s
budget in line with Regulation 163(2) of the Public Finance Management Regulations,
2015 which requires the annual work plan to be approved by the audit committee and
shared with the Accounting Officer for the inclusion in the budget.
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 7 to the financial
statements reflects an amount of Kshs.26,282,380 in respect to acquisition of assets
which includes Kshs.9,160,000 relating to purchase of vehicles and other transport
equipment. The County Assembly through the State Department of Public Works entered
into contract on 10 March, 2021 with a local supplier for the supply and delivery of motor
vehicle with a contract effective from 11 May, 2021 for a period of two years at
Kshs.9,160,000. However, as at the time of audit in November, 2023, the vehicle had not
been delivered to the County Assembly even after paying the full amount of
Kshs.9,160,000 according to the signed contract. No plausible explanation was provided
on why the County Assembly processed the payment and settled the full amount without
vehicle being delivered, inspected and confirmed to be the right vehicle according to the
specifications of the user department.
In addition, the proforma invoice dated 8 November, 2022 disclosed that the vehicle had
arrived at Mombasa Port and was being cleared. However, another letter from the
supplier dated 9 November, 2022 stated that a different model was at the Mombasa Port
which was according to the Government regulation required all vehicles to be Euro-4
compliant on emission. No corresponding communication showing whether the County
Assembly was in agreement or in rejection with the new development and how it affected
the initial procurement contract availed for audit
In the circumstances, the existence, ownership and value for money for the
Kshs.9,160,000 could not be confirmed.
Other Matter
Review of the staff establishment revealed that the County Assembly had a staff
establishment of eighty-eight (88) staff. However, analysis of the establishment revealed
that more than 1/3 of the staff belonged to the dominant ethnic community. This was
contrary to Section 7(2) of the National Cohesion and Integration Act, 2008 which
stipulate that no public establishment shall have more than one third of its staff from the
same ethnic community
Review of the monthly payrolls provided for audit revealed that the County Assembly had
ten (10) employees earning below a third of their basic salary contrary to Section 19(3) of
the Employment Act, 2007.
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial
statements reflects Kshs.631,506,825 in respect to use of goods and services which
includes Kshs.71,637,894 relating to other operating expenses which further includes
Kshs.3,200,000 paid to CAF. However, no legal backing was provided to show that the
expenditure was a proper charge to public funds.
The County Assembly incurred Kshs.9,590,800 on domestic travel and subsistence for
training of members of staff and budgetary committee meeting in Nairobi. This
contravened The National Treasury Circular number 20/2015 of 4 November, 2015 on
holding the events within County headquarters.
Further, the invoice issued did not indicate the serial numbers of the supplied items which
made it difficult to confirm whether what was delivered is what was installed in the server
room as this could not be traced in the asset register.
In addition, it was observed that the two (2) servers in the server room had been left open
and accumulated dust even before the works were complete. The machines may not
work appropriately once the works are complete.
In the circumstances, propriety and value for money for the hansard system could not be
Management did not prepare a fixed asset register in the format prescribed as it lacked
identification or serial numbers, acquisition date, description of asset, location, class, cost
of acquisition, accumulated depreciation, net book value and identification codes with
which assets were tagged.
In the circumstances, it was not possible to confirm existence of effective internal controls
to safeguard the County Assembly’s assets against misuse, theft or loss.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services expenditure
of Kshs.266,751,313 as disclosed in Note 3 to the financial statements. However, the
following observations were made:
Further, the signed professional opinion to the Accounting Officer on the procurement
proceedings did not conform to the format of the ninth schedule and Regulation 78(4) of
the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Regulations, 2020.
Emphasis of Matter
Other important disclosures under Note 1 and 2 reflects pending accounts payable and
pending staff payables balance of Kshs.117,069,290 and Kshs.13,267,099 respectively.
However, the pending bills were not paid as first charge from funds of the subsequent
year contrary to Regulation 41(2) of the Public Finance Management (County
Governments) Regulations, 2015.
Other Matter
In the audit report of the previous year, several issues were raised under Report on
Financial Statements, Report on Lawfulness and Effectiveness in Use of Public
Resources and Report on Effectiveness of Internal Controls, Risk Management and
Governance. However, the Management had not resolved the issues or given any
explanation for failure to implement the recommendations.
Review of casual payment details revealed that thirteen (13) casual employees were
engaged for more than three (3) months continuously and paid Kshs.4,328,126. This was
contrary to Section 37(b) of the Employment Act, 2007 which states that, where a casual
employee performs work which cannot reasonably be expected to be completed within a
period, or a number of working days amounting to the equivalent of three months or more,
the contract of service of the casual employee shall be deemed to be one where wages
are paid monthly and Section 35(1)(c) shall apply to that contract of service.
On 29 April, 2021, the Management awarded the contract for construction of speaker’s
residence at a sum of Kshs.33,709,617 which was signed on 20 May, 2021. However, as
reported in the previous financial years, the project is still incomplete. During the year
under review, the County Assembly received Exchequer for development projects of
Kshs.19,070,112 against an approved budget of Kshs.20,000,000 but only
Kshs.12,511,692 was paid towards the project.
Further, the Salaries and Renumeration Commission through Circular
No.SRC/TS/CGOVT/3/61/VOL.V(44) stipulated the deadline for leasing County
Assembly speaker’s house to be 30 June, 2022, however, as at 30 June, 2023, one year
later, the project was incomplete.
In addition, the cost baseline reports that would document and detail the money paid and
balances owed to the contractor vis a vis the actual works completed was not prepared
by the Implementation Committee.
In the circumstances, delay in works may result in cost escalation and value for money
on expenditure incurred in the construction of the speaker’s residence could not be
During the year under review, Management paid advance payment of Kshs.5,000,000 for
purchase of a new motor vehicle. However, this payment exceeded 20% of the quoted
sum of Kshs.12,700,000. This was contrary to Section 147(1) of the Public Procurement
and Asset Disposal Act, 2015 which states that advance payments should not exceed
20% of the original quoted price. The vehicle had not been delivered at the time of this
audit in July, 2023 and the validity period of the Local Purchase Order issued on 06
September, 2022 had expired.
Further, invoices, Electronic Tax Register (ETRs) and acknowledgments for the
transferred amount of Kshs.5,000,000, detailed schedule of requirements, specifications
and a copy of the authority for publication was not provided for audit review as required
in Regulation 173(1) of the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Regulations, 2020.
In addition, there was no evidence that the procurement was publicized on the county
websites, public notice boards or the public regulatory authority platforms. This was
contrary to Executive Order No.2 of 2018 on procurement which states that all public
procurement entities shall maintain and continuously update and publicize complete
information of all the tenders awarded.
Analysis of the staff payrolls revealed that four (4) employees were paid net salaries that
was less than a third of their basic salary. This was contrary to Section 19(3) of the
Employment Act, 2007 which states that without prejudice to any right of recovery of any
debt due, and notwithstanding the provisions of any other written law, the total amount of
all deductions which under the provisions of Sub-Section (1), may be made by an
employer from the wages of his employee at any one time shall not exceed two-thirds of
such wages.
In addition, buildings inherited from the defunct local authority had not been revalued and
the fixed assets register omits the dates of purchase for some of the assets, their
respective costs and status. Further, some of the assets have not been tagged for ease
of tracking and verification.
In the circumstances, the existence of valuation to ensure of the fixed assets could not
be ascertained.
As reported in the previous year, there was no evidence to indicate that Management
prepared quarterly cash flows projections that were supported by approved procurement
plan as required by Regulation 43(3), (4) of the Public Finance Management (County
Governments) Regulations, 2015. Further, the County Treasury did not publish and
publicize quarterly liquidity position reports reflecting the impact of revenue collection
efforts, spending and County public debt operations on the cash position of the County
Assembly as required by Regulation 45(6) of the Public Finance Management (County
Governments) Regulations, 2015.
In the circumstances, the existence of an effective tool to help management to control the
resources could not be confirmed.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects nil balance on other receipts. However,
an amount of Kshs.38,000 was recovered from two (2) former external County Assembly
Service Board members and two (2) former Members of County Assembly (MCAs) for
unreturned tablets at the expiry of their term of office. Further, Management indicated the
balance on unreturned tablets from other fifteen (15) MCAs amounting to Kshs.187,500
was recovered from the members’ allowances at the rate of Kshs.12,500 but supporting
schedules and documents to support the recovery and accountability were not provided
for audit. In addition, a balance of Kshs.12,000 from one (1) MCA who deposited an
amount of Kshs.500 instead of Kshs.12,500 was also not recognized as other income in
the financial statements.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of other receipts Nil balance could
not be confirmed.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services amount of
Kshs.373,437,011 and as disclosed in Note 3 to the financial statements. The amount
includes domestic travel and subsistence amount of Kshs.119,816,421 out of which is an
amount of Kshs.3,801,000 was not supported with evidence of travel documents such as
work tickets, bus tickets and daily sitting reports or minutes.
In the circumstances, the completeness and value for money on the expenditure
amounting to Kshs.3,801,000 could not be confirmed.
Emphasis of Matter
As disclosed in Note 1 and 2 on other disclosures, the County Assembly had pending
accounts payable balance of Kshs.75,044,428 as at 30 June, 2023. However,
Management did not explain why the bills were not settled during the year when they
occurred. Failure to settle bills during the year in which they relate to distorts the financial
statements and adversely affects the budgetary provisions for the subsequent year as
they form a first charge.
My opinion is not modified in respect of this matter.
Other Matter
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 6 to the financial
statements reflects social security benefits amount of Kshs.36,617,347 which includes
Local Authority Provident Fund and Local Authority Pension Trust Fund deductions
amounting to Kshs.25,566,485 which were remitted late. This was contrary to Section
53A(1) of the Retirement Benefits Act, 1997 (Revised 2017) which states that where an
employer, having with the agreement of an employee who is a member of a scheme,
made a deduction from the employee’s emoluments for remittance to the scheme, fails to
remit the deduction within fifteen days of the deduction, the scheme may, after giving
such employer not less than seven days’ notice, institute proceedings for the recovery of
the deduction.
During the year under review, forty-five (45) or 47% out of ninety-six (96) of the County
Assembly employees belonged to the dominant ethnic community in the County. This
was contrary to Section 7(1) and (2) of National Cohesion and Integration Act, 2008 which
states that all public offices shall seek to represent the diversity of people of Kenya in
employment of staff and that no public establishment shall have more than one third of
its staff from the same ethnic community.
The statement of financial assets and liabilities and as disclosed in Note 8 to the financial
statements reflects cash and cash equivalents balance of Kshs.21,732,393. However,
seven (7) and four (4) temporary imprests amounting to Kshs.348,000 and Kshs.154,800,
respectively were taken to pay for bill boards advertisements and website repair which
resulted to splitting of contracts to avoid the use of procurement procedure. This was
contrary to Regulation 43(1) of Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Regulations,
2020 which states that a Procuring Entity shall not split or structure its contracts for the
purpose of avoiding the use of a procurement procedure as provided for under Section
54(1) of the Act and Second Schedule on the Threshold Matrix of the Public Procurement
and Asset Disposal Regulations, 2020 which states that the maximum low value item
level of expenditure per item per financial year allowed for goods, works and services is
Kshs.50,000, Kshs.100,000 and Kshs.50,000 respectively.
Further Electronic Tax Receipts (ETR) were not obtained as required by Regulation 93(2)
of Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Regulations, 2020 which states that any
procurement under paragraph (1) shall be supported by the original Kenya Revenue
Authority Electronic Tax Receipt (KRA ETR Receipt) duly signed by the person
undertaking the low value procurement of goods, works or services.
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial
statements reflects other grants and transfers amount of Kshs.71,757,560 which includes
membership fees, dues and subscriptions to organizations amount of Kshs.12,105,560
out of which an amount of Kshs.10,194,000 was irregularly paid to County Assembly
Forum and Society of Clerks at the Table. However, there was no legislative framework
to support the payments. However, the two (2) bodies are private organization that does
not draw its mandate from the Constitution of Kenya or an Act of Parliament.
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 3 to the financial
statements reflects use of goods and services amount of Kshs.373,437,011 which
includes rentals of produced assets of Kshs.29,048,399 out of which an amount of
Kshs.2,817,154 was incurred on payment of rent for leased ward offices. Although
Management has shown efforts of undertaking valuation processes, the County Assembly
has not completed the new valuation for the ward offices and has continued paying
rent based on old rates. It was therefore not possible to ascertain whether the rates at
which the premises were paid for is the current prevailing market rates. Further, the lease
agreements were not provided for audit. This was contrary to Regulation 139(3) of Public
Procurement and Asset Disposal Regulations, 2020 which states that payments shall only
be made after an invoice or fee note is accurately raised and submitted in accordance
with the provisions of the contract.
In the circumstance, Management was in breach of the law.
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 7 to the financial
statements reflects acquisition of assets amount of Kshs.47,728,000 which includes
construction of buildings amount of Kshs.34,312,078 out of which an amount of
Kshs.29,416,020 was for construction of the County Assembly Office Complex. Review
of contract documents revealed that the project entailed construction of a seven (7) storey
office complex. The contractor was awarded the contract on 4 July, 2019 at a contract
sum of Kshs.349,707,101 with commencement date of 17 June, 2019 for a period of one
hundred and four (104) weeks. An extension of the contract was later given for fifty-six
(56) weeks after lapse of first contract but as at 30 June, 2023, the project had
cumulatively incurred an amount of Kshs.144,600,757 representing 41.3% of the contract
sum and the project completion was at 52% with nine (9) months remaining to the expiry
of the extended completion period.
Review of the project status revealed delay in implementation of this project. This was
contrary to Regulation 137(c) of Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Regulations,
2020 which states that in managing complex and specialized procurement contracts
under Section 151 of the Act, contract implementation shall be as per the project
implementation plan agreed upon by the contractor and the procuring entity. No
satisfactory explanation was provided for the delay in implementation of this project since
substantial funding had been allocated.
Review of IFMIS development expenditure vote book status report reflects that the
County Assembly allocated an amount of Kshs.10,000,000 in the original budget towards
the purchase of land for construction of Speaker’s residence which was later revised to
Nil balance in the supplementary budget. The same project had been allocated an amount
of Kshs.8,000,000 in the 2021/2022 financial year which was not utilized. Management
provided a letter requesting the County Executive Committee Member for Lands, Physical
Planning, Housing and Urban Development for suitable land but there was no evidence
of further communication or follow up.
Further, the County Assembly continued to pay rent for the Speakers residence contrary
to Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) Circular requiring the Counties to
hasten the construction of the official residences by allocating funds and prioritizing the
construction and SRC Circular Ref No. SRC/ADM/11 dated 27 June, 2022 which advised
that the option for County Governments paying rent or leasing official residential house
for Governors, Deputy Governors and County Assembly Speaker shall cease on 30 June,
2022. The County Assembly paid an amount of Kshs.900,000 in 2022/2023 financial year
being part payment of a residential accommodation for the Speaker out of the annual rent
amounting to Kshs.981,660.
During the year under review, the County Assembly did not have an approved disposal
plan of items declared as unserviceable, surplus, idle or obsolete contrary to Regulation
176(1) of Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Regulations, 2020 which states that an
Accounting Officer of a procuring entity shall ensure that an annual assets disposal plan
for items declared as unserviceable, surplus or obsolete, obsolescence stores, asset or
equipment as set out under Section 53(4) of the Act.
Further, physical inspection carried out in the month of August, 2023 revealed that the
County Assembly still held sixteen (16) tablets returned by the former MCAs in
September, 2022 which are not being utilized and continue to deteriorate.
127. Failure to Provide Annual Operations Report for the County Assembly
Service Board
Management of the County Assembly did not provide County Assembly Service Board
annual operations report for 2022/2023 financial year contrary to Section 36(1) of the
County Assembly Services Act, 2017 which states that within three months after the end
of each calendar year, the Board shall prepare and lay before the County Assembly, a
report of its operations during that year.
In the circumstances, it was not possible to confirm whether County Assembly Service
Board delivered on the mandated functions.
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 2 to the financial
statements reflects compensation of employees amount of Kshs.252,112,264 which
includes Pay As You Earn Tax amount of Kshs.20,558,271 remitted late in 2022/2023
financial year. However, the Kenya Revenue Authority imposed penalties and interest
amounting to Kshs.1,027,914 and Kshs.205,583, respectively, for late payments which
could have been avoided had the deductions been remitted on time. The late remittance
contravenes Section 72D of Income Tax Act, 2012.
In the circumstances, the regularity and value for money for penalties and interest
amounting to Kshs.1,233,497 could not be confirmed.
During the year under review, Management had not developed a Risk Management
Policy or documented strategies for identifying risks that may have potential effects on
the operations of the County Assembly contrary to Regulation 158(1) of the Public
Finance Management (County Governments) Regulations, 2015 which states that the
role of Accounting Officer in risk management is to ensure that the County Government
entity develops risk management strategies, which include fraud prevention mechanism
and the County Government entity develops a system of risk management and internal
control that builds robust business operations.
In the circumstances, identification of risks affecting the operations and existence of a risk
register of the County Assembly could not be confirmed.
Basis for Qualified Opinion
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial
statements reflects expenditure totalling Kshs.472,793,697 under use of goods and
services. However, review of the expenditure revealed that included in the amount is
Kshs.90,664,200 relating to foreign travel and subsistence. Review of the payment
records revealed that an amount of Kshs.19,883,534.00 was incurred on payments of air
ticketing, accommodation, conferences and training for courses offered mainly in Middle
East and Asiatic Countries. However, no justification was provided in support of why the
programs were undertaken abroad and not locally.
The statement of comparison of budget and actual amounts; recurrent and development
reflects final receipts budget and actual on comparable basis amount of
Kshs.1,529,877,619 and Kshs.1,029,936,698 respectively resulting to an under-funding
of Kshs.499,940,921 or 33% of the approved budget. Similarly, the County Assembly
expended Kshs.1,029,694,736 against an approved budget of Kshs.1,529,877,619
resulting to an under-expenditure of Kshs.500,182,883 or 33% of the budget.
The under-funding and under-expenditure affected the planned activities and may have
impacted negatively on service delivery to the public.
Other Matter
In the audit report of the previous year, several paragraphs were raised under the Report
on Financial Statements, Report on Lawfulness and Effectiveness in Use of Public
Resources and Report on Effectiveness of Internal Controls, Risk Management and
Governance. However, Management has not resolved the issues or given any
explanation for failure to adhere to the provisions of the Public Sector Accounting
Standards Board template.
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial
statements reflects expenditure totalling Kshs.472,793,697 under use of goods and
services. However, review of the expenditure revealed that included in the amount is
Kshs.34,837,763 relating to other operating expenses. The amount is further made up of
Kshs.2,700,000 in respect to subscriptions paid to County Assemblies Forum and Society
of Clerks. However, it was noted that these entities are not established in law and
therefore the payment amounting to Kshs.2,700,000 was irregular.
Review of human resource records revealed that one hundred and thirty-one (131)
employees representing 96% of the total employees of one hundred and thirty-six (136)
employees were from one dominant ethnic community in the County. This is in
contravention of Section 7(2) of the National Cohesion and Integration Act 2008 which
requires that no public establishment shall have more than one third (1/3) of its employees
from the same ethnic community.
Review of internal controls revealed that the County Assembly does not have a risk
management policy and there was also no evidence to show that formal risk assessment
was undertaken. This is in contravention of the provisions of Regulation 158 (1)(a) of the
Public Finance Management (County Governments) Regulations, 2015 which requires
the Accounting Officer to develop risk management strategies which include fraud
prevention mechanism and develop a system of risk management and internal controls
that build robust business operations.
During the year under review, the County Assembly operated without a disaster recovery
and business continuity plan contrary to the provisions of Section 99 of the Public Finance
Management Act, 2012. The Act stipulates that the role of a Disaster Recovery Plan is to
secure the County Government’s ability to meet its obligations to provide basic services
or its financial commitments, identify the financial problems and be designed to place the
county government in a sound and sustainable financial condition as quickly as possible
in case of disaster.
As previously reported, the County Assembly of Kitui operates two parallel payrolls,
manual payroll and Integrated Payroll and Personnel Database (IPPD). It was not clear
why spreadsheet payroll was operated parallel to IPPD instead of having all the staff
managed in the recommended database platform. Further, use of spreadsheet as the
basis for maintaining payroll is not sanctioned by law and is prone to changes and
manipulation with no audit trail.
Annex 4 to the financial statements on summary of non-current asset register shows that
the County Assembly had assets cumulatively valued at Kshs.642,248,435. The assets
include those acquired and those inherited from the defunct Local Governments and Kitui
County Government. However, the handing over and ownership documents were not
provided for audit verification. Further, the asset register includes land and buildings
valued at Kshs.534,910,705 whose ownership documents were also not provided.
Further, Management did not provide a breakdown of the valuation amounts and the basis
for their inclusion.
Review of statements of receipts and expenditure indicates the following balances differs
with the IFMIS payments records as tabulated below;
Statement IFMIS
Balance Balances Variances
Expenditure Components Kshs. Kshs. Kshs.
Use of Goods and Services 397,666,774 357,744,649 39,922,125
Grants and Transfers 86,244,000 102,391,600 (16,147,600)
Social Security Benefits 29,378,130 29,417,321 (39,191)
Acquisition of Assets 27,039,660 30,716,406 (3,676,746)
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of the above expenditure could not
be confirmed.
Emphasis of Matter
The statement of comparison of budget and actual amounts recurrent and development
combined reflects final receipts budget and actual on comparable basis of
Kshs.1,508,346,181 and Kshs.1,132,140,390 respectively resulting to an under-funding
of Kshs.376,205,791 or 25% of the approved budget. Similarly, the County Assembly
expended Kshs.1,132,055,865 against an approved budget of Kshs.1,508,346,181
resulting to an under-expenditure of Kshs.376,290,316 or 25% of the budget.
The underfunding and underperformance affected the planned activities and may have
impacted negatively on service delivery to the residents of Machakos.
Other Matter
In the audit report of the previous year, several paragraphs were raised under the Report
on Financial Statements and Report on Lawfulness and Effectiveness in Use of Public
Resources. However, Management had not resolved the issues or given any explanation
for the failure to implement the recommendations
During the year under review, the total number of employees of the County Assembly
was one hundred and thirty-four (134) employees out of which one hundred and twenty-
two (122) or 91% were from the dominant ethnic community in the County. This was
contrary to Section 7(2) of the National Cohesion and Integration Act, 2008 which requires
that no public establishment shall have more than one third (1/3) of its employees from
the same community.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services amount of
Kshs.397,666,774 and as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial statements. The amount
includes an expenditure of Kshs.12,180,441 incurred on other operating expenses out of
which a balance of Kshs.5,200,000 was paid to Society of Clerks at the Table (SOCATT)
and the County Assemblies Forum as annual subscription fees. However, the two (2)
entities are not intergovernmental relation in legal capacity and the payments were not
budgeted for under the National Government’s estimates.
The County Assembly entered into a contract for the construction, equipping and
furnishing of Modern Chamber and associated works at a contract sum of
Kshs.349,312,987. The project commenced on 9 June, 2020 and was set to be completed
on 6 June, 2022. According to the latest progress report dated May, 2023, the overall
progress of work amounted to Kshs.121,419,123 representing 35%, while the payments
amounted to Kshs.116,045,041 or 33%. The completion date was extended to 19
December, 2022 which has since lapsed, and no further extensions have been approved
to date but the project was incomplete at the time of audit in December, 2023.
The statements of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 10 to the financial
statements reflects an amount of Kshs.27,039,660 incurred on acquisition of assets.
Included in the amount is an expenditure of Kshs.21,735,865 on construction of buildings.
Examination of the projects undertaken by the County Assembly during the year under
review revealed that construction of ward offices in Matungulu East, Kangundo North,
Kivaa and Ndalani was ongoing and Construction of ward office at Muthwani had stalled
due to land disputes while Construction of four (4) (Machakos Central, Muvuti, Mbiuni and
Wamunyu) ward offices was yet to be commenced as land had not been identified.
