12 Osama Assignment 1
12 Osama Assignment 1
12 Osama Assignment 1
MSCS:2nd semester
Roll no.13
Assignment no.1
1. Determinism: For each state and input symbol, there is exactly one transition to a next
2. Finite States: The automaton consists of a finite number of states.
3. Formal Definition: A DFA can be defined as a 5-tuple (Q,Σ,δ,q0,F)(Q,Σ,δ,q0,F) where:
○ QQ is a finite set of states.
○ ΣΣ is a finite set of input symbols (alphabet).
○ δδ is the transition function, δ:Q×Σ→Qδ:Q×Σ→Q, mapping a state and input
symbol to the next state.
○ q0q0is the start state, where q0∈Qq0∈Q.
○ FF is the set of accept states, F⊆QF⊆Q.
A Nondeterministic Finite Automaton (NFA) is a type of finite automaton that allows multiple
transitions for a given state and input symbol, including transitions that do not consume any
input symbols (ε-transitions).NFA also has five states as DFA but with differ transitions
○ QQ is a finite set of states.
○ ΣΣ is a finite set of input symbols (alphabet).
○ δδ is the transition function, δ:Q×Σ→Qδ:Q×Σ→Q, mapping a state and input
symbol to the next state.
○ q0q0is the start state, where q0∈Qq0∈Q.
○ FF is the set of accept states, F⊆QF⊆Q.
● Deterministic: Each state has exactly one transition for each input symbol.
● No ε-transitions: Transitions are only based on input symbols, not empty moves.
● Simplicity: Easier to implement and understand due to its deterministic nature.
● Nondeterministic: A state can have zero, one, or multiple transitions for each input
● ε-transitions: Can include transitions that do not consume any input symbols
● Flexibility: Can be more compact and easier to construct for certain languages, but
requires more complex implementation to simulate deterministically.
Q.2)What are Melay Machine and Moore Machine? Give at least one example for
Ans:Mealy Machine:
● A Mealy machine is a type of finite state machine (FSM) where the outputs are
dependent on both the current state and the inputs.
● In a Mealy machine, outputs are produced upon transitions between states and the
Moore Machine:
● A Moore machine is another type of finite state machine where the outputs are dependent
only on the current state.
● In a Moore machine, outputs are associated with each state and do not directly depend on
the inputs that caused the state transition.