Maharashtra HSC English Question Paper 2024

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2024 |11 |21 | 1100 (E)


Time :3 Hrs. (16 Pages) Max. Marks : 80

Important instructions :
) Each activity has to be answered in complete sentence/s. One word answers wil
not be given complete credi. hust the correct activity number written in case of
options will not be given credit.
2) Web diagrams, flow charts, tables etc. are to be presented exactly as they are
with anSwers.

3) In point 2above, just words without the presentation ofthe activity

will not given credit. bse of colow pencilsfpens etc. is not allowed. (Only
blue/black pens are allowed)
(4 Mulliple anSwers to the same activiy will be treated as wrong and will not be
given any credit.
Maintain the sequence of the Sections/Question Nos./Activities throughout the
activity sheet.

(Reading for Comprehension, Language Study,
Summary and Mind Mapping)
Q. 1. (A) Read the extract and complete the activities given below:. (12)(16]
This is what Camus meant when he said that "what
gives value to travel is fear"-disruption, in other words,
(or emancipation) from circumstance, and all the habits
Page 1 P.T.O
behind which we hide. And that is why many of us travel not
in search of answers, but of better questions. I, like many
people, tend to ask questions of the places I visit, and relish
most the ones that ask the most searching questions back
ofme: "The ideal travel book," Christopher Isherwood once
said, should be perhaps a litle like a crime story in which
you're in search of something." And it's the best kind of
something, I would add, if it's one that you can never quite

Iremember, in fact, after my first trips to Southeast

Asia, more than a decade ago, how I would come back to
my apartment in New York, and lie in my bed, kept up by
something more than jet lag, playing back, in my memory,
over and over, all that I had experienced, and paging wistully
through my photographs and reading 'and re-reading my
diaries, as if to extract some mystery from them. Anyone
witnessing this strange scene would have drawn the right
conclusion:I was in love.
When we go abroad is that we are objects of scrutiny
as much as the people we scrutinize, and we are being
consumed by the cultures we consume, as much on the
road as when we are at home. At the very least, we are
objects of speculation (and even desire) who can seem as
exotic to the people around us as they do to us.
All, in that sense, believed in "being moved" as one of
the points of taking trips, and "being transported" by private
as well as public means; all saw that "ecstasy" "ex-stasis")
tells us that our highest moments come when we're not

Page 2
stationary, and that epiphany can folow movement as much
as it precipitates it.
Al. Read and rewrite the following sentences and state
whether they are True or False : (2)
(a) A traveller may sink in love with his travel
(b) One gets inspected as he inspects the world
around him.
(c) Quest for something may end in more mystery.
(d) Staying in çómfort at home gives one more
happiness than travelling.
A2. Match the persons given in column 'A'with opinions/
characteristics given in column 'B': (2)
Column 'A' Column B'
(1) Narrator a) ideal travel should be
like a crime story.
(2) Camus b) in love with his
(3) Isherwood c) more happy when on

(4) Traveller d) fear gives value to

A3. Give reasons: (2)
"We are objects of scrutiny," because

A4. "Travelling is an interesting tcacher." Write your views (2)
in 3-4 sentences.

Page 3 P.T.O
AS. Do as directed: (2)

0 Tlike to ask questions of the places I visit.

(Choose the correct tense form of the above
sentence from the following options and rewrite.)
(a) Simple past tense
(b) Simple present tense
(c) Past perfect tese
(d) Present perfect tense
(ü) Iwould come back to my apartment in New York.
(Choose the correct option using 'used to' for the given
sentence and rewrite.)
(@) Iuse to come back to ngy apartment in New
(b) I have used to come back to my apartment
in New York.
(c) Iused to come back to mny apartment in New
(d) I had used to come back to my apartment in
New York.
A6. Find out the words from passage which mnean (2)
) reminiscence
(i) exhilaration
B1. Language study ()
Do as directed :

(1) Avneesh said, "Sanchit, what are you doing in the (1)
garden at this time?"
(ldentify and rewrite the correct 'indirect narration
from the following options.)
Page 4
() Avneesh asked Sanchit what he was doing in the
garden at that time.
(ü) Avneesh wanted to know from Sanclit his cause
ofbeing there in the garden.
(ii) Avneesh asked Sanchit whether he was present in
the garden at that time.
(iv) Avneesh asked Sanchit whether he was doing in
the garden atthat time.
(2) Neeraj Chopra may not participate in the world ()
championship ue to ankle injury.
(Choose the correct option from the following
sentences which uses a more definite modal auxiliary.)
) Neeraj Chopra cannot participate in the world
championship due to ankle injury.
(ü) Neeraj Chopra will nÍt participate in the world
championship ue to ankle injury.
(Gi) Neeraj Chopra should ngt participate in the world
championship due to ankle injury.
(iv) Neeraj Chopra might not participate in the world
championship due to ankle injury.
(3) Unless you are confident, you will not succeed. (1)
(Choose the correct option from the following options
to change the sentence beginning with 'If..")
() Ifyou are confidence you will get success.
(ü) Ifyou have confidence you will get success.
(i) Ifyou are confident you will not get success.
(iv) Ifyou are not confident you will get success.