As previously reported, the County Assembly operates two parallel payrolls, a manual
payroll and Integrated Payroll and Personnel Database (IPPD). It was not clear why
spreadsheet payroll was operated parallel to IPPD instead of having all the staff managed
in the recommended database platform. Spreadsheet is prone to changes and
manipulation with no audit trail.
153. Non-Functional Audit Committee
During the year under review, the audit committee was not fully constituted contrary to
Regulations 167(4) of the Public Finance Management (County Governments), 2015
which requires the Accounting Officer to ensure that each County Government entity has
an audit committee in place and whose membership shall be a minimum of three,
excluding a person who shall be appointed to represent the County Treasury in each audit
committee and a maximum of five.
In the circumstances, the absence of a functional audit committee may lead to ineffective
internal controls.
The financial statements reflect balances that were at variance with the Integrated
Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) balances as summarized below:
Statements IFMIS Trial
Balance Balance Variance
Item (Kshs.) (Kshs.) (Kshs.)
Cash and Cash Equivalents 11,630,893 (545,789,398) 557,420,291
Accounts Receivable - (28,338,255) 28,338,255
Accounts Payables 9,477,191 64,231,163.60 54,753,972.60
Fund Balance b/fwd 313,175 (640,199,345) 640,512,520
In the circumstances, the acquisition of assets amount of Kshs.35,660,804 for the year
ended 30 June, 2023 is overstated by Kshs.1,955,760 while the use of goods an ser vices
is understated by a similar margin.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of the reported finance costs of
Kshs.1,884,331 for the year ended 30 June, 2023 could not be confirmed.
158. Double Compensation on Transportation Expenses to Members of County
Assembly (MCAs)
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services balance
of Kshs.381,390,355 as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial statements. Included in the
amount is other operating expenses of Kshs.134,352,072 which further includes
Kshs.20,604,600 and Kshs.33,635,250 both totalling Kshs.54,239,850 incurred on
oversight and public participation activities respectively.
The amount relates to payments made to elected MCAs at a rate of Kshs.50,000 and
Kshs.70,000 each for facilitation during public participation and oversight activity
respectively. The rates applied are however not approved in the Salaries and
Remuneration Commission (SRC) Gazette notice on remuneration and benefits for state
officers in the County Assembly dated 9 August, 2022, covering financial years 2021/2022
to 2024/2025. Further, each participating MCA was paid transport facilitation of
Kshs.6,000 per day regardless of the distance covered.
In the circumstances, the propriety of the payments amounting to Kshs.54,239,850 could
not be confirmed.
160. Irregular Ward Lease Agreements
As previously reported, the statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and
services expenditure totalling Kshs.381,390,355 as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial
statements. The amount includes rentals of produced assets of Kshs.3,671,500.
However, review of the rental leasehold agreements revealed that the Ward lease
agreements were entered into between the Ward representatives (lessees) and the
landlord (lessors) instead of between the County Assembly of Makueni and the Landlords.
Further, the lease agreement documents prepared were not signed or endorsed by an
Advocate of the High Court or County Assembly head of legal services to validate the
agreement. In addition, the agreements were not adequately supported with copies of title
deeds for the landlords to show ownership of the land, registration of the land to be leased
and the ownership of the building that was being leased, or part thereof.
In the circumstances, the propriety of rental of produced assets expenditure of
Kshs.3,671,500 could not be confirmed.
Emphasis of Matter
Failure to settle bills during the year to which they relate adversely affects the budgetary
provisions of the subsequent year to which they are charged as they form a first charge.
Other Matter
In the audit report of the previous year, several issues were raised under the Report on
Financial Statements, Report on Lawfulness and Effectiveness in Use of Public
Resources and Report on Effectiveness of Internal Controls, Risk Management and
Governance. Management had however, not resolved the issues or given any explanation
for failure to implement the recommendations as at 30 June, 2023.
The statement of comparison of budget and actual amounts reflects total actual
expenditure of Kshs.933,261,445 comprising of recurrent and development expenditure
of Kshs.914,381,401 and Kshs.18,880,044 respectively. The development expenditure
accounted for only 2% of the total expenditure which is below the 30% threshold stipulated
by Regulation 25(1)(g) of the Public Finance Management (County Governments)
Regulations, 2015.
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the law.
164. Non-Compliance with Law on Imprests
Note 5 to the financial statements reflects domestic travel and subsistence allowances of
Kshs.72,896,888. The amount includes per diem allowances totalling Kshs.18,678,325
paid to Members of the County Assembly and other members of staff for travels outside
the County to transact County Assembly business that would ordinarily be carried out in
the offices, contrary to Regulation 93(4)(a) of the Public Finance Management (County
Governments) Regulations, 2015 which provides that before issuing temporary imprest
the Accounting Officer shall ensure that the main objective of the journey cannot be
achieved by other cheaper means.
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the law.
165. Failure to Comply with the Ceiling for Ward Operation Costs
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services amount of
Kshs.381,390,355 as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial statements. Included in the
amount is other operating expenses of Kshs.134,352,072. The operating expenses
includes Kshs.2,500,000 and Kshs.750,000 paid to the County Assembly Forum (CAF)
and Society of Clerks at the Table (SOCATT) respectively. However, there was no legal
basis for the establishment of CAF and SOCATT.
During the year under review, the County Assembly recruited twenty-one (21) employees
excluding any person living with disability. This was contrary to the provisions of Section
B.23(2) of the Human Resource Policies and Procedures Manual for the Public Service,
2016 on rights and privileges of persons with disabilities.
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the law.
Review of the County Assembly payroll for June, 2023 revealed that the County Assembly
had a total of one hundred and fifty-six (156) employees out of which one hundred and
forty-nine (149) or 95.5% were from the local dominant community. This was contrary to
Section 7(1) and (2) of the National Cohesion and Integration Act, 2008 which stipulates
that all public establishments shall seek to represent the diversity of the people of Kenya
in employment of staff, and that no public establishment shall have more than one third
of its staff from the same ethnic community. In addition, the County Assembly recruited
twenty-one (21) employees during the year, all from the local dominant ethnic community.
This was contrary to Section 65(1)(e) of the County Government Act, 2012 which requires
that in selecting candidates for appointment, the County Public Service Board shall
consider the need to ensure that at least thirty percent of the vacant positions at entry
level are filled by candidates who are not from the dominant ethnic community in the
Review of the Integrated Personnel Payroll Database (IPPD) records revealed that the
County Assembly had a total of one hundred and fifty-six (156) employees as at
30 June, 2023 out of which ten (10) were serving on probation terms. It was however,
noted that these employees had worked for periods ranging from twelve (12) months to
ten years contrary to the provisions of Section 3.1 of Makueni County Assembly Human
Resource Manual on appointment of staff on probation and pensionable terms.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services amount of
Kshs.381,390,355. Included in the amount is domestic travel and subsistence allowances
expenditure of Kshs.72,896,888 as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial statements.
Review of supporting documents revealed that the County Assembly incurred expenditure
of Kshs.64,699,865 through refunds for daily subsistence allowances to employees. The
officers did not apply for imprests through imprest warrants. In addition, the imprest
register maintained by the County Assembly did not reflect the date the imprest was
issued, its purpose, amount surrendered and balance outstanding. This contravenes the
provisions of Regulations 91(2) and 93(4) of the Public Finance Management (County
Governments) Regulations, 2015 which require proper accountability for imprests.
Review of payroll records provided for audit revealed that the County Assembly operated
two payroll systems that is; a manual (excel format) payroll system and the Integrated
Personnel and Payroll Database (IPPD) system. In the year under review, emoluments
totalling Kshs.31,908,185 were processed through the manual payroll. The use of the
manual system involves manual calculations of deductions to arrive at net monthly pay,
and constant updates of the data, which makes it prone to human errors.
In the circumstances, there were weak internal controls on management of personnel
Review of the operations and structures of the County Assembly revealed that the it
operated without an audit committee during the year under review. The previous
committee members tenure had expired having been appointed on 1 January, 2019 for
three (3) years.
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 4 to the financial
statements reflects compensation of employees amounting to Kshs.305,842,391.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects transfers from County Revenue Fund
(CRF) of Kshs.897,532,346 as disclosed in Note 1 to the financial statements. However,
the County Revenue Fund financial statements reflected transfers to the County
Assembly amount of Kshs.876,225,353 resulting to an unreconciled variance of
In the circumstances, the accuracy of the transfers from County Revenue Fund of
Kshs.897,532,346 could not be confirmed.
Emphasis on Matter
Failure to settle bills during the year to which they relate adversely affects the budgetary
provisions of the subsequent year to which they are charged as they form a first charge.
Other Matter
In the audit report of the previous year, several issues were raised under the Report on
Financial Statements and Report on Lawfulness and Effectiveness in Use of Public
Resources. However, the Management did not resolve the issues or provide any
explanation for failure to resolve the issues.
Review of procurement records revealed that during the year, procurement of goods and
services through request for quotations was done outside the Integrated Financial
Management Information System (IFMIS). This was contrary to the requirement of
Regulation 49(2) of the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Regulations, 2020 which
states that the conduct of e-procurement procedures for the supply of goods, works and
services shall be carried out by a procuring entity using an e-procurement system which
is integrated to the State Portal.
Review of human resource records revealed that the County Assembly had two hundred
and fourteen (214) employees as at 30 June, 2023, out of which two hundred and three
(203) members equivalent to 95 % of the total employees were from the dominant ethnic
Community. This was contrary Section 7(2) of the National Cohesion and Integration Act,
2008 which states that no public establishment shall have more than one third of its staff
from the same ethnic community.
Analysis of sampled staff from the payroll revealed that sixty-six (66) employees were
earning less than one third of their basic salaries in different months. This was contrary
to Section 19(3) of the Employment Act, 2007 which provides that without prejudice to
any right of recovery of any debt due, and notwithstanding the provisions of any other
written law, the total amount of all deductions made by an employer from the wages of
his employee at any one time shall not exceed two-thirds of such wages.
Review of records indicated that Management did not remit deductions and contributions
owed to the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) of Kshs.1,008,400 and National
Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) of Kshs.590,700 respectively as at 30 June, 2023 within
the statutory timelines. This was contrary to Section 19(4) of the Employment Act, 2007,
which states that an employer who deducts an amount from employee’s remuneration in
accordance with subsection 19(1) (a), (f), (g) and (h) shall pay the amount so deducted
in accordance with time period and other requirements specified in law, agreement, court
order or arbitration as the case a may be.
Analysis of the July, 2022 to June, 2023, Integrated Payroll and Personnel Database
(IPPD) revealed that the Speaker of the County Assembly was paid rental house
allowance amounting to Ksh.640,000. This was contrary to the Salaries and
Remuneration Commission Circular Ref. No: SRC/ADM/11 dated 27 June, 2022, which
stipulates that the option for County Governments paying rent/leasing official residential
houses for Governors, Deputy Governor and County Assembly speaker shall cease on
30 June, 2022 as earlier communicated.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects expenditure on use of goods and
services totalling Kshs.309,132,070 which, as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial
statements includes an amount of Kshs.28,830,605 in respect of other operating
expenses. Included in the operating expenses were payments of Kshs.2,500,000 and
Kshs.500,000 made to the Society of Clerks At The Table (SOCATT) and County
Assemblies Forum (CAF) respectively as annual subscription fees. However,
Management did provide justification for the payments to the two organizations without
legal or policy framework that support payment of subscriptions to the two organizations.
Further, the Management did not provide the relevant procurement records to confirm
that the legal firms were competitively identified and engaged. This was contrary to
Section 44(2)(d) of the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act, 2015 which provides
that in the performance of the responsibility under subsection (1), an accounting officer
shall ensure proper documentation of procurement proceedings and safe custody of all
procurement records in accordance with the Act.
Review of the project’s implementation records revealed that the following projects were
not completed within the contract period stipulated in the contract agreements:
181.1 Proposed Construction of Office Block at the Existing Nyandarua County
The Construction of office block at the existing Nyandarua County Assembly at a cost of
Kshs.535,000,000 which commenced on 17 October, 2017 was expected to be
completed in May, 2019. However, audit inspection carried out in the month of
October, 2023 revealed that the project was incomplete. Further, Management did not
provide for audit review the project files detailing the status of the project.
In the circumstances, value for money spent on the projects have been realized due
delayed completion of the projects.
Review of the fixed asset register revealed that the asset register maintained was not
properly updated and detailed supporting schedules and analysis for each asset category
was not provided for audit review. Relevant details in regard to the land size, land values
for the parcels of land owned by the County Assembly, key assets information including
date of acquisition, costs, accumulated depreciation, net book values, assets locations
and codes were not included in the asset register. Management did not provide title deeds
for the parcels of land owned by the County Assembly. It was therefore not possible to
confirm the ownership status and security of the County Assembly’s land.
Further, Management did not provide evidence that the major assets were valued since
the year 2014. In Addition, Management did not provide records for assets count and
verification carried at regular intervals to confirm existence and condition of the recorded
assets. It was noted that most of the assets were not tagged and asset movement
registers were not properly maintained. Although there were some unserviceable assets
which were already bonded there was no evidence of disposal of any assets in the last
three years to save on storage costs, space and obtain better salvage value.
In addition, the fixed asset register maintained revealed that laptops issued to some
officers were missing. Management did not provide measures put in place to recover the
missing laptops from the concerned officers.
In the circumstances, the effectiveness of the County Assembly’s asset management
system and its ability to safeguard the County Assembly assets could not be confirmed.
Review of the financial statement generated from the Integrated Financial Management
Information System (IFMIS) and the balances reflected in the statement of receipts and
payments revealed variances under Exchequer releases and use of goods and services
which have not been reconciled as shown below.
Financial Financial
Statements Statements-
Balances Balances
Financial statement 2022/2023 2022/2023 Variance
Component Note (Kshs.) (Kshs.) (Kshs.)
Exchequer Releases 1 734,121,427 719,389,972 14,731,455
Use of Goods and Services 5 392,862,238 393,150,018 (287,780)
Further, the annual report and trial balance had a total debit and credit balances of
Kshs.734,121,427 while the IFMIS trial balance had Kshs.10,608,725,887 resulting to un-
explained and unreconciled variance of Kshs.9,874,604,460.
In the circumstances, the completeness and accuracy of the two balances reported in the
statement of receipts and payments could not be confirmed.
Review of the payroll records revealed that the Clerk and a member of the County
Assembly Service Board were being paid special salary without disclosure of basic salary.
The clerk was also paid a special house allowance. It was not clear under what
circumstances the officers were paid the special salary yet there is a job group attached
to them.
In addition, review of Integrated Payroll and Personnel Database (IPPD) revealed that the
speaker to the County Assembly earned rental house allowance amounting to
Ksh.640,000. This was contrary to Salaries and Remuneration Commission Circular Ref.
No: SRC/ADM/11 dated 27 June, 2022, which stipulated that the option for County
Governments paying rent/leasing official residential houses for Governors, Deputy
Governor and County Assembly speaker shall ceases on 30 June, 2022.
185. Irregular Payment of Ward Administration Expenses
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services amounting
to Kshs.392,862,238 which, as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial statements includes
other operating expenses totalling Kshs.48,552,059. The other operating expenses
includes reimbursement totalling Kshs.22,242,003 made to forty-four (44) MCAs as
claims for expenditure incurred in running the ward operational costs. Further, it was not
clear why the MCAs were incurring costs for their ward offices and then making claims
as reimbursements for costs incurred. In addition, a memorandum cash book to record
all receipts and payments and the balance on hand was not maintained by the officers.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services amounting to
Kshs.392,862,238. The amount includes other rental of produced assets totalling
Kshs.4,479,000 paid to various landlords for having leased their properties to Members
of County Assembly (MCAs) to use as their offices. Review of the payment details report
and other provided documents revealed that no competitive procurement was done and
no market survey was conducted to establish the prevailing market prices on rental
houses. Further, a standard amount of Kshs.10,000.00 per month was being paid to the
landlords from the month of July to September, 2022 and from 1 October, 2022 to
30 June, 2023, the monthly payment was increased to Kshs.11,000. The engagement of
these landlords to provide these services was against the Public Procurement and Asset
Disposal Act, 2015, Section 103 (2) guideline on when direct procurement may be used.
In the circumstances, the propriety of the expenditure amounting to Kshs. 4,479,000 could
not be confirmed.
Emphasis of Matter
Other Disclosures Note 1 to the financial statements reflects pending accounts payable
amounting to Kshs.20,879,640 as disclosed in annex to the financial statements which
were not paid in the year under review but were carried forward to 2023/2024 financial
Failure to settle the bills during the year in which they relate distorts the financial
statements and adversely affect the budgetary provisions for the subsequent year as they
form a first charge.
Other Matter
In the audit report of the previous year, several issues were raised under the Report on
Financial Statements, Report on Lawfulness and Effectiveness in Use of Public
Resources and Report on Effectiveness of Internal Controls, Risk Management and
Governance. However, the Management has not resolved the issues or given any
explanation for failure to act on the recommendations.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services amounting
to Kshs.392,862,238 which, as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial statements includes
other operating expenses amounting to Kshs.48,552,059. The other operating expenses
includes an amount of Kshs.750,000 paid as subscription fees to the Society of Clerks-
at-the-Table (SOCATT) and Kshs.1,500,000 paid to the County Assemblies Forum (CAF)
all totalling Kshs.2,250,000. However, there was no legal basis for the establishment of
CAF and SOCAT. The payments are therefore not a proper charge of public resources.
The County Assembly Service Board extended the services of three (3) officers who had
attained the mandatory retirement age of sixty (60) years for a period of one year. It was
not clear under what circumstances the services were extended. Further, there was no
evidence to show that there were no suitable persons to fill the vacancies.
Review of human resource records revealed that the County Assembly had sixty-five (65)
permanent employees out of which sixty (60) or ninety-two (92%) per cent were from the
dominant ethnic Community. This was contrary to Section 7(2) of the National Cohesion
and Integration Act, 2008 which states that no public institution shall have more than one
third of its staff establishment from the same ethnic community”.
191. Irregular Commutation of Leave
During the year under review, the County Assembly paid Kshs.7,108,042 for leave
commutation. Review of records revealed that 62 and 61 staff members commuted part
or full leave days entitlement for the financial years 2021/2022 and 2022/2023
respectively. Further, commutation of leave was not authorized. This was contrary to
Section E.4 of the Human Resource Policies and Procedure Manual for the Public Service
2016, which prohibits commutation of leave for cash except on exceptional
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services amounting to
Kshs.392,862,238 which, as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial statements includes
foreign travel and subsistence totalling Kshs.71,156,692. However, review of records
revealed that the officers were not issued with imprests while proceeding on foreign
countries on official duties. Instead the officers used their money and later claimed for
refund. This was contrary to Regulation 93(3) of the Public Finance Management (County
Governments) Regulations, 2015.
Emphasis of Matter
The statement of comparison of budget and actual amounts for development vote reflects
the final receipts and actual on a comparable basis totalling Kshs.60,417,240 and
Kshs.38,417,170 respectively resulting in underfunding of Kshs.22,000,070 (or 36%) of
the budget.
The underfunding affected the planned activities and may have impacted negatively on
service delivery to the public.
My opinion is not modified in respect of this matter.
Other Matter
Review of records revealed that the total number of employees at the County Assembly
during the year ended 30 June, 2023 was eighty-seven (87), out of which eighty-three
(83) or 95% were from the local dominant community in the County. This was contrary to
Section 7(1) and (2) of the National Cohesion and Integration Act, 2008 which requires
that all public establishments shall seek to represent the diversity of the people of Kenya
in the employment of staff and no public establishment shall have more than one third of
its staff from the same ethnic community.
200. There were no material issues raised on internal controls, risk management and
The statement of receipts and payments reflects payments totalling Kshs.884,405,908 for
the year ended 30 June, 2023. However, the IFMIS reports reflects total payments of
Kshs.931,966,963 resulting in an unexplained and unreconciled variance of
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of the total payments amount
of Kshs.884,405,908 could not be confirmed.
The statement of financial assets and liabilities reflects cash and cash equivalents
balance of Kshs.2,924,685 as disclosed in Note 13A which includes Nil balance in respect
to Murang’a County Assembly Development Account held at the Central Bank of Kenya.
However, review of the bank reconciliation statements revealed a bank balance of
Kshs.635,815 which has not been reconciled or included in the financial statements.
Further, review of Board of Survey reports on cash account revealed cash at hand
balance of Kshs.1,300 which was not included the financial statements. Further, an un-
surrendered imprest amounting to Kshs.105,200 was not disclosed in the financial
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of cash and cash equivalents
balance of Kshs.2,924,684 could not be confirmed.
Other Matter
In the audit report of the previous year, several issues were raised under the report on
the financial statements and report on lawfulness and effectiveness in use of public
resources. However, Management had neither resolved the issues nor given explanation
for failure to implement the recommendations.
The statement of financial assets and liabilities reflects pending staff payables totalling
Kshs.22,732,451 as disclosed in Other Important Disclosures, and Annex 2. Review of
the schedules supporting the financial statements and related supporting documents
revealed the following;
Pension deductions payable to Local Authorities Provident Fund and Trust Fund
(LAPFUND and LAPTRUST) totalling Kshs.3,645,932 were deducted during the year
under review but not remitted as at 30 June, 2023. This was contrary to Section 33(1) of
the Retirement Benefits Act, 2012 which states that notwithstanding the provisions of any
written law for the time being in force, an employer may, with the approval of his
employees, pay any statutory contributions in respect of such employees into any
Scheme Fund prescribed for that purpose. Further, the non-remittance of the contribution
by the employer may attract interest accrued to the scheme and a penalty of five percent
of unremitted contributions or twenty thousand shillings whichever is higher.
The County Assembly deducted through the payroll system an amount of Kshs.6,510,914
in respect to principal amount recovered from car loan and members mortgage, interest
recovered from car loan and members mortgage insurance premium and other
membership subscription insurance recovered from members mortgage as at 30 June,
2023. However, the amounts were not remitted promptly as required by the receiving
institutions contrary to Regulation 22(2)(a) of the Public Finance Management (County
Governments) Regulations, 2015, which provides that in addition to the responsibilities of
Accounting Officers provided in the Act, an Accounting Officer designated under the Act
or any other Act, shall comply with any tax, levy, duty, pension, commitments as may be
provided for by legislation.
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the law.
During the year under review, the County Assembly had ninety-seven (97) employees,
out of which eighty-eight (88) or 91% were from of the dominant ethnic community in the
county. This was contrary to Section 7(1) and (2) of the National Cohesion and Integration
Act, 2008 which requires that all public establishments shall seek to represent the
diversity of the people of Kenya in the employment of staff and no public establishment
shall have more than one third of its staff from the same ethnic community.
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial
statements reflects payments totalling Kshs.408,666,471 in respect of use of goods and
services. Included in this amount are other operating expenses totalling Kshs.24,727,889
out of which an amount of Kshs.830,000 was paid as subscription fees to the County
Assemblies Forum (CAF) and the Society of Clerks-at-The Table (SOCATT). Further,
review of pending bills payables revealed an amount of Kshs.20,300,000 payables to
County Assembly Forums that has been pending for inordinately long time. However,
there is no enabling legislation establishing these bodies nor policies and guidelines
enacted by the County Assembly for such payments.
209. There were no material issues raised on internal controls, risk management and
The statement of assets and liabilities reflects a balance of Kshs.73.65 in respect of cash
and cash equivalents as disclosed in Note 13 to the financial statements. However, review
of the cash books provided for audit revealed that the opening balances for the recurrent
cash book for the months of October, 2022 was an overdraft of Kshs.145,076,591 differed
with the previous months closing balance of overdraft of Kshs.134,515,631 resulting to
an unreconciled variance of Kshs.10,560,960. Similarly, the opening balance for the
month of June, 2023 of Kshs.298,098,817 differed with the closing balance of the
previous month Kshs.333,457,201 resulting to an unreconciled variance of
Further, the bank reconciliation statement for the month of June, 2023 included
unpresented cheques amounting to Kshs.361,908,203 out of which cheques amounting
to Kshs.84,202,901 were stale as at 30 June, 2023. No explanation was provided why
the stale cheques were not written back to the cash book and no operations accounts
bank reconciliation statements and cash books were not provided for audit.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of the cash and cash equivalents
balance of Kshs.73.65 could not be confirmed.
Emphasis of Matter
The statement of comparison of budget and actual amounts - recurrent and development
which reflects final approved receipt budget and actual amount on comparable basis
amounting to Kshs.1,628,012,830 and Kshs.1,186,374,088 respectively, resulting in
under-collection of revenue amounting to Kshs.441,638,742 or 27% of the budget.
Similarly, the statement reflects final expenditure budget and actual amount on
comparable basis totalling Kshs.1,628,012,830 and Kshs.1,186,374,014 respectively
resulting in an under-performance amounting to Kshs.441,638,816 or 27% of the budget.
The under collection and under expenditure have affected the planned activities and
negatively impacted on service delivery to the citizens of Kiambu County.
Failure to settle the bills during the year in which they relate distorts the financial
statements and adversely affect the budgetary provisions for the subsequent year as they
form a first charge.
Other Matter
The audit report for the year ended 30 June, 2022 raised several unsatisfactory issues in
regard to balances reflected in the financial statements, lawfulness and effectiveness in
use of resources and effectiveness of internal controls, risk management and
governance. However, the issues remained unresolved as at 30 June, 2023.
The statement of receipts and payments and Note 4 to the financial statements reflect
compensation of employee’s expenditure amounting to Kshs.513,257,415 representing
43% of the total revenue of Kshs.1,186,374,088 which translates to eight percentage
points over and above the fiscal guidelines of 35%. Further, Management did not submit
for audit the County Executive Committee Member for Finance prescribed threshold of
wages and benefits as a percentage of Assemblies revenue to be adhered to towards
enforcement of fiscal responsibility principles and the approval of the same by the County
Assembly. This was contrary to Regulation 25(1)(a) and (b) of the Public Finance
Management (County Governments) Regulation, 2015 which states that the County
Executive Committee Member with the approval of the County Assembly shall set a limit
on the County Government’s expenditure on wages and benefits for its public officers and
the limit shall not exceed thirty-five (35) percent of the County Government’s total
Review of personal files provided for audit revealed that eight (8) employees who were
appointed on 28 January, 2022 had not been confirmed in writing as per their appointment
letters. No explanation was provided why the employees had not been confirmed despite
having completed their probation periods. This was contrary to provisions of the Public
Service Commission Human Resource Policies and Procedure Manual May, 2016 which
states that the supervisor will make a report on the officer’s suitability for confirmation or
otherwise at least one (1) month before the end of the probationary period and inform the
officer accordingly and where the supervisor fails to submit a report during the
probationary period, the officer shall be confirmed in appointment.
During the year under review, the County Assembly made deductions and or recoveries
from several employees more than two thirds of their gross pay. Further, review of the
payroll revealed that some employees had negative net pay. This was contrary to Section
19 of the Employment Act, 2007 on deduction of wages which provides that the total
amount of all deductions which under the provisions of subsection (1), may be made by
an employer from the wages of his employee at any one time shall not exceed two-thirds
of such wages or such additional or other amount as may be prescribed by the Minister
either generally or in relation to a specified employer or employee or class of employers
or employees or any trade or industry.
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the law.
Review of employee records for the County Assembly revealed that the County Assembly
had employed a total population of ninety-six (96) staff out of whom eighty (80) employee
or 83% were from the dominant ethnic community in the County . This was contrary to
the provisions of Section 7(1) and (2) of the National Cohesion and Integration Act, 2008
which states that all public officers shall seek to represent the diversity of the people of
Kenya in employment of staff and that no public institution shall have more than one third
of its staff establishment from the same ethnic community.
219. Irregular Payments to Society of Clerks at the Table and County Assembly
The statement of receipts and payments and Note 5 to the financial statements reflects
use of goods and services amounting to Kshs.576,937,962 which includes rentals of
produced assets amounting to Kshs.18,974,000. During the year under review, the
County Assembly rented offices for the Members of the County Assembly. However, it
was not possible to confirm if the process of renting the twenty-four (24) ward offices at a
monthly rent of Kshs.341,900 was fair and competitive in the absence of the quotation
documents from the suppliers, lease agreements, ownership documents and tax
compliance certificates.
Further, review of procurement documents provided for audit revealed that various
bidders were awarded the contracts for rental of ward offices without the required
documents which include tax compliance certificates, tax pin and ownership documents
as per the criteria set in the quotation documents. This was contrary to Section 58(2) of
the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act, 2015 which states that “the tender
documents used by a procuring entity under Section 58(1) shall contain sufficient
information to allow fairness, equitability, transparency, cost-effectiveness and
competition among those who may wish to submit their applications.
221. Idle Assets
Review of the County Assembly operations during the year under review revealed that
the County Assembly procured a biometric system in 2017 at a cost of Kshs.1,316,020,
for use by the Members of the County Assembly when conducting various planned
activities for their respective committees. However, an audit inspection carried out
revealed that the system was not in use in the committee rooms. This was contrary to
Regulation 139(2) of the Public Finance Management (County Governments)
Regulations, 2015 which provides that the Accounting Officer shall ensure that processes
and procedures both electronic and manual are in place for the effective, efficient,
economical and transparent use of the Government entity’s assets.
In the circumstances, value for money on the idle assets could not be confirmed.
222. Irregular Procurement
During the year under review, the County Assembly procured invoice, delivery and
counter receipt vouchers (S13) booklets from a local supplier for Kshs.414,200 who was
not among the prequalified suppliers. Further, the County Assembly procured advertising
services from a local media company for revenue and expenditure advertisement
amounting to Kshs.290,000. However, review of the payment voucher revealed that the
Local Service Order was written in favour of a different service provider. This was contrary
to Section 114(1) of the Public Finance Management (County Governments) Regulations,
2015 which states that all purchases of goods, works and services from suppliers,
including capital investments, shall comply with the provisions prescribed in the Public
Procurement and Asset Disposal Act, 2015, and the Regulations made thereunder and
shall have the prior approval of the Accounting Officer.
222.2 Irregular Procurement of Office Furniture and Equipment
Review of sampled payment vouchers for supply of orthopaedic seats, desks and
cabinets revealed that the office furniture was procured through request for quotations
where four (4) local purchase orders totalling Kshs.7,387,720 were awarded to four
suppliers. However, the quotations were split for the supply of the listed office furniture to
avoid open tender contrary to Section 54(1) of the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal
Act, 2015 which states that no procuring entity may structure procurement as two or more
procurements for the purpose of avoiding the use of a procurement procedure except
where prescribed. Further, the distribution lists for the office furniture were not provided
for audit.
In addition, two local purchase orders dated 27 March, 2023 and 28 February, 2023 were
issued to a local supplier for supply of 26 office tables at Kshs.20,000 each and 26
orthopedic seats at Kshs.39,960 each. However, invoices and delivery notes indicated 27
orthopedic seats and 27 office tables were supplied. No explanation was provided why
there was one seat and desk supplied in excess of the local purchase order. This was
contrary to Regulation 114(1) of the Public Finance Management (County Governments)
Regulations, 2015 which states that all purchases of goods, works and services from
suppliers, including capital investments, shall comply with the provisions prescribed in the
Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act, 2015, and the Regulations made thereunder
and shall have the prior approval of the Accounting Officer.
222.3 Wastage of Public Funds on Office Rent for Members of County Assembly
Review of ward documents provided for audit revealed that the County Assembly entered
into a lease agreement with a local company on 1 February, 2023 for office space for
Nominated Members of County Assembly (MCAs) in Kiambu town at a cost of
Kshs.3,014,237 per quarter. Audit inspection carried out in the month of
September, 2023 at the rented premises revealed that only eleven (11) offices were
occupied out of the thirty (30) available within the premises. The County Assembly
incurred a total amount of Kshs.13,396,608 for rental expenses during the year under
review while the offices remaining unoccupied. Further, there was no signage at the
entrance of the building to show which floors the Nominated MCAS were occupying for
ease of service delivery. This was contrary to Regulation 139(2) of the Public Finance
Management (County Governments) Regulations, 2015 which provides that the
Accounting Officer shall ensure that processes and procedures both electronic and
manual are in place for the effective, efficient, economical, and transparent use of the
Government entity’s assets.
It was further observed that one Member of the County Assembly had occupied two
offices and no explanation was provided for this anomaly. It was noted that the Nominated
MCAs have 3 partisan staff each, whose contracts commenced in the month of
November, 2022. However, only eleven (11) staff out of the seventy-eight (78) were within
the premises at the time of the verification and no records were maintained to show that
the absentees reported to work despite incurring an amount of Kshs.12,254,909 in
222.4 Irregular Contract Variation of Office Partitioning
Review of the procurement documents provided for audit revealed that the procurement
for office partitioning was awarded to a local contractor at a contract price of
Kshs.3,799,240 on 3 April, 2023. However, the contract duration was not included in the
contract. Further, a meeting held by the Contract Implementation Committee on 19 April,
2023 revealed that the contractor requested for a contract variation by Kshs.836,444
(22%) which was approved by the Committee resulting to a new contract price of
Kshs.4,633,714. However, the contract variation was done before lapse of one year
contrary to Section 139(1) of the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act, 2015 which
states that, an amendment or a variation to a contract resulting from a procurement
proceeding is effective only if no contract price shall be varied upwards within twelve
months from the date of the signing of the contract.
Review of procurement documents provided for audit revealed that the County Assembly
procured services for provision of conference facilities directly from a local hotel for
Kshs.2,100,000 on 24 to 28 October, 2022 for the Members induction. This was despite
the County Assembly, having entered into framework contracting for provision of
conference facilities. Further, it was noted that the contracted hotel was not prequalified
or issued with framework contracts for the provision of conference facilities, and the
County Assembly provided only a quotation for the supplier indicating the quoted amounts
for the services. No explanation or reasons were provided for audit review on the use of
direct procurement for the conference facilities and the prior approval in writing by the
Accounting Officer for use of the direct procurement method. This was contrary to Section
103(2) of the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act, 2015 which states that; a
procuring entity may use direct procurement if the goods, works, or services are available
only from a particular supplier or contractor, or a particular supplier or contractor has
exclusive rights in respect of the goods, works or services, and no reasonable alternative
or substitute exists.
Review of procurement documents revealed that the County Assembly entered into
framework agreements for the provision of conference facilities, air ticketing services,
legal, renovation and landscaping and provision of photocopier repairs. However, review
of the prequalified suppliers under the framework contracting revealed that the number of
prequalified suppliers did not meet the required threshold of 7 suppliers per each
framework contract. This was contrary to Regulation 114(1)(b) of the Public Procurement
and Asset Disposal Regulations, 2020 which states that a procuring entity may enter into
a framework agreement through open tender which shall specify the number of suppliers
or contractors which shall not be less than seven alternative vendors.
222.8 Irregular Proposed Office Renovation Work
The County Assembly Service Board (CAKSB) of Kiambu held a meeting on
12 January, 2023 to approve the request for renovation of Bahati Social Hall in Thika sub-
county for use by the Member for Hospital Ward. Review of the procurement files provided
for audit revealed that a local contractor was awarded the contract at a contract sum of
Kshs.1,195,500 under quotation No.1185811-3-2022/2023. However, the quotation
evaluation minutes were not provided for audit and regret letters were not stamped
received by the two unsuccessful bidders hence there was no evidence that the letters
were sent. Further, the inspection and acceptance report dated 22 June, 2023 approved
the works as per payment certificate No 1 of Kshs.1,195,500. However, the completion
certificate and hand-over reports were not provided for audit. This was contrary to Section
114(1) of the Public Finance Management (County Governments) Regulations, 2015,
which states that all purchases of goods, works and services from suppliers, including
capital investments, shall comply with the provisions prescribed in the Public Procurement
and Asset Disposal Act, 2015, and the Regulations made thereunder and shall have the
prior approval of the Accounting Officer.
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the law and value for money have
not been obtained.
The County Assembly paid an amount of Kshs.2,558,895 to a local law firm in a case of
County Assembly Staff verses the Kiambu County Assembly Service Board. The Court
gave a judgement on the matter on 26 September, 2022 where the respondents were
condemned to pay a cost of Kshs.874,055. Further, an amount of Kshs.844,295 was paid
to a local law firm for another case of County Assembly Staff Vs County Assembly of
Kiambu Service Board. The judgement was delivered on 16 December, 2022. It was
further noted that Kshs.840,545 was paid to the law firm for a case of County Assembly
staff Vs County Assembly of Kiambu Service Board and the Court gave a Judgement on
11 February, 2022.
Review of legal documents provided for audit revealed that the three Ex-Parte applicants
were staff of Kiambu County Assembly seconded to Kiambu County Executive whose
services were no longer required by the Speaker. However, the staff had been removed
from the County Assembly payroll and had their salaries and other accrued benefits
withheld without their consent. An order was issued by the Court compelling the Kiambu
County Assembly to facilitate the respondent’s dues with their previous roles, full salaries,
seniority and responsibilities prior to their secondment.
Review of legal documents provided for audit revealed that a County Assembly vehicle
was involved in an accident with another motor vehicle was repaired at a cost of
Kshs.601,040 on 10 March, 2014. It was noted that, the County Assembly had paid
premiums with a local insurance company for the County vehicle for the year 2014/2015
which were fully paid under policy No.100/070/1/003874/2014. The local insurance
company failed to compensate the complainant when the County Assembly had their
pending bill of Kshs.55,000,000 at that moment. The County Assembly ended up paying
a local law firm who was the complainant lawyer a cost of Kshs.1,545,727 and the County
Assembly lawyer an amount Kshs.370,000. These payments were irregular as the County
Assembly should have compelled the contracted local insurance company to compensate
the plaintiff since they had paid premiums for the specific County motor vehicle.
In the circumstances, value for money was not realized from the legal costs incurred in
relation to the staff and motor vehicle compensation.
224. Irregularities in Project Implementation
During the year under review, a contract for construction of Ngoliba ward offices was
awarded to a local contractor on 28 March, 2023 at a contract price of Kshs.7,120,351 for
a period between 12 May, 2023 to September, 2023 under 1187335-
2022/2023. Review of the project file revealed that the contractor raised the first certificate
of Kshs.2,691,624 which remained outstanding as at 30 June, 2023. Audit inspection
carried out in the month of October, 2023 revealed that the project was 37% complete,
the contractor had abandoned the site and there was no signage for the project under
The County Assembly awarded a local contractor the contract for construction of Ngewa
ward offices on 28 March, 2023 at a contract price of Kshs.7,875,626 for a period of 16
weeks between 9 May to 18 August, 2023 under 1187295-2022/2023.
However, the acceptance letter by the winning bidder and the contract agreement were
not provided for audit review. Further, review of the project file revealed that the contractor
had raised the first certificate of Kshs.1,742,150 which remained outstanding as at 30
June, 2023. Audit inspection carried out in the month of September, 2023 revealed that
the project was 22% complete, the contract period had lapsed, and the contractor had
abandoned the site. Further, site meetings minutes to confirm regular assessment of the
project were not provided for audit review.
In the circumstances, the value for money on the expenditure on the incomplete projects
could not be confirmed.
The County Assembly entered into a contract with a local contractor for construction of
County Assembly Archives and Members’ welfare facility on 28 May, 2021 under tender
no 858604-2020/2021. The contractors raised the first certificate of Kshs.9,661,240
during the financial year 2021/2022 which remained outstanding as at 30 June, 2023.
Review of the project implementation status report revealed that the project was 25%
complete. Further, audit inspection carried out on 28 September, 2023 revealed that the
contractor had abandoned the site and the building had stalled.
The contracts for construction of ward offices at Karai and Bibirioni wards were awarded
to a local contractor on 10 February, 2020 at a contract price of Kshs.3,965,016 each for
a period of 14 weeks starting 20 March, 2020. The contractor raised the first certificates
of Kshs.2,840,106 each in the financial year 2020/2021 which were paid. Review of the
project implementation status report revealed that the Karai and Bibirioni ward offices
projects were 85% complete. However, audit inspection carried out in September, 2023
revealed that the contractor was not on site and the construction of both ward offices had
stalled. It was also noted that the projects had been vandalized and works done had
deteriorated due to abandonment of the projects.
In the circumstances, the value for money on the expenditure of Kshs.12,501,346 on the
stalled projects could not be confirmed.
Review of records revealed that the County Assembly spent a total amount of
Kshs.459,931 to fuel vehicles. However, the fuel cards for each motor vehicle revealed
that 2,765.06 litres of petrol at a cost of Kshs.181,612 was drawn for vehicles that
consumed diesel while 1,655.18 litres of diesel at a cost of Kshs.278,319 was drawn for
vehicles that consumed petrol. Further review of the fuel statements revealed that, one
motor vehicle drew fuel amounting to Kshs.49,356 in the year under review despite being
grounded. It was observed that one fuel card was used by more than one vehicle, an
indication of weak internal control in fuel management. This was contrary to Section
149(1) of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012 which states that an Accounting
Officer is accountable to the County Assembly for ensuring that the resources of the entity
for which the officer is designated are used in a way that is (a) lawful and authorized; and
(b) effective, efficient, economical and transparent. Further, review of work tickets
provided for audit revealed that the work tickets summary which include; total distance,
miles per liters and miles per oil per litre, and the driver reports of defects were blank. In
addition, the fuel consumed did not correspond to the number of kilometers travelled with
cases of more fuel was drawn for less kilometers covered as detailed below:
Audit inspection of the stores carried out in the month of September, 2023 revealed that
the store was congested and not arranged and therefore not easy to trace items within,
which was contrary to Section 160(1) and (2) of the Public Procurement and Asset
Disposal Act, 2015. Further, there were no store bin cards to show the balances of store
items and a spot check to confirm the balance was not possible. In addition, it was not
possible to verify the receipt and issue for goods sampled for store verification amounting
to Kshs.6,910,104. Furthermore, there were notable obsolete stock despite the Disposal
Committee recommending disposal of the items.
In addition, review of motor vehicle documents revealed that the County Assembly had
eight (8) motor vehicles. However, the log books for six (6) motor vehicles were not
provided for audit review. Two motor vehicles were grounded, however corresponding
inspection reports to ascertain whether it was economical to repair the motor vehicles or
recommend for bonding were not provided for audit.
During the year under review, the Audit Committee held only one meeting on
22 July, 2022 to discuss prior year last quarter report as opposed to the minimum four
quarterly meetings as per the gazette notice. It was further noted that the position of
chairperson of the Audit Committee became vacant due to natural attrition, however the
committee did not appoint an acting chairperson to the Audit Committee and the County
Assembly had not appointed a chairperson by the time of audit. Further, it was noted that
one member of the Audit Committee appointed on 9 November, 2020 for a period 3 years
was a spouse of the head of ICT. However, the Audit Committee member did not declare
conflict of interest as required by the gazette notice.
In the circumstances, it was not possible to confirm whether the audit committee was
effective during the year under review.
The statement of receipts and payments for the year ended 30 June, 2023 reflects
compensation of employees amount of Kshs.468,454,468 (2022: Kshs.619,723,205) as
disclosed in Note 4 to the financial statements. However, included in the amount of
Kshs.468,454,632 was an amount of Kshs.62,375,359 which was not supported by the
Further, there was no evidence that the County Assembly carried out annual physical
verification of the assets, matching the recorded assets with physical existence and
condition. The management had also not tagged/branded its assets as required under
Regulation 132(1) of the Public Finance Management (County Governments)
Regulations, 2015.
The statement of financial assets and liabilities reflects imprest and advances balance of
Kshs.10,835,245 as at 30 June, 2023. However, review of imprest records provided
revealed other imprests of Kshs.8,373,500 outstanding in 2020/2021 was not included in
the imprest register and the financial statements.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of imprests and advances balance
of Kshs.10,835,245 could not be confirmed.
231. Unsupported Legal Expenses
Review of IFMIS payment details revealed that three (3) firms were paid legal expenses
amounting Kshs.27,357,135. However, the payments were not supported with user
requisitions, evidence of competitive bidding from the list of prequalified legal firms,
professional opinions from the head of procurement unit, notification of awards and
acceptance letters, the itemized instructions made to the lawyers on the services
required, copies of judgement summaries where applicable, and certificates of costs on
which the legal fee notes were based. In addition, there was no opinion and letter of no
objection for engagement of private legal firms by either the designated principal legal
advisor to the County Assembly or the county attorney who is indicated in the annual
report and financial statements as the principal legal advisor.
Emphasis of Matter
Failure to settle the bills during the year they relate to distorts the financial statement and
adversely affects the budgeting provisions for the subsequent year as they form a first
Other Matter
Recommendations from the oversight legislative committees on the issues raised in the
audit report for 2021/2022 and previous financial years were not submitted for audit
verification hence the audit could not confirm whether the audit reports were discussed
and recommendations implemented. This was contrary to Section 149(2)(l) of the Public
Finance Management Act, 2012 which requires accounting officers designated for county
government entities to try to resolve any issues resulting from an audit that remain
Further, review of records revealed that nine (9) members of staff of the County Assembly
were issued with multiple imprests amounting to Kshs.4,716,900 before surrender of the
previous imprests. This was contrary to Regulation 93(8) of the Public Finance
Management (County Governments) Regulations, 2015.
The County Assembly procured a document management system from a vendor at a cost
of Kshs.7,957,601 during the year under review. The system was delivered and was in
use at the time of audit in August, 2023. However, there was no evidence of contract or
agreement between the County Assembly and the vendor stipulating the system
specifications and terms of engagement. Further, inspection and acceptance report and
warranty for the system were not provided for audit review. This was contrary to Section
48(1) of the Public Procurement and Assets Disposal Act, 2015 which stipulates that an
Accounting Officer may appoint an Inspection and Acceptance Committee and Section
48(4) which requires that committee to ensure that all required manuals and
documentation has been received.
Further, the contract agreements provided that if a contractor failed to complete the works
by the date for practical completion or such extended time, he/she shall pay the employer
liquidated damages for the period during which the works shall remain or have remained
incomplete. However, the County Assembly had not recovered any liquidated damages
accrued from the contractors as at the time of audit in August, 2023.
In addition, the County Assembly contracted a private consultant as the project manager
for the five projects. However, the signed contract with the projects’ consultant (Project
Manager) for Proposed Construction of Speaker's Guest House, Home Office and
Garage was not provided for audit verification. This was contrary to Section 135(1) of the
Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act, 2015 which states that the existence of a
contract shall be confirmed through the signature of a contract document incorporating
all agreements between the parties and such contract shall be signed by the accounting
officer or an officer authorized in writing by the accounting officer of the procuring entity
and the successful tenderer. In addition, the County Assembly had not appointed a project
implementation team to oversight each of the five projects and ensure implementation of
contracts was in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contracts and a clerk of
works to help in project supervision.
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the law and value for money derived
from the expenditure on the delayed projects could not be confirmed.
The County Assembly entered into a contract for construction of the Speaker’s residence
on 11 July, 2016 at an unclear contract sum indicated as “Kshs.75,016,755,63.9/= in
figures and seventy million and sixteen thousand, seven hundred and fifty-five hundred
and sixty-eight shillings” in words. No clarification or corrective documentation was
provided to confirm the actual contract sum. The works were to commence on 11 August,
2016 and complete on 11 August, 2019. The contract period lapsed after the contractor
had been paid an undetermined amount of money and a new contract was entered into
for completion of the residence at a contract sum of Kshs.29,910,000. Another contract
for Proposed Construction of Speaker's Guest House, Home Office and Garage was also
entered into a contract sum of Kshs.19,930,500.
The contract cost for the two projects at the Speakers residence was therefore
cumulatively above the authorized limit of Kshs.35 million provided for by the Salaries
and Remuneration Commission.
238. Projects Implementation Status
During the audit in August to September, 2023, six (6) projects with total contract sum of
Kshs.494,994,127 were inspected. One (1) project with a contract sum of
Kshs.222,267,968 was found to be complete but not in use and five (5) projects with a
total contract sum of Kshs.272,726,159 were partially done.
In the circumstances, there was no value for money derived from the idle and incomplete
The County Assembly recruited sixteen (16) new staff without an approved staff
establishment to guide on the number and cadres of staff authorized that could have
resulted in over-employment or filling of positions not necessary thus increasing
expenditure on personnel emoluments. Management has not explained the basis of the
recruitment contrary to Section B. 5 (2) of the County Public Service Human Resource
Manual, 2013 which requires that all vacancies must be declared in a prescribed format
which must include: the number of vacancies; when the vacancy occurred; whether the
vacancy is within the authorized establishment and other relevant details.
Analysis of the Integrated Personnel and Payroll Database (IPPD) and other human
resource records verification revealed that 96.4% of the County Assembly staff are from
one dominant community contrary to Section 7(1) and (2) of the National Cohesion and
Integration Act, 2008 which requires that all public establishments shall seek to represent
the diversity of the people of Kenya in the employment of staff and no public establishment
shall have more than one third of its staff from the same ethnic community. Further, out
of the sixteen (16) new staff recruited during the year, fifteen (15) or 94% were from the
dominant ethnic community.
Review of Integrated Personnel and Payroll Database (IPPD) payroll provided revealed
that in the months of July, 2022, January, 2023 and June, 2023, seven (7), five (5) and
four (4) officers respectively were drawing net salary of less than a third of their respective
basic salaries in contravention of Section 19(3) of the Employment Act, 2007 which states
that deductions made by an employer from the wages of his employee at any one time
shall not exceed two-thirds.
Public Finance Management (County Governments) Regulations, 2015 which provides
that expenditure on wages and benefits should not exceed 35% of the total revenue.
The County Assembly has an internal audit function for reviewing the governance
mechanisms and operations of the County Assembly for transparency and accountability
with regard to the finances and assets of the entity as required by Section 155 of the
Public Finance Management Act, 2012. However, there were no internal audit reports on
the state of risk management, control and governance within the County Assembly and
there was no approved internal audit workplan for the year.
In the circumstances, the existence of an effective internal control and governance could
not be confirmed.
The County Assembly has not developed a risk management policy and risk assessments
were not performed for the year ended 30 June, 2023 contrary to Regulation 158(1) and
163(1) of the Public Finance Management (County Governments) Regulations, 2015
which requires each county government entity to develop risk management strategies
and a system of risk management.
In the circumstance, there was no assurance over risk management and governance in
the County Assembly.
Statement IPPD Payroll
Amount Amount Variance
Description (Kshs.) (Kshs.) (Kshs.)
Basic salaries of permanent 241,516,417 103,680,948 137,835,469
Basic wages of temporary 18,041,034 15,283,104 2,757,930
Personal allowances paid as 13,712,328 133,887,974 (120,175,646)
part of salary - Sittings (MCA
and CASB)
Pension and other social 0 13,489,892 (13,489,892)
security contributions
Other personnel payments 32,546,098 0 32,546,098
305,815,877 266,341,918
The statement of financial assets and liabilities reflects cash and cash equivalents of
Kshs.40,675,951 comprising of deposits and retention account as indicated in Note 8A to
the financial statements. However, the bank account number, bank statement and bank
reconciliation statements were not provided for audit. Further, the statement of cashflow
indicates that the cash and cash equivalents as at the end of the year was nil resulting to
unexplained variance of Kshs.40,675,951. In addition, the same amount was omitted as
a balance in the net financial position to the statement of financial assets and liabilities.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of the cash and cash equivalents
balance of Kshs.40,675,951 could not be confirmed.
Emphasis of Matter
246. Pending Bills
Review of the Integrated Personnel and Payroll Database (IPPD’s) compliment data
revealed that the County recruitment of one hundred and forty-two (142) additional
members of staff during the year. However, the recruitment was not supported with any
evidence of declaration of all vacant posts in the prescribed format as provided in Section
B.5(1) and (2) of the County Assembly Human Resource Manual, 2015, that on reporting
of vacancies, an authorized officer must declare all vacant posts to the County Assembly
Service Board in a prescribed format which shall include: the number of vacancies; when
the vacancy occurred; whether the vacancy is within the authorized establishment and
other relevant details. Further, the County Assembly had no operational staff
establishment instrument to support the recruitment.
Examination of imprest warrants and analysis of payment details revealed that the seven
(7) staff were issued with multiple imprests contrary to contrary to Section 93(8) of the
Public Finance Management (County Governments) Regulations, 2015 which requires
that an accounting officer or AIE Holder shall ensure that no second imprest is issued to
any officer before the first imprest is surrendered or recovered in full from his or her salary.
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the law.
249. Non-Compliance with one Third Ethnic Composition
Review of the Integrated Personnel and Payroll Database data for the financial year
revealed that out of 374 employees, 351 are from the dominant ethnic community making
approximately 94% of the staff. This was contrary to Section 7(2) of the National Cohesion
and Integration Act, 2008, which stipulates that no public establishment shall have more
than one third of its staff from the same ethnic community
Review of payroll bank remittance reports and Internet Banking (IB) statements in respect
of statutory deductions revealed instances of late remittance of PAYE and NHIF
deductions as analyzed below:
S/NO Particulars (Kshs.) Date Deposited
1 PAYE for July, 2022 4,285,235 07 Sept, 2022
2 PAYE for September, 2022 2,126,220 24 Oct, 2022
3 PAYE for October, 2022 4,109,481 16 Nov, 2022
4 NHIF for July, 2022 283,250 02 Sept, 2022
5 NHIF for Sept, 2022 155,950 24 Oct, 2022
6 NHIF for Oct, 2022 196,300 16 Nov, 2022
7 NHIF for Feb, 2023 205,000 13 March, 2023
8 NHIF for May, 2023 389,050 12 Jun, 2023
Part III of Employer’s guide to PAYE in Kenya, 2017 provides that remittance of the PAYE
tax should be on or before the ninth day of the following month whereas Section 16 (3)
(a) of the National Hospital Insurance Fund Act, 1998 requires remittance of deductions
within one month of the deduction.
ii) The Management opted to outsource legal presentation when it had a fully-
fledged legal function with a team of two competent legal practitioners.
iii) Cases referenced: Eldoret ELRC Petition No. 21 of 2020 and Eldoret ELRC
Petition No. 23 of 2020 with fee notes valued at Kshs.7,000,000 each were filed
at the labour relations court challenging the County Assembly Public Service
Board specific decisions on human resource management which were made
without seeking the opinion of the County Assembly’s legal officers.
In the circumstances, the propriety and value for money of the expenditure on legal could
not be confirmed.
Review of the Information Technology Internal Controls revealed that Management had
not developed an IT continuity and disaster recovery plan which would be resorted to in
case of disruption of service. Besides, the County Assembly did not have an approved IT
strategic committee and strategic plan which is important in performing the oversight
function and formulation of policies to ensure that the IT investments and functions are
directed towards achievement of the mandate of the County Assembly.
In the circumstances, the reliability and effectiveness of the County Assembly’s
Information Technology internal controls could not be confirmed.
The County Assembly did not have an approved Occupational Safety and Health Policy,
an Occupational Safety and Health Committee at the workplace contrary to Section 9(1)
of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, 2007 which requires every occupier to
establish a safety committee at the workplace in accordance with regulations prescribed
by the Minister and also Section 11(1) that states that the occupier of a workplace shall
cause a thorough safety and health audit of his workplace to be carried out at least once
in every period of twelve months by a safety and health advisor.
In the circumstances, the effectiveness of the occupational safety and health procedures
put in place by the County Assembly staff could not be confirmed.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects transfers to other Government entities
amount of Kshs.18,800,000 which, as disclosed in Note 7 to the financial statements
relates to transfers to Car Loan Scheme Fund. However, the financial statements of
Samburu County Assembly Mortgage and Car Loan Scheme Fund did not reflect the
receipts of the Kshs.18,800,000 from the County Assembly.
In the circumstance, the accuracy and completeness of the transfers to other Government
entities of Kshs.18,800,000 could not be confirmed.
255. Misclassified Expenditure
Account Charged Correct Account Kshs.
Personal allowances paid as Part Domestic Travel and 13,329,964
of Salary Subsistence
Motor Vehicle repairs and Rentals of Produced 1,082,490
maintenance Assets
Motor Vehicle repairs and Purchase of Office 254,880
maintenance Furniture and General
Motor Vehicle repairs and 506,707
General Withholding Tax
Motor Vehicle repairs and 796,400
Fuel, oil and Lubricants
Motor Vehicle repairs and Communication, Supplies 287,500
maintenance and Services
Refurbishment of Buildings Purchase of Office 612,740
Furniture and General
Foreign travel Other operating expenses 56,920
Foreign travel Domestic Travel and 2,929,870
Foreign travel Specialized supplies and 126,330
Office Furniture Domestic Travel and 165,000
Account Charged Correct Account Kshs.
Specialized Plant Office and General 27,000
Supplies and Services
Specialized Plant Domestic Travel and 43,000
Total 20,218,801
The statement of cash flows reflects Nil balance under increase /(decrease) in accounts
payables while Note 19 reflects a decrease in third party deposits and retentions amount
of Kshs.24,087,216.
In the circumstances, the accuracy of the statement of cash flows could not be confirmed.
257. Inaccuracies in Non-Current Assets
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of the non-current assets balance
of Ksh.741,933,723 could not be confirmed.
258. Unsupported Bank Balances and Deposits
Note 13A to the financial statements reflects bank balances of Kshs.47,714. However,
bank reconciliation statements and cashbooks were not provided for audit review.
Further, the statement of assets and liabilities as disclosed in Note 15 to the financial
statements reflects third party deposits and retentions balance of Kshs.12,886,034.
However, no records of outstanding deposits and retentions payable and aging analysis
were provided for audit review.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of third-party deposits and
retention balance of Kshs.47,714 and Kshs.12,886,034 respectively could not be
Note 5 to the financial statements reflects use of goods and services expenditure of
Kshs.219,017,609 out of which an amount of Kshs.13, 800,000 was spent on foreign
travel. Included in this component is an imprest of Kshs.1, 524,028 paid to two officers
for training in Dubai which was not supported by travel and training documents.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of foreign travel expenditure
amounting to Kshs.1,524,028 could not be confirmed.
Other Matter
In the report of the previous year, several issues were raised under Report on
Financial Statements, Report on Lawfulness and Effectiveness in Use of Public
Resources and Report on Effectiveness of Internal Controls, Risk management and
Governance. However, the Management had not resolved the issues or given any
explanations for failure to implement the recommendations.
Review of payroll records revealed that thirteen (13) employees earned a net salary of
less than a third (1/3) of the basic salary. This was contrary to Section 19(3) of the
Employment Act, 2007, which states that the total amount of deduction of the wages of
an employee shall not exceed two- thirds (2/3) of such wages.
Review of County Assembly Service Board (CASB) records revealed that two officers
drew extra benefits of Kshs.20,000 each for the months of January, 2023 to June, 2023
totalling Kshs.240,000. This was contrary to Salaries and Remuneration Commission
(SRC) Circular Ref: No. SRC/TS/CGORT/3/6/VOL.IV (49) which recommends the
remuneration package.
In the circumstances, value for money on extra benefits of Kshs.240,000 paid to County
Assembly Service Board officers could not be confirmed.
263. Non-Compliance with Law on Staff Ethnic Composition
As previously reported, the total number of employees of the County Assembly were
seventy-four (74) out of whom sixty-three (63) or 85 % of the total number were members
of the dominant ethnic community in the county. This was contrary to Section 7(1) and (2)
of the National Cohesion and Integration Act, 2008 which states that, “all public offices
shall seek to represent the diversity of the people of Kenya in employment of staff and
that no public institution shall have more than one third of its staff establishment from the
same ethnic community”.
264. Unauthorized Payments of Subscription Fees
The Management entered into a contract for construction of the Speakers’ residence on
14 January, 2022 at a contract sum of Kshs.33,934,103 which was varied to
Kshs.42,385,323. This resulted to the contract sum exceeding the Kshs.35,000,000
ceiling set by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission through circular referenced
SRC/TS/COG/6/61/48 VOL.II (64) of 20 May 2019 by an amount of Kshs.7,385,323.
As at 13 April, 2023, an amount of Ksh.41,685,322.6 had been paid to the contractor for
the works. However, documents to confirm the approval of the over expenditure on
Speakers residence by the Senate were not provided for audit. Further, the deadline of
30 June, 2022 for the completion of the residence had lapsed.
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the law.
The organization structure provided for the position of an internal auditor and an assistant
internal auditor but the department had only one member of staff, an assistant internal
In the circumstances, the effectiveness of review and evaluation of internal controls, risk
management and overall governance could not be confirmed.
267. There were no material issues noted during the audit of the financial statements.
Emphasis of Matter
The expenditure on use of goods and services includes legal expenses amounting to
Kshs.1,041,000 paid to three (3) legal firms. However, the amount was not supported by
user requisitions, evidence of competitive bidding from prequalified legal firms,
professional opinions from the head of procurement unit, notification of awards and
acceptance letters, the itemized instructions made to the lawyers on the services
required, copies of judgements summaries, and certificates of costs on which the legal
fee notes were based. Further, there was no opinion and letter of no objection for
engagement of private legal firms by either the County Attorney or the designated
principal legal advisor to the County Assembly.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services expenditure
of Kshs.343,735, 356 as disclosed in Note 3 to the financial statements. Included in this
expenditure is other operating expenses of Kshs.20,847,294 out of which Kshs.800,000
was paid to Society of Clerks and County Assemblies Forum. However, the basis of the
payments was not stated and supported by the enabling legislation that created the
Society of Clerks and County Assemblies Forum for them to receive public funds. This
contravenes Section 149(1)(a) of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012 which
provides that an accounting officer is accountable to the County Assembly for ensuring
that the resources of the entity for which the officer is designated are used in a way that
is lawful and authorised.
The contractor requested for an extension of time on 7 June, 2022 for execution of works
from 28 July, 2022 to 30 May, 2023 after carrying out works valued at Kshs.39,231,347.
However, the request was declined by the County Assembly on 15 June, 2022 citing lack
of execution of work for six (6) months up to June, 2022 and lack of capacity. The contract
was subsequently terminated on 22 July, 2022 where the final account for contract
termination was drawn and signed by all parties responsible.
However, termination of the contract was not supported with a request for approval to
terminate the contract from the procurement department to the accounting officer and
subsequent approval by the accounting officer clearly stating the reasons for termination,
the contractual grounds for termination and the cost of terminating the contract, contract
document specifying the grounds on which the contract was terminated and specifying
the procedures applicable on termination and evidence that the County Assembly sought
legal advice or clearance from the County Attorney or such person designated in writing
before terminating a contract. This was contrary to Regulation 141 of the Public
Procurement and Disposal Regulations, 2020.
After the contract was terminated, the County Assembly retendered the works at a cost
of Kshs.464,359,150 for thirty-seven (37) weeks from 20 March, 2023 resulting to
combined contract sum of Kshs.503,590,497 that included Kshs.39,231,347 incurred on
the initial contract, resulting to avoidable cost escalation of Kshs.25,932,637.
Further, the private consultant for the project was retained without clear terms on how
they were to be remunerated given the extended project period. Further, no justification
was provided for the use of a consultant to design and supervise the project instead of
the County Public Works Department or the State Department for Public Works. The
consultants had been engaged since 2018 for which they were paid Kshs.22,553,399
during the year under review.
In the circumstances, timely completion of the project is uncertain and to value for money
obtained from resources utilized in this project could not be confirmed.
Review of the Integrated Personnel and Payroll Database (IPPD) staff generated staff
establishment revealed excess staff in posts from the authorized positions as detailed
Review of payroll and human resource records revealed that the County Assembly has
fifty-two (52%) of its employees from the one dominant community in the County. This
was contrary to Section 7(1) and (2) of the National Cohesion and Integration Act, 2008
which provides that all public establishments shall seek to represent the diversity of the
people of Kenya in the employment of staff and no public establishment shall have more
than one third of its staff from the same ethnic community.
272.4 Non-Adherence to One Third Basic Salary Requirement
Review of the Integrated Personnel Payroll Database (IPPD) revealed that thirteen (13)
members of staff were drawing net salaries of less than a third of their basic salary. This
was contrary to Section C.1(3) of Human Resource Policies and Procedures Manual for
the Public Service (2016), which provides that public officers shall not over commit their
salaries beyond two thirds (2/3) of basic salary.
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the law.
Annex 3 to the financial statements under other important disclosures reflects summary
of non-current asset register historical cost of Kshs.388,949,701. However, this balance
excludes the value of land and buildings inherited from the defunct Municipal Council for
which no handover was done indicating the assets, their values, ownership status and
use. Further, the summary of fixed assets register was not supported by an updated fixed
asset register to show category of assets and the historical cost breakdown.
In the circumstances, the existence, valuation, ownership and effectiveness in use of the
assets inherited from the defunct local authorities could not be confirmed.
Although the County Assembly has an internal audit unit, there was no evidence in form
of a report to confirm that, the unit reviewed and evaluated budgetary performance,
financial management, non-financial performance, risk management and processes in
the County Assembly.
Further, review of the risk management records revealed that the County Assembly had
not developed a Risk Management Policy and no risk assessment was performed during
the year.
In the circumstances, the effectiveness of internal controls and risk management could
not be confirmed.
Review of payroll for the year under review revealed that, seventy-seven (77) members
of staff shared the same Sacco account number which was not a joint account.
In the circumstances, the regularity of salary payments into the shared account could not
be confirmed.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects balances which significantly differed with
the balances from the Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS)
ledger as detailed below:
Statements Amounts in
Amounts IFMIS Reports Variance
Receipts (Kshs.) (Kshs.) (Kshs.)
Transfers from the County 942,000,494 - 942,000,494
Treasury/Exchequer Releases
Compensation of Employees 339,925,460 338,689,156 1,236,305
Use of Goods and Services 322,037,098 340,373,568 (18,336,470)
Social Security Benefits 36,000,000 2,869,415 33,130,585
Acquisition of Assets 43,976,717 237,919,717 (193,943,000)
Finance Costs 55,000 - 55,000
Finance Costs, including Loan - 5,000 (5,000)
Other Payments 200,000,000 - 200,000,000
No explanation was provided by Management for the variances between the two sets of
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of the respective balances in the
statement of receipts and payments could not be confirmed.
The statement of receipts and payments and Note 4 to the financial statements reflect
use of goods and services balance of Kshs.322,037,098 which includes training expenses
amount of Kshs.34,860,000 . However, review of payment vouchers and supporting
documentation provided revealed that an amount of Kshs.3,528,322 was not supported
with sufficient surrender documents such as training needs assessments, approvals for
the trainings, attendance registers and certificates. Further, temporary imprests were paid
into the officers’ personal bank accounts but the imprest warrants were not signed by the
imprest holders to acknowledge receipt of the imprests and some were paid to merchants.
This was contrary to Regulation 104(1) of the Public Finance Management (County
Governments) Regulations, 2015, which states that all receipts and payments of public
moneys shall be properly supported by pre-numbered receipt and payment vouchers and
shall be supported by the appropriate authority and documentation.
Emphasis of Matter
The statement of comparison of budget and actual amounts reflects final receipts budget
and actual on a comparable basis of Kshs.1,214,536,574 and Kshs.942,000,494
respectively resulting to an under-funding of Kshs.272,536,080 or 22% of the budget.
Similarly, the County Assembly expended Kshs.941,994,275 against an approved budget
of Kshs.1,214,536,574 resulting to an under-expenditure of Kshs.272,542,299 or 22% of
the budget.
The underfunding and underperformance affected the planned activities and have
impacted negatively on service delivery to the public.
Other Matter
In the audit report of the previous year, several issues were raised under the Report on
Financial Statements, Report on Lawfulness and Effectiveness in Use of Public
Resources, and Report on Effectiveness of Internal Controls, Risk Management and
Governance. However, the Management had not resolved the issues nor given any
explanation for failure to implement the recommendations.
Review of the payroll for the year under review revealed that thirty-five (35) employees
earned a net salary of less than a third of the basic pay contrary to Section 19(3) of the
employment Act, 2007 which states that without prejudice to any right of recovery of any
debt due, and notwithstanding the provisions of any other written law, the total amount of
all deductions which under the provisions of Subsection (1), may be made by an employer
from the wages of his employee at any one time shall not exceed two-thirds of such
282. Failure to Submit Financial Statements for the County Assembly Service
The County Assembly Board did not submit its financial statements for the year under
review to the Auditor-General. As previously reported, the Board has not prepared nor
submitted its financial statements since its inception for audit contrary to Section 32(2)(a)
of the County Assembly Services Act, 2017 which states that within three months after
the end of each financial year, the Secretary shall submit to the Auditor- General the
accounts of the Board for the year with copies to the County Treasury, Controller of
Budget and Commission on Revenue Allocation.
Review of personnel records for the year under review indicated that the County
Assembly had two hundred and thirty-eight (238) members of staff as at 30 June, 2023,
out whom two hundred and eighteen (218) or approximately 92% were from the dominant
ethnic community in the County. In addition, the County Assembly Service Board (CASB)
recruited a total of thirteen (13) employees all of whom are from one dominant community
contrary to contrary to Section 65(1)(e) of the County Governments Act, 2012 which
states that in selecting candidates for appointment, the County Public Service Board shall
consider the need to ensure that at least thirty (30) percent of the vacant posts at entry
level are filled by candidates who are not from the dominant ethnic community in the
284. Payment of Salary Outside Integrated Personnel and Payroll Database (IPPD)
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the law
The County Assembly did not have in place an Audit Committee to oversight the
operations during the year contrary to Regulation 167(1) of the Public Finance
Management (County Governments) Regulations, 2015 which provides for the
establishment of an Audit Committee. This also affects the independence of the Internal
Audit function as provided for under Regulation 155(1) of the Public Finance Management
(County Governments) Regulations, 2015 which states that the Head of Internal Audit
Unit in a County Government entity shall enjoy operational independence through the
reporting structure by reporting administratively to the Accounting Officer and functionally
to the Audit Committee.
In the circumstances, existence of good governance in the County Assembly could not
be confirmed.
During the period under review, Management did not have in place a risk Management
policy contrary to Regulation 158(1)(a) and (b) of the Public Finance Management
(County Governments) Regulations, 2015 which requires an Accounting Officer to ensure
that the County Government entity develops risk Management strategies, which include
fraud prevention mechanism; and a system of risk Management and internal control that
builds robust business operations.
In the circumstances, the risks to operations of the County Assembly may not be
identified, their significance estimated, likelihood of occurrence determined and mitigation
measures put in place to contain their possible effects.
Review of the County Assembly Service Board records indicate that the Staff Advisory
Committee and Performance Management Steering Committee are not in place. No
explanation has been provided by management for failure to constitute the two
This was contrary to Section A.4 of County Assembly Human Resource Manual, 2015
which provides that there will be three (3) Committees set up to aid in the management
of employees’ issues. These include the Performance Management Steering Committee
which will offer support in Performance Management functions within the County
Assemblies. In addition, it was contrary to Section 29 of the County Assembly Service
Act, 2017 which states that the Board shall establish a committee to be known as the
Staff Advisory Committee which shall be responsible for advising the Board, through the
Committee, on matters relating to staff.
In the absence of the staff advisory and performance management steering committees,
matters pertaining to staff and performance of the County Assembly may not be managed
The statement of receipts and payments reflects total revenue and expenditure of
Kshs.715,385,935 and Kshs.714,911,014, respectively for the year ended
30 June, 2023. However, the balances differed with the Integrated Financial Management
Information System (IFMIS) ledger balances as detailed below:
Financial Amounts in
Statements IFMIS
Amounts Reports Variances
Receipts (Kshs.) (Kshs.) (Kshs.)
Transfers from the County 715,385,935 4,867,479 710,518,456
Treasury/Exchequer Releases
Use of Goods and Services 325,529,172 263,677,351 61,851,821
Transfer to Other Government Entity 94,000,000 - 94,000,000
Acquisition of Assets 26,855,563 182,705,563 (155,850,00
Finance Costs, including Loan Interest - 1,821 (1,821)
No explanation was provided by Management for the variances between the two sets of
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of the financial statements could
not be confirmed.
In the circumstances, the regularity and value for money for the compensation of
employees amounting to Kshs.1,461,000 could not be confirmed.
Emphasis of Matter
290. Late Transfers from the County Revenue Fund (CRF)
The statement of receipts and payments reflects transfers from the County Revenue Fund
amount of Kshs.715,385,935 as disclosed in Note 1 to the financial statements. Included
in this amount is Kshs.33,939,411 transferred from the County Revenue Fund into the
County Assembly bank account on 6 July, 2023.
In the circumstances, the late disbursement from the County Revenue Fund may have
affected the timely implementation of approved programmes in the County and impacted
negatively on service delivery to the public.
Other Matter
In the audit report of the prior year, under the report of financial statements and Report
on Lawfulness, Effectiveness in use of Public Resources and the report on Internal
Controls, Risk Management and Governance several issues were raised. However, the
Management had not resolved the issues or given any explanation for failure to
implement the recommendations.
During the year under review, the County Assembly had two hundred and eight (208)
permanent employees out of whom two hundred and four (204) or 98% were from the
dominant ethnic community in the County. Further, one hundred and thirty-four (134)
employees were recruited during the year all of whom (100%) were from the dominant
community. This was contrary to Section 65(1)(e) of the County Governments Act, 2012
which states that in selecting candidates for appointment, the County Public Service
Board shall consider the need to ensure that at least thirty percent of the vacant posts at
entry level are filled by candidates who are not from the dominant ethnic community in
the County.
During the financial year, thirteen (13) employees earned net pay of less than a third of
their basic salary. This was contrary to Part D (2) of County Human Resource Manual,
2013 which states that a Public Officer will be expected to retain a net salary of not less
than 1/3 of his basic salary per month. The over commitment of salary may result to
pecuniary embarrassment.
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the law.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services balance of
Kshs.244,309,354 which, as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial statements includes
foreign travel and subsistence allowances amount of Kshs.36,930,966. Examination of
payment vouchers and supporting documents revealed that an amount of
Kshs.23,237,776 was paid as per diem to Members of County Assembly and the
secretariat for a benchmarking trip to Uganda, which were not supported by concept notes
and 3 months’ notice in line with Sections i(a) and (b) of the Office of the President circular
No. OP/CAB.1/7A dated 26 January, 2015 which states that all official international visits
be coordinated through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade with at least
three months’ notice/window from the date of request and to hasten the process, all
requests should be accompanied by a concept note, name of leader of the delegation
and his/her bio-data and delegation list.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and propriety of use of goods and services amounting
to Kshs.23,519,674 could not be confirmed.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and propriety of personal allowances paid as part of
salary amounting to Kshs.661,527 could not be confirmed.
Other Matter
In the audit report of the previous year, several issues were raised. However,
Management has not resolved and disclosed the status of all the prior year audit matters
as prescribed in the reporting requirements set by the Public Sector Accounting
Standards Board. Management has not provided satisfactory explanation for the delay in
resolving the issues.
Review of the payroll for the year revealed that seventeen (17) employees of the County
Assembly received net salaries which were less than a third of their respective basic
salaries. This was contrary to Section 19(3) of the Employment, 2007 which requires that
an employee’s salary should not be deducted beyond two thirds of the basis salary. The
over-commitment of salary may result to pecuniary embarrassment.
During the year under review, the total number of employees of the County Assembly
was eighty-one (81) out of which eighty (80) or 99 % of the total number were members
of the dominant ethnic community in the County. This was contrary to Section 7(1) and
(2) of the National Cohesion and Integration Act, 2008 which states that, “all public offices
shall seek to represent the diversity of the people of Kenya in the employment of staff and
that no public institution shall have more than one-third of its staff establishment from the
same ethnic community”.
However, the County Assembly paid the amount from voted provision for the year under
review instead of utilizing PAYE deducted from the monthly earnings of the MCAs.
Although Management explained that PAYE was deducted monthly from the amounts
paid to the MCAs, it was not clear why the deducted amounts were not used in settling
the taxes due. Further, it was not clear in which account the amounts deducted were held.
This was contrary to Section 104(i) of the Public Finance Management Act, 2012 which
requires each County treasury to put in place proper management and control of, and
accounting for finances of County Government and its entities in order to promote efficient
and effective use of County’s budgetary resources.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services expenditure
of Kshs.244,309,354 which includes foreign travel and subsistence expenses of
Kshs.36,930,966 as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial statements. However, review of
expenditure documents in support of the foreign travel and subsistence revealed that an
amount of Kshs.8,677,850 was paid as per diem to staff to facilitate attendance for various
trainings. It was not clear why all the courses could not be undertaken locally. This was
contrary to Section 4.2.1 of the guidelines on managing training in the Public Service
which provides that approval to train in foreign based institutions will be granted only in
instances where the course applied for is not available in any local institution.
In the circumstances, value for money on the expenditure of Kshs.8,677,850 could not be
August, 2023, revealed that the project, was about 80% complete but the contractor was
not on site.
In the circumstances, the value for money obtained for the expenditure amounting to
Kshs.21,880,180 paid to the contractor during the year under review on the project could
not be confirmed.
304. There were no material issues raised on internal controls, risk management and
305.1 Variances Between the Amounts in the Financial Statements and IFMIS
Review of the statement of receipts and payments revealed that some balances in the
statement significantly differ with corresponding balances in the Integrated Financial
Management Information System (IFMIS) records as summarized in the table below;
Balances IFMIS Balances Variance
Description (Kshs) (Kshs) (Kshs)
Compensation of 371,293,490 361,910,662 9,382,828
Use of Goods & Services 332,584,681 330,870,128 1,714,553
Social Security 0 1,319,594 (1,319,594)
Acquisition of Assets 49,670,882 59,448,670 (9,777,788)
The statement of financial assets and liabilities reflects comparative cash balances of
Kshs.107,600 instead of a Nil balance. The reported comparative balance instead relates
to imprests and advances balances.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of the financial statements could
not be confirmed.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services balance of
Kshs.332,584,681 as disclosed in Note 3 to the financial statements. The amount
includes foreign travel and subsistence expenditure of Kshs.49,776,300 out of which
Kshs.24,052,354 was spent on foreign trainings. However, supporting documents
including training needs assessment, justification that the trainings were not locally
available and relevant approvals by the Human Resource Advisory Committee was not
provided for audit.
In the circumstances, the propriety, accuracy and completeness of foreign travel and
subsistence expenditure of Kshs.24,052,354 could not be confirmed.
307. Undisclosed Retentions and Deposits
The statement of financial assets and liabilities reflects Nil balance under retentions and
deposits. However, records provided for audit indicated that there was retention fees of
Kshs.3,690,598 during the year under review and Kshs.3,545,326 in the prior year.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of the Nil balance for retentions
and deposits could not be confirmed.
Emphasis of Matter
Failure to settle bill in the year they relate to distorts the financial statements and
adversely affects the budgeting prior of the subsequent year as they form first charge.
Other Matter
In the audit report of the previous year, several issues were raised under the Report on
Financial Statements, Report on Lawfulness and Effectiveness in Use of Public
Resources, and Report on Effectiveness of Internal Controls, Risk Management and
Governance. However, the Management has not resolved the issues or given any
explanation for failure to adhere to the provisions of the standards prescribed by the
Public Sector Accounting Standards Board template.
Review of the of personnel records indicated that the County Assembly had a staff
complement of one hundred and fifty-seven (157) employees as at 30 June, 2023 out of
whom one hundred and twenty- nine (129) or 82 % were from the dominant ethnic
community in the County. This was contrary to the requirements of Section 7(2) of the
National Cohesion and Integration Act, 2008 which stipulates that no public establishment
shall have more than one third of its staff from the same ethnic community.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services expenditure
amount of Kshs.332,584,681. Included in this amount are payments totalling
Kshs.20,504,737 made to various suppliers outside the e-Procurement module in IFMIS
contrary to Executive Order No.2 of 2018 on Procurement of Public Goods, Works and
Services by public entities Ref. No. OP/CAB39/1A that requires all procurement to be
undertaken through e-Procurement.
In the circumstances, value for money on the expenditure of Kshs.14,892,874 could not
be confirmed.
314. There were no material issues raised on internal controls, risk management and
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services expenditure
amounting to Kshs.247,125,377. The amount includes domestic travel and subsistence
amounting to Kshs.68,034,695 as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial statements. Review
of records revealed that transfer to other Government entities totalling Kshs.1,642,000
was erroneously classified under domestic travel and subsistence.
In the circumstance, the accuracy, completeness and propriety of domestic travel and
subsistence amounting to Kshs.1,642,000 could not be confirmed.
Emphasis of Matter
317. Pending Bills Not Paid as First Charge
Failure to settle bills during the year to which they relate distorts the financial statements
for that year and adversely affects the provisions for the subsequent year to which they
have to be charged.
Other Matter
In the previous audit report several issues were raised under Report on Financial
Statements, Report on Lawfulness and Effectiveness in Use of Public Resources, and
Report on Effectiveness of Internal Control, Risk Management and Governance.
However, although the Management has indicated that some of the issues have been
resolved, the matters remained unresolved as the Senate and County Assembly has not
met to deliberate on the same.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects expenditure under use of goods and
services totalling Kshs.247,125,377. The amount includes foreign travel and subsistence
allowances totalling Kshs.22,836,921 as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial statements.
Review of records revealed that an amount of Kshs.19,248,592 was paid to the County
Assembly officers who attended training in Tanzania. However, the training expenses
were not supported by back to office report detailing the benefits and experiences gained
from the training. This was contrary to Executive Order SH/1/6XIV of 19 October, 2018
that requires public servants travelling outside the country to prepare a brief report and
submit to the approving authority within seven (7) days after their return. Further, the use
of goods and services amounting to Kshs.247,125,377 includes an amount of
Kshs.1,260,000 paid to Members of County Assembly (MCAs) as imprest to hold liaison
meetings on diverse dates. However, no back to office reports were provided to justify the
In the circumstances, the value for money and regularity of the foreign travel and liaison
expenditure amounting to Kshs.20,508,592 could not be confirmed.
321. Non-Compliance with Law on Ethnic Diversity
During the year under review, the County Assembly had a total of seventy-eight (78)
employees out of whom fifty-nine (59) or 76% were from the dominant ethnic community
in the County. This was contrary to Section 7(2) of the National Cohesion and Integration
Act, 2008 which states that no public establishment shall have more than one third of its
staff from the same ethnic community.
Review of payroll records revealed that three (3) employees earned a net salary of less
than a third (1/3) of the basic salary. This was contrary to Section 19(3) of the Employment
Act, 2007 which states that the total amount of deduction of the wages of an employee
shall not exceed two thirds (2/3) of such wages.
The County Assembly of Laikipia has not developed a risk management policy to guide
its management on risk management assessment and fraud preventive mechanisms for
both its financial, human resource and operational systems. Further, a disaster recovery
plan and a backup and retention strategy have also not been implemented. The lack of
disaster recovery strategy exposes the County Assembly’s operations and information to
potential loss in the event of the occurrence of risk.
As previously reported, the County Assembly did not have an approved IT policy for
governance and management of its ICT resources. There is no steering committee in
place to assist in the development of ICT policy framework to enable the County Assembly
to realize long-term strategic goals.
In addition, without a sound and approved framework, users may not have any rules and
procedures to follow in order to minimize risk of errors, fraud and the loss of data,
confidentiality and integrity.
The County Assembly risks losing the assets due to lack of clear accountability policy.
Review of correspondences and interview with the ICT Director revealed that most of the
workers were using personal emails for official government business despite being
provided with official email addresses as evidenced by an authorization for payment of
imprest which was issued through a personal email contrary to the Head of public service
circular SH/ADM 23(1) dated 14 June, 2022 on Government ICT standards, 2019.
This may jeopardize the security and confidentiality of the County Assembly’s affairs.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects transfers from County Revenue Fund
(CRF) as disclosed in Note 1 to the financial statements amount of Kshs.1,770,069,191.
However, the amount includes Exchequer releases amount of Kshs.189,635,574
received after 30 June, 2023. Further, the statement reflects total payments of
Kshs.1,770,075,918 out of which Kshs.136,808,853 were expenditures made after the
year end.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of transfers from CRF amount of
Kshs.1,770,069,191 and total payments of Kshs.1,770,075,918 could not be confirmed.
The statement of financial assets and liabilities reflects imprests and advance balance of
Kshs.230,000 as disclosed in Note 12 to the financial statements. However, detailed
schedules indicating the opening balances, imprests issued, surrenders and closing
balances were not provided for audit.
In the circumstance, the accuracy and completeness of imprests and advance balance of
Kshs.230,000 could not be ascertained.
Emphasis of Matter
Other Matter
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services amount of
Kshs.760,730,430 as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial statements. The amount
includes an expenditure of Kshs.5,747,320 incurred on membership fees, dues and
subscriptions to professional and trade bodies out of which an amount of Kshs.5,450,000
was paid to Society of Clerks at the Table (SOCATT) and the County Assemblies Forum
as annual subscription fees. However, review of records revealed that these entities are
not intergovernmental relation in legal capacity and the payments were not budgeted for.
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the law.
which were not budgeted for. This was contrary to Regulation 53(1) of the Public Finance
Management (County Governments) Regulations, 2015 which states that except as
provided for in the Act and these Regulations, an Accounting Officer of an entity may not
authorize payment to be made out of funds earmarked for a specific activity for purposes
other than those activities.
In the circumstances, value for money incurred on the refurbishment of buildings amount
of Kshs.4,619,120 could not be confirmed.
339. There were no material issues raised on internal controls, risk management and
The financial statements reflect balances that differ with Integrated Financial
Management Information System records as detailed below;
the expenditure includes an amount of Kshs.5,780,357 that is not related to refurbishment
of buildings and structures.
In the circumstances, the occurrence, completeness and accuracy of expenditure on
acquisition of assets of Kshs.56,282,184 could not be confirmed.
343. Pending Accounts Payable
Other disclosure Notes to the financial statements reflects pending accounts payable
balance of Kshs.30,887,215. However, review of records revealed that the County
Assembly owed the Local Authorities Provident Fund (LAPFUND) contributions in arrears
(principal amount and interest) of Kshs.103,647,243 out of which Kshs.34,843,561 was
paid leaving a balance of Kshs.68,803,682 which was not disclosed in the financial
statements. Further, contributions due to Local Authorities Pensions Trust (LAPTRUST)
of Kshs.11,104,350 were not remitted and had accrued interest amounting to
Kshs.70,678,826 as at 30 June, 2023, which was also not disclosed in the financial
Emphasis of Matter
The statement of comparison of budget and actual amounts - recurrent and development
reflects final receipts budget and actual amount on a comparable basis of
Kshs.1,208,955,593 and Kshs.1,085,575,145 respectively, resulting to an underfunding
of Kshs.123,380,448 or 10% of the budget. Similarly, the statement reflects total
expenditure budget of Kshs.1,208,955,593 against an actual on comparable basis of
Kshs.1,085,512,368 resulting in overall under-expenditure of Kshs.123,443,225 or 10%
of the approved budget.
The underfunding and under-expenditure impact negatively on the delivery of services to
the residents of Narok County.
My opinion is not modified in respect of this matter.
Other Matter
In the audit report of the previous year, several issues were raised under the Report on
the Financial Statements, Report on Lawfulness and Effectiveness in Use of Public
Resources and Report on Effectiveness of Internal Controls, Risk Management and
Governance which have remained unresolved as at 30 June, 2023.
During the year under review, twenty-four (24) employees earned a net salary of less than
a third (1/3) of the basic salary. This was contrary to Section D22(2) of the County Public
Service Human Resource Manual and Section 19(3) of the Employment Act, 2007 which
requires that the total amount of deductions which may be made by an employer from the
wages of his employee at any one time shall not exceed two-thirds of the basic pay.
Management did not give explanation for the failure to comply with the law.
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the law and may expose the staff to
pecuniary embarrassment.
Review of documents provided for audit revealed that the County Assembly deducted
pension contributions totalling Kshs.11,104,350 for Local Authorities Pensions Trust.
However, no documentary evidence was provided to support remittance of the
Basis for Conclusion
During the year under review, the County Assembly did not have a Risk Management
Policy in place and therefore had no approved processes and guidelines on how to
mitigate operational, legal and financial risks of the County Assembly.
Annex 4- summary of non-current asset register to the financial statements reflects the
asset balance of Kshs.200,829,252. The balance includes buildings and structures of
Kshs.153,161,258. However, the value of land on which the buildings and structures
stand has not been disclosed and the title of the land was not provided for audit.
In the circumstances, the effectiveness of the asset management measures put in place
by the County Assembly could not be confirmed.
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial
statements reflect use of goods and services amounting to Kshs.407,612,751. Included
in the amount is Kshs.39,436,076 relating to other operating expenses. Review of records
provided revealed that an amount of Kshs.1,970,000 paid for provision of training services
was wrongly charged to other operating expense.
The statement of financial assets and liabilities and the statement of cashflows reflects
prior year adjustments of Kshs. 8,767,856. However, the corresponding Note 17 discloses
changes in imprest and advances with Nil balances. Further, the statement of cashflows
reflects an increase in accounts payable of Kshs.4,310,444 under Note 19 which does
not exist in the financial statements.
Emphasis of Matter
The statement of comparison of budget and actual amounts; recurrent and development
reflects total budgeted receipt and actual on comparable basis of Kshs.1,047,066,117
and Kshs.941,094,383 respectively, resulting in a shortfall of Kshs.105,971,734 or 10 %
of the budget. Similarly, the County Assembly expended Kshs.941,089,062 against a
budget of Kshs.1,047,066,117 resulting to an under-expenditure of Kshs.105,977,055 or
10% of the budget.
354. Pending Bills
Annex one to the financial statements reflects analysis of pending accounts payable
amount of Kshs.39,061,032 which ought to have been settled during the year under
review but were instead carried forward to the year 2023/2024. No satisfactory
explanation was provided for failure to settle the pending bills during the year.
Other Matter
In the audit report of the previous year, several paragraphs were raised under the Report
on Financial Statements, Report on Lawfulness and Effectiveness in Use of Public
Resources and Report on Effectiveness of Internal Controls, Risk Management and
Governance. However, Management has not resolved the issues or given any
explanation for the failure to adhere to the provisions of the Public Sector Accounting
Standards Board reporting template.
Review of the payroll for the month of June, 2023, revealed that a number of employees
had over committed their salaries beyond the two third limit as provided for by Section
19(3) of the Employment Act, 2007. Non-compliance to the one third rule on basic pay
may result in pecuniary embarrassment to the employees of the County Assembly.
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the law.
357. Non-Compliance with the Law on Ethnic Composition
Review of human resource records at the County Assembly reveals that there were one
hundred and eighty-five (185) employees out of whom one hundred and forty (140) or
76% were from the dominant ethnic community in the County. This is in contravention of
Section 7(2) of the National Cohesion and Integration Act, 2008 which requires that no
public establishment shall have more than one third (1/3) of its staff from the same ethnic
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial
statements reflects use of goods and services amounting to Kshs.407,612,751. The
amount includes an expenditure of Kshs.39,436,076 incurred on other operating
expenses out of which Kshs.750,000 was paid to Society of Clerks at the Table
(SOCATT). However, review of records revealed that the Society was not an
intergovernmental relation body in legal capacity and the payment was not budgeted for
under the County Assembly’s estimate contrary to Section 42(1)(b) of the Public Finance
Management (County Governments) Regulation, 2015 which requires the accounting
officer to ensure public funds are applied for purposes for only which they were intended
and appropriated by the County Assembly.
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial
statements reflect use of goods and services of Kshs.407,612,751. Included in this
balance is an amount of Kshs.39,436,076 for other operating expense which includes
Kshs.4,264,000 being payments for legal fees. However, scrutiny of documents provided
revealed that the County Assembly engaged consultants to render legal services without
the approval of the County Attorney in contravention to Section 7(a) of the Office of the
County Attorney Act of 2020, which places the County Attorney as the principal legal
adviser of the County Government.
The statement of receipts and payments and Note 5 to the financial statements reflect
use of goods and services of balance of Kshs.407,612,751. Included in this balance is an
amount of Kshs.3,933,672 used for office and general supplies services. Review of
procurement plan revealed that the item was 100% reserved for youth and request for
quotations method of procurement was used. However, scrutiny of procurement
documents and processes revealed that bidders who were awarded contracts to supply
office stationeries had not attached AGPO certificates which was a mandatory
qualification. This was contrary to Section 157(6) of the Public Procurement and Asset
Disposal Act, 2015 which requires a candidate to provide evidence of eligibility for a
specific preference or reservation.
Review of the fixed assets register revealed that the value of two parcels of land had not
been recorded contrary to Section 136(2) of the Public Finance Management (County
Governments) Regulation, 2015 which requires the recording of each land and building
in an asset register including the related capital expenditure. Further, the parcels of land
did not have ownership documents.
In the circumstances, the existence of a proper control system for assets and preventive
mechanisms to eliminate theft, security threats, losses, wastage and misuse and ensuring
that movement and conditions of the assets can be tracked could not be confirmed.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects comparatives balance in respect of use
of goods and services of Kshs.340,558,356 which, as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial
statements includes balances of Kshs.5,524,071 and Kshs.2,745,076 in respect of rentals
of produced assets and specialized materials and services respectively. The amounts are
at variance with the previous years audited amounts of Kshs.4,775,912 and
Kshs.3,493,235 in the re-stated financial statements for the year 2021/2022 resulting to
unexplained and unreconciled variance of Kshs.748,159 for each expenditure item.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of the balances in respect of rentals
of produced assets and specialized materials and services could not be confirmed.
The financial statements presented for audit and the Integrated Financial Management
Information Systems (IFMIS) reports provided for audit had significant variances as
detailed below:
Statements IFMIS Variance
Item Description (Kshs.) (Kshs.) (Kshs.)
Transfers from CRF 914,130,822 895,685,204 18,445,618
Compensation of Employees 331,179,225 310,066,184 21,113,041
Use of Goods and Services 299,971,998 281,706,447 18,265,551
Transfer to Other Government 115,318,307 210,859,696 95,541,389
Social Security Benefits 51,638,558 42,421,308 9,217,250
Acquisition of Assets 34,084,624 12,885,976 (200,016,088)
Accounts Payables - Deposits - 2,270,924,971 (2,270,924,971)
The statement of financial assets and liabilities reflects Nil balance in respect of third-
party deposits and retentions as disclosed in Note 15 to the financial statements.
However, retention and deposits records provided for audit indicate that the County
Assembly had withheld total amount of Kshs.647,813 in respect of retention fees. No
evidence was provided to disclose proof that the retention amount was safely kept and
available for payment as and when they are due. Further, supporting documents including
bank statements and interim payment certificate (IPC) were not provided for audit.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of the Nil balance in respect of
third-party deposits and retention could not be confirmed.
Review of the salary advance register revealed that sixteen (16) members of staff were
issued with salary advances totalling Kshs.1,504,909 before clearing the previous
advances. This was contrary to Policy C.6.4 of the Human Resource Policies and
Procedures Manual for the Public Service of May, 2016 which states that salary advance
may be granted only when an officer has no other outstanding salary advance.
Review of the payroll records for the month of June, 2023 revealed that eighty-eight (88)
staff and Members of the County Assembly earned net salaries of less than one third (1/3)
of their respective basic salaries pay. This was contrary to Section 19(3) of the
Employment Act, 2007 and Section C.1(3) Human Resource Policies and Procedures
Manual for the Public Service, 2016 which provides that the total amount of all deductions
which may be made by an employer from the wages of his employee at any one time
shall not exceed two-thirds of such wages or such additional or other amounts as may be
368. Irregular Payment to Society of Clerks-at-the-Table
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services expenditure
amount of Kshs.299,971,998 as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial statements, which
includes an amount of Kshs.14,396,299 in respect of other operating expenses. The
expenditure includes subscription fees of Kshs.884,333 made to the Society of Clerks-at-
the-Table (SOCATT). However, the SOCATT does not draw its mandate from the
Constitution of Kenya or an Act of Parliament and payments to this organization was not
based on any law.
Further, the interim completion certificates detailing amount paid to the contractor and
retention fees were not provided for audit review. Review of certificate of practical
completion ‘as is’ issued on 16 June, 2023 indicated that the construction was completed
as per the full contract sum and ready for handing over. However, physical verification
undertaken in the month of November, 2023 revealed that the construction was still in
progress with internal and external finishes, plumbing, tiling, electrical works, interior
fittings and painting still not completed. This was contrary to Salaries and Remuneration
Commission (SRC) circular Ref. No. SRC/TS/CGOVT/3/61/VOL.V (52) dated 12 July,
2021 requiring the County Assemblies to hasten the construction of the official Speakers’
residences by setting the deadline at 30 June, 2022.
370. There were no material issues raised on internal controls, risk management and
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial
statements reflects use of goods and services amount of Kshs.281,606,947 which
includes Kshs.47,335,480 in respect to foreign travel and subsistence to Members of
County Assembly attending training in seven (7) foreign countries. However, the foreign
trainings were not supported with training needs assessment and identifications of skill
gaps contrary to Section K.4.4 of County Assembly Human Resource Policies and
Procedures Manual of October, 2021 which stipulates that selection of trainees for all
training programs to be based on identified needs.
In the circumstances, the accuracy, completeness and regularity for the expenditure
amount of Kshs.47,335,480 could not be confirmed.
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial
statements reflect use of goods and services amount of Kshs.281,606,947 which includes
Kshs.14,699,353 in respect of other operating expenses which further includes
Kshs.1,042,440 in respect of rent for ward offices. However, the title deeds from the
landlords confirming land ownership and releasing of the offices to the County Assembly
were not provided for audit review.
Other Important Disclosures and Annexure 1 to the financial statements reflects pending
accounts payable balance of Kshs.2,643,640 which were not settled during the year
under review but were carried forward to 2023/2024 financial year. However, supporting
documents including invoices, payment vouchers and procurement documents were not
provided for audit review. In addition, the dates when the goods and services were
incurred were not included in Annexure 1. Also, details of the pending bills indicating when
they were incurred and the movement to the current balance were not provided for audit
Management did not explain why the bills were not settled as the first charge during the
year under review. This was contrary to Regulation 41(2) of the Public Finance
Management (County Governments) Regulations, 2015 which prioritizes debt payments
as a first charge.
Failure to settle bills during the year to which they relate distorts the financial statements
for that year and adversely affects the provisions for the subsequent year to which they
have to be charged.
Other Matter
The County Assembly processed and paid forty-nine (49) employees and Members of the
County Assembly outside the prescribed Integrated Payroll Personnel Database (IPPD)
system contrary to The National Treasury Circular No.13/2019 dated 28 August, 2019,
which states that Integrated Payroll Personnel Database (IPPD) must support the
allocation of personnel emoluments. No explanation was provided by Management for
the use of the manual system.
Review of the payroll records revealed seventeen (17) employees received net pay below
a third (1/3) of their basic salary contrary to provisions of Section 19(3) of the Employment
Act, 2007, which stipulates that the deductions made by an employer from the wages of
his employee at any one time shall not exceed two-thirds of such wages or such additional
or other amount as may be prescribed.
Further, there is no existing law or policy in place authorizing the said payments of
subscription fees and no verifiable document was provided for audit to support the two
organizations Constitutional mandates.
In the circumstances, the value for money for Kshs.12,578,000 may not be realized from
the delayed works.
Review of the County Assembly's ICT Environment revealed that there was no reliable
information back-up plan in place. Management did not assess the impact of an outage
or disruption to the Information Communication Technology Systems such as the
Hansard System. Further, Management did not develop business continuity or
information technology disaster recovery plan and there was no IT Strategic Committee
which should provide governance on information technology matters.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services expenditure
of Kshs.406,175,294 as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial statements. However, the
following unsatisfactory matters were noted;
The amount includes foreign travel and subsistence expenditure of Kshs.27,683,670 out
of which Kshs.1,044,700 was paid as reimbursement of per diem and air tickets.
However, relevant supporting documents such as travel clearance by the authorized
officer, boarding passes, signed list of participants for each day of the meeting,
programme of the event and training certificates were not provided for review.
Use of good and services includes hospitality supplies and services amount of
Kshs.59,641,172 out of which an amount of Kshs.6,870,000 was paid to various
contractors and suppliers. However, the payments were not supported by electronic tax
registers, local purchase/service orders, delivery notes, goods received notes, inspection
and acceptance certificates and quotations.
381.3 Office and General Supplies and Services
Included in use of goods and services is office and general supplies and services amount
of Kshs.9,613,382 out of which Kshs.2,457,500 was incurred on purchase of various
items that were not supported with procurement documents and stores records.
contractors to repair hansard equipment, office furniture, painting of building and supply
of materials. However, the amount was not supported by inspection and acceptance
certificates or reports.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of use of goods and services
expenditure amounting to Kshs.406,175,294 could not be confirmed.
The statement of assets and liabilities reflects imprests and advances balance of
Kshs.52,848,455 as disclosed in Note 14 and Annex 5 to the financial statements.
However, the balance differs from Kshs.43,250,696 recorded in the imprest register and
imprest warrants resulting to an unexplained and unreconciled variance of
Kshs.9,597,759. In addition, no explanation was provided for failure to have the imprests
surrendered or accounted on due dates.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of the imprest and advances
balance of Kshs.52,848,455 could not be confirmed.
Further, details of the pending bills indicating when they were incurred and the movement
to the current balance were not provided for audit review. Management did not explain
why the bills were not settled as the first charge during the year under review. This was
contrary to Regulation 41(2) of the Public Finance Management (County Governments)
Regulations, 2015 which prioritizes debt payments as a first charge.
Failure to settle bills during the year to which they relate distorts the financial statements
for that year and adversely affects the provisions for the subsequent year to which they
have to be charged.
Review of the payrolls revealed that staff members specifically those in Job Groups Q
and S (equivalent of CASB 4 and CASB 2 respectively) in the County Assembly earned
special salaries in the form of incremental credits amounting to Kshs.1,201,840. This was
done despite the staff having reached their maximum annual incremental limits.
No evidence was provided from the Salaries and Remuneration Commission approving
incremental credits payments. This was contrary to the Salaries and Remuneration
Review Commission review of salaries for County Government employees at the County
Assemblies which was effective from 1 July, 2020.
Review of the payrolls revealed that a total of Kshs.2,385,100 was deducted from
employees in respect of National Health Insurance (NHIF) contributions and
Kshs.36,670,569 in respect of Local Authorities Provident Fund (LAPFUND). However,
only Kshs.1,906,650 and Kshs.22,148,672 were remitted to the Funds resulting to
unremitted balances of Kshs.478,450 and 14,521,897 respectively. This was contrary to
Regulation 22(2)(a) of the Public Finance Management (County Governments)
Regulations, 2015, which requires Accounting Officers to comply with any tax, levy, duty,
pension, commitments and audit commitments as may be provided for by legislation.
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the law.
386. Lack of Staff Ethnic Diversity
Review of human resource records including the payrolls indicated that the County
Assembly had eighty-seven (87) employees, out of whom eighty-four (84) employees or
97% were from the dominant ethnic community. This was contrary to Section 7(1) and (2)
of the National Cohesion and Integration Act, 2008 which states that, “all public offices
shall seek to represent the diversity of the people of Kenya in employment of staff and
that no public institution shall have more than one third of its staff establishment from the
same ethnic community”.
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the law.
During the year under review, the County Assembly paid Kshs.960,000 as house
allowances to the Speaker at a rate of Kshs.80,000 per month. This was contrary to SRC
Circular Ref. SRC/TS/CGOVT/3/61/VOL.V(44) dated 14 August, 2020 which extended
the deadline for meeting the directive on housing benefit to 30 June, 2022, on which date
the option for Counties paying rent or leasing houses for the eligible State Officers’ official
residential houses would cease.
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the law.
statements, includes an amount of Kshs.28,763,276 relating to other operating expenses
out of which an expenditure of Kshs.11,766,474 was incurred on consultancy services.
However, the service providers were paid in full without withholding five (5) percent Value
Added Tax (VAT) contrary to Section 4(1) and (2) of the Income Tax Act, Cap.470.
The statement of financial assets and liabilities reflects an overdrawn bank balance of
Kshs.38,909,557 as disclosed in Note 13A to the financial statements which was in
respect to two (2) bank accounts. This was contrary to Section 119(4) of the Public
Finance Management Act, 2012, which prohibits an accounting officer of a County
Government entity from causing a bank account to be overdrawn beyond the limit
authorized by the County Treasury. No evidence was provided to show that the County
Treasury had authorized any limit hence it was not possible to confirm whether the two
overdrawn balances were within authorized limits.
390. There were no material issues raised on internal controls, risk management and
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 3 to the financial
statements reflects an amount of Kshs.348,393,601 on compensation of employees.
However, review of the IPPD ledgers, bank remittances and manual payroll showed that
four (4) employees were in the payroll but not in master data (complement file) resulting
to irregular payment of Kshs.2,666,432. Similarly, sixty-three (63) employees were in both
the manual payroll and the IPPD payroll resulting to double payment of salaries
amounting to Kshs.14,166,755.
Further, fifty-three (53) staff members were overpaid by an amount of Kshs.402,864 when
compared with the amount processed in the payroll while seventy-nine (79) employees
were paid salary arrears more than once during the year amounting to Kshs.31,391,808.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness and regularity of the amount of
Kshs.348,393,601 on compensation of employees could not be confirmed.
In addition, an amount of Kshs.805,028 was paid to a service provider for flight services
to Seychelles. However, this payment was charged to domestic travel and subsistence
allowance instead of foreign travel and subsistence payment. Further, the supplier invoice
was not provided for audit review and the payment did not indicate the name of the officer
who travelled and the purpose of the safari.
In the circumstances, the regularity and completeness of the domestic travel and
subsistence allowance amounting to Kshs.17,830,350 could not be confirmed.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of insurance costs could not be
395. Unsupported Transfers to Other Government Entities
The statement of financial assets and liabilities and as disclosed in Note 9A to the financial
statements reflects bank balances of Kshs.296,876 from five (5) bank accounts held by
the County Assembly of Vihiga. However, no Board of Survey reports were provided in
support of bank balances from two bank accounts held at Co-operative bank which
reported a balance of Kshs.2,190 and one held at Kenya Commercial Bank reported a
balance of Kshs.223.
In the circumstances, the accuracy of cash and bank balances of Kshs.296,876 could not
be confirmed.
The statement of financial assets and liabilities and as disclosed in Note 10 to the financial
statements reflects an amount of Kshs.389,664 in respect to imprests and advances. This
amount indicates a decrease by Kshs.2,452,436 from the closing balance of
Kshs.2,842,100 in 2021/2022. However, no surrender vouchers, schedule of recoveries,
imprest register and salary advances register were provided for audit to support the
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of imprests and advances balance
of Kshs.389,664 could not be confirmed.
Note 5 to the financial statements under other disclosures reflects contingent liabilities
balance of Kshs.2,797,250, which is a decrease of Kshs.8,856,569 from the previous
year’s balance of Kshs.11,653,819. However, Management did not provide any
documentation to support the decrease in contingent liabilities.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of the contingent liabilities balance
of Kshs.2,797,250 could not be confirmed.
Emphasis of Matter
Note 2 in respect to Other Disclosures to the financial statements reflects other pending
payables balance of Kshs.76,080,065 which includes a balance of Kshs.72,918,081 in
respect to a debt owed to Vihiga County Assembly Members and Staff Mortgage and Car
Loans Scheme Fund as at 30 June, 2022. This debt has been outstanding for a long
period and during the year under review, only a minimal repayment of Kshs.3,000,000
was made.
Failure to settle bills during the year to which they relate distorts the financial statements
for that year and adversely affects the provisions for the subsequent year to which they
have to be charged.
Other Matter
In the audit report of the previous year, several issues were raised under the Report on
Financial Statements, Report on Lawfulness and Effectiveness in Use of Public
Resources, and Report on Effectiveness of Internal Controls, Risk Management and
Governance. However, the Management has not resolved the issues or given any
explanation for failure to do so, as part of the contents provided for in the reporting format
prescribed by the Public Sector Accounting Standards Board.
Review of project status report as at 30 June, 2023 for the proposed Speaker’s residence
indicated that Vihiga County Assembly had spent Kshs.34,493,609 on construction of
Speaker’s Residence. However, review of records indicates that the County Assembly
separately contracted a firm at a contract sum of Kshs.19,786,352 to undertake the
proposed erection of boundary wall, landscaping and paving at Speakers residence to
which an amount of Kshs.15,743,473 had been paid by the time of audit in September,
2023. By the time of audit in September, 2023, the County Assembly had spent a total
of Kshs.50,237,082 contrary to the Salaries and Remuneration Commission Circular Ref.
No. SRC/TS/COG/6/61/48 VOL.II (64) of 20 May, 2019 which provided a ceiling of
Kshs.35 million for the construction of the County Speaker’s residence.
Further, the land on which the Speaker’s residence stand is 1.15 hectare or 2.87 acres.
This contravened the acreage limit of up to 1 acre stated in the Salaries and
Remuneration Commission Circular.
In addition, the land on which the Speaker’s residence is built indicates that it was
purchased from a private owner at Kshs.10,000,000. This was contrary to the Salaries
and Remuneration Commission Circular which stated that Counties should construct the
houses on public land owned by the County.
(SOCATT) contrary to Section 37(b) of the Inter-governmental Relations Act, 2 of 2012
which requires operational expenses in respect of the structures and institutions
established under the Act to be provided for in the annual estimates of the revenue and
expenditure of the National Government.
The proposed erection of boundary wall, landscaping and paving at Speaker’s residence
was awarded to a construction company at a contract sum of Kshs.19,786,352 with the
commencement and completion dates of 29 September, 2022 and 30 June, 2023
respectively. Review of the project’s technical status report as at 30 June, 2023 indicated
that the project was at 80% completion. Further, Management did not provide inspection
and acceptance reports to authenticate works done vide interim certificate payment No.2
for Kshs.6,233,144.
In the circumstances, the value for money on the funds incurred on the project could not
be confirmed.
Review of documents provided revealed that the County Assembly awarded a contract to
a local firm for the proposed design and architectural works at Vihiga County Assembly
Headquarters and renovation of office block on 15 April, 2014. However, a dispute arose
between the contractor and the client which was subjected to an arbitration and ruled by
the High Court of Kenya. Later the case was taken to the Court of Appeal and the court
ordered Vihiga County Assembly to deposit a decretal sum of Kshs.31,653,818 in an
interest earning joint account at any branch of Cooperative Bank of Kenya Ltd. During the
year 2021/2022, the County Assembly deposited Kshs.20,000,000 in the joint account.
However, the contract agreement was not provided for audit review.
Although the County Assembly had paid the contractor an amount of Kshs.29,856,539 as
at the time of audit in November, 2023 as ordered by the court, no evidence of works
done was provided for audit review. The court ordered that the decretal sum be deposited
into a joint bank account. However, Management did not provide minutes for opening the
bank account together with bank statements up to 30 June, 2023 (except for the period
March, 2021 to September, 2022) hence, transactions into and out of the bank account
could not be verified. The joint bank account at Cooperative Bank of Kenya - (Nairobi
Business Centre Branch) was in the name of Patrick Luta and Francis Otieno and not
Vihiga County Assembly. The said bank account was an interest earning account.
However, the amount of interest earned and how it was accounted for was not provided
for audit review. The financial statements indicated that the fixed deposit earned an
interest amount of Kshs.336,539 during the year under review, and that the deposit was
lifted and all the amounts were credited to the County’s books where the amount was
recognized as miscellaneous income in the year. However, no record of how the amounts
were transferred from the account holders to the County Assembly was provided for audit
In the circumstances, the propriety of the legal expenses could not be confirmed.
During the year ended 30 June, 2023, eight (8) employees earned a net salary of less
than a third (1/3) of the basic salary contrary to Section C.1(3) of the Public Service
Commission (PSC) Human Resource Policies, 2016. The Management has not explained
the failure to comply with the policy.
Review of the procurement plan for the year 2022/2023 revealed that the plan did not
have a schedule of the planned delivery, implementation or completion dates of all goods,
works or services contrary to Regulation 41(b) of the Public Procurement and Asset
Disposal Regulations, 2020. The plan did not indicate whether some procurements were
to be procured within a single year period or under a multi-year period contrary to
Regulation 41(c) of the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Regulations, 2020.
Further, there was no indication whether any items may be aggregated for procurement
as a single package or for procurement through any applicable arrangement for common
user items.
In addition, the annual procurement plan was not done in accordance with the format
specified in the Third Schedule contrary to Regulation 42 of the Public Procurement and
Asset Disposal Regulations, 2020.
Review of records revealed that the total number of employees of the County Assembly
was two hundred and thirty-nine (239) out of which two hundred and twenty-seven (227)
or 95 % of the total number were members of the dominant ethnic community in the
County. This was contrary to Section 7(1) and (2) of the National Cohesion and Integration
Act, 2008 which states that, all public offices shall seek to represent the diversity of the
people of Kenya in the employment of staff and that no public institution shall have more
than one-third of its staff establishment from the same ethnic community.
Review of documents revealed that the Audit Committee charter was only a draft which
had not been approved and that the Audit Committee only met once to approve the
internal audit work plan contrary to Regulation 172(1) of the Public Financial Management
(County Governments) Regulations, 2015 which states that the Audit Committee shall
meet at least once in every three months. Further, the quarterly report of Internal Audit
was prepared for the audited Departments. However, a response and action plan from
the Clerk of the County Assembly to the chairperson of the Audit Committee on the
recommendations were not provided for audit review.
In the circumstances, the effectiveness of the internal audit function could not be
During the year under review, Management did not provide reports on Implementation of
the Recommendations of Legislative Oversight Committees contrary to Section 31(1)(a)
of the Public Audit Act, 2015. Further, the Senate County Public Accounts Committee
recommended an investigation to be carried out by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption
Commission for failure by the County Assembly’s Management to implement
recommendations of the Senate’s County Public Accounts Committee and the County
Assembly’s Public Accounts and Investments Committee recommendations and also
failure to follow up on the reports of the Auditor-General.
Unqualified Opinion
411. There were no material issues noted during the audit of the financial statements.
Emphasis of Matter
Failure to settle pending bills in the year they relate distorts the financial statements and
adversely affects the budgetary provision for the subsequent year as they form a first
Review of the County Assembly’s staff records for the month of June, 2023 indicated that
out of the one hundred and twenty-five (125) permanent employees, one hundred and
ten (110) or 88% were from the same ethnic community contrary to Section 7(2) of the
National Cohesion and Integration Act, 2008 which provides that no public entity shall
have more than one-third of its staff from the same ethnic community.
Review of the payroll revealed that employees’ salary deductions exceeded two- thirds
(2/3) of their basic salary contrary to Section C.1(3) of the Public Service Commission
Human Resource Policies, 2016 and Section 19(3) of the Employment Act, 2007 which
require that deductions made by an employer from the wages of his employees at any
one time shall not exceed two-thirds of such wages.
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the law.
Review of documents provided for audit and physical verification revealed that the server
room doors were being opened inwards contrary to the requirements of Section 8.0.2(a)
of Government ICT Networks Standards ICTA.2.002:2019 that requires doors of the
telecommunication/equipment room to open outward, slide sideways, or be removable.
In the circumstances, the internal controls were not up to the standards required for a
Government entity.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects transfers to other Government entities
amount of Kshs.108,000,000 and as disclosed in Note 4 to the financial statements,
relates to transfers to the Car Loan Scheme Fund. However, the amount exceeded the
budgeted amount of Kshs.100,600,000 by an amount of Kshs.7,400,000. This was
contrary to Section 36(4) of the Public Finance Management (County Governments)
Regulations, 2015, which states that funds withdrawn from the County Revenue Fund
under this regulation may be utilized only for services for which funds have been provided
for in the budget estimates.
Emphasis of Matter
417. Unsupported Pending Bills
Notes 1 and 2 under Other Important Disclosures in the financial statements reflects
pending accounts payable and pending staff payables balance of Kshs.38,445,225 and
Kshs.112,228,941 respectively, totalling Kshs.150,674,166.
Failure to settle bills in the year to which they relate adversely affects the budgetary
provisions of the subsequent financial years to which they have to be charged.
During the year under review, the County Assembly had a total of one hundred and
twenty-seven (127) employees. Out of this, eighty-eight (88) employees or 69%, were
from the dominant ethnic community. This was contrary to Section 7(1) and (2) of the
National Cohesion and Integration Act, 2008 which states that all public offices shall seek
to represent the diversity of people of Kenya in employment of staff and that no public
establishment shall have more than one third of its staff from the same ethnic community.
During the year under review, the County Assembly did not provide any internal audit
reports, which would have given assurance on effectiveness of internal controls, overall
governance, risk assessment and operations and activities of the County Assembly.
Further the internal audit unit operated without an approved annual work plan.
During the year under review, the Audit Committee held only one (1) meeting. This was
contrary to Regulation 172(1) of the Public Finance Management (County Governments)
Regulations, 2015, which stipulates that the audit committee should meet at least
quarterly including one to review the financial statements before they are submitted to
external auditors and one to meet with the external auditors.
In the circumstances, the existence of an effective internal controls, risk management and
governance systems in place during the year under review could not be confirmed.
During the year under review, the County Assembly did not have an IT Steering
Committee and IT Security Policy to ensure data confidentiality, integrity and availability.
Further, the County Assembly did not have anti-virus and firewall programs on all
computers. In addition, the County Assembly did not also have a policy on physical
access to IT infrastructure and did not also maintain a risk register.
In the circumstances, the accuracy, completeness and propriety of the expenditure on
training amounting to Kshs.66,525,460 could not be confirmed.
Emphasis of Matter
The statement of comparison of budget and actual amounts reflects final receipts budget
and actual amount on comparable basis of Kshs.1,320,157,632 and Kshs.1,041,741,656
respectively resulting in under-funding of Kshs.278,415,976 or 21% of the budget.
Similarly, the County Assembly spent Kshs.1,042,535,007 against an approved budget
of Kshs.1,320,157,632 resulting in an under-expenditure of Kshs.277,622,625 or 21% of
the budget.
The under-funding and under-performance affected the planned activities and may have
impacted negatively on service delivery to the public.
A contract for drilling and equipping of boreholes and construction of water kiosks in
twenty-eight (28) ward offices was awarded on 15 October, 2020 at a contract sum of
Kshs.117,133,552 for a duration of eight months ending 10 July, 2021. However, on 21
January, 2022 the contract was extended to May, 2022. At the time of audit in November,
2023, the project was still incomplete after making total payments amounting to
In the circumstances, value for money may not have been received for Kshs.64,836,353
incurred on the project.
Analysis of personnel records revealed that the County Assembly had a total of eighty-
nine (89) members of staff out of whom seventy-seven (77) or 87% were from the
dominant community in the County. This was contrary to Section 7(2) of the National
Cohesion and Integration Act, 2008, which provides that; “all public offices shall seek to
represent the diversity of the people of Kenya in the employment of staff and that no
public institution shall have more than one-third of its staff from the same ethnic
427. Failure to Establish a County Assembly Fund
During the year under review, Management had not established a County Assembly
Fund. This was contrary to Section 34(1) of the County Assembly Services Act, 2017
which states that there is established for each county, a fund to be known as the County
Assembly Fund and that there shall be paid into the County Assembly Fund:-(a) any
grants, gifts, donations or bequests,(b) monies from investments of the board and such
fees imposed or levies administered by the board and; (c) such monies as may, in the
future be appropriated from Revenue Fund established for each county.
During the year under review, the County Assembly of Siaya made late remittances of
statutory deductions for the months of July, September and October, 2022. Pay As you
Earn (PAYE) and National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) deductions for the month of
July, 2022 was remitted on 29 August, 2022, while National Social Security Fund (NSSF)
deductions for the month of September, 2022 was remitted on 23 March, 2023. In
addition, NSSF deductions for the month of October, 2022 was remitted on
29 December, 2022.
This was contrary to Section 19(4) of the Employment Act, 2007 which provides that an
employer who deducts an amount from an employee’s remuneration in accordance with
Subsection (1)(a), (g) and (h) shall pay the amount deducted in accordance with the time
period and other requirements specified in the law, agreement, court order or arbitration
as the case may be.
Analysis of the payroll data for the year ended 30 June, 2023, revealed that eight (8)
employees earned a net salary of less than a third (1/3) of the basic salary contrary to
Section C.1(3) of the Public Service Commission (PSC) Human Resource Policies, 2016.
This may expose the staff to pecuniary embarrassment.
Review of the systems in place at the County Assembly of Siaya revealed that there is no
evidence of data backup system for its data which could lead to loss of business
In the circumstances, business continuity may be at risk in case of a disaster.
431. Salaries Paid Outside the Integrated Personnel and Payroll Database (IPPD)
Annex 2 to the financial statements reflects a summary of fixed asset register with a
balance of Kshs.879,710,278 as at 30 June, 2023. However, the Assembly’s asset
register was incomplete and did not have information such as asset value, description,
serial number, tag number, make/model, suppliers name, original location, current
location and the officer responsible for each asset and asset condition. In addition,
physical verification of the asset additions during the year under review revealed that they
were not tagged to confirm their ownership by the County Assembly.
Further, included in the amount for use of goods and services, is expenditure totalling
Kshs.19,198,416 incurred on foreign travel and subsistence allowance. However, there
were eighty-one (81) payments for overseas travel out of which, sixty-three (63) of the
travel occurred in the month of May. No explanation was provided for these unusual
The IFMIS report indicates that payments totalling one hundred and forty-seven (147)
transactions in IFMIS amounting to Kshs.132,077,994 were voided. However, supporting
documents such as the voided payment vouchers, request to void payments, the National
Treasury approval and Exchequer requisitions from the Controller of Budget (COB) were
not provided for audit. The voided transactions may have been irregularly processed to
pay transactions not approved by the Controller of Budget.
In the circumstances, the regularity of the voided transaction could not be confirmed.
Emphasis of Matter
Management has not explained why the bills were not settled during the year when they
Failure to settle bills during the year to which they relate to distorts the financial
statements and adversely affects the budgetary provisions for the subsequent year as
they form a first charge.
During the year ended 30 June, 2023, eight (8) employees earned a net salary of less
than a third (1/3) of the basic salary. This was contrary to Section D22(2) of the County
Public Service Human Resource Manual and Section 19(3) of the Employment Act, 2007
which requires that the total amount of deductions which may be made by an employer
from the wages of his employee at any one time shall not exceed two-thirds of the basic
pay. The Management has not given explanation for failure to comply with the law.
Analysis of the IPPD payroll data revealed that one (1) officer has been in an acting
position for a period exceeding six (6) months contrary to Section C.14(1) of the Public
Service Commission Human Resource and Procedures Manual, 2016 which provides that
an officer may be appointed in an acting capacity, for a period of at least thirty days but
not exceeding a period of six (6) months.
Review of human resource records revealed that, the County Assembly Service Board
did not prepare Human Resource Plans and Annual Recruitment Plans contrary to
Policies No.10 and No.11 of the County Assembly Human Resource Policies and
Procedures Manual, 2018. In addition, review of the Kisumu County staff establishment
revealed that the County Assembly did not fill in twelve (12) vacant positions in the
approved establishment for various Departments.
In the circumstances, Management may not achieve the intended goals and objectives in
the strategic plans without the requisite number of staff.
440. Payment of Salaries Outside the Integrated Personnel and Payroll Database
Review of the payroll records revealed that processing of the payroll was done through
the IPPD and manual systems resulting to salaries and allowances for twenty-two (22)
staff and three (3) Members of County Assembly (MCAs) being managed and processed
by use of MS Excel throughout the year under review. Further, all ward employees paid
outside IPPD had not obtained birth certificates, a document that is a pre-requisite for
registration of human resource in the Integrated Personnel and Payroll Database System
In the circumstances, the existence of effective internal controls in payroll could not be
The use of goods and services expenditure includes domestic travel and subsistence
amounting to Kshs.214,265,794 as disclosed in Note 4 to the financial statements. The
amount includes Kshs.832,000 paid to sixteen (16) Members of County Assembly (MCAs)
as travel allowances to facilitate carrying out report writing exercise in Kisumu for the
Department of Lands, Housing, Physical Planning from 31 October, 2022 to
2 November, 2022. However, the expenditure was not supported by Speaker’s approval,
program activity or agenda and attendance list. Further, no documentary evidence in
support of tabling of the Lands, Housing, Physical Planning Committee report in the
County Assembly.
The statement of financial assets and liabilities reflects cash and cash equivalents
amounting to Kshs.13,211,822 as further disclosed in Note 10 to the financial statements.
Review of cashbooks, bank statements and bank reconciliation statements revealed that
the bank reconciliation statements for Central Bank of Kenya-Development Account and
Recurrent Account with balances of Kshs.18,150,327 and Kshs.15,150,217 respectively
as at 30 June, 2023 were not provided for audit. Further, review of the Central Bank of
Kenya (CBK) recurrent bank account statement revealed a transfer of Kshs.1,474,632
dated 31 March, 2023 to Equity Bank Operation that had not been recorded in the cash
book and therefore misstating the cash book balance.
Further, the bank reconciliation statement for a Commercial Bank Account reflects
payments in cash book not yet recorded in bank statement amounting to Kshs.2,063,437
made on 30 June, 2023. However, the supporting payment vouchers and a subsequent
bank statement were not provided for audit. Further, review of the Operation cash book
revealed receipts of Kshs.6,201,000 which could not be traced to the bank statement.
In addition, the County Assembly Service Board, according to the Board minutes dated
4 December, 2022 and with the approval of County Treasury on 21 December, 2022
resolved and opened a Salaries Account at Kenya Commercial Bank. This was contrary
to Regulation 82(b) of the Public Finance Management (County Governments)
Regulations, 2015, which requires all county government bank accounts to be opened at
the Central Bank of Kenya except for imprest bank accounts for petty cash.
In the circumstances the accuracy and completeness of the cash and cash equivalents
balance of Kshs.13,211,822 could not be confirmed.
Emphasis of Matter
Other disclosures Note 1 to the financial statements reflects pending accounts payable
amounting to Kshs.84,561,418 as disclosed in Annex 1 to the financial statements which
were not settled in the year under review. Further, the amount includes Kshs.79,195,935
relating to 2022-2023 financial year. This was contrary to Regulation 41(2) of the Public
Finance Management (County Governments) Regulations, 2015 which states that debt
service payments shall be a first charge on the County Revenue Fund. Further, records
from the Kenya Revenue Authority indicate that the County Assembly of Homa Bay owed
the Authority Kshs.433,616,523.
Failure to settle bills during the year in which they relate distorts the financial statements
for the year adversely affects the provisions for the subsequent year to which they have
to be charged.
Other Matter
In the audit report of the previous year, nineteen (19) issues were raised under Report on
the financial Statements, Report on Lawfulness and Effectiveness in Use of Public
Resources and Report on Effectiveness of Internal Controls, Risk Management and
Governance. However, Management has not resolved the issues or given any
explanation for the delay in resolving the issues.
Basis of Conclusion
Review of the payroll revealed that twenty-three (23) employees earned net salary of less
than a third of their respective basic salaries. This was contrary to Section 19(3) of the
Employment Act, 2007, which states that the total amount of deductions from the wages
of an employee shall not exceed two thirds (2/3) of such wages.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services amounting to
Kshs.385,865,889 as disclosed in Note 4 to the financial statements. Review of records
revealed the following:
The use of goods and services expenditure includes domestic travel and subsistence
amounting to Kshs.214,265,794 as disclosed in Note 4 to the financial statements. The
amount includes Kshs.12,065,206 paid to staff, Members of the County Assembly (MCAs)
and Members of the County Assembly Service Board (MCASB) to enable them attend an
induction workshop in Mombasa. This was contrary to National Treasury, Circular
No.20/2015 of November, 2015, which require all accounting officers to hold all
workshops and retreats within the precincts of the duty station where most of the
participant’s work.
In the circumstances, value for money on the expenditure of Kshs.12,065,207 could not
be confirmed, and Management was in breach of the law.
The use of goods and services expenditure includes hospitality supplies and services
amount of Kshs.29,780,538 as disclosed in Note 4 to the financial statements. The
amount includes Kshs.4,900,000 expenditure incurred on team building exercise in
Kisumu City. This was contrary to the Treasury Circular No.20/2015 of
4 November, 2015 which require all accounting officers to hold all workshops and retreats
within the precincts of the duty station where the majority of participant’s work.
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the law and value for money on the
expenditure of Kshs.4,900,000 could not be confirmed.
447. Other Payments
In the circumstances, Management did not obtain value for money on the penalties on
the statutory dues.
The County Assembly Service Board entered into a contract for the construction of an
automated gate house at Homa Bay County Assembly at a contract sum of
Kshs.7,112,260 for a contract period of one (1) month ending on 21 June, 2020. The
contractor had been paid Kshs.4,000,000 as at 30 June, 2022. An audit inspection of the
project on 22 November, 2023 revealed that windows and glazing, doors, internal finishes,
external finishes, electrical installations and joinery fittings had not been completed.
Further, the contractor was not on site.
In the circumstances, value for money on the construction could not be confirmed.
The County Assembly Service Board contracted a company on 10 July, 2019 for the
construction of an office block at a contract sum of Kshs.348,927,840. The work which
was expected to be completed by 8 January, 2021 was later extended to 8 April, 2022.
Review of records revealed that the contractor had been paid a total of Kshs.66,714,925.
However, physical inspection of the project on 22 November, 2023 and review of records
in respect of the project revealed that the work on the project had been completed over
one year after completion date substructure. Further, the contractor was not on site and
no work was ongoing at the site.
In the circumstances, value for money on the construction could not be confirmed.
Review of store records revealed that the County Assembly did not conduct quarterly and
annual stock takes for the financial year 2022/2023. In addition, there were no
mechanisms put in place to track inventory items at issuance and at handover date by
various users who had left the County Assembly.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services amount of
Kshs.394,180,140 as disclosed in Note 4 to the financial statements. However, audit of
this expenditure revealed the following unsatisfactory matters:
453.1 Utilities, Supplies and Services
The balance includes utilities, supplies and services amount of Kshs.4,944,978 out of
which an amount of Kshs.3,518,193 was not supported by complete payment voucher.
453.2 Domestic Travel and Subsistence
approved rates of payment and a computation of the amount payable to each individual
were not provided for audit, casting doubt on how the amounts paid were arrived at.
The foreign travel and subsistence amount of Kshs.21,218,901 also includes
Kshs.3,882,331 which, according to the documents provided for audit was paid to
members in respect of Lake Victoria Region Local Authorities Cooperation (LVRLACC)
Annual General Assembly held in Mbarara City in Uganda between 10 and 15 April,
2023. However, evidence of travel such as boarding passes for each participant, and
approved rates of payment and workings for the specified amounts paid to each
participant were not provided for audit.
Further, the foreign travel and subsistence amount of Kshs.21,218,901 includes the
payments amounting to Kshs.3,262,835 whose respective payment vouchers and
relevant supporting documentation, including approved rates of payment, computation
of amount payable to each individual, invitation to the activity, boarding passes, return
visa and back to office reports were however not provided for audit.
453.4 Training Expenses Travel
The balance also includes training expenses amount of Kshs.6,545,800 out of which an
amount of Kshs.6,124,482 was not supported by approvals, imprest warrants and
evidence of travel. Further, Management did not provide imprest records in respect to
cash advanced to the beneficiaries and the surrender documentation on the same,
casting doubt on how the amount was advanced and accounted for.
In addition, expenditure on air ticketing services was not supported by requisition from
user departments, procurement records such as original bid documents, evaluation of
bids, appointments to evaluation committee, minutes, award, and notification to the
successful service provider and contract documents. Further, there was no evidence
that local purchase orders (L.P.O) were raised.
In the circumstances, the accuracy, completeness and propriety of the expenditure of
Kshs.6,124,482 could not be confirmed.
453.5 Office and General Supplies and Services
The balance includes office and general supplies and services amounts of
Kshs.8,929,855 out of which amount of Kshs.5,361,170 was not supported by payment
vouchers and other related documents.
amount of Kshs.50,634,695 includes an amount of Kshs.7,729,696 whose payment
vouchers did not have any supporting documents.
Further, operating expenditure amount of Kshs.50,634,695 includes legal expenses of
Kshs.16,691,052 whose supporting documents such as appointments of four (4) legal
firms were not provided for audit. Further, evidence of the procurement process leading
to the selection of the four (4) law firms have not been provided for audit.
In the circumstances, the accuracy, completeness and propriety of the expenditure of
Kshs.50,634,695 could not be confirmed.
453.7 Routine Maintenance
The statement of financial assets and liabilities and as disclosed in Note 8 to the
financial statements reflects cash and cash equivalents balance of Kshs.1,810.
However, review of the cash books, bank statements, bank reconciliation statements
and bank balance certificates revealed that the financial statements reflects a Kshs.Nil
balance for the CBK Migori County Assembly recurrent account, while the cash book
and certificate of bank balance show balances of Kshs.390,686 and Kshs.35,230,913
respectively. However, bank reconciliation statements for July, 2022 to June, 2023 were
not provided for audit to support the Kshs.Nil balance.
Further, reflects a Kshs.Nil balance for the CBK Migori County Assembly development
account, while both the cash book and certificate of bank balance show a balance
Kshs.404,658, resulting in an unreconciled variance of Kshs.404,658 whose bank
reconciliation was provided for audit review.
In addition, the Board of surveys were not provided; for CBK Migori County Assembly
recurrent account, CBK Migori County Assembly development account and KCB
operations account to support the cash book end year closing balances.
In the circumstances, accuracy of the cash and cash equivalents balance of Kshs.1,810
as at 30 June, 2023 could not be confirmed.
456. Misclassification of Cost of Work Not Yet Done as Pending Bill
Note 1 under Other Disclosures to the financial statements reflects pending accounts
payable balance carried forward amount of Kshs.106,159,756 which includes an amount
of Kshs.15,596,365 in respect of a contract for supply, installation, configuring, testing,
commissioning, customizing and administering an ERP system. The project was at a
contract sum of Kshs.36,894,960, inclusive of user training cost and at a contract period
of one year starting on 27 April, 2022 and ending on 26 April, 2023. As at the time of
the audit (August, 2023), contractor had done 75% of the work in that the software had
not been fully developed and had not been installed. The contract period had expired
and there was no evidence of extension of period. Further, cumulative payments of
Kshs.21,298,594 had been made to the contractor as at 3 May, 2023. This amount had
fully covered the works done and, therefore, there was no pending bill.
In the circumstances, the accuracy of the pending accounts payable balance
Kshs.106,159,756 for the year ended 30 June, 2023 could not be confirmed.
457. Unsupported Voided Payments
Emphasis of Matter
Records reviewed showed that the County Assembly of Migori owed the Kenya Revenue
Authority an amount of Kshs.323,559,210. However, Management did not disclose this
debt as pending accounts payable.
In the circumstances, accuracy and completeness of the pending account payable
balance of Kshs.106,159,756 could not be confirmed.
My opinion is not modified in respect of these matters.
Other Matter
In the audit report of the previous year, several issues were raised under the Report on
Financial Statements, Report on Lawfulness and Effectiveness in Use of Public
Resources, and Report on Effectiveness of Internal Controls, Risk Management and
Governance. However, Management had not resolved the issues as at 30 June, 2023.
An analysis of the County Assembly’s payroll for the month of June, 2023 revealed that
twenty-one (21) employees’ net pays were below a third of their respective basic salaries,
contrary to Section 19(3) of the Employment Act, 2007 which states that the total amount
of deductions from the wages of an employee shall not exceed two thirds (2/3) of such
amount of Kshs.1,851,744 was paid to four (4) Committee members in excess of the
maximum limit recommended in the SRC Circular Ref.SRC/TS/CGOVT/3/61/Vol. IV (49).
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services amount of
Kshs.394,180,140 as disclosed in Note 4 to the financial statements. The following
unsatisfactory matters were noted:
The amount of Kshs.394,180,140 also includes domestic travel and subsistence, and
foreign travel and subsistence amounts of Kshs.233,007,662 and Kshs.21,218,901
respectively, totalling Kshs.254,226,563. However, examination of sampled payments
amounting to Kshs.104,875,348 revealed that the payments were not supported by
imprest warrants, and therefore the purpose of the imprest issued could not be confirmed.
This was contrary to Regulations 91(2) and 93(1) of the Public Finance Management
(County Governments) Regulations, 2015, which require formal application of imprest
through an imprest warrant, and that imprest shall be issued for a specific purpose as
stated on the imprest warrant. Further, Management did not maintain an imprest register
as required by Regulation 93(4) of the Public Finance Management (County
Governments) Regulations, 2015.
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the law and the regularity of the
expenditure of Kshs.254,226,563 could not be confirmed.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services amount of
Kshs.394,180,140 which, as disclosed in Note 4 to the financial statements, includes
other operating expenses amount of Kshs.50,634,695 out of which, Kshs.16,691,052 was
spent on legal fees. However, the following anomalies were noted:
i. The County Assembly was given a fee note for Kshs.2,040,000, being legal fees
relating to a case where one of the contestants in the election of the Speaker of the
County Assembly petitioned the outcome of the election in the year 2017, claiming
that the standing order procedures in the election were violated. The Court ruled in
favor of the petitioner. Had the standing order procedures been adhered to, there
would have been no petition and, therefore, the legal expenditure (fee note) of
Kshs.2,040,000 would have been avoided.
ii. A company that supplied the County Assembly with assorted goods worth
Kshs.6,759,400, sued the County Assembly for failure to pay for the supplies. The
court ordered the County Assembly to pay the debt and the supplier’s advocate gave
the County Assembly a fee note of Kshs.675,940, being debt collection fee. Had the
County Assembly paid for the goods, the supplier would not have taken the matter to
court and, therefore, the County Assembly would not have been required to pay the
fee of Kshs.675,940.
iii. A hotel sued the County Assembly, seeking to be paid for hospitality services rendered
to the County Assembly. The Court ruled in favour of the hotel and ordered the County
Assembly to pay the Hotel. As a result, the Assembly incurred a legal fee of
Kshs.257,735 which would have been avoided had the County Assembly paid for the
hospitality services in time.
In the circumstances, value for money incurred of Kshs.2,973,675 could not be confirmed.
Management did not provide a satisfactory explanation on how the projects would
eventually be completed.
In the circumstances, value for money incurred of Kshs.11,136,806 could not be
During the year ended 30 June, 2023, Migori County Assembly Service Board failed to
formulate schemes of service setting out the terms and conditions for the appointment of
the officers and other staff to the Service, providing for (a) the appointment and
confirmation in appointment of officers and other staff; (b) promotions, resignations and
termination of appointments; (c) secondment of staff and transfer of service; (d) the scales
of salaries and allowances; and (e) the designation and grades of officers and other staff
as per Section 25(1) of the County Assembly Service Act, 2017. In addition, Migori County
Assembly does not have an approved staff establishment, as a result, Management failed
to develop a human resource plan indicating the optimal staffing levels and skills required.
In the circumstances, it was not possible to confirm whether the County Assembly has an
optimal staffing level with the required skills.
Review of documents provided for audit review revealed that during the year under
review, the County Assembly had two (2) employees on interdiction, pending
investigations and one employee on dismissal. The two employees while on interdiction
were to be paid half salary, full house allowances, medical allowances or where
applicable medical insurance premium remitted. However, as at the time of audit in July,
2023, the three (3) cases had not been concluded and the employees continued to
receive full salaries and allowances. Management has explained, without providing
evidence, that one of the interdicted staffs is on half salary and that the one on dismissal
went to court and got a reprieve on the status quo until the matter is determined and
Review of documents provided for audit revealed that during the year under review,
Members of the County Assembly directly employed one hundred and seventy-seven
(177) ward staff without involving County Assembly Service Board, the body mandated
to recruit County Assembly staff in a process that is open, transparent, and fair. In
addition, the ward staff were hired without signed contract agreements detailing their
duties and functions.
Management did not provide quarterly, and annual stock take reports in respect of the
financial year ended 30 June, 2023. This was an indication that Management did not carry
out quarterly and annual stock takes of the County Assembly’s inventories. As a result,
there were no mechanisms put in place to track the inventory items at handover date by
various users contrary to Section 162(2) of Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act,
2015 which states that the head of a procurement function shall arrange for occasional
visits or inspection to the stores, at least quarterly in each calendar year and conduct
quarterly and annual inventory and stock taking to ensure compliance with all respective
governing laws and submit the report to the accounting officer.
During the year under review, the internal audit unit was staffed with only one officer
against the required three as prescribed in the departmental chart. In addition, the head
of internal audit did not provide any audit report conducted on key departments of
procurement and finance during the year under review.
In the circumstances, the effectiveness of the internal audit function could not be
i. Management did not maintain a fixed asset register in the prescribed format contrary
to Regulation 136(1) of the Public Finance Management (County Governments)
Regulation 2015. The asset register in place lacked identification or serial numbers,
acquisition date, description of the asset, location, class and cost of the acquisition. In
addition, the register of land did not have a recording of each parcel of land and the
terms on which it is held, with reference to conveyance, address, area, dates of
acquisition, disposal or major change in use, capital expenditure, leasehold terms,
maintenance contracts and other pertinent management details as required by
Regulation 136(2) of the Public Finance Management (County Governments)
Regulations, 2015.
ii. Management had not taken over and or reported assets and liabilities inherited from
the defunct Local Authorities.
iii. Management had not yet established policies and procedures on asset management
as required by Part XII of Public Finance Management (County Governments)
Regulations 2015. In addition, the assets are not tagged or coded for ease of
identification or tracking.
iv. Fixed assets were not physically inspected on a regular basis to establish their
As previously reported, review of the risk management framework revealed that the
County Assembly operated without an approved risk management policy for
management of risk and increase of overall awareness of risk throughout the County
In addition, there was no documentary evidence to confirm that the County Assembly
conducted a risk assessment to identify potential risk exposure, possibility of their
occurrence and their mitigating strategies, contrary to Regulation 158(1)(a) and (b) of
the Public Finance Management (County Governments) Regulations, 2015, which
provides that “an accounting officer of a County Government entity shall develop risk
management strategies, which include fraud prevention mechanism; and a system of
risk management and internal control that builds robust business operations”.
Further, the latter amount includes Kshs.145,992,000 of which, Management did not
provide supporting documents, including separate Forms A, schedule of the intended
beneficiaries, valuation and inspection reports, sale agreements, invoices, receipts and
log books to support the latter amount. Similarly, an amount of Kshs.8,848,000
reimbursed to four (4) MCAs was not supported with Forms A and ETR receipts.
In addition, review of records revealed that the County Assembly through a special sitting
requested for additional funds of Kshs.157,052,000 towards car purchase allowances in
the supplementary budget, against the Controller of Budget’s advice through a circular
that the expense be charged in the ensuing years.
Emphasis of Matter
474. Budgetary Control and Performance
The statement of comparison of budget and actual amounts: recurrent and development
reflects final budgeted receipts and actual on comparable basis amounts of
Kshs.1,509,980,447 and Kshs.1,316,794,471 respectively, resulting to underfunding of
Kshs.193,185,976 (or 13% of the budget). Similarly, the County Assembly spent
Kshs.1,312,588,623 against an approved expenditure budget of Kshs.1,509,980,447,
resulting in an under-expenditure of Kshs.197,391,824 (or 13% of the budget).
The underfunding and underperformance affected the planned services that may have
impacted negatively on service delivery to the public.
Note 1 to the financial statements on pending accounts payable, under other disclosures,
reflects balance brought forward as at 1 July, 2022 of Kshs.28,136,619, addition for the
year of Kshs.32,524,182, paid during the year of Kshs.42,554,501 and balance carried
forward as at 20 June, 2023 of Kshs.18,106,300. However, examination of the supporting
documents revealed that out of the opening balance of Kshs.28,136,619, bill totalling
Kshs.25,812,149 were paid during the year, while the remaining balance of
Kshs.2,324,470 was carried forward to 2023-2024 financial year, contrary to the provision
of Regulation 41(2) of the Public Finance Management (County Governments)
Regulations, 2015 which provides that debt service payment shall be a first charges on
the County Revenue Fund.
In addition, records from the Kenya Revenue Authority indicate that the County Assembly
of Kisii owed the Authority Kshs.358,338,085. However, annexure 1 on pending bills does
not disclose the unpaid debts to KRA. No satisfactory explanation was provided on the
debt exposure and management plan to clear the debt could not be confirmed.
My opinion is not modified in respect of these matters.
Other Matter
In the audit report of the previous year, several issues were raised under the Report on
Financial Statements and Report on Effectiveness in Use of Public Resources. However,
Management has not resolved the issues or given any explanation for failure to adhere
to the provisions of the Public Sector Accounting Standards Board template.
Review of records revealed that the County Assembly paid salaries and allowances
amounting to Kshs.5,175,324 to two hundred and five (205) ward staff recruited during
the year under review. However, no evidence was provided to show that the recruitments
were approval and confirmed by the County Assembly Service Board. Further,
employment contracts were executed between the ward staff and the Members of the
County Assembly and not with the County Assembly Service Board. This was contrary to
Section 25(1) (a) of the County Assembly Service Act, 2017, which provides that the
County Assembly Service Board is responsible for the appointment and confirmation in
appointment of officers and other staff.
Review of records revealed that the County Assembly paid salaries and allowances
amounting to Kshs.3,535,960 to the County Assembly Clerk who had been suspended
from his duties on 24 August, 2022 pending investigations. This was contrary to
Paragraph K.7 (2) of the Human Resource Policies and Procedure Manual for the Public
Service 2016 which stipulates that where an officer is suspended from the exercise of the
functions of his public office, he/she shall be entitled to full house allowance, medical
benefits and no basic salary.
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the guidelines of the Human
Resource Policies and Procedure Manual for the Public Service 2016.
Review of records revealed that the County Assembly had four twenty-five (425)
employees, out of which four hundred and fourteen (414) or 97% were from the dominant
ethnic community, contrary to Section 7(1) and (2) of the National Cohesion and
Integration Act, 2008, which requires that a public establishment shall seek to represent
the diversity of the people of Kenya in employment of staff.
Review of documents revealed that the contract for the construction of Bogiakumu Ward
Office was awarded to a local contractor on 24 January, 2019 at a contract sum of
Kshs.7,350,465. The site handing over was done on 2 September, 2021 with expected
completion date of 2 February, 2022. During the year the contractor was paid an amount
of Kshs.1,766,963 while the previous year Kshs.4,237,326 had been paid to the
contractor, bringing the total payments on the contract to Kshs.6,004,289.
However, physical inspection on 3 August, 2023 revealed that the project was incomplete
as external works and paintings had not been done. Further, Management did not provide
for audit the revised work plan and there was no evidence of contract extension as the
previous contract had lapsed.
Management awarded the contract for the construction of Kisii County Assembly
Speaker’s residence at a contract sum of Kshs.32,970,110 to a local contractor.
Although, Management has not paid the contractor during the year under review, the
progress report dated 1 October, 2023 shows an overall actual progress of 18%, against
time elapsed of 28%, an indication that the contractor was behind schedule. Further,
Management did not provide for evidence that it owns the land on which the residence
was being constructed.
In the circumstances, value for money on the expenditure incurred on the project could
not be confirmed.
During the year under review, the County Assembly did not have an approved Risk
Management Policy and Framework. It was further noted that Management did not carry
out risk assessment, come up with a risk register and develop risk management
strategies. A system of risk management and internal control builds robust County
Assembly operations.
In the circumstances, the effectiveness of risk management in the County Assembly could
not be confirmed.
Further, the County Assembly did not have a Business Continuity Plan or Disaster
Recovery Plan in place for its information systems.
In the circumstances, the County Assembly did not have tools which it could use to
minimize risk of errors, fraud and the loss of data, confidentiality and integrity.
Audit review of the asset register presented for audit for financial year 2022/2023 revealed
that Management did not tag its assets to ensure that proper control systems exist for
assets and that movement and conditions of assets can be tracked.
In the circumstances, the effectiveness of the internal controls on the assets management
could not be confirmed.
The statement of financial assets and liabilities and as disclosed in Note 8 reflects third
party deposits and retentions of Kshs.19,181,437. However, a recalculation of the amount
based on opening balance of Kshs.25,863,211, deposits to the account of
Kshs.16,559,967 and payments of Kshs.16,497,707 as detailed in IFMIS ledger indicate
a closing balance of Kshs.25,925,471 resulting in an unexplained variance of
Kshs.6,744,034. Further, as a result of the inaccuracies, the reported decrease in
accounts payable in the statement of cashflows of Kshs.6,681,774 is not correct.
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed under Note 2 to the financial
statements reflects compensation of employee amount of Kshs.304,964,323. Included in
the amount is Kshs.66,437,551 in respect of basic wages of temporary employees out of
which an amount of Kshs.22,366,800 paid to ninety-nine (99) staff employed at ward
offices was not supported with the payment details and recommendation of employment
by the County Assembly public service Board.
The statement of receipts and payments and as detailed in Note 3 to the financial
Statement reflects use of goods and services of Kshs.285,755,986. Included in the
amount is Kshs.19,354,400 in respect to hospitality supplies and services. However,
review of supporting documents including payment vouchers, invoices and list of
participants for an expenditure of Kshs.5,114,600 relating to conference facilitation did
not disclose the specific activity undertaken by the county.
The statement of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 3 to the financial
statements reflects use of goods and services of an amount of Kshs.285,755,986.
Included in the amount is Kshs.4,771,718 in respect to office and general supplies and
services. However, items purchased including stationery, cleaning materials, toners and
cartridges worth Kshs.4,383,458 were not recorded in the stores ledgers and issue notes
In the circumstances, the occurrence and completeness of office and general supplies
and services expenditure of Kshs.4,383,458 could not be confirmed.
The statements of receipts and payments and as disclosed in Note 4 to the financial
statements reflects transfers to other government entities of Kshs.127,000,000 in respect
of mortgage scheme fund. Review of the payment details and bank statements revealed
that an amount totalling Kshs.74,350,455 was transferred on different dates to County
Assembly of Nyamira imprest bank account. However, the transfers were not disclosed
in the financial statements and were not supported with bank statements, expenditure
budget requisitions, expenditure returns and imprest register.
Further, review of the County Assembly recurrent bank statements and IFMIS payment
details for the year revealed an amount totalling Kshs.174,859,860 and Kshs.180,711,654
respectively were transferred to the mortgage and car loan scheme fund resulting in an
unexplained and unreconciled variances of Kshs.47,859,860 and Kshs.53,711,654
The statement of assets and liabilities and as disclosed in Note 7 of the financial
statements reflects Kshs.19,318,802 in respect of cash and cash equivalents. A review
of the corresponding bank reconciliation statements as at 30 June, 2023 for the bank
revealed that recurrent account receipts in cashbook not in bank of Kshs.28,629,102 was
not supported. Further detailed schedule of payments in cashbook not in bank of
Kshs.29,057,676 did not include dates of payment. Imprest account receipts in cashbook
not in bank of Kshs.5,421,240 was not supported. Further, detailed schedules of
payments in cashbook not in bank of Kshs.5,632,962 were not provided for audit review.
Salaries account schedules for payment in cashbook not in bank of Kshs.2,118,915 were
As disclosed in Note 7 to the financial statements, the statement of assets and liabilities
reflects cash and cash equivalents balance of Kshs.19,318,802. Included in the balance
is Kshs.3 in respect of the County Assembly Development Account as supported by bank
certificate balance. However, review of the development account bank statements
revealed a balance of Kshs.43,478,760 as at 30 June, 2023 resulting to unexplained and
unreconciled variance of Kshs.43,478,757.
Further, bank reconciliation statement as at 30 June, 2023 reflects balance of
Kshs.43,478,757 in respect of receipts in cash book not yet recorded in bank statement
that were not supported. Similarly, the bank reconciliation statements reflect payments
totalling Kshs.43,478,757 which were made in cashbook but not in the bank whose
detailed schedule did not include the date of payments.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of the cash and cash equivalent
balance of Kshs.19,318,437 could not be confirmed.
The statement of financial assets and liabilities did not disclose balance in respect of
outstanding imprests. However, review of the bank reconciliation statements in respect
of recurrent expenditure revealed total payments of Kshs.29,057,676 that were made in
cash book but not in the bank included a total of Kshs.21,645,400 being imprest payments
not surrendered.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of the Nil balance in respect of
unsurrendered imprest could not be confirmed.
Emphasis of Matter
Note 1 of Other Important Disclosures and Annexure 1 to the financial statements reflects
pending accounts payable balance of Kshs.41,773,934 which were not settled during the
year under review but were carried forward to 2023/2024 financial year. The Management
has presented payment vouchers indicating that the pending bills have since been
cleared. However, the payments were not supported with invoices and bank statements.
Failure to settle bills during the year to which they relate distorts the financial statements
for that year and adversely affects the provisions for the subsequent year to which they
have to be charged.
Other Matter
The County Assembly has a total staff of two hundred and forty-nine (249) employees.
However, two hundred and forty-six (246) staff members are from the dominant ethnic
group forming 99% of the total staff composition. This was contrary to Section 7(2) of the
National Cohesion and integration Act, 2008 which requires that no public establishment
shall have more than one third (1/3) of its staff from the same ethnic community.
As disclosed in Note 2 to the financial statement, the statement of receipts and payments
reflects compensation of employee of an amount of Kshs.304,964,323 which includes an
amount of Kshs.22,366,800 paid to ninety-nine (99) staff employed at the ward offices
recruited during the year. However, supporting documents including the advertisements,
appointment of recruitment panels, shortlisted candidates and interview performance
report and recommendation of the County Assembly public service Board was not
provided for audit review. This contravenes Section 12(7)(b) of the County Government
Act, 2012 which provides that the County Assembly Service Board is responsible for
constituting offices in the County Assembly services, and appointing and supervising
office holders.
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the law and the fairness in the
recruitment process could not be confirmed.
The County Assembly entered into a contract for construction works of Nyamira County
Assembly Offices block at a contract sum of Kshs.367,000,000 with completion date of
30 June, 2021 which was extended twice to 13 June, 2021 and later to
20 December, 2023 by the contract implementation team. Audit verification on
23 November, 2023 revealed that the works were incomplete and the contractor was on
site. Management indicated that amount spent as at 30 June, 2023 was
Kshs.152,816,506 or 42% of works certified. However, supporting documents including
interim payment certificate and Project Implementation Committee reports on reasons for
delay in the project completion dates and subsequent extensions on project timelines
were not provided for audit review.
In the circumstance, the County Government may not obtain value for money and the
expected benefits from the projects to the residents of Nyamira County may not be
The County Assembly entered into a contract for the proposed construction of a ward
office at Bomwagamo at a contract price of Kshs.6,666,305. The contract period was 548
days commencing on 18 May, 2021 with completion date of 5 November, 2022. However,
review of the supporting documents including the correspondences revealed that the
Director of Supply Chain Management recommended to the Accounting Officer vide a
memo dated 20 April, 2023, for the termination of the contract due to breach of contract
after 67% completion and payment of Kshs.4,499,305 for the works. Audit verification of
the project in November, 2023, revealed that the Accounting Officer had not responded
to the memo, the project was incomplete and the contractor was not on site.
In the circumstances, the County may not obtain value for money and the expected
benefits from the projects to the residents of Nyamira County may not be realized.
499. There were no material issues raised on internal controls, risk management and
500. Variances Between the Financial Statements and the Trial Balance
Review of the trial balance provided for audit revealed the following variances when
compared with the reported amounts in the financial statements;
Financial Trial
Statement Balance
Amount Amount Variance
Item (Kshs.) (Kshs.) (Kshs.)
Transfer to Counties - 451,124,297 (451,124,297)
Transfers to car and other 501,718,392 - 501,718,392
government entities
Surplus for the year 186,253 27,451 158,802
Fund balance brought forward - - 66,416,507 (66,416,507)
accounts payables fund account
Prior year Adjustment 257,636,251 3,241,952 254,394,298
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of the financial statement could not
be confirmed.
Review of the financial statements balances against the ledger balances revealed totals
of Kshs.2,278,593,737 and Kshs.823,688,711 respectively resulting in unexplained
variance of Kshs.1,800,798,423.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of the financial statement could not
be confirmed.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects acquisition of assets and other payments
amount to Kshs.24,858,733 as disclosed in Note 10 to the financial statements while the
statement of comparison of budget and actual amounts reflects acquisition of assets
amount of Kshs.4,700,277 respectively resulting in unreconciled and unexplained
variances of Kshs.20,158,456.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of the acquisition of assets amount
of Kshs.24,858,733 could not be confirmed.
503. Unsupported Expenditure on Use of Goods and Services
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services expenditure
of Kshs.636,732,521 as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial statements. However,
Management did not provide payment vouchers and other supporting documents which
included receipt, delivery notes, procurement documents and invoices in respect of an
expenditure of Kshs.184,017,712.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of the use of goods and services
expenditure amounting to Kshs.184,017,712 could not be confirmed.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of the acquisition of assets amount
of Kshs.23,082,956 could not be confirmed.
The statement of financial assets and liabilities and as disclosed in Note 17 to financial
statements reflects a balance of Kshs.257,636,250 in respect of prior year adjustment
whose nature, line items affected and other details have not been disclosed as required
by the International Public Sector Accounting Standard number 3.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of the prior year adjustment
balance of Kshs.257,636,250 could not be confirmed.
The statement of cash flows reflects cash and cash equivalents as at the end of the year
of Kshs.186,253. However, the statement reflects other payments amounting to
Kshs.12,311,252 under payments for operating expenses which differs with the amount
paid and reported in the statement of receipts and payments amount of Kshs.12,080,000
resulting to unreconciled variance of Kshs.231,252. Further, the cash and cash equivalent
balance at the start of the year is reported as Kshs.231,253 while the prior year audited
financial statements reflects a balance of Kshs.26,991 resulting in unreconciled variance
of Kshs.204,261.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of the statement of cash flows
could not be confirmed.
507. Misclassification of Expenditure
Review of the financial statements and the ledgers revealed items charged into incorrect
account codes resulting in misclassification of expenditure totalling Kshs.319,547,787.
The statement of assets and liabilities reflects total cash and cash equivalents balance of
Kshs.186,253 held in five (5) bank accounts as disclosed in Note 13A to the financial
statements. Review of bank balance documents revealed that the CBK development
account had a closing balance of Kshs.166,380. However, review of the cashbook
revealed that the County Assembly received a total of Kshs.20,213,916 while Note 10 to
the financial statements acquisition of assets expenditure of Kshs.24,858,733 resulting in
an unexplained variance reflects Kshs.4,644,817.
Further, the deposit account cashbook reflects a balance of Kshs.17,953 which was not
disclosed in the financial statement. Similarly, the recurrent imprest account balance of
Kshs.10,806 differs with the cashbook balance of Kshs.2,367,916 resulting in an
unreconciled variance of Kshs.2,357,110. The salary account had a closing balance of
Kshs.6,365 which differed with the cashbook balance of Kshs.1,675,544 resulting in an
unreconciled variance of Kshs.1,669,179.
In the circumstances, the accuracy of the cash and cash equivalents balance of
Kshs.186,253 could not be confirmed.
Review of payment details provided revealed that Kshs.279,703,949 was transferred from
Car and Mortgage Scheme Fund on 15 February, 2023 to Nairobi City County Assembly
vehicle reimbursement account. However, the amount was not disclosed in the County
financial statement. Further, the motor vehicle reimbursement account balance was not
disclosed in Note 13A to the financial statements casting doubt on the transfer of
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services expenditure
totalling Kshs.636,732,521 as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial statements which
includes Kshs.39,521,628 in respect of other operating expenses. However, review of
sampled payment vouchers totalling Kshs.4,558,964 in respect of rent expenditure
revealed that rent was paid to different persons with different account numbers contrary
to the ones specified in the lease tenancy agreements.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of other operating expenses
amounting to Kshs.4,558,964 could not be confirmed.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services expenditure
of Kshs.636,732,521 as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial statements which includes
expenditure of Kshs.4,017,600 in respect of communication, supplies and services.
However, review of payment vouchers in respect of airtime amounting to Kshs.2,817,000
revealed they were not supported by approvals and complete beneficiary lists.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services expenditure
of Kshs.636,732,521 as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial statements which includes
expenditure of Kshs.200,830,325 in respect of domestic travel and subsistence. However,
payment vouchers provided totalling Kshs.12,010,385 were not supported by relevant
documents including, original invitations and approvals, boarding passes, attendance
lists, conference venue invoices and cash receipts.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of the domestic travel and
subsistence amount of Kshs.12,010,385 could not be confirmed.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services expenditure
of Kshs.636,732,521 as disclosed in Note 5 to the financial statements which includes
expenditure of Kshs.191,323,977 in respect of foreign travel and subsistence. However,
payment vouchers totalling Kshs.36,447,345 were not supported by relevant documents
including, original invitations and approvals, boarding passes, attendance lists,
conference venue invoices and cash receipts.
In the circumstance, the accuracy and completeness of the foreign travel and subsistence
expenditure of Kshs.36,447,345 could not be confirmed.
514. Unsupported Accounts Payables
Note 1 under other important disclosures to the financial statement reflects pending
accounts payables balance of Kshs.189,540,979. However, the account payable balance
excluded amount of Kshs.60,546,051 received from Car Loan and Mortgage Account as
disclosed in Note 3 to the financial statement.
In the circumstances, the accuracy and completeness of the pending accounts payable
balance of Kshs.189,540,979 could not be confirmed.
515. Unsupported Salary Advances
The statement of assets and liabilities reflects outstanding imprests and advance balance
of Kshs.258,051,837 as disclosed in Note 14 to the financial statements. The balance
comprises of outstanding imprest balance of Kshs.255,989,837 and advances balance of
Kshs.2,062,000. However, the advance balances includes advance to four (4) staff
members amounting to Kshs.612,000. Further, Management did not explain why imprest
was not surrendered within seven (7) days after return from field work.
In the circumstances, the accuracy of the outstanding imprests and advance balance of
Kshs.258,051,837 could not be confirmed.
Emphasis of Matter
The statement of comparison of budget and actual amounts reflects a final revenue
budget and actual amounts on comparative basis of Kshs.2,409,148,302 and
Kshs.1,884,769,276 respectively resulting to revenue shortfall of Kshs.524,379,026 or
22% of the budget. Similarly, the County Assembly spent Kshs.1,884,583,024 against an
approved budget of Kshs.2,409,148,302 resulting in an under-expenditure of
Kshs.524,565,278 or 22% of the budget.
As disclosed in Note 1and 2 on other disclosures, the County Assembly had pending
accounts payable balance of Kshs.512,320,974 comprising pending accounts payables
of Kshs.189,540,979 and staff payable of Kshs.322,779,995. Management did not explain
why the bills were not settled during the year when they occurred.
Failure to settle bills during the year to which they relate to distort the financial statements
and adversely affects the budgetary provisions for the subsequent year as they form a
first charge.
Other Matter
In the audit report of the previous year, several issues were raised under the Report on
Financial Statements, Report on Lawfulness and Effectiveness in Use of Public
Resources, and Report on Effectiveness of Internal Controls, Risk Management and
Governance. However, the Management has not resolved the issues or given any
explanation for failure to do so, as provided for in the reporting template prescribed by the
Public Sector Accounting Standards Board.
Review of recruitment of staff documents revealed that the County Assembly recruited
three (3) members of staff during the year under review. However, the following
anomalies were noted;
i. Confirmed minutes by the staff advisory committee on recruitment of the three (3)
staff members were not provided for audit.
ii. Confirmed minutes by the County Assembly of Nairobi Service Board on adopting
the recommendations of the staff advisory committee and recruiting the three (3)
members of staff were not provided for audit.
iii. Their academic certificates were not submitted to Kenya National Qualification
Authority for validation and authentication.
iv. No needs analysis for existence of the above vacancies was provided for audit
v. Review of the personal files for the recruited staff revealed lack of vital documents
including ethics and anti-corruption report on declaration of wealth and liabilities
on first appointment, NHIF and NSSF registration certificates and IPPD data
capture sheet.
In the circumstances, it was not possible to establish how the three (3) officers were
introduced in the payroll without these documents.
Review of legal records revealed that the County Assembly made payments amounting
to Kshs.38,708,640 to various legal firms engaged directly from the prequalified list of
suppliers. This however contravenes the Public Procurement and Disposal Act, 2015 and
Civil Procedure Act Chapter 21. Further, review of payment vouchers relating to payment
of legal services revealed that there were no contracts between the advocate and the
County Assembly, no itemized fee notes, no detailed service provided by the lawyers
upon which the fee note was based and no current status of the legal cases was provided
for audit.
The statement of receipts and payments reflects use of goods and services expenditure
of Kshs.279,413,929 which, as disclosed in Note 3 to the financial statements, includes
other operating expenses amount of Kshs.41,137,171 out of which, amounts of
Kshs.4,450,000 and Kshs.750,000 were paid to the County Assembly Forum (CAF) and
Society of Clerks-at-The-Table in Kenya (SOCATT(K)) respectively as subscription fees.
However, the payments lacked legal backing and supporting policy guidelines.
Review of staffing records revealed that the County Assembly employed a total number
of two hundred (200) partisan staff for the wards against the set limit of one hundred and
forty-four (144) as per circular number CRA/CSO/CMG//9/VOLV/59 dated
21 October, 2020 on Advisory of Ward Offices Operation Costs from the Commission on
Revenue Allocation.
In the circumstances, Management was in breach of the law.
The Speaker’s residence of the County Assembly of Nairobi City was awarded at a cost
of Kshs.55,811,842 and a final completion certificate issued on 26 August, 2021 in
respect of the project. During the year under review an amount of Kshs.2,028,303 was
paid to the contractor as the final payment. However, physical inspection conducted on
10 November, 2023 revealed that the project was complete but the residence was not in
In the circumstances, value for money on the expenditure of Kshs.55,811,842 incurred
on the construction of the Speaker’s residence could not be confirmed.
S/N County Code County Assembly Opinion
13. 14
Embu Qualified
14. 15
Kitui Qualified
15. 16 Machakos Qualified
16. 17
Makueni Qualified
17. 18
Nyandarua Qualified
18. 19
Nyeri Qualified
18. 20
Kirinyaga Qualified
20. 21
Murang’a Qualified
21. 22 Kiambu Qualified
22. 23
Turkana Qualified
23. 24
West Pokot Qualified
24. 25
Samburu Qualified
25. 27
Uasin Gishu Qualified
26. 28
Elgeyo/Marakwet Qualified
27. 29 Nandi Qualified
28. 30
Baringo Qualified
29. 31
Laikipia Qualified
30. 32
Nakuru Qualified
31. 33
Narok Qualified
32. 34
Kajiado Qualified
33. 35 Kericho Qualified
34. 36
Bomet Qualified
35. 37
Kakamega Qualified
36. 40
Busia Qualified
S/N County Code County Assembly Opinion
37. 41
Siaya Qualified
38. 42
Kisumu Qualified
39. 43 Homa Bay Qualified
40. 45
Kisii Qualified
41. 46
Nyamira Qualified
3rd Floor, Anniversary Towers,University Way, Nairobi
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