Research Methodology Course Outline 2024
Research Methodology Course Outline 2024
Research Methodology Course Outline 2024
Ganges Road,
Belvedere, Harare. ZIMBABWE
Office: W102. First Floor. Admin-Block
Tel: 263-4-741422-37 Ext: 2345
MODULE OBJECTIVE: To introduce the relevant tools of the research process such as research
design, research project drafting, research process planning and scientific writing for writing research papers
in scientific area
Develop understanding on various kinds of research, objectives of doing research, research process,
research designs and sampling.
Identify appropriate research topics.
Select and define appropriate research problem and parameters.
Analyse the data collected and conduct research in a more appropriate manner.
Have basic awareness of data analysis-and hypothesis testing procedures.
Scientific Thinking
What is a Research Problem?
Selecting the Problem
Sources of the Problem
Formulation of a research problem,
Statement of a Problem
Delimiting a Problem
Evaluation of a Problem
Defining objectives
Framing the analysis
Defining the methodology: A. Deciding the unit(s) of analysis; B. Selecting cases; C.Collecting
data; D. Analyzing data; E. Interpreting the findings
Unit 8: Sampling
Type of risk. Physical, emotional risks. Assessing and minimizing risks of harm
Research Misconduct. Fabricating Data and Falsification
Ethical dilemmas
Affiliation and conflicts of interest
Publishing research.
Plagiarism in Scientific Writing.
Internet Research Ethics.
Data protection principles.
Report Writing: Discussions, Conclusion, referencing and various formats for reference
Thesis Writing
Thesis writing
Formats of publications in research journals including subject classification
Impact factor
Citation index.
Nature of Intellectual Property
Assessment: CA: (At Least 2 Assignments + 1 presentation + 2 Test): 50% of FEM + Written Exam:
50% of FEM
Text Books:
1. R. C. Kothari, Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques, 2nd edition, New Age
International Publisher, 2009
2. Ranjit Kumar, Research Methodology: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners, 2nd Edition, SAGE,
3. Stuart Melville and Wayne Goddard, “Research methodology: an introduction for science &
engineering students‟”
4. Wayne Goddard and Stuart Melville, “Research Methodology: An Introduction”
5. Research Methodology, S.S Vinod Chandra, S Anand Hareendran, Pearson
1. Practical Research : planning and Design( 8th Edition) – Paul D. Leedy and Jeanne E. Ormrod.
2. A Hand Book of Education Research – NCTE
3. Methodology of Education Research – K.S. Sidhu.
4. Tests, Measurements and Research methods in Behavioural Sciences- A.K. Singh.
5. Statistical Methods- Y.P. Agarwal.
6. Methods of Statistical Ananlysis- P.S Grewal.
7. Fundamentals of Statistics – S.C. Gupta, V.K. Kapoor.
8. Managing Intellectual Property – The Strategic Imperative, Vinod V.Sople, 2nd Edition, PHI
Learning Private Limited.