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Research Methodology Course Outline 2024

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P.O. Box BE 277.

Ganges Road,
Belvedere, Harare. ZIMBABWE
Office: W102. First Floor. Admin-Block
Tel: 263-4-741422-37 Ext: 2345


MODULE OBJECTIVE: To introduce the relevant tools of the research process such as research
design, research project drafting, research process planning and scientific writing for writing research papers
in scientific area


 Develop understanding on various kinds of research, objectives of doing research, research process,
research designs and sampling.
 Identify appropriate research topics.
 Select and define appropriate research problem and parameters.
 Analyse the data collected and conduct research in a more appropriate manner.
 Have basic awareness of data analysis-and hypothesis testing procedures.


Unit 1: Introduction to Research Methodology:

 From Science to Research: A Historical Introduction
 Science and Industrialization
 Changing Contexts of Science
 Change-Oriented Research
 Definitions of Research
 Objectives of Research
 Motivation in Research
 General Characteristics of Research
 Criteria of Good Research
 Types of Research
 Research Approaches,
 Steps in Research Process;
 Criteria of Good Research;

Unit 2: The Research Problem

 Scientific Thinking
 What is a Research Problem?
 Selecting the Problem
 Sources of the Problem
 Formulation of a research problem,
 Statement of a Problem
 Delimiting a Problem
 Evaluation of a Problem
 Defining objectives
 Framing the analysis
 Defining the methodology: A. Deciding the unit(s) of analysis; B. Selecting cases; C.Collecting
data; D. Analyzing data; E. Interpreting the findings

Unit 3: The Review of Literature

 Meaning of Review of Literature

 Need of Review of Literature
 Objectives of Review of Literature
 Sources of Literature
 The Functions of Literature
 How to Conduct the Review of Literature
 Some Hints for the Review of Literature
 Precautions in Library Use
 Reporting the Review of Literature

Unit 4: The Research Hypotheses

 Identifying variables, constructing hypothesis, Synopsis.

 Meaning of Hypothesis
 Definitions of Hypothesis
 Nature of Hypothesis
 Functions of Hypothesis
 Importance of Hypothesis
 Kinds of Hypothesis
 Characteristics of a Good Hypothesis
 Variables in a Hypothesis
 Formulating a Hypothesis
 Testing the Hypothesis

Unit 5: The Research Approach

 The Philosophical Background

 The Qualitative Approach
 The Quantitative Approach
 The Mixed-Methods Approach
 Criteria for Selecting a Research Approach

Unit 6: The Research Strategies

 What are the Research Strategies?

 Which Strategy to Choose?
 Case Studies
 Experiments
 Ethnography
 Phenomenology
 Ground Theory (GT)
 Action Research
 Mixed-methods
 Longitudinal

Unit 7: Data Collection Methods

 Introduction to Survey: definition and typologies

 The Survey research process – definition of the research model
 Survey instrument design process
 Measurement scales
 Reliability and validity
 Sample design
 Survey administration
 Data check
 Data analysis
 Primary & secondary data,
 Validity and Reliability of data collection procedures
 Data preparation
 Exploratory data analysis
 Parametric and nonparametric

Unit 8: Sampling

 Meaning and Definition of Sampling

 Functions of Population and Sampling
 Methods of Sampling
 Characteristics of a Good Sample
 Size of a Sample
 The Sample Cycle

Unit 8 : Research Ethics

 Concept of Ethics. Ethical Standards.

 Ethics and morality.
 Ethical theories: deontology, utilitarian consequentialism, virtue ethics.
 Ethical regulation and Ethics committees.
 Informed consent. Key principle and providing information.
 Anonymity and confidentiality. Breaking confidentiality.

Unit 9 : Risk and safety.

 Type of risk. Physical, emotional risks. Assessing and minimizing risks of harm
 Research Misconduct. Fabricating Data and Falsification
 Ethical dilemmas
 Affiliation and conflicts of interest

Unit 10 : Publishing research

 Publishing research.
 Plagiarism in Scientific Writing.
 Internet Research Ethics.
 Data protection principles.
 Report Writing: Discussions, Conclusion, referencing and various formats for reference
 Bibliography
 Thesis Writing
 Thesis writing
 Formats of publications in research journals including subject classification
 Impact factor
 Citation index.
 Nature of Intellectual Property

Assessment: CA: (At Least 2 Assignments + 1 presentation + 2 Test): 50% of FEM + Written Exam:
50% of FEM

Text Books:
1. R. C. Kothari, Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques, 2nd edition, New Age
International Publisher, 2009
2. Ranjit Kumar, Research Methodology: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners, 2nd Edition, SAGE,
3. Stuart Melville and Wayne Goddard, “Research methodology: an introduction for science &
engineering students‟”
4. Wayne Goddard and Stuart Melville, “Research Methodology: An Introduction”
5. Research Methodology, S.S Vinod Chandra, S Anand Hareendran, Pearson

1. Practical Research : planning and Design( 8th Edition) – Paul D. Leedy and Jeanne E. Ormrod.
2. A Hand Book of Education Research – NCTE
3. Methodology of Education Research – K.S. Sidhu.
4. Tests, Measurements and Research methods in Behavioural Sciences- A.K. Singh.
5. Statistical Methods- Y.P. Agarwal.
6. Methods of Statistical Ananlysis- P.S Grewal.
7. Fundamentals of Statistics – S.C. Gupta, V.K. Kapoor.
8. Managing Intellectual Property – The Strategic Imperative, Vinod V.Sople, 2nd Edition, PHI
Learning Private Limited.

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