Page 5 P.T.O
B2. Spot the error and rewrite correct sentence: (1)
He prescribe medicine alongwith a few exercises to his

Q. 2. (A) Read the following extract and complete the activities (12) (18]
given below:
Love is a great force in private life; it is indeed the
greatest of all things; but love in public affairs does not
work. It has been tried again and again; by the people of the
Middle Ages, and also by the French Revolution, a secular
movement which reasserted the Brotherhood of Man. And
it has always failed. The idea that nations should love one
another, or that business concerns or marketing boards
should love one another or that a man in Portugal should
love a man in Peru of whom he has never heard- it is
absurd, unreal, dangerous. 'Love is what is needed,' we
chant, and then sit back and the world goes, on as before.
The fact is we can only love what we know personally. And
we cannot know much. In public affairs, in the rebuilding of
civilization, something much less dramatic and emotional is
needed, namely tolerance. Tolerance is a very dull virtue. It
is boring. It is negative. It merely means putting up with
people, being able to stand things. No onehas ever written
an ode to tolerance, or raised a statute to her. Yet this is the
quality which will be most needed after the war. This is the
sound state of mind which we are looking for. This is he
only force which will enable diferent races and classes and
interests to settle down together to the work of

The world is very full of people-appallingly full; it

has never been so full before, and they are all tumbling over

Page 6
each other. Most of these people one doesn't know anda
Some of them one doèsn't like. Well, what is one to do? If
you don't like people, put up with them as well as you can.
Don't try to love them: you can't. But try to tolerate them.
On the basis ofthat tolerance acivilized future may be built.
Certainly I can see no other foundation for the post-war

Al. Choose two comect alternatives which define the theme

of the extract: (2)
) Love is a greater force in private as well as in
public affairs.
(k) Torebuild civilization weneed tolerance more than
Wo love.
(üi) Patience is the solution in any sort ofconfrontation.
(iv) When you do not like people, nations or
civilizations, you need to love therm to change them.
A2. Complete the folowing table with the help ofthe
extract : (2)
Give one merit and one demerit of 'Love' and
Patience )

A3. Write how we can build up a civilized society; with the

help of the extract. (2)
A4. 'Love and tolerance are the true indicators of a (2)
civilized person. Justify.
Page 7 P.T.o
AS. Do as directed: (2)
) It has been tried again and again.
(ldentify the correct Active Voice of the above
sentence from the given options and rewrite.)
(a) They had tried it again and again.
(b) They has tried it again and again.
(c) They tried it again and again.
(d) They have tried it again and again.
(ü). tis the sound state of mind which we are looking
((dentify the correct simple sentence from the
given options and rewrite.)
(a) It is the sound state of mind and we are
looking for it.
(b). We are looking for the sound state of mind.
(c) We are looking for it but it is the sound state
of mind.
(d) The sound state of mind is looked for.

A6. Match the words in column "A'with their meanings in

column 'B'. (2)
ColumnA' Column B'
) Secular (a) feeling of great friendship
and understanding between
(ü) Absurd (b) a society which has its own
highly developed culture
and ways of life.

Page 8
(iü) Civilization (c) not connected with any
(iv) Brotherhood (d) not at all logical or sensible.
(B) Summarising: (3)
Write a'summary' of the above extract by using the following
(Love as a force - its limitations toleranceneed of
(C) Mind Mapping : (3)
Prepare a mind map on 'Effects of Music on Human Life'
using your ideas/thoughts/concepts to illustrate,
(Poetry and Appreciation)
Q. 3. (A) Read the extract and complete the activities given below : (10) [14)
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express,
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.
And on that cheek, and o'er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
Page 9 P.T.O
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
Amind at peacc with all below,
A heart whose love is
Al. Select and write the two statements from the given list
which justify the therme of the poem. (2)
(a) The poet is blunt and direct in his expression of
(6) Internal beauty is as important as the external
(c) The poet is in love with lady's outward beauty.
(d) Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder.
A2. Complete the following web describing the various
aspects of the lady's beauty. One is done for you at
the centre place. (2)
her hair her eyes

Lady's beauty
-a cloudless
starry night

her mind her smile

A3. Write your idea of 'a beautiful person' in your own

words. (2)
A4. Find out and explain an example of 'Antithesis" from
the given extract. (2)

Prge 10
AS. Compose a poem of vour own in about 2 to 4 lines on
the topic 'Beauty'. (2)
(B) Appreciation : (4)
Read the extract and write the appreciation of the poem :
They hear no sound, the swell is strongi
Though the wind hath fallen they drift along,
Till the vessel strikes with a shivering shock,
'0Christ! it is the Inchcape Rock!"
Sir Ralph the Rover tore his hair;
He curst himself in his despair;
The waves rush in every side,
The ship is sinking beneath the tide.
But even in his dying fear
One dreadful sound could the Rover hear,
Asound as if withthe Inchcape Bell,
The Devil below was ringing his knell.

