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Post Graduate Diploma in Management

Tentative Course Outline

Course Name: Micro Economics

Faculty: - Dr. Paroma Mitra Term: - f

Area: - Economics Credit: -313

Introduction: - This course on economic analysis is aimed at understanding interrelationships between

prices, costs, production and market structure, in an integated m{ulner. These are generally considered
independent of each other by most. The study of this course could help the future executives
determination of 'optimal' prices, costs and level of production and their interrelationships as well
as the
kind of market struchre the product(s) of firrn is operating in. This course also examines the optimal
behavior of the finn in different type of market setup. The course would also have elaborate
about the logic and rationale of competition policy and regulatioq especially in the context ofpublic
like elechicity, telecommunications, transport etc.

ln short, the course attempts to equip the aspiring rnanagers with an understanding of
basic economic
principles, theories which have an important beming on the managerial decision making process
of a firm.
An application of economic principles to business decision-making would be discussed and explained
the fust term. This is done by apPlylng microeconomic theory and quantitative methods to managerial
decisions making about pricing, production and costs, profit maximization, aod govemmental
However, the differences in performance of different firms in the same markeyindusty are outside
domain ofthis course and would be dealt with later in the course on .Business strategy,.

Learning Objective: -

LOl. To familiarize the students with the basic concept of microeconomics.

LO2. To impart knowledge on the demand and supply issue aad solve business problems. (related
to LG3
and LG5)

LO3. To impart knowledge on the production and cost structure and help a business to take
decision on
cost optimization. (related to LG3 and LG5)

Lo4. To understand the pricing and output decisions under various market structue. (related to
LG3 and

LO5. With the knowledge of Microeconomics student can solve probleors of Macroeconomics and
International economics too. (related to LG2, LG3 and LG5)

Intended Learning Outcome of Course (ILOs): -

At the end of the course a student is expected to:

COl. Learn demand curyes determination from a consumer behavior analysis.

COz. Forecasting demand through various method which has huge application
in business.
CO3' Learn supply curye determination from producer behavior or cost behavior
of a firm analysis.
CO4. Learn how price determined in different structure of market

CO5' Decision making skills and application of Microeconomics tools in different

firm structures.
Session Plan: -

sL. Cases/Readings
Topic Session's

1. Introduction 1
. What is Economics?
. Why managers should study Economics?
. Microeconomics and Macroeconomics

2. I
Demand and Supply Analysis )-<

| ' Ho* price is determined with help of demand and Class Activities
I . supply curves?
| Demand function, Law of demand
| 'Direct Demand schedule, Demand curve, Inverse
Demand curve
I . Movement
|. along with demand curve
| Change in demand or shift in demand
. Determinants of Supply
. Supply function,Law of supply
. Supply Schedule, Supply Curve
. Shift in Supply
. Market Equilibrium
. Assignments
3. I)emand Estimation and Elasticities of
. Demand Estimation
. Demand Elasticity and its type Case Study: Hind Oil
. Elasticity when demand is linear Industry: Demand
. Elasticity when demand is non-linear Analysis(IvY Case)
. Demand Revenue- Elasticity relationship

4. Iremand Analysis and forecasting

. Determinants of Demand Curve (how to Case Study: A-Cat CORp.:
determine it) Forecasting (IVy
. Analysis of estimation Demand Function Publishing)

. Smoothing technique: moving average,
exponential smoothing, regression analysis
and econometrics tools

. Marginal Analysis
. Constraint Optimization
. Consumer behaviour theory. (Cardinal and

Case study: Output

Production Analysis and Inputrs Demand
Elasticities in US
. Production function: Short Manufacturing Industries
and Long Run
. Cost Function (Managerial Economics, by
. Cost- output relationship Salvatore and Rastogi, 8th
ed. pp277

Determination of Price io Oiffer.nt ,rr.a.t * Article: Market Analysis oT

Perfect competitive market Indian Telecom Mobile
. Monopolisticcompetition Industry by Ashish V Singh
. Oligopoly


Pedagory: - Theoretical lectures, Cases, Assignments and


Counse Reading: -

Prescribed Book

Taylor M.p. , Microeconomics, Cengage, 56 Edition

Reference Books
1. Koutsoyianni
Roy Choudhury: Managerial Eoonomios, MGH, 3d Edition
2. s, Modern Micro iconomiis Macmillan press.
3. Thomas, C.R and S. C. M*xice, Managerial Economics, the Mc Graw_Hill, gm
4' salvatore, Dominick & Rastogi siaauitt , Manageriar t*noriii
prt*ipies and worrdwide
Applic ations, Oxford 8e.
1. !y."A"y, U*agerial Economics, Cengage,l2e
6. Weigelt &Mansfield: Managerial Ecoioiiis,yiva, Ze.
7. Pindyck, Robert & Rubinfeld ,Daniel: Microiconomics,pEl ge.
8. Samuelson, Paul A. Microeco nomics,McCrraw Hill, l9e.
9. Harford, Tim: The [Jndercover Economist, L&B
10. Besanko, David, Mitoeconomics, WitiyiSe.

Additional Readings
,0,., I t ' Other References and Case Study material prescribed in
the class

Evaluation with Weightage: -

Item Total Marks Weightage Blooms taxonomy

Mid term 30 30 LI,L2,L3,L4

End term 30 30 LI,L2,L3,L4
Quiz (4 quiz) 40 10 Ll,L3,L4
Project >:30 30 Ll,L2,L3,L4,L5,L6

Exam Pattern (open Book/closed Book): Not yet decided

Duration of Exam (Mid rerm & End rerm): 2:30 Hrs to 3 FIrs
special Instruction if any: Depends on question pattern
[N.8: Lecture topics may be adiusted based on class progress throughout the trimester termJ

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