(Writing Skills)
Q. 4. Complete the activities as per the instructions given below : [16]
(A) Atempt 'Any One' ofthe following activities: (4)
Drafting avirtual message:
) Manisha, a graduate girl, misses her college bus. Her
father has gone for his regular moming walk. She needs
his bike to appear for her entrance test. Draft a virtual
message in about 50 words that she would write to her

Page 11 P.I.O
Statement of Purpose :
(ü) Imagine, after your HSC, you wish to pursue adegree
in 'Bachelors in Communication Skills, in a reputed
university in India or abroad.
Prepare a 'statement of purpose' (SOP) in about
150 words which will help you to getadmission in your
dream university.
Group Discussion :
(üi) Imagine, your class has attended aguest lecture on
"Career Development." Write the group discussion in
the form ofdialogues associated with this lecture among
3 to 4 student participants.
(B) Atempt 'Any One' ofthe following activities : (4)
E-mail :
) Draft an E-mail to the manager of a company to request
him/her to give you an opportunity as an apprentice to
serve you as an experience for your career development.
Report Writing :
(ü) Imagine your class attended a session on "How to
win?" conducted by an expert speaker. Write a report
on the session especially the relevant points in about
Interview :
(iü) Imagine you have to conduct an interview ofa 'Famous
Actor.'With the help of the format given below, draft
questions on the given fields. (Do not change the
sequence of the questions.)

Page 12
Name of the interviewee :
Field / Reputation
Date /Venue/Time
Duration of Interview
Questions based on:
(1) Motivation
(2) Initial Preparation
(3) Support
(4) ldols / Gurus / Teachers
(S) First Break
(6) Public response
(7) Reçognition
(8) Goals / Dreams

(C) Atempt "Any One' of the folloying activities : (4)

Speech :
() Imagine you are preparing for an elocution competition
and you wish to speak on the topic 'Green Revolution.'
Draft a speech in about 150 words on the given
(ü) Imagine you are given the responsibility to 'compere'
a programme by your college authorities. You need to
prepare your script on the programme titled 'Cultural
Fest 2024.' Draft the script to decide the flow of the
programme. You may take help of the given points.
Lighting ofthe lamp
Cultural Fest Programme
Page 13 P.T.O
Speech of the Chief Guest
Presidential address
Prize distribution
Vote of thanks
Expansion of Idea:
(iü) Expand the following idea with the help of the points
given below (100 to150 words):
'Manners Maketh Man'
Speech, tone, gestures and action
To be courteous and amiable
(D) Attempt 'Any One' ofthe following activities : (4)
) You have recently read a Write
a 'Review' on the same with the help of the following
points :
title, front page, back page
language, features, contents
Pictures, quality, presentation
Values, vision and varicty
() Write a 'Blog' in aproper fomat on 'Body Language'
with the help of thefollowing points (100 to 150 words):
Meaning and features.
Characteristics and scope
Benefits/ Importance
Uses/ Ways to utilize
Page 14
(i) Prepare an 'Appeal' on the topic "Traffic Rules for
Safety Measures' with the help of thefollowing points
(100 to 150 words) :
Ignorance and lack of knowledgeand information
Purpose / need of obeyance
Avoid accidents / need of society

Q. 5. (A) Complete the activities given below as per the instructions : (4) [16|
) Match the columns: (2)
Column 'A' Column B'
(1) Novel (a) Greek Romances
(2) 18th Century (b) Middle class readers
(3) 2nd to 6th Century (c) Along narrative fiction
(4) Newspapers and (d) Spirit of Realism
(ü) Choose the correct alternatives and rewrite the
Sentences : (2)
(a) The novel that bears more than one level of
meaning is called novel.
[Realistic /Allegorical /Historical ]
(b) novel is concerned with the protagonist's
overall growth from childhood to adulthood.
[ Bildungsroman /Utopian /Gothic )
(c) novel is a novel based on the author's life.
[Epistolary /I Psychological/ Autobiographical ]
Page 15 P.T.O
(0) The novel based on an imaginary community
possessing the ideal qualities is called
(Utopian / Epistolary / Picaresque ]
(B) Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below : (4)
) Write a character-sketch ofthe narator E.R. Braithwaite (2)
in 'To Sir With Love'.
(ü) Consider 'student-teacher relationship' as one of the
themes of To Sir With Love'.

(C) Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below (4)

0 Appreciate Phileas Fogg as the protagonist of 'Around

the World in Eighty Days.'
(0) The most interesting part of the extract 'Around the
World in Eighty Days is its climax. Discuss. (?)
(D) Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below: (4)
) Mary Morstan encourages Dr. Watson to get involved
in her case. Justify the staternent with reference to "The
Sign of Four.'
() Write the importance of various places such as
'Holmes' residence, Lyceum Theatre and unknown
destination with reference to "The Sign of Four.' (2)